#gods help me. i dont do that sort of thing very often so who knows if ill ever finish it
sollucets · 2 years
update: on our way up (3/?)
Taking the arm he’d extricated earlier and firmly returning it to its position curled around Akk’s waist, Aye asks, “Can I help?”
“Probably,” says Akk, sounding unduly annoyed about it.
Aye snickers, then schools his face back into sincerity. “If it seems selfish, be selfish, then. It’s just me. Say something you want.”
3kish of cuddling & therapy homework
ao3 link 💜 series tumblr tag
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yoru-no-seiiki · 3 months
def something w/ canon eren! but other than that you can could go as wild as u want! :p
god where do i start?? i’ll mostly write for early seasons eren since i refuse to watch the whole thing until i’m done with season one on my quotev book as a motivator but i’ll add some tidbits that i got from other fanfics. go check it (my book) out btw!! it’s called Walk With Me!! (currently on the next chapter which is around 10k words atm huhu)
as always he’s aged up to 18 during enlistment and massive spoilers for those that don’t know the lore/story yet.
yandere! eren is a force of absolute willpower. he is obsessive, he is protective, and very much goddamn possessive. he needs you, he needs you to need him too if not moreso. he grew up in a very traditional household and expected to be the provider in the family. the least you could do is have him in your thoughts at all times.
if you want max yandere! potential with him, it’s best to have known him even before armin. be close family friends. maybe your parents worked with his dad since marley and were similarly banished (but not turned into mindless titans).
as children he’d always been protective of you. he’d always stick to you like glue. and because of future him’s influence over grisha and essentially your parents, you were arranged to even sleep in the same bed.
but this sort of backfired in the long run cause you saw him as this annoying brother figure that just wouldn’t stop bothering you.
and one day you just blurt out, tired of the suffocation you felt with your friend, with your parents that vehemently kept pushing you two together, of everything in your life that you couldn’t control.
“i wonder what it’s like beyond the walls.”
i feel like armin would still be the true trigger of eren’s obsession with the outside and freedom (after all, he doesn’t give a shit about yours so why and how would you influence him in that area?), but you probably pushed him in terms of the survey corps.
you were dumb at the time. i mean as a kid, who isn’t? so you announced to literally everyone you knew that you planned to join the military and eventually explore the outside world.
you didn’t really understand the concept of death and all but whatever that was, you still thought it would be better than eren’s basically isolating you from anything that moves.
you dont truly understand death until eren kills those intruders in mikasa’s house right in front of you.
you were supposed to help him, but only stood there frozen in fear.
thankfully mikasa awakened just in time, with eren shouting at her to save you.
speaking of mikasa, her true allegiance/ackerman blood thingy is still with eren in this fic but i headcannon that since his first command was to for her to fight for you she also has the same knee jerk reaction for whenever she perceives you’re being harmed.
in anycase, that day ™️ happens and you all start training.
it had already been obvious since you were teens but eren started looking at you from a different angle. the sexual kind.
your lack of contact with other people due to his influence had made you a bit of a pushover, as such he’d often coerce you into sex or other related acts.
i mean, you had to pity him! he never had the opportunity to explore and act on his urges. mans stayed a virgin til he enlisted and he’s pent up. you try to argue that it’s cause he was so hung up on revenge that he’s bitchless but that only leads to him questioning you if you’ve been seeing other people behind his back.
i mean you two were basically together, why would he see other people? don’t tell him that you’ve been … cheating on him? how could you!
so yeah he does the same thing to mikasa (the manipulation not the sex lol) and forces her to guard the two of you during your ‘trysts’ (which is just him, the inexperienced boy rutting into you and getting off while you stood/laid there uncomfortable silence)in addition to basically shutting down whatever feelings she might have brewing for him (poor mikasa dude)
but surprisingly eren is the most lax to you during this time period. despite the literal r*pe, he basically allowed you to roam around and do whatever for a change. frankly, it was mostly cause he had to catch up in terms of training, but also cause his FREEDOM ideal is the strongest during this phase.
anddd depending on your behavior you might get pimped out. only to those that he can trust though. god even jean got a taste of you because he lost a bet. he promptly beats up the man afterwards though.
if you’re more focused on training and acquiesce to his demands (hormones) however you’ll be enjoying the only three years of your life where eren’s presence wasn’t looming like dread of your death by a titan’s hands.
now i can’t vouch for how accurate i can portray later seasons eren but basically he’s the worst in yan levels at that point.
once he can fully utilize his powers there is literally no escape for you, not even his death, unless you have some sort of power that hides your ass. he’d already prepared for everything from your captivity to how your life will be like after his inevitable demise.
like i said before, he’d be the type to give you an illusion of freedom. he hates the idea of being caged and vice versa. so specifically speaking after his death and the end of the series, you’ll go from being stuck in a remote area to being free but with hundreds of armed guards watching your every move. hell maybe even the whole “town/village/city” you live in will all just be paid actors he had staged. he will never let you move on from him. whether you like it or not, you’re his in life, in death, as he is dying, and beyond that.
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mykelneedssleep · 5 months
I had the realization today that I dont think I’ve ever spoken about my son on here and since a lot of you know me for podcast content this needs to be rectified immediately so I present to you my first born son: Nureyev
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Yes, as in Peter Nureyev. Hilariously this is the most accurate name I have ever chosen for anything because this little bitch has such Peter Nureyev vibes it’s actually crazy. I present a list of random facts about him that I can think of off the top of my head:
1. Literally the first day I had him one of the first things we found out about this tiny little baby was that if there’s a dead cricket in his tank you bet your ass he’s not eating it. This bougie ass bitch only eats live prey. You physically don’t understand how often I have to buy him food because god forbid it dies before he kill it, he’d actually rather starve than eat a dead bug. I can attest to that because one time there was a cricket shortage in my area because it was so cold that all the crickets were dying in transport and this little bitch actually went days without eating because he wouldn’t eat the dead crickets (I finally got him to eat by pushing them around with a clear plastic spoon to make it look like they were moving- lying to your kids works folks)
2. He makes regular attempts to escape from his tank by climbing up the glass. Despite 4 years of trying it still hasn’t worked once but he’s determined he’s going to do it one of these times
3. My mother who typically lovingly refers to him as Nev (“his name is longer than he is, I’m giving him a nickname” -my mother approximately 10 minutes after his name was chosen, took her 3 more days to come up with Nev) will often refer to him as Pete if he’s doing something bad (see above escape attempt). This is particularly funny in the presence of people who are unaware of this nickname but aware enough to know the names of all the animals in our home because they become very confused
4. “The thief is on the prowl” is a very common phrase in our home, this typically means someone has to feed the boy because he’s stalking around the tank looking for living creatures to torment and finding none
5. He regularly sticks his entire head into his water bowl and just leaves it there for a little bit until I become quite convinced that he’s going to drown and then he will just get up and walk away like he didn’t just give me a heart attack
6. If you’re holding him he will climb all over you and somehow find a place to randomly jump off from (again, heart attack every time). Hearing “Nureyev!” said loudly in a concerned but sort of exasperated way is very common
7. If one of his water bowls is empty he will lay in it to get you to pay attention to the fact that it has no water in it but will then refuse to move when you go to put water in it and will become very upset when you eventually give up and just pour water onto him (the above photo was taken directly after I deep cleaned his tank and before I put the water back in, shockingly he looked quite cute instead of seriously pissed off like usual)
8. He likes to have the high ground (he likes to climb on top of people’s heads and just sit there and watch the world as you walk around and continue what you were previously doing. Luckily he has never attempted to jump off someone’s head before)
9. Very dramatic sleeper. I’m talking will sleep in the weirdest positions but like you do you king, if that’s comfy I endorse it
10. He regularly hides in any available nook and/or cranny in the tank. This is yet another cause of great stress for me when I cannot find him
Bonus fact: This bougie bitch was approximately half of the inspiration behind how I play Lizzie (shoutout O!ASKAP enjoyers, this one’s for you). If you’re wondering the other half is simply my penchant for playing the least helpful character I can possibly get away with
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
i literally can't stop rotating hunger au worldbuilding and lore in my head. forgive me if you've ever touched on this in an ask before, but... re: the existential horror of being a parasite that has the sense of self of the host it ate. if one of grian's friends ever did get taken and used as a watcher larva host. how do you think he would feel about the watcher that came out the other side? would he want to see them as still the same person as his friend, or...?
Ive been staring at this ask since i got it with like. I need you to picture the most comically heartbroken expression right now okay. like this is me reading that and thinking about it in great and terrible detail:
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Gods he would be devastated if this ever happened. He knows what thats like. He knows just how much it hurts-- and that its not a hurt that can be quantified, because its just that intense, that scalding, that encompassing of an experience to go through. I think, genuinely, Grian would be so utterly horrified and grief-stricken for whichever friend went through the Watcherification process that it would trump every other potential feeling on the list
But i think, ultimately, he would still view them as his friend, and treat them in the same way. There's a little bit of hypocrisy in Grian's character that i enjoy engaging with while writing him, and a good part of that in hunger au is centered around how he's firmly designated himself as the monster, and everybody else is the victim, and theres no room for nuance because he sucks and theyre the only people who are valid. When in reality, yes he hurt them, yes he did terrible and invasive things, but he did them out of pure survival rather than maliciousness, and that does make a subtle difference. And... hes not the only one who has fucked up, either!! The entire point of hunger au is how everyone has fumbled the bag in various ways and now they're all trying to clean it up together. Its just, yknow, Grian is so wrapped up in his own pain that he cant see those grey areas yet
And the thing is, if one of his friends got Watchered™, so to speak, and was standing in front of him, i think he would treat them with SO much compassion. Theyve been through possibly the worst thing anyone can experience and come out the other side-- at his core, Grian is i think a character who wants to do good, and do good by other people, and in this hypothetical that would translate into a lot of kindness he doesnt usually afford for himself. Honestly i think he'd spend the time trying to show them the ropes, get them set up in a better position than he found himself in, and provide his own fumbling emotional support as best he could, just out of sheer solidarity. Like, he gets it. He's been there. He may as well help out.
And i think he wouldnt even realize how hypocritical he's being until someone else pointed it out to him, about how he treats this friend with so much care but is simultaneously cruel to himself. I dont think he'd know how to handle that-- he's sort of dug himself a rut in the road with the way he thinks about and treats himself, and the cognitive dissonance would be really uncomfortable for him. Ultimately a good thing!!! Growth is often very uncomfortable. But imo Grian has a tendency to run from things like feelings of discomfort, so i think it'd take him a while to reconcile his previous ways of thinking with whats being presented in front of him essentially in the form of a mirror.
So uh. tl;dr: he'd be a little hypocrite about it and would feel a lot more compassionately inclined towards the friend than he does himself, and would try to help them out as best he could. Thank you for the incredible question that has given me the opportunity to rotate this worm at even higher speeds than usual inside my brainpan DKNFEKNDSKDJKDKD
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spookysweettooth · 3 months
heyo, I saw you got permission to do analysis on the fusion classpects that superxstarzz/Kayce has been making, so I was wondering if you'd be willing to give your take on Author of History (fusion of seer+maid and space+light) thanks in advance!
Hello anon! Of course I'll be willing! This helps me out actually! I not only get to do your analysis request but I also get to use info from your request to make a post about the author class and history aspect!! Thank you for the request and if you return for more request please do leave a emoji for me to remember which anon you are! :o3
The Author of History! This combo god tier belongs to @superxstarzz so I hope they enjoy the analysis as well!
To start things off let's break down the two parts that make this combo god tier, the two classes that make up the combo class of the author and the aspects that make the combo aspect of history.
The role of the seer: the seer is given to someone who lacks their aspect mainly in the learning aspect, with being a seer of either space or light (either way seer+maid equals author and light+space equals history!) Either way seers start out knowing very little of or about their aspect and their goal as a seer is to learn everything they can to become experienced with said aspect, the seer may start out in a place where knowledge of certain things are not available and they have to make the journey and adventure to learn more, seers passively want to know and learn and figure out more about their aspects and this makes them basically the back bone of knowledge about their aspect in a session!
Seer of light: the seer of light is one we know a good bit about thanks to rose being our seer of light in the home stuck webcomic, she starts out in a home where it seems to storm often maybe? But she literally cannot see the light of day due to this storm we see when we first meet her, she starts the game before everyone else and is already starting her role as a seer of light, she's already learning knowledge about shurb and by time she gets in the game and can start her part of the session she has already made a book of information about what she knows of the game, this said book helps kanaya and the other trolls I believe. As a seer of light you may start out with little to no knowledge about knowledge in general, you may be surrounded by fantasy and nonfiction that don't show the real knowledge of the world so when you get the shurb you may begin to learn and meddle with what you don't know to learn and obtain knowledge, a seer of light can not only learn a lot about themselves and their aspects but they can also learn somewhat about the others as well and truly become a true person of knowledge.
The role of the maid: the maids are the class that create their role, they at first are pushed around by the views of others on what the others think or seemingly know their aspect to be the maid class has to push pass this and learn to have reliability on themselves for the learning and development of their aspect. Maids can be one if not the most powerful classes if given enough time to fully develope
Maid of space: the maid of space can be someone whom is extremely creative or smart about what they do but may be surrounded by people whom dont think it's the right way, they may tell the maid that their way of the aspect isn't right and they have to do it this way, the maid may do it that way for a while. Although soon the maid may push through and go back to doing it how they want to. Taking control of the way they want to do things with their aspect, a maid of space may create space without realizing it at first but once awakened they may do it on purpose, manipulation of the shapes around them to have more materials for grist, more ways to use one sort of materials to help the session, they may even use a time player to steal said materials from a future or past timeline to have access. All in all a maid of space is a great class to have , may take them some time to utilize their aspect but they are a good player to have.
Now onto the actual combo god tier to analyze
The aspect of history: History as a aspect is a the combo aspect of light(knowledge, information, ect) and space (creativity, physics, ect) history as a aspect may be a creativity knowing aspect, one who constantly is looking for the missing pieces of history, the story behind the rest of the story, with the space aspect they may rip holes in reality to find out more about certain parts of the story, they crave to know what they can and hate when they can't know everything. Knowledge is a strong suit for them but so is creativity, they may make the history of certain story's more abstract and creatively sounding to give it more depth.
All in all history players are:
The people in the session who not only are knowledgeable but creative, they are constantly learning in different ways be, they are always the ones to keep track of the story and make sure everyone knows the story, depending on class the hero of history may also stop history from being repeated or may encourage it to be repeated, they crave knowledge the most of anything and will stop at nothing till they know all they can. History players can be cautious or reckless depending on personalities and classes, but the more cautious is usually seen more, the more reckless are see less.
The class of the author: the author class is the combo class of the maid and the seer, one knowing(less or to much) and one who creates (less or to much) the author is a class of the creation of knowing, the create the information they want to know, they find the blank space and fill it in with what they believe will be next, the author class is one class that can create through their aspect and also learn how to create through the aspect given to them. They are knowledgeable after learning what they can, and are creators after learning how to create.
All in all the author class is: the class of the author is for a hero that knows little to nothing about the knowledge behind their given aspect, they have to learn how to create the aspect and use it for them to start their journey. The author is someone who can be knowledgeable and helpful with a aspect as well, while also being somewhat inexperienced, they are starting to learn and to create and eventually become a pro at their aspect knowing and creating it with ease.
I hope you liked this analysis, I tried my best haha please do enjoy!
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Hi cas!!! Outed anon here
First of all i just finished calendestine and MAN that was AMAZING like literally you are a god for having the patience and motivation to write all that bcz wtf.
TW: minor mentions of alkochol use; some weird possesive acting?
Second of all i have a problem and this problem isn't even mine. So few weeks ago a sended you an ask about my friend who had been breaking the boundaries. I talked with him and we are all good again that was just an missuderstanding of some sort. But now there is a different thing and i'm not sure what to do. For me the school year started on september first (high school a scary scary place to be) and we both went to different schools. We are friends with oposite gender so i often hear we will end up together or we get nasty comments while walking fown the street with each other. Its not a possibility bcz im a girl kisser (and a nb person but thats a side note). He recently introduced me with his classmate (lets call her katie). Well, katie seemed really nice at first and i really thought that she is a good person, since they are flirting and its starting to become a situationship of some sort. I thought she treated him well and wasn't like his last girlfriend (she had some things going on with alcochol and tried to push him into it with her) which in my country is unfortunatelly a very usuall thing (most of people my age are alcocholics) (im not even 16). So yeah she seemed cool and was very friendly. It was untill i mentioned i have an ex (in my lauguage you have a gendered word for it so it was obiviously about a girl) and she was off. I aprecieted that Sam (lets call the guy bestie that) didn't outed me without my knowlege but i wouldn't mind if he mentioned it to her as a form of reasurence we dont have a romantic friendship thats so pupularised by the media. After i told her i dated girls she became dry and distant. Nasty comments and would clinge to Sam harder then before. I don't really get the reaction but after the meating ended and i got home i noticed he blocked me on facebook (so we couldn't talk by messanger). I texted him on instagram where i was unblocked with a question why he blocked me. I understand this could be an honest mistake so i want agressove passesive or anything. He answered me that katie decided he shouldnt meet me anymore and blocked me on his phone before she left?????? I thpught this was weird. At first i thought she was a homophobe but it soon became a false statemnet bc she is bi. I had exstra classrs with sam today anf he said she became really snapy and was activly hating on me to him. I dont really knoww what to do bcz as far as he told me she reacted similar after meeting every single on of his frriends after any minor mentions of having a parter or an ex. Im not sure what it means and also im kinda worried she will try to isolate him from his friends, bcz he is an exstravery anf that would have a pretty bad inpact on him. Do you have any ideas what to do? I tried to talk to him but he really likes her and doesn't see anything weird in the way she acts. Maybe im the one who is imagining things???
I'm so glad you liked Clandestine, thank you so much!
Honestly, I would ask some of his other friends of they're seeing similar things happen. If they are, you should all get together and gently talk to him. It sounds like she's trying to pull him away from his friends and that's not cool. He needs to hear from multiple people that this isn't okay. Don't make him feel ganged up on, but make it clear that it's not just you feeling this way, you know?
Sending love!
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huellitaa · 7 months
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𖹭𓂃 ࣪˖ saying no
something ive struggled with for pretty much my entire life 😭
𐙚๋࣭ people pleasing:
a person who consistently strives to please others, often sacrificing their own wants or needs in the process.
trouble with saying no to people often comes from insecurity. when you feel bullied into things or backed into a corner too often it can lead to agreeing with everything and anything just so people will like you.
1. take small steps
getting out of habits like this are not easy whatsoever and take lots of time. taking small steps to implement getting rid of people pleasing tendencies is the best way to go about this; for example, just blocking someone who bothers you and starting from there.
2. fake it till you make it !
confidence is something absolutely essential but not easy to attain; thats where this skill comes in handy. ive been doing this since i was little and i wont lie and say it melts into real confidence because it doesnt, its just a shield to hide behind until your are genuinely confident and id definitely recommend this 100% to anybody starting or struggling to try and break this habit. act like youre fine & unaffected in front of the people who put you in this position even if you arent. dont show your weaknesses when you know they can be used against you.
3. valuing yourself
value yourself over all else. you are the most important person in your life. validate, support, and value yourself. trust your judgement is right and prioritise the protection of your peace above all else because that is the most important thing.
4. body language
ok as a girl with an incredibly infuriating tendency to turn red over the tiniest thing i feel a little bit of a hypocrite writing this but this is very very very important. if you find yourself in a position where you feel unable to refuse something or anything of the sort you do not show that.
🩰 ─ even if your cheeks turn red act like they arent. ik its sosoosos embarrassing n ur screaming inside but act like its nothing. bcs it is nothing. ok so theres a tiny bit of colour in your cheeks. and? stand your ground.
🧸── back straight, shoulders high, face blank. you dont show anything on your face. show you are completely stubborn and set on your choice/opinion.
🎀 ── if they try to embarrass you or say smth what i do is i literally just blink at them like okay. i dont care. do whatever bro idgaf
5. no hesitation
for the love of god do not second guess yourself. if something makes you upset or uncomfy or anxious or anything like that you leave them you walk away from them you block them you do not second guess yourself and think "but what if" no idc. if it costs you your peace its too expensive.
6. does this help me?
ok obviously when i say to say no i dont mean to like everything. only to the things you do anyway even if you dont want to. if youre not sure what to do when faced with the option to do something you ideally wouldnt really want to the first question you should be asking yourself is "does this help me?" think of it only from your perspective and how it would help you. ask yourself if its really necessary and if its serving you in any way to do this. if its just to fit in with someone else even if you dont really want to then do it then dont do it. why isnt your own presence enough? your peace is the only priority you should have here. what would you tell someone you love in your position? think about it for a sec instead of panicking.
conclusion; people pleasing is useless. you are the centre of ur universe. your peace is the only priority. people are stupid. you can do this. dont let anyone make you feel less than you are. i love u 🫶🩷
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twisted-gremlin · 4 months
I feel like- TWST and pride
Heartslabuyl Pride:
- I mean, I think Riddle makes sure people in his doorm know what every day represents and do something to celebrate that in general. Informational things about whatever, haveibg them wear a colour if it involves that, haveibg a meal based on the food whatever it is. When it comes to pride, he makes sure none is gonna be an ass about it. "Its scientifically reasonable and there are studies showing that it's natural in every species to be queer, intersex, transgenderd, aromatic, and asexual." He also makes sure that those who are whatever get a chance to talk about themselves and their experiences to the first years and the first years get to too. If they want of course, he wont force them into anything. Just, dont be homophoboc or its off with your head and a shit ton of studying
- in Heartslabyl, the only student there that we are close to who probably had a bad experience is Cater. He already has had a bad home life so he has kept this extra tidbit to himself too. He let's it out more at school and is the one who keeps an eye out for those who have bad home lives or is struggling in the closet and is just kinda there for them
- Trey, he such a mom when it comes to anything, so when it comes to being gay- and you just came out. Expect a cake in the pride flag that you cane out as, but if it's unlabeled you get a rainbow. He also knows where things are for students who are transitioning, he checks in to make sure you took off your binder/boobs after 12 hours or when you're eating
- Ace probably teases you. But you get to tease him back, as the pansexual man that he is. I think he would be a big activist tough, makeing sure none gets treated poorly by anyone. And if they do, they get to deal with him, and Deuce.
- Deuce beats up homophobes with Ace. It really ticks him off when he sees that sort of thing. But he also learned from Trey where all the differnt things are for trans kids and queer kids. He needs to be a good honor student after all, so he'll be takeing over Treys work when he leaves
Savanaclaw Pride
- I feel like, Savanaclaw wouldn't do much for pride, not because they don't belive in it, because where Leona comes from, the LGBT is quite accepted. So he makes sure those who are there, know that either accept people for who they are or get the fuck out.
- Ruggie is a sly little bastard, so he keeps an ear our for any bs that happens. Reporting it to Leona quickly
- Jack, quite the gay man himself, make sure that queer students in his doorm feel accepted. If they ever ask him for help with anything, he'll be more likely to do it.
Octanavile Pride
- well- the boys are so gay- oh so very gay oh my God. They do sell pride things like pride drinks, pastries, there is little pride flags at the tables. He will hold queer date nights, drag shows(those are Year round but more often during pride, he absolutely slays in his dress). The queer students get a little revenue boost aswell, since he specifically has them working those nights
- Jade, the ever so persuasive man, makes sure that none in Octanavile is going to do harm to any of the queer students. If they do well, he and Floyd get to have some fun :>
- Floyd does drag sometimes. You can't tell me he dosent. He is so all over the place with e v e r y t h i n g (including gender, sexuality, and attraction lol) but when he does do a show he gives it his all and everyone fuckin loves it. None knows what's going to happen, but they know Floyd is gonna be awsome
Scarabia Pride
- I think, with pride being a little more quiet and underground, when either Yuu or one of the students comes out to Kalim and explains the whole thing. This man makes sure to learn everything little thing he can about it so that he can throw the most epic pride parade EVER. Jamil helps of course (a little less reluctantly because, he is so quietly gay for this man and a few others and it's nice to see Kalim in a new light)
- Jamil is alot like Trey when it comes to Trans and queer students. He has things for them if they need it, when Kalim learns about pride he shows kalim where it is and what the students would need so Kalim also has some in his room now too to help those students.
Pomfiore Pride
- Vil is already an activist for queer people. Whatever makeup he has made marketed towards queer people he makes sure is CHEAPER than regular products while keeping the quality. He has things in his room to help with trans students feel their authentic selves and will even teach them how to use them and is very strict when to use them and when not to.
- Rook knows who in the doorm is and isn't queer, and who is and isn't out. He makes sure trans students get the things that they need when their time of the month comes around, he helps queer students ask their crushes out. He is just a good support. None dares try to be homophobic, or else they face the wrath if Rook and Vil
- Epel being a Tans man that has only socially and recently started to physically transition is still quite insecure about things. But I think other trans kids would look up to him, wither amab or afab, because he has taken this chance to learn how to be a man healthily under Vil, and accept the parts of him that is feminine.
Ignahyde Pride
- first of all, the lights from the tech in thr doorm change from purely blue to one of each pride colour (some students can also select ddoffernt pride flag for it or gave a little one in the corner of their screens) Iida makes sure if you try to switch it off, it fuckin fails. He also trolls homophobes as a passtime
Diasomnia Pride
- in Briar Valley, love is such an important thing to them. It's what hatches a dragons egg after all. So, they don't discriminate on what kind of love surrounds an egg, weather it be two mothers two fathers, a mother and a father, whatever it may be. Love is important culturally. So, of Malleus hears the silly thing of someone in his doorm being discriminates against by anyone because of these trivial things. A big storm is brewing, and the one who dared to hurt thar student is going to PAY
- When it comes to Lilia, a nonbinary ✨️Icon✨️, he has adapted the most and easiest out of all those who cane from Briar Valely, so he also would have a place to store differnt things for the LGBTQ students under his care.
- Silver is very awkward and standoffish to those he dosent know well but he hopes that part of an alliance between humans and fae that the positives of both of the species rub off on eachother. He is quite supportive if someone he knows does come out to them and he makes it feel like it's just a normal thing to be and makes them feel safe to be themselves
- Sebek, is quite protective of his doorm mates and those he calls a friend. So, you better not have insulted them with no good reason behind it. Because he is LOUD.
- Crowley probably have fuck all knowledge of pride, but he may have some things for students if he knows that they are trans, just in case.
- Crewl secretly makes potions that makes his students a little more comfortable in their bodies (aka he has tans potions that gives a student the body of the opposite sex, if you want just specific things gone he would teach that student)
- Trein is a little old fashioned, but he respects his students for being who they are. He knows as much as he could about queer history that haven't been erased already and teaches what he can of it too
- Vargas is another teacher that would have access to afab products in his desk, and if you get them from him, he'll also go a little easier on you for the week
- Sam dosent do the pink tax bs at all, it'd part of why he is so popular. He knows how to market and sell to people at the best prices, no bs hideing behind the scenes or anything. He does give away pride flags or a little pride thing during pride month aswell to those he knows are supportive or queer themselves
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i'm a woman with substance use disorder. i didn't get sober through some grand noble journey to Get Better (not that there's a single thing wrong with that!). how i got sober differed depending on the substance. one medication, for a long time i kept stringing psychiatrists along and eventually was unable to keep getting my prescription, and i was going through a string of moves so i was unable to get it off the street, so getting off it wasn't really a choice (i do have one dose left though, i hold onto it just to feel like i have the option to use it if i need). another medication, i still have a prescription for but the comedown was getting so brutal that i just couldn't handle it anymore, so i don't often get the urge to use it because i know what fresh hell is waiting for me on the other side. i did used to have a daily weed use habit, but as i got older i my allergy to it randomly got worse so i had to stop that too. drinking i still struggle with, i binge every single time, but tbh nowadays i'm too lazy to keep up on my stock so the problem is more under control. all this to say, i guess my advice is to try to make it as inconvenient as possible to use, for me that's a big deterrent. you could also try to allow yourself use but on a very strict schedule, like only on a certain day(s) or only x number of times a week. PLEASE remember to ask yourself H.A.L.T. (are you Hungry? Angry? Lonely? Tired?), it helped me address some of the underlying causes of my use which helped me reduce it. i've heard people who swear up and down by AA or NA or groups like that. they have a big religion component and the men there can be scummy but having that support and a social group can make a world of difference, for me it was a general group therapy group. i do also think there's something that can happen to addicts where we can become addicted to being sad/suffering, like there's an edginess to it that makes you feel smarter and cooler and more honest than everyone else, like no one else Gets the Depth Of Being Human and they're all naive and etc. no one likes to talk about it but it's true, and acknowledging that i was in love with being at my lowest really called me out on my own shit. i'm keeping you in my thoughts and wishing you the absolute best luck, it'll suck so hard but it's 1000% worth it <333 ily
oh my god thank you so much this actually already helps a lot! and yeah there is such an identity component to drug use many dont talk about… its true. i mean my therapist will help me to get in some sort of program so i really do have access to resources and shit and i think going to a clinic is not the issue but life after… i have tried going sober several times and always had some sort of yoyo effect basically. i also dont just struggle with substances but other addictions and lack of impulse control too. and ive tried doing it in moderation but it never works out longterm. the HALT tip is actually gold, thank you thank you thank you for sharing and your advice and your kind words it means a lot! 🩷
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ninvic-rbs · 1 year
Now tell us YOUR PK HEADCANONS!!!!!!!
Sorry it took me a while to get to this I was thinking about it bc to be honest I had never really laid them out
Okay! So!! All of these are based off canon, since I don't really have an AU. I'm gonna bulletpoint cuz I don't know how else to do this
He's definitely an introvert, I know a lot of people consider mbti kinda cringe but I'd say he's either intj or istj
His body looks like PV's!! Since their anatomy is quite similar to Hornet's and neuther Herrah nor WL look like that. They must've gotten it from somewhere (though I really like the weird centipede kinda designs)
He and WL never actually got married, it's not really a thing among gods. Who would even officiate that
He's not very good at picking up on social cues, or at maintaining a conversation about anything he doesn't know about
He knew about PV not being pure, not from the beggining but from that moment at the balcony from the path of pain. He knew but sort of ignored it until after the infection started spreading again after sealing hollow, then he couldn't ignore it anymore
He can fly!!! Not sure how much of a headcanon this is but I want it on this list
He never hated Hornet, but at first he didn't really want to see her bc she reminded him of a lot of things he'd rather forget. By the time he thought about maybe reaching out she already didn't want anything to do with him
He was very reluctant to sacrificing Monomon and Lurien, but even more Herrah bc he knew how it would look, ehich is why he offered the whole Hornet thing (cut dreamer dialogue based take)
Even though I like palewatcher I don't really think it would've been canon, but if it was, I dont think it would have started being a thing until after WL left. Like maybe PK started coming to Lurien for support more and more often end eventually boom. Gay
Buuut also this means that when the sealing happened PK would've been even more alone
He hates Grimm's guts and the feeling is very much mutual, Grimm just happens to enjoy provoking him while PK just wants to get away
He still has a lot of leftover wyrm instincts, which range from sleeping curled up under a whole bunch of pillows to repressing the urge to literally eat people. In this way it helps that WL is a plant, since wyrms are exclusively carnivore
He doesn't need to eat or sleep as long as he has other forms of sustenance, such as a whole kingdom adoring him (bc of god biz) and this is why after the infection resurfaced he became weaker
When he run away, it was partly in fear but mostly in shame and despair. Like after the infection resurfaced after the sealing he couldn't deny the truth about his vessels anymore, not even to himself, and between that, his crippling loneliness, and the knowledge that he couldn't save the bugs of Hallownest he just couldn't deal with it anymore and just Fucked Off
He would never admit this even under torture but he got the idea for a vessel from Grimm
He's an engineer at heart, and a damn good one at that. The only thing he enjoyed about the vessel plan was experimenting with the void and building kingsmoulds and wingsmoulds with it
I think that's it!! So far at least. Might add onto these sometime in the future. I'd like to shoutout @/ruthlesslistener and @/payasita bc their interpretations of PK are heavy inspirations to mine. Go read their fics!!!
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anadrenalineslut · 3 months
you know what
i think i figured out why i despise emotional cheating so fucking much
its because the cheater justifies it to themselves by ascribing purer motives than they actually have. "oh but its true love" "oh im just falling in love with this person" and to them being in love can never be the wrong decision because its not a decision its an emotion and emotions are always valid right?
completely ignoring the fact that you should literally never be so emotionally intimate with another person besides ur chosen partner (if ur in that type of monogamous relationship) where you are falling in love with them. like falling in love with someone is sort of a conscious choice to me. you cannot love someone you do not know (not beyond general i love humanity vibes i mean). you need to spend time aka choose to be around them long enough to get to know all parts of who they are, the highs and lows of their inner being before u can say you have "fallen in love" with a person imo and like for me that means ur consciously choosing to be emotionally vulnerable with another person over me for weeks and months on end before u felt comfortable enough to let me go (maybe fucking years sometimes im looking at u taylor swift) and that is the most self-centered and selfish thing you can do to another human being.
i trusted you, i loved you and you spent years with me lying to my face because you liked the security of having me around? and you think you're not a cheater because you never actually touched them sexually?
i think people who think physical cheating is the worst thing u can do often dont view emotional cheating as cheating because to them all a relationship is for is sex. relationship = sex to them and for me, sex is so far removed from my emotional feelings for a person that i just cannot conceive thats how yall "fall in love" with people in a way?
like the way sex is hyped up to be so sacred and special and only to be done in marriage between soulmates leads people to view relationships = sex imo and for me, i have never "fallen in love" with how good somebody has fucked me. sorry to be crude but like... sex is sex and there is a reason u engage it in it (to orgasm) and how good someone is at rubbing my clit says nothing about how emotionally safe they are as a life partner to me. it says nothing about their hopes and dreams and what they want out of life and the music they play when they're sad and the books they love to read and the family relationship they have and the way they argue or their competitive nature or idk how well they listen to you or respect your feelings and for me it will always, always, always be a bigger betrayal for you to give that emotional security and safety away to someone else after promising it to me first whereas
i get the urge to fuck other people because good sex looks different with different partners and sometimes u just cant get a certain sexual desire fulfilled with ur current partner and i get it. people are hot and sex is fun. i find monogamy to be very christian in nature as well so that probably plays a role in my bias against it.
but emotional cheating????? god that is the worst and most selfish thing you can do to someone because YOU made the decision to cheat and now you're pretending like you just couldnt help it or "it was out of your control" and "u cant help who u fall in love with" and its just all such hypocritical bullshit to keep your own ego in tact from the reality that you're a shitty person who kept someone u didnt want around for months or years because u liked having that security around u.
its such gross behavior to me and i think this is why. emotional cheaters think theyre better than physical cheaters and they often think they deserve to cheat on their partners and they dont ever take accountability for their actions because to them feelings are never wrong and so therefore actions to engage in those feelings are never wrong either.
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was asked to share about Bitzy the clown so im gonna!!
excuse anything that doesnt make sense or spelling errors i currently have a migraine lol
this is just surface level stuff that shows who they are as a person
okay so bitzy started off as a clownsona that i could imagine saying what i was really thinking to customers/coworkers whenever i got mad at them when i used worked in customer service lol, it really helped me chill out and control my emotions
they were originally a character that i imagined doing badass stuff to music when i went on 4 hour long car rides every weekend for half a year, it helped pass the time and keep me sane
but yea bitzy very early in development was just the embodiment of what customer service does to a mf
inspiration for them: The Collector from the Owl House, Steve from Big Top Burger, The Ice King from Adventure Time
they go by they/it
VERY gender, will wear anything
but will scratch at their skin if its exposed so they tend to wear clothing that covers their limbs
they have adhd and theyre autistic, they dont/are unable to mask
theyre immortal, they can die (usually it happens in the stupidest and funniest ways), but they keep coming back, because their worlds rules say that theyre supposed to be there, always
they are inorganic (by earth standards), along with everying in their world
theyre a literal creature, able to contort and warp their body into anything, usually unsettling scary shit
they became a god-like entity, accidentally
that gods purpose is to observe and experience
though they are not the leader type, preferring to be lead by someone else
they dont need to eat, sleep, or drink due to being immortal, but they occasionally do if they want
has a personal, wholesome, and wordless relationship with the one deity thats a higher being than them, but they rarely see it, about once every thousand years or so. it shows them the stars
sometimes they forget theyre a god though so they act like a mortal more often than not
they have a really bad memory, like, amnesia type bad. half is from repression, half is from head trauma when they were younger. also has constant headaches, the worse they are the more likely it'll mention them. both of these are partially a result of their powers
they arent as funny as other clowns, and theyre bad at entertaining and improv
as a clown they should enjoy performing for others, but they do not, instead preferring to do so alone and only for themself
hates being percieved and analyzed
it used to be a jester
sometimes works on cartoon-like physics
in their world theyre a wanderer, and though they have a home they dont use it often
their house is like a huge blanket/pillow fort that sort of resembles a circus tent
theyre very childish, and from an outsiders perspective they seem kinda empty headed
even though they are childish and whimsical, they HATE being babied
will get irritated if clothing is asymmetrical
favorite color is red
is fascinated with celestial things, too bad there's no sky in their world....
shorty, especially compared to other clowns, they can change their height but prefer not to (it lets people think theyre harmless)
very unpredictable, quick to irritate, never know what theyre gonna be chill about and what theyre gonna have a meltdown over
they try to refrain from hurting others though, hating the reputation they have due to....'events' that happened when they were younger, events that were not their fault
theyre very impulsive, not thinking before doing, but that doesnt mean theyre an idiot
can be incredibly stupid when it comes to certain things and incredibly smart when it comes to others
they cant navigate a conversation when theyre involved in it but if theyre just observing they can easily figure out intentions of the conversing parties, things those involved in the conversation wouldnt be able to decipher at all
many try to befriend them for selfish purposes and bitzy can tell, they can always tell, theyve always been able to tell
it doesnt have a reflection
theyre vehemently TERRIFIED of bodies of water, especially the ocean....
is also scared of being in a car, but not the car itself.... wonder why....
they find it funny to be chill and silly around people they know are terrified of them
something is clearly wrong with them, like theyre putting up a façade and ignoring how fucked up they are mentally
10,000 years of living in self inflicted isolation can get to a person
stuck in a state of dream-like escapism
escapism is a huge part of their story
loves liminal spaces, because, well, it lives in a world of nothing but that
has daddy and mommy issues, thats why theyre insane /j
very emotionally mature when someone is being vulnerable with them
great with kids surprisingly
has a cult dedicated to them that they do not approve of, but will use that fact to one up people
those who dont know of bitzys reputation are bound to insult and underestimate them, and then... well... they figure out who they are
bitzys overall mentality is "you dont fuck with me, i dont fuck with you"
has an immense appreciation for earth, and by extension humans, wonder why? they arent even supposed to exist in their world....
has a way tortured past
does not like the sound of jingling keys or keychains, it reminds them of some bad people, and stresses them out
they have a high pain tolerance but will fake getting hurt just to be dramatic
they also just tend to overreact as a joke, getting fake mad at little things just to be funny
powers can be emotion based though, and boyyyyy do they have some big emotions
has a gripe with technology
is not aware of peoples personal bubbles
never comforable enough to be vulnerable with anyone (anyone except for daydream)
despite being a chaotic and probably annoying person to be around theyre a good friend, who often puts their friends needs before their own, but they only have one friend that this is applicable to lol
can be unintentionally funny by being painfully truthful/blunt
struggles with reading due to brain damage, is more of a physically active person than a mentally active person anyways
if i havent made it clear enough, they are a complete outcast, but by no fault of their own, even before they lost their marbles they tried everything to get people to like them for them. it never worked...
theres a big 'secret' about bitzy i havent revealed yet but.... maybe this spotify playlist of songs that vaguely tell bitzys story will be a helpful hint ;3
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ozziesjester · 11 months
You can post about your FNAF s/I if you want, this is your blog and you can do whatever you want forever.
god anon. u are so correct. how could i have been so foolish.
okay. here goes nothing. i dont think ive ever tried to write all this down before...
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this is bryce! he's my fnaf s/i! i've spent about 5-ish years coming up with his lore... he was a joint effort to create between me and my partners!!
bryce is... unfortunate. he's an unfortunate child. born to a bastard priest and his underage child bride, i can't really say he's ever had it easy. his mother "disappeared" shortly after his birth, leaving him in the care of his father, who believed him to be an illegitimate child.
why? who knows, man. crazy ass delusions or something. this led him to severely mistreat bryce. he WAS, at least, allowed to attend the christian elementary school his father taught at. every single attempted cry for help was gone ignored due to his father's reputation. and it didn't help that every friend he made seemed to mysteriously go missing.
i'd say this continued until around... 7? maybe 8 years old? for the first time ever, he was allowed to attend a classmate's birthday party. for timeline's sake, i wanna say it would've been at the fnaf 2 location? you can probably see where i'm going with this.
there, he would've met william. likely sought out by the man when he detached from the larger group of children. a conversation was struck up - during which, bryce would offhandedly comment on his father's abuse. this catches william's attention, and the boy is swiftly whisked away from the restaurant to take a vacation in will's basement.
from this point on, a large portion of his time was spent in the cellar of the afton house. terrified at first, eventually, he adjusted surprisingly well to the situation. it wasn't like william hurt him very often, and at least he was being fed while in captivity. he tried to be the perfect little kidnapee, in hopes that maybe he'd be allowed to live.
months pass. though the passage of time is hard to tell when you can't see sunlight, so bryce isn't sure exactly how long he's been trapped there. as per usual, will brings breakfast down into the cellar for him. but this time around, there's something different about him. as he sets the plate on the floor, he promises a surprise for the boy.
bryce holds out hope that this will be his chance to escape. so, for the rest of the day, he's excited.
that is, until william arrives in the basement once more. he's dragging something behind him, and it thuds heavily against the stairs with every step.
he pulls it into bryce's view. and simply informs him that it's his rotten father, drugged up and stuffed inside a body bag. and that it's going to be his responsibility to kill him.
"i only thought it would be fitting for him to be your first." without another word, he unzips the bag and drops a knife into the kid's hands.
simply put, in that moment, something inside bryce snaps. the sight of his abuser's face, the weight of the knife in his hand (perhaps something to do with being kidnapped for several months, too)... when he finally comes to, he's hunched over what used to be his father, staring deadpan into a face so badly mutilated he can't distinguish its features anymore. will's hand clasps over his shoulder, and from that moment on, bryce is his apprentice, intended to continue his work after william eventually dies.
after this, things get a little hazy... at some point, vanessa (who is jeremy's daughter, around 5 years younger than bryce) moves into the afton house. this is the first time bryce has been around someone he has ANY sort of power dynamic over, and needless to say he takes advantage of it.
kid's got issues. like, major emotional regulation issues. take one look at william and tell me he knows how to raise a healthy child, especially one he's forcing to kill people. this should be a no brainer.
finally having the upper hand for once in his pathetic miserable life, he proceeds to torment the shit out of vanny. just, in every way imaginable. this is around the time he's going through puberty, and he is just full of teenage testosterone rage. maybe he's just mad he thinks she's cute. i dunno. this sort of plants the seed of a full-blown obsession with vanny, though.
things are majorly fuzzy for a lot of the time after, but he bulks up a lot and grows to be a Very Large Adult Man. he goes a little awol after will's "death" and leaves home to continue his work elsewhere. but he DOES dedicate a lot of his spare time to tracking down and stalking vanessa. puppy love that never went away i suppose.
aaaanndd that's all i have the energy to talk about! whew!!! if you made it this far thank you for reading i love you ahaha
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flygefisk · 1 year
OOOO OK YOU ASKED FOR PEOPLE TO ASK ABT YOUR DRAGONS IM SO DOWN, so much so im going off anon for this shit /pos gods im obsessed with howl and synder rn, the writing was phenomenal!!! Since on my side fr is doing its maintenance thingy I cannot look at your lair, but id looove to know more about them!!
Like for example, is there any more about Syndor you can lore drop about? Is he a regular ol guy (species wise) or a lil something else?
Oh and Howl!!! Im sorry if its obvious and I just missed it cause its late but what is she?? It sounds like shes some sort of badass zombie but Id love to know
OH AND i am in fact very curious about the most recent anciets you got, they are so so cool!! I adore gentle giant characters, hugging the big ladies finger rn <333 I unfortuantly dont have a lot of ideas for names for either, but the sea monster is giving me K, A, or M vibe names, ones that sound sing songy to speak!
aaaa thank u!! i have. No confidence in my writing tbh so i very much appreciate it <3
syndor, biologically, is a very average dragon. he's just been through some stuff. he is trying very hard to keep his past in the past. after all, his present is so wonderful.
howl's meant to be a little bit unfathomable, so fair! but they're not a zombie- the body they're in is totally alive. mortal, even. it bleeds! it hungers! i guess they were reincarnated, but with more intent.
i had written more about what howl was before their death but didn't like the pacing, so i scrapped it. the tl;dr version is she was a girl (who was actually transmasc/genderqueer in an era where that was not an option), murdered by a suitor. a wild god found the body, found the wild thing that was howl, and gave it a new life. their initial story + the scrapped portion is under the cut if you want the whole thing!
howl and syndor are kinda two sides of the same coin- howl is completely free from its past, living in the present, happy. i'm not sure how much they remember of their last life. syndor, though, is hiding from his past, it sits like a shackle holding him back. he lives in the present, not out of the joy of life, but because he can never go back and feels he doesn't have a future.
they're good for each other like that. syndor helps howl navigate a new world, howl helps syndor find his own way.
tbh i was kinda thinking calypso for her! iiii haven't had a lot of time to think about either of them tbh, its been. a rough week asfsds
once, long ago, there was a girl. this girl was a farmer's daughter, loved by all in the village for her kindness and beauty.
the girl had many suitors. carpenters, merchants, knights, all loved the girl. she never courted any, though. her father hoped she would marry, find some wealthy husband who could support her, and was always quietly disappointed when she turned them away at the door.
the girl knew what she was supposed to do. she often spent time with the other girls in the village, laughing at their talk of boys and secret kisses and nights spent hidden away together. she knew she was meant to marry a man and have his children and clean his home.
to the girl, this sounded like hell on earth.
the girl had something she was hiding- something that lived within her, something wild and angry, that she could not describe. the something rioted against the idea of being a housewife, reviled the thought of motherhood.
its snarls and howls grew louder and louder with every suitor. she was sure that one day, the something would eat her alive.
once, long ago, there was a prince. this prince enjoyed traveling his country, meeting folks from all walks of life, giving gifts that, to him, were pocket change, and, to his subjects, were life-changing. it would be easy to assume this habit made the prince a kind man.
the prince met the farmer's daughter, and was struck by her beauty. he took her polite smile and sweet laughter as acceptance of his courtship.
the prince gave the girl and her family lavish gifts- jewelry, silken gowns, bottles of fine wine each costing more than her home. the girl's parents were overjoyed, of course. they would be nobility, if she married the prince, rich beyond their wildest dreams.
the wild something in the girl howled every time she saw the prince. it snarled when he kissed her hand, screeched when he placed another golden chain round her neck.
she imagined its teeth gnawing at her bones, so full of hatred it tore its own skin with sharp fangs and claws. she imagined her own mouth full of fangs like that. she imagined those teeth tearing into the prince's throat. ripping out his honeyed words. clawing out his selfish eyes. staining that fine silk and velvet with dark blood.
how sweet that would be.
once, long ago, there was a farmer. he had a daughter, a kind and beautiful girl loved by all who met her. and his daughter had a suitor, a prince who loved the girl.
the farmer loved his daughter, and wanted her to be happy. he felt that she was unhappy sometimes, though she always wore a sweet smile, and he felt it was due to their lifestyle. he was certain if she married the prince, she would be happy. safe from poor harvests and harsh winters. warm, well-fed, and happy.
the prince came calling one day, while the girl was out, so the farmer happily told him where she had gone. the farmer hoped today would be the day the prince proposed.
the girl was picking berries along the creek- she loved walking in the forest, listening to the sounds of the wind and birds and insects rather than the incessant chatter of the village. quiet and peaceful. the wild something was angrier than it had ever been, but it seemed calmer in the forest.
until her quiet afternoon was interrupted. the prince on his white horse, his voice so loud and vain and self-obsessed. the girl's father had been right, the prince had come to ask the girl to marry him. again.
no, she said, for the dozenth time. the wild something growled. he asked again, insistent and irritating. the wild something snarled. again and again he asked, until it was more of a command than a question, and the wild something howled and bit and clawed until it leapt from her throat, her sweet voice full of rage as she rejected him once and for all.
the flash of metal, the tearing of fabric, of skin. the spilling of blood.
she died with his blood under her nails.
once, long ago, there was a god. it was a wild, ancient god, one of blood and lust and life. a forest god.
the god scented blood on the air, civilized blood. it cared little for civilized folks, as most gods do. it cared little whether they lived or died. but it was a curious god, so it tracked the scent, bounding on deers' hooves to its source.
the god's paws left no tracks in the bloodsoaked earth around the creature's remains. it touched the weapon buried in the thing's stomach, ran its talons over the strange covering it wore, brushed a bit of hair from its face. the god considered the creature for a moment: its face contorted in rage, its hands and coverings stained dark. there was another scent here, under the obvious blood and rot, one even more familiar to the god.
a wild something, indescribable even to the god of such things, coiled around the body that was once its own. it stared up at the god, its teeth bared. the god raised its head and howled in its many voices, joined soon by the wolves and coyotes and hawks and hares of the forest, in a mournful harmony of all wild things.
the something howled too, until its song became a scream, letting loose all the sorrow and love and rage of a life that would never have been enough.
the forest went silent. the god lowered its head and nuzzled the something, like a doe to her fawn, like a bear to her cub. wild things understand each other. they understand the cycle, that nothing lasts forever and nothing really dies. the god understood the something's desperate plea, no need for words.
another chance.
once, not so long ago, there was a man. he walked through an overgrown forest, dirt on his hands and his shovel. he loved walking in the forest, listening to the sounds of nature. it was calming.
he paused near a burbling creek to wash the sweat from his face. he sighed in grim satisfaction- tired, sore, numb. but it was over.
the man realized, after staring into the water for long minutes, that something was different. wrong. the forest was silent here. his eye was drawn to a large stone behind him- half his height or more, veined with black and glittering white patches. on its face, a handprint made of something dark.
a strange impulse took over, something wild within him, and he began to dig.
a scraping sound. crumbling earth. cracking twigs. then, light. sunlight. warm and bright and so welcome after so long in the dirt.
the creature reached out from its grave. its hands- long, clawed, discolored- shook as it pulled itself up. it blinked against the morning light, yawned as though waking from a long nap.
it almost didn't notice the man with the shovel. he stared at it, his expression unreadable. it ignored him, letting the world wash over it: a cool breeze on its face, the sound of the water, of birds and insects, of wind through the leaves, the cloying scent of dark earth giving way to flowers and trees.
finally, the man held out a hand- blistered, covered in soil- and the creature let him pull it from the earth.
the man removed his cloak, wrapping it around the creature's broad shoulders. it rubbed the fabric between its clawed fingers- soft, warm, dark like good soil- and smiled. it should have been frightening, with its sharp teeth, but the man just smiled back.
wild things understand each other.
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camelliagwerm · 2 years
hope u dont mind me sending you some of the options for that fluff ask list :D for magni - A, F, N. for Valerius - J, Q, M. for leonelle - L, Y, U
Oh my god, thank you Shania. I apologise this took a while to reply to. This got...somewhat long.
Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
I imagine they do not have a lot of spare time for one another. Anora is nothing if not a dedicated queen, and Magni – at least for the first few years of their marriage – is often away from court, either because of Warden or Orzammar business.
But once he remains at court for extended periods of time, Magni and Anora are often sighted walking the palace gardens together, either by themselves or with a handful of mabari sired by Magni’s warhound; or they play cards in their private rooms. Magni soon learns Anora is a deft hand at wicked grace and gets thoroughly trounced. 
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
So if I think there is one thing Magni doesn’t do, it’s fight with Anora. They’re both stubborn, but the difference is one of them has a father who is not afraid to come back across the Frostbacks.  Magni respects both Loghain and Anora too much to really pick a fight with her over anything; they come to understand quite swiftly what it means to be married to Anora, and he understands his place within her court. Lead her armies, look pretty and warm her bed, and when she requires it, support her in whatever she asks. 
Their one major fight comes just after Awakening, when Anora learns of what happened to Amaranthine. She needed Magni to do anything but that, and to see a prominent trade hub in Ferelden burn to the ground when Vigil’s Keep could have survived on its own accord. It brought Magni’s intentions – and thus her – into question, and the argument resulted in Anora placing her husband in a temporary exile from court while she did damage control; everyone in court knew that was the reason, though the official reason for Magni’s absence in court was that they were helping Orzammar and the Fereldan forces stationed there take back more of the Deep Roads.
It took a while for Anora to forgive Magni for that formally, but I think personally it was a little easier. She understands that they had to make a hard decision.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Anora and Magni are not really a nickname sort of couple – terribly boring, I know; she might affectionately refer to them as ‘my consort’ or ‘husband’,  but other than that, she mostly keeps to ‘Magni.’ If there was more of the Dwarven language or even just more affectionate terms to work with, it might be a different story for Magni, but since there isn’t: again, he mostly sticks to more formal terms, ‘my Queen’ – and very occasionally a ‘my love’ might let slip. God forbid these two show sentimentality, I suppose.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Oh, he is loathe to admit it, but he gets easily jealous  to the point of murderous. He learns fairly early on with Camellia that he does not like the idea of keeping things non-exclusive between them. To quote the option he picked in act 3: “I don’t know how to bring our next meeting any closer, but I do know what will happen if you’ve been spending your time with another man when I should be in his place. He won’t be allowed to live after that.” It is a nasty streak of his that he is not proud of, even if Camellia responded positively to it (and perhaps the only woman who might find that genuinely a turn on (and a terribly amusing one at that) – to know that he is so inflamed by her he is willing to kill any potential admirers. She has certainly used it to her advantage before; a way for her to find a new person to kill with him – almost like a game. 
And similarly, she is prone to jealousy to a potentially murderous degree as well. She turns petty, colder and more verbally vicious than usual, and those who are not likely to back down are more likely to be at the mercy of her stiletto. Ultimately it depends on who it is – in the case of her jealousy towards Vellexia and Wenduag during the crusade, there was not a whole lot she could do about either situation, because she and Valerius were not in a relationship at the time and she was trying her best to hide her feelings; but if there’s someone less…valuable, then there might be a sudden disappearance.
(A lot of people come to understand that both are off-limits because of the potential consequences of stoking the other’s jealousy.)
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
That quirky side effect of being a dhampir known as having a taste for blood? Pretty fitting that it’s beneficial in his relationship with Camellia. It certainly makes him far more accepting of her proclivities than most men would be; and she enjoys it when he bites her, drinks from her. It is a huge turn on for her, a perfect mix of pleasure and pain, and it makes them both feel good. 
Also. It has to be said – his willingness to go down on her at any given time and his penchant for blood has made her monthly courses that much more bearable and what was once an… inconvenience is not so much the case anymore.  
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He absolutely wanted to marry Camellia; I think he realises that after he rejected Lichdom for her, that for him to commit anathema, partially because the thought of sacrificing her is so unbearable, that he is thinking that far ahead. And perhaps that was foolish of him, given they were not even in a relationship yet. 
But the marriage proposal is not what he would have wanted it to be – and yet, it somehow feels right that it was the way it was. She returns in the dead of a midwinter’s night with every intention to kill him, to free herself from the torment and anguish of missing him (and with a contract on his life with her name on it), but cannot bring herself to do it. Camellia knows where to strike to take a life, and she failed to do it; and after they’ve had sex upon his war table, he proposes to her in the midst of a conversation about what comes next.  Romance. 
(I have been toying with the idea that he gives her a formal proposal before their wedding, complete with a ring, because he feels like he should do it "proper." It's just a matter of working out when.)
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
She never did confess to Nyrissa; she couldn’t bring herself to do it. It would make the unspoken real and that would make things more complicated than they already were. In the end, it didn’t matter or not whether she loved Nyrissa – there was only one way that story was ending, whether she wanted to admit it or not. One of them needed to die for the Stolen Lands to have any modicum of stability and Leonelle chose her queendom over love.
With Jaethal, it is different yet somehow similar for her. Hesitant. Leonelle usually is forward in her intentions with the women she is attracted to, but after Nyrissa, her heart became more guarded and she is more reluctant to be open about her emotional connections to those women. Jaethal especially is a…complicated situation. They're liege and vassal, and confidantes first and foremost, lovers second. Leonelle is under no illusion that Jaethal wishes to limit herself to one person now she has a mortal body once more. At best, a declaration of love might seem naive to the much older woman. At worst, she would balk and break off their arrangement. 
She needn't have worried. With the help of liquid courage, Leonelle tipsily tells Jaethal on their way back from one of Octavia's parties that she's in love with her. Jaethal's response is a surprisingly calm and sober "an expected outcome" and while she does not say it back, she has shown a certain degree of affection to Leonelle in return that she did not show earlier. 
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Leonelle is pretty good at the whole yearning thing. Nyrissa made her good at it – she would often catch herself dreaming or thinking about her to the point of distraction in the later stages of the game. And while she is not quite bad with the whole yearning situation with Jaethal (because she knows she can be with Jaethal to an extent, have something tangible with her), when Jaethal is not at court, the yearning does bleed through in her words during their private correspondence. But for the most part, Leonelle is more likely to surround herself with people during those periods of time when she is missing Jaethal so she feels less lonely. 
I imagine Jaethal will have a certain level of detachment to any relationship she may have with any shorter lived partner and Leonelle isn’t an exception to that just because she is the Queen. She also states that she has no intention to limit herself in any way – and that likely includes monogamy to any extent – so the level of yearning that Jaethal would have wouldn’t be even remotely close to what Leonelle would experience as a still-mortal queen from a much shorter-lived ancestry. She copes just fine, I imagine.
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Answered this one here.
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cartoonrival · 2 years
you might have talked about this before, but I'd love to know what the Chaotix are like in your AU! I miss the archie crew so bad
YAAA so the whole gang is knux, js, mighty, ray, charmy, espio, and vector. charmy hasn’t gotten back from his colony in my archie reading so idk saffron yet, but considering her position in the story as charmys fiancé and that my version would def have charmy still be 6 (and not a prince), i’m not currently planning on including her but idk maybe her character will really speak to me and ill find a way to rewrite her backstory and fit her in another way.
mighty and ray’s meeting story is a little different, i still like the idea of ray not having any living family left and mighty rescuing him, but instead of the whole prison camp thing i think ray was a survivor in a roboticized town that the chaotix visited (without needing to deal w the echidnaopolis/dingos/good-god-what-is-that debacles they would prob be a bit closer tied to the freedom fighters, but i still Do want to give them their own unique facet of the story instead of just ffs version2. still a wip.). maaaaaybe ray reminds mighty of tilly and thats part of the reason why he takes ray in, but tbh i’m not a big fan of the whole “i only (started to) care about this person because they remind me of someone else i loved.” especially in light of rays anxiety about mighty getting tilly back and being scared tilly would replace him. so still not set in stone why mighty would decide to invite ray to join them. maybe it was just his big ole eyes. he looked very polite
something i kinda wanna explore is the origins of the detective agency, i don’t think id try to involve everyone in it though. it would still just be espio charmy and vector. the three of them eventually move off the island for business reasons, which would lead into why they’re so strapped for cash in a way that doesn’t seem to be affecting knuckles mighty js and ray. because the former three are actually trying to enter an at least somewhat capitalist society (sorry). i’m not sure how it would end up being those 3 specifically though or why they would decide to become detectives. i’m coming up with nearly all of this on the spot because you prompted me to even think hard about it (thank you)
charmy def only came along because when push comes to shove hes their little brother and they couldnt leave him behind, maybe it was esp and vec’s idea to begin with because they started accidentally solving cases and found they were actually good at it, and kinda similar to how they got a lot of work after the metal virus helping ppl find loved ones, they figured they could be of similar help with deroboticized mobians, and the other four just respectfully declined (knux and js for obvious reasons, and mighty just didnt think he was cut out for that sort of thing. and ray is sticking w mighty).
js and knux are def the two most tightly rooted to the island, but js is more prone to cabin fever than knuckles is so she does leave pretty often. usually she tries to get knuckles to come with her and someone else will watch the emerald, but even though knuckles DOES trust his friends he gets kinda antsy if hes away from it for too long or too often, so a lot of the time she leaves by herself or with someone else. archie!chaotix kind of put the story in a position where knuckles didnt have to worry about the master emerald quite as much because he had a bunch of friends who lived on the island and could cycle through guard duty when he wasnt there. it wasnt a BAAAD thing per se but the emerald is such a key part of knuckles character that i feel like if he no longer has to bear that weight alone then the core of his character is lost a bit ToT if you know what im saying. so i dont want him to be quite so willing to just let someone else handle it.
im on the fence about espio's spy backstory w the shinobi, i enjoyed READING it but idk if id want to carry through with it. the idea of him learning stuff that he just keeps from people could be recycled somehow though
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