#godzilla: age of monsters
chef-mordo · 9 months
Codex Entry #003 | "Angirasu Bōryū" (Anguirus)
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[This Series is heavily inspired by Trollmans’ “FOLLY OF MAN” series on DeviantArt, so be sure to follow him if you enjoyed my work]
Species: Angirasu Bōryū (Anguirus) Subtitle: The Indomitable Mountain First Modern Sighting: December 30, 1956 Height: 90.24 Metres Weight: 72,102.46 Tonnes The Anguirus species are believed to be the first mammals to reach true gargantuan proportions. The species' ancestors are believed to be some of the earliest members of the Pholidota order, which notably contains pangolins; as such, the two species share many similarities. Though, many features are quite remarkably the results of convergent evolution. Similar traits allowed them to thrive in very different niches. Anguirus’ ancestors are believed to have been around the size of a medium dog before the K-Pg Extinction Event, evolving to large sizes sometime after. It is theorised that they became truly colossal to fill in empty niches left by Kaiju that either became extinct or dormant with the end of the Mesozoic. However, there is a shocking lack of transitional fossils to help understand the evolution of this kaiju. Only one other possible ancestral fossil has been discovered, an elephant-sized creature dating to only 57 million years ago. Such a radical growth is unusual, as this process would typically take tens of millions of years. Another abnormal peculiarity of the fossils is the fact that they were found in a large cavern a mile underground within the Yunnan Province of China. No other terrestrial mammal has been found to live this deep in caves, not to mention any food sources able to support an animal of this size. The Anguirus lineage seems to be a true anomaly within Earth’s ecosystem.  The species do seem to have quite a few traits that would benefit a subterranean lifestyle, though it is thought they may now be purely vestigial, as there is a very low possibility of any major terrestrial hyperfaunal ecosystems within the Earth’s crust. A few hyperfaunal researchers have suggested that the pseudoscientific “Hollow Earth Theory” may have some truth to it, but as of the current moment, all evidence remains superficial. Anguirus have powerful clawed arms that seem to be specialized for burrowing beneath the ground, in fact, they seem to be able to cut through buildings and even bedrock with relative ease. They also have somewhat poor eyesight, with bright lights shown to be effective in stunning them. This seems to be balanced out with incredibly strong hearing, meaning that modern cityscapes tend to disorient and anger them. Due to this, Anguirus primarily avoid human settlements, though it is unknown where they reside.  Anguirus have large whiskers covering much of their face, this paired with their powerful noses helps to locate food and water within the ground, this is theorised to be the purpose of some of their seemingly subterranean traits. Unlike most other kaiju, Anguirus seems to feed off of other living things, even when full-grown. The tongue and digestive system of the species seem to line up with primarily insectivorous animals, suggesting the existence of invertebrate kaiju. Despite Anguirus seemingly being adapted to eat hyperfaunal arthropods, Anguirus have sharp, conical teeth with an incredibly strong bite force (exact bite force is inconclusive) that allows them to grapple onto opponents with minimal effort, similar to the jaws of a crocodile. The agility of Anguirus cannot be understated either, despite their large and seemingly lumbering build, they are actually one of the fastest terrestrial kaiju, able to outrun most opponents. They can also jump to heights upwards of 250 metres, creating shockwaves as they hit the ground. Another very unique quality of Anguirus is their ability to roll into a ball and continue moving, even being shown to launch themselves into the air in this form.
The outward appearance of Anguirus alone can be presented as evidence to the trials its ancestors had to endure to grow to such towering heights. Such a drastic increase in size meant that these animals would have to deal with new threats and predators. Gradually, its ancestors had evolved to prevent injuries from attacks and fights through the formation of hair-derived scales along their bodies. Quite remarkably, these have been shown to have evolved independently from pangolins. In addition, some scales also have formed horn-like formations atop them. Several more horns can also be found along the back and side of their horns, as well as a nasal horn that is theorised to have possibly been an offensive adaptation. Recent tests have shown that the spiked plating along the back and head of Anguirus can absorb large amounts of heat and radiation and either disperse it through the air, or reflect it back towards its source, further studies into this could break ground in anti-kaiju defense and weaponry. A final offensive ability used by this species is the “ultrasonic roar”. Theorised to have once been used as a form of echolocation before being converted into an attack, the ultrasonic roar is loud enough to rupture the eardrums of some species, the soundwaves are even visible without any sort of specialised equipment.   The intelligence of Anguirus can often be compared to that of horses and other equids, due to a seeming ability to use body language, pheromones, grunts, snarls, and roars to communicate with other species it encounters. Anguirus have also been shown to have an incredible memory, as well as some level of advanced problem-solving. However, it is not common to see them demonstrate their intelligence due to being highly temperamental towards most species and having few issues that are unable to be solved with brute force alone. Although it is not unusual to see Anguirus living solitarily, it is thought from fossil ancestors that they may live in family groups, mated pairs, or small herds.
Well, I hope y'all have enjoyed the Anguirus codex entry for GODZILLA: Age of Monsters. I'm sorry for the long wait, I've been very busy with my freshman year of highschool. Expect new posts relatively soon, Age of Monsters will be undergoing a small soft reboot (Fixing the Godzilla design, creating a distinct style, changing a few story details, etc). As always, likes are appreciated, follows and repost even more so. Thanks for reading!
Tune in for more updates and future posts. Peace and love! ✌️🏽
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giyuulatte · 3 months
i feel like this is a great time to announce that i am a monster movie enthusiast. i LOVE monster and mecha movies!! godzilla, king kong, transformers, pacific rim, kaiju, alien, predator…GIMME IT ALL
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zzthekaiju · 6 months
Godzilla: Monster Watch - Random Animatic Compilation
So yeah...when I started this AU project, I kinda went in hard, and made this over the course of several weeks as a result. Just something to demonstrate the general vibes of most of the cast.
Really, the only thing that is definitely not canon is that the Kaiju don't talk (with the exception of Ghidorah).
Would really appreciate your thoughts on this one!
Full-screen is recommended.
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ninjartistic · 11 months
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Meet my Gigan duo. They’ll be important later
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Godzilla: I just took a 12 hours-long nap, but I might still be tired, so I'll do 12 more just in case.
Mothra: Godzilla, that's a coma.
Godzilla: Sounds festive.
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angrybatart · 8 months
Can't seem to have a birthday where nothing bad happens. I broke a tooth over the weekend. (It's the gum swelling up and pressing into the broken parts, so more annoying than painful. Going to look into getting a dentist to look at it.) And I apparently have a cold coming on again.
BUT I got to go to a buffet that opened recently and got to eat lots of seafood. Mostly crawdads. Mmm. Tiny Ebirahs. I just had to make sure I brushed my teeth afterwards to make sure nothing got stuck in the broken tooth. And now I crave more...
Anyway, still struggling to get back into drawing. I still have my half of the art trade to finish. Had something sketched out, but I might redo it. Probably had a bit of burnout and needed a little break, but the desire to draw is coming back.
In case I don't make a post, have a happy and safe Halloween! (To those who celebrate.) Eat lots of candy. I know I will, since we don't have trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood anymore and my parents brought home two boxes of full-size candy bars. *evil laugh emote*
Also I am apparently the same age as Bowser now. :D
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doublebilled · 7 months
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Godzilla (1954) dir. Ishirō Honda
House (1977) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi
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gbrenes · 6 months
the fact that warrior nun got canceled after ava went through the portal and almost the exact same shit is happening on monarch and it hasn’t been renewed yet is not fucking lost on me okay!!!
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dappercritter · 1 year
Critter Fic Update
(bet you weren't gonna see one of these again anytime soon, eh?)
Entrapdak Fic #2 AKA Unconditionally LUVD (Yeah that's right. I gots a title now!) - After spending so long in development hell, I've worked through some things and settled on the story. It has been difficult with me not being into SPOP as I once was, but I'm going to buckle down and finish it for my friends in the Entrapdak fanbase--and for the lovely lab partners themselves! I've also decided to stop trying to write my rough drafts in paper then transcribe them, and just go straight to doing it all on the computer so that will hopefully help.
Maddie's Delivery Service (AKA The Spraddie One I Promised Approximately a Handful of You Guys) - No, I haven't forgotten about it! I just got distracted with life stuff and other fandoms. Namely The Owl House There was also a wrinkle with the story but what that means is just debating whether to set this it in season 1 or after the finale.
Godzilla: The Monster Age - On the back burner, still early in development. Where it belongs.
Tired of waiting for these? Good news! - I've been dying to make a one-shot to let everyone I'm still alive on AO3 AND for practice writing actions scenes! And I have just the fandom in mind...
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the-kaiju-faces · 1 year
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reborn-kaijuverse · 5 months
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Portrayed by Ray Romano
Due to the imperfect guide of myth, legend and religion, Kaiju often turn up in places you wouldn't expect them to be. Behemoth is a key example of that: though believed to have first entered man's consciousness when he was sighted just outside of Jerusalem during the time the Bible was written, he was found by MONARCH in Brazil.
Behemoth is a monster who cares little for the human race, but is very sentimental towards the wildlife, especially the vegetation. He appears to actually become enraged when humans or other Titans deforest huge areas of forest.
As of recently, while the MBUC has been occupied dealing with the wave of Mega-Beasts on their hands, with the help of Satoshi and his friends. But unbeknownst to the group, several more Mega-Beasts have been located all around the globe, hibernating, Mikaela initiated Project: MONARCH to go on the search for the new Mega-Beasts, what to discover, and this is one of these Titans discovered. Discovered in the Amazon Rainforest, in Brazil, the natives of South America respect this giant hairy beast who protects this forest and all life who lived in it. Behemoth is naturally a docile creature, spending its days away from sleeping and eating, and breeding new life in the plants thanks to its feces which acted as a fertilizer and grow new species of plants, the jungles of South America are lively. This titan doesn't want to be provoked, but if rubbed the wrong way, this beast can be territorial and is a force to be reckoned with. Any more info would be required and the search for these creatures still rages on.
This mammalian Kaiju has a spectacular ability to restore plant life, whether from the pollen in its fur or the excrement it leaves behind.
Behemoth’s kind nature and helping out innocents caught up in Kaiju battles and rampages immediately endeared him to humanity once he was free of his Late Morning Syndrome. His presence is often enough to calm many humans.
This creature is docile by nature, but it will occasionally become very territorial, and when he does, nothing gets in his way. Behemoth is currently monitored in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The oldest sightings put him as recently as 12,000 years ago, making him an example of a more recent Kaiju species. Should Behemoth awaken, he would be a force to be reckoned with.
Behemoth is by far one of the most gentle and friendly of all Kaiju, if not the most gentle and friendly. Even when in forests where he would be almost completely unable to see the wildlife, he still awkwardly tiptoes around to avoid crushing anything underfoot. He frequently helps rescue people and animals affected by the rampages of malevolent Kaiju, and will frequently do this whilst his allies deal with the aggressor.
Behemoth has roamed Brazil (specifically its hillier regions, Guanabara Bay in particular) for millions of years, with his species, Macrotheroides Canaanicus, being a derived (or at least, surprisingly close) relative of mammoths adapted to scaling the cliffs and mountains of their home. Interestingly, Behemoth's species had a fierce rivalry with Leviathan's, who was described as Behemoth's arch nemesis in the Bible. This is believed to have been caused by Leviathan's kind occasionally venturing into the seas around Brazil and into the waters of Guanabara Bay to pick off juvenile E. bibliorum. Behemoth's kind eventually went extinct (apart from him, as he ventured into a Hollow Earth tunnel in the nick of time) by the massive climate upheaval at the end of the Ice Age.
MONARCH scientists believe Behemoth's inclusion in the Bible was influenced by him coming to Jerusalem during the time the Old Testament was written. How exactly this happened is unknown, but MONARCH scientists believe that Behemoth followed his old rival Leviathan through the Hollow Earth tunnels, eventually clashing with him and Ziz in the deserts outside the city. Of course, this is all mostly speculation, and who win this battle is actually unknown. Regardless, Behemoth was able to retreat back to his old stomping ground of Guanabara Bay (or at least beneath it) after this epic brawl.
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chef-mordo · 7 months
Gigan, The God Slayer
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ehj3 · 7 months
“Look, it’s his show. If he wants to be hard to kill, let him.” —Cartoon character Boris Badenov The star of this snapshot of a cinematic set piece is, of course, a Trumpasuraurus wrecks—a Godzilla-like beast, but without the kitschy charm—enjoying his vengeful, but otherwise mindless, anarchy. a Reign of Terror wrought by a wannabe Robespierre with a Napoleon complex. The creature’s inclusion…
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Altura: 216 metros
Longitud: 288 metros
Peso: 135,000 toneladas
Primer Avistamiento: Selva del Amazonas [Tierra: Teratoverso]
Controles: Tierra Control [Excavación, Puño de Tierra y Camuflaje]
Guarida: Selva del Amazonas [Tierra: Teratoverso] Pantano Brumoso [Avatarverso]
Aspecto: Behemoth (Godzilla KOTM) + Manny (Era de Hielo)
Humanos: Aang, Katara, Soka, Iroh, Zuko
Kaijus y otras bestias: Anguirus, Baragon, Mothra, Rodan, Godzilla
Humanos: Ozai y Azula
Kaijus y otras bestias: King Ghidorah
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ultradude13 · 1 year
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Godzilla King of the Monsters #12
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rlyehtaxidermist · 4 months
anyway you should play cassette beasts. it's pokemon with schmoovement. you get to beat the shit out of landlords and the tumblr sexyman embodiment of imperialism. the equivalent of the pokemon league champion is a middle-aged lesbian who can transform into clockwork godzilla. it's technically an au of a shakespeare play. mothman and the flatwoods monster and the daleks are there. you can pet the dog because he's a party member and has his own social link. and oh god there's so many cheese strats
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