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queersrus · 2 years
Breath Of The Wild Theme
names for characters from the legend of zelda; breath of the wild!
ak, akk, akka, akkal, akkala, aya, au, aug, al, ali, aliz, aliza, ash, ashe, ax, axy, axyl, aj, aji, akra, akrah, achne, ardin, ashai, aurie, ariane, amali, ami, agus, amira, aster azu, armes, anly,
bad, badd, baddek, bam, bamb, bambo, bamboo, ban, banji, bau, baum, bauma, baumar, bay, bayg, bayge, bee, beed, beedle, bol, bols, bolson, bri, brig, brigo, bai, baij, ben, benn, benny, bo, bosh, bot, botr, bore, botri, botric, botrick, bran, branli, blad, bladon boh, bohr, bohri, bohrin, bold, boldon, bree, breen, bar, barg, bargo, bargoh, blu, blud, bludo, blynne, barta, benja, babi bertri, bozai, bulia, buliara, bedoli, bazz, brokka, bugut,
cam, camb, cambo, chab, chabi, cho, chor, chork, chu, chum, chumi, chumin, chi, chiga, cal, cala, calam, calami, calamity, can, cann, canni, chuk, chuki, chio, calisa, caly, calyban, cara, canolo, cree, cecili, cleff, celessa, calip, clavia, chessica, cloyne, cima, cotera, cado, claree, cottla,
dab, dabi, da, dah, dmi, dmit, dmitr, dmitre, dmitri, dai, daim, drak, dug, dugby, damia, daz, dillie, dalia, danda, deltan, dina, dorrah, danton, dento, dunma, dorephan, dantz, darton, domidak, dorian,
en, end, enda, endai, ep, epo, epon, epona, et, ets, etsu, el, eld, eldi, eldin, essa, estan, emry, eryck,
far, faro, faroh, farosh, fy, fys, fyso, fyson, fi, fin, finn, fu, fugo, faron, fegran, frelly, frita, furosa, flaxel, falmark, finley, fronk, flavi,
gof, gofla, goflam, grey, greyson, gray, grayson glee, gleem, gleema, gran, grant, grante, glen, glend, glendo, gan, gano, ganon, got, gott, gottr, gottre, gotter, gom, goma, gomar, gai, gail, gaile, gale, gon, gong, gongur, gonguro, gonguron, gor, gora, gorae, grap, grapp, goro, goron, gar, gars, garsh, garshon, gartan, greta, guy, galli, geggle, genli, gesane, gruve, gaddison, garill, garini, giro,
hy, hyr, hyre, hyru, hyrule, hyl, hyle, hyli, hylia, hylian, hee, heehl, hes, hest, hestu, hud, huds, hudso, hudson, hesh, hesho, hag, hagi, hagie, hun, hunn, hunni, hunnie, hoz, hai, hait, haite, hal, halan, harlow, harry, harth, huck, hino,
ita, isha, izra, ivee, impa,
jan, jana, janna, jer, jeri, jerr, jerri, jerrin, ja, jen, jengo, jini, jora, jules, juan, juanne, juanne, juannelle, jogo, juney, jiahto, joute,
kab, kabe, kabet, kabett, kabette, kabetta, kan, kann, kanny, kap, kaps, kapso, kapson, kar, karso, karson, kas, kass, ken, keny, kenyo, ki, kil, kilt, kilto, kilton, ka, kah, kai, kaif, kaifa, ke, ke'nai, kash, kasho, kat, kato, katos, katosa, khi, khin, khini, kin, king, ko, kor, kori, korima, keh, korb, korba, korbah, kal, kala, kaso, kaa, kaam, kata, katah, katt, katta, kon, konba, kair, kairo, karsh, kay, kayr, kayre, kayra, kim, kima, kish, krane, ketoh, korok, kula, konora, kyra, kalani, kohm, kotta, kachoo, kaysa, kheel, kotts, kaneli, kayden, keye, kodah, karin, koyin, kiana, kinov, kampo, koko,
li, lin, link, lee, leek, leeka, leekah, lar, laro, larob, laroba, lon, lonn, lonni, lonnie, lat, lata, latan, loone, lukan, laine, lashley leena, liana, lorn lyn, lynd, lyndae, lester, laissa, ledo, laflat, laruta, lawdon, letty, leop, lasli,
me, mee, meesh, meeshy, meg, megh, meghen, meghan, meghyn, mei, mil, mils, mi, min, mina, miph, mipha, mis, misk, misko, mae, mael, mog, mogg, moggs, mo, mon, mona, monar, monari, mony, monya, my, myt, myti, mij, mija, mijah, may, mayr, mayro, mir, mirr, mirro, molo, maca, mala, malanya, makure malena, marta, merina, muava, maike, maypin, moza, mary, monkton, modar, molli, mazli, misa, marot, muzu, mimos, manny medda, mubs, mimo, magda, mellie,
nat, nay, nayd, naydr, nadre, naydre, nadra, naydra, naz, nazbi, nad, nadd, naddo, naddon, neil, ni, nim, nima, nobo, nam, namu, namut, nami, namik, namika, noy, noya, neha, natie, nali, nellie, nobiro, nott, notts, nekk, nack, narah, nebb, nikki, numar, nanna,
om, oma, oman, owa, oz, ozz, ooh, offra, offrak, ozu, ozun, ozund, ozunda, oak, oaky, oaki, onya, olu, oliff, olkin, ollie,
pel, peli, pelis, peliso, pelison, pi, pika, pikan, pikang, pikango, pit, pita, pitar, plat, plate, platea, plateau, par, parc, parce, parcy, percy, py, pyle, peeks, pepp, padok, perosa, phanna, pokki, padda, pasha, pearle, ploka, pritana, pyra, palme, piaffe, pirou, pondo, ponthos, pedra, prima, pruce, purah, prissen, paya,
qua, quince,
reg, rega, regan, rev, reva, reval, revali, rho, rhon, rhond, rhonds, rhondso, rhondson, ri, rik, ron, ronn, rex, ru, rul, ruli, rob, robb, robbi, robbie, rudi, rhoa, rhoam, roh, roht, rohta, ruv, ruvo, rot, rota, rok, roke, rokee, ray, raym, russ, ram, rame, ramel, ramell, ramella, ro, rog, roga, rogar, rogaro, roha, rohan, roscoe, riju, reez, reeza, rima, risa, roma, romah, rotana, ripp, ropsten, raegah, rivan, ralera, reede, rhodes, rozel, rensa, rola,
sav, save, savel, savell, savelle, sher, sherf, sherfi, sherif, sherfin, sho, sor, sorel, sorrel, soreli, sorelia, spoon, spoone, si, sido, sidon, shaka, shakah, stam, stamm, sea, saas, shi, shir, shira, sham, shama, shamae, shor, shore, shora, shae, spri, sprinn, straia, suzum suzuna, shabonne, strade, sud, sudrey, saula, smaude, spera sumati, shaillu, sesami, selmie, saki, seggin, satty, spinch, sayge, sefaro, seldon, sophie, senna, symin, sebasto, sagessa, shay, shibo, steen,
tor, torr, tore, toren, tot, tots, totsu, totsun, totsune, totsuna, ty, tye, ten, tenn, tenne, tu, tut, tuts, tutsu, tutsuwa, tar, tarr, tarry, tarre, tarrey, tom, toma, tof, toff, toffa, tro, trot, trott, toh, tan, tank, tanko, tray, tash, tasho, tali, tera, tauma, teake, traysi, teba, tulin, tona, tottika, tula, torfeau, trello, tumbo, teli, tamana, teebo, thad, tokk, tasseren, trissa,
urb, urbo, urbos, urbosa, uma,
vol, volc, volco, volcon, villa, varke, verla,
walton, wabbin, worten,
yam, yamm, yammo, yo, yow, yowa, yowak, yowaka, yahsa, yu, yun, yuno, yunobo, yaido, yolero,
ze, zel, zeld, zelda, zy, zyl, zyle, zu, zum, zumo, zuna, zal, zalt, zalta, zo, zor, zoro, zoron, zorona, zooki, zumi, zuta.
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 4 months
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I found another Yiga clan base and I went in and took out the members. I read the notebook and read about how Master Koga had found out about an ancient power that can construct transportation machines in an instant and was trying to find it. I then went into the store room and I got a Large Crystallized Charge and a Yiga Schematic for a Sprinkler System. I continued on and activated the Muotue Lightroot. It revealed another area the Goflam’s Lavafalls and it had lava and on one of the pillars I found a chest with a Large Crystallized Charge. I also found the Hebra Dark Skeleton. Cool.
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vagetaway · 6 years
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Tonight’s amazing and beautiful #sunset from Lynchburg #Virginia @spann @stormhour @abc13_wset @wdbj7 #landscape #loveva #goflames (at Williams Stadium at Liberty University) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnM-DiyguNj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vmnhl2sudx4q
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queenmaghra · 2 years
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Little Wolffe, Can you see me?
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timfus · 5 years
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View for the day. Let’s do this! #uva #liberty #LU #goflames #beatuva @libertyfootball @libertysotm (at Scott Stadium) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5NvuJnlTbi/?igshid=oe2l4nfhilhu
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goprospecting · 5 years
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As the mining season winds down, another begins! #goflames #goprospecting #realfriends https://www.instagram.com/p/B2lEGb6AKKs/?igshid=1xvbiac6pjz5i
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bossladykei · 8 years
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😭😭😭 I'm a have a busy schedule starting next week :-\😕 I'm so over college. But I want my degree, because I really want the career(s) that I am aiming for. 📖🎓🎒 #collegelife #college #onlineschool #onlinecollege #libertyuniversity #libertyU #goflames #libertyuniversityonline #doublemajor #minor #psychology #criminaljusticemajor #earlychildhoodeducation #psychologyminor #ece #earlychildhoodeducationmajor #sophomore
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elline · 3 years
the golutions.... real ...
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1. Gobani - Fairy / Ghost , Often seen with ribbons around injuries which act as bandages. They have a healing property, and Gobani that are fond with their trainers fashion ribbons to heal any wounds they may have. Removing the ribbons on them or their trainer causes them to go into a rampage.
2. Gofreeze - Ice / Ghost. Gofreeze lay in empty ice caverns and get sustenance off of frozen Pokemon and other things in the ice they reside in. They seem cold and closed off, but are very friendly towards their trainers.
3. Gonumb - Dark / Ghost. Gonumb were originally thought to be protectors for kings for tons of millenia. Despite their love of fighting and serving their trainers, they also are able to cheer their trainers up surprisingly easy, especially if they have been together for a long time. It is also shown their favorite sound is their trainer's voice.
4. Goline - Psychic / Ghost. Goline are usually seen sleeping or resting, as they're very good at hiding when alert. They have a passion to make any Pokemon that challenges it faint, and they have acted towards trainers they deem hostile in the same way. There are rare occurrences when they show emotion, such as a sight where they are reported to be happily cradling a few goletts, which were inferred to be their own.
5. Gotank - Water / Ghost. Gotank's 'glass' is made of a mysterious semitranslucent ore that is found nowhere else than their main grounds. The water they hold inside of them is rumored to be as fresh as the Fountain of Youth.
6. Golight - Electric / Ghost. Golight emit a hefty amount of light and radiation, so not much is known about them. The trainers that raise these pokemon are heavily advised to wear hazmat suits to prevent anything that can damage them or the Golight.
7. Goflame - Fire / Ghost. Goflame have bad tempers, but many love them for their loud and possibly explosive affection. Goflame love attention, and trainers often accidentally spoil them with too many treats. They are also believed to give the best hugs out of the Golutions, other than Gobani.
8. Gotrree - Grass / Ghost. Gotrree are often found picking berries or scrounging for tree sap in thick forests. They're a bit skiddish, but they love having the vines on their shoulders and hands pet. Gotrree are also known to bring gifts such as Rawst and Pecha berries to their trainers.
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absurdthirst · 3 years
what type of fake tree did you get? One year my dad splurged on a hella expensive balsam hill one and we've been using it for an upwards of 10 years and even though it's probably a good idea in the long run my broke ass can't afford a one rn
Because we aren’t sure if artificial tree life is for us, we didn’t splurge on the Balsam Hills one that I was looking at 😱💸💸💸
So my husband chose this one and so far we are pleased with it!
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GOFLAME 9ft Pre-Lit Artificial Christmas Tree, Realistic Xmas Tree w/ 2599 Branch Tips, 780 Multi-Color LED Lights, 63 Pinecones & Red Berries, Pine Tree w/ 11 Flash Modes for Holiday Decoration https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KLC76HD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BP0VHED1T99SSCCS0JAC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 175: Goflam’s Secret Hot Spring
 We found a giant pair of doors, but they were made of stone so I could not use the magnet power of the slate to open them. It’s at the bottom of this steep incline. I thought to… recreate my fall from yesterday. The more I slide, the harder I crash it seems so I made as big of a snowball as I could before pushing it down the hill.
It broke the doors down. I know there’s practically no one out here, but I got worried I did something bad so I left an apology note just in case someone was still using the doors. I just expected the doors to open, not fall off their hinges…
The inside was gorgeous though! The stone inside is similar to the Domain’s glowing stones but these ones more so shimmer and shift on the inside, the light seems to move. It’s like blue, purple, and white. It’s like those pretty, colored parts of the night sky, the not dark blue bits and starts, the streaks that appear sometimes! There’s also a giant skeleton of something! Looks like a nose pointed fish, and there’s also a shrine!
Then we were just climbing.
A lot.
For a very long time.
We weren’t able to find a safe place so we just had to keep going.
I think my fingers froze to the bone. At one-point Bossa Nova just sat down and refused to move. I guess even the cold Elixirs weren’t helping much anymore. That or his lags were hurting having to drag himself through the snow. Thankfully he was willing to keep going again once I started carrying his saddlebags and everything in them. Well, I tried at least, I had to drag them. When ever I try lifting them I just fell flat on my face, and I think I pulled something. I have no idea how Bossa Nova can be so strong to carry all this. Maybe I should leave behind a few thing so they’re a little lighter for Bossa Nova. He’s already helping so much, I should at least try to make his life a little easier.
Our luck changed though when we found a hot spring in a shallow out cove! There’s no ceiling so the snow is still falling on us, but it’s so warm it doesn’t matter! I tried feeding Bossa Nova, but everything was frozen solid, they even broke like stones! I places fruits and vegetables in the water to warm up. A few times when he resurfaced from under the water one of the foods was on his head, and they balanced on him so effortlessly. It was so cute! I froze a few moments of him on the slate to show the girls and Sidon later, I know they’ll love it!
For now, I’m going to stay here and relax in the water till Bossa Nova decides it’s time to go. Though, with how nice it is he might never go.
 Since Zora can stand extreme cold, I wonder if they can stand heat too. It’d be nice to take Sidon to a hot spring some time.
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mistress-light · 4 years
hello! if it's not too much to ask, could you make some gifsets of Goflam's secret hot spring? thanks!
Sure thing anon! Here you go! Thank you for the request!
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phoenixmaiden-gaming · 10 months
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I found another shrine down the side of a mountain near the Goflam's Secret Hot Spring. It was the Eutoum Shrine: Proving Grounds: Infiltration and it was one of those where I didn't have any of my equipment. I only had what was available to defeat the soldier constructs. I only died 2 times at least but I defeated them all and got my equipment back. At the altar I got my 5th Light of Blessing.
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sam-thecreator · 6 years
Full video in IG BIO LINK. Share at will. Good people trying to grab a little attention. ❤❤❤ 💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #flamesofwar #goflamesgo #flame #calgary #fire #love #flamestitch #arciobags #flamescentral #flamesfan #flamesgame #flameshots #nhl #hockey #flamesusan #flamespraypaint #flames #goflames #likemothstoflames #nhlflames #flamesradio #yyc #flameshockey #flamestore #flamesession #flamesnation #inflames #twinflames #giantflames #calgaryflames
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grandmabiltcrochet · 7 years
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Baby Hockey Crochet #flames #calgary #calgaryflames #nhlflames #goflames go #letsgoflames #sattledome #hockey #babyboy #hockeycanada #hockeyplayer #hockeygram #hockeyislife #newborn #nhl #newbornbaby #newbornphotography #newbornphoto #Grandmabilt http://etsy.me/2oZRxA6
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timfus · 5 years
And we’re off... @gandygolden11 with #28 #LU #football #liberty #goflames @libertyfootball (at Williams Stadium at Liberty University) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2-PA_FlbcE/?igshid=kdlfvmuprnj9
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