#gold cage・epic
lovekia · 4 months
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epicthemusical · 1 month
Divine Intervention
This one is more Odyssey based than EPIC but decided to share here anyway. newly turned god Diomedes saving Odysseus from Calypso! first part is Ody POV second part is Diomedes POV.
Odysseus stares at the body bleeding gold that is mixed with the too perfect white sand underneath. He can't do anything except stare in shock. He has tried killing her before of course he has but it never ended well for him. For all these years…and now there she is laying there defeated and broken much like how he himself felt after every night with her. How could this be.. can she truly be dead? No that's impossible she's immortal right?
He feels hands on his shoulders and he is snapped out of his shock as he scrambles back eyes wide and frantic. He sees maybe Diomedes and has to push down the instinct to apologize she never liked it when he refused her touches. He just sits there tense and on the verge of hyperventilating while Diomedes stand there with a look of hurt and grief.
He shuts his eyes fighting back tears at the almost familiar voice ,deep and rough, so different from Calypso's sickly sweet and soft voice.Of course unless she was mad Dont think about it-. How can he believe this is real? He has been tricked so many times with illusions and dreams of Penelope besides how could Diomedes be here not only that but as a God? Does it really matter if it's real or not? After everything that has happened, with how broken he is, how could he ever face Diomedes or anyone else for that matter. He curls in on himself shame threatening to choke him.
"Odysseus what's wrong?"
He opens his eyes to see Diomedes standing closer than before looking frustrated and hesitant. He must be disappointed in him. He isn't the mischievous and trickster Odysseus that Diomedes knows, the one that smirked at any challenge, that pushes Diomedes with a grin looking forward to their constant banter. The one that helped him on rare nights often times when he was drunk and finally admitted to needing comfort. No, that Odysseus is gone now leaving only a shadow behind. A couple tears escape as he starts to cry.
He tenses at the arms that wrap hesitantly around him even as he clings to them. He fights the instinct to shy away from any touch instead trying to focus more on how rough the skin is, like a warrior, instead of the silky smooth skin she always had. The bulky muscles made strong from years of fighting and training instead of the dainty limbs of her that always trapped him close. Every difference helps convince him more and more that this is real.
"You're safe Ody, I've got you now. She can't hurt you anymore I made sure of that."
Odysseus melts into his arms and starts sobbing. He lets himself fall apart as his body shakes with each cry, releasing all the pain that has built up. For once the arms around him don't feel like a cage but he actually feels…safe with those strong and steady arms. He could always rely on Diomedes strength. He gasps out apologies as he clings desperately to him.
It's finally over, he is free now.
Diomedes glares down at the goddess, Calypso was it? He looks away not willing to spend anymore time dwelling on her. This isn't the first divine being he has fought although this is the first one he has actually managed to kill. He instead looks towards Odysseus, finding him sitting there staring at the body. He has seen this often on the battlefield, with soldiers who have seen too much, he is in shock.
He heads over and places his hand on Odysseus shoulder only for him to jolt into action scrambling away from his touch. His eyes are wide with fear and is obviously fighting to keep breathing. Odysseus is terrified and it hurts seeing him like this. He has seen various sides angry, smug, determined to Odysseus but never has he seen him this scared. He is reminded of a skittish horse, nervous and shying away from anything and everything.
Odysseus closes his eyes and Diomedes knows he is trying to ground himself. Who knows what he could be thinking. Of course Diomedes always had issues reading him fully but that's to be expected with Odysseus the trickster that he is but now.. Odysseus obviously failed in calming down when he curls in on himself with his eyes shut tight and lets out a broken whine.
"Odysseus what's wrong?"
He can feel the frustration creep in as he hesitates. He wants to help but he doesn't know how! He has never been good at comfort both at receiving and giving, it's not something he has known for majority of his life. He left the comforting to those who knew what they were doing like Polites. He hates hesitating, preferring to act more often than not but he doesn't want to make things worse.
One more look at Odysseus and he makes his choice, he may not know much but he has to try. He walks over and carefully wraps his arms around Odysseus and hesitates when he tenses. He is ready to pull away but Odysseus clings to him. It's like he couldn't decide between wanting touch or refusing it. What did that goddess do to make him like this? No matter, she is dead now unable to hurt him any longer.
"You're safe Ody, I've got you now. She can't hurt you anymore I made sure of that."
Finally Odysseus relaxes and breaks down into sobs and Diomedes holds him closer, more firmly. Countless apologies are said but he just continues to hold him just letting him release all the pain that has built up. Diomedes starts to relax a bit knowing that Odysseus is safe now, he will make sure it will stay that way too. He wants to know exactly what that goddess did but questions can wait for later for now he will do his best to comfort Odysseus.
He won't let him suffer alone ever again
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barbwalken · 7 months
I legit unironically love micolash boss "battle". Is so fucking strange, because the whole game you fight against horrible beasts that were once humans, or ascended humans who got transformed into something out of this (or that) world, or eldritch creatures.
And then, after a horrible tour through the nightmare of mensis you encounter the most regular ass guy in the game (wearing a fucking cage, of course). It is such a unique fight, the asshole runs from you like taunting you, waits for you, and when you finally corner him, he spams 2 arcane attacks, or hits you with his baby fists.
Is such a pain in the ass to get him to the second phase of the fight, only for the idiot to kill you in one shot with a call beyond if you dont know whats coming.
I think he is the only boss that speaks to you during the fight, and what he says is so strange and revealing at the same time. The guy is delirious, but knows what he is talking about. Then he starts to howl, because why not.
But what i love the most about this fight is the absolute hate people express for this fight XD. Is too damn funny to watch videos ranking worst fromsoft bosses, and hear a particular disdain for this fight. Also, i love reaction videos to this fight. It may not be an epic battle, but man the reactions and frustrations it generates are fucking gold 😩🤌💕
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dangermousie · 1 year
Dramas for the first half of 2023
Now that we are six months into 2023, time to do one of these posts. I am gonna include both Korean and Chinese dramas, because why not and any drama I even checked out is on it.
29. Romance of Twin Flower  (China) - make it cease existing! My favorite het web novel got murdered and then had its grave spat on.
28. Dominator of Martial Gods  (China) - if MST3K still existed, this drama would be prime material for it.
27. Wanru’s Journey  (China) - acting. Try it!
26. Royal Rumors  (China) - they tried acting. But forgot to try having a functional screenplay on top.
25. The Last Princess  (China) - acting is nonexistent and the story is trash but it never aspired to be what it wasn’t and was kinda cute.
24. Oasis  (Korea) - great acting in a story with a screenplay that goes round and round fruitlessly like a hamster in a cage.
23. The Trust  (China) - the OTP in this one swaps bodies but it would have been better for everyone if whoever made this and an actual competent writer swapped theirs.
22. Snow Eagle Lord  (China) - yet another drama in which Xu Kai does his best to keep acting opposite a wooden costar and through a terrible screenplay. There is something seriously wrong with that man’s career choices.
21. Heartbeat  (Korea) - the good: it’s harmless. The bad: it’s harmless.
20. Back from the Brink  (China) - ummm the people are pretty? And if I were 10 I’d be all about this show but as is...
19. Joseon Attorney  (Korea) - slightly less fun than reading a legal treatise.
18. The Starry Love  (China) - the definition of a xianxia playing it safe and pastel; I did love the secondary couple a lot but it was not enough to save that snoozefest of a drama.
17. Chong Zi  (China) - badly acted and a screenplay that somehow manages to be both repetitive and disjointed. But I am a sucker for the shizunfucker trope so here we are.
16. Island  (Korea) - a mess but Kim Nam Gil is hot with a sword.
15. Circle of Love  (China) - rationally, a hot mess. But so entertaining and addicting and fall of make outs of epicness!
14. Lady Durian  (Korea) - makjang from the Queen of Makjang and with that scrumptious cast! This is gonna be GOOD!
13. The Forbidden Marriage  (Korea) - sweet and oddly charming despite nobody in it bothering to act much.
12. Pledge of Allegiance  (China) - the way they had to edit it likely due to censorship made it less than it what could have been but still more than most dramas this year.
11. Choice Husband (China) - delicious cliches and tropes and angst in the rain!
10. Hidden Love  (China) - to make ME of all people to care about a fluffy modern is a bona fide miracle but the two mains are chemistry machines who portray longing so well.
9. Gone with the Rain  (China) - wildly uneven but our heroine and the sexy general she eventually chooses are pure gold!
8. The Secret Romantic Guest House (Korea) - how to do youth sageuk right. Everything about this just works!
7. Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow  (Korea) - it has flaws but is so gorgeous and full of longing and grief and everything good!
6. Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938  (Korea) - a sequel/prequel that is almost as good as the original, how often does that happen?
5. See You In My 19th Life  (Korea) - wacky and grieving, delicate and odd, this is everything I ever want in a kdrama.
4. Call It Love  (Korea) - a truly exquisite story of trauma and loneliness and healing and love.
3. Till the End of the Moon  (China) - gloriously messy in every way this is just MORE. The ending is enraging and there are issues but when it hits, it hits so hard the rest of it does not matter - the dark characters, the dysfunctional love story, the battles, the insane visuals, the EVERYTHING of it. This is what fantasy should be like.
2. Chang Feng Du/Destined  (China) - came out of nowhere to own my heart via its story of growing up and finding love and slow organic relationship building and keeping your soul in a world of horrors.
1. The Ingenuous One  (China) - the best one, so I am gonna talk about it below.
The Ingenuous One - so impossibly solid, from acting to visuals to screenplay to EVERYTHING! Adult characters with adult issues and choices, both moral dilemmas and battles equally compelling. The love stories, the friendships, the shades of grey. This is utterly and completely adult.
Romance of the Twin Flower - if I could make one drama cease to exist, this would be it.
Tantai Jin, Till The End of the Moon - the best character this year hands down - by turns (and timelines) unhinged monster, a contained saint, a victim of abuse trying to attain being viewed as human, a schemer, a ruler, grief personified, curiosity and monstrosity and nobility all mingled.
Runner up: Jang Uk, Alchemy of Souls - sunshine boy gone dark and grieving, but still with that same core of steel.
Shim Woo Joo, Call It Love - she’s damaged and impulsive and relationship-phobic and revenge driven and glorious!
Runner Up:  Shu Ya Nan (The Ingenuous One) - allowed to be tough and dark and with her own agenda and not a member of a good sect and just so cool.
Han Dong Jin’s Mom, Call It Love - that woman was horrifying and the source of so much of his trauma; a real realistic monster petty in all ways except for the damage she inflicted.
Gu Jiusi/Liu Yuru, Chang Feng Du - wholesome and helping each other grow and talking it out but also there is blood feeding and midnight rescues and everything. They are good but not in the least boring.
Runner Up: Woo Joo/Dong Jin, Call It Love - two wounded souls finding such slow but such amazing healing with each other.
Su Ming Yu/Ke Menglan, The Ingenuous One - there’s actually been a lot of good secondary OTPs this year (General x Fox in TTEOTM, Investigator x Princess, TIO, Rang/Mermaid, TOTNT1938) but these two owned my heart - gentleman merchant x gambling hostess ftw.
Romance of Twin Flower - they took my favorite het novel OTP, smart and coldblooded and forces of nature and turned them into THAT?
Xiao Hong Ye, Circle of Love - guy was a terrible abuser but those pecs were the real sin!
Circle of Love - screenplay written by rabid monkeys and populated by a bunch of psychos but such ridiculous, irresistible fun!
Tantai Jin confronting Li Susu in jail, Till the End of the Moon - the energy, the intensity, the darkness the EVERYTHING.
Li Gong Quan, The Ingenuous One - yeah whatever, I realize he’s a minor character but I loved him so much! The whole having to bring down your benefactor who’s gone evil tho you are in love with his daughter should have been a whole other drama!
Chen Wende, Gone with the Rain - most of this drama is not that exciting but whenever his King of Trolls hot general shows up, I sit up and pay attention. I am 35 eps deep because of him.
The Ingenuous One - I am dying to see what happens to royal investigator and supposedly dead princess, how our OTP will travel the world, the merchant and his lady, Ten Taels and his orphans and his girl and just everything. I loved these people so!
Till the End of the Moon - it was clear they cut a BUNCH in the last third to fit the ridiculous new “40 eps or bust” rule and it would flow so much more smoothly if it was allowed to breathe.
Romance of Twin Flower - it should have been shredded into nonexistence sorry not sorry.
Pledge of Allegiance - this drama was good but had gaping lacunae where too many scissors were taken to it for censorship reasons; I am surprised even what’s left was allowed to air tbh but still...
Shrill = cute - I see it every year, I hate it every year.
Hot Men Whump - come one, TTEOTM alone would fill the quota but we also had CFD, Call It Love, See You in my 19th life etc etc.
Back from the Brink - it’s based on a novel by an author whose other novels (Zhao Yao, Blue Whispers, Mulberry Song) I adore and the novelist was the screenwriter so I was so excited. But it was a juvenile, flat mess that de-powered the heroine and taught me that yeah, sometimes the writer should not adopt their work.
Chang Feng Du - I loved the novel but the trailers were a fluffy bland disaster and I checked it out with zero expectations. However, this is a glorious adaptation, a lesson in how to transport a massive novel on screen into slim 40 eps and to account for changes in medium and stricter censorship restrictions for dramas versus books while keeping the essential vibe of the original.
The Imperial Doctress (China) - the pining the pining by the Hot Emperor! This is like all my web novel dreams come true!
A Journey to Love/Prisoner of Beauty/My Journey to You/Kunning Palace - maybe one of them will air before the world ends.
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heliianth · 2 years
[trumpet noise] free pass 2 talk about Whatever U Want! you can do that anyway but if ur feeling weird abt it here is a reminder that its Cool and Epic to talk about Whatever U Want <3
u sent me this yesterday but im cashing this in as a ticket to gush abt gift of the night fury RIGHT NOW like oufghggdgdhhh i could cry for literally EVERRR abt it there r so many things i loveeee like
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theyre friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fishlegs CANNOT read the room hes all ☺️ while viking-brand christmas is falling apart at the seams HELPPP
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they actually address hiccup shooting down toothless and hes so devastated at the idea that he might be keeping him somewhere he doesnt want even inadvertently like
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hes so Scared to give toothless the auto tail bc "what if he never comes back?" but he cares too much to keep it from him
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and when toothless just takes off without much warning hiccup can only stand there hoping he hasnt been imagining a friendship where toothless only saw a cage like OUghdhg he soggy little meow meow who loves his buddy so muchh :(((((
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this entire scene is gold and gives all the warm dumbass friend group feelings. astrid and snotlout my beloveds <3 <3 <3
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this scene hits SO HARD after httyd2 too like how many times has stoick been celebrating a holiday wishing valka could be there. how many times has he left an empty seat at the dinner table irrationally hoping itll bring her back . "i know what it feels like to miss somebody this time of year" STOP
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everyones FACE like especially snotlout SOBBBB .. the face of a man who was forced to drink yaknog when he was 6......
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astrid Truly did not deserve this she was trying so hard and all she got for it was exploding eggs 😭 girl im so sorry
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zipplebacks are so underrated like look how fucking COOL this one is!!!!!!
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gronckle nuggets <3 <3
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i personally think its criminal snotlout didnt keep the small hookfang noodle
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EVERYONE SHUT UP oghhhggh tgey r truly each otherss Whole Worldd
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elitehoe · 8 months
Your NOOJ updates are the best. But can I get a rundown of winners? And the cage match? 🥺
Asking for reasons.
Of course! Now warning I am delirious so this is gonna be something.
I missed the first match, which was Yano and Yoh vs Taguchi and Oleg. Yano and Yoh won which like as they should simply for the vibes.
This was where I turned the stream on, Bishamon vs Great-O-Khan and Newman. This was actually such a fun match. I'm a UE girlie, but always rooting for a Bishamon win!
House of Torture vs Despy, Shota, Tiger Mask and Tomoaki, I'll be honest I checked out during this one and rightfully so cause HoT won 🙄
Just 5 guys vs LIJ, all I have to say is that Tsuji makes the vibes so gay and I appreciate it so much. Just 5 guys took the win and the post match was interesting like Tsuji and Yuya were pulling each other's hair.
I cried my way through Okada vs Tanahashi, so I can't really give much thought about any of the match, but Okada won. It was the perfect send off and I'm genuinely so scared to see where he's gonna end up.
ELP and Hikuleo vs Chase and Kenta. S I G H. I don't even know where to begin like I want to maim Gedo for booking ELP and Leo to lose. Chase having gold in the year of my lord 2024 is just sick work and I demand compensation.
I went stupid during ZSJ vs Bry. I think I blacked out at some point and the wires in my brain caught fire when they started looking like they were fucking. Zack finally got his win back and I am now demanding a threeway with ZSJ, Bry, and Nigel!!
United Empire vs Bullet Club, everyone looked stupid fine. Will made me cry in his entrance. This match was pure intensity there were times I genuinely felt sick. Will and Drilla should not be allowed to blade, they gush like faucets. I think everyone was highlighted perfectly in this match. Everyone in UE had their time to shine, but BC were complete beasts in this. It was an EPIC match and one of the best recent cagematches in my opinion. Bullet Club took the win and came out looking exactly how they should now that they are the most dominant faction. Will broke down in his post match and I cried like a baby.
And that's a wrap hope you enjoy!!
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mattpoitrass6thgoal · 2 years
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I know this is niche one so here is the reasons why for each Bruin being what wrestler. This doesn’t have to do with appearances more character, entrance music and overall performance.
Charlie Coyle: John Cena is a classic good guy and also is from Mass
Jake DeBrusk: Scott Steiner, I know what your thinking who? Scott Steiner is famous for his math speech where he takes his 75% chance of winning and then adds his 66 2/3 per cents to get to him having a 141 2/3 chance of winning at sacrifice. All I know is that if I had to watch Jake do math it would go along the lines of this speech.
Nick Foligno: Stone Cold Steve Austin=bald and a badass, Nick Foligno= bald and a badass sometimes
Derek Forbort: Goldberg, Goldberg never loses he also makes dumb decisions. I’m now respect the epic highs of Forbort Hockey he never has lows now.
Trent Frederic: Mankind, most famous for doing crazy stunts like getting thrown off the top of the steel cage multiple times. This guy just keeps making bad decisions so he can fight which suits Trent
Brandon Carlo: Kevin Nash otherwise known as big daddy cool diesel, honestly I gave him this guy solely because his nickname.
Matt Grzelcyk: Rob Van Dam, small and agile guys. Also out of all the bruins the one I would pick to randomly appear in a syfy shark film like Van Dam has done would be Matt.
David Krejci: The Undertaker, a person that’s just been around a long time that is consistently good. Also I feel like Krejci would have a random motorbike phase like the undertaker did.
Charlie McAvoy: Randy Orton. He has a nickname that is the legend killer and the amount of veterans of seen McAvoy ass check to oblivion I feel like he earns that title.
David Pastrnak: Ric Flair, always had the most over the top beautiful robes just like pastas suits
Jeremy Swayman: Kurt Angle who is an Olympic gold medalist, famous for winning with a broken neck. The only American I could think of here with any type of Gold medal was Sway. Wait I just done research and he won Bronze, I’ll change my reasoning too that how he is getting treated now is the same as fans chanting ‘you suck’ in time with Kurt Angles entrance music
Pavel Zacha and Jakub Zboril: Edge and Christian. One of the best tag teams to exist, childhood friends like our two boys (not the tag team parts just the friendship part).
Hampus Lindholm: The million dollar man Ted DiBiase…..have you seen Lindholms contract?
Tomas Nosek: Rowdy Roddy Pipper, Nosek is one of the rowdiest players I’ve seen, he lives for the drama
Connor Clifton: Cactus Jack/ Mick Foley. This wrestler is also Mankind (see Freddy) but this is another one of his egos which is hardcore which suits Cliffy hockey.
Mike Reilly: Heath Slater, classic loser just a jobber. Mike was on my template so I had to find someone that suits my boy.
Craig Smith: The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels is my all time favourite, his entrance music is sung by himself and is called sexy boy which suits Craig.
Brad Marchand: Chris Jericho, 2 Canadians that people hate
Linus Ullmark: The Big Show, solely for the entrance music which says that he is gonna give you a show.
Patrice Bergeron: Bret ‘the hit man’ Hart. Famously Hart has a quote that is ‘the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be’ which is how I would describe Bergy
AJ Greer: CM Punk, one of the best heels there is. And i feel like Greer just knows how to taunt like him
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Wow being unwell feels like shit.
But, I had the opportunity to recover. Something I really take for granted, honestly, the fact that I could convalesce in relative safety and security. I've thanked my loved ones for their help and patience so now, let's get back to doing The Things.
Okay first, I watched Castlevania Nocturne and oh baby we have to talk.
What a great fucking show, moon above it was pitched so well. I feel like there are definitely things I can pick at, pacing issues that could have been resolved by a little longer in the storyboarding room, but I prefer to judge things by whether or not they hit the points they're striving for. In Nocturne's case I have to say yes, each major beat hit exactly what it needed to in order to make the story come together.
Nocturne concerns itself a lot with legacy, I noticed. There is a much more prescient theme and I'll talk about it in a moment, but it really struck me how much each character has to live up to the legacies left to them. Richter to the Belmont name, Maria to her mother's powers, Annette and the legacies of her ancestors, and in a twisted way Erzebet to her own history. Naturally the first Castlevania series was also heavily steeped in legacy, but I find it a lot more present in my mind. It's fitting for a series that is being made as an essential sequel to one of the most popular animated shows of the past while now. It's almost as though the show itself is asking if it can live up to the expectations set for it. Something I can really appreciate, I have had a series or two I've tortured myself with the same question over.
Revolution, freedom, inequality, however. Those are the title card themes. We're set just before the French Revolution now, which is nothing less that the perfect backdrop for such a story. I find that I'm appreciating how the vampiric upper classes are portrayed. It's a perfect pastiche of arrogant nobility. Yes there's something to be said for how they are unproductive monsters who literally leech their lives off the backs of the common people, it's a classic allegory with vampirism in general. But more than that I appreciate just how excessive they are, how overwhelmingly self-important they can be. Erzebet herself is impossibly dramatic, showy, and completely out of touch with anything beyond her immediate world. Normally I feel like I would call it over the top or cartoonishly evil but this is ultimately the point of using her so aristocratically. It's perfect to the portrayal of a ruling class that only cares for itself. It's absurd that this woman goes around, caging virgins in solid gold just for a drink while she calls herself a God. This is the excess our little revolutionaries see in each and every noble who denies bread to their starving workers and a wage to the ones who would care for their gardens.
Speaking of I find myself vastly preferring this version of Annette. Her agency, her story. Her magic is cool as fuck, too, something we haven't seen before and that's amazing. I wish we hadn't dealt with her previous captor so easily in the graveyard, I feel there was a lot more to be said about the man who had her branded becoming branded himself in service to Erzebet. It speaks so much to the mindset of hierarchy and it's so... low of Vaublanc, it is so telling how he was eager to treat Annette as lesser and mark her as such, just to voluntarily do the same in the eyes of his "better". It's creepy, it's disturbed, it only makes Annette's own fight all the more righteous in my eyes.
It's especially interesting how much Annette has to find her power in others. By being close with her ancestors she can wield their magic, even though she could kill Vaublanc all on her own she was bade to seek out Richter and I understand why completely. Not for the epic, vampire-slaying savior, but because he is another equal who can stand at her side. As I've said it's a very cool take, I wish it had been given more room to ripen. A little faith in getting a second season would've been delightful for the development of this arc.
And Edouard oh my poor man. Once he died I was worried they just fridged a character for some bottled motivation, but instead they went such an interesting route. A singing night creature. It's such a parallel, Edouard was born free and is now kept in service to Abbot Emmanuel. Compare to Annette who was born a slave and had to find her freedom. I'm really invested in seeing this smaller "revolution" that's happening under the Abbot, I wonder if going forward he'll have to own up to the cold fact of what he's doing to people. I hope so, I am eager to see Edouard confront Emmanuel with the real truths of personhood.
Gosh I could go on about every character. Maria, Tera, Emmanuel, Olrox, Drolta, even Mizrak, but I will be here an age if I talk about them all. Allow me to shorten this a bit?
Belmont. Richter has always been burdened by his fate, or it comes across that way in Symphony of the Night, especially. He has to be the best magician, the best vampire hunter, so much skill is demanded of him before his wounds can even be healed over. So when Juste fucking Belmont appears and gives his "evil will always win" speech, ooh. I knew that was it, that set his whole character into motion. He'll either defy Juste's prediction or live it out, time and time again. It's such an important scene, he's literally asking the past and his legacy if he can live up to it, and the past answers him with "No. You can't, not forever." and it's somehow the exactly right and wrong answer at the same time. It's the reason to keep fighting, it's the reason to forgive himself for not being perfect, it's a warning that he will probably lose people he loves, it's a promise that after he's gone, there will be another night full of terror and hardship. My entire spine was humming like a guitar string. Hell all of episode six is fantastic, really had me at the edge of my seat.
Also as a brief aside they actually added Juste Belmont I got to see my bisexual twink icon be a badass old man I am SHRIEKING.
Juste is my favorite Belmont and the worst I have to say about the series is that it was complete cowardice to not have him be in a polycule with Lydie and Maxim. There is no straight explanation for Juste and Maxim's relationship.
Ahem. Right. So yes, Nocturne was really great at doing what it set out to do, and watching it was a really fun time. I really hope they allow themselves some breathing room on the second season's plot points, it'd be nice to see the cast grow into themselves now that they're so established. The setup is all there and the payoff is really promising.
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DAUGHTRY Teams Up With LZZY HALE For Cover Of JOURNEY's 'Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)'
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Multi-platinum rock band DAUGHTRY has released a new cover song, "Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)", a tribute to legendary rock band JOURNEY featuring vocals from Lzzy Hale, lead singer of HALESTORM. The cover releases exactly 40 years to the day that the original song was released on January 5, 1983.
"Chris Daughtry and I have been threatening to unleash a duet for years. What better way to do that than by paying tribute to one of our mutual influences…. JOURNEY!" said Lzzy. "This song is not only part of the 'Stranger Things' soundtrack, but has been my go-to for karaoke for as long as i can remember! I'm so honored to have been a part of this and I hope it makes you smile as big as I did while recording it!"
Chris added: "I've always loved the song and I was wanting to do a classic cover and my wife and I were watching the 'Stranger Things' season finale and there's this incredibly intense scene and 'Separate Ways' was a big part of this scene. It was so moving just the way it was used, it felt so cool and epic and I was immediately like 'THIS is the one! We have to cover this song.' Then I was, like, 'How can we make this extra special? What if it was a duet? What if we got Lzzy on it!!??" Needless to say I was pumped she said yes and I absolutely love how it turned out."
DAUGHTRY, one of the most visible and best-selling rock bands of the 21st Century, has sold out concerts across the globe. Their debut album, the self-titled "Daughtry", was the top-selling album of 2007, and was the fastest-selling rock debut album in SoundScan history. It was also nominated for four Grammy Awards and won four American Music Awards and seven Billboard Music Awards, including "Album Of The Year". The subsequent albums, "Leave This Town" (2009),"Break The Spell" (2011) and "Baptized" (2013) have all gone platinum, with "Cage To Rattle" (2018) certified gold. In 2020, DAUGHTRY released its first single from the album "World On Fire", which marked a return to the band's rock roots and the top of the charts. Their current single, "Heavy Is The Crown", has been met with great enthusiasm, and is currently climbing the charts.
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aurhia · 2 years
Last Line Tag / Heads Up 7 Up
tagged by @late-to-the-fandom
tagging: @demonwrestler, @hxad-ovxr-hxart, @fishmanster, @khlara, @vesdemona, @technicallysalem, and tagback @late-to-the-fandom
The last thing I wrote was actually a session recap for a dnd game I'm in. We've started doing a round robin for recaps and it was my turn. Me, being EXTRA as always, decided to write it in the form of a Spenserian epic poem and then perform it with exaggerated expression. I called it The Day of Many Huggings.
Most of it would make no sense outside the group but here's a few stanzas:
Fran interrupts, bearing today’s papers and news Nico’s being questioned by j’Equite. the thought of the stables gives Fran the vapors they adjourn to the kitchen like all’s okay except Revi’s shielded from Fletch by Mae “Look for the best in Sports, the worst? Front page” the Whips lost, the police question the fae Aurhiel worries for Nico’s brush with the badge Maelie can’t give him hugs if he’s stuck in a cage.
Mae: “T, to th’attic to feed your glowworm?” “That’s what kids call it these days?” Fletch opined They leave, denying Fletch of seeing them squirm Once there Mae closes the door behind “We’re in danger if they’re questioning our kind “We must go without word, let me remind “that the angel Sabrette can read their mind.” Divination brings a moonlit circle, soft breeze, Maelie feels her goddess give her a gentle squeeze
She asks, “Will j’Equite question we pair?” For the first time Mae hears a weak whisper says “The eyes of Celestia are elsewhere” “I don’t trust it,” Mae rouses with a stir, TS dons a cloak, trying to obscure “Disguise?” “Oh, you’re so bad at that! “I can get lost because I’m a shifter. “Hide! Cloaks are not your good luck charm,” she pats. Hugs? Then both out through the window, quiet as a bat
Meanwhile Fletch is mapping recent murders looking for a pattern in this madness Kiza piles on breakfast without orders Such gruesome scenes, Fletch describes with sadness While Aurhiel continues to eat, heedless. Fletcher designs exploding web arrows Insert Hawkeye or Green Arrow reference In search of a maker, then out he goes Aurhi says luck but they don’t hug because they’re bros
And Halina’s been gone since long before Tracking bounties, trying to break records Six hundred gold, leonin named Far They spar, he tries to strike a chord They fight well but she catches him off guard Casting a spell knocks him flat to the tile He curses at her but by now she’s bored Alive but unconscious, he was rude and vile No hug because he’s an asshole who should stand trial
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I love your headcanons and I wanted to ask your opinion on what kind of partner Iceland is
How does he act in a relationship? It can be SFW or NSFW, I'm fine with anything
(Since you didn’t state Yandere, I'm not going to be adding it as such.or NSFW because my brain does need a little break from all the $mut I’ve been writing.) As a partner, Iceland is hugely laid back and secretive about his feelings for you. But if you’re great at reading subtle clues like him talking to you more than he does other Nations, then that’s the first sign he’s into you, but again, it would take at least about three months to really tell. There will be a level of consistency in his behavior that he’ll have when he likes you or if you are pursuing him you have to be relaxed and not overly aggressive. He will 100% hate that.
Iceland, I can see as more of an Ace or Demisexual. I can’t really imagine him as much else, considering that he doesn’t get a whole lot of screen time or in the comics. (Don’t lynch me I haven’t read all of them. I will if I have the time.) But overall, I get the feel that this dude is nihilistic as he truly just couldn’t give a fuck much or the time and enjoys the alone time he gets but would like to be more like his peers in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, etc because he’s the youngest and still trying to find his way personally.
As a romantic partner, he’ll be eager to show off his cozy home that wards off the frigid winter nights. He has hot chocolate machine, hot chocolate bombs, bourbon, whiskey, marshmallows, whipped cream etc, just for his specially made hot chocolate bar he likely spent all summer crafting after he had a few fun meetings with you after the world meeting. He’s dedicated to showing off what he can make and proving that he’s self-sufficient.
He isn’t high;y clingy but loves it when you send him texts letting him know that you made it from point A to point B safely. He has a smile that can actually be seen by his pet puffin that in turn gets him some light teasing from his beloved friend.
After being in a relationship for a while he will open up somewhat about some of his surface-level insecurities and gradually move deeper as life progresses onward in your relationship. He will do his best to not let his relatively caged-in personality ruin the good relationship he’d been able to create in a healthy way.
This brings us to the other good thing about him: HES OPEN AS HELL ABOUT dealing with his anxieties. Albeit his delivery is awkward you have to give the youngin a gold star for effort in trying to maintain a good relationship.
Even though he longs to be like his older peers and has a seemingly carefree, he does like the fact that he’s got some solitude and epic lights his nation names claim to. That’s something the others can’t take away. Plus if he decided to go the long run with you or any other nation the guy has a high belief in you that you wouldn’t do things to intentionally hurt him.
So overall, Iceland is a laid-back lover with tenderhearted ways of showing his affection through hard work.
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themculibrary · 2 years
Fics With Titles That Start With G Masterlist
Gaja (ao3) - rustingroses bruce/natasha T, 11k
Summary: The doors to the prison cell slammed open, and a woman in a low-cut scarlet dress that perfectly matched her hair came striding in. Her locks curled around ivory shoulders and a gold necklace, framing a serious face. Her lips, too, matched her hair, drawing the eyes irrevocably to that full mouth, made for sin. Her clear blue-grey eyes glinted even in the dim overhead lighting. Aphrodite wouldn’t have turned her nose up at such a figure or face; if the goddess possessed even a portion of this woman’s beauty and grace, no wonder Paris had given Aphrodite the apple.
Of course, as far as he could recall, no goddess carried a pair of strappy gold heels in one hand and a gun in the other.
Huh, Bruce thought woozily as the Hulk roared with frustration and rage at this new threat. Bruce tightened his grip on the Hulk and the cage of anger that contained it, forcing it to yield to him. Bruce had chosen to be here, and had not chosen lightly. This woman would not wrest his control from him. I didn’t know hallucinations were a side effect of this drug.
Gardens of Asgard (ao3) - a_kinkajou, hermionesmydawg steve/bucky E, 11k
Summary: They were warned numerous times - don't veer off the path in the Gardens of Asgard.
Of course, Steve Rogers heeds the advice of no one. Ever.
gator around the warm beds of beginners (ao3) - napricot sam/bucky E, 39k
Summary: How Sam and Bucky get by, after Thanos is defeated. Or: the story of how two idiots become roommates, partners, friends with benefits, and maybe something more, if they could just stop being so oblivious, while they wait to find out if their Steve’s ever coming back from his trip through time.
Gentlemen Prefer Pink (ao3) - glittercake steve/bucky E, 5k
Summary: Steve considers him for a moment.
“Beg for it.”
Bucky makes a terribly helpless sound, “Steve! Fucksake! Steve, please??”
He grins, stares down at Bucky’s mouth as he says the words. He’s probably a dick for getting off on it, “Nicely.”
ghosts that we knew (ao3) - wilsonsnest sam/bucky T, 46k
Summary: Sam (reluctantly) agrees to do a commission for Steve's rich but extremely reclusive friend, James Barnes.
Sam just stared at the other man, the feeling of being watched suddenly overcoming him. God, what kind of weirdo didn’t even come to greet their guests? It was one thing to be a rich recluse, but another thing to just completely ignore people wandering around your house.
“Steve, this is really weird.” Sam stressed. “This isn’t weird to you?”
Gift of Asylum (ao3) - carleton97, sister_wolf clint/darcy E, 47k
Summary: The story of how Darcy Lewis accidentally helps found the Avengers while having an epic, failboaty romance with that dude she nailed in a bar two years ago. Tasers, jackbooted thugs, Tony Stark, and life-altering job offers are par for the course when you help discover an alien/god dude with amazing pecs.
Glow (ao3) - glittercake sam/bucky E, 3k
Summary: Sam showers Bucky with compliments and ridiculous nicknames. It's not Bucky's fault that he starts falling for the guy.
Go And Make Aunt Peggy Proud (ao3) - Nanerich pepper/tony, steve/bucky, mj/peter, peggy/husband T, 19k
Summary: When Howard screws around with one of Hank Pym’s quantum theories, things go south, quickly and that in a way Peggy did not imagine in her wildest dreams: they end up in the year 2019. Luckily, a vigilante in a bright red, skintight spidersuit can help them out and take Peggy and Howard to who will be able to help them out.
Go For The Throat (ao3) - laylabinx T, 9k
Summary: Peter finds out the hard way what it means to be the Ravager mascot and Yondu uses this as an opportunity to teach him how to kick someone's ass.
Going Yard (ao3) - Brenda steve/bucky E, 41k
Summary: Going Yard: Baseball vernacular for hitting a home run.
This is the love story of shortstop Steve Rogers and pitcher Bucky Barnes, estranged childhood best friends about to be reunited on the same team.
This is a love story about New York's other baseball team, the Avengers, and their quest to claim the National League East division title.
This is a love story about going home and new friends and team bonding and first loves and how the people you're the closest to can also drive you the craziest.
But mostly, this is a love story about baseball and the boys of summer who play it.
gonna marry that boy (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor clint/tony G, 6k
Summary: Clint runs a coffee shop with his best friend Natasha, and he has a crush on one of the customer's, but he's never actually talked to this boy. He's awkward enough as it is, and things get even more difficult once he learns who the customer is.
Good Things Come to Those Who Look (ao3) - notbeloved07 bruce/tony T, 5k
Summary: Back when Tony was at MIT and Bruce at Harvard, at some point they met--science convention, bar night, what have you--and had an instant connection. Bruce let it go, in part because he was focused on Betty, but Tony didn't have a whole lot of moments where he'd felt actual genuine connections and he held on to that encounter.
Now, after Afghanistan, Tony realises just how important those connections are and he tries to find Bruce. When he stumbles on to him in Shield's files, he talks Fury into putting Hulk on the Avengers roster, brings him in, and desperately tries to balance world-saving with hardcore flirting and coming up with ways to get Bruce to stay.
Got a Heart in Me, I Swear (ao3) - thepartyresponsible bucky/clint, steve/tony M, 36k
Summary: The pictures leak on a lazy off-season Sunday, in that muddled bit of midafternoon Clint never knows what to do with when he isn’t training. He curls up with Lucky on the couch and naps through the end of his whole damn life. And that, honestly, is pretty much perfect.
got the waves running through your thighs (ao3) - bisamwilson sam/bucky E, 2k
Summary: The first drink he’d ordered upon landing on the island was, in fact, a sex on the beach, just for the novelty of it all. Peach schnapps had never been his favorite—a fact which had thoroughly confused everyone from the time he’d started to drink—but it was the principle of the thing.
He’s drinking a piña colada now, much more to his taste, and enjoying the feeling of the sun on his skin and the sand between his toes, trying his best to not feel annoyed at how much reading Bucky saw fit to do on this vacation.
Apparently, he’d really thought she’d meant a drink.
Got to Do What You Love (ao3) - BlackEyedGirl clint/phil M, 8k
Summary: Phil has control issues, Clint has power issues, and the Avengers are a bundle of issues. It’s no wonder Maria wants nothing to do with them. Phil doesn’t seem to have a choice.
gotta make me follow through (gotta make me chase it) (ao3) - aniloquent sam/bucky N/R, 5k
Summary: The one where Sam's a hot vegan grocer and Bucky lies to get him to go out with him.
Great Unknown. (ao3) - ClaraxBarton bucky/clint T, 3k
Summary: Smugglers and dragons and karaoke and space. Oh my.
That’s it. That’s the summary. Enjoy or suffer at your will.
Ground Control to Major Tom (ao3) - Ellen Fitzwilliam Brandybuck (AFixerMuse) drax/mantis M, 39k
Summary: Waking from a centuries-long cryogenic sleep, alternate Earth astronaut Major Tommiah Jones finds herself among space pirates, in a world and time apart from her reality. Now she must do what's necessary to survive, find purpose, and perhaps avoid falling in love with trouble incarnate: Yondu Udonta. Song prompted one-shots. Humorous smut
Grow To Be (ao3) - Sororising sam/bucky T, 110k
Summary: Sam flops back down onto the bed, shoving a few of the pillows behind his head and upper back - there’s way too many for one bed; if you multiply that by thirty bedrooms there must be -
“I can’t do math when I’m drunk,” he says mournfully. “Bucky, come here and help me do math.”
Bucky lets out a small laugh. “Bet you say that to all the girls.”
Sam doesn’t know how to unpick that sentence. He isn’t even going to bother trying; he just waves his arm around in Bucky’s general direction, hoping that he’ll make contact eventually.
Grumpy Coffee Kitten (ao3) - rebelmeg harley/shuri, mj/peter, bucky/darcy, clint/natasha T, 26k
Summary: When Clint Barton, the owner of Bean There, Brew That, takes off on an extended vacation, he leaves his coffee shop in the hands of his trusted sidekick, Darcy Lewis. Darcy is not prepared for this, but that's not going to stop her from keeping the shop going, keeping her sassy baristas in line, and maybe getting a tiny bit smitten with the new regular that started showing up, looking like a sleepy assassin and cooing at his coffee.
Bucky Barnes is a former soldier trying to deal with the effects of PTSD, at the encouragement of his best friend and not-actually-a-therapist Sam Wilson. It might have been sort of an accident the first time he steps into Bean There, Brew That, but it's a first step in a really good direction. He likes the coffee shop, he likes the people that run it, and he definitely likes the sugar-soaked monstrosities that they make for him on a daily basis.
What could possibly go wrong with putting a recovering veteran in the hands of a bunch of sarcastic baristas with access to legally addictive stimulants? The answer is... not much, actually.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
Of Gold Cages and Red Poppies
by Prismpanic
Tommy's been hired to assasinate Crown Prince Technoblade, during a week-long masqurade, ending at his crowning. His cover? The Prince's younger brother, Prince Wilbur's, new bodyguard. As he gets to know the Prince, he comes to an awful conclusion: He's not that bad.
But. Something is wrong, with how Wilbur walks, speaks, eats, everything.
How he stands very stiff when he's not laughing with Tommy, and lets people rub grubby hands over and pull at his feathers. How he wears so much clothes and makeup and jewelry Tommy wonders how he doesn't suffocate.
And how his advisor, Dream, treats him.
....Tommy has a new mission.
And a Crown Prince, tired and angry of people playing dress-up with his little brother, and a very rich Avian rights activist to help him.
Nothing can go wrong.
Words: 1797, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF, Dream SMP
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson
Additional Tags: Crime boys forever, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Wilbur Soot, Sad Wilbur Soot, Dadza, Good Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot and Technoblade are Siblings, Wilbur Soot is Not Okay, Wilbur Soot Loves TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot Needs a Hug, Twins Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, TommyInnit Loves Wilbur Soot, Avian Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Avian TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Avian Wilbur Soot, Avian Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Prince Wilbur Soot, King Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Scared TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Scared Wilbur Soot, Scared Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Evil Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Manipulative Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), fancy wilbur, he's like a model, but very sad, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Corset, Dehumanization, Objectification, Forced Infantilism, just a bit, Dream treats Wilbur like a five year old, Musician Wilbur Soot, Innocent Wilbur Soot, sensitive wilbur soot, epic Tommyinnit, they're brothers your honor, Alternate Universe - Victorian, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Costume Parties & Masquerades, Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Emotional Manipulation, Underage Drug Use, Past Drug Use, Child Neglect, they're parents were garbage, Protective Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Soft Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Protective Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot-centric, Eating Disorders, kind of? Dream gives him a very restircted diet
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love-the-purple-cat · 16 days
Obsessed with Epic!Zeus' "Thunder Bringer" and its repeat in "God Games" and Hadestown!Hades' "Hey, Little Songbird" and his advice to Orpheus on how to keep a woman:
Take it from a man no longer young
If you want to hold a woman, son
Hang a chain around her throat
Made of many carat gold
Shackle her from wrist to wrist
With sterling silver bracelets
Fill her pockets full of stones
Precious ones, diamonds
Bind her with a golden band
Take it from an old man
Are you following? I want to put Ichigo in such a position where he is chained by Hades, caged by Zeus, and have Poseidon turn his legs into a tail so that he may not run away (thank you Fishysseus by tagzpite). I want the precious stones to be embedded in the flesh of his tail, leaving them to continuously bleed.
I want Urahara and the others to look for him, to find him, but fail in saving him due to being against gods or something else.
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thissmycomingofage · 2 months
13 fave lyrics this week?
1. "I grew up wishing I could close off the way my dad did / 'Cause that man never felt a damn thing he didn't wanna feel" (cowboys cry too, kelsea ballerini/noah kahan)
2. "Follow the train tracks into the next town / Look for a bookstore, somewhere to sit down / I know you've got places that you run away to / Leave little traces so I can find you" (Sarah come home, Allie X)
3. "and I need you / to stop needing me / Like I needed you / We both need to / tend to the invisible wounds" (invisible wounds, Aurora)
4. "I was such a fool / Didn't know the rules of playing make believe /Didn't know that getting old would come and meet me" (almost home, mxmtoon)
5. "on épouse pas le chanteur, c'est vouloir enfermer le vent, c'est épingler un papillon, c'est mettre en cage un lion." (Le chanteur, Clara luciani)
(translation : "You don't marry a singer, it's like wishing to trap the wind, it's like pining a butterfly, it's like caging a lion")
6. "Maybe we're just like flowers, starting down in the dust" (growing pains, mxmtoon)
7. "You try to muster a flare, tell somebody you're sinking / But anxiety is an index finger pressed on your lips" (Genesis., Raye)
8. "Fake democracy, killing overseas / Killing ourselves, suicide / Government lies, discrimination / Hating ourselves / Why hope? Why keep going?Why try? / Genesis one, verse three, I'll dry my eyes / The only thing which darkness cannot coexist in the light" (Genesis., Raye)
9. "I can take the suffering from you" (suffering, epic the musical)
10. "But the light kicks in when I know it's time / I built my walls, so it's safe to hide / And the people I love I left behind / They see too much when they look in my eyes" (my body is not mine, Aurora)
11. "There is no God, in here without me, my dear" (Earthly delights, Aurora)
12. "You turn a blind eye when the drunk man falls / Did you ever think why is the drunk man drunk?" (Environmental anxiety, Raye)
13. "When you hate the body you are in / Oh, love, you’re actin’ just for him / As he counts his gold and green in his ivory tower / Our fear, it lines his pockets, love / so take that rage and bottle up / And put a drop into his cup of wine / You don't need him, you don't need me / With that poisoned bottle, you’ll be free / But be damn sure you don’t mix it up with mine" (as good a reason, Paris Paloma)
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mandysxmuses · 5 months
//OK SO. As promised. A part 2 with the Keeper color meanings
Vergessene should be a pretty obvious one. His color is a bold royal blue and it's basically following similar reasoning to Inside Out, blue = really sad
(This being said, depression is much more than just feeling sad despite the misconception, blue is just a good color to represent it imo)
While I don't want Vergessene to be the sort of character where depression is his entire personality and defines his character completely, I can't deny it is a huge aspect of it. Renee infantilizes his condition and makes it worse, he's almost always trying to end his own life, and he was quite literally created by the Void to give his life for other people
So I found that blue was the best color for him since it is the most straightforward symbolism for feeling oof
Since I already did Renee, next in line is Walter! And of course as Todd likes to never stop complaining about, his color is pink.
Part of this was because my entire idea was making a really polite, sweet vampire character that likes candy and desserts, and that is a color often associated with those things
But pink also isn't far off from the color red, which for Walter would obviously link to blood and his potential to be monstrous, since he does have intense reactions to anger. So yes, a very sweet but also ANGY boi
Then we have Knirschen! His color is black, and personally I associate that with hopelessness and a lack of control. These themes are pretty strong with Knirschen. He is basically the only "killer" character who has no agency whatsoever in his killings, to the point he will even eat Verheiler. He's literally chained and caged in his own area. Black is a color I wanted to emphasize that feeling, and it's present in the areas of other characters as well. Todlich's most dark and dreary area, Shade, is one which also embodies a feeling of a lack of control and despair.
With all that sadness out of the way it's time for VERHEILERRRRR oh my shamelessly self indulgently made Bunny Boy
Tumblr media
Mint is a really cute pastel green color and I thought it would do well with a soft character. It's a color already well associated with life and health, so giving that and gold to Verheiler was basically something that didn't need much thought
You know from the second you meet that fluffy mint man you are in good hands, and those colors represent that. Verheiler is best boy I will die on that hill
Then we have the infamous, incredible, and good-looking Captain Schatz! (And Catnip) I chose cyan for his color because it is a really bright, popping color that immediately sticks out, and Schatz is a big bright goofball
But it's also worth noting that most of his clothes match more closely to Vergessene's blue, which, as I have already discussed, means depresso
Not exactly subtle symbolism but
Catnip, meanwhile, has ginger fur
This has no connection to Emma or Toddie, I just thought it would contrast with Schatz's color scheme (making something seem a bit more "off" about Catnip with Schatz) and the sight red undertone has the even less subtle symbolism of DEVILS, HELL, THE SPOOPY DEMONS
Lovely sh🐁 t right there. NEXT
Begleiter is primarily silver in coloration. I don't think I gave this color to him in hopes of symbolizing anything, more just to emphasize he's a robot trying to learn to be more human
I did think about giving him more color as that happened, but I like the idea of letting him keep the silver, like he doesn't need to lose that to be a full person
Kanonier is red, and I think some of the reasoning for this carries on from Renee. Both characters serve some form of "justice" in the Void, as flawed as that sense of justice may be, but also I just thought a red sparkly cowboy would be EPIC
Serpentin has a darker, deeper green than Verheiler's mint. I wanted him to sort of look like a snake you'd find in the jungle, and the coloration represents that. He's something people may want to avoid but he's just a good sweet pea who wants to make friends
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