#goldi headcanons
f3r4lfr0gg3r · 7 months
just right 🐻🍯 [goldi crush/dating headcanons]
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Art Cred: Zac Retz
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I use my phone to write and it's been acting up lately 🥲. Ty for waiting so patiently and I hope you guys can understand!
CW: nothing but fluff and a tiny bit of angst in the beginning??? That's about it!
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romantic/crush (x reader);
- With how guarded and abrasive Goldi can be, in my opinion it would take awhile for her to be attracted to someone romantically (I hc her as demi lowkey). So it would definitely have to be something of a friends to lovers situation, and even then Goldi wouldn't pick up on why she felt so..weird around you. Which is funny because it seemed like everyone else knew but her.
- At first she didn't question why she began to feel so nervous but giddy when you came around, opting to ignore the fuzzy feeling as it continued to grow
- She began to notice little things about you that she never did before, like your small pouts whenever she'd jokingly teased you or the way you'd hum a small tune while trying to stay focused
-"Though Goldi didn't care much for appearance before, she started tidying her hair up a bit and making sure she looked clean if she knew you guys were going to meet up– becoming more conscious of how you saw her
- Touches became more lingering and happened more often (I don't see her as such a touchy friend outside of noogies, playful punches, nudges, etc so it would be totally noticeable)
- And yknow those scenes in movies with people longingly staring at each other in the midst of a conversation?? That was you guys-
- Along with that I feel like Goldi would start to show off just a little bit, yearning for some praise (just a lil tho!)
- In general…with a crush I just see Goldi being a bit of a dork, constantly trying to look cool, but still a dork
- Once someone (*cough cough* The Bears) brought these sudden changes to her attention, Goldi would deny anything going on before returning to her bed.
- Even though it seemed so easy for her to deny it, Goldi ended up not getting a wink of sleep that night, questioning everything as she never thought of being anything but friends with you
- Once she actually gave it thought, it was clear to her…she liked you, a whole lot (not like she'd ever admit it though) but she didn't want to ruin what you guys already had
- After said realization, Goldi became a little more hesitant and avoidant towards you. Trying to block out the crush so everything could be "normal" again
- Despite her trying to be subtle, Goldi's avoidance was very much apparent to you, though whenever you tried to bring up concerns she'd give a random excuse for why she's acting so weird and becoming a bit flakey
- Soon enough you get tired of all the excuses and confront her, leading up to her blurting out her true feelings
- She'd tried to convince you that she said something else right after, in a panic as she was not ready emotionally to be rejected but that instead you hugged her and confess your own feelings, reassuring her that you weren't weirded out in the slightest
- At first Goldi would be in shock, silent as she continuously replays what you just said in her head to make sure you really just said what she thought you said
- Full of excitement she'd hug you back in a practically bone-crushing hold, her fears squandered maybe along with a few of your ribs
Romantic/Dating (x reader)
- I feel like the most Goldi knows about romance is from books. So with this knowledge it's clear she'd be pretty inexperienced!
- Despite all that, Goldi would try to take the lead because she feels more comfortable being in control of situations, even so she fumbles at it so hard at first
- To make up for that inexperience, she'd begrudgingly ask her parents for advice…the embarrassment was worth it to treat you well!
- Now that I think about it…I actually feel like Goldi would like feeling like she's leading things while in reality it's 50/50 (she deserves to be wined and dined like the queen she is!!!)
- Though hesitant at first, she's be more open to being cared for over time, it just takes a while because of her stubbornness
- Her love language would be a mix of gift giving and suprisingly physical affection (I really just love the idea of her stealing stuff for a s/o honestly-)
- She'd definitely spoil her lover rotten yet would get really flustered if they did the same 💞
- I also feel like she'd be a bit clingy but in a very quiet way (always subtly touching you/in your proximity) though if you ever said anything she would kinda stop for awhile out of embarrassment
- Playfighting is a given in the relationship, she loves expressing her love through a bit of aggression- SHE LOVES CUTENESS AGGRESSION SO MUCH (nothing ever too rough though)
- Since I'm having fun with this...I mentioned in my gen. hcs for Goldi that she's a biter so...definitely gives little love bites/nibbles on her partner from time to time in private
- An awkward cuddler at first but becomes very obsessed with it after some time in the relationship (loves having you lay on top her like a weighted blanket, the pressure soothes her)
- Not to keen on PDA will hold hands, give brief cheek/hand kisses, or something else that's subtle but nothing beyond that (it flusters her too much >_<)
- On a last note, she has ungodly hand placement without even knowing- she's so oblivious to the way butterflies erupt in your stomach everytime she caresses your waist just right...and it flusters you so much
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(There will be a part two so dw about the actual dating hcs being short!)
Taglist: @zenmieisaa
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writebackatya · 2 months
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I’d love to see the shenanigans these three would get into as a trio
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yandereducktales · 4 months
Goldie O'Glit Headcanons
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Aww, you think you can change her? That's cute
No matter how much she loves you, gold is always her number one priority
She knows gold will never leave her or abandon her
She has attachment issues and would rather be alone than vulnerable
Though, she really does care for you, but has a hard time genuinely show you
She can flirt a little and play with your heart, though, when she leaves you have a piece of hers too [Without either of you realizing it]
"Hey, good looking. What you doin' all the way out here?"
Teasing and taunting going back and forth between you both
She is protective over you and doesn't realize it until she sees you in danger
^ It really bothers her and she hates how it makes her feel
She tries to push these feelings down and block them out
But every time she sees you, they come back in tenfold
It's why she tends to avoid you, but she could never avoid you for a long time
She's always drawn back to you
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golden-eye-ramblings · 3 months
Sophia Bibilia headcanon next please please
Impromptu Sophina Bibilia Headcanon Dump Part 1
Gif credit to @fallinblossoms
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Sophina Bibilia
Height: 5’6/168cm
Age: 24
Birthdate: April 2nd
Sign: Aries
Gender: Transgender MtF
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Disaster Bisexual
• Oh Sophina is so prim and proper, one who detests vulgarity and only ever enjoys the fine classics of literature and study… WRONG. My girl’s favorite type of literature is the most trashy, schlocky, cheesy and cliche of romantic fiction.
• Although, of course, that’s her dirty little secret, and she INTENDS to keep it a secret. Has a whole hidden alcove somewhere in her personal library that can only be accessed through the most complicated of locking spells. The room itself looks like the most girliest of girl bedrooms you’ve ever seen that have trashy romance novels and manga alike lined across the walls. Diaries included with her own personal fictional works.
• Occasionally she’ll stop by public libraries to do live readings for the children who want to attend.
• Will absolutely go to town on a nice sherbet. Absolutely clean that bowl/cup and do a proper little dab dab of her mouth with a napkin like she didn’t just eat it like a savage.
• Favorite drink is a nice floral tea or dessert wine.
• She’s often found working alongside Tsurara and Renatus the most(the latter much to her dismay), since their roles often cross over into each others territories. With Tsurara’s experiments and research and Renatus’ confiscation of illegal grimoires used to tamper with bodies, she’s often the one who oversees and collects such information.
• She absolutely hates working with Renatus, she cannot STAND him or his crudeness. And he is the only one who is able to get under her skin and break her professional attitude with his impropriety. Renatus thinks it’s funny every time to hear her swear and be contradictory to her reputation.
• In terms of closeness with her coworkers, she is closest with Tsurara, friendly with Agito, Orter and Rayne, neutral with Kaldo and Ryoh, and on negative terms with Renatus.
• Really really really wants to get a cat or similar feline familiar but doesn’t want her bookshelves to get scratched or covered with fur.
• She’s debated on asking Agito what pet he’d recommend for her lifestyle but she’s worried about her reputation if she’s found being “soft.”
• Tried forming a book reading club with the other Divine Visionaries. It went about as well as you’d expect(bad).
• Owns a variety of hair accessories. On holidays she’ll change her headband based on the theme of said holiday.
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visiblyconfusedauthor · 6 months
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Sometimes a good walk or in this case drive in the moonlight is exactly what I need, Goldie agrees.
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bittersweetaucreator · 2 months
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Ask Goldie Anything Headcanons the Toy Gang
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mrspinkloveheart · 4 months
I made this based on @askghostieanything headcanon that Goldie can't control his floating, I also tried a different style for this
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polvsketchbook · 9 months
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*healing my inner child by giving random characters polish citizenship*
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f3r4lfr0gg3r · 9 months
just right [goldilocks general headcanons] 🐻🍯
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(art cred to Zac Retz)
cw; some angst but that's about it :^
author's note; Sorry this took so long! 🙇‍♀️ ty to those who waited
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From what can be seen in the movie, I definitely perceive Goldi as someone who doesn't have much sense of belonging as an orphan and in a family of literal bears and actively searching for a connection with someone she can highly relate with. She's seemed to yearn for normalcy for years and part of me thinks a small part of her is insecure, comparing her life to the stories of what "just right" or "happily ever after" seems to be.
As the perfectionist I interpret her as, it would be reasonable for her to reach out to these conventional standards for families as the right way to do things– in the process ignoring what she had right in front of her. Despite the amount of conventional social norms in fantasy she breaks just being herself, I assumed she clinged onto the family ideal as a way of coping as an orphaned child.
Dreaming of the perfect family, and this feeling of everything being just right all the time…when in reality families aren't truly like at all. I think that's what she learned in the film's ending. But anyways enough analysis of Goldi and her behaviors– onto the headcanons!
- She refuses to let anyone touch her hair but herself and sometimes Mama Bear due to trust issues.
- Continuing on the topic of hair, with the amount of curls on her head it knots up easily. Every night she has to brush out curls that are tangled together.
- She styles her hair primarily out of convenience because her hair gets too wild when it's down and makes it hard to see or do things (part of me thinks her current hairdo is a product of her having too much hair to put into two buns and improvising)
- Very acrobatic as can be seen in the scene of her climbing on the bears
- Many kids were scared of Goldi when she was younger because she tended to get into fights and played rough (always been a biter)
- Goldi just seems like a picky eater to me, very particular about what she eats
- With her need for things to be "just right", Goldi is a definite perfectionist when it comes to many things as I've mentioned above in my analysis
- She has a habit of not asking for help when it's needed (Probably due to her having to become pretty independent from a young age)
- I believe she already had a bit of a criminal record and was a street urchin before meeting the bears, so I bet she's a pro at pickpocketing by now
- Smells like grass and honey with a hint of bear, which is surprisingly comforting
- Has a habit of correcting people when they speak about her interests (totally not projecting )
- Likes messiness but in an organized way if that makes sense-
- A very stubborn person!!!!
- Goldi loves fantasy stories, has a stash of them in her room (her taste changed a bit as she got older though so while I believe she's still a sucker for fairytales, she also likes a good novel on pirate adventures at the moment)
- When playing games she can be both a sore loser and winner 💀
- Let's be honest, Goldi is competitive...to a really high degree. She can make anything into a competition-
- Concerningly good hearing, the type of person who'll hear you whisper something across the room
- Secretly pretty good at drawing, but Goldi never talks about it because she never thinks her drawings are good enough to her ridiculous standards
- idk why but I feel like she'd really like sea shanties and idk why (pirate obsessed goldi???)
- Really protective of the bears, especially Baby– just those older sister instincts ifykyk
- Why do I feel like she'd just be a big fan of apple flavored stuff-
- I get sapphic vibes from her idc what anyone says! (I'm writing gn reader for her but still >:D)
- Along with that I feel like if Goldi truly found someone she thought of as cool she'd try to play it cool but stumble over her words the second they compliment her (gay panic for the winnn)
- Seems like the type to unknowingly ramble about stuff she's passionate about (those people>>>>>)
- Tries her best to hide vulnerability as she's someone who sorta views vulnerability as weakness when it comes to herself
- From their interactions, it's safe to say Goldi's closest to Mama Bear
- Part of me thinks Goldi tried for years to imitate the bears when she was younger, trying to be one of them so they could be somewhat of a "real family"' (But when it wasn't working out the way she hoped, Goldi just began wishing for a human family– maybe even her biological parents)
- Very well read, and knows alot of fun facts despite keeping it to herself
- She's really good at climbing trees and hunting, looking at where the bears live it's safe to assume they live off the land around them
- Never has her hair down around other people (it's embarrassing in her as bc it's so messy)
- A horrible singer but knows it, and loves to sing because of how much it annoys others around her (finds it funny)
- That walking stick she has, I think it may have been a gift from Papa Bear (he just has the vibe of someone who widdles/carves things idk why)
- Goldi definitely tried archery before (kinda gives me Merida from Brave vibes so...yeah)
- Stronger than she looks, I don't care what you say Goldi has some muscle to her
- Forgets her own strength occasionally and accidentally broke a few things because of it
- I feel like she makes her own clothes, they just seem handmade
- Very random, but Goldi does parkour, urban climbing, or both
- Goldi's favorite color is definitely always changing around, one day it's orange and then another day it's purple– just seems like the type of gal to appreciate vibrant colors
- Definitely has loads of random shiny trinkets she's stolen in a box
- As an older sister, I definitely know that Goldi and the family are the only ones allowed to insult Baby, as that's how they show love- if anyone else did it they're asking for a fight
- She's not touchy in a conventional way, instead opting to playful wrestling and things of the such to show physical affection at first (lowkey a softie for hugs in secret tho)
- Not the best at opening herself up, Goldi always seems to be a bit guarded so it definitely takes her quite a while to warm up to people
- Winter is her least favorite season because that's hibernation time, aka the time where she feels the most alone
- Because despite how much of a front she puts up sometimes, she loves her family with her entire heart and is highly affected by the sudden quietness that fills their home
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made by @f3r4lfr0gg3r with the help of @saplingofspunk, go follow her for togachako content! Thanks you bestie for helping me with this <3
Taglist: @zenmieisaa
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writebackatya · 7 months
McDuck Family Members Most Likely to Start Sh*t at Thanksgiving Dinner
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Ah Thanksgiving. The holiday celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November (in America that is), one with food, family, and celebrating what we’re thankful for! (Wanna feel bad? Learn about the holiday’s origins!)
And no family is quite as big as the found family from DuckTales; so arguments are bound to happen at a dinner table filled with so many zany characters with interesting pasts and quirks. Let’s honor those who would throw the first punch at a family dinner, shall we?
Bentina Beakley
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I wanna cut Beakley some slack. She most likely had a long day before dinner even started what with all the preparations she did for dinner. Not just cooking for 20+ family members plus other side/recurring characters but also the cleaning and presentation
But let’s face it. This woman can be so condescending at times. And judgmental. You just know if someone is showing up to dinner wearing jeans and sweater she’d have something to say about it. And she strikes me as someone who would slam the dishes while cleaning them only for someone to say, “Hey Beakley do you need help with the dishes?” and then she’d be like “No. It’s fine. I got them”
But it’s not fine. Go help her with the dishes. She deserves a break
Dewey Duck
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When I was first thinking about this list I originally thought “No way any of the triplets would start anything on Thanksgiving” Huey is a good boy and Louie would definitely take it easy on a day where you’re legally allowed to sit around, be lazy, and eat food. But then I remembered Dewey and how much of a diva he can be
We know Dewey is an entertainer and with everyone coming to dinner, he has a huge “captive” audience that he can perform for. Whether it be an original Thanksgiving song, a one man Dewey show about the first Thanksgiving, a sonnet about a bonnet, or a very special Thanksgiving episode of Dewey Dew-Night; that kid will want all the attention in him. And the very second the spotlight is taken off, oh boy…
Gladstone Gander
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Look at this prick. Don’t you wanna slap his face!?!Anyway I love Gladstone Gander, but he’s the kind of family member that just would go on and on about himself and bring every conversation back to him again and how great his life is
That’s great Gladstone. Happy for you, the rest of us have to pay for our sushi but cool. Glad your good luck is really paying off, jerk
But honestly. It’s his tone. It’s the kind of tone that gives off that he knows he’s starting shit but won’t admit it
Goldie O’Gilt
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I mean, it’s Goldie. What else can I say?
Gandra Dee
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Oh man. There’s so many different ways controversy would start with this morally gray ex-FOWL agent and I’m here for it. Let’s face it, out of all the characters present, Gandra Dee would most likely be the one to bring up the holiday’s horrible origins. If anyone is making it their duty to make a rich white family uncomfortable on Thanksgiving, it’s Gandra Dee
She’d get political and even directly ask Scrooge who exactly he voted for in the past two Presidential elections (he claims to be progressive, but he’s still the richest duck in the world. Just how many tax cuts is this man getting to keep that status?)
Oh and what about the treatment of her overwork and underpaid boyfriend? Why is he still working in the bathroom?
Oddly enough, I can see her and Scrooge bonding over a mutual disdain for Gladstone Gander. What a prick
Kit Cloudkicker
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It’s not that exactly what Kit does that’ll start a fight, but what he doesn’t do.
Kit is the kinda guy that was supposed to bring a dessert but totally forgot to pick something up from the bakery so instead he’s stopping at the gas station on the way to dinner to pick up some Twinkies
Kit is the kinda guy that would “take a walk” before dinner and not do anything to hide the scent and now all the kids are wondering how a skunk got inside
Gyro Gearloose
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It’s Gyro. Something is bound to piss him off at some point
Doofus Drake
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I am so tired of the fandom not including Doofus in this found family (Louie and him made up and are friends now and BOYD is his brother, sorry it’s canon) so he’s here on the list
But he’s still a new addition to this family. And a weirdo and a rich brat with a lot of issues that someone should seriously help him with. He’s gonna make everyone uncomfortable. Is it intentional? Or is he just being Doofus? Who knows
What I do know is this, don’t eat the dish he brought.
Della, Donald, and Scrooge!
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The original three!
These three are responsible for splitting up the family in the first place so it’s no surprise that they’re number one on this list!!
Yes they’ve squashed their beef with one another and moved past the Spear of Selene, but they are still themselves
The ones most likely to start shit over the dumbest things
These three are going to be bickering over who should carve the turkey. And the argument will be so loud and hectic that no one will question why a bunch of birds are eating a turkey
Anyway, hope you enjoyed this list. It wasn’t meant to slander any characters, just did it for fun. Happy Thursday everyone.
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littlemoneytoes · 2 months
What are all the animatronics sexuality/identity?
alrighty :D first sexuality Chica and Dottie: unknow probably either lesbians or straight Freddy, Foxy, Goldie, Bonnie, toy Freddy, and toy Bonnie, Shadow Freddy too: gay just straight up gay that is all I can say for now Pete and toy Chica: bisexual mari and B.B: straight as heck Finn: straight and for Mangle, Agender P.B: asexual now onto personailties :D Freddy and Pete: both strict but have few things in common like being a leader, singing with siblings, and have to be a bit harsh but they do butt heads sometimes and have lovers that will break them up if they fist fight each other introverts but pretend to be extroverts when its showtime Chica: is the most chill chicken in the entire pizzeria that no one is sure if it is just her personaly or if she is on something ( she's not don't worry), as a big sister vibe and will use a southern accent when someone touches her spices or tries to burn down her kitchen ( she is like Tina but has a chill pill) amboverts Dottie and Finn: both are sweethearts and are very cautious but love bugs they don't trust Pete to be around Shadow a lot and will do antthing to make sure their big brother doesn't fall in love with a " bad boy" amboverts toy Chica and B.B: little rays of sunshines that are full of energy and love to make new friends animatronics and humans alike, also loves to give Mike a bit of a jumpscare whenever they feel like it, extroverts toy Bonnie: has a punk like attitude and will call anything lame except toy Freddy, extrovert toy Freddy: the scaedy cat and shy bean of the toy group, likes to follows rules for everyone's safety and tries to get along with both Goldie and Freddy and try to find things common with them but he just a shy and introverted bear but loves to spend time with toy Bonnie mangle: is very quiet but like chica they are also very chill with anyone as long as you don't do anything stupid or attack their friends then it will get ugly fast, introvert Foxy: loves kids and wants kids of his own ( but don't have the right parts to do so), is always loyal to Freddy and is a huge snuggle bug softie behind that big scary tough pirate act he does during the day and is very good at telling stories and keeping kids active when they have too much ants in their pants ( thanks to all the sugar parents don't bother to keep their kids away from =^=) extrovert Bonnie and Goldie: introverts and love to snuggle each other, Goldie is a very mischief bear and Bonnie is kind of the voice of reason for him, they love to prank others and sometimes each other ( as long it is not being taken too far) Shadow Freddy: introvert, is a manic, is very possive over Pete, and will kill anyone that tries to steal his " soulmate" and he has tried time and time again to try to go aftrer Pete's ex but Pete always seems to know what he is thinking, and hates his swap self a lot and doesn't like him touching Pete P.B aka swap shadow Freddy: ambrovert, worry papa bear, cares about others, is kind and gentle, is a good story teller, is bigger then his orginal self, but shorter then Chica, wears modest clothes, is like a healer but with food and snuggles, is a very good father figure to those of the fatherless or fathers that are absents from their children's lives, is an amazing cook, and he is just a big old love bug and doesn't smoke, and is his orginal self's voice of reason sometimes and tries to get him out of his comfort zone to try new things ( he does it one step at a time of course)
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bittersweetaucreator · 2 months
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Ask Goldie Headcanons Main 5
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jaladwolf · 4 months
Featherary Day 23 + 24: Laughter and Sounds
Not gonna do art or fanfics, but I do have a few headcanons for some of the characters.
Goldie’s childlike cackles definitely give his ler butterflies.
Freddy’s chuckles, oh my god- ASDFGHJKL
You cannot tell me that Toy Freddy isn’t a squealer
Finn’s nervous giggling is just… *sigh*
Dottie’s laughter alone is enough to make someone’s day better…
Every time Pete’s hips are targeted, he will let the most “embarrassing” and “childish” sounds imaginable. Prove me wrong.
I remember saying in a previous post that if you able to get him right, you can get Finn to howl.
Well I wanna add a little… something to that headcanon.
So… if you were to tease him for long enough, he’d actually start giggly whining which is a sign that he wants you to tickle him.
Also found out from a post done by one of my mutuals about bears purring?! (thanks for the new headcanon idea @project-isles!)
Just imagine you gently petting Goldie or Freddy’s ears after an intense tickle session and they start purring like a damn cat!
Like seriously, that would be so cute!
Okay that’s everything I can think of at the moment. Hope y’all like these… (Also it’s like… 9 PM right now and I am kinda tired at the moment so… yay!)
Prompt list here!
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averageartistamber · 5 months
Salmonid Servings, Entry 1
Okay, this is gonna be the "Salmonid Saturday/Sunday" thing I was joking about. I might not upload one of these every week, but it''s just something to do between project updates.
NOTE-Most of the contents of these posts are my personal head-canons and fan speculation. Of course, if Nintendo releases canon lore that contradicts anything I say here, my stuff will probably be disregarded. I’m not a super hardcore Splatoon lore expert, so there might be things I’ve missed (or I’m going off an inaccurate translation/odd localisation choice).
For the first Salmonid Serving, I’ll start with something simple(ish):
What’s the deal with Goldies?
There’s notably different from every other Salmonid type.
Goldies are a medium sized (by Salmonid standards, they tower over Inklings) variety that, like the name suggests, have golden scales with a shiny texture. They uniquely wear togas and jewellery, kinda giving the impression that they’re wealthy or important (the concept art shows one sitting on top of a Greek style pillar, which might be where the developers got the inspiration).
Goldies don’t have fin “hair”, but a “mane” made of scales that it looks like they can puff or flare (during the attacking animation I think you can see this). This calls to mind Cockatoos, which do a similar thing with their crests to communicate.
They’ve also got little barbels on their chins (which I think is unique to them) which in real fish help them find food in water where visibility is low (which looking at the ocean on the Salmon Run stages, checks out). On a more amusing note, they also seem to be the only Salmonid that has visible fingers.
Canon states that 1 in 10,000 Smallfries grow into Goldies (Though from just playing the game mode you can encounter them pretty frequently in decent numbers). Canon also stated that they’re longer lived and generally more intelligent than your average guy.
Okay, so real salmon live for about 5 to 8 years, so maybe we could translate your average Salmonid having a live span of about 50-80 years? (I think two of Omega 3’s members are about 40 and 50?). Goldies might live to somewhere around the 150 mark?
As for the point about intelligence, it’s possible that in Salmonid communities Goldies tend to be the default authority figures. There might be a small group of older Goldies that like, make decisions about how the place should be run and stuff.
I could see another role for Goldies being carers, attendants and servants of King Salmonids. They’d do stuff ranging from tending to injuries to acting as secretaries and envoys. (Might go more into this if I do and entry on Salmonid communities and King Salmonids).
I like to think Golden Eggs are specifically laid by Goldies, which is a large part of what makes them so valuable. Golden Eggs might have a few other interesting properties, that I’ll cover later.
Okay, the one last thing I want to address about Goldies is that, according to the “Find the Goldie” night wave, they can shrink. I’m not even gonna try to find an explanation for that one. Kinda makes me wonder if they eventually return to normal size or whether they stuck like that.
Feel free to comment or ask for future topics, if ya want.
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jcorvins · 11 months
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❀ mc instagram edits - natalie theron from the fernweh saga (@lacunafiction) ❀
romancing: james corvin (childhood crush/first kiss)
past affinity: writing
primary ability: retrocognition
highest stat: sincerity
clothing style: lace
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writebackatya · 6 months
Do you think Goldie ever got jealous of Scrooge’s relationship with Santa?
Like im sure she might’ve known about Scrooge’s relationship with Santa and the fallout they had
I’m sure she knew about the traps and was probably like “You’re gonna have to put up something far more clever if you want to prevent me from breaking in here”
And then he’d be like “I’m not gonna set up any traps for you”
“…The fuck?! I thought we had something special here!?”
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