#goldilocks headcanons
f3r4lfr0gg3r · 9 months
just right [goldilocks general headcanons] 🐻🍯
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(art cred to Zac Retz)
cw; some angst but that's about it :^
author's note; Sorry this took so long! 🙇‍♀️ ty to those who waited
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From what can be seen in the movie, I definitely perceive Goldi as someone who doesn't have much sense of belonging as an orphan and in a family of literal bears and actively searching for a connection with someone she can highly relate with. She's seemed to yearn for normalcy for years and part of me thinks a small part of her is insecure, comparing her life to the stories of what "just right" or "happily ever after" seems to be.
As the perfectionist I interpret her as, it would be reasonable for her to reach out to these conventional standards for families as the right way to do things– in the process ignoring what she had right in front of her. Despite the amount of conventional social norms in fantasy she breaks just being herself, I assumed she clinged onto the family ideal as a way of coping as an orphaned child.
Dreaming of the perfect family, and this feeling of everything being just right all the time…when in reality families aren't truly like at all. I think that's what she learned in the film's ending. But anyways enough analysis of Goldi and her behaviors– onto the headcanons!
- She refuses to let anyone touch her hair but herself and sometimes Mama Bear due to trust issues.
- Continuing on the topic of hair, with the amount of curls on her head it knots up easily. Every night she has to brush out curls that are tangled together.
- She styles her hair primarily out of convenience because her hair gets too wild when it's down and makes it hard to see or do things (part of me thinks her current hairdo is a product of her having too much hair to put into two buns and improvising)
- Very acrobatic as can be seen in the scene of her climbing on the bears
- Many kids were scared of Goldi when she was younger because she tended to get into fights and played rough (always been a biter)
- Goldi just seems like a picky eater to me, very particular about what she eats
- With her need for things to be "just right", Goldi is a definite perfectionist when it comes to many things as I've mentioned above in my analysis
- She has a habit of not asking for help when it's needed (Probably due to her having to become pretty independent from a young age)
- I believe she already had a bit of a criminal record and was a street urchin before meeting the bears, so I bet she's a pro at pickpocketing by now
- Smells like grass and honey with a hint of bear, which is surprisingly comforting
- Has a habit of correcting people when they speak about her interests (totally not projecting )
- Likes messiness but in an organized way if that makes sense-
- A very stubborn person!!!!
- Goldi loves fantasy stories, has a stash of them in her room (her taste changed a bit as she got older though so while I believe she's still a sucker for fairytales, she also likes a good novel on pirate adventures at the moment)
- When playing games she can be both a sore loser and winner 💀
- Let's be honest, Goldi is competitive...to a really high degree. She can make anything into a competition-
- Concerningly good hearing, the type of person who'll hear you whisper something across the room
- Secretly pretty good at drawing, but Goldi never talks about it because she never thinks her drawings are good enough to her ridiculous standards
- idk why but I feel like she'd really like sea shanties and idk why (pirate obsessed goldi???)
- Really protective of the bears, especially Baby– just those older sister instincts ifykyk
- Why do I feel like she'd just be a big fan of apple flavored stuff-
- I get sapphic vibes from her idc what anyone says! (I'm writing gn reader for her but still >:D)
- Along with that I feel like if Goldi truly found someone she thought of as cool she'd try to play it cool but stumble over her words the second they compliment her (gay panic for the winnn)
- Seems like the type to unknowingly ramble about stuff she's passionate about (those people>>>>>)
- Tries her best to hide vulnerability as she's someone who sorta views vulnerability as weakness when it comes to herself
- From their interactions, it's safe to say Goldi's closest to Mama Bear
- Part of me thinks Goldi tried for years to imitate the bears when she was younger, trying to be one of them so they could be somewhat of a "real family"' (But when it wasn't working out the way she hoped, Goldi just began wishing for a human family– maybe even her biological parents)
- Very well read, and knows alot of fun facts despite keeping it to herself
- She's really good at climbing trees and hunting, looking at where the bears live it's safe to assume they live off the land around them
- Never has her hair down around other people (it's embarrassing in her as bc it's so messy)
- A horrible singer but knows it, and loves to sing because of how much it annoys others around her (finds it funny)
- That walking stick she has, I think it may have been a gift from Papa Bear (he just has the vibe of someone who widdles/carves things idk why)
- Goldi definitely tried archery before (kinda gives me Merida from Brave vibes so...yeah)
- Stronger than she looks, I don't care what you say Goldi has some muscle to her
- Forgets her own strength occasionally and accidentally broke a few things because of it
- I feel like she makes her own clothes, they just seem handmade
- Very random, but Goldi does parkour, urban climbing, or both
- Goldi's favorite color is definitely always changing around, one day it's orange and then another day it's purple– just seems like the type of gal to appreciate vibrant colors
- Definitely has loads of random shiny trinkets she's stolen in a box
- As an older sister, I definitely know that Goldi and the family are the only ones allowed to insult Baby, as that's how they show love- if anyone else did it they're asking for a fight
- She's not touchy in a conventional way, instead opting to playful wrestling and things of the such to show physical affection at first (lowkey a softie for hugs in secret tho)
- Not the best at opening herself up, Goldi always seems to be a bit guarded so it definitely takes her quite a while to warm up to people
- Winter is her least favorite season because that's hibernation time, aka the time where she feels the most alone
- Because despite how much of a front she puts up sometimes, she loves her family with her entire heart and is highly affected by the sudden quietness that fills their home
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made by @f3r4lfr0gg3r with the help of @saplingofspunk, go follow her for togachako content! Thanks you bestie for helping me with this <3
Taglist: @zenmieisaa
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ckret2 · 10 months
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Obsessively studying your recently-resurrected arch-nemesis isn't, like, any kind of mental health red flag, is it? Like that's probably fine right?
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krillford · 2 months
STEP RIGHT UP We've got miscellaneous Goldies and Fords right 'ere!
And what's this??? watch a drawerist slowly get the hang of the artstyle again!
MS Paint? YA GOT IT!
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Blushing Bills? YA GOT IT!
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A blushing Ford???? ....YA GOT IT!
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Trash Talk Session with Bill's Exes? YA GOT IT!
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And many more! (Microwave not included)
(trans. "motherfucker whatchu say?")
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Goldie Bill is from @ckret2's fic that shall not be named!!
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polvsketchbook · 9 months
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*healing my inner child by giving random characters polish citizenship*
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enchantzzz · 6 months
Ever After High New Generation
The Mean princess
Apple White™
Helga Crumb™
Blondie Lockes™
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keepingeahalive · 11 months
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Vote for Goldilocks
Mother of two, running for re-election. Ready to make your life “Just Right”.
Mother of Blondie Lockes.
[ID: A full hand-drawn campaign poster of Goldilocks.
Goldilocks is a middle-aged white woman with beige skin; long, voluminous, curly blonde hair pulled back with a red-violet hair band and a single greying streak; blue eyes; and pink lipstick. She is wearing a red-violet pantsuit with a bear-shaped button; a yellow undershirt; a gold ribbon necklace; pearl earrings; gold high heels; and a red, white, and blue sash with the word “MAYOR” printed in blue.
Goldilocks winks at the viewer, one hand on her hip and the other giving a thumbs-up. Her campaign slogan reading “GO 4 GOLD” is plastered above her, with the phrase “Vote for Goldilocks” printed below her. END ID]
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your-fav-is-a-therian · 9 months
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Goldilocks from Puss In Boots: The Last Wish is a Bear Therian!
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vampiro-patagonico · 1 year
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su deseo era ganar la copa como el de todes los demás 
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thegamingmonk · 1 year
Goldilocks (Puss in Boots) x Little Red Riding Hood Headcanons
I am cringe, but I am free. Have to remember that! Yeah I made a Puss in Boots oc, yes it’s Little Red Riding Hood, yes I ship her with Goldilocks. I hopped on the Goldilocks x oc ship. I find them cute though! 
Tags: Canon x oc, fluff, crime, physical affection, family dynamic, kissing, couple stuff.
Warnings: Crimes, otherwise none!
Notes: For reference - Little Red Riding Hood here owns a shop stand called "The Mystery Basket" where she sells general items, trinkets and "then some" for customers all alike, including criminals. My voice claim for her is Tessa Thompson (or Keke Palmer, I can’t decide).
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They met when the Bear Crime Family needed information on their next big hit; Red was their information broker.
Red was busy haggling with a customer when the family needed her. Just 200 gold for this once-in-a-lifetime item? A bottle with an actual fairy doesn't come cheap or easy!
Little to say, Red was not surprised to get a visit from the family.
In fact, she was excited for the moment. The family is notorious, which means they have good money; and a cute daughter.
Not Goldilocks' proudest moment when she admits, this red hood girl was actually very pretty-
Goldilocks kind of fell a bit hard at first sight, which she covers up with playful flirting. Luckily for her, Red is all for playful bantering, so there was a lot of back and forth between them.
Red grows fond of the Bear family and their antics; she considers them her best customers, especially with their business trade regarding their pie business.
Red would only see Goldilocks when the family came for information until Goldilocks started coming to see her just for "other things".
"Oh, what other things pray tell?" "Who knows, that beautiful smile of yours may be one of em."
It's a mutual down-badness: Red likes Goldilocks' straightforwardness and voice, while Goldilocks likes Red's smile and snarkiness.
Goldi only tells Mama and Papa bear as Baby would never let her down for it; unfortunately, he connects the dots faster than she'd expect anyways.
Mama and Papa are excited for Goldilocks, but of course as parents do, overprotectiveness will happen.
Despite Goldi's forwardness and Red's openness, neither asks each other out for a while. Instead the gap is filled with longing gazes and playful flirting.
Eventually it takes Baby getting annoyed enough to bother Goldi about it that Goldilocks decides to take the shot.
Goldilocks ask Papa and Mama for all the advice she can, but while they insist that Goldi is perfectly fine just asking Red, Goldilocks wants to make sure the confession is just right.
Red is the one who officially asks Goldilocks out though. Mostly because the suave Goldilocks is a bumbling mess in love and couldn't get the question out without stuttering. So much for that!
First date was a picnic that got crashed by Baby; needless to say, Red found it hilarious and Goldilocks nearly caught a case.
Goldilocks is BIG on affection - a bear full of love.
Anytime she can have Red in her arms, best believe she will. She’s a cuddle bug.
Red’s thing is firmly attaching lips to Goldilock’s face.
Her favorite thing to do is kiss Goldi on the cheek unprompted, it catches the bear child off guard so badly and makes her bluescreen.
Absolutely NO ONE is allowed to touch Red's hood except for her mother and grandmother, but she started making exceptions for Goldi.
Especially considering her girlfriend looked really good in her hood.
Red calls Goldi "Sugarpie" and it makes the bear child MELT every time.
Whenever the Bear crime family goes out on a gig, Red has the strangest feeling she should go over to their cottage and see if they need help with any wounds.
Newsflash: she's right.
The family appreciates her for it and Goldi falls in love all over again.
They wear each other's shirts. No elaboration.
Red insists on helping Goldilocks brush her hair after a mishap that ended up with leaves and branches stuck in her buns.
Goldilocks doesn't brush her hair often nor lets anyone else (maybe Mama), but she'd humor Red this time. It took a bit but Red got to the rhythm of brushing the gold hair.
"Babe. B-Babe. Ba- Ah! Too hard!" "Sorry sorry!! So many tangles you have…"
"... Love, that's too soft. You're goin' to have to brush harder than that." "Ah, heard! So much hair you have…"
"There we go, now that is just right." "Hmm… What soft, pretty hair you have…” "What?" "What."
Their cuddle sessions last for much longer than they should, but what can they say? They’re attached to one another.
Anytime Red steals something to sell at her shop, she always asks herself “But would Goldi like it instead?” She’d rob a whole castle for her girlfriend.
Sometimes Red will just stare at Goldi with the biggest heart eyes and swoon over her.
“What big, beautiful blue eyes you have... What pretty, golden hair you have... What soft, plush lips you have...” “Are you goin’ to shut up and kiss me or what?” “Wow, way to ruin atmosphere, sugarpie.”
Ah, the wonders of young, fairytale love~
This is the first time I write a canon character in a mostly not shit-posting way so hopefully this goes well? Hope y’all enjoy my mess! I love these two goobers and maybe will finish the story I’m writing of them! Likes and Retweets are always welcomed (and very appreciated~) and that’s all for now!
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scionshtola · 7 days
i really wish i knew what shtola was going to be doing at the beginning of dawntrail. or like any of dawntrail.
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f3r4lfr0gg3r · 7 months
just right 🐻🍯 [goldi crush/dating headcanons]
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Art Cred: Zac Retz
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I use my phone to write and it's been acting up lately 🥲. Ty for waiting so patiently and I hope you guys can understand!
CW: nothing but fluff and a tiny bit of angst in the beginning??? That's about it!
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romantic/crush (x reader);
- With how guarded and abrasive Goldi can be, in my opinion it would take awhile for her to be attracted to someone romantically (I hc her as demi lowkey). So it would definitely have to be something of a friends to lovers situation, and even then Goldi wouldn't pick up on why she felt so..weird around you. Which is funny because it seemed like everyone else knew but her.
- At first she didn't question why she began to feel so nervous but giddy when you came around, opting to ignore the fuzzy feeling as it continued to grow
- She began to notice little things about you that she never did before, like your small pouts whenever she'd jokingly teased you or the way you'd hum a small tune while trying to stay focused
-"Though Goldi didn't care much for appearance before, she started tidying her hair up a bit and making sure she looked clean if she knew you guys were going to meet up– becoming more conscious of how you saw her
- Touches became more lingering and happened more often (I don't see her as such a touchy friend outside of noogies, playful punches, nudges, etc so it would be totally noticeable)
- And yknow those scenes in movies with people longingly staring at each other in the midst of a conversation?? That was you guys-
- Along with that I feel like Goldi would start to show off just a little bit, yearning for some praise (just a lil tho!)
- In general…with a crush I just see Goldi being a bit of a dork, constantly trying to look cool, but still a dork
- Once someone (*cough cough* The Bears) brought these sudden changes to her attention, Goldi would deny anything going on before returning to her bed.
- Even though it seemed so easy for her to deny it, Goldi ended up not getting a wink of sleep that night, questioning everything as she never thought of being anything but friends with you
- Once she actually gave it thought, it was clear to her…she liked you, a whole lot (not like she'd ever admit it though) but she didn't want to ruin what you guys already had
- After said realization, Goldi became a little more hesitant and avoidant towards you. Trying to block out the crush so everything could be "normal" again
- Despite her trying to be subtle, Goldi's avoidance was very much apparent to you, though whenever you tried to bring up concerns she'd give a random excuse for why she's acting so weird and becoming a bit flakey
- Soon enough you get tired of all the excuses and confront her, leading up to her blurting out her true feelings
- She'd tried to convince you that she said something else right after, in a panic as she was not ready emotionally to be rejected but that instead you hugged her and confess your own feelings, reassuring her that you weren't weirded out in the slightest
- At first Goldi would be in shock, silent as she continuously replays what you just said in her head to make sure you really just said what she thought you said
- Full of excitement she'd hug you back in a practically bone-crushing hold, her fears squandered maybe along with a few of your ribs
Romantic/Dating (x reader)
- I feel like the most Goldi knows about romance is from books. So with this knowledge it's clear she'd be pretty inexperienced!
- Despite all that, Goldi would try to take the lead because she feels more comfortable being in control of situations, even so she fumbles at it so hard at first
- To make up for that inexperience, she'd begrudgingly ask her parents for advice…the embarrassment was worth it to treat you well!
- Now that I think about it…I actually feel like Goldi would like feeling like she's leading things while in reality it's 50/50 (she deserves to be wined and dined like the queen she is!!!)
- Though hesitant at first, she's be more open to being cared for over time, it just takes a while because of her stubbornness
- Her love language would be a mix of gift giving and suprisingly physical affection (I really just love the idea of her stealing stuff for a s/o honestly-)
- She'd definitely spoil her lover rotten yet would get really flustered if they did the same 💞
- I also feel like she'd be a bit clingy but in a very quiet way (always subtly touching you/in your proximity) though if you ever said anything she would kinda stop for awhile out of embarrassment
- Playfighting is a given in the relationship, she loves expressing her love through a bit of aggression- SHE LOVES CUTENESS AGGRESSION SO MUCH (nothing ever too rough though)
- Since I'm having fun with this...I mentioned in my gen. hcs for Goldi that she's a biter so...definitely gives little love bites/nibbles on her partner from time to time in private
- An awkward cuddler at first but becomes very obsessed with it after some time in the relationship (loves having you lay on top her like a weighted blanket, the pressure soothes her)
- Not to keen on PDA will hold hands, give brief cheek/hand kisses, or something else that's subtle but nothing beyond that (it flusters her too much >_<)
- On a last note, she has ungodly hand placement without even knowing- she's so oblivious to the way butterflies erupt in your stomach everytime she caresses your waist just right...and it flusters you so much
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(There will be a part two so dw about the actual dating hcs being short!)
Taglist: @zenmieisaa
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ckret2 · 6 months
Did bill decide immediately on a top hat and bowtie, or did he go through a selection of other styles?
I headcanon that Bill doesn't wear a top hat and bow tie.
In the second dimension, having an eye in the middle of the body would be useless because you wouldn't be able to see through your body to view the outside world. He must have originally had his eye on a corner of his body.
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That doesn't look like wearing a hat. That looks like peering through a telescope.
Bill's got an entire reputation built up around being the All-Seeing Eye. But there's canon evidence that his vision might not be terrific. (The way he squints to read the safe code to Gideon, and the fact that he didn't recognize the Stan & Ford swap—although I consider the second one weak evidence, neither Dipper & Mabel nor most of the audience noticed either.)
Makes sense for the all-seeing eye to carry around a tool to help him see better and farther. For people who recognize what it is (the few survivors from his dimension, mainly), permanently incorporating a telescope into his anatomy adds to his "I see everything" symbolism.
Since he no longer has a corner eye, if he wants to actually use the telescope, he just, pulls it down in front of his eye and peers into it.
And I've said that I think his bow tie is to keep his exoskeleton on.
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(There should be internal organs in there but I didn't wanna draw them.)
He started accessorizing with a telescope when he realized that out in the third dimension it would be helpful to carry one at all times, since he used it a lot. And he added the straps when he started wearing an exoskeleton. Since both of these aren't fashion accessories, but functional tools he needs for practical reasons, he's never experimented with different fashions.
(I mean, maybe he's tried out a red telescope or maybe he's tried switching the tie-on straps for Velcro straps—but he's always had a telescope and something to tie on his exoskeleton; not, say, a fedora and a wristwatch.)
We know from the show's historical art of Bill that he'd been wearing his top hat and bow tie for millennia (at minimum) before those accessories existed, so he certainly didn't put them on for our benefit. But I think he leans into the fact that humans perceive them that way. It's a lucky/cute coincidence. If a human references his top hat & bow tie, he won't correct them and will use the same terms.
Occasionally during Weirdmageddon we see pictures of him without his usual "hat"; I think that's equivalent to taking off your glasses to more accurately cosplay a character. He's just in costume.
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velvet4510 · 3 months
I think it’s so fun to imagine what Sam and Rosie’s children were like.
We know a lot about Elanor. We know Goldilocks married Faramir Took. We know Frodo, as the eldest son, inherited Bag End. But the rest is really up to us.
Sam definitely taught them all to read and write, in Westron and maybe even in Sindarin too. And they all grew up with the stories from the Red Book.
Talk to me in the notes! What are YOUR personal headcanons about the Gardner children???
I’ll list my own headcanons of their occupations:
Elanor was a poet who wrote in both Westron and Sindarin, as well as a historian on the cultures of all the Free peoples but especially Elves; she also became fluent in Sindarin.
Frodo was elected Mayor after Sam retired and was just as talented a gardener as his dad.
Rose was an artist whose paintings were hung around Bag End, given away as mathoms, and sold as gifts; she also was dedicated to finding the Entwives, and one day, on a stroll through the woods with her future husband, she finally found one.
Merry took over the mills formerly owned by the Sandymans.
Pippin became a carpenter.
Goldilocks was a homebody as the Thain’s wife, and a passionate cook who always helped the servants in the kitchen.
Hamfast worked in forestry because he was so inspired by the tale of the Ents. He co-founded a business with Rose’s husband.
Daisy was a talented minstrel, always composing and singing her own tunes.
Primrose was a tomboy and became a roper alongside her husband.
Bilbo worked for the Quick Post and also owned a bakery with his wife.
Ruby was a midwife.
Robin was a Shirriff like his namesake.
Tom was a merchant, constantly traveling between Gondor and the Shire.
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toweroftickles · 11 months
haaaaiii :> not a request or obligation, but do u have any tickle thoughts for puss in boots 2?
if not its ok :>> bai!
Hi! So sorry for the late response, I'm very bad about answering asks like this. It always just gets away from me.
This is one that I didn't see a ton of content potential...the only thoughts I had were that Goldi is definitely more ticklish than she lets on. Possibly stemming from her cute punk design, possibly from Florence Pugh's unabashed real-life ler energy. She tickles/mentions tickling her costars a surprising amount of times, and her laugh is adorable. It's impossible not to draw connotations. lmao
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Look at that smug-ass face. XD That's a face that says "I hate being tickled. Try it and you lose your snout."
When she was little, Mama Bear used to try cheering her up by tickling with those long claws. Goldi loved it, years ago, but as she got older and more self-serious, the more sour she became on the subject.
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little-fan-stories · 1 year
Goldilocks younger sister headcanons
A writing request from @lady-mandalorian-fett
What if you were Goldilocks younger sister? 
Warning : Puss in Boots The last wish spoilers
You're not her biological sister, but you were in the same orphanage
She was a lonely girl until she met you
You were admiring her and kept trying to follow her around but she just wanted to stay alone
One day other kids started picking on you
She stood up to them and scared them away for you
Since that day you two are inseparable
So of course when she run away from the orphanage she asked you to come with her
You two are now really close
One of your favorite activities is to bother and prank baby together
You've already tried to team up with Baby to prank Goldi but it ended really bad for you
You've promised yourself to never be against her again she is a terrible "adversery" 
You tease each other a lot
Your little "fights" always end up sticking up your tongues at each other
Beside she's really caring with you
Like if Baby try to tease you too much she’ll take your defense
Nobody is allowed to annoy you...except her of course
When she wanted to use the Wishing Star to have a normal family, it was especially for you (tho you never really said that was what you wanted)
She wanted everything to be just right for the two of you
When she told everyone her wish you told her that it wasn't what you wanted
You're just fine being with your big sister and your weird funny family
Not very long but i really wanted to give it a try. Hope you enjoyed it, also i’ll post something else with this “Goldilocks little sister” idea.
Sorry for not posting a lot this week, i have a lot going on at school for now
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volensnolenss · 1 year
Husband headcanons 𝄖 Nanami Kento
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- ˏˋWARNINGS: Fluff
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— He's the most understanding and gentle person you've ever met. Every time you have problems or something bothers you, Nanami feels it and knows how to calm you down: he will come up to you and hug you, stroking your back soothingly or give free rein to your emotions so that you cry;
— Your favorite activity is taking pictures of your sleeping husband and while you are at work, you send him a photo of him hugging a pillow tightly:
"Good morning, Goldilocks"
— He can't just sit at the table while you cook. Kento always comes up behind you and starts helping you;
— Nanami is so clingy in the morning. Every time you try to get up earlier, his hand instantly grabs you by the waist and does not allow you to move on;
— In fact, Kento will never tell you that he wants children. He wants you to be ready for this in the first place. It's not in his nature to force you or make strange hints. For him, your desire comes first;
— Only you can calm his anger after a hard day. When Kento is sitting in his office and cannot sort out the documents in any way, you go to him and slowly massage his shoulders with your thin fingers, which makes him sigh contentedly, touching his hand to you;
— When you fall asleep on the couch very tired, then after waking up you find yourself on the bed. Well, will your husband let you sleep there?
— Nanami always makes sure that there is not a speck of dust or a hanging thread on your clothes. He pays much attention to details;
— Nothing ever ends in your house: all kinds of shampoos, shower gels, groceries, etc. — he buys it all on time;
— It is also worth noting that everything is neat in yours and almost every shelf glitters. Seriously, cleaning with him is a great pleasure;
— I wish everyone a husband like Nanami!
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