#goldielocks and the three bears
ferhog · 1 year
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ibrithir-was-here · 1 year
You know how sometimes you wake up from sleep with some random phrase from the dream still in your head? Well this is the one that was in mine, to be sung to the tune of the chorus of "It's Raining Men", but with a little extra lead in to it:
🎶Bababababa Baba Yaga! Say your prayers boy its Ba-ba Ya-ga, biyah! 🎶
(The "biyah" part meant nothing in the dream it was just a little trill at the end like "hi-yah" I hope it doesnt mean anything untword in any other language 😅)
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princess-ibri · 1 year
I don't know if someone else already asked you this, but if you made an animated Goldilocks and the Three Bears film, how would you interpret it?
Sorry to make you wait with not much to show for it :( I tried to come up with an interesting interpretation but I honestly couldn’t figure out a way to stretch out the story in a way I thought would make a compelling film 😞 But I have been really low energy these last couple weeks so maybe in the future I’ll be able to think of something?
But I did want to do something for this ask so here’s my design for a Disney Goldielocks, based on the three cartoon versions they’ve done so far, one from a DisneyLand Records album, one from the 7D cartoon on Disney XD and one from the Disney JR show Goldie and the Bear
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I hope you like it!
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yandere-writer-momo · 10 months
A Yandere goldielocks for the fairy tail AU would be so good I just don’t know who would be the 3 bears 😩
There is only two trios I can think of….
Reader as Goldilocks
Atsushi Suedou, Kiyosumi Katou, and Orochi Katsumi as the three bears
Yujiro Hanma, Jack Hanma, and Baki Hanma
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monster-cock69 · 2 years
little angel
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Moodboard made by me and AO3 link here
Pairings: Peter Parker x Tony Stark
Pairings: Tony Stark x Peter Parker
Tags: Omegaverse, age play
Warnings: Underaged sex
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Peter was laying on his stomach on a lounge chair, a tablet playing a YouTube video, a juice box in one hand, and his plate of dinosaur chicken nuggets within arm’s reach. 
Tony had taken his not-so-subtle requests seriously, and there was a ginormous playset and pool in the backyard. After the alpha had to go back to work, he spent most of his time there. 
Clint –an assassin turned babysitter – was sitting on the chair next to him. They were both in their swimsuits, and Clint was already done with his chicken nuggets. Tony had introduced them a little over a week ago, and the beta sub was just as content to let Peter dictate their activities as Tony was. 
He hadn’t met a beta sub before since most presented late or were neutrals, but Clint was pretty cool. He always pushed him on the swing when he asked and made a good Marco Polo partner. 
Peter chose to look past Clint’s lack of enthusiasm for legos. 
He finished the last of the chicken nuggets and moved to get back into the pool. 
Clint stopped him by throwing an empty juice box at him, not bothering to remind him that Tony wanted him to wait half an hour. 
He’d only gotten a stomach ache once but–
“I know, I know, risk my ass, not yours.” 
It had become Clint’s motto whenever Peter wanted to break one of Tony’s few rules. He hadn’t gotten caught doing anything yet and didn’t intend to. 
For how demanding Tony could be, he was extremely lax with Peter – he even let him masturbate without asking first. 
“Can we go down the slide instead?” He asked casually, not bothering to plead. Clint never really cared when he pleaded or pouted.
He nodded, and Peter walked toward the playset. Since it was easily visible from where he was laying, Clint didn’t follow him. 
Playing by himself was a bit boring, but going down the slide and on the swings was always fun for him. 
A soft alarm on Clint’s phone told him when he could go back into the pool, and he let the beta continue dozing on the chair while he went back into the water. 
His schedule with Tony wasn’t much different than it was at the facility. On the days that Tony had to go to work – which wasn’t too often – Clint would come by and stay with him for a few hours. They’d go outside, Clint would pretend to be interested in whatever game he wanted to play, and Tony would be back before dinner. 
If Tony were home they’d spend most of their time building the Millenium Falcon or fucking. After doing the latter, they liked to take a moment and observe the hickeys they’d left on each other. So far Peter liked to think he was winning. 
It was a simple existence, but one that he loved.  
He wound up falling asleep on his spaceship bed after his shower. 
Tony woke him with a soft, “Hey Pete,” and lifted him up gently, “I want you to meet some friends of mine.” 
Two men that he hadn’t met before were standing in the living room, both in pristine suits the same way Tony was. Sitting on the couch was Clint, who look like he’d also just woken up. 
“Goldielocks is Steve, and the bear is Bucky. You’re gonna come back tomorrow with them after you sit through my meeting with me.” Tony ran a hand up and down his back, dragging Peter back down into a light doze. 
He huffed into Tony’s neck, eyeing the two strange men. They both looked like stereotypical alpha doms, so he didn’t know why Tony would have them watch him. 
“If you guys wanna stay for dinner, I’m sure Kate made more than enough.” Thankfully the other three declined. Peter wouldn’t have minded Clint staying, but he was hoping to convince Tony to fuck him. 
When they’d left, he started pressing gentle kisses to Tony’s neck. He was still half asleep but the alpha’s scent made him feel warm and fuzzy in the best way. 
“If you’re this worked up from just my scent, I’ll have to get you a plug for tomorrow’s meeting.” The hand that had been rubbing his back started to play with the waistband of his underwear, under the oversized shirt he’d borrowed from the alpha.
“Don’t you want to go?” He asked when he didn’t get an answer. It was true, Peter had asked to go to work with him in some form after realizing most of Tony’s job was to hold meetings. Being a mob boss sounded boring somehow and he wanted to see how it worked. 
“But I’ll be good,” he argued uselessly. Peter had come to realize that there wasn’t much use in arguing with Tony once his mind was made up. Plus, he kinda liked pussy plugs. The ones he’s used in the past were short dildos with knots that stood locked inside him until they were pulled out. Most times, Dr. Phil used them to keep a medication inside him but Peter guessed it’d be used to keep Tony’s cum in. 
He just didn’t like the idea that Tony only wanted him to have it so he wouldn’t act out. 
“You’re always good. I just don’t want to have to fuck you in front of my men and you always get so wet when you sit in my lap.” 
Peter stared, unconvinced until Tony tacked on, “And you can give me a few hickeys if you keep quiet.” 
“Fine,” he conceded with an annoyed huff, going back to pressing kisses on the alpha’s neck. Tony was always agreeable to benign marked up by him, and Peter loved seeing the hickeys he left. 
Tony’s breathing grew heavy as he led them to the recently vacated couch. He’d never ridden Tony before, but as the alpha stood him between his legs he felt his excitement bubble up. He pulled his shirt off and tugged down his underwear while Tony pulled open his pants. 
Tony was already at half mast, and Peter was hard as could be, clear precum already beading at the head of his cock. 
His throat went dry at the sight of Tony’s cock. He’d only ever had it in his mouth once, but it didn’t seem right to have Tony get himself ready. 
Peter went to his knees gracelessly, hands smoothing at his alpha’s thighs. He was still dressed, pants open enough to have his cock freed and belt buckle resting gently on his thigh. 
Tony ran a hand through his hair, a string of encouragement quietly fell from his lips. 
He started slowly, kissing gently at the tip of Tony’s length and holding the base with one hand. If he kept at it long enough for his cock to inflate, Peter wouldn’t be able to hold him with just one hand. 
The hitch in Tony’s breath spurred him along. He wrapped his lips around the head, lightly sucking. 
Peter was slowly being pulled forward by Tony’s gentle hand in his hair, more and more of the impossibly large length being forced into his mouth. 
He couldn’t stop himself from moaning, small sounds that reverberated down Tony’s shaft. There was no way he’d be able to take Tony all the way in his mouth, and he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to massage his knot well enough for him to enjoy it. 
But Tony didn’t seem to mind at all. He was softly rocking into Peter’s mouth and had his head tipped back. Peter’s cock was steadily dripping, so hard that he was close to begging Tony to fuck him. His cunt was sopping wet, feeling emptier than it ever had before. 
The taste of Tony’s precum had started to fill his mouth, making Peter feel like he was on fire. It invaded his senses, made him burn bright with anticipation, and made his mouth water even more. 
His fingers itched to wrap around his own cock, but he felt like if he didn’t use his free hand to brace himself he’d start choking on Tony’s cock. As it was, he was fighting his own gag reflex, breathing carefully through his nose, and the hand around Tony’s shaft was covered in spit. 
Had it not been for Tony’s tight grip in his hair and the impossibly hard dick in his mouth he’d have thought he looked ridiculous. 
Tony pulled him off with a drawn out moan, pupils blown so widely that his chocolate brown eyes looked almost black. 
“C’mon baby,” he rasped, chest heaving almost as headily as Peter’s was. He patted his lap in invitation and Peter scrambled to straddle him. 
Tony reached a hand between his thighs that Peter slapped away sharply, “No, I’m ready, ‘m ready,” he babbled and directed Tony’s hand to guide his cock into him. 
His thighs were shaking with the effort of holding himself up, and he gave into the urge to sink down. Curses fell from his lips at the sudden stretch, but he rocked into it faster, chasing an orgasm that was only a hairsbreadth away. 
Tony started jerking him off slowly, a complete juxtaposition to the way Peter was frantically riding him. 
He came almost instantly – the dual sensations of Tony’s cock hitting all of the right spots and the slow, easy handjob were too much for him. 
Tony put his hands on his hips and helped him move faster, using Peter’s body to get himself off. 
It sent Peter into subspace slowly. He hadn’t properly gone down before. During his early days at the hospital he’d be thrown down harshly if the medication disagreed with him, but nothing as nice as this – a slow lapping at his brain telling him that he was safe, that this was good. 
It was like heaven. 
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
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So I finally had a chance to watch this movie.
For this review I think I will divide it into different categories
For those of you haven’t seen the movie at this point (Spoilers below)
I need to get this out of the way right now. I LOVE the trend of Stylization in these animated films. Dreamworks really finding its niche with it. It makes the movies pop and gives the characters more emotion and feeling. Not going with the Make it more realistic vibe that other companies are doing. The set pieces are gorgeous and I absolutely adored the opening battle with Puss and the giant. But what really showed the chops of the beautiful animation was the Dark Forrest and how it changed depending on who held the map.
My Only complaint is the sudden frame rate drops in action scenes. Now its not enough to ruin them, and you know its because they want to capture the badassery of the scene. But its noticeable. 
Solid 9/10
This is a simple plot. Puss in boots finds himself on his last life after his most recent battle and goes into retirement after a close brush with death. Once he finds out that there is a wishing star where he can get his lives back, he goes out on an adventure to get the wish.
It is a simple premise and that what allow it to be great. Puss never thought much of death as he was a cat and cats have nine lives. It was after finding out he died 8 times already that the concept of his life being over dawns on him. Though at first, he is in denial about it, going to have a drink and not think about it, only to come face to face with a bounty hunter that puts the fear of death in him.
Puss felt the touch of a blade and he realized that he was going to die. He ran!
He went to live at an old cat lady’s house after that to hide from death. But it killed something else... his enthusiasm. There he met a dog which he refers to as Perrito. Though becoming friends with him was not really a choice.
After a group of outlaws (The three bears and Goldielocks)  come looking for Puss does he learn of the wishing star, and there he decides that Puss and boots can make a comeback, with a fresh set of lives after he gets his wish.
All he needed to do was steal it from Big Jack Horner (the kid that put his plum in a pie). And apparently he has more magic items than any witch or wizard could dream of.
There he runs into Kitty Softpaws (His ex fiance). and they fight over the map.
After the chaos and escaping with perrito. Kitty, Puss and Perrito find themselves on their way to the wishing star.
Once they get to the dark forrest, they learn that depending on who holds the map determines what the forrest looks like and how challenging it will be. After Puss and Kitty realize that holding the map leads to a dangerous journey, they give it to Perrito whose path to the star is quiet calm, mainly due to him being content with his life as it is.
They go through the Pocket of Posies and Puss and Kitty learn to take a moment to smell the roses. While also avoiding Jack Horner and his arsenal of magic and evil minions.
After the posies, learning Perrito’s backstory (which he calls funny not realizing how HORRIFIC it is for him) and a hair cut. Jack horner catches up to the heroes, the treacherous fight makes Puss remember his last life and he hears the bounty hunter’s whistle. The one he has grown to fear. Losing the map in the chaos and fear.
Perrito finds him and calms Puss down.
Puss also ends up apologizing to Kitty about what happened and leaving her at the alter. Which Kitty admits she also didnt show up, as she knew that he was too in love with his legend to ever love her.
And after that the group managed to catch up to the bear outlaws, there is another fight where puss touched the map and ended up in a cave of memories, where he met all his past lives. What started out as a joyous reunion soon shifted as Puss learned how much of an ass he was because of his “Legend” and how alone he was. Where he once again encounters the wolf bounty hunter where he explains he is “Death” not metaphorically or poetically, but ACTUAL death. (getting right to the point)
The encounter reveals that Death always hated how cats got 9 lives but was especially annoyed with Puss as he not only was reckless, but didnt seem to value the lives he had been given, and decided that he would not wait for him to croak the 9th time. That he would do it himself.
Thus resulting in Puss being afraid and leaving to get the wish.
Cue epic final battle for the wish, and Puss encounters death one more time, where thanks to his friends and his new found appreciation for life, he decides to fight death once again, but this time assuring Death he doesnt fight because he doesnt fear death, but because he wants to live.
Death now seeing Puss is no longer the arrogant cat he once was is now not interested in killing him right now and leaves.
Allowing for Jack Horner to become the final boss and the final bout results in Puss, Kitty and Goldie destroying the wish to save their friends and family.
Everyone now content. Puss valuing his last life, Kitty having two people she can trust and Perrito having a name and a home.
The plot is simple, but that doesnt mean its not compelling. It keep the objectives simple so it can focus on the characters and its moral. I dare say it is one of the best executed plots ive seen in a while. Though I do think it could have maybe given Puss one more event to help him really piece it together but it does give plenty, and I wont harp on it too much.
This movie is an hour and 40 minutes. And it doesnt waste a MINUTE OF IT. Very rarely do I find movies that dont linger on a scene or two too long. Puss in Boots does not have that problem. Every scene, every moment goes on as long as it needs too. Even the Reveal on what the wishes are (for goldielocks) you would think would weigh on it too long, but no. Its handled with such perfect balance.
They even balance the screen time for all the parties in the chase perfectly. You never loathed seeing what another group was up to. The transition to scenes and interactions felt so natural.
If this movie was 3 hours long, I dont think i wouldn have noticed because I was so engrossed in it.
Puss: Is going through a LOT in this movie. Antonio Banderas shows his voice acting chops with Puss. Being able to show the cockiness of the cat legend and exhibit genuine fear and panic. Puss starts off getting high off his own hype and as the movie progressed he went through the 5 stages of grief over his mortality. Denial, Anger, Depression, Bargaining, and Acceptance.
Denial: Going to the bar for milk to drink away his doubts
Anger: Clashing with death the first time,
Depression: Burying his boots and settling in to his new life with the cat lady
Bargaining: The entire journey of the wish up until his last clash
Acceptance: Picking up his sword after his life flashed before his eyes. Understanding his mortality and accepting that this life is his to live and he is not the legend, but he is himself.
I like how he naturally softened over time with Perrito, and how he genuinely cared for Kitty. This was a great arc for a character and I loved what he did
Kitty softpaws: I never saw the first Puss in Boots, so I have no idea what she was like before. But I loved her performance. She is the badass and also soft when it comes to Puss. In a way she is like Puss but without the ego he was plagued with. Her goal was to find someone she could trust, something that paralleled Puss in a way, being that she felt as alone as he did.
And this may have seemed like an after thought, I think that her wish works for her and I am glad that she and Puss found that trust in eachother. Also the fact she didnt go to the wedding either is a nice touch. I do wish they could have given her a bit more but they do give her a good amount.
Perrito: EVERYTHING I know about movies would make me believe I would hate this character... but this movie not only made him a fun, lovable and charming character... but made him the BEST PART of the movie. His tragic backstory that he doesnt even realize is tragic, his upbeat nature never comes off as annoying, and he is the heart of the group. He is the therapy dog that helped Puss deal with his trauma. Also he CURSES LIKE A SAILOR and I love him so much. When he dropped those expletives I DIED.
9/10 for heroes.
I love how we got plenty of villain types!
We got the sympathetic Villains/Antiheroes with the 3 bears and Goldilocks. The later of which wants the wish to find her real family, and when the bears find out... THEY STILL help her try to do it. They had such a good family dynamic and the back story with them is sweet as honey. Though out of the antagonists they were the weakest character wise (but they were still great)
We got the IRREDEEMABLE VILLAIN in Jack Horner. A man that knows he is evil and doesnt care. He is selfish and entitled and knows it. He owns it. Like a classic Disney villain. (Hey disney remember those? Maybe get back to it since Dreamworks is eating your lunch with him). He was fun to watch and how little he cared how his minions died. It was so morbid some of the ways they died and he casually dismissed it. When the conscience cricket tells you that you are an irredeemable monster, you know you are evil.
but NONE of them can touch the level of hype that is “Death”
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When he shows up after you hear that Iconic whistle, you know he was gonna be epic.
Guy beat the bricks off Puss and mad that cat horrified
Death wasnt metaphorical
He also is fascinating because her wants to kill Puss not because he is a cat, but because he didnt value his life and didnt respect death.
It was only after Puss told him he will fight for his life did Death see he respected death and valued life. Annoyed he cant kill the self righteous jerk he wanted to, Death accepts Puss as he is, promising to return when it is his time.
The fights with him are epic, even when Puss was fighting back it was clear that Death wouldnt lose the fight if it continued. It also was interesting seeing death loom around the corner, watching Puss.
It put me on edge, wondering when and where he would pop up next.
Plus LOOK AT THAT DESIGN. I dont know what Dreamworks is doing, but they NAILED how to make a wolf look sick as heck!
I could go on about how Death is such a deep character, but everyone and their mother have already talked about it.
This entire movie was basically about the accepting of Mortality and how we should value our lives, embrace the good and bad, be grateful for the gift of life. Perrito is the embodiment of how we should live life, not dwell on the negative, focus on being our best selves and helping those who need it.
Puss showed that a legend/ legacy is not all its cracked up to be. One needs to live life for themselves not for some sort of legend or for the sake of making a name for themselves. If that is something you want, thats fine, but dont let it separate you from loved ones.
Basically, Appreciate the life you have because every minute is worth it.
This movie does deserve every bit of praise it gets.
Also it had good amount of references to shrek (not too many, but enough)
It is a movie that I would rate up there with my favorite animated movies. It has heart, action, comedy and a great moral.
This is a TOP TIER example of what a kids movie should be.
Yea its a bit dark in some places, but it has such a bright message and such good in it that it should be show.
Highly recommend
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fipindustries · 1 year
also, saw puss in boots, fucking incredible, top notch, they werent lying they really gave us three completly different types of villains with completly different kinds of motivations and executed them all masterfully, best villain cast in a movie ive seen in a while.
big jack horner: funny thing about this guys is, first of all, is really nice to see a villain that is just a piece of shit monster and that's all there is to it. weirdly enough he seemed to have the same goals as lord farquad with a much stronger and clearer motivation than farquad ever had
death: its also very refreshing to see a version of death that doesnt try to be clever or cute with it. this is not the philosophically complex version of death from discworld or the nice, kind lady from sandman, this is the guy who is there to make sure you die and who loves doing it, period. really nice
goldilocks and the three bears: oh. my. goodness. now this is a fucking character. this is how you write a fucking antagonist. i cant believe this movie made me feel such complex and powerful emotions over fucking goldielocks. the last big classic fairytale that this cinematic universe hadnt touched upon and it was done so much justice. they treated the story of this simple silly childrens tale with the weight that tends to be reserved for classic disney movies. this is now cemented as my personal definitive version of the story. i love this family so much. amazing, simply amazing
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joyful-downer · 1 year
Goldielocks and the three bears in colour 🎙🌙🧸
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kookies2000 · 1 year
What happens when you brain rot two fandoms at the sane time?
Puss in Boots The Last Wish but make it Huntlow!!!
Puss = Hunter,
Kitty = Willow
Perrito = Gus
Goldielocks and the Three Bears can be altered to be Luz and her found family.
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woppy-my-beloved · 2 years
I forgot how N A S T Y some dads where...
So because I work as an entertainer sometimes I need to act and do plays. For the evening activity we had Fun Before Bedtime, we thought isn't it fun fo have our park mascot read the story and me and my other coworker act out.
We decided on goldielock and the three bears.
I was mommy bear, my colleauge was baby bear and we had an actual dad of one of the kids playing daddy bear.
At one point in the story Goldie Locks ate all of the bears food. And they yell out 'Who ate my food' well my coworker put the most angry high pitched voice on. So I put my best angry Mommy bear voice on.
Then the dad turns around looks at me and says INFRONT OF ALL THE KIDS: Oh wow that's a good voice, I wish you could be MY mommy
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ihopethisendswell · 2 years
New TPITT idea:
A potential villain based on Goldielocks and the three bears and Alice in Wonderland.
She's an adult, and a very successful business woman,owning multiple establishments to her name. Her most well known and prized establishment is her casino called Wonderland.
This woman has her hands in everything, even the college that The Princess goes to. She can fight, but isn't that skilled, thus comes her ability to smooth talk her way into anything ( with some good ol fashion black mail of course). She has two bodyguards/ Henchmen: The Bears( Mama and Papa). The Bears don't work for her willingly, as they have their daughter captive( and isn't being treated well either)
I don't see her as a Jessica rabbit type, but just pure love boss esc. Suit and everything. I don't know if she has magic, and what her magic would specifically be( though it would be very interesting for her to not have it and still hold her own).
I also don't have a title for her yet ( ie. The Princess) but I do have a stage name for her: Goldie. Also also, the one good thing about her is that she doesn't invest in cryptocurrency. But she's still scamming people out of their money and making their lives miserable so *shrugs*
( also while I did have the idea to have a character inspired by Goldielocks and Alice in Wonderland, the idea to make her a business woman was inspired by @weliveinapokemonworld 's oc Wells! Evil business woman who's blonde go brrrrr)
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princess-ibri · 1 year
Your Goldilocks is so cute! Do you have a Little Red Riding Hood design?
Yes! Sorry it took a bit. Disney actually had a Little Red Riding Hood short where she and the Three Little Pigs teamed up against The Big Bad Wolf, and I’d always thought I’d like to base an updated design on that one. They also had a Red character in the Goldie and the Bear show who had a different design, included it here as I took a few references from it, like her bodice and eye color. Since they ended up looking similar I think I’d have my Red be my Goldielocks younger sister or something
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(There was also a Red Riding Hood adjacent character in Tangled the series but she’s really more of her own thing. What will be really interesting is parsing out just how Giselle’s story of an axe wielding Red fits into this hypothetical Disney movie xD)
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brookston · 30 days
Holidays 5.14
Armed Forces/Amateur Radio Crossband Test Day
Bond with Your Dog Day
Carlsbad Caverns Day
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Awareness Day
Drunk Driving Memorial Day
Fahrenheit Day
Ferdowsi Day (Iran)
Flag Day (Paraguay)
Hastings Banda Day (Malawi)
Help Clean Up Your Street Day
International Chihuahua Appreciation Day
International Day of Prayer for Eastern Christians
International Dylan Thomas Day (a.k.a. Dylan Day)
International Ring 14 Day
Kamuzu Day (Malawi)
Mallard Day (All-Souls College; Oxford, UK)
Mary Seacole Day (UK)
Midnight Sun at North Cape (Norway)
Molecular Gastronomy Day
Motorcycle Riders Day
National Bruce Day
National Dance Like a Chicken Day
National Day of Safety for Tow Truck Operators (Canada)
National Decency Day
National Good Hair Day
National Metaverse Day
National Mills Day (UK)
National ODP Day (UK)
National Om Day
National Travel Insurance Claims Day
National Underground America Day
National Unification Day (Liberia)
Online Romance Day
Peony Day
Resistance and Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Rose Day (South Korea)
Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day
Stars and Stripes Forever Day
Underground America Day
World Topiary Day
World Verbal Dyspraxia Awareness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brewster's Day
Buttermilk Biscuit Day
Condensed Milk Day
Marshmallow Fluff Day
National Brioche Day
Independence & Related Days
Israel (Declared, 1948)
Paraguay (from Spain, 1811)
Tavil (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Wintroopstan (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
2nd Tuesday in May
Childhood Depression Awareness Day (a.k.a. Green Ribbon Day) [Tuesday of 1st Full Week]
National Slow Down Move Over Day (Canada) [2nd Tuesday]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 14 (2nd Full Week)
Cannes Film Festival (Cannes, France) [thru 5.25]
Festivals Beginning May 14, 2024
Cannes Film Festival (Cannes, France) [thru 5.25]
Google I/O (Mountain View, California)
Organic Week 2024 (Washington D.C.) [thru 5.16]
Orlando Fringe (Orlando, Florida) [thru 5.27]
Sweets & Snacks Expo (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 5.16]
Taste of Greenwich Village (New York, New York)
Feast Days
Antonio Berni (Artology)
Augustus (Positivist; Saint)
Baabra Sheep (Muppetism)
Baisakhi (Vaisakhi; Sikh)
Boniface of Tarsus, the fourth of the Ice Saints (Christian; Saint)
Carthagh, Bishop of Lismore (Christian; Saint)
Christ’s Ascension (Christian; Commonly accepted date, 33 CE)
Engelmund of Velsen (Christian; Saint)
Erembert (Christian; Saint)
Festival of the Midnight Sun (Norse; Everyday Wicca)
Gefjon’s Blot (Pagan)
Henri Julien (Artology)
Izumo-taisha Shrine Grand Festival begins (Shinto; Japan)
Mars Invictus Festival (Ancient Rome)
Mary Mazzarello (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Matthias the Apostle (Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion)
Michael Garicoïts (Christian; Saint)
Mo Chutu of Lismore (Roman Catholic Church)
Monty Python Day (Pastafarian)
Ninefold Chant (Celtic Book of Days)
Pontius (Christian; Martyr)
Return to All-Day-Life (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Richard Estes (Artology)
Thomas Gainsborough (Artology)
Victor and Corona (Christian; Saint)
Wonder Warthog Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 22 of 60)
The Adventures of Robin Hood (Film; 1938)
All This Useless Beauty, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1996)
Barbie Girl, by Aqua (Song; 1997)
The Bee-Deviled Bruin (WB MM Cartoon; 1949)
Carte Blanched (The Inspector Cartoon; 1969)
A Cat, a Mouse and a Bell (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1935)
Coffee and Cigarettes (Film; 2004)
Combat Rock, by the Clash (Album; 1982)
Conan the Barbarian (Film; 1982)
The Cricket in Times Square, by George Selden (Children’s Book; 1960)
The Einstein Intersection, by Samuel R. Delany (Novel; 1967)
Goldielocks and the Three Bears (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Good Bye Lenin! (Film; 2003)
Hallowed Ground, by Violent Femmes (Album; 1984)
Hatch Up Your Troubles (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1949)
The Hebrides (a.k.a. Fingal’s Cave), by Felix Mendelssohn (Concert Overture; 1832)
Hungary Hoboes (Disney Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1928)
Hyde and Go Tweet (WB MM Cartoon; 1960)
It’s Got Me Again! (WB MM Cartoon; 1932)
I’ve Got Ants in My Plans (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1969)
Jesephslegende, by Richard Strauss (Ballet; 1914)
The Last Roundup (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
Lemonade, by Beyoncé (Album; 2016)
Letters to Juliet (Film; 2010)
Little Old Lady (from Pasadena), recorded by The Everly Brothers (Song; 1964)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Film; 1999)
Mighty Like a Rose, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1991)
Mildred Pierce, by James M. Cain (Novel; 1941)
Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf (Novel; 1925)
My Dinner with Andre (Film; 1999)
Now That Summer is Gone (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1960)
People Got To Be Frees, recorded by The Rascals (Song; 1968)
The Platters, by The Platters (Album; 1956)
Puddy’s Coronation (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Robin Hood (Film; 2010)
Sailing the Seas of Cheese, by Primus (Album; 1991)
School Days, featuring Flip the Frog (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1932)
So Like Candy, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1991)
Tropical Fish, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Troy (Film; 2004)
Unbelievable, by EMF (US Song; 1991)
Vapor Trails, by Rush (Album; 2002)
Washington Confidential, by Jack Last and Lee Mortimer (Book; 1951)
Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen (Novel; 2011)
We Will Rock You (UK Musical; 2002)
Woody Dines Out (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1945)
Today’s Name Days
Bonifatius, Christian (Austria)
Mate, Matija, Matko (Croatia)
Bonifác (Czech Republic)
Kristian (Denmark)
Edith, Eede, Eedit (Estonia)
Tuula (Finland)
Aglaé, Matthias (France)
Bonifatius, Christian, Corona, Ismar, Pascal (Germany)
Aristotele, Isidoros (Greece)
Bonifác (Hungary)
Corona, Costanzo, Mattia (Italy)
Aiva, Duda, Elfa, Krišjānis, Krišs (Latvia)
Bonifacas, Gintarė, Teisutis (Lithuania)
Karsten, Kristen, Kristian (Norway)
Bończa, Bonifacy, Dobiesław, Jeremi, Jeremiasz, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz (Poland)
Isidor (România)
Irina (Russia)
Bonifác (Slovakia)
Matías (Spain)
Halvar, Halvard (Sweden)
Ashleigh, Ashley, Ashlie, Ashlyn, Ashlynn, Ashton, Berk, Berkeley, Bourke, Burgess, Burke (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 135 of 2024; 231 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 7 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 6 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 6 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 15 Magenta; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 1 May 2024
Moon: 44%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 22 Caesar (5th Month) [Augustus]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 57 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 25 of 31)
Calendar Changes
May (a.k.a. Maius; Julian Calendar) [Month 5 of 12]
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brookstonalmanac · 30 days
Holidays 5.14
Armed Forces/Amateur Radio Crossband Test Day
Bond with Your Dog Day
Carlsbad Caverns Day
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Awareness Day
Drunk Driving Memorial Day
Fahrenheit Day
Ferdowsi Day (Iran)
Flag Day (Paraguay)
Hastings Banda Day (Malawi)
Help Clean Up Your Street Day
International Chihuahua Appreciation Day
International Day of Prayer for Eastern Christians
International Dylan Thomas Day (a.k.a. Dylan Day)
International Ring 14 Day
Kamuzu Day (Malawi)
Mallard Day (All-Souls College; Oxford, UK)
Mary Seacole Day (UK)
Midnight Sun at North Cape (Norway)
Molecular Gastronomy Day
Motorcycle Riders Day
National Bruce Day
National Dance Like a Chicken Day
National Day of Safety for Tow Truck Operators (Canada)
National Decency Day
National Good Hair Day
National Metaverse Day
National Mills Day (UK)
National ODP Day (UK)
National Om Day
National Travel Insurance Claims Day
National Underground America Day
National Unification Day (Liberia)
Online Romance Day
Peony Day
Resistance and Liberation Day (Lebanon)
Rose Day (South Korea)
Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Day
Stars and Stripes Forever Day
Underground America Day
World Topiary Day
World Verbal Dyspraxia Awareness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brewster's Day
Buttermilk Biscuit Day
Condensed Milk Day
Marshmallow Fluff Day
National Brioche Day
Independence & Related Days
Israel (Declared, 1948)
Paraguay (from Spain, 1811)
Tavil (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Wintroopstan (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
2nd Tuesday in May
Childhood Depression Awareness Day (a.k.a. Green Ribbon Day) [Tuesday of 1st Full Week]
National Slow Down Move Over Day (Canada) [2nd Tuesday]
Taco Tuesday [Every Tuesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 14 (2nd Full Week)
Cannes Film Festival (Cannes, France) [thru 5.25]
Festivals Beginning May 14, 2024
Cannes Film Festival (Cannes, France) [thru 5.25]
Google I/O (Mountain View, California)
Organic Week 2024 (Washington D.C.) [thru 5.16]
Orlando Fringe (Orlando, Florida) [thru 5.27]
Sweets & Snacks Expo (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 5.16]
Taste of Greenwich Village (New York, New York)
Feast Days
Antonio Berni (Artology)
Augustus (Positivist; Saint)
Baabra Sheep (Muppetism)
Baisakhi (Vaisakhi; Sikh)
Boniface of Tarsus, the fourth of the Ice Saints (Christian; Saint)
Carthagh, Bishop of Lismore (Christian; Saint)
Christ’s Ascension (Christian; Commonly accepted date, 33 CE)
Engelmund of Velsen (Christian; Saint)
Erembert (Christian; Saint)
Festival of the Midnight Sun (Norse; Everyday Wicca)
Gefjon’s Blot (Pagan)
Henri Julien (Artology)
Izumo-taisha Shrine Grand Festival begins (Shinto; Japan)
Mars Invictus Festival (Ancient Rome)
Mary Mazzarello (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Matthias the Apostle (Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Communion)
Michael Garicoïts (Christian; Saint)
Mo Chutu of Lismore (Roman Catholic Church)
Monty Python Day (Pastafarian)
Ninefold Chant (Celtic Book of Days)
Pontius (Christian; Martyr)
Return to All-Day-Life (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Richard Estes (Artology)
Thomas Gainsborough (Artology)
Victor and Corona (Christian; Saint)
Wonder Warthog Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 22 of 60)
The Adventures of Robin Hood (Film; 1938)
All This Useless Beauty, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1996)
Barbie Girl, by Aqua (Song; 1997)
The Bee-Deviled Bruin (WB MM Cartoon; 1949)
Carte Blanched (The Inspector Cartoon; 1969)
A Cat, a Mouse and a Bell (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1935)
Coffee and Cigarettes (Film; 2004)
Combat Rock, by the Clash (Album; 1982)
Conan the Barbarian (Film; 1982)
The Cricket in Times Square, by George Selden (Children’s Book; 1960)
The Einstein Intersection, by Samuel R. Delany (Novel; 1967)
Goldielocks and the Three Bears (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Good Bye Lenin! (Film; 2003)
Hallowed Ground, by Violent Femmes (Album; 1984)
Hatch Up Your Troubles (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1949)
The Hebrides (a.k.a. Fingal’s Cave), by Felix Mendelssohn (Concert Overture; 1832)
Hungary Hoboes (Disney Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1928)
Hyde and Go Tweet (WB MM Cartoon; 1960)
It’s Got Me Again! (WB MM Cartoon; 1932)
I’ve Got Ants in My Plans (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1969)
Jesephslegende, by Richard Strauss (Ballet; 1914)
The Last Roundup (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
Lemonade, by Beyoncé (Album; 2016)
Letters to Juliet (Film; 2010)
Little Old Lady (from Pasadena), recorded by The Everly Brothers (Song; 1964)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Film; 1999)
Mighty Like a Rose, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1991)
Mildred Pierce, by James M. Cain (Novel; 1941)
Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf (Novel; 1925)
My Dinner with Andre (Film; 1999)
Now That Summer is Gone (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1960)
People Got To Be Frees, recorded by The Rascals (Song; 1968)
The Platters, by The Platters (Album; 1956)
Puddy’s Coronation (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Robin Hood (Film; 2010)
Sailing the Seas of Cheese, by Primus (Album; 1991)
School Days, featuring Flip the Frog (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1932)
So Like Candy, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1991)
Tropical Fish, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Troy (Film; 2004)
Unbelievable, by EMF (US Song; 1991)
Vapor Trails, by Rush (Album; 2002)
Washington Confidential, by Jack Last and Lee Mortimer (Book; 1951)
Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen (Novel; 2011)
We Will Rock You (UK Musical; 2002)
Woody Dines Out (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1945)
Today’s Name Days
Bonifatius, Christian (Austria)
Mate, Matija, Matko (Croatia)
Bonifác (Czech Republic)
Kristian (Denmark)
Edith, Eede, Eedit (Estonia)
Tuula (Finland)
Aglaé, Matthias (France)
Bonifatius, Christian, Corona, Ismar, Pascal (Germany)
Aristotele, Isidoros (Greece)
Bonifác (Hungary)
Corona, Costanzo, Mattia (Italy)
Aiva, Duda, Elfa, Krišjānis, Krišs (Latvia)
Bonifacas, Gintarė, Teisutis (Lithuania)
Karsten, Kristen, Kristian (Norway)
Bończa, Bonifacy, Dobiesław, Jeremi, Jeremiasz, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz (Poland)
Isidor (România)
Irina (Russia)
Bonifác (Slovakia)
Matías (Spain)
Halvar, Halvard (Sweden)
Ashleigh, Ashley, Ashlie, Ashlyn, Ashlynn, Ashton, Berk, Berkeley, Bourke, Burgess, Burke (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 135 of 2024; 231 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 20 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 7 (Wu-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 6 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 6 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 15 Magenta; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 1 May 2024
Moon: 44%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 22 Caesar (5th Month) [Augustus]
Runic Half Month: Ing (Expansive Energy) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 57 of 92)
Week: 2nd Full Week of May
Zodiac: Taurus (Day 25 of 31)
Calendar Changes
May (a.k.a. Maius; Julian Calendar) [Month 5 of 12]
0 notes
famousnorris-blog · 1 month
6th Grade Goldilocks
“When we read your story, the first thing we need to know is where we are and who is in the story,” I told the class. Think of a children’s story you know…” S’naid raised her hand and asked, “How many bears were in Goldielocks and the three…oh. She had the grace to laugh at herself, even though what could be seen of her face above her mask turned dark apple red. I busted out laughing right out…
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fleshweavers · 3 months
goldielocks and the three bears but goldie is a tboy and the bears are a throuple. is this anything.
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