#gonna do damage control and then try not to beat myself up over this over the weekend
robinsnest2111 · 2 years
oops, forgot to get the doctor's note today. that's what I get for spiralling mentally and being unable to be fully present ✨
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goodnightmemes · 1 year
❛ The only thing you should ever say to the police is, "I want my lawyer." That's why I put it on the cookie. ❜
❛ Before you go, you should take some Hawaii 5-0 punch. It's just regular Hawaiian punch, but I gave it a snazzier name. ❜
❛ I might have to break up with him. Unless I get lucky and he just disappears. ❜
❛ I don't want to talk about the future, anyways. I'm all about living in the moment. ❜
❛ You're, like, holding on to me or whatever. That's, like, haunting 101. ❜
❛ I had to cut back the rations again. There's not much left. ❜
❛ The thought of you with someone else always scared me. But it also turned me on. ❜
❛ I'll make a solid kidnapper out of you yet. ❜
❛ There's no such thing as false hope. There's just hope. ❜
❛ I'm not scared of you. I'm never gonna be scared of you. ❜
❛ This is how you're choosing to say "I love you," for the first time? ❜
❛ You weren't the only smart one. You just liked to think you were. ❜
❛ What if my only way of dealing is to numb myself into oblivion? ❜
❛ They're too focused on their own shit to even notice that I'm gone. ❜
❛ Well...you're not a picture of normalcy yourself. ❜
❛ I can feel your heart beating. ❜
❛ Everyone has their role. ❜
❛ Stop reliving this! You're in the vise grip of your trauma. ❜
❛ Every time that you try to save someone, a lot of bad shit happens. ❜
❛ Serial killers love puzzles. It's a documented fact. ❜
❛ For fuck's sake, shut up! Don't you see how much damage you are doing? ❜
❛ I don't even know where you end and I begin. ❜
❛ Believe me, if I could relax about anything ever, I promise you, I would. ❜
❛ As I'm sure you can imagine, emotions can run high in a place like this. ❜
❛ You never know when you might need to leave the country sans passport. ❜
❛ It made me feel like...I didn't know what was going to happen. And I liked that. ❜
❛ You can't blame yourself. We all did it together. ❜
❛ Dude, I don't even remember what socks I put on today. ❜
❛ I guess I'd kind of do anything to see him again, you know? ❜
❛ Moving in with you means everything in my life changes. ❜
❛ I think shit is gonna get a lot worse out here. ❜
❛ Thing is...it's one thing to point a gun at a person. It's another thing to use it. ❜
❛ There's a look people get when they realize they're going to die. It's that one. ❜
❛ My hand wasn't shaking because I was afraid. It was shaking because of how badly I wanted to do this. ❜
❛ I'm gonna live how I want to. How I know I'm meant to. And I'm gonna be the person that I know I am. ❜
❛ They're all lucky to have you. It's pretty rare to have a friend who's relentlessly got your back. ❜
❛ In small towns, everyone knows who and where the weirdos are. ❜
❛ I don't normally hitchhike and...look like this. ❜
❛ I know that you're depressed. I know that you can't see it, but I can always tell. ❜
❛ Yes, I am still depressed because it's kind of a forever thing, but I'm doing real work. ❜
❛ And I swear to God, if you lie to me again…I am so fucking over secrets. Like, I can't. ❜
❛ Oh, my fucking God. So, you… you killed a person? ❜
❛ Maybe one day I can talk to you about it, but for now, can that just be enough? ❜
❛ I don't understand why you won't see what's right in front of you. ❜
❛ I'm sorry I disappointed you. I love you even when you try to control me. But I'm okay now! ❜
❛ I think we need to get you out of here. ❜
❛ But I just got here. I don't - I don't want to leave you. ❜
❛ As parents, it's part of our job. We have to protect her, we have to shield her from making the same shitty mistakes we made. To throw our fucking bodies in front of her if that's what we have to do. ❜
❛ No, you can't deny this anymore. There is something deep inside of you that is connected to all of this. ❜
❛ So, you gonna tell me why you're here, or are we just gonna pretend this isn't super weird? ❜
❛ I'm doing a fucking thing here. I don't need you getting in my way. ❜
❛ If I happen to mention sacrificing anything on an altar, well, just ignore that part, okay? Thanks. ❜
❛ Do you get how lucky we are? Some people never find someone they trust enough to share their deepest secrets. ❜
❛ You think I'm capable of murder? ❜
❛ You're charming and impulsive, which are traits of most serial killers. Only, you pull it off. ❜
❛ Look, all I'm trying to say is, I like you regardless of your extracurricular activities. ❜
❛ That's medication for me to mind my own business. You should take two. ❜
❛ Maybe you don't have to be dying to have regrets. ❜
❛ I'm mixing my pop culture metaphors 'cause I'm fucking upset! ❜
❛ I can't ask you for your help 'cause I don't want to hurt any more of the people I love. ❜
❛ You should know better than anyone we can't define a person based on their past. ❜
❛ I don't need your fucking prayers, I need you to have my back. ❜
❛ We weren't alone out there. ❜
❛ You should get the hell away from me. I'm poison. I ruin people. ❜
❛ We did so much fucked up shit out there. And, yeah, maybe it was to survive. Maybe. But I don't think we deserved to. ❜
❛ Women have been having babies for millions of years. You're gonna be fine. ❜
❛ The wilderness recognizes your sacrifice. And so do I. ❜
❛ The power of that place. The god of that place. We did terrible things in Its name. ❜
❛ It's all your fault. There's just something wrong with you. You always do this. ❜
❛ Aren't you probably the last person who should be giving me legal advice right now? ❜
❛ I know I have no right to ask you this, but truly, what is going on with you? ❜
❛ I just want to know you haven't given up on love. ❜
❛ Maybe I have given up on love. But don't flatter yourself. It's not because of you. ❜
❛ You know I don't deserve your friendship, right? I just hurt people. ❜
❛ Suffering is inevitable. And only by meeting it with compassion can we truly begin to grow. ❜
❛ I never even wanted to be a mom. ❜
❛ I did not start out a bad person. But in case you haven't noticed, life doesn't tend to turn out the way you think it will. ❜
❛ Oh, no. What happened? Fuck, are we going to jail? ❜
❛ It's you and me against the whole world. ❜
❛ You lost a lot of blood and you were unconscious. We thought we lost you. ❜
❛ I kept surviving all this shit that should've killed me, and I just...I figured it meant something. You know, like maybe it meant that I had some kind of purpose in all of this, but, uh...Yeah. I'm not fucking seeing it. ❜
❛ I need to know why the fuck I'm still here. ❜
❛ Shouldn't you be in therapy? ❜
❛ I'm not like you, okay? I don't think of killing as a joke. ❜
❛ I really am very grateful that your hobby seems to be figuring out how to be the perfect serial killer. ❜
❛ I've always kept my daughter at arm's length. I think just out of fear that she would...die, I guess. Or maybe that she was never even real to begin with. ❜
❛ I can't have another death on my hands. ❜
❛ I can't wait for you. I don't have that kind of time. ❜
❛ Tell me, is there anything of value in this life that doesn't come with risk? ❜
❛ Does a hunt that has no violence feed anyone? ❜
❛ What, do you want to casually reminisce about our time in fucking oblivion? ❜
❛ Well, if I'm repressing things I don't know about, I am very okay with never figuring it out. ❜
❛ I know there's a lot of pain. You need to let it out. ❜
❛ I don't understand. You measured the grave to the standard six feet? ❜
❛ You're lying to me. And I want to know why. ❜
❛ Maybe [name] dying wouldn't be the worst thing. ❜
❛ When they get a whiff of how much of a liar your mom is, they'll realize that the ❜ psychopath apple doesn't fall far from the fucked-up, man-eating tree. ❜
❛ So, this is what you've all been doing with your lives? Chasing blackmailers and murdering lovers? ❜
❛ I think we can agree that it's in everyone's best interest that [name] is gone. ❜
❛ If I die, don't waste my body. Promise me. ❜
❛ I thought you loved all of me, like I love all of you. ❜
❛ We put ourselves in danger for you. You've been using us! ❜
❛ I've been trying to fix...No. I have been telling myself that I've been trying to fix things and make the problems go away, but the truth is, I've just been doing stuff that makes it worse. ❜
❛ We're all pretty messed up. It's time we finally fucking talk about it. ❜
❛ This isn't something that therapies can fix. ❜
❛ I think that you might be taking this whole, like, cult leader persona thing... a tad far. ❜
❛ I never meant... I didn't want this. ❜
❛ You started this. It's done. And it's going to save all of our lives. ❜
❛ I appreciate you trying to teach me...forgiveness. It's a nice idea. ❜
❛ I let him die in my place. It was supposed to be me. ❜
❛ You're a good person. You really don't belong in this place. ❜
❛ I'm not ashamed. I'm glad I'm alive. And I don't think that any of us who are still here should feel ashamed of that. Ever. ❜
❛ That was a beautiful false confession. I could see it came out of real love. ❜
❛ You want to help me move this body? ❜
❛ It's up to you. You can submit. Or you can run. ❜
❛ You know there's no "it," right? It was just us. ❜
❛ I never wanted to be in charge. ❜
❛ No. I'm not supposed to be here. ❜
❛ This is exactly where we belong. We've been here for years. ❜
❛ It's not evil. Just hungry. Like us. ❜
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rk8connorzz · 2 years
𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 3 // 𝔞𝔱𝔱𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔴𝔥𝔬 𝔡𝔬𝔢𝔰𝔫'𝔱 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔢
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Connor and I split up. He went with Hank and I drove to the homicide alone. I didn't want to leave him, I wanted him all to myself. I wanted to be selfish for him. But I never could. After all, he's just an android. Police and ambulance surrounded the run-down house. I was already inside the house, waiting for Hank and Connor to arrive. Carlos Ortiz. He was found by his landlord who decided to stop by after he realized Carlos hadn't paid rent in a while. That's when the body was found. The stench was awful, and the scene was almost nauseating. I remember my first homicide. I walked over to the side and threw up like a dog. I've been a detective for a while now, so I've gotten used to shit like this. Though I don't want to admit it, it's the truth.
"Evenin' Hank. We were starting to think you weren't gonna show." "Yeah, that was the plan until this asshole found me." Connor stood behind Hank, obviously hearing the insult. A part of me felt bad, but at least Hank wasn't talking about Connor behind his back. It wasn't making the situation any better, anyways. "So. You got yourself an android, huh?" "Oh, very funny. Just tell me what happened." They all began walking into the building. He began his briefing, which was everything I was well aware of. Connor didn't seem to even try to greet me. Not even a passing glance. Maybe he just didn't notice me. No. He would've noticed. I was standing right there in plain sight. Why? Why do I feel like this? I began walking around. There were bottles littered everywhere. It was almost revolting. The state of the apartment, he had an android but why was it still so dirty? I first checked out the TV stand since Hank was at the corpse. One thing stood out on the stand from everything else. Red ice. Huh. Seems like he was a fun dude. Connor leaned over the kitchen knife, which is most likely the murder weapon. They were going to cover the living room, so I walked into the kitchen, saving the living room for later.
Knocked down chairs. Most likely there was some sort of struggle going on. A dented metal baseball bat. And more of Carlos' blood on the walls. The hallway that led to the bathroom was the most curious to me. Inside the shower, a kind of religious offering hid. Words were scrapped onto the walls. Obsessive writing. RA9..? Huh. I've only been to one android crime scene which was the one with Daniel, and he wasn't quite like this. Was RA9 another android? It seemed to be the only plausible answer.
Throughout my investigation, Connor didn't pay me any attention. I don't know why it rubbed me the wrong way. I hated it. So many people say "Don't end up getting attached, everyone leaves." But I can't. I don't want to be attached to his hip like this, but I feel like I can't control it. Even hearing his voice makes my heart skip a beat. I can't talk to anyone about this, they'll just think it's unnatural. I'm trying to stop it. It's just not working. What's wrong with me?
"Lieutenant. I think I know what happened." I happily listened to what Connor said. Though I wasn't much interested, hearing his sultry and sweet voice just makes everything seem alright. "It all started in the kitchen." "There are obvious signs of a struggle. The question is, what happened." They both moved towards the kitchen where most of the murder happened. "I think the victim attacked the android with the bat." "That lines up with the evidence. Go on." "The android stabbed the victim with the knife." "Okay, then what happened?" "The android murdered the victim with the knife." "Okay. Your theory isn't totally ridiculous. But it doesn't tell us where the android went." I watched where they both moved, never losing sight. The spotlight was on Connor and only Connor. "It was damaged by the bat and lost some thirium." "Lost some what?" "Thirium. You call it 'blue blood'. It's the fluid that powers androids' biocomponents. It evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye." "Ah. But I bet you can still see it, can't you?" "Correct." Connor looked away from Hank in my direction, making eye contact for a split second before snapping back. I wanted to give up hypothetically chasing Connor. But I never seemed to be able to. It's so hard not to look at him. Not to be attracted to him. But I'm only getting in the way. My little 'crush' as Gavin puts it is putting my career at stake. He's distracting me and I'm distracting him. The only difference is, I'm in love with him. Before I heard Connor or Hank say anything else, I excused myself. "I'm going home." "You sound bittersweet. The fucks up with you." I bit the bottom of my lip in frustration. "Nothing. I'll see you tomorrow." I heard Hank mutter under his breath. "Fuckin’ crazy."
I pushed myself through the small crowd. People were annoyed I was being aggressive. But I didn't give a shit. I was so blinded by my overwhelming emotions. I hated it. My car felt lonely without Connor in it. I felt like a part of me was gone whenever I wasn't around him. What changed? I'm getting ahead of myself. He probably didn't give a shit even when it seemed like he did. I was such a coward. Why did this one person change almost everything about me? I wanted to feel normal. But I only feel normal near him.
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chrisbannor · 6 months
Chapter 20: Safe
Author: Chris Bannor
DaQi took a deep breath and tried to steady himself to move. He didn’t know where Sandus and Fulmer had gone, but there were definitely more people coming with that alarm still blaring overhead. He switched his heat sensing augmentation on - or whatever it was - and looked into the building. “We need to go now,” he said to Chan Yi. “They’re coming up the stairs.”
“You can see that?” the AI asked him.
“I have augmentations. Or I don’t know what it is anymore. But yes, I can see their heat signatures.”
“You can see that mine is different, right?” Chan Yi asked.
“Then make sure you don’t shoot me.”
DaQi snorted at that, but Chan Yi smiled at him and his heart skipped a beat. This felt familiar like nothing else in his life did.
Chan Yi looked over the wall they were hiding behind. “They took cover in the garden. Go now.”
They ran to the bridge of the small stream that meandered across the rooftop. DaQi could see Fulmer and Sandus’s heat signatures hidden in the garden. “He’s got to have something waiting for us,” DaQi said under his breath as they made it to the other side.
They passed a swimming pond before they made it to the other side where the chute was located. There was an opening for a stairwell and they descended quickly to get to the chute. There was a metal cover on the landing. DaQi went to grab it, but gunfire rang out and he threw himself behind the half-wall that offered the only protection.
“Looks like they did come prepared,” Chan Yi said.
“If we don’t do something, they’re going to catch us.”
Chan Yi looked at him but he was frowning and there was something sad in the set of his lips and eyes. “You really don’t remember.” A second later he shook his head and turned so that he was facing the shooter. “They don’t want us dead, which means they’re not going to take a headshot. If anything happens to me, get me to Atieno Obuo. She’ll know what to do.”
“What are you going to do?”
Chan Yi smiled at him, then grabbed him by the back of the neck. He pulled DaQi close and pressed their lips together. DaQi was too surprised to do anything about it. When Chan Yi let go and leaned back he was still smiling. “I’m going to save you this time.”
Then  Chan Yi ran to the chute cover. Gunfire rained down, but he didn’t stop. When he reached the chute cover he pulled it back. It screeched open, but DaQi watched as a bullet ripped through Chan Yi’s hand. He pulled it back, but another struck his shoulder with enough impact to spin him off balance.
“Yi!” He darted forward and pulled the man back under cover. He reached for the zipper of his black hoodie to try to see the damage but Chan Yi pushed his hands away.
“All metal, remember? They didn’t hit anything important. Except my damn gun. She’s gonna be so pissed. Get ready to jump. I’ll take out the lights here so it’ll take them a minute to adjust and give you a chance to get down. I’ll be right behind you. You know the schematics, right?”
“Three chutes to the third floor, then stairs all the way down.”
“Right. When we get to the third floor, we go in and assess where they are.”
“That’s starting to sound like a plan, Yi,” DaQi said.
Chan Yi smiled. “You were always the planner, Two. I’m more the throw myself into trouble kind.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” He pressed his hand to Chan Yi’s shoulder and he watched the other man wince.
“Metal, but it still hurts,” Chan Yi reminded him.
“Yeah. Are you ready for this?”
Chan Yi nodded, but before he could say anything else, Chan Yi stood up and began shooting out the lights. DaQi ran to the chute and slid to a halt. He jumped down, feet first, using his arms to drag against the fabric tube to control his speed. The bottom had a soft glow and though DaQi couldn’t see the light source it let him know he was about to reach the end. When he landed on the soft bottom, he rolled out of the way and opened the gun on his forearm.
He followed Chan Yi’s example and shot out the lights to give them as much advantage as he could. When he grabbed the cover, there was no gunfire to greet him. He watched as Chan Yi made it down the chute and rolled out beside him. As much as he wanted to check on him, he jumped down the chute instead. He needed to be there first in case anything was waiting.
He rolled on landing but hit the wall hard. Pain flared in his head but he grit his teeth and got up. As soon as he stood, shots soared through the air beside him. Chan Yi was right. They were trying to stop them, but not kill them. He didn’t care what Chan Yi said though. He’d been shot before and it was painful. Maybe he wasn’t human, but he didn’t want to taste another bullet.
The shooter was across the street in the neighboring building. The gun he had wasn’t made for that distance but they didn’t know it. He took a shot at the shooter, then rushed forward and pulled the chute cover off again. DaQi barely managed to dive behind the wall before bullets slammed into the landing around him.
Chan Yi landed and rolled across the floor far more graceful than DaQi had. How he managed that with two bullet holes, DaQi couldn’t say. He was worried though. If Chan Yi wasn’t human, how was he supposed to take care of his injuries once they got clear of this?
“Are you alright?” Chan Yi asked.
“I’m fine.”
“Your head is okay?”
Before DaQi could say anything else, Chan Yi jumped for the chute. He cursed, only giving the other man a second before he followed. He could hear gunfire before he landed. He rolled towards the wall and landed against something much softer than metal. Chan Yi helped him right himself this time, but when DaQi sat up, he realized there was blood on his shirt where Chan Yi had touched him.
Instead of worrying about Chan Yi, he looked for heat signatures around them. They were on the third-floor landing. The third floor was a series of restaurants and boutique shops for the people who lived in the building. It should be mostly empty at that time of night, but DaQi could see a cluster of people coming from the south side.
“They’re coming from the front,” he told Chan Yi.
Chan Yi crouched down behind the wall and looked at him. “My car is just below us. Can you make the drop?”
“Three stories?”
“You can do this.”
“Three stories? No, I can’t!”
“DaQi!” Chan Yi’s use of his name stopped him from speaking again.
“You can do this. You were made to do this. Trust me, please.”
And he did. Whatever was wrong with his brain had apparently affected his judgment too. “This is fucking crazy, but I do.”
Chan Yi smiled at him, then let out a deep breath and turned serious. “Follow me.” Chan Yi didn’t hesitate as he ran and jumped over the ledge. DaQi followed, his heart pounding. He plummeted over the edge of the building and the ground rushed up faster than he thought it could. He landed hard and his legs buckled, but Chan Yi was there, pulling him up. Though DaQi stumbled, nothing was broken.
Chan Yi dragged him forward and DaQi saw the bike Chan Yi was headed for. As they got close, DaQi heard a whistling sound in the air above them. He dove at Chan Yi and tackled him to the ground as the bike exploded in front of them.
“Damn it!” Chan Yi cursed as he stumbled back up to his feet.
“My bike is this way! Come on!”
It was still parked where he’d left it. When he looked back he could see the swarm of bodies on the third floor running towards them. They’d apparently never anticipated Chan Yi leaping off the third floor. A lone agent ran towards them, gun drawn, but Chan Yi sped up, faster than a human could run. He slid when he reached the man and knocked his feet out from under him. Chan Yi was already back up and a single bullet stopped the other man.
DaQi got to the bike and started it. When Chan Yi climbed behind him he wasn’t sure where to go, but he sped away.
“Can you get us off their radar?” Chan Yi yelled into his ear.
DaQi nodded. The skylines had strong security measures, but he’d never had trouble getting around it when he needed to. He felt pressure around his wrist and saw Chan Yi trying to connect to the port on his left arm. He opened the access panel as he drove and the address to a safe house popped into his vision, along with the security measures he needed to know.
He took an alternate route there to make sure they weren’t being followed. Chan Yi hadn’t disengaged from the port so his thoughts filtered through to DaQi. Messages appeared in his vision in ways he’d never experienced before, but it wasn’t intrusive. Again, this felt familiar.
No drones following. No one behind us.
DaQi nodded. He didn’t know if he could use the link to exchange his thoughts as well, but it wasn’t the time to try.
We’re safe. Take us in.
It was a ten-minute drive once they decided they were safe. DaQi ignored the feel of the wet fabric against his back from Chan Yi’s wound. If his arms weren’t wrapped so strongly around DaQi’s waist he’d be worried. He had no idea if the wound was anything to worry about or not. He didn’t think fluid loss was good though, no matter what he was.
He parked the bike in a secure building and followed Chan Yi into a private lift. Neither spoke and Chan Yi had removed the port when they parked. He felt suddenly alone in his own mind and he hated it. And he didn’t understand why he hated it so much.
The apartment wasn’t at the top of the building, but the view was magnificent when DaQi stepped in. He walked to the window in the front room and stared at the dark clouds that hid the rest of the world from them. He heard Chan Yi behind him and he turned around to see him walking out of the room.
DaQi followed through the large, scarcely decorated front room. He passed a kitchen and office area before he walked into the bedroom. Chan Yi was already in the attached bathroom, stripping out of his hoodie.
“How can I help you?” he asked.
Chan Yi looked up; his eyes wide like DaQi had startled him. Considering what he knew Chan Yi was capable of, he wasn’t sure how he could sneak up on the other man.
“I just need to see if the bullet is stuck in there. It can wait until tomorrow.”
“Why tomorrow?”
“Because I need to take you to someone tomorrow. It’s too late tonight and I need to make sure she’s still safe for us.”
Chan Yi nodded as he struggled to get his shirt over his head. DaQi stepped in behind him and grabbed the edge of the shirt. He pulled it up over Chan Yi’s head and waited as he put his arms up. He carefully pulled it free and dropped the shirt onto the counter. Chan Yi was facing a mirror but looking at him through it. His gaze was intense and DaQi could hardly breath as he held his eyes. After a minute, DaQi swallowed against a lump in his throat and looked away.
“Do you need me to take the bullet out or something?”
Chan Yi shook his head. “Give me a minute to run my diagnostics. If I need it pulled out, I’ll call you. There are clean clothes in the closet if you want something I didn’t bleed all over.”
DaQi looked down at himself. “It’s not really blood, is it?”
Chan Yi turned and glared at him. “We might not be human. We might not have the same thing running through our veins, but it’s all the same. If I lose enough, I die. Call it bleeding out, or a fluid leak, it’s all the same.”
He was an idiot. The only thing he could rely on right now was Chan Yi and he was treating him like he wasn’t human. Like they weren’t … created together. “I didn’t mean to offend.”
Chan Yi dropped his eyes and turned back to the mirror, looking down at his hands. “Get some clean clothes. Relax. There’s food in the kitchen. Music, TV. Whatever. Just relax. When my diagnostic is done I’m going to take a shower, then we’ll talk.”
DaQi left the bathroom and did as he was told. He kicked off his shoes and found clean clothes in the closet. He found an old, worn hoodie in the back of the closet that looked like it had been well worn. It smelled vaguely familiar, but not like Chan Yi. He threw his clothes into a sanitizer and dressed in the borrowed clothes, a pair of clean black cotton joggers, a grey tee-shirt, and the black hoodie. He sat on the bed and let his mind wander over the revelations of the night.
His brain hurt and he thought, again, it must be the press of memories trying to return. Nothing in his life before tonight had felt familiar though, not the way Chan Yi did. He laid back on the bed and closed his eyes.
As messed up as his life had suddenly become, tonight, for the first time he could remember, he didn’t feel alone.
Author's Note: For someone who doesn't remember his life as an agent or his partner, DaQi works pretty well with Chan Yi. Can it last though?
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400legends · 1 year
Battle Stations (Day 185)
Esmae ran to the hangar bay window. "Ladybug's right - that damn ship is back, CP."
"Move, people! Battle stations." The captain was already on her way to the cockpit.
"Uh, where do you want me?" asked Hex.
Requiem paused her way to the gun turret. "How are you with a soldering iron?"
"Here." Merrin popped open a panel on the hangar wall. "This is the ship's shield circuitry. EDI's not gonna let you do anything dumb, so if you see wisps of smoke, take this--"
"Merrin! Move your ass." Cosmic Peanut's voice boomed through the ship.
"I'm still really new, too. You'll be fine."
Before the captain could castigate me, I ducked into the Bypass station and connected to EDI's array.
"Merrin, can you give me extra power on the guns?" Requiem's voice sounded through the ship.
"No problem," said Merrin. "But, ah, CP, where--"
"Gods dammit, the engines. Draw power from the engines right now. Fracking buttons are too close together. Balls of ice. EDI! What's the distance to the edge of the belt?"
"A controlled burn would get us clear in approximately 25 seconds, Captain. Assuming we do not hit any asteroids and the enemy ship does not damage our engines."
"Requiem, are you going to fire that damn gun?" barked Cosmic Peanut.
"Shot away."
"Minimum damage to the enemy," said Esmae. "They have big shields. I mean strong.... uh, deep shields? You know what I mean."
Just then the entire ship rocked from a direct hit. "Shields at 15%, Captain," said EDI.
"Comms, give me extra power to the engines. Now. Drop it from the guns. Sorry, Requiem."
I said, "Captain, I have enacted anti-hacking measures." For what it's worth, I added to myself. I didn't imagine that this ship had any interest in hacking our network, but what else could I contribute?
"Ladybug just deployed a shield-buster on that damned ship," said Merrin. "That will help."
Our ship creaked, and the lights flickered. "Fracking asteroid field, fracking up my fracking ship."
"Shields at 5%, Captain."
"Thank you, EDI. I'm a little busy right now."
I heard humming over the comms, and at first I thought that a fan was malfunctioning, but then Requiem began to sing. Her voice was quiet at first. "We are the brave... and the bold. We fight for our freedom, O and for our homes. We moooove to the sound of the drum." She clapped her hands in a steady beat. "We are ready for whatever may come." She said, "This is a traditional war ballad. I thought we could use a little inspiration. Here's the chorus:
"O, sing a song of glory and of might. O, sing a song of victory and of right. We are the heroes! We are the heroes! We are the heroes, and we fight for our freedom, O and for our home."
"That was great!" Hex let out a whoop. "I'm gonna repair the hell out of these shields."
"CP," Esmae's voice came clear over comms, "the enemy ship just scrapped an asteroid, and get this: it peeled open one of the bay doors. A little Stinger jet just tumbled into space."
Checking the sensors, I saw that we were close enough that I could try to hack into the enemy ship and perhaps remotely pilot the jet away. I had just made the link when I lost it. I realized that Cosmic Peanut was piloting Malaka away from the enemy ship.
EDI said, "Asteroid debris is reduced by 93.7%, Captain. We are essentially clear of the belt."
"But still in range of those guns," said Cosmic Peanut.
"CP, I can boost the shields," said Merrin.
"Do it. Rob the heavy guns. Sorry Requiem."
"Uhhhh, do they make missiles out of light?" asked Esmae.
"Ah shit," said Cosmic Peanut. "EDI visuals. That's a void missile. Evasive maneuvers. Brace for impact, just in case." A moment later the ship crackled with the energy of a direct hit. The lights went out and came back at a dim 20% of normal power.
EDI's voice sounded different when she said, "Alert, alert. Critical damage. Alert, alert. Recommend evasive maneuvers."
"No shit," said the captain. "What's the situation?"
"Captain, shields are at zero percent. Hull integrity: 5%. We should retreat before all lives are lost."
"Malaka, you still there?" Ladybug's voice crackled on the comms.
"Hanging by a thread, man, but we're here! Fracking void missiles can't keep a Wildstar down. Can you get out of the belt?"
"Negative, Cosmic Peanut. But...." I could hear murmurs in the background. "We're gonna finish our job and get you out of here. We'll ram that fracker and board. If we don't make it, well, tell our families we did our best. Tell 'em we love 'em."
"They're doing it," murmured Esmae. "They rammed the enemy ship."
"Merrin, divert weapons power to shields. Quinn, get your ass up here and pilot. I need to see if we can get shields restored. EDI, prepare engines for a dash."
"CP, we're close enough for a scan," said Esmae. "The enemy ship is a Xaldan X-1 Seeker. It's Veerux, alright. Ladybug is-- I don't know how it's going to go. There are 8 life forms on the ship. He's got 2 crew? Captain, a couple of shots would take it out."
"And maybe Ladybug," said Requiem.
"Nah, we're getting the hell out of here while we still have breath," said Cosmic Peanut.
I slid into the captain's chair in the cockpit and set my fingers on the console. "EDI," I whispered, "maximum power to the thrusters." A moment later we left the asteroid belt to the vast darkness of space.
0 notes
crystalelemental · 1 year
Sync Pair Retrospective - Sygna Suit Lyra
Pfft, yeah okay.  Sure, we're going to talk about what shifted for SS Lyra, right guys.  ...oh god, you're serious.
When you are the only unit in the game commonly cited to be nearly on par with SST Red, a guy who can solo literally the entire game, you know you've got it made.
SS Lyra is insane.   Guaranteed flinch rate, at first, did not seem any better to me than guaranteed sleep.  It's the same annoying timing lockdown, so what's the use?  Apparently, the use is that it's a passive, and Lyra can select another move before the opponent flinches, which gets you another action in the queue. And that action can be "Smack the next fool trying to throw hands."  Lyra is unchallenged in her lockdown.  The fact that she also debuffs a random stat by -2 every attack?  And has Grassy Terrain? And a Pride passive for Johto?  And a decent sync nuke?  And-
Lyra immediately burst onto the scene as a Gauntlet solo bot.  At present, she has 11 wins.  The only one she cannot beat is Tornadus, who becomes immune to flinch, and has too much damage reduction for her to work past.  If only she'd cheated and used a personal passive, it would've been 12.  But in team compositions, she was also invaluable for the Grass-types that were begging for their long-awaited terrain.   Seriously, Psychic and Electric had been around forever, and now Zones are a thing; where is Grassy Terrain?  Apparently on this nonsense.
The major core that arose from this was SS Morty/SS Lyra/Erika.  People instantly took note of how hard SS Erika started to hit with both field effects in play, and the lockdown added in to Morty's obscene defense meant nothing was threatening your team.  You were, completely and without question, safe.  This was the most notorious core, but it's that last bit that's significant.
Talking about how SS Lyra "changed" is impossible.  Because she didn't.  At no point has a perfectly executed lockdown ever been out of style.  Oh sure, you can argue that 50 points in Interference Immunity, but just turn it off.   Put the points literally anywhere else, you'll be glad you did.  So long as that Terrain is up, and Lyra costs 0 gauges, you are eternally in business.  And I do mean eternally.  Every comp benefits from what Lyra does.  She's non-specific in that way; a tech everyone can, to some degree, make use of.
Which...probably explains why I find her so hard to use?  I dunno, I like compositions that are doing something, and the only time Lyra does something is when she's supplying Terrain.  Her debuffs are random so she doesn't help there, and while she can buff, it's hard to justify over a typical flinch-lock.  I guess the application of Confuse and Trap is nice for Interference Sync and the like?  But Lyra's never been one I'm like...itching to break out, you know? The only thing I do repeatedly caution is that Lyra is in need of gauge when Terrain isn't up.  Sure, she's fine while it's up, but when it turns off, now she's needing a lot of help.  And that can pose problems.  She doesn't need a ton of gauge control, but doing what I do and running her with Dawn and SC Lyra is, as it turns out, stupid.  Keep at least a little speed on your side, and she'll manage just fine.
But I don't have anything to say.  Lyra wants for basically nothing.  She's exceptional in such unbelievable ways, and yet I can't bring myself to hate her like I do with SST Red.  I think it's because Lyra requires such insane precision timing that it's like okay, yes she can solo all this stuff, but doing so is the equivalent of driving spikes into your eyes.  Whereas Red feels like "If you had him 3/5, you win."  Which is way more boring.  I guess that's really the point. DeNA, if you're gonna make stuff broken, at least make it interesting.
HEY YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!  Time for “I didn’t account for the possibility of the Tapu and what they would do to this!”
Yeah, listen.  Sygna Suit Acerola may have taken away the very specific niche of Sun-reliant physical grass strikers from Lyra, but that’s legitimately just in name only.  Unlike Morty, who kinda did have his role ripped away with this, Lyra...does not care.  Like, at all.  In a CS context, Lyra’s actually in love with this adjustment, because immediate Grassy Terrain means immediate free gauges, and terrain extension means no one’s getting to move.  Forget bringing a gun to a sword fight, Lyra’s bringing a cannon.  And in longer stages, if you really want to dunk on Gauntlet this way, Acerola can’t replenish her Terrain, so Lyra having that ability is great.  Sure, it removes the insane nonsense that SC Steven does from Acerola’s core, but the tradeoff is basically perfect, infinite lockdown.  Oh, and the Pride Master Passive, which is added physical DPS with a support that emphasizes physical DPS.  So like.  Okay.  Someone introducing a competitor to your type just made you even more dangerous.  Figure that out.
But supposing there is a limitation and you run them separately, as stated, Acerola can’t replenish her Terrain, while Lyra can.  So as far as broad Grass-type support, Lyra’s got it.  To say nothing of how many gimmicks she checks.  Or that she solos 11 of the 12 stages but ignore that.  Lyra also can do stacks of physical moves up next.  And supports special with trainer move.  So she’s...more versatile as well.
What I mean is Lyra didn’t miss a beat.  A competitor arose and she just laughed and was like “Cool, now I’m even stronger.”  Like...what do you do to stop something like this?  How do you stop the ultimate disruption machine?  I guess Interference Immunity, but like...just don’t select that in CS.  I dunno, man.  Lyra feels kind of invincible.  I know there’s someone arguably above her, and we’ll get to that loser when anniversary runs around, but by and large I appreciate Lyra so much more.  Because she’s outrageous, but because of her supportive effects, while still being able to do the damage thing when desired.  She actually supports.  Which is what I want for a field effect setter.  I don’t like when they hog the spotlight, and outperform the people they’re aiming to support.  And Lyra?  Lyra does just that.  While also being one of the most outrageous options in the game.
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So it's the end of the night, and yet again I've been blasted, sickened out by the Program's DEW's. Caught me off guard a little because usually come nightfall, they ease off to try and keep me wide awake during the night through their V2K. I was chilling with my folks in the living room when out of nowhere I felt my entire body overheating. I started sweating like crazy, heart beating fast, even my magnets heated up a little. I had my sister come over and touch one of the ones on my head and she confirmed it was indeed warm. The back of my throat started aching like crazy too and my stomach began churning. Given the sudden, brief silence of my V2K harassers I abruptly knee exactly what'd happened. Sure enough, they started telling me to "go to sleep." Before that, all I'd been doing was watching youtube videos from other T.I.'s, researching different things regarding coping with gangstalking. The usual stuff! The B.Y. neighbors had been taunting, sneering, jeering and yelling for me to shut up as usual. The same overly controlling bullshit they stay stuck on instead of getting and controlling their OWN lives.
It's literally the 11th time they blasted me out today, waiting until I'd recuperated and was looking and feeling pretty fine then, BOOM! Smfh. They must've gotten pissed off and even more insecure about themselves the fact I'd pretty much been ignoring them and forging forward regardless of their abuses. At one point I was thinking to myself how my "ex", the man who set me up for all this bullshit, has no closeness to his family like I do mine so this is why he became so hellbent on trying to destroy the bond I have with mine. To my surprise, the B.Y. neighbors piper up telling me he in fact doesn't haven't the same familial bonds I have, pretty much confirming what I've said all along. He's a jealous, bitter man and doesn't want me to have what he himself doesn't have, and he's conditioned masses of people to be the same way. The only time the B.Y. neighbors are "together" is when they are giving it their all to try and harass the hell out of me. Some "family," the fact you base the bulk of your familial interactions on obsessing over and tormenting someone else. And they really think that's the "coolest" thing to do! Smfh.
For the most part, I'm considering a plan that will get me out of this corrupted southern state for good before I do something I'll regret for the rest of my life against the B.Y. neighbors and the rest of my harassers, this entire fucked up situation. Other T.I.'s reported there's no real escape from it even if you move to another country. But I'd be willing to try just to see, even if it meant moving to a country like Mexico, as bad of shape its in. I'd probably do better getting kidnapped and tortured over there than putting up with this shit everyday. Unless in Mexico, they'd just kill my ass, worst case scenario and I'd be free for good. These pussies don't even have the balls to kill me off although they obviously have the technological means to do so. They fuck with my breathing and heart rate on occasion, giving me heart palpitations. They're so "tired" of me, why not just murder me off? Get it over with? Chumps. Smfh. They have no regard whatsoever of my physical wellbeing, the damage they're doing to my body keeping me sickened out like this. They see for themselves it's giving them the opposite of what they demand from me. Like I said, every time they blast me, I'm gonna talk even MORE everywhere in any form, way or shape. They want it; they want me talk talk talking away so here we go!
0 notes
collectorsedtn · 2 years
The (insane, crazy, stupid) Deal - P.1
Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader Series Summary: When Y/N Henderson asks her crush out in front of his girlfriend (who she didn't know about!) damage control needs to be done. In a state of panic, she asks Steve Harrington, her little brothers best friend and Mr Popular of Hawkins High, to pretend to date her for a week. In return, they hope to convince Nancy Wheeler that she made the wrong choice and to see what she's been missing. Fake dating drama ensues. ST Timeline: After Season 2, before Season 3 (but may play around with the timeline just to have Robin and their Scoops Ahoy job in here) word count: 4k a/n: Told myself I wasn't gonna start a series but I just love the fake dating trope so here we are lol Part 2
This was crazy. This was insane and stupid and dumb and crazy. You’re not sure what demon possessed you to make so many stupendously horrible mistakes, but whoever he was, he obviously had it out for you. Each decision you made was worse than the one prior, creating a domino effect where each mistake snowballed into the next, resulting in this exact moment. 
The moment in question? Kissing Steve Harrington. 
You could tell that Steve was still in shock, his hands barely grasping your waist and his lips pretty much unresponsive to yours. Your eyes were thankfully closed so you could spare yourself the humiliation of seeing his eyes wide open during a very public kiss at a very popular party. You don’t blame him, even you were completely mystified as to what your thought process was for this moment. You had panicked and put barely any thought into what you were doing when you ran up to him and just planted one on him in the middle of the party, simply reacting from one humiliating situation into another one. You knew that this was a huge mistake on so many different accounts. Not only was he King Steve, but he was your brother’s friend and not the boy that you’re actually crushing on, although you had just found out that that boy might just be a lost cause anyway. On that note, you start to pull away, deciding to end this torture sooner rather than later when you suddenly feel Steve’s hands finally start to grasp at your sides and a hint of reciprocity from his own lips, although you’re not even sure if it really happened or if your mind is just trying to make up for the endless rounds of humiliation you had already experienced today.
You open your eyes to see Steve’s completely bewildered expression, his eyes wide with confusion and mouth slightly agape, but his hands still holding onto your waist. You open your mouth so you can start explaining yourself before deciding against it, realising the music would be too loud for you to properly have a conversation with him. You grab his hand instead, guiding him to the closest room you could find, weaving through groups of people who openly stare at the two of you with curiosity and a few snickers, probably making wrong assumptions as to where we were going and what we were going to do. You finally reach a bathroom, quickly pulling Steve in after you and locking the door. You lean your back against the door, reaching your hand to rest over your chest and feeling your heart beating against the palm of your hand, adrenaline going through the roof. 
“Okay, let me explain myself.” You begin.
“Yeah, what the hell was that, Henderson?” Steve’s slightly annoyed, this much you can gather. He’s standing across from you, leaning on the sink with his arms crossed in front of his chest. “Usually I’m good at picking up signals but you got me at a complete loss this time. Where the hell did that come from?” 
“Look, I panicked, okay? I just panicked. My brain imploded and I panicked and I kissed you.” You rambled, mind running a mile a minute.
“That’s not an explanation.” He retorts, shaking his head.
“It felt like I had no other choice.”
“Just what a man wants to hear.” 
“I mean, I felt – I felt trapped! I thought there was only one solution to get me out of it.”
“Earth to Y/n? You’re still not making sense. Get you out of what?”
You let out a deflated sigh before answering, “Danny McCormick.” You keep your eyes trained on your shoes, avoiding eye contact as you feel your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. 
There’s silence for a moment as Steve processes what you said but comes up empty. “...Danny McCormick?”
You push away from the door and start pacing the short length of the bathroom, still keeping your eyes trained to your feet. “Tonight was the night I was finally gonna make a move on Danny McCormick. And I did. Kind of.” You explain, wringing your hands. “Well, I was starting to, y’know? I asked him out.” 
You finally look up at him to make sure he’s following your story to see his brows furrowed in confusion. “Okay? Good for you. What does that have to do with me?”
“Because right after I asked him out, Mandy, his apparent girlfriend who I knew nothing about, showed up right next to him, giving me the stink eye. Which, in retrospect, I totally deserved.”
Steve nods his head slowly, you can tell he’s trying to pick up the pieces. “Ah, so I’m guessing this is where the panicking starts?”
“Yup. My brain just went into fight or flight and I started improvising. But the big, huge, terrible  problem is that I’m not good at improvising. I just start saying the first thing that comes to my head without even thinking about the repercussions of what I’ve just said”
“Wrap it up, Henderson, get to the explanation.” Steve says impatiently.
“So my brain kind of starts working overtime when I realise that I’ve just asked Danny out in front of his girlfriend and I’m scrambling for ideas to get me out of it, when suddenly I see you right in my line of vision. Now, this is the part where the monkey with the cymbals in my brain starts getting all erratic and giving me bad ideas.”
“The monkey with the cymbals?”
“Yeah you know the one. The monkey toy in the yellow vest that goes crazy with the cymbals? The one with the creepy eyes? That’s what I picture is driving all my common sense away in my head. Like the cymbals are just blocking and drowning all other thoughts out. Anyway, I see you, and the monkey with the cymbals goes off in my brain, and I think hey, there’s Steve, he’s a nice guy! He’s friends with my brother! And so I just tell them, Danny and Mandy, that what I meant to say was double date, not date singular, but date plural. And obviously Mandy isn't buying it so she’s all ‘Well who’s your date?’ and so I say–”
“Steve.” Steve finishes. 
“Exactly!” You say, pointing your fingers at Steve. “But she can still smell the bullshit since I’m not a great actor, so she’s all ‘You’re going on a date with Steve Harrington?’ and she says it in this real condescending tone which really pisses me off. And look, I know and you know that you would never date me which I’m totally fine with because I would never date you, but who the hell is Mandy to assume that I’m not good enough for Steve Harrington? As if I’m below you or something!”
“I’m guessing the monkey cymbals came out again.”
“Oh, the monkey cymbals came out in full force when she said that because I just ran towards you in a blind, hot rage and–”
“Kissed me.”
“Yes! That’s when I kissed you and – Oh my god! I kissed you!” You gasp out, hand coming over your mouth as you realise what you had done. You had gotten so wrapped up in the explanation of it all that you had already forgotten you kissed Steve. “This is basically assault. I pretty much assaulted you. I’m an assaulter!”
“Woah woah woah let’s not go that far.” Steve stressed, pushing himself off the sink.
“No but I did Steve! I just kissed you without your consent. God, this is probably the worst thing I’ve ever done. I just forced you to kiss me!” You lean back against the wall and slide down until you’re crouched on the floor, arms resting on your knees and your head in your hands. 
“I wouldn’t use the word for–”
“People get charged for doing stuff like this. People get arrested for doing stuff like this.” You exclaim, looking up at Steve who was now standing in front of you.
“Nobody is getting arrested–”
“It’s basically the same as punching someone. I’m no better than some violent, brutish–”
“You are taking this way too far.”
“ –abuser. I mean, I should really let you punch me.”
“ –what?” Steve barks, so shocked that he takes a physical step back.
You tilt your head up to look at him, sincere expression adorning your face. “I totally deserve it. An eye for an eye. I assault you, you assault me.” 
“Y/n, I’m not going to punch you, are you crazy?”
“It’s only fair.”
“It’s not fair if I don’t want to punch you!” Steve scoffs.
“But I’m letting you! All I ask is anywhere but the face. I've recently grown to like my face and it’ll be harder to hide the bruise.” You commanded, turning your head to the side and closing your eyes to pretend like you were preparing yourself to get hit, hiding the smile that was tugging at your lips. You were obviously teasing Steve at this point since you knew he would never hit you, but you also weren’t close enough to him for him to know that you were joking.
“Y/n stop it. I’m not hitting you.” Steve huffed, nudging his foot with yours so you’d open your eyes again and look at him.
You give in, turning your head back and staring up at him again. “But I don’t know how to make it up to you.” 
“I don’t know what type of person you think I am, but allowing me to hit you is not you making it up to me. Besides, after hearing all of that, the kiss is the last thing I’m annoyed about, the double date on the other hand–”
At this you scramble to your feet and grab Steve’s hand, remembering the stupid double date that you lied to Danny about. “Please Steve it’ll just be one date–”
“No way! I am not going to willingly spend my free time with Danny McCormick of all people.”
You pull your hand back quickly. “What’s wrong with Danny?” You question defensively.
Steve scoffs at this, shrugging slightly. “No offence to your taste or whatever, but the dude’s got the personality of a wet blanket.”
“He does not!” 
“Uh, yes he does.”
“No he doesn’t! He’s kind and smart and has passion and hobbies and interests!” You defend.
“Yet he’s somehow still the most boring person I’ve ever met on the planet, and need I remind you Y/N, we live in Hawkins Indiana, we probably have the highest percentage of boring people in the world.” Steve teases with a small smile, walking over to the bathroom door and unlocking it, deciding the conversation is over. 
“Please Steve, I’ll do whatever you want!” You insist, following behind him as he exits the bathroom. “I’ll take over babysitting duties! I’ll drop off and pick up Dustin from your house so you don’t have to drive him! I’ll do your trig work for you!”
Steve pauses at this,“All my trig homework?” He asks, head not even turning to look at you. 
“Well, actually, probably not that since I’m morally against plagiarism and doing someone else’s work for them but I’ll tutor you in trig! I promise I’m a really great tutor!” 
Steve laughs at this before shaking his head and continuing to walk away. “Yeah, no way. No deal.”
You continue to chase after him, weaving through throngs of people. Once you’re close enough again, you hold onto the bottom of his shirt between your fingers so that you don’t lose him again, trailing behind him as he makes his way past people.“C’mon Steve! It’s just one shitty double date. Honestly, tell me what you want in exchange because these are desperate times.”
“Very desperate times apparently.” Steve mused, smirking down at you and making light of your previous kiss. You bark out a laugh and hit his arm as you round a corner, bumping directly into Nancy and Jonathan, causing all four of you to jump back slightly. The air is awkward and tense around the four of you with Steve’s eyes on Nancy, Nancy’s eyes on Steve and Jonathan’s eyes on Nancy, you just there taking the whole thing in.
“Steve,” Nancy finally beamed, smiling at him sincerely, Jonathan next to her smiling politely as well. Nancy’s eyes quickly cut to your hand which was still holding onto the bottom of Steve’s shirt and up to your face, a barely noticeable furrow clouding her expression for a second before she wipes it away with a smile directed at you. “And Y/N! Hi.” 
You smile politely back at her in return, making note of the expression you caught on Nancy’s face that you’re sure no one else saw.
“Hey, didn’t know you guys would be at this party.” Steve manages with a grin, you can tell that it’s forced from the way it doesn’t reach his eyes and you’re sure Nancy can tell too. 
“Yeah, we kinda felt like we needed to spend some time with people our age after listening to the kids play dnd all day.” Jonathan explains casually, Nancy nodding along in agreement. 
The four of you stand together in awkward silence, nodding along to the previous statement, “Oh shoot!” You pipe up, breaking the silence as you turn to face Steve, nudging his shoulder with yours. “That actually reminds me that we should probably get going. I promised Dustin I’d be home soon to help him set up the next campaign. You can still give me a ride, right Steve?” You asked, looking up at him with wide eyes which hopefully translated what you were saying but probably made you look crazy. 
“Uh yeah sure…” Steve replies slowly, obviously not understanding what you’re doing but just going along with it. “Yeah, me and Henderson are gonna get going. We’ll see you guys later.” 
All four of you wave your goodbyes before you start to walk away with Steve, impulsively grabbing his hand in yours and threading your fingers through his, keeping a strong grip so he doesn’t pull away. 
Steve nearly jumps back at the surprising contact, staring down at you with wide, dumbfounded eyes. “What the hell are you doing?” Steve questions through gritted teeth.
You lean up on your toes to whisper in Steve’s ear, “Testing out a theory.” You turn your head back just before you round the corner and see Nancy’s eyes linger on yours and Steve’s hands, causing you to break out into a mischievous smile. The second you’re out of sight of Nancy and Jonathan you wrench your hand from Steve’s and lift it for a high five, to which Steve just stares blankly at your hand.
“What am I meant to do with that?” Steve nods towards your still upraised hand, wearing an expression of mild annoyance. 
“High five!” You explain, still holding your hand up.
“Why?” Steve asks, finally relenting and giving you a very lacklustre high five, although you would say it was more similar to a gentle hand nudging rather than a high five.
“Because,” you sing, “Nancy was one hundred percent staring at our hands meaning, drumroll please!” Steve stares at you blankly again, not willing to entertain you. “Wow, you’re in a mood.” You grumble, rolling your eyes, “It means she’s jealous, nimrod. That’s what I can give you in exchange.” You pat Steve on the arm with a smile, walking on without him while you let him absorb your words behind you.
“You think she was jealous?” Steve calls out after you, jogging back up to you. By now the two of you were out of the house and on your way to Steve’s car, the night air so chilly that your breaths came out like puffs of smoke. 
“Definitely. I noticed it when we first bumped into them so I had to test out my theory, that’s why I held your hand.” You explain, stuffing your hands in your jacket pockets to bury them away from the cold. You hear Steve hum in reply as he processes this information in his own time, silently leading the both of you to his car. “So will you do it?” You ask, breaking Steve out of his thoughts as he unlocks the car.
“Do what?”Steve asks, sliding into the driver's seat.
“Go on the date with me in exchange for making Nancy jealous again.” You elaborated simply, sliding into the passenger seat and shutting the door. 
“What? No.” Steve grumbles, frowning and shaking his head as he starts the car up and pulls away from the house, refusing to make eye contact with you. “I don’t even care if Nancy gets jealous. We’re broken up anyways.” 
You whip your head around to face him and give him a look which reads ‘I can read straight through your bullshit’, smiling a little at his obvious state of denial. “Uh yeah, sure. I totally believe you.” You tease sarcastically. 
“What, you don’t bel–” He stops himself when he pulls his eyes away from the road and glances your way, deciding to give up then and there when he sees the expression on your face. “Yeah alright, so I care a little bit that she got jealous, so what?” 
You smile triumphantly at his admission before explaining your plan to him, “So you can go on the double date with me and then I’ll let you act all flirty with me in front of Nancy and make her jealous and see what she’s missing.”
“Look Y/N, I’m sorry, but I’m not going on the double date. I don’t do double dates. Especially double dates with Dann—”
“Danny McCormick, yeah I know.” You grumble out defeatedly, slumping in your passenger seat. You’re silent for a moment as you think of other options to get you out of your humiliating mess with Danny, especially since you have to see him every single day in class. “What if I cancel on the double date but you act all flirty with me in front of Danny and Mandy, just enough to prove to them that I wasn’t hitting on him.”
“But you were hitting on him.” Steve reminds you pointedly.
“Only because I didn’t know he had a girlfriend!” You defend yourself, huffing out an annoyed sigh when you see Steve’s lips quirk up at your obvious irritation. “C’mon Steve! This can be mutually beneficial. Just do your whole flirty King Steve bit with me in front of Nancy, Danny and Mandy and it’s a win-win situation.” You’re practically begging at this point, as if you hadn’t experienced enough humiliation in one night. 
You watch with bated breath as Steve keeps his eyes forward on the road ahead, his one hand resting on the steering wheel and the other pulling at his lip, obviously thinking over your proposal and how it will benefit him. “If I say yes to this, and that’s if, we gotta set some ground rules.”
You practically fling your body forward so you’re turned in your chair and facing him, nodding your head vigorously and excitedly. “Yes! Ground rules. Completely agree.”
“Like, there needs to be an end date to all of this. And we need to specify what we’re allowed to do and when we’re allowed to do it.” You nod along to everything Steve says, too excited and overwhelmed to even come up with your own ground rules. “And we gotta think of an answer for when people start asking questions about what we are to each other.”
“What we are to each other?” You’re confused now, as you had just assumed that the situation would just be some light flirting in the hallway, not anything that resembled actual dating.
“Yeah, I mean, I flirt with everyone so if you want it to be believable that we’re really into each other, I kinda gotta go all in. People are gonna ask questions.” Steve shrugs, catching your eye briefly before turning away again.
“Oh… I guess I never thought about that.” You mumble out quietly.
“What? Now you’re all shy and want to back out? Aren’t you the one that kissed me?” Steve teases as he finally stops the car in front of your house, pulling his key out of the ignition.
“Shut up, I was just thinking.” You grin back, undoing your seatbelt and twisting your body so you’re fully facing him with your back to the passenger door and your legs crossed on the seat. You’re silent for a moment as you pick apart ideas in your brain, trying to come up with some ground rules that would benefit both of you in this situation. “I think we should start off with just one week of public flirting slash displays of affection, then we can reconsider if we need more time after the one week.” You finally propose.
Steve nods his head at this, mimicking your actions by sitting cross legged across from you as well. “Kissing or no kissing?” He asks. 
“No kissing. Unless absolutely necessary.” You answer with the shake of your head. “And if people ask what we are to each other, we’ll say that we’ve just been on a few dates, nothing serious.”
“Yeah, I like that. Good answer.” Steve nods along before leaning over and rummaging through the centre console, finally fishing out some old receipt paper and a pen, no doubt jotting down everything you were saying. “And what do we tell Dustin?” Steve asks, not looking up as he finishes writing down his last word. 
“Why does Dustin need to know?”
“Don’t you think he’s gonna hear about how one of his best friends is being seen with his sister?” Steve asks.
“This thing is gonna last a week.” You state, shaking your head dismissively. “I doubt it’ll make the gossip rounds and reach his middle school in just a week.”
“Yeah, but it might.” Steve counters.
“Then we’ll cross that bridge if we get there.”
Steve raises his eyebrows and sighs in defeat. “Fine, whatever.” He says, shrugging his shoulders and scooting closer to you, passing the old receipt paper which he was writing on. “Have a look at this and see if it looks alright.” You grab the paper from him and quickly skim through all the bullet points, nodding along to everything but stopping at the last point. Y/N will not fall in love with Steve. 
“What’s this?” You ask, pointing to the last point. 
“It’s a clause that says you won't fall in love with me.” Steve says matter of factly, expression dead serious. 
“Yeah, right” You snort, stealing the pen out of his hand so you can cross it out. 
“I’m being serious. You haven’t experienced my full charm, Y/N, the clause is completely necessary.” Steve insists with crossed arms.
You roll your eyes and laugh at him a little but decide not to fight him on this, signing your name messily at the bottom of the paper before passing it to Steve to sign as well. Once you both signed the paper, you took his hand in yours and gave it one firm shake to fully seal the deal, Steve even giving you a salute with his other hand, causing you to snort out a laugh. 
“Pleasure doing business with you.” Steve jokes, giving one last shake before letting your hand go. 
“I guess I’ll see you at school on Monday.” You say, gathering your few belongings before stepping out of the car. You start to shut the car door but stop halfway, leaning down again to say one more thing, “Again, I am so sorry for kissing you without your permission. So sorry.” You say sheepishly, earning some surprised laughter from Steve. 
“Henderson, seriously, it’s fine. Plus, I’ll get you back at some point this week so fair is fair.” Steve says, cheeky glint in his eyes. 
You squint your eyes at him before slamming the door shut, walking halfway up your driveway before turning around and shouting, “You better read those terms and conditions well. It said unless absolutely necessary.” You turn back around before seeing his reaction, running up to your door and wondering what the hell you had just got yourself into. 
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h2bakugou · 3 years
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『 𝗵𝟮𝗯𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗴𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗸 』 ✦  𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝘂𝗽 𝟭𝟴+ 𝗮𝘂 ; 𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗮𝘂 ; 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗢𝗥𝗦 𝗗𝗡𝗜
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𝐈𝐕. 𝗯𝗮𝗸𝘂𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗱 ✦ 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀-𝗼𝗻 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 ; between you and izuku’s relationship, sex was always something to touch on later, both literally and figuratively. so when you go to your closest guy friends seeking advice on how to please your boyfriend, they give you much more of hands on lesson than you had expected.
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 ; katsuki bakugou, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hanta sero x reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ; 18+, smut, swearing, porn with plot/little plot, cheating, dub-con, virgin!reader, virginity stealing, oral (male and female receiving), overstimulation, orgasm denial, thigh fucking, cum play, spit play, spanking, fingering, bukkake, orgy, split roasting, biting, mentions of porn, partial revenge sex, sub/dom dynamics, praise kink, degradation, masturbation, double penetration, recording
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ; this came to me on a whim, i really needed to just get this out of my head. i’ve been in a weird headspace and this prompt just kinda came up and stuck with me. apologies for any spelling/writing errors, this piece was not proofread!!
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 ; 6.7k
✦  𝗻𝘀𝗳𝘄 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝘁 ✦
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Wanting to be the perfect girlfriend for your ever so lovely boyfriend was becoming more of a challenge. Izuku was an angel, and heaven-sent. He was as sweet as he could be. And you loved him for all that he did for you.
Helping you study for your college classes, taking you on cute picnic dates to watch the sunset. 
You were lucky to have a guy like him. But having a perfect guy like him meant you could also lose him. And you didn’t want that at all.
The two of you had never dabbled much into sex and all of its activities. There was the time you’d grinded against his lap, or made out while he jerked off under you, but you’d never done anything with him, just like he’d never done anything with you.
You were both nervous, but you wanted your first time together to be something special. Something you could both cherish. You wanted it to be perfect for him. 
Since porn was the last place you wanted to take advice from, you swallowed your nerves and bit the bullet, asking your best group of guy friends if you could hang out at their flat for a bit.
And of course, in the group chat, you were all in together, they welcomed you over with open arms.
You settled on their couch instantly recognizing the neutral grey walls as your second home when you weren’t pacing around your own flat. 
“So what’s up girlie?” Kaminari asks, already laying his head in your lap like usual.
“I have a really big favor to ask you all.” You stare worryingly at the floor, just past Kaminari’s head.
“What is it? You know we’re here to help.” Kirishima chimes in, honestly expecting some bad news.
“Don’t tell me that shithead Deku’s causing problems.” Bakugou grunts from his spot beside you on the couch.
“No, no. It does have to deal with Deku, but er...” You pause, swallowing the lump of nerves in your throat before spitting it out.
“We keep having these sexual moments, and I just wanna please him but I don’t know where to start so I thought I would ask you guys what feels good for men.” You suddenly feel as if the world has caved in, your frame much smaller than anyone else’s in the room.
As if a lightbulb had flicked on simultaneously in the male’s heads, they all gathered around you.
“Well, I know for a start, I like it when they look at me when they blow me. Makes me feel in control.” Kaminari grins.
“Yeah it’s the only time you’re in control.” Sero jokes. Kaminari slaps the ravenette and rolls off of your lap, sitting up beside you.
“So you want to have sex with Izuku finally?” Kirishima asks. You nod sheepishly, still embarrassed to be so open about your sex life, or lack of one, with some of your best friends.
“Have you ever had sex before?” Bakugou asks bluntly. Your silence speaks volumes as the four men around you all seem to get the same idea yet again.
“We can give you some tips!” Kirishima’s words aren’t supposed to have a double meaning, but in a matter of seconds, Bakugou’s standing right in front of you, gazing down at you with lust-filled eyes.
“Take my belt off.” He speaks clearly.
“W-wait you guys are just supposed to teach me-”
“We are. Hands-on teaching seems to show the most progress does it not?” Kaminari butts in, his hands creeping up on your sides, dipping under your arms to undo the buttons on your blouse.
“We’re gonna help you understand what feels good for us! We can teach you better this way, so pay close attention.” Sero stood behind Bakugou, slinging his arm over Bakugou’s shoulder.
“If this is gonna help, I guess it won’t be too bad.” You mumble, your timid hands reaching for Bakugou’s belt.
“Look at me.” Bakugou’s voice ushers for your gaze. Your eyes travel up his clothed chest to his crimson eyes.
“Good girl.” Bakugou grinned, watching as your eyes widened.
“Bet stupid Deku doesn’t praise you.” Bakugou huffs. Your hands eventually undo his belt and now you stare at his abdomen. Bakugou tugs his shirt off over his head, revealing his toned chest. 
You’re in awe.
“Izuku doesn’t look like that.” You think out loud, figuratively drooling over your best friend. Bakugou feels a strong sense of pride as he glances at Kaminari, who’s finally able to tug your shirt off and reveal those pretty tits he’s beat his dick to at night.
Photos of you in swimsuits, or teasing clips you’d posted to your instagram stories late at night in a bra or some sort of revealing top while you hung out with your girlfriends, Denki kept them all in a hidden folder and let out embarrassing moans when his hand jerked his cock at them.
“So pretty.” Kaminari mumbles, biting your shoulder as he unclamps your bra, finally seeing them in person, unobscured.
“Deku’s so fucking lucky.” Kaminari hisses, grabbing them roughly, kneading them in his hands harshly.
You whine, whether in pain or pleasure is unsure, the feeling of Kaminari’s hands kneading your tits like their just dough is making your cunt throb. And it suddenly feels so much hotter in the room when your eyes widen at the size of Kaminari’s bulge as you glance over at him.
“Does he touch you like this?” Kaminari whispers, his fingers twisting your nipples, tugging them between his thumb and forefinger as the rest of his hand continues to cup and massage your breasts.
“N-No. He’s never touched me.” You whine, your head hanging on your shoulders, embarrassed to be so turned on by this. This was wrong-
“Get my cock out. It’s time for you to learn how to suck someone off.” Bakugou places his hand on the back of your head and yanks your hair back, forcing you to look at him.
“Go on, or you won’t like when I do it myself. I’ll use your throat like a fleshlight.” Bakugou’s voice drops, watching as your hands find their way back to his pants.
“How come he gets to get blown first?” Kirishima mumbled to Sero, the pair gradually undoing their own pants, slowly palming over their clothed erections.
“Because I hate Deku the most.” Bakugou grunts.
“Oh fuck.” You curse, staring at Bakugou’s cock in awe. 
“I’ve never seen one in person before...” You babble, completely shocked by the pure length and girth of the cock that’s twitching in front of you. Bright pink cockhead, with a prominent vein on the underside, he’s fucking huge. And for a second you wonder if you can even open your mouth wide enough to take even the head of him in your mouth.
But you get your answer soon enough.
“So innocent.” Sero’s ashamedly turned on by your innocence. The way you stared at Bakugou’s cock like it was the only thing in the room was enough to make him excited. He wanted to steal every moment from you. He wanted to ruin you.
“Open your mouth. Tongue out.” Bakugou instructs. You do as you say and you can see Bakugou visibly tense. His shoulders relax as he grips the base of his cock and slaps the head of it on your tongue.
“Rule number one. No teeth. Ever.” Bakugou makes this rule very evident as he taps his dick against your tongue.
“If it’s too much, tap me three times.” Bakugou says in a slightly gentler tone, almost as if he knew you were going to need to tap out. 
“Well, it’s not gonna suck itself.” Bakugou huffs, smirking down at you. You try to think straight but nothing’s working. You search in the dirtiest parts of your brain, trying to remember all the magazines you’d seen telling you how to suck a guy to make him cum, but as you took Bakugou’s cock into your mouth, just past the tip, your jaw was already starting to ache.
Kaminari’s hands had traveled down to your shorts, teasing your bare skin as he slid his fingers under the waistband of your panties.
“Holy fuck.” Bakugou murmured, glancing back at Kirishima and Sero, who had now whipped their cocks out, stroking them while their pants sat pooled around their ankles.
“Is she good?” Sero asks, glancing over Bakugou to look down at you. You were clearly struggling, your hands resting in your lap awkwardly, not sure of where or what to do with them.
“Here, get on your knees down here.” Bakugou pulls his cock from your past your lips with a small ‘pop’ sound, his strong arms tugging you down off the couch, leaving Kaminari alone up there.
He quickly hops down too, sitting down behind you, taking the chance to play with your tits some more, biting and kissing your neck and shoulder.
Sero and Kirishima stand on opposite sides, now trapping you between all four males, one on each side of you.
You gaze at Sero’s cock. It was long, and lean, a significant curve set his apart from Bakugou’s. It was a bit thinner but still looked like it could do some serious damage.
Kirishima, on the other hand, seemed to outweigh them both. His cock was fat and hung along with the biggest balls you’ve ever seen-note you’ve seen three pairs so far.
It was thick, long, and veiny. And you were scared. If you could barely fit Bakugou’s in your mouth, you knew for a fact his wouldn’t fit at all.
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t ‘cha?” Kirishima teased as your hands daintily reached up to stroke Sero and Kirishima’s cocks. Something you’d seen in a porno once, where a girl was in a position similar to yours.
“Where’d you learn that one?” Kaminari teases, licking your shoulder.
“P-porn.” You stutter out.
“Oh.” Sero laughs.
“What a dirty girl you are.” Kirishima’s hips thrust forward, allowing your hand to complete the first stroke from the tip to the base.
You lean forward and take Bakugou’s cock back into your mouth, staring up at him as he grunts. His hands find their way to your hair, forcing you to take his length.
So much for going in slow and easy.
You’re sure you see the heavens for a moment. Your vision blurs with tears as Bakugou’s cock hits the back of your throat. Your hands stop moving on Sero and Kirishima’s cocks as you take a moment to adjust.
You mewl, your voice reverberating against Bakugou’s cock, the vibrations sending chills down his spine. He takes control, using your mouth as his own personal fucktoy.
And you were completely helpless. Besides the tears on your lashes and the ache in your jaw, your hands returned to jerking off the men beside you, your eyes still set on staring up at Bakugou as he smirked pridefully at you.
And then you felt it. Kaminari’s hands had slid down into your panties, his fingers just barely ghosted over your clit before you forced yourself down to the base of Bakugou’s cock, your hips jerking from the sensation alone.
“Woah there.” Kaminari pulled his hands out, giggling.
“Someone’s never felt that before.” He teases. You tap Bakugou’s leg three times and he pulls out, almost disappointed.
“Are you alright?” 
“Does it feel good to be touched down there?” You ask your hands reaching to remove your shorts.
“I think you’re talking to the wrong crowd for that.” Kirishima jokes. 
“Dumbass. Of course, it feels good. Don’t tell me you’ve never-”
“No! No! I’ve tried I could just never, make myself...” 
“Oh my god.” Kirishima and Sero give each other an almost pitiful stare.
“And Deku’s never pushed sex so I always thought something was wrong with me. What if I can’t cum? How can I please him if I can’t-”
“Hey. Why don’t we help you out? Clearly touching you there evoked some sort of reaction, why don’t you relax and let me see if I can work something out of you.” Kaminari offers, rubbing your sides. You nod shyly. 
Spreading your legs similarly, your movements are slow and timid as if you're scared to make a wrong move. Kaminari glances up to the others as they quickly picked up, Bakugou kneeling down to help remove your shorts and panties, which had a small damp spot, one Bakugou didn’t miss.
“You’re already soaking your panties. You’re enjoying this.” Bakugou retorted, staring in awe of your glistening cunt, one his childhood best friend had claimed before him.
It ate away at Bakugou daily. Seeing the two of you walk to classes together, or whenever you’d post snaps of you laying on his chest after he fell asleep during a movie night.
Or the way he’d call you baby in front of all your friends. It pissed Bakugou off. He was in love with you.
But oh was Bakugou going to take this chance by its reigns. He was going to show you exactly what you were missing being with that stupid nerd.
And even more so. Bakugou was going to take your virginity away from you, and away from the guy who you clearly thought was going to.
“Damn Deku really is lucky.” Sero whispered, his eyes locked tight onto your dripping cunt. It was beautiful. Sero had his fair share of one-night stands, and hookups, but he’d never seen one that looked like yours. God, it was captivating. He wanted to feel your tight, plush walls hugging his cock as he fucked into you from behind.
And then there was Kirishima, who stared in awe as well. His eyes wandered your naked body and wondered if you were truly the same girl going out with Deku. 
Part of you being in a standing relationship was so enticing. Kirishima was nothing short of respectful, but wanting to destroy any sort of expectations you had for your first time with Deku sent his brain and cock into overdrive.
And there you were, legs sprawled out, cunt dripping your essence onto the soft carpeted floors, your back pressed into Denki's chest as his fingers reached down and spread your pussy apart.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you felt like you were going to implode. Your senses were heightened, and the slightest touch between your thighs made you squirm. Denki chuckled as the other males salivated over you, picking their jaws off the floor was the next step.
"Go on, why don't you find her clit." Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest with an evil grin.
"Oh shut the fuck up." Kaminari's fingers moved from the lips of your cunt to the hardened bud, and with one tiny little touch, you let out an embarrassing whine. Denki grinned as he moved his fingers in a slow circular motion over your clit, watching how you quickly clamped your legs together.
"Awe no, let them see just how good I am with my fingers." Kaminari cooed in your ear, using one hand to pry your legs back open, Sero bending down and grabbing the other, forcing them apart. You whined in pleasure as his fingers worked wonders against your clit, your back arching against his chest. 
"Denki!" You cried out, feeling something building up inside of you. Kaminari grinned but Bakugou wasn't having it.
"Oi, enough. I wanna cum down her throat." Bakugou grunted, yanking you up to your feet from your forearm.
"Sit on his face and suck my cock, slut." Bakugou spat, your eyes widening. You nodded, glancing back at Kaminari who was already moving for you to do so. You were nervous, feeling awful for sitting on his face, but you didn't regret a thing when you felt Kaminari's tongue swipe through your folds. 
The cold steel of his tongue piercing made you shiver as his tongue flicked across your clit making you whine. 
"'m ready." You choked out, glancing at Bakugou.
"Us first." Sero stepped in, gripping the base of his cock, tapping it against your lips, similarly to how Bakugou had done. Kirishima stepped up and nudged his cockhead against Sero's, the two unphased by it.
"I-I can't take both-"
"So take turns." Bakugou said bluntly. You glanced up at Sero and Kirishima, worryingly trying to take Kirishima's cock into your mouth first. You made it just barely past the tip of his fat cock, before you realized your attempt was futile. You brought a hand up to help, stroking the base of his cock while your mouth worked past the tip. Your free hand returned to jerk Sero off, your ego racing as you heard his own grunts of pleasure.
"She's a quick learner." Kirishima grins, his hand resting on your head as he guides you gently to take more of his cock into your mouth. Kirishima is saddened when you stop and switch to try and do the same for Sero.
Halfway through the transition, Kaminari's tongue prods through your entrance, making you stop. Your shoulders tense up and you freeze, quickly hunching over, grinding your cunt against Kaminari's mouth, the tips of his nose brushing against your clit.
"Fuck!" You cry, feeling yourself lose control. Your mind turns white for a moment, and all the pleasure begins to hurt as you want to leap off of Kaminari's tongue. But his strong arms wrapped around your thighs holding you in place stop you from doing so.
"It-it hurts! Please." You pant, your lips parted as you mewl against his face.
"He fucking did it. He made her cum." Sero groaned. Your head shot up, staring at the ravenette.
"T-that was-"
"A female orgasm? Yeah. Felt weird and tingly, and when he kept going it hurt. Fun huh." Sero grins. 
"Dude, let her explain it." Kirishima sighs. 
"It felt good. Really good. I've never felt anything like that before." You go to continue your job of blowing Sero, but he stops you. 
"Let's take this to Bakugou's room." Sero smirks. 
You're on your feet in a matter of seconds until the boys toss you onto Bakugou's cozy bed, the one you've crashed on multiple times while he was away or while he slept on the couch.
This time, Sero was quick to take control of the situation, ushering you to the edge of the bed where your head hung off. Sero smiled down at you, tapping his cock against your lips again as you eventually opened it for him. Before sliding it in, Sero leaned down and spit into your mouth, cutting any possible complaints off by shoving his cock down your throat.
"Fuck." Sero dragged out, watching as Kirishima took the opportunity to plant himself between your thighs, his tongue diving into your cunt. Your moans were silenced by Sero's cock as he fucked your throat raw. Kaminari was the only one who hadn't been inside your throat. But he was doing just fine, teasing himself with his hand, forcing himself to stop every time he felt like cumming at the sight of you being used by his friends.
"She tastes so good. Want more." Kirishima muttered against your cunt, using one hand to spread you open as his tongue wrecked your clit, his other hand dipped a single finger inside your tight entrance.
"She's so fucking tight." Kirishima commented, rubbing his middle finger along your folds, his knuckle just barely grazing the fleshy walls of your hole.
"I bet." Bakugou muttered.
"Can I fuck her thighs?" Kaminari asked, eyes bright with excitement. It was something he'd dreamt about doing. Feeling your plush thighs squeeze his cock, all while gripping handfuls of your tits, cumming on your tummy. It was a thought he could get off to over and over again.
"Shit. Gonna cum!" Sero groaned, sliding his cock past your lips once more, his cock twitching as he shot his hot load down your throat.
The next few seconds were fuzzy. Sero pulled out and shot up, cum leaking from past your lips. You couldn't swallow it. Shamefully spitting up, feeling horrible, it dropped onto your stomach and began to leak and make a mess.
"Awe, poor thing. Never had anyone cum in your pretty mouth before huh?" Sero patted your head, tilting it back so you could look up at him. Your lips were glossy and glistening with spit and cum, but your eyes were watery.
"Sorry! I-"
"Don't apologize. I should've just cum all over this pretty face instead." He smirked, leaning down, pressing a rough kiss to your lips. Kirishima decides to add another finger, and you're gone, moaning into Sero's mouth, hands gripping the sheets with enough force to turn your knuckles white.
Your thighs clamp over Kirishima's ears, and you find yourself grinding against his tongue and fingers, back arching off of the mattress. Bakugou just stands in awe, whipping out his phone to record the whole scene.
"Alright let Kaminari have his fuckin' turn." Bakugou groans, tugging Kirishima away, watching how your legs twitch as you cum for the second time. You're so sensitive and you don't know why. For the first time, after Sero pulls away, you see Kaminari's cock.
It's a little larger than average. It's pretty and slightly fatter at the head than at the base, and much like Sero's, as a pretty curve in it. Kaminari is eager to sandwich his cock between your thighs, watching how he smiles as he leans down to paw at your tits.
Just as he slides through your thighs, you feel the friction of his cock glide against your cunt, and suddenly you're awakened to yet another new feeling. Your back falls flat against the mattress again, your eyes floating back up to Sero who hovers over you. You go to reach for his cock but he shakes his head and yanks Kirishima over to his spot.
"Be a good girl for Kirishima, he likes to fuck pretty little mouths like yours." Sero grins evilly. You stare at the monster cock above your lips and you hesitate. How does he fucking live with a cock like this? Your cunt throbs just looking at it. You can imagine it buried in your cunt, your legs shaking as you cum over and over again on it.
Kaminari panted as moaned as his cock fucked your thighs, his hands still kneading your tits as Kirishima forced his cock down your throat, this time much slower than Bakugou or Sero had done. Your jaw ached in a much more intense pain. But you squeezed your eyes shut, ignoring it.
"That's it, take my fucking cock down your throat like the stupid little fucktoy you are." Kirishima degraded you. You let your hand travel down between your legs, forcing it to your cunt while not disrupting Kaminari's pleasure.
"Aw look, she wants to cum again." Kaminari quickly snatches your frisky hand back up, slowing his ministrations and slowing the friction of his cock grinding against your cunt.
Kaminari and the rest of the men hear your failed attempt at a whine as you struggle with Kirishima's cock in your mouth. Kaminari's hips move slowly and smoothly, humping your thighs like a needy pup.
Pining your hands to the mattress as he grinds his cock between your thighs, Kaminari lets out a huff before pulling himself away from you.
Kaminari groans and slinks over to Bakugou, whispering something in his ear which only elicits a smirk on his lips. Bakugou passes the word onto Sero who passes it onto Kirishima like a game of telephone.
Suddenly Kirishima's drawing his cock from your mouth and Bakugou's tugging you up.
"Get on your knees." Bakugou instructs, forcing your face down into the mattress, hiking your ass up into the air. Bakugou's palm comes down against your ass, the sound echoing in the full room. You whine into the sheets as he does it again, this time letting his hands grip your cheeks, spreading you apart.
"God, you're fucking dripping." Bakugou's not worried about the mess you've made smearing Sero's cum over his sheets, he'll have to wash them after what's going to happen.
Bakugou leans down into his mattress, tasting you for the first time. You clench the sheets between your hands, mewling in pleasure as his tongue flicks across your clit and scoops up your juices, most of it dribbling down his chin. He's eating you out like he'd been starved. You're cumming in a matter of seconds as he continues.
"'s too much! Please!" You cry out, your cunt aching in overstimulation. Kaminari had denied you once, and it didn't take much for the need to cum to overtake you.
"Gonna have to fuckin' punish you for that. Did I say you could cum, bitch?" Bakugou pulls away, spanking you once more.
"N-no!" You cry.
"'m sorry!" You apologize, hoping your efforts would spare you humiliation. But oh how wrong you were.
A searing pain rips through you as Bakugou's cock pushes past your entrance. Your eyes squeeze shut and your mouth hangs open, a small cry ripping through your throat.
"It hurts!" You cry. Suddenly, the searing pain stops. Bakugou has pulled out, sighing as he moves onto the bed, waving for the guys to join.
Bakugou guides you down onto his cock, however, this time it's more like sitting on his lap. He's propped against his headboard, and you ease down as best as you can. It hurts, but Kirishima and Sero coddle you, kissing on your neck and chest, leaving Kaminari to suck on your nipples, flicking his tongue across your the hardened buds.
Bakugou bottoms out inside of you and all you can feel is the stretch. It hurts, more than anything you've ever felt. It's overwhelming and you can't think at all. Bakugou doesn't move. He rests inside you until you give a weary moan.
"Better?" He asks softly.
"Y-yeah." Your arms sling over the shoulders of the redhead and ravenette attacking your shoulders and neck with kisses and bites.
Bakugou's hands rest on your hips and help you up and down as you begin to bounce on his cock, the tip nudging against a spongey spot inside you, forcing moans to spew from you like a shook-up soda.
"Her moans are so fuckin' dirty." Kirishima speaks against your skin, sinking a hand down to your cunt, his fingers beginning to work at your clit, making you spew even lewder sounds as your moans turn to mewls and cries of pleasure.
"Who knew she could moan like that?" Kaminari laughed, palming at your breasts. You feel embarrassed, letting these men rip you to shreds while trying to learn.
It then dawns on you how you'd ended up in this predicament in the first place. You came here willing to learn, hoping to bring back something to help Izuku, but you'd completely blanked. You couldn't really remember anything they'd taught you, or if they'd taught you anything at all. Once you sucked Bakugou's cock, it'd all happened so fast.
Sitting on Denki's face, stuffing your face full of Kirishima and Sero's cock, cumming on Bakugou's tongue while being face down on his bed. It was all a strange feeling.
And now as your mind began to turn blank, vision clouding from pleasure, you realized you were fixing to cum again, this time from Bakugou's cock. All your pain had melted away-though a dull ache still remained in your abdomen, and turned to pleasure. You were cumming.
You. Were cumming.
Bakugou had taken your virginity.
And Bakugou had come to the same conclusion. As your cunt squeezed and pulsed against his aching cock, so desperately wanting to spill his load inside you and see you plump with his kid, claiming you for his own, stealing you away from that stupid fucking nerd you were with, he realized he had been the one in the end to claim you, and your virginity.
It was a sick and twisted sense of pride, to really think he had any say-so over your body. But there was something so devilishly hot to say that he'd been your first.
"Bakugou!" You cried out, your nails digging into the skin of Kirishima and Sero. Bakugou's cock continued to thrust into you.
"Yeah take my fuckin' cock. Take it you fuckin' whore. Gonna fuck you until you're braindead." Bakugou muttered, reaching a hand up to grip your throat, forcing your back against his chest.
"I wanna see you full of Kirishima's cock. Think you could take it? He'd rip you apart." Bakugou grinned, setting his friend up next. You shook your head against his hand on your throat.
"It's too big!" You cried, hoping that he'd listen to you. But he didn't. Instead, you found yourself back on the mattress, this time on your hands and knees. Weakly you kept yourself upright as Kirishima positioned at your entrance,
"Gonna use you like the little cocksleeve you are." Kirishima chuckles, watching as you squirm as the tip grazes your tight hole. Your cunt is dripping, every little touch seems to make you whine, and you can't tell if you've peed yourself or if you're just that wet. You think the former would be less embarrassing, but you decide to just stop thinking about it, and instead, you thank your body for all the natural lubrication it's making for Kirishima's cock.
Kaminari takes your mouth, sliding his cock inside and finally getting to feel what everyone else had. You can't speak, you can barely make any sounds with how raw they've fucked your throat. And you're painfully aware that they hadn't even bothered to slap on a condom. Not that you'd minded, they'd shown you time and time again that they were clean, and you were happy they'd taken the steps to have safe sex with any partner they had.
Kirishima's fingers leave bruises on your hips, gripping you with force. He sheathes himself inside you and you swear you feel yourself ripping in half.
It's so much, all at one time.
"Holy shit she fucking took you all." Bakugou says shocked, almost as if that was something to be proud of.
"He sent a chick to the ER. That phone call was awful." Sero teases the redhead for one of his mishaps.
"I didn't purposely hurt her! I was just trying to have fun, didn't think my cock was capable of tearing her fuckin' vagina." Kirishima feels a bit awkward talking about a terrible sex story while he's plowing into you, especially since you're too cockdrunk to even realize what's happening.
"Would you two shut up?" Kaminari's grabbing a fistful of your hair as he tilts your head back, sliding his cock down your throat, smiling down at you.
"You're doing such a good job. So fuckin' cute swallowing my cock like that." Kaminari praises. His praises make you feel warm and fuzzy, and you think for a moment, this is what it's like to be loved. But then images of Deku cross your mind. And your gaze drops, and you feel ashamed. You feel dirty.
You repeat to yourself that this is just a learning experience and nothing more. You'd never do this because you weren't satisfied in your relationship. No. You were doing this for Deku. You wanted to show him you knew what you were doing. You wanted to show him he could fuck your throat and make you cum with his tongue.
Kirishima grunted, his cock stretching even further, reminding you of the pain Bakugou had put you through the first time he'd entered you. It burned, but it became tolerable after a while.
"Shit, she's so fuckin' tight. Wanna cum inside." Kirishima groans. Your ears perk up at his words. You want to tell him no, but you can't. You don't. He pulls out before he gets the chance to and you're relieved.
"Sero, your turn." Kirishima trades places with Sero who was stroking his cock watching you get dicked down on both ends. Sero's cock takes you down an undiscovered path.
It seems every time he slides into you, his cock nudges against that spot inside you, making you cry in pleasure as Kaminari swaps places with Bakugou, his cock rammed down your throat once more.
Things become blurry, and all you remember is cumming again and again. When Sero nears his climax, he swaps places with Kaminari and Kirishima takes his chance to fuck your throat.
Kaminari's pace is different from Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugou's. He has no restraint. He fucks you fast, and hard, sending your body forward with each heavy thrust. He might be a bit smaller compared to the males, but he surely makes up for it.
"Out of everyone here, Kaminari has the most experience." Sero chimes in, patting his shoulder while he huffs, pounding into you until you're cumming around his cock, your milky white juices leaking out everywhere.
"She's making such a mess. How pitiful. So how fucked out are you, gorgeous?" Sero asks, watching as Kirishima pulls his cock out from your mouth, drool and saliva dripping past your lips as you choke out a moan.
"Feels-s so good." You babble, your head hangs on your shoulder as you bury it into the mattress, moaning as Kaminari fucks you into yet another orgasm. His stamina is incredible considering you thought he was still new to sex. Sorry Kami.
"She's fuckin' out of it jesus christ." Bakugou mumbles, pulling Kaminari out from between your cunt. Bakugou flips you onto your back and stares at you in amazement. Your legs are shaking and you're still making noise, whining about how you want more and how empty you feel.
"Please, fill me up." You whine, staring at the boys.
"With a face like that, how could we resist?" Kirishima grins, slapping Sero on the ass. Sero rolls his eyes and joins you on the bed.
"Think you can take two at once gorgeous?" Sero coos, laying down beside you, ushering you to lay on top of him. Your mouth drops open as you lower yourself onto him and lay back, watching as Bakugou saunters around to the front. He grins as he lines his cock up at your entrance, just barely pushing his tip inside.
"Kirishima stretched her out good for us to use her like the little whore she is. God, she's so fucking good at this I almost don't wanna give her back." Sero whines against your back, kissing your bare skin as Kaminari watches in amazement as Bakugou sinks his cockhead inside your already full cunt.
"So full. Want your cocks inside me." You manage to blurt out as Bakugou grips your thighs, shoving his cock into your stuffed pussy. It wouldn't fit all the way, but it threw you over the edge.
"Maybe she needs that filthy mouth of hers full of cock again." Kirishima's hand strokes his cock, eyeing Kaminari. Kaminari eagerly hops onto the bed, his knees hitting against Sero's arm as he taps his cock on your lips.
"Come on angel, wrap those pretty lips around my dick." Kaminari smiles, watching as your mouth lolled open. Sero's arms wrapped around your tummy, holding you against him as he fucked up into you, his cock rubbing against Bakugou's inside of you, both cocks rubbing against your walls, making you feel insanely good.
Kirishima was not going to let this moment go to waste. Snatching Bakugou's phone, he began to record, calling you a slut for them.
"Look at this cockdrunk whore. Stuffed full of three fuckin' cocks." Kirishima laughed, holding the phone near your pussy, making sure to record how Bakugou and Sero abused your cunt.
"What would Deku do if he got this nasty little clip huh? Bet he'd call you a slut. Watching his friends fuck your little virgin cunt until you're braindead." Kirishima grinned as he moved and set the phone up to continue recording for the rest of the session.
"Wanna fuckin' fill you up." Bakugou grunted.
"Teach that nerd a fuckin' lesson about how to fuck a woman." He continued.
"She's making such a mess, look at that pretty pussy. So sloppy." Kaminari moaned as your tongue swirled around the head of his cock, trying your best to take him into your mouth. The angle was a bit awkward but you managed, eventually pulling him into your mouth.
"God let's hurry this up, I can't take much more of her cunt squeezing me." Sero huffed into your back. He was going to cum again if he kept going. He wanted to fill you up like everyone else did, but he wanted to see his cum all over your pretty face.
Bakugou pulled out first leaving Sero alone inside you. You let out a strangled moan as Bakugou tapped his cock against your sensitive clit, your cries no longer silenced by Kaminari's cock since he too had pulled his cock from your mouth.
"Get down on the floor, on your knees." Bakugou instructed. Hazily you lifted yourself from Sero's cock, slightly amused by the moan he let out as he slid out of you. You stumbled onto the floor, sitting patiently on your knees as they gathered around you, this time smushing themselves to all have a view of you in the front.
"Can't wait to see you covered in cum." Kaminari spoiled the surprise, his hand jerking his cock. You stared up at Bakugou. Leaning in you licked the tip of his cock, watching as his eyes rolled back. You took turns swapping between the males until they were all helping you out, stroking their cocks at fast paces until Bakugou came.
Hot ropes of cum stuck to your face and chest as Kaminari came second, Sero third, and Kirishima fourth. It dribbled down your chin as you stared up at them, each of them smiling proudly at you.
"So fuckin' slutty. Look at her, so fucked out." Sero said breathily. They all rushed to grab their phones, snapping pictures of you covered in their cum. You just sat quietly, staring up at them as your chest heaved, your cunt throbbing.
"So what'd you learn?" Bakugou leans down, a handful of your hair holding your head back so he could look into your eyes.
"I-I like being stuffed full of cock." You babbled. Your cheeks were stained with his cum.
"Whose cock?" Bakugou's eyes narrowed.
"Yours." You parted your lips, still miraculously trying to catch your breath.
"Good girl." Bakugou praised. The other boys gathered around you, leaning down with towels to help clean you up.
It took about fifteen minutes to clean you up entirely, but afterward, they helped dress you and treated you to some dinner. You were nothing but smiles the entire time.
Before you left their apartment, Bakugou pulled you aside.
"Record your time with Deku so we can give you another lesson." He whispered into your ear, an evil smirk on his lips. You pulled away from him shyly, nodding.
"Thank you for teaching me." You thanked the men as you walked toward the door, an obvious limp in your step.
"Do you need a ride home angel?" Sero asks, ready to hop in his car and drive you over to your shared apartment with Deku.
"I think I'll be okay. I drove here anyway." You giggle. Sero smiles and glances at the others. Visions of your face covered in cum plague Sero's thoughts and he wants to slam you against the front door and fuck you all over again.
The same image is running through everyone's head as they stare at you as you leave, wanting you to stay. But it's too late when the door shuts and they're left alone as if nothing had happened.
"What happened doesn't leave this fuckin' apartment." Bakugou states, trudging off down to his room to put his freshly washed sheets on the bed.
When you arrive home, Deku's happy to see you. He doesn't question where you'd been, he knew you were with the boys hanging out. He smiles when you kiss him, and he's nothing but unaware of what had gone down.
He doesn't know about the cocks that had been stuffed inside your cunt, or a spot or two of dried cum that the towel might've missed that you'll clean up in the shower soon. He doesn't know about how dirty your mouth got and how it was filled with his friend's cocks only hours earlier.
He cuddles you sincerely until your hand begins to wander, palming him through his boxers.
"I'm ready." You smile sweetly, ready to put all that you had learned to the test.
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✦ 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ✦
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sondepoch · 4 years
HC: MC breaks a bone!
Demons can’t break bones. Neither can angels. Nope, from head to toe, they’re pretty much indestructible. So imagine everyone’s utter shock when you break a bone, and they’re reminded of just how weak the human body really is.
Word Count: 5.2k
SFW + mild violence + mild description of broken bones 
Characters: All Brothers + All Undateables + Luke
Boi flips out
So it didn’t actually happen while he was around, which is why he has so much trouble understanding what happened
You tripped on the steps outside Majolish? And you fell the wrong way??? And somehow, that was enough for you to break your ankle?!?!?!
Poor baby, he has no idea how he’s going to relay the information to Diavolo
When Mammon and Asmo sheepishly enter his study to tell him what happened, they’re highkey terrified for their lives - but learning that you actually broke a bone has him so shook that he doesn’t even remember to punish them, and he’s instead rushing to your room to see the damage for himself
He sees Belphie napping on your stomach and sort of assumes that everything is okay, and that his brothers were making a big deal out of nothing
Then he gets closer and sees the horribly twisted angle your left foot is in
Suffice it to say, neither Mammon nor Asmo returned to their rooms fully unscathed that night
Overcomes his natural hatred of Solomon to call him and ask for—brace yourself—help, and when the mage offers to cast a spell that will revert your body to its prior state, Lucifer insists on doing it himself, no longer trusting anyone else with your all-too-fragile body
Relocates your room to the first floor of the house after all is said and done
Asks Diavolo to move all your classes such that you don’t need to climb any stairs
Refuses to believe you when you tried to insist that bones breaking is fairly common for humans
Becomes super overprotective
Insists on helping you with everything
“Lucifer, I can walk down the stairs myself, you know.”
“Yes, I’m sure you can” - he says with a straight face, refusing to let go of your hand as he takes you down the two-step elevation outside the House of Lamentation
(Bonus:) One day he catches you and Levi looking at parkour videos and from that moment and onward he refuses to let you out of sight for any longer than is absolutely necessary
(Bonus bonus:) Catches you doing "parkour" in your bedroom, jumping from Beel’s shoulders to the bed, and then it becomes a new house rule that you’re not allowed to climb onto Beel’s shoulders
He was with you when it happened, and the second he heard the crack, he screamed
Honestly, the most high-pitched, shrill sound you’d ever heard
You were more scared of the noise coming out of Mammon’s mouth than the awkward way your pinky was dangling
Only when he was done screaming did the pain actually set in, and then you were hissing viciously in an attempt to distract yourself, trying your hardest to blink the tears from your eyes because Mammon already looked like he was about to cry, and the Devildom really didn’t need two blubbering messes in one day
The one saving grace for you both was the fact that Simeon was nearby, and he used his Celestial magic to heal you (you both begged him not to tell Lucifer, of course)
Baby becomes even more possessive over you afterwards
Still can’t get over how easily it happened
“Are ya sure?” Mammon asks whenever you casually tell him you’re about to do something. Doesn’t matter if you say you’re folding paper cranes or planning on jumping off the roof of the House of Lamentation, he’s lost pretty much all faith in your ability to do anything without your human body breaking in the process
Oddly enough, he becomes much more touchy with you
Needs you to “prove to him” that you��re not injured by squeezing his hand
And then he just doesn’t let go
Oh, you’re holding hands? What? Who said that? Wait, can you prove that you’re not injured and squeeze his hand again? It’s for safety purposes. For safety.
Occasionally, though, he really does have you move your pinky just to prove to him that there weren’t any lasting effects
Overprotectiveness increases by 500 points
Starts to hover around your room a lot more, awkwardly trying to help (really, he’s doing his best) but often doing things much worse than if you simply did them yourself
Gets into a fight with his brothers whenever one of them handles you too roughly
“Hey!” He shouts at pretty much anyone who touches you “Ya gonna hurt my human!”
Will drop anything and everything if he ever sees you trip to catch your fall
Legit, he was once holding Lucifer’s cup of coffee and out of the corner of his eye, he saw you jump to flop on the couch. Cue instant panic mode: he turned into his demon form and all - literally throwing the coffee on Lucifer as he ran forward to catch your body before the couch could break any of your bones
Yeah, he got into a lot of trouble that day
Has officially decided that he’s never going outside again
It happened while you were both at one of Lord Diavolo’s parties - you were trying to maneuver the crowds in search of him, actually, and another demon tugged you close and tried to force you to dance. You fought back, of course, frowning as you escaped the demon’s hold, but apparently, they pulled you back and your wrist just snapped
God, he doesn’t think he’ll ever forget the sound of your scream
The demon was punished severely, Diavolo made sure of that. But Levi didn’t care anymore - he just wanted to get you back home, safe and sound
In the following days, he never leaves your side
You have to switch to online classes, at least for as long as your wrist is healing, and Levi takes it upon himself to make sure that the assimilation process is as smooth as possible
You start taking all your classes together, remaining in the same room even if you don’t have the same subject
Homework is a little harder, since Levi usually finishes before you, but he waits for you to finish while he reads manga
Evenings are spent watching anime in his room and debating random topics (oh, and you both marathon the entirety of TSL a couple more times ;))
He even tries to let you get the video game experience, and he picks an RPG game for you both to play and lets you tell him what to do an how to move around, since your wrist is broken
It’s actually super fun because he knows where all the traps are and which ones you’ll like, so he subtly guides your character through the gameplay process to get the best possible experience, and you actually end up enjoying this more than playing solo
(As a joke, he once offers to let you play with him. As in, you use your nonbroken hand to control the left side of the controller and he controls the right side, but that turns out to be a hot mess and you both quickly abandon the idea)
Even after your wrist heals, the two of you continue to spend boatloads of time together
This boy even stops calling you “normie” at one point
Real subtle about it but he tries to convince you not to go back into society again. Like ever. 
“What if you get hurt again?” He asks when you tell him you’ve made plans with Asmo to go shopping
“Then we get to spend even more time together, all over again!”
Cue leviathan/blushingmess.exe
Probably the ONLY brother to have actually known that it’s possible for humans to break bones
He read about it in a book once
Still, that doesn’t stop him from visually flinching when he sees you writhing on the ground after being shoved into a bike rack by a lower-level demon, clutching your arm which is disfigured so awkwardly that the bone is popping out
His demon form manifests immediately, and he’s about to rip this demon to shreds when you desperately call out his name, and then he’s more preoccupied with helping you than he is with beating this demon to death
(Inwardly, though, he’s quite relieved that you stopped him from killing the demon immediately. Now, he’ll get to spend the next four millennia torturing the creature slowly, keeping it just an inch from death until he’s satisfied that the demon has paid for injuring you so severely. :))
Runs over to you immediately and pulls you onto his lap, quickly muttering an enchantment that will temporarily numb the pain
Proceeds to ask you whether you want him to use magic to forcefully heal you or if you want to heal the human way
Will respect your wishes 100% no matter which you choose
Throws himself into reading and studying human medicine as soon as the two of you get back to the House of Lamentation
By the end of the month, he’s an expert on human anatomy (and where human strength lies on a comparative figure to demon strength)
Takes it upon himself to watch out for you, threatening any demons who express behavior that isn’t excessively cautious
Starts walking with you and Mammon to and from school
Keep it lowkey, but the truth is that he doesn’t trust his brother to fully make sure that you’re safe so he takes it upon himself
Doesn’t really panic too much, he knows that you getting injured was more the demon’s fault than it was yours
Is actually very considerate of your feelings in all this
Consciously makes sure that he doesn’t treat you too differently, not wanting to make you feel like he thinks you’re weak. But he no longer trusts other demons around you, and after getting your permission, he casts an enchantment on you which prevents lower-level demons from touching you without your explicit consent
Smiles devilishly every single time one of them tries to shove you in the hallways of RAD and gets sent flying 30 meters backwards in response
Devilish smile intensifies when he finally gets around to kidnapping and torturing the demon who dared to push and injure you in the first place
He’s worried about you for a good hour
Not to say he’s inconsiderate
No, he’s understandably concerned immediately after he sees you on crutches, and when you come home with a broken foot, he’s immediately hanging out with you and completely (read: barely) restraining himself from making flirtatious comments in case you’re still in pain
The second he realizes that you’re fine as long as you don’t apply pressure on it, a switch flips
Now that he knows that the fracture isn’t going to spread to the rest of your body and destroy you from the inside, he’s overwhelmed with how cute it is that you need his help to do basic stuff
And honestly, you kinda vibe with it
He’s the shortest brother, so you having to ask him for help to get things off the shelf because you can’t stand is a rarity, and he is living for it
He lives with six overlords of hell, so the feeling of someone asking (no matter how reluctant) him for help in simple stuff like climbing up or down the stairs is something he absolutely cherishes
The second he realizes how good it feels to do stuff for you, he’ll never stop
Will 100% put Mammon to shame in how frequently he starts hanging by your side
He thinks of everything even before you do, always making sure that when you guys sit down, you have everything you need to be occupied for hours: from water to nail polish to the latest gossip at RAD, this man will make it his life’s mission to be the perfect prince while you’re injured
Seriously spoils you
Even when you finally heal and get better, he doesn’t stop helping you
Actually has the nerve to start complaining when you try to do stuff on your own
“You’re going to hurt yourself! Let me do it for you!”
“Asmo, I’m microwaving popcorn”
It doesn’t matter if you shower him with 'thank yous’ or if you grunt in annoyance every time he sits down next to you with an item you were about to get up and look for, he knows you appreciate the things he’s doing and that’s all he needs
Effectively gives you the royal treatment, occasionally putting Barbatos to shame with how diligent he is in helping you out
It never stops, even months after you’ve made a full recovery
Then again, who are you to complain? ;)
Suddenly becomes terrified of his own strength
He’s there as it happens, and the way your face immediately contorts in pain right before you bite your lip to stop yourself from screaming will really never stop haunting him
It doesn’t help that you get injured from something that would usually be considered child-safe in the Devildom - a small windup toy which your fingers had gotten stuck in before two of them snap completely
Man is by your side immediately
The pit in his stomach isn’t caused by hunger but by genuine fear as he watches Lucifer and Satan soothe you with magic
He wants to run over to you and wipe your tears away, but should he? How can that be a good idea? He’s easily 1000000000x stronger than that toy you were messing around with, and what if he accidentally hurts you?
He knew it was possible for him to kill you before, but now he realizes how easy it would be - so simple that he might not even realize it
Instantly steps back and begins avoiding physical contact with you, trying his hardest to be there for you emotionally but struggling because every time you ask him for cuddles, he awkwardly changes the subject and looks away
He only comes clean to you about his concerns after you get mad at him and plant yourself in his lap, wrapping your arms around his head angrily as you demand that he give you affection
“Beel,” You mutter, a light pout forming on your face. “The reason you’re strong isn’t just because you have the muscles, it’s because you have control. You’ve never hurt me before, and nothing you do will hurt me now, so stop being such a stubborn goof and hug me”
Cue very hesitant hug
But it’s a start, and he slowly becomes physically close to you once more
(Subtly tries to let you stay in charge, though. He’ll initiate hugs, but you’re the one to squeeze tightly, and he’ll simply follow your lead)
Decides that rather than being afraid of what his strength can do, he’s going to use it to his advantage - and he resolves to become even stronger so that if there’s ever anything that can cause you pain, he’ll be there by your side protecting you, whether it’s against a demon strong as Diavolo or another windup toy from Majolish
Gets into the habit of running his fingers over your hand after it’s done healing, checking for scars and making sure that you’re still completely healed
Slowly develops into handholding - and who is Beel to complain? If he’s holding your hand, he’s by your side, and if he’s by your side, he can better protect you, so there’s no problem there
Quietly blames himself
It apparently happened while you were alone, and you fell down the stairs in the House of Lamentation. But Belphie is 99.99% sure that you were only going up to see him, and if he had just been awake, this never would have happened
Not to mention, this was the second time he had caused you pain, and it wasn’t even intentional!
Boy can’t look you in the eyes properly after the incident
Starts forcing himself to stay awake and isolates himself in the attic
Only when Beel finally gets serious and asks him what’s wrong does he quietly confess his thoughts, and his twin is quick to relay the information back to you
Honestly, you’re lowkey relieved when you hear the reason 
You were beginning to think that Belphie was avoiding you because he had grown tired of your company, and the thought was sort beginning to break your heart
That doesn’t stop you from yelling at him for being inconsiderate 
“This is why you need to talk about your feelings, Belphie!”
“But— “
“No buts!”
Honestly, he’s kind of relieved to see you yell at him so animatedly despite the cast around your arm, it makes him realize that although you’re physically injured, you’re mentally fine
Is very hesitant about napping on you, especially since he knows that if he falls asleep and accidentally shifts into a position that hurts you, you won’t be strong enough to stop him
You flick his forehead and tell him to not to be stupid, insisting that he sleeps next to you like usual, and he very hesitantly leans on the shoulder of the opposite arm you injured
Becomes way more considerate, even when tired
Shift in your sleep? He’s awake, checking to make sure that you aren’t uncomfortable or in pain
Wake up and try to get a glass of water? No problem, Belphie will get it for you, just stay here and sleep tight
Hogging the blanket? For the first time, Belphie doesn’t even mind, he’ll just carefully snuggle closer to you, double-checking that you’re comfortable before drifting back off to sleep
Even after the cast comes off, he’s still conscious about how tightly he grips you and how much physical exertion you put your body through, always reminding himself that, above all, you’re human and your body can’t handle the things his can
That’s right, thanks to an awkward fall, your toe is broken, and this wizard boy has to audacity to groan at the sight of you on the floor, tears in your eyes as you clutch your foot through your shoe
“As if those brothers don’t hate me enough as is,” He grumbles, lifting you to your feet and whisking you back to Purgatory Hall, where he goes full medic mode and inspects the damage
Tries his hardest to convince you to let him fix it with magic, but just last week, he accidentally turned you into a cat while attempting to place a strength enchantment over you, so you’re understandably hesitant as you refuse him
As expected, when the brothers find out, they put him through hell (pun intended)
For not being able to protect you while it happens (they ignore his complaints that it was technically you who fell and injured yourself) he is now tasked with your recovery
Aka he is your slave
You make him carry your books when you go from class to class, you make him buy you lunch from the cafeteria, you make him give you his lecture notes whenever you don’t feel like paying attention in class
Hell, if he weren’t such a god awful cook, you would probably make him take over your cooking duty, as well
“This is abuse” He huffs one day, sighing in irritation after you ask him to go fetch you a glass of water
“I’m sorry?” You ask, feigning innocence. “What’s that? Did you ask me to go tell Lucifer that you aren’t treating me properly?”
Grumbles under his breath in six different languages, cursing you out in each one of them as you wink at him
You’re almost sad when your toe finally heals, and he’s finally free
Thankfully, the two of you somehow grew used to each other after spending so much time together for so long, and (much to the brothers’ displeasure) you continue hanging out with Solomon long after you’re off crutches
Will tease you about it when it’s all over
He doesn’t forget about how you lorded over him for as long as you were injured, and thus takes it upon himself to make sure that you don’t get hurt again under his watch
(At least, that’s what he tells himself as he holds your hand to march you down the steps outside Majolish, not letting go even after the ‘threat’ is passed)
First and foremost, how did this happen??
He’s so concerned and shocked when you show up to RAD one day in crutches because you broke a bone on your leg
Didn’t know that was possible
Actually goes home and spends half an hour on the Devildom equivalent of Google trying to maneuver his phone and search up how common this is and whether it’s normal for humans
Accidentally opens the images tab and sees a bunch of super disturbing and painful-looking injuries, and he nearly drops his phone altogether
Instantly assumes that your injury is as bad as those, despite your constant reassurances that you’re fine as long as you don’t apply too much pressure
Lots of pampering
He’s suddenly available 100% of the time for you, no matter what he’s already doing or the time of day
Insists on helping you wherever he can, like holding your stuff for you at RAD, ferrying you from class to class without forcing you to don that heavy rucksack 
Even takes over the responsibility of walking you to and from school
He doesn’t quite understand that your injury is physical??
Like he can’t seem to wrap his head around the fact that you’re mentally unaffected by the injury, because angelic injuries are typically so difficult to induce and severe that they always cause some kind of trauma 
He’s always testing you - double-checking that you remember facts from old lectures, holding up fingers to test your sight, even asking you details about himself every now and then
That’s actually the story of how you accidentally told him that you thought his eyes were prettier than the sky and he still hasn’t forgotten it
Never really forgets about your injury, even after your crutches are long gone
Protectiveness goes up by 5000%
He suddenly becomes acutely aware of the fact that you’re surrounded by demons and, although the brothers usually mean well, he becomes impossible concerned for how you’re faring
He expresses his concerns to you one day really sweetly and you’re so touched because ??? How can someone be this pure???
To ease his concerns, you both start hanging out a lot more - when before you mostly hung out at the RAD library before parting ways, Simeon now invites you over to Purgatory Hall more often and you bring him back to the House of Lamentation so that he can see how safe you are with the brothers
Just like Simeon, there’s so much confusion going on inside this smol bean’s head
Are you really telling him that you??? the person who has taken it upon themself to be protective over HIM??? are so weak and fragile??? that tripping over a pebble was enough to fracture your jaw???
The roles in your relationship are suddenly reversed
(Or well, Luke tries to reverse them)
He does his best to be there for you instead of vice versa, insisting that you no longer need to save him from the brothers when they make fun of him for being like a chihuahua 
Lowkey, he actually earns their respect for how protective he’s suddenly being over you, but the baby can only go so far because - face it - he’s basically ten years old
Doesn’t let that stop him from shooting dirty looks toward any demon who looks at the bandages on your face twice
Immediately goes home and researches what kind of foods you can comfortably eat, and enlists both Barbatos and Beel’s help in cooking soft dishes for you that you’ll be able to eat, despite your injury
Does his best to help you where he can
Takes over your cooking duty at the House of Lamentation
Takes extra-detailed notes so he can lend them to you after class
Even goes as far as to get high-quality Celestial bandages with natural healing properties and gives them to you, hoping that everything he’s doing will make your recovery a little bit faster
He’s really come to look up to you as an older sibling, so seeing you injured (even if you don’t necessarily show the pain) has him seriously torn up inside, and it takes all his effort to keep a straight face every time he looks at you and sees the bandages on your face
If you’re even a little self-conscious about any scars afterwards, he will spend hours convincing you that you look fine (and in truth, he can’t actually see the scar anymore, so he’s being honest)
Long after you’re recovered, he will remember at the most random times that you’re so fragile despite always looking so strong, and it tears him up inside
Because of this, random, tearful hugs become the norm
Occasionally, one look is all it takes before his eyes are welling with tears and he’s burying his face inside your stomach, holding you tight and promising to “protect you to make sure that you never get hurt again”
Very innocent, very sweet
Never fully forgets ever again just how fragile humans are
Knew it could happen
Was sort of prepared for it to happen
Didn’t actually expect it to fucking happen
This is probably one of the only times where he regrets not using his powers to check and see what the future held - literally, it would have been so easy to have saved you had he known it was coming 
Went to Diavolo asking to switch timelines but the demon lord said no
Highkey becomes incredibly protective of you, just in super subtle ways
You suddenly find yourself invited to Diavolo’s palace much more often, and it’s Barbatos who now entertains you, bringing you there under the guise of asking you to “taste the new recipes” he’s attempting to perfect
Pfft, his recipes are already the definition of perfect - the only reason he’s putting that food in your mouth is because he cast a spell on it, and it’ll make your bones stronger
Dodges all questions when you ask about it, real slick
“Barbatos, isn’t this the same dish you gave Beel when we came here last month?”
“I’m afraid I have no recollection of what you’re talking about.”
“You know, the dessert you gave him after he asked you for the biggest banana spli—”
“Oh my, would you look at the time. Let’s get you home, now, before it gets too late”   
Used to walk in front of you when walking you around the palace, but he now walks behind you so that he can watch you in case you trip
I mean, why wouldn’t he? You managed to break your collarbone while jumping down the stairs in Diavolo’s palace - you clearly can’t be trusted to look after your own health
(lowkey also never leaves you unsupervised around Mammon again, who in hell thinks it’s a good idea to try parkour of all things in the castle of the demon lord??? and encourages it?????)
Finds it incredibly endearing when your injury renders you unable to do basic tasks
Like if you were a helpless human in his mind before, now you’re less independent than an unpottytrained demonchild, and Barbatos is living for it, especially since you’re too stubborn to ask the brothers for help, so you turn to him instead
Absolutely loves when you text him for help
[17:39] MC: barbatos?
[17:40] Barbatos: Yes? Are you in need of something?
[17:40] MC: ...i was walking around the House of Lamentation and i accidentally banged into the wall outside Satan’s room and there was a really big sound and it turns out that i knocked a bunch of his books off the shelf and he comes home in half an hour and please help he’s going to kill me if he sees what happened
[17:40] Barbatos:
[17:41] Barbatos: I’ll be right there.
Oh boy
This man has lived a long, LONG time and never in all those millennia has he been as pissed as he is now, seeing you sheepishly lean on Mammon for support with the nearly all of your leg hanging limp
What he can’t grasp is the fact that this actually happened in school
Like, it would be one thing if a demon had injured you out of spite - he could simply punish them for all eternity and eradicate the root of the problem
But for you to be injured this severely? In spellcasting class, no less?
Instantly fires the teacher who was careless enough to let you walk into a casting circle which almost obliterated you whole - and spends ages commending Satan for having the wit to save you before things got even worse
But that doesn’t stop him from using the full extent of his princely power to ensure your continued safety
Instantly moves you out of the House of Lamentation and into his own palace, ignoring Lucifer’s repeated requests for you to not be moved
“I need to make sure they’re comfortable,” He hisses to his right-hand man, almost to Barbatos’s amusement. “The healing process for humans is long, and I need to make sure that they get better without the distractions your brothers provide”
Makes it painfully clear that if you ever get injured again under an RAD teacher’s watch, nothing will be able to save them from the unforgiving flames of his wrath
Starts spending as much time with you as humanly possible 
He always stops by your room in the afternoon, generally to check on your well being and to inquire on how you’re faring, but those conversations always seem to wrap up late at night, long after you’ve both abandoned the original topic at hand and are lost in discussion over something else
One time, when he was feeling particularly guilty after looking at the painful swelling on your leg, he invited you back to his own room to sleep on his bed because - as the acting king of the Devildom - his bed is literally the most comfortable place in the world and he hardly uses it
You sleep in it once and can never sleep anywhere else again
For more reasons than one
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(Reluctantly) offers to let you move back into the House of Lamentation once you’re completely healed, but celebrates like crazy when you tell him that you’d much rather stay with him, and it becomes SUCH an ego stroke every time you remind him how much you adore it in his palace
Lowkey grateful that you got injured because it was the catalyst that allowed you both to grow close
But will absolutely make sure that nothing of the like ever happens again
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in-ky · 3 years
Hi! I’d love a story about Negan being a serial killer who only kills “bad people” (like in Dexter) and maybe he saves the reader from her ex who’s about to kill her and Negan can save her and takes her in because she’s a mess but she’s actually a killer herself (who kills rapists etc/ only the bad ones) and Negan and the reader start fighting and then get caught up in steamy hot sex 🥵 thank you!
Savior - Negan Killer AU
Warnings: Warnings: GORE + violence, smut, domestic abuse, swearing, dirty talk ig? idk how to tag this lol
A/N: hey! i struggled over this one for a while lol. ive only seen like. 3? episodes of dexter so. i really hope this meets your expectations! also forgive any mistakes its late, im tired, and i wanna get this up lol. also, is negan batman? maybe. 3.7k words
"Will, stop you're hurting me!" I hissed, grabbing at his wrist. He tugged me out of the bustling restaurant and into the dark street.
"I don't really give a shit," He snarled, throwing me into a secluded alleyway a few buildings down from the restaurant. Will had taken me out to a business dinner with his boss in hopes of showing me off and making a good impression. But things didn't quite go according to plan. "You embarrassed me in front of everyone!" He pushed me against the brick wall of the closed department store.
"What was I supposed to do?" I sneered, trying to wiggle away from him "He kept commenting on my body, saying how he wished he could take me home at the end of the night and do all kinds of 'unspeakable things to me'."
"You were just supposed to shut up and take it!" Will said, voice filled with rage "But no, you and your untamable fucking complex just couldn't handle a compliment. You threw your drink in his face! You're lucky he didn't fire me right then and there. You made me look like some pussy who can't control his whore."
"You're an asshole." I shouted, tears welling at the edges of my eyes. Will's face contorted further into a look of pure, unadulterated hatred.
"What the fuck did you just call me?" He seethed, clasping his hand tightly around my throat and constricting his fingers around my airway.
"I said you're an asshole who cares more about his dead-end career than his fucking girlfriend." I croaked. I hated him. I hated him so much. My vision clouded with the combination of disgust, loathing, and lack of oxygen, so I hit him where I knew it hurt. "There's a reason you needed me for arm candy tonight. It's 'cause you're a boring, piece-of-shit, lowlife who has no skill whatsoever. How does it feel knowing you need me to make something of yourself?" With that, he threw me to the ground by my throat. He wasted no time and pinned me to the cold concrete. His knees dug into my shoulders and his hand flew to his back pocket, whipping out the switchblade he carried as a precaution against mugging. My eyes widened as they caught a glint of the moonlight off the sharp knife. He brought the blade up to my throat and slapped me over the cheek harshly with his free hand.
"You better take back those words, bitch," He hissed, pressing the blade into the soft skin of my jugular "or they might just be your last." A dribble of blood ran down my neck with the pressure. Realization flashed through my mind. I could die right then. That could have been my last moment. Was I scared? No. Why wasn't I scared? Maybe it had to do with the shadowy figure that was slowly approaching us from the ally entrance.
There was plenty of time for me to warn Will that someone was coming. But I didn't. Instead, I stayed quiet and watched as the shadow figure pulled Will from my body with ease and tossed him to the side. Everything was kind of a blur. I was still oxygen starved and filled with a whirl-wind of emotion. I heard Will cry out in surprise and indignance. The shadow figure said nothing. It saw the switchblade with a steady line of my blood. It kicked Will in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Then it lifted up a baseball bat over its head and cracked it down over Will's skull. He continued to beat Will until he stopped squirming. The shadow figure paused and swung the bat over his shoulder. I had regained my breath and pushed myself to my elbows. The shadow noticed me moving and took a few heavy steps in my direction. I squirmed away slightly, instincts telling me to get away from the thing that had just pulverized my boyfriend. The shadow entered a stream of moonlight. It was a man. He had peppered hair and a blood-speckled face. He had dark brown eyes and a small smile perched on his lips.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He said. His voice was deep. I was partially surprised. He wasn't a bulky man. He was tall and had a broad frame, but his limbs were long and his body was lithe. He wore a leather jacket and his boots were slick with what I could only assume were Will's brains. I didn't want to look at his bat.
"W-Why did you do that?" I whispered. It was all I could muster.
"He was going to kill you." The man sounded confused, like I was supposed to know who he was and why he saved me.
"You don't know that." My voice was quiet. My eyes were glued to a spot behind the man, unblinking. He let out a throaty chuckle and dropped to a squat, leveling with me.
"Doll, he had a knife pressed to your throat," His words were gentle "Looked like he was gonna fuckin' kill you." He hesitantly reached out two fingers in the direction of my face. I didn't move. He was wearing leather gloves. The ridged fabric ran along my injuries. "Seems like he did some damage before I could step in. Damn. Sorry about that. Listen, I live a few streets down. If you want, I can get you cleaned up."
"Okay," I said softly. I let him help me up to my feet. He guided me along with one arm while holding his bat with the other. As we walked out of the alley I couldn't help but look down at Will, or what remained of him at least. His forehead was split in half, a pool of chunky blood bubbling on the ground. I clenched my jaw and forced myself to swallow the bile that had risen in my throat. And yet, I didn't feel sad. I didn't mourn him. Maybe it was shock, maybe it wasn't. "Thank you?" I murmured, though it was more of a question. The man and I stepped out onto the street and I was grateful there was no one around to see us leaving the scene of a very heinous-looking crime.
"No problem, doll," The man hummed, setting a brisk pace down the sidewalk. "The name's Negan, by the way." Cool. Negan: my Savior.
"So you're like Batman?" I asked Negan as he dabbed the blood away from my neck. He gave a short chuckle and tore away the sticky part of the band-aid.
"I guess you can say that," he mused, splaying the bandage over the cut the knife had left "but I specifically go for people that I know have hurt others. The baddies, if you will."
"Is that legal?" I tilted my head, crossing my ankles as they dangled over the bathroom counter. My palms were flat on the surface of Negan's marble sink top, fiddling with the wrappers of the medical supplies he had used to clean and bandage my small cuts and bruises.
"I haven't been caught," Negan shrugged "besides, it's less work for the police. They don't have to do any interrogation bullshit or anything. I usually catch people in the act, like tonight. Then I do my thing."
"Do you kill everyone?"
"Only the bad people," He reminded, tossing away a bloody tissue "only people who have hurt others. But, yes, usually the offender ends up on the business end of Lucille over there." He pointed out the door into the living room, where the still-bloody bat rested against a chair. I furrowed my brow.
"Well, doesn't that make you a bad guy?" I pressed. He tapped my knee and I dropped down to the tile floor, tucking my hair behind my ear and gathering some of the scraps.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you still kill people, right? Even if they're bad? So doesn't that still make you a killer?" Negan was quiet for a minute. "Let's put it this way," I continued "What would you do if you came across someone who was like you; someone who hurt the bad people. Would you still kill them. They're hurting people." Negan took a deep breath and let it out with a contemplative sigh, itching his bearded chin.
"I'm not sure," He mused "I've never really thought about it before. See, I don't consider myself a bad person per say. Yea, what I'm doing might be considered fucked up. But I'm doing it for the right reason. I'm protecting people by attacking their attackers. In the end, someone's saved." He brushed off his hands and led me out of the bathroom, flicking the light off. "Would you rather me not have saved you tonight?"
"No," I said immediately "thank you. Really, thank you. You saved my life. Will is...was...always a dick, but I never thought he'd actually hurt me. I guess that proves people can have a whole bunch of layers." Negan nodded and moved to the kitchen. He raised a bottle of whiskey as an offering. I shook my head but he poured himself a glass.
"I was just doing my job," Negan grinned sympathetically "I'm sorry your boyfriend was an asshole who tried to murder you." I shrugged, amusement in my eyes.
"Eh, it happens to everyone." I smiled as he let out another laugh. I felt as if I shouldn't be laughing, but at the same time, everyone has their own responses to almost getting stabbed to death in an alley. So I let myself have this moment. Besides, Negan was a good guy to be around. He made me feel safe, comfortable, secure. Everything I needed right now. "So, Negan, what do you do? Surely vigilante-ing can't pay well, and this apartment is really nice."
"I'm a retired baseball player," Negan said, sipping his whiskey and settling into one of the armchairs in the living room "Hence the bat."
"Were you any good?" I asked. He let out a loud scoff.
"Was I any good?" He mocked "Sweetheart, I have a whole damn trophy room. I was fucking amazing. I just got old."
"So you're rich with no real job, you kill bad guys, and you have a massive ego," I listed "You really are like Batman, aren't you?"
Negan let me stay on his couch that night. It was leather, like everything else that man seemed to own, but it was comfortable. I woke up to the smell of bacon filling the air. I groaned and rubbed my fists against my eyes, clearing them of sleep. I stretched my arms above my head in a yawn and rolled off the couch, stumbling into the kitchen. Negan was hunched over the bubbling pan, dodging pellets of grease as they shot up at him.
"Smells good!" I purred, closing my eyes and taking a deep inhale.
"Good," He grumbled "You better fucking enjoy it because I've gotten burned at least three times." I laughed and walked up to him examining the small red patches that dotted his arms.
"You didn't have to make me breakfast you know."
"Yea, but I wanted to make sure you were comfortable," He sighed, turning off the stove and scooping the cooked bacon onto a paper towel. "Besides, I was craving some bacon when I woke up. I haven't had someone to share a meal with in a while."
"Well, if you want, you can come by my house for dinner." I offered, crunching down on a piece of bacon "I've been meaning to whip out the family alfredo recipe for a while, maybe a hot date would give me that incentive." I gave him a playful wink and he chuckled.
"Sure thing, doll," He hummed, putting the pan in the sink "I love me some fucking spaghetti. I'll see you around seven?"
"Sounds good."
I ran down the sidewalk, chest heaving. There was enough darkness to cover me, but I still kept my head down to prevent recognition. I held my hands close to my stomach, praying that the blood on my fingers wouldn't drip on the pavement and leave a trail. I had been on my way home from the store when I heard some commotion coming from an alley. My first instinct was to run, but then I heard the girl crying for help. Negan came to mind, what he did, how he helped people. I couldn't turn away. I marched down the alley and saw a greasy man pinning a woman to the wall of a building. Flashbacks of the night before hit me like a train. I looked on top of the alley dumpster  and saw a crowbar perched on one of the lids. I grabbed it and stormed up to the man, whacking him upside the head with the weapon. I kicked him to the side and brought the crowbar over my head before swinging it down. It connected with his face in a sickening 'thwack.' I thought of Will. I thought of what might of happened if Negan had never stopped him. I thought of all the times that bastard had gotten drunk and told me I was nothing. I let the rage bubble up and fuel my beating. By the time I was pulled back into the moment, my muscles were screaming, the woman was gone, and the man's face was unrecognizable. I tossed the crowbar into the dumpster and ran back home.
Dried blood is extremely hard to wash off. It sticks to your skin in flakes, creating a pattern of red veins crawling over your hands. Fuck. I scrubbed as hard as I could under the rushing water of the sink, pumping more and more soap into my hand. It was under my fingernails. It was stuck in my palm prints. Shit, did I leave fingerprints at the scene? Would they be coming for me? With a hiss, I rubbed even harder at my skin, small flecks of blood turning the sink water red.
Suddenly, my door opened.
"I'm ready for my s'getties!" Negan boomed with a wide smile. My head whipped around, looking at him with wide eyes. His grin faded and he crossed the room in record time, grabbing my wrists and turning the sink off. "Is this fucking blood?" He snarled, bringing my hands up to my face. I clenched my jaw and dropped my eyes to my feet. "Jesus, who's is it? Answer me!"
"I-I heard someone screaming on the way home," I said quietly, eyes still downcast "I thought I would help..." His jaw went slack and he let go of my hands, running his fingers through his hair.
"Jesus fuck, you can't just go around killing people!"
"Why not?" I snapped, eyes meeting his "You do it all the time? What's the difference? Why can't I help people?"
"Because it...Because you just can't!" Negan growled, shaking his head.
"Why are you so special?" I hissed back, drying my hands off on a towel before tossing it at him "It's not like you can get a permit for fucking murder. Why do you do it, anyways? Is it some perverted thing? Do you get off on saving people from attackers?"
"Watch yourself." Negan warned, eyes darkening.
"Pfft, or what?" I laughed, tossing my head back "What are you gonna do, kill me? I'm not afraid of you, Negan." As soon as the words left my mouth, he charged me. His hand flew to my throat, squeezing my airway lightly. His hips pressed me against the counter. I let out a small gasp when he shoved his face next to mine.
"Oh, but doll, you really fucking should be." He spat, curling his lip "I could snap your neck right here, right now." He gave a small squeeze to emphasize his words. I let out a strangled moan. We both froze. "Are you turned on right now?" He muttered, furrowing his brow. I licked my lips and squirmed in his grip, pressing my thighs together slightly in an effort to alleviate the warm pressure growing in my belly.
"No," I lied, voice weak. A sinister grin curled over the bottom half of his face and he licked his tongue over his teeth.
"And I'm the perv, huh?" He sucked on my earlobe and peppered kisses down my jawline "Sweetheart, tell me, do you want me to fuck that pretty little pussy of yours? Do you want me to make you cum harder than you ever have?" I whimpered at his dirty mouth. "Use your words, doll, or I'll leave right fucking now."
"Y-Yes!" I breathed as Negan's lips sucked on the sweet spot right beneath my ear.
"Yes, what, princess?"
"Yes, I want you to fuck me, please!" I groaned, clawing at his shirt. He let out a short chuckle, muttering something about how needy I was, but I didn't care. Right now, the only thought running through my head was that I needed Negan. I needed all of him. And damn me if I wasn't going to get it.
We clawed at each other's clothes like rabid animals. Once we were completely bare, Negan moved his kisses down my body. His large, calloused hands kneaded my breasts, twisting my nipples between his thumbs. My arms flew around his neck and I dragged my fingernails up his back. He shivered against my touch and slid his hands further down my body. They settled firmly on my hips as he captured my lips in a fervent kiss.
"Fuck, sweetheart," he grunted, pulling back for air. I looked at him. His tawny eyes were now black, pupils far beyond dilated with lust. Both of our lips were swollen and red from the intensity of our kisses. Negan's chest inflated and deflated quickly as his eyes roamed over my body. "You're so damn perfect." I smiled sheepishly and pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, looking up at him through lidded eyes.
"You're not so bad yourself," I reached out my hand and used my pointer finger to draw a line from his collar bone down the center of his chest and through his navel, finally ending right over his pulsing cock. He sucked in a breath as my fingers closed around him. My thumb swept over the hot tip, gathering precum on the pad of my finger and rubbing it around.
"Shit," He hissed as I slowly pumped him "I'm not gonna fucking last if you keep doing that." He gently pried my hand away and took a step closer to me. I could feel his hardened length resting against the inside of my thigh. The thought of him being so close made a burst of heat rush down between my thighs. Negan took a long finger and ran it through my folds, collecting my wetness. I moaned as he teasingly dipped the first knuckle into me. He pulled back and let out a low whistle. "Damn, girl," he chuckled, raising his finger to my face "You're fucking dripping. Who's that for?" His slick-coated fingers glistened in the light of my apartment. I let out a deep groan as he slid them between his lips and sucked.
"You, Negan!" I whimpered, wrapping my legs around his waist "It's all for you." A wolfish grin spread over his features as he tugged me off him and pulled me down off the counter. He spun me around and pressed gently between my shoulder blades until my chest was flat against the cold surface.
"Then if you don't mind," Negan cooed, lining himself up with my entrance "I'm going to take what belongs to me." With that, he slowly pushed into me. I gasped at the stretch, balling my hands into fists as he continued to split me open.
"Fucking shit," he groaned once he bottomed out "you're tight as hell. I bet you've never had a dick as big as mine." He pulled out slightly and I let out a moan at the growing emptiness inside. The moan soon turned to a yelp when he brought down his hand against my ass. The smack was loud and he rubbed the red spot tenderly. "Have you?"
"N-No!" I gasped when he thrusted into me for the first time "Never. Fuck, you feel so good." Negan's thrusts sped up, his hips snapping against my ass in an obscene rhythm. Grunts and moans of pleasure slipped from both of our lips as he plowed unapologetically into me. I could feel every inch of him. He was hitting every spot, dragging against my walls in a sinfully perfect way.
"You're doing so good," He purred, kissing and biting my shoulder "So good for me. You're so perfect." I tossed my head back and he grabbed my chin, tilting my face towards him so he could give me another bruising kiss. I could only keep up for so long, though, and the white bliss of pleasure he was giving me soon became overwhelming. My jaw went slack and my head dropped against the cool tile of the counter in an attempt to ground myself in the moment. "I want you to cum, doll, cum around me. Wanna feel those walls squeeze me." His thrusts were starting to become sloppy and I could tell he was getting to his end. One of his fingers danced down my spine and found its way to my clit. He circled it with just enough pressure to get me to the edge that I was so willing to jump off. "Now." Negan growled. I obeyed, feeling the band in my lower abdomen snapping violently. We reached our releases simultaneously. My walls clenched around him, milking him of every drop. I screwed my eyes shut and screamed his name, holding in a large breath as the world around me spun. Negan eventually pulled himself out and collapsed on top of me. We both were breathing heavily, sweaty bodies entangled as well as we could over a counter. I swallowed, my throat dry from panting through my orgasm. When my eyes fluttered open, I could see Negan's thumb tracing circles over the love bites that were starting to darken on my shoulders.
"Are you going to kill me?" I rasped, running a hand through my wild hair "I guess I'm a bad person now." Negan chuckled, still out of breath.
"I think I'll make an exception," He mused, pressing a sweet kiss to the shell of my ear "I don't think I'm ready to let you go just yet."
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hehebread · 3 years
[BKDK] Izuku keeps mentioning a Kacchan to reporters and they think that's his gf
this was a request on twt that i had way too much fun writing. warning for suggestive language!
“And is there…. a special person….or a group of people you would like to thank on air today? Anyone who inspired you? Anyone you would attribute your success to? An image of victory per say?”
Izuku’s eyes glimmer as the bright lights of the studio reflect on his irises. “Oh!” He jumps in his seat, his perfectly- coiffed curls bouncing as he nods frantically to the show’s host. “Yes! Yes!” Leaning forward with his hands on his leg, the camera zooms in on his face where the blush is painting his cheeks. “I wouldn’t be the hero I am today if it wasn’t for Kacchan!”
And it’s as if an earthquake alert dropped on the talk show. The host grows this devious grin on his face as he turns to the camera team and says, “Well, well, well, behind every great man is a woman after all.”
Izuku isn’t quite sure why the host is bringing his mother into this since the interview is reaching its end and he has already discussed her influence in detail very early on, but he doesn’t get a chance to ponder.
The host, Yamaguchi-san, leans into Izuku’s space with renowned interest and an interesting glint in his eyes. Izuku feels himself sweating in his oversized maroon-striped suit.
“So, Midoriya-san, Hero Deku, Rising Symbol of Equity and Hope, can you tell us more about … Kacchan?” His voice goes higher at the last syllable, almost sing songs, and Izuku is not sure if he should be worried or not, but he won’t pass an opportunity to gush about Kacchan!
“Ah, Kacchan is very … confident, hardworking, strong, and smart. Kacchan is a hero who knows how to lead a team and perform under pressure, an inspiration to both myself and our entire graduating class, and a”—Izuku can feel the heat rise in his face as he tries to hide in his colour— “a shining star who was closer to me than All Might!”
The host makes a loud ‘AWWW’ noise at the same time as the small audience in the studio. “My, my! Sounds like Kacchan is very important to Hero Deku! Don’t be shy! Tell us more! Is there a physical description to go with your precious person?”
“Ahm!” Izuku fiddles with his fingers as he avoids the gazes on him. There a long beat of silence before he manages to say, “Muscles….Blonde…..Sharp eyes….” With a vague gesture to his middle section, he mumbles, barely audible, “Big, ugh…..” Heart.
“OOOOOOOOOH!” The host goes wild and so does the audience. “So are we talking Hiromi Oshima type big or maybe Rio Natsume, or aaaah Aki Hoshino even ….?”
Izuku feels his ears ring in humiliation as he tries to process what they’re talking about. Something Kacchan has in common with all these beautiful women is his big successful career so Izuku nods. “Yes!” Then, a thought occurs and he rises in his chair. “Even bigger!”
After all, Kacchan’s net worth is higher than these ladies.
“The biggest!”
“Oh my god!” The host is losing his mind now! “And is it … natural? Or did Kacchan get a little help from professionals?”
“No, no, no! Kacchan was a natural ever since we were in school together!” Izuku’s eyes shine with a fire to defend his childhood best friend, no longer trying to hide in his big suit. “No one helped Kacchan get this big!”
“That’s … amazing!” The host shakes his head in both awe and disbelief. “Now we want to see Kacchan in action! When the hero works around the city, defeating villains, does the size get in the way?”
Does Kacchan’s fame get in the way of his work? “Sometimes,” Izuku muses, “But Kacchan never lets the restless and perky nuisances stop him, y’know. With a little shake from his hands, and a few colourful words of wisdoms, nothing gets in the way!” Izuku laughs as he remembers Kacchan’s way of dismissing fans and reporters alike.
“Of course, there are times where Kacchan’s big firm moulds become springy and hard to control, but I have yet to see an instance where that has been a major issue. ”
Kacchan is still having some adjustment problems with his new hero costume, particularly his grenade mould, but that’s as far as distractions go.
“Does Kacchan not use support?”
“Uhm, only when it’s a dire situation! Sometimes I’m even allowed to provide assistance!”
“You must be very lucky…”
“I am! It feels … exciting and … very special! Kacchan doesn’t trust just anyone, y’know! I can never quite get used to the trust we built together. We are one unit working together.”
“Do you use your hands…. Or something else?”
“Oh, hands! Yes! But anything works really! Whatever Kacchan is comfortable with and needs at the time. Black Whip, combo moves, an iron grip...”
The host furrow his brows and seems to be considering Izuku’s answer before he opens his mouth again. “Uhm, never mind.” He then turns to the camera, smile back on. “Our time is almost running out! Thank you, hero Deku for your time! We look forward to seeing you again in the big screen!”
The next day, Izuku wakes up to the headline: Hero Deku And His Mysterious Busty New Girlfriend: The Beautiful and Spunky Kacchan!
He’s doomed
He sees Kacchan early the next day.
Having spent the morning talking to tabloids and the host show agents about the misunderstanding and whether or not it was possible to take down the episode at least, Izuku slumps his head on his desk in defeat.
Oh, this is very bad.
He starts thumping his forehead on the wood in sync with the bleeps noises in the phone, already planning his funeral in his head.
Okay, so it seems the suspense around this girlfriend is raking up his popularity, but god, at what cost.
“Nerd, we need to talk.”
Izuku’s soul near flies to the roof at the sound of the door to his office slamming close. Fuckfuckfuck.
Kacchan stands before him with his hand on his hip, teeth snarled and looking ready to tear his flesh open. Oh, this is going to be fun!
After flashing a haughty glare at the glass door to scare away the nosy friends hanging about, Kacchan continues, “About the interview.”
Of course! Yes! His final hour is approaching. “Haahahaha, what about it?” Izuku feels his undershirt cling to his torso, sweat collecting on his face. He directs a shaky hand to a nearby chair. “Feel free to take a seat, Kacchan! You want me to get you anything? Water, tissues, uhm, a knife, a body sized bag, or uhhh, a shovel? I think I have some spare sheets of paper if you’d like to give me a chance to—“
“So…” Kacchan starts.
“…this Kacchan, huh?” Having completely ignored every single word Izuku just said, Kacchan crosses his arms and scowls. “Is she strong? How come I never heard about her before? Since when did you start dating this gravure idol and pro hero, huh?”
“So, you just go around giving everyone pretty nicknames now?” Kacchan snorts and his expression darkens before he slams his hands on Izuku’s desk. He looks at Izuku from under his chin, and Izuku swear he can see flames behind his eyes. He growls, “What’s her actual name?”
An alarm bell rings in Izuku’s ears and he stutters, “Ka— Ka— Kat— Katsuko! Bakugan Katsuko…….”
Kacchan’s expression doesn’t change and Izuku feels his heart leap to his throat. God, Kacchan is gonna call his bluff at any minute now. He’s going to reject him then he’s going to break his heart and his bones.
“What’s she like?”
Kacchan shifts forward slightly and Izuku is just know noticing the ample cleavage in clear view. Right there. In front of Izuku’s face. “Uhm. Ah, she’s very, ugh, im- pec— impeccable!! And strong! Muscl— mature!! Breasty too – I mean, pretty! PRETTY!” Izuku bites his tongue then swallows thickly. “Beautiful, actually!” Lifting his gaze to meet Kacchan, he whispers, “Gorgeous. Just the most amazing person in my life.”
Kacchan is staring intently with his sharp red eyes, and Izuku feels his chest swell with confidence he never had before. “Kacchan is my inspiration, and I just … love … Kacchan so much. I wish I had the courage to tell him— um, her that.”
“Are you two serious?” Kacchan asks, impassive but there is silent rage hiding behind his words.
Something flashes quickly through Kacchan’s eyes before he narrows them. It takes Izuku a second to recognise that it’s /hurt/ and then he realise what he has just done.
“No, no, no!” Izuku backtracks immediately. “I don’t even know her that well! In fact, she kinda smells and definitely has sweating problem.” Izuku needs to do damage control and come clean NOW. “You know what? I will call her and break up with her right now. Ha ha ha.”
What the hell is he saying? Who is he going to call?
Kacchan stands up while Izuku fumbles with his phone. “Don’t be a dick,” he says, before he heads to the door.
Izuku jumps from his chair and is ready to chase after him when Kacchan stops him. “How big?”
“You said Bakugan was big.”
Ah, yes, he did. Tragically.
“Um, y’know just…” Izuku motions with his hands like he’s moulding two doughballs, palms up and fingers wiggling because he’s lost control of his life once he accepted his funeral date, but that’s not even happening anymore so what is he doing really.
He then makes am hourglass shape in the air and belatedly realises that he’s just outlining Kacchan’s shape in front of him. Izuku retreats his hands and puts them behind his back in shame.
Kacchan is looking at him funny. Like he’s trying to figure something out.
“Does she shoot aerial bomb or something? Is that a combat-style quirk?”
Izuku blinks.
Kacchan just sneers and turns around.
“Whatever. I’m doing a photoshoot this afternoon. The Sekushī clothing line is dropping a new summer set and they asked me to model.”
“Se- Sekushi?? You mean, like—” Izuku feels his face go impossibly red. “You’re saying that, you’re going to wear, like…..” his voice goes down to a whisper when he says “…..a b-b-b-b-b-bikini?”
“Swimwear,” Kacchan turns to say over his shoulder, “Among other things.”
The sexy smirk he sends Izuku’s way is doing very, very weird things to Izuku’s body and imagination, things too inappropriate to describe in a work setting.
Kacchan leaves but not without offering the most dangerous challenge to Izuku’s mental wellbeing. “Feel free to drop in.”
Oh, he absolutely will.
“Bring Bakugon.”
Oh, he absolutely will not.
Maybe, he will.
Kacchan is going to ruin Izuku
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Preferences: How they react to you being taken by HYDRA
40s!gang x reader
prompt: anonymous: “Hi! can I request preferences for the 40’s gang (peggy carter, steve rogers, howard stark and bucky barnes) on how they react to you, their s/o, being kidnapped by hydra and turned into a super soldier like steve? thanq!!”
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Bucky is trying to keep it together, but people are seeing right through him. “Everything’s gonna be okay, you guys. Don’t worry about me.” He’ll repeat on the verge of tears as he clutches to his weapon and hopes for a miracle. He can’t help but blame himself and beat himself up for it. Especially when he’s finally confronted with the final product of HYDRA’s work and sees no love in your eyes. Destroyed.
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Howard is already trying to figure out how to undo all the damage they’ve done to you. “I can fix this, I can fix this,” he mutters while agents and soldiers scramble to get the situation under control, “I just need some GODDAMNED TIME!” He’d pound on his workstation and realize this was the day that he didn’t have all the answers or any courage. Although you were his motivation to keep going, his hope that you’d return as the same person who was taken would continually dwindle until it vanished.
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Peggy kept a level-head. She had to, because if she didn’t, no one would look past the “hysterical” woman who’s trying to save the life of someone she loved. But in private, she’d break down as she looked over photographs of your heinous acts that you’d never commit of a sound mind. Her hands would shake as she set the picture aside and gained control before stepping before everyone once again with a plan she’d still managed to create in tears.
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Steve didn’t hesitate to act the moment he’d discovered your situation. “I’m not leaving them behind.” He announced to the troops. “If you aren’t with me, I’ll be doing this myself.” His announcement was inspiring, soldiers rallied behind him. Steve refused to give up on you no matter how far gone you were. To the point where he put himself in immediate danger when dropping his guard in front of you, giving you the perfect chance to betray his trust and strike him down. Try again.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich //
462 notes · View notes
sicparvismorrigan · 3 years
Big Fun
Sam helps you feel better after you lose your temper.
Uncharted/Sam Drake/Post-U4
Viewpoint: 1st person gender-neutral reader
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: ~2.6k [complete]
Okay, outing myself a little here in the hopes that it’ll be a comfort to at least one other person. This happens…more often than I would like. I’m working on it.
This came about because of a discussion with @writingawaymylife thanks Aerin!
Read on Ao3
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, are you shitting me!”
You finally lose what little patience you had left and punch the wall. Underneath the cheap wallpaper it’s solid concrete and you instantly regret your feral outburst. There’s a millisecond of nothing before the pain comes rushing in, and then you’re bent double, clutching the wrist of your injured hand with the other and groaning.
You try and flex your fingers to check if they’re broken, but you can’t really tell. It’s too late. Your hand is numb within the minute. Shit, that’s really going to hurt in the morning.
You’re clumsy anyway, it’s the way it’s always been and the way it always will be. You know what you need to do, how you need to move, but your body won’t respond how you want it to. You’re always dropping plates and glasses, smashing them to bits. Usually when you’re already running late, and then you have to waste more time by scurrying around looking for a dustpan to get rid of the evidence.
You’re forever bumping into things, stubbing your toes and taking layers of skin off your shoulders and shins when you walk straight into doorframes. When you try and pour things you spill them more often than not. Yet more mess to clean up, yet more time wasted.
Your fingers just won’t work sometimes, often so badly it takes you multiple attempts to tie your shoes. And when it’s cold you’re practically useless. You just give up and tuck the laces into the shoes, feeling them rub through your socks, promising yourself to fix them once you’re back in the warm, everything will work out as long as you don’t trip over your own feet before you get there.
It’s the most frustrating thing in the world. Normally you can shrug it off, you’re used to it by now. But things had been going wrong all day, even without your clumsiness, and matters just came to a head.
You remember exactly what caused you to erupt into expletives and punch the wall. It had already been a frustrating day, work was a pain in the ass, as usual. All of the most awkward customers in the world had decided to descend upon you right before your break. By the time you got home you were in a pretty foul mood. Too wound up to relax, you decided to take a load of laundry downstairs to put in the washer.
You attempted to, anyway. After trying and failing 3 times to pick up the same damn sock from the floor of your room that your fingers just would not grasp, you’d given up and kicked it away under the bed in anger. Oh sure, couldn’t pick it up but you managed to land a furious kick the first time around.
Though you were trying your best to manoeuvre around the doorframe with the pile of clothes you still bumped off it with your shoulder, muttering ouch as the latch scraped your arm. Then you overcompensated by moving too much in the other direction and stubbed your toe on the corner of the door. Instant pain that made you see red.
The pile of clothes in your arms were promptly thrown on the floor in a fit of rage. That was when you punched the wall. And now you’re a sorry state, fingers throbbing and face red, trying not to scream.
Oh shit, you hear Sam moving around in his room down the hall. There’s no way he didn’t hear you. Well, this is embarrassing. There isn’t time to pick everything up and hightail it down the stairs before he catches you, not with your mangled claw out of action.
You hear his door creak open. You slowly turn around and stare guiltily at your roommate as he pokes his head around the doorframe.
“I heard…” He takes in the sight of the pile of laundry scattered on the floor and you holding up your tingling hand, still hopping from foot to foot. “Jeez, again?”
Sam is your friend Elena’s brother-in-law, or something like that. You aren’t clear on how exactly they’re related, but you knew her from college, long before she got married. She heard you were looking for a new roommate a few months back, and she got in touch, telling you she knew just the person.
You baulked initially when you got a phone call from her after sparse contact over the last few years. You were actually enjoying living by yourself again, though money was a bit tighter. Your last roommate was pleasant enough at first, however they soon turned out to be a nightmare, it was a relief to get rid of them. But you liked Elena a lot, and you did owe her one or two favours. For some reason she thought you and Sam would hit it off.
And much to your surprise, you did. You were a bit nervous of him to begin with, but Sam turned out to be so laid back he was almost horizontal. The perfect foil to your occasionally manic energy. Living with him was easy, there weren’t any awkward silences. If you were in the same room but didn’t feel like talking, he was fine with it.
Your apartment was pretty basic but he seemed happy there with you. He even made you dinner sometimes when you’d had a tough day and you’d just come in and flop face down on the sofa. Sam would wordlessly stand up and then half an hour later come back through to get you with the same phrase every time. “You gonna eat something, or what?”
Elena had reassured you he probably wouldn’t even be there a lot of the time. He just needed somewhere to touch base every few weeks, she turned out to be correct.
You didn’t even really know what Sam did. He didn’t appear to have a job, he was almost always home during the day and seemed to spend a lot of time on your Playstation (“our Playstation” according to Sam). But he came up with his half of the rent every month and then disappeared again for a few weeks. You didn’t ask, not your business. You’d started to find the house too quiet and empty when he wasn’t there and you were always waiting to hear the keys in the lock and his joking “Honey, I’m home!” whenever he came back.
After moving in it didn’t take him long to pick up on your quirks, or notice that you were more accident-prone than the average person. It had led to the only argument you’d ever had with him.
One time while making dinner you’d dropped a plate and cursed yourself as it cracked in half on the tiled floor. You’d stared daggers at him, daring him to say a word about it. You totally weren’t expecting what he did next.
He’d just looked at you dead in the eyes as he pushed another plate off the counter. Exactly like a cat would.
You blew up at him. “What in the hell did you do that for? Now there’s twice as many sharp bits to clear up!”
“It’s just a plate.” He had shrugged, leaning back on the counter.
“What’s your damn point?”
“That it really doesn’t matter, and that I don’t care that we’ve had to replace pretty much everything in this kitchen since I moved in.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Not everything. You owe me a plate now.”
“You know, maybe we should invest in plastic ones.”
“We are adults Sam! And it’s not good for the environment.”
“And the current… situation is not good for your bank account!”
“Just because you’re used to plastic cutlery.” Kind of a cheap shot, but you’re still mad. You’d gathered he’d done jail time, but you didn’t dare ask what for, or how long. You caught him saying weird things sometimes and eventually realised it was because his concept of time was a little warped. He kept referring to the 90’s like it was only last week, instead of nearly 20 years ago.
Sam just laughed at your plastic cutlery comment, not at all offended. “Yeah, and I like living here so much I’m willing to do that if it means you’ll stop beating yourself up.”
“I’ll think about it.” You grumbled. But you got some plastic cups and plates on your way home from work the next day. Sam was right, it was a lot better, though it made you feel like a kid again.
As you’d gotten more comfortable with Sam you’d given up trying to hide the fact you were a walking health hazard and didn’t stifle your curses anymore.
At first he seemed amused by your clumsiness, he even laughed the first few times you did something stupid. But he quickly realised how upsetting your lack of control over your own limbs was for you, because it happened so damn often. He stopped making fun as soon as he noticed you couldn’t laugh it off with him. It wasn’t a joke to you. From then on he’d been surprisingly nice, he always attempted to make you feel better when it got too much.
Even so, right now as you were having a stand-off with him in the hallway, you gritted your teeth and tried to keep your voice even. Stay calm, he’s just concerned. “Yes, again.”
“What did it ever do to you? Y’know, standing there, being all wall-like…stopping our house from collapsing?”
“I lost my temper again. Punched the damn thing.”
He shook his head. “I’ve told you, you’ve got to look after those hands.”
“But they’re so fuc-“ You stop and sigh when he raises an eyebrow. Calm. “Flipping useless. I’m useless.”
“Not true.” Sam steps out of his room and walks in your direction. On the way he kicks a rogue sock back onto the main pile of mess on the floor. “Take that, you scoundrel.”
“I just wish my brain worked normally.”
“Your brain is fine. Your music taste on the other hand.” Sam moved his hand up and down in an ‘ehhhhhh’ motion and shook his head. “No no.”
He’s kidding, of course he is. Damn his sense of humour. But you don’t feel like smiling just yet. It still fucking hurts. “I think I broke something this time.” You really thumped the wall. You wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve actually done damage.
“You want me to check?”
You hold out your hand for him and he carefully wiggles and stretches your fingers one by one, watching your face for any reaction. You wince once he gets to your thumb. Oh, that one hurts the worst.
“No, thumb on the inside? For real?” Sam looked at you in disbelief.
“Apparently so.”
“That’ll learn you. That’s like rule number one of punching anything.”
You sigh. “Anything broken?”
“No, we’re all good. But keep your thumb on the outside next time or you really will break it.”
“Surprisingly, I wasn’t really focusing on technique that much. Oh hey, you should check this one again.” You hold your middle finger aloft.
“Very funny.” But he smirks at you, knowing he’s helping you feel better.
“Come on, you do that one to me all the time.”
“Learning from the best, what can I say? Oh, shit…” Sam’s staring past you.
“What, what’s wrong?” You glance back in the direction he’s looking.
Sam moves to the wall, right where you just punched and looks at you in faux-panic. “I need a medic!”
“Really?” You watch in amazement as he starts to do something to the wall which looks an awful lot like the chest compressions from CPR. Wow, he’s very committed to this bit.
“We’re losing them!”
“Sam, there’s barely a scuff on the wallpaper. I definitely came off worse.”
“I need a crash cart stat!” He yells at nobody in particular.
“Jesus Christ. You’ve been watching too many daytime medical dramas.” You just shake your head, but the corners of your mouth are threatening to twitch upwards.
“Have not…Beeeeeeeeeep! Aw, we lost them. RIP.” He finally steps away from the wall and shrugs. “I tried.”
“You’re such a goofball.” At least you’re smiling now.
“Hey, it worked didn’t it? Frown upside down.” He squeezes your shoulder. “You really did a number on that wall though, huh? I heard it all the way down there. Hell, I felt it. Made the stuff on the shelves rattle.”
“Yeah, I’ve had a bad day. A really bad day. People are assholes.” You glance down at the pile of laundry still littering the floor. “I should pick this up.”
“Do you have to right now?”
“Well, yeah…I was on the way downstairs to wash it.”
“I’m not sure the structural integrity of our house could take it if you had another…incident on the way to the washer. That wall’s concrete but you’re gonna end up going clean through one of the others. Then you’ll lose our security deposit.”
“My security deposit.”
“Right, right, right. That doesn’t mean you can punch holes wherever you like.”
“You could fix it though if I did?”
“Yeah, I guess. Y’know, I’ve never really asked you about it before, but talk me through it, what goes on in your head right before you flip out?”
“I don’t know, I just…see red and it happens before I can stop it.”
“Uh-huh.” He’s nodding. Bizarrely, he doesn’t look too freaked out to you admitting you pretty much go into berserker mode over minor inconveniences. “I know you can’t do anything about having 2 left feet, but you can do something about letting it get to you.”
“What, count to 10 or something?” You ask, mocking. Like you haven’t heard that one before.
“Yeah, seriously.” You get the impression he’s talking from experience. “It works, don’t question it.”
Screw it, he’s being really nice. At least he understands it’s not because you’re an idiot, it’s because your brain isn’t wired like most peoples. And he was right about the plastic plates. “Alright. I’ll try.”
“And you come tell me if this thing pisses you off again, I’ll deal with it.” Sam shakes his fist at the wall. He really is an idiot sometimes. But he does make you laugh. He’s your idiot.
“Gotcha.” You give him a thumbs-up with both hands, wincing again, the movement hurts.
He gives you a sly look. “How about you flex those fingers, and we play a game awhile. Crash Bandicoot maybe?”
“Again? I’ve got loads to do….” You fidget anxiously. you know what he’s up to though. Trying to get you to chill out.
“Just for a little bit. Scared I’ll beat ya?”
“Pffft, not even close, but I’m at a disadvantage this time.” There’s still no way he can win.
“I resent that, I’m getting pretty good.”
“You just mash the buttons.” It’s a fact and he knows it.
“C’mon, c’mon. I gotta at least beat your high score before I have to leave again.”
“Okay, okay, fine. I’m in. Let’s go!” You nod in the direction of the stairs.
“Loser deals with that later on.” He points at the abandoned pile of laundry on the floor.
“Deal, don’t go easy on me.” You step around it and follow him to the sitting room. Even with a crippled hand you’re pretty sure you can thrash him. “Elena and I used to play this in college, wonder if she still has it…”
Thank you for reading!
Yeah…I am not just clumsy, I am more like ‘danger to myself and others’ levels of uncoordinated. But I can’t be the only one! Don’t worry, Sam’s got your back ;) Also the title is the song Big Fun from Heathers the Musical because once again it has invaded my life. The whole soundtrack has been on a loop for days now. I LOVE IT. Punch the wall and start a fight!
- Sam Drake and Elena Fisher belong to Naughty Dog/the Uncharted creative team and I (sadly) take no ownership of them.
- This work is not for profit though it belongs to me and I must be credited when copying or reposting elsewhere
- As mentioned before reader is intended to be gender-neutral so please interpret this fic however you like. This is my first x Reader fic published and first g/n reader viewpoint I’ve attempted so I hope I did okay. I myself identify as mostly female so that’s what I normally write because it’s easier for me to connect with. But this was fun.
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Reaching Out
SEE! SOMETHING OTHER THAN SMUT. Also this one is old and a bit dusty, sooooo warnings are gonna be to the best of my ability. ALSO. THIS IS ANGST AND HAS TRIGGERING THEMES. PLEASE SCROLL PAST IF THE WARNINGS ARE DISTRESSING TO YOU. I wrote this during a really difficult day and was just word vomiting tbh. I am also gonna state that this is a work of fiction and I am in no way a therapist or anything, so if something here bothers you I’m sorry this is just something I wrote mostly for myself.
Warnings: god this is painful but here we go. Reader is depressed and has anxiety, mentions of self-inflicted injuries (she punches a mirror...repeatedly-), blood, panic attacks, it takes a few of the members to restrain the reader so if you’re uncomfortable with that please don’t read this, this is honestly just a hard read imo so please read with care. Also, the reader hates herself and just doesn’t really think highly of herself at all sooooo yeah-
It was the fourth time this month. The fourth argument that could’ve and should’ve ended differently.
You’d come out of your room to find San off at practice or on some work related schedule, spend the entire day outside trying to break a horrible cycle in your mind, just to disappear again once he returned home. It was frustrating you both and causing a serious strain in your relationship.
On San’s side, he couldn’t understand why it was that you would fight against him trying to get you to come out of your room when you spent the entire day alone. Then there was his frustration when you would complain about never seeing him and yet would disappear and avoid him when he was available. To San, it didn’t make any sense. All he wanted to do was spend time with you and support you, but it seemed as though you were determined to shut him out. He watches you storm off to your bedroom, running a hand through his hair as he tries to recall the last time he’d come back from a schedule and had a nice quiet evening that didn’t end in you both screaming at each other. When he can’t, San grabs his jacket and walks out of the apartment with his phone and keys, planning on spending the night at the dorms so that you can have some space to cool off. Once he gets in his car, he quickly dials Hongjoong’s number, pulling out of the parking garage of your complex and letting out all of his frustrations and concerns. 
As he drove, San had no way of knowing how much you hated yourself for what was happening between you both.
What San didn’t know was that your depression and anxiety had been spiraling lately due to the pressure that had been placed on your shoulders from not only your work but from being the girlfriend of an idol that had become so famous. He didn’t know that every day you were terrified that, now that his future was so bright and secure, he’d no longer want you. That he’d leave you just like so many before had done, and that he’d realize you were no longer something of use to him. And finally, how you criticize every minute of your life, finding ways that you are failing even when you’ve done nothing but your best. It came to the point that waking up from dreams was physically painful, because you could control a dream and guarantee the people you love never turned their backs on you. San didn’t, or rather, couldn’t know this. Because to know this would mean you would have to tell him. And no one should have to bear this burden but you, and there was always that small part of you that was terrified of having your feelings invalidated. 
Your whole life people have toyed with you, accepting your depression only when it was convenient to them and berating you once the curtains fall. Some even went as far as to weaponize your emotions, tearing you down in an argument with something that was the equivalent to the beating heart in your chest. Yes they would apologize and you would eventually forgive them because people make mistakes. But the thing about words is that once they leave someone’s mouth, the damage is already done and there’s no amount of remorse or forgiveness that can repair it. That’s where you are now.
You slam the door shut, leaving all the lights in your room turned off, your head pounding after the screaming match you and San had just finished (rather, you ran out on and barricaded the door so he wouldn’t see you cry) and your face stained with tears. Not a sound left you as you curled up on the bed, biting your fist as a punishment for your body's betrayal of emotions. All it would take was one minute of silence and the entire apartment would be able to hear how you were feeling. In all honesty, you didn’t want San to see you cry. Because in your mind, you didn’t deserve to cry. You were the one who picked a fight. You're the one who made unfair accusations, using his career and passions as weapons against him. You were the one that hurt him in the same ways that had been done to you, falsely claiming that it was to “beat him to it and strike first.” 
The front door slams shut, and you work quickly. You unbarricade the door and peek out, making sure no one is there. Dashing across the living space, you reach the spare bedroom and lock the door, not seeing the need for such extreme measures as earlier. You then sit with your back to the door, listening for the sign of San’s safe return from the store. Your butt has just about gone numb when this occurs, the front door shutting softly alerting you instantly. You rise from your position, albeit a little slowly due to your cramped muscles, and shuffle to the bed. A knock sounds, and a decision has to be made.
“Y/N? I know you’re awake. Can you come to bed? You and I both know that neither of us can sleep alone anymore.” San mumbles through the door. You hear shuffling, and you hold your breath thinking he might unlock the door. You’re not sure though, whether you’re holding your breath in hope or fear. But all you hear is a thud, indicating San sitting down. “Look, we don’t have to talk. You don’t even need to look at me, it just feels better for both of us if I’m holding you through the night, because at the end of the day, we still love each other, right?” 
San’s cheeks are marked with tear streaks, eyes red and puffy as he waits for any sign of confirmation from you. He loves you more than anything else, so much so that he’d give up everything for you, and needed to hear that you still loved him as well. He holds his breath, hands covering his face while he waits for you to show him a sign that you’re even listening. That you’re even there. 
You tip-toe over to the door, gently crouching down in front of it and rest your fingertips lightly on the wood, near where his shoulder is supposed to be. It’s cold and unyielding, but this is the bravest you’ll ever be. You hear a sigh on the other side, almost as if he can sense your presence.
“You know, you don’t have to keep it all in. From the first moment I saw you, I knew that there was so much going on in your life that it’d take time to get you to trust me. And I still want that. I want to know what’s going on in your life again. I want to hold you as you're crying again. And I want to repay you for all the times you’ve helped me.” San whispers, his voice showing how much of a toll this has taken on him. “I know a lot has changed, I travel a lot, and it’s harder for us to go anywhere without me being recognized. But I promise you that my feelings for you, the amount of love I feel for you, it’s all still there. If anything, I love you even more now than before. I don’t want to lose you Y/N. I want to keep fighting for us and I just need you to reach out to me, show me you want this too. Open the door, even if it’s just a crack, and let me help heal those open wounds. Yes there will be scars and yes it will take time, but I’m willing to wait.”
At this point you have tears streaming down your face as you withdraw your hand. You don’t move though, despite your broken mind willing you to do so, you stay rooted in your spot. Sniffles break through the other side, showing how much San is hurting. You feel as though there’s a war going on inside of you, your heart begging you to open the door and stop this madness, but your mind resolute on keeping this wall up. 
“I. Can’t.” you croak out, bringing your trembling hand to your lips and nibbling your thumbnail as you rise slowly. “They were right, I don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve you.”
“What? Who told you that?” San questions, confusion swirling in his head as he struggles to better understand where this was coming from. Standing, San presses his hands to the door, trying to open it only to find it locked. “Love, talk to me.”
“All I’ve been doing is hurting you, and I’m sorry. ” You whimper, your mind screaming at you to shut-up and not give away anything while your heart, your very being, is begging to be set free and allow him back in. “I, I love you, San.” And with that you rise, walking towards the bathroom attached to the room. You close the door, locking it and turning to the mirror to see your disheveled state. Tears stain your cheeks, your eyes have bags under them, and your hair is greasy and a mess from the lack of effort on your part to take care of yourself. 
Thoughts swirl and distort your reflection, harsh words clouding your mind. Some of the words surface from your past, some are from deep within you stemming from your lack of forgiveness for yourself. You don’t deserve forgiveness or a second chance. You don’t deserve him caring for you. You’re toxic. You do nothing but hurt him. Toxic. Toxic. 
You start screaming, starting in your gut and ripping out through your mouth, scaring the shit out of San who begins pounding on the door. You hear him calling out to you, but it’s muffled in your head as you continue to sob and scream at your reflection, running your hands through your hair before tugging on it out of frustration. The longer you look at yourself, the worse the feeling in your gut gets as the harsh words continue to tear you apart, worsening with each passing moment. With one last scream you pull your arm back and punch the mirror, desperate to feel something other than the all consuming self-hatred. And it works.
There’s a crack on the mirror with droplets of blood in the center. You bring your trembling hand into view, noticing your knuckles slightly bloodied and cut. The pain replaces all of the noise in your head, if only for a moment, and you become entranced by it. Raising your fist again, you punch the mirror once, twice, three more times before stopping to look at your handy work. The crack has grown and your hand is bleeding steadily, a couple of pieces of glass stuck in your knuckles. You’re ashamed of what and who you’ve become and raise your fist again when the door breaks down.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” San shouts, restraining your flailing and screaming form as tears stream down your face. Four pairs of hands are pulling you out of the bathroom, with San’s arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he pulls you on the bed. He immediately starts shushing you, whispering into your hair as he wraps his legs around you as well, restricting you so the others can clean you up and call an ambulance if need be. At this point though, he doesn’t need to as you’ve gone completely limp, sobbing into his neck loudly as the emotions you’ve kept hidden flood out in a wave that swallows you whole. “Shh baby, it’s okay. We’re here now and we’re not leaving you. I’ve got you, we’ve got you. It’s okay, it’s okay.” His voice is trembling, absolutely terrified by what he’s just experienced. It’s lucky that Hongjoong, Yunho, and Seonghwa arrived when they did or he might have been too late, having planned on coming to help San piece back together your relationship. It took Yunho and Seonghwa to break down the doors, and all four of them carried you out of the bathroom so you wouldn’t hurt yourself or them.
Soon, you run out of energy and are left whimpering and quivering in San’s hold, slowly coming to your senses as you hear running water, hushed murmurs, and the cabinet mirror (or what’s left of it) being opened in search of something. When the realization sets in that San, Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Yunho have seen you at your worst, your chest tightens and your breathing becomes irregular which are the first signs of a panic attack. Something San was familiar with but hadn’t seen happen in some time.
“No no no no.” San repeats, noticing the changes in your behavior and looking towards the bathroom. “Hongjoong! It’s getting worse!”
Immediately, footsteps can be heard heading in your direction, and a gentle face appears in the corner of your eye. Hongjoong slowly reaches forward, grasping the hand that had begun curling in on itself to the point of almost drawing blood and pulling it away from your chest.
“Sweetie, grab my hand and squeeze that instead. You won’t hurt me, I swear.” Hongjoong whispers, slowly working his nimble fingers between your clenched ones. It comes as a surprise to him when, instead of resisting, your hand flies open into a rigid position. “Shh… it’s okay sweet-heart. How about this. Follow this.”
Your hand is placed on a firm and warm chest, a slight bump hitting your palm and drawing your attention to the pattern. It’s his heartbeat. Hongjoong’s pulse creates a rhythm in your head, distracting you from your fears and disdain towards yourself momentarily while Seonghwa and Yunho both return to the room, one holding medical supplies and the other holding a bowl with warm water and a towel. Crouching in front of you, Seonghwa notices the hand on Hongjoong’s chest is the one that’s injured, glancing at San who is fighting back tears as he strokes your hair.
“Y/n-ah. We have to clean your hand. Put your hand on San’s chest, follow his heartbeat.” Seonghwa says in a firm yet kind tone. At this point, you’ve lost almost all self-awareness, too exhausted to fight anyone as you nod partially, removing your hand from Hongjoong’s chest to place on San’s. “No sweetie. The other hand.” Seonghwa instructs, a heartbroken smile crossing his face at the sight of you behaving like a toddler who skipped their nap. You look confused, bringing your hand to your face to inspect it, finding the streaks of blood and bits of glass as a few tears trickle down your face. 
You’re not sure how long it takes for Seonghwa to properly clean your hands, or when you got changed into one of San’s shirts that fits like a dress, but as you’re lied down on the bed with San, who’s watching you intently to make sure any slight changes on your face are caught immediately, you find yourself in an almost numbed mind-frame. Too exhausted and confused to comprehend anything around you. 
Your eyes slowly close, the occasional tear slipping out only to be swiped gently away by San. San, the last thing you see before you fall into a dreamless sleep. And you are blissfully unaware of what’s to come in the morning.
As you snore softly in San’s grasp, your chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, Yunho leaves the room to clean up the mess that has been left behind with Seonghwa following closely behind, most likely to comfort the younger boy. Hongjoong reaches forward to brush hair out your eyes and slowly strokes your cheek. Who knew such a small body could take this much pain? he wonders to himself, not even beginning to understand what caused you to struggle so much and break down so devastatingly. And that’s the only way to describe your attack. Devastating.
Like a tsunami, you receded from social outings and even your true love San, and once they realized what was happening and why you’d “changed” the wave had already hit. But his main question was voiced by San.
“Hyung.” San rasps out, looking up at Hongjoong with tears streaming down his face. “Why-or how did this happen? What caused this? What are we-what am I supposed to do?” 
San’s breathing becomes labored, almost as if the weight of the situation has sat fully on his chest. He chokes on a sob, looking at you in your angelic state while pressing a gentle and wet kiss to the top of your head while crying. He clutches you to his chest, rocking slightly and burying his face in your head. Hongjoong panics, thinking he’ll wake you but settles once realizing how exhausted you must be. “Why would she keep this from me?”
“San-ah, I honestly don’t have the answer to that.” Hongjoong mumbles, holding his own tears back with a few deep breaths before looking at the pair of you. He honestly considered Ateez his family, and you became his little sister that he felt he needed to protect from the world. If only he’d realized sooner how much damage the world had already done to you. “But I do know one thing. Now more than ever, she needs us.”
San looks at his hyung and leader, absolutely wrecked from the storm of emotions that flowed between you two. “How?” he croaks out.
“I’m not sure. But what I do know is that the storm hasn’t gone and that this is only the beginning of our journey.” Hongjoong places a hand on your cheek and his other on San’s hand, squeezing slightly in hopes of reassuring the younger boy. “I see how much you need her San. And how much she needs you. She’s scared San. More so than any of us right now. Which is why we have to stay with her no matter what. No matter what she might say or do to scare us off, we have to fight through it all and show her we are here for her. Because if we don’t.” Hongjoong’s voice cracks, revealing his true emotions and the toll this whole ordeal has taken on him. “We might lose her forever.”
San sits quietly, shaking slightly from the silent tears that are being shed and pulling you closer to his chest if that was even possible, crying himself into a slumber much like you did moments prior. Hongjoong rises, tucking both of you in like he would an upset child, and walking into the bathroom. The scene that awaits him is what finally breaks his own dam of tears, collapsing next to Seonghwa and Yunho who are both crouched down. They’ve hunched over, scrubbing the white tiles of your blood and throwing glass shards away in a paper bag. Upon noticing Hongjoong, Yunho drops what’s in his hands, embracing his leader and best friend. His tears fall as well, the sight of someone as strong as Hongjoong breaking down terrifying him. 
Seonghwa wipes the few stray tears before rising, quickly finishing the task of cleaning before ushering the two broken boys out of the room. He sits Hongjoon and Yunho down, pulling out a paper and pen and titling it “Y/n’s Healing.”
“We’ll make a plan, and take this journey one step at a time. Until Y/n’s finally healed.” Seonghwa states, immediately writing steps and plans he’s already come up with in his head. And so the journey begins.
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thechangeling · 3 years
She burns like rum on a fire
Why did I do this to myself ughhhhh?
So @adoravel-fenomeno and I were talking about Kit potentially getting into an abusive relationship given that he's statistically likely too given his roots. So now I give you this fic! Sorry. Kit is using he/him in this fic because he hasn't really gone on his gender quest yet.
The title is from Cherry Wine by Hozier. I reccomend you listen to Cherry Wine and Trauma by NF while reading this.
Cw: Mentions of physical and verbal abuse, abusive, controlling behavior, negative self talk and extreme denial. Also brief mention of blood.
Don't cry.
Don't cry Kit told himself over and over inside his head as he tried to get a hold of his breathing. As he lay on his bed at 2 in the morning, desperately refreshing his conversation with Autumn.
Autumn or as his best friend Janessa liked to call her "the virus" was Kit's girlfriend. His very first. A mundane with the sight. They had been dating for a few months now. When they had first gotten together everything was amazing, it so it seemed.
They had some much in common and they had fun together. Autumn was hot, funny and charasmatic. She had this way of making him feel like the only person in the room. She showered him with gifts and complements that made Kit finally feel worthy for the first time in his life.
But as time went on things shifted. Autumn insisted on spending almost ever waking second with him. Kit didn't mind at first, he loved hanging out with her. But he missed his parents and his sister, and he knew they missed him too. Whenever they had family movie night, or they wanted Kit to watch Mina, Autumn threw a fit. She insisted that he was ignoring her.
She didn't want him seeing Janessa either, or Nessie as Kit called her for short. Autumn always insisted that she was plotting to steal Kit away from her, which was ridiculous but nothing could change Autumn's mind when she was in a mood. So Kit had found himself blowing Nessie off to hang out with Autumn and making excuses for it.
Kit always felt super guilty for making Autumn so upset. He tried to get out of his agreements if it to stop her from crying but sometimes Tessa and Jem wouldn't let him. It was frustrating when they didn't understand. She would rage for awhile, calling Kit stupid and worthless. Sometimes she would make comments about him being adopted, telling him that Tessa and Jem didn't really love him and they only saw him as a free babysitter for their real child.
She would make jokes about all kinds of things. How Kit wasn't a real shadowhunter, his weight, his past, his bisexuality, his ADHD. Kit knew that Autimn didn't really mean anything by it. It was nothing personal and she didn't really mean it. She loved him. And he loved her.
Tonight had been different though. His grades had taken a turn for the worst because he had been blowing of the tutoring sessions the school had payed for as a part of his accommodations. Because he had been spending that time with Autumn. Kit knew it was a bad idea to miss those, but his girlfriend needed him. She didn't have anybody else. She couldn't count on her parents like he could, and she didn't really have any friends.
But Kit was in big trouble. Tessa and Jem were mad. The school was mad. People were saying that Kit was ungrateful.
Ah yes because every disabled person should just bend down and kiss the feet of every person that deigns to give them what they're legally entitled to.
But Kit knew that he had really screwed up this time. He tried to explain to Autumn that he couldn't see her as often as he used to anymore because he needed to fix his grades. And she absolutely lost it. Which he had been expecting.
However what Kit hadn't been expecting this time was for her to hit him.
And she hit him hard. Punched him straight in the nose. And sure it wasn't that big of a deal. Kit was a shadowhunter and he was pretty much used to being hit. But he hadn't been expecting it.
And there was just so much blood.
Autumn of course instantly apologized profusely. She kissed him over and over and told him that she loved him and she didn't mean to. And Kit knew she was telling the truth but-
But he still felt a sinking feeling in his chest that he couldn't explain.
But Kit had applied an iratze, wiped off the blood, and now everything was as good as new. When he had arrived back home, his parents had noticed anything or asked him any questions.
Now he was lying awake at 2 in the morning, filled with guilt and worry as he waited for Autumn to text him back. He gnawed on his bottom lip anxiously as he tried not to over think things.
Maybe she was still mad at him? Was there something else Kit was supposed to say or do? Or maybe he should just leave her alone for awhile?
It was maddening.
Kit turned off his phone and threw it down in frustration, pulling his giant red and black flannel over his shoulders and curling in on himself. He felt strangely exhausted, but unable to sleep. His nose and left eye socket still throbbed a little despite the fact that they should be healed.
Kit thought about using another iratze but his steele was across the room and he couldn't bring himself to stand up to go get it.
God he really was pathetic. Maybe he deserved this. Tears welled up in Kit's eyes.
Don't cry. Don't cry.
This time Kit couldn't hold it back. So he let himself cry. Tears came streaming down his cheeks as he tried to muffle his sobs with his hand. Deep down he knew it was his fault. It was always his fault.
But with Autumn he had really tried. Sure he wasn't perfect but Kit really cared about her. And it wasn't good enough. He wasn't good enough.
Kit couldn't help but think of the last time he felt like this. The last time he was rejected. He had been careful about trying to keep all thoughts of Ty Blackthorn out of his head for awhile. Autumn was a good distraction, even when she was screaming obscenities at him. It was still a distraction.
Kit closed his eyes and conjured the memory of holding Ty up on the roof. If he squeezed his eyes tightly enough, Kit could still feel the softness of his hoodie and the slight tickle of Ty's dark hair against his skin. He could conjure the smell of Ty's skin and the way he had trembled slightly against Kit's body.
I should have kissed him. Kit mused, hugging himself tightly. Just once. Even if Ty had pushed him away in disgust, it would have been worth it. Just to know what it felt like.
Suddenly from the bottom of the bed, Kit's phone lit up with a call. He scrambled to grab it, thinking it was Autumn, but it was actually Janessa. Kit cleared his throat, trying to make his voice sound normal as he answered the phone.
"Why are you calling me at 2 am Nessie?"
"The better question is why are you still awake at 2 am," she pointed out, sounding smug. "I'm a vampire. Creature of the night remember? It's kinda prime time for me Kit Kat."
Kit smiled as he felt the previous angst wash away. "Yeah fair enough. But still, why are you calling me?"
Kit heard her sigh into the phone. "Well honestly because this is probably the only time you're free now a days," she said spitefully. "You know thanks to she-who-must-not-be-named." Kit rolled his eyes.
"That's my girlfriend you're talking about, Janessa!" He snapped.
"Well your girlfriend's a total bitch!"
Normally Kit would argue with her and tell her that she was way off base. That Autumn wasn't so bad and that she was trying. That she loved him. But today he just couldn't.
He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "We got into another fight tonight," he admitted. "Just a few hours ago actually."
"I'm sorry love," Janessa murmed. Nessie wasn't British. She was actually Canadian. But she had moved around the world with her previous band before settling in Devon and leaving them to go solo. She had picked up on some British expressions though.
"I wish you weren't going through this. But Kit, you gotta break up with her! She's bad news!"
Kit rested his face against the palm of his left hand. "I can't," he groaned.
Janessa let out a frustrated yell on the other end of the phone. "What the hell are you planning on doing Kit!? I mean are you just gonna wait into she hits you or what?" She spat.
"She already did," Kit responded instantly without missing a beat.
He gasped and slapped a hand to cover his mouth. Kit had no idea why he actually told her. Impulsivity maybe? Or maybe he just needed to get it out. But he instantly regretted it.
There was a long uncomfortable silence on the other end of the phone. Kit was just about to ask Janessa where she went when suddenly she spoke.
"I'm coming over."
Kit tried to protest but she hung up on him.
Before he had time to panic or scream or throw something, there was an aggressive tapping on his window. Of course. Janessa had vampire speed. He looked up to see Nessie perched on his windowsill looking solem.
Her long black curly hair was pulled into a high ponytail and she wore what by her standards was probably a casual outfit. A black long sleeved low cut crop top and white ripped skinny jeans tucked into thigh high heeled leather boots. And of course, she wore a full face of makeup. Even after the facial feminization surgery she was still a little insecure about going out without makeup on.
Nessie banged on his window again, more impatiently and Kit jumped up to let her in. She landed on his bedroom floor with the grace of a cat, making no sound. She stared at him silently with an expression that Kit found hard to decipher.
"Show me where," she whispered in that deep raspy voice of hers. She reached for his face and Kit let Janessa cradle his face with her hands and tried not to wince as her cold skin came into contact with his.
He shook his head. "No you won't see it, I put an iratze on it already. It's done." Janessa scoffed and stepped back.
"You know the damage isn't just skin deep Kit," she said pointedly. "No matter how much you want to pretend it is."
He glared at her. "Wow that's so insightful Nessie!," he said sarcastically. "What else you got?"
"Oh come on Kit you know I'm right," She hissed. "You have to end it!"
Kit shook his head. Why does she keep saying that?
"No. Why should I?" Kit retorted. "She loves me." He tried to sound as confident as he could, but truthfully he wasn't so sure anymore.
Autumn had gone above and beyond to make Kit feel loved and appreciated yo the point where she was almost obsessive. But she could also be cruel and spiteful. Kit had convinced himself that he should be happy with what he had because it was as good as he was gonna get.
And the sad part was that was still true.
"No she doesn't," Janessa breathed desperately. To Kit's horror, it looked like she was about to cry. Kit couldn't remember if he had ever seen her cry. Not once.
"Somebody who really loved you could never hurt you like that!" She protested shakily, her voice warbled as tears spilled down her face.
Kit could feel his tears returning at the sight of Nessie crying. He rushed towards her and pulled her into his arms, burying his face in her neck. In the comfort of his best friend's embeace he allowed himself to finally sob. He cried for that broken niave part of himself that kept getting hurt.
She rested her chin on the top of his head, (she was taller then him,) and held him close. "Please promise me you will break up with her," Janessa begged.
"I just don't get it," Kit whispered against her skin. "I did everything right. I did everything I could." He blinked back tears. "Why doesn't she love me Nessie?"
He felt her shake against him. "I don't know Kit," she sobbed. "But I love you ok? I love you and your parents love you, and Mina loves you so much!"
Kit sighed, pulling back to wipe his tears. "I know, but what if I, you know-. What if I never find someone? Like romantically?"
Janessa studied him, raising her eyebrow. "Well do you need to find someone? Who is this arbitrary someone who can give you something a friendship can't?"
That's actually a good point.
"I mean," Nessie continued, crossing her arms and shifting her weight. "If you do end up in a relationship then cool, it's whatever. But the way I see it is you shouldn't focus all of your energy on looking because you're gonna end up missing out on some pretty cool stuff in the mean time." She smiled.
Kit thought about it. He knew logically Janessa had a point. But he just couldn't feel it. He was too depressed and defeated. And as ashamed as it made him, Kit still missed Autumn. He tried to smile along with Nessie but it must have looked weak because she looked concerned.
"Hey," she cooed, reaching for him.
"Can you sing to me Nessie?" He asked. Kit  felt a little pathetic but hopefully she wouldn't judge him.
She smiled lovingly at him. "Sure." Janessa took his hand and led him to his bed.
"Any requests?" She asked as she pulled off her boots and lay down on Kit's bed. He followed her, snuggling up against Nessie with his back to her.
"No not really," he murmered, closing his eyes. Kit was finally starting to feel how exhausted he really was.
Janessa wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close, resting her head slightly against his shoulder. "Ok," she whispered very softly.
Kit heard her clear her throat softly before the sound of her breathy angelic alto filled his ears.
"I'm turning out the lights, to remember how to see. Till the renaissance takes place, Until a renaissance takes place, and resuscitates the color of paint and divinity."
Kit smiled sleepily at the sound of his enneagram song, something Janessa had introduced him to.
He yawned and let the sound of Nessie's voice lull him to sleep, putting all thoughts of Autumn behind him.
In my head Kit is like 5'4 and Janessa is 5'9. Originally I had her at 5'11 but I wanted her to be closer in height to Kit. Also did I name Kit's abusive girlfriend Autumn after my toxic controlling ex best friend? You bet I did!
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