#gonna need a super tanker
jacklyn-flynn · 2 years
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So, there's some good news and bad news with this post. Maybe both good?
First, this chapter is LONG. Twice as long as the others but it is almost all smut. Just, achingly sweet lemonade. I've read, changed, re-read, fidgeted with, and read again the whole chapter so many times I feel like if I keep fudging with it, I'll just make it worse though so I'm putting into out into the world as it is!
PLEASE note the trigger warnings for this chapter. There is a very brutal description of the aftermath of an assault on Fenris by Danarius. There are instructions in the note at the beginning of the chapter if you need to skip it. Please take care of yourself! No amount of feel-good smut or love confessions is worth your mental and emotional health!
The maybe bad news is that I found Sparrow's song quite by accident (I wasn't even looking) and the timeline of the last few chapters I had have been completely thrown out the window. Totally different direction and probably more than the original nine chapters I planned on. I'm hoping that it won't impact my ability to follow a weekly release schedule, but we'll see. Summer is crazy!
With that said, I'm gonna put a very NSFW preview for this chapter under the cut. Enjoy!
“Venhedis!” Sparrow cried out, her hand finding his hair and fisting the white locks between her fingers. He loved her mouth and every word that came out of it, regardless of how unladylike it was. 
Fenris chuckled, moving to kiss the inside of her thigh so as to give her a reprieve. “Do you want me to stop?” He nipped her skin with his teeth, making her jump. 
“Please, no,” she fairly begged, looking down at him with pleading eyes. Her pupils were wide, nearly swallowing the deep blue. 
“What do you need me to do to make you come for me?” She visibly shivered at the low timbre of his voice. 
Her head fell back on the pillows again. “Just that, keep doing that. Fasta vass, more of that.” 
“Amatus,” he chastised playfully, “I’ve done many things to make you moan. I would like to hear which of them will make you scream.”
“Fenris!” Sparrow whined, raising her hips in a futile attempt to make him continue without answering. 
He refused to back down. “Sparrow, tell me.” 
“The-the-kaffas-the thing with your lips and the flat of your tongue,” she stuttered.
He sealed his lips around the tiny bundle of nerves and suckled gently, his tongue making smooth, calculated motions. 
“Just like that, just like that,” she chanted in the breaks of her salacious chorus. 
Fenris struggled against the urge to go faster or apply more pressure. He wouldn’t rush her. Never rush her. He looked up at her from between her thighs but his view of her face was obscured by the arch of her back, breasts thrust toward the heavens. 
He felt her hand press against his shoulder and search blindly along his arm. Hooking it beneath her tremblilng leg, he captured her hand, threading their fingers together. Her leg bent, heel digging into the mattress to find purchase as she found her release. 
Fenris was curious as to if she hadn’t told him she was close because she didn’t think he’d want to hear her declare such things or if she was overwhelmed by the sensation of it, caught off guard and unable to voice her orgasm until she was in the throes of it. Regardless, he reveled in her cries of pleasure. She squeezed his hand so tightly that he felt a knuckle crack.
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ladyswillmart · 2 years
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Cave Johnson here. Before I get into today’s cafeteria menu reading, I gotta say I’ve been getting a lot of questions about all the construction and tanker trucks that people have been seeing on the Aperture premises lately, so I guess I can’t keep it under wraps anymore. Remember a few months back when we had you fill out that survey about what you think Aperture needs the most? Well, ignoring the fact that most of you put down boring stuff like better safety equipment and on-call grief counseling and a half-hour break for lunch instead of fifteen minutes—seriously, maybe you should just go work at the Dollar Chimp in town if fifteen minutes and a nice lab coat aren’t good enough for you. But Cave, we need steel-toe boots and goggles! Since when? Back in our prime, we literally did our Science naked! I mean, not literally literally, in the literary sense—I mean we did have a dress code but considering what we spent back then on Brylcreem, we didn’t have a single dime to spare on junk we didn’t need. Like goggles. Goggles! Look, if you lose an eye, I call that a valuable lesson from the school of hard knocks, and don’t even get me started on—(distant talking)—uh—ahem. Yes. Thank you Greg. I won’t get started on the rubber gloves, because...
Thanks to the results of the survey, we determined that what Aperture needs the MOST is to Beat Black Mesa. But Cave, you ask, how are we gonna do that after thirty-five years of getting creamed by those highfalutin Ivy League PhD-having... overly funded applied science-doing shitheels? (...no, I’m sorry, Pardonna mi frawnsay, Greg, but it’s the truth, everyone needs to hear the truth, even if it does have a cuss word in it...)
Anyway, for that, you gotta ask yourself another question: What does Black Mesa have that we don’t? And if you say hard hats, I swear to god I will fire you all into the sun—(distant talking, more emphatic)—uh, yes, ahem. Well, Old Cave just happened to figure this one out on his recent diplomatic friendship tour of the Black Mesa facility: They have massive vats of radioactive green goo. Glows in the dark and everything, like something out of an old Superman cartoon. Now god only knows what this stuff is or what they even plan to do with it, but as our corporate philosophy insists: It’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it. And that’s what gets results. Right?
Clearly those goons in New Mexico are getting results with this stuff, so to figure out how, we’re constructing two new test chambers designed specifically to study our own recently acquired vats of radioactive green goo. Man, you wouldn’t believe this stuff! We haven’t pinned down the exact chemical composition—probably some of those wacky transuranic elements like plutonium or neptunium or michiganium or whatever—but I can tell you that it definitely tastes radioactive! I mean, that’s just second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth hand information even, but I’ve been very reliably informed that it tastes kinda like blue flavor Aperture Artificially Emulsified Electrolyte Beverage, very scientific.
So yeah, if you want to test this one, we’re gonna be volunteering employees from Chemical Engineering and Quality Assurance. Come up here to the main office later and see Caroline to put your name in the hat before we do it for you. First we’re gonna see if this stuff gives people super brainiac powers or maybe better financial judgment. That’s my guess, anyway. For those of you who might have concerns about this exciting addition to the Aperture family, let me assure you that we're constructing the new chambers in the Oppenheimer and Planck sections, which are far away from the Enrichment Center so any green goo leakage you might observe would be a result of the same old plumbing problems that normally result in the green goo leakage we usually see throughout the facility. As far as I know, that stuff doesn’t glow in the dark, and I don’t think anyone’s tasted it yet, but if you do, let someone know and we can note the results on the coroner’s report for posterity.
Anyway, we hope to have this thing up and running by next week, which is perfect timing because Breen's showing up that Friday for a rematch on the Executive Golf Course. Let’s knock his socks off and beat him at his own game for once. As soon as we figure out what that game is.
Hopefully that game is... not golf. (...That reminds me—Greg, can you pencil in a couple mulligans in advance? ... No, it’s not cheating if you’re a CEO. That’s one of the perks of the job, look it up some time...)
Cave out!
No, wait. I almost forgot: Today’s lunch is Vulcanized Fish Sticks, plus your choice of any soup, salad, or vegetable that can be eaten within fifteen minutes, minus the time it takes for you to chew the fish sticks.
Okay, now Cave out!
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twstgameplay · 3 years
Hi, first time doing this so I apologize first if I've made any mistakes! This might be a bit late but I wanted to ask for team composition help for the current Unified Exams, I think maybe for either fire, water, or flora? (tho if youre able to maybe give me some pointers for the others thatd also be welcome but you dont have to!) I'm finally able to tackle hard difficulty this round n able to get 10k+ for all of them n I wanted to see if i can at least get an S rank this time (currently at a score of 65k+)
There were too many SRs to limit for pics so I'll try to list them down as best I can, sorry for the mess
-all perm SRs except for Lab Trey, Robe Jack, Lab Jamil, n Robe Rook, more than half of them not even leveled past 10
-all SM SRs, Lilia at lvl 55, Ruggie at lvl 39 (the rest not leveled)
-GM Riddle (lvl 60) n Lilia (lvl 11)
-Beans Day Rook (lvl 44), Vil (lvl 60), n Jade (max lvl 80)
-Camp Floyd n Sebek (only Floyd maxed at 80, Sebek at 60)
-Yasamina Silk Cater (lvl 60)
-Masterchef Silver (lvl 37), Jade (lvl 55), Lilia, Jamil n Deuce (all 3 not leveled)
-New Years Deuce (lvl 23)
-Apple Boa Idia n Sebek (only Idia at lvl 40)
-Grim (lvl 60 n max magic)
SSRs Photo List
(Dorm Ace below is lvl 62)
-Beans Floyd is the only one with both magic maxed out -Camp Ruggie is at 10/8 -Union Floyd (5/5), Union Jade (6/5), Dorm Deuce (6/6), SM Jade (7/5) -Bday Floyd is at 5/1, n the rest are all under lvl 5 Idk if info on wat support card I use is needed or necessary but just in case, I've been using these mostly -Fire: lvl 100 Silk Jamil, max magic n buddies -Water: lvl 100 Camp Ruggie, max magic n buddies -Flora: lvl 100 Beans Floyd, max magic n buddies -Null: lvl 80 Bday Vil, magic 6/10, buddies Azul (lvl 6) n kalim (lvl 8) (i think, i havent been working on this test too much) -Omni: lvl 85 Dorm Azul, max magic n buddies Thank you for any help you can give n sorry for this very cluttered mess!
This is gonna be messy as the exams are ending-
Support Dorm Azul (Water/Water) - Very important, he’s your main bonker
Lab (Water/Flora) or Robe (Fire/Water) Riddle - Here to activate Azul’s DUO
Union Floyd (Fire/Water) - ATK SSR, 2nd DUO
Dorm Deuce (Null/Water) - Floyd’s DUO partner
Union Jade (Null/Water) - Azul’s ATK buddy
Support Dorm Leona (Flora/Flora) - Very important, he’s your main bonker
Robe (Fire/Water) or PE (Flora/Water) Vil - Here to activate Leona’s DUO
SM Jade (Water/Flora) - ATK SSR, 2nd DUO
Robe Azul (Null/Flora) - Jade’s DUO partner, very strong SR worth investing
Camp Ruggie (Water/Flora) - ATK SSR, high DMG if both magic are used on the same turn, Jade’s ATK buddy
Support SM Silver (Fire/Fire) - Healer, no weakness and good damage
Beans Floyd (Flora/Fire) - Healer, good damage
Beans Vil (Fire/Flora) - High HP
Beans Jade (Fire/Flora) - Healer, high HP, Floyd’s HP buddy
Lab Kalim (Fire/Fire) or SM Leona (Null/Fire) - Kalim for more tanking power, he’s a debuffer, has high HP and is Silver’ HP buddy; Leona if you need more DMG to end the battle at the right time, he’s Silver’s DUO partner
Not recommended. Better to try increasing your score in the other elements.
Support Dorm Trey (Water/Flora) - Very important, main tanker and healer
Silk Cater (Fire/Water) - Healer and Trey’s HP buddy
Beans Floyd (Flora/Fire) - Healer
Beans Jade (Fire/Flora) - Healer and Floyd’s HP buddy
And either:
Dorm Trey (Water/Flora) - Double Trey is 👌, super worth leveling him up, or
NY Kalim (Water/Flora) in your Trey’s place - Healer, has Jade as HP buddy
If you use NY Kalim, you can also consider replacing Beans Jade with SM Jade (Water/Flora) as he’s a debuffer and has Kalim as HP buddy
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 years
The Holy Quintet in Twisted Wonderland! (all 7 dorms - Part 2)
Now we have Kyouko’s reaction to the other dorms! Sorry that it took a whole weekend to edit this.  
Hope you guys enjoyed it!
Sakura Kyouko & the other dorms (except Savanaclaw)
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Bless Sayaka for warning Kyouko in advance about the many, many rules of the Heartslabyul dorm. Riddle’s collar would probably latch on her if the redhead girl walk into the dorm lounge, screaming for Sayaka. 
Now, before she was introduced to the seniors of Heartslabyul, Kyouko got to know Ace and Deuce. She easily got along with the two boys since they’re always around Sayaka. It didn’t take long before their trio to become a four member group and they can often be seen goofing off around campus and trouble usually follow after them. 
Kyouko loves going along Ace’s crazy plans. After they accidentally destroy a shelf full of potions in the Alchemy lab, Ace immediately suggest they burn down the lab so Divus won’t find out that it was them. Kyouko was ready to use her Soul Gem as a flamethrower if it weren’t for Deuce and Sayaka.
(Expect Kyouko and Ace to be detention buddies, often)
Deuce treats Kyouko just how his Mama raised him to treat any other girls! Though once in a while, he couldn’t help but drop a cauldron on her whenever she and Ace are up to no good. Luckily he and Sayaka are the ‘chiller’ of the duo.
Trey and Cater got to know Kyouko properly only after Riddle’s overblot episode (she wasn’t with them when Sayaka went all out trying to ‘save’ their Dorm Leader). After the ordeal, the two of them were very grateful that Kyouko was no where near Heartslabyul when it happened). Trey is relief that Kyouko took Riddle’s light chatises over how she eats and etc without a fuss, sometimes she would even tease him back. A good thing that Riddle is now more acceptable to friendly affections and interactions from others. Sometimes if Trey is working in the kitchen and Kyouko swings by at Heartslabyul, she’s his food tester and helps out with the more heavy labour when it comes to cooking. Kyouko loves it!
Now, she’s not very big on the whole social media thing so by right, she shouldn’t have anything in common with Cater. But I can see that she loves music apart from food. So learning that Cater is the guitarist and vocalist for the Light Music club got her really interested. She wonders if she can learn to play musical instruments too. As for Cater, well, he’s more than happy to teach her how to play the guitar (even encouraging her to join his club) and they tend to take selfies together.  
Seeing that Kyouko is genuine and serious about the Light Music club hurried him to introduce her to Kalim and Lilia. Kalim is more than happy to teach Kyouko what he knows too and Lilia always wanted to know more about Madoka’s friends. 
The result? Apparently joining the Light Music club is the first step for Kyouko to actually enjoy being a student for once in her life.  
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Listen, no one could’ve predicted how Kyouko would got herself entangled with the mermafias and the whole Octavinelle dorm, alright? 
See, while Kyouko just got out from the cafeteria - her arm holding a paper bag filled with food for herself, Ruggie and Jack back at their dorm - she caught a flash of pink walking by. Oh look, there’s Madoka! Alone and walking to meet up with Silver or Sebek, maybe. It’s so odd to see Madoka alone ever since they came to TW. 
Anyway, poor girl was completely oblivious to a 191CM tall boy rushing towards her with a maniacal girl, arms wide open.  
Kyouko is a more of ‘beat’em-now-and-think-later’ sort of girl. So please forgive her that the moment she intercepted the eel boy, her spear was already drawn out and proceeded to smacked him away - violently - like a baseball bat. Poor Floyd got the wind absolutely knocked out of him as he crashed to the Main Street. 
“What were you planning to do to Madoka, hah!?” 
Floyd could only whistle despite the pain flaring on his torso. So one of these pretty girls is super feisty, eh? He’s gonna have so much fun squeezing her!
Let’s just say the two got into a brawl that nearly destroyed the Main Street if it weren’t for Azul and Leona actually coming over and putting a stop to it. 
(Leona doesn’t appreciate having to interfere in someone’s else fight, not when their Brawler could give Floyd a run for his madols, but he really had to pulled Kyouko away before Savanaclaw gets in trouble with the headmaster)
(Azul actually can’t believe there’s someone that could beat his tanker. He thought that the other girls would be like Homura and Madoka; cautious yet gentle. Clearly these girls are an odd bunch! He would need to carefully reevaluate his plans involving them now)  
From that fight onwards, the two are constantly trying to beat the other once and for all. Floyd is living the life; finally a fun prey! For once, he needed to get creative. Squeezing doesn’t do much, not when Kyouko is just as strong and she could easily stab him with a turn of her large spear. She could dish out whatever attack his ‘Bind the Heart’ retaliate and quick on her feet against his elemental spells. 
Kyouko finds Floyd a crazy yet seriously strong student. She has no idea what his problem is, but no way in hell will she back down or show that he unnerved her. Seriously, there’s something wrong with that guy and it’s not just his mood swings. The whole mermafia trio is creepy. 
Jade wonders if his twin’s obsession with the Savanaclaw Brawler will end badly. Oh well, since the outcome is still murky, he’s fully planning to enjoy the show.
Jade will smirk whenever Kyouko scrutinised him. Clearly expecting him to behave like Floyd since they’re twins and all. It’s cute how he knew she wants to prod and poke him just to see if he’ll lose his composure and Jade appreciates that she holds herself back every time. 
While Floyd went on a very direct approach to ‘befriending’ Kyouko, Jade is a subtle and nothing but polite. Enticing her with the menus of Mostro Lounge, the colourful drinks they served and sweeten his offers with a promise that Floyd won’t try to pick a fight with her if she dines at their café. 
(Kyouko eventually caves in on the offer. Won’t you be too if Jade promise to cook you something?) 
Azul wishes there’s some way he could properly learn about these girls apart from observing them in classes or their interactions with their dorm mates. After that fight at the Main Street, he underestimates just how much of a threat these girls can be. Especially Kyouko. Fortunately, Jade told him all about his offers and practically everyone in college knows about her love of food so Azul just had to wait. 
The third Magical Girl to visit Monstro Lounge after Homura and Madoka’s tense dining experience is Kyouko. Azul is surprise to find her alone. He expects at least one of her friend to accompanied her. 
Nevertheless, Azul is quick to muster up his gentleman-like behaviour and silver tongue to try and charm the redhead girl. Or at least get her to trust him a little. Throughout her visit in the café, Kyouko hardly complain about his treatment. 
It’s only after she paid that she gets down to it. In a complete 180 turn, she asks Azul why he’s taking her for an idiot. That stumped the Dorm Leader of Octavinelle. 
Kyouko didn’t bother to minced words; she told him that prior coming to TW, she lives on the street; never having a home. So she sees a lot of... unsavoury people who try to take advantage of a young girl like her. How the conmen with their honeyed words and parental-like sympathy would want to ‘help’ her. Kyouko knows very well what would happen to naive girls living on the streets. They won’t last a night. 
And Azul? Azul is no different from those men the moment he smiled at her. Her words sting the octo-mer more than he would ever admit once Kyouko storms out of Mostro Lounge. 
The Leech Twins are even more fascinated by Kyouko now while Azul and Kyouko barely acknowledged each other’s existence. 
Kyouko has not step into the cafe ever since. 
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As a favour that she was willing to do for Homura, Kyouko in the end decide to cash it in when it comes to school work. Those History and Summoning classes are tough! 
Since the aloof Magical Girl never invite any of the girls to her dorm, Kyouko decided to invite herself, unanounced. She always wanted to know what a dorm in a desert would look like. The sand soon irritates her after a while. 
The students all directed Kyouko to a spot in the lounge that they all unofficially dub as Homura’s comfort space. Underneath a tapestry of a beautiful queen famous for her thousand stories, there’s Homura in her little nest. 
Kyouko really doesn’t like Homura’s know-it-all attitude but for the sake of her homework, she grits her teeth as Homura explains again for certain subjects. The other students of Scarabia know not to disturb the girls. (words about Kyouko and Floyd’s fight quickly spread throughout college. So seeing her frustrated expression over her books were enough to drive away the Scarabia students).  
Except for Kalim, of course. 
The moment he and Jalim returned to Scarabia and a passing student mentioned that Homura has a guest, Kalim scurries off to meet up with them. Jamil follows after him in an exasperated pace. 
Having gotten used to Kalim’s random, cheerful outbursts, Homura went with the flow as the Dorm Leader introduce himself and let Kyouko talk with him. Seeing that the two were studying, Jamil suggest rather than throwing a feast for Kyouko, why not they study together and Jamil can cook something quick for them to snacked on. That got Kalim and Kyouko on board. 
With Kalim and Jamil between them, Kyouko and Homura kept their snark to a minimum level, to the point that Homura would actually smirk when Kyouko regale them of her misadventure with Ace, Deuce and Sayaka. Not long after, Kyouko begrudgingly throw a compliment about Homura, telling the two boys that although she might be stuck-up, Homura does know her stuff.  
(Perhaps there’s hope for these two girls)
Kalim totally vibes with Kyouko. He loves how spunky, confident and funny she is! He loves her quick hugs whenever they meet up and always accepts an apple from her. If Kyouko loves to eat, then Kalim can’t wait to cook for her. The next time he throws a party, Kyouko would be one of his guest of honour for sure!
The first time Jamil saw Kyouko sparring with her dorm mates, she instantly reminds him of a scorpion. How she would thrust her spears from behind and he watched as the weapon retracted and pull back so smoothly. Fast and brutal, it fits her. 
Compare to Homura, Jamil is internally grateful that Kyouko is such an open book. There’s no hidden meaning underneath her words, no need to feel like he’s squeezing blood out of a stone just to know something about her. As long as she’s not a threat to Kalim, Jamil honestly doesn’t care all that much about Kyouko.
Jamil is so used to cooking for a bunch of people at a drop of a hat because of Kalim and so he’s not too annoyed having to cook for Kyouko whenever she visits Scarabia. 
Jamil is also aware that Kyouko and their Scarabia Raven doesn’t have a good relationship but that’s none of his business.  
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If Heartslabyul was the first dorm that Kyouko is hesitant to visit, Pomefiore is the second. 
Unfortunately, Mami wasn’t feeling well that day and it’s up to Kyouko to send over her school notes since they shared most of their classes together. 
The moment she steps through the mirror and standing in front of the entrance of Pomefiore, she felt like a prey getting ready to be ambushed. 
The pretty boys of Pomefiore whispers how glossy her red hair is; what product does she use? Do you think she’ll share the brand with them? Look at how powerful and confident her posture is, yet you can still see her feminine curves hold nothing back! Some wonders what her beauty and skincare routine are to be able to look so beautiful despite being a student from that roughhousing Savanaclaw. 
Kyouko couldn’t help but shiver, her skin crawls when she heard the whispers. The boys are very eager to show her around their dorm but Kyouko awkwardly interrupted them. She’s just here to see Mami to pass her notes! Their insistent to help her out in every little thing creeps her out!
Her saviour came in the form of Epel Felmier. He remembers how awkward he felt after the sorting ceremony when the other Pomefiore students all crowd around him, praising him for his looks. So without hesitation, he slide in and loudly explain that Mami send him to pick her up. Kyouko is grateful for his intervention. 
You can bet Kyouko feel something like a bull in a fine china shop the moment they head to Mami’s bedroom. Everything look so shiny... and expensive!
Kyouko help recap what she could remember in class to Mami when she pass along her notes before telling that she doesn’t believe Mami could get sick. Since they became Magical Girls, they rarely became ill. Mami assured her that she overworked herself a little, trying to keep up with classes and training Madoka and Sayaka. 
(Yes, Vil had fussed over her when Mami told him this. He gave her a list that she must follow so she could resume her classes soon.)
In a rare gesture of thoughtfulness, Kyouko offer to take over their trainning while Mami rest up. This makes Mami very happy and when she express it, Kyouko scratch her head and look away, muttering that it’s only right. 
When she left Mami’s bedroom, Kyouko throws an apple to Epel as thanks for helping her out earlier. This startles the boy and it sparks their friendship. He promises to teach Kyouko how to carved apples when they hang out next time. 
Now, Kyouko likes to playfully tease Epel when he told her that he wanted to be sorted into Savanaclaw and that he wanted to grow some muscle. For all her teasings, she does invite him to her and Jack’s work out sessions. It makes him happy so why not? Just don’t tell Vil.  
Since Kyouko very rarely visit Pomefiore, Vil and Rook heard of her through Epel and Mami. Vil and her doesn’t see eye-to-eye due to their personalities being on the opposite end of the spectrum. Kyouko absolutely have no patience to be groomed or lecture by Vil and whenever he sees her arm-wrestling with the other boys, Vil just shook his head at the lost of such beauty.
It’s a shame, Vil thinks. Kyouko is beautiful in a way that a ruby with a powerful fire inside is, but she’s just too... all over the place to even listen on how to put on a concealer properly. 
Rooks finds her fiery spirit and compassion to her friends beautiful. Like a female warrior from Afterglow Savanna. It doesn’t let him down when Kyouko couldn’t appreciate him reciting a poetry that he wrote for her. At least the girl was kind enough to wait until he was finish before running off. 
(Rook heard of the infamous brawl at the Main Street, too. Despite not being a beastmen, perhaps Kyouko is worthy of a hunt!)  
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Honestly, Kyouko actually forgot there’s seven dorms instead of six here at NRC. It’s not her fault that it totally slips her mind that Ignihyde exist! She hardly sees any students from that dorm around campus!
According to Ruggie, they’re the odd, shut-in types that rather spend their time with their techs than people. So a dorm full of shut-in nerds in Kyouko’s opinion. 
Her opinion on Ignihyde changes when she spotted this tiny, blue robotic thing flitting around the college. The moment she spotted Ortho, her interest and attention is immediately on him. 
At first, Kyouko doesn’t know what to make of him as he follows Ortho around curiously. Is he a toy? Some high-tech butler? Who made it? 
(Kyouko is no Rook. So Ortho is actually aware that there’s someone been tailing him for a while now, but he lets Kyouko do what she wants, thinking they’re playing some sort of game) 
In the end, Kyouko just laugh sheepishly when Ortho confront her, asking what game are they playing? She admits that she has never seen anything like him before back home. 
Ortho, off course, wasted no time telling the Magical Girl that his big brother made him, how cool he is, maybe they could all play together and etc. The more Kyouko got to know Ortho, the longer she sense that this boy actually has a soul! This is not a robot, it’s a living person!
Utterly fascinate now (plus Ortho thoroughly charm her with how much he talks about his older brother. Heh, her little sister used to bragged about Kyouko to her little friends too...)
Kyouko and Ortho become friends and despite how rough she can be, she always make sure to treat the boy gently. She won’t admit it, but she loves babysitting him and Cheka, bringing them around campus to play. Sometimes, when she sits on the bench and watch them pick flowers near the garden of Pomefiore, she could see her little sister playing amongst them too. 
Idia doesn’t really know all that much about Kyouko other than what he could find from his cameras and the bare-bone information from Homura. She’s strong. She often hangs out with those two boys from Heartslabyul and their Knight. She also possess one hell of an appetite. 
So the moment Ortho burst into his bedroom, shouting about befriending the redhead girl, Idia has somewhat mixed feeling about their friendship. 1 - he worries that she would accidentally hurt him (Ortho doesn’t exactly have sturdy frames to withstand the strength of a Savanaclaw student). 2 - he doesn’t think he could handle having another pretty girl hanging around their dorm without wanting to crawl under his bedsheets forever. 
He actually let out a relief sigh when Ortho told him that Kyouko won’t barged into Ignihyde if it makes him uncomfortable, but he hopes that Idia could play with them sometimes. 
Idia promises that he will try to spend some time with them after Ortho told him how gentle Kyouko treats him and Cheka. How attentive she is to their presence despite looking bored. 
In the end, Kyouko finds the Shroud brothers alright in her books. Idia might be the nerdiest of the bunch with a sweetheart of a little brother but she can respect a dude rocking out flames for hair. 
(Idia probably self-combut if he knows that Kyouko thinks he’s cool for a nerd)     
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After she became a Savanaclaw student, Jack had onced told her that there’s beef between their dorm against Diasomnia. Something about how Diasomnia always beat them during the college’s inter-dorm tournament, yada yada yada. If those students from Diasomnia wanna spar sometime then she’s more than happy to kick their asses. 
While walking back to her bedroom, she overheard a tense argument between Sebek and Jack that it suddenly became a point of the two challenging on another. 
So an impromptu fight between the first year Savanaclaw and Diasomnia students are scheduled at the stadium on a Saturday night. No one really knows how the first year students kept the event hush-hush from the seniors or teachers but they managed to. 
When the day arrive, most of the first year students from every dorm came to watch the fight. 
Kyouko & Jack VS Sebek (& some random Diasomnia NPC). Madoka came as well but she doesn’t want to fight unless she absolutely has too and no one in Diasomnia has the heart to push their gentle Fairy. 
The fight was brutal as the rounds went on into the night. Heartslabyul students cheer for their friends while having picnics on the bleachers, Scarabia students are trying to use Astrology to predict the winners while working along with the Octavinelle students who are running the bets, some Pomefiore students complain at how barbaric and unnecessary violent these fights are but stick around to take selfies with their friends and a couple of extrovert Ignihyde students are livestreaming the entire thing and doing commentary. 
Homura, Sayaka and Mami are seated around Madoka. Sayaka cheer for Kyouko, of course. 
When it comes to her fight against Sebek with Jack beside her, she just told him that she’ll handle the nameless Diasomnia NPC and detached her spear to attack. 
It was amazing! Kyouko live for the rush and adrenaline of the fight! Looks like they were right - those Diasomnia folks are really strong! But other than strengths, can they keep up with her? 
Kyouko knocked the nameless Diasomnia NPC out of the ring just in time to see Sebek raised his Magic Pen to call forth his lightnings. She cast a ward-like dome on Jack. When the smoke cleared, her ward remain standing. 
“I get it, I get it. Beat his ass, Jack. I’ll cover for ya”
It’s almost easy, really. Jack and Sebek are evenly match and Kyouko kept her promise, only lingering away from the fight. 
Funny enough, in the end, neither dorm wins when the collision of Jack’s fireball and Sebek’s lightning ray knock them both out of the ring. Even still, the audience cheer and instead of going back to their respective dorms, they actually gathered around and have a mini-party. Even the Pomefiore students were having fun.   
With good food and drinks, the tension between Diasomnia and Savanaclaw disappear eventually. At least for tonight. 
(the headmaster blows it when it was reported that the stadium is totally trashed. After that, news about that fight spread because of the livestreams. As punishment, the Savanaclaw and Diasomnia are tasked to fix the stadium. Much to the surprise of Leona and Malleus who were supervising the whole thing, their dorm mates are laughing and playfully shoving each other on the shoulders as they fix around the field.)
Malleus caught Sebek furiously practising with his sword and magic in the training hall of their dorm one day, his knight flustered and explain how masterful Kyouko wields her spear. He caught her deftly strike away every clash of the sword from the nameless NPC without breaking a sweat. It also infuriates Sebek that after knocking her opponent out of the battle, she easily snap her fingers and cast multiple powerful spells to shield Jack from his more deadly attacks. 
The way how Kyouko wield her magic and weapon simultaneously without exerting herself had Sebek begrudgingly respect her. 
When Madoka invited Malleus to her and Kyouko’s ice-cream trip, Malleus learn a little more about the Savanaclaw Brawler. She’s blunt, brash and doesn’t seem to be put off by him which is good. Though she completely steam-rolled his brooding murmurs. She admits that she doesn’t understand his fascination with gargoyles, but assures him that if they make him happy, then by all means, talk away! 
Lilia find the fire of youths’ as well as their bout of recklessness refreshing. They make him feel younger. When he spotted how Kyouko’s charisma boost Madoka’s courage and confidence little by little, Lilia likens Kyouko to a fire that not only burn enemies to ash but is also a hearth that warms one’s home. At least for these young girls. 
Like the rest of the students in NRC, Lilia has heard and seen the fight online. Kyouko’s battle was certainly impressive! In fact, it’s a good idea to have Sebek and Silver expand their sparring opponents so they could learn a thing or two. Especially from these girls. 
Silver finds the whole secret fight pointless, but since Sebek felt so passionate at the time and it’s be done with, there’s nothing else he could add. He agrees with Lilia; it’d be nice if he could clash his sword against Kyouko’s spear. He finds the weapon’s ability to attached and detached at will fascinating. How does it work? What is its range? How big can Kyouko make them? How many can she summon them at once?  
Kyouko agreed to spar with them sometimes if they paid her in food. Silver and Sebek hurried to stop Lilia from rushing to the kitchen when they heard her offer. Although Lilia pouts, the Vice Dorm Leader can easily fulfil their end of the bargain. So whenever they finish sparring, they would all sit down and munch on snacks and drinks.
After sparring for a couple of times, Kyouko finds that Sebek is actually alright. He’s just so loud and can be so passionate when it comes to Malleus. Cue teasing from Kyouko and trying to make Sebek blush whenever they hang out together. As for Silver, well, Kyouko wishes she has his ability to nap whenever and wherever without a care. Lilia is hard for Kyouko to figured out (just like Jade), but she does know that Lilia is genuine with his friendliness so she appreciates that. 
All in all, the Diasomnia boys are the morbid sort of weirdness in Kyouko’s opnion, but pretty chill for the most powerful dorm of NRC.
And beside, it’s pretty funny to see them running around their dorm trying to figure out how to do their laundries or where their Dorm Leader is.         
Alright, that’s a wrap for Kyouko’s part! Sorry again for the delay. This was supposed to be out in the weekend. 
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elegant-agent · 4 years
mm, now that i’ve been talking about unnecessarily complicated video games like yiik, that stupid botw clone, and dmc devil may cry, i’m thinking about cod warzone and how it complicated what should’ve been a very simple thing
i can recall modern warfare 1′s story very well because it’s very simple but very engaging:
the SAS get called to go into a russian tanker because they’re carrying nuclear arms for a middle east country, al-asad takes over with the best cutscene ever made because it sets the tone so well, usmc goes in to stop him, SAS goes over to investigate russian connection to al-asad, usmc invasion goes south and then they’re nuked, world goes “oh shit”, we get a flashback to the best mission in any call of duty game ever, ghillied up, al-asad is killed like a bitch hiding out, ultranationalists get ambushed by SAS and usmc forces, sas and uscm goes over to a missile base to stop super-russia from nuking everyone, then we’re chased by helicopters
i could recall like 75% of this despite not having looked at modern warfare in over 8 years because it was so good and i loved playing it.
warzone’s story is:
cia goes in to stop russia because that’s original, bad brown people blow up london, sas goes “hmm brown people are bad actually”, good brown people go “hey stop we’re not terrorists”, okay sniper mission, boring flashback mission, even more boring flashback mission, night mission, factory with brown person going “we’re terrorists but good actually” and then end or some shit, i don’t know i stopped paying attention midway
absolutely boring shit. like i know i sound like some weird monster drinking gen-xer who longboards and listens to linkin park, but compare black ops, modern warfare, or fuck even world at war call of duty to this. god, i hate how they gutted call of duty and i will refuse to think about what the fuck advanced warfare or ghosts was about. i’m not even gonna pretend cold war deserves any respect.
anyways off topic, overcomplicating new game versus simple old game. so in modern warfare, we play... about 2, 3 people: soap, usmc dude guy i can’t remember, and price for 1 mission. it’s very linear, there’s no unnecessarily slow action, every part of the game is engaging, i like the characters provided.
in warzone we play: cia white savior, minority in the police, brown lady, flashback brown lady with other brown lady, kid brown lady fuck this mission holy shit. there’s 2 missions where i have to do jack shit and wait for the game to go “okay you can play call of duty now” and i hate it. who fucking thought a game needed a mission where you go around as a kid with your thumb up your ass. that reminds me, there’s a scene in 1 mission where you have to lay down on the ground with a lot of people going right next to your face, very obvious reference to ghillied up’s tank scene, except with this one, you can just shoot everyone. also forgot about the embassy mission which was also okay, it was a cool gimmicky mission, don’t guilt me about letting some dude kill a kid though fuck off, also also forgot about the sas kidnapping bad brown person mission, another okay mission. basically i’m saying that there’s like 4 different scenarios going on right now: brown person terrorist group, russia is bad, cia man wants the bomb-ass brown person pussy, sas minority engages in police brutality. i’m fucking around and i’m making a bad image of it, but it’s so stupid. also fuck the warzone game mode, i don’t know why it takes up like 200gb when every other game takes 70-120 at most, it’s so bloated, like the multiplayer is functional and it’s definitely one of modern call of duty’s stronger points, but i have to deal with warzone taking up my space, i hate it.
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zachsgamejournal · 3 years
COMPLETED: Resident Evil 7
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This is the most I've enjoyed a Resident Evil since RE2 on PS1. May actually like it more than Code Veronica...
I kinda hated the freight ship section. By this point, I felt the game was done. But the designers were like: Nope, we're gonna have an environment as large as all previous sections combined, more enemies to face, start your gear at zero, and halfway through, make you replay areas via a flashback that's length to story ratio is 100:1.
The remote bombs were...a weird addition. I could place them on the floor, but not...you know...toss them. For like, when you're being assaulted by slimy monsters with shark teeth...And still, the game gives you a ton of them!
Turns out, I wasn't far from the end of the freight ship. So that was good. Then we end up at the salt mine. Turns out Lucas was just playing along...weird. So he got his arm cut off and everything on purpose? Like, he's a legit psycho?
I'm really confused about where the fetuses with curing abilities are coming from...ah well.
So we get some background info: Eveline was a fetus that was mutated to have super powers. She could infect folks, and cause hallucinations: presenting herself has a young girl. She, having never had a childhood, wants a family--so takes over a family and has them kidnap folks to add to their "family", but she's a psychotic child raised by other psychos, so everyone under her influence ends up violent and cruel.
And she vomits up monsters, or something...
Into the salt mine. I thought this was gonna be another section of exploring and puzzle solving, but it's actually quite linear. Seems they designed it to be the action section since they constantly send you up against molded, and drop healing items and ammo EVERYWHERE! I didn't need that because I had amassed so many healing items and weapons by playing frugally.
It's just like when I replayed Resident Evil 1--early on every zombie is life or death, and every bullet and herb is precious. But by the end, you become Terminator, can't die and tons of ammo.
There's a spiral climb at one point, and I just ran from everything. If you move quick enough, it's pretty clear of enemies. First molded was an easy side step. The second was a crawler and he trapped me on a catwalk. I was getting hit from behind, so had to kill that one. The third guy was just a walker, so I shot him once to get him to stumble, making the walk around easy.
And that was it. Salt Mine done. Which I was thankful, cause that damn tanker section!!
So we end up at the beginning, in the old house, reliving some Mia interactions via hallucinations. Not worried, cause I'm more well armed than an American Police force with more medicine than a...uh, pharmacy...I guess.
The phase one fight with Eveline was...unimpressive. But it was more about the story...I guess? I'm torn between being done with the game, and expecting a boss-fight on par with previous ones. But alas, we simply stab old-lady Eveline (nice twist) in the neck with a cure. She asks, "Why does everyone hate me" -- heart breaking, then talks about how it hurts. Almost as emotionally confusing as the end of Alien Resurrection.
But then...phase 2.
Instead of dying, Eveline turns into a giant tentacle monster. I guess it's inevitable that Resident Evil end on a ridiculous note. As grounded as much of the game is, they had to go big. But it's a pretty lame fight. You just shoot at mega-Eveline until a helicopter drops you special gun (Kind of like Brad dropping a rocket launcher at the end of Resident Evil 1 - wink, wink).
So she dies...for realz this time. And Chris Redfield appears in an Umbrella Helicopter. I'm glad he's not mega-Chris from Resident Evil 5, but he also doesn't look "his age". I don't know, seemed like unnecessary name dropping, but also no harm, no foul. Ethan hops in the chopper, finding Mia alive. Aw, so it is a love story!
But then the game gives this cheesy epilogue, blaming Eveline for being horrible--even calling her an "it". And then talks about how Mia just wants to put everything behind her. Everything being that Mia worked for a shady organization making horrible bio-weapons, and as part of her duties, helped hold a traumatized child captive and then attempted to kill her when the girl inevitably escaped??
Eveline was the real victim in this story. She did horrible things because she was child that wasn't properly loved and raised. No shit she wants to build a family. Her saying, "Why does everyone hate me", heartbreaking. I have kids. They're selfish, violent, impulsive bastards sometimes--but they're really sweet and just need people to love them.
Eveline wasn't given love. She was given orders, and restrictions. No surprise that she lashed out, and she did so in the ways she could: vomiting up molded zombies and possessing people.
So bosses...talk about unbalanced.
Boss 1: I had a single clip of ammo, maybe two healing items, and a pocket knife. All got used really quickly. I think you're not supposed to shoot him, just get the car keys. But it was confusing and intense, because I didn't know what to do. CHALLENGE: 3/5.
Boss 2: Jack again, but now it gets real. Moving around is awkward, and the second half involves a chainsaw duel. I used up at least 10 rounds of shotgun shells, all my healing items, and died at least 10 times trying to beat this boss. I almost switched to easy. CHALLENGE: 5/5.
Boss 3: Marguerite as a crazy bug lady. This was kind of the scariest battle, as she drops in out of nowhere and from behind. And if you don't constantly attack her, she sends bugs after you. This one drove me a bit nuts, but eventually I found the winning strategy. CHALLENGE: 4/5.
Boss 4: Super molded. I basically hid around the corner of the elevator and used all my shotgun shells on it. A few shots from the pistol and the thing was down. Not sure I even took damage. CHALLENGE: 1/5.
Boss 5: Mutant Jack. He was so big that he couldn't move around and hide like previous bosses. I maybe was hit once or twice, but it was nothing. The eyes were obvious weak points. CHALLENGE: 2/5.
Boss 6ish: Two Super-Moldeds. Kind of reminds of the big infected guys from The Last of Us. While they killed me the first time (very quickly), on my second attempt, I kept the elevator between us and used all my grenade launcher ammo against them (which I had been saving). They didn't touch me. CHALLENGE: 2/5.
Eveline Phase 1: Walk towards her, block when she shock waves. Timing was semi awkward. I died once. CHALLENGE: 1/5.
Eveline Phase 2: Shoot at a giant target that doesn't appear to do any actual damage. Could have been a cutscene. CHALLENGE: 1/5.
It's so weird that the hardest bosses were at the beginning. I guess this is where you have consider experience vs challenge. But for survival horror, challenge is part of the experience. You're supposed to be scared of bosses.
I think the final Eveline battle should have the player running through the swamp. Eveline's tentacles swimming after you, and in front of you, giving birth to molded with familiar faces (Like Mia) to freak you out. And that keeps happening until the player is out of ammo and healing supplies. Once you've used your last heal and bullet, Chris Redfield snipes the molded. You watch as the Eveline Mass rises to attack the helicopter. Chris takes aim with the Wesker gun, fires a shot at a tentacle arm--it calcifies and shatters! Eveline freaks out and smacks the chopper, sending the gun flying to the ground. You see it 10 yards away. You run to it, grab it, turn--Mia appears before you. "I'm one with her now. If you kill her, we'll never be together." If you hesitate too long, Mia kills you. If shoot, she shatters--Eveline attacks, final few shots: END.
Ah well. It was a good game and I'll probably play it again. I could see this being a semi-regular replay for me, right there with RE1 and RE2.
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mail-me-a-snail · 4 years
I’ll give it a try! What do you think’s gonna be there when they finally get to Enceladus?
this answer is incredibly late and im so sorry but it took me a while to conceptualize this, what with school ending so abruptly and things changing really, really fast. this will probably be super long lol to answer your question: what we find on Enceladus is ice. Icebergs, occasionally, rising like whales out of the cold, cold sea. Remnants of a ship, probably Golden Age, by its build of an old oil tanker.  That’s what we see.   But everything is underneath.
Once you break through the ice, you slip into a cave that goes down, down, and down, just like the tunnels on Mars. It bites just as cold and things move in the dark. You’ll need your Ghost, or if you don’t have one, a flashlight to navigate. You won’t be alone, anyway, so a few of you should have Ghosts, if not half of the crowd. Be careful not to slip; the pits go down for miles, but hey, if you do fall, you’ll probably freeze to death before you hit the ground.  At this point, after walking for 30 minutes, maybe more, lanterns will appear and light the way for you. A stark white, reflecting against the icy smooth walls, making them unbearable to look at. For the Awoken, it could remind them of the Dreaming City’s clean marble walls and the things that lurk underneath. Humans just remember that there was a reason they left the caves all those eons ago.  For Exos, it’s the path forward. So, you follow it and come upon a hatch. It’s already open. Single file now, so that everyone can come in at the same time.  The lab is the same as ever. Dark metal walls and wide roof, reverberating the hundreds of Exos marching in. Monitors on every surface, wires dangling, sparking, computers so old they’re solid chunks of ice. There are a few Vex here and there, but they’ve changed...or, more really, they’ve been modified. One lacks hooves; it limps around on humanoid legs. Another has an Exo face, still the same single red eye, but a face nonetheless. They are all still, hunched on the floor in piles like drunks. They can hear the same music the you can, and unlike you, they’ve enough sense to shut down.  You continue through the lab. The main room has its roof caved in, so a freezing draft rattles the icicles that’ve grown, like windchimes. It’s a nice, if not out of place, accompaniment to the music that only you and the others can hear.  It looks the same as it’s always been. Cryogenic chambers, containing both Exo and human bodies alike. Some died a very long time ago, and they float, decomposing in their tubes. The names on the monitors next to the chambers look familiar, but that’s not really what you’re here for. You’re all here because you were called to amass a force so powerful, even Guardians will fear you. What Traveler? What Light? You think you need that? You think it cares about you? You’re a soldier of Clovis Bray’s army, or maybe you’re not. Maybe you’re one of the humans or the Awoken who had followed and you’re watching your best friends, your lovers, your brothers and/or sisters in arms, and even your heroes turn into mindless drones. You watch from a corner, because you still can’t yet see what’s taken them. You can’t hear what they can.  Welcome home. Many of you should remember this place, and I’m glad you do. We can skip formalities. We can drop whatever pretense has been built these past centuries. It’s time to begin and try again. You’d all like that, won’t you? The Exos, one of your fireteam members says to you, they’re all just...standing there. They can’t hear it, either.  You’re about to hush them when you see it.  The hulking amalgamation of Vex Minotaur parts, broad sheets of frosted over metal, and wires, descending from the hole in the roof. It’s huge, maybe the size of Dominus Ghaul, a little bigger, even. It has a vaguely humanoid face, with red eyes that wash the chamber in their glow. Its claws resemble Hobgoblin claws, each the length of a power line pole. Its jaw hangs slack.  Now, you can hear what Clovis Bray has to say. “Welcome, welcome. Now, business can...” He stops.  “We seem to have visitors,” he continues, slower, quieter. “Unwelcomed visitors. That just won’t do, will it? We mustn’t be rude. Let’s welcome our guests...properly.” You watch your best friends, your lovers, your brothers and/or sisters in arms, your heroes, Guardians or otherwise, turn on you. That is what you find under the ice. I hope that was an okay answer! :)
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stillshewanders · 5 years
not to emerge from the Depths with an oil tanker of controversial thoughts, but like, womanhood??
- when & why did we all subscribe to this invisible manual of delicacy for women??? not every girl is super sensitive!! not every woman is a perfect & tactful hostess who knows how to care for your every need!!!
- what i’m NOT saying: delicacy is invaluable. that’s not even close to true. we treasure our emotional queens!!! hospitality is a gift!!!! and we can always work towards those traits cause they’re cool, but they just don’t spring naturally into the being of every female
- side-note but feeling out of place in your own body is soooo easy as a girl when it’s so frequently objectified/presented as the defining factor of your identity. like growing up with THOUGHTS and FEELINGS and DESIRES for heroism and courage and gentleness and passion???? is so rough when those things aren’t associated with the bodies of women enough!!! literally growing up i NEVER wanted to be a girl because everything i cared about was associated with men: bravery, victory, accomplishment, adventure, this list goes on forever. and obviously men don’t hold the monopoly on those things but i wasn’t hearing that.............so like how was i gonna know
- anyways back to ur regularly scheduled programming. be a woman in the best way you know how. fail at some stuff and improve. that’s the only way anyone grows in the first place
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afterspark-podcast · 4 years
G1 Episode 30: Transcript
Episode Show Notes
[This can also be found on AO3!]
S: Black, like it’s-
O: Yes, it's completely black. Like straight fucking coffee. It is the sludge from hell.
[Intro Music]
O: Hello, welcome to the Afterspark Podcast, an episode by episode recap of the Generation 1 Transformers cartoon.  I'm Owls!
S: And I'm Specs.
O: And today we're gonna be talking about episode number 30: Day of the Machines! Let's talk about giant robots today, shall we?
S: Yeah.
O: [Laughter] We start with, of course: Midnight, Quantum Laboratories, home of America's most  secret  inventions.
S: A security guard finds some um, “misplaced” items- ah, some very familiar misplaced items. [Laughter] Oh-
O: Hi, Soundwave! So the guard picks up- a picks up Soundwave along with a box and a guitar case and takes them to the Lost and Found.
S: It looked like it was in someone's office. Sooooo, why does the security guard uh, take it to Lost and Found? Why does he even do that? I mean, he says something about the absent-minded professor being at it again. Um, does this mean he just does this with anything that's left in people's offices? 
O: He is like the most passive-aggressive security guard ever. [Laughter] (Or whatever he is.) Because, like, oh that would be super annoying every time you come in it's like, where- where's my office plant? I guess, you know, Roger took it back to the lost and found cuz Roger is a jerk.
S: Yeah.
O: [Laughter]
S: Laserbeak and Soundwave transform and uh, Soundwave tosses a key to Laserbeak, telling him to release Megatron.
O: And, oh my god, Megatron’s in the frickin’ guitar case. Why didn't he just transform instead of them unlocking it? Why do they care about the structural integrity of this random guitar case?
S: Maybe it would be uncomfortable to transform and burst out of it? It’s- I don't know. 
O: Okay, so Megatron doesn't like being uncomfortable. Is that why he was in a plush guitar case?
S: Obviously. 
O: [Laughter] He’s gotta ride in comfort!
S: Once Megatron's free Soundwave grabs the box and Megatron blasts the Lost and Found, uh, door?-
O: Gate.
S: Gate-
O: They were like in a kind of gated, like, a clear fence area if that makes sense.
S: Yeah. 
O: Chain-link fence, that’s the word I’m looking for, sorry.
S: Yeah- Megatron blasts the a- chain-link entrance to the Lost and Found with his fusion cannon.
O: And yet the guitar case will survive this! It just gets left behind.
S: That's a lot of attention to detail for something that does not matter at all.
O: [Laughter] Right?! Megatron and Soundwave then subvert some tanks by flying over them undetected.
S: You know, in the gentle glow of the moonlight.
O: I'm sorry, I'm still stuck on the whole “Megatron being somewhat subtle” here thing.
S: It's Megatron, what can you do? 
O: [Snicker] 
S: So Megatron, uh, blasts a hole in the roof of the building that they land on. 
O: Well, okay, subtle for  him. [Laughter] We are then introduced to the most powerful computer on earth, TORQ III.
S: This implies the existence of TORQs I and II, so what happened to them? For that matter, why is it Decepticon-scaled?
O: No one knows, although I do love the image of TORQ I and II being shoved into, like, a broom closet somewhere. Probably rather glad they're in that broom closet, considering what happens to TORQ III after this.
S: Yeah. 
O: So, Megatron then... reprograms TORQ III to serve only  him  by using this really phallic looking thing that comes out of his helm. 
S: It's a literal mind fuck, guys. 
O: Literally! That looks like that is what is happening! 
S: Yes! 
O: Very, very much! [Laughter]
S: Yes, like you weren’t watching that bit when we scripted this and then I threw it out and then when we rewatched it and you were like, “Eeeaaaurgh!” 
O: Yeah, I was like, “Okay sure, mind fuck,” cuz I'm like looking down and typing and then I look up, when I had to rewind for some reason and I was like, “Oh my god!” [Laughter] And she’s like, “Yeah, that’s why I said it!” I’m like, I wasn’t looking. [Laughter] Well, that image will never leave my head. Great! 
S: And now it's in yours! 
O: [Laughter] Or it will be! We have screenshots. Anyway, TORQ begins blaring, “Illegal access! Illegal access!” 
S: Oh, that brings to mind so many bad things.
O: Yeah, it does! Yikes!
S: “It certainly is,” Megatron replies.
O: It's amazing. I love it.  [dissolves into laughter]
S: Oh god, the computers’ screen-face-thing is purple, so what were these people thinking? This is like Decepticon catnip. Did they hear it was purple and decided they needed to have it, in addition to it being the most powerful computer?
O: No,  Megatron  heard it was purple and decided they needed- needed to have it. [Laughter]
S: He would. So, Megatron, being himself, procedes to program it with his personality because what could be better? More of him! 
O: Okay, bu- but why does sticking his head-dick into the computer make it into a copy of him? I have so many questions right now, the first of which is, why would this be a good idea?! Did Megatron just forget he's a complete total bastard who doesn't like authority? 
S: Obviously, there's no one better than him so…
O: That's fine and dandy until the thing tries to rebel against you and, I'm like, it’s you, of course it's going to. 
S: It's a blind spot he has.
O: Obviously. Soundwave and Megatron, then open the box they had brought in with them, and put the microchips inside onto these really strange looking robots around the lab TORQ is in. 
S: Yeah, yeah, I mean what possible applications these robots have? How do they function? One’s got noodly arms that don't even- that they don't nearly seem like they should be able to lift anything. And they're all just sort of scattered around the lab higgledy-piggledy. 
O: Yeah.
S: In a line?  Or something, I don’t know.
O: It's weird. 
S: Once the microchips, apparently called ‘circuit linkers’, touch the other robots TORQ can control them.
O: He then uses Soundwave for target practice. Another lovely character for my shit list, apparently.
S: Owls is developing quite a shit list.
O: I am! I've got my hit list. The funny thing is there will be several that will die. Foreshadowing for the movie.
S: [Laughter]
Unfortunately, characters I actually like will die so I don't really think that gets me, you know, anything, honestly.
S: [Laughter] There's no net gains there.
O: There’s no net gains here.
S: And so, elsewhere, two scientists are working super late, wondering if they made TORQ- TORQ III even though it's not specified here- you know, too smart.
O: And TORQ could control the whole world, uh, whatever would we do if the wrong person got ahold of him, uh, you know, so, you mean, like right now, this very second! 
S: Ah, one of the scientists notices that it's, you know, fucking after midnight and says they should go home and get some sleep.
O: He says “we.” Are the scientists  lovers? 
S: It's possible. Maybe they're married? 
O: It’s getting spicy tonight, baby. Welcome to Dr. Love’s laboratory! And so as he turns to leave- or as one of the scientists turns to leave, the robot controlled door closes and locks them in. When they go to call maintenance, TORQ tells them that maintenance can't help them. 
S: This is why robot doors are bad, guys. 
O: Or, not having a secondary method in which to exit, at least, is very bad.
S: Yeah, the other scientist um, starts for rebuild- rebuilding his, ah, little TV phone into something that can call long distance in order to call for help because, I guess, TORQ does not control the phone lines. 
O: Or won't, if he rebuilds it? 
S: I guess? I don’t know. Elsewhere, by dawn's morning light, Megatron, Rumble, and Frenzy are flying around, putting more of the control chips onto some oil tankers because that's how that works, I guess?
O: Di- did you know oil tankers come in fleets, Specs? 
S: It seems like so much wasted effort went into the shot. They clearly drew all of these ships individually. 
O: Ah, the days before digital animation and coloring, I think.
S: But they could have just Xeroxed one of them and been done-
O: [Laughter] Or even traced! Maybe, I guess.
S: I mean, look at 101 Dalmatians, they did fuckin Xerox-
O: That’s true-
S: So many Xeroxed dalmatians-
O: Shit, that's right, there are a ton of Xeroxed dogs. [Laughter] Elsewhere, at the Ark, Teletraan warns Optimus that there's skullduggery afoot!
S: A bunch of oil tankers are converging near the Decepticon base which- is in the middle of the ocean? 
O: In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, according to this map. To which I have to ask, how the hell did Carly get in there a few episodes back? 
S: She chartered a plane, a train, and an automobile, and then teeny-weeny little boat.
O: Well, while I do certainly think Carly is capable of that, considering she's badass. I refuse to believe this map is accurate and they have to be in the Pacific Ocean. It just seems too close to the Autobot base in other episodes not to be. If, regardless, if they drove all the way to Washington DC no problem in that one episode. Either that or the platform isn't built on top of their base as the dialogue seems to imply and it's just, you know, one of their bases of the week. 
S: Which they do seem to have so many of those.
O: They do have a lot of those. 
S: Yeah and so, well, Optimus smells a rat named Megatron.
O: I mean, he's not wrong.
S: He really isn't and, uh, so Quantum Labs is finally able to get a hold of Optimus, I think, through Teletraan. I don't remember. 
O: Yeah, I mean, Teletraan 1 basically operates as their phone so-
S: Yeah.
O: -Yes.
S: Yeah. So, the scientists at Quantum Labs warns them about TORQ's sudden case of the evils.
O: And Optimus is ready to head towards the Lab. Hound offers to investigate the oil tankers all converging in the middle of the goddamn Atlantic Ocean.
S: You're not a boat, Hound. You're really not. 
O: It's ok, Skyfire’s gonna come. Skyfire and Spike. [Laughter] You know, the dream team! 
S: Optimus transforms and, um, Wheeljack, Prowl, Sideswipe, and Ironhide are suddenly right there! Right there! Where the hell did those guys come from? 
O: Through the power of camera angles they were there the whole time. 
S: Prime's group arrives at the Labs and Optimus rips the crossing barrier off so they can enter before, you know, being shot at by, you know, the robots. Or tanks?
O: They are attacked by all the tanks from before, that apparently don't have any humans controlling them.
S: Oh, oh so that's why they were so useless earlier.
O: Oh, yeah, probably. 
S: The Autobots are surrounded by this plethora of vehicles as Optimus channels Charlie Brown, “Good grief!”
O: Or Jotaro from JoJo's Strange Adv- Bizarre Adventure.
S: Yeah, Being cars themselves, they got the brilliant idea to, um, shoot out the tires on the attacking vehicles.
O: This only gets them so far, so Optimus Prime speed dials the Dinobots by pressing his abs.
S: Ah, ab cell-phone service. 
O: I mean, it was the 80’s. I mean, why not make the cell phone your entire ab if it's got to be huge? Might as well, right? I mean, at least, you save a little space, but that being said you would think it’s in his helmet considering the little antenna a few episodes back. But continuity? What's that?
S: And I’m just imagining someone going up and knocking on your grill while in truck mode.
O: [Laughter] “Optimus Prime call Dinobots! Dinobots smash gas station!” [Laughter] “Wait, no!”
S: So Peter Cullen talks to himself for a few lines and the Dinobots arrived with Grimlock in the lead.
O: Good thing Peter Cullen only does Prime and Ironhide because if we had to say that- if we said that joke for every time Welker talked to himself it would be absurd.
S: We'd be here all day.
O: We would be here all day! 
S: Optimus orders the Dinobots to smash here-
O: Which, obviously, being Dinobots they comply, there is much mayhem and explosions.
S: Yep. So, apparently, the doors are controlled by a computer but not the windows because the two scientists are able to shout to the Autobots from their open window.
O: I also am laughing because a lot of like ah, multi-story buildings that are, like, work places you can't even open the windows.
S: Especially now. You might have been able to in the ‘80’s.
O: Yeah. 
S: But, uh- but, uh-
O: Definitely be a question because probably not every place had AC either. 
S: Yeah.
O: So I imagine it would have been more common. Sludge gives Optimus a lift to the window and he helps the two scientists escape.
S: Optimus asks a question and then um, answers it himself with, you know, the answer, of course, being Megatron.
O: He's basically, like, a machine rebellion!
S: The scientists are confused as TORQ shouldn't be able to control things that aren't, you know, specifically designed for it. Then Sparkplug shows up to explain about the chips the Decepticons have been using them. Um.
O: Where did he come from? Why are characters poofing into existence so much in this episode? 
S: The power of convenience. 
O: The power of convenience. Optimus then takes the chip from Sparkplug and sticks it into his arm. 
S: Optimus, why would you do that? It's controlled everything else it's touched just by touching it.
O: But not him, apparently. The Autobots are led to TORQ’s hangar but the door is locked.
S: To quote Optimus, “Thankfully, I have a delicate lock-picking technique.”
O: That technique is blasting the door- [Laughter] 
S: And- 
O: Let it never be said that Optimus doesn't have a sense of humor.
S: Oh, oh god, he definitely has a sense of humor. 
O: It's just dad humor. 
S: Yeah, and so the Autobots are attacked by those funky looking machines that we saw earlier before we jet on over to Skyfire and company.
O: Apparently the Decepticons plan is to collect all the oil from the tankers and pump it down to their base but, oh no, the oil platform is protected by an unbreakable shield.
S: We've seen that one before. 
O: How the heck didn’t the Autobots see the Cons building this giant freaking platform in the middle of the fucking ocean!
S: They're just not paying attention to the goddamn oceans, I don't know.
O: The Sky Spy, you have Sky Spies! 
S: Yep, they land on one of the tankers. Hound and Spike exiting from Skyfire’s crotch hatch.
O: Of course.
S: They ask the captain to hide them so they can get, you know, through the shield and surprise the Decepticons. 
O: Hide him how? Skyfire is  huge!  How are they going to hide him? 
S: Mass-shifting? I don't know, somehow it works.
O: And at the boat docks, Megatron's supervising personally, for some reason, along with an incorrectly coloured Hook.
S: As the ship approaches, Hound and Skyfire jump out of a conveniently sized hole that was just on the ship's deck. I guess it's um, a hold or something? I don't know.
O: Yeah, but it was really large. Like, large enough for Skyfire to get into. I have no idea how realistic that is. And then a fight breaks out! Soundwave and some of his cassettes joining the fray as well and our dead-weight- I mean, Spike, is captured by Laserbeak pretty much immediately.
S: Yep. Megatron tells them to surrender or he'll have Laserbeak drop- drop Spike. 
O: [Sarcasm] Oh no.
S: Soundwave is standing off in the background like the strong, independent tape deck he is.
O: And, back at the lab, more of those crazy machines come out of the hole Prime blasted and attack.
S: Again, what were these made for? They seem, um, perfect for hunting Autobots. Optimus, were your friends planning on doing bad things to you?
O: Quite possibly. About those bad things, Optimus is captured by the kink machine- I mean, the bondage machine- oh, I mean, the one with the tentacles. [Laughter]
S: [Laughter] 
O: I’m serious, what else is that thing supposed to be for? Like, maybe that's what they were doing? Were they making a giant bondage machine for the Autobots? [Laughter] 
S: [Silent laughter]
O: I broke Specs, yay! [Laughter] I’m sorry!
S: Prowl can lift as he struggles to hold one of the robot’s mouths open, so it doesn't, like, crush him.
O: But then Ironhide just walks up to his opponent, plugs a hole with his finger and then it explodes. Welcome to the Looney Tunes, starring the Autobots. 
S: [Laughter] Sideswipe just makes his clap and that kills it.
O: [Laughter] Of course. So after, you know, um, all of that, they finally enter the hangar to find a maze.
S: Who designed this place?
O: I think TORQ’s done some redecorating overnight. He has had an army of, like, robo slaves at his disposal.
S: The funky-ass robots.
O: [Laughter] Kinkmatron. 
S: [Laughter] 
O: That’s it’s name now, no one can stop me! Optimus enters alone, uh, before we cut back to Skyfire, Hound, and Spike, who are in the Decepticon brig. 
S: When the Decepticons catch naughty Autobots, they go in the naughty Autobot hole. 
O: Dare I ask what that means for Spike? [Laughter]
S: [Laughter] God, there is a really terrible pun there. 
O: [Laughter] Yeah, there probably is!
S: God, I am not going into that. 
O: [Laughter] Nope, nope, we’ve talked about kink machines multiple times, I don’t want to get into anything else tonight!
S: Spike and his compatriots are trapped and waiting for rescue but, don't worry, Spike has a plan!
O: I feel like it's only fair, they're stuck there because of Spike in the first place. He should have a plan. 
S: Well, considering what his plan is, he was the only damn one who can carry out.
O: True. 
S: TORQ- Well, back with Optimus, TORQ continues to bait Optimus as, you know, our dad-bot makes his way through the maze and evil robots.
O: Optimus gets another circuit breaker- that wasn’t what it was called. 
S: Circuit linker-
O: -Circuit linker put on him and this controls him. [Laughter] You know, “controls him.”
S: I guess we should assume Sparkplug or Wheeljack disabled the other one, um…?
O: That makes sense. Although I- hmmm. So through this entire section, right, I was comparing TORQ’s dialogue to Megatron. You know, since Megs programmed his personality into this computer. You know, everything seems spot-on, I can hear Megatron saying all of this but then when TORQ captures Optimus he says, “Come to me, my pet,” and I have to admit it sounds like what Megatron would say in this situation, and I basically fucking lost it while we were watching it. But to make this even better! He says, “You're mine now,” two seconds later. Apparently, Megatron's thirst for Optimus transferred over, too! 
S: Yeah. Surprise! Optimus has been pretending to be controlled the entire time.
O: Of course! 
S: And that broken- broken circuit linker he had earlier was, in fact, there for a reason. He swapped it with the active one.
O: How he managed to do that without touching the live one is debatable but alright.
S: I don't have the time or energy to debate it so-
O: [Laughter] Fair.
S: Let's not. TORQ orders his robots to destroy Optimus but one well-placed punch by, you know, the Dad-bot makes TORQ explode.
O: Ding-dong, the TORQ is dead. 
S: TORQ I and II are probably very grateful.
O: [Laughter] I mean, TORQ III seems like a bastard. Certainly was a bastard there at the end.  Soundwave warns Megatron that TORQ is no longer in control of the tankers but Megs’ will control them with his radio transmitter he's conveniently holding.
S: Does it come with a funky hat?
O: We could only hope but, sadly, no.
S: Yeah. The scientists send Optimus and company off on, like, a super-fast boat. I think it's a hydrofoil, I don't know, as they head towards the Decepticons location. So, apparently, they were close to the coast.
O: Apparently. With Sparkplug driving, by the way. 
S: Oh, Sparkplug, most interesting man in the world. He knows how to do everything! He's been a ruby miner, an oil driller, a mechanic, boat captain, everything! 
O: Autobot liaison?
S: Yeah.
O: And back into the brig, uh, Spike has conveniently found an electromagnet just lying around.
S: I'm starting to think this isn't so much their brig, as it is their trash-pile room. 
O: Not to mention what the fuck they were using an electromagnet for or how.
S: I don't know. God, ygm Spike uses the electromagnet to magnetize the cassettes standing by the door to the walls- magnetize their guards.
O: Yes, essentially.  With the cassettes incapacitated, Skyfire burst the door down- bust the door down. I know what I'm saying. 
S: And through a five-second interlude we are told the Autobots in the boat are within sight, as Soundwave spots them.
O: But Megatron's not worried, they'll never get that shield, right? 
S: Jetfire, Hound, and Spike find the shield generator uh, so helpfully being guarded by Frenzy. 
O: Skyfire lures Frenzy away as Hound shoots the generator with one of his missiles. 
S: How did Hound get his ammo back? Because I'm pretty sure they were disarmed.
O: Shhh! They don't want you to think about it, they didn't, either. 
S: Well, that's true. The shield goes down just as the other Autobots arrive and, ah, you'll never guess how they do! The boat yeets itself out of the water and onto the platform and it’s horrifyingly entertaining cuz I keep imagining that the boat is gonna break.
O: Right? Another fight breaks out with Starscream, Laserbeak, and Frenzy joining Megatron and Soundwave.
S: And Megatron runs away and Optimus follows to destroy the radio transmitter.
O: Once destroyed, Optimus tells the tankers they're free to go. 
S: Megatron, you know, being a sore loser sets the whole platform to explode. 
O: The other Bots make it back to the boat but Prime runs to go find Skyfire and the others who who they presumably know are on there, for some reason? 
S: I mean, I think-
O: I mean, it's not the worst assumption to make but, I'm like, did they see them? I don't think they did.
S: I mean, they talked to one of the tanker captains? I don't know. 
O: I don’t know if they… They wouldn’t have had time. I- I'm gonna go with maybe they've all got GPS on them or something and roll with that, probably.
S: Yeah. So they all make it out on Skyfire once he's able to get, you know, out of the platform. 
O: And take off.
S: Yeah.
O: One of the scientists thanks the bots for their help and makes a rather unfortunate comment about unreliable machines.
S: [Sigh] 
O: You know, eating that entire foot.
S: Yeah, and he attempts to make a recovery but it's not really successful.
O: It isn’t very good.
S: And that's it! That's the end of the episode. Oh, but they brought the boat back to where it was from originally.
O: I mean, good for them for not exploding the boat, that was helpfully lent into them, I suppose. 
S: Yeah.
O: But join us next time for everyone's favorite holiday: Autobot Day! Wait... wait... no? Do we mean: Decepticon Day?
S: [Sigh] Parades.
O: [Laughter]
S: There are parades. 
O: Parades and I think this is a multi-parter, if I’m remembering properly?
S: Yep.
O: Cause, I think it's like Megatron’s Master Plan?
S: Yeah, I’m pretty sure that's what it is. 
O: It's a multi-parts-
S: It’s two parts, I’m pretty sure. And we have fanfiction recommendations. Due to the fact that I've been swamped, I didn't come up with any so Owls has supplied our fanfiction recommendations for today.
O: Wild-card fics yet again. These had nothing to do with the episode. All right, um, so I have picked two for today. The first one is “Cuck Rung” by… I think this is said, Evedawalrus.
S: Yeah, I think that’s what it is.
O: I think that’s accurate. I can’t remember what her username is on Tumblr but, um, it is IDW continuity, it is rated T. It's technically slash but let me tell you all the slash is relatively background, for the most part, and where it's really not the main focus but it has, um, Minimus Ambus/Megatron and uh, Drift/Ratchet. Our main characters, there are more than this that have popped up since, but our main characters are Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, Drift, Ratchet, Swerve, Megatron, and Ravage. 
O: Our description is: Rodimus creates a shipwide group chat. This proves to be a horrible decision. It is ongoing, it's not complete, it is multi-chapter and, let me tell you, it is hilarious. I laugh my ass off every time I read this. Um, because it is literally just a group chat with all of these characters and think of it very much like a discord where you have certain people who can, like, rename others and all this other shit. It's amazing, I highly recommend it. [Laughter]
And our second one is a “Shimmer of Hope” by NiCad? [Pronounced ny-cad]
S: Ny-cad? Nee-cad?
O: One of those.
S: The pronunciation’s debatable. 
O: Thank you, Internet! It is IDW, it's rated T, it’s Gen, uh, there are no pairings, and our characters are Verity and Springer. The summary is, “What did Verity write in that thank you card to Springer, anyway?” It's a one shot. I believe this is after- it's the last of the Wreckers trilogy from the IDW comics.
S: Requiem for the Wreckers, maybe?
O: I think that one. Uh, this is right after that. It's pretty short but, um, I really like Verity so I'm like Verity needs to be in more things, so those are our recommendations for today.
S:  And that just about wraps it up for us today, remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort as Afterspark-Podcast for any additional information, show notes, or links, we may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at AftersparkPod (all one word).  And various other locations by searching for Afterspark…. Podcast- [Laughter]
O: [Laughter]
S: You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at AftersparkPod (all one word).  And various other locations by searching for Afterspark Podcast, such as AO3, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Youtube, just to name a few.  
O: Ah, feel free to send us questions on Tumblr, too. We actually, you know, have to do a mic check before we do any recording so, ah, it’s helpful for us. I have a list of questions but we're gonna run out eventually and I don't think I should be left to think of questions by myself. If you have a question about Transformers or whatever, feel free to send it to us on Tumblr and we'll probably use it for a warm-up and I'll try to answer it on Tumblr, too. 
S: Yeah or, I guess, in the comments on AO3, Youtube.
O: Yep, that also works comments on AO3, Youtube  Basically anywhere we respond back to which is mostly Youtube and AO3.
S: Yeah, uh, so till next time, guys! I'm Specs!
O: And I’m Owls!
S: Toodles!
 [Outro Music]
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doubleddenden · 5 years
So I'm just super excited to get that cable in and finish XD because I plan to transfer both my Colosseum team and my XD team to Diamond and copy them to Battle Revolution.
The two teams will duke it out to see which is the superior. I think BR has the capability to do COM v COM so that's gonna be like watching my own private league match. Of course it'll be doubles because that's the Orre way.
XD isn't done yet and still needs building BUT so far there isn't as much emphasis on team work. They specialize more in brute force guerilla tactics to take down individual enemies as quickly and efficiently as possible. That being said, there is no team unity. If you can figure out how to get them in a type advantage or even neutral fight, they're going to have trouble. Jolteon is certainly fast and hits decently, but its defenses definitely need work.
Team Colosseum is a bit weaker when they're on their own, but team work is their strong suit. There's a bunch of combos that can be used to bolster each other and weaken the enemy with weather moves like Sunny Day and Rain Dance, but then you also have pokemon like Misdreavus that's designed to have a kill switch with Perish Song and a sabotage move in Pain Split designed to take down tanker opponents. If anything else, Umbreon is a survivor and can tank hits like a boss. However this reliance on team work can backfire if you pair them up wrong or kill one before they set off a good combo.
I'm very excited to try this. The winner won't get any special treatment but it will help in deciding who to use in the Colosseum matches.
Also it'll be a funny match up between Den and Den Two with Real Den reffing the match.
I predict... the winner of the match...
His name starts with Den
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comicgirl08 · 5 years
Supergirl recap: Kara and Lena try to Eve-n the score
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Three separate stories this week track our favorites and our least favorites (hey, Bennie boy) as we race toward the season finale.
First to Alex, who experienced every human emotion tonight. The vicissitudes of aging. The shock of getting a call that a 17-year-old is about to give birth and chose her to be the adoptive mother. The frustration of not being able to reach Kara to talk it out. The terror about what kind of mother she’ll be. The heartbreak of learning that the birth mother changed her mind. The devastation of suffering an emotional wound that may never heal.
By her side for all of it is the kind, patient Kelly, who stands in for Kara, waits with Alex during the labor, assures her that she’ll be a wonderful mother, and comforts her when it falls to pieces. She shares her own heartbreak when her engagement to her sergeant had to remain a secret while they were serving abroad, and how she wasn’t able to mourn her publicly when she died on patrol.
“What’s a deep wound today will be a faded scar someday,” she says, assuring Alex that she will find another person someday who’ll make her smile.
On the human/alien front, Lockwood storms out of his wife’s funeral while George is giving the eulogy, too worked up to focus on anything but putting the full might of the DEO behind capturing the Brevakk who killed his wife and the one who commandeered the airwaves to call for an uprising against the government.
Brainy tries to stop him from invading Lena’s lab, but Lockwood shoots his way in and finds raw, undiluted vials of experimental Harun-El, which gave James his superpowers. Brainy warns him that James’ dosage was carefully calibrated, and what Lockwood’s holding could kill him. “You’re grieving,” Brainy says. “Your son needs you now.”
But Lockwood ignores this advice and grabs the case of Harun-El to join the DEO strike team moving on the building where the Brevakk is hiding. They arrest her, and he orders the other aliens sheltering there to be renditioned for enhanced interrogation for the crime of harboring a murderer.
Brainy is super not cool with any of this, and he’s joined by Dreamer and a mask-less Guardian (I mean, why bother, right?) Lockwood shouts at the DEO to arrest “the hero and the blood traitor.” But Brainy reminds the DEO that they swore an oath to defend the country and the constitution, both of which are being subverted by Lockwood’s orders.
When the agents stand down, a furious Lockwood injects himself with the Harun-El, and I must say, he adapts to it much better than James did, not that it’s a competition. His broken arm is immediately healed, and he and James start throwing trucks at each other, which is awesome.
Martian Manhunter swoops in next and tries to talk Lockwood down, warning that the last man who stood against him suffered a terrible fate of his own making. (Still miss your joie de vivre, Manchester!) At James’s suggestion, he tosses Lockwood into a tanker, which explodes. But that just shreds Lockwood’s shirt and makes him mad. Still, it gives the good guys time to free the detained aliens.
Lockwood cleans himself up and finds George sitting alone in the church, simmering with rage at his father, whom he blames for his mother’s death. “You did this for yourself,” he says. “I hate you.” Lockwood’s left sitting alone, gazing at his wife’s framed photo and cradling a glowing vial of Harun-El as his eyes flip black.
Finally, to Kara and Lena, who are off to Kaznia. Although Kara says it’ll be faster if she flies alone—commercial, she adds—Lena won’t hear of her not riding along on the pilot-less plane she designed herself. But when it’s hit with decidedly unnatural purple lightning (which is never explained, actually), Lena races to the cockpit to take control, shouting at Kara to strap in and put on her oxygen mask.
Nuh uh. Kara zips outside and lifts the plane’s nose away from danger, helping Lena with the manual landing and then racing back to her seat to pretend to have passed out. “God, I hate flying,” she says. I stan one amazing super-lady team!
They find the Kaznian base deserted, with Amertek-branded equipment that was used to torture aliens from the DEO’s desert facility, according to the paper files they find. (Remember, paper is un-hackable.) One of them is Copy, who cloned himself curing the carnival attack.
Then a noise startles them, and a door swings open to reveal Eve. But, like, a weird Eve. She’s bizarrely glad to see Kara and Lena, saying she loves them but she loves Lex more.
Lena orders their very own Eva Braun to talk, and when she does, she spaces out and greets Kara all over again. She claims someone inside the DEO helped them acquire the aliens but won’t say what they want with them. Then the good guys notice claw marks heading to a lab, where they find Harun-El and Kryptonite.
They also find plans indicating that Lex is helping the Kaznians invade America, which Lena compares to a child throwing rocks at a tank. Then Kara notices a sigil, familiar but different, and presses it to fire up Red Daughter’s training footage.
Lena quickly realizes that, just like the Harun-El split Sam and Reign, Supergirl must’ve come in contact with it, too. She’s horrified at the thought of this blank slate being tested, trained, and indoctrinated by Lex in a prison in one of the most repressive regimes in the world. She’s concerned about what kind of damage it could do.
‘She is not an it,” Kara says, insisting there has to be some part of Supergirl in her. Then these two amazing, capable women are taken by surprise when Eve, who’s been acting verrrrry strangely, turns out to have duplicated herself using the Copy powers they were just discussing. C’mon, they’re both smarter than that.
Anyway, Eve sets off a timer that gives them ten minutes until the building self-destructs, and Lena and Kara split up to find the exit, which allows Kara to find Red Daughter’s cell. It’s filled with pictures of Kara and Supergirl both, so now Kara knows that Lex knows!
She also finds a journal, her journal, with a photo of her and Alex. Then Lena calls for her, and she scrambles to keep her friend from discovering all the incriminating evidence on the walls.
She suggests climbing up and out through the air vents, then claims she forgot her tape recorder and runs back to eye-laser all the evidence. Does she not have super-speed? Why did she not do this when Lena approached? Let’s chalk it up to the shock of her discovery and move on.
With four minutes to detonation, they find a file indicating that President Baker’s chief of staff, Sarah Walker, is the mole working with Lex. Kara stays to gather evidence, while Lena chases Eve out the door.
On the plane, Lena—who is the coolest human being in the galaxy and if you don’t agree, you can meet me outside—reaches down to her boot and pulls the chunky heel off to reveal an extendable baton. Then she and Eve fight, with Lena trying to convince her that Lex only loves himself.
Inside, Kara fights off several copies of Eve, cutely quipping, “ Thank you, next,” before she’s hit with the next wave. And look, I’m just gonna say it, she had way more trouble with these copies than she should have. It’s one of those situations where she’s as strong as the plot needs her to be, and in this case, the plot needed her to be inside the building when it exploded so Lena would think she was dead.
That momentary distraction is what Eve needed to stab Lena with her weapon, but oh ho ho, Kara’s recorder was in her pocket, and it deflected the blade. She knocks Eve out, getting her own quip about a snake on a plane. But this was a copy Eve, and she disappears.
Regardless, she’s overjoyed to discover that Kara’s safe but still blames herself for putting her friend in a situation that could’ve killed her.
“It wouldn’t have,” Kara says. While Lena’s back is turned to fuss with champagne, Kara stands and takes off her glasses. IS IT HAPPENING? IS IT???
But no. Lena talks about how hard Eve’s betrayal was, having been lied to every day for a year. “I don’t know if I’ll ever recover from it,” Lena says. In fact, it’s only Kara’s friendship keeping her trust alive.
In the background, Kara slowly puts her glasses back on as all of us weep for the close call. “I’m always going to be here for you,” Kara promises.
Back in National City, Kara tells James all about Red Daughter, pointing out that it easily could’ve been her raised as a weapon. Also, she swears that as soon as Lex is behind bars, she’ll tell Lena the truth, even if she hates her. “It’s the right thing to do.”
Then she’s doing her duty as any American citizen should do when she discovers that a government official is working with a foreign entity determined to hurt the country: She reports it. She’s escorted into the Oval Office, where she notices Kryptonite sitting around as a Supergirl deterrent, and warns Baker that his chief of staff is complicit in working with Lex and the Kaznians.
He sends everyone out of the room, puts the file in a drawer, and confirms that she hasn’t told anyone about the information. Then he activates a button under his desk, and Kara finds a black bag slipped over her head.
Snaps of the cape
Daaang, we knew the president was a no-goodnik, but I was thinking he was more a useful-fool kind of evil and not an active collaborator.
Think the Children of Liberty will react well to Lockwood’s new superpowers? Or will he use his rhetorical gifts to spin it in his favor?
Fun exchange between Dreamer, sporting a cool new braid hairstyle and a huge alien-powered hammer, and the newly fire-proof James: “Now, I’m gonna hit you with this, and we’re gonna see what happens.” “Not in the face.” That’s no doubt when he suggested introducing Lockwood to the tanker truck: Flames would slow him down but not kill him.
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ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x13 Reaction / Commentary
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Yeah I'm aware, stop judging X___X
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I feel the need to point this out. Apparently it's common practice for the Praetor to just, kill off their more troublesome charges. Interesting. But Jordan has a different work ethic which is a) apparently not usual for praetors and b) something at least Nick attributes to his past and not, idk, common decency. Just how savage is the Praetor exactly?? (Also let me add this to the list of things why 3x15 makes no sense at all.)
Okay, so they found another mundane dead by Heidi's hand...... why exactly don't they call the Shadowhunters? Aren't they obliged to? I mean?
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True, but it sure as hell is her responsibility how she handles them. But we established already that she has a serious perception problem and always sees herself as the victim.
I mean, prime example, if she could have made that smooth exit through the vent where the werewolves couldn't follow, why didn't she just do that from the start instead of attacking Nick? Because she wants to cause trouble and not just “live her life in peace” as she's pretending to.
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More like, he didn't have the guts to face Alec like that. Also does that mean he draped Izzy on the couch like that in that cliché sleeping pose with one hand under the head? At least he took off her boots like a sane person.
“I'm just drained.”
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Haha it seems Alec isn't the only Lightwood sibling with a shitty sense of humor.
“I don't have the same preexisting condition.” “You mean my addiction?”
No, Izzy, he obviously means your fashion sense, keep up. Seriously, who wrote that stupid ass line of dialogue.
I found it pretty hilarious that Simon, Clary's literally oldest and bestest friend since kindergarten, feels the need to apologize to Izzy for taking up so much time with his Clary-reunion and blocking the path for her. The Clizzy Energy is Strong.
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“Hmmmm hot hot hot Clary, please show me more.”
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Also, Morningstar.... didn't Val name his dumbass tanker ship in S1/S2 Morningstar? Guy really has it with name repetitions, first Jonathan 1 and 2, now Morningstar Ship and Morningstar Sword... I bet he named all his stuffed teddys Mr Snuffels 1, Mr Snuffels 2, Mr Snuffels 3.....
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The way he delivers this line me might've as well said “Please cut out the emotional disgusting bullshit my skin is crawling already from this I can't take any more mushiness PLEASE GO AWAY.” Gotta love Alec.
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Magnus opening up about missing his magic MY HEART OH MY GOD
(Sidenote though: No wonder he got frustrated with the pretentious Shadowhunter Technology, I mean, look at it. There are only runes. Runes may be called runes, but they don't actually make up an alphabet. Why the heck is there a flexibility rune on the screen? It makes no sense.)
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This whole scene (and Izzy's lipstick lol) is absolutely perfect. I love everything about it, especially Magnus and especially Izzy. I'd be really surprised if Magnus didn't find a way to get her that weird root thingy anyway, because he surely doesn't buy the “feeling a lot better now” line.
(Edit: Now thinking about it I realized two things, a) she probably didn't take him up on his offer to go to another warlock because she felt like that was unnecessarily rubbing in that he can't do it himself anymore* and b) with that line she probably meant she feels lighter already for sharing what happened and just <3<3<3<3<3)
*The only think that would have made this scene more perfect is if Izzy hadn't skimmed over his magic comment without acknowledging it in any way. Though with this thought in mind, that she rejected his offer to spare his feelings, I find myself placated.
Also I love how Magnus pretends he's going to look for pen and paper when really he's running straight to Alec to tell him all about this (and to prevent a repetition of 2x09 form happening.... and now I made myself sad again).
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#effortless (Also reminds me of that post about fire message mechanics that I still owe a certain someone. Where is the time.)
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???????????? How do they know that? More importantly, does Alec know? Will he hear through the Shadow World grapevine??? So many questions.
I mean, I have sympathy for her. But like, she's too smart for me to buy that she genuinely can't see any other course of action. She just does this because it's the least effort for her, not because she's truly clueless what alternatives are there for here (aka not running around, killing mundanes, starting a fight with everyone). She just thrives on chaos.
Also “Wolves don't just attack without cause. Not in New York” ? Seems like all Institute except the NY one do a shit job since supposedly keeping peace between the Downworld factions is part of their responsibility. Yes, I am still salty about 3x15. (Also, if anyone's confused by this weird foreshadowing, I wrote notes for this reaction post while watching 3x13 when it first aired, but only got to finish it now after 3x19 aired and I can't keep my chronology-screwing bitterness to myself while finishing up the post. But mostly these are my thoughts from then.)
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Yeah something tells me she's not gonna be totally uninvolved in that.
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This and the fact that Russel wants to stop Bat from even leaving the Jade Wolf are the final proofs that all the werewolves actually live at the Jade Wolf and pile up in a giant snuggle pile in the kitchen at night. This is further cemented by the fact that Luke and Maia claim to have flats of their own but we never actually see them. Clearly they're both dirty liars that just wanted to mislead.
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*late Jocelyn's late friend Eliot #rude #whatever
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.......why the hell would Elias code that shit in Circle short hand? So other Circle members, who Jocelyn was hiding from, could easily open that super important safe? So smart! Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Luke in the Circle as well? Shouldn't he be able to read that, too?
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1) Eliot is such a loser and a showoff for ostentatiously writing that J in Jocelyn 2) His hint is seriously “Don't open with brute force.” Wtf kind of hint is that man are you even real.
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I'm sorry, okay, but everytime I see / hear Bellicosi I think Maxi-Cosi XD
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*glares at 3x15* Will I ever tire of raging about that episode? Unlikely.
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Why.....? Since he didn't have any problem 100% blaming Raphael for everything Heidi did (not unjustified, but I'm just saying he's suddenly changed his mind). I mean, if he'd said she's dangerous to him and his family that would've been another matter.
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These are all runes that I don't remember seeing on the Shadowhunters' Wiki Rune Page. Please tell me more.
Jace: “Clary, you've been going nonstop since you came back. You need to take a minute.”
lol if only Jace would implement the same advice himself.
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“Wow I suddeny remember I had a life before I was 10.”
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German Dubbing: Yeah, the ones Consul Penhallow categorically ignored. Honestly. Who dubbs this shit. Wtf.
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Listen I love everything about this scene. (Fun Fact: In the German Dubbing she says vampire addiction, not venom addiction lol as if she was addicted to vampires XD)
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Alec Lightwood, best brother of the year. Btw he's been holding that title since birth. I also don't think Alec would ever judge Izzy for her addiction / look at her as if she's weak, so the fact that she thinks that says a lot about how the addiction affected her self-image.
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Too bad Alec forgets this for the next few episodes and acts like a total tool in that Clave Investigation Thing, smh.
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Good to know.
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Haha that was witty.
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Oooooh why don't they ask another warlock then? For example one who's actually always the smartest person in the room?? Who's also willing to work on this??? Just a thought tho, don't let me interrupt the Maruke Bonding. No, you know what? I hate the shipname Maruke, it's shit, so I'm calling it Luryse as it should have been called. Then again, when am I even gonna talk about that pairing? We shall see.
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“Outrageous, just because people around me keep turning up dead! It's ridiculous, really, that they'd think I could have something to do with that. It's as if they're not aware this is a TV show and supporting characters die because *Moriarty Voice* THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE DO!”
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“That what the kids call it these days when they get kicked out on their ass?” She literally says “From one exiled to another” so she clearly realized he's full of shit.
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“And that's why in two episodes Imma get myself arrested by behaving like a dumbass and then chill in prison as if it's my greatest accomplishment.” Honestly Luke, so many No-s. I can't even.
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“Wow I can't believe I have to see this Luryse bs up close.” Hah, now I used the right shipname and can move the f on from bashing that pairing. Sorry about that. I'm sleep deprived. That always makes me extra salty.
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“When you're alpha you need to make the pack your first priority. Your personal life needs to take a back seat. And mine never did.” I applaud Luke for admitting he was a shit alpha because he didn't proritize the pack. Hindsight is 20/20.
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Wow Luke so helpful <3<3<3 Just like I know and love you.
I also love how nobody questions that Heidi bit that mundane and then chilledly made a phone call at the scene of her Accords-violating crime. How frakking convenient.
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But their runes aren't on the same side. Sloppy work. Also, if the illustrator obviouly takes artistic liberties, then the rune missing on the second pic doesn't have to mean anything. Maybe they just forgot to draw it. Then again this isn't even the most flimsy conclusion-making I've wittnessed on this show so I'll let it slide.
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lol Jace and Jonathan are basically playing tug of war with Clary: Jonathan burning himself, Jace activating her healing rune XD
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Ooooh brainless S1 Clary, how I have not missed you. Srsly now? Carve it out? That didn't work for Simon so why should it now? lol she should ask the seelie queen if she has some handy floor mosaic thingy in her courtyard to help with that.
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In his defense, he moved.
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It's not gonna work is what it is. Srsly how dumb are they? Why the hell does she think something so powerful can just be carved out?? Wtf.
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Woooow they're using a rune removing device, color me impressed. I really thought they'd just put a scalpel to it. So, at least points for trying.
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Uuuuh get some morphin, try again. I mean. But anyway.
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*break up
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......didn't she just break up with him because pack reasons? Where is that not a Shadow World Reason? Please explain. (Also choosing an unflattering screen cap of Simon because he annoys me? Absolutely. I am petty like that.) The easy way Simon accepts their break up really makes me wonder. If Maia hadn't said anything, would he have broken up with her? Since apparently things “changed” and they could “both” “feel” it. Honestly. He literally calls her his girlfriend at the start of the scene as if to draw attention to how ridiculous this is.
You know what, I don't even have the energy to rage about this. Their relationship was so great, they were so supportive of each other, they had great chemistry, great communication, they always stood by each other. And just because Sizzy has to be endgame there were suddenly weird-ass tension between them for no real reason – none that 3A Saia wouldn't have worked through like pros anyway – just so this break up wouldn't come out of absolutely nowhere. It's shit treatment of both their characters and their relationship and I'm just so exasperated with it all. (Also not the way to endear me to Sizzy. But at this point I feel like a broken record.)
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Discount? It was free. Which I'm still finding super hard to believe by the way, that a werewolf establishment would just give out free food to vampires who don't even work there. But what do I know, right, I mean it's not like they just mentioned a few minutes ago how werewolves and vampires hate each other? Right?? Hahaha.
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Wow. This actually takes the time to highlight that this break up wasn't as amicable as Simon thought. Maybe he thought that they were breaking up for human reasons, but Maia clearly feels she threw her relationship away for the pack and it's hard for her. And Simon's tirade wasn't really encouraging her to let him know that. I really appreciate that detail.
Other things I want to say: 1) I didn't like that Maia just flat out broke up with him. She should have informed him that she was going to step up for the pack and would have to prioritize that over their relationship and then leave it up to him if he wants to put up with that or not. By breaking up she made the choice for him. Her course of action is ic, I'm not critizising that, but from like, a personal stand point I don't like it. 2) Foreshadowing: Since her whole pack gets slaughtered, if that would have been the only reason to break up with Simon she coulda just gotten back together with him lol. Haha sorry I'm trash. I know.
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Wow he's really dumb. He knows Heidi's brand of crazy and still he doesn't realize this was a trap. He said himself that Heidi must have done something for the Preator to be after her, and when the Praetor tells him she's been leaving copses left and right he...... takes this as his cue to ally himself with Heidi??? Wtf?????? Does he not believe what Jordan said? Again, he suspected something like that himself and since the Praetor are playing at being the Downworlder Police they wouldn't just make something like that up with no proof. The heck. I don't get you, Boss Vampire Guy.
Also, thumbs down for the Praetor, if they'd just told them their source was Heidi herself (on the phone) this could have been prevented. But, ugh. With how things are I can at least kinda buy that no working communication between vampire clan and Praetor exists.
Still, if the Praetor wants to be accepted as some kind of Shadow World Institution they should really work on their manners.
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I I don-- I can't. *sigh* I can't believe I just had to watch this with my own two eyes. Have they not been trained for a case like this? A fellow shadowhunter injured in the field? That activating the healing rune should be the first thing you do? Before lovingly prying information from the dying person?? I mean, if that's not Plot Convenience then I don't know what is. Sure, he needs to give them a snippet of info, but not too much. But please, please, couldn't writers have found a way for this that didn't make them look like the stupidest of idiots in the entire frikkin world?! Wtf. WTF. I can't believe it.
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Uuuuuuh how did she know how to turn those things if all she had to work with was Don't use brute force?? Do I have to understand that?
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“You brought coffee, after all.”
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Look she's so ashamed she even turned away from the screen haha. Also it's so refreshing to see grown ass people approach a relationship like idiotic teens. (Yeah, that was sarcastic.)
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“And right now I wanna do you.” Hahahaha sorry, too good to pass up, you can bet your ass imma turn this into a dumb comic XD
“I love you, Clary. And I'll love you until I die. And if there's a life after this I'll love you then, too.”
Okay, I wanted to roll my eyes at their love confession, but what Jace said was actually really sweet <3
Alec: All our people were accounted for at the time of the murder. Izzy: We think it was a Clave hit.
Oh couldn't have been one of the millions of Shadowhunters from another Institute? No, I'm sure Alec checked that on their neat little Shadowhunter Intranet, that all other Shadowhunters all over the workd were accounted for as well. Honestly.
Also, Maryse says “By the angel,” but in the German Dubbing she says “What the angel” which makes it seem as if Shadowhunters curse by replacing dirty words with “angel” and just... what the angel XD
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Why the hell are they all so obsessed with Latin? Ugh. Exhausting hobby.
Btw lol, please rewatch that scene, the background music is weirdly reminiscent of the Stranger Things Theme hahahaha. (Also omg I'm peeking into the German dubbing and it doesn't even make SENSE hahaha what the shit.)
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LOL that's like the soulmate trope but in painful XD basically the creepy incest edition XD But honestly can we appreciate what a nice hand Jonathan has with a knife and with his left hand?? Prodigy.
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This is it, the final proof that they actually all live at the Jade Wolf hahahha.
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...................................? Why the f is she happy to see Jordan? Last time they saw each other she clearly stated she hated him?? Do I need to understand?? Oh right. In the books Maia and Jordan get back together. Right. Stupid, why am I even surprised by this??
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Wtf isn't he the clan leader? Why the hell is he acting so submissively to Heidi all of a sudden? Literally half a day ago he threw her out of his clan, knowing his place. And now he's like a puppet on her strings. Wtf. But I guess that happens when you treat characters as plot devices. They get inconsistent even if they only have two scenes. *sigh*
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Awwww would you look at that, werewolves and vampires fighting with fists like mundanes. (Okay some of them had like, daggers, but where are the fangs and the claws? Honestly.)
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Okay I did her injustice in my trailer reaction since this is a vamp and a legitimate fight situation.
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Wow that actually surprised me. But Jordan also dies in the books so, oops. Just didn't think they'd skip the getting together.
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WOW that really surprised me. I thought Maia would challenge him and they'd have an epic fight to the death or something. (Also wtf Griffin guy, what's with that creeper face.)
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To be honest I find it hard to believe that Maia acts like this. Scared out of her mind, yeah sure. But she acts helpless, and she's never been that. When she got that pipe thing I thought she'd use it as a stake. Using it to block the door is smart, too, but why didn't she get another to have a stake? Her whole posture, uselessly hangig over Jordan screams damsel in distress and I don't like it at all.
Edit: I had certain fears how this plotline would be developed in 3x14 which thankfully didn't come true, but my conflicted opinion on this ending scene remains.
Anyway let’s take a moment and appreciate Maia’s Killer Boots.
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BTW watched the 3x14 trailer and just.... what. Why the f would Magnus ask Lorenzo of all people for help? He can't be trusted. As if he wouldn't use that opportunity to break Magnus even further! WTF! Where's Catarina? Oh, let me guess, another Drunk Doctor Conference *epic eyeroll*
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mic-and-cheese · 6 years
Please info dump about your husband...I wish to know more about him!
Idk where to start so I’m just gonna ramble?? I guess??? Puttin it under a readmore bc it’s long as FUCK
I think one of the most interesting things about Buddy is his backstory? Like he used to love supers but now hates them because his idol rejected him? I’ve seen a lot of different interpretations of his past, and I apologize for starting off on this note but Buddy comes off to me as someone who was neglected as a child, so he has trouble with empathy, other social skills, and doesn’t really have a way to healthily deal with stress, which lead him to go down the path he did. I think he was born in a small southern town, but moved to Metroville and became enamored with superheroes because he’s now living somewhere where he can see and meet them personally. He views Mr. Incredible as a father figure because of a lack of a father or other male role model in his life and he probably feels like maybe his life would be better or that he’d be more loved if he had powers, and he’s been constantly told and lead to believe that he can’t be a hero without powers, so telling him that is a sore spot for him.He started messing with machines and learning how to fix them because his family didn’t have enough money to fix or replace things around the house when they broke and he found that he really had a passion for building and creating. Of course, he’s a really smart kid, he loves to read and loves math and science and did well in school, but some adults kinda thought he was a nightmare to be around cuz he’s a lil bit bratty and tries to get attention, but he got along well with teachers and other adults who recognized that he was talented and gave him the attention he needed. Buddy is really used to having to cause a lot of trouble to get what he wants or to be listened to, which is a trait he still kept into adulthood. His first real invention that wasn’t just him tinkering around with whatever he could find was his rocket boots, and he made them with spare parts he found or bought. He’s met Mr. Incredible a few times before, but he was hoping that being able to show off his talent would impress him enough to let him be his sidekick.Ever since he was young he’s always been an entrepreneur, making money by fixing stuff for neighbors and taking other odd jobs.Even after he was rejected he still loves superheroes, or at least the idea of them, even though he doesn’t really like them as people anymore but I’ll get to that later.The interesting thing about him really is just how much I can estimate about him just from what little info we know about him in canon, and how many ways there are to interpret him. I’ve seen him be interpreted as a kid who was spoiled and didn’t know how to deal with rejection, and while I can’t say I like that interpretation, but it is possible. Even though his backstory is interesting, his personality is just…??? Lovely??? I mean it’s really not but I think it is. He’s just??? so geeky and adorable and I love seeing him get so excited over superheroes even though he has a love-hate relationship with them, and he’s just fearless and probably a bit of a dare devil? He really seems like the sort of person who would try anything at least once and doesn’t get embarrassed easily. I mean it’s just so amazing how he’s an evil mastermind but like, he’s still Buddy ya know? Like he still has his excitable, nerdy, funny personality, but he can also be downright terrifying? It’s interesting from a character writing standpoint of course but like, just? On a personal level??? I mean his personality alone flusters me because everything about him (save for uh, the murder) is something I find obviously given the subject of the blog, really attractive. Like he’s not afraid to be himself or play around and he embraces self-insert esqe enjoyment so like??? How cool is it to have an f/o who may also have f/os or at least be supportive of self inserting!!Of course even though theres a lot about his personality that’s cute, there are a lot of things that aren’t, so he’s not really the best with empathy, and he can be pretty cruel, petty, selfish, and he has difficulty opening up to people but I do think that he’s open to learning and changing with someone he trusts, and can be really sweet when he wants to, even if it is a little awkward.One thing I really love about him is how you can tell that he’s got a life and interests outside of Kronos. Like yeah he’s really focused on his plan obviously, but his personality is just so strong in the things around him and the things he does and says that make him feel so much more dimensional. For example, a lot of his tech is integrated with or inspired by nature, so I really think he likes biomimicry, probably because he’s learning how to one up nature, aka basically what his entire motivation is. I love that he’s obviously just got cute little tics like how his eye twitches in the lego games or how much he likes to gesture and hum and whistle. (also his humming is so cute oh my god)And I’m just constantly in awe of how smart and resourceful he is. I mean my love of tropical islands aside, Nomanisan is just… impressive. Like its so ingenious to build his base literally into the island in a way that makes use of its natural features, such as the underwater landing pad, secret exits, underground passageways, and of course the lava wall, and I just can’t help but wonder how he came up with all of that and how long and how much money it took? And thats just taking about the things on the island that are canon. I mean, from my own speculations I figure that the island not only has that amazing lava wall, but is built to redirect the flow of lava to prevent any volcanic activity on the island, keep lava and ash away from expensive tech (the rocket and mantajet for example) and provide power to the island via geothermal energy. Maybe even a little use of wave energy too if necessary since it’s a pretty good option for a place surrounded by water. I assume Buddy chose the island for its resources, (namely a metal alloy that one of the books mentioned) considering he’s made it pretty self sustaining with what it already has after implementing all his tech. The location, being far from any other place, really, and outside of any governmental jurisdiction is good too, so when you really think about it, he probably could have gotten away with a lot of the things that he did, which is, uh, pretty impressive to say the least, not to mention the real world location of Nomanisan (Easter Island) doesn’t face the sorts of hurricanes and harsh weather you’d expect for a small island in the middle of no where.And I mean??? He’s a genius inventor villain who is still extremely in tune with nature to the point that it inspires some of his inventions??? How cool and unique is that??? I’m sure the island must be an amazing place to be, I mean the beaches and caves, rivers, waterfalls… it must be such a joy to explore. And I dunno, I’ve always imagined that working for Syndrome could be kinda fun sometimes. I mean, he is a pretty funny guy with a good sense or humor, and surely guarding and what not all day must get boring, so I’m sure he’s not opposed to having some fun every now and then.And he’s certainly not ashamed of what he considers fun either! I have a feeling he’d like scale models and collectibles and would go to the ends of the earth for a rare one that he particularly likes, especially if they’re ones he gets to build himself. I’m sure he’s a huge fandom geek as well, like name any 50’s-60’s sci fi movie and he knows it by heart. And with all his animal inspired inventions, I’m sure he loves going out in nature and watching the unique wildlife of Nomanisan. Given Easter Island’s own wildlife, I’m sure sharks and whales, and even some really interesting lizards would be pretty common around there. (And given how much forest it has in comparison to Easter Island, I’m sure there’s A LOT more than that. Maybe even rare species only native to the island.) I also really see Buddy as the sort of guy who just loves new and exciting experiences, no matter what it is. Like if it’s something he’s never done before, he’s on board!With all that in mind it’s just so wonderful just how much of a well rounded character he is. I mean he’s happy, nerdy, childish, and excitable, but he’s also bitter, revenge driven, and unempathetic. That being said, his relationships with other people all have such an interesting dynamic to them. He adores Bob for his ingenuity while still hating him enough to try to kill him and his family, and he cares for Mirage but doesn’t really know how to show it. Like I said earlier, I think he was neglected as a kid, so he never really learned how to properly regulate his emotions, so a lot of the time he’s pretty conflicted. He’s an extrovert who wants to be loved and adored, yet he’s too scared to trust after being betrayed. He has a hard time relating to people and thus doesn’t understand how his actions can hurt them when he means well, for example, betting Mirage’s life or saving people from his own robot without proper regard to his surroundings that a truly well meaning hero would have (aka, throwing a tanker truck just to make a spectacle out of saving a mother and child with no regard to what damage the truck could have done).Of course, while his scenes with Mirage can be interpreted as him not really caring for her, I think it’s the opposite. I think he knew that betting her life was the only way he could have saved her (he couldn’t have pulled her away from Bob, shocking Bob could have shocked her, and if he had shown any weakness for her, Bob could have used that as leverage against him, whereas if he shows no remorse, if Bob had killed her he’d just have a dead lady on his hands for pretty much no reason). Granted as well meaning as he was, I don’t think he understands how that hurt Mirage. He sees that he saved her, and doesn’t expect her to be mad about it, but the reality is that she honestly does have a right to be mad about her life being risked, especially when he never clearly communicated that his intent was to save her.Somehow I’ve gone this far without even talking about why I like him??? I mean I don’t even think I’ve ever fully explained why I like him. I’ve tried, sure, but I don’t even think it’s something I can actually convey in words? But I’ll try??? Anyway, he’s literally everything to me, and I don’t just mean that in a sappy romantic way. I’ve always been fascinated with him since I was 6 years old and saw the movie for the first time. He reminds me of happy memories with my dad who passed away some years ago because I saw the movie with him and I remember how much it confused little 6 year old me. Like the fact that the movie started with interviews was the wildest thing to me, and I don’t even think I could even comprehend the plot until much later on. But during that first experience, I don’t know what it was but something about him always stuck with me. Funnily enough one of the things that stuck with me was his joke from Jack Jack Attack and that was the first joke that I knew I didn’t understand but knew I would someday and I literally made a mental note back then telling myself that I knew I’d understand it, and well, thanks for remembering that 6 year old me, because I get the joke now and it’s still funny to me. (I also never actually realized that the guy silhouetted in front of the lava was supposed to be Syndrome until like last summer and I always just thought that was something that was never explained haha.) Anyway after seeing the movie with my dad, he asked me who my favorite character was. I said Violet since I thought saying otherwise would have been weird at the time, but in reality it’s always been Syndrome and that’s just an important memory to me.And now he’s that memory and so many other things to me. He’s what finally helped me recover from a rough couple of years by showing me that people could still create wonderful and impressive things despite being cast away by someone that they once adored and that my success wasn’t based on their approval, which finally helped me shut them out of my life and become so much happier. He helps me manage my anxiety because all the things that make me scared would be nothing to the guy who still wore a cape and rocket boots even after they nearly got him killed. And of course, I love him because he’s nerdy, excitable, brave, and smart, and even because I feel like I can understand his lack of empathy. He’s just such a well rounded, multifaceted character that it’s almost hard to believe he’s fictional haha. With all that combined, he’s one of my my special interests too! I mean it’s hard not to want to know everything about such an interesting guy right?But even if you can’t see the appeal in his personality, it’s no question that he’s just amazing in terms of his accomplishments alone. I mean he can’t be any older than like, 28 max (I consider him 25 though, since the closest we ever get to a canon age is mid 20’s)  and yet he’s a billionaire with his own private island, at least one successful company, and groundbreaking tech that makes today’s tech look simple, but he did all in the EARLY SIXTIES.The mantajet in particular is just awe inspiring to me, mostly because I love planes, but I mean, most planes take 15 years just to be conceptualized. Buddy created a completely automated, uniquely shaped, supersonic, semi-aquatic jet with the ability to hover in under that time. It’s like if the SR-71 Blackbird were a luxury all-terrain vehicle! And I am just so endlessly impressed that it can go underwater, like I’m sure its entire design was based around that ability, since the engines would have to be strong enough to withstand literal tons of water going through them, which is why I suspect they’re placed in those cavities above the wings, to direct air and water to go through them in the right way while also keeping them intact in the impact! (they may be waterproof but they are unfortunately not (or maybe fortunately, depending on how you look at it) uh,,,, Syndrome proof) And the “manta feelers” probably help the plane hover and also serve as the landing gear??? UGH IT’S GENIUS, SUCH RESOURCEFUL GENIUS.Of course I’ve gotta talk about the design of his aero boots too!! He’s come such a long way since the rocket boots!!! I’m so proud of him!!! The new boots are just as genius as the mantajet, really. They have vents in the sole, probably to either keep them from overheating or to draw in oxygen to use for combustion. I love how the metal strip is implemented into the heel and up the back of the boots, that’s probably where the fuel and engines are housed, and man, I can’t imagine how much power they’d both have to generate, those tiny little engines. I’m sure they run on some pretty efficient stuff. And how the soles of the boots look like they can come off of the main boot itself, I’m sure that makes for easy maintenance! I also love how the animators added the detail of the screw in the arch of the boot so that it articulates properly, rather than just saying “yeah whatever he can walk fine somehow with these half-metal boots.”And then there’s Zero Point Energy??? I mean, ZPE is actually based off a real scientific concept that would essentially harness infinite energy. I think about this on the daily and I still can’t comprehend it. He harnessed infinite energy. In the 60’s. And made a device small and powerful enough to literally generate it in the palm of his hand. Since all of that energy is generated in his gauntlets, it’d have to pass through his hands to reach his fingertips, so not only can he generate it, but he created a suit that can conduct infinite energy around him so that it doesn’t hurt him. Like no wonder he’s so protective of ZPE. (On that note, this is exactly why I think he designed his suit and not Edna or Galbaki. He’d never trust anyone else to design a suit with his most valuable tech built into it)Not to mention, how interesting is it that a ruthless serial killer villain like him chooses a technology that doesn’t harm his target and instead just freezes them in place!Also also can I talk about just how amazing the other features of the gauntlets are? I mean they hold a small bomb that can produce a big enough blast to in theory kill the nearly invincible Mr. Incredible. He’s got a laser powerful enough to make a clean hole through the roof of a house, and those gauntlets can take a hell of a beating too, considering it was thrown all over the city during the final Omnidroid fight with minimal damage. Oh also the little sliding cover over the buttons is cute.Ok ok, next there’s the energy prisons. I assume they work on ZPE since they’re able to suspend victims in mid-air? I literally shouldn’t be so excited about this thing but I can’t even get over how ingeniously HORRIBLE they are. I mean I don’t want to get into any details, cuz if I do I’ll go into scarily gruesome territory but those things are terrifying. They work with almost any sort of super he could possibly be keeping prisoner with such a pretty simple idea really, just by suspending them against their own weight. The only fault in them really is that Violet can get through them, but he may not have necessarily known that beforehand since I doubt he had any force fields to test them on (or at least any “organic” ones).Implementing the monorail system is such a perfect idea too!! It makes it easy to get around, keeps guards from getting lost, works on all terrain, and keeps supers from seeing things they don’t need to see, so long as they stay on the tracks they’re supposed to be on.And speaking of hiding, while not technically tech related, I don’t know if he knows about the KRONOS carved in the cave, but I bet you he does know about that cave and all the other hard to reach areas of the island, since there’s an I2 deleted scene that shows he knows how Gazerbeam died, and the guards know to split up to catch Dash in one of the caves. Also related to Kronos, I like to make fun of his computer room for it’s impractical at best, dangerous at worse design, but listen. The security system. It’s brilliant. He’d have to engineer some sort of substance that stays compact and non-sticky while not in use, but that can quickly expand and maintain its strength to capture intruders. And the victim would still have to be able to breathe through them too?? And like how do they come off?? I’m sure that’s an interesting process too. The “fire randomly” approach is also interesting, since it pretty much leaves no escape. And what about under the walkway??? Like what’s way down there??? I don’t even have a theory for that, really. And and and how does the security system for that room work? Does it recognize unfamiliar noises perhaps, since it was triggered by Bob’s suit tracker, cuz if it were triggered by just random noise, I’m sure Syndrome or Mirage would have accidentally triggered it before. Oh, also also also x3 the computer screen automatically shuts off once the security system is activated, which is a nice touch, so that the enemy can’t get any more info as soon as the system is notified. Having only one way in and out of the room is clever too.I JUST WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT NOMANISAN’S SECURITY PROTOCAL OKI wish we had seen more of the technology that he used for Mirage’s message too. Like, he obviously uses the voice matching and scanning technology on the island (the security bird and life probe) but what about that illusion effect on the tablet?Also I mean, I’m sure being an arms dealer during the Cold War in itself has got to be extremely lucrative, but that doesn’t even account for how high tech his other weapons that weren’t mentioned must be.Ok, ok I think that covers all of his other inventions. I haven’t talked about the Omnidroid yet because hooo boy do I have some things to say about that beautifully terrifying piece of tech. I love that he used an iterative process on it to build upon its design (also the idea that he respects the strength his self-proclaimed nemesis enough to build up the robot to prepare to fight him), and I’ve actually gone back and tried to figure out the reason behind the changes he made in each iteration. And listen. How long do you think it took him to build and test all those robots? A few years maybe? Nah son, using the movie’s timeline, I’ve calculated that if he were working at a consistent pace throughout the project, it’d take FOUR MONTHS. 10 highly advanced ai robots. Fully drafted, programmed, built, and tested in 4 months. Oh and did I mention HE CREATED AI. LIKE ACTUAL AI.And his control over the Omnidroid (at least Omnidroid 9 anyway) is brilliant too. He’s got perfect control over it, and the reason I bring that up is because Omnidroid 10 tried to kill him. I’ve spent a long time wondering why he had perfect control over 9 but 10 disobeyed him, and my conclusion is that he implemented some new code in 10 that would make it act more destructively, thus making it more difficult to control but he never actually expected it not to listen to him because he didn’t actually test it on the island since, uh, having a 10 story tall rampaging robot on the loose near your base isn’t a good idea. I also headcanon that 10 was built to self destruct when defeated so that no one could trace its origins back to Syndrome had he won and been considered a hero.With that long ass section out of the way I’d finally like to bring up that if Syndrome did indeed create all of these inventions, that’d made him a computer programmer, aerospace engineer, possibly a civil engineer, a chemist, the inventor of harnessing infinite energy and ai, and thats only what I can think of off the top of my head.Another one of my favorite things about Buddy is that I love how easy it is to imagine him as a way more fleshed out character than he really is. On multiple occasions I’ve heard other people say that he seems like someone who would love conventions, or probably be an internet troll, and other things of that nature that relate more to his interests and personal life. I mean sure, anyone can headcanon anything for any character, but the way people headcanon Buddy just feels very… natural? Very fitting? Like, he’s a character that’s very easy to imagine having a life and hobbies outside of his evil schemes.Another little interesting thing is how he’s pretty much his own downfall. I mean sure a lot of his losses can be attributed to the Parrs defeating him in some way, but his most glaring faults are usually things that he could have prevented had he acted a little differently or planned a little differently. I dunno I just think that’s interesting for no particular reason.And one more thing I haven’t really discussed/seen discussed as much as I really think it should because it’s an interesting part of his character is does he see himself as a hero or a villain? And There are some interesting interpretations to that question as well. For example, if he views himself as a hero it’s probably because he doesn’t believe that superheroes are actually good people at heart, and that they just put up a facade of being kind and helpful to the public, which he uses to justify his atrocities. Or perhaps he legitimately does see himself as a hero for wanting to give normal people the opportunity to be super, or maybe he thinks that he’s doing a service to the world by killing off the people who are simply putting up that facade of good, or perhaps he sees himself as a victim deserving of a “redemption.” And if he sees himself as a villain, maybe he doesn’t understand or want to acknowledge the full weight of his actions, because it’s all a game to him, or maybe he does see himself as a bad person beyond redemption, so he decided that being a supervillain was fated or required of him. Regardless of which idea he believes, it’s obvious that Syndrome very much so lives (and has always lived) in his own fantasy world where things do play out exactly like how comic books do, and that his actions have no real weight to him (except when he feels like he’s been wronged, because he views himself as the protagonist or antagonist of the “story” aka making his own emotions relevant “plot points,” even if no one elses’ emotions (except maybe Bob’s) have any importance to him) because it’s all a comic book in his mind.Anyway there’s my nonsense rant
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argyle-s · 6 years
The Shape of Things To Come Chapter 9/38
Rating: Mature
Read at Ao3
Start at the Beginning
Supergirl doesn't cause an environmental disaster, Kara and Alex talk, and Cat gets demanding.
Thanks to @ifourmindbeso for her great work as a beta. Any remaining mistakes are entirely my own.
Chapter 9 - Fighting Fires
Kara turned in mid-air as the missiles closed on her, flying backwards as she hit one of them with a blast of heat vision, causing it to explode.  She turned slightly, focusing on the remaining missile, and blew out a huge blast of freeze breath, encasing the missile in ice.  The freezing temperature caused the fuel pump to seize, which made the missile lose thrust, and pitch downwards.  She watched it fall, her breath having rendered it so cold it shattered on impact.
“Okay,” Alex said over the radio, “come on in.”
Kara laughed, knowing she was being called in because they were now out of missiles.  She twisted slightly, shooting back towards the small command post.  She slowed as she approached, dropping subsonic so she didn’t shatter any of the equipment, and finally pulled up at the last minute, then drifted down to a gentle landing.
“How was that?” she asked J’onn.
“I see you share your cousin’s appetite for wanton destruction, Miss Danvers” J’onn said.
Kara rolled her eyes.  “You are enjoying this entirely too much.”
“I’m trying to make sure you’re going to be an asset.  A novice Superhero can be a liability in the field.  So far, all you’ve proven is you can manage an intelligence asset.  I need to know you can control all of your abilities.  Strength, Stamina, Speed.”
“Well, are you convinced yet?” Kara asked.  “Because I wanna go get some breakfast and if I don’t get something to eat soon, you’re gonna see me not controlling the growling in my stomach and trust me, that’s not pretty.”
“She’s right,” Alex said.  “No one ever comes out of that looking pretty.”
Both Kara and Alex turned around at the sound of a loud chuckle behind them, only to find Vasquez standing there, holding a large bag.
“Are those…?” Kara asked, not bothering to finish her sentence as she took two steps towards Vasquez.
“Breakfast burritos from that grill down the 975,” Vasquez said.  “Extra hot sauce.”
“Oh, Rao Light,” Kara said as Vasquez handed her the bag.  “Marry me?”
Vasquez laughed.  “I think my girlfriend would object.”
Kara sat the bag on one of the work tables and pulled out a burrito, peeling the foil off it.  “Does she cook?  If so, bring her along.  I’ll marry you both.”
“Kara,” Alex said.
Vasquez just laughed harder.  “I do most of the cooking, but she’s the jealous type.”
Kara took a huge bite out of the burrito, chewing quickly, before swallowing.  “If you can cook, I can see why.”  She held up the burrito slightly.  “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, ma’am.  My girlfriend was one of the agents on the plane with Alex, so I figure I owe you one.”
Kara smiled, and nodded.  “Glad I could help,” she said, before she wolfed down the rest of her burrito, and reached for a second one.
“Are you heading into work today?” Alex asked.
Kara shook her head, mouth too full of food to speak.  She swallowed.  “No.  Cat never works on the weekends she has Carter.  I thought once we were done, I’d do a few runs through the city, rescue some kittens from trees, show the coat of arms.  That sort of thing.”
“You sure that’s a good idea, Kara?  I know you talked to your Aunt but there are still a lot of Fort Rozz escapees out there.”
“Well, if you’d rather, I could take you out to Sanctuary.”
Kara nodded.  “Absolutely.  I’ve got something out there I want you to see anyway.  Something I think would be a huge help-“
“Supergirl.  Come in, Supergirl” Winn’s voice suddenly rang in her ear.
Kara reached up and touched her eat piece.  “Hey, Winn, what’s up?”
“There’s a huge fire raging down at National City port, and it is bad,” Winn said.
“I’m on it,” Kara said.  She turned to Alex.  “Fire down at the port.  Don’t let anyone eat my burritos.”
“Are you sure, Kara?  You’ve been dodging missiles and pushing pretty hard.  Even you have your limits.”
“I know,” Kara said, “but this is just a bit of x-ray vision, some freeze breath.  No big deal.  I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Just… Be careful, okay.”
“I will.  Love you.”  With that, Kara kicked off and shot into the sky, but not without hearing her sister’s answering ‘Love you too’.
The fire was as big and as intimidating as she remembered, but this time, as she approached, she spotted the source using her X-ray vision.  One of the pipelines used to pump oil off the tankers was ruptured and feeding the fire, which explained why her freeze breath hadn’t worked the last time.  She spotted the fire chief, and dropped down beside him.
“Chief,” she said.
“Thank God,” he said.  “Can you blow this out?”
“No,” Kara replied.  “Not yet.  There’s a leaking oil line inside the flames.  If I hit it with my freeze breath, it will just spread the fire.”
“Shit,” he said.  “Can you move the tanker?”
“Not unless you have tow chains handy.  If I try to just grab on and drag it, the welds will split open like a rotten banana.  I need to go into the fire, and cut off the fuel supply.  While I do that, move your water line between the flames and the ship, to hold it back.  Buy me five minutes, and I’ll be able to put this out.”
“Okay,” he said.  “Will do.”
Kara nodded and lifted off again as he shifted his men’s focus to pushing the edge of the fire back and controlling the advance instead of trying to put it out.  She dove into the heart of the inferno and grabbed a barrel, tearing it in half and slapped the metal over the tear in the oil pipe.  A careful blast from her heat vision formed a weld which would hold for a while, then she kicked off, rising above the fire, and carefully used her freeze breath to put out the flames, as well as cool off the oil-filled pipes.
Once she was done, she flew back over to the chief.
“Okay, you need to get a repair crew in here as fast as possible.  I’ve welded a piece of steel over the tear in the pipe, but the steel is low quality, and the weld isn’t especially solid since I couldn’t clean or prep the surfaces or get it hot enough to boil out the impurities without risking setting off what was in the pipe.”
The chief nodded.  “Right.  Is it cool enough to go in?”
“Yes,” she said.  “You want me to show you?”
“Either I finally managed to get the last of the smell out, or my sense of smell has just given up on me,” Kara said as she came out of the DEO locker room dressed in a black t-shirt, and a black pair of BDU pants that had been tucked away in some storage locker or other, along with a fresh pair of boots and socks.
Alex sniffed, “Definitely the latter,” she said.
Kara reached out and gave her a light shove.  “Shut up,” she said.  “Seriously, that was terrible.”
“Yeah, it was bad enough with a human nose,” Alex said.  “I can’t even imagine with a Kryptonian one.”
“Any progress on the suit?” Kara asked.
“That’s probably going to take more time.”
“Just have them put it in a sealed bag,” Kara said.  “I’ll take care of it at home.”
“How are you going to get home” Alex asked.
“Drive me?”
Kara sat the oversized bag of subs down on the counter as Alex locked the door behind them, and reached for a plate for Alex and a serving platter for herself.  She took a moment to fish out Hot Pastrami and the bag of Salt and Vinegar chips and put them on a plate, before carefully arranging her two cheese steaks and two meatball subs on the platter.
“Where do you want this?” Alex asked, holding up the sealed biohazard bag containing Kara’s Supergirl suit.
“Konex,” Kara said, grinning.  “End stealth mode.”
Alex jumped a bit as Konex decloaked.
“How can I be of assistance, Lady Kara?” the robot asked
“Kara,” Alex said, “What is that?”
Kara turned around and opened the refrigerator, pulling out a diet coke for Alex and a two liter of grape soda for herself.  “He’s a Kryptonian tier-four cyber-construct, designed to operate as a personal attendant.”
“Okay,” Alex said.  “And you didn’t think to mention him back when we were growing up?”
Kara laughed.  “Clark has one named Kelex in his stronghold up north.  One of the first things I got from J’onn when we started working together was a crystal containing Konex’s memories.  He was my personal attendant growing up.  Kelex was able to build him a new body last year and download the memories from the crystal.  I would have told you about him, but I couldn’t figure out how to do that without telling you I’d gotten stuff out of my pod.”
Alex frowned.  “Kara, I’ve been all over your pod.  Everything that was in it is catalogued at the DEO.”
“You didn’t know about the hidden compartment behind the seat,” Kara said.  “Konex, this is Alex Danvers.  Scan for identity match, and execute stored order four.”
Kara watched as Konex approached Alex and scanned her briefly.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Alex.”
“What just happened?” Alex asked.
“Konex just added your biometrics and genetic profile to the security protocols for his control programs, as well as for those of Sanctuary.  In short, if anything happens to me, the chain of command goes You, Kal-El, J’onn, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne.  There’s a list of people after that, but honestly, right now, you’re the only person who even knows they are on the list.”
Alex turned to look at her.  “Diana Prince and Bruce Wayne? Why… What…” Alex raised her free hand to cover her face.
Kara took pity on her and walked over, taking the bag with her Supergirl outfit and handing it to Konex.
“Clean that, please,” she said.  “Or, if it’s easier, just recycle it and make a new one.  Also, while you’re working, make me about twenty spares, and fit them all with anti-Kryptonite shields, and spare coms.”
“Yes, Lady Kara.”
She turned back to Alex, carefully prying her hand away from her face.  “I’m sorry,” she said.
Alex shook her head.  “No, I shouldn’t react like this.  It’s just…”
“A week ago, I was your baby sister.  Now, I’m pulling super advanced AI-controlled robots out of thin air and telling you Bruce Wayne is Batman and Diana Prince is Wonder Woman,” Kara said.  “I get it.  Believe me.  I was on the other side of this once, and I did not handle it well.”
“Can we just sit down for a bit?” Alex said.
Kara nodded.  “Go ahead.  I’ll grab the food and be right there.”
Alex walked over and dropped down on the couch.  Kara gathered up their food and made her way over to sit down next to her sister.  They ate in silence, Kara doing her best to eat at a human pace.  She was finished with all four of her subs and about halfway through a family-sized bag of sour cream and onion potato chips when Alex finally spoke up.
“How much more haven’t you told me?” Alex asked.
Kara sat down the bag of chips.  “Big things, or little things?”
“Big things?” Alex asked.
Kara thought about it for a minute, before answering.  “Two,” she said.  “There are two big things I haven’t told you yet.  The first is how I found out about all of this, and believe me when I say that it’s not something I want to keep to myself, but I can’t tell you about the first one without telling you about the second one.  The second one is…”  Kara took a deep breath.  “I’m afraid the second one will make you hate me,” she said.
“Kara,” Alex said, turning towards her, “You’re my sister, and I love you, no matter what.”
Kara nodded.  “I love you too, Alex, but sometimes secrets can drive even the closest people apart.”
“Then why not just tell me?” Alex asked.
“Because you’d die,” Kara said.
“Kara, I’m not-“
“Alex,” Kara said, cutting her off, “I know how good you are.  I would trust you to have my back in any fight.  In fact, I’m pretty sure, if push comes to shove, you could take down a Kryptonian as long as you had time to prepare for the fight.  But if I told you about this, you’d want to do something.  Because you’re good and kind and one of the most loving, caring people I’ve ever met.  But this isn’t a fight you can win.  Not right now.  Not while we’ve got Fort Rozz to deal with.”
“Kara, you’re scaring me,” Alex said.  “Whatever this is, you shouldn’t have to carry it alone.  Please, let me help?”
Kara reached out and took Alex’s hands on hers, squeezing them as she looked at her sister, and remembering the last time they’d had a secret between them.  The fallout from her sister lying about who killed Astra had nearly destroyed National City.  It wasn’t a good memory, and the truth was, it had taken a long time for her to really get over it.  The Red K incident had been proof of that.
The issue wasn’t that she didn’t trust Alex, it was that she knew Alex.  If she told Alex, there was a good chance Alex would do something stupid, like go after Cadmus on her own.  On the other hand, if she didn’t tell anyone, and something happened to her, the timeline could turn out even worse than before.  And there was the simple weight of the secret itself.
“If I tell you, you have to promise you won’t do anything.  Not until we deal with Fort Rozz.”
Alex nodded.  “I get it, Kara.  One threat at a time.”
Kara sighed.  “No, Alex, you don’t.  This isn’t small.  This isn’t like promising Eliza you’d finish your homework before you go surfing.  If you make this promise, you have to keep it, no matter how much it hurts. No matter what.  You have to keep it.  Okay?”
This time it seemed to get the message across.  Alex sat there, and Kara could see her thinking it over, considering it, before she finally nodded.  “Okay.  I promise.  I won’t do anything until we deal with Fort Rozz.”
Kara nodded.  “Have you ever heard of Project Cadmus?”
“Yeah.  Some sort of research project.  We send them samples from any aliens we capture, and if an alien dies, either during capture, or in their cell, we send the remains to Cadmus for study.”
“They don’t just study alien remains,” Kara said.  “Back before J’onn took over the DEO, Hank Henshaw…  The real Hank Henshaw, deliberately killed a lot of aliens and classified the kills as ‘killed resisting capture’ so he could funnel the remains to Cadmus. If you go through the records you’ll also find a lot of aliens who were ‘transferred to other holding facilities’, only they never arrived.  Instead, they wound up in Cadmus.  After J’onn took over and their supply of live aliens dried up, they started their own capture program.  Sam Lane procures for them sometimes too.”
“That’s horrible,” Alex said, “but-“
“They take humans, too,” Kara said.  She took a deep breath.  “This is the part I’ve been afraid to tell you…  Alex, they have Jeremiah.”
“What?” Alex said.  “They…  They have my dad’s body?”
Kara shook her head.  “No.  Not his body.”  Kara could see the exact moment realization struck.  She could see the mixture of hope and fear flooding into Alex.
“He’s…  He’s alive?” she asked.
Kara nodded.
“How long have you known?” Alex asked.
“Alex,” Kara said.  “You promised.”
“How long, Kara?”
Kara let go of Alex’s hands and reached up to grip her shoulders.  “Tell me you won’t do anything, Alex.”
“How long?” Alex asked, and Kara could hear the rage in her voice, but she didn’t answer.  She just waited.  “He’s my father,” Alex said.  “We have to do something.  We have to help him!”  Alex tried to stand up, but Kara held her in place, her grip firm enough that there wasn’t anything Alex could do, but gentle enough that Alex didn’t hurt herself.
“I’m sorry, Alex,” Kara said.  “I’m so sorry.”
“Let me go,” Alex said.
“You promised,” Kara said.
The slap surprised them both.  One moment, Alex was sitting there, struggling, and the next, Kara felt the flat of Alex’s hand slam into the side of her face.  It was so unexpected, she didn’t have time to roll with it, and instead of hurting her, Alex ended up whimpering and cradling her hand.  Kara let her go, moving back a little bit as she looked down, checking with x-ray vision to make sure Alex hadn’t broken her hand.
Alex, for her part, was looking back, and forth between her hand, and Kara’s face.
“It’s okay,” Kara said.
Alex shook her head.  “No.  No, it’s not.  I shouldn’t have…”
Kara reached out and took Alex’s injured hand in her own, blowing a very gentle stream of cool air over it.
“It’s okay,” Kara said.  “I’m the one who should be sorry.  It’s my fault Jeremiah was on that mission.  My fault Cadmus has him.  My fault Fort Rozz is here.  My fault Myriad is a threat.  My fault Cadmus even exists.”  She looked up into Alex’s eyes.  “Sometimes, I think it would have been better if I never made it off Krypton,” she said.
The look of horror on Alex’s face wasn’t something Kara expected to see in that moment, but on some level, it was comforting.
“No,” Alex said.  “No.  Kara, you can’t think like that.  Please.  I’m sorry.  You’re right, this is big and I just…” she shrugged, helplessly.
“Please, tell me you’ll keep your promise.  I swear, I have people working on getting your father out.  Clark knows almost everything I do about Cadmus and he’s got Wonder Woman and Batman for backup.  If they can get Jeremiah out, they will.”
Alex nodded.  “Okay,” she said.  “Okay.  But, as soon as Myriad is out of the way-“
“We find Cadmus, and we burn it to the ground,” Kara said.  “Every last bit of it.”
The next morning was rough.  Kara didn’t really need sleep, but she and Alex had talked for hours and it had been emotionally exhausting.  Kara had told her everything she could about Cadmus, leaving out only Lillian Luthor, Simon Tycho and Hank Henshaw’s involvement.  She’d told her everything about Astra, too, but it was all hard.  It was like draining an infected wound, only stopping before it was entirely clean, and bandaging it up with half the rot still inside.  There was so much she couldn’t tell her.  She’d wanted to talk about the battle of CatCo plaza, about the Third Army and the war of light, about Darkseid and the anti-life equation.
She couldn’t.  Not yet.  She couldn’t tell Alex until she was ready to tell J’onn, and she couldn’t tell J’onn until she could prove all of it, because it sounded insane.  Sometimes, she wondered if she was insane.  On the other hand, if she got to hug her sister in the morning before she went into work to see Winn and Cat, maybe insanity wasn’t so bad.
Though today was the day Cat demanded an interview with her in the original timeline.  She was wondering if that was still going to happen when the elevator door opened, and she saw Winn waiting for her, holding a large pink box.
“What’s this?” she asked.
“Just a little something Maggie and I chipped in for,” he said, lifting the lid.
“Is that a brownie pizza?” she asked, her face splitting into an enormous smile.
“Yes,” he said.  “We wanted to do a cake, but we thought a ‘Congratulations on your first big disaster’ cake would be a little obvious.”
“Oh!” she squealed as she threw her arms around Winn, hugging him as tightly as she dared.  “Thank you,” she said.  “You have no idea how much I needed something like this this morning.”  She stepped back, still smiling at him as she picked up the envelope containing Cat’s morning mail from the reception desk, before heading over to her own desk.
Winn sat the brownie pizza down on her desk.  “You okay?” he asked.
“Rough weekend,” she said.  “Alex and I had a big fight.  We sorted it out.  And I saw my Aunt.”
“Your Aunt?” Winn asked.  “Like,” he made a wavey motion with his hand Kara assumed was supposed to indicate flying, “that Aunt?”
“Yes.  That probably went as well as could be expected,” she said.
‘Drunk, 9:00 AM.  That’s the last time I have breakfast with Ruth Bader Ginsberg.’
Kara shook her head as she reached for Cat’s coffee.  “She’s here,” she said as she lifted the lid and gave it a quick zap of heat vision.
“At least now I know how you do that,” Winn said as he dropped into his seat and pulled up his goof-off spreadsheet so it would look like he was working.
The door to the elevator opened, and Cat strode out.  Kara put the latte into her hand.
“Your latte, Ms. Grant,” she said.
Cat took a sip and let out a small moan of satisfaction.  “Hot, as always,” she said.  “Content meeting, two minutes.  My office.”
“I assume we’re all aware of Supergirl’s latest act of derring-do,” Cat said.
“Walking into a burning oil fire to cut off the fuel supply, then blowing the fire out,” James said.  “Pretty impressive for someone who’s only been on the job a week.”
“Hmmm, yes,” Cat said.  “Our girl has been making quite a showing of herself all over National City.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?” James asked.
“It would be, if it weren’t the front-page story on the Daily Planet.  Their fifth, in as many days.  Which annoys me, because they already have their own go-to Superhero, and now they’re trying to steal mine.”
Cat stalked around from behind her desk to stand in front of it.  “Now, when I branded her, there was a certain implicit expectation that she would be gracing the pages of *our* publications.”  Cat turned towards Kara.  “Tell me something, Kara.”
“Hmmm, me?” Kara asked.
“Yes,” Cat answered.  “Do you really think it was coincidence that one of the Planet’s star reporters just happened through these offices last week?”
Kara shrugged.  “I never know with Clark.”
“Uh, huh,” Cat said.  “Well, coincidence or not, the Daily Planet is not taking Supergirl from us.  We are going to take back control of the Supergirl narrative, starting now.”
“How are we going to do that?” Dave asked.
“I want an interview,” Cat said.
“Okay,” Kara said.  “When would you like me to set that up?”
Every eye in the room turned towards her.
“You, Keira?” Cat asked.
“Don’t I usually schedule all your interviews?” she said.
Cat’s eyes narrowed.  “This one might be a little different.”
“Have I ever failed to deliver, Ms. Grant?”
“Do I need to bring up the Justin Bieber incident?”
“I believe there’s an amendment to my contract that prevents either of us from ever speaking of that again,” Kara said, shuddering.
Cat sighed.  “Fine.  Go ahead and see if you can arrange it, but I want a backup plan,” she said, turning to James.  “Do you think your friend in blue could arrange a sit down?”
“It doesn’t really work that way,” James said.
“Mmmm… Well, if Clark Kent, or for that matter, Lois Lane or any of the other hags over at the Planet get this before we do, I’m going to hold you and Keira personally responsible since you’re inviting the enemy into my house.”
“Now, I want a sit down with Supergirl.  A heart-to-heart, girl-to-girl.  By the end of the week.”  Cat waved her hand in a shooing gesture.  “Go get it.”
Kara started to turn around, but Cat’s voice stopped her.
“Not you, Keira,” she said.
Kara turned back to Cat.  “Something else I can do for you, Ms. Grant?”
Cat waited until the entire office was empty.  “You really think you can get me an interview with Supergirl?”
“I do.”
Cat stared at her for a moment, and let out a breath.  “You get me that interview and we’ll have a discussion about your salary, since apparently I’m not paying what other people are offering you.”
“That’s not necessary, Ms. Grant.”
“Yes, it is,” Cat said.  “You’re never going to get ahead if you don’t learn how to demand what you’re due, Keira.”
Kara stared back at Cat for a moment, then nodded.  “Okay,” she said.  “How about we start with you using my real name, since I know you know it.”
Cat smiled.  “Get me the interview, and we’ll talk.”
Kara laughed and shook her head as she turned and left the office, only to find James waiting for her at her desk.
“Are you sure you want to do that interview?” he asked.  The question threw Kara, because in the original timeline, he’d been the one to reassure her when she said she couldn’t do it.
“I don’t see why not,” Kara said.  “My cousin managed to hide right in front of Perry White’s face for eleven years.”
“Yeah, and Lois Lane was fooled for a good five seconds,” James said.
Kara rolled her eyes.  “Yeah, well, Cat Grant isn’t checking out my ass every time I turn my back.”
James shook his head.  “Could have fooled me,” he said, before he headed for his office.
Winn appeared a second later.  “He bothering you?” he asked.
“A little,” Kara said.  “He means well, but he hasn’t gotten it through his head that I don’t need a big brother.”
“Well, if he gets to be a problem let me know.  I’ll get Maggie to rough him up.”
Kara smiled.  “You and Maggie really hit it off, huh?”
“Yeah,” he said.  “She’s like the really butch older sister I never knew I wanted.”
“Oh, please.  She’s a soft futch, at best.”
“She loads her own ammo, Kara.”
“Don’t care,” Kara said.  “If she can’t forge a sword out of a load of iron ore, she’s not butch.”
“Who have you been hanging out with?”
“Wonder Woman,” Kara said.  “Now, the real question is, am I expected to share my brownie pizza?”
Winn laughed.  “Now what kind of friends would we be if we made you share?”
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sin-lord · 6 years
So monday I woke up at 6am and went to work. Worked until 2 and it was stressful AF. Had some people be annoyed with ME that their plane wasn’t on the ramp at the time and I’m sitting here thinking ‘we cant put your plane on the ramp if we don’t know what time you’re getting here’
CONSTANTLY having to push the gate button for the forest service cars and helicopter people, because they are based here for a few days in case they need to go fight a fire. We are the closest place to the mountains, we have the best fuel prices, and we have good food places nearby. The firemen are super nice though and try to stay as out of the way as possible. Right now, there’s a Skycrane and a Chinook on our ramp and they are so cool. Skycrane is so big, you can drive a tanker under it.
Had another pilot get annoyed that I couldn’t take his AVFuel card, but I can take a AVCARD. Basic conversation wen’t like this
co-Pilot: [hands me the AVFuel card] Me: I can’t take that card, we can take AVCARD though. co- Pilot: [looks at the card, still handing it to me] What’s the difference? Me: Well, AVFuel cards are black with red text. AVCARDS are blue with a plane on them. We can only take AVCARD. co- Pilot: [stares at card for about 20 seconds, you can hear his brain trying to process it] ‘So... this one won’t work?’ Me: Correct sir, I can take AVCARD, Worldfuel, Aircards, multiservice, visa, mastercard, american express, and discover. co- Pilot: Okay, I’ll have to go out and get the Pilot for his card.
He’s gone for about... 25-30 minutes? Pilot finally comes in, tries to hand me the same damn card. Same conversation as above. He FINALLY hands me a usable card and I close out his invoice. I tell him it’ll take a few minutes to print because of the servers.
Our printer takes between two and seven minutes to print. Because the information has to go to our servers, get authorized, and then come back. Our internet is shit too so it takes LONGER on that account. 
He stands there for a few minutes, getting impatient. He asks in that annoyed tone ‘how long is it going to take, we have to leave’ ‘It sometimes takes a bit because our servers are located elsewhere across the state.’ ‘Well, can’t you just email it to me??’ ‘Sir, by the time I get the information I need for that it will have been printed.’ as if on cue, the printer prints his invoice. He angrily signs it and I wish him a good day.
I finally get off work, Val says ‘Hey, I need to talk to you before you leave. Come into my office.’ and I get that hit of panic that I am gonna get fired for some reason. She sits down and says ‘now you’re not in trouble so relax.’ [panic.exe cancelled] she opens up august and shows that Janell, another CSR will be gone for most of that month. She said she wanted to offer me her shifts since she ‘likes the way I work’ which immediately gave me an ego boost. I told her I’ll be starting school that month, but I’ll take them and give her an update on my schedule once I get it.
Leave work and get my fingerprints taken at the police station for work. Really nice old man took my prints. He stopped and stared at them after the first set and I thought something was wrong. He said ‘These are some of the prettiest prints I’ve seen in a while...’ 
I then go home and immediately pick up boyfriend for a trip to IKEA to get that second door, return the lights, and get new lights. Car ride is good, IKEA is fun, we get some lights and the door and go home. It takes about 4 1/2 hours round trip just driving because people in Denver are fucking horrible drivers and we went by like... 5 car crashes.
Get home, go to bed.
Wake up yesterday, go to inspect the lights and find out, WOW I NEEDED THE ACTUAL POWER SUPPLY, WHICH IS SOLD FUCKING SEPARATELY. WHICH WASN’T MADE OBVIOUS WHERE I BOUGHT THEM. I’m pissed. We get in the car and get over there. We get the fucking lights stuff sorted and I look at my text messages halfway through, realized we missed the CSR meeting for work. I start just absolutely panicking. Jon called up Val and told her that he had a family emergency with his grandfather, seemed to have worked but I was already in a breakdown mode. I was terrified that I was gonna get fired for not being at the meeting. Start crying and all that shit. me and Jon had already been snippy at each other and in a bad mood all day, but he assured me I wasn’t gonna get fired and offered to drive so I could just have a good cry.
Get home, have some space to ourselves for a bit. I got whiskey and strongbow, he went out and ate dinner. Comes home and holds me for a bit. Tension has gone away and we are back to our usual selves. We put the display case door on and test the lights. The lights work fantastic and we’re happy with it.
So much stress in two days. Hoping today is better and I get to work on some stuff.
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jaybug-jabbers · 4 years
Gen 1 Bug Team Moveset/Stats
I wanted to post the movesets of my gen 1 bug team. Keep in mind this is gen 1, so there’s an extremely limited moveset available back then. It made for an interesting challenge.
Also keep in mind this was an in-game team, so I needed some HM slots. For some HM moves (Flash, Surf, Fly) I had to deposit one of my team, withdraw the HM slave, use it, and immediately re-deposit the HM slave. The HM slave was not used in battle at all, since the rules were this was a strictly all-bug team.
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Pinsir: Double-Edge/Strength/Seismic Toss/Submission
Pinsir was my most physically defensive poke on the team, which was essential for my survival. He also had the highest physical Attack. As the physical tanker and attacker, I decided to also give him the high-basepower recoil moves, Double-Edge (BP 100 in gen 1) and Submission. Double-Edge was a TM in gen1 and nearly all pokes could learn it. And yep, Submission was a TM in gen 1 as well, and was very handy against Ice and Rock types. Seismic Toss has a unique feature in gen 1, in that it can hit ghost types. So that’s why I left that on there. Strength is not only useful for all those damn boulder puzzles, but it has a solid BP for Pinsir when I didn’t want any recoil.
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Scyther: Quick Attack/Swift/Slash/Swords Dance
Scyther was the speediest on my team (although Venomoth was almost as fast), and carried the very useful priority Quick Attack for finishing off things just in case he still couldn’t outspeed (which did happen sometimes). I let him have Swift specifically in case I ran into a trainer that loved spamming Minimize or Double Team or somethin’. Not useful in any other situation, but I had an extra slot. Slash was his main move, and its high crit chance was very useful. Several other bug types can learn Slash (Parasect, Pinsir), but I decided to leave Slash up to the very slashiest-looking bug so I could have a little more variety on the team just for the fun of it. Scyther uses the move well, anyway, because he has great Attack. Swords Dance is nice on Scyther because he’s speedy enough to easily set up and sweep.
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Butterfree: Psychic/Double Team/Supersonic/Reflect
Butterfree doesn’t learn Psychic naturally, unlike Venomoth, so I taught it to her via TM. Reflect was also a very useful TM for her. As you can see, Butterfree’s Defense is not exactly super great (though Beedrill’s is even worse). Reflect works differently in gen 1. It doesn’t have a 5-turn duration and instead lasts until you switch out. It will only apply to the pokemon that used it, not the entire team. Anyway, it let Butterfree survive hits she normally wouldn’t. Supersonic has pretty shit accuracy, but it’s a real nice backup strat in case shit is hitting the fan and the battle isn’t going well. Double Team is just filler, to be honest, as it’s not a move I usually bother with.
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Venomoth: Psychic/Mega Drain/Toxic/Substitute
So this was a fun set to use. The idea is toxic stall, as you might have guessed, setting up subs, getting a toxic off and then Mega Draining some HP back. Mega Drain was also nice coverage to hit the Ground/Rock types in the game. Substitute is a very difficult TM to obtain in gen 1, but I really wanted to try it out. Janeway didn’t always even need sub to stall a pokemon out, as she was my strongest pokemon in Special, and could tank special hits and hit pretty darn hard with Psychic. That said, when facing down a Charizard or some shit, it’s nice to have a bug with Substitute.
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Beedrill: Cut/Twineedle/Skull Bash/Swords Dance
This fellow clearly doesn’t have the best stats, but considering Butterfree and Beedrill are super early-game pokemon, that makes sense. As I noted in another post, Beedrill’s signature move in gen 1, Twineedle, was the strongest bug-type move of that generation (BP of 25 but always hits twice, for a total of 50.) This helps make up for Beedrill’s not-stellar stats (Parasect also has a signature move that does this), and as my best bug STAB user, he actually did a lot of work, surprisingly. Swords Dance (needs to be taught via TM) also helps make up for Beedrill’s lower stats. Beedrill also was my designated cutter and I decided to give him Skull Bash mainly for the lolz. Gen 1 has some bizarre TM compatibilities, and the idea of a Skull Bash Beedrill just amuses me to no end. (I mean, bees don’t even have skulls. they have exoskeletons XD) That said, Skull Bash is BP 100 so it also helped Beedrill to do some actual damage on those that resisted bug type moves.
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Parasect: Dig/Spore/Solarbeam/Body Slam
Finally, last but not least, we have Parasect. This fellah’s stats sit somewhere between the two early-game bugs and the two Safari Zone bugs. His speed is absolutely apalling, so don’t expect this guy to outspeed anything anytime soon. That said, the other stats are decent compared to his fellow bug types of this gen, and while his Attack is higher than his Special, he can still make use of Solar Beam and impart that grass STAB. Obviously I also had Spore on his moveset. This is Parasect’s signature move of gen 1, and incredibly powerful compared to the other sleep-inducing moves. Frustratingly, sleep can last as short as a single turn in gen 1, and it felt like that always happened to me, so I admit I didn’t bother with it usually. I opted for Body Slam on Parasect instead of the usual Slash, just for some added variety and the para-chance. (although oddly, for some reason, Body Slam cannot paralyze Normal types in gen 1)
I also had Dig, which was not only very useful for exiting dungeons speedily, but was really nice coverage on a team that really could not learn much in the way of coverage moves. Keep in mind Dig was a BP of 100 in gen 1, so it’s as strong as Earthquake. It’s also pretty neat to have a move that’s super-effective on Fire types, although on a Parasect? I didn’t exactly have a lot of opportunities to actually use Dig on fire types. With that speed and 4x weak to fire, yep, he’s mostly gonna get KO’d before he can get a hit off, but sometimes he did do important damage to a fire poke. Parasect’s best work was probably vs. the Gyaradoses and tanking Hydro Pumps, though.
And that does it! I plan to do an all-bug run of gen 2 next, so stay tuned for that. :)
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Mar 2, 2017.
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