#good girls cancellation
ant-thebooknerd · 2 months
Do you guys want to hear a really funny Shatter Me joke?
Adam Kent.
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angstydiaz · 10 months
i enjoyed/watched most of these and im still mad(warrior nun isnt here considering it is coming back??)
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spirit-lanterns · 26 days
If Kafka walked in and said "If you steal this precious gem for me, I'll call you a good girl." Would you do it?
Tbh, I would probably be torn because as much as I want to do anything that women tell me to do, I also don’t wanna break the law 😭😭
I have not done anything rebellious in my life. The most I have done is maybe skipped class once in high school, but that was because I was helping out with a festival for my friends. Even if I do something rebellious, it’ll probably be for a good reason…
Suddenly, I’m realizing that Kafka and other sadistic HSR women would have the time of their life corrupting me.
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bigothteddies · 20 days
I talk a lot of fucking crap but I do have a little black book filled with everything I’ve been told about the tumblr doms on here and all the fucked up shit they’ve done. Creators talk to each other. The friendships aren’t just for show. I’m not saying I have “dirt” on anyone or that I’m friends with everyone and have heard everything or that what I’ve been told is even accurate. What I am saying is I have a good fucking reason to be so spiteful towards a lot of doms on this site, both for things they’ve personally done to people I know and for the long and storied cycle of popular doms on here being outted as abusers and groomers after they’ve been found out.
#unimportant thoughts#I don’t know im not like. a fan of cancelling stuff especially since so much latelt has been used as a tactic against marginalized groups#and its not like i havent done shit#i dont pretend to be perfect I know theres people out there who get pissed seeing my url on here and feel I shouldnt have a place here#its part of the reason i discourage people from viewing me as a ‘safe’ dom or as a ‘good’ dom on here#im just a person. good or bad.#keep your eyes and ears and wits about you in internet spaces ALWAYS#anyways#seriously. i domt just talk shit because i dislike them#i talk shit because they people have secret wives#because they are very clearly taking advantage of someone half their age and manipulating them into thinking its a normal relationship#<- and I DONT say that because im inherently against age gaps#i talk shit because they have cameras in girls rooms who dont even know their name and if i had to guess?#sounds like a dark corner of the internet illegal sex cam scheme to me#i talk shit because they’re in the DM’s of my friends and peers trying to convince them to join their cause#i talk shit because they only reason the stopped playing with that tumblr girls heart as a replacement for who they really wanted is because#they were TOLD to stop doing so#i talk shit because the reason people started being mean to Boss wasnt because he was cringe it was because he was a vile and abusive person#i dont talk shit just because i hate competition! i dont talk shit just because im trying to make myself seem safe!#i talk shit because these people and their actions genuinely bother me and i wish they didnt have a platform !#anyways we’ll see how long this stays up its dangerously close to starting shit i shouldnt be starting
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lizzstarkiller · 27 days
I need more rogueneto fanart it’s a physical need
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ghost-of-you · 1 year
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5sos meme: 1/8 favorite outfits.
That damn green flannel.
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harknessimp · 1 year
it’s so sad to see every sapphic show either getting canceled or having them throw the ‘kill your sapphics’ move. (Warrior Nun, Killing Eve, First Kill, The Owl House, The Wilds, Paper Girls, I am not okay with this, Teenage bounty hunters, Dead to me, Feel good, Gentleman Jack ++) they deliver us crumbs of representation only to hide the real intent, they only want us in media as long as we don’t get a happy ending. capitalism only gives a shit till diversity is lucrative.
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pop-punklouis · 6 months
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lollytea · 1 year
How do I say, without coming across as a jaded miserable little bitch who likes raining on everybody's parade, that the PJO Disney plus adaption is nostalgia bait, in the same way that their live action remakes are
#it'll probably be good#it sounds like its gonna be a pretty faithful adaption#im not denying that#but#20-30 something year old you ARE being pandered to by the Walt Disney Corporation#its fine to be excited for it. just so long as we are all aware of whats happening#also we gotta stop acting like mr riordan is some underdog in this situation#hes written one of the most successful teen lit series of all time#and in disney's current quirky girl phase of grasping hold of anything that already has a following#of COURSE they snatched this shit up#''Percy Jackson. A Disneyplus original.''#do you have any idea just how much theyre salivating to have their name attached to this series?#(tbf the books were owned by disney too. but a streaming service makes their link to the franchise all the more evident)#anyway. maybe i sometimes get a little bitter when i think about all the original projects in production that were abruptly cancelled#usually because of the current fear to take risks and put something new into the world#and then i remember adaptions like are going ahead#there is no risk associated the pjo series. the first few books are relatively squeaky clean for a teenage audience#this is a comfortable direction for them to go in#''but but but theres gay people in it'' hush. disney is not afraid of captilizing on the gay experience#also im pretty sure the gay people dont show up until like. 8 books in#thats 8 seasons#can you imagine#''guys we need to keep giving this show our support so we can eventually get solanjello (or whatever its called)''#ooooh theyre quite evil. very interesting#even tho like. dont worry you'll get your gay people eventually. you'll get all your book adaptions. you'll get all those seasons.#this franchise is disneys new pet#you can smell it#the hype. the cast announcements. the promotion#LIN MANUEL MIRANDA???#theyre going to squeeze every last drop of engagement they can get out of it
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strawberryscorp · 7 months
albus comes home after having a bad day and collapses into scorpius's arms
scorpius could be doing anything but he'd pause and play with albus's hair while letting him rant about his day
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I am hating the dating app life so much right now!!!!!!!
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novelconcepts · 10 months
Happy one year anniversary to Paper Girls, the best adaptation that was given exactly NO love. I will miss my kids forever.
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comradecowplant · 1 month
*sniffle* well, that's that then. voyager has made it back to the alpha quadrant (albeit i'm not the biggest fan of the "timey whimey antics save the day" means utilized but i've seen similar plots play out far worse so i'll accept it with minimal brow furrowing), my mind & heart are full with a new sci-fi obsession, and while i know i said i'm diving into TNG asap, i do think my little ticker needs a minute to process & say goodbye to the star fleet captain who-- no matter how good picard/other captains i can't wait to meet are-- will now forever be My Captain(tm), and her intrepid crew (i'll even miss the doctor!) of the U.S.S. Voyager o7
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neutral-party · 2 years
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this show and its characters has taken hold of me.....
(click image for better quality!)
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mommyashtoreth · 28 days
david tennant x michael sheen truthers should expend their resources on proving that david tennant is nonbinary
Obligatory I do NOT like shipping real people (except for when it's absurdist and/or one or more parties involved are dead) and I do NOT condone this sort of rpf trutherism, on an ethical level. However my crushing, all-consuming, wholly parasocial desire to turn David Tennant into a woman trumps all ethics. So really no one can tell whether this idea is good or bad
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spacedlexi · 1 year
sooo glad we live in the universe where twdgs4 was rewritten to be about saving the school instead of the original lis2-esque on the road each-episode-is-a-new-location plot. really dodged a bullet there
dont know if it was due to the cuts and collapsing work environment (no budget for all the assets needed) or what but the school plot is just like the perfect setting for her to end her story. and we really almost got a plot about her.... just trying to make it back to her original house? oof
#my biggest problem with lis2 is that being on the road made a lot of your choices essentially meaningless#like wheres the threat of consequence when you know youll be gone by the next episode anyway?#the kids were originally gonna kick them out permanently.......Nightmare Scenario#the plot of her trying to get back 'home' is so silly honestly like its Just nostalgia/fan bait. convince me otherwise you cant#it makes no sense....she lived right outside a major city... that place is Not safe anymore#it wasnt even safe when she left it 8 years ago girl why would you go back#her finding a place to MAKE a new home and having to fight for it? with a community of her peers who love and respect her? so much better#shes a community leader now :) of a bunch of kids living secretly in the woods just trying to make a safe home for themselves#in a hostile world that wants them dead#love that for her#shes been managing adults since she was 11 and even before that tried to be a voice of reason. at 8 years old. community leader makes sense#s4 is just so narratively sound to me for clems character that i cant believe there was ever any other direction they wanted to go in#every time im thinking about how good s4 is i remember what it almost was......... and i am so grateful we got what we did#not only do we live in the universe where s4 is about the school but we Also live in the universe where s4 was un-cancelled :) yay#shit makes me so happy man. i remember clem is living happily at ericsons and my day is Immediately improved#these little fictional bitches in my head giving me free serotonin on command#it speaks#twdg
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