#i dont talk shit just because i hate competition! i dont talk shit just because im trying to make myself seem safe!
bigothteddies · 18 days
I talk a lot of fucking crap but I do have a little black book filled with everything I’ve been told about the tumblr doms on here and all the fucked up shit they’ve done. Creators talk to each other. The friendships aren’t just for show. I’m not saying I have “dirt” on anyone or that I’m friends with everyone and have heard everything or that what I’ve been told is even accurate. What I am saying is I have a good fucking reason to be so spiteful towards a lot of doms on this site, both for things they’ve personally done to people I know and for the long and storied cycle of popular doms on here being outted as abusers and groomers after they’ve been found out.
#unimportant thoughts#I don’t know im not like. a fan of cancelling stuff especially since so much latelt has been used as a tactic against marginalized groups#and its not like i havent done shit#i dont pretend to be perfect I know theres people out there who get pissed seeing my url on here and feel I shouldnt have a place here#its part of the reason i discourage people from viewing me as a ‘safe’ dom or as a ‘good’ dom on here#im just a person. good or bad.#keep your eyes and ears and wits about you in internet spaces ALWAYS#anyways#seriously. i domt just talk shit because i dislike them#i talk shit because they people have secret wives#because they are very clearly taking advantage of someone half their age and manipulating them into thinking its a normal relationship#<- and I DONT say that because im inherently against age gaps#i talk shit because they have cameras in girls rooms who dont even know their name and if i had to guess?#sounds like a dark corner of the internet illegal sex cam scheme to me#i talk shit because they’re in the DM’s of my friends and peers trying to convince them to join their cause#i talk shit because they only reason the stopped playing with that tumblr girls heart as a replacement for who they really wanted is because#they were TOLD to stop doing so#i talk shit because the reason people started being mean to Boss wasnt because he was cringe it was because he was a vile and abusive person#i dont talk shit just because i hate competition! i dont talk shit just because im trying to make myself seem safe!#i talk shit because these people and their actions genuinely bother me and i wish they didnt have a platform !#anyways we’ll see how long this stays up its dangerously close to starting shit i shouldnt be starting
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propaganda101 · 3 months
It's so funny that the ultra intellectuals on this site are always so bitchy about ppl just having fun with stuff and not really caring about literary criticism or hyper analyzing themes bc "everything and anything means something if youre smart", but then when ppl do look into themes and motifs they're instantly like: hey actually that media is just objectively bad :/ like it's kinda awful and youre making things up to justify you liking the thing :// no it's not bad morally it's just a bit shit and cringe ://// have you considered watching something actually intellectually stimulating? :)
like dude, youre just a film bro at this point get off your high horse
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nekropsii · 2 months
♤crotuna is double awful to me as a mituna liker and also guy who is obsesessed with troll society. like thats not how kismessitude works its a rivalry you cant just put to people who dont like each other together and call it pitch. can anyone hear me. its so dark in here.
ALSO when people act like cronus couldnt abuse mituna if they were in spades... KILLING YOU WITH MY MIND. did everyone just forget about terezi and gsmzee???
Pitch is Rivalry, yeah. Competitive Self Betterment. A lot of people seem to forget some genuine affection is necessary for BlackRom to work out and that there's clear distinction between "BlackRom" and "Just Hating Someone". The reason they can get so intense is because you care about the other party. It's a hell of a lot easier to get mad at something if you care about it, either because you love that thing or because it's negatively impacting something you love. It's why politics get people so up in arms. Politics inherently spell out who you do and do not care for the lives and rights of, and if that steps on groups that represent people that others care about a lot, they're going to get angry. Because... Duh.
Abusive Kismesissitudes are real and extremely possible, and I hate when people act like "Abuse" and "Kismesissitude" are either synonymous or completely exclusive of each other. Gamzee and Terezi were directly addressed as being in an Abusive Kismesissitude. There was a whole damn arc about it. Confronting the fact that it was an Abusive Kismesissitude was done in plain terms and on screen. It's pretty clearly spelled out.
So, yeah, fully agree. Pitch CroTuna is not fucking real and it never will be, because Cronus does not love Mituna and Mituna does not love him, and they're not in a god damned Quadrant. Cronus is explicitly just Mituna's abuser, and while this does involve Cronus sexually assaulting him, the mere presence of Mituna getting assaulted does not at all equate to either of them having feelings for each other, and if you so much as imply anything near contrary to that point, you are a sick fuck and should get hit by a car. Cronus does not care about Mituna. He cares about the fact that he can take advantage of the fact that he's a very vulnerable target that people will not listen to if he tries to speak up about the fact that he is getting abused. Cronus says that directly. He admits to it, in plain terms!
This is not shipping material, this is explicitly, textually someone experiencing extreme violence and bigotry at the hands of a man who does not care for the rights, happiness, consent, lives, and bodily autonomy of other people. This is explicitly someone getting intentionally targeted and abused because they are a vulnerable, oppressed minority group and the abuser feels confident they can get away with the abuse. Cronus has openly admitted to wishing that "culling meant what it should mean on Beforus", meaning making Alternian Culling methods - which is literal eugenics - the standard, so that he could kill Mituna for the crime of being disabled and get away with it. Nothing Cronus has ever said to Mituna even verges on Pitch Flirting. Not even close. It's just raw, unfiltered violent abuse and hatred.
If one is going to fetishize or romanticize abuse, at least own up to it. Don't try to warp canon just to soften and blur the edges. Don't get coy. Be straightforward and tag + talk about it appropriately, like an adult. Because if you're pairing Cronus and Mituna together, you are not writing a Pitch Relationship, you are writing Extreme Abuse. This shit isn't consensual, and the playing field is NOT even. Do not pretend like it is. Do not get coy. Be honest.
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buggyjuggie · 5 months
I know this might be a weird request but I saw on one of your old post and it was mentioning a swap AU with kenshi and Johnny, I wanted to do something kinda similar and it be instead swap, be opposite personality (ex johnny instead of being confident and cocky hes timid and insecure) I'm new to MK so im not sure how opposite kenshi would be but I hope you understand, if you have any questions feel free to ask me again!
──★ ˙ ̟Johnny and Kenshi Swap personalities AU
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( There’s little hints of johnshi here but can be read as just platonically)
「 ✦ Kenshi ✦ 」
* So because this is swapped personality but not positions Kenshi i imagine is in a higher rank in the yakuza than normal.
* Because of his cocky attitude he takes more jobs and is more confident about his missions.
* He still doesn’t like doing them but he hides his guilt using his personality.
* I feel 50/50 about the idea of him being a show off for example in MK1 Johnny tends to show off his wealth, fame, movies, everything but i feel like even in this AU if Kenshi did it would make him look insane on one hand he’d do it because of the amount of time he’s spent in this bussines has at least semi desensitised to it but im not sure at the same time cuz i dont feel like it’ll fit his character so idk let me know what you think.
* When Kenshi broke into Johnny’s mansion i want you to imagine the scene where johnshi + Kung lao are walking to Baraka’s village and basically take the dialogue and put it here Kenshi just straight up shit talking Johnny to his face
* After losing to Johnny, Kenshi is absolutely pissed because he’s never failed a mission.
* Johnny and Kenshi’s relationship initially starts off very hostile they bicker argue and insult each other but trough training at the academy they slowly start to put that behind them and it evolves to a sort of rivalry less hating each other and more competitive if that makes sense.
* Kenshi was surprised when Johnny gave him Sento while yes he’s cocky and acts childish Kenshi still feels guilty for all the lives that he has taken while being a part of the yakuza, Kenshi doesn’t feel like he deserves this until Johnny explains his reasonings and slowly starts to put the past behind him and starts hope for a brighter future.
「 ✦ Johnny ✦ 」
* Because his personality is different in this AU instead of being knows for action movies Johnny is most known for horror and historical films.
* His social media presence is small but he’s still got big fanbase that likes him for his mysterious aura.
* Because of his now more silent personality when Johnny drops movie quotes in conversations it tends to sound more ominous and makes people scared of him.
* Johnny and Cris break up still for the same reason as normal : Johnny’s spending habits and perhaps some looked over alcohol problems.
* Did not understand at all what was going on when Kenshi broke in. Whas this a movie ? A prank ? Or is it real ? Dont look at him because he doesn’t know either.
* Johnny keeps sento to himself not because of it’s monitory gain instead for it’s history and doesn’t give it to Kenshi because he think that he’s untrustworthy.
* Eventually after being in the Wu Shi academy for long enough he starts to slowly open up to the people around him.
* Kenshi tends to rile him up so after a while when he gets annoyed he’ll talk shit back to Kenshi and they’ll be off just bickering (like love birds WHO SAID THAT)
* As for the dreaded Mileena poking Kenshi’s eyes out™ i imagine it goes pretty much the same Johnny realises that Kenshi saved him. Even trough all the bickering and rivalries that they had Kenshi still choose to sacrifice his sight for him.
* After the incident Johnny gives Sento to Kenshi as a token of his appreciation of the man and the sacrifice that he committed.
「 ✦ Random hc, these can be read as platonic or romantic ✦ 」
* Because Kenshi was part of the yakuza since he was young he didn’t have many chances to see any type of movies so when Johnny suggest to watch something Kenshi is on board,he’s really excited and keeps talking and making comments while watching.
* Kenshi’s favourite movies tend to be action and thrillers.
* Yes Johnny did show Kenshi the movies he played in but only because he was forced to after loosing a bet. Kenshi just talked about how hot Johnny was.
* Because Johnny doesn’t flaunt his fame like in MK1 his mansion is diffrent. It’s smaller, has simple designs, the awards that he’s won in his carrier are stored on a shelf in another room, all the items he bought are expensive but in the modern art type of way aka simple shapes, basic colours, some of them are small and don’t take up too much space.
* Johnny and Kenshi have different aesthetics when it comes to clothing Johnny tends to wear more basic and neutral colours while Kenshi if he’s not on some sort of mission wears more vibrant clothing.
* Ok i know this one is basic and practically canon to the fandom but still i gotta do it. Johnny buys Kenshi blindfolds, they tend to differ in colour so Kenshi can match them to the outfit that he’s currently wearing some of them have embroidery on the front(?) to make them fancy.
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Happy new years !!! I wanted to get this out before new years in my time zone so I’m a bit late lol. This one was a bit hard to write and get idea and I’m REALLY hoping that i didn’t make the character OOC if i did please let me know so i can improve but yeah hope you like this :3
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rosenbergamot · 2 months
thinking ab a boat boys ethubs pre relationship poly thing (idk what their ship name is) where bdubs is like “why are you so obsessed with etho” and joel is like “why are YOU so obsessed with etho” and are sooo displeased with each other but genuinely cant put into words WHY they hate the other? which leads to both of them having a reflection moment. there being someone else who is weird ab etho kind of like. grounds and sobers them and makes them think and reflect and both be like “hm why AM i obsessed with etho” to which they then realize. oh shit. im in love with that guy (how bdubs Didnt realize before is a whole can of worms)
and they talk ab it and HATE each other at first but then they grow to really like each other, have this genuine emotional bond, and start to develop feelings for the other. they can both be very vulnerable with the other bc joel is new and doesnt have this idea of the ethubs relationship and gets to know bdubs as a separation from etho and his own person despite them initially bonding over their mutual Weird Obsession. and bdubs doesnt know much ab joel because they dont talk too much and theyre from whole different servers. so neither of them have to act or put on a mask and theyre like “holy shit. i really like and appreciate you. we’re different but our differences work really well together. i viewed you as competition and a reflection of the things i dislike about myself but in getting close ive realized that i respect you and really enjoy your view of the world, yourself, building, and relationships. we should kiss”
meanwhile etho is like “why are bdubs and joel spending so much time together. is my life in danger” but no theyre just starting up a relationship which they will then add him into later
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just-a-floofy-catt · 6 months
Im trying just trying to clear these out so i can make a masterpost lmao
• Moon being like, really bad at dropping hints cus he just misbehaves or does bad or annoying shit to try and get you to spend more time with him
• Like, he steals your shit constantly just so youll play with him and spend your time trying to get it back, and will therefore also talk to him more
• Basically, hes too prideful, stubborn and just confused/shit at feelings at first to just ask you to spend more time with him, or to talk to you more in a normal way. Hes lowkey afraid and embarrassed of being found out XD
• Omg imagine this with like a super oblivious YN
• They just see him as a total pain in the ass and also think he kinda hates them, since his own internalized conflict makes him a lil snappy and distant and stuff sometimes. So YN just takes that as him not wanting to be near them
• Imagine when Moon starts getting braver and dropping hints pretty strongly and flirting
• Oblivious af YN still thinks the same as they did before and dont even notice
• They just think its more of him fucking with them and being mischievous and all
• Like, he'll carry on stealing your shit but now it has alot more flirtatious undertones. Like, he'll ask for a kiss in return for giving it back and tease you and shit.
• Theyre just like "Oh i guess he kinda likes me now, thats nice" , and go along with it, settling into the playful back and forth of the relationship.
• YN, being an oblivious, playful, competitive little shit, starts flirting back more intensely. This puts Moon OUT OF HIS FUCKING MIND
• Cus now YN can make him blush and fluster
• Granted, he can do the same, but its not the same because its 1.Harder to do, and with less play off and 2.Theyre oblivious to it being flirting so they never get *properly* flustered
• This starts to
• Drive
• Moon
• Insane
• Because no matter what he does, youre just way too fucking oblivious. How have you not caught on yet?????
• He then realizes that hes going to have to do the thing hes most afraid of....
• Confess directly
• (Hes a very direct guy, yes, but as previously stated, at the moment he's not too great with feelings - unless its with Sunny, since hes the only person hes actually close with, and he pretty much always has been for as long as he can remember. Later on, once he settles with YN and gets comfy in the relationship and all, he 100% will be very understanding and soft and good with his emotions though, but this is pretty much a first time experience for him okay? Cut the guy some slack for struggling XD)
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i dont ship stizzy but i cant deny the comedic potential in making their dynamic into something romantic. these two incredibly dramatic gay men hate each other on sight for no fucking reason and are incredibly petty no holds barred. izzy slashed up stede's shirt in a slutty way for no reason. stede called him iggy for no reason. and like this all happens before ed there's no reason for it they just fucking hate each other!!!
so anyway the dynamic here is obviously that they start hate fucking at some point and then fall in love on accident and obviously they're both SO MAD about it (shoutout to this post by @notebooks-and-laptops). but also once they realize their own feelings they also realize it's MUTUAL. minimal angst there imo i dont see angsty pining for stede and izzy sorry. they probably realize because stede stede calls izzy darling in bed one time and izzy moans to it really loud and then suddenly instead of hate fucking it's slow passionate and they're making love and right after that theyre both staring up at the ceiling like. fuck. fuck. i cannot believe im in love with this prick. this is the worst day of my life.
which leads to "i-love-you" chicken where neither of them say it. not because theyre afraid to but bc they don't want to lose. like they dont talk about it but it becomes clear that whoever admits that they genuinely care about the other first loses. lose what? idk their dignity. bragging rights. cannot stress enough how much this happens without them verbally communicating abt it they just KNOW and they know that the other one knows and they’re both trying so hard not to say it but also trying to get the other one to say it first
so they try to aggressively woo the other one with like over-the-top romantic gestures (gifts and acts of service or whatever idk i dont care enough abt this ship to think of examples). and whenever like stede is trying to woo izzy all he gets is izzy being like “fuck off bonnet” and a huge prick and vice versa for when izzy tries to woo stede (idk what either of them do to woo each other and i don’t care enough abt this ship to think of anything sorry). and the crew is like “i thought stede and izzy were past this silly squabbling”
and idk maybe this is steddyhands in which case the crew is asking ed “doesnt it bother you that theyre at each other’s throats again?” and ed (who’s been having the time of his life watching the two of them have incredibly passionate and romantic but also angry and competitive sex for weeks) is like. oh im sure they’ll work through this little spat in no time.
in my head izzy breaks first when stede gets severely wounded in a raid and while he’s unconscious and healing izzy is like “you piece of shit i love you so much you cant die now” and THAT’S when stede wakes up and is like “HA!!! YOU ADMITTED IT FIRST!!!!! I WIN!!!!!!!!!!” and he rips his stitches from laughing so hard and roach has to sew him up again before he bleeds out
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also-fours · 6 months
hearing all this discourse about spidey 2 vs baldur's gate 3 and im like.
i really liked spider-man 2 and am very excited to play bg3
i hate gamers
they're so competitive
"baldur's gate 3 is a mobile game" no the fuck it isn't, it's a very well made strategy game that accurately recreates the gameplay loop of DND from what ive seen with a lot of very lovable characters, just because it isnt something you've played doesnt mean it's bad
"spider-man 2 was garbage cinematic slop" no the fuck it isn't, it had satisfying DMC/GOW esque gameplay simplified into something still satisfying but more accessible, with near endless ways of approaching combat
yes baldur's gate 3 doesnt look that exciting at a glance, yes SM2 was a bit rushed, performance and story wise, but they're both amazing games for different audiences
shut the fuck up and let me enjoy my skin tight suit wearing spider-powered blorbos and my silly red-skinned tiefling (i admittedly dont know much about bg3 lore wise i am intentionally keeping myself vague on it but i am nevertheless very excited to play :])
if you dont know shit about the other, dont fuckin talk about it
spider-man 2 is more than just "some marvel movie," and baldur's gate 3 is more than just "some mobile game"
also...these are entirely different games???? hello???? whats the point in comparing them, like
"do i like this fuckin grilled cheese sandwich or do i like finger painting" they're nothing alike
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cluster-b-culture-is · 11 months
cluster b culture(specifically bpd) is hating people who make trauma into a competition but also feeling the need to do it constantly(but never actually doing it and always just simmering quietly) when someone talks about their abandonment/loneliness trauma. like you have FRIENDS now and youve had them for YEARS. you're lucky because i dont have that shit
and then feeling really guilty and jealous at the same time and never saying any of that
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stupidrant · 9 months
I have to talk abt this as this has been in my mind for months and this i think is the only safe space to talk abt the fandom and their weird antics towards the characters/actors and overall games.Im not against criticism but theres a line between criticizing and going overboard with hating.
One thing i dont understand abt the god of war fandom is that they complain about alot of things not being “accurate” and thats doesnt make sense to me bc when has gow ever been accurate? I thought it was obvious from the beginning that SMS wasnt going for that and never truly will. Its always their own interpretation. They also have this weird hatred / ignorance towards atreus that i also dont understand? Yea he was a little annoying in the first game but thats understandable as hes… a kid. Ragnarok expanded his character pretty well imo and i feel like alot of these people for some reason cannot get past him in general? Maybe because they are afraid of him taking over the series and “forgetting” kratos (idk why thats in their minds LOL) or they just hate him just because. I feel like the fandom wants kratos to forever be this god who destroys things and whatnot and its all so weird. like they never gave him a chance. thankfully he has fans but majority hates him. Dont even get me started on how they treat angrboda. Its really so ridiculous to me that they can be so hateful for no true reason. they call her a bitch for yelling at atreus when all the women in the game get annoyed or disappointed in him atleast once. And they dont understand that she has only known this prophecy shit for her whole life and she couldnt do anything outside bc of the threat. ofc shes angry bro LOLL its also in her name like i dont understand 😭.  Atreus helps her get out of that mindset and assures her she can do whatever she wants now. Laya is so strong idk how she does it :( I also noticed they treat thrud as this “replacement” of angrboda bc they dont like her either cuz shes black or bc they hate her and everything related to atreus but as long as he has a character they can like thats not angrboda its fine. Its all so weird bc theres no competition between the two. There never was. I dont think they actually like thrud for her character they just want to be weirdos and i feel kinda bad for her and mina bc they really dont give a fuck. Im so shocked chris sunny and others even INTERACT with this bullshit of a fandom they are all really strong bc id say fuck all of you and go 😭 im not against criticism at all and i try not to take this shit seriously but its hard when you see a insane group of people take alot of this shit to the next level. this fandom is a bunch of whiny babies who hold onto their precious destroyer too much. The hate everyone has gotten recently is just so stupid and they often times try to make it their goal to hate. I see that SMS is trying to diverge their fandom to a broader audience and they are taking a bit more risks esp with atreus and i love that despite the backlash against him, they continued with his character regardless. I hope they do the same thing with the other characters as well and expand them no matter how much these people want to hate and act all high and mighty. I can understand certain critiques like the ending being too fast or maybe they couldve done blah blah better and whatnot but i think alot of people are overreacting and being ridiculously nitpicky with alot of things when it comes to ragnarok. 
Last thing and also kinda random thing SMS is very wrong for what they did to TC Carson and i acknowledge that completely and i hope they never do smth like that to any of the current cast either bc i would be fucking pissed if so LOL
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
I love Hobi, God knows I do and he is enlisting soon. I get that. Me is ot7 anyday of the week. But here lies my issue;
FACE lasted on there 👇🏽 for all of 2 minutes
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Then look how close their release dates are.
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Members so far have gotten to promote their shit with no interruptions but Jimin has to share the limelight❓❓❓ For whatever reason. And people are gonna keep yapping about how he's the company's favorite? Ain't no such thing man, Fuck outta here!
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I'm on pills and that's not even working
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First off, I think two things can be true at once. Jm could be hybe's favorite idol and still get screwed up by hybe💀
Ain't nobody following the script like Park Jimin, ain't nobody fetching them coins and attention like Park Jimin. He's the korean IT Boy brand reputation king. Hybe's gotta love him and if they don't fuck them. They ain't shit anyways😌
This whole shmelly business has me between rocky and palm face won't lie. And any comment I make on this will fetch me some heat but here goes nothing. On one hand I love me some healthy idol competition up in BAngtan to see who outsells who and who out performs who- makes for quality entertainment if you ask me.
but on the other hand, I just hate blatant injustices and this right here is the mother of all injustices. It's just atrocious and wrong. It's not really a fair competition if some have more resources, more exposure and more corporate support now is it?
What is good for the goose is good for the gander and I'm just not seeing the fair equitable distribution of company resources on this one. Hybe needs to wash their ass with soap. It stinks from all the shitting they be shitting out here.
It's one thing if they are doing it on purpose but if all this is just one big coincidence as a result of their lack of thoughtfulness and awareness in handing these boys' marketing then I'm sorry someone needs to get skinned up in there. Yea I said it. Off with their heads.
Knowing hybe it's either they think JM has enough organic traction to sell on his own- matter fact, when it comes to the maknae line vs the hyung line this is very often the approach but we don't talk about that💀
I remember they did the same thing around the time of covid right before BTS announced they were going solo. I remember ranting about how they were deliberately sabotaging BTS to promote the other brands under hybe.
It's not uncommon for hybe to use the influence, reach and relevance of one brand to cross promote another. Yall recieved the weird notifications from certain brands on Weverse?
Whe it comes to the hyung line, the company goes a little bit hard and extra each time and they often do this with the members they think are least likely to perform in terms of numbers.
However, this time around, I think it has something to do with the enrollment list? Don't know, could be wrong. The thought that JM or Namjoon is next after Hobi makes me sick to the tummy and I hope I'm wrong 😭😭😭
I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they going off of the enlistment list and need to do whatever they can for Hobi before he leaves.
Besides, I think If they were to treat the members equally and not equitably, I'm afraid some members wouldn't do as well- phpah pah paw. Gunshots😭😭
I know they think Jimin has the numbers, and he will do great in spite of these hurdles- but see, that's how we lose. THATS HOW WE FUCKING LOSE when everyone stops pushing cos they think this is an easy win!
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I've seen Bangtan lose and come close to losing awards because of mentalities like this for me to sit quietly and watch it happen to Park Jimin. IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!
But then i also dont see him as competing against the hyung line you know? What are they competing for? Those two have totally different audiences and need unique market approaches and strategies to reach them💀
And I'm not just talking about reaching just army.
I would be concerned if they started using the same promotional strategy of a rapper for a singer.
If anything, I think JMs competition is the Maknae line and probably Jin too as he is also part of the vocal line. Therefore I feel I don't have a yardstick to measure him against yet as neither Jungkook nor Tae's album has been released- right?
But wait till it's JK or Taehyung's turn and let me see different treatment out here- I DARE THEM
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If hybe thinks they are just going to gloss over things and sweep JMs album debut under the rags then they have another thing coming. They should plant their feet on solid grounds cos I'm about yanking the ground from underneath them.
They are going to leave everything on the shoulder of the fans and then swoop in last minute to claim they did shit for the BOYS when things turn out great.
They should show me the budget they have for each members' promotional package. Let's start there. Cos that determines how and where each member gets promoted.
On the flip side, having those two contents out around the same time reduces promotion costs as such content tend to cross promote eachother. Face will definitely drive traffic to Hobi's content as will Hobi's content to Face.
Personally I wished they would release vminkook albums consecutively within a short span of eachother. People listening to face will be more likely to click on Jk's song and Tae's right after. It keeps the fans engaged, keeps the momentum going and keeps all three trending on the charts making it hard for an outsider to break the chain.
They could have done same for the hyung line too.
All this seem to lack direction and each day my non existent faith in hybe wanes.
I hope the end would justify the means. Hopefully. I'm gonna sit tightly out here and watch it all play out to the credits and then I will comment on it😌
Hybe brought them this far, I should at least hope they know what the hell they are doing. But if Face pays the price for their edgy endeavors then I shouldn't be held responsible for the hex I put on them.
It's funny how you say Jimin is about to share the limelight when he's actually about to eat Hobi up😭😭
Gotta run 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️
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akgaereporter · 7 months
txt: soobin catching strays for *checks notes* watching an anime..
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tldr: a pann article(?) was starting shit abt an anime soobin mentioned on a live from MONTHS AGO. the anime (made in abyss) has some disturbing/horror/gore themes. he said he thought it was boring and was hesitant to recomend it to moas in the live. but in another live he had with seungkwan, he said he watched it because woozi mentioned it and then said he recommended it to sk. moas started making it a real issue, saying "if u defend him for this block me" & implying he endorsed the themes in the anime. sigh..
when ur in a meat eating competition and ur opponents are soobin antis who call themselves moas😱😱😱😱😱 yall are annoying as fuck all shade.. leave him ALONE abeg
tonight soobins name is trending on twt dot com for something other than the seunghan live or pannchoa making shit up about him😓 apparently (because i couldnt find it) a REAL kr pann article, not flopchoa, was made resurfacing an old live of him talking about animes he's watched. one of them was made in abyss, a psychological horror anime that is meant to be disturbing.
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in this live he says that its not something he wants to recommend to moas because of the themes in it. after the clip started making rounds on twt however, people brought up the fact that he'd mentioned it before and said he enjoyed it.
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now lets not jump to conclusions like SOME lewsers and realize here that the anime version of made in abyss that's available in korea is highly censored. it reduced the s3xual/problematic scenes that were in the manga, and had a lot of stuff cut out of it that made it bad.
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but even if this wasnt the case, its so silly to suggest that u endorse every piece of media u watch☠️ are u a vehicle if i watch cars 2?? are u a murderer if u watch true crime?? are u gay if u watch heartstopper? well yes but lets please use some critical thinking here friends
the first two screenshots from his live alone should be the end of this discussion because thats obviously how he really feels. but noooo user28247943 on twt.com always has to create some thinkpiece for other no brain having ass kpop stans to like and rt and make blockchains abt.. exhibit a:
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like what the hell r these people yapping about. me when im trying SOOOO HARD im PISSING and CRAPPING MYSELF to make this grown man from south korea who has no idea i am look like a bad person☠️
yeonternet was the person who started all this bs tho. idk if theyre the one who brought the pann article to twt but their tweets abt it are so braindead lord.. this person had over 1k follows trying to police what an adult man watches & saying it makes her uncomfortable that he does.. girl dont watch what he watches then?? and after shitting out that steaming load of crap shawty deactivated without clarification cause she couldnt take the heat ! ikdr never come back
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++apparently the author of made in abyss admitted that they used the show to portray their s3xual fantasies abt children but even hardcore watchers of the show didnt know that like..
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also when he initially said all this in the live the response was fawking normal as it should be..
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bc it isnt just gore and horror and nasty scenes, it has worldbuilding elements, characters, plot, etc that people enjoy it for. its rated highly and its so fucking ridiculous that people were genuinely throwing around the word PEDO for stupid shit like this. when actual pedos show up yall wont even be able to recognize them through the serious justice warrior twitter brainrot thats spreading rn..
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but the bottom line here is that its pretty clear people are trying to start a smear campaign on soobin. the pann article itself was just nasty akgaes and antis adding onto the hate train hes been getting since the sh live thing. and it's just so nasty and horrible to see self proclaimed moas jumping on that the first chance they got like damn bitch ur just a LOSER who never liked sb in the first place. need all of these mfs ran off the app immediately like its concerning to see how many of them have large followings
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uarmyeonjun went priv but she had almost 2.5K FOLLOWS before those twts. genuinely be careful who u call oomf like these people are real hybrids all it takes is an alt/priv and a dream for a normal person to turn into a complete FREAK ASS😓 hell is real and its called moaville
a story in 3 parts:
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maybe 4
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1.3k follows are we not SCARED?
here’s a link to a thread of the clowns in HD ! point and laugh❤️
anyways stay safe in these streets trust nobody stay strapped at all times. kpoptwt gets uglier everyday bye
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rzyraffek · 1 year
If slashers interact regulalary, like as if going about more or less like rgeular people(but still slahsers of course :P), I am curious. Jamie Llyod, how would slashers interact with there buddies niece?Suddenly finding herself with a bunch of honorary "uncles"
Specific curisiotes include, Brahms, Jason, Bubba, both Scream guys(Billy and Stu), Leslie Vernon, and anyone else you might wanna toss in there if your happy to answer :)
AWWWW (i had to google Jamie Llyod cuz i thought you meant a guy from lego ninjago cartoon series and i was a little confused) Request open!!
Voorhees Jason
Accually he seems to be great with kids, he is just overthinking. If they go to shop together he wont be able to resist buying her whatever snack she wants!
He would rather pick her up and carry her around than to hold her hand because he gets distracted easly and he would just loose her in middle of forest
Jason will melt if jamie will say something along the lines "you are the best unlce ever!!" he will litteraly pass out and die
Jason and Micheal are besties so i can see them just hanging around and Micheal just randomly bringing her with him. just to chill and vibe. It would be very quiet vibe due to them being mute but it doesnt stop them from hanging out!
Billy and Stu! (tw to yall homophobes, this biches gay)
"ew a child..." "sup uncle Billy and Stu" "uhh look you are here only because Micheal made us baby sit you" "lol okay"
"I hate childen so much Stu :( " "Cmon its not that bad! She painted my nails!" "of course she did" "Also she said Im way better baby sitter than you!" "I- aint no way you are better than me"
This evening just turned into Billy and Stu trying to beat each other in "who is better uncle" competition
"Hey Jamie wanna see a scary movie :]" "cmon shes like 4" "im almost sure shes like 7 dude"
"I'm hungry im calling Micheal" "NONONO I- i mean why- we ordered fastfood! right Stu?" "uhh yeaahh, wait i just need to go outside for a, eeehh for an *runs to nearest fastfood to buy sometihng to eat*
they forgor that children accualy have to eat
they are so chaotic, they will fall asleep together (all 3) while watching Sponge Bob (Stu and Billy are secretly boyfriends btw i do not care that it has nothing to do with this headcanons, i just wanna inform you all)
"I know you guys are gay" " :O WHAT! I mean- who told you that! pfff some prankster probably" "I saw you hold hands! and thats what people do when they love each other! :3"(top tier sin)
Billy and Stu live together probably and their house is such a mess! its probably huge too, because Stu perents kinda rich. So i can imagine them loosing Jamie in middle of hause and then looking for her (shes goofy ah she will pretend they are playing hide and seek jsut to scare the shit out of them)
Heelshire Brahms
HE he would be so akward!!! Like "ehhh uhh hello child why are you in my house child, uhhh bloody hell" (Quick reminder that hes British and i will make fun of him)
HE WOUDL PROBABLY CALL MICHEAL "Uhhh Mr Micheal ur eeh your niece is here uhh can you like pick her up-" Jamie just standing behind hir "AAH-You, you wanna play scrabbles?" "ew no, can we play hide and seek" "Oh.My.God nevermind you can stay"
Micheal just comes to pick her up or something and Brahms with Jamie are already besties and they prolly made frienship braslets (and shit talk some people too)
okay ladies im back and i will write some more soon! pls comment and dont remember to like and subscibe and hit that bell button
tbh i dint have a lot of ideas (thats why Bubba isnt included i just had no clue what to write) but its good ig, and if i will find any people bullying stu/billy for being homosex i will steal ur steam account B)
x reader tags are only for more people to reach this post nothing sus here
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calamitydaze · 1 year
can i be honest ive been a q fan for a long time now and i dont get why everyones suddenly unstanning him? like. i get being annoyed but i dont see why everyone i follow thinks its crazy to still support both of them when the worst q's done is ignore some messages. which is shitty and it does upset me but at the end of the day i dont understand why everyone HATES hates him now :(((( idk. sorry to bug u about this, esp if u dont rly want to talk about it with everything being soso stressful rn :( hope u r doing okay
no need to be sorry!! i don’t mind at all, i always wanna hear people’s honest thoughts :] and i get where you’re coming from— i’ve deeply admired quackity for years, and i was keeping my head down and still being a fan of him while the drama was ramping up and even defended him when i thought dtblr was being unreasonable a Day before the dressay dropped.
but i think it’s important to understand that the crux of what everyone is so mad about now is not just that quackity ignored messages (like you said, a shitty and upsetting way to handle things but able to be looked past). it’s that he ignored repeated good-faith attempts to resolve unintended competition, to the point of being willing to change their concept for him, from someone who thought they were friends (a childish and petty thing to do, and already showing of character). it’s that he didn’t make even the smallest effort to cooperate even when there was visible tension between fanbases, even when dream fans were getting harassed and doxxed and sent slurs and threats, even when dream and his family were being doxxed, stalked, tracked, and threatened to the point of the fbi needing to be in contact, to the point where dream’s very last resort was to make an open letter that he knew he was going to get shit for (a morally reprehensible thing to do).
and i’m not pinning the blame solely on quackity here— he can’t control anyone, and dream has always gotten more severe hate than the average creator. but the correlation is clear, and whether or not he meant it that way, people are taking quackity’s silence as permission. he didn’t even need to talk to dream for that, or be positive about the usmp itself! it only takes a minute and a little bit of decency to pop a priv tweet about not wanting anyone to harass in your name, and he couldn’t even do that. it really hurts because like i said, i loved him, but i just can’t reconcile support for the kind of person who would do that over a minecraft server. that’s just my opinion anyway (and hopefully i could explain more of why people are reacting the way they are). do what feels right to you :) i hope you’re doing okay too 🫂🫂🫂
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rrelationshipadvice · 5 months
should i tell someone that i don't really like them??
okay so for context i've known this person for about a year and a half now and we've never been super close. they badmouth everyone who decides to end a relationship with them (platonic or romantic), and have this way of twisting the story to make them in the right and completely innocent while the other person is the actual Worst and ruined their life.
no one who knows them really likes them, and i feel kind of bad because we all feel like we have to be nice to them so we won't get slandered/have something we've done taken completely out of context used to turn people against us (like, lets say i said something like "oh, im just a bit frustrated with so-and-so right now bc i feel like they won't listen to me" and that turns into "you hate b and think theyre awful and youve done x y and z to me and youre a bitch!")
i just don't really want to be close with them/feel obligated to hang out with them, but we're also going to be working very closely together on a show (we both do technical theater, and we're both on tech for a show. theres also only four people on tech including us, although person i'm talking about is technically an alternate but is handling costumes and props bc we don't have room for more tech as the show is for a competition and it needs a large cast.)
however, im worried that if i do say anything, its going to make the next several months very awkward (like, this show has the potential to not be over until mid-May, and at least go until the end of march.)
i dont want to make a bad vibe/atmosphere or cause drama, but i genuinely dont like being around this person and i always overthink what i say around them and how i act bc i don't want to be the next person on their shit list
(sorry its so long, i just wanted to give all the context i think this needs)
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daiseukiis · 1 year
i have no idea what you're talking about bestie
kaiser - i actually started liking this stupid koolaid hair dipped man because of a few smaus. yk those like scenerios of like 1/2 ss yea... fell for him there. i dont even know why i have so much appeal to him, probably because he's s smug cocky little shit and his tattoos honestly get me. but still, that little ass needs to be humbled and i am here all for it ;)
despite me and him like being so suffocatingly flirtly with him that almost everyone hates it, they also appreciate the times that i am the only one that can smack his stupid ass up right again and humble him. he really does listen to me, and he most likely admires my determination and super blunt ass lol. before games he makes sure to kiss me, he thinks it a good luck charm. we play pass sometimes, though i'm not any good at football he still enjoys playing with me ( or so he says he does ). he remembers the small things surprisingly, how i love the colour purple and though not into dresses, loves buying ones with blue roses ( ironically enough, a very pale or royal shade of blue rlly suits me so if he sees it he's buying it ) and he lets me use his card to go shopping!
kise - i cannot get this dumb blonde idiot out of my head like what the actual fuck. when i saw him i'm like oh he's pre cut, but omg the more scenes of him i ended up liking him and how determined he is. esp that scene of kasamatsu telling him off, this guy also needs to be humbled. i rlly liked his character development and i like how it shows that kise isn't just some 'good guy' everyone says he is. also, this bitch has been nerfed so many times in the anime like ??? HE IS UNSTOPPABLE HE ISTG THE STRONGEST GOM AND THEN BOOM INJURED.
me and kise is me turning down his flirtyass sometimes haha, he needs to be humbled like kaiser! he is another that most likely admires me for my attitude. i'm no gom player like him, nor am i like outstandingly amazing at ball, we play tgtr and this stupid asshole never lets me win! i give him pointers since i used to coach, he absolutely loves my dedication to the sport lol. i hate how he teases me, regardless of my competitive dancing background could not for the love of me survive dance dance rev. i hate him for that. we go shopping tgtr and when we go out we're lwk matching ! he dresses me up, i dress him up. he takes me to his modelling gigs sometimes and when they need an extra i model w him :3
sting - my first anime crush ! the owner of my heart, kise, kaiser and everyone else be renting ! ( real ! ) literally would melt again in his presence. pre gmg sting was such an asshole, like he was michael kaiser asshole it is so astonishing. but he actually does care a lot though under that masked cocky crop top he's always in. istg when lector disappeared and he cried for him back rlly stung, and i love how he cares so much about other post gmg !!! like omg, i could fall to my knees im so in love with him it's so crazy.
i would nag at him to do his guild work, because as guild master he really needs to get his shit together or else we can't go on jobs tgtr. he sucks at cooking, so i'm the one who cooks for him; depending on how busy he is doing paper work i'll feed him too! always pecks me a kiss if he has to go on a mission and will always come back with souvenirs for me. he's a bit forgetful, but i can see that he makes up for it for surprise dates, lots of cuddles and kisses.
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