#good greif i gotta get to sleep
ibrithir-was-here · 1 year
Its almost 2 AM. And instead of sleep I wrote Baby Dream AU drabble, cuz Calliope only graces me in her time zone I guess. Might be a part two. Anyway here ya go xD
Baby Dream Drabble (part 1?)
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Jessamy was a raggedy, much mended, button eyed stuffed raven. She was Morpheus's only friend, and he loved her more than anything in the world. 
Teleute had given Jessamy to him on his first birthday, though of course he didn't remember that.
She'd made Jessamy with her Gift. He knew that, even if he didn't know how. He didn't really know how any of their Gifts worked. He just knew that they all had them.
Portos could See, 
Teleute could Give--and Take Away
And he could Dream
The others were too small yet for their gifts to be clear. Olethros was just four, the twins were barely  two, and baby Euphoria hasn't even reached a full year yet. 
But Morpheus thought Portos already knew what their Gifts would be. After all, he had been the one to give them all their names, though he was only ten himself. He'd looked with seemingly unseeing eyes at each one of his siblings as they'd lain blinking up at him, hours old, and had Seen the shape of who'd they become, the outline of their life written out like a page within a great book that only he could read. 
That was how he'd explained it to Morpheus anyhow.
The explanation seemed to be enough for Mother and Father as well. They'd just nodded and agreed, and then handed the newly named child off to their nanny, free now to pursue their own interests within the scope of their own Gifts, until those interests crossed to include each other again, in which case another child was added to the Aterenus family.
Another small bassinet to line the nursery, which would become a small bed within a few years, shuffled over to make room for another small bassinet. Each one set up and left to the care of the nanny who'd been taken on that month. 
They never stayed long. They found the house too lonesome to abide,  the masters too difficult to appease, and the children too strange to love.
The children learned to make due.
Portos spent his time wandering the gardens of the estate, keeping out of everyone's way, his fingers tracing over his books. 
Morpheus, at six, wasn't technically allowed in the library, but sometimes he managed to sneak in, and when he did he'd pour over the pictures of every book he could reach. He didn't understand all of the words, but he'd make up stories around the pictures and the words he could read, whispering them allowed to Jessamy. 
Teleute, always the most outgoing of the three eldest siblings, and though she was only eight and the nanny should have been watching, she managed to always find a way out of the  manor house and out into "the real world" as she called it, though it was only the local village. 
She would come back with tales of such fantastic things as shops and cinemas and other children to play with, children who were called home at last by mothers who smiled and fathers who laughed and hugged them close. 
Morpheus drank in her stories like he was someone's dying of thirst.
And at night he'd Dream of them.
The shops and cinemas and happy children with happy parents. As vibrantly and fully as he could. And for a few hours each night he'd wrap himself in a bubble of warmth that he'd never felt in the waking world.
Sometimes he'd even be able to pull bits out from the dreams. Only little things though. A wrapper fromna sweet he'd never tasted, a  stub from  a film he'd never seen, a flower from a feild he'd never played in.
He never could seem to pull out the big things. The friends, the smiling families, the warm feelings.
He thought perhaps, if he could see them once himself, in truth, then maybe the next time he Dreamed them he could make them real.
If he could see them just once, he knew he could. 
That was how one day he'd found himself, Jessamy in tow as always, ducking through the underbrush, scrambling through the hole in the fence Teleute had told him of, and running as fast as his small legs could carry him down to the village. Towards sunshine and smiles and maybe even a friend who could speak back to him. 
He got to the bottom of the hill when the men in the dark car grabbed him.
They put something on his mouth that muffled his scream and made him feel strange and sleepy--and when he did sleep he didn't dream.
When he finally woke, feeling sick and fuzzy, he was somewhere dark and cold and hard. There was a strange painted circle around him, and that made him feel more sick and fuzzy. 
There were people all around him also, and their shadowed faces were as cold and hard as the room they were crowded in. 
The man they called Mr. Burgess was the hardest and coldest of all. He shouted at the others for "grabbing the wrong one" and several other things about the difficulty of spells and alignments and other things Morpheus didn't understand.
And then he'd started shouting at Morpheus.
He wanted to know what he could do, what his Gift was, what he was good for. 
Morpheus didn't answer. He was too afraid to. In case his Gift was not what they wanted. In case it was.
He wasn't supposed to tell people about his Gift. None of them were. It was one of the few things his parents had ever told him, besides to stop bothering them. Never let anyone know what he and his siblings could do. They would be in terrible trouble if they ever did. People would do horrible things to them if they found out about their Gifts. 
Morpheus didn't want to know what could be more terrible than being in this place, with these people.
So he kept quiet. He kept quiet for three days. He thought it was three anyway, it might have been more. He couldn't tell, here in the darkness.
He kept quiet, and ate the little food they gave him and drank the little water, and hugged Jessamy to him tightly when he got too hungry and didn't want to cry, for fear he wouldn't be able to stop.
He felt like that more and more often. 
Each day Mr. Burgess came down to yell at him. To yell and demand and threaten. And Morpheus felt fear locking his mouth shut tighter with every horrible word that spilled from the man's mouth. And he spent each night cowering from nightmares of the man; towering over him as he shrank smaller and smaller, chasing after him in the darkness, locking him in a glass bubble with no air, suspended naked for all to see. 
And on the third or fourth or seventh day, Mr. Burgess snatched Jessamy out of Morpheus's arms.
And he tore her into pieces.  
He dumped the pieces outside of the painted circle, where Morpheus couldn't reach them. He could only stare, thick, silent tears running down his thinning cheeks as he stared at the tatters that had been his only friend. 
He thought, dimly, that he didn't think he could talk now even if he wanted to.
And he didn't want to. He didn't want to do anything but be somewhere else. Somewhere far, far away. 
Somewhere warm, and safe. Where Mr Burgess couldn't be. Where there would be softness instead of hard stone, and enough to eat, and…and…
Morpheus curled up on the stone, as tightly as he could, and let his mind drift off. He hadn't tried to Dream, properly Dream, the whole time he'd been here. Worried his Dreaming might give his gift away, worried it would make things worse.
He didn't think things could get worse now.
At least if he Dreamed, he might see Jessamy again.
If he was very lucky, maybe he wouldn't even wake up.
And so he let the Dream wrap around him, hoping that wherever it took him, it would never end
It was the smell of pancakes that woke him.
He didn't really wake of course. Morpheus could tell he was in a dream, he always could. But in the dream he was waking up, and there was warmth and softness all around him. 
A pillow and mattress beneath him, a blanket tucking him in. Both more comfortable than anything he'd ever had at home. More colorful too. As he blinked open his eyes, Morpheus saw a room filled with a galaxy swirl of color. The walls were covered in bright paper, the ceiling in little plastic stars, something his parents would never have allowed in the nursery lest they peel the paint. 
 The windows were a riot of color, stained glass that the warm sunlight filtered through to send a rainbow down onto Morpheus's equally star-covered blanket. 
And there were toys. 
Toys of all shapes and sizes and descriptions, in bright and cheery colors, scattered on shelves and in woven baskets and some simply scattered on the floor, another afront his parents would never have stood for, though Morpheus couldn't remember the last time they'd actually been inside the nursery. 
In permeating it all was the wonderful smell of pancakes, coming through the door on the other end of the room.
Slowly, afraid that at any moment he'd take a wrong step, trip over a toy and take a tumble and wake with a jolt back in his waking nightmare, Morpheus tip-toed his way across the floor, the starry blanket pulled about his shoulders, determined to keep its warmth about him as long as he could.
He took a breath, turned the handle, and walked into a large open room. There was a comfortable looking , a few bookcases filled with interesting looking books, and a television set turned off, but a radio was playing somewhere.
And at the far end it opened into a kitchen space, where a man stood, his back turned to Morpheus, flipping pancakes and humming along with the radio. 
Morpheus stopped in his tracks, frozen at the sight of the towering adult. He was broad and strong looking, with longer hair than Morpheus had seen on a man, with a reddish tint to it that reminded Morpheus of his father's hair. He wondered how loud this man could yell, how hard he could hit. 
Morpheus gulped, took a step back. wondered if it was too late to sneak back into the wonderful bedroom, lock the door and hope he wouldn't be noticed. If he was very very quiet he could probably get away and--
And right then his stomach gave an almighty rumble. 
It would have been loud in the waking world, in a dream it practically echoed.
Morpheus froze up like a deer in headlights, hunger displaying as icy fear flooded his stomach as the man froze, and then turned…
The warmest, softest, kindest eyes Morpheus had ever seen settled on him, widening in surprise for a moment and then crinkling up into a happy welcoming smile.   
Morpheus had never known that people could smile with their eyes.
"Hullo"  The man said, crouching down to get on eye level with Morpheus, "Who might you be then?"
Morpheus opened his mouth to answer--and then shut it again, looking down at his feet as he felt his cheeks flush under the attention.  He hadn't  spoken much to adults even before he'd been taken, afraid of hearing once more that he needed to be quiet, to get out of the way. He'd never had someone approach him like this, on his level instead of towering over him.
It was strange and disconcerting and…and nice.
And yet he still couldn't make himself speak. He'd gone so long without using his voice by now that he was almost afraid of what he'd hear if he tried. 
But he knew if he didn't say something the man would start to get angry. He'd start to yell and then then--
Morpheus felt his chest tightening again, his throat felt thick even as he tried to summon up something, anything to say before the tears burning at the edges of his eyes could fall.
"Hey hey, it's alright"
The man's soft voice broke through the ice of Morpheus's panic like the sunshine of Spring thawing a frozen lake, its soothing tones sinking down into him, pulling him up from the depths he'd been sinking into.
"Bit shy? That's alright then. Suppose it's rude of me to ask before I've even introduced myself."
He held out a hand, slowly, so that Morpheus wasn't even startled into thinking it was coming towards him.
"I'm Hob, Hob Gadling. Would you like some pancakes then, little dream?"
Morpheus looked at the man, Hob's, hand, open in invitation, held steady, not gearing up for a slap. He looked at his warm smile, his kind eyes. And for the first time in more days than he knew, Morpheus felt warm all through.
He reached out his own hand, and placed it cautiously in Hob's. It curled over, dwarfing his small one, cupping it gently but not squeezing, not trapping in anyway. And Morpheus nodded his head. Yes, he would love some pancakes. He was so, so hungry.
Hungry for food and warmth and the kindness in Hob's face, a kindness he didn't think he'd ever seen till now, had never known could exist outside of his older sister and the comforting softness of his lost Jessamy.
Hob's smile became even brighter, and he gently, so gently, took Morpheus's hand as he led him to the table, where a plate of steaming, golden pancakes lay, stacked and waiting.
"Well come on then, I'd love the company. Stay as long as you'd like"
Morpheus wondered if he could stay forever.
When Hob Gadling woke up that morning, there were tears in his eyes, and a smile on his face.
He'd long since gotten used to the tears.
But it had been a long while since he'd woken up smiling.
Not since Eleanor, not since Robyn…
The little dream boy--he hadn't looked like Robyn at all. Dark where Robyn had been fair, quiet when he's never been able to get Robyn to stop talking.
He wished now he'd never tried.
But he was glad all the same, of the chance to be there for a child again, to make food to share, to read a silly picture book with ridiculous rhymes while the small dream boy had curled up next to him, wide eyed over some silly simple story Hob couldn't even recall now.
It had been a silly simple dream too. He'd played silly simple games and made silly stupid jokes he hadn't played or made in years and though the dream child hadn't laughed, he had finally smiled. And oh, it was such a sweet little smile, it lit up his whole face.
And he'd gotten to tuck a child in for bed once more, in a room that certainly did not exist in his real flat but fit so perfectly into his dream one, just as the dream child had seemed to fit perfectly into his existence as well, filling a space he'd long tried to avoid remembering was empty.
Hob hoped he'd dream the same dream again. He wouldn't mind seeing the sweet little dream child again.
He never expected to start dreaming it every night.
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ohtobeleah · 8 months
Before You & After You // Mickey Garcia
-> A Jekyll & Hyde Official Prologue
Summary: Fanboys got a crush on the knew Hard Deck Barkeep. But when he’s still getting over the traumatic loss of his wife, crushes and new beginnings aren’t always so ease.
Warnings: Car Accident resulting in death. Family tragedy. Mickey Garcia x F!reader. Mickey Garcia x Original Character.
Word Count: 3.6k
Author Note: Day Twenty Two of Whumptober. Prompt I chose: Greif. Thank you to @ailesswhumptober for the prompt list.
Whumptober Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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We cover up injuries with tape and gauze to protect the injury and prevent infection, to save ourselves from further suffering. The hard part though, that comes when you have to rip the bandage off. 
Because that? Well—that can hurt like hell. 
“So the word on the street is that Hyde has a crush on you.” People say that there are five stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. For Mickey Garcia? He sat somewhere between anger and depression any given day of the week. “That’s gotta feel good.” But somewhere between the depression and acceptance, sat you. Hyde. 
Jake Seresin had known you for the better half of his life. He was the boy next door, the slightly older but far less mature brother who’d walk you home from the bus stop just to trip you over to see you face plant into the dirt at the same time. So when you had reached out to see if there was any work going in his corner of the world, he jumped at the opportunity to get you behind the bar of the Hard Deck. 
Penny had been looking for a new barkeep, and hell, you fit right in. 
“Hyde’s pretty—“ Was all Mickey replied with as he fed Logan, his eight month old, a bottle. “And nice, Hyde’s nice.” Was all Jake got out of the clearly distracted Weapons System Officer. 
“That’s all? Pretty and nice?” Jake stared down at the little boy who was clearly getting milk drunk faster than Jake was getting real drunk. “Dude—don’t you think—“ 
“Don’t start.” Mickey snapped harshly, it had been a day and a half and the last thing he needed was Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin pestering him about when he was gonna get back on the horse. “I said she’s nice, now drop it, Hangman.” 
Before Jake could say another word, he caught the sight of you sauntering over with a pep in your step and a smile plastered on your face. You brought the sun into any dreary situation, you lit up rooms with your smile and that infectious laugh that sounded like the gates of heaven had opened up truly brightened any person's mood that was blessed enough to hear it. 
“Can I get you flyboys anything else to drink while I collect empties?” You asked politely as you stood holding the empty round collection tray. “Another bottle for Logan Mick?” 
“Oh he should be good, thanks Hyde.” Mickey changed up his attitude real quick while you were around and Jake wasn’t one to not take notice. “But if you don’t mind I’ll grab another beer for Hangman and just a ginger beer for me thanks.” 
“Sure thing.” You hadn’t been in North Island for very long, but in the time you had been you’d come to develop a pretty sincere crush on the back seater with the black curls and the cute kid. “I’ll be right back.” 
Jake wasn’t gonna say anything as you walked away but Mickey beat him to it regardless. 
“She’s got nice eyes too.” He mumbled as he rocked Logan in his lap. “They’re beautiful, just like her smile.” Jake hadn’t ever heard Fanboy say anything along those lines about anyone ever. “She’s a good person—“ He added before he pressed his lips together in a fine line. “But I’m not ready to move on.” 
“I get it.” Jake sighed, he sympathised, truly he did. But Jake Seresin was always in favour of playing the devil’s advocate. “But if there’s anyone who’s going to understand it’s Hyde, she’s good people man, start slow and maybe you’ll surprise yourself.” 
“Slow for me is just saying that another woman is beautiful out loud.” Mickey mumbled as he looked down at a now sleeping Logan, every bit the image of the mother he’d never truly know. 
“Who’s beautiful?” You asked as he came back with Jake's beer and Mickey's ginger beer. “You got your eyes on someone, hey Fanboy?” It was an innocent dig but deep down you hoped that maybe, just maybe, he was talking about you. 
“Oh—no I was just—“ Mickey didn’t know what to say or how to play it off. All Jake could do was watch, he could have thrown a lifeline out to the poor man but the sight of Mickey Garcia fumbling the bag was just too perfect. “I was just saying that I uh—you’re—” He couldn’t get himself to say it, and all you could do was simply try to hide the smirk that wanted to creep itself across your face. “I think that someone’s waiting for you to take their order.” 
“Oh.” You tried to hide your disappointment but ultimately Jake could see right through your faked smile. “My bad, I'll get back to it then.” As you placed your hands in the back pockets of your jeans, Mickey watched with a painful twinge in his heart as you turned around and headed back towards the bar. 
“Smooth romeo, hella smooth.” He teased as Jake took a sip from his beer. He wasn’t trying to push anything, he just thought you’d be good for Fanboy. He needed someone to be friendly with, someone who wasn’t navy to hang out with. Someone to help him heal from the trauma he’d been through. 
Mickey though, he just took the opportunity to throw a single peanut Jake's way. He wasn’t ready to move on, he wasn’t sure if he ever would be. But as he watched you work and laugh with patrons who crowded the bar—he felt his heart flutter.
“I’m driving!” Sophie Garcia was the light of Mickey's life and for the last nine months, she’d been pregnant with their first born. “God please let me drive, I’ve been doing nothing but feeding our son for the past two weeks and I need to feel like something more than a dairy cow.” The college sweethearts couldn’t have been any more in love. 
“So a chauffeur is what you go for?” Mickey chuckled as he strapped little newborn Logan Reece Garcia into his car seat. “Honestly Soph, I don’t mind driving, but feel free if you wanna.” 
He should have driven. 
Mickey hadn’t even finished strapping their fresh out of the womb son in before Sophie was clipping her seatbelt in and turning on the engine of the BT-50 the pair had both gone in for earlier on in their marriage. Five years and going strong. “Alright, well that answers that, doesn’t it buddy.” Mickey cooed to his sleeping son before he made his way to the passenger seat, a seat he hadn’t been in since before Logan was born. “You remember how to drive?” 
He should have driven. 
“I gave birth, I didn't have brain surgery—“ Sophie laughed as she put the truck into gear and pulled out of the driveway, the two of them were going on their first family outing—to home depot for bubble wrap and boxes for the big move. “Yes I remember how to drive.” 
“Okay good, I was just checking.” Mickey strapped himself in and checked his phone, the Garcia family were set to move from Maine to San Diego in just under a week and still not a single person in Mickey's new squad knew he was a new dad. Not Bob or Payback, Coyote or Hangman, Rooster or Phoenix. No one. Not a single one knew about his wife or kid and not a single one knew he was married to the love of his life. His best friend. The human embodiment of true beauty. 
“When should we head around to your mums for dinner?” Mickey asked as Sophie drove the open road boarded by paddocks and empty fields. They lived right on the outskirts which meant farms and the quarry where local contractors got their materials from. Sophie never did like the quarry, it gave her the heebie jeebies every time she drove past, like it was calling to her. An unknown force pleading with her to come closer, to look over the edge. 
“Maybe just after six when Logan goes down for a—shit!” In the blink of an eye Sophie was overcorrecting the steering wheel, Mickey only caught a glimpse of the stray horse that had shot out onto the road right in front of their truck as his wife swerved but managed soon thereafter to regain control. It was unlike any horses Mickey had seen around the farms that boarded his little slice of paradise. After having grown up in an apartment in Brooklyn he wanted his family to know fresh air and grass. 
This horse was different though, it was gone in the blink of an eye. 
“Holy shit—“ Sophie sighed as she kept both hands on the steering wheel and felt her heart hammer into her chest. “That was close.”
“Too close.” Mickey added as he turned around to check on little baby Logan. “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive?” 
“No no I’m okay.” Sophie was adamant about it, she wanted to contribute to the team. “It was just a freak occurrence, Amor.” As soon as Mickey turned around to face the road, Sophie’s eyes trailed from the road to her husband’s for five seconds, no more no less. “I love you.” She had control, she was totally in control of the car her family were driving in. Everything was totally fine. 
He should have driven. 
“I love you too—“ Mickey managed as he drank in the sight of his glowingly beautiful wife, the mother of his child. As his eyes trailed back to the road he saw it, the massive pothole that was just completely unavoidable. “Sophie!” Mickey gasped as she hit the hole head on and overturned on the steering as they ran off the road. The plastic water bottle that had been sitting stagnant in the centre console cup holders became dislodged when they slammed through the quarry fencing and rolled right under the breaks as Sophie tried to hit them. “Hit the breaks!” Mickey shouted as he held on for dear life as the quarry edge approached. Holy shit they were gonna go over. 
He should have driven. 
“I’m trying, I can't!” Sophie tried repeatedly as the truck approached the cliff face of the quarry ditch. “Oh my god oh my god!” As soon as Sophie was able to pull the handbrake in a last stitch effort to stop the truck her little family were in from careening over the edge of the quarry—the two front tires went over the edge as dirty scrapped along the bottom of the cab—stilling the vehicle on a near vertical tilt. 
Airbags designed to protect the occupants deployed and in the process, broke Mickey's nose. He wasn’t prepared for the sheer force of the deployment before it smacked him right in the face. 
“Oh god!” He groaned as he pushed the sea of deflated airbag down into his lap as the view before him came into clear sight. All he saw was the quarry as they teetered on the edge of the embankment. If the truck slid any further forward? They’d fall to their deaths. 
“Holy shit, we’re okay.” Logan had never cried so hard before in his two weeks earthside, the tiny little human in the backseat was just sleeping soundly before all this. Now he was up and hungry and crying out for his mum. “We’re okay—“
“Mickey.” Sophie could barely speak as her hands clutched the steering wheel, her own airbag sat deflated in her lap as fear all but consumed her very soul. “Oh my god.” The car rocked slightly as the wind rushed past and Sophie let out a whimper in fear. “Help—“
“Okay, alright—we’re okay.” Mickey was trying to think about how to get out of this mess without making the car move. They couldn’t stay like this, not trapped on the edge of a ledge that would surely give way. “Can you open your door?” Mickey asked through a shaking voice as he unclipped his seatbelt and opened his car door very, very carefully. He needed to check on Logan, needed to get him out of harm's way. But as he popped the door handle the car slid slightly forward. “Fuck.” He could taste blood but that didn’t matter, what mattered was his family. 
“Uh—“ Sophie shook her head as she tried to open her door. But it didn’t budge—the fencing post had jammed the aluminum framing in as they ran through the fence. “No, no I can’t open my door.” Logan wasn’t settling as his cries got louder and louder. “Mick, please you have to get Logan out of this truck, please—“ 
“Everything’s gonna be okay, I promise—just try and stay still alright.” Mickey was moving as carefully and as slowly as he could to get out of the truck. Once he was out, Sophie really began to cry as she covered her mouth with her hand and moved the deflated airbag to see her knees and thighs were cut up and jammed right up under the steering wheel column. 
She wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. 
“Hey—“ Mickey cooed as he slowly but surely opened the back door of the truck to unclip his son from his car seat. He was being as careful as he could be to not rock the truck. “Hey little guy you’re alright aren’t you buddy.” Logan was a mess, his little cheeks were red as red could be as his little lungs ignited with oxygen to fuel his cries. “I’ve got you, daddies got you, I’m here, you're alright.” 
“Is he okay?” Sophie cried as she tried to remain perfectly still, only moving her hand to slowly press the window button. “Miguel is Logan alright?” 
“He’s fine.” Mickey replied once he had the two week old out of his car seat and crying on his chest. “He’s fine, I’m gonna put him down by the tree and I’ll be right back okay.” Before Sophie could protest, Mickey was racing over towards the tree that wasn’t far away—he knew there was a rope in the back of the truck he could tie to tow bar off to if he couldn’t get Sophie out, that was plan B. Plan now was to get her out. 
“Shhhh I’ve got you.” Mickey tried to soothe his son as he placed him down on the ground as gently as he could. He took the jumper off he’d been wearing to make a little makeshift bed before he placed Logan in the comfort of his father’s scent. “You’re okay, I’ll be right back.” 
When Mickey returned he saw the full extent of his wife’s predicament and knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but they had to try.
“I’m never driving again.” Sophie tried to crack a joke but all Mickey did was try to open the door. It wouldn’t budge for love nor money. This was bad, very bad. 
“Okay, I need you to try and move your legs.” He could see how jammed up in the column they truly were but it was one of the only hopes left. Maybe if Sophie could get herself unstuck Mickey could pull her through the window or help her out the passenger side. “Come on Amor, you have to try.” 
“I can’t move them.” She sighed through a whimper as she tried to set herself free, the truck slipped a little further and Sophie froze in fear. She was looking death right in the eye now, it was a long way down to the bottom of the quarry. “Mickey—“
“I’m right here, I’m gonna get you out, I just need to buy us some time to figure out how.” He explained. “There’s a rope in the back, I’m gonna tie the truck off to the tree okay, I’ll be right back.” 
Sophie Garcia knew she wasn’t getting out of the truck the longer she stared out into the abyss that was the quarry threatening to consume her. She could hear her baby boy crying out for her but there was nothing she could do but accept reality, accept the hand she’d been dealt. All she hoped in that very moment was that her college sweetheart, her best friend and father of her very first and only child would find someone who could love him like she did, or possibly more. She wanted him to be loved forever because Mickey deserved all the love in the world and more. He didn’t deserve this, to lose the love of his life. 
And perhaps Sophie wasn’t the love of Mickey's life, perhaps she was just his first, maybe there was some greater love waiting for him around the corner. It brought her a calming sort of comfort as she sat there teetering on the edge of nothingness, trapped in the wreck of her actions. She should have been paying attention. 
Mickey grabbed the rope from the back of the truck and tied it around the back of the tow bar, making sure it was secure before he took off running right towards the tall tree that he knew was strong enough to hold the weight of his BT-50. 
But when he felt himself stopping, being pulled back by gravity as he fell to his arse, Mickey's heart sank into the very pit of his stomach. 
“No—oh god no no no no!!” The rope wasn’t long enough. The rope wasn’t fucking long enough. “Oh god no, please no.” 
Mickey felt the truck shift forward as he let go of the rope and raced back to his wife’s side. There wasn’t enough time, he needed more time to get her out, to think, to understand why this was happening. But there wasn’t any time. 
“I love you so much.” Sophie cried as Mickey reached in to try and free her legs from being trapped up under the steering wheel column but he was doing more damage than good. “So much Mickey.” 
“I need you to pull your legs out right now!” At this point Mickey was a wreck, he didn’t know what else to do. “Pull your damn legs Sophie!!” Her bottom lip quivered as the truck shifted forward again, it was tipping. It was about to go. “NNOOOOOO!!” Mickey shouted as he held onto the door and tried to pull it open. He couldn't do anything else to help his wife. 
“Please look after Logan for me—take care of him always.” Sophie cried as Mickey reached in to try one more time to free her. “I love you.” Was the last thing she ever said before Mickey felt two hands on his body before he was being shoved away. The second he fell back onto the ground the truck his wife was still trapped inside of went careening over the edge of the quarry. 
“NOOOO!” It felt like time stood still as Mickey watched the love of his life fall to her death over the edge of the quarry cliff face. He laid on his stomach and peered over to see the crumbled aluminum at the bottom—all twisted and broken and shattered. “NNOOOO!” 
Logan continued crying even when Mickey had found the courage to pick himself and his son up off the ground to try and find a way down. He probably circled that particular part of the quarry for the better half of half an hour before the next car came down the road that was barely driven on. They saw Mickey walking along the edge and stopped when they saw the skid marks kicked up in the grass but no car in sight. 
“You alright there bud?” An older looking gentleman asked as Mickey turned around to face him. Only then did he let himself crumble to his knees when reality set in. He’d just lost the love of his life. 
“My wife and I were in an accident—I think, I think she’s—she’s trapped down in the quarry.” He cried out through painful tears. Mickey didn’t have the courage to say she was dead. “Please help me.” 
“I’ll call an ambulance.” The older gentleman nodded as Mickey sat with his now soothing son on the ground, rocking back and forth mumbling to himself. 
“I should have driven, I should have driven, I should have just driven.” 
Until he saw the same white horse, staring at him from across the broken fence he and Sophie had smashed through. Just watching the man who lost it all in the blink of an eye unravel in the mid afternoon glow. 
“Are you heading out for the night, Fanboy?” Mickey was one of the last patrons left in the Hard Deck, but he hadn’t taken any notice of the time that had passed as he thought back to the day he lost his wife. The damned day. 
“Uh—“ He was going to say yes, going to head out and make sure Logan got to bed because it was way past his bedtime. But he was sleeping soundly in his arms as Mickey approached the bar. “No actually I was uh—I was gonna see if you needed a ride home actually.” It was the boldest Mickey had been since he met you and had started to develop some sort of feeling or two. “Or if you might just want the company while you shut up shop.” 
It hurts to tear that bandage off, we don’t wanna see what’s underneath. But maybe it’s not the fear of the pain that holds us back, but maybe it’s the fact we’re afraid to see if the wound underneath is still open.
“I’d love a ride home.” You smiled softly with a nod as you felt the heat in your cheeks rise. “And the company seems pretty good to Flyboy.” 
Or if it might actually be healing. 
Whumptober Tags 🏷️ @xoxabs88xox @oldermenaremyreligion @slut-f0r-u @emma-is-cool @armydrcamers @topguncortez @topgun-imagines @kmc1989 @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt
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ghost-thot69 · 3 years
(I wrote this while very tired so it won’t be the best but the fanfic fingers don’t stop for anyone so I wrote some very cute rz Michael Myers and baby june fanfic after reading some fluffy fanfics of him)
Sunny Days (rz Michael Myers and June Marie Heisenberg-Myers)
TW: none. Nothing but sheer adorableness, proceed with caution ⚠️
The sun beamed down on Michael’s face. His long, unkempt, blond hair shining in the bright light as he waited outside of Westfield Elementary school. He stood as stiff as a board, except for his left foot, which he kept tapping repeatedly as he waited for June to come out of school.
He looked up at the giant clock on the outside of the school building, impatiently counting down the minutes, hell even the seconds till all the children came flooding out. A couple of parents would stare at him in intimidation. They, despite not knowing that he was a local mass murderer, we’re still very much afraid of him. I mean who wouldn’t be when a 6 foot 7 tall man who barely spoke a word to you or anybody else aside from his daughter, who had hair covering a majority of his chiseled face and had piercing blue eyes, was standing right next to you.
Michael wasn’t quite fond of having his face being shown either. He much preferred to have it hidden behind either one of his masks, however he can’t risk that chance of being caught. God knows what Dr Loomis and the cops would do to his kid if they arrested and/or killed him. And there was another reason why he kept his mask off in public. He loved seeing the cute little smile on June’s face when she saw him smile at her.
Michael’s mind began to wander on what he and June would do after school together. Would they go out for ice cream? Maybe play at the park? Whatever he had settled on, it was interrupted by the loud ringing of the school bell telling the kids it was time to go home.
Due to his height, he could easily see the kids coming out and was able to pick out June from the rest of them. However he wasn’t able to see her this time, it was hard to miss her with her long and wavy brown locks that came down to her ankles. Michael squinted his eyes to see if she was somewhere in the back amongst the crowd of little children running to their parents or the school bus, but she was nowhere to be seen.
Michael’s blood began to rush, worried that something might have happened to her that the school didn’t tell him about. He began to press forward towards the building before his ears picked up the little pitter-patter of tiny shoes on the ground.
“Papa!” A soft voice called out to him.
Michael looked up at the stairs, and rushing out the large doors came June, a piece of paper in her tiny hand. When she saw him, her face beamed happily, her taking a giant leap off the stairs and into the air.
Michael snapped out of his worried daze and held his arms out to catch her, the tiny girl landing in his large, muscular arms. June happily threw her arms around him in a hug, and nuzzled her face into his. “Papa! Papa!!” She cheered, covering his face in kisses.
Michael breathed out a sigh of relief before smiling at her, pushing the hair out her face. “Hello pumpkin.” He said softly. “How was school?”
June wiggled out of his arms and landed on the ground, jumping up and down happily. “It was good! Oh here here here!” She said, her handing him the paper she had in her hands.
Michael tried to grab it but she was so hyper that it shook before he really could get a hold of it. He chuckled before managing to grab it from her and looked at it. “What is it sweetheart?” He asked, tilting it to get a better look.
What was on the now slightly crumpled piece of paper was a drawing of what looked like him, Jason, herself and a very…very crudely drawn Freddy with the words “stinky pepperoni man” scribbled on it. Right next to them was their home and a couple of flowers, some grass, and the sun. In the corner was some sort of mysterious red stain.
“I drew this today! It's me, you and bubba Jason! Oh and Freddy’s there too I guess.” She murmured, her messing with her feet. “I’m mad at Stu, he got ketchup on it during lunch…”
Michael smiled. The drawing melted his heart, he looked on the back and saw that she had written “my family” on it. It made him happy that, even though she was adopted, and she knew that she was, that she sees them all as her family. He folded up the paper and put it in the pack pocket of his coveralls. He kneeled down to be at her height before taking her in a big hug, almost lifting her off the ground. “I love it,pumpkin. Thank you.”
June gasped out happily, throwing her arms around his neck to hug him back. Michael let her go and stood up, and grabbed her hand. They began to walk back to their home.
“So what are we going to do today papa?”
Michael hummed, looking up at the sky and then down at her. “Well I was thinking we can take the car and drive to the ice cream place?”
Ice cream? June love, love, LOVES ice cream. She frantically shook her head yes, clapping her hands in agreement. “Yes! Yes we gotta go!”
Michael laughed, swinging her arm as they walked. “Alright, let’s go eat then, you can get all the toppings you want.” He instantly regretted saying that. June is a hyper child and knowing her, she’d pile her ice cream in rainbow and chocolate sprinkles, gummy bears and whatever sweet treats that really shouldn’t be used as ice cream toppings, her little heart desires, but he couldn’t resist her. When she was left at his doorsteps as a baby, she changed his life for the better. He didn’t mind spoiling her, but not too much.
Hours later, Michael was laying down on the old, rundown, paisley yellow couch with June asleep on his chest, her snoring softly. The tv was on, playing whatever show she liked. He really couldn’t understand the concept of this young singer who hides her identity by just putting on a blonde wig and her and her friends' shenanigans and why this appealed to June, but it made her happy and that’s all that mattered to him.
Jason was off to the side, drinking a cup of hot chocolate through his mask, looking at the both of them all cheerfully, his energy radiating off the living room walls that, if you turned off the lights, Jason would be beaming head to toe like a lantern.
Freddy walked in, him groaning and rubbing his eye, him poking Jason in the shoulder. “Jason, stop it.” He grumbled, him walking to the couch that Michael and June were on and reached for the remote.
Michael slapped his hand away and shot a deathly glare up at him. “June’s show is on. Don’t you dare change that channel.”
Freddy hissed, shaking his hand which was now more red than it normally was. “What’s the big fuckin deal? She’s asleep and it’s just stupid ass Hannah Montana!”
Michael’s glare grew more intense, him slowly sitting up while holding a sleeping June closer to his chest so she wouldn’t fall. “I said, don’t. Touch. The God damn. Remote.” He hissed, violence backing up his words.
Freddy held his hands up in defense and scoffed, backing up. “Alright fine geez, I’ll watch tv in the kitchen then, good fuckin’ greif.” He muttered, making his way to the kitchen.
Michael rolled his eyes in annoyance and laid back down slowly so as to not wake up June. Lo and behold, she was miraculously still asleep, rubbing her eyes as she slept.
Michael flashed a warm smile down at her before leaning over and planting a kiss on the top of her head.
Jason looked back over to the two before getting up and reaching into a small closet, digging through it before pulling out a small blue blanket. He waddled over as quietly as possible and laid the blanket over June and gave her a pat on her head, his hand ten times the size of her head.
Michael smiled and then turned his attention back to the tv. Before he had realized it the sun was down, and the Disney channel was playing whatever original movie that was causing a whole scene in her school. Teenagers, BLEGH! Dancing and singing about basketball, romance and whatever, He wasn’t paying attention. To be honest, he’d rather be watching the little mermaid, but the songs were catchy.
Michael let out a loud, very audible yawn before covering his mouth instantly and looked down at June, who again, was somehow still asleep through all the loud noise that went on. Jason was asleep on the couch behind him and using Freddy as some sort of teddy bear. Freddy was probably drunk off his ass to really care, but he was definitely going to feel his bones being crushed in the morning.
Michael huffed out and smiled at them all. He didn’t want to admit it to Freddy or Jason, but he was very glad that he had those two around him. The more he thought about the drawing June made for him of them as a family, the more he admitted that they were indeed a family. Originally, they were just there for hiding, though Freddy could go in and out of the dream realm as much as he pleases, he didn’t really need to hide, but I guess he stayed for whatever reason. Still, he needs to pay his rent. When June arrived, however, they did see themselves slowly becoming closer. They really were becoming a family.
June yawned, rolling over some, which snapped Michael out of his thoughts. He looked down at her and smiled, rubbing her cheek with his finger and moving her hair out of her face. He began to hum as he got up slowly from the couch and snuck past the other two and made his way up the stairs to June’s room. He began to navigate the room in the dark, making his way through stuffed toys and paper and crayons laid across the floor. He managed to find her bed, him pulling back the blanket and placing her in the sheets, laying her head on a pillow. He tucked her in blankets and laid under her arm a purple plush bunny.
June gently stirred about before a smile crept on her face in sleep.
Michael had leaned over and gave her a kiss on her head one last time before backing up and switching on a mushroom shaped night light that illuminated the room in a soft blue glow. “Goodnight Pumpkin. I love you.” He whispered, slowly closing the door behind him.
June rubbed her eyes, curling up in a ball under the blanket and held her bunny closer to her.
“I wuv..you too papa.”
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twisted-broth · 5 years
Princess of Hell- Jack x reader
Reader gender: female
Warnings: greif, nightmares, death
Requested by anon on tumblr: can I get a jack x reader where the reader is Crowley’s and jack begins to like her the more time they spend together in the bunker. (Reader is there because Crowley left her instructions on where to go in case he ever died.)
A/n: so I guess when I posted this a few months ago it didn’t work so it’s here again yay
Word count: 1483
You could feel the second that he left you. Your heart twisted in pain and you screamed until your throat gave out. You told him not to go.
Why did he have to go?
You could only pray that the Winchester’s had survived, even if he couldn’t.
“If one day I don’t come back,” he told you, “you have to go here.” He slid you a piece of paper with an address on it. “This is where the Winchester’s live. They’ll take care of you.”
You were sure many of dad’s demons wouldn’t stay loyal for long after they learn about his death, so you had to move quickly. You threw together a suitcase and fished out the paper from a desk drawer.
You read over it a couple of times before willing yourself to appear there.
Due to the many layers of wardings coating the bunker walls, you appeared outside the door. You tried the doorknob of the metal door, only for it to not budge.
Sighing, you sank down next to the door and pulled out your phone.
You scrolled through the list of contacts before finding Sam’s name and giving him a call.
“Hello?” He answered after a few rings.
“Sam Winchester? My name’s Y/n. I’m Crowley’s daughter.” You explained.
“Crowley, yeah he’s mentioned you. Listen, Y/n, what happened to him, that was-”
You cut him off, “It wasn’t your fault, I’m sure. But, he told me that if he were to ever… pass, I should come to your bunker. He said I would be safe here.”
“Crowley helped us a lot. The least we can do is protect you. I think- yeah, the key is under the doormat.”
“The best hunters in the world keep the key to their bunker under the doormat?” You sighed.
“You gotta admit, it’s not an obvious choice.” He defended.
You rolled your eyes. “Thank you, Sam. I’ll be seeing you soon.”
You hung up and stood, brushing yourself off. You kneeled down next to the doormat and lifted it up, revealing the key underneath. You grabbed it and inserted it into the knob of the metal door. The knob turned and the door swung open with ease.
You entered the bunker and marveled at the size of it all. Hauling your suitcase down the stairs, you admired the vast library. You wandered aimlessly through the cement building before arriving at a hallway which appeared to house bedrooms.
Opening the door to the first one, you saw a messy bed with trash and beer bottles littering the floor. Dean’s room, you assumed.
The next had a neat bed with lore books scattered everywhere. Sam’s room, most likely.
The next was very similar, only with a messier floor and bed, but not nearly as bad as Dean’s. You figured it was probably Mary’s.
The next room looked almost untouched. The only sign that it was in use was the two lore books on the foot of the bed and a few creases in the blanket. Castiel’s room, without a doubt.
The second to last room you came across was empty, dust still coating the furniture. You entered, immediately taking it upon yourself to personalize it.
You unpacked your clothes first. You then pulled out the posters and other things you had shoved into your case and hung them up around the room. You made your way over to the bathroom which connected with the room next to yours. Searching through the cabinets, you found cleaning supplies and set to work on the untouched room.
Once you were satisfied with your work, you collapsed on the bed, alone with your thoughts. Finally able to relax, your mind drifted to your dad. You took a shaky breath, realization hitting you like a sack of bricks. Your eyes quickly filled with tears. You silently mourned, nothing left to distract you from your harsh reality.
You spent the next three days in solitude, waiting for the arrival of the legends. You managed to finally understand the layout of the complicated building after pacing the hallways so many times. You ended up sleeping most of the time, despite not needing it. It was a good way to pass the time, and you didn’t have to think when you slept.
Near the end of the third day, you were scanning the library books when the door swung open. You froze as three people entered.
“Y/n?” The first one asked when he saw you.
You nodded, slowly placing the book in your hand back onto the shelf you pulled it from.
“I’m Sam.” He said, coming down the stairs with the other two following behind him. “This is Dean.” He pointed to the person behind him. “And this is Jack.” He finished, gesturing to the last person.
“The nephilim?” You gasped.
“Unfortunately.” Dean muttered, briskly walking passed you and to the kitchen.
“He’s not in the best mood.” Sam sighed, trailing after him.
The room fell silent, you and Jack standing in front of each other in awkward silence.
“Are you like me?” He asked, finally breaking the silence between you.
“I guess so. My mother was human and my father was a demon. I’d be hunted relentlessly if I stayed on Earth. So, dad brought me down to Hell and kept me under his protection.” You shrugged, not wanting to go into too much detail.
“Quite similar to my situation.” He acknowledged. “The Winchesters brought me here to keep me safe.”
“Do you want me to… show you around?” You offered.
He nodded, signaling for you to lead him through the hallways you had come to memorize.
You gave him a quick tour, attempting to sound like you knew what you were doing.
“So, this is some sort of science room. Most of this stuff looks radioactive, I wouldn’t touch anything.”
“This is like a torture room or something. I try not to spend too much time in here, seeing as almost everything in here could kill me.”
“I have no idea what this is supposed to be.”
Once you were finished, you led him down the hallway of rooms. You pointed out who you thought each one belonged to. Finally, you showed him to the last room in the line; the one he would have.
“This room will be yours. My room is right next door, feel free to come over if you’re bored. I’m almost always bored so it’ll be appreciated.” You finished.
“Thank you. I enjoyed walking with you.” He told you.
“Oh… thanks.” You shrugged and turned to your room.
Jack quickly grabbed your arm, stopping you from leaving. “I’m sorry about your father. I didn’t know him, but Sam and Dean thought very highly of him. I… I made a mistake, but he fixed it. If not for him, Lucifer would still be here.” Jack said, consoling you.
“I… thanks, Jack. I guess I really needed that.” You sighed.
“Yeah. Well, I guess I’ll see you around.” He released your arm and brought his hand up to awkwardly rub the back of his neck.
“Yeah.” You confirmed. You turned and entered your room, a small smile resting on your face.
It was a relief to know that there was someone you could talk to in the cement prison. You had always lived in Hell where hallways seemed to go on forever, and you found a new room on every adventure. Everything felt so small, so suffocated here. You flopped onto the bed and willed yourself to sleep, attempting to avoid the whirling thoughts in your head.
You awoke with a start as metal banging echoed through the room. You quickly realized what you had heard was knocks on your door. You turned on a light and walked over to the door. Once it had swung open, you saw Jack before you.
“Hey Jack. Can I help you?” You asked him.
“You know the sleep thing that the humans do?” He asked innocently.
You laughed at his phrasing, “Yeah I know it.”
“Well, I tried that and when I went to sleep I saw these pictures in my head like I was awake except I wasn’t.”
“That’s called a dream, Jack. It happens when you sleep sometimes.” You explained as you led him from the doorway to your bed.
“I didn’t like it.” He said quietly. “I watched my mother die while Lucifer stood in the corner and laughed. I tried to go to her but I couldn’t move. I just didn’t want her to be alone when she died.”
“She wasn’t alone, Jack. I was told that Mary was there. And so were you.” You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Thank you, Y/n. I don’t think I’ll be going back to sleep again for a while, though.”
“That’s alright. I don’t need to sleep either so I’ll stay with you.” You smiled.
“I would like that.” Jack said, smiling up at you.
You gave the neifilem a hug. “I think we’re gonna be good friends, Jack.”
Jack leaned into your embrace. “I think so too.”
Tag list:
@mistypancake10666 @thatshellfiredean @all-hail-supernatural @fand0maniac @draiela @bisexualdolphinthings @consultingpals @justasmalltownsuperwholock @lostnliterature
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ravenbloodau · 4 years
The Damned Mission
She had seen the first mission fail. She was there with the rookies on that ship, and had watched her teammates die.
Now it was time to try again. The AI drone had already saved a good few of the team, carrying the smaller ones off to safety and to regroup.
She and her team now had to perform. The moved cautiously and quietly throughout the halls of the complex, taking out guards like silent assassins when they found the new headquarters.
Or, what they had been told where the new headquarters of the operation. The holes in the walls were the first clue that something was off, and instantly she recalled what had happen not two years ago.
"EVERYBODY OUT!" Too late, the arrows flew and embedded themselves into their targets, and her teammates fell onto the floor. She felt a couple of arrows lodge into her backside just before blacking out herself..
In her mind, at this point, they had already failed.
She woke to a screen and people typing rapidly. Pain seared her backside as she watched the messages.
"We can't talk about this out loud."
"We all know that! Yo, boss, you're up!"
"Yea, I'm up," She typed rapidly, "Remember to CLOSE OUT THIS TAB OR CLOSE THESE LAPTOPS, they don't know we can do this, and this is where we failed last time."
"Hello spies," a man crept up behind her, gently closing the laptop and meeting her face to face, "Like the veiw?"
"I'm a little disappointed," She laughed at him, "I was hoping to be closer to the window."
"Ah, unfortunately you woke up last, so you have your spot," He came right back with a playful sneer.
The pain and pressure mounted as if the arrows had been kept in her backside and she couldn't help but react to the sudden, loud, monstrous pang that hit her.
She rolled onto her side and grunted as it bloody well hurt, and the man blinked..
"Are- are you still in pain?" He was surprised by the development.
"Yea, think I got hit with an extra doseage," She snapped at him, "It's bad.."
"That's impossible unless you got hit with the- Who are you?" He bolted over, alarmed now. They didn't want to kill them, not after that first group. They had missed out on so much vital information that it *fucking stung*. Plus, it was such a waste to kill these beings.
"Fuck it," She muttered as she dropped her disguise. The Si'Nian from before, twisted in agony, "I'm *that* bitch."
He lifted her head into his lap, and was shaking, biting his hand as it registered..
"Shit, why didn't you tell us?" He mumbled as he called for medical, "You asshat, being raised by humans, why didn't you say something?"
"What?" She laughed as the pain started to drown out most anything else, "What are you talking about?"
The rest of her crew watched as tears started dripping. She was dying, she knew that, but how they had figured that out was unbeknownst to her.
"Fei'Kat, right?" He asked as he ripped off his mask. No..
No way.
It was Daniel.. *That* Daniel.. A Kirin known to spare his previous victims in new attacks if they got caught in the crossfire.
"Andreomda's a small place huh?" Fei'Kat mumbled as her vision got spotty, "Hi asshole."
"Oh lord, no no no, HURRY UP!" Daniel barked at his men, "Look, I'm so sorry, all of you. We never meant to kill that team, or to hurt yours. Killing's such a waste, if you had just given us a name we would have been able to give you what you needed."
A collective "what" crossed everyone's lips. He was willing to do *what?*
"HEY!" Fei'Kat barked, her voice dropped off a cliff, signaling that it was getting worse, possibly because of the allergic reaction that she was having to the sedative, "Watch your mouth. This mission takes priority over your outrage."
She nearly nodded off after that, and Daniel was having a hard time keeping her awake as medical tried to keep down the inflammation.
"Sir you are *very* lucky not to have hit her neck, no wonder she's in so much pain," One of the doctors grumbled as they injected her with something, "If we had she'd be dead by now. Get her to Medbay, and her crew. Laying on this damn floor, not matter how clean it is, is stupid."
"Ooh relocation, sweet," A younger member of the crew muttered sarcastic as ever.
"I said shush, I may be dying but I'm still your commanding officer," Fei'Kat laughed it off as a stretcher was brought in.
The youngest of the team, Gaia, a hybrid between the Si'Nains and Kirins, had a strong emotional response to hearing that. *Intensely strong.*
She kept silent, but the color of the fur tufts around her tail flashed a deep blue. Sorrowful as the stretcher was taken away, carrying Fei'Kat away for treatment.
When they had left, she started crying, quietly. *Dying.* She knew what that felt like, how much it hurt, painful.
"Gaia?" Micheal, the one who's outrage had gotten Fei'Kat to bark at him to shut up, "You ok?"
Gaia shook her head, "I know how much it hurts, dying. To think that possibly.."
"Look, she'll be alright," Daniel started working to help the others to their feet as he administered the antidote, "She's in good care now."
"You talk big for having a torture chamber like this bub," Micheal moved to defend Gaia.
Ti'Dak moved toward the door, ready to bolt and help others bolt if things went wrong. Everyone was some level of dizzy, a blood rush to the body.
"If I wanted anyone here dead, as in actually wanted you dead, I would have you killed already," Daniel warned, a bit feircely, "Now, we'll take care of you, to the best of our ability, and open communications again with your sector."
It was the hardest "I'm sorry" Daniel could have mustered. He wasn't accustomed to apologizing much, but he was trying to get better.
"The people of Earth have been harassed by you, and now you wanna open up the sector?" Micheal scoffed, "Even as a human, I find that absolutely irrational. Like, what the fuck?"
Daniel's tail lowered as he gulped.
"I'm sorry, it's...complicated," Daniel mumbled as the other members of the team looked around to one another.
"Complicated? Sure, ok..." Micheal shook his head.
Gaia was humming to herself now, quietly fiddling with a familiar tune as they were escorted out and to respective quarters. No one dared ask for any changes, or about curfew.
In fact, no one even asked to see Fei'Kat, they just made their way over to the Medbay. Nobody stopped them now, it didn't matter.
Gaia was the first to test this, despite being incredibly vulnerable. She walked in and saw that Fei'Kat was still being treated for her allergic response.
"Fei?" Gaia asked and the doctors looked up. They nodded, inviting Gaia to step closer as they recognized her as a doctor too.
"Hm? Gaia?" Fei'Kat was barely aware of her situation.
"I'm here, Captain, it's alright. The crew's been given quarters, and I just thought I should come and visit. See what caused the reaction," Gaia was quiet and Fei'Kat nodded.
"Give her the report," Fei'Kat mumbled, "Turns out biology hates me."
Gaia read over the report and sighed.
"Ker'Tak be praised for helping invent these antidotes," Gaia muttered as she scrolled through the report. Her tail flicked up, annoyed, "Anaphylactic shock, as a reaction to residual, fucking bullshit! Who the friggen hell gave you your doctorates?"
Gaia let slip her not so tempered origins with that touch of berating.
"Chill, it's fine," Fei'Kat nodded to herself, "At least they're trying to help."
"Trying to and failing, *move over,*" Gaia got to work, shoving the Jin-Sekt out of her way. They grumbled and went to get the antidotes.
"Gaia," Fei'Kat was nodding off again, and this time she knew she wasn't going to wake up again, "Gaia, tell the crew.. The mission still.." She rasped as pain hit her throat like a bloody fury, "Still takes priority."
She swallowed hard as she tasted that familiar tang of blood. It hurt to stay awake, and Gaia paused for a minute.
"Tell them yourself, you gotta stay," Gaia was fighting off the need to sleep herself. The agent they had used hadn't worn off quite yet, but it was getting there.
Fei'Kat shook her head, tears starting to stain the sides of her face. She was seeing stars, and was terrified. *Stars help Gaia,* she thought as Gaia started working frantically, *She needs the temperance you showed my mentor.*
Micheal came into the Medbay, but stopped just short of the center room. His eyes went wide was he watch Gaia working. Her horns were glowing a throbbing purple and black. Greif and fear..
"Gaia?" Micheal approached cautiously as Gaia frantically worked.
"*Not now,*" Gaia never pushed anyone away like that. Not to Micheal's knowledge.
*It's gotta be pretty dire if she's pushing everyone out,* Micheal thought and that's when the pang hit. It was like a blazing knife had been dragged across his chest, he had to take a knee.
"Fei'Kat," He hissed through his teeth, "C'mon, you can beat this."
Gaia looked over. Her heart stopped dead in her chest. Micheal was Fei'Kat's...
*He's her lifeline,* Gaia ran up to Micheal, helped him up and led him over to Fei'Kat.
"Micheal?" Fei'Kat rasped, tearfully watching as Micheal started having a hard time, "Mikey?"
"Fei? It's that bad?" Micheal asked, breathless now, "C'mon, you can fight this."
Fei'Kat's vision blurred with tears as she watched Micheal suffering. She shook her head, crying hard now, unable to control the painful gasping.
"I can't!" Her cry was Gaia's cue. It was risky but she went through with her plan. Fei'Tak's eyes grew wide as a gutteral scream rose from her throat. Micheal's guy wrentched at the sight, seeing Fei'Kat in so much pain.
"Fei, Fei'Kat! FEI!" Micheal's voice rose above hers as her claws dug into the bed, "Fei, I'm right here!"
It got quiet rapidly after. The monitors beeped loudly as a sudden wave of calm hit the entire bay. Gaia was watching, waiting as Fei'Kat blinked.
Just like that, the agony had vanished. An otherworldly calm embraced her as Micheal suddenly found the strength to stand upright on his own.
"There..." Gaia sighed, "That should do it."
"How did you know that would work?" A Huamia inquired, in awe at Gaia's handiwork.
"I know my patients like the back of my hand," Gaia told them plainly, "Now, they need their rest, it's been an ordeal for everyone. Preferably you'd let them stay together."
"Yes ma'am," The other doctors in the room moved quickly to get the two into their own room so they could rest.
Gaia left the Medbay, tail flicking about as she opened the door to get assigned quarters.
One thing that Fei'Kat had right, was that someone was going to experience the worst pain in their life. Whether it was her or Micheal though, she couldn't tell.
Ti'Dak came into her room to find her absolutely wiped out. He sighed and left, knowing that maybe tomorrow she'd feel better. He had no idea that she just performed the riskiest operation known across Andromeda.
The Phoenix Operation, as the High Council called it. Performed successfully only once before, and even then they had every precaution in place.
Gaia couldn't care less if she died in her sleep because of the aftermath, she just needed to know that Fei'Kat and her Chosen were safe, and would recover.
It wasn't gonna end here, not for Gaia, she knew this going to sleep so soon after. She hadn't found her Chosen, yet.
And, after all this mess and the Galateans claiming that the stars had a mighty fate planned for her, she wasn't worried. Death would not prevail today, nor would it tomorrow.
She could sleep easy in knowing that. Everyone could sleep easy in knowing the mission had just completed itself. They had reunited the rebel forces with the High Council and had fair run of the entire station.
It was finally safe for their people to come *home*.
||Or is it?||
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trashcanband4 · 6 years
It Began In A Bar Ch. 2
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Chapter 1 Title:Breaking the Habit. Pairing: DeanxOc (Maria M.) Word count: 2,518 Warnings: Slow burn I guess?
The dim bluish light above the bathroom sink flickered as she stared at her reflection in the cracked mirror. Does he know what I can do? Is he here to kill me? Oh my god, what have I gotten myself into this time? I can't believe I slept with him… I broke my promise to Keaton…what would he think of me? Her knuckles started turning white from her death grip on the yellowed porcelain sink. Greif and stress had morphed the once vibrant and youthful 23 year old face into that of a 30 year old woman. Clear, silent tears slid down her freckle peppered nose to fall into the sink as she just stared through her reflection. I can't do this anymore, not without them. Mom, Keaton, Uncle Scott… I killed them… I… I can't be here anymore. She thought as she finally released the sink to grab her bathroom bag. She dug around until she found a small pocket knife and flicked it open. As she pressed the blade to her pale skin, the shiny metal reflected the bright blue vein that ran down the length of her arm. All she wanted was to slice open both her wrists and let the life drain out of her. It was all she could think about since her mother and uncle died over two years ago. Then after the death of her brother a year later she felt empty inside.
KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK! "You okay in there?" Dean asked from the other side of the door making her jump. The knife fell from her hand and clanked against the tile floor. She hadn't expected him to stick around. Most of the time after she slept with a man she would go to the bathroom and return to an empty room. Maybe he stuck around to kill her, or maybe he stuck around just because she was a hunter. Or maybe he just wanted to be with her, but that thought never crossed her mind. It just didn't seem plausible to her.
"Yeah, just freshening up." Her voice trembled, but Dean didn't notice. Her hand shook as she picked up the pocket knife and closed it. She just stared at it, wondering if she should just go ahead and kill herself. Hey, maybe if I kill myself tonight Dean and Sam will give me a hunter's burial. She thought with a sour smile. It was a bitter sweet thought, but she was pulled out of her thoughts again when she heard her cell phone in the bedroom outside start ringing. She didn't worry about the phone, it was probably just Cameron calling her with a job to do and he knew that when he called her in the middle of the night that she would rarely answer. Instead, she dropped the barrier from Dean's thoughts and closed her eyes while she listened to them.
Wow, she's hot. And a hunter too. I hit the jackpot with this one. Maybe she'll come on our next hunt with us. Na, come on Dean… ya can't do that. It's a family business. She isn't part of the family like Bobby is. But, *sigh* she actually likes beer. I mean how many times have I found a beautiful woman like her that would rather drink a beer over some fruity girly drink?
She smiled bitterly to herself. He didn't even know her, but he wanted her to go on his next hunt with them. It was that thought, along with the fact that his thoughts showed no sign of him wanting to kill her that made her tuck the knife away into her bag. She fixed her hair in the mirror and stepped out still in her underwear. He eyed her up and down as she walked over to her bag and pulled out a plain black t-shirt and pair of faded jeans. "What are you still doing here?" she asked as she finally turned to look at him. He was clad in only a pair of jeans as he gave her a confused look. "I'm not trying to be rude, but usually y'all are gone by now."
"Y'all?" he asked still looking confused.
"Men." He just smirked at her and took a seat in one of the two chairs that was at the small round table in the corner of the room, letting her know he wasn't planning on going anywhere. "I'm sticking you in the category of men who will sleep with a woman that they've only known for an hour at most." she clarified as she pulled a beer out of the fridge for herself. "So," she popped the top as she turned to look at him, "So I'll ask you again. Why are you still here?"
"Maybe I'm not one of those other men." His straight face made her turn back to the fridge and pull out a second beer. She knew he drank beer because he'd had one at the bar. She handed it to him before she took the other seat at the table. "It's not every day that I run into another hunter, much less accidentally sleep with one."
His words pulled a sarcastic laugh out of her. "Accidentally? Na, I think you knew exactly what you were doing and how well you were doing it." She smirked at him with her brow raised.
He simply looked at the ground and sent a small grin to the floor. If she didn't know any better she would have thought that the slight redness that tainted his cheeks was a blush. "So, Maggie, what's your story? What are you doin' in the middle of nowhere?" he changed the subject on her and she took a big drink of her beer.
"Vengeful spirit." She said before she took another small sip of her beer. "It was terrorizing a family that bought an old house. Simple salt and burn took care of it." She was trying to keep her eyes off of Dean's nude chest, but that was hard to do when he was so good looking. "Oh, and my name's not Maggie, it's Maria Morris."
"Wait, as in Keaton and Scott Morris?" he asked making her sit up straighter in her chair.
"Yeah, how do you know them?"
"Met them on a hunt a few years ago. I wasn't aware there were more hunters in that family." When she didn't reply he felt the need to keep the conversation rolling. "So, how are they? Your um…"
"Uncle and brother." She stated letting Dean know how she was related to them. "And not good considering their dead." His face dropped. "Uncle Scott died along side my mother and my brother died a year later."
"So you're hunting by yourself now?" he asked wanting to know if there were any other hunters around that he needed to know about.
"Yeah." She said flatly before she took the last drink of her beer and went to the fridge for another. "You want another one?" she held one out to him and he shook his head. The subject of her and her family was making her more depressed than usual. So she changed the subject. "So, Dean, what's your story? What brought you and your brother to Toledo Ohio?"
"Haunted Mirror." He simply stated like it was an everyday occurrence. "Simple salt and burn didn't work on this one." Maria just sighed and shook her head before taking a swig of her drink. "But our main goal at the moment is to find our dad, John Winchester. Have you seen him?"
Maria thought about it for a minute. "Na, but the name sounds familiar. I think Uncle Scott worked with him a time or two. Good hunter I hear."
"Yeah, well he's just as good at hiding as he is hunting, if not better." Dean said with a shake of his head before taking a drink.
"As far as I know I don't have a job lined up. I can help if you want." She said as she sat up leaned over the table, looking at him. "If you don't want my help it's fine. I'm sure Cameron can have me a job lined up in a few days. I just thought that you would want one more brain around to find your dad."
"Well, I have a few questions before I say yes." Oh, yay, he had questions. What were they going to be and would she be able to answer them? It was the uncertainty of the situation that made her drop the barrier that was around his thoughts. God that body, damn. Hope she answers right. I can't have a crazy, clingy chick along for the ride. Ha-ha. The ride. She sure took me for a damn good ride. She just smirked at him as she watched his eyes quickly travel up and down her body as he sat up straighter in his chair. "Are the cops after you?" he asked making her shake her head.
"No. I'm good at covering up my tracks." She answered his question honestly.
"Are you wanting more than just a good lay out of this?" he asked motioning between the two of them.
She started laughing. "Dean, I haven't gone steady with anyone since I was 16 and that was only for two months. You slept with me, that's sign number one that you are a player. So no, I'm not looking for a long term relationship."
Damn, that's too bad. She's good in bed, likes beer, and packs heat. I like her. His thought caught her off guard and her hand flew to her mouth to keep the beer from spewing all over the place. She wasn't expecting such a nice thought. "You alright there?" he asked and she just managed a nod and motioned for him to keep asking questions. "That’s all I got. I'll talk to Sam about it and see what he thinks." He said before he leaned back in his chair and took a swig of his beer.
With the conversation having died down, they both just sat in comfortable silence. She put the thought barrier back up around Dean and let her thoughts and her eyes drift. She didn't notice Dean, taking in her soft brown waves and the way her thumb and middle finger rubbed together in thought. Eventually her hazel eyes drifted and met bright green ones. They smirked at each other at the same time.
His gaze paired with his sexy lips was again too much for her to handle. “You know…” she stood up and placed her hands on the arms of his chair. “Just because I said I didn't want a relationship with you, doesn't mean that we can't have a little fun every now and then." He seemed a bit hesitant, but she knew from listening to his thoughts that he was just putting on a show. "Come on, no strings attached. I won't get mad when you sleep with another woman and you can't get pissed when I sleep with another, more attractive man. Although I don't think that will be happening, or at least I hope it won't." Her brother and his dyeing words echoed in her head. "Ria, ya, gotta stop sleepin' around, it's bad for yer health." she had laughed at him when he said that, thinking it was just a joke. "Promise me?" his pleading voice echoed in her head as she just stared at Dean, who was looking at her with a question mark face. "You know what? Never mind." She tried to lean back from Dean, but he grabbed her hips, stopping her.
"Wait a second. What do you mean never mind? Never mind you aren't going to keep sleeping with me, or never mind you aren't coming with me and my brother?" he asked and she walked to the end of the bed to turn her back on Dean.
Her eyes bored into her own as she glared at her reflection in the small full length mirror that was at the back of the motel room. "I should have never slept with you." She said it more to herself than Dean, but he still heard her and asked what she was talking about. "I take back everything that I said. I can't go hunting with you and your brother." She said without looking at him.
Dean's brows pulled into a deep v as he stared at her back. He didn't understand the sudden change in her. "…okay. That's fine I guess. You just looked a little lost is all. You-" he was about to tell her that the invitation still stood, but she interrupted him.
"Do me a favor… Be like the other men I've slept with." She said still not looking at him, "I can't do this anymore." She finally turned to see that he had stood up and was looking at her with nothing but concern on his face. "This lifestyle has cost me everything." She wasn't necessarily talking about hunting, but it was a part of it. "Hunting, drinking, sleeping around… I just can't do it anymore. It's already taken everyone in my family. The next person to go will be me and…I'm not ready to die." Tears slowly started to streak her cheeks.
Dean's next actions startled her and caused her to jump as he stepped closer to her and hooked one of his arms around her shoulders and the other around her waist. He was hugging her. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had hugged her like this. His fingers were threaded into her soft waves as he held her head to his shoulder. After a few seconds that it took to get over her shock, she slowly wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him back.
In that moment something in her broke. She allowed herself to cry on his shoulder. For a split second the shield around Dean's thoughts dropped and she heard him think. "I wish I could help her."
Without thinking about it she softly replied. "No one can help me."
Her words made him stiffen for a second before he brushed it off as a coincidence and lifted his hand up to brush his thumb across her face in an attempt to wipe away her tears. With a small smile he asked "All better?"
"Yeah." She answered sheepishly then headed back to the bathroom. "I'm gonna wash my face." But she stopped at the bathroom door. "And Dean?" she said making him look up at her from his beer. "I'm expecting this room to be empty when I come out." She didn't wait to hear his response before she ducked into the bathroom.
Once inside she purposely dropped the barrier. She listened to him have an internal debate for five minutes before she pulled the shield back up. Two minutes later she heard the bedroom door close and she sank down on the dirty bathroom floor as she let out a breath that she didn't even know she was holding in.
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bokhoottoo · 7 years
ILY ICE BBY VICTOR @impulsivemcmullet Relationship status: single and sad Favorite color: BLUE Pets: I used to have a white Shiba named Ares :^) Wake up to: my alarm, which is set to Good Greif by Bastille lmao Cats or dogs: dogS Coke or Pepsi: Coke Day or night: that point where it's super super early morning but it's pitch black outside still Text or call: tbh calling bc I like listening to my friends but texting bc I can send them memes Chapstick or lipstick: both ,,, also bc sometimes my lipstick dries out my lips lmao City or country: City Last book I read: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe,, ITS SUCH A GOOD BOOK AND I 100000% RECOMMEND IT Last song I listened to: o shit I don't remember,, I think it was either We Know the Way from Moana ( @impulsivemcmullet 👀) or Santeria by Sublime Five facts about me: -I get an average of two hours of sleep a day -I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue -I punched a guy in the face bc he made a fat joke abt my friend -I'd die for my brother, Evgenia Medvedeva, and @impulsivemcmullet <3 -I'm taking the SAT tomorrow and I wanna mcfucking die alright y'all imma tagggg @alluraphile @wordsmith-written @schizopidge @aidenmoo @gentlemanbrows @iamamarshmallowo 👀👀 you don't gotta if u don't wanna
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My biggest regret: I am a cheater
I just ruined my relationship with my mother because I didnt like how she was speaking on your name.
I had just lost a best friend.. You were all I had.
School ended and so did we..well not really but that's how it seemed. I was the least of your worries and it was obvious. I hadn't seen you for over a month.
Got tickets to that concert in hopes that I could finally see you. And you wouldn't go.
So I decide to go with some friends.
(Now that it comes to me; Before my relationship with my mother and the passing of my brother, I wasnt into drugs, never would do anything but smoke some weed.)
Then it was all downhill once I felt like she had left me. What am I supposed to do? I had trust issues. I got a lot of shit wrong in my head..And you abandoned me..
I found peace in the presence of my peers and you despised it. You could stand I was finding my peace somewhere other than you.
So the night of the concert you all of a sudden gotta get rushed to the hospital for uterus complications. While I'm out of town. You knew I was out of town. And all of a sudden, boom.
How can you even lie about something like that? To make me feel horrible for not wasting my money? I still don't get it.
That night I stayed with some friends. Had a little bit to drink, had been smoking all day. Went to bed pretty early
If I wanted to truly cheat, I could have that night because I woke up to a friend(female) in the bed with me but under her own covers and clothed. Shrugged it, went on with the day.
Since I woke up feeling great, I rolled with them for the day. And time went on. You not bothering to see me. At this point youre being shorter and shorter by the day. Obviously pushing me away.
I got to a few parties just to be around my friends cause that's what their doing. You hate it, you couldnt't stand me finding some sort of dopamine. Eventually I decide to get fucked up at one of these parties because who tf cares at this point. Not the one person I thought always would.
That night I fucked up... I cheated.
I wouldn't talk to you..I ducked everybody associated with you so you wouldn't find out..I felt horrible... But I also felt abandoned..so I didnt know what to do..I eventually told you two days later after you caught me at a party when I was "sleep"..
I should have followed through with ending it right then and there..but you asured me wed work around it. We were stronger than this...
I get a job finally, landscaping. You see money coming in and you buck back up. Texting me heavy and then finally I get to see you on a job. I mean I can see your house from the job sight, wanna bring me a drink? 10 minute visit. Then back to ghost.
1 Months later
You start going to your grandmas during the day with your little sister.
That day I find out.. I found out about your ex..
You freak out because you thought you'd get away with it and you decide to come see me.
I go break my hand on a fence while waiting on you to show, and some people I thought of as "best friends" came rolling up seeing I I wanna go ball. And I tell them I'm good and fill em in.
She shows up, gets her way.. Greif keeps me into staying.. But little did I know..
One of those friends that rolled up on me, I grew up with was in hard times and needed a place to stay. I let him in. My own room, had to share a bedroom with this nigga.
Somehow I end up getting her pregnant soon after she manipulates me into staying.
One morning a few weeks later, he leaves his phone unlocked while playing a game.
I see your name in the message list.
I grab his phone, read the messages and then read the other "friends".
You had been cheating on me whole time with the other "best friend" that rolled up on me that day I found out about your ex. Ironic right. What do I do? Immediately get dressed and walk my ass up in the school just to pull you out of class and see what the fuck was up.
You assured me nothing happened, y'all was just talking. You are so fucking manipulative. I fucking believed you bitch..
You lost the baby..
Then you left me..you couldn't get over MY cheating..
One year later..
Of course. I cant get over the bitch...
She was my first..First love and first fuck.
I'm working at a factory now. And for some reason I reach out.. We talk for a few weeks about how we miss each other. Or so I believed.
The people youre living with are leaving for vacation soon and you need a place to stay while their gone..of course, I let you in.. Like everyone I love..
That week was a dream of the me from when we wrre originally happy...
It was great.. I fell right back in love with one kiss...
Then one day soon after you left my houze...i just wake up to a "I'm breaking up with you, go kill yourself"..
How do heal from this??
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