#good omens is in my skull
andiv3r · 9 months
If u guys need any more proof that Good Omens has permanently altered my brain chemistry, here:
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Saw this today. Sun coming through the clouds. Before Good Omens I'd have been like "God is watching me lol" but when I saw that today I was like "Aziraphales up there..."
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tampire · 15 days
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Vice Crowley + Skeletons
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p4nishers · 1 year
crowley saying "if any harm comes to aziraphale because of this i will–" to gabriel is SO fucking special to me bc he was so clearly afraid of gabriel after the trial like just look at his reaction when he first sees him and him saying he spent a WHOLE NIGHT worrying that gabriel's gonna smite him like he's actually terrified and still after ALL THAT he still threatens gabriel and i just think threatening someone like THAT is actually so vulnerable bc he's making it abundantly clear that he cares for aziraphale and wants him safe and that aziraphale is HIS to protect and he WILL protect him no matter fucking what and i just i can't deal with how outright and upfront crowley was this season not only with aziraphale but with other people ABOUT aziraphale too like he was really not fucking around this season and he needed everyone to know aziraphale is his and made gabriel almost JUMP OUT OF A WINDOW for wanting to hurt aziraphale and the vulnerability of it all is making me go NUTS
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z-bedisha · 5 months
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the ineffable wives and mary frames <3
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lokisam83 · 2 months
Postcards newly arrived! 💫🌟
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I finally received my order, postcards made with my own drawings! I'm so excited, the result is really good! I hope I can do more of them with different designs very soon.
They are available for purchase 🌟💫 on Vinted for France, Spain, Italy, Belgium and few others . But I can send them anywhere in the world.
Please, help me sharing this post 💕
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taygra5shaon · 6 months
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if would like a request, please send me a description of your OC or favorite character!! References and pictures are required (all tipe of sketches are greatly appreciated)
💗Anime and Comics
💗Creatures of all kind
💗Transformers and robots
💗Romantic scenes
💗Gore and Monsters
💗Mermaids and Sirens
🖤Anything sexually explicit
🖤Realistic portrait
🖤Heavy violence (or Tumblr will censure me...)
INKHEART trilogy
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit
Queen and Labyrinth
Resident Evil
The Dark Pictures anthology
Until Dawn and Quarry
Good Omens
Marvel and DC
Stranger Things
Harry Potter
The Last of Us
The Walking Dead
The Witcher
Dirk Gently
Mystery Skulls Animations
Drawing will take some time, don't despair if i dont answer or post quickly. I'll try my best to finish all!
-Payment on Paypal, Bancontact or Maestro
-Payment is required upfront
-Art for NO commercial purposes
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saudrag · 1 year
Supreme Archangel Aziraphale
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sentientsky · 9 months
at the heart of every galaxy is a void; an empty space torn open between worlds. it's a consumption of light, of movement and warmth; a dilation of time, seconds fractured and turning in on themselves. he could walk the twenty-six thousand light years to the core of a galaxy he'd drawn from the silt of inexistence. he could stand at its edge and peer over into the depths of nothingness. and still, still, its pull would wither and die in the face of such desperate, hands-shaking gravity as a palm pressed to his own on a bus ride back from the end of the world. he would have let himself be devoured by the solar pulse of a far too human heart, let himself be run through, all sinew/bone/ichor, if only to be permitted to remain in that same orbit—the singular fulcrum upon which he'd turned for more than six thousand years. and yet. to be handed the same blade that sliced you open so long ago—to be asked, begged, pleaded with, to turn it on your own chest/to turn back around just before the sunlight hits your face/to turn yourself into the crawling, wounded thing that so often looked for nothing but a quiet place to die... well, that's something else entirely, isn't it? and so when the angel, with all his blistering antiseptic heat and amethyst eyes, returns to the scene of the crime, Crowley can't bring himself to speak. he lets the words gather and stagnate in his throat. and after a while, Aziraphale stops pushing. and so it's the end of the world. the shadows leer from the corners, the world turns faster on its axis, and still they're not talking.
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kodzimon · 1 year
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crowley hamlet
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babbelswoofominides · 5 months
I was playing around with chatgpt just to see what's all the rage, and it's a fun little online encyclopedia, but it gets hysterical when you try and ask it some existential questions like "tell me why shipping Aziraphale and Crowley is considered problematic". Here's what I got:
"Canon Ambiguity: The relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley in both the novel and TV series is open to interpretation, with their dynamic being primarily portrayed as a deep friendship rather than explicitly romantic. Shipping them as a romantic couple may be seen as disregarding the intentions of the original creators and imposing fan fantasies onto the characters." Uhm, okay? Thanks but that is literally the point of fanfiction lmao. I understand this is just reporting what people might feel towards fanfiction, but the argument is as silly as if a human said it. Also, I think chatGPT remained way behind because the creators are literally the ones who gave us a romantic plot, we literally had the author slap-fighting people on twitter who said it was not a love story, so...
"Imbalance of Power: Aziraphale and Crowley occupy distinct positions within the celestial hierarchy, with Aziraphale being an angel and Crowley a demon. This power imbalance, coupled with their inherently opposing natures, raises questions about the ethics and dynamics of a romantic relationship between them, especially considering the potential for manipulation or coercion."
Uh??? I mean it has been stated that Aziraphale and Crowley are on equal footing (despite some fans thinking Aziraphale is stronger!Daddy or whatever), they quite literally cancel each other out.
"Normalization of Unhealthy Behavior: Both Aziraphale and Crowley exhibit morally ambiguous traits and engage in ethically questionable actions throughout the story. Romanticizing their relationship may inadvertently romanticize toxic behaviors such as manipulation, deception, and disregard for boundaries, sending a harmful message to fans, particularly younger or impressionable audiences."
This can... Be said of literally any show out there. No show is morally sound and pure??? I'm confused.
"Ignoring Diversity and Representation: Focusing exclusively on the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley may overshadow other diverse representations of relationships within the story, including friendships, familial bonds, and platonic connections. This narrow focus may contribute to erasing or marginalizing LGBTQ+ characters and narratives that offer alternative perspectives on love and intimacy."
Sorry does chatgpt not know that Air Conditioning is an agender/nonbinary couple and male presenting, so how is it marginalizing lgbtq+ characters???
"Dismissal of Canon Relationships: Both Aziraphale and Crowley have meaningful interactions with other characters in the story, including Anathema Device, Shadwell, and Beelzebub. Shipping Aziraphale and Crowley to the exclusion of these other relationships may diminish the importance of those connections and overlook the value of diverse storytelling and character dynamics."
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Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh....... What??? (why are all gifs so gigantic) Surely you mean the other COUPLES in the show, not that fans are missing the splendid opportunity of shipping Aziraphale with Anathema or Crowley with Shadwell... Right? RIGHT???
"Conflict with Personal Beliefs: For some fans, shipping Aziraphale and Crowley may conflict with their personal beliefs, religious convictions, or cultural backgrounds. The portrayal of an angel and a demon engaging in a romantic relationship may be seen as blasphemous or disrespectful, leading to discomfort or moral objections."
No I've actually seen this and it's valid. As long as these people admit it's not for them and don't harass other fans that might not even have their same religious beliefs, it's all good.
"Community Discord: The prominence of Aziraphale/Crowley shipping within the fandom can sometimes lead to tensions or conflicts between fans who hold different views on the relationship. Debates over the validity or appropriateness of shipping may create divisions within the community and detract from the enjoyment of other aspects of the story." Why are the only 2 valid points at the end lmao? In a word, shipping-wars. Are bad. And take the fun out of shipping. I concur. I was just maybe expecting... More from an app that is lauded left and right for being truly incredible, but what I've found is essays that are middle-grader level and facebook takes on fandoms.
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myththefangirl · 1 year
Still feeling feelings about that finale
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theorangeintrovert · 11 months
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I forgot to post my inktobers here so I’m just gonna spam them with no context 😅
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fairyspheres · 1 year
i have some incoherent thoughts about god in the good omens verse and i need to get them out in some sort of legible written format. so sorry if you don't like this lmao.
(note; these are my personal thoughts that i'm putting into words please don't get mad at me)
rather than the loving and benevolent being that god is often portrayed as in media, she is very much the old testament version. all about testing people and wrath without reason. she doesn't play fair. she threw angels down into perdition simply for asking questions.
and honestly, as much as it hurts to see the blorbos/poor little meow meows hurt in the show, i actually really like this portrayal of her. given how a lot of christianity has been based upon or influenced by earlier/ancient religions (jesus' wine trick can be compared to dionysus, for example), i feel it's no small stretch to say that god herself was influenced by the creator deities of those religions.
if i use gaia as an example (though she was not the ultimate 'creator' in ancient greek mythology - that was chaos - it's close enough for the comparison), she was gentle and loving, as god is said to be. gaia is also brutal and tells her titan children to kill their father. god has shown a pattern of,,, questionable behaviour.
i do think god loves her creations and children in the go verse. i also think that her interpretation is close to the old greek deities, which influences things. the greek gods loved their creations, too, but they were firmly inhuman and so loved in an inhuman way, usually by turning their loved humans into a fountain, a plant, or an animal. god does the same thing (without the metamorphosis bit).
the greek gods would often test their favoured heroes (or champions). zeus also decided to drown the entire world because he got tired of humans (a mood), but allowed pyrrha and deucalion to survive and repopulate (though with stones, so no incest there).
god has obviously done all this as well. we know she tests her favoured humans (look at job). we know she drowned everyone in mesopotamia because she got tetchy one day.
i think she shows her love in the same way. inhuman, terrible, and horrifying. which is why i think when she tests the humans, she's also testing the angels and demons (particularly a certain earth loving pair). she loves them still, she wants to see what they'll do, but she doesn't tell them what's happening or what to do. a hands-off approach.
(also, contrary to popular depiction, i don't think god doesn't have fluffy white wings. she was the first being in an empty universe/void like chaos, right? so i think she has black wings. and i think she's an eldritch being like chaos or nyx. she certainly wouldn't look human.)
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piplupod · 6 months
my brain is so nonsensical, i will see omens in the most mundane shit but then when a dead blackbird appears a little ways away from outside the house i don't even blink
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oenk-oenk · 1 year
that’s the point. no nightingales
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drzone · 1 year
oh my god . good omens 2. just take me out back and shoot me like a lame horse why dont you
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