#good sheep
oxavane · 1 year
Not to out myself as a soulsborn enjoyer but. I need to draw Artorias at some point.
I realise the overlap between otome games and Dark Souls is slim, but. he hot okay.
corruption arc something something.
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dwuerch-blog · 4 months
Our Surrendered Feet
I’ve shared before about my morning routine of sending early morning text messages to my children every day. Now, I’ve added on that early morning routine a “group” text message to my grandchildren. Those text messages are intentional. I want my children, (including spouses) and grands, to know they are in my heart and on my mind in my prayers. But, more than me sending out love and blessings to…
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sheepmc · 5 months
Zhongli who just can't have enough of you
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Zhongli who eats you out while you sleep or fucking your thighs because how can he not
Zhongli who fucks you on every surface in the house claiming he wants you to make a mess on everything
Zhongli who uses his tail to hold you down and ruts into you harder
Zhongli who orders you to get off on his tail while he work
Zhongli who orders his slutty bratty cockwhore to play with yourself with the geo construct
Zhongli who manhandles you into a mean mating press while also giving your pussy a couple slaps for being so horny and wet for him
Zhongli who fucks his cum and eggs into you until you're mindless from pleasure
Zhongli who when riled up will fuck you until you're begging for forgiveness for riling him up
Zhongli who is only encouraged by your begging fucks you even harder, faster until you pass out only to be awaken by him still fucking your oversensitive body
Zhongli who cares for you after such an intense session together whispering sweet praises and words of love in your ear
Zhongli who prepares a bath and food for you to eat and recover even massaging your sore oversensitive body just don't mind him giving your pussy a few playful licks
Zhongli who makes sure you're well taken care of before drifting into the land of dreams with you embracing your body close to his
Zhongli who may or may not slip his cocks in your pussy in the middle of the night just to be even closer to you, to feel you and if you're up for it in the morning slow lazy cuddle fucking
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@crystalflygeo @meimeimeirin @silentmoths @ainescribe @zhxngii @moraxsthrone
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ace-lemonade · 1 month
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there's so much going in this one scene: the way laios doesn't even hesistate to nap on marcille, chilchuck immediately pulling a blanket over him, the little satyrs jumping over a gate
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nottobehornyonthemain · 10 months
Crowley’s fatal flaw is curiosity. He is fundamentally an optimist, although he tries not to be. He likes to explore, and snoop around places he shouldn’t go, and ask questions, and use the funny new human technologies. He likes watching things grow. He’s a creator.
His first gift to humanity was knowledge.
Now Aziraphale is fundamentally a realist, even a pessimist. Before he even knew that it was possible to Fall, he was afraid about what seeming to go up against The Plan could mean. He worries about the potential horrible outcomes of everything, even going unarmed into the wilderness. He wants to keep everyone safe, even if that sometimes means doing hard things to ensure an ultimate good. He’s a protector.
His first gift to humanity was a weapon.
One of these beings usually sits in a shop devoted to the passing on of knowledge, but doesn’t actually want to pass it on to anyone. One of these beings refuses to bring harm any innocent thing when there is a chance he can reduce suffering.
Heaven has assumed that Aziraphale’s fatal flaw is that he’s soft, and weak willed. That he��s someone easy to manipulate. But they’re wrong. Because Aziraphale is not soft, and his fatal flaw is his inability to compromise on his beliefs.
Now, I don’t know about anyone else. But to me, one of those two beings sounds a lot more unpredictable and dangerous than the other, and it’s not the one currently crying to Michael Bublé in a car full of plants. The one I’m more concerned about is currently being given the tools to bring about the end of the world.
And God knows what he did with the last tool heaven gave him.
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that-sweet-jester · 9 months
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just your local florist/part time astronomer/other time angel & and a demon who dresses too well for a demon
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jack-o-phantom · 7 months
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Enemies be damned, my sheep can slay a God
On a serious note, here is my Lambert design! I see him as, the more confident type and knows how to lie. Comes in handy as a cult leader
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lamaery · 7 months
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something small for the evening. More good boys of Shinovar. Mostly just wish fulfillment and heavily biased predictions for SA5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Image description: rough coloured digital sketch of Kaladin lying in the grass blissfully snoozing. He wears no jacket and the sleeves of his shirt is rolled up to his elbow, because it is just sexy, what can I say. Otherwise he lies there veeeery relaxed. Mouth and expression slack with sleep and his head propped against a giant, white shaggy sheepdog, who looks like it is sleeping if its wagging tail wouldn't tell a different story. That dog seems pretty content with its current role as a pillow. There is another smaller dog sleeping next to Kal's long legs in the grass. A tiny butterfly flutters above the serene little scene.
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bepoucorp · 4 months
Wow your art is so cool I wanna dress up your joker in a bunny suit hehe 🥰😝🙌❤️❤️❤️
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im not okay...
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Ok ok hear me out-
Apple trio (though Wally would probably kill Andy-)
edit: damn, this got a lot more popular than I expected-
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
ERIDAN: once in school i wwas wwalkin dowwn the hall at a brisk pace wwearin dress pants n boxers and my (HOMEMADE wwith nylon stockings + condoms + gak) packer just fell out a my leg n rolled dowwn the hall a little wways
ERIDAN: thankfully the only other person in that hall at that time wwas gamzee makara the wweird stoner theology / philosophy student wwho rode his bike around the halls sometimes and he literally just looked at me and said "Aw BrOtHeR. i HaTe WhEn It DoEs ThAt" and wwalked awway
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circusinarun · 2 months
Bride and ugly ass groom.
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They're marrying... I'll draw a comic about their marriage, i swear to god
Close ups :P
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Grandpas in love
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
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czechserwis (czeski fanserwis) + moja bardzo artystyczna interpretacja beboków (lubię kózki)
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naturepunks · 3 months
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treasonous activities
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patchworkmelody · 3 months
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Did u know. Kitties (and a lamb)
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nottobehornyonthemain · 10 months
I adore my little angel, we all do, I know. But you want to know what absolutely murdered me about That Conversation? It’s his face right after “No Nightingales”.
Because he doesn’t just look hurt, or sad. He’s clenching his jaw and raising his chin, just a little, regaining his composure. He doesn’t just look hurt, he looks angry.
And this isn’t his reaction to opening his door and finding the person who tried to kill him. This isn’t his reaction to finding out God plans to kill a bunch of kids and cause a man to suffer just to win a bet. This isn’t his reaction to the combined forces of Hell outside his shop.
This is his reaction to the fact that the love of his life just used the Nightingale, *their* Nightingale, in this context. Because he isn’t just saying no, he’s telling him that he loves him, but not that much.
And I think this is the moment their roles are properly reversed. Now it isn’t Crowley trying to escape the end of the world by running to the stars. It’s Aziraphale, trying to escape this conflict he and Crowley have for 6,000 years by finally putting them back on the same side and getting rid of all that messiness and philosophical differences.
Aziraphale knows why he couldn’t go with Crowley last time, but he doesn’t want to accept that because Crowley doesn’t have a higher authority he can go to, doesn’t have some plan that’s going to fix everything instead of just running.
For the first time in 6,000 years Crowley isn’t the one to suggest a solution, a temptation. He’s not recommending the Arrangement, he’s not suggesting they tutor the Anti-christ, or even that someone kill him, he’s not suggesting they runoff to Alpha Centauri, he’s not offering for Aziraphale to come stay in his flat because the bookshop burned down. Because this is their dance, Aziraphale is the good one. Crowley will always come back and tempt him again, and Aziraphale will always forgive him.
But this isn’t Crowley tempting and Aziraphale resisting. This is Aziraphale tempting, and Crowley saying ‘No’. And now the dance is all wrong.
But then Crowley kisses him and Aziraphale tries to fall back into pace, because in his head, the kiss is Crowley’s newest temptation, so he offers forgiveness in the last desperate hope they can find their footing here.
But he’s wrong. Because the kiss wasn’t Crowley tempting him. The kiss was Crowley’s forgiveness. So of course he tells Aziraphale not to bother this time. The forgiveness already happened.
Which means Aziraphale has the lead in their dance, and he has no idea what to do next.
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