#good to your tastebuds!!
kirnet · 9 months
What’s your favorite soup recipes? Your post about making a ton and freezing it may or may not have just saved me lol
yes absolutely!! im glad it might be helpful! i make a cabbage soup all the time that ill write out a bit later that’s really simple and filling! the most recent one i made was adapted from this post. I make this one with bacon AND diced chicken and it’s so divine, but it takes a lot of steps and requires a blender so it’s not as fatigue friendly, but worth trying if you have the energy!
other than that unfortunately i dont really use recipes. I mostly will just use whatever leftover I have on hand and add it to stock, like leftover rice, veggies, meat, pasta, etc. soup is great for me bc you can really just throw in whatever is about to go bad as long as it works with the flavor profile you’re going for, and if you’re already comfortable with cooking then it’s the same principle. if you can’t make your own stock than just use the store bought stuff. Use frozen veggies too if you dont wanna worry abt produce going bad. Also im lactose intolerant and have celiacs so i use almond milk instead of milk and cornstarch instead of using flour as a thickening agent, but it always turns out really good! if you’re not then adding some splashes of cream/milk and some melted cheese on top of different soups will probably be really good.
Del Real Foods has these precooked and preseasoned packages of different meats that you can use too if you have anxiety abt raw meat or you dont have the energy to do a full recipe. A lot of the time I’ll use their chicken and just throw that in with some chicken stock, whatever veggies i have like carrots or potatoes or celery and some hunks of onion, and then finish with some rice or pasta for a quick and homey chicken soup! :D
cabbage roll soup
- one onion
-preferred amount of garlic (i usually use 3-4 cloves)
- a whole cabbage
- about 4 cups of broth or stock, two of those cartons you buy at the store
- 1-2 cans of tomato sauce depending on how much you like tomatoes
- pack of ground beef or turkey
- cup of rice
- a healthy splash of balsamic vinegar and some spoonfuls of brown sugar optional.
You can do this all in a big pot so you dont have to worry about multiple dishes! sauté your onions until translucent and season with salt and pepper, toss in your garlic cloves for like 30 seconds and then throw in your meat. brown that then throw in your tomato sauce and stock. chop up your cabbage and throw that in and also toss in your rice. add the vinegar and some sugar to make it a little more tangy and deep, but it works fine without it. then just bring to a boil and wait until your rice is cooked and your cabbage is tender! its really easy to double this recipe or just add more rice to make it more filling. I’ve frozen this plenty of times to it freezes and reheats well!
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2-dsimp · 1 year
Hi, NightFlurry Anon again!  Sorry for being on hiatus for so long. I’m busy with school, and lack of inspiration stopped me from sending in more ideas for my fantasy au yandere Genshin game.  I’m trying to make good comments and ideas for Genshin, but they either slip past me or I can’t think of any, so I’ve been stuck.  Thankfully, it came to me, so I wrote some people I could think of.  Sorry, I hope you aren’t mad. I love your work!  Also, I appreciate any thoughts or comments on my writings. Also, can you please add me as an anon or give me an emoji?  Thank you!
As stated, Kazuha is a traveling knight in the fantasy au nicknamed among his fellow wanderers and travelers as the “Maple Leaf Mercenary,” nicknamed the “Wind Whisperer,” or rumored as the “Descendent of Miyamoto Musashi.” He is known as a hero as he saved many victims from violent thugs and greedy robbers throughout his travels, saving the day.   
Many witnessed Kazuha's bravery first-hand in battle, the mercenary who was as light as a breeze as he quickly made due to his enemies seemingly with ease.  Graceful like a gale, he danced without a care in the world among the rain of arrows aimed to kill, acting as if he was in no danger; instead, he was simply avoiding the arrows as if avoiding the rain.  Merciless as a typhoon, he masterly stroked down his vast enemies no matter how large they were against his tiny frame or how many against one knight. They all fell against his sword one way or another; no one had ever seen such a massacre created by Kazuha.  Kazuha was hailed as a hero by many. Still, instead of receiving gold or hands of marriage by thankful nobles, he insisted upon a decent amount of money and a temporary home to stay in before continuing his travels. 
Among his fellow travelers, they gossip about how they hear the sounds of the wind whispering near the mercenary whenever they pass by him, and they rumor that the winds whisper to him directions on where to go in a hidden language only familiar to the mercenary.  A traveler gossiped that the wind was a companion because one day, the traveler noticed that Kazuha was talking to no one but the wind and chatting to it like the wind was an old friend.  Many pondered how the young mercenary understood the wind as many tried to show an ear to hear what the wind may say, only to receive a low whistle or leaves in their face. They decided that not all mysteries were meant to be solved and let them go like the wind.  He is nicknamed the “Maple Leaf Mercenary” because people have sworn that whenever they pass by him, they can smell the hint of maple coming from the young mercenary despite the hardships of dust and storm that befell the wanderer. 
Many say that if you look closer, the mercenary leaves a trail of maple leaves in his wake despite not being autumn season; some even say that when he fights, the maple leaves guide him on the battlefield and fight alongside him.  Despite the many churning rumors and bellowing gossip, not one person has any clue about the mysteries that cloud the hidden background of the knight known as Kazuha. Kazuha keeps everyone at arm's length despite being friendly among his fellow travelers, and many speculate that he hails from the kingdom of Inazuma with his clothes similar to the Inazuma fashion. His code of manner is similar to how samurai carry themselves in Inazuma. 
However, whenever nosy travelers try to pry information from Kazuha, they are only greeted with the same-everlasting smile as he says that the only link he has to the kingdom is his trusty sword before looking at the distance with a sad gaze.  Kazuha, the wanderer, never had a place to call home, constantly bouncing from one place to another, and nobody to call a friend, always temporary companions he’d meet on the road until he departed along his journey, never seeing them again until he wandered into his new destination, the kingdom of Seizon-sha, hoping to make a quick pit-stop before continuing his journey. 
One day, Kazuha, unfortunately, came across a rather impatient noble who started shouting out how his day was ruined because an airheaded peasant couldn’t keep his eyes on the road and ultimately sullied his clothes till it was useless. He must pay a lifetime for his crimes so that he can pay for his clothes that could cost not even a dumb low-life like him can understand,’ even though the noble bumped into him first. There was minimal damage to his clothes despite a mini stain that no one could see unless you looked hard enough.  The tension was high enough that Kazuha could cut it down with his sword before the situation worsened; an angel appeared in the form of Their Highness to settle down the angry noble, then came in between the two to calm and lessen the problem. 
Kazuha never had someone who protected him, only relying on his wits and skill until their Highness stepped in, shielding Kazuha with their body despite the noble being twice their size and height. Their Highness stood courageously against him as they used their knowledge to counter every remark the noble had thrown at them before finishing off their enemy.  Kazuha thought it would be the last time he’d see his guardian angel until the reader took his hand and asked him if he was alright. Kazuha had never seen such a pair of eyes more beautiful, bright like their highnesses; not even the stars could compare to their beauty.  Those eyes, they must only look at me and me alone.
The rest of the day was a blur as their Highness dragged Kazuha all across town so they could give him a proper welcome to the traveling mercenary despite Kazuha’s protest that a simple tour would suffice, but their Highness insisted.  The two celebrated the day wandering around the town, pointing out each landmark, escaping from the royal guards (their Highness snuck out of the castle to wander), and enjoying each other’s company.  Eventually, their trip was cut short when the royal guards found the couple and had to bring the reader home, but before they left, the reader gave him a keychain to remember this day, thus ending their day as Kazuha looked at the back of the reader with starry eyes.  Or should I say obsessed eyes?  Readers thought this was the last time they saw the mercenary until they saw him again, but kneeling, pledging his loyalty as the reader's bodyguard so he could honor their Highness’s kindness and bravery when they saved him from the wrath of a noble.  Despite Their Highness’s many protests, Kazuha’s mind was settled; thus, the traveling knight Kazuha became the second bodyguard of Their Highness.  Kazuha swore he’d only be loyal to Your Highness and them alone. By the samurai's honor, he’ll serve His Highness’s side till the day he dies.  You’ve dug your grave, your highness.  Don’t you know that if you give a starving man food, he’ll keep wanting more and more?
Kazuha is so sweet and thoughtful, always thinking of you first, giving you his jacket when the night’s been frigid that you could see one’s breath. Despite your many protests, he would get sick. He always shrugged it off with a smile, saying you need it more than him.  Making you his priority whenever thugs or robbers decide to test their luck and then try to rob you, even comforting you during this traumatic moment by using his leaf whistle to create a serene melody and telling stories of his home.  Shielding you away from haughty nobles who sneer at your figure as they gossip about your kingdom’s state and comment how it’ll all be better if a useless heir like you would marry off to some old pig and be done with it.  Funny enough, the nobles that sneered at you died gruesomely several days later. One had all their limbs cut off, and their corpse was found by a maid who heard screaming in the dead of night; another was burned alive in their mansion. Unfortunately, they couldn’t make it because their door was bolted shut; luckily, everyone escaped safely, and finally, their waist cut off the last one, and their corpse was hung outside their mansion gates with the message “Useless Heir.”  The only person who could’ve known those words would’ve been Kazuha.… no there’s no way it could’ve been him.  He’s too sweet!
Kazuha, who had such a way of words, a voice as smooth as silk, words as sweet as sugar, and his sentences would make any poet green with envy.  You couldn’t stay mad at him when those sweet words came out of his mouth, making it sound better, and you shouldn’t worry about a thing.  Even if he picked a fight with another knight (*cough*Xiao*cough*), he sounded so sorry for his actions, and his face looked like a kicked puppy!  Say sorry, you monster!  Kazuha, with his calm and collected attitude, could calm even the roughest nobles and the grumpiest of knights and easily lessen the tension no matter how impossible.  Honestly, you’ve never seen him angry before. It’s like nothing seemed to deter him.  Don’t be fooled by his honeysuckle face and sugarcoated words; he knows you fall for his soft looks and sweet words and abuses this power. If you interrogated the knights who saw Xiao and Kazuha fight, you’d learn that he started it first by threatening him, but of course, you’ll never know because silence is bliss.  Your Highness, underneath that soft demeanor, is an obsessed, lovesick samurai ready to kill in your honor.  Pray to whatever god you believe in because you NEVER want to see him angry. he may not lash out or scream, but he’s just as dangerous since he’s a silent wrath.  Be on your guard.
“Your Highness, if I never met you that day…I would still wander aimlessly from country to country without a clear goal.  My only home was a prison; my friends were unfamiliar, my family was gone, and I had nothing that meant anything to me, so I wandered.  I had my feet carry me from place to place, never stopping unless to rest.  The winds being my only company on a lonely journey across the world, the sounds of the wind and my footsteps being my only conversations.  Never a home, family, or thing I could look forward to until you came along.  You’ve brought a beautiful symphony to my wandering soul. Without you, my life had no meaning but to wander, but now I have a purpose which is to serve by your side.  So, please, your Highness, allow me to continue staying by your side I’ll dedicate every battle in your honor and bring down whatever enemy that stands in your way.  Use me as a tool, make me your trophy, play with me as a doll for your entertainment, but never get rid of me.  Just let me stay by your side, my dear guardian angel.”
Note: Sorry if it didn’t sound as yandere as you hoped. I wanted a slow build-up to Kazuha’s yandere-ness like it starts soft and sweet, then it turns obsessed.  Also, I'm working on Wanderer's, Heizou's, and Zhongli's profiles so far.
I hope you enjoyed Kazuha, the wandering knight’s background for the Fantasy AU. Next is Wanderer, the Grumpy Visitor; Heizou, the Consulting Detective; Diluc, the Brooding Bachelor; and Zhongli, the Lonely King.  Please let me know what you think, and I want your opinion, even if it’s ten paragraphs long. I love feedback!!!  Thank you! 
NightFlurry Anon
P.S. In the last posts, you said ‘good food,’ ‘go’s brr,’ and ‘turns to rot,’ but I don’t know what it means.  Sorry, I’m not social and don’t understand slang like this.  *-*  My sister used TTYL on me, and it took me three whole days to figure it out, mainly because my older sister told me what it meant later.  ^-^  Also, which of my writings is your favorite part so far?
Welcome back NightFlurry! This is absolutely wonderful!
Also it matters not wether it’s as yandere as I hoped or not! (In my opinion, i really liked the in depth background you gave Kazuha and his mannerisms/general attitude before he met the reader) But continuing on, what’s truly important is what you think and feel about your own writing style/pieces!
Because everyone has their own perception of what a yandere is. Which is pretty awesome in itself! Because it opens up a wide variety of topics/ideas delving into the genre. o(≧v≦)o
But I’ll be happy to try and give any and all advice with writing in general! I’m no expert but I’ll do my best to help out (>^ω^<)
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sapphuric-acid · 2 months
Meal of scrambled eggs, hotdogs, rice, and ketchup my beloved
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saltedsolenoid · 2 years
mmmmm yummy delicious jalepeno popper
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crumbleclub · 1 year
my desire to eat pizza the second it comes out of the microwave overrides my willpower to avoid burning my mouth every time
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sketchymoray · 2 years
my dad makes the best porridge in the world fr
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kittlyns · 2 days
Idk if it's the meds or what but I have a very dull sense of taste lately which has all but killed my appetite
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screampied · 19 days
❛ PHEREMOANED ?! ❜ t. fushiguro
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☆ sum. after three long years in the slammer, toji returns home to you—his pretty sweet fiancé. to surprise him, you decided to spray on your new expensive pheromone perfume. was it the best idea? probably not. you wanted to tease him, not make him feral.
warnings. fem! reader, ex-convict toji, pwp, feral toji, scent kink, unprotected, manhandling, size kink, cúnnilingus (he eats it from the back), toji has a tongue piercing, brēeding, marathon séx, choking, spít, impact play, hair pulling, overstim, tummy bulges, overstim.
wc. 6.2k
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toji fushiguro never knew how to stay out of trouble—he had a temper and that wasn’t really a surprise.
he’s lucky he got released early on good behavior. three years, one thousand and ninety-five days, twenty six thousand hours and thirty six months spent apart from him. regardless though, you were patient—making sure to visit him during visiting hours and all. but the day he gets released, you get an idea. scrolling online, you read an article about pheromone perfume and skimmed across some pretty eye-catching stories. you ordered it about two weeks prior, waiting for his release to actually try it. spritzing a few good sprays on yourself, you wait by the front door where one of his friends, presumably shiu was dropping him off at.
creaaaak, the wooden door opens and there stands toji. he’s still in his orange jumpsuit, tresses of shaggy sable bangs brushing down his eyes, briefly occluding his vision. “hey, girl,” he gruffs, catching you in his arms once you tackle him into a hug. his big big arms cage you in before he kisses the top of your head. “missed y-”
toji pauses, and you let off a gasp once he abruptly digs his face inside the crook of your neck. “hn. . new perfume, baby?” good, so it really does work. his scarred hands rest toward your hips before he starts to sniff all down your neck, groaning against your skin.
“y- yeah,” you stammer, feeling his hands grip against your blouse. “you like? it was on sale.”
“i love it but it’s damn strong,” he murmurs, and out of nowhere—he lifts you up, tossing you over his shoulder. a giggle nearly leaves from your lips as he starts to trod toward the bedroom, loud boots clanking against the marble-made floor. “did you spray it between your legs too? fuck, you’re just asking to be ruined tonight, baby.”
well shit.
everything happens so fast,
one second you’re hugging your fiancé who just got released from prison and the next, he’s tossing you on the bed, making you spread your legs.
you’ve seen a lot of different faces of toji but this, this was entirely new. he’s got the type of look in his eyes where he wants something and he won’t hesitate to take it . . even if that something is you.
seeing you like this, sprawled all out on the bed with that cute perplexed expression of yours, fuck.
three years. three years without any kinds of physical contact he had to endure, and with the addition of your new pheromone perfume. perhaps you had some kind of death wish.
“spread ‘em,” he huffs, clicking his tongue. toji’s eyes were already hooded and half-lidded. he’s panting already and he’s not even looking at you.
just from staring between your legs, he could almost taste you on his tongue - his tastebuds were already salivating at the carnal thought. toji’s verdant dim eyes stare straight between your legs, right near the very crevices. “wait, no,” and you gasp again once he flips you over, making you flop down on your chest. “ass up baby. i don’t wanna look at you right now. wanna look at her.”
his hands were so hot, quite literally.
his bare palms had all kinds of scars painted near the centers with such rough texture as he feels against your ass. you try to suppress an incoming moan as your back willingly arches forward. your cheek’s being smushed against the silky red cover of your own pillow before he leans in.
toji’s wetly kisses against your ass cheek, nearly ripping your skirt in two. “mhm,” he groans, and even now, he’s still smelling you. your legs start to shake and quiver once he’s smelling every part of your thighs. toji drags his nose up and down, he’s making sure he can take in all of your perfume, he even licks down your legs. you’ve seen him feral before but never like this. his palm continues to rub against your skin before the button tip of his nose reaches toward your panties. “fuck, don’t know how much i missed you, princess.”
“t- toji,” you whine through gritted teeth, and he’s flicking his tongue against the lace pad of your panties. your smell, it was so good - he just couldn’t get enough.
it scratched a obscene itch in his brain, making him so aroused—so much so that you weren’t helping the strain in his jumpsuit sweats at all. toji’s boner was almost painful, it prods against the thin fabric of his jumpsuit and your scent only made his throbbing so much worse.
his hair tickles against the corners of your thighs as you feel his warm breath ghost against your sopping entrance. oh, right. you were kind of sort of a bit drenched—you had played with yourself out of pure boredom. you failed to make yourself finish but he didn’t have to know that.
toji noticed right away and he raises a brow, two pinching fingers pulling your panties to the side. “she’s soaked,” he utters in a low voice—he sounds almost offended. “wonder why that is.”
you let off a broken moan once he peels your panties to the side with just his teeth, dragging a fat swollen thumb right down your drooling slit. “fuckk, smell so good baby but i bet you taste even better.”
and within seconds, his tongue delves right between your legs. once he starts—there’s no prying him off. whenever it was pussy involved, toji was an animal.
he could eat you out for hours, no breaks, not caring at all if his jaw locks and tightens. he ate you out as if it wants some sort of competition, and he’d always get a gold medal. every single time. .
you’re facing the opposite way while he’s eating you from behind, two open palms squeezing against both soft cheeks of your ass. the tiny ball of his piercing gradually flicks against your clit and you nearly let off a shriek. the stimulation has you gasping for air and it felt so good—you’ve never felt more sensitive.
toji spreads your ass wider, dipping his lengthy wet tongue in and out before spitting down your entrance. “ptf,” and it’s a glossy slimy trail that dribbles straight down the cracked slope of your ass before oozing near your puffy pussy. it’s so sloppy, he laps it right up before spitting on it again and again.
toji hasn’t tasted you in forever, three years felt like forever and he wanted to make sure he’d make up for lost time - with his tongue.
“mhm, keep squirmin’ doll, see where it gets ya,” he’d gruff in a husky tone, feeling your entire body starting to writhe and shudder all from his mouth.
despite his jaw already locking—his face was flushed and tears of sweat sprayed against his forehead. even still, the dark haired man showed no signs of fatigue. you just tasted so sweet, and your loud pheromonal smell made things worse.
you slouch back against the cushioned mattress, peering behind you to see him sloppily give your pulsating cunt three second slurps. fuck, his tongue. it was so long.
you felt every extending inch of it trace and curl all throughout the swollen walls of your pussy. he had to make sure your pretty pussy remembered who it belonged to. his rosy pink tip swirls around and around, side to side, up and down—he makes it toy in every witch direction. toji then starts to merrily spell out the thirteen notorious letters of his name over and over.
t - o - j - i - f - u - s - h - i - g - u - r - o.
once his tongue curls in such a slick spiraling manner, your tummy heaves once he spells out the letter ‘s’ with his tongue. it twirls from up to down, and he even grumbles out the letters under his breath in that low, raspy voice.
two big hands cling onto your rickety thighs before he spanks your ass once he sees you trying to reach down between your thighs to touch yourself. “watch it, little girl,” he snarls, the sudden pitchy tone in his rough voice making you throb right on his tongue. he’s practically making out with your cunt now, french kissing your slobbering entrance. toji’s just casually nose deep, taking every few seconds to smell against your clit. “she’s mine.”
“tojiiii—” you moan, continuing to rock your unsteady hips back into his face. toji’s patchy stubble rubs all over against your skin until it’s just profusely dripping from your slick juices.
the scar that runs down the right side of his lip smears against you also. it feels so rough as it scraps against your folds. your pussy twitches as he starts to drag his face back and forth against your slick and you gasp once his tongue slides further up.
up, up, up until it reaches there.
“ah, now what do we got ourselves here,” he whispers, and you moan once he plugs a fat thumb against your puckering hole.
your teeth dig into the cottony fluff of the pillow that’s sat right in front of you. toji’s thumb, he circles it around before lolling out his tongue. even though you’re not directly facing him, you can just hear how wet it is—how wet you are.
you’re squelching so loud that it bounces off the walls, ricocheting against every peeling corner.
the syrupy saliva that departs and smacks from his lips once he open his mouth. “god, ‘yer fuckin’ wet, baby. just for me,” he murmurs, and he creates a long slippery slicking trail from the starting point of your throbbing clitoral hood all the way until he reaches your hole. he pauses as sheeny drool following his mouth. saliva continues to slip away from his wry crooked lips as his lips open and close. he’s fucking sloppy.
it was no secret—toji fushiguro was feral, happily smearing his face against your cunt whilst his tongue multitasks, licking near your ass.
it’s a sensation that almost tickles but oh, you weren’t laughing. your toes curl up in pure ecstasy and your face scrunches as he’s just devouring you whole like the starved man he was.
“ngh, tojiiii,” you whine, feeling the luscious twirl of his fat long tongue run over against every part of your pussy. your estatic nerves felt it all, he was very precise and never missed a spot.
toji’s lip scar that swoops down the right curve of his mouth faintly brushes up near your clit as his head continues to move. he hears you ‘ooh’ at the ticklish feeling and he chortles darkly. he likes to loll out his tongue even further, repeatedly thwacking the center of his tongue against your clit just so you can grow dumb from his piercing.
with your chest continuously dipping and heaving, you’re shivering against the as he’s got a face full of your ass—he feels you reaching from behind, grabbing near his overgrown unkempt strands to give it a nice mean tug. you’re dragging his head against your pussy now, even if your grip was a bit weak. “ohmygod, ‘s gonna make me cum too quick, toji.”
“taste so sweet, he grumbles, your viscous slick gluing all against his reddened scarlet lips. toji continues to dip and delve his lengthy flat tongue in and out of your sweet puckering hole before trailing it back up towards your cunt.
you let off a pretty mewl that lasts for multiple seconds, feeling dewy saturated strings of his spit run away from his own two lips and slabber all over your wet flaps. if it’s one thing toji does, he makes sure that you’re always wet for him.
you’re biting your fist until your knuckles split, occasionally hearing him spit against your cunt again, using a clammy palm to smother it everywhere.
“my wet girl,” his lips purse, soft pants of breath fanning right against your slick. you’re frantically quavering—shaking, and those warm ghostly breaths that waft by your rear doesn’t make things any better. various tingles roam through your body as he’s eating you out from behind, savoring your taste entirely. “mhm, don’t get lazy on me now. shake y’er ass against my face, baby. fuck me back.”
you moan once he gives your right bare ass cheek a firm squeeze. cupping it into his palm, he spanks it before you obey his command. jolting soft skin recoils and jiggles against his face and toji snickers, lying his wide tongue even flatter against your exposed wet pussy.
“uh huh, atta girl, lemme taste all of you,” and as he’s slurping, it doesn’t take long before you’re shooting utter blanks yet again.
interrupting static deafens your ears as a roaring wave crashes through your veins. your knees abruptly buckle until you’re collapsing forward in the mattress and its silky sheets. only then do you now finish on his tongue, letting off a shrilling whine.
“mhm, there it is, there’s my sloppy baby,” and a lustrous stream of your sweetened juices spew down his chin. his chin’s now shiny, and your glistening slick even decorates his stubble.
“fuck,” he takes a moment to breathe, flicking his tongue against his lips. so sweet, toji’s dark eyes rove down at your cute elated state as you slumped into the pillows. you’re trying to crawl away but with two hands, he’s reeling you right back into him. “oh, no ya don’t. get back here, pretty girl,” and your lips part into an ‘o’ as you gasp, feeling his teeth playfully nibble against your pussy.
and toji doesn’t let you escape his grasp. not yet anyway, he was starving. he missed you, and his tongue showed that.
you hadn’t realized how much time’s passed whilst he’s between your legs—you’d guess it’s been a few hours since it was almost dusk now.
toji was a eater, he’s got you lied flat on your back now as he’s slurping you clean. his tongue flicks underneath his bottom lip, tasting the mess you caused that’s pouring down his slick chin. it’s probably been your fifth orgasm and your legs can barely hold themselves up.
“mhm,” and he’s just munching your pretty pussy, glossy strands of his own saliva mixing with your sap continues to dribble down his chin. he’s made such a mess, all because of you. “you sprayed between your legs, didn’t you baby?”
“n- no,” you lie, dragging his head back and forth against your cunt. you did, but to be fair you didn’t think it’d work. you thought it was just another scam. but it wasn’t — toji was here, eating you out as if your pussy was the last edible thing in world.
make no mistake, he was a filthy man. his entire chin’s cascading with a stream of your syrupy mess and he barely bats an eye. you didn’t know how much more you could take before he chuckles, finally departing his lips.
“you’re a bad liar,” and his voice grows deep again. you meet his eyes and that’s when toji makes you get on all fours again. “ass up. y’know the drill. atta girllll,” and you almost shiver from his touch. toji stares at your perked ass, bringing a palm towards your left templed cheek. smack, you moan from the abrupt sting before he later caresses it. “god, i missed you. those idiots wouldn’t even let me touch myself, baby. thought about you the entire time i was rottin’.”
and as he speaks, your cheek presses further against the pillow. toji tugs on his the sweats of his orange jumpsuit—the fabric writhes against his slim waist before falling down, now exposing his boxers. he watches as your ass writhes and he hums, springing out his thick cock. “shit, you don’t even realize how good you smell, do ya?”
“no,” you breathe, feeling a lump circle near the inside of your throat once he brings his tip towards your entrance.
it’s sopping wet, weeping with honeyed tears of slick before he smacks it against your puffy hood.
“fuuuck,” you whine out, the feeling of his bulbous mushroom tip bringing you so many memories. he brushes it down your sensitive slit and you feel the slimy remnants of precum that oozes off his frenulum. a hand of his wraps around his veiny length, giving it a few striking pumps before toji groans. “fuck me toji, f- fuckin’ hurry up.”
“now girl,” he brings another smack towards your rear. this time it’s harder, the recoil rings through your ears and makes you chew the inside of your cheek. “don’t rush me,” and as the bass in his voice pitches lowers and lower, you feel yourself pulsate right between your sprawled out thighs.
toji’s aligning himself, hearing your sloshing weeps sloppily exit out of your pussy. a wry smile compresses against his lips before he wraps a few fingers over the back of your throat with his free hand. “ ‘m gonna take my time with you. so, do me a favor baby. arch that pretty back ‘n shut the fuck up.”
it was such authority in his voice—despite his tip barely even being in, he felt your cunt twitching almost right away.
it makes him snicker to himself, caressing your stinging back side with a scarred bare hand.
“good girl,” and he leans further in, taking yet another whiff of your salaciously rich scent. “here it comes,” he lowly purrs, and you bite your lip once he’s finally entering inside of you.
toji’s slow, purposely. he loves more than anything to see your patience wearing thin, squirming and just aching for a crumb of dick. as he’s perfectly aligned, his swollen angered cockhead gradually starts to disappear inside of your pussy.
“biiiiig stretch, there we go babygirl. take it.” and you’re moaning at each ridiculous inch burying its way inside of you. with little to no ease at all, he’s mending your squashy walls and shaping them all due to the size of his thick cock.
he’s so big, so big that his dick makes your tummy cave in a bit and your thighs start to rattle.
toji’s got a fat delicious hook that always curves inside of you as he’s going in. it’s so good - so good to where you’re feeling butterflies brew up inside of your stomach . . unless that was just his bulge.
“toji, ohmygodohmygoddd,” you babble out, gasping with slick parted lips at the gaping barrage he makes with his dick. he’s only halfway in and yet you feel so full. you almost forgot what it was like for him to fuck you, and oh did you miss it. “you’re not—ngh, not gonna fit.”
“silly girl,” he huffs, already starting to feel himself break a sweat. his forehead’s starting to get clammy the more he’s easing his way in. the raven haired man towers over your jittery body before you feel his hungry gaze rove down your back. “we’ll make it work, princess. just like we always do, i trained this pussy well.”
right after he speaks, you’re already gushing from his cock being so deep inside. his tip gets covered with your slick and he hums in amusement.
“even she agrees with me,” he hoarsely utters, preparing his sharp keen hips. you’re just so wet, you nibble down on your tongue as he’s losing himself further inside. it feels like forever until toji’s finally fully in. you hear a ringing ‘pop’ and that’s when you knew he was fitted nice and snug. “there we go, told ya. i always make it fit just for you—oh fuuucckk.”
your scent’s filling up the room now and it’s just driving him crazy. it gives him a headache, the kind of headache where he actually likes the pounding.
he can’t get enough of you, whether it’s your perfume, your body, or just you in general. all he knew was that he missed you and he was gonna show you how, with his deep pivotal thrusts.
“hngh, toji fuck,” you whimper out, and it doesn’t take long before he’s starting up a fast pitiless pace. the bed immediately dips from the harsh amounts of weight and pressure. toji’s got both hands glued to your hips.
his fat tip rudely thrashed at your sweet pulsing cunt time and time again. he’s simply relentless.
as he’s moving with such speed, you feel his full swollen base tap against your ass over and over.
you almost drooled, imagining how much he’d cum inside of you this time. his fingerstips dug so far into your skin that he left brief marks - it wasn’t too bad, but he’d definitely look back at it later just to tease you. “mmph, fuck toji. right there, that spot, baby.”
“i love you sweetheart but you talk too much,” he grouses, and you’re caught off guard once he pauses mid thrust just lean up close against you.
with your back still turned the opposite way, he pulls down your panties all the way, stuffing them in your empty mouth. “there, keep those pretty things in. only sounds i wanna hear is from y’er pussy, she’s the star tonight.”
toji’s cock was just merciless.
if you thought he was mean in bed, his hips were even meaner. ruthless, you’re being fucked against the springy mattress that’s creaking and the same babbles come out of your lips every time.
those same pathetic cries of his name. . it was like music to his ears. you couldn’t see yourself but you just knew you looked a mess.
you were drooling all against the satin pillow case as your eyes were just bulging out of their sockets. toji always knew how to stretch you good and stretch you right.
he was thick, driving his hips into you at such barbarous force that you were almost sure he was gonna break you. he wasn’t lying when he said he missed you. being away from you for so long was practically torture, and yes it was entirely his fault for getting locked up in the first place but still.
“ugh, mmph!” you whine, your noises becoming muffled from the bawled up panties that were stuffed inside of your puffed cheeks.
he was unapologetically drilling into your cunt as if he was a construction worker. if it wasn’t thanks to toji’s grip with hands, you’d probably fall of the bed and land flat on your ass.
“squeezin’ me so fuckin’ tight—shit,” he growls, his dark brows curling up together in frustration.
your walls were so clingy, they always were. his dick knew just the right spots to make you scream. after a few sloppy hits, his sweltering hot crown starts to break through your walls, pounding in and out until you’re just dumb full of cock.
you were stupid, entirely dumbfounded—and not a single thought crossed your mind as he’s hitting against that same sweet spot. you feel your toes curl up all the way until they feel numb and you let off a inaudible squeal. “pussy’s such a crybaby, look at how much y’er sobbin’ on me, princess.” he points out, purposely slowing his thrusts down just to ogle at the glimmering cobwebs of your own slick streaming down his cock.
it’s so pretty, you’re drenching his length each second and he feels himself twitch - you feel him twitch inside of you.
as he’s still vigorously delving his fat cock in and out of you, you feel toji’s grip around your neck softly tighten. silvery fingers stroke against your tender skin and you moan, a cock drunk smile spreading across your lips whilst your mouth’s full of your own damn panties.
you even taste yourself and it leaves a bittersweet taste in your mouth. toji then suddenly raises your ass up just a bit more.
“hey,” he grumbles, swatting a hand against your ass. you’re snapped out of your own lewd thoughts once the sting meets against your rear.
dark sly eyes flicker toward your body that’s twitching underneath him and he hums. “fuck back against me. don’t be a lazy girl,” and your cunt’s so close, you’re on the very verge and almost every nerve that’s buried between your thighs prepares itself for its elated finish. “fuck. me. back.” he repeats, his words an almost growl.
you whimper, quickening your hips again and he stares at your ass that’s gluing against his sharp pelvis, smack smack smacking away. the recoil was always his favorite part, he groans at how good you stick against him, luxuriating in your sweet filth.
you’re clinging onto the creamy white sheets for dear life while you’re also just casually getting the life fucked out of you.
toji always fucked like he hated you—of course, he didn’t. he loved you, he even put a pretty rock on your finger and couldn’t wait to take your last name. or vice versa.
alas, whenever the conversation went towards the bedroom, that was an entirely different story.
he was mean, sharp angered hips would plowed into you like he hated your guts. his tip’s a crimson red, kissing up against your sweetest spot that’s buried so far deep inside of you that it leaves a mark. your stomach continues to seize as he’s driving himself in and out of you, leaving a little bulge that prods near the lower part of your tummy.
“aw,” he glances at you trying to feel near the exact spot with your hand.
toji grunts lowly at the sharp twinge near his thigh, he’s almost out of fuel but he hasn’t had enough of you.
not yet.
“feel me there, yeah? ‘m really that deep, princess,” he whispers in a raspy tone, and you can hear just how out of breath he is. every few words were broken up and he’s panting right with you, pinching the bridge of his nose to suppress his own moans. “our future baby’s gonna be riiiight in here someday, princess. gonna make you the prettiest fuckin’ mommy.”
“oh, right,” he cackles darkly, leaning in to pull your panties out of your mouth. once he does, you’re matching the drilling speed of his pants.
toji keeps jackhammering into your sopping wet cunt and you’re just hysterical. a raw squeal dies out from the back of your throat before you abruptly end up cumming.
it’s quick, you cream all down his cock and your eyelids fatally flap shut. “the fuck,” he pauses, and you feel yourself throbbing all around him. you’re shook, your eyebrows twist together in pleasure and you’re just trying to gasp for any breaths you could get. you pout once he stops his hips all of a sudden, still shoved numerous inches inside before he releases his hand from your throat. “i know you didn’t just cum on me baby.”
you gulp, still heavily sensitive. your body’s practically on fire and you hated that he suddenly stopped.
toji didn’t like whenever you came—without asking first at least. “ ‘m sorry,” you moan, hearing his heavy pants directly from behind you. there was a sweet bratty lie underneath your two words and he knew that. toji fushiguro was no idiot. “sorry toji, didn’t mean—”
“oh, babygirl i’m sorry too,” and you’re confused for a moment before he makes your face squish even further against the pillows. a hand of his lightly pushes your head back into the mattress. you whine once you feel him starting up again.
your pussy resumes to freely constrict around his length before he’s starting up his insane pace again. toji feels you trying to crawl away again, weakly trying to paw your hands at the edge of the bed but he’s pulling you right back.
your ass slams against him and you moan, feeling him thrash against your beloved g-spot yet again.
“nah, we aren’t running today. get back here ‘n take this,” and he talks over your sweet babbles and mewls, speaking in a faux tone to match yours. “you’re a big girl aren’t ya, yeahhh? so whatcha runnin’ for?”
as toji reels you back to his raunchy rude hips, they snap into you at full force and you’re just choking on your own mewling whimpers by this point.
hours past, many many hours of you being fucked in any and every position.
toji’s got you screaming at the top of your lungs from each delirious orgasm that he coaxed out of you. he tells you to give him one more, just one more—but that ‘one more’ ends up being at least six more.
you’ve never felt more dumb out of your mind, and every few seconds he’d run his nose down your back just to get another whiff of your sweet enticing scent. by now, he’s lost count of how many times he smelled you. whatever perfume you were wearing, it was now his favorite.
he had you creaming down his cock again and again, your legs shook in defeat and you moan once he prepares to start up again.
but that’s when you lie him back.
“ugh,” he falls back, and his arms rest over the headboard of the bed. there you’re met with the eyes of a very feral man. toji’s jumpsuit was half on, barely even on at this rate. you take a chance to look at him and he’s just so swole. your eyes roam down his beefy body. he’s definitely got more toned since the last time you saw him. his body, it’s as if he was a sculpture. his and were similar to a greek god, droplets of sweat race down near his sharp v-line and you were mentally drooling. you peer down at a few of his tats that ink into his skin, a few veins running down his forearms. “now, that’s pretty damn rude, baby. pushin’ me over like that. oughta—”
“shut up, toji,” you murmur, still trying to get over your most recent orgasm. your ears rang, so loud that it’s putting bells to shame. with hooded eyes and that same sleazy grin, he holds onto your waist as you make your way on his lap.
toji snickers, a palm of his hand squeezing your ass tight. “oh, so y’er gonna ride me. ‘s that what this is, princess?” and you could hear the smug in his tone.
he didn’t think you had the guts. .
the dimples that poke against either side of his lips confirmed his haughty expression. “cute, but fine. go ahead then, girl,” and he spanks your ass, burying his face into your neck, licking against your sweet skin. “ride me.”
you barely even last a few minutes—toji’s just too fucking big.
you’re babbling yet again at how he’s not gonna fit and he just wryly grins at you. seeing you struggle to take him for the umpteenth time continues to feed his annoying ego.
but like the gentleman he was, toji helps you.
big firm hands attach to your waist and he helps you align yourself once more. your cunt’s profusely drooling, aching for more despite the overstimulation that’s continuing to dumb you down.
“such a baby. gotta help ya with everything,” he whispers, hiding his face inside the crook of your neck.
your scent was still so loud, the smell of you alone made him throb and you felt it from the inside of your gripping pussy.
your clingy walls clamp and squeeze around him tightly before you start up your frantic hips again. twisting your brows together in lewd rapture, you whine—tossing your arms over his broad shoulders. after a few seconds, then do you start to move your hips. “fuck, that’s it baby. ride me good, yeah. move those hips, shiiit.”
he groans, feeling his pumping cock drag its way through every part of your slick walls. he never misses a spot, and he sticks his tongue out, dragging it down your collarbone.
“mhm, fuck me. ride it like you want it, princess.” he spanks your ass, hearing the bed wail and creak out frail groans of its own. your hips threw itself in a circle as you’re on his lap, taking in every inch of his thick heavy cock. toji closes his eyes, inhaling your scent for the nth time, and it’s almost as if the second you started riding him, your smell got even stronger.
your slick glosses down his cock entirely, and it’s so pretty. every chance you get, you stare down between your legs just to see the sloshing mess that’s slapping right directly right underneath you. strands of glistening juices blissfully mix with his and just it’s filthy.
it even tangles into a mere cobweb the quicker you bounce up and down his dick. “f- fuck, fuck,” you stammer, and you’re so full—full of nothing but long girthy inches.
again, his maddened plump tip was just rude.
it’s smacking against your spongy sensitive spot constantly, dragging out those cute whimpers from your throat. your fingertips claw down his back whilst your hips becoming incredibly sloppy. “toji, ‘m gonna cum again. fuck, gonna cum again. hngh, please lemme c-cum.”
“let me think about it,” he sighs, and your face cutely drops at his teasing. toji nips small minuscule bites near your neck as his cock stills inside of you. “hmmmmm,” and he even hums over your pleading whines. burly arms wrap around your waist before he squeezes near your ass. he waits for a good seven seconds before darkly chuckling, lapping his tongue directly underneath your chin. “fine. go ahe—fuck.”
toji groans because right as he speaks, he ends up cumming right with you. his teeth bites into your skin as he’s dumping in a fat load inside, creamy globs filling you up almost right away.
his body violently erupts, feeling a ripple of vibrations jolt through his body and you feel the exact same.
you felt a spark surge through your veins and your brain just turned into complete mush. as your dead hips feebly writhe against him your jaw is just hanging open. “hngh, ‘s full,” you wheeze, feeling him continue to overflow your pussy with such thick amounts.
it’s a lot, so much to where it’s drooling all down your thighs, matching color against the ivory colored sheets.
it was so warm - hot even.
you hear the sloshing spurts that it makes and you’re panting just as much as he was.
toji saved so much for you.
his jaw tightens as he leans back, one hand still glued to the right cheek of your ass. “god, i fuckin’ missed you,” he groans, feeling a tingly sensation at the way you swallow every drop with your drooling cunt. your hips waver over him, and once toji brings his face up to stare at you again, he cups your face. “you alright, princess?”
“y- yeah i—” but before you could even finish your sentence, he pulls you in a deep passionate kiss.
it’s sloppy more than anything, and you feel his hands creep down toward your tits, squeezing against your plump swollen mounds. you whine in his mouth as both tangled tongues move in tavern. shaggy bangs brush against your forehead as you wrap your arms around him. as he’s hungrily shoving his tongue down your throat, that’s when he feels your hips slowly starting to grind again.
after a few long seconds, toji pulls away, watching the lustrous trial of saliva leave from both lips. he’s still so sensitive and so were you.
“baby,” he says, raspy and out of breath. he leans in, giving you one more sniff before groaning in your neck. the insides of your thighs were sticky, glued to the very crevices with his hot gluey cum and you definitely milked him. “i need more—fuck, i need more.” and you gasp once you’re suddenly flipped over on your back.
leafy green eyes bore into your ass and you moan once toji drags a big thumb down your cunt that’s slobbering with milky globs of his seed.
“shit, look at this mess,” and he slides his tongue across his lip - specifically, across the scar that runs down his sly crooked lips. “hah, y’er tummy’s not full enough yet, princess,” and you can almost hear the pout in his voice as he’s stood behind you.
toji vertically smears his thumb against your cunt that’s weeping with such thick velvety amounts of cum. he inches his face toward your rear before bringing a kiss towards your wet entrance.
“before i give you more though, ‘m gonna have ‘ta clean this mess,” and you let off a surprised gasp once he dips his tongue back into your pussy again, the cold pierced ball that lies on his tongue making you whimper. “so be a good girl ‘n bend over again for me,” and he starts to nibble against your clit, feeling you ardently pulse against his tongue.
“heh, but i gotta say, this food right here’s so much fuckin’ better than the shit they serve us in prison, princess,” and toji spits right on your folds one last time, giving it a playful smack. “so much better. . ”
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hoshigray · 1 month
˗ˏˋ ꒰ Do Your Job, Pretty Maid~! ꒱ ˎˊ˗ | jjk men
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୨୧ choso, kento, satoru, suguru, sukuna & toji × how their sweet maid takes care of them...or tries to.
contents: JJK men x afab/fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - size difference (true form! kuna) - oral (f! + m! receiving) - masturbation - threesome - protected sex (psa: wrap it up, or get tf up) - sir/Master kink - sex toys - impact play (spanking) - degradation + humiliation - clitoral play - overstimulation - more stuff specified in their respective perspectives - satoru + suguru's parts are combined.
word count: 5.2k
a. note: going on another trip for two weeks, so here's a lil present while I'm m.i.a :3
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₊˚⊹♡ Kamo Chōsō ⋮ oral (f! receiving) - clitoral play (licking + sucking) - pussy-drunk! choso - sqůirtǐng - pet names (baby, cutie, sweetie).
“Choso, please—Mmm…! We mustn’t…”
“Shhh, not so loud, sweetie…”
You cover your quivering mouth with your hands, eyebrows kneading together with toes curled inside your loafers, and thoughts running rampant at the sight of your master’s head buried within your skirt.
You were supposed to be dressing your master for an event that he’s supposed to attend, and you were almost done making him presentable for the occasion, combing his silky brown hair–usually kept in pigtails–down to his nape and spraying him with his cologne before buttoning his white loose long-sleeve. 
However, he stopped your hands at the third button, the pale skin of his pectorals present to your eyes. Swiftly, you avert your gaze to his to see what’s wrong, only to yelp when he slumps to his knees and pulls you to him by your lower half, his face nestled to the groin of your skirt. 
Of course, you tried to pull him off. “Master Choso, this is not the time!” You lecture him, trying to yank him off without messing up the hair you put so much work into making it nice and tidy! But his arms wrap around your legs tightly, pulling you in further.
“No, I can’t,” you can see the hint of pink enflaming the helixes of his ears. “I need this…need you,” his face is pushed deeper into the crevice of your thighs, the material of your apron and skirt not a bother being an obstacle. “You smell so good…”
“Choso, please, you mustn’t,” your eyes dart to the door to make sure it’s closed – thank God! “You have to get ready for the—“ Your breath hitches when a pair of caramel eyes peer in your direction, half-lidded with intentions that are NOT suitable for this time and place.
“Please, baby,” Oh God, that fucking name he calls you. You chew your lips to repress a whimper. “Just for a few minutes, okay?”
You can only take his words for what they are — an unguaranteed promise to cling to while you sit on Choso’s armchair, mewls escaping past your lips as your master ravishes you inside your skirt. 
Choso’s soft lips kiss your wet folds, a shiver rattling your spine as you struggle to compose yourself. Your legs writhe and squirm, his slender hands playing with the garters of your undergarments and grasping the flesh of your thighs. His tongue nestles in between your inner labia, swooshing and slurping whatever his tastebuds can gather. And the groans he makes as he feasts on you are utterly dumbfounding — staggering your senses as his delightful voice travels through the walls of your insides. 
Fingers scrape the arms of the chair, and your mouth falls to an ‘o’ shape, yet nothing comes out besides silent wails. His tongue flicks around your clitoris feverishly before sucking on it, and your thighs fight to jerk and clamp his head in. The noises of his feasting get louder and louder, the heat on your face picking up with every lap from the flat of his wet muscle. 
“Master Choso…!” The named brunet pushes his tongue into your entrance, and you shrill with feet lifted from the floor. “Nnnm! Not too…fast!”
“Gonna cum, sweetie?” He coos while lathering your cunt with his saliva. “Gonna be good and cum on my tongue, right?” 
“Hmmnn, no, not now!” You shake your head — not like he could see it from the barrier of your skirt. “We can’t! You have to be out there…people are waiti—Nnng!”
“I know, baby, I know,” another suck to your clit has your hands grab for the top of his head. “But cum for me this one time, ‘kay? Just one time…”
You couldn’t retort back as he pushed his tongue back inside, fucking you with the muscle to the point of balled fists. Losing balance, you slump on the chair and submit to the pleasure between your legs. Choso holds your legs by the back of your knees, pushing his face further to guzzle and play with your chasm easily. Ohhhh, shiiiit…!
“Ch-Choso, wait a minute!” You lift your skirt to stop the master, but the image of him eating you out did more bad than good. His jaw is wet from being latched to your soapy cunt, and his nose bumping to your clit forces you to twitch. “Wait, stop iiiit…!!” But it’s too late; your muscles contract more frequently than not and then begin to loosen once you hit your peak.
Your eyelids go shut, and you howl as your vagina flutters on Choso’s tongue while your urethra releases a watery substance that sprays around the vicinity of your skirt. Choso gets the better end; the clear liquid hits his face and sprinkles around your thighs and clothes. But that doesn’t stop him from sucking your essence, coating your vaginal walls and his tongue. He moans with you, your trembling figure bucking subtly while he gulps your high.
Mind is wholly fogged, yet your duties and responsibilities remain present, which is why you’re ashamed to see that the master is drenched from your arousal after you’ve put so much effort into making him look dapper — especially his hair, now it’s all messy and a bit wet! “Master, I told you to–ahhh–wait!”
Choso lifts his face and rests your legs on his shoulders, licking his lip and wiping his cheek with his sleeve — not the shirt, too! “Sorry, but you just tasted too good, cutie.”
You groan with a heavy sigh. “…Well, now I must grab a different shirt and fix your hair again. Hope you’re satisfied with yourself.”
“Guilty,” He doesn’t bother hiding the small, charming, cheeky smile; it almost made you forgive him for this endeavor.
₊˚⊹♡ Nanami Kento ⋮ sex toy; vibrator - oral (m! receiving) - masturbation - clitoral play - pet names (baby, love, sweetpea) - cameo: Shoko (phone call).
“…And that’s the report Ijichi handed regarding the last mission.”
“Good. What about from Gojo-san’s part?”
“Hmm, well, he hasn’t been…”
Was Nanami listening to the words Shoko was retelling? Sure. However, that wasn’t where his entire focus was. But then again, he has to ensure your voice isn’t picked up by his phone. After all, he’s sure you wouldn’t want his peer to know you were in the same room as him…thrusting a vibrator into your chasm while sitting on his desk.
You, his maid, came into his office to give him his typical afternoon tea, sprinkling the tea cup with warm water to exfoliate the earl grey and cream aroma. Nanami was busy on a call with Shoko, the doctor, who gave him updates on the missions that had occurred this week. A serious matter that required his attention, of course…well, most of it at least.
His eyes peer at you as you insert two sugar cubes into the tea cup and swirl them around with the spoon, noticing how eerily silent you are. How your fingers lightly tapped on the desk surface, and your lips shook slightly. And he knows why you hadn’t said a word; sure, he was on a call, but that’s not the half of it. The button he presses on the remote stuffed inside his pocket was, though, and your hand on the desk balls into a quick fist.
Now, you look to him, shaken by what he did. Trembly lips open to say, “Master…don’t do that…” 
The blonde man lifts his brows, ears deaf to what Shoko’s saying, and presses the button again. This time, your hands rush to your lips to suppress a yelp. Your thighs come together to rub against each other, a gesture that pulls a smile on Nanami’s face.
“…But that’s just typical Gojo fashion, ya know?”
“Honestly, I can’t agree more.” He says aimlessly, too observant with you in his view. “Hold on a second, Ierie-san.” He presses the mute button and crosses his arms. “What’s the matter, sweetpea?”
Knowing that you can finally speak, you whine freely while running to his chest for him to catch you. “Master, pleaseee…!” God, you can’t stop rubbing your thighs!
“What is it, love?” He brings your chin up. Good Lord, you looked so cute and desperate. “Tell me.”
“Please, can I take this off!?” You lift your skirt, and low and behold, your panties are out for display. However, the white wire from your undergarments connected to the clip-on on your garters catches the man’s eyes. “It’s too much…and I can’t work with it!”
He smirks at your complaint and rubs your cheeks. “Sit,” he points to the desk for you to sit on, and you hesitantly follow his orders. Nanami takes the mute off the call. “Sorry, Shoko, something came up on my end, and I gotta take care of it. See you tomorrow?”
“No problem, Kento. Talk to you later.”
Now, with his friend out the way, you can finally have his whole mindfulness. As you spread your legs for him, the man runs a hand through his golden locks. “Show me what’s going on, baby.”
You waste no time in taking your underwear off with your master’s assistance, rolling up to your leg. Without the cotton barrier, your lower regions show the wire stuffed inside your wet cunt. His thumbs come to spread your folds to inspect further. “Damn, you’re so wet for me.” 
Your breath hitches as Nanami swipes his fingers around your vulva, coating his digits with your wetness as your nerves are at their peak. “Master Kento, please…remove iiit…!”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” he says with a chuckle, pulling on the wire string ever-so-slowly. You lay on your back as the thing connected to the wire stretches your entrance, peaking out of your hole thanks to the leisure force. Biting back a moan, Nanami pulls out the soft pink bullet vibrator crammed inside your swollen chasm and leaves you breathless for a second, gripping your skirt as your legs shudder. “Look at you, so beautiful.”
“Kentoo…” your hand wraps on his, gripping your thighs. “So good…”
“Yeah, feel good?” He blows on you. “Wanted me to take care of you like always?” You nod hurriedly to his amusement, and he licks your labia for you to wail. “Mmmm, my sweetpea…” Your legs have a mind of their own as Nanami licks your aching folds, bucking lightly to the point of you essentially riding his tongue—the blonde smothers your vulva with slobber, covering your private with him and your juices. 
A free hand finds his hair to grab as you throw your head back and sigh heavily, sinking into the feeling of being eaten out by your superior. It feels way too good; after half an hour of having the vibrator stuck inside your slit, you’ve been walking around feeling nothing but sensitive to do even the most basic tasks. But now that Nanami is taking you out of your sole misery and fucks you orally, you can finally relax and experience the euphoria you’ve been yearning for.
…At least until his phone rings again, causing the man to lift his head from your legs to your dismay: another business call, this time with the boss, Yaga. Nanami’s mocha eyes dart to you, and he coos to your disheveled self. “Sorry, love, gotta take this.”
“In the meantime,” he hands you the vibrator. “Give me a show.”
You take the toy silently, begrudging, trailing it back down to your cunt for you to thrust in and out of your venture. And the moans you let out are divine to Nanami as he presses the green call button.
“Yes?… Yeah, I’m alone.”
₊˚⊹♡ Gojō Satoru & Suguru Getō ⋮ threesome - oral (m! receiving) - clitoral play (grinding + pinching) - missionary position - protected sex - pet names (baby, cutie, pumpkin, sweetie).
“Yo, Suguru, are you in her—WOAH!?”
“Uuugh, fuck, are you serious, Satoru? Can’t wait for me to tell you to come in?”
Oh, this had to be the worst day of your occupation life!
You weren’t supposed to be here; you were meant to be with the other maids around the fortress who needed a helping hand setting up guest rooms or preparing the feast for tonight. Today was big: your master’s best friend was coming over for the weekend. All hands on deck are necessary to make sure his attendance is welcome. Nevertheless, you end up trailing out of your tracks because your master, Getō Suguru, pulls you into his room without anyone noticing a thing. 
The action left you bewildered, especially when he greets you by smashing his lips onto yours, exchanging murmurs and soft moans with each other while his hands grope and fondle whatever part of your body can reach. Of course, you try to retaliate, telling the tall, young man that he’s a terrible host for his friend and should be out there with him! But that doesn’t sway him at all, throwing you onto his bed and unbuckling his pants with a bitten lip. “He can wait,” he says in a sing-song tune, childishly pushing off his responsibilities. “But I can’t,” he crawls on top and kisses you passionately. “Wanna play with you a little more, ‘kay, sweetie?”
And who are you to refuse his request? You submit to him and let him spread your legs…What you did NOT expect, however, as you both seemed to forget to lock the door! And it’s worse, Geto’s best friend, Gojō Satoru, is the one to catch you both in the act. Are you fucking serious?!?
Gojo closes – and locks – the door for your sake. “Well, you can’t say I didn’t knock, right?” The taller man waltzes in as if he owns the place. You, under Geto’s bow, who is shirtless and whose cock is plugged inside your chasm, hide your face away from this mortifying experience. “Plus, what kind of host are you? Leaving me out there to wait for you for fifteen minutes.” Geto rolls his eyes as the white-haired man sits on the bed. “Now, who is this taking up all your attention?”
You don’t say a single word, concealing your shamed face behind your palms. God, just kill me!
“This is the new maid I told you about,” Geto admits with a grin, kissing your ankle. “They’re a pretty little thing…Hey, baby, don’t hide when introducing yourself.” The raven-haired man removes your hands from your face to your sorrow; pairs of blue and violet eyes survey you intimately. 
Gojo coos, coming to your side. “Oh~, this is the new cute maid?” You don’t know if you like the way his gaze travels around your body, nor the way your vagina squeezes onto Geto’s girth as his friend rubs circles on your tummy. “What happened to your shirt?”
“This cutie went ahead and squirted on me,” you gawk at his blunt explanation; was there no other way to phrase that, you dummy!? “That’s why they’re a lil’ sensitive right now.”
His best friend piqued Gojo’s interest, “Is that so?” The hand on your stomach slithers down to your clitoris to grind on, and you jolt haphazardly. “Awww, you like that, princess?” Now it’s his turn to smirk mischievously. “Must be nice being used by your master, huh? And with an audience, too!” 
“N-Noo!” You gasp from a pinch to your clit. “Master Gojo, please look awa—Aiiissh!!”
“Ehhh, and miss this view?” Gojo feverishly swipes on your clitoris while pressing his forehead against yours. “I’ve been dying to meet this new, cute maid that Suguru can’t keep his eyes off. Now, I see what’s got him all hot and steamy.”
“Ahhhh, shiiit, keep getting tight…!” Geto curses under his breath, snapping his hips to your tight slit. “Hmmm, I think they’re starting to like ya, too, Satoru.”
“Really? Aren’t you just adorable,” the snow-headed man claims your lips with his, shoving his tongue inside your mouth to drown. You whimper as he sucks on yours, toes curling as he cups and gropes your chest. “Fuck, so sweet…Hold on, lemme have a turn.” 
Geto clicks his teeth. “You can wait, fucker. I’m trying to finish here.”
Gojo rolls his eyes yet straightens up to unzip his pants. “Fine then…Hey, pumpkin, can you suck me off a bit?” The taller man whips out his erection from the slide of his pants and boxers, and your mind nearly goes to a halt at the sight of the curved limb.
“Go on, don’t wanna leave our guest waiting, right?” Geto does nothing to make this situation any easier to go through, rutting his pelvis into you frantically to chase his orgasm. You are left with no choice and open your mouth with a loose jaw, and Gojo takes the initiative to insert his cock inside. “That’s my baby…Hnngh!”
Gojo fucks your face with a slow start before his flow follows with his dark-headed companion. The curve of his dick fills your mouth so much that your head gets fuzzier as he keeps thrusting into your lips. “Shiit, that feels good,” he murmurs above you, cradling your head gently as he stuffs your lips with himself.
The commotion on both ends of your body only furthers the headache forming and the heat from below flourishing all around. Still sensitive to your own high, your brain turns into mush, and you’re numb to the stimulation between your legs. Jesus, this was too much to keep up with; closing your eyes to help yourself succumb to the use of your body and allow the pleasure to course through. 
Geto watches from above and loves every second of it. The picture of you taking in his best friend’s cock while he fucks you good and deep is so good. Your mewls are muffled because of the length between your lips, yet music to the men’s ears. “Fuuuck, I’m going to…Oh shiiiit…!” Your master can’t stop hammering his erect limb into you, flexing his abs erratically until he nearly gives way to his knees and busts into the rubber shielding his load. His frame shivers with every jerk, making sure every bit of his come is excruciated out of him.
Gojo takes it all in with a whistle. “Ahhhh, damn, that looks hot as hell.”
“Mmmph, you…have no idea,”  The other man sniggers with a shaken head, sluggishly taking out his dick with the condom filled with his semen. After he takes it out and wraps the rubber, he throws a wrapped one to the snow-headed other. “Alright, time to switch.” The tall men share a look and switch places, Gojo now taking his place between your legs while Geto taps your lips with his girth until you suck him in. 
If only the bed could swallow you away from this bizarre scenario!
₊˚⊹♡ Ryōmen Sukuna ⋮ impact play (spanking) - [anal] fingering (f! receiving) - humiliation + degradation - Master kink - pet names (little dove) - mention of drool and tears.
“—Khhhh!! Ahhhh!! Owwww!!”
“Yeah, that’s right, cry for me, bitch.”
It’s not unusual for a handmaiden to be reprimanded for bad behavior or not adequately doing their tasks. However, if you’re serving the King of Curses, Lord Ryōmen Sukuna, those corrections are likely to happen more often than not. 
Imagine it: you’re bent over Sukuna’s massive legs, thighs so big and strong that you’re purchased with security if the firm hand gripping your wrists together wasn’t enough. Your skirt propped up, and your panties slid down to your knees, exposing your bare ass to the cool air of his chambers. However, that is swiftly transitioned to piercing heat and pain in seconds.
A hand comes striking down to your asscheeks — that had to be the twelfth time within these exact two minutes. The skin of your butt is nothing but hot; the man can feel it as he hovers the hand above them, making you shiver. Unpleasant tingling sensations course through the flesh, worsening with every new hit. And your throat is getting dry by how much you’ve been screaming. There is no way the other workers of this fortress haven’t heard your cries by now; you’re sure to be scrutinized by Uraume later today. Unbelievable…
Another smack to your butt pulls a yelp from your system, your body instinctively jolting from another rush of pain! Damn the huge lower left hand holding your wrists together. “—Hahh! Lord Sukuna, please! I beg you, please forgi—Iiiee!!”
“That’s all you’re good at, huh?” A dark chortle adds weight to your ongoing suffering. “Just begging and crying after I caught you being the little slut you are.”
Fuck, this couldn’t get any more humiliating enough. “My Lord, I’m so sorry for—Ahhckk!!” Another slap to your ass; this time, his nails dig into your flesh to extend your pathetic howl. And the thick digits of his lower right hand vigorously wiggle inside your vagina. You know your ass is going to be sore after this…
“Sorry for what: being a dumb clutz for knocking into things and breaking glasses left and right?” He bends to your ear to speak, and your inner walls squeeze his fingers helplessly. “Or going inside my room and touching things without permission?”
“I apologize for overstepping—Mmmph?!” 
“Goddamn, so fucking loud, you fucking pig.” Sukuna stuffs two fingers of his upper right hand into your mouth, lips involuntarily sucking onto them. Now, he lets your wrists go to watch them grab hold of his pants; the sight of your nails scratching onto them like reins strokes his ego. Nothing makes him gloried than seeing a little thing like you break bit by bit in his presence.
Your whines are muffled; the only time an attempt to keep you quiet was made. Cruel of him to do as his fingers relentlessly rub your texture, and he inserts his thumb into your asshole to enfold the same pleasurable torture. 
“Tell me, little dove, what excited you more: silently masturbating while sniffing my clothes on my bed,” tears form in your eyes from a harsh smack to your ass. “Or me catching you in the act? Because you didn’t seem to stop once you saw me.”
Please don’t talk about it! You can only complain within your thoughts, forced to listen to your misbehavior as a maid. And it’s torturous enough that your holes are clamping onto his fingers like crazy, eyes rolling to your skull from the scrape of your upper wall and the push and pull in your rear end. 
“Go ahead, you dirty whore.” The emphasis on the last word makes you twitch. “Admit how big of a slut you are in front of your Master, how you’re good for nothing than to act like a bitch in heat.” A soft ‘pop’ leaves your lips as he removes his fingers. “Go on.”
“—Nndaahh! I’m so sorry, Master, I’m so—Ohhhh!!” Sukuna’s fingers in your chasm curl, his fingertips scratching your insides mercilessly. 
“I didn’t say ask for forgiveness,” He scoffs.
It’s no use; the more you try to delay this, the dizzier you get. “… You’re right, master! I-I’m nothing but a sorry excuse of a maid who’s only—fuuuck!–only g-good at breaking things and not following orders!”
“And?” You can only imagine the most patronizing look he’s giving you. 
“A-And…acting like a total slut that likes to be—Mmmm!!” Sukuna rubs your hot, stinging butt, removing his thumb to switch with another pair of fingers to tease your anus. “L-Likes to be used like a fucktoy by Master…!”
He purrs at your confession. “There you go; wasn’t that hard being honest, right?” The fingers in your ass and cunt go erratic, your shrieks returning to bounce off the walls. “Exactly that, a worthless maid who thinks about nothing but their whorish self. Not even bothering hiding how much you’re enjoying this…”
You wish he were lying; however, he was right on the mark. You’re nothing but a good-for-nothing maid who’s getting off to being reprimanded by your own master. And the fact that you cry out to your lower half spasms to his touches and concede to your orgasm doesn’t help your case. “Taahhh, ahaahhnn, ohhhshit, so good…!”
Your entire frame quivers on him, crying out loud as your crescendo shakes your whole being to your very core. Drool has long escaped your mouth, tears streaming down your face, and your hands gripping his pants. Jesus Christ, this felt way too good! 
Sukuna clicks his teeth and pushes you off of his legs, your limp and dazed figure falling to the floor with no grace. “Tch, unbelievable. You really got a good high out of that, huh?” He looks to his lower left hand, which is smothered with your fluids.
“Haaahh, forgive me, Master…” Your throat is too weak and dry to utter sentences. But that doesn’t matter since Sukuna drags you back up to your knees by the scruff of your neck. Your eyes watch him unzip his pants and widen at the picture of his cocks springing out of his underwear.
“Quit speaking nonsense and do your job, you whore of a maid.”
₊˚⊹♡ Fushiguro Tōji ⋮ oral (m! receiving) - face+ throat-fucking - sir kink - musturbation (f! receiving) - facials - pet names (baby, doll[face], sweetheart).
“Hnnmm…ahhh shit, yeah, just like that.”
You chew your lips and swallow thickly. “Are you sure about this, Master?”
Forest green eyes peer down and pair with a crude grin. “Never said otherwise, baby. So keep goin’, yeah?”
“Yes…sir.” Your cheeks heat up, and your hands continue to stroke the erect shaft in your grasp.
A nice shower before heading for bed always hits the spot; nothing more rewarding than that after a day of going through hell and back. However, in Toji’s case, he loves them a lot more when you’re taking care of him and scrubbing his body clean of the stress and grit that taxed him during the day. 
And that means scrubbing all of him.
You were on your knees on the tiled bathroom floor while Toji sat on the rim of the bathtub, situated between his damp legs as his body was wet from the hot steaming water of the tub. Supposedly, you were meant to take care of his laundry while he was showering and bathing. However, at the moment, your hands were grasping onto his erection, coated in soap, smearing it onto every dent and crevice of his groin.
You can’t tell what’s making your head fuzzy: the warmth within this bathroom or watching the tip of Toji’s dick being sheathed in and out of his foreskin as you jerk him off. What you do know is that the latter was too irresistible to marvel at, causing your stomach to do knots and the heat between your legs to twitch your insides. How embarrassing to be aroused by such a situation in front of your superior of all people! 
And the worst part is the tiny glimpses you catch of your master panting and moaning because of your touch. His deep voice produces the most salacious noises as your fingers scrape around the glans to clean — you’ve been chewing on your lip nonstop because of them. The way you knead his balls with care has him hiss, and you nearly jump when he places his wet hand on your clothed shoulder.
Toji chuckles lowly, “Fuck, doin’ so good, doll.” He groans when you pour water onto his cock, cleansing the limb entirely with another dose. “Mmmm, feels good.” 
His praise comments make you bite your cheek. “I’m glad you’re pleased, Master. You’re all clean.”
An onyx brow is lifted. “I don’t think I’m all clean yet.” Your look of confusion humors him, even after he grabs ahold of his length to tap the tip with your mouth, and your eyes widen. “Still haven’t felt that mouth of y’rs, hon.” Your mouth opens to reject, but another tap to your lips halts you from saying any words. “C’mon, sweetheart; no one’s ‘round to stop you. Plus, you know how I like bein’ sucked off.”
He doesn’t leave you any room to argue your way out of this, not to mention how close his dick is to your face. “…Yes, sir.” No words are said after that as you begin to lend him your service, coating your tongue with spit to drizzle from the top to watch it slide down his shaft. All for you to swirl around the cockhead before loosening your jaw and intaking his tip with a hum. And the older man coos with a head back, “Good girl…Mmmm…”
You bob your head steadily, taking him inch by inch until he hits the back of your throat. While one hand massages his balls and the other strokes him, you suck and dirty his limb with your saliva. Ironic, isn’t it: doing as your master commands in making his cock “clean” by giving him a fellatio in the bathroom? The way you mewl as the underside of his cock brushes the flat of your tongue is crazy, and you can feel the squeeze of your vulva worsening as time goes on.
Your hips sway on their own the more you suck on Toji, getting more light-headed from sensing his cock pulsate inside your oral cavity. And he chortles again, “Heh, enjoyin’ y’rself?” You moan as he bends down to grope your ass above your skirt, certainly aware that you’re getting more aroused.  “What’re ya gonna do ‘bout that?”
The tip of his cock is released with the ‘pop’ of your lips, and your eyes lidded with bashful want. “Sir, may I please…finger myself?” Holy hell, your heart was pounding like crazy, even with how his spring-green eyes pierced through you. 
You gasp lightly when he grabs your hand and licks your fore and middle fingers, covering them thoroughly with his slobber. “Go on,” he sucks on your digits before spitting them out. “Go wild, baby.” You nod before slurping his cock back into your mouth while your damp fingers venture down to your skirt and push your panties aside to insert them inside your vagina. Your whimpers are too cute to ignore, and Toji finally stands up to change the pace.
While your fingers curl and scratch the heat of your inner walls, Toji grabs for your head to fuck your face, the cadence growing more than mediocre. This time around, he’s busying your throat and face so much with the push of his pelvis that you can’t think straight. The sound of his balls hitting your chin is all you can hear, and your spit pooling around the ring of your lips is too raunchy to comprehend. 
“Haaahhh, shit,” he curses from above, snapping his hips to go deeper into your mouth. “Shit, use that tongue, use—Mmmph…! Fuuuck, yeah, just like that.”
The praises fuel the rhythm of your fingers to go faster, rubbing on your texture as much as you can and your clit grinding against the bottom of your palm. Yet, it seems you can’t fully get off, though. Because of how full your mouth was with how fast Toji was slamming his cock inside your mouth, all you can think about is his length buried inside your vagina and reaching deep to kiss your cervix. Just thinking about it causes you to grip your fingers tighter.
“Ahhh, damnit, right there…!” The raven-headed man grits his teeth with the flex of his abdomen tightening, and his ruts increase. And before you know it, Toji rips his member out of your lips and fists his shaft until his load is expelled. White substance showers onto your face, landing on your nose and cheek, and bits drip down to stain your shirt. You gasp aloud before taking his tip to suck on again, stroking his pulsing dick until his hips stop bucking.
“Guess you’re all dirty, too, huh.” He sniggers and massages your cheeks. “But we got all night to clean ya up real good. Right, dollface?”
A soft noise leaves as you withdraw from his cock and place chaste kisses. “Yes, sirrr…”
“Good girl. Now, take off that skirt of y’rs.”
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© HOSHIGRAY2024 ✮ reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ⊹ header art by hyocorou + dividers by @cafekitsune.
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tnypuppy · 1 month
nanami wants to be your baby daddy!
cw: fem!reader, nanami gets you pregnant, impregnation, breeding, breast play, nipple play, clit play, oral (f receiving), penetrative sex, overstimulation, g-spot stimulation, small fluff at end.
word count: 2,766.
"nanamin... do you think it's time to start trying?"
"for what, my dear?"
"um.. maybe for a baby..."
"b-but.. we don't have to do it yet.. i know you're bu-"
he wants it bad, more than anything. nanami wants to see the precious and swollen tummy of you; his beautiful wife, ready to pop with his baby. the first thing he wants to be met with when he walks through the door is his beautiful wife — and in her arms, their precious baby swaddled in the plushest of swaddle blankets. nanami wants to see the process; hips filling out and plump breasts growing plumper as the changes of pregnancy fill out your already gorgeous figure.
the day you tell nanami that it's been two weeks since you got off the pill, he's excited. so keen on getting you into bed, he wants to skip dinner so he can already have you beneath him. despite his eagerness, he'd never go as far (as much as he wants to) as to ask you to skip dinner. he knows his pretty wife needs all the energy possible for baby-making.
when the time comes, nanami feels overwhelmed that he's finally in the position he's daydreamed of ever since he asked you to be his. softened honey eyes are stuck on your face, his head between your thighs. the tip of his nose nudges against your swollen clit as his staggering breath splays over your folds.
normally, your lips are wrapped around his twitching dick before he goes down on you — but this time he declined. nanami is needier, he's hungrier, like the infatuating desire to be a daddy possessed him deep and to the window of his very soul. he doesn't want this lovemaking session to be about him, it's truly about you. your body is gonna be changing in different ways while your hormones are strapped in for a rollercoaster of many loops and turns. nanami is gonna take the BEST care of you, throughout your pregnancy, and right now — by making sure his darling wife has the best time as he paints her womb with his love! <3
his pink lips and sharp nose shine with your slick; the same slick that caresses the tastebuds of his tongue with sweetness. the wet muscle repeats the same ministrations; flattening so he can cover your drooling hole before a fat stripe is licked all the way up to your love bead before lingering. the tip of his tongue prodding against before concentrating slow circles, garnering mewls and groans before he repeats the whole process over. you can feel tingling, pulses of warmth spread in your lower tummy and clit.
oooh.. it feels really fucking good. makes you go cross eyed like a lovesick puppy. his eyes are fixated on your dumb expressions, fumbling your words and giving long and stupid mewls. the inside of your cunt feels so hot. the pulses of warmth radiating from your clit to the sweet spots inside you are growing in strength. you start bucking your hips like you're in heat, his tongue gliding against your clit. shit.. the way the fat of his tongue massages its tastebuds onto your cute button of nerves feels so good, your head spins each time.
ofcourse, it always feels good when he goes down on you, sucking and nibbling at your cute folds — flicking your nervy bud with the tip of his tongue. his slippery lips wrapping around it and giving it sweet suckles. but now he's making love to your clit, wanting to make your body and hole so badly worked up that it's craving his seed. your cunt is squeezing around nothing and he feels the way your clit twitches in unison with your spasming cunt.
"what is it? does my pretty wife's pussy need something?" you feel his lips spreading along your sensitive bud as he grins — he's so pleased with himself for getting you like this. so needy for him. ah. you're gonna take his seed so easily thanks to his tongue working you up so good. your sweet cunt is squeezing out drool each time it clenches around nothing.
it's normal even after nanami goes down on you to find that your hole is still resistant to him. he's prodding the tip of his meaty member against your entrance over and over again, slowly but surely making way into your cunt. now though, nanami is making sure your pussy won't resist his precum leaking dick even for a second — there's a bigger goal besides both of you getting your fix of each other; you're getting pregnant. he refuses to hear any fusses leave your agape lips about the burning stretch of your hole thanks to his girth. nanami is gonna make sure your pretty pussy is so saturated that it takes his cock with no resistance. so easily that instead of a strained whine falling from your lips; it's the most blissful and relaxed moan. he wants no fight from your pussy, insisting instead that it gobbles him up. precious lil' cunt taking what it truly craves; which is his cum decorating your fertile womb.
"my wife is gonna be so much prettier." he's breathing so softly that your fast heart steadies. there's not a lick of hesitance coating his tone, only confidence. he's so sure of this and you can hear it; it reassures you.
your pussy is dripping so much by the time nanami is done treating your sweet folds to his tongue — but he didn't even let you cum! your clit was toyed and fidgeted by his tongue so much that it's so sensitive. bud worked so good that even a few strokes could have your back arching as your watering eyes roll back into your head from how hard your orgasm would hit. it feels like your cunt is gonna light with fireworks at any minute. sweet girl, your cunt is so sensitive.
"sorry baby.. don't want you cumming yet." he gave your on edge clit a light kiss and pulled away the second he began to feel the quick bucks of your hips transform into long strides.
your sopping hole was twitching and squeezing so rapidly, he knew you were so devastatingly close to a brain shattering orgasm. a thin string of slick connects between his bottom lip and your hole. his tongue darts out to lick his lips in order to break the string, savoring the taste of your arousal.
"want my girl to cum on it. i need to feel your pussy squeezing like it's trying to milk my cock." oh, you already wanna sob from the way he dirtily speaks to you.
the cotton sheets beneath your ass has a growing dark stain of slick and spit. you're embarrassed by the mess but nanami is proud of it, this is the outcome he wanted. he wraps a clammy hand around the base of his shaft before he's guiding it to your neediness — his other hand holding your hips up. his tip prods into your cunt; and there's no resistance. it's so wet that it slides right in with ease. your spasming walls welcome him inside and snuggle his cock so good that he can feel every groove of your walls. the way this feels, it feels so good. every inch of your cunt feels like it was lit with a match, flames purely made of hot white pleasure that lead your brain into a pleasure ridden haze.
fuck, his brain feels like it's glitching as he takes it all in. his beautiful wife underneath him, sweet pussy swallowing only half of his girthy dick with no fuss or trouble. nanami knew he could just slide all the way in until he felt the resistance of further breach from your cervix, but he needs to savor this moment. he wants this moment etched into every crevice of his brain as he knew this was gonna change both of your lives; he could experience this sort of moment only once. glazed honey eyes are glued to where you both connect and he's pulling his hips back; dick pulsing with need as he sees how your cream is already covering his length. a small splash of white already smeared at his base, icing his blonde pubic hair.
"already making a mess on me." he breathes as he thrusts his hips forth, cunt now taking more than half his length. "you needed me so bad, baby? you're so pretty." his hands grab your legs and wrap them around his waist. fuck, he's hitting you even deeper and a garbled cry leaves your wet from drool lips.
you're groaning sweetly as he finds a pace that has your mind spinning so fast, you fear it'll lose balance. large hands are groping your breasts now. nanami's rough thumbs grind their pads into your pebbling nipples; your cunt rewarding his cock with a tight squeeze that makes his hips push deeper into you.
"nanamin.. o-oh.." shit. this is so good. his thumbs play with your hardened nipples as his cock massages every sweet spot embedded deep into your walls.
nanami's brain is infatuated with how sensitive you are — he loves how good you feel because of him. his thoughts are feral. he needs to make you a mama, he'll do whatever it takes. you're so pretty like this, your moans are so dirty as he fucks you. his fingers pinch your nipples before his palms knead and paw at your breasts.
"sweet girl." nanami grunts, roughly squeezing your tits. he drags a hand deftly down to his mouth and sucks his thumb.
eyes roll back into your skull when he taps his saliva coated thumb against your clit.
"ooooh! fuck! h-hah.. nanami- hnn.. feels so- so.. so good.." aw, your hips are bucking from the little pat pat pat of his thumb.
"mm. yeah? bet my girl's cunt feels so on edge from all our playing." his voice comes out in a rough purr, it's so raw. he grabs the both of your thighs, shoving his pelvis deeper into yours.
you choke out a cry. his pelvis now bumps and rubs against your clit. it's so sensitive! the pulse in your clit is white hot and it's rendering your jaw slack as you're cutely drooling from how good it feels. his heavy balls slap against your ass cheeks when he thrusts deep, you're biting your tongue and staring at him with half lidded eyes. you're so wet, your mind is hazy and your cunt sputters with drips of slick.
ah, the noises of his balls smacking against your cheeks sends tingles into your cunt; it's so lewd and dirty. he's gonna fuck a baby into you like this — his strong thrusts making his balls plap against you while your cunt soaks everything that surrounds it. shit. ughhh. your tongue is lolling out from the furious friction of his pelvis dragging against your clit. you're squeezing so tight around him and he feels it, every thrust has your cunt reeling towards a well deserved orgasm.
nanami hunches over your writhing body, lips pressing against yours; tongues clashing against each other while you both can hear the gentle plaps of his desperate hips on yours. swollen pairs of lips are trading grunts and moans, tangled and sloppy as his hips start to stutter and you're a few more strokes away from your clit getting an orgasm wringed out.
"nanam..i.. nanami.." your cracking voice is warning him, oh, that heat that cradles your clit so close and lovingly is threatening to unleash itself.
"yeah? what's wrong, baby?" hhnngh. his dick is so deep, it's pressed up against all of you. it's nudging it's pronounced head against your cervix. if your clit wasn't so swollen with stimulation, the cervix prodding would've hurt. your head was in the sky though — your sweet husband fucking every painful nerve into submission as he buries himself deeper.
"oh baby.." words are stumbling as your cunt locks his dick into what feels like a chokehold. "cum-" is the only thing you pathetically choke out before your back arches.
"there we go, beautiful. cum all over it." his purring voice praises you as every neuron fires in your brain.
nanami swears he heard a pop from how arched your spine was. your thighs convulse and shake as the weight of your orgasm cave in on you. you're sobbing and rutting your hips up into his, stimulating your clit more as you rock through your orgasm. it feels like hot licks are pressing into your twitching button. thick meat is getting squeezed so deliciously by your snug cunt. it feels so good that each squeeze of your hole eventually causes nanami's vigor to falter — and he couldn't stop it.
nanami begins to tumble and roll towards his own orgasm. his balls pulse, wavering with such hunger as you feel the tip stiffen. oh, it's like it's swelling inside; ready to burst and feed your fertile cunt with well equipped seed.
"baby, yo.. you're making me cum." he's pounding you — his dick is rocking it's tip into your g-spot which makes your brain turn to mush from the added stimulation.
"ah-ah yeah.. nanamin.. make me a mommy." shit, you're egging him on now while you keep bucking those slutty hips into him :( you're definitely gonna take his seed, he'll make sure of it.
"m-make my tummy swollen." is all he hears as his ears ring. his body lurches forward as he shoves his hips into yours, it's almost painful how much his swelling cock presses into your cervix. his balls heavily pulsing as he spills his load inside.
the man's toes crack as they roughly curl into themselves. he's flooding your fertile womb with his seed and you feel his cock twitch, wincing at the deep cramp it pulls from your lower stomach as you mewl.
your pussy still squeezes and spasms even after he slips out. the shape of him feels imprinted into your walls. your insides feel so warm, you squelch with his cum. you're so sure this wouldn't be an issue. there's no way that you couldn't get pregnant from how deep he was inside you.
his body shudders from how sensitive he feels, tips of calloused fingers now run along your inner thighs. your cunt still twitches like it's hungry for more — and a part of nanami almost wants to slide back in and fuck you all over again.
"you did so good." his voice soft as he praises, pressing his lips against your knee. "what can i get for my girl?" ooh.. the very tips of his fingers are now running along your puffy lips.
your eyes blink slowly, the gears in your brain grinding as your lips fall for a response. "mm.. water.. and ah-.." hips raise ever so slightly from how his fingers graze your folds. "cuddles.."
nanami chuckles, humming a soft "mhm" as he leaves to fetch your requested water; returning shortly after. your ears perk at the sound of the ice cubes dinking against the glass cup. you push yourself up to sit and eyes fall down as you feel a gooey warmth slip out between your thighs.
the moment your hand is firmly holding the cup of water, nanami's fingers — cold from the ice water, slide between your thighs. a chilly finger is scooping up his leaking cum before he's pushing it back into your hole and you practically choke on the freezing water.
"m' sorry baby.. just wanna make sure it takes." an equally chill thumb grazes your clit before pulling away, thick finger slipping from your leaky and warm walls.
a shaky hand of yours is setting down the water on the nightstand, and nanami takes the opportunity to crawl back into bed; wrapping strong arms around your waist as he's pulling you so close. his breath is hot against your neck as he peppers the delicate and sensitive skin with kisses.
"so proud of you. you feeling okay?" you nod, melting into his arms; his comfort and cuddles lulling you into a sleep.
no one is more excited than nanami when you barge into his at home office, waving a pink stick in front of his face that flashes a "+" symbol on the tiny screen.
"oh!!! look at that!" his smile is so full of love as crows feet adorn the outer corners of his eyes. "my wife is gonna be a mommy." he's on his feet, wrapping his arms around you as he's pressing the sweetest kiss to your forehead.
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votive-candle · 17 days
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08 / 09 / 2024 🪩🌈🎲
YOU — [Bite him.] Your teeth slide pitiably against the Lieutenant's face, struggling to find purchase. Despite his age and his many fine lines, his skin is impossibly taut for the height of his cheekbones. Aft some awkward fumbling, you finally take the corner of his mouth between your weather-worn lips. KIM KITSURAGI — The Lieutenant only tolerates your antics. You hear a soft sigh leave his nostrils. ESPRIT DE CORPS — He's been prepared for stranger things than this out of you. He knew you'd be a bedfellow of curious stratagem. ELECTROCHEMISTRY — He's being a *very* good sport. PERCEPTION (SMELL) [Easy: Success] — He smells like kelp washed ashore in low tide, and the tail end of a day spent running laps behind you in his dollar-store cologne. The remnant scents send your tastebuds into a frenzy. COMPOSURE [Hard: Failure] — No. No, no, you're licking him, now. He'll know you're a weird little freak. ELECTROCHEMISTRY — Who gives a shit in a moment like this? He tastes like salt and ashes. Like sweat, and cigarettes. An aphrodisiac, made flesh in your arms. HALF LIGHT — *You could eat him alive.*
was studying a photo by Florian Hetz (whose beautiful work is very nsfw, you've been warned) but made it Kimharry, of course
also playing with filters again
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silasours · 7 months
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#pairing : lucifer, alastor, vox, valentino, x fem reader. #cw : 18+ content, mdni. face sitting. edging. overstimulation. oral sex. toys usage. sub/power sub reader. praise kink. fingering. squirting. vox pleasuring himself while desperately eating you out. calling vox a 'good boy'. pretend that val has a nose here. #summary : just them enjoying their time with their face stuck up in between your legs. #note : feels like i have nobody else to write for but, oh well.
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your fingers grip lucifer's blonde locks tightly, legs shaking on either side of his head. his forked tongue moves skillfully thrusting into you, hungrily gathering every drop of your juice onto his tastebuds. he groans at the taste, the vibration sending straight to your core which earns another moan that spills from your lips. the eyes of his glow in the weakly dim room, peering at your face from between your legs.
"my, aren't you a delicious one." he coos against your puffy lips before pressing his lips against them. he exaggeratedly sucked on them before releasing, his ears blessed by your high-pitched moans while his hands hold your legs apart by your thighs. lucifer draws his tongue out and licks a long stripe down your clit, teasing for a short moment before thrusting his tongue into your entrance once again.
your hold on his hair only grew stronger, face growing more flushed as you threw your head back in pleasure. your vision starts blurring up from the tears that gather around your eyes, feeling your body burn from how close you are.
of course lucifer knows you're close; he knew the moment your inner walls clenched around his slithery tongue tighter than they did before. your hips involuntarily rock against his tongue, pushing yourself further onto his face with trembling muscles. watching this made him chuckle as he allowed you to push yourself closer to him.
"pretty girl, gonna cum for me?" you nod the moment he says those words, triggering the coil to break faster than before. he groans lowly at how soaked you're getting, doing his best to not let a single drop escape from his hungry tongue. with a loud breath sucked into your throat, orgasm hits you like a strong wave that flows throughout your body.
you moan to the point where your voice cracks ever so slightly. lucifers lap your juices clean, patiently helping you to calm down from your intense high with lazy draw of lines of his tongue. once you're done, he presses a light kiss onto your clit before climbing up from your legs. his mouth and chin glisten from your release as a grin sits on his face, the sight alone making your face burn further.
how many times have you been denied release now? you've lost count. your head is clouded with desperation to finally break, yet this demon here is stopping you from doing so over and over again. with a frustrated cry, you open your eyes to gaze at alastor all teary, only to find him taking his sweet time with his lips pressed against your clit. "please, alastor.. w-wanna cum.." you barely managed to hold back a hiccup, a soft mewl rolling off your tongue.
you can feel his grin growing against you, his face pulling away which made you whine. his tongue draws out to lick around his lips, finger sneakily moving to tease the sensitive bundle of nerves of yours. "is that so?" you nod desperately, moaning at his touch in hopes of being able to convince him. he doesn't reply with any words but a smile, slowly lowering his face back to where it was.
"be careful what you wish for, my dear." he whispered before ramming two digits into your hole, your warm, gummy walls instantly tightening around them. your back arches off the bed as your eyes roll, a hand instinctively moving to his hair to tug on it. the burn on his scalp made him groan against your clit as well as his cock throbbing in the confinements of his pants.
alastor's tongue moves sloppily against your soaked clit; it was more than enough to make your body tremble especially with his fingers carelessly abusing your pretty hole. his fingers always work like magic, never once missing that sweet spot buried deep inside of you once they figure out where exactly it is.
you came without getting the chance to tell him, the back of your head pressing hard onto the bed sheets. you choke on your moans while struggling to breathe properly; alastor isn't giving you a break just yet. his maintains the speed of his tongue and fingers as you try to push his head away weakly. "too much- mnh-!"
"too much?" alastor chuckles, almost mocking your words. he withdraws his face but not his fingers, slowly sinking his teeth into the skin of your thigh while sucking on it. "we're not done just yet, darling."
ʚ VOX .
"yeah? you enjoy me sitting on your face?" you grip the headboard tightly, doing your best to maintain upwards as vox works his tongue on your clit. he moans against you at your words, his hand moving to stroke his leaking cock with a slight squeeze. despite your attitude, you can't deny how good his tongue is at targeting exactly where your weak spots are.
moans slip from your lips, your noises only causing vox's hips to thrust up into his hand. you chuckle weakly which soon gets cut off by another moan, your grip on the headboard gradually growing weak. you keep your gaze on his face, occasionally turning your head to glance over your shoulder, to see him pleasure himself and those pathetic whines of his. you breathe out a small 'good boy' at the sight.
vox groans loudly at the praise, his tongue now matching the pace of the hand on his member. his breath is hot against your soaked crotch, the increased speed only causing your legs to stumble. "fuck, vox," you whine with a sweet tone, resting your head against the headboard; the sole item that supports your body to stay upright.
he hums in return, the heavy breath signaling that he's close to his own release. you're no different, feeling the coil in your stomach crumbling with every thrust of his tongue. you huff as you gaze down at him, meeting his silent desperate plea for release. you keep your eyes fixated on his while grinding against his face, dangling the sweet release right in front of him.
you only grant him permission once you're close enough, feeling your whole body shudder as release consumes you. you screw your eyes shut, listening to vox's low groans. he lifts his hips up from the bed sheet, white strings of hot seed decorating his stomach. while you're trying to catch your breath, you notice vox's gaze on you as he slowly speaks with a shaky, muffled voice.
"please.. can i put it in you now?"
valentino's workplace is practically filled with nothing but the smell of your sweat, your sweet noises, and the buzzing sound of a vibrator. the lower half of your body is raised high from the couch, high enough to reach his face as he stands by the edge, a leg of his folded up on the plush couch. his pairs of arms hold your body firmly.
the vibrator is pressed against your sensitive bud, his long tongue twisting and turning inside of you. you squirm under his hold, hands still struggling to find a suitable place for you to hold onto because of the position you're put in. your mind is clouded, drool slowly rolling down from your lips while struggling to keep yourself from turning into more of a mess than you already are.
"looking so pretty like this, amorcito." his nose is pressed up against your clit, the liquid coating his skin as he moans at the feeling. your body shivers, feeling heat crawl up onto your face partially from how embarrassing this position is. you're fully exposed in the air as he enjoys your taste right there, not paying any mind the both of you are in his workplace with the potential of being seen and heard.
"val.. put me- down.." your voice is nearly quiet from the continuous pleasure you're receiving. valentino scoffs, ignoring your pleas without stopping his tongue. his teeth graze against your skin, the small worry of him biting into you causes you to whimper while digging your nails into one of the arms that's holding your body.
perhaps it's because you're overly clouded by pleasure, you didn't notice him reaching for the small controller that's attached to the vibrator and swiping it all the way up. the sudden strong vibration made you cry out loud, the heel of your foot digging into his shoulder, toes curled. you shake your head, eyes squeezing shut at the feeling. "no, w-wait, hngh! i'm gonna-"
you didn't even manage to finish your sentence before being fully consumed by a strong orgasm. you squirt as your legs shake violently against his hold, vision turning white while valentino watches with a grin. he slightly removes the vibrator from your now extra-sensitive bud, allowing you to calm down from your high. with a sense of pride and satisfaction sitting in his chest, he licks around your spasming pussy for a taste.
"didn't know my baby could put up such a show. do it once more for me, will ya?"
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© silas ( @silasours ). all rights reserved. every work posted on this account belongs to me, and only me. please refrain from reposting, plagiarizing, translating, or reproducing my work in any form possible.
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shaguro · 6 months
⤿ synposis: you can't ever leave the house without giving toji a kiss good-bye.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ tags: fluff fluff fluff. (toji x fem!reader, established relationship, pet names used ( girl, baby, doll) toji's just in love idk. i wrote the majority of this at like 1 am nd barely proofread!!) wc ⇀ around 0.7k!
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"girl", toji drawls, cerulean orbs trained on your figure by the front door. he’s manspread on your living room sofa, sitcom on the tv screen long forgotten as he turns his body around, all his attention on you and only you. “aren’t you forgettin’ somethin’?”
“hmm? what are you talking about, baby?” you keep your head low while you fumble with your stilettos, a hand on the wall for balance as you finally slip it onto your stocking-clad foot, the last step before you head out for your shift, the sun just peeking over the horizon.
of course, you know exactly what toji’s talking about. it doesn’t matter where you’re going or whether you’ll be back in ten minutes or a few hours, whether he’s in deep sleep or in the middle of an intense workout session — toji expects a kiss good-bye before you leave the apartment you share. he’s real strict about it too, he doesn’t accept any excuses, no if’s, an’s or buts.
does knowing all this stop you from testing the dark-haired man? absolutely not.
“i packed my work-bag last night and i have the car keys right here, looks like i’ve got-“
“now you know that’s not what i’m talkin’ about,” toji deadpans, completely unamused. barely keeping up the act, you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from giggling. “don’t play dumb with me, baby.”
you do just that — tilt your head all cute and innocent as you furrow your brows, crossing your arms against your blouse. “i’m being serious though! i dont know what you’re talking about, i swear.”
“girl, please.” toji scoffs, scarred lip almost turned in a scowl. he’s always so sassy when you start to annoy him. “ya really stress me out, y’know that?” in a quick motion, he stands up, stretching out his long arms before he turns to face you. “you don’t know, huh? c’mere and let me remind you, then.”
toji’s tilts his head down. with low eyes and a coy smirk on his handsome face, he beckons you close with a single finger.
you can’t hide your smile now, it spreads ear to ear as you bounce over to him, the click clacking of your heels resounding on the hardwood floor until you reach the plush carpet where toji stood. he wastes no time, cupping his hands on the globes of your ass and tugs your body flush against his. toji’s so warm — he’s shirtless and all his sculpted muscles are on display, flexing when your cold hands glide across his pecs to snake around his neck.
toji leans down and his plump pink lips meet your glossed ones, the strawberry-flavored gloss sat sweet on his tastebuds but he prefers your taste instead, sliding his tongue through your slightly-parted lips with hopes to satisfy his glutinous craving and he’s not disappointed when your tongues mingle. “mm.” never tired of that saccharine taste, toji grunts into your mouth, taking his time kissing you — oddly soft and gentle.
toji pulls away and your lips part, only separated by a string of sticky saliva before he goes back in, giving you one, two, three quick pecks before he’s had his fill.
soft pants fill the air as toji holds you close, foreheads touching. “that jog your memory?”
toji rolls his eyes when you hum happy ‘mmhm!’ in response, hands rubbing on his broad shoulders, your fingertips ghosting the sharp line of his jaw. “you’re a pain in my ass…” he huffs, and you burst into a fit of giggles at his annoyed expression, unable to contain it anymore. it’s just so adorable — an infectious melody that toji prays he’ll continue to hear, for many years to come.
“lucky y’er so fuckin’ pretty . . next time i won’t go so easy on ya.” as if to seal the promise, he lands a heavy smack! on your ass. “toji!” you squeal out, the force of it propels you forward, temple thumping on his toned chest.
it was his turn to chuckle now, soothing the blow with a gentle rub of his palm prior to kissing the crown of your head. “now that i got my kisses . . s’time for you to head out, doll. don’t wanna be late again, hm?”
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i'm finally back after disappearing for like a thousand years yayyy (don't beat me up yall pls)
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usedtobecooler · 8 months
eddie ‘monstercock’ munson, who is painfully unaware of the sheer size of his dick.
tw: sexual content 18+ minors dni, size kink, oral m receiving, piv sex, praise kink, dirty talk, general debauchery. for my love @raccoonboywrites
and, listen, you’re not a size queen at all. don’t care much for how big or small a cock is so long as whoever it’s attached to knows how to use it. but you gasp out loud once you get your fingers dig under eddie’s waistband, pulling the offending material down to let his length spring out.
it’s enough to shock you back into the room, watching as the thick weight of it slaps against eddie’s tummy, the way it curves into his navel. he’s wet, leaking at the head and matting down the pretty swirls of black hair that lead a trail down, down, down.
he’s rumpled against your bed frame, slumped down with his shirt rucked up his tummy. the prettiest pink flush spreading across his cheeks, tinging his ears and dipping as low as his collar. you’re willing to bet his chest is blotched with the lovely rosy colour, too. he grips aimlessly at your comforter, wide eyes watching your every move; tracing every hitch of your breath.
you wrap your hand around the base — purposely ignoring the pathetic little whine eddie makes, because jesus now isn’t the time to think too much about that — and you moan despite yourself when your hand doesn’t even wrap fully around the girth of it, dwarfing your fingers and palm.
“you— you’re so big, oh my god,” your voice catches at the end, desperate and dampened by your own desire for it. you lean forward, hot breath ghosting over him, tugging his foreskin back just enough for the head to pop out, shiny and reddening with need, “you could’ve at least warned me you were packing a python down there, fuck.”
“oh shit, really? i thought it was aver— holy fuck, you don’t have to—“ he’s bug eyed, eyebrows shooting under his fringe as you mouth at the head, determined and eager to get a taste of him. uncut, heavy on your tongue, the heady splash of precum blurting out to coat your tastebuds.
eddie’s knees kick up a little as you mouth greedily at his tip, pointing your tongue to run in circles around the glans on the underside. you smirk despite yourself, getting a kick out of it when eddie goes a little cross eyed, burying a ringed hand into your hair.
you indulge yourself, feeling the weight of him in your mouth as you sink lower, just far back enough as to not trigger your gag reflex. your lips wrapping around his hot flesh, suckling softly, reveling in each blurt of pearlescent release that drips onto your tongue.
“baby, sweetheart — fuck,” eddie gasps, breath shuddery, lightly pulling at your tresses to test the water. his mouth falling open into a quiet moan when your eyes flutter at the feeling, “y’can- y’can take more, right? s’not… s’not that big.”
your jaw cracks under what of him you’ve fit in, which truthfully isn’t much. despite your efforts, there’s still a good three inches of eddie’s cock left untouched by hand or mouth, and you really have to wonder if he’s that clueless of his size. you pull off with a wet pop, strings of saliva keeping you connected to him as you stare up with wet orbs.
“eddie, you’re huge.” your voice is wrecked, butterflies swirling in your tummy as you make eye contact with him once again. you flush under his debauched gaze, "i— shit. nobody's ever told you before?"
eddie shrugs, considers for a moment. you don't think he's aware of the fact he's holding you in place with his hand, gripping your hair just enough to keep you still, hovering over his dick just close enough that if he wanted to, he could push you back down, get your mouth back on him.
though, that’s clearly not what he wants. because, he’s slipping the hand from your hair, doing this kind of awkward dance as he lays you out where he wants you.
you end up on your back, thighs spread wide as eddie slots between them, mouthing hotly at your neck. his fingers graze along your flushed skin, dance on your hipbone, across your pelvis. dips those godforsaken fingers into your panties, carelessly fumbling over your sopping wet pussy.
“this is okay, right?”
“it’s all okay, eddie. anything you want.”
"not— not even touched you yet and you're already this wet?" eddie's voice is a low timbre against your skin, has you arching up into his touch with a soft little moan. he sounds shocked, no heat or teasing in his words.
"can't help it," you gasp, exhaling shakily when eddie swipes two fingers over your clit deftly, unable to hide his smile at how receptive you are, "feeling the size of you in my hand — my mouth, god. would've let you choke me with it, would've thanked you."
eddie buries his face into your cleavage, poorly concealing a choked whine. he's skillful with his fingers, working you over fast despite how much your words are clearly affecting him.
your hips rock in short little circles, fingers sinking into eddie's hair, tugging lightly at the nape of his neck. you whine, body set alight with the feeling of calloused fingers grazing the small bundle of nerves.
he's biting you, brandishing you with little blooming bruises, and with the noise he makes against your damp skin you'd think it was him getting touched like this, him hurtling towards the edge.
you're so wet that the slick noises of eddie's fingers on your pussy are deafening in your ears, causing your back to prickle with heat, tummy winding tight.
the hot, heavy flesh of his cock presses against your inner thigh, shocking loud moans from you both at the same time. you arch up into his touch, ears ringing as pleasure takes over your body.
"i— you're making me cum," you gasp breathily, a static feeling warming your body, eyes rolling into the back of your head. you grapple for eddie's hair once more, tugging with a ferocity as your release washes over you.
it's. something. you feel like you're fucking floating, and eddie keeps swirling his fingers perfectly, whispering little shocked praises and keening into your rough pulling as he wrings you out.
once eddie's sure you're done with the aftershocks of your orgasm, he hazards pushing two fingers into your soaked cunt, and you're practically shooting away with overstimulation. crying out, somehow swivelling your hips and pushing down onto his fingers further once the shock wears off.
"you're a shit," you gasp, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, "god, might've known your dick was gonna be big, fuckin' size of your fingers."
"was— was that good for you? can i, shit can i?" eddie's desperate, rutting the thick outline of his cock against your thigh. he's never stopped fucking leaking, soaking your leg in milky precum and allowing the slip and slide to feel good.
you nod, shaky hands tilting his head up so you can finally, finally, get your mouth on his. eddie's whole body presses flush against yours, his hand coming out to stabilise himself so he doesn't crush you, and fuck.
it's so charged, like he can't stilt his emotions as he snakes his tongue into your mouth, lapping at your own wetly. it's probably disgusting, doesn't feel like it though — you'd swallow his spit happily, whenever he wanted, if it meant he kept making you feel like this.
eddie's shaky hand fumbles for the base of his cock as you continue kissing, positioning himself so that he's nestled prettily between your legs. the kisses turn languid, and he almost sounds pained when he next speaks, "s-sorry. if it, if it hurts."
"let it hurt, i want it to," your demeanor falters a little, turning doe eyed and pleading as eddie slides the ruddy head of his cock up and down the seam of your cunt, flirts with the idea of pushing the tip in just to watch you gasp and keen.
"would never," eddie promises, finally — fucking, finally — pushing the first few inches into the sopping wet heat of your pussy. he cries out when you clench around him unwittingly, and you mumble out a small sorry as you adjust.
it's. not good. it's not bad, either, but fuck. you feel like you're being split from the inside, the thick tip pushing you wider than you anticipated. your fingers grapple for eddie's biceps, nails digging in tightly, "so fucking big, oh my god, you're gonna split me in half."
you're breathless and eddie catches on, panics a little, "you're okay? you're okay, right? i can sto—"
"if you stop, i swear to god," you seethe, looking at eddie with a fierce spark in your eyes, "keep going. fuck. keep going."
before long and with a little bit of resistance, eddie's buried deep inside of you. your bodies roll against one anothers, shallow, slow breaths
it starts slow, the catch and drag of eddie's cock shocking you both into silence. but, before long, your pussy catches up with the programme, gushing wet and allowing eddie to push in further with each thrust.
it's intimate, erotic.
"you're so tight," eddie all-out whimpers, head falling and shoulders shaking as he fucks you at a lazy pace, clearly trying his best to hold out for as long as he can.
"fuck, you’re so gentle,” you try, knees squeezing eddie’s narrow waist, thighs encapsulating him, “you can go quicker. not gonna break me.”
eddie shakes his head, almost like he’s bewildered. looks at you all fucking soft, clearly can’t help the rut of his hips as he buries in deep, biting his inner lips to muffle his noises.
you grasp a hold of eddie's hand with nimble fingers, guide his hand over the softness of your tummy, let him push down where his cock is buried deep inside of you. his whole body shudders, and you can feel where he kicks up.
"practically in my guts," you wheeze, unable to shake the full feeling despite how your pussy gushes for him, so full you swear you feel him in your throat with every deep thrust he can muster, "you're s-so big, eddie."
"oh— jesus, can't do shit like that. can't say shit like that," eddie grunts desperately, rutting into you and gripping for your waist tightly, other hand still pushed down on the pudge of your belly, "gonna make me cum so, so quick."
"can feel every ridge of you, you're splitting me apart," you keen, "i can't— god, you've ruined me f-for anyone else. yours, yours, m'yours."
eddie's forehead slumps against your own, and you're panting into each others mouths more than anything else, lips barely brushing, "mine, you're mine." he agrees, though he sounds pained and submissive as he says it.
your hand snakes around eddie's neck, holding him in place as he fucks you so desperately, so rough you're rattling the stupid bedframe, and you don't think you've ever felt anything like this before. it's all-consuming, the tug between sore and soul-crushingly sensual.
your second orgasm hits you like a freight train, the constant press against your spot causing a quicker build up than you could've anticipated. you both make eye contact as you come with a muted gasp, nails scraping harshly at the soft skin on eddie's neck as you rock it out.
"didn't think you could get any tighter, god," eddie whimpers, eyes squeezing shut, finger-shaped bruises sure to be left on your hips as he fucks you in some sort of reckless abandon, "fuck, i'm so close. i'm so sorry, fuck, fuck."
you nod, understanding, the wet clap of skin on skin deafening as your release allows an even smoother glide. he's fucking ethereal above you, covered in a light sheen of sweat, mouth open in a constant stream of steady moans.
you reach between where both of your bodies meet, where the final few inches don't quite fit, spreading your fingers either side of his cock to allow friction as he fucks in and out rapidly, chasing his high.
eddie looks at you with a wild expression, eyebrows shooting up into his fringe. he grunts like a fucking animal, eyes drifting down to where your hand is, "you— you— i'm cumming, holy fuck—!"
he's loud when he comes, full body wracked with it. you feel his cock pulse and kick inside of you, painting your insides deep. the moan you let out at the feeling is hardly voluntary, so pathetic you flush hot when you realise just how loud you are.
"thank you, thank you," eddie's mumbling against your skin, kissing the side of your neck softly as he comes down, "god, you're perfect. so perfect."
you shudder, overcome with this sappy fucking fond feeling, allowing eddie to collapse on top of you once he's done. it's soft, domestic, even.
you both end up in some sort of gross, body fluid covered cuddle as you calm down. blissed out in the post-orgasmic haze, and fuck.
maybe you're in love with him.
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emisloves · 1 month
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PAIRING. professor!sunghoon x fem!reader
GENRE. mdni, professor x student dynamics, college setting
WARNINGS. smut, unprotected sex (a big no), nicknames (slut, darling, princess, etc.), oral (both m! and f! rec.), backshots, mating press, riding, creampie, squirting, cum eating, spit play, snowballing, size kink, face fucking, groping, making out, clit biting, pussy slapping, clit pinching, oversensitivity, slight blue balls, slight boob kink (?), slight oral fixation, bulge kink, orgasm denial, manhandling, hoon is kind of manipulative, reader isn't naive; just a huge slut for hoon
A/N. this is specifically dedicated to @destinyhoon (a very late bday present?) don't read this unless you're haze or else I will come for your kneecaps /j also only the first 2k is plot, the rest is just pure, filthy smut.
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You sighed. This was boring. The lecture was boring. The professor was boring. Everything was so fucking mundane and boring.
You unwrapped a lollipop, putting it in your mouth, swirling your tongue around its tip. You sucked your saliva off it, the sweet strawberry flavor invading your tastebuds, making you let out a contented hum.
You stared at your professor. He wasn’t very special, neither by looks, nor his teaching methods. Yet somehow, for some unknown reason, you felt drawn to him. There was something about him– something that you couldn’t pinpoint– that was special about him. Whenever you made eye contact with him, either of the following things happen:
You become breathless, your brain turned into mush, your senses dulled and heightened at the same time. Every inch of your being yearned for him, him and him. He left you completely intoxicated with just one fleeting glance.
Or, you would feel like you were slowly losing your mind.
You would want nothing more than him to bend you over on that desk of his, fucking you full of his cum, till it was flowing out of you like a waterfall. You needed him to stuff you full with his cock, whether it was your mouth, your pussy or even your ass– you wanted him. Needed him.
Some would say you were obsessed with him. Others would say you’re just down bad.
You didn’t know which one was more correct, nor did you care enough to find out. All you did know was that you wanted to have him. You had to have him.
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It was the last lecture of the day, which also happened to be Professor Park’s lecture, your favourite professor. Unfortunately, your mood was usually never good around the end of the day, causing you to be excessively snappy. You couldn’t help it, wanting nothing more than to go back to your dorm and sleep for the rest of the day.
You unwrapped another lollipop, sucking on it. You happened to sit on the first row this time, wanting to be able to stare at your favorite professor without any difficulties or interruptions.
Sunghoon on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to rip that lollipop out of your hands.
He hated you. 
Hated the way you sucked on that damned lollipop all the time. Hated the way you were the only person who never missed a single lecture of his. Hated the way you always wore the most provocative of clothes. Hated the way every guy always stares at your pretty legs that were always on display. Hated how his own eyes never seemed to stray away from your exposed cleavage. Hated the way he felt jealous whenever a guy asked you out.
Why were they asking you out? They could have any girl they want, so why you?
Why did he feel jealous whenever you looked at a guy other than him? Why did his blood always boil when you smiled at another guy? Why did the jealousy surge through his veins so excruciatingly, a burning rage simmering in his head?
Most of all, why did he care so much about you? You were just another student after all.
But he knew why. You weren't just another student. You were an extremely annoying one.
You see, you were quite– distracting to him. At the beginning, he thought the sound of you sucking on a lollipop during his lectures was immensely annoying.
Now he thinks you’re even more distracting than before. The way you sucked on your lollipop? He was curious about what else you could do with that pretty little mouth of yours.
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“Miss L/n, please follow me to my office.”
You froze in the middle of your path. Did you hear that right? Did Professor Park really just ask you to follow him to his office? Just as you were about to leave the lecture hall?
You slowly turned around, making eye contact with him, resisting the urge to rub your thighs together. His gaze was making your stomach do flips, and you probably wouldn't be able to control yourself for much longer if he kept staring at you like that–
His gaze traveled downwards, resting on your cleavage and exposed legs for a moment too long, before he cleared his throat. Without another word, he turned around, walking towards the side of the hall, to the door.
You made haste, quickly going down the stairs and following him, trying to keep up with his fast strides. It almost seemed like he was in a hurry, making no effort to slow down for you to catch up. You tried your best to follow him as fast as you could– or rather as fast as your heels would allow you to.
He went past the shared staff room, walking towards his own private office. He quickly opened the door, going inside, not bothering to close it since you were coming behind him. He went to his desk, going around it, sitting down on his chair. “Please close the door once you're inside.”
You stepped inside, closing the door as per his request. Before you could step towards him, he spoke again, his words catching you off-guard.
“Lock the door and take a seat.”
You opened your mouth to speak, before closing it again, his request having rendered you speechless. Since when did a talk with your professor have to be behind closed doors?
Nevertheless, you followed his instructions, closing the door behind you, before going towards his desk, taking a seat in front of him. Your professor didn’t look at you, too busy rummaging for something in his desk drawer. He seemed to have finally found what he was looking for, pulling out a sheet of paper and placing it in front of you. He leaned back on his desk, locking eyes with you, staring straight into your eyes. “Do you know what this is, Miss L/n?”
You gulped, feeling heat creep up on your neck from embarrassment. “Yes.”
Your professor cocked a brow at you. “‘Yes’ what?”
You looked down, avoiding eye contact, speaking in a smaller voice. “Yes sir.”
His eyes followed your gaze, before traveling downwards, shamelessly burning holes into your cleavage. It’s your fault for wearing such revealing clothes after all. Isn’t this why you always wore these types of clothes? So that he could stare as much as he wants?
“Look at me when I’m speaking with you.”
His tone made your stomach flip. Since when did his voice sound so– hot? Why was it making you feel hot?
You slowly raised your head, looking straight at him once again, making him resist the urge to smirk. You looked so fucking cute and innocent like this– but he knew better than that.
You were no innocent little lamb that could be preyed upon easily.
But even the most vicious of predators can be preyed on if the cards are played correctly.
He tilted his head slightly to the side. “What is this sheet Miss L/n?”
You were definitely ovulating. Why else would every single action of his turn you on this much?
You bit down on your bottom lip, discreetly trying to shift on the chair, rubbing your naked thighs together. “It– It’s a record of my performance for this entire year, sir.”
“Mhm. And what exactly does it suggest?”
You gulped. His condescending tone sending tingles of need straight to your core, leaving your pussy throbbing and aching, needing attention immediately. You once again shifted on your chair, subtly trying to rub your thighs together again. “I– It suggests that– that I haven’t been doing well?”
He had, of course, immediately caught onto how you were rubbing your thighs together both times you did it. Your professor leaned forward on the desk, his eyes not once breaking the intense eye-contact that you both held. “And what would that suggest?”
You bit down on your lip again, harder this time, trying your best to stifle a moan. It was crazy how much he was turning you on with simply his voice. It was getting increasingly difficult for you to speak. “It– It would suggest that– that– that I need to do– better?”
He clicked his tongue, his brows creasing in slight annoyance. “You are aware that your finals are in less than a month, yes? Even if you– by some miracle– score extremely well in it, your previous grades– which are absolutely pathetic, may I add– would not allow you to move onto your third year. You will most definitely have to repeat your second year, which would definitely not look good on your resume.”
Your eyes widened, your hornyness having been momentarily forgotten. You knew your academic condition was bad, but you had no idea it was this bad. “I– Is there any way to– to fix that?”
Sunghoon had to hide a smirk at your words. Finally, finally you were falling right into his trap. He leaned back on his chair, not breaking his eye contact with you, or letting his face betray his true thoughts. “There might be a way.”
You sat up straighter, staring at him with a hopeful glint in your eyes. “What is it, sir? I promise to do anything to get grades up.”
His eyes flickered down to your cleavage, the movement of his eyes so fast you almost thought you imagined it. “Don’t be so rash in promising things, Miss L/n. ‘Anything’ is a lot to promise. It can be– taken advantage of quite easily.”
“But I mean it sir. I would do anything to fix my grades.”
He almost broke character right then and there. God, you may not be innocent, but you were so fucking naive. So easy to manipulate. “I could increase your previous grades.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “You would do that?”
He leaned in front again, staring straight into your eyes. “I would.”
You almost let out a delighted squeal, managing to suppress it just in time. “Thank you sir– that would be very helpful– and extremely appreciated.”
His lips held the ghost of a smirk. “Now now, don’t get ahead of yourself. Everything has a price.”
Your excitement dimmed a little, your mental dance coming to a halt. Of course there was a catch. There always was. His offer seemed a little too good to be true anyway. “Of course sir. Anything.”
He let out a small hum. “Anything you say…? You realize that is a very risky thing to promise?”
You bit down on your lip. Truth to be told, you were well aware of what you were offering to the plate by promising ‘anything’. And you don’t regret it one bit.
In fact, you hope that he takes advantage of your promise. Judging by the tone of his voice, he planned to do just that.
He finally allowed a full on smirk to break through his lips, tilting his head slightly to the side. He shamelessly let his gaze travel to your cleavage, not even bothering to hide the fact that he was looking at it, letting you know exactly what he planned to get as payment for increasing your grades. “Then you know what to do, don’t you? Or are you so dumb that you can’t even understand what you’re supposed to do now?”
Fuck, your panties were drenched from how much slick was oozing out of you, your panties sticking uncomfortably to your folds. You shifted on the chair slightly, rubbing your naked thighs together. You stuttered out a response. “I– I don’t– don’t know what to do now–”
He let out an amused scoff, rolling his eyes, leaning back on his chair. “For starters, you could get up from that chair instead of continuously rubbing your cute little thighs all the time, and come around the desk, in front of me.”
Heat crept up on your neck and face, causing you to feel even hotter, the overwhelming heat doing nothing to suppress the desire to be filled up in you, your pussy throbbing desperately, causing more slick to ooze out of you, seeping into your already soaked panties. You slowly got up, going around the desk, standing to his side.
Your professor turned his chair, so that you were right in front of him. “On your knees, darling.”
The sudden nickname surprised you, doing nothing to deter the slick from oozing out of you, only increasing its amount. You slowly sank down to your knees in front of him, maintaining eye contact with him for the entire time.
Your professor looked at you with a tantalizing smirk. “Take my pants off. Slowly.”
Your hands trembled slightly as they reached up, gripping his waistband. You popped open the button on it, pulling down the zipper. You slowly pulled his pants down, along with his boxers, him lifting his hips up slightly to help you out.
As soon as his pants were off, his cock sprang out, big and veiny, slapping on his stomach, smearing some precum on his shirt. His mushroom tip was an angry red, leaking a generous amount of precum. You held it in both of your hands, your tiny hands barely wrapping around his huge girth. You slowly stroked his length, putting pressure on the underside of his cock, where a large vein ran by. He threw his head back, his eyes rolling into his head, a loud groan leaving his mouth.
Encouraged by his reaction, you sped up the movement of your hands, using his precum as lube, spreading it all over his cock. He bit down on his bottom lip to stifle any further sounds, before letting out a low growl. “Stop.”
You froze, stopping immediately, letting go of his cock. His chest heaved slightly as he tried to catch his breath, his hooded eyes staring straight at you. His gaze and the way his chest heaved up and down with his mouth slightly parted caused even more slick to seep out of you, drenching your thighs.
He leaned forward, before grabbing his cock in one hand, fisting your hair in the other. He gripped your hair firmly, yanking on it slightly. He brought his cock in front of your mouth, tapping it on your lips. He smeared the precum on it, reveling in the cute little moan that slipped past your mouth at his actions. Your lips looked glossy from his precum, making him want to kiss your cute little pout. He slapped your cheek with his cock, the precum smearing across your cheek, making you look even hotter than before. “Look at me.”
You lifted your gaze towards him, and he swore he almost came right then and there. Your eyes were hooded, your precum smeared cheeks and lips making you look like a goddess. God, he could stare at you forever and never get tired, you looked that gorgeous.
He quickly took his phone out, snapping a picture of your pretty little face, before pocketing it again. He tapped his cock on your slightly parted lips. “Open.”
Like an obedient little slut, you opened your mouth, allowing him to slip his cock inside, groaning at how warm and wet your mouth was. Your mouth felt almost as good as a pussy, increasing his need to fuck your mouth like one. But he needed to feel you suck him off. He knew you would be good at it. All those lollipops you sucked in class definitely insinuated that you knew how to suck cock– properly at that. “Get to work, princess. Don’t keep me waiting.”
You traced the underside of his cock with your tongue, drawing out a groan from him. He pulled your hair slightly in warning, silently warning you to not tease him. You obeyed, hollowing out your cheeks, bobbing your head up and down, sucking him off– just like a lollipop.
His reaction was instant. His body lurched forward with a loud groan, fisting your hair tightly, his hips bucking up into your mouth, almost unconsciously. Your hands quickly found purchase on his thighs, your nails digging into the flesh of his thighs, your throat gagging around his length. There was a visible bulge on your throat from his cock, one that had not come to his attention yet.
With a new found determination to please him, you sucked him off harder, furiously bobbing your head up and down on him, relaxing your jaw and forcing yourself to take him even deeper.
He hissed through his teeth, his hand pushing your head down on him, trying to make you take him completely. “Fuck, princess c’mon– I know you can take more, fuck–”
You were finding it difficult to breathe, feeling light headed. With your nails digging almost painfully into his thighs, you forced yourself to take him even deeper, choked sounds emerging from your throat, the sounds bringing him closer and closer to ecstasy. He bucked his hips into your mouth, no longer holding back from fucking your face. He thrusted into your mouth at a fast pace, determined to empty his load inside your wet cavern.
You no longer tried to suck him off by yourself anymore, letting him use you as he pleased. You focused on breathing through your nose, his thick girth stretching out your mouth and throat impossibly wide. In your light headed haze, you wondered if this was really happening, was your favorite professor really face fucking you?
You had no time to wonder, not when your professor suddenly grabbed your throat, squeezing it tightly, right where it was bulging. You choked at the unexpected pressure, your throat tightening around his cock, triggering his orgasm.
With a loud, guttural groan, he spilled his load inside your mouth, hot ropes of cum shooting down your throat, causing you to gag. He quickly closed your mouth. “Don’t you fucking dare spit anything out, or swallow it–”
You tried your best to do as he said, trying to stop your choking. As soon as he sensed that you weren’t gagging anymore, he smashed his lips on yours.
The kiss was messy, extremely fucking messy. His lips moved against yours sloppily, spit and drool falling past both of your lips, dripping down your chins. He shoved his tongue inside your mouth, swirling around your own, tasting his own cum, moaning at the taste. He tilted his head deeper, trying to shove his tongue inside impossibly deeper, a mixture of cum and saliva dripping past your mouths.
It was only when he physically couldn’t breathe anymore did he part from your lips, resting his forehead on yours, breathing heavily. Both of your chests were heaving up and down, trying to catch your breath, remnants of his cum in both of your mouths.
He traced your bottom lip with his thumb, before pressing down on it. Your eyes locked with his, as he pressed down harder, his middle finger pressing down on the hinge of your jaw, forcing your mouth to open. He pushed his thumb inside, pressing down on your tongue, watching the saliva gather on it as your body’s reaction. Your saliva dripped past his thumb, down onto your chin, but he still didn’t stop pressing his thumb down on your tongue.
He leaned forward, licking down the spit from your chin, before lifting his head, locking eyes with you. He took his thumb out of your mouth, before speaking. “Open.”
Like an obedient little pup, you opened your mouth, your tongue lolling out. He smirked at the sight of your blown out pupils, the expression on your face nothing short of desperate. He gathered a wad of spit in his mouth, using his tongue, before spitting it on your own. “Swallow.”
You closed your mouth, swallowing like an obedient whore, a tiny moan slipping past your lips at the taste. He bit his lip at the sound, before speaking again. “Up.”
On shaky legs, you stood up, waiting for his next instruction. “Sit on the desk.”
You went to the desk, having to jump up slightly to get on top of it. As soon as you sat on it, he got up from the chair, coming in front of you. He grabbed your jaw tightly in one hand, before smashing his lips on yours. His tongue immediately prodded at your entrance, eager to explore your wet cavern once again.
You parted your lips, your hands holding onto the edge of the desk for support. His hand pushed your thighs apart, standing in between them, tilting his head to kiss you deeper, practically devouring your lips. You let a moan slip out, which he gladly swallowed, his hand sliding on your waist, pressing you to his chest. Both of your tongues desperately engaged in a fierce battle of domination, a battle that he easily won. Your hands found purchase on his shoulders, your nails practically digging into his skin, as you deepened the kiss, a small glob of spit drooling past your lips.
Both of his hands came to rest on your exposed waist, his thumbs kneading the naked skin there. They slid up, under your top, exploring your body. His actions caused even more moans to slip past your lips, sounds which he gladly swallowed. He finally broke the kiss, hurriedly sliding your top off, you raising your hands to help him out, before resuming the kiss. By now, there was spit and drool all over your chins, the kiss being extremely messy. But neither of you seemed to care.
Without breaking the kiss, his hands moved behind your back, fiddling with the hook of your bra, before deftly unhooking it. As soon as your bra was off, his hands grabbed both of your boobs, fondling them. You let out a small moan, your hands fisting the bottom of his shirt tightly.
His thumbs swirled around your nipples, which hardened under his touch, before twisting and pinching them, eliciting a whimper out of you. He broke the kiss again, only to lower his head to your hardened nipple. He swirled his tongue around it, your broken moans and whimpers sounding like music to his ears.
He sucked on it, his other hand groping and playing with your other boob. He lightly grazed your nipple with his teeth, a high pitched whimper leaving you. He pinched your other nipple, before finally letting go of both your tits, his mouth leaving it with a wet popping sound, which echoed throughout the office.
Your hands moved upwards, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt, trying to pop them open, failing miserably in your haste. He chuckled at your desperation, before helping you out, taking off his shirt. Your eyes raked over his entire naked glory, before your hands went to the back of his neck, pulling him back into a kiss.
He gladly reciprocated it, his hands moving to your jeans shorts, expertly popping open the button. He quickly slid down the zipper, before sliding your shorts off, with you lifting your legs slightly to help him. He broke the kiss, his hand cupping your pussy through the thin material of your drenched panties. “So wet for me already? Pathetic.”
You let out a whine, your hips bucking into his hand, trying to gain pressure on it. He smirked, before grabbing your jaw with one hand, pushing you down on the desk, causing you to let out a sharp gasp. He dropped down to his knees in front of the desk, between your legs, before grabbing your thighs. He pulled you so that your covered core was right in front of his face, before bringing his face down to inhale your scent.
He groaned against your heat, the sound reverberating through your core, causing a shiver to run through you. Without warning, he suddenly nuzzled his face into your drenched panties, which were already sticking to your folds, almost uncomfortably so. He let out a moan, the scent of your arousal taking over his brain, causing blood to start rushing to his cock again. He pressed his nose almost impossibly deep into your drenched panties, dragging it upwards with a groan, causing choked gasps and whimpers to escape you. Your chest was heaving up and down, trying to get used to the immense pleasure that you were receiving. His nose occasionally bumped on your clit, causing you to let out mewls, which sounded like music to his ears.
He suddenly stuck his tongue out, desperate to taste you, shoving it through your panties. Your entire body jolted from the sensation, a loud ‘fuck!’ leaving your mouth. He started lapping at your cunt through your panties, small hums and moans leaving him, every time he tasted your sweet slick. The sensation of his tongue on you through your panties was starting to overwhelm you, causing you to try and close your legs, small whimpers leaving you.
He was obviously having none of that, causing him to use both hands to push your thighs apart again, his tongue desperately lapping up your slick stained panties. After a while, he started becoming impatient, his need to taste you completely being the only thought in his lust filled brain. He detached his lips from your bottom ones momentarily, bringing one hand to your soaked panties, before ripping it off.
You let out a shocked gasp as the sound of ripping cotton filled the room, the cold air of the room hitting your now bare pussy, causing you to clench around nothing. His eyes darkened at the sight, as he immediately latched his lips on your bare pussy again. He let out a groan, slurping up your slick like a starved man, his fingers bruising your thighs from how tightly he was gripping them.
His nose bumped against your clit, causing a shiver to run through your entire body, a moan slipping out of you. He immediately switched his attention to your clit, swirling his tongue around it, before sucking on it. Your reaction was immediate, a choked gasp leaving you, your back arching, pushing your pussy right into his face– not that he minded.
Your hand reached down to grab his hair, tangling in it. He let out a groan, his lips momentarily detaching from your clit, pushing his head towards your hand slightly, indicating you to pull on his hair. Understanding his signal, you pulled on his hair, causing him to let out a moan, before he dived back into your pussy. He nipped at your clit slightly, feeling a jolt go through you, your grip on his hair tightening. Your reaction caused him to bite your clit harder, causing you to almost scream. “Fuck!– sir please– please, fuck–”
He sucked on your clit again, not really sorry for his previous actions, but still trying to soothe your pain. He gave your clit one last lick, before moving back to your slit, his tongue moving in an ‘up down’ motion, collecting your slick. Once he was satisfied, he detached his lips from your slit, gathering a wad of saliva mixed with your slick in his mouth. He then spit the mixture on your slit, causing you to jolt, a choked gasp leaving you, along with a string of curses. He used his tongue to spread the mixture over your slit, his tongue jutting further inside your pussy, dragging across your gummy walls. You cried out, your hips bucking against his face. He held your hips down with both hands, eating you out like a starved man who hadn’t had a meal in a very, long time.
He once again switched his attention to your clit, sucking on it, one hand coming down to caress your slit, before landing a harsh slap on it. You jolted, crying out in pain, the sound of the slap echoing through the room. He caressed your pussy again to soothe the pain, having never once stopped sucking your clit. His middle and ring finger ran up and down your slit, collecting your slick, before sliding inside your hole without a warning. Before you could even gasp, his fingers picked up a fast pace inside you, dragging across your walls, hitting all the right spots.
His fingers were long and slender, allowing him to reach deep, in no time hitting the spongy part of your insides, causing a shiver to run through you. He smirked lightly, sucking even harder on your clit, eliciting a tiny whimper from you. He increased the pace of his fingers, curling them up every time to hit your spot, your gasps and moans echoing throughout the room.
Your slick was starting to drip down his hand, onto the floor, the more he thrusted his fingers into you. He didn’t seem to care about it in the slightest, thrusting his fingers inside you at an even faster pace. Squelching sounds emerged from where his fingers thrusted into you relentlessly, causing your body to flush even more from embarrassment, your whimpers becoming more high pitched. He did not relent, continuing his actions.
He sucked on your clit harder, alternating between flicking it with his tongue and flattening his tongue over it. Your whimpers reached a fever pitch, your grip on his hair tightening. He groaned against your pussy, a sound that reverberated throughout your core, causing you to clench around his fingers. He thrust his fingers even deeper inside her, curling them up to jab them into her g-spot, before rubbing against it. His actions elicited loud screams of pain mixed with pleasure from you, your hand pulling on his hair desperately.
He only increased his pace, his fingers rubbing at your spot at an almost animalistic pace. He nipped at your clit every once in a while, before continuing to suck on it harshly. His dizzying actions and pace triggered your orgasm, causing you to clench around his fingers tightly. Your back arched, eyes rolling back into the back of your head, mouth hanging open in a silent scream as you came around his fingers, drenching them in your essence.
He finally stopped abusing your now sensitive cunt with his fingers, pulling them out. He quickly shoved them inside his mouth, tasting you, humming at the taste. He once again attached his lips to your sensitive slit, sucking off all your cum, moaning into your pussy at the taste. He kept on drinking down your essence till your whimpers became louder, your hand gripping his hair tightly, trying your damn hardest to pull him away from your sensitive pussy.
He finally pulled away, the lower half of his face drenched in your juices, his lips shining, covered in a glossy sheen of your cum. He used the back of his hand to remove it, before standing up. By now his cock was rock hard again, standing proud and tall against his stomach, the tip an angry red, beads of precum forming on it.
He looked at your face, his eyes darkening even more at the sight of your fucked out expression, his mind clouding from the haze of lust. Your pupils were blown out, entire body flushed, covered in a sheen of sweat. Your mouth was parted open, chest heaving up and down as you tried to catch your breath. His tongue jutted out, gliding over his bottom lip, coating it in his saliva. His eyes raked all over your body, drinking in the image, trying to memorize every single detail of it. His neglected cock twitched, more precum dribbling out of the tip.
His patience finally snapped, before he wrapped his hand around your waist, pulling you up. He smashed his lips onto yours, with you immediately reciprocating it. His hands gripped your hips tightly, tight enough to make it bruise, tiny whimpers escaping you at the pressure. He took the chance and slipped his tongue inside your mouth, eager to explore your wet cavern. His thumbs kneaded on the flesh on your waist, trying his best to keep his urges under control. He was lost in the taste of your lips, trying desperately to stop himself from pounding into you right then and there. He was trying to give you a slight break, neglecting his own desires, to make sure you don't pass out on him.
After a while, devouring your face was simply not enough for him. His poor cock was twitching desperately, even more precum dribbling out of it. His balls were starting to turn blue, causing him physical pain. Unable to control his desires anymore, he tore his mouth off yours with a groan, before staring into your eyes, his gaze darker than ever. You stared at him with wide, desperate eyes, wanting– no, needing to be filled up. And filling you up was exactly what he was going to do.
He pulled you by your thighs, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist– his hard length pressing insistently on your slick folds, eliciting moans out of the two of you. He wrapped one hand around your waist, the other one your hips, before lifting you off the desk, carrying you towards the chair. He sat down on the chair, making you hover on top of his cock, the tip of which occasionally bumping against your clit.
You whimpered at the feeling, causing him to bite his lip to prevent his own noises from escaping. He watched your facial expressions with darkened eyes, his mind fogged up in a cloud of lust. He grabbed the base of his cock tightly, using sheer willpower to not cum right then and there– before rubbing his mushroom tip on your folds, which were already glistening from your slick. He smeared his precum all over your folds, strings of your own arousal clinging to his tip. You let out loud whimpers at the sensation, your nails digging into his shoulders, threatening to break skin.
He did not relent, dragging his cock over your slit, his tip completely buried into your folds by now. Your whimpers had reached a sky high pitch by now, your eyes screwed tightly in pleasure, controlling yourself from slamming your hips on his, to bury his cock inside your throbbing pussy– not like you could, given the tight grip he had on your waist and hips– his grip tight enough to leave bruises.
He dragged his cockhead to your clit, your breath hitching at the contact. This earned a displeased squeeze on your hips from him, wanting to hear your pretty little moans. He tapped your clit with his tip, your surprised gasp echoing in the room. Pleased by the reaction that he had elicited from you, he continued to tap your clit using his tip, your choked whines and gasps making it harder and harder for him to maintain self control.
He gave a particularly harsh slap to your clit with his tip, your slick having started to drip down his length, onto his balls. You let out a loud whine, your nails digging into his shoulders, almost drawing blood. You had enough of his relentless teasing, causing you to try and move your hips to sit down on his length. He held your hips tightly, preventing you from sitting down on his cock, before pinching your clit, earning a loud gasp from you. “Desperate little slut, can't even wait for a while to get filled up. Was me eating you out not enough? Do you need to be filled up by my cock that badly?”
You let out a loud whine, squirming in his grasp. “P-Please– I can't– I need it so bad–”
He let out an almost sinister chuckle. “Is that so? You need it? You're going to have to be patient for that darling, only good girls get what they want.”
You let out a tiny whimper, tears of frustration forming in your eyes. “P-Please–”
“‘Please’ what, princess?”
“P-Please fuck me?”
“Wrong. Try again.”
“Please, sir? Please fuck me?”
He allowed a smirk to break through. “That's a good girl.”
He gripped your hips tightly in one hand, holding the base of his cock in the other, aligning it with your entrance, before slowly starting to push you down on him. You let out a loud gasp when you started to sink down on him, his mushroom tip itself stretching you out. He certainly had more girth than all the guys you had hooked up with till date, and was longer than them too. You let out a slight whimper at how much he was stretching you out already, when not even half of his length was inside you yet. You dug your nails into his shoulders from the pain, causing him to let out a small groan at the feeling, your nails breaking skin and drawing out beads of blood. “S-Sir please– too much–”
He gripped your hips tighter, his grip sure to leave bruises. “Weren’t you just begging me to fuck you? What happened to the desperate whore from two minutes ago?”
You tried to squirm a little, his tight grip preventing you from doing so. “P-Please sir– it hurts–”
He let out an almost amused scoff, cutting you off. “‘Hurts?’ Then I should make sure it hurts a little more, shouldn’t I? I’m sure you can take it, can’t you?”
Before you could reply, he gave your hips a tight squeeze, before forcefully pushing you down on his length, ignoring your gasps and tiny whimpers of pain. You swore he filled you up to the brim, but he somehow kept pushing you down, before finally bottoming out. He let out a slight groan, feeling your pussy clench down on him almost painfully, your walls hugging him tightly, as if trying to push him out– but he wasn’t going anywhere.
He shifted on his weight slightly, adjusting his position on the chair, the movement making you gasp, him somehow having fit another non existent inch inside you. He lifted you by your hips slightly, before slamming you back down on his length, causing you to almost lurch over, had it not been for your tight grip on his shoulders. He lightly tapped your hip, encouraging you to move on your own. Had it not been for the obnoxious amount of slick oozing out of you, you probably wouldn’t even have been able to sink down on him, much less rock your hips on his.
Cautiously, you lifted your hips slightly, before sinking back down. Your slow movements allowed both of you to feel his cock dragging across your walls with ease, the feeling igniting a fire in your stomach. It caused more slick to ooze out of you, a sticky mess of your juices forming on his abdomen. Each drag of his cock against your walls caused more slick to ooze out of you, the pain from the initial stretch starting to fade into pleasure. Instead of pained whimpers, pleasured mewls started to leave you, your hips bouncing on his length faster.
He was still gripping your hips tightly, but making no effort to help you move, too concentrated on trying not to make a sound. His eyes were screwed shut in pleasure, small grunts leaving him every time your pussy clenched down on him tightly. You whimpered, rocking your hips on his harder, your slick making loud squelching sounds, filling up the room. He opened his eyes with difficulty, immediately met with the sight of your tits bouncing right in his face, causing him to groan. He leaned forward, taking your nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, before sucking on it. You let out a particularly high pitched moan, encouraging him in his actions. He sucked harder, before switching his attention to your other nipple, sucking on it as well. He let go of your nipple with a ‘pop’, the sound echoing loudly in the room, amidst the sounds of your moans and the squelching sounds from where both of you were connected.
He looked down, his eyes widening slightly, his cock growing impossibly harder inside you, causing you to gasp, clenching down on him even harder. Your stomach had a bulge in it, disappearing and reappearing every time his cock slipped back inside you. He bit down on his lip, his eyes darkening at the sight. He lifted his hand from where it was on your hip, before pressing down on the bulge. You let out a loud gasp at the feeling, your eyes widening, your hips stilling for a moment, his cock buried deep inside you.
You looked down, noticing him pressing on the bulge on your stomach. Your pussy clenched around him even harder, moans and mewls spilling from your mouth, chanting his name desperately. He let go of your stomach, his hand going back to its place on your hips, allowing you to move freely again. You immediately started to move again, your hips rocking on his at an extremely fast pace. Each drag of his cock on your walls sent a jolt of pleasure through you, causing you to throw your head back, not once stopping the movement of your hips or even slowing down.
He took his hand off your hip again, this time putting it on your clit, rubbing it harshly. You let out a sharp gasp, a loud moan ripping through your throat. He kept rubbing at your clit harshly, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Your vision started to get covered in dark spots, the band in your stomach tightening uncomfortably. He flicked your clit, before rubbing it at an even faster pace, thrusting his hips up into yours slightly.
Just as the band in your stomach was about to snap, he suddenly snatched his hand away from your clit, before lifting you off his length. You gasped, a loud whimper leaving you at the sudden empty feeling, your pussy clenching around nothing, the intense pleasure that had built up in your stomach now fading away. He lifted you up in his arms, taking you to the desk, before bending you over it. You gripped the edge of the desk slightly, bracing yourself. He leaned down to your ear, his hands gripping your waist tightly. “Think you deserve to cum so easily? After all the times you paid no attention in class, in spite of burning holes into me with your stares? You’re gonna have to work harder than that, doll.”
Before you could utter a word, he had already buried himself in your walls again, your pussy hugging his cock tightly. He bottomed out almost immediately, the feeling of your walls pulsing around him sending shockwaves of pleasure through him. He pulled out almost completely, leaving only his tip inside, before slamming himself back inside, burying his cock to the hilt inside your pussy. You let out a loud gasp, your back arching at the feeling. He gave you no time to adjust, almost immediately starting to pound into you at an extremely dizzying pace, his mushroom tip kissing your cervix every time, almost piercing through your womb.
He slammed his length inside you over and over again, your high pitched moans and whimpers echoing throughout the room, your slick gushing out of you in obnoxiously large amounts from where the two of you were connected. Your slick was dripping down your thighs and his abdomen, creating a huge puddle of slick on the table and under it. Neither of you seemed to notice that, too engrossed in the pleasure. He slammed his hips into yours even faster, the sweaty skins slapping together echoing loudly in his ears. His balls smacked into your clit with every thrust, further stimulating you.
You gripped the edge of the desk even harder, your nails digging into the wood. His grip on your waist tightened as he picked up his pace, one hand slipping down to your clit to further stimulate you, causing a jolt of pleasure to run through you. You trembled under him, your hands shaking. He did not relent, dragging his cock across your walls even more deliberately, making you feel every ridge and vein on his cock even more precisely.
You could feel the band in your stomach tighten, your moans and whimpers growing even more high in pitch, signaling impending release. He increased the pace of his fingers, rubbing your clit even more harshly than before. Just as the coil in your stomach was starting to unravel, he pulled his pulsing cock out, covered in your juices, causing you to let out a loud whine of frustration at the loss of the orgasm.
Before you could whine about it, he turned you on your back, lifting you on top of the desk. He pushed you to make you lie down on your back, before grabbing you by the thighs, pushing them apart to stand in between them. He threw both of your legs over his shoulder, before pushing himself inside you again, your warm and wet heat welcoming him again. You whined, squirming slightly from the oversensitiveness. He held your waist tightly to stop you from squirming, before pushing his hips into yours even further. His mushroom tip slammed into your cervix, causing a loud moan to rip through your throat. He started to move again, immediately pounding into you, giving you no time to adjust. Your moans and whimpers had turned into high pitched screams of pleasure mixed with pain, your body extremely sensitive from the previous denied orgasms. He did not relent, slamming his hips into yours over and over again, the fast pace leaving you breathless.
You could feel your sanity start to slowly ebb away, leaving your mind empty, the feeling of overwhelming pleasure clouding your brain. He neatly folded your body in half, increasing his pace. His hand slipped down to your clit yet again, a high pitched scream ripping through you, feeling sensitive. He didn't seem to care, rubbing your little bundle of nerves even harsher than before.
Every slam of his hips drove his cock into your cervix, hitting the spongy part with an almost terrifying precision. The combined effort of his mushroom tip slamming into your g-spot, his fingers rubbing your hardened nub and your sensitivity caused your orgasm to approach much faster than before, the band in your stomach tightening almost painfully. Your screams increased in both volume and pitch, letting him know of your incoming orgasm. He sped up the pace of his hips, his mushroom tip slamming into your g-spot everytime.
The band in your stomach finally snapped, white hot pleasure coursing through your veins, your eyes rolling back, back arching. Your vision went almost completely black, before it all faded to normal. Feeling your pussy still hurting, your daze was broken. You looked at it and realized with widened eyes that you had squirted. His entire abdomen was covered in a white, sticky spray of your essence. He hadn't once stopped moving when you were squirming. He slammed his hips into yours at an even faster pace, chasing the pleasure. It wasn't long before your oversensitive pussy clenched around him again, causing him to slam his hips into yours, burying himself to the hilt. He shot ropes of warm cum inside you, load after load. He came so much that it started to drip past his length, the sticky mixture of your releases pooling down on the floor.
He finally pulled out, both of your bodies covered in a thin sheen of sweat, chests heaving from the exertion. You tried to sit up on the desk, causing him to immediately push you down with a hand on your chest. “Not so fast princess. We have only just begun.”
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perm taglist: @i2sunric @hooniebaekgu
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shycoconutt · 3 months
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“Plea-oh god-please Kento, I can’t, I have nothing left.”
Feeling Nanami breathe into the skin of your neck, he gives you a small hum of encouragement.
“Oh, darling, but I know you can give me more. Be a good girl fr’ me yeah?”
You find yourself in this situation often. Body worship is what some call it. You are at the complete mercy of him, and he treats your body as if it is an extension of his own.
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Nanami Kento knows everything about you—what makes your toes curl, your legs shake, your pussy pulse—and he revels in it.
On nights like this, Nanami props himself up against the fabric headboard of your king-sized bed, your back flush against his chest. Your legs rest on the outside of his widely spread thighs. His arms settle on the small of your waist, elbows squishing into the plush there. Chin resting in the crook of your neck, he guides you through every movement, every caress of your soft flesh.
All while his cock is buried deep inside you and his large, strong hands worship your most sensitive parts.
“So beautiful. So good to me. All mine, all mine, all mine.”
His member is tucked so deeply inside you, tip resting right against your cervix, giving it a little taste of his salty pre. Nanami never lets himself release until the very end, needing to feel you cum around him at least five times before he’s satisfied. He says it’s his favorite feeling in the world.
“Shhhh, shhhh, last one baby. Give me just one more, then I’ll give you my cum, okay?”
You don’t know how he does it, and you feel too cock drunk to form any coherent thoughts determining why he’s such an expert when it comes to you. He knows the exact amount of pressure to apply when he pinches your nipples, exactly what pace to rub your clit, exactly where to bite, nip and kiss your skin. Most impressively, he knows exactly what to say when he wants you to let go.
“Mmm you’re so messy, darling. Look, you’ve gotten me and the bed all wet.”
While one hand kneads your breast, he brings the other down between your legs, using his fingers to gather up your nectar.
“Such a good pussy.”
After spreading your wetness around your folds, he brings his hand back up and out in front of your faces, rubbing and separating his fingers so you can both watch the strings of your release stick to him.
You immediately obey his command without a second thought, you always do.
Nanami brings two of his cum-soaked fingers to your mouth, and you invite them in with ease. You feel yourself pulse when your essence hits your tastebuds and you suck needily at his skin.
“Save some for me, darling.”
Gentling hooking his finger on the inside of your cheek, he brings your face to the side to meet his, his dark brown eyes boring into yours with hunger. You release his fingers slightly from your suction, and he brings them out in between both of your mouths. Together, you begin to suck at them, every so often wrapping your lips around them to give each other sloppy licks and kisses.
It’s so hot and erotic, and you are too entrapped in it all to notice your final orgasm creeping up on you. But Nanami notices, he always does.
“That’s a good girl. Where do you want my hands?”
Your head falls back onto his shoulder as you feel your core tighten. You are so close, that you’re surprised you can give him an answer.
“My pussy.”
Nanami quickly brings both of his hands down to your core. He lays two fingers on either side of your sensitive bundle of nerves, rolling it gently between them.
Everything immediately goes white as you let out a cry of intense pleasure. Giving yourself over to him completely, your body goes limp against his as waves of your orgasm crash over you.
“Yes, yes, amazing darling. You’re giving me such a good one.”
Feeling yourself rhythmically pulsing around him, Nanami starts to lose all prior restraint as he lets out a moan from deep within his chest. Hooking his arms under your thighs, he holds them up and to your chest. Bearing all of your weight effortlessly, he begins to simultaneously pound into you while moving you up and down on his cock.
“Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he grunts into your ear.
All the sudden movement is starting to make you feel dizzy, still dumb from your release. Feeling him pound over and over again all the way to your cervix, you begin to match his moans.
“Such a pretty slut for me. You love when I use you like this huh? Like my own personal fleshlight.”
He’s becoming more relentless with each thrust, signaling what’s coming next.
“Should I give you what you want, darling?”
Bringing your hand back behind you to play with the hair of his undercut, you whimper slightly.
“Mmm, yes, I’ve been so good. I deserve it, Nami, please.”
You can feel his smile against your neck, canines poking at your skin.
“Yes, yes you do.”
With one final thrust, Nanami clamps you down, pushing you as far as you can go onto his length. Hearing his head hit the headboard, he cries out as he begins to release rope after rope of his thick cum into you, coating your plush walls.
It takes you a couple seconds to come to, feeling absolutely full of him. Completely spent, Nanami gently brings your legs back down to rest on his own, then wraps his arms tightly around your shoulders.
It takes a little while longer for both of your breathing to come back to normal, the rise and fall of his chest lulling you into a state of pure bliss. You thank the universe every day for bringing him to you.
“I love you so much, darling. You have no idea. I’m completely and utterly obsessed with you,” he whispers in your ear.
Hiding your smile in his forearms, you feel a faint blush crawl up your cheeks.
“Let’s stay like this for a while, yeah?” you speak into his skin.
He happily hums to you, nuzzling his face into your neck.
“How about forever?”
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a/n: to all my fellow nanami sluts out there, can I get a “hell yeah!”
mdni banner by @kithsune
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