#goodbye until tomorrow when I am finally done
frannyzooey · 9 months
Short Days, Long Nights: 17
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: Mature (mentions of child loss and grief, aka we go through Joel's past one more time as he says goodbye)
A/N: We are at the end ❤ I am insanely nervous since the whole story was built around this final chapter...I really hope you like it. I am going to make a separate post with all my thank you notes, but for now: @the-scandalorian I literally could not have done this without your guidance and reassurance and constant support. I owe you everything, and I love you. @mrsmando thank you for looking this over for me, for being such an amazingly emotional ride or die and for inspiring me since day one of this fic with your massive brain. I adore you. finally, @bageldaddy thank you for yelling at me in the doc when I needed it, and for your constant Joel advice. You make me better. ❤
Series Masterlist
“That’s it, honey. You’re doin’ so good.”
 “Yea?” Straightening your back, you let your hips roll with the movement under you. The inside of your thighs burning with overuse, your voice is slightly breathless. “Like this?”
“It’s like you’re a natural,” he muses, giving you a wink. 
“I don’t know about that.”
A trampled path guides the horse more than you do, a circle carved into the grass in front of the cabin and you let out a breath, feeling yourself relax for the first time since you first climbed on. 
He didn’t believe you when you’d said you’d never been on a horse until you stood next to it, terrified. He had helped you up that day, climbing into the saddle behind you. When he noticed that you were paying more attention to the way his broad body encased yours from behind, he cut the lesson short with a teasing scold. 
Only to continue it in the bedroom later that night. 
He’s silent for a moment as he walks next to you, until June’s babble from the edge of the field calls out across the space. 
“See?” he says. “She thinks so too.”
She starts to crawl towards the two of you, and Joel is quick to stride over, picking her up. 
“I feel like I got the hang of it,” you say tentatively. “I’m not sure what to do if I have to take off on it though.” You look at him, the scenario only now occurring to you. “Hang on. What if I’m holding her and we have to run? How will I hang onto her and the horse? How –”
His hand comes to rest reassuringly on your thigh with a squeeze, stopping you.
“Don’ focus on that right now.” He shifts June in the crook of his elbow so that her outstretched hands can touch the horse. “Just focus on learnin’ the basics. When she’s down for her nap, I’ll get on with you and we can practice goin’ faster. Okay?”
He holds your gaze for a moment, sunlight catching the brown in his irises and curls. He raises his eyebrows in question, and you nod. 
“Okay. Yea, okay.”
Giving the horse a pat on its neck, you let June brush her hands over its coat. Her tiny fingers dig in, pinching the animal in exploration. 
“Easy, baby girl. Easy,” Joel murmurs. “You gotta be gentle. Like this.”
He takes her hand in his, petting the horse. Having no patience for the slow movement, she tugs her hand free to make a quick grab for the animal, and he chuckles, stepping back - only for her to erupt into a wail. 
“Aw come on. Don’ gimme those crocodile tears, baby.” 
Lifting her into the air, he holds her above his head and looks up at her scrunched face. His biceps strain the sleeves of his t-shirt, his curls fluttering in the breeze as he suspends her until her cries turn into whimpers, then giggles. Only then does he bring her down, kissing her on the cheek. 
“I knew you were fakin’.”
The plan was to leave tomorrow, at first light. 
Weathering weeks of up and down emotions, you’ve been constantly wavering between wanting to follow the others in hopes of finding somewhere safer for June and being terrified that you’re making the wrong decision. A silent war within yourself, always waging as you prepared. 
When it was just you and Joel, there were times that you had been afraid. You had eventually made peace with the idea that something might happen to you, even though you would have fought with everything you had to prevent it. The fear you feel now, however, is on a whole other level. Something more base, coming from deep within you. 
 It’s so much harder with June. So much more left to lose, so much more at stake. 
A bone-deep type of fear that took root in you the moment you realized you were pregnant, it only grew until it was something overwhelming. Something that choked you with nerves the day she came into this world. Something that reached down into the heart of you and grabbed hold of reserves you never knew you had. Something that turned you into another person entirely when you thought about anything happening to her - a very real possibility given the unknown you were willingly venturing into. 
In comparison, Joel seemed…calm. Always the case when he had a clear direction and a purpose, you couldn’t tell if it was because he truly believed this was the right thing or just because he was so caught up in the planning of it all.
Plants harvested and then pulled up to save the root system, seeds meticulously dried and saved in scraps of paper, everything protected with as much safe keeping as you could provide it. Stores of food organized and packed in makeshift saddle bags, clothing and rags for diapers and two sleeping bags and medicine and first aid supplies and knives and anything else you could think of that might be useful, already accounted for and packed away. 
All of it placed by the front door, waiting. 
You run down the mental list one more time while rocking June, eventually placing her in the crib after cradling the soft, warm weight of her sleeping body for a moment. 
“She go down okay?” Joel looks up from his place on the bed, the lantern glowing warm edges around the curve of his shoulders. The light splays across his skin, and he sets his book to the side. 
“Yea, she was just a little fussy.” Yawning, you crawl into bed next to him. “I think she can feel something in the air. Our nerves or something.”
“Probably,” he agrees. 
Sliding down under the quilt, you watch the shift of his muscles as he stretches to turn out the light. Joining you, he rolls on his side so you’re face to face.
Getting comfortable, you scoot closer. “So. Our last night.”
“Looks like it,” he replies, grasping your hand. He runs your knuckles over the  seam of his lips, giving them a kiss.
“Are you nervous?” 
He considers for a moment. “Yea. I know it’s time, but I can’t say I’m ready for what’s waiting out there.”
You nod.
Content silence rests between you, a cricket chirping right outside the window, the  gentle current joining the rustle of leaves as they stir in the warm night air. Your fingers play idly with the sparse hair that covers his chest, and he watches you in the darkness. 
“Are we doing the right thing?” you ask, your voice almost a whisper. 
“It’s a little late for that, honey,” he teases, brushing his thumb across your cheekbone. When you don’t reply, his tone softens and he continues. “Hey now. We are. I know it.”
“Are you sure?”
“No, I’m not sure. I don’t know if anyone is with any decision they make, honey. ‘Specially not parents. You can only hope, ya know?”
You draw your lip between your teeth, and he gently plucks it out with his thumb. Guiding your face to his in the darkness, he runs his touch across your cheek, stroking the soft curve. 
“Look at me.”
He’s right there, holding your gaze. Brown irises turned black in the dark room, holding you steady. There, like he’s always been. 
“This is the right thing. I know just as well as you that there is plenty out there to be afraid of, but I got you. I got you both. I ain’t gonna let anything happen.”
A tear slips from the corner of your eye, dampening the pillow case. Your fears getting the best of you, words come pouring out. 
“What if she crawls away while we are sleeping, or what if she gets sick? What if someone tracks us, and tries to take what we have?” You swallow hard, taking a deep breath. “If something happens to either of you, I –”
You can’t even bring yourself to finish the sentence, and he’s gathering you in his arms, pulling you close. The steady thump of his heartbeat underneath your cheek greets you, and you bury your face in the soft crook of his neck. 
“I know we have to, but I don’t want to leave. This is our home.”
He softly shushes you. “We’ll make a new one. Together.”
Cradling your head in his hand, he lets you cry, his fingers stroking over the crown of your hair. Wrapped in his hold, you let it all pour out: not deep, shuddering cries of despair but rather the silent cries of mourning, of nerves strung too tight for weeks. 
His hand slips down to rub between your shoulder blades and you close your eyes for a moment, trying to commit everything about this moment to memory: the mattress underneath you, the heat of his body, the husky rumble of his voice. The soft sheets and the worn blankets that have held the heat of your naked bodies countless times. His side of the bed that smells like him, his things on the nightstand, the feel of him in the middle of the night when it’s too dark to see. The scratch of his beard against your palm when you sling your arm over him in the night, just to find the bare patch along his jaw with your fingertips. 
You think about everything that’s ever happened in this bed: his confession about Sarah, the intimacies you’ve shared with each other under the safe veil of darkness. Sounds that these walls have absorbed night after night: his low chuckles and his murmured praises and his endless, reassuring love. 
When you’re done, Joel guides you back down into the mattress, using his hold on you to close the distance between your mouths. A gentle kiss for your lips, then your nose, then each one of your tear damp eyelids before finding your mouth again. 
You shift up, giving him access to deepen it as his tongue slides against yours, your body arching into the familiar taste and path of his kisses. Your fingers thread through his hair, slip down the breadth of his back, and curl around the back of his arms.
Your thighs hug his hips, his head dipping to find more of your skin. Laving the edge of your jaw, he gives your throat an open mouthed kiss as his hand pushes your sleep shirt up. Up, up, exposing the bare skin over your sternum and when his lips find your nipple, he draws into his mouth with a reverential suck. He laves his tongue over and around it, playing with the stiff bud as he rocks his hips into yours and when his teeth gently scrape, a moan catches in the back of your throat. 
The last time you’re ever going to feel him in this bed, you savor it. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good,” he groans softly when his fingers find your slick warmth. 
“So do you,” you breathe, reaching down to guide his fingers inside you. They slip in with a slick, snug stretch, and he rests his forehead along the plane of your chest, watching your hand move with his. Crooking his touch to reach a spot that makes you keen, he rubs against it and you muffle your sounds against the firm round of his shoulder. 
Quiet. You have to be quiet. 
“Fuck me,” you plead against his skin, and he works his fingers faster, pulling back to watch your face. 
“I wanna make you come like this first. Gonna be awhile before I can take my time with you again.”
You say nothing, the air seizing in your lungs as you arch into the tight, syrupy warmth he’s building inside you. Clenching around his fingers, you’re tipped over the edge by the heft of his stiff cock rocking against your thigh.
“There’s my girl,” he praises. 
His words wash over your heated skin, his eyes flashing in the dark. Slipping his fingers from you to drag damp over your skin, he pushes your legs open to make room for himself.
Leaving you sated and asleep, he slips from bed as quietly as he can, stepping out into the inky night. Tugging a sweatshirt over his head, his feet are bare, the hem of his pajama pants skimming the grass as he walks down to the shore. 
A simple handmade cross made from the leftover wood from June’s cradle is gripped in his hand.
He kneels and taking his time, begins to delicately smooth out a patch of sandy earth. His fingers pluck away wayward strands of grass and toss out tiny pebbles until it’s cleared. A stack of stones he’s been gathering for the last few weeks rests in a pile nearby, waiting. 
Satisfied, he rests back on his heels.
“Hey, baby girl.”
Silence greets him, and content with that response, he continues.
“We’re leavin’ tomorrow.”
Reaching for the biggest stone, he turns and sets it just at the edge of the lapping water. He then balances the next one on top, slightly smaller than the one underneath it. 
“I’m not sure when we’ll be back, if we’ll ever be. But I’m gonna mark a spot for you just in case. My favorite spot.”
He adjusts a third stone on top of the others, his hand lingering to make sure it stays put. 
“I never got to –” he starts, steadying himself. “I never had a spot for you. Just kept you in my head, and in my heart.” He holds the fourth stone in his hand, looking at it. “I always wanted a place to visit you. A place to come to when I missed you, a place to talk to you.” 
He sniffles, using his knuckle to wipe at a tear that slips free and then places the stone on top of the others.
“Now I know that you’re always listenin’.”
The water washes over the base of the stones, the ripples sparkling in the moonlight and he finishes the cairn in silence, listening to the sounds around him. When he’s done, he looks up, and stares at the expanse of stars above him. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispers. His voice wavers, and he swallows hard. “For everything. I know you know this, but I’ll – I’m always thinkin’ about you. I’ll always be here when you need me, okay? I will never stop bein’ your dad.”
A few more tears roll down his face, and he lets them go. The corner of his mouth eventually lifting, he clears his throat. 
“Maybe you could watch over your sister for me, make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble on this trip? Sometimes she gets this smile on her face and it’s just like the one you used to get.” A low chuckle slips free, and he hangs his head with a shake. “It's like I know she’s about to do somethin’ that she ain’t supposed to do, and all…'' 
The rueful smile on his face softens, his voice lowering with a rasp. 
“All I see is you.”
More tears come, silent paths gliding down his face and he sits alone with his thoughts then, on the edge of the river. 
That night comes back to him: the sheer terror he felt, the despair, the helplessness. The rage that filled him when he woke to find out that her body had been left behind, twisted and broken and all alone in the dirt somewhere. Like no one even cared to bury her, even if he knew that wasn’t the case. 
The blur of black days that followed her death, when he longed to join her. 
The weight of the gun in his grip, the thud it made when he whipped it at the wall with a scream when he missed. 
All the years after, trying to lock the memory of her away. The shadow of a person he became, all the things he did without an ounce of regret. 
A man with nothing to lose, because he’d already lost it all. 
When his tears dry, he looks up at the sky again and finally, he remembers a different memory. 
A warm night sky just like this one, the slippery cushion of a sleeping bag under his back and a petite, squirmy body stretched out next to him. 
“What’s that one, dad?” A swirl of stars above them, her small finger points at the brightest one. 
She sits up, the silhouette of her unruly curls calling to him and he brushes his hand through the soft texture of it, making up a name.
“Dad! Stop it,” she laughs. “For real. What is it?”
He makes up another one, and the girlish peal of her laugh echoes in the dark; the kitchen light from the house glowing behind them. 
Still feeling her curls against his palm, he takes the cross in his hand, and pushes the bottom of it into the dirt. Standing with a soft grunt, he brushes the sand from his knees and looks at it for a moment. 
A tiny thing, shadowed by the protection of a tree. 
Protected and safe, finally. 
“I love you, baby girl.”
With one last look at the cross, he makes his way slowly back up to the cabin. 
With June secured to your front, you walk around the inside of the cabin one last time. 
Domestic warmth infused in every room, items you have to leave behind paint a picture of the people that lived here: the westerns he read in his early days of avoiding his want for you stacked next to his side of the bed. The flowered quilt that you tucked yourself under on rainy days spread over the mattress. The bathroom, with its neatly folded yet mismatched hand towels draped over the bar next to the sink. 
The living room, with the dust that once coated everything gone, and the kitchen, with a neat row of washed pots lined up next to the dish rack that holds a mug used this morning. 
The clean windows that would let in the bright sun, save for the tarp along the back that has been secured in place.
Even the strangers that line the hallway live in cleaned frames, and walking past them, you wander into June’s bedroom to take one last look at her cradle. Impossible to bring with you, it hurts the most to leave behind. You’re still looking at it when Joel comes in from outside, calling your name.
“In here,” you call back, and he comes to stand behind you, curling his hands around your hips. You lean back into him, and he rests his chin on the top of your head, reading your mind. 
“I’ll make her a new one, honey. I promise.”
You turn and give him a watery smile, and he presses his lips to your forehead. 
“A big girl bed this time, I think,” he coos down at June, and she reaches for him, fussing when he doesn’t pick her up. 
Cradling her squirming body, you follow Joel outside. 
Next to the porch, the horse shifts under the weight of the saddle bags, stomping her feet and you watch as Joel soothes her, sliding his hand down over her coat. Ropes securing everything, she is weighted with your belongings and with the plan  to walk beside her as much as possible, you start to untie her reins while he closes the front door. 
The original tarp that covered it is dragged back into place, and when everything is as it was on that first day you found it, he gives it one last look.  
Coming to join you with his rifle slung over his shoulder, he takes the reins. 
“You ready?”
At the sound of his voice, June looks at him and smiles, a tiny dimple piercing her chubby cheek. He returns it, reaching out to grasp her foot with a wiggle. 
“Are you?” you ask. Your brow knit with gentle concern, you nudge your chin towards the water. 
“Your spot is beautiful, by the way,” you say softly. “June and I said goodbye this morning. It’s perfect for her.”
He says nothing, gratitude spilling from the depths of his eyes. Looking at you for a long time, he then leans in to press a kiss to your forehead. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs. 
“I guess time heals all wounds,” you muse, thinking of the man you came here with and he pulls back.
Looking down at you both, his expression turns into a sort of solemn earnestness.
“It wasn’t time that did it.”
Your fingers locked in June’s fist, she pulls them into her mouth for a nibble and his hand reaches up to stroke the curve of her cheek, and then your own before leaning in for a kiss.
Walking away from the cabin, you look back when you reach the far edge of the original path that brought you here: the only visible indication of the structure a slice of muted, dingy blue in a sea of lush green. Leaves crunch underfoot as you walk beside him, the slope of his broad shoulders a map that you’ve always followed without question. With another couple steps, the cabin disappears from view.
Looking forward, you lace your fingers with his and walk.
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ktaerssoi · 5 months
hii could you do a jealous kate fic PLEASEEE
jealously is my middle name
summary: blowing off a project for your girlfriend and her jealously.
kate martin x reader
Being a business major meant being paired up with others often, and by the middle of freshman year, most people had a go-to partner. Your go-to partner was Violet, she was pretty and super funny.
By senior year, you and she had worked on countless projects together. You guys had recently been assigned a project that would be part of your final grade, wanting to finish it early, you guys had planned to meet up the following day to get a basic layout.
there was one problem though, your girlfriend. Kate had been making up excuses for you to stay home all day, whether it was her pretending to be sick, saying that you had all semester, or just saying she would miss you so much that she would "die an agonizing death."
needless to say, she didn't want you to go. "Kate, I need to go, seriously now." you separated yourself from her, knowing that the physical contact would make you fold.
"I don't know where your problem with me hanging out with Violet is coming from, but we need to get this work done." You and Kate were standing by the front door of your guys' shared apartment, she was leaning against the wall, still trying to bargain with you.
"It's not that I had something against her, I just don't understand why you guys have to meet up so often. I mean seriously, it's like every other day." She had pushed herself off the wall, her hands finding your waist as she now stands in front of you.
you squirm at her touch, the simple action causing your cheeks to flush. "because it's our final kate, it's not like it's optional." you looked up at her, she was 6'0, so it got hard to focus sometimes when you guys were standing so close together.
she nodded, a disappointed look on her face, but you quickly saw her eyes change as a thought popped into her head. She stared down at your lips for a second, and then quickly pulled you into a kiss.
you kiss back quickly, melting into it, a pout on your face as she pulls away. "kate, you can't just do that." she gives you a confused look, but you don't miss the smirk on her face.
"do what? I can't give my girlfriend a goodbye kiss as she leaves to go hang out with another girl?" you shake your head, realizing what Kate's big problem is with Violet all of a sudden.
"you're jealous." you smile, wrapping your arms around the back of her neck as she tries to pull you closer (if it was even possible)
"I- what?" the look on her face makes you laugh, her being unable to defend herself, giving you all the proof you need. "I am not jealous."
She narrows her eyes, the tips of her ears reddening at your accusations. "you see y/n, if I was jealous, then I would be trying to get you to stay home. I'm not doing that. Leave for all I care, te ll Violet I say hi or whatever." she bites the inside of her cheek, her hands falling to her sides and off your waist, trying to act nonchalant.
"mhm, okay then, see you later k." you smile, kissing her goodbye as you go to reach for the door you don't get far and you feel her hands grab your waist once again pulling you toward her. "okay but seriously babe do you really have to start it today? wait until tomorrow at least," the end of her sentence is muffled as she barries her head into your neck, her front pressed up against your back as your hand is still on the doorknob.
"not jealous my ass."
you had texted Violet that something had come up, and you were unable to meet her that day, you and kate had spent the rest of the night watching movies. (along with other things)
it wouldn't be the last time you had to blow someone off for kate.
okay chat, i like dont absolutely hate this but it def isnt my fav, so ill prob rewrite it.. i was also thinking of rewriting the other kate fic bc i just don't like how i left it. also how do we feel about me writing for women's hockey?? lord kk harvey is so fine. anyway chat im actually dying sos - kate
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unluckilyimnot · 7 months
do you know who much am i in love with tsundere man ???
i wanna kiss raichi's face sooo bad, with lipstick on, all over his face, until he tripped over his words and is all blushyy
don't forget cuddles and sitting on his lap like AAAAA
i love your loki and sae's making out writings btw 🫶 can u do the same thing but with raichi but in this version?
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making out - raichi, isagi
mlist || rules || requests are open :)
note : thank you sm for your request, both of you ! they're so cute, as you should queen (in a neutral way) i love them a loooot too. i post this Isagi one at the same time bc i did them with a similar vibe
I've been busy these day im sorry ! And I have a busy weekend as well with my gf so I'll do as much as I can today and post it later !
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Raichi acts tough but deep down he knows he can’t fool anyone when you order him around.  You two invited some of your friends over tonight to have a nice dinner together and you kept calling his name to get things done. He tried to boss around a little at the beginning, saying he was talking with the tip of his ears red but you just had to whine a little please for him to be by your side in a second. He's the grumpy type, but still ready to help whenever he's asked  to. 
He spent the whole night eyeing you from head to toes. His hand lingering on your thigh below the table and your seemingly innocent gaze let him know you get where he wanna go. He's a little impatient but that's nothing you can't handle.
When you finally say goodbye to your last friends, you stretch your back as soon as the door is closed. 'What a night' you thought, excepting Raichi around you but he was nowhere to be seen. Taking a few steps to the kitchen to find him cleaning up a little. Leaning against the door frame, you stared at him until he noticed you.
"You're less clingy suddenly." You spoke as soon as his eyes lay on you, a cute smile on your lips. Lips that got his attention all night. He shook his head, muttered things you couldn't understand but still amused. 
"Come on, leave all of this. I'll take care of that tomorrow." Taking his head in yours, you dragged him along your bedroom and kindly pushed him on the bed. "You weren't that concerned about the dishes earlier," you whisper in his ear, slowly taking a seat in his laps.
Cuddling up against him, you played with his hair while debriefing the night with him. Your arms lay around his neck and, despite his red cheeks, his hands finally hold you closer, rubbing your back in a needy way. His eyes on your lips once again, you're sure it's already messed up so you don't mind making it worse. 
When Raichi finally cuts your chat by kissing you like he wanted all night, the shadow of a satisfied grin on your lips. You broke the kiss and chuckled. 
"What's so funny ?" He barked like he always does, making you laugh even more. 
"Nothing, you're just cute." You answered, shutting him up with a kiss before he can argue. Pecking his face over and over again, all over his face not without leaving a red tint at the same time. His poor soul can't even speak a full sentence without stutter before grabbing your face and kissing you again. 
You deepen the kiss instantly, done joking around and finally into it. You put his hands back on your back and thigh, feeling his short nails digging into your skin and you're here for it. It's intoxicating, you're lost in the way his tongue licks your lips, making you smile. You didn't realize how both of you wanted it too until now. 
Your hand slowly drawing circles on his shoulders, you were thinking when you could finally take his shirt off when you felt his hands coming closer to the zip of your dress. He started pulling it down, exposing your bare back for him and only him. You glared at him in an amused way. 
“I'm helping you.” He defended, putting his hands away from you to try to annoy you in some way. You shook your head with a loud chuckle. 
“Go ahead.” you said before pushing him down on the bed, kissing him again. 
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Isagi is too cute for his own good, you’re sure of it. He can’t be rude to save his life. Well, besides football. With you he’s a sweetheart, always saying yes to anything you ask, even the weirdest things. So you like to mess with him a little. A sly smile forms on your lips before you hand your phone away.
“Yoichi I wanna try something !” you cheered, leaning on his shoulder, taking a look at his phone. He wasn’t really doing anything, only scrolling through his social media.
“What is it ?” he’s used to that, you wanted to try silly thing you saw on internet. You’re always after him to try tiktok trend, he’s sure it’s that once again. You grinned, taking his phone from his hands and tossing it nearly yours before sitting in his laps. You already got him gulped hard. Not that he’s not used to it, it’s even a position you like to cuddle but something in his mind tells him that’s not related to cuddle.
His hands find your waist, laying there comfortably, waiting for your next move. You get closer, your chest flat against his and you take his warm cheeks between your hands. He blinks a few times, already anticipating but flustered at the same time - not trusting that smile of yours. You cradle his face a little, pitching his cheeks and leaving small pecks here and there, on his cheeks, his nose and finally his lips.
“What do you wanna tryyy ?” he whined trying to escape the kisses attack but you shush him quickly, kissing him seriously this time. He takes some time to melt into the kiss, pulling you closer. You shiver at the coldness of his cold hands crawling under your shirt, meeting your warm skin and you smile in the process. His hands go up and down, smoothing your skin, grabbing it a little too hard from time to time, making you moan but mostly chuckle.
“You’re so cute Yoichi.” you purred in the middle of the kiss, leaving small pecks on the corner of his lips.
“Am I ?” he grinned, happy to realize one more time the effect he has on you. It’s easier for you to know how he feels so he appreciates it when you vocalize it. You can already feel him hard under your weight and decided it wasn’t too early to grind on him, wanting him so bad already. Just so he knew, you know.
Taking this as a green light, his lips started going down your neck to your shoulders, kissing it all the way, biting from time to time just to feel your hand pulling his hair at the tingling sensation. He loves that a lot, sometimes he’s a little brutal just for you to pull his hair or scratch his skin at the pleasure. He likes to mess around too, not that he’ll tell you. He likes the way your gaze darkens when he acts innocent. He has his way.
Coming back to kiss you after almost eating your shoulder, one of his hands stays on your hip, encouraging you to move in a back and forth motion ; hoping he will not be the first one to ask for more. But deep down, he knows he won’t or else you wouldn’t almost be riding him already. You were the desperate one this time, but it’s ok. He likes to take care of you.  
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I hope you liked it ! ♡
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lushta1es0nm3 · 7 months
Pairing: Kim Hingjoong x reader
Summary: “It’s not far that your sitting here feeling like shit, let me help you feel better”
Warning: Mature! 18+ you have been warned
Genre: Fluffy smut
A/N: Read at your own risk and if you choose to read please feel free to give feedback and request. Please enjoy. 😊
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You smiled as the room filled with loud cheers and people laughter. This party you attended as a plus one was going well, but being that the place was crowded, you were in desperate need of some air and silence.
That being said, you took that moment as a chance to disappear out into the back yard. Ignoring the cold, it felt good compared to how hot it was inside. A small sigh left your painted red lips as you quickly found a spot to sit down.
Pulling out your phone you checked the time, it was almost 2 am. Damn, good thing tomorrow was the weekend. But still you wanted sleep and fuzzy pajamas over the skin tight dress and heels.
The sound of the door opening and closing quickly but quietly made you look up. The guy who this party was for had stepped outside himself and had yet to notice your presence. By his posture and walk, you could tell he was intoxicated.
You watched as he fumbled to pull out his phone and began making a phone call. Whoever answered it, began swearing and yelling so loud, you could hear it. He swore back at the person and began asking why. Damn sis, he was going through it. He hung up the phone and as he did, he finally looked up and his eyes landed on you.
He became embarrassed but you could see how heartbroken he was as tears slipped from his drunk face. You approached him, disregarding the fact that you didn’t know him. You hugged him and he broke down in tears.
After some time he calmed down, you’d sat him down and at some point you went inside quickly and grabbed some napkins to wipe his face. He spilled his drunken guts, explaining his situation, to a complete stranger and you listened and comforted him. When he was done and a little sober, he thanked you and asked your name, just as the person who brought you called your name.
You exchanged names and numbers. You learned his name was Hongjoong and he waved goodbye as others from inside came out to bring him back inside. All the while, you couldn’t help think, who in their right mind would cheat on him?………
One month later, and here you were again, sitting in bar, your friend thought it’d be a good idea to hangout with Hongjoong and a few other people you met at the party. There were only four of you sitting at the table, chatting and talking. Hongjoong was sitting next you, you’d been texting each other since that night. So you we’re pretty much friends at the moment.
Everything was going well, until, a girl you’d never seen before walked up to the table and tapped him on the shoulder. Everyone grew quiet as the atmosphere began to dim down. You were confused by the sudden shift in mood, you went to ask your friend on the opposite side of you a question but the girl had begun to speak.
“You must be his new girlfriend,” she assumed looking at you with a fake smile, “you moved on quickly didn’t you?” She looked at Hongjoong and her smile dropped.
“Don’t start,” he warned, “just go away.”
“I just wanted to see if you could do better that me, but I see you can’t.” She issued an unnecessary insult.
“Excuse me,” you started with a cold smirk, everyone looked at you, and your friend grabbed you knowing your temper, “you don’t know me,” you went to stand up but your friend was holding you down in your seat.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes at you and then looked back at Hongjoong, who was clenching his jaw in aggravation.
“When you’re done with her, you ca-” She started to offer.
“Just go away,” Hongjoong demanded cutting her off, “I’m surprised you have the nerve to come over here with your bullshit.”
“Are you mad at me because I said something to her?” She scoffed. When no one answered she left as quickly as she came. But the mood was still down, you sighed as your friends decided to dismiss themselves to the restroom. Leaving you and Hongjoong alone.
“Are you okay?” He asked you.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” You asked him coolly, “she doesn’t know me.”
A small smile graced his lips at your response, before he could respond. You followed up with a joke or two, causing him to laugh. He called you lame, as you started to banter back and forth.
“Thank you.” He said after some time had passed.
“For what?” You asked confused.
“For distracting me.” He answered.
You giggled at him, brushing it off, but he was serious. You distracted him that night at the party and even over texts from the last month. Now you’d distracted him from the encounter with his ex. Making it seem like it happened days ago, when it fact happened moments ago.
After your friends finally appeared, they were sorta surprised that the mood was light and happy again and so quickly. But no one dwindled on it, after a few more drinks and more talking, it was time to go home. But your friends wanted to keep going so, you split up again. Leaving you alone with Hongjoong.
You guys walked and talked about random stuff, at some point you guys decided to stop at a convenience store to grab a quick to drink and snack to wash down the alcohol. The moment you entered the store though, your smile fell slightly at the sight in front of you. His ex was there, with some dude.
Hongjoong looked over at what you were looking at, you thought he’d stop smiling but, he didn’t. He kept on talking and smiling as if she wasn’t there. You’re ass seeming concerned but knowing better than to ask, you followed him over to the drinks.
As he was asking what would be better juice or water, she began to walking around the aisle like she was looking for something. This bitch had some serious ego to do this. Hongjoong called your name and you looked at him.
“I’ll take a water,” you answered, “I’m too thirsty for juice.”
“What about chips?” He asked as he grabbed both your beverages out of the cooler.
“Whatever you like is fine,” you answered returning the smile he was giving you.
Now bitch, this man took that as an opportunity to give you brief peck on the lips. To say you were stunned would be an understatement. Your hand flew to your lips as you stared at him red faced and shook. Very much taken very far aback.
“I’m sorry, baby” He apologized, “I was distracted and I couldn’t help it.”
You blinked and spoke without thinking, “You know a voicemail would’ve been a nice warning.” You stated as you gave him the skeptical side eye and followed behind him as he walked to the register.
You went to pull out your wallet but, Miss. Ma’am, he stopped you and paid for everything quickly. He then took your hand, causing you to look at him wide eyed as he pulled you out of the store with him. Leaving his ex standing there looking as foolish as her ego.
Once outside, you pulled away and stared at him for a second before you started hitting him, he began dodging you and running. All the while you were telling him off for not asking before using you in his little plan to make his ex feel small. He kept saying he was sorry, but you were on his ass like rain. Chasing and running around made you tired as fuck, but it was a good thing you made it to your destination.
Walking inside your small apartment, you flipped on lights out of breathe and sat down on the floor by the couch. Hongjoong followed suit, sitting on the floor beside you. It was quiet for a second, you looked over at him as he locked eyes with you. Not a second later you jumped onto him, but to no avail, he’d grabbed your wrist as he fell backwards, laughing at you the entire time.
“I said I was sorry!” He protested laughing at your attempts to try and kick his ass.
“No you’re not, next time warn me before using me like that! You did it on purpose!” You fussed as you freed one of your wrist. You managed to hit him one time but didn’t get any further because he started tickling you, causing you to cry out in laughter as you attempted to stop him.
Eventually you begged for mercy, promising to give up. Out of energy, you let go of all your weight on him, laying on his chest. A moment later and you felt his body shake a little. He was quietly sobbing, again. But you could understand, they’d been together for a long time and she’d been playing behind his back the entire time.
You sat up, straddling him now and wiped his face. He covered his face in attempt to hide how pathetic he felt, but you, for some god forsaken reason, pulled his hands away and kissed him. While placing his hands on your waist, he kissed you back surprisingly. Pulling away, you stayed inches away from his face, the tips of your noses touched.
“I’m sorry,” Hongjoong apologized, “this is the second time I’ve cried in front of you.”
“It’s okay,” you whispered as he pecked your lips, “I don’t mind, remember, I’m a distraction, use me to feel better.”
“That’s not fair to you.” He replied seriously finally looking at you.
“It also isn’t fair for you to be here feeling like shit while she’s fucking off.” You reasoned, “besides, I don’t mind being a distraction.”
You kissed him again and brushed the few remaining tears from his eyes. Truthfully, you’d gotten to know him with the last two months of meeting and since then, you’d grown to care for him deeply as a person. His sadness hurt you more than it should, but no one knew that.
“Y/N,” Hongjoong sighed breaking away from you and sitting up now, with you still straddling his lap, “stop, distraction or not, what about after?”
“Don’t worry about after, ” you replied flat out as you pulled your shirt over your head, “don’t think,” you placed your arms around his neck, “I just want you to feel good.”
He searched your eyes for any sign of uncertainty and found none. But what he did find was the fact that you indeed looked hot and fuckable at the moment. Your pretty lips, that he couldn’t resist earlier were moving, what they were saying was unbeknownst to him.
Hongjoong abruptly cupped your cheeks in his large hands and kissed you, finally caving in to his body’s reaction towards you. You both became quickly entangled in the moment of pure arousal. His hands wondered about, aimlessly and now needy his felt up your curves, loving your soft and smooth flesh.
Your hand made contact with his belt as you fumbled to find your way into his pants. His cock throbbing as you freed it, rubbing your palm against it, Hongjoong let out a breath a shaky breath as he pulled away from you.
He went for your chest and neck, kissing them eagerly as you rubbed his cock at an even pace. Fully into it now Hongjoong breath was shaky to stifle his moans as his stomach clenched up. But the moment you started to go down on him he stopped you.
“No,” he voiced, pulling you back up, from your kissing his stomach and chest, “these,” he gripped your chin and brushed his thumb across your lip, “are not make for that.”
Hongjoong kissed you again, but briefly and pulled away, “Just rub me,” he urged placing your hand right back onto his hard cock, “if you’re going to be a distraction, than do what I say.”
“Then that would make me your toy.” You commented as he kissed your neck.
He pulled away and looked at you finally with hooded eyes, “Isn’t that what you want?” He asked.
You scoffed and smirked at him as you began rubbing him and kissing him………..
How interesting, he didn’t want to take advantage of you. But you so openly offered yourself to him and once the wheels started turning, he’d become somewhat different. And that was a low key hot. A few months came and went, for the most part, it was as if nothing happened. But every now and again, you’d find yourself lip locked with him when you were alone. Or you’d both be helping the other ride the wave of bliss.
So, that being said, here you were, minding your own business when, you bumped into her. You didn’t see her, but she saw you. Coming out of a coffee shop, too busy on your phone texting your boss that you’d finished running the errand he sent you on and that you were headed back.
She stopped you by stepping in way, blocking your path and you looked up. Confused, you looked her up and down and tried to step around her but she wouldn’t move.
“How are you,” she started folding her arms, “are you still sleeping with him?”
You huffed and rolled your eyes, “Find something important to do.” You sighed.
“This is important,” she smirked.
“Look what I do has nothing to do with you. I don’t even know you.” You explained not in the mood.
“But your sleeping with my boyfriend.” She blurted out.
Your jaw dropped, the audacity, “You don’t have a boyfriend. Remember, you did a lot of dirt. And honestly, who I’m sleeping with is none of your business.”
She scoffed and pulled out her phone, playing video of you sitting in Hongjoong’s lap topless making out. You were shook, but said nothing and showed no emotion towards the video. As she spoke again.
“He sent this to me a while ago, technically we weren’t broken up when he sent me this.” She commented.
You smiled, “Is that so, good for you, I’ve got some work to do, so goodbye.” You shoved passed her finally.
You went back to work, but you couldn’t help but wonder how and when did Hongjoong take such an illustrious video. You thought about it so hard that you managed to come up with a when. That time you were going to town on his neck, his phone had rung, he didn’t answer, but you remembered him swearing and being on his phone for a few moments before putting it away.
The encounter with Hongjoong’s ex was long since gone from your mind. Like bitch you literally forgot about it, because low key, you just didn’t care. Sitting outside on a park bench with friends was fine and dandy, it was something like a picnic with friends but at night. One of your friends brought a guy who looked somewhat familiar.
He introduced himself to everyone, smiling as he did, his eyes stayed on you longer than necessary. You brushed it off as nothing and kept talking to your friends. Everything was going fine when Hongjoong finally showed up. He apologized for being late but no one was holding it against him. New guy was talking to you, trying to get to know you, Hongjoong sat on the opposite side of you.
You gave him a glance and went back to answering the question. A few minutes later, the new guy asked you if you were interested in dating him. You giggled thinking it was a joke, Hongjoong, who was talking to someone else, placed a hand on your lower back. He wasn’t paying attention to his actions, maybe it was because he felt comfortable next to you. Or maybe it was the drinks, either way you made no moves to remove his hand.
The guy seemed to notice and asked you were dating anyone and you replied no with a smile. As more time progressed, you’d eventually lend back an onto Hongjoong’s chest. At some point he was sitting behind you. He didn’t budge or make any moves to stop you as he ate chips, at some point he feed you one as everyone lay listening to a story being told by a friend.
Someone spotted a group walking towards your groups little late night picnic session. It was Miss. ma’am and her crew of three other girls. You nor Hongjoong were paying attention, because he thought it be a good idea to flick your forehead causing you to silently bicker with him. But the moment his name was called, you both looked up curiously.
“Damn, it’s like that?” Some one asked.
You both looked confused as fuck, not realizing what you both were doing. His ex and her crew were conversing with the new guy and someone else as to why she wasn’t welcome. She wasn’t taking a hint, she wanted drama. But she wasn’t getting any, as Hongjoong was to engrossed and distracted, he picking at you.
You heard both your names being called, just as Hongjoong had begun playing with your hands. Finally you the two of you looked up.
“Sooo,” one of them started, “are you guys dating, because that looks like flirting.”
“No!” You both answers at the same time, in the same tone.
Looking around, you realized you’d been caught. The look you both received made you swear inwardly as you stood up, “it’s not like that,” you explained, “we’re just friend.”
“Ha,” his ex started outing your business and brought up the video.
Hongjoong finally stood up and pulled you up from the ground, he dusted himself off and while everyone was looking the other way, he pulled you along with him swiftly without being noticed. A few blocks later and you were in his apartment, backed up against the front door with him eating at your neck.
Both your phones rang after some time of making out, the constant ringing made him huff and answer it. He grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the couch and sat down, pulling you into his lap.
“Hello,” he answered as he gestured for you to continue, you did, you kissed his neck and placed your hands under his shirt, “we left, why?” He answered the questions that were being asked.
“Well,” he continued with a sigh, “I don’t care,” he threw his head back on the back of the couch as you pulled at his pants. He put the phone of speaker and tossed it beside him before pulling his shirt over his head.
“If you guys are seeing each other why didn’t you just come out with it? We brought him here because hook him up with Y/N.”
“Ha,” Hongjoong replied after taking your shirt off and unhooking your bra, he mumbled that it was his favorite color before speaking out loud enough for them to hear, “that’s cute,” he remarked, “but she’s mine at the moment.”
“What the hell has gotten into both of you?” Your friend chimed in with an attitude.
No answer came, as you’d pulled Hongjoong’s pants down, he cupped your cheek with one hand and felt up your ass with the other. More talking could be heard on the phone, it annoyed Hongjoong, so he let out and exaggerated and irritated huff.
“What we do is none of her business. She came to stir up shit, that’s her problem. Right now I’m busy, have a good life.” He picked up the phone and hung it up, or so he thought. He looked at you as he tossed it to the side, “take it off,” he demanded in a low voice, “stop teasing me.”
You blinked at him, biting your lips, what the actual fuck was going through his head. It made you hot and slightly nervous. Well ma’am, he wanted all of you and he was outright demanding it.
“Do I have to do it for you,” he started again, “do it while I’m asking nicely.”
You hesitated for a brief second before taking off the rest of your clothes, you didn’t realize it, but it was you who hung up the phone finally. And good thing you did, because his next words shook you and made you soaking wet.
“On your knees, now,” he demanded, you obliged, getting down in front of him, watching as he stroked his hard cock and bit his lips while looking down at you from his seated position on the couch, “put that pretty mouth to use,” he stated lowly, putting his tip to your lips, “I’m done playing,” you did as told and took him into your, bobbing your head up and down slowly and wiggling your tongue around. He sucked in a breath and grabbed a handful of your hair, “fuck,” he let out a raspy grunt and thrusted into your mouth a few times before stopping himself when he heard you gagging and struggling to swallow his entire cock.
He pulled himself out of your mouth and brought you up from your knees, “Get up here.” He ordered sliding down enough to bring your folds to his lips. He sat you down onto his mouth and began eating you out and tongue fucking you. Your hips bucked and legs clenched as you grabbed at his hair in an attempt to escape the hot wetness of his mouth.
Hongjoong had other plans though, he held you down with strong arms. You could feel him smirking as he ate away, making you body move on its own. You were riding his face and he was enjoying every bit of it. So much so, that he kept eating until you started to tremble and beg him.
He smacked your ass finally and let you go, laughing at you. Enjoying how hot and turned on you were, he sat back up on the couch and positioned you on to his tip, “Look at you,” he remarked as he slide you down onto him slowly, “slutty just for me,” he kissed you, mixing your taste, “is it too much?” He asked, you shook your head and let out a moan as he finally entered you balls deep, he gripped your ass. Lifting you up and down, looking at you with hooded dark eyes, “he asked you out in front of me. I don’t like sharing Y/N.”
He began fucking into you as you moaned and kissed his neck, “Fuck,” you managed to whimper out, “why didn’t you tell me that? It’s too hard”
“What you don’t like it,” he asked mockingly as he kept thrusting up into you, helping you ride him faster, “you want me to stop?”
“No, I love it, make me cum please” you whimpered as he took one of your breast into his mouth.
Your walls clenched around his throbbing cock, you were close but he pulled out and you nearly cried. He stood up and turned you around, bending you over, he entered from the back and smack your ass hard causing an echo to emit across the room. He thrusted into you deep and slow, while kissing the back of your neck, marking you up and pulling and twisting your nipples.
Without warning, you began to tremble again and shake, you let out a blissful breathy moan as you began to cream. You thought he’d stop, but he did not, Hongjoong thrust became quick and harsh, causing you to loose your breath as he fucked you through you orgasm.
You saw stars and became weak, your head fell backwards, onto his chest and he sat back down with you still on his hard throbbing cock. Hongjoong’s hand found your neck as he squeezed lightly and thrusted into you more. He was coming himself, the tight grip he had on your hips told you so. You squirmed, wanting to escape from this immense pleasure.
Hongjoong grabbed your waist, and bounced you up and down on him. You cried a little from how deep he was, you still tried to escape for a moment to breathe. But that only pissed him off further. He flipped you both over, laying you onto your stomach he entered you again from the back and began pounding into you rough and hard. He held you in place, enjoying how you squirmed about wanting to run, yet you arched your back for more.
He grunted and after a few wild thrust, he began to cum and so did you for the third time. He kept pounding into you until he emptied his entire load in you. You shivered and panted as he pulled out completely, now out of breath. Hongjoong sat down and pulled you into his lap. He lifted your chin and kissed your lips tenderly and smiled at you. Enjoying how fucked out you were.
“All of this is mine,” Hongjoong whispered, “no one else can have any.” He picked you up and carried you to his bedroom, where, let’s just say you didn’t get any rest that night……..
So months later, you’d become a couple, no surprise there. You were outside waiting for Hongjoong to come down so that you could enjoy a quick lunch together. But also talking to a client for your boss, you were in the midst of exchanging contact info. When all of a sudden your phone was pulled out of your hand. You looked up confused, oblivious and ready to fight.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Hongjoong asked as you spun around to look at him.
“I’m working,” you answered taking your phone back and turning back to gentlemen. You apologized to him and quickly finished your conversation before turning back to Hongjoong.
He was staring at you with a blank cold expression. You sighed as you looked up at him, “I’m working,” you explained softly, “that’s a client’s secretary, does it look like I want to wake up the beast?”
He said nothing, for a moment, “I’m going to kick your ass.” He finally stated. Your mouth dropped, “why didn’t you tell me that when you know was coming down?”
“Hey,” you countered, “I wasn’t expecting you to roll up on me like that.”
“Y/N,” Hongjoong started with the icy look
“No,” you gave up and held your hands up, “I’m sorry, you win!”
He smiled and you back up, “That’s bullshit.” You pointed out, “wipe that fake ass smile off your face, it’s scary!”
He shook his head at you still smiling, watching as you backed up. You abruptly decided to run, knowing he was going to chase after you. But that was fine because both of you were giggling and being fluffy as usual.
Thank heavens that you just wanted be a distraction.
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biblio-smia · 8 months
congrats on 800! “where's my goodnight kiss?” with clapton 🥹🫶
clapton is so,,, i want him so bad | part of v’s 800 follower celebration!
it's not very often that clapton takes extreme measures to see you. most days, he is satisfied with holding you between classes, taking you out almost every day afterwards, having you over and making you stay for dinner.
however, some nights he experiences this insatiable longing - a pain in his chest that begs to see you.
so, naturally, clapton sneaks out and finds his way outside your window.
he's knocking lightly, though he's anxious to be inside. it's chilly out and clapton didn't exactly layer up, his feet taking him to his desired destination without much thought. clapton doesn't even know if you're awake - selfishly, he hopes that even if you are, you'll wake up.
it takes a few moments but you're there, thoroughly confused, even more so as you push your curtains aside and see clapton standing on the other side of your window. clapton doesn't mind the playful roll of your eyes because you open your window for him, letting him climb in (with your help, of course).
"what are you doing-" you're cut off by clapton kissing your cheek and the laughter that erupts out of you as his hands find your sides. "clapton, shhh!"
"you're the one being loud," clapton whispers, taking a break from kissing you to look at you.
"what are you doing here?" you finally manage to say.
clapton shrugs. "i missed you."
"so you just... came over?"
clapton grins, resting his head on your shoulder, wrapping you up in his arms. "am i not allowed to see you?"
"not at twelve a.m. when my parents are asleep."
"they don't have to know," clapton chimes, pulling you back into the cozy bed he'd pulled you out of.
the gesture is dramatic, but you can't deny it's romantic. clapton, walking for how long, just because he missed you? your heart beats a little quicker as you let clapton pull you into his chest.
you cherish it. the little habits clapton is guilty of when he's tired, the deepness his voice takes on. he stares at you while you talk, wide-eyed and focused. he tries, and fails, not to yawn, knowing you'll have no choice but to send him home if his eyelids begin to droop.
when clapton can barely keep his eyes open, your sweet voice lulling him to sleep, you give him a look. here comes the worst part: saying goodbye.
it'll only be for a little while (you have a feeling clapton will be at your doorstep tomorrow morning), but clapton resents the feeling regardless, wishing he could stay until morning with no consequences. he dreams of nights where he can sleep next to you and mornings where you're the first thing he sees when he wakes up. maybe one day.
you open the window back up for clapton, not minding the big 4:46 that flashes on your clock. he's one leg out when he stops, eyebrows suddenly furrowing.
"hey," he beings. "where's my goodnight kiss?"
you fight the laughter that bubbles in your throat as you kiss clapton's cheek, watching the disappointed frown form on his face.
you give in eventually, grabbing clapton's face and pressing a long kiss to his lips. then another. then another.
by the time you're done, clapton's ears are red and his eyes are hazy.
"is that good enough?"
"perfect," clapton mumbles, swinging his leg out of your room. he stands through the opening of your window, soon to be too far to hold. "i'll call you in a few hours."
you wonder how much sleep you'll be able to get. "you're on thin ice."
"i miss you already."
you smile bashfully, nudging clapton in the direction of his house. "go home."
"i wanna kiss you again."
"tomorrow," you promise. "as many kisses as you want."
this satisfies clapton, at least for now. who knows about tomorrow?
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octuscle · 1 year
Hey Chronivac support! I had set the chronivac to slowly build up my twig of a best friend into a hairy muscle bound beast but I think the delay has gone on too long. Could you help me?
I am very sorry, but somehow things went wrong…. A somewhat unfortunate combination of technical problems and user errors. I suggest I define a scenario at the end of which the desired result should be. And I set the total duration of the transformation to eight days.
First part of the transformation is the retroactive change of your friend's routines. His body will now change in 24 hours as if he had already had the following daily routine for a year longer: two hours to the gym in the morning before university, one hour of running during the lunch break, another two hours to the gym in the evening. And then preparing the next day's meals and packing them in Tupperware. Saturdays are a training break, Sundays first two hours of swimming, then six hours of gym and then another hour of yoga. A life just for sports. A highly disciplined life for studying and for sports.
The second part is changing his genetics. Every day one of his great-grandparents is replaced. Until his father is a Moroccan who immigrated just before he was born. And his mother is an Albanian who has also only been living here for 25 years.
I start the tomorrow morning on Friday at 08:00 am. Sit back and enjoy!
Friday morning. You are both still rookies in the office. But you want to make a career. Getting a job in the research and development department has been a great success. And you both have no desire not to build on that. Accordingly, you are punctually at your workplace at 08:00. Everything is still quite normal. But when you meet for lunch at 12:00, your friend is pretty upset. He thinks that he has forgotten his running clothes. And that he will have to make up for the running session tomorrow. You look at him questioningly. And you notice that he looks fitter somehow. At 4:00 p.m. you get a message. Your friend has also forgotten his training clothes and has therefore already gone home and is then going straight to the gym. Dinner at 20:00 as arranged in your favorite steakhouse. Your friend is on time. However, he is not showered and still in his tracksuit. Had he not shaved this morning. He looks like a three-day beard. The meal is first about the week at the office. And then about the plans for the weekend. Tomorrow we're going to do some shopping. Your friend convinces you to come to the gym on Sunday. When you say goodbye, you realize that your friend only had the 400 gram filet with green salad and alcohol-free beer and water. You drank the wine all by yourself. Slightly drunk, you go home and fall into bed.
On Saturday morning your best friend rings you out of bed. Where you stay. The early bird catches the worm. He would have made up for yesterday's running session by now and would like to start doing some shopping. Damn, it's only 10:00 o'clock. You didn't expect him until 12:00. When you finally meet in the mall, there are already some big shopping bags next to your friend. Nutritional supplements. Protein powder. Sportswear. And he definitely looks changed. Not a gram of fat on his body anymore. But a firm ass and a visibly wider back. Fuck, it seems to work. When you're shopping, your conversations are almost all about sports. You actually start to develop an interest in it as well. And you also buy some new clothes and training shoes. You arrange to go clubbing in the evening. You almost didn't recognize your friend. His black T-shirt is almost painted on his upper body. And he moves on the dance floor as if he had never done anything else. He thinks that functional training pays off here, too. His movement coordination is getting better and better. You shake your head and get yourself a gin and tonic. And bring your friend a water.
When you arrive at the gym at 4 p.m. on Sunday, your friend is already moaning in a sweat on the leg press. "Bro, didn't we say 12:00 for Box Fit?" he says. You reply that anything before 4:00 p.m. would have been a challenge for you after last night. Your friend gives you a Fist Bump. And says that he needs your support with the chest workout. When your friend leaves for yoga at 6:30pm, you are completely screwed. And you wonder why your boyfriend has such hairy forearms��
On Monday morning you both arrive at work at the same time. Your best friend is talking on the phone in a language you can't understand. "My Albanian grandmother in Tirana has birthday today", he answers, reading your thoughts. Who the hell has a birthday, you ask yourself. Your friend walks up the stairs in front of you. Fuck, an ass made of concrete, you think to yourself. The idea of running during lunch break was really super stupid. You can hardly move from yesterday. So your friend has to wait for you all the time. And bridges the waiting time with burpees. And did he just flirt with the young guy at the pull-up bar? Fuck, the only thing that gets hard with you is your dick. When showering at the end of the lunch break, you can no longer cover up. Your boyfriend looks appreciative and gives you a kiss before it goes back to work. Before you go to bed you do a round of pushups and situps.
On Tuesday morning, your boyfriend is already there when you enter the office shortly after 08:00. And tries to persuade you again to come with him to pump in the morning. Getting up at 4:00 a.m. doesn't seem very attractive to you. But you catch yourself imagining how horny it would be to suck the sweat out of your boyfriend's beard. Shit, since when does he have a beard? In any case, you are already looking forward to the shower after the run. After work you go to dinner together in a small Albanian restaurant. Your friend seems to know everyone there. You don't understand a word they say. But the food is delicious. And you promise to come to the training tomorrow night. Your best friend grabs his sports bag, gives you a French kiss and disappears to his next sports session.
When you arrive at the office on Wednesday, the smell almost takes your breath away. Your friend is sitting across from you, grinning. He lost track of time during his workout and didn't have time to shower. Fuck, he can't work here in his sweaty workout clothes. Not because it bothers you. Because you can't get your hard-on under control anymore. It doesn't get better during the lunch break and shower. Not until your buddy in the shower goes down on his knees in front of you and gives you a blowjob. Until the end of the day you can hardly think of anything else but that you will return the favor tonight after the workout.
Hopefully no one will notice that your friend is wearing the same clothes today as yesterday. After the workout you did some cardio in your apartment. Riding on your boyfriend's cut big dark cock was awesome! Just a pity that he has made himself in the middle of the night again out of the way. But damn, he only does what you wanted. And he is no longer the man he was a week ago. His name is Eset now. But that's perfectly natural for everyone. As is the fact that he mostly works with t-shirts or short-sleeved shirts. It would be too bad to hide his biceps. For tonight, Eset has something special planned. After the workout, you'll go to an Arabian hamam. Only horny almost naked men! However, Eset still stands out here. He may not be as hairy as many here. But already one of the big boys.
It was just one night for the two of you. But it feels strange to wake up alone today. Eset is already here again before you. And has put breakfast on your desk. Cottage cheese with protein powder and fruit. He's right, you look like a twig next to him. You have to change that. When he asks if you're going out for steak again tonight, Eset looks at you like you're totally nuts. Lad, it's Friday. First to the mosque, then to sports. Of course, you had totally forgotten that. Okay, then you can work out your arms a bit before Eset comes along. Wait a minute! Mosque? What the hell?
Saturday. Eight days gone. You have a date in the park. Throw a few balls. Meet up with the lads. Eset is already there warming up with some bros. The fellas stand together and talk in Arabic. Until their alpha bro sees you.
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Given his roots, Eset is a bit coy about exchanging kisses in public. But he licks the ball and throws it to you. And you lick his spit off.
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shidousprincess · 6 months
If you do this request tysm, stay safe and healthy ▄█▀█●
Anon requested Ness so I shall deliver (I hope) I might do some steamy if yall want a next chapter I’m sorry it took 3 days I just couldn’t come up with a plot and my period has been kicking my ass so I’ve done nothing but sleep and read others stories but today a idea flew to my brain and so I wrote it 💜 I’m still trying to tweak my work as I go any tips are appreciated
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Hope you all enjoy! Much love my sunflowers stay safe and healthy aswell !!!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated 🫶🏻
‼️Request are open btw{on my knees begging yall for requests🧎‍♀️}‼️
Photographerxmodel type Au
Y/n,ness,and Kaiser all childhood best friends ,after high school ended they all went their separate ways but kept in contact until y/n went abroad to study photography and ness and Kaiser went to go apply to be models for and expensive brand
6 years later y/n was setting at a cafe in Shibuya drinking her favorite drink thinking of where she could apply for a photography job.lost in thought she didn't notice her 2 childhood best friends enter the cafe until Kaiser noticed a familiar face that looked like y/n his childhood best friend he walked up to them  "hello might I ask your name? "They were snatched out of thought and they quickly said “Y/n. Kaiser ! I haven’t seen you in years is ness still with you ?” as soon as Ness heard her speak he ran over to see her  not even worrying about his spot in line . "Y/n we've missed you so much!"they both said in unison not having seen each other in 6 years they all decided to catch up on what each other was doing..."so y/n what have you been doing since we haven't seen each other in sooooo long".Ness asked. “Well I have been studying abroad in photography and I finally finished about 2 weeks ago so I decided to come back to Japan to see if I could find a decent photography job and so far I haven't had any hits  what about you two?”... Kaiser spoke up "me and Ness became models for Louis Vuitton and we have been looking for a photographer and looks like we stumbled upon you at the perfect time
You can come by the company tomorrow and apply to be our photographer I'm 100% sure they will accept you" Kaiser says with a smile “
You thought for a few seconds and decided you would.
So you all 3 began to chat some more about how everyone was doing and what has been happening
“I really enjoyed seeing you both and getting to talk and catch up but it's really late and I need to make it back to my apartment so I think I'll leave first” then they both got up with you “we need to go aswell ... goodbye y/n" they both said in unison .. “wait a second y/n “Kaiser said you spun around to see what he needed he ran up to you with a piece of paper with the company's address. “This is the address you need to come to tomorrow” he said then walked back to where Ness was . “Bye guys I had tons of fun today thanks for the job opportunity aswell” . You then turned back around and headed for your apartment.
~The next day ~
You arrived at the address Kaiser gave you and walked in you asked the lady at the front desk if she could take you to where the manager is
She gladly obliged and took you to where she was .. “thank you “you said and bowed then you knocked. “Come in” says the manager. You walked in and took a seat and she soon asked “you must be the girl Kaiser told me about yesterday”.. “ yes I am he must have told you about me wanting to be he and Ness’s photographer?” You questioned. “Yes you are correct and I would love for you to become their photographer” . “So when do I start” . “Next week Monday morning at  9am” .. “ ok will do thank you for the job” then you got up bowed and left.
~5 months later~
Ness’s pov
It's been 5 months since y/n started being our photographer and my crush on her has never left even after high school and I’m not sure if they feel the same here lately Kaiser has been around her a lot more and he takes her out places in his spare time and just leaves me hanging and it kinda pisses me off that he keeps hogging her and today I decided to take y/n on a date ..
for the past 2 months Kaiser has been spending a lot of time with me and he also had taken me out plenty of times. And I've noticed how Ness’s behavior has changed around Kaiser and i. it breaks my heart to see my high school crush sulk.. I haven't been talking to him because I'm always with Kaiser so I decided today I would ask if he would like to go to the park where we could talk and I can confess to him.
An hour later we were done with the photoshoot and Kaiser as always tried to get me to come with him to a restaurant but I declined and he just looked at me dumbfounded as I walked over to Ness .
“Hey Ness?” I tapped on his back to get his attention.
“Hey y/n can I help you with anything?” He asked
I gathered up all the courage I had and asked “would you like to go out to the park with me ?”
Ness stood in shock that you were the first to ask him out on a date to the park .
“It's ok if you don't want to you said in a panicked tone. Ness jumped out of his trance “no no I would love to go out with you” he said with a sweet smile ...
You had noticed over the past 5 months how he would always be staring at you or trying to make conversation with you but Kaiser would always but in and cut him off you had thought if he felt the same way you did....
~At the park~
Neither of you talked the whole way there when you both sat down on the swings Ness broke the foreboding silence “so what did you need y/n ? “You stood up and said..”Ness I have wanted to ask you this ever since the end of high school but didn’t have the courage or confidence .. I love you Ness” ..
Ness froze not believing what he had just heard he came back to his senses when you were crying because you thought he didn't like you back he then jumped up and picked you up and spun you around and brought you into a loving kiss he then broke the kiss after a few minutes to catch y'all's breath” I have always loved you y/n and always will” he then kissed you again you then broke down in happy tears and so did ness “soooo are we a thing now ?”he asked you lightly hit him on the arm “yes of course” you smiled.. Ness smiled and pulled you in for a hug
The end
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
Easier In Greece
♥ ♥          Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader 
Summary: Joe's in an interesting stage of life when he's offered an equally interesting project. You whisk him off to Greece and spend eight days together on a boat with high expectations of which none turn out to be true. CW / disclaimer: rpf (don’t read if this makes you uncomfy), fem!reader, brief mention of claustrophobia, dead octopuses, fish touching you, Joe loses those sunglasses - no nvm its all silly shit, you'll be fine
Author’s note: this is so completely out of my comfort zone, and i felt weird all throughout writing it, but i had kind words of @ghostinthebackofyourhead​​ to coach me through - hope you liiiiiike, replies and reblogs are appreciated!
Wordcount: 7.9K
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Again, Joe and love didn’t meet, even though he so desperately had hoped that this had been it. 
The one. 
It very muchly hadn’t been, and in hindsight, he didn’t really know why he’d ever thought it was. 
Now in his late twenties, Joe decided to stop and have look at the stats. Maybe an industry party wasn’t the best location to take time to reflect, but the stunning woman who just shot Joe down forced him into looking inwards for a second. 
What am I doing wrong? Joe thought. 
Unsurprisingly, Joe concluded that the stats weren’t good at all. 
So, just for now, for the foreseeable future, the summer at least, Joe was done with women. Sure, they’d be all shiny and smiley in ads, on Instagram, in films… but those same women would never come over to his flat and just sit on his Ikea sofa with him after a long day’s work. 
Looking back, Joe realised that he’d chosen a tactic that felt oddly similar to what American boxers call dope-a-rope; no matter how hard your competition, or even yourself, tries to get you down, you won’t actually get down until you hit yourself in the face. At least, that’s what Joe thought dope-a-rope meant, anyway. 
Failed first dates, failed second dates, situationships that never turned into relationships, relationships ending over all sorts of different reasons – Joe forgot about them fast, in hopes that he’d know exactly what to do when he’d finally run into her; the one. 
Joe was young still, you know, if you asked anyone older, but he already had enough of all of this bullshit. 
So. Bye, ladies. 
That’s what he decided would be the right plan for him that night. Tell love goodbye. Easy enough to say it aloud, and it was a decision that after four drinks felt totally right, but Joe hadn’t anticipated what it meant to actually try to stick with it. 
He felt a bit like a mad, distraught toddler whose balloon had just popped.
When he saw the head of Olivier Magazine walking up to him, someone he met previously and wouldn’t really consider a friend, but he had some pictures to show that they at least knew each other, he decided to take it all out on him. 
“Matthew,” Joe started when he walked into earshot.
“Joe,” he replied, unaware of Joe’s intentions. “Good to see you, mate. I’m going to call you tomorrow with a real fun project for you.” And then Matthew walked right past him, leaving Joe without words.
The next day, hungover-Joe got the phone call. 
“Joe, it’s Matt, say… you’re a single man, aren’t you?” 
“… yes.”
Then the conversation had taken a surprisingly strange turn. A journalist had a spread in mind for Olivier Magazine with a very specific focus: tour companies for single people who invite ambitious travelers on somewhat of a budget who are looking to meet and connect with like-minded people while exploring new and exciting places along the way. She really wanted to focus on single men. The trip abroad would more so just be the background for it. 
It sounded like an accumulation of every nightmare Joe had ever had. 
“I’m sure you’ll appreciate the break, and we’ll get some fantastic photos taken!” 
Joe listened to Matt’s pitch as he swiftly opened his laptop where he googled the name of the journalist that he’d mentioned. It only took a couple of seconds for Joe to find himself staring at a picture of you. A pretty girl, around his age, smiling at him like those women did in the ads, and on Instagram. 
“You-” Joe interrupted Matt who still was in the middle of talking about how beautiful the Mediterranean Sea was this time of year. “-are not being serious, are you?”
About a week later, Joe got an e-mail from you. “Hey Joe, have you heard? We’re going to go on a trip together.” 
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Day One: London to Athens
Greece was where you were taking Joe. The place where Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, left her footsteps in the sand. It was precisely the wrong thing to tell Joe upon first meeting him, but you didn’t know, and he also didn’t let on. 
You were looking at an eight-day boat trip with Joe, and you still weren’t sure how you’d gotten Olivier roped in on it. The idea seemed too bold to even be taken seriously at all, but maybe that was exactly why Matthew had decided to go for it. And he knew just the guy for it too.
Had Joe not accepted to go on this trip with you for you to write about single men on trips designed for single people, you probably still would’ve been sat at home, hoping that maybe another magazine would have only even considered listening to you talk about your ideas for original spreads to grace their pages. 
But Joe had accepted, and now you were both on a boat from the organisation One Wave that was a lot smaller than you had expected. The captain of the boat, nicknamed Mr Wave by you, but never when he was around, had told you about the 2500 Greek islands and about the same number of singles that had been on the very boat you’d be staying on. 
You had only just met a couple hours earlier, a quick handshake before boarding the plane in London. There had been some pleasantries e-mailed back and forth to at least try to get some knowledge of who either of you were before venturing out across Europe together, but it had all been quick, shallow words on screens. It was entirely different to be able to look into Joe’s eyes when you spoke to him. 
Joe was charming. 
Maybe not exactly your type, but... something oozed from him that you hadn’t been able to witness through his e-mails.
You were relieved to find out that you weren’t sat together on the flight. There was no need for small talk, or other awkward conversation. And from your seat, you had a pretty good view of him, which was even better. It gave you a chance to scope him out a little, see how he treated the flight attendants, the people he was sat near, what he’d do if the plane was to plummet over France somewhere and crash… all for the article you’d write, of course. 
When Matthew said that Joe Quinn was game for your plans, you’d silently cursed at him. 
An actor? 
A single actor? 
One who was on pretty much every guest list of every award show right now? 
Big ask for him not to be absolutely full of himself. 
But so far, he seemed fine. Normal. Almost a little boring. 
To be able to take off on the boat, you were going to have to find it first. A difficult task on the first night in a country of which neither of you spoke or could even read the language. 
It was dark and the harbour was larger than you thought it’d be. Joe was using the flashlight on his phone to shine at every boat’s name in hopes of accidentally finding the right one within the first few minutes. 
You were surprised that you felt a little responsible for your travel buddy – this whole thing had been your idea, and had you had more time to prepare, you’d have taken Joe to the right boat immediately.
Joe had been gracious enough during your search to offer to carry your bag. He immediately regretted helping out when he felt the weight of it as he threw it over his shoulder, but he didn’t mention it.
Joe was happy you weren’t as shy as he would’ve been in this situation had he been in your shoes. You had no issue asking for the right way a million times, using hands and feet to signal what you were looking for, until you finally pinpointed the correct boat.  
When you finally set foot on board of the boat named Paris – named after a Greek Prince that seduced the beautiful Helena, or kidnapped her, depending on how much of a feminist you were – you met the other travelers. 
Tim, who brought his six-year-old son, which was weird. It made Joe and you look at each other funny, clearly thinking the same thing. 
Dan, a guy from Manchester who kept saying, “Maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but,” before everything he said. 
And Martin, the owner of the boat and thus your captain for the week. 
There were other guests, more of them, who weren’t sat on deck; either already asleep inside, or still on their way over. 
The two of you would obviously also be sleeping on the boat. That led to one of those things Joe hadn’t even fully thought of yet: sleeping arrangements. 
Did you want a small, tiny room with bunkbeds originally designed for two children? Or did you want to sleep in the one double bed left located in the front of the boat?
Joe swallowed hard when he looked at you, the choices echoing in his mind. Stay in a bed, with you? Joe might have bid farewell to love, albeit temporarily, he was still a man.
 “It’s your call.” ever the gentleman. 
And after a quick tour and a swift look at the options, it was an easy choice to make. There was no way the bunkbeds were going to fit Joe’s legs.
“We’ll take the double bed.” 
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Day Two: Athens to Epidaurus
The mornings were busy on the boat. Besides the guests you met the night before, you got to meet the other passengers of the Paris. Charlie, Martin’s son Jesse, who happened to also be Charlie’s best friend, and two older lovers, Daisy and Frank. 
It’s entirely not the vibe you thought you’d find on this trip, island hopping in Greece, being amongst travelers on the lookout for other singles to meet and mingle with. There was a child and a couple within your group, and it threw you for a loop. 
This wasn’t exactly what you had in mind for your multiple page opinion piece that would feature stunning photographs (you imagined, they hadn’t been taken yet) of a bronzed Joe Quinn, an open white shirt loosely hung over his shoulders, billowing in the wind on a luxurious yacht, with a deep blue sea and Grecian islands in the background. 
The mental image of it had been so dreamy, but this felt a bit like a weird family trip with a bunch of relatives who had seen you last when you were in diapers still. 
You learned later that the couple was only there because the divorced Frank had already booked the trip before he’d met Daisy through online dating, and he hadn’t been able to get a refund. They were very apologetic about it. What was worse, and not entirely clear to Joe and you just yet, was that Frank and Daisy had immediately taken a liking to the both of you because they thought they weren’t the only couple there.
There were other boats from One Wave, and when you bobbed out of the harbour onto the open sea, you could see that there were at least eight of the same boats, traveling alongside you. There wasn’t enough wind to let the sails down, but that was alright. Slowly hours passed as you passed the islands, sun beaming down, sunscreen thick on your nose and tops of your shoulders. 
As a journalist, you’d decided to use your skills to get Joe talking. 
When you sat down next to Joe on the edge of the boat near the front, legs dangling over, catching splashes of the seawater below, Joe hadn’t expected your approach to have been teaching him an unasked lesson about time and space.
“So, think of this,” you said. “There’s no time. It’s not there, doesn’t exist.” Your facial expression was utterly serious as you rambled about past, present and future all stacked on top of each other. You tried your hardest to get a reaction out of Joe. “Really, the universe just has its way to take care of you, trust me.”
Joe wasn’t convinced. What you’d hoped would’ve happened was that Joe would’ve either outrageously agreed or disagreed with you. It held the opportunity to either dive deep into a philosophic chat or would have the two of you bickering. Either one would’ve given you food for thought for your article. 
What you hadn’t anticipated is where Joe took it. 
After three minutes you had to ban him from making further jokes about it. 
After a full day of getting to know everyone, you all stepped off your boats in Epidaurus around four in the afternoon. Adding all the other boats and their passengers to your group, you ended up in a company of about thirty people.  
The group held more men than women, but to your surprise, there were also women in their thirties who had brought their children along. And over dinner and drinks you learned that Dan, from your boat, also had a son around the same age as Tim’s he had wanted to bring along. It was due to a miscommunication with his ex-wife that that hadn’t happened. 
Joe caught Dan looking at Tim’s boy with sad eyes and had cleared his throat loudly before changing the subject over to Jesse and Charlie, the two lads in their earlier twenties. 
Unbeknownst to you, Joe found himself to have a lot in common with them when they talked about girls, and how they had given up on them for a bit. The chat at your table turned almost therapeutic; everyone shared why they were single, and it was all different, but all complex. 
You didn’t share, and neither did Joe. No one pressed it, which was nice.
And then it dawned on you. 
People go on these trips more so to avoid couples all together. 
To not be surrounded by public displays of affection from lovey-dovey coupled-up friends and family. 
To be on a trip where you’re not the third or fifth wheel amongst them. 
To be in a group of like-minded people and to just hang out together. 
It’s why there were children there too – how lovely must it be to take a trip with other single parents who share the same hardships as you? The whole world suddenly seemed to be catered towards couples only, unfairly so. 
You felt like you discovered a secret treasure not meant for your eyes. Your revelation blew fresh air into your passion project, right there at the dinner table, and you tapped away in your notes app on your phone to capture as much of your trail of thought as you could. 
When you noticed Joe peeking over you shoulder, you shoved him away.
“Are you not meant to be writing about me?” Joe smirked, having caught some of what you were writing down.
“I was.” You said pointedly, closing the app and putting your phone down.
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Day Three: Epidaurus to Poros
For the second time, Joe woke up next to you which ultimately wasn’t as weird as he thought it would have been. 
Should have been. 
You both were very adult about it together. But sometimes a bigger boat would pass, and it’d make your boat dance over larger waves. Not an issue, maybe a little nauseating, but it meant that you’d accidentally touch a lot in the night. You were both level-headed about it though. Definitely well-trained professionals. Joe tried to think of another job where people had to sleep in the same bed, for several nights, in sticky Mediterranean heat after hanging out in swimwear all day. 
Nothing came to mind.
It hadn’t just been the sleeping arrangement that had helped grow the sense of familiarity between the two of you fast. Standing in one of the tiny bathrooms of the boat, you were both brushing your teeth, and Joe wasn’t sure why or how he felt this was a totally normal thing to do, but he’d lean over your shoulder to spit into the sink for which you would then turn the tap on to wash it away.
You started that day with a big sigh. There was a bus excursion planned to a museum in Epidaurus, but you weren’t in the mood for it. 
“I’m not a huge fan of seeing things,” you protested with a shrug. It was a weird hill to die on, entirely made up of lies. You were just moody. “Things are places. I get it.” 
It made Joe remember why he’d sworn off love.  
“So, don’t come then.” Joe tried. 
“No, no,” Another sigh. “I’ll come.” 
When you got to the museum, Joe didn’t understand how you were still fun to be around when grumpy. He wondered if he was fun to be around, just so that this trip would at least be a little bearable for you, but you hadn’t mentioned anything to Joe about it yet, so he figured he was fine. You seemed the type of person to tell him straight away if he was boring, and he kind of liked that about you. 
Because the old Greeks didn’t have microphones, obviously, the museum you had set foot into was known for its acoustics. Every room had been designed for sound to travel. When Charlie and Jesse had gleefully decided to test it by singing Sweet Caroline, they had your entire group join in within seconds. 
“Hands… touching hands… reaching out… touching me… touching you…”
They became louder and rowdier, dancing now too, arms reaching and touching each other. Smiles grew bigger when no one seemed to stop them. The other tourists there however did not seem very happy with the disruption, and Joe saw you take a few steps away from the group.
“Having fun?” Joe yelled, trying to speak over the echoing voices practically shouting the chorus, half of them adding boisterous ‘so good, so good, so good’ whilst punching the air to fill the short silence in between. Meanwhile Dan had found a table to drum the beat onto as others clapped.
“This is really embarrassing,” you mouthed at Joe, seeing the judgmental eyes from strangers that hurriedly left the room you were in. It only prompted Joe to be more embarrassing as he tried to rope you back into the group with cheesy dance moves and singing in a comically deep voice. 
And you couldn’t actually believe it, but something about the joy that Joe could let shine from his eyes made you give in and join them in their antics. 
After that, things got better. 
Your mood got better. 
Especially when you found a hotel where everyone was allowed a five-minute shower. It was likely to be the last good shower that you would get for the week. 
That afternoon you sailed your way over to Poros, and you were struck by how much every single place you visited looked like it wasn’t real. Too picturesque. As if built for multi-million Hollywood films.  
Poros, Martin told you, had a boulevard, so you could go shopping if you wanted to. Immediately excited, you helped dock the boat, having learnt a thing or two by now. You managed to jump of the boat swiftly, and caught the ropes thrown at you with ease, quickly tying them onto the thick hooks meant for them.
When Joe helped you get back onto the boat, something happened that made him feel for you: your sunglasses fell into the water. Joe watched them slowly sink deeper, and he was touched by how much the two of you were alike. Losing your sunglasses in the water was something so typical for Joe to do.  
“Quick! Get them!” you called out, but Joe looked into the clear water and saw how they were already so close to the bottom. The two of you just watched as they hit the sand. 
“Shit,” you muttered. “Those were such a good pair, too. Now you’ll have to get new ones.”
Hang on a minute, what? 
Confused, Joe reached for the top of his head. 
Those sunglasses weren’t yours. 
They were Joe’s. 
Losing sunglasses in the water wasn’t something Joe would do. It’s something he did.
You spent the afternoon walking the boulevard and perching pairs of sunglasses on Joe’s slightly sunburned nose, in search of finding a pair that you both liked on him.
“What about these ones?” Joe asked you and turned his face so you could see. 
You looked up from your phone at him shortly. 
“Those are nice.” 
And to be fair, you liked most of them on Joe, but Joe wasn’t as easy. He was after a pair similar enough to the ones he’d lost and took the job seriously. 
“Listen, I know you’re here to do a job,” Joe placed his hand over your phone and pushed it down slightly. “But right now, your job should be to tell me how beautiful I look in these instead of writing about it.” Joe joked, and it was enough to make you laugh and slide your phone back into your pocket.  
“You look stunning.” 
“Okay, I’ll get them.”
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Day Four: Poros to Vathy
“You’re single because you don’t know how to have a proper argument,” a friend of Joe had told him before he’d gone on this trip. 
Joe had heard so many sentences start with “You’re single because…” but this was a new one. And Joe had agreed. Joe was quick to admit he’d been wrong, even if he hadn’t been, would just listen to complaints and then adapt, giving the other person no pushback. It was just easier that way.
This trip, however, wasn’t the time to practice arguing for the sake of getting better at it and perhaps enhancing his luck in relationships.
On the boat you laughed a lot. 
The way you’d envisioned all of you to be a weird make-shift family had kind of become reality in the best sense of the word. You had revealed to be a journalist who was merely on the trip to write about it, and it had intrigued everyone. 
Charlie and Jesse had immediately come up with pseudonyms for themselves: Charlie would be Jesse, and Jesse would be Charlie. It was such a stupid joke; it had left you giggling just thinking of it hours later. 
Joe had then also told them that he was there as your subject, which made it sound as if you held full power over him. You realised then that you sort of did and wondered if that was how Joe had felt the whole time you’d been around each other. You hoped he hadn’t, knowing it would be so much nicer if Joe would just be fully himself without also keeping busy doing guesswork as to what you’d write about him later. Plus, you’d kind of grown fond of the Joe you had gotten to know, so imagining him not being fully himself stung a little.
Once you got off the boat and stepped into Vathy, your legs felt wobbly stepping onto land. “Sea legs,” you said when grabbing hold of the closest thing to you to find your balance. 
The closest thing had been Joe, and he held out his arm for you to link yours through for your walk. 
More of your company felt their legs had to get used to being on steady ground again, and Martin had given you the advice to go for a run around the island. It would get jitters out, but more importantly pump oxygen into your muscles which would prevent funny legs later in the trip. 
The sun was high in the sky, and Joe really didn’t want to work out, but after lunch you managed to talk him into it by challenging his ego. He threw it right back at you; there was no way you would be able to keep up with him, that’s obviously why he hadn’t wanted to go running with you at first, but if you really insisted on learning how slow you really were, you were Joe’s guest. 
Joe mentally took back every joke he made when he later saw you fighting up a hill in the blearing heat of the late afternoon. 
On your run together through winding, sandy lanes you were stopped twice by sheep and cows crossing the street. It was almost ridiculous how cliché it all felt, but Vathy really was more beautiful than you’d seen online. On your left you were looking down at the sea where the light was dancing on the waves like liquid diamonds. 
Far from the harbour, more out to open sea, a dozen or so shapes bobbed up and down on the water, and with their shiny black bodies, they could easily be mistaken for seals. But if you looked closer, you’d see they were surfers waiting, watching for their next wave. 
You had pointed them out to Joe, but secretly, Joe only had eyes for you. 
Maybe it was just the air up there, Joe hoped, but you were so pretty like this. 
Sweaty cheeks, lips flushed, chest heaving. 
Joe didn’t mind you taking the lead, running two, three steps ahead, turning into side roads and deciding which way to go. It gave him all the more opportunity to look at you.
When you stopped for some water, body pumping with endorphins, you noticed how Joe’s white T-shirt was drenched in his sweat, its white fabric now translucent enough for you to see his nipples through. 
Seeing them like this was inherently funnier than seeing them when Joe would be topless, swimming, diving off the boat and climbing back on only to dive off again. 
You smiled through heavy pants and after screwing the top back onto your water bottle, you used a finger to poke him right in one of his nipples before scurrying off, continuing your run.
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Day Five: Vathy to Perdika 
Today you were harshly reminded you were on a business trip instead of a family holiday when you were called by Olivier Magazine. There was only just enough reception for you to take the call and talk through the material you had so far.  
You’d snuck into the bedroom for it, so others wouldn’t hear, but you’d forgotten the hatch window in the ceiling that opened to the deck where Joe was laid out to sunbathe. 
“Not yet, I don’t want it too forced, you know? I’ll have to sneak a few,” 
“I could just use my phone,”
“Yea, I have it, it’s just huge,” 
“Not really… but, yea, no, okay,”
“Okay, I will.”
Joe didn’t like how you sounded defeated as you ended the call, but moved over quickly, away from the hatch window. 
When you stepped out in a shy-making short dress, carrying a big camera, Joe understood you’d been given an awkward task. It was absolutely impossible to sneak pictures of him with that, so he decided he’d help out. 
“Ooh, give that to me!” he held out a hand from all the way across the boat, encouraging you to make your way over and hand him the camera. Joe took it like a child would take a toy, turned it on and immediately started playing with settings, taking test shots of his feet dangling over the edge. 
You internally sighed with relief and thought of what else your writing should include. Joe’s helpful demeanour, for sure. 
You let Joe play with the camera, warning him not to drop it from the boat like he had done his sunglasses, forcing him to wear the strap around his neck at all times, and you made your way back into the cabin. 
It was time to get some words out, from your phone and from your brain onto your laptop and hopefully in a coherent enough manner to get some of it over to Olivier for feedback. 
So, you sat down opposite the kitchen and organised everything you needed. 
You could hear people laugh up on the deck, and you imagined them posing for photos Joe was taking of them. It took some pressure off, knowing Joe had fun without you meant you could just sit inside for a bit to get work done.  
It had been over two hours when you heard the camera’s shutter a lot closer to you than you felt was possible with you being the only one inside. You looked up from your laptop to see a hand holding it stuck through a hatch window in the ceiling, lens pointing at you. You smiled but said you’d delete that later. It was met with loud groans from the deck, followed by Daisy who told the boys to leave you alone.  Another 45 minutes passed.
“Jesse, you’re lowering the anchor in three minutes!” Martin called out as he stepped down the ladder into the cabin. 
“Have you ever snorkelled before?” he asked you as he reached for a cabinet, revealing a pile of different kinds of goggles inside.
You didn’t think you’d ever felt more claustrophobic in your life, breathing through a tube with your face down under the water. The fact that the water was clear enough for you to see how deep it was really didn’t help. 
And even though very pretty, fish would get very close to you and you didn’t want to touch them. 
“Come here,” Joe swam over when you’d sputtered and coughed again as you attempted another go at it. 
“You know how to float on your back, right? It’s the same, but face down.” 
And Joe’s hands guided your body as his legs kicked underneath him to keep himself above water. He placed one hand on your stomach that pushed up slightly. 
“That's it.” 
His other hand was for you to grip onto, because panic hadn’t left your system yet and Joe held onto it until you’d gotten the hang of it. 
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Day Six: Perdika to Korfos
Joe was sixteen when for the first time something happened in his life that was love-related. He was sitting on a bench and had been inches away from kissing a girl. He could still see himself sitting there, but strangely enough he really couldn’t remember for the life of him if he got to actually kiss her that afternoon, or not. 
It was a thought that was wrecking his brain whilst laying out to tan on the Paris. 
You were next to him, and you were reading – or at least, holding onto a book, but away from everyone else, you fell into easy conversation together. 
Joe talked about the girl on the bench when he’d been sixteen. 
Your chats had been borderline forgettable on day one, but nearing in on a week later, your chats had gotten deeper, and Joe fed you information for your piece. 
You wondered if you should mention that nothing was off the record with you as Joe’s chats got more private, but you didn’t want to ruin the moment and shut him up. 
Joe talked about the women from the ads, Instagram and films and how none of them ever found themselves sat in his living room. How he’d been shot down as he had tried to flirt with someone at an industry party where he’d ran into Matthew. 
You were at that party too, but you refrained from telling Joe. 
You hadn’t seen him, but it stung a little that he’d been there and had been willing to flirt with strangers. You could’ve been one of them. You remembered Matthew telling you that night that he had green-lit your pitch, and you’d gotten plastered. 
Who knows what would’ve happened had actually ran into him that night.
To break the tension a little, Joe pointed a passing boat. 
“Look,” he said. “That’s what I think–” and then Joe looked at you before sarcastically adding a side comment, “way, way, after you of course,” you raised your eyebrows and looked in the direction of Joe’s pointing finger. “– is a pretty lady.”
“Are you joking?” you couldn’t help but chuckle. 
It was entirely too predictable. 
Joe’d pointed out a gorgeous blonde girl who couldn’t have been older than 20 at most, wearing a bright pink shimmery bikini with a huge sunhat that shaded her face perched on top of her head. 
Of course he thought she was beautiful; she was textbook pretty.
“If that’s your type I want to formerly apologise for you not having met any on this trip.” 
You turned over onto your stomach, letting the sunbeams dance along your back to even out your tan. 
“Dolphins!” Martin suddenly shouted, making Joe eat whatever his reaction to your comment was going to be. 
You both sat up immediately and saw them shooting over the water. It was a perfect image: the calm blue sea, green mountains from the islands you were passing and the stretched out blue sky with dolphins playing along the side of your boat. 
It felt like a fairy tale, and you were lucky someone handed you your camera in time for you to capture it. 
Sailing led you to a new island and a new village. 
Korfos was a place so small, there wasn't even ATMs there, and Martin only knew of one restaurant for you to go to. There you were greeted by something you’d never seen before in your life. Outside, bordering the seating area where you all sat down, there was a tight twine bound between two trees that was filled with hanging octopuses, drying out in the sun side by side. You learned it was a traditional way of preparing them, but that didn’t take away your slight alarm at the sight. 
At dinner Martin told old sailing stories, you pointed at blonde girls for Joe which you found a lot funnier than he did, and Dan got drunk. When he, at the end of dinner, helped two young children buy ice cream, he looked back at your table and shouted, “Just like old times! Kids, man, they’re the best thing that can happen to you!” And no one poked fun or told him to calm down. The sheer acceptance felt ‘round the table could’ve make you cry.
When back on the boat, all tucked into bed, Dan was still drunk. 
“Ay, ay captain!” he kept yelling from his bed, and the both of you were doing a bad job stifling your laughter. It had you rolling into each other in between the sheets. 
“Hey,” Dan yelled, and the both of you froze in anticipation of what as going to be coming next, big eyes looking into each other’s. 
“I might be old-fashioned,” his catchphrase made laughter escape Joe’s throat loudly. 
“But don’t put me on the cover of your magazine, alright?” 
You could go into detail of why what he just said was wrong, because you didn’t yield that power, the magazine wasn’t yours, and he was just Dan from Manchester, a single dude who missed his son. Why would he be on the cover of Olivier Magazine? 
But obviously, you didn’t do that.
“Okay, Dan, I promise.”
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Day Seven: Korfos to Athens
You had been woken up by Joe carefully peeling your arm off of his chest and sliding away from your embrace. 
It was almost painful when you realised what he was doing, and the gentleness of his fingers that tried their best not to wake you made it worse. 
Your arm must have snuck its way over in the night, and you hadn’t been aware, but it left you embarrassed enough to avoid Joe’s eyes during breakfast.
While the day had started with a beautiful sea for all of you to dip into before setting of back to Athens, it wasn’t your day. Which was a shame for your last full day in Greece. 
You thought it might have been the looming end of your trip, or the pressure of finishing up writing that you really should have done so much more of. But you kept mulling over the fact that Joe had moved you away from him in bed that morning, and ultimately, that was what had affected you the most.
At noon, when there was time to walk into Athens and have some fun, Joe pressured you to join him, which you felt you couldn’t. 
Also, he couldn’t, because you needed photographs of Joe on a boat with an opened white shirt that billowed behind him in the wind, like you’d envisioned when you booked this trip for the two of you. 
But you weren’t going to ask him to pose for you, because you felt dumb for having to do so. 
And Joe’s chest was peeling because he hadn’t been using sunscreen properly. 
None of it was right.
Suddenly, you were fighting. And as friendly and professional you’d been all throughout the week, so mean were you towards each other now. You were all biting remarks, scratchy words, and angry tones.
“You can’t not come, it’s our last full day!” Joe had roped Dan and Martin in on it too. Three against one, entirely unfair, especially after his rejection of you that morning because that's what it had become in your mind.
“Wanker,” you muttered before shutting the flimsy door to your bedroom and shutting him out. Joe thought you were being absolutely ridiculous, but it really pissed him off when you shouted, “Yes, I’m a horrible person!” putting words in his mouth.
“God, you’re not a bad person! I never said that!”
You were still hissing at each other when you joined Dan and Martin, piling into a taxi together to go and climb the Acropolis of Athens. Martin had managed to talk you into it and you’d angrily given in. When Joe looked surprised, and offered to help you get off the boat, you’d refused and had taken a big jump. 
Joe pretended he hadn’t seen you almost fall over and scrape up your knees. 
The climb to the top had been a silent one. Dan would stop to take photographs with your camera, and you were glad the task of capturing Joe was in someone else’s hands. 
At the top of the Acropolis, you thought to yourself that more than only the Parthenon had been damaged. 
And for what? 
Stress over work? 
From up here, you looked down behind you and felt silly at the problems you’d created for yourself down there. 
Dan passed you your camera, and you caught Joe looking over at you.
“Do you still like me?” Joe asked when he started growing doubtful if your friendship was still mendable, to at least finish the trip nicely. 
“No,” you answered, but you smiled. 
The sun within you had risen. “Can I take your picture?” you asked, the source of the initial problem now out of you.
“Of course, go ahead.” 
Back from all the ruins, you put Dan and Martin in a taxi back to the harbour and decided to go for dinner and drinks in Athens. To see what the night life was like here. 
“And we’ll see if we can find you a nice blonde girl!” 
You laughed at the fact that what you had originally thought this whole trip was going to be, the great purpose of going on a trip designed for single people, got boiled down to this last evening on the last day of the full thing.  
But first, there was dinner.
You found a cosy little restaurant tucked away in an alley and Joe knew that the connection he felt to you then was much stronger than before because of the fight you’d had earlier. 
“They all thought we were a couple, hey?” Joe said, speaking truths that had been left unspoken up until then. 
“Yea,” you nodded. “Made me feel a little proud on our first day here,” you confessed, and you saw Joe bite the inside of his cheek.
Joe thought that was the nicest thing you’d said to him, and it was going to be weird that he wasn’t going to be seeing you anymore in two days. Because you weren’t his, he knew that. It felt a little like, how the classic Paris had kidnapped Helena, Joe had kidnapped you for a week. 
“You know,” you started. “You don’t have to be so mythical about women. Really, it’s all way easier than you think. Sometimes just ‘are you free tonight’ is enough if it’s the right one.” 
Were you flirting? 
“Easier, huh? I’ll try and remember that. Can I tell you something crazy?” 
“Sure,” you had your doubts about how crazy whatever Joe was going to tell you was going to be. 
The Joe you had gotten to know wasn’t crazy at all. He was kind, soft, funny, and caring. 
You’d formed a weird friendship, where sometimes you’d catch him staring at you and he’d look away quickly. 
The boundaries you had initially felt between the two of you that served its purpose for you as a journalist to keep at least a little distance had been completely shattered on that first night in bed together. 
“When I agreed to do this trip with you, it was only because I’d sworn of women.” Joe started, not making the best case for himself. 
“Interesting, is it men now?” you joked, before pointedly adding, “Everything’s on the record here, choose your words wisely.” which made Joe laugh.
“I’m sure you have those moments where you’re just exhausted with the whole premise of dating, right? Especially in London.” Joe relayed it back to you, which was smart. It instantly meant that if you were going to answer, you wouldn’t want to include it in your piece. 
So, you shrugged in a non-answer. 
“I made a pact with myself that, for at least the summer, I wouldn’t try to chase it.” 
“Chase what?” 
You froze for a second and looked up at Joe. 
“And how’s that gone so far?” 
The air felt charged and you could see the straight path you wanted Joe to walk right towards you, but with every word Joe’d say, there was the possibility that he’d stray off of it. 
Every next word out of Joe’s mouth was either going to be terrible or magnificent.  
“Oh, it was so effortless for the first few days.” Of your trip, Joe meant. “You’ve seen our group.” Joe then stated, and you laughed. 
“We’re not exactly surrounded by temptation, are we?” 
A silence lingered, and you tried to imagine what Joe was thinking. Did he disagree? Were you temptation? Had Joe not removed your arm from his body because he felt disgusted by it, but because it would open doors he didn’t feel he could open? Should open? Or, had he been just hot and uncomfortable under your sticky limb? You just realised that had been an option too.
“I didn’t think I’d have so much fun on this tip, though. I think I’ve come to love all of you a bit.” Joe then smiled, and you copied it. 
Yes, he was right. 
Tim and his kid had become your somewhat distant uncle who relished in teaching his son how to play sudoku. 
Dan was the drunk uncle who had so much weight on his shoulders, it had turned him funny. 
Martin was the father, and not just because Jesse would call him dad all the time. 
Jesse and Charlie were your younger brothers, maybe even twin brothers, who were annoying sometimes but hilarious always. 
Frank and Daisy felt like grandparents, even though technically they weren’t old enough unless a string of teen pregnancies tied you together. 
You weren’t sure who you and Joe were in this family, or what you were to each other for that matter.
“Me too,” you said. “It’s going to be a weird couple of pages in Olivier next month.” 
“It’ll have your face on, I’m sure it’ll do good, but it’s absolutely not what I expected it was going to be beforehand.” 
Joe just looked at you. 
“Which is probably good, if I had found exactly what I thought I was going to find, I might as well not have gone.” 
“What did you find?” Joe pressed.
“Ah, you’ll have to read that in the magazine like everybody else next month, I’m afraid.” You teased. 
And so, he did. Joe’s management had received a copy of the magazine about 4 days before its release date. 
Summer was over, and the autumn issues were about to come out. It graced Joe on the cover, sat on the side of the boat, legs dangling over the side, arms and head resting on the metal bar that prevented him from falling into the water. 
You could see his peeling chest and his sunburnt nose, and with the sun shining bright, Joe hadn’t opted to slide the sunglasses from his hair, but instead he had shut one eye and squinted at the camera with a smile. It was very boyfriend of him, entirely too dreamy not to have been chosen as the cover shot. You hadn’t taken it, and it had cost you precious company time to figure out who did, feeling like proper credits were in order. 
It had left you with contact details to every single person you’d gotten to know on your trip, and you’d promised yourself you’d share all of it with Joe once the magazine would be out and you’d have a reason to e-mail him. 
You’d managed to get twelve pages in. Twelve! It was double the amount you’d ever gotten in a magazine before. It was nine pages of photographs, and three pages of writing. You were nervous of what Joe was going to think of it, not even knowing if he was ever really going to read it. 
Joe did read it, though. 
Turning pages of photos, he was sad there hadn’t been any of you in them. 
Some of the others had made it in; there was a smaller picture of Joe, Charlie and Jesse as they posed near the bow of the boat as if they were Greek Gods; a photo Daisy had taken of them. Martin was there too, sat behind the boat wheel wearing a captain’s hat that you hadn’t seen him wear for the full trip. 
Joe was surprised by how much he missed it all; it truly felt like he was flipping through a family photo album and his chest filled with nostalgia. 
“Got a copy. Need to call you. I don’t have your number, and Matthew won’t give it because he says I’ve got your e-mail.” 
Joe sent an e-mail and had to wait entirely too long for you to reply to it. 
“What a way to induce an anxiety attack on a Tuesday afternoon.” You’d e-mailed back, followed by your phone number. 
It only took seconds for Joe to call.
“Sorry, no need to panic!” were the first words out of his mouth before you’d even gotten the chance to say hi.  
“Bad choice of words on my part, sorry, but I’m looking at Olivier now and, I know it’s probably not customary to ring the writer with some feedback, but... it’s beautiful.” he followed. 
“Hi,” you grinned as you got the word in.
“Hi,” Joe replied, sighing a laugh. 
“I’m glad you like it.” 
“You’re not in it.” Joe meant with a picture. He’d taken many of you, so he knew there’d been options for you to try.
“I am. Just in the words.”
“I like that you got some of the others in. Have they seen it yet?” 
“No, but they will. I’ve gotten my hands on everyone’s details.”
“Is it weird that I miss them?” 
“It’s not,” you laughed. “I miss them too. Especially Dan.”
“Especially Dan.” Joe agreed. 
“So, summer’s over.” Joe closed the magazine and looked at his own face on the cover of it. 
“It is.” You confirmed, unsure where Joe was going.
“I erm… I took your advice on not being so mythical about women.” 
“Oh, good!” you were genuinely happy for Joe, and thought that maybe he was going to say how your trip had fixed him and he had now found the one woman who did look like the women do in ads that would also sit on his sofa in his flat with him. 
“Are you free for dinner tonight?”
“I- …. Yes. I am.” 
The Taglisted: @kiwisa @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @xomunson @sadbitchfangirl @jssmth5 @bagelofthelord67 @nobody-000 @lluviamg06 @thatonefan-girl @kylakins88 @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks​ - add yourself  
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luvrsofbts · 2 years
Can you write a fluffy jimin oneshot where he gets jealous of your new puppy bc u were drowning the puppy in attention leaving jimin behind.
Clingy, fluffy, whiney Jimin is my weakness 😩
Puppy Love
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Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, crack
Summary: You didn’t think your 27 year old boyfriend would act this way after you’ve gotten a puppy.
A/N: HI BABE idk if you are alive 😭 but here is this long, overdue writing for you <3 forgive me pls I stopped writing for months and then here I am, back ?? Hopefully this goes well. Enjoy!
When Tae and his dog, Yeontan, came over to visit the new apartment that Jimin and you have just finished moving into, you couldn’t help the aggressive cuteness growing in your heart. You decided that maybe getting a new puppy would be good for Jimin and you, and your little apartment.
“Really? That’ll be great! We could have pet play dates!” Tae exclaimed over the phone after you have just told him about your idea.
“I know right! And it’ll be a great surprise too!” You reply, already imagining Jimin’s reaction.
“Alright, I have to go now, but let me know how it goes!” Tae said his goodbye as you agreed.
You jumped off your shared bed excitedly, in a hurry to put on your shoes and get the newest family member today. Jimin was still at work, so you had all day to get a puppy until he came home.
“And this is Levi. We found him on the side of a road on a rainy day, so we took him in,” The worker said, showing you the light brown puppy.
“Oh my gosh, he is so cute!” You grinned from ear to ear, playing with the puppy a little bit.
“He seems to really like you; he’s never this energetic when people come to see him,” She commented, admiring how the puppy instantly started to play with you.
“Really? Wow, maybe he’s the one,” You gasped, picking up the puppy and holding him to your chest.
“Well, if that’s so, then Levi finally has a home to go to!”
You nodded, looking back at the puppy in your arms.
“And this is your new home, buddy! Do you like it?” You giggled as you opened Levi’s cage, letting him explore his new home as he barked happily.
“Daddy’s not home yet, but in the meantime, why don’t we set up your stuff and toys?” You kind of splurged on Levi’s needs, but you couldn’t help it! You loved the puppy too much.
After a long evening of putting up Levi’s stuff, it was already 10pm, meaning that Jimin will be home any minute now.
You picked up the small puppy in your arms, walking to the front door just as Jimin came in.
“Hey ba- is that a puppy?” Jimin gaped, looking at the tiny little creature in your arms.
“Surprise! This is Levi, the newest addition to this family,” You exclaimed, showing him Levi.
“Oh my gosh, baby, he’s so cute. You got us a puppy?” He laughed, taking the puppy from you.
“Yep! I figured since we moved into a new apartment together, why not get a pet too?”
“You are so cute, pretty girl. This is great; I love you,” Jimin smiled before giving you a peck on the lips.
“I love you too, minnie,” You reply before giving a kiss to Levi as well.
“Baaabe, when are you coming to bed?” Jimin whined from your shared bed.
“Soon! I’m almost done teaching Levi this trick,”
“You two have been going at it for almost three hours now! Don’t you miss me?” He frowned.
“I always miss you, you big baby. Just give me five more minutes and then I’ll come to bed,” You teased.
After 15 minutes, you still weren’t in bed and Jimin had become even whinier.
“Levi’s taking up all of your attention and I don’t like it,” Jimin pouted as he stood in front of you, frowning while giving you the saddest eyes.
“Jimin, he’s a puppy, of course he’s going to need all of my attention. You should be giving him attention too, you are the dad!”
“I already gave him a lot of attention earlier! It’s time to go to bed!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll be with you in a minute,” You promised, taking the furball into your arms and walking over to his bed.
“Time to go to bed, buddy. Mommy will play with you tomorrow morning, okay?” You whispered to Levi before putting him down. He circled his bed a few times before finally going to sleep.
You admired your puppy before turning and walking back to the bed, where your cute boyfriend laid in, all snuggled up with a pouty face, waiting for you.
“My clingy baby, have I been neglecting you?” You giggled, sliding into the warm bed next to Jimin.
“Yes. Now you have to give me extra cuddles,” He murmured.
You hummed.
“-and kisses, and hugs, and attention,”
You laughed at his neediness, “Okay, minnie. Anything else?”
“Hmm. No, just want you to love me now,”
“That I will definitely do,” You assured him, running your hand through his fluffy mop of hair.
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dixxiemaegraphics · 6 months
Okay finally have a moment to write about meeting Rohan Campbell (since I’m in the airport now)… So on the first night of Horrorhound I only popped in to grab my wristband and take a look around, thinking it would be bigger and busier than it was… AND that things would close up sooner (I got there around 8pm but apparently things run late!) So I said fuck it, let’s go see some guests. I went to his table where there was hardly anyone there (again, I was surprised by that) and made small talk with his handlers and volunteers (all supes friendly and casual) until it was my turn (there were probably like 2-3 people before me)… So when I came face to face, I luckily remembered to introduce myself first (I am TERRIBLE at that) and he very sweetly introduced himself back. (Side note, he is very happy and light and chill like ALL the time. I think he’s just like that, y’all.) I told him I ordered a selfie but I wanted to show him some art first on my phone (stuff I’ve posted here before). I apologized for not having time to get it all printed but I said something like “This is what I would’ve brought for you. I always try to bring people I meet art!” And he was loving it, saying he wishes they were stickers so he could slap ‘em on his phone (meaning the orange sticker sheet I designed lol). So anyways, we get into position to take the photo, and I ask if he can take it because I have short arms and am a small person in general. He goes “Sure but I’m so bad at it, I’m sorry!” So we take a few and he says “I think they look pretty good.” I go “It’s cuz you got such a handsome smile!” and he goes “No it’s cuz you’re in them!” Ahhh a sweet boy. He mentions again that he wishes he had prints/stickers of the art and I say “I’ll see what I can do before tomorrow—but I’d only do that for you.” And we wish each other a good night, see ya later.
The next day I managed to get a couple of prints made at a Kinkos, and head to his table first. Soon as he arrives (again there’s like no one hanging out at his table) he sees me coming up with papers in a folder and goes “YOU GOT THEM PRINTED?!” So I scurry up (greeting his same very kind handlers) and he immediately gets up to hug me. He looks at the other portrait I included (the blue and pink neon one I’ve posted here) and goes “Oooo you made me so sexy and smouldery” and we laugh about it and go on about the art. He’s so thankful and gives me another big embrace. He then asks about my process, I bore him with what it’s like to draw on an iPad… And then he asks me what else I’m doing at the con that day, I tell him and we get into a conversation about my anxiety about meeting people, and go on about that. We go on about nerves and stuff until he asks his handler “Hey what time are we done today? 5?” She answers 10pm to which he makes a little bug-eyed face at. I tell him get some caffeine and rest and right as we say goodbye he’s got people coming up his line. He was super cute and casual and yeah 😅
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askamydaily · 3 months
My final syndicated advice column
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Well, sports fans — my last syndicated “Ask Amy” advice column drops tomorrow (don’t you hate that expression?), and so I thought I would give you loyal subscribers a sneak peek at what I have to say.
I’ve known this moment was coming for the last several months, and the need I’ve felt to try to deliver some final thoughts summing up my experience over the last 21 years has been pretty strong.
Two things tend to happen to me when I’m under pressure: First, I fantasize about quitting, and after that — my mind goes
After that, this is what I tell myself: 
I say ….
No one really cares.
And then I push up my sleeves and try to get the job done.
This particular column was pretty daunting. I have been feeling very emotional, and I was writing it during a time when readers were already saying goodbye to me. 
Wow — what a wonderful connection we have shared! Of course, that connection will continue, but through different channels (this being one), and through different work. 
Read on — and please do share your own thoughts and comments.
Dear Readers: Since announcing my departure from writing this syndicated column, I have heard from scores of people across various platforms, thanking me for over two decades of offering advice and wishing me well in my “retirement.” I am very touched and grateful for this outpouring of support.
The thing is – I don’t think of myself as retiring.
I have led a constant, reliable life. I will read even the worst book to the last page. I have never voluntarily left a relationship, an obligation, or any employment.
(I can barely stand to leave a room!)
But I’m leaving this seven-day-a-week commitment – because I want to, and because it’s time.
My intention is to move on and to do other meaningful work.
Writing this column has given me a glimpse into thousands of lives.
The insight I have gained has inspired and empowered me to listen to my own counsel, to be authentic in my actions, and to – basically – be in charge of my own life, as much as possible.
Showing myself the door at this moment reflects the privilege of good health, strong relationships, years of steady employment, and some prudent financial choices. I’m very aware of how lucky I am.
My favorite way to envision this work is to picture families reading these columns together at the breakfast table and weighing in with their own points of view before reading mine.
And yes, there are still parents and grandparents out there who clip the newspaper and send pertinent columns to kids in college or summer camp, or tape it to refrigerators and bathroom mirrors.
I’ve heard from health care workers, police officers, fire fighters and office workers who say they discuss the issues raised in the column in the break room.
I love knowing that, and I’ll miss having coffee with you.
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The questions raised in this space have been used as teaching tools in middle schools, memory care units, ESL classes and prisons. These are perfect venues to discuss ethical, human-sized dilemmas.
On my last day communicating with you in this way, I feel compelled to try to sum up my experience by offering some lasting wisdom, but I’ve got no fresh insight. Everything I know has been distilled from wisdom gathered elsewhere.
Boxer Mike Tyson famously said, “Everybody has a plan, until they get punched ….” Punches are inevitable. But I do believe I’ve learned some universal truths that might soften the blows.
They are:
Show up for people.
Be gentle with yourself – and with others.
Lead with kindness, and recognize kindness when you receive it.
Reserve your harshest judgment. Sit on your worst thoughts about other people and consider the consequences before expressing them.
Be of service by finding something, or someone, to take care of.
Find creative ways to express your feelings.
Admit to your faults and failings, and resolve to do better.
Ask for forgiveness.
Work hard not to be defined by the worst things that have happened to you.
Recognize even the smallest blessings and express gratitude.
Be kind to receptionists, restaurant servers, dental hygienists, and anyone who needs to physically touch or serve you in order to do their job.
Understand that there are times when it is necessary to give up.
Spend time in nature.
Identify, develop, or explore your core ethical and/or spiritual beliefs.
Recognize and detach from your own need to control someone else.
Respect boundaries – yours and others’.
Seek the counsel of people who are wiser than you are. Ask their advice, and listen.
I sometimes supply “scripts” for people who have asked me for the right words to say, and so I thought I would boil these down to some of the most important statements I believe anyone can make.
They are:
I need help.
I’m sorry.
I forgive you.
I love you, just as you are.
I’m on your side.
You’re safe.
You are not alone.
Now that I’m near the end of my movie, I hope you’ll pay attention to the end credits.
Many thanks to Chicago friends and colleagues, including Jim Warren, who found me, Ann Marie Lipinski, who hired me, Steve Mandell, who represented me, and editors Mary Elson, Bill O’Connell and Carrie Williams. Thank you to “Gentleman Jack” Barry, who softened my exit.
And especially to Tracy Clark, a talented novelist who has helped to correct my faulty thinking and grammar for many years.
Finally, much gratitude to faithful readers, who can find me on social media and through my regular newsletter.
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ailendolin · 2 years
Rings of Power episode 8 thoughts, so beware of spoilers:
Let’s start with Sauron. What I love the most about his reveal is that it feels earned. There have been clues right from the beginning yet they were woven so cleverly into the story that you couldn’t help but doubt your gut instinct. I often found myself thinking, “Something's not right,” and yet dismissed it in favour of the idea of him eventually becoming one of the Nazgul because part of me found him intriguing and wanted him to be good. Which was what Sauron was all about back then, wasn’t he? Trying his best to present himself as likeable and friendly to earn people’s trust. I think the show incorporated that wonderfully by making us suspicious of him without giving us actual proof. Until now.
The moment I knew for sure he was Sauron was when he mentioned gifts. I mean, him going with Galadriel to the Elves was already a huge clue but that moment cemented it for me. Annatar, Lord of Gifts. Well done, Amazon.
It also made watching the Stranger’s scenes very fun because I kept shaking my head the whole time and mumbling gleefully, “You’ve got it wrong. He’s not Sauron. You’ve got the wrong guy.”
On that note, I’m really curious about how the Stranger / Sauron reveal felt to non-book readers. I’m familiar with the source material and can pick up on clues like the gift one I mentioned above but people who are not familiar with the Silmarillion or the LotR books obviously won’t notice those clues. I have to ask my brother about his reaction tomorrow because for me, a lot of the joy of watching this show comes from figuring things out and recognising all these little nods to the source material and I’m really interested in seeing when he realised what was going on and how he felt about it.
One of my favourite parts of this episode was the reflection of Galadriel and Sauron in the water. That was so well done it actually gave me goosebumps. I generally really liked how we saw Sauron in action. The way Celebrimbor changed under his influence felt very similar to how Frodo and Bilbo change under the ring’s.
Also yay for Galadriel winning that fight of wills and realising they need three rings instead of two.
(I really hope we’ll be able to buy those rings because ngl I’d love to have Vilya)
(Also part of me is really curious about what would have happened if Galadriel had given in. Could she have stopped Sauron from giving into the darkness again? Would she have turned out to be worse than him int he end? We'll never know but I like that their confrontation made it clear that good and evil is not as black and white as it sometimes seems.)
Speaking of the rings: the forging looked really cool. It also made me realise that I apparently have a thing for sweaty, dirty elves. First Elrond in the mines and now Celebrimbor in the forge. Valar help me.
Let’s talk move onto Numenor. I can’t believe we end this season with Elendil still believing Isildur is dead. That is beyond cruel and I feel so sorry for him. Though I suppose that will make their reunion all the more emotional when it eventually happens. Probably the one thing I’m looking forward to the most next season.
The scene when they arrive in Numenor and Elendil sees the mourning flags everywhere and Miriel can’t was also really well done. It felt like a heavy blow even though nothing was happening (in terms of action).
And finally the Harfoots. I love them with my whole heart and it makes me so happy to see them all standing up for each other and saving the Stranger. I am very sad about Sardoc, though. I really enjoyed his character.
I’m also sad Poppy didn’t go with Nori and the Stranger. Their goodbye broke my heart and they better see each other again in the future. I do love that Nori is going on an adventure now, though, and I can’t wait to see what she and the Stranger discover on their journey.
“When in doubt always follow your nose.” I can’t express how much I loved this. Little 13 year old me who watched FotR 11 times in the cinema back then and could quote almost every line leapt with joy and couldn't stop herself from whispering that quote along with the Stranger. Seriously, these moments are so wholesome when you’ve been a fan for so long.
I’m sad Durin, Disa and Arondir weren’t in the episode (especially after meeting their lovely actors last weekend at MagicCon) but I get why they couldn’t fit them in. I’m really looking forward to seeing them again in season 2.
And finally, I just want to say that this show has exceeded my expectations (which were high but not unrealistic like some so-called fans’). It was a joy to watch these episodes every week and discover more of this Middle-Earth that is both very different and so beautifully familiar it makes my heart ache in the best of ways. I feel sorry for all the people who never gave this show a chance because they’re missing out on a wonderful adaptation that may have its flaws like every other has but was clearly made by people who care about Tolkien and did their best to tell a coherent and engaging story despite only having the appendices to work with. Thank you for this brilliant adventure, RoP team!
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All my enemies are roaches and I must eat them
POV: Stanford pines
Today Staley is out all day trying to get some babe’s, that means I’m all by myself on the boat which is great because I have something that even Stanley doesn’t know about, GOD if Stanley finds out I won’t know what do with my self. To most people it’s disgusting but to me it’s the most wonderful thing in the world, even the thought of it makes me squall with excellent.
You see I’m a bit of collector what am I collecting, I ask in my head well roaches of course every stop we go to I collect the roaches, all round the world we had been. Of course I kill roaches when I put them in my big old box, I’m not a monster you see. Stan would ask me sometimes what the box was for, I would laugh and say a lot of scientific papers, Stanley would always buy it. Which always did me feel very guilty but I know he would never understand, none would.
Funny thing I actually hate roaches but why would you collect them if you hate them soooo much, I would usually hear a voice in my head say. Well after weirdmageddon I started imaging bill and his henchman as roaches, I mean, I had to go for the head so Stanley could beat him. The roaches are a reminder of the torture I had to go throw when I was with bill, I wanted to kill him so badly, I tried to kill him so many times he would always, just keep living no matter how hard I tried. I know it’s inhumane to just kill roaches who didn’t do anything wrong, but it makes me have less painful panic attacks, Stanley would try and comfort me when I was having a panic attack, but he isn’t the best at comforting me.
As I was hugging the box a terrifying idea came to mind, what if I just ate the cockroaches I mean it’s just a waste if I don’t. Suddenly I opened the box and grabbed with my six Fingers, a hand full of roaches and than stuffed them in my mouth, a couple go on the floor. Don’t know what I was expecting but it tasted disgusting, I wanted to vomit so terribly but I didn’t, I kept eating until none was in my mouth. Putting the ones on the floor back into the box, than I realised how utterly unnecessary that was, I didn’t even wash them or cook them image how many diseases here could be on here.Suddenly I felt powerful now, felt like I could do anything now, I know this odd but I wanted to keep eating them, of course next time I would have clean and cook them.
Putting the box under the bed where I would usually put.Finally Stanley came back I acted like nothing happened, I asked him how was his day he said it was alright, than he asked me what was I doing when he was away. I simply said trying to catch new fish to write in my journal, he told me that he would be away for the day again but tomorrow we will be sailing again. This is really a bad thing to think but I got kind of excited at the thought he would be away, and I would be able to eat my roaches again. Looking at me all worried just to ease him I told him, that I was just excited to do “nerd stuff” he looked at me again liked he understood.
The day was finally here, I said my goodbyes to Stanley as he walked away out of sight I ran as fast as I can to the bedroom, got the box under my bed to the kitchen. And started to wash the roaches than got the pan put oil in it, turned the stove on lighted the match going to wait a while so the oil can spread out. Now thinking about how am I going to do this, than an idea popped in my head what if I made a roach sandwich, it was a brilliant idea, got the pot with water on. Putting two normal sized roaches in here to boil, than got out two big roaches and put them on the pan. When the roaches where done I got a plate and putting the roaches which were as big as a average woman’s hand, to the plate, than I got the two average sized roaches on the plate as well. Made the big roaches the bead and the other roaches where in the middle.
I'm not finished but hope you like this disgusting fanfic, also I wrote this when I was thinking about eating roaches, yesss I know I'm weird
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pbandjesse · 3 months
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Today was long and I am very tired. But I am home and I will hopefully sleep great and tomorrow can be a reset. A redo. And the first day of camp won't leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Last night ended up being kind of a nightmare clean up wise. The 10 or so guys that has set up didn't come back to break down. I was moving carts and stacking chairs until midnight. And they were barely half way done. But Jesse has decided that my hard stop was midnight since I'm not paid by the hour yet.
So I said goodbye and left for the evening. I got home at 1230 and was really happy to see my husband. Who, while half asleep, welcomed me home and we chatted for a bit. I took a shower and got myself ready for sleep.
And while I didnt sleep enough I got good sleep still. And woke up only sort of unhappy at 650.
When I got up I was already dealing with some anxiety that would only get worse. James would try to encourage me. They had moved a bunch of my stuff in and out of the car. The market stuff in the house. The camp stuff in the car. And tired to cheer me up. But I just wanted to go and deal with anything that came up.
I had a good drive in, once I got my phone to stop disconnecting. And I would get to camp at 750.
I went and cleaned up arts and crafts and set up for the day and it went smoothly. I went to the office to print an updated schedule for Callie. And after I chatted with Alexi and got that printed I went and got a little breakfast. Embarrassed myself with the cooks. But they were kind and also said that even if I might not be at different meals they will always make me a special plate. I was worried about wasting food but they assured me that that didn't matter.
I realized I could take a little hammock swing and try to calm down my very strong emotions. And it was working until I texted Avery to make sure she felt like she was prepared to run EAC. But she hits me with that 'i did not know I was running that' and I freak. What do you mean? So I check in with Willa who is covering Homestead. And she at least knew she was covering but there was a lot of confusion beyond that. Very frustrating.
So I ran to the office. Where I was very very very upset. Like this was just like a final straw. And as soon as I got in the office and was asked a different question, a mistake in the schedule question, I lost it. I was hysterical crying. And just went to my desk to do the schedule change while everyone felt weird. Elizabeth shushed people from trying to asking me anything and I was like no I am okay. I am just very very stressed. And I threatened to go home I was so upset. But I calmed down. The cry made me feel like some of the weight lessoned.
I was able to give the two schedules to Elizabeth. And get my question answered. And I would just do with what I had, best I could. And went back to arts to calm myself all the way before my group came in.
And honestly the kids saved the day. Literally all the kids were so sweet and it was just so nice to have returning faces on taller bodies. It made my program back to where it's supposed to be. Where arts and crafts is a dream. It's just everywhere else that's hard as hell.
I would show them the program and we talked about collage and I felt really good about it. And their little houses. Oh they were just so sweet. Lots of creativity and understanding about collage and how to use different techniques. from my very littlest day campers to my woodland boys. It was awesome.
Lunch would come pretty fast. After chatting with Tony about the harbor swim and how I can fit into his pants he has given me to use as a scrap fabric last year. But laughs about that. I would go to lunch.
And it was a very good lunch. Of a baked potato and broccoli. I would check with Callie about specialty staff getting food before the children. Because we have to run to our programs ECT ECT. And her and Hannah said we can serve ourselves if we get gloves. Stellar. So we got our food and went outside to eat together as a little group. Talked about all the confusion and nonsense. How weird and sometimes discombobulated camp has been this year. I just hope that by next week we have a much better handle on everything.
I would depart from the group. Stopping to say hi to Callie. And then you to arts. To spend a few minutes alone. Texting Jess, my very best friend, to wish he many happy birthdays. Especially after the crazy week she just had being in and out of the ER. She deserves a quiet and nice birthday.
My afternoon groups were so sweet. Struggled a bit more to clean up but that's because they didn't want to go. I don't blame them my space is great. But I was also getting a little nervous about leaving for my appointment.
I would let Mirren know and she would let Eva know. But still I was nervous. I got out bracelet string and some other crafts that I thought they would enjoy. And once they got to me I very quickly told them what was available and told them I was sad I couldn't stay and hang out. But I knew I could trust Yukon and said goodbye and headed out.
I would hit some traffic but I still got to my appointment with time to spare. The new girl at the desk remember my name and I would have a fun chat with her later. And my injection went really well. Just bled a little more then normal but it's fine. The medical assistant is really nice and I like talking to her. Though I was left in the room for a half hour with no word. Thought they forgot about me.
But she would eventually come back and the shots went smoothly and I was on my way home.
Which was a half hour because I got stuck in traffic on mulberry. What else is new, that street is always backed up in a stupid way. But I still still home by 5.
I would have to park on the main street because there was no spot. Annoying. But I parked and brought stuff inside. But my ankle a little. Was just really happy to go inside. See James. Take a shower. And go out.
We were going to Charlotte's apartment to check on her cat. But first. Shower. And it made me feel so much better. I would get changed and we would head to the Fulwilers.
Only Tucker was there when we got there. It was nice to see him. They finally donated my bags of clothes. Good. It's good they are gone finally.
We would leave there and go to the apartment. Made sure little boy, her very sweet cat, was fed and happy. Played with him for a bit. And hung out on her couch while we decided on dinner.
I wasn't thrilled with our options. But we land on grano in Hamden.
James loves this place. But we sat outside at first and I took it as long as I could but it was to hot. So we got moved inside. And while the barrata was incredible my pasta was wrong. And I had to send it back twice which I have never done before. I ordered the cheese ravioli. But what came out tasted wrong to me. I ate one and was like maybe it's a weird flavor cheese. But then it hit me. This isn't cheese. It's fish?? Specifically salmon. Our first waitress was not understanding what was wrong. She still took it back and eventually brought me something new. She claimed it was cheese ravioli. No! It was still the fish one?? So we flagged a different waitress. And she was horrified and recognized it right away as their special for the evening.
She would personally go back and cut one open and the bins seemed to have been switched? It was wild. And I'm not like crazy upset I accidently ate a bit of fish. But the texture and bits left jn mouth did upset me for a bit.
Thankfully once the actual cheese ravioli came out it was so wildly good it made up for it. I got a fizzy lemon Italian soda. It was great.
We decided to go to Rita's. But the first one didn't have the flavors I wanted and I got sad. James would offer to take us to a different one. So we would get back in the car and went to Canton crossing. Where we had much better luck.
We stopped in the target bathrooms first. And then walked to Rita's. James got a twist cone and I got a cherry gelato. And we ate at the picnic benches. Just being happy together.
We would come home after that. And I was really glad for it. I felt so tired.
We would gather my print making stuff for my workshop this weekend. And eventually went and took a bath. This was mostly for my pains and agonies. And also because it just felt nice.
But now I am so sleepy. James just went to get me ice water and I'm going to lotion my face and hopefully fall asleep quick.
I am hoping tomorrow is better. More normal. It would make me really happy if this is just are calmer.
I hope you all have a calm day. Stay cool. I love you all. Goodnight!
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nekooru · 2 years
₊ ☾⋆ angst dialogue prompts ⋆⁺₊⋆
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a list of prompts i use to inspire my writing. i hope they're helpful for you !
more prompt lists: x
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1. "you're allowed to fall apart sometimes, you know."
2. "what's the point in trying when i know i'll never be enough?"
3. "i wish your love wasn't conditional."
4. "when did things fall apart? i never noticed until it was done." / "that's exactly why things fell apart."
5. "you were my best friend. i wish i had been yours, too."
6. "i wasn't enough for you." / "no, you were too much."
7. "i thought i could learn to like it this way. i'm sorry i dragged this out."
8. "it's tiring, missing you when you're right here."
9. "you seemed to like me best when i was lying."
10. "don't pretend you missed me. i'm not as stupid as you clearly think i am."
11. "why are you drinking so much? what did you do?"
12. "please tell me i'm wrong. tell me i'm jumping to conclusions— that i'm misunderstanding. please, just say it..." / "..."
13. "you really love her, and she doesn't love you back...how ironic."
14. "you left the most bitter taste in my mouth. how could you bring it all up again when i'm trying to move on?"
15. "i fucked up. god, i fucked up."
16. "so that's it? we're just— over?"
17. "i wish i'd never met you. i wish this was a lesson i never had to learn."
18. "you're fucking insane."
19. "am i the reason you cry every night? be honest."
20. "well, how did you expect this to turn out? it's not my fault you've been in denial."
21. "i don't understand how you sleep at night, so blissfully uncaring of the pain you wreak."
22. "will you miss me at all?" / "very much so, unfortunately."
23. "are we doing the right thing? is there no other option?"
24. "i know when it's good, it's really good— but i don't think i can handle the lows anymore."
25. "when did you want to hurt me again? today? tomorrow? you know, so i can note it in my schedule."
26. "do you fantasize about a life without me?"
27. "you're not the same person i married." / "well, people change. you didn't get the memo?"
28. "i wish i could forget your phone number. and your face. and everything we ever did together."
29. "let's not get irrational here. we're going to talk sensibly, and take it outside— so i can punch you without breaking anything."
30. "you thought i cared for you? why? i made the opposite excruciatingly obvious."
31. "god, why do you have so much blood? i can put it back— don't cry, i can fix it. just don't leave me, please."
32. "you're so dramatic. is this really necessary?"
33. "i'll be better next time, i promise." / "next time? no. i won't be here to put the pieces of your life back together next time."
34. "i don't know how to ask for help."
35. "when was the last time you told me that you loved me?" / "..." / "hah...you can't remember, can you?"
36. "it's okay if you need time to heal. i'll still be here, waiting, for as long as it takes."
37. "i can't keep going when i'm the only one putting effort in. i'm done begging for what i deserve."
38. "i can't lose you. i won't lose you." / "what? after everything? you've already lost me."
39. "you left without saying goodbye. i finally moved on, and you expect me to let you pop back in just like that? no."
40. "i always said i'd die for you." / "idiot...i didn't believe you until now."
41. "i can't believe i thought you meant what you said."
42. "for what it's worth, i'll never give up on us."
43. "you keep going radio silent on me, and i can't handle that any more. wondering if you're dead in a ditch? or cheating on me? i don't deserve that."
44. "you are not your past, so stop acting like you are. that's not an excuse to keep hurting me and everyone around you."
45. "how many broken promises are we at now? you know, i'm starting to think you're doing it on purpose. is my face that pretty when i cry?"
46. "don't give me that look. no, what did you really expect?"
47. "he/she/they showed me more love than you ever did. isn't that sad? it makes me sad."
48. "oh, i see where it went wrong. you're a little confused, but you're almost there— you're supposed to break up with me, then fuck other people."
49. "don't even try to kiss me. get the fuck off me."
50. "don't worry, it's not my blood."
51. "i was stupid to think you would change for me. to think i was good enough to change for."
52. "quit crying. you're the one who hurt me, why are you making it about yourself?"
53. "no, i'm not just going to leave you here."
54. "i can't bear when you look at me like that. like i'm something from hell."
55. please— please, just...get out."
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melora-ii · 1 month
Lunar Expedition 24509
Flight Day 42
(Adjusted time 134 years and 52 days since departure from The Bridge)
Today was my last day as an unassigned “pod squelp”, as they say.
I lay in my bed, calculating the days of my life across multiple timelines.
Roughly 140 years ago, I committed myself to the Peaceful Acquisition Project- a mission designed to study and make humanitarian military efforts towards establishing connections with non-invasive alien species across the galaxy.
I was 24 years old, still wet behind the ears and fresh from Battle School when I signed my name to be forever cast into the void of space in the name of Science, Discovery, and Peace. Even then my parents held onto hope that I’d change my mind eventually. That I’d find a partner, get married, give them their two government-approved grandchildren and leave space flight and PAP behind me.
I spent the next 6 years studying at Diplomacy School, learning how to communicate with various alien species, as well as studying past successful and unsuccessful PAP missions. Men were the least of my concern.
Seats on PAP missions were scarce and highly competitive. I had to be the best.
When my application for a seat on Lunar Expedition 24509 was finally approved, I knew I had no choice but to accept. Regardless of what that would entail for my personal timeline.
Space travel requires sacrifice. And that sacrifice is usually time related.
My parents cried when I told them what I’d done.
“We will never see you again, Mellie.” I can still hear the sound of my mother’s wailing.
“You have to do what you feel is right. This is your life, Melora.” My father said. He never was one for emotional displays.
When I stripped myself naked and stepped into that Cryo-Sleep pod docked at The Bridge, I knew the next time I opened my eyes I’d be thousands of light years away and everyone I loved back on New Earth would be long dead, their bones crystallized into dust and worm food.
I don’t think I said a proper goodbye.
As of today, I am 164 in Adjusted Years.
I’m so old.
My headset buzzes, interrupting my melancholia with 3 short bzt bzt bzt sounds. A question appears in my mind:
Read message?
Yes. I respond.
A nearly transparent digital window appears in front of me with a typed message displayed.
Melora Maesunn,
Your Cryonic Sleep Adjustment Transition was successful. Please report to Colonel Michael Crozie tomorrow morning at Standard Sun Rise for your updated flight commands.
- Doctor Formmin Mezzer, 2nd LT
So, I have finally received communication from the Pod Squad Team that I have been deemed healthy and have been successfully rehabilitated from cryo-sleep. I have graduated from my Stasis Pod Transition.
My enthusiasm is only slightly disingenuous because of who I have been assigned to.
Colonel Crozie aka The Croz aka Michael Crozie, Lunar Expedition 24509’s Research Unit Leader. The big guy. The head honcho. The boss.
The strange thing is, I have been directed to meet with Colonel Crozie before the rest of my Pod Group are even awake. Standard Sun Rise is 05:00 and is the typical rising hour; we don’t meet in the mess hall for breakfast until 06:00.
I have only ever seen Colonel Crozie from afar, only heard his name whispered at the mess hall. He is a force to be reckoned with, it appears. He takes his missions very seriously, no time for games or jokes. He is infamous for his set-downs when dealing with rowdy recruits. He’s been known to demote a level iii recruit back to mop duty for a week just to remind them of where they came from.
I have no desire to get on this guy’s bad side.
Still, I’m very curious to learn if my other Pod Group members were given similar assignments.
Pod groups are released in intervals- twelve people at a time. Typically these twelve recruits go through Cryo Adjustment together. As they are transitioned into Flight Commands after adjustment, these twelve will often receive varying assignments based on their skill-level across the ship until landing at the mission’s destination. However, the twelve remain in a tight-knit group. Bunks, schedules, and menial duties are kept the same within the group.
Once we have landed on Bemri 555, a heavily forested moon of the planet Iona, we will continue to bunk and work together outside of our Mission Commands. Pod groups are forever. Or at least until the Mission is complete.
I poke my head outside of my cabin door. It’s a little after 21:00 and most of my Pod Group are asleep by 20:00.
Gratze’s light is still on. We are close in age and temperament. She is a brilliant mathematician.
I knock on Gratze’s door. It opens moments later.
Gratze is a beautiful shade of warm brown, and her eyes are electric green. Her hair is a light violet hue, and it falls in ringlets around her shoulders. Her cheeks glint with a rainbow-dusted assortment of cybernetic communication chips placed shallowly beneath her skin.
We are both still wearing our dark red government-issued jumpsuits since it’s against code to not do so outside of the sleep quarters, which are in a private area of each cabin behind closed doors. No one, not even shared Pod Groups, ever enters another crew-mate’s sleep quarters. Alarms will go off.
Fraternizing is a punishable offense.
“Hello, Melora.” Her demeanor is welcoming, if confused at seeing me at this hour. She is far too polite to comment on it, though. She opens the door all the way and motions me into her cabin to sit at a small table. The cabins are minute and sparse, and all equally sized; just enough room for one adult to live comfortably.
“Good Standard Sun Downing, Gratze.”
I will never understand this lingo. Standard Sun Downing was two hours ago at 19:00 technically, but we greet each other as if it just happened until Standard Sun Rising occurs again at 05:00. Spaceship culture, I tell ya.
“Indeed. Can I help you with something, Melora?”
“Yes, actually. I have received my Flight Command assignment just now.”
“You graduated from Stasis Transition? Why, Melora, that’s fantastic. I think we only have two more from our Pod to go.”
Gratze was one of the first to graduate. This is her second time in Cryo-Sleep. I’m not sure what her previous mission was, as those are highly classified.
“I thought so too. But well…I have been directed to meet with Colonol Crozie in the morning…”
“Colonel Crozie?” Gratze interrupts. Her facial expressions don’t betray her emotions, but I can tell she is surprised. Gratze never interrupts.
“Yes. At oh-five-hundred, before mess hall. Can you think why…?”
“Oh, Melora. Don’t be silly. I couldn’t speculate on such things. Colonol Crozie does as he will. And always has.”
Gratze is trying to possess a comforting demeanor, but I can tell she is feeling quite uncomfortable herself. She doesn’t know why I would be asked to meet with the Colonel. She has never experienced this before. Gratze would never say such a thing out-loud, of course. But I can tell. Her energy is…
“Melora, listen. I think it’s best you go to your cabin and try to get some rest. oh-five-hundred will come soon enough.”
I stand up and walk to the door while speaking. “Of course, Gratze. Thank you for the visit. Hopefully our other Pod Group members will graduate shortly. I will see you tomorrow morning at the mess hall.”
Gratze says nothing to this, she just follows me and stops at the door, inclining her head at me slightly.
“Good Standard Sun Downing, Melora.”
The door closes before I can respond.
I return to my own cabin and enter my sleep quarters. I strip my jumpsuit and step into a tiny Decontamination Stall. I don’t even have to take all of my clothes off for it to work. I press a button and one quick, punctuated zap later, I have been cleansed of all dust and germs by highly-concentrated heat waves.
I miss standing beneath a scalding-hot stream of water.
After my successful decontamination, I put on my government- issued sleep clothes: a pair of black spandex shorts and a fitted tank.
Once in my bunk, I close my eyes and wonder.
What do you want from me, Michael Crozie?
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