#got a whole gf and maybe a kid and went out of his way to be unhinged AND FOR WHAT
rescuefield-a · 1 year
the thing about neil is that his little banter with claire would have been cute if only she didn't try to gaslight him into thinking there's nothing going on in dc and he wasn't a fucking sociopath
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reveluving · 9 months
Damn ive never seen you earlier, you write graves just amazing :(
Idk if you are still taking requests but how do you think graves approached his shy gf/wife in the first place? Is he persuasive?
Aww babe!! That is so nice of you to say! 😭 Sorry it took a bit of time ‘cause I admit, I’ve never thought of this, not deeply, at least! Please enjoy ‘cause I know I did 😘💗
Includes: tooth-rotting fluff!
COD x shy!wife thots closed! Thank you, everyone, for your time & amazing minds! I sincerely hope I can do this again with y'all soon! 💌
Come & check out my COD m.list!
The possibilities of meeting Graves for the first time are endless, but I have two in mind!
The first scenario is a typical but well-loved meet cute at a café, or a bookstore or better; a book café! With you and him standing in one corner of the counter, waiting for your drinks. Graves has zero problems in offering you a polite smile, only for his amusement to grow when you return the smile, albeit a smaller one, before immediately averting your gaze. 
The barista’s taking a while to make your drinks, so after some time, he thought of just striking up a conversation.
“They’re sure takin’ their sweet time.” Was the first thing he said to you. A lighthearted comment—you would’ve been more worried if he was more gruff about it, and you weren’t even a worker there.
You nod, huffing in amusement while looking at the dishevelled teenager, “They don’t usually take this long.”
Graves nods along and though he asks you some things, such as if you were a regular customer or if you had any recommendations, regardless of whether it was sweet treats or any novels you may have stumbled upon (even if he’s not a fan of reading, he may or may not like the way you slowly yet surely open up with him), he keeps them a bare minimum. He doesn’t want you to feel forced, especially since he began the conversation.
Soon, the barista finally completes your order, but unfortunately, it’s prepared wrongly. 
Yours were hot while Graves was iced. The complete opposite of what you and he asked for.
He was perceptive, seeing you grimace but also ready to just accept whatever was offered, Graves spoke up.
“Excuse me, kid, but I’m pretty sure you got our orders mixed up,” You would’ve panicked if it wasn’t for his cordial approach. Disappointed or not, he had no problem hiding it. And even so, you couldn’t help but feel bad when they heard the dreadful words. They must’ve faced a harsher customer in the past. 
Graves was quick to reassure them, even telling them to take the mistaken orders and share with a colleague, much to your surprise. Of course, you weren’t expecting him to lash out, not right away, at least, but you weren’t blind to his… lifestyle. Just from the way he carried himself, you knew he must be some kind of a ‘man of the hour’. That, and the way he dressed/his items i.e. his laptop bag, phone. 
And yet, you never saw him as one of those unapproachable degenerates. Thinking they were high and mighty, maybe even cause a ruckus and gain some kind of benefit out of it. He was confident, sure, but he could’ve just ignored you the whole time, much like now. 
“Thank you.” You thanked him softly when the barista, with the weight seemingly lifted off their shoulders, went back to make you and Graves’ orders again. 
“It’s no problem. Thought y’might need a little help.” So he did notice. You wanted the floor to swallow you whole for not hiding your emotion better, but something about his smile, his lack of judgement, it didn’t make you feel too bad about it all. 
Plus, you couldn’t lie and say he wasn’t easy on the eye, either.
Bonus if you decide to take a leap and accept his offer of sitting together at the window seat, especially if it’s during the lunch rush! The two of you may become regulars at the café and soon enough, you exchange numbers!
The second scenario is actually part of a mini-series that I’m working on (read: collecting dust), with you being a florist! While I won’t spoil a whole lot, it involves our beloved Shiba Inu. By now, we all know Kai is extremely playful, borderline mischievous if it means being a loving pain in Graves’ ass. 
So, after looking away for a moment, only to find Kai making a mess out of some flower shop owner’s potted flowers, he’s initially more disappointed (but not surprised) than worried. But nothing a little Southern charm and a bit of reimbursement can’t solve. 
That is until he sees you.
And while this revelation wouldn’t leave him to tuck his tail between his legs, I can see him going like ‘oh’, turning away for a second to swear under his breath before putting on his award-winning smile. But in all honesty, there’s a tad bit of guilt in it, especially after he overhears you forgive Kai, who, surprisingly, is whimpering in front of you, despite your soft tone.
Oh, how Graves could never forget your voice. 
Upon approaching you at the front door, he immediately apologizes, and unlike other times where he’s trying to rush the conversation so it could all be said and done, he’s very patient with you, partially praying that you were with him, too. There’s just something so magnetic about you that he doesn’t want the conversation to end so soon. But with your bashfulness, he knows not to overwhelm you either, which was funny, since he never particularly thinks about that with others.
And from there, he has an inkling that you may be one of the few people he’s willing to learn more about while considering his own personality. So, while he doesn’t shy away from showing you his romantic side, and spoils you a whole lot, too, he also lets you know about his more ‘disliked’ personality. On days when you and he are more heart-to-heart with each other, he tells you about the side of him where he has to play offence to be the person that he is. He wants to be as transparent with you as possible, so you won’t catch a ‘whiplash’ with how he treats you versus how he treats others.
Whichever the cases may be, while he is persuasive, knowing that you’re one of a kind, he knows this is something he has to be patient about, and frankly, he’s more than fine with it. If you have a history of bad dating experiences, then you best believe that he’s willing to show you just how much you mean to him, and hopefully, vice versa. Graves isn’t one to think about a committed relationship, mostly because he never found one and with his line of work, it’s a lot to think about, but he is more than willing to adapt to the new changes (and finally spoil ‘the one’) for you.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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So we all agree Eddie was a theater kid right? So what if Steve saw him as the phantom in Hawkins’ production of Phantom of the Opera? Ignoring that Phantom first premiered in October 1986 in London and the licensing rights to the play didn’t become available until like the 2010s OR this is modern AU
Like, Steve was dating a girl (maybe the one just before Nancy?? idk) and she was in the play as Meg and he went to see her but instead was completely blown away by tall dark and handsome playing the phantom. (the sex appeal, the dramatics, the voice).
He can’t even tell his gf how well she did because it’d just be a lie anyway, it’s like his brain was only aware of the stage in front of him when the Phantom (Eddie) was on stage.
He goes to see another showing on his own the next day and is so smitten with Eddie that he sneaks backstage and leaves a rose with a black ribbon for Eddie “To the phantom, from your secret admirer”.
Steve never forgot about his crush on Eddie “the Freak” Munson, realizes he’s bi by time Vecna happens and after everyone lives, nobody dies dammit, finds out Eddie never forgot about his secret admirer and has always wanted figure out who it was.
Robin and Eddie are talking about it when Steve comes in for work one day, “Yeah, it would be even more of a romantic story if I found out who it was. But it’s still romantic as it is, isn’t it?”
“Sure, especially since you’re so adamant about it having been a guy that left it for you.”
“Ah, we’re doing guy talk? Munson has a new crush or what?” Steve says as he slips the green vest over his shoulders.
Eddie had come out to them after waking up in the hospital; Robin and Steve having been together with him on a night shift of “Eddie Watch”. Of all people to accidentally come out to while still on the hospitals high-grade painkillers, Eddie feels lucky it happened to be to (maybe) the only other queer kids in Hawkins.
“No lady has that horrible of handwriting, Buckley, it has to be a guy. But WHO??” Eddie yells to the ceiling as he throws up his arms in frustration.
“Who are you talking about? How can you have a crush on someone and you know literally nothing about them?”
Eddie grinned at Steve, launching into his story as Robin rolls her eyes and heads out from behind the counter to put back the returns (“It’s quite the tale Steve, I’ve heard it so many times I could probably tell it just as good as Eddie can.” she says before Steve can ask where’s she’s going).
Eddie tells Steve the whole story, how he got the lead in the high school’s production of Phantom, working so hard to get the songs down, how nervous he was the first show, and then the kicker (his words): he gained a secret admirer from how great his performance was.
The whole time he’s telling steve this story, Steve manages to keep his face from changing from (what Steve has found to be) his constant state of fondness for the metal head, to one of horror as he realizes Eddie is talking about him. This whole time Eddie hasn’t forgotten what he did. And yeah, if Steve’s honest with himself, his crush on Eddie never fully died out; he shoved down as far as he could, the only evidence of it remaining through the rest of his time in school was no one ever remembering King Steve Harrington ever actually doing shit to the school’s resident freak. No teasing, no shoves into lockers while walking past, nothing.
He had almost completely extinguished it, until one fateful encounter in Reefer Rick’s boathouse.
“Wow, Eds, that is a pretty great story” Steve admits, “Do you have any ideas who it could be?”
“Loads! Tommy H. for starters-don’t give me that look Steve, you know he wants all this.” Eddie chides, gesturing to himself. “Maybe it was the stage manager, Carl? No, I’ve seen his handwriting plenty…” he tails off and thinks to himself for a bit before looking back up at Steve “Either way, I know he’s out there” Eddie rubs the back of his head shyly, “and even if he isn’t crushing on me anymore, I’d still love to find out who it was at some point you know?”
Steve smiles softly at the older man, “Yeah, that makes sense. Well, good luck Munson, I hope you find him.”
“Thanks Steve.” comes a voice as quiet as Steve’s ever heard from Eddie. They look at each other for a moment before Eddie glances at the clock behind Steve’s head. “Oh shoot! I’m late to meet Wayne!” He cups his hands around his mouth to shout “BYE ROBIN!” across the empty store, then turning to the door with a “Bye Stevie!” and he’s gone.
Steve feels every muscle in his body relax, falling hard onto the counter in front of him as his face falls and his hands come up to catch it.
Robin’s done with the returns by now and sees Steve’s dramatics, “Whoa, don’t hurt yourself there, Dingus..what’s wrong?” her voice changing to concern as she rounds the counter to him.
“Robin, I’m Eddie’s secret admirer.”
Pt. 2 will be here once I write it
Now on AO3! Several Notes of the Most Amiable Nature
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tan1shere · 1 month
You just started my newfound Miko obsession 😭
Can you maybe do a drabble with reader also being Puerto Rican, but she grew up not learning Spanish (literally my life 😫) and Miko teaching her cute little phrases and just being sweet with her lil no sabo gf
She teaches you Spanish
Young Miko x Puerto Rican female reader !
A/n: Ahh you're a sweetheart I'm so glad and I sure can ml !! Now heads up I know absolutely nothing apart from maybe a few words in Spanish so please my beautiful people correct anything that's wrong if I mess this up .. Google translate isn't always correct 😃
Warnings - none, just fluff !
Was it weird you grew up in Puerto Rico yet you knew zero Spanish. Maybe a little, it bugged you if you were honest but that went away the day Miko said she'd teach you a little bit.
She had just come home from being in the studio all day. You were on the couch, honestly excited for the little lessons she was about to teach you. She sets her bags down and comes over to you. "Hi Mami." She greets, sitting down and bringing your legs over her lap. "Hi baby. Good day?" You asked. "Not bad, not bad. You ready?" You nod at her question. "Where do we start."
"Well we could start with counting? Think that'll be easy so far?" You nod yet again, sitting up a bit. Preparing for this, counting couldn't be hard right? "Uno, is one." She began, you listen carefully trying to get everything right. You repeat after her. "Good! That sounded good ok, dos."
And so on and so on. You nailed them, that was until she started firing sentences at you. "tu eres mi mundo-" "woah woah, slow down." You giggle, she laughs along with you. "Should i say it slower?" "Yes, dumb it down for me." She laughs more. "Ok, say tu. But the way I do not like two." You nod as she says that, saying it exactly how she did. Eventually putting the whole thing together. "Tu eres mi mundo?" She smiles wide. "Yes!! You got it, wooo." She grabs your hands. "What does it mean." She just shrugs with a cheeky grin.
"You didn't cuss me out or anything right?" She shakes her head. "Course, not!" She says way too enthusiastically. Your eyes squint. "I'm kidding mi Chica. I just said you are my world." A smile was brought to your face. "That's cute." A blush creeps up on your cheeks at the thought. "Exactly like you."
"Hmmm how do I say I love you?" "Te amo." You nod going to say it exactly the way she did. "Te amo baby." She smiles wide at you, proud at how well you're getting this. "yo también te amo mama." You stare at her blankly. She laughs again. "I just said I love you too mama." You lean over to kiss her. "Thank you for this I'm actually learning finally." She kisses your cheek before standing. "You're welcome baby, you did really good I'm proud." Just that sentence alone made you feel warm.
"Eres sexy como cualquier cosa." She says while standing. Yet another blank look on your features.
"Huh?" She shrugs. "You'll just have to figure it out."
Future me, hi ! I hope this is good :D
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
mad woman — ethan landry (part five)
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words: 1,769
pairing: ethan landry x gf!fem!reader
based on: mad woman by taylor swift
author’s note: only one more part left ! and the epilogue (if i decide to give y/n and ethan a happy ending).
previous part ; next part
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Y/N AND ETHAN WOKE UP AT THE SOUND OF THEIR PHONES RINGING. The girl groaned in annoyance as she reached for the device laying on the drawer. Ethan mumbled something under his breath before grabbing Y/N by the waist to push her against his bare chest again.
The girl laughed kissing his cheek “Eth, it might be important” she whispered. He sighed, letting her go. She took her phone and read the texts that were sent to the group as Ethan pressed short kisses on her neck.
y/n, ethan we have a plan.
meet us at the park in an hour
everything okay???
answer us!!!
fuck he killed her
i told you not to go with him y/n/n
wtf mindy i’m okay
why would you text that if you thought i was dead??
idk maybe you are seeing me typing
maybe you are stuck in this world trying to get revenge
you want to haunt your boyfriend for killing you!
please stop watching paranormal movies minds
we are okay. we’ll meet you there in thirty minutes
we texted you 40 minutes ago, mindy told you to meet us in an hour
yeah we are not going to make it in twenty
we need to shower
but you went to his dorm specifically to shower
why didn’t you do that already?
i did. but i need to shower again :)
i’m throwing up rn
she literally gagged
ethan my man!! so proud of you buddy!
he’s still sleeping i tired him out
lmao i’m just messing with you, minds
thank god.
because virgins survive, so you two might have a chance
oh i was kidding about him still being asleep
the rest was all true :)
just stop taking and meet us there🤮
“Why didn’t you get rid of Mindy instead of Anika?” Y/N groaned as they made their way to the shower. “I actually really liked Anika. And my patience with Mindy is running out. I swear next time she says something mean to you I-“
He cut her off with a kiss “God, I love it when you get protective” he pressed against the wall of the shower.
“The shower is for showering, babe” she pulled away.
“Can’t help it” he said kissing her neck and shoulders. Y/N smirked as she turned on the cold water, Ethan quickly stepped back.
“Y/N! What was that for?” he glared at her.
“You are in desperate need of a cold shower” she laughed “Come on, we need to hurry. Your dad said it was important for us to be there”.
Ethan sighed in defeat “Fine”.
“I promise that once this is over, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me” she gave him a peck.
“Anything?” he smirked.
“Anything” she confirmed.
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QUINN ATTACKED GALE AT HER HOUSE, ALMOST BEING SUCCESSFUL IN KILLING HER. Right now, the whole group, minus officer Bailey and Kirby, were at the hospital lounge, waiting for any news on the reporter’s health.
Y/N and Ethan were internally fuming. How many fucking lives did Gale Weathers have? It was ridiculous. Though, they really enjoyed seeing Sam’s guiltiness eat her alive.
"What do we do know?" Y/N asked, sitting on Ethan’s lap. He tightened his grip on the girl's frame as she drew invisible circles on his chest.
"Maybe he gets to win this time" Sam said, her voice was a bit shaky. They all looked at her as if she was crazy. "He wants to punish me. Me. So maybe I'll let him. I'll just give myself up. If this is what I have to do, to keep you safe, it's worth it".
"First of all, you are fucking insane if you think we'll let you do that" Y/N told her, no hesitation in her voice.
Tara stood up. "Y/N/N is right. You always protect us, now it's time we protect you. We are a team, remember?".
"We are family" Y/N corrected, standing up and walking towards Sam.
"You can say it, Chad" Mindy said, standing up too.
Chad got into his feet and with a excited smile he said. "Let's go! Core five!".
"Core what?" asked Danny.
"It's an us think" Chad explained briefly.
"He's gonna keep coming after us" Sam warned them.
"Isn't there somewhere safe we can hold up in?" Ethan asked.
"He's just going to keep finding us" Tara told him, making him sigh. "We could use that, though”.
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THE FINAL ACT WAS ABOUT TO BEGIN. The group planned on luring Ghostface into a secure location and trap him inside. The final reveal was getting close, and Y/N’s heart beat with excitement. She couldn’t wait to see the life draining from Tara’s eyes. And then, she would continue her life with the love of her life.
"Is this even a good plan?" Ethan asked, his hand gripping Y/N’s tightly, as they walked down the stairs to take the train.
"You don't have to come if you don't want to" Tara replied.
"So we just peel off so the killer takes us off one by one? No, thank you" the curly-haired boy said, making his girlfriend look at him with her eyebrows raised. "And I don't want to leave Y/N alone, of course".
The girl laughed. "You really don't have to come, you know? We are not going to blame you for not going".
Ethan sighed. "No. Like I said, I won’t leave you alone".
“Yeah, very romantic, lovebirds. Can you move now? We are going to miss the train” Mindy said annoyed from behind them.
They walked through the current of people, pushing and shoving to try to get into the train. Just as they were about to enter it, the doors closed right in front of their faces.
"The next one should be here any minute. We won't be that far behind" said Y/N to Ethan and Mindy.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go away" Mindy said to the boy.
"What do you mean?" the girl asked her confused.
"I don't trust your boyfriend".
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Mindy, not right now. Leave your stupid accusations aside, we need to stick together".
"Fine, you can stay with him. I'll wait a couple of feet away" she replied stubbornly.
"Mindy, come on" she said tiredly, but her friend didn't listen. She turned to face the tall boy. "Can I be the one who gets rid of her?".
Ethan tried not to laugh “I’m sorry but we have to take advantage of her stubbornness. Text Quinn, it’ll be less suspicious if you do it”.
“How disappointing” she scoffed, pulling her phone out.
hey quinn. we are about to take the train. we missed the first, so we are taking the next one.
mindy distanced herself from us cause she doesn’t trust your brother.
it’ll be a great opportunity to get rid of her
(i’m so jealous you get to do it btw).
roger that:)
aw i’m sorry, i promise i’ll be extra brutal for you :)
stop flirting with me!
no can do ;)
“Hey, what the fuck?” Ethan whispered, reading the conversation over her shoulder.
Y/N laughed “Don’t worry, pretty boy. My heart is only yours”.
“That’s right. You are mine” he said, gripping her hips.
“You are so hot when you get territorial” she said pressing a kiss on his jaw.
When they boarded the train, Mindy walked towards the end of the wagon, away from them but at a reasonable distance so she could keep an eye on Ethan.
“This is perfect” Y/N whispered, looking around. The train was crowded with people dressed as famous killers—Jason, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Pennywise.
"What’s your favorite scary movie, darling?” the boy joked. He was towering over her, and her back was pressed against a metal tube.
Y/N rolled her eyes "Shut up, idiot. I was never a fan of those types of movies”
“Maybe that could be one of our dates, watching scary movies”
“I’ll do anything as long as it’s with you” she smiled sweetly. He got closer to her, now they were chest against chest, and kissed her cheeks multiple times.
“Gross” said a familiar voice from next to them. Just after that, the light went out.
“That’s your cue, Quinnie” Y/N told her.
“Don’t call me that” she grumbled before starting to get closer and closer to Mindy.
On the next stop, when a big number of people stepped out of the train, the couple turned around to see Mindy sitting on the floor, hands pressed to her stomach and blood staining her shirt.
"No, fuck!" Y/N yelled faking concern as she ran towards her. She wanted to smile so badly at the sight of the girl in pain "You've got to be kidding me! I'm so sorry, Minds".
"Somebody help!" Ethan screamed, but no one moved one finger to do something. "Shit. We've got to get her out of here".
Y/N nodded. "Breath deep" she told her before pulling her to her feet. The girl let out a groan of pain as the couple lead her out of the train. "Thanks for nothing, assholes!".
"Somebody call 911!" Ethan yelled as they put the wounded girl on the floor of the station. "Are you okay?".
"Yeah, I'm so good" she said through her teeth.
"You're going to be okay" Ethan told her.
"Goddam it! I got it wrong again!" she cried. The paramedics arrived and started to check on the wounded girl.
"Is she going to be okay?" Y/N asked them.
"Yes, your friend will be fine, don't worry. We are going to give her painkillers, while we drive her to the hospital" they informed her.
“Minds, they need all the help they can get. I hate to leave you alone, but…” Y/N started.
Mindy nodded in understanding “You have to help them, it’s okay. Go”.
“If you need anything, call me okay?” Y/N told her.
“I’ll be fine, really. Just… be careful with him, okay? I know he’s your boyfriend and you like him, but never trust the love interest”.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be okay” she assured her before the paramedics took her away. “Heard that? I should be careful with you” she turned around with a smirk to face her boyfriend. “Are you gonna hurt me?”.
Ethan laughed “Depends, are you into those types of kink?”.
“You really should’ve taken that cold shower” Y/N said rolling her eyes, but smiling nonetheless. “Now, let’s go. It’s time for the big finale, baby!”.
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doumadono · 8 months
mmm emergency request
take as long as you need to answer!! or if this is too triggering, no need to answer at all!!
tw for mention of childhood m*lestation
so recently (couple of weeks ago) i found out that my dad’s friend/girlfriend kind of knows the guy who m*lested me as a kid…
she knows everything that happened and knows how difficult it was for me to heal from. now finding out that she knows him— it set me back and i distanced myself from her.
a bit ago she called me, telling me that i should forgive him for what he did to me… and it went into a whole thing and now i’m trying not to cry while writing this lol
but anyways
it set me back really far and all of my progress is gone so i was just hoping for some comfort??
like twice or dabi comforting their gf/s.o. through this and helping them try to heal again.
maybe even twice or dabi getting a bit of revenge on the two people lol /j
sorry if this doesn’t make sense i’m just a bit out of it
- twice & dabi anon
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Twice is initially shocked and angered when he learns about your troubled past and the person responsible for your pain.
He lets out a string of curses directed at the one who caused you harm, showing a protective side that you hadn't seen before.
Immediately, Twice pulls you into a comforting embrace.
"I might be a bit crazy, but I'm crazy about you. We'll get through this together, I'll never let you face it all alone."
After learning more about the person who hurt you, Twice puts together a plan for justice. "Nobody messes with my girl and gets away with it."
He ensures you have the support you need, encouraging you to take good care of yourself and promising to be there for every step of your healing journey.
As you try to hold back tears, Twice pulls a playful expression, "And if you need someone punched, I got a clone for that too. Or ten."
Twice is genuine, realizing that some battles require a team effort, and mental health is no exception.
Later, you discover Jin had discreetly gathered information to ensure the person responsible faced the consequences.
Twice, without a moment's hesitation, serves justice to the person who has caused you harm.
One day, accidentally overhearing him in conversation with Toga, you catch her asking for "the blood of his new friend." The request surprises you, but you eventually shrug it off.
The next day, Twice seeks you out and declares that the case is concluded, justice served.
When you express a desire to learn more, he simply smiles at you, smoothly shifting the topic, leaving the details in the shadows of his actions. "Don't worry, little mousie, Twice did his best to make sure they won't hurt you ever again."
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Dabi listens silently as you open up about your troubled past. His eyes, however, betray a mix of anger and concern.
"No one should go through that. I'll make sure they pay for what they did to you, princess."
Dabi, in his understated way, offers a warm touch, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Don't think about that anymore. Let me take care of everything."
Dabi, true to his straightforward nature, ensures justice is served.
As you express your fear of encountering your past abuser, Dabi assures you, "I won't let them get away with it, don't ya worry your pretty, little head, princess."
Dabi, true to his character, never utters empty promises. Swiftly acquiring information about the person's name and address, he becomes a rare sight within the League of Villains' hideout for the next few days. Unbeknownst to you, he meticulously stalks every move of the individual, methodically transforming their life into a nightmare.
Days pass, and news reports flood the airwaves. Resting your head on Dabi's shoulder while watching the news, you hear of a house engulfed in flames, with a person unable to escape the inferno. The police chalk it up to a gas leak, citing eyewitnesses who observed the flames as an eerie shade of blue.
Your eyes widen, and you glance at Dabi, seeking confirmation. "Dabi..."
He, however, responds by gently placing his index finger to your lips, silencing any questions. "I promised you something, and I'm a man of my word, yeah?"
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coffeecat1983 · 3 months
Mario Bros: "The way things used to be"
A gift for @stripetkattelalala54-gf
TW: body injury, PTSD, fear of drowning and anxiety attacks.
From drabble prompt #57 “I miss the way things used to be.”
They all noticed it. The shift in his mood, the haunted look that he tried so hard to hide. And yet it kept forcing its way to the surface.    It started small. A shiver, a whimper at loud noises that he would quickly choke back. The slam of a car door or the blare of a car alarm and he'd pull away, sapphire eyes darting around nervously.      "I don't know what to do, Ma." Luigi confessed one night as he helped wash up from dinner. "I keep askin' if he's okay, he just says he's 'fine' and won't say anything else.    Thinking it over, Marianna hummed. "Let me see what I can do." Her result was the same as Luigi's. A light shrug, and a quiet "I'm fine, it's nothing."    Unsure of what else to do, Marianna turned to Arthur for help. Thinking some time together might coax his nephew to open up, he invited Mario to the arcade. Agreeing, Mario went with along with Bria and Tony.      "So how 'bout it, kid? Go karts?" Arthur asked. Mario looked towards the karts as they shot past and Arthur saw it. His whole body tensed as he took a step back.
   His kart shook beneath him as he tried to steer, tried to stay on the road while chaos erupted around him.
     "M-Maybe laser tag." Mario suggested, trying to calm his pounding heart. Bria cheered and grabbing her dad's hand, led the way into the arcade to the arena. Once fitted with their vests and laser pistols, the group entered the main room. Everything seemed to be going well until the scarce lighting shut off as a voice came over the PA system.      "Look out, space cadets, we've got a birthday in the galaxy and you know what that means! Raaaaaiiinbow madness! Find the aliens hiding in the rainbows!"    The walls glowed as neon rainbows appeared all over. In the glow, Arthur could see it. Mario's eyes had gone wide and his chest was heaving. As the floor tiles flashed with the bright colors, Mario let out a faint cry.
   His ears were ringing from the explosion and then water was around him, over his head and cold, so cold. He was going to drown, he would die here, never see his family again...
     "Kid, wait!" Arthur called out as Mario took off, ripping off his vest and dropping the laser pistol. Chasing after him, Arthur caught up in the men's room as Mario ducked into one of the stalls and hunched over, coughing and gagging. A moment later he stumbled out of the stall, face streaked with tears. Arthur put an arm around him.      "C'mon," he said softly. "We'll go home." Mario shook his head. "I just, I need some air. Let Bria and Uncle Tony finish their match."      "Alright." Leaving the men's room they found the other two waiting for them. Both took one look at Mario and insisted the night was over, Bria proclaiming she was tired and wanted to go home and watch movies as she latched onto his arm. Mario gave a weak smile and gave in, the group returning to the apartment building.    Going into the living room, Mario went to take a seat on the couch. Salvatore was in his usual chair, a murder mystery on the TV. A character in the show tossed a brick to break into a house. The sound of glass shattering filled the little living room right as Tony entered.
   Glass cracked, the sound mixing with the screech of broken metal and all he could feel was pain enveloping him. His twin, where was his brother? It was so loud, the glass shattering beneath his body. Something in his arm had snapped, the pain growing until he wanted to black out...
   Mario was up and breathing frantically, he hurried past Arthur and Tony and down the hall to the Bros room, slamming the door behind him. Luigi jumped up from the couch and he and Arthur both went to follow, only to be grabbed and held back.      "Hang on you two." Tony said, letting them go. "Let me talk to him. I think I know what's going on."    Noticing his twin's hand went to his side as he spoke, Arthur understood and stepped back.    Tony was quiet as he slipped into the bedroom, making sure to close the door behind him. His heart ached when he saw Mario was on his bed, curled up tightly as he trembled. Soft sniffles escaped him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Tony continued to remain silent until the figure beside him shifted and sat up, legs drawn to his chest.    Eyes gazing around the room, the older man settled on a poster of a race car.      "I ever tell you your Uncle Art and I were in a car accident?" he began softly. Mario raised his head, listening. Sensing the movement, Tony continued without looking at him.      "We were teens, had just been cleared to drive on our own, so we wanted to try night drivin'. Why we picked a rainy night, I'll never know." he closed his eyes as that night came back to him.      "I was driving. Things were goin' pretty good, too. Then I pulled into the intersection and that truck came barrelin' through."
   He heard the blare of the truck horn and his arm shot out, instinctively reaching to protect his little brother. An ear splitting scream of metal twisting on metal and the seatbelts snapped. He was airborne, glass shattering as his body twisted and flew forward.
   A hand to his side again. "Got cut up pretty bad and it knocked me out. Still got the scars on my side."
     "Tony! Please, wake up! PLEASE!"
   Mario was sitting beside him now, listening.      "I remember beyond the pain, all I kept thinkin' was 'Is Art safe? Where's my lil bro?'." Tony continued. "Heh, after that, I let my license go. Didn't drive again for two years. That's why Art drives most of the time when we go somewhere."    Thinking about this, Mario realized something. "But you work at a garage." A wave of his uncle's hand. "A way to face my fears, you could say. I still get nervous hearin' glass break. Still sometimes have bad dreams."    His nephew stared at the floor, shoulders slumped. "That rainbow road I talked about." he finally said. "There was a bomb that went off. At least, it felt like a bomb. The road broke apart. And there are times I feel it again. Falling into the ocean, water closing in on me." his voice choked as he teared up. "Or it's that fight. I feel myself hitting the car. F-Feel the glass..." he let out a sob. Tony put a hand on his shoulder.      "Feel the glass break?" he offered gently. Another sob and Mario shook his head.      "It won't st-stop!" he cried. "I see it over and over! An' all I can think is that, that thing is gonna kill Lu, gonna kill my family!"
   Bowser saw Mario looking towards the twins, his expression giving it away.      "Ah, those two mean something to you." Bowser purred. "I'll kill them when I'm done with you and your brother!"
   Breaking down more, Mario clung to his uncle as he shook with sobs. “I want it to stop! I m-miss the way things u-used to be!”    Holding him, Tony remembered crying in Marianna's arms, saying the same thing.      "It will be," he repeated, "it takes time, but it will be." He held Mario a little tighter. "And we're all here for you until it is."
By "CC"
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youn9racha · 2 years
Natural Pleaser
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pairing: bf!chan x gf!afab reader
genre: smut
synopsis: your boyfriend is a natural pleaser, he loves to make you feel good so he could feel good. And when you offered him yourself on his special day so he could feel good, he knows just the thing.
warning: piv, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), d/s dynamics, dom!chan, sub!reader, reader uses she/her pronouns, heavy praise, cunnilingus, rushed smut, chris/chan is used interchangeably, chan's a sweetie so sweet you may get a cavity 😔, cockwarming? maybe?, slight choking but not for long.
words: 1.9 (?) k
a/n: uh... hi... its been a while lmfao !!! as y'all know, i haven't been posting lately because of, you guessed it, uni. it had killed my drive to write, but i decided to write this quick piece because its my ult and baby's birthday, and what better way to celebrate then write a lowkey self insert fic ??? 👹👹 anyhow, hopefully y'all would enjoy it nonetheless.
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This is no way representative of the way Stray Kids act. They’re nothing but references of character, and in no shape or form is this how they act. And I am in no way romanticizing or glamorizing any toxic behavior exhibited, they’re just stories that is meant to be read. Readers discretion is advised.
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Nothing could encapsulate your arousal, excitement, and glee like the birthday of your favorite man in the whole world. The ever so generous and kind love giving out from the heart in soul to those he loves, and to you was no less. He relishes in the good times you two share which adds another line of a story in the chapter of his love that is dedicated to you.
And to say you don’t feel the same way would be an understatement. The way you were currently staring up at his bedroom eyes as he was gasping and groaning at the warm tight feeling of your cunt that wrapped around his cock as his hips snaps into yours at a fiery yet pleasant pace.
His birthday celebration started normally, you two spent it with a simple romantic dinner that you and the boys helped plan. A typical social butterfly, he was accustomed to having a big celebration with his great sum of friends and having a wonderful time. But that was before he knew you on a deeper level; now he couldn’t care less about the number of people who show up and celebrates it with him, if you are there with him, he’ll take it over a party.
And that’s what it was, you and him having a bonding time together and giving him the best time of his life. You presented him with precious gifts that he would either ogle at a distance from the display window of a clothing shop or him placing it in his wish list, to which he responds with his typical humble yet appreciative objections.
“Oh, baby, you shouldn’t have…” he says with a big smile on his face.
And what you could kill to have that smile permanently on his face. You adored the man who went by Chris, you would do everything to please him and make him happy. Of course, he felt and did the same thing, but you thought that your love for him has exceeded the seventh heaven, which you tried to give him that, after telling him that he could do as he pleased with you while you teasingly rubbed your foot across his leg and ultimately his crotch under the table, smiling at him with that feign innocent smile that you knew drives him wild.
And you knew what you were in for when Chan dragged you out of the restaurant and away to your shared apartment. Once you two arrived at your complex, Chan dropped the gifts you got him on the floor, and his hands were on you instantly.
The closer you two got to your bedroom, the fewer clothes that attached to your skin, and once you two reached your bed, you two were practically bare, apart from Chan’s bottoms. A natural pleaser, the way he drew onto your skin with kisses that his plump lips provided with affection always gave you the sensation of electricity.
“Chan…” you sighed, nearly protesting him, it was supposed to be his day, he was supposed to be felt good, but you knew he wouldn’t allow that.
“Shh,” he hushed sweetly, his hardworking slender fingers roamed your body, touching your sensitive breast to your soft tummy to your inner thighs, “I know you want me to feel good, but,” his soft voice paused as he began kissing your jaw and it started to go south until you suddenly felt his breath onto your wet core.
“I could only feel good if you felt good,” he looked up to you with a smile before he began kissing your clit and began with his feast, savoring every drop of nectar you were handing him. You breathed heavily and gasped the more his tongue lapped more of your sensitive parts, with him occasionally pulling away to praise you and how good you taste.
“fuck, baby… you taste so good,” he chuckled slightly, licking his lips as your arousal stuck to his face, chin glistening with your juices. Before him pulling away, you felt almost orgasm, and he knew that based on your breathing pattern, moans, and the way you called his name as your grabbed chunks of his hair.
“Chris… Chris…”
That prayer you gave him, the way your toes were curling, your hips levitated across his face with his nose hitting your core, he knew your body language very well, better than anyone could imagine. And he didn’t want you to come on his face, that’s not what he needed, it not what you deserved most importantly.
Chan got up and began unbuckling his belt, you laid there beautifully with your legs spread, biting onto your thumb as you anticipated the exact moment you have been waiting for. Once his bottom and boxers were off, his already erected cock sprung out and slapped onto his lower abdomen, making you clench to the air and goosebumps cascading through your skin. Even though this wasn’t the first time he has ever been bare in front of you, he almost has a way to leave you enamored by the beauty that is his naked body. He noticed your reaction, making him chuckle and hold one hand on your face and the other on his cock.
“Aw, does my baby want my cock in her? Is that what she wants?”
It’s not so often Chan speaks like this to you, especially not when his hand that’s on your face has his thumb run across the bottom of your face while the other languidly strokes his parts, hissing slightly at the feeling, but to say that this moment was unattractive would make you a liar. You nodded back as you parted your lips slightly, expecting him to insert his thumb in, only for him to lower his hand down to your throat, his hand wrapped around it not too much where it was suffocating you but enough to leave you gasping at the surprising action.
He laughed as his hand slid down, his forefinger created a line from your chin to the center of your clavicle, “you are so cute, baby… I hope you know that.”
Each time he praises you, you feel yourself blush. His praises and compliments almost always hit you in different ways that no person could, no less in moments like these. His lips began to attach themselves to yours, sweet words still slipping through his lips with mumbles in hopes to melt into your skin. Your moan turns into a wide-open gasp as you felt him stretch your walls with his appropriate girth and length so well, however, in contrast to that unexpected action, Chan still sweetly kissed your cheek and jaw, complimenting you on your way.
“You take me so well—fuck,” he cursed at the feeling of how tight you were, driving him mad in the process. Despite everything, he was still so patient and waited for you to adjust before he starts moving in and out of you. While at it, you two took a moment admiring each other, taking in every physical attribute you two carried, especially with the way you looked at Chris, and how you wanted to thank his parents for creating and raising such a beautiful man. You always thought he was good-looking, but when you were being intimate with him like right now, his looks exceed handsomeness.
Once you gave him the green light to move, his hips began moving at a soft pace as a start-up, him humming at how you wrap yourself around him. He lifted his torso and adjusted your position once again by spreading your legs slightly further and lifting your hips slightly, just so he could have a better angle inside of you and would go at a favorable pace.
His two hands were on your hips and he started moving once again, this time faster than the last one, making you mewl underneath him. The room echoes the sounds of your mouths expelling out moans and whines along with wet skin clapping against each other with how Chris was going.
“Oh, my, (y/n)—you are so good to me, you know?” Chan groaned out his broken words. You two were feeling so good, neither of you is sober enough to comprehend what is happening as you two got drunk off each other.
Chan’s thrusts began to feel even more passionate as more praises escape his lips and more loud whines expelled from your mouth at your end. You were sure that the neighbors have heard the two of you, but it’s not like either of you cared. It wasn’t only because it was Chris’s special day, but also because you two enjoyed having this proximity with each other, loving each other like tomorrow’s the last day you two were alive. Even though you two are out of it, you are damn sure that your affection is up in the air, especially with how you extended your arm out to hold his hand, to which he did back, entangling his fingers with yours.
“oh, fuck—fuck, baby! I’m so close!” his voice became high-pitched as he felt his lower stomach heating up, and he knew you also felt your peak was reached, which was true, especially with how you yelped out his name while wrapping your legs around his waist. You two made eye contact, almost feeling vulnerable at the moment as you two nodded at each other.
“You’re gonna come with me, yeah?” he asked through his moans, his eyes sparkling mirrored yours. Incapable to speak, you could only nod and let out an “uh huh” as a response. He then asked another question.
“Can I please come inside? Can I cover you up with my cum?”
The question matching with his hot voice made you yelp even louder “uh huh,” as if to say ‘you didn’t need to ask, just do it!’
And he did as promised, as you two came down almost the same time, you felt yourself getting filled by a warmth downstairs, making you squirm and twitch as you shudder at the intense orgasm you just had. Meanwhile, Chris let out a slight squeal as he finally reached his peak as well, almost dropping his head onto your shoulders, making you two catch your breaths.
The once explicit sounds of lovemaking turned into pants as the intense activity left you two breathless. You patted on Chan’s back, and your fingernails then began running across his sweaty back, making his body shake as his goosebumps creep up to his skin. He lifted his head to look down at you with a smile, kissing your lips, it was chaste and sweet yet passionate and filled with love altogether, just like one would sum up your relationship with Chan.
Once he pulls away he smiles at you as he bites your cheeks, making you two laugh before you two stare straight into each other’s eyes again.
“Thank you for the best birthday, (y/n),” he kisses your forehead, “I love you so much.”
You smiled back at him, “I love you more, Christopher… glad I made it worthwhile.”
“You sure did!” He smiled his dopey smile which resulted in you two laughing once again before settling with another make-out session.
No matter how many rounds you two went, no matter what day it would be; Chan has always been a natural please, and there is truly no one like him.
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downbadreading · 2 years
stray kid fic recs
thank you for the authors for such a great fic! i will update it time by time!
reminder that tumblr works by reblogging not likes so make sure to rb the fics!
my main fic recs here.
sharing a bed series by @skzdarlings (m)
-this is a standalone for each member! AND IT'S SO GOOD BECAUSE IT'S THE GOLDEN TROPE
for reasons wretched and divine by @noramoons (m)
the chance of love by @maatryoshkaa
another great fic! it;s a hs au, with chan being the perfect top student paired with oc who's determined to find out his flaw!
hatefuck by @ballelino (m)
my first ever fic of ballelino that got me hooked. it's so good, hot, pure and wholesome at the whole time!
instinct by @fizzydrink698 (m)
I AM ON MY KNEES. this is abo au and it's perfect. there's no flaw on this it's insane i read this religiously EFIPUHR9UFHRWUG fem reader is an alpha and chan is an omega!
wedding season series by @ballelino (m)
this is the one that i follow during the update, while it's ongoing. and i went crazy with it. i love it with my whole heart. ex reader and ex minho go to chan wedding because reader sure there's a chance for a relationship to arise. but is it truly with chan? HUHHH??!!??
cupid's Christmas by @btssmutgalore (m)
instead of you by @sluttywonwoo
fake dating trope but not with minho yet the tension is all the same. SO GOOD, I DON'T KNOW IF IT'S TRUE BUT I AM SENSING SOME TRIGONOMETRY PROBLEM
consort by @fizzydrink698
NOW THIS. where do i get started i love oc relationship with minho. btw it's crown prince minho x fem reader (BUT BEFORE THIS READER WAS COURTED BY FELIX WHO IS MINHO HALF BROTHER) so yeah you got me it's insane i wanna die and cry.
friends with benefits by @starrgaziinggg (m)
the tension. the sweetness. the care. the affection. the anxious. MY I WANT TO BANG MY HEAD BECAUSE IT'S SO CUTE,
communicate through blinks by @rachalixie
-this is a drabble (maybe) and it doesn't seems like it have a title but please if let me know if there's one anyways this is sooooo cute like if my future partner are not like this i will break HSHSHSHH
conflict, conceal, confess | minho by @fizzydrink698
-i've nothing to say anymore. please. this is gold. ALL OF IT, WORD BY WORD.
something in the rain by @jl-micasea-fics [m]
-the built up is insane. barely two chapter but i'm so fucking excited for this series!
° one bite by @seospicybin
- please it's so spicy HSHSHSHS two somewhat cheating (make it even more spicier to read yk) with hyunjin's gf!
the favourite by @seospicybin (M)
this one get me all hot and bothered with a wholesome moment! dad changbin x writer reader who somehow ended up babysitting his child! AND GOSH SHE'S CUTE TOO
All for nothing by @hyunfilms (m)
i love this way more than enything else. full stop. this is LIFE!
the guys next door by @jl-micasea-fics (M)
this fic leave me hanging with jaw on the floor because how good is it. I LOVE THE TRIPOD TRIO WITH MY WHOLEEEE HEART.
little white lie by @fizzydrink698
fake dating au. there's supposed to be another chapter because it's a series but not yet, and i hope there will be. because there surely something between the lines i'm just not sure what and which one is right
on tour (hyunjin,felix, reader) by @seospicybin
i just want to scream this is perfection. not a poly fic but something way moree and there's five in total!
° the zone by @cb97percent
- for a god sake how could I somehow miss this IT'S INSANE IT'S ON ANOTHER LEVEL I WANNA READ IT AGAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME FOR REAL. I love the mc dynamic with hyunjin on this masterpiece fr with some Minho (I'm loyal I'm loyal am I )
-on tour (Hyunjin, felix) by @seospicybin
PLEASE THIS IS SO FREAKING GOOD I WANNA CRY THE TWIST OH MY. not a poly fic, but it's something more gold!
My favourite author you should must read
@cb97percent @ballelino @fizzydrink698 @jl-micasea-fics @seospicybin
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ameonds-dragonn · 2 years
Christmas Surprises
Summary: got the idea about Modern Aemond’s gf having a past with his ex brother in law, Harwin Strong. At the annual Targaryen Christmas party, an old ghost shows up unexpectedly. Leaving you alone at the bar and Aemond taking care of your drunken state. Also he suggest something that has you leaving his bed for the night
Warnings: Drinking, legal drinking age, party, sexual tension, old fuck buddies meeting again. Harwin’s sexy ass being a total DILF 🫠 mentions of threesome
@valeskafics since I sent you the idea 🥴
Alicent invited me to the family’s annual Christmas party, the whole family and the employees were gonna be at the house. Before they closed the company for the holidays. Aemond asked me out after last year’s Christmas party. It was gonna be my first big family event with him.
I had spent the whole week getting ready for it, nails, hair, lash extensions, fancy dress, new heels I would kill myself in. This was a huge thing for me to meet the rest of Aemond’s family. I had briefly met Rhaenyra once in passing.
Valet parked my car next to Aemond’s as I walked up the stairs. Criston the bodyguard was holding the door and checking names.
“Wow aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. Aemond is in the living room”, Criston smiled and let me in.
Aemond’s back was turned as I walked in the room, Aegon shot up and smiled.
“Damn” Aegon smirked as Aemond turned around.
“You look gorgeous, my love” Aemond kissed me.
“Oh you made it! Here”, Helana handed me a glass of champagne
“Thank you, Hel. Told you that dress would do wonders for you”, I smiled.
She was looking at my chest in amusement
“How do you get them to stay up like that?”
“Witch craft, I’ll show you later” I smirked
It was gonna be another hour before the dinner started, so we stayed in the living room. I made my place on Aemond’s lap as Aegon sat between Dareon and Helana.
“You should have been there, Y/n” Aegon whined at the fact he lost to beer pong to his older cousin. Apparently at some party at college.
“Hey guys” Jace, their nephew walked in
“Jace, your mom needs you again” A deep voice said
I looked up to see my old fuck buddy in the door way. I jumped back in Aemond’s lap, making Aemond. “Y/n, stop moving” Aemond grabbed my waist.
“Hi kids” Harwin grinned as he followed his son.
“I’ll uh be back. Where’s your mom, Hel?” I asked getting off of Aemond’s lap
“Kitchen maybe”’
I seen Aemond’s eyebrows furrow as I made the corner
“Hi Y/n, you look lovely darling” Nrya smiled
“Uh oh thanks. Where’s Ali? I wanted to say hello”, I shuffled.
“Front room. Are you okay? You look sick” Nrya laid her hand on my forehead
“I’m fine” I ran to the front room
I made a bee line for the half bath, slamming the door behind me.
“Fuck fuck! Why me, God? All of the people I could have fucked drunk it had to be Aemond’s brother in law” I sat on the floor
The music was blaring, guests were mumbling as they passed the door. I needed to get out before Aemond came looking. Or I ran into Harwin again.
I motioned the bartender
“I need double tequila shots or a tranquilizer” I whined
She looked me up and down, “What’s wrong? It’s a Christmas party in a mansion”
“Shots first” I sighed
Jasmine was her name, she told me to take some shots and relax. Could be worse. She was right. Too damn right
“Old fashioned, love. Thank you” Harwin sat down.
“Hey you” Harwin said as he waited for his drink.
“Did we fuck when you were still married?” I blurted out
Harwin choked on air, “No no. Rhaenyra and I have been divorced for two years”
I nodded.
“How long have you and Aemond been together?” Harwin sipped his drink
“Year and a month”, I replied
I stood up and went to find Aemond
“There you are, love” Aemond rubbed his hands up my back
The spins started on me, I grabbed Aemond’s arm and laid my head on his chest.
“Alright, you’re cut off. Nrya said you wanted mom but never went to her.” Aemond pulled me with him
“Sorry Tiffany called, must have slipped my mind” I hummed
The dinner went by fast, Daemon gave the toast before we ate. Thanking the employees for a good year and for the hard work. Harwin sat in front of me with his younger son, Luke. I could feel his gaze on me.
Aemond and Aegon went outside for a smoke as the guest were in the ballroom. Helana dragged me to go dance with her.
“What’s up with you? You’re never this quiet”
“I’m drunk, Hel” I sighed as she dipped me
“Y/n, have seen you dance on the bars like you’re Rachel from Coyote Ugly. You’re not a quiet drunk” Helana giggled, bringing me back up.
Harwin and Nrya were dancing, they looked like they were in love again. Harwin had his hand on Nryas tiny waist as they swayed.
“I miss them together” Helana said
“Me too. Wonder if he dropped the dark headed girl? She was your age, Y/n you kinda look like her” Jace said.
“Jace! That’s not a compliment”, Helana groaned at her nephew.
“I wasn’t calling Y/n a whore. That girl was kidna a slut messing with my dad like that” Jace laughed.
“Excuse me”, i pushed past the arguing nephew and aunt. My stomach was turning and I needed air
“Hi baby” Aemond smiled as I leaned over the railing. Letting my guts out
“Shit” Aegon mumbled
Aemond held my hair back as it had came undone from my half up pony. I started crying some. “Hey what happened? Too much again?” Aemond asked
“Yeah sure, Aemond. Just stop asking me questions” I sighed, wiping my mouth. Aegon handed me his breast pocket.
“Thanks Aeg” I looked up at him
“Need me to help you with her?” Aegon asked his younger brother.
“No, I’m good. Just tell mother we’re turning in early” Aemond threw me over his shoulder
“Night kid” Aegon said as we walked back in
“Bye” I hiccuped
The party had to be over, music had stopped and I heard cars driving down the road. I was in Aemond’s bed in his Deftones t-shirt.
“Hey. How you feeling, bug?” Aemond asked from his chair.
“Like I’ve been ran over by a truck”, I whined
Aemond shut his book and climbed into bed with me. Holding me into his chest.
“Good reason to not drink like Aegon”, Aemond smirked.
“Don’t make fun of me, I’m sick” I whined
There was a pregnant pause as I listened to his heart beat. Trying to go back to sleep and to deal with the hangover tomorrow.
“Does my ex brother in law have anything to do with you drinking?” Aemond asked
I jerked up, looking at him like he had three heads, “What?”
“Just asking. You were messing with a guy that kinda described him. And you started acting different when he told us hello tonight”
I looked at him, finding words to say to him
“Yeah. He was my old fuck buddy before we got to, I ended it after our second date. I had no idea he was married to your sister, I swear
my life to you” I sighed.
“I’m not mad, baby. Figured something happened between you two, he kept looking at you tonight.” Aemond brushed a hair out of my face
“I love you, Aem” I kissed his him
“I love you too, drunkard. Now go to sleep”, Aemond bopped my nose as he pulled me to his side.
“I’m not that drunk, ass” I groaned
Aemond laughed
It was silent , besides the ceiling fan and rain hitting the window.
“Wanna have a threesome with him sometime?” Aemond blurted out
“And you call Aegon a dirty pervert. I’m going to Hel’s room” I got up and walked to his sister’s room.
“Just asking, princess” He winked as I looked back to him
I flipped him off before opening Helana’s door
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chidoroki · 1 year
when we think about it, Isabella spent hours to make little Berny for Conny's birthday when she knew at this point that Conny would be shipped one month after this birthday
(she know who will be shipped in the three/four months to come, except if one of these kids made a spectacular progresses suddently, then… this kid is saved for a while i guess).
She spent hours to create a toy that was going to be cherished for only four weeks. and she probably did that for a lot of kids who has the same mont of time than Conny, some had probably more and some had maybe less.
She loves so much her kids and wants them to be happy so much.
For Ray she literally managed to obtain a cool watch that he still uses at almost 12 (and maybe he took it in the escape). He took care of it, he didn't use it for create the anti-trackers device, so he enjoyed the gift.
I dunno exactly how far in advance Isabella knew Conny was gonna be the next one to be shipped out (though she had to be aware it was only a matter of time since her her test scores were pretty low), so the fact Isabella went through all that trouble to make something for her is very sweet indeed. I say "trouble," but with Isabella being so skilled with everything, I can imagine she made Little Bunny fairly quickly.
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I also love that Isabella decided to make Little Bunny from scratch rather than just order a bunny plush like all the other objects she gifted Ray as it gives that extra personal touch which really shows how deep her love is for these kids.
When ya say cool watch, are you referring to the pocket watch Ray often used during his time Grace Field? I.. never thought that it would've been another one of his gifts he received from acting as Isabella's watch dog. How did I never think of that..? I mean, it would make sense, yeah? Where else would he even get one if not from Isabella herself? I doubt one was conveniently lying around the house for him to take. Oh, I like this idea very much. (y'all, is this confirmed to be true anywhere about how/when he got the pocket watch??)
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About whether or not he took it with him post-escape, I wondered the exact same thing and thankfully I was awarded with an answer during ch61. Unfortunately, I'm slow with realizing that these are two completely different watches, as the one he used at GF didn't open like this one apparently does. Sigh..
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Okay so now I'm gonna ramble about something that's been on my mind recently due to me comparing some season two scenes to recent manga chapters, but the watch in the second season's OP has to be Ray's, yea?
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The tracking devices Isabella & Krone use are silver, not to mention that we get a clear shot of Ray's during s1ep1. It also doesn't open up like the one used during the trip to Goldy Pond.
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Of course what caught my eye are the several tiny scratches on the pocket watch seen in the Identity OP. Had I not gone back to check the first episode just now, I would've imagine the scratches could've been from the stick he used during ch181.5 or something, but since that event of him destroying his tracker takes place before the anime starts, that obviously can't be true. His extra chapter released way after season one anyways and he wasn't even shown using the pocket watch then either. This moment only came to mind because of how precise he timed Isabella's arrival.
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Perhaps the damage is just there for dramatic effect. I dunno, just a random thought I've been wondering about. Oh, and the anime pocket watch also doesn't include the chain it has in the manga. I can't complain about that detail though since it's so minor and would've been an extra, unnecessary thing to animate.
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I know the question started off with Conny and I just went on a whole Ray tangent and for that I apologize, especially considering it was Conny's birthday, aahaha. Well, I'm posting this a couple minutes late in that case but I was close!
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psychic-refugee · 1 year
A few new developments…Shitshow 1 might be in some legit deep shit if she released those photos.
I have posted previously that the accusers may not ever see a suit from him because they literally aren’t worth it.
For the CSAM, I was really hands off because I hadn’t seen the photos, I didn’t see the original tweet spreading them, and didn’t have any of the facts. Perhaps it was my naivety, but I had assumed two things. 1) these images had been made as a “gift” to a girlfriend of his. 13 is really young IMO, but I was like, ok that’s the world we live in these days, and I didn’t actually know how old he was in the photos. 2) I thought the first instance of the pics being shared online or the police made aware was recently.
In general, I thought how it went was PHW gave these pics to a GF. The GF maybe shared with someone as a “OMG, look what PHW gave me, should I send him mine?” So, someone in that friend group more or less kept the pics because…??? Pics go from friend to friend bc kids are dumb and have no real sense of consequences yet, then they somehow made their way to Shitshow 1. My assumption was that an actual friend had leaked those pics, hopefully without malice, and Shitshow for her own reasons didn’t want to bust them out. So, she made up the “chatroom” excuse.
I am of the belief the reddit post was her, and so maybe she had also secretly posted on the other website hoping someone would recognize him and point it out for her.
I was of the opinion that PHW wouldn’t waste his time because he’d have to press charges and then go through the whole ordeal of verifying/giving testimony of when those pics were taken and who he shared them with. If he pressed charges, then it’s his and the Crown’s burden to prove that the pics are indeed CSAM.
The pics were already taken down off the one website and I thought more or less scrubbed from Twitter piecemeal as soon as the images were reported. I didn’t think he would get restitution, again the accusers are broke. He makes more acting and networking, so perhaps he hoped he could just wash his hands of this once the circus ran its course.
Even if police want to press charges, it’s hard to get a conviction if the victim in question won’t cooperate.
Now we have new facts.
I’ve seen posts where his mother (whom I would call a reliable fact witness) says neither was the case. The reality was that he was victimized, and the police had been involved several years ago.
Why would this matter? It matters because the police already have on record PHW’s age and victimization. These photos are probably in a CSAM database and have been since he was 13 (late 2014ish). PHW isn’t needed to establish anything and may not even need to attend court at all. The court will already know these images are for sure CSAM.
There are also special task forces continuously tracking down known CSAM, so the police might have been on Shitshow’s trail from the get go. As soon as they’re alerted that a known CSAM has surfaced, they get a warrant to monitor your shit to track it down and see if you have more. See generally Josh Duggar case.
Because of the nature of CSAM and how nothing can truly go away on the internet, the courts aren’t going to make the victims show up every time they bust someone with the shared material. Unfortunately, some CSAM is very well known and “popular.” They have the facts and can proceed without the victims.  
If he doesn’t have one already, then at most PHW would give a Victim Impact Statement via letter and the judge will read it out loud and take it into consideration when sentencing. Given the absolute shitshow Accuser 1 made of the whole ordeal and how bad she looks, I have high doubts the judge will be lenient to her.
We also have to question how Shitshow got her hands on these if he had only given them to someone who had catfished him.
I think we can agree the whole “chatroom” excuse is bullshit.
I think some really shady shit has gone down, like maybe someone gossiped about his victimization and then someone might have gone to the dark web to find them kind of shady shit.
We’re talking about photos that are ~8 years old with limited people who would have had them or even known about them.
Shitshow 1 made up the origin of those pics for a reason.
Chica Shitshow…you have some explaining to do.
I say this with utmost seriousness, sincerity, and the deepest belief that everyone deserves to be rigorously and genuinely defended in court…you need a lawyer.
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I’m so jealous, the band didn’t stick around to meet fans on the first date in Baltimore but it seems like they’ve gone out at every single other show 😭 I’m so sad I didn’t get to meet him, there was only a couple of us waiting there but they went right to their hotel apparently!
omg, don't feel too bad - i'll give you the quick (edit: lol) rundown of my experience: NYC: I didn't know where the backstage entrance/exit was until after the show, and I was too anxious about it all/too excited to talk to some folks I met at Zorn@70 to scope out trying to meet them coming in...after the concert, Scott and Trey came over to say hi, Dave, Mike and Trevor went straight to the car.
Montclair: it fuckn rained most of the afternoon...I get the feeling they went in for soundcheck early and then never went out again before the show. I had a long, chill, lunch/dinner. I think bc the venue was smallish, and maybe security wasn't like....super serious with their briefing, AND the boys had the day off the next day, AND there was a jazz festival the same day so they had to like, walk of shame/fame over to the parking lot where the vehicles were...Mike felt comfortable enough to say hi to folks on the walk...at the place I was waiting there was literally just me and one other guy (the obvious fan) with his gf. There were also maybe a couple of people waiting on the parking lot end? But I bet not a crowd at all. (That night I was just like....laser focused on getting the belt to Mike....I think everybody in the band did some fan-greets)
Boston: I kid you not, it was just pure dumb-fuck luck that we ran into them coming into soundcheck. All I was actually doing was showing off where the tour bus was parked (that I saw on the way to the venue) and taking a walk around the block....and there they were! Security stopped us, but again, I dunno, maybe because they had the day off before, maybe because Mike was loopy as apparently he hadn't eaten all day, maybe he knew he was getting his Pig and Hip friends in a sec so he was in a good mood, but he said yes when I asked if we could come say 'hi', and security let us through. After the show, I definitely did not want to bother them again, but I was super curious what the band would do, so I hung out after the show, but back a ways - everybody except Trevor got into the car and booked it pretty soon after the show (they had to drive to Montreal). Trevor for some reason came out much later and straight up chatted with whoever was left, and no one seemed to take any selfies, so I kind of wonder if they knew him or were connected to him in some way??
So like, out of three shows, only at one of them did the band as a whole (and mike at all) come out and say hi to fans. And to be honest, if circumstances had been slightly different, it could have been 0/3. It feels a little shitty of me to have this perspective, since I did get to talk to him twice (also to be super honest, he definitely did not recognize me the second time, why would he?), but I dunno...if things were different, and I didn't get to meet him at all, I would like to think that would be ok...these old fucks have to live that tour life (asshole-tight schedules, sleeping on coffin-sized bunk beds on the bus), they really don't have to come over after the show. I will say, I was NOT lucky enough to get a whiff of that bastard, so like, can't have everything!!!
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
my brain is going insane over photographer/filmer yamagishi and skater boarder makoto 😭😭 i feel both these professions fit their personalities honestly but yeyyyy
as mentioned makoto is a skateboard who has a growing fanbase of followers on his social media who check out his content that yamagishi helps him take. they're a fun duo, those two kids at the back of class that laugh so loud that its annoying /affectionate i love them sm
they kinda just are long time friends in the beginning but everyone thinks they're like dating n smth like that and they're just like huh cuz yk they're clueless idiots. then they kinda bring it up and become friends who kiss sometimes and use each other when they need to let out some steam, until yamagishi is just casually like ayo bro what are we. and they talk abt it n they're like yeah sure we can date ig..? but idk they're one of those relationships that are like maybe we won't put a label on this and just be happy in each other's company but they're also like letz experiment w what we want as a relationship and all.
but yeah they're kinda boyfriends definitely friends. maybe just friends who kiss but they have very intimate feelings for each other so they're just kinda lost but they're comfortable to be whatever as long as its w the other yk<3
also they love watching old highschool/coming of age movies together while cuddling but also while arguing at the tv abt stupid decisions the movie characters make. and if takkuya is in this au too yamagishi and makoto individually like rambling to the couple abt their partner bcuz they're frustrated n confused abt their relationship but also happy that they even have the other in their life and takkuya just look at each other in "that" way and when makoto/yamagishi ask them what the look was they say they won't tell them and let them figure it out for themselves. but they go on double dates, mostly to parks and theme parks but they went to a cafe once and collectively decided to never go to one all together again cuz they got kicked out bcuz they were too rowdy 😭😭
and if we rlly wanted this to be extra fun we'd add takehina into it, karate gf and nurse in training bf, just to have a bigger group 😇
anyways i love mizo mid so much im so normal abt them (im not)
killing tumblr it also didn’t give me a notif for this i hate this fucking website.
anyways hi taku!! you absolutely should go insane abt them you are doing everything right in your life fr <3 no but i am SO listening to everything you have to say you are so right abt them my god. i’m so sorry but i laughed at ‘skateboard makoto’ help i am now picturing him as an actual skateboard- adhjfgjdh. nodding along to all of this i am nodding so hard trust
oh yes we should def add takehina!! (btw the jobs you gave them?? so so true) after all takemichi is also part of mizo mid and i think excluding him is a crime. plus i love the friendship he & akkun have it’s slept on actually i think. i mean the whole first customer thing and stuff 😭 but this isn’t abt them afjhsjf so. back on topic
my brain is empty i had to make up too many haikyuu character assumptions for my qpp yesterday (i had to rate the characters without knowing them at all/while hardly knowing them (we watched the first three eps of season one together two or so months ago)) which was incredibly fun but now my creativity is on stand-by and i haven’t managed to active it again yet but yes i love them thank you
dw i am just as insane about the mizo mid. together we can give them the recongnition they deserve maybe
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hospitalterrorizer · 3 months
tuesday - wednesday
the birthday went ok until it didn't.
my gf's brother is a paranoid baby who thinks everybody is making fun of him always and stuff. just a miserable life he leads, can't deal with anything, can't take anything that he could spin into being a slight against him or even people who communicate differently. and it's also not our fault that he says outrageous things that are funny, even, he is a funny person, and it doesn't have to be, and it often isn't, that he is the joke. he is problematic and semi-awful, and he'll look at me and talk about how he'd actually be okay with having a trans gf if he never had to see the dick and i can hear that and say whatever, you know, but it's funny that i make you think that, it's funny to see that as a kind of being sincere, and i don't even hate you for it even though a lot of people rightfully might! and it's not even about this, because it doesn't bother me that much, it's just an example of his whole thing, you know. un-woke and crazy and lonely and stuff. what made him go off at my gf and our friend and me by extension was his paranoia that they and i were all doing all this stuff behind his back, and i don't even know what that would be. like honestly, he called us gaslighters, said all of our personalities were smoke and mirrors, that kind of shit. i don't get it! i'm only ever myself, or, i'm condemned to be myself, this is all there is, there's no trickery, i just think lots of things are funny and maybe it's bad that i default to laughter but i do and i try to be nice to people and stuff. he's an asshole though, condescending constantly, telling me about how i have no way to know america's awful because i've only lived in vegas, how he knows the spirit of the land, how great the east coast is. like sorry i was too poor to move anywhere else my entire fucking life!!! and then we went to a bar downtown and sat in uncomfortable silence after he blew up at us in the parking lot, and i had to mediate, to try and express that if my gf can't figure out why he's losing his shit, why he thinks we aren't nice, even though we're there listening to him, spending time with him, talking to him, doing what he wants, but i guess that put him in the bad mood in the first place, cuz he didn't want to do the cafe thing, so we went somewhere else! the problem was solved, but the fact my gf suggested something instead of letting him pick, which he coulda done she just suggested something to him, like, gosh. what an ass hole.
so there was that. seeing our friend was lovely though, the one who lives here, mo, that kinda thing is always nice, i'm glad he was here to deal with it too, i suppose, if it were just my gf and i, we really would have just shut down probably, or made things a little worse. other people help us be more regular maybe. idk.
or, idk. well adjusted?
anyway, b4 i go work out, here's some pix of me, the sun's coming up and i haven't even worked out yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
, :
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my phone cam was like smudged... whoops,
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#deaddeaddemon'sswag #wow #wow
is my #wow #whoa thing ironic? am i insincere for that, i think it's like, kawaii and stuff and funny too.., it entertains me, so like, is that fake, what does sincerity even mean when the only sincere thing to someone is talking about how bad life is and how you hate everyone on earth.
n e wayzzz, i need to sleep soon, i haven't got to work on the cover art. i need to remind myself, i want to put a thylacine somewhere on it, maybe like, damaged or something, it just feels like kinda of cool. idk, they always captured me as a kid, an uncanny animal, haunted feeling cuzza the extinction and stuff. the cryptid angle too, i guess how they got put out there online, as creepy long dead ancient things, or creepy because of the long dead and ancient. it's weird how old always =s creepy, i suppose i can understand, old buildings, at least, centers of rot, things we don't want to see living there, weird how dwellings fit us and pests, and other kinds of animals tend to not want to be in these things.
here's some funny photos from the psp camera also:
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it handles dark lighting in a really fascinating way to me, super harsh, makes things look like outerspace, noisy as hell too, obv.
i also took a long vid with it today, it seems like i can record a long time with it if i'd like, which gives me some fun ideas. i won't post the vid here, it's by gf's brother blasting carseat headrest in mo's car, just too much. it's out there to find though, or i guess unlisted on yt. i may cannibalize the vid for pieces cuz i like how it looks, all the lights downtown, the sad ugliness of it.
for the cover, i also need to draw some kind of corpse-thing, it seems like a right way to fill some of the space that i'm troubling myself over, just like, fucked up flesh, basically, a pile, or like, maybe think of globsters? to bring it around to cryptids... that's a good idea yea... globster beside tuberose.
listening to this, right now:
a classic, to me, love the weirdo riffs on this, love how it's about a man being so pathetic and self pitying, 'he claims he's the victim', the amount of venom directed at that attitude, it's something that feels really interesting/smart, real autocritique. if not smart, the kind of obvious thing that ought to be surfaced because it's never surfaced enough i think.
i have to sleep now, so
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alarrytale · 4 months
"The fans wanted to give him 2 t-shirts one for him and one for F backstage, he took one with his name and asked to throw F shirt to him at the show so everyone could see it. It’s so annoying that he is not only encouraging fans to bring presents for F but also ruins the show with this stunt."
Maybe I´m too ignorant but as a fan who became larrie only last year I have no way to know what you, old-school larries, went through when bbg was happening and so I can´t even make my own opinion about it because I wasn´t there. And so I just believe what you all say and take it as a truth and I´m not even interested to dive into the bbg mess because I just believe you Louis is not a father. And maybe that is a reason why I just couldn´t care less whenever Louis mention the kid when doing interviews, answering on twitter or accepting gifts for F from fans. I suppose he has no other option that accept that gift (and when it can be done publicaly during the show then better) because otherwise it wouldn´t it be weird if fans who believe (were gaslighted to believe) F is his kid and so they bring gifts for him and Louis would say "Thank you for my gift but I´m not accepting the second one". Like maybe he just doesn´t have any option than accept it. It sucks, I know, but as I wrote, I ignore everything about bbg as long as he´s actually not there. For me it´s worse when H´s fake gfs are attending H´s shows are dancing their creepy dances.
Anyway both HL´s shows should be stunt free because it ruins fans joy - like mine were ruined when I came to my aparment after H´s Vienna show being so happy and my mood immediately dropped when I opened tumblr after being offline whole day and I found out TR was there and H was stunting with her during the day. But also I don´t know how to prevent fans to not bring gifts for F and what else should Louis do when they bring it and they ask him to accept it.
Hi, anon!
It's good that you're able to ignore bg and that you're not that affected when he's got to stunt. I know he has to accept these gifts, he was raised right, but he could have accepted them when they were both given to him backstage and not requested they give the F shirt to him during the show. He could have kept the stunt out of public view and not given these people attention. He is encouraging this kind of behaviour and if it continues, people are going to be pissed. I wouldn't push it if i were him.
I agree that stunting should be kept out of shows. At least at Louis shows where the fans who think he's a father are in a minority. These fans must be really young.
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