#got one line then just looked pretty the rest of the ep
kr-yoongi · 2 years
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Stargate SG-1 S03E07ㅣDeadman Switch
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hooked-on-elvis · 10 days
EP Playing Touch Football
This ripped shirt reminded me of something Jerry wrote in his book. I wonder if this shirt ended up ripping accidentally, with a random, non-directed pull (maybe E even ripped the shirt himself, somehow), or if the guys still gave El a harder time than they did the other players every time he played with them (I didn't notice any other guys with the torn clothes).
At one of our bigger games in the spring of 1955, we’d been playing for a while when a couple of very large men showed up and asked if they could get in the game. They explained that they were semipro players, had heard about the Elvis games, and wanted to be a part of it. The rest of us were not so eager to play with these big guys, but as far as Elvis was concerned, these players were stepping onto his turf and he wasn’t going to stand down. He wanted them in.
We worked out the teams again to include them and got set to play. On one of the first offensive drives, Elvis was taking a break from quarterbacking duties and was on the line blocking. When the ball was snapped, this 200-pound-plus semipro hit Elvis hard and ran right over him. Elvis took his time getting up — he was obviously a little shaken.
Now, we played tough at these games, with all-out effort, and we regularly knocked the hell out of each other. But the point was that everybody got knocked around — nobody ever specifically targeted Elvis. You wouldn’t think twice about hitting him if that’s the way the play went, but nobody was ever going out of their way to try to hurt him. From the look of that semipro player’s first hit, it seemed that maybe these guys weren’t so interested in playing ball for fun they were going to teach “Pretty Boy” Presley a lesson.
As we got back into a huddle, it was clear that Red West was furious. “I’ll take that son of a bitch out,” he said.
“No, Red,” said Elvis sharply. “Damn it, no. Just play the game.”
We ran a few more plays, and it was the same thing each time —Elvis got a tremendous hit from this charging rhino. But Elvis made a point of hopping up a little faster each time and just shaking it off. It got to a point where the day just didn’t feel like fun anymore. All the regular players were furious, and we were all telling Elvis that the game couldn’t go on like this, but he wouldn’t hear it. He wanted to play through. I found myself lined up next to Elvis, with the same big guy ready to charge at him again.
“Hit me from the left side,” said Elvis. “What?” asked the rhino. “Hit me from the left side.” “Why?” “I got a few bones over there that ain’t broke yet,” said Elvis.
The big guy started laughing, and by the time the ball was snapped he was laughing hard enough that he didn’t have the strength to steam-roll Elvis. After the play, we took a break and the guy went over to his fellow rhino. In a few minutes they walked back toward Elvis. Now the big guys were all smiles.
“Excuse me, Elvis,” said the one who’d been knocking him down.
“We sure did enjoy the game. Hope there aren’t any hard feelings.”
Red was still ready to lunge at them, but Elvis just shrugged.
“No hard feelings,” said Elvis. “Just bruises. Good luck with your season.”
Their big faces lit up like they’d just been blessed by the Pope. They started to walk away, when the guy who’d been knocking Elvis down turned around and came back.
“Uh, just one more thing, Elvis? Our wives are over there—can we bring them over to meet you?”
“Sure,” says Elvis. “Bring ’em over.”
As Elvis signed autographs for their wives, it all came together for me; if he had let Red and the rest of us go after these guys, then he would have ended up with some more enemies. Instead, he took a little punishment and ended up with four new fans.
There were a lot of people in Memphis that wanted to knock Elvis down, figuratively and literally, but what I saw happen on that field with the semipro guys was something I’d witness over and over again: A lot of people thought they had something against Elvis, but I never saw anybody who spent any time with him walk away not liking him.
Excerpt "Me and a Guy Named Elvis: My Lifelong Friendship with Elvis Presley" by Jerry Schilling (2006)
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December 27, 1956. Elvis played touch football at the Dave Wells Community Center in Memphis with some friends.
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We Are Ep. 14: Part 3/3
Hello again!! =D
Part 1 and Part 2
Warning: long post 😊😅 (also, I'm so sorry for the delay, I've been sleep deprived for the last two to three days because my insomnia and depression made comebacks, but I'm better now)
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She reminds me so much of my own mom-
My mom adopts my friends, and no one has any say in it, while my dad encourages her 😭👍🏼
I absolutely love her relationship with all of them. While it's given that Peem will talk about Phum, Q has talked about Toey too, and it's quite obvious that Peem and his og group of friends have visited quite often before. She asks no question, and is so comfortable with them that they don't hesitate for a second to introduce their boyfriends. This is maybe not realistic (I'm pretty sure my mom while very similar wouldn't be this accepting) but it's very in line with this show, and I really like it.
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I am 100% sure that for a moment there, Phum's brain short circuited 😭
I mean, just look at it from his perspective. The boy he's head over heels for talks about him like this to his mom. If it were me, I'd be having an existential crisis right there, he has much more self control than me.
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I'll be living here, in this moment for the next 1000 years, thanks for asking.
Listen, I'm a big fan of domestic fluff, BUT THIS???
Also, I don't usually talk about these, but on Phum's t-shirt, it says "ALWAYS FORWARD NO TURNING BACK" which is very relevant here because Peem helps him see a future, and to enjoy the present as it comes back. He's slowly but surely leaving his scarred past behind.
I have so many fic ideas smh
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And yet, I don't really see you, complaining, Peem.
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He says while sipping from his own glass. Very convincing, Peem.
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Btw, Peem? Phum is calling you "meow" for the rest of your lives. Just like you'll be calling him Puppy Phum. <3
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These few seconds spoke so much.
The realization that this is what a real family is supposed to look like, that he'll probably never have this with his own parents.
But then- then he realizes that now he can have this. He can have Peem, and a family full of love and sit in the midst of his brother and his friends and Peem's friends and be accepted and loved.
Maybe he can't have this with his own parents, but he can have this with Peem, and that for him, is already far more than he could have ever imagined.
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I just love that addition 😭😂
Peem is absolutely incapable of not calling Phum some version of "idiot (affectionate)" and I adore him for it. <33
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Oho, violent Fang is back.
But seriously, let the others sleep, Pun and Toey 😭
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There's only two eps left (?!!!!!), so I really hope that the next one is when they get together
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The small thumb soothing his tummy 🥺🫶🏼
All we got are crumbs of ChainPun throughout and they still managed to make us go insane. Mad respect for their friends who have to deal with them on a daily basis 😭👍🏼
Also, when Peem got up to ask what they were doing and Phum pulled him back to sleep, did y'all see that tiny forehead kiss? My man never misses a chance to kiss Peem, and I am so proud of him.
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This reminds me of such a funny story-
So. We went to visit this historical building (note: historical) and the stairs leading up were naturally kind of steep and broken. It was very crowded, so it was four or five teams/families to one guide. We went up slowly, but since the guide was obviously very used to it, he went up faster, and was waiting for us at the landing. So one couple asked how he got there so fast, and he jokingly said "I took the lift" and the man was like "Why didn't you tell us before?? One of us [I don't remember who he said] just had knee surgery!" and the rest of us were just staring at him like ???? are you listening to yourself- 😶
My parents and I laugh about it to this day 😭😂 (this was almost 8 years back OH GODS SAYING THAT MADE ME FEEL SO OLD-)
What next ep looks like:
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What I looked like after watching the trailer:
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(In that order.)
That's it for ep 14! See y'all in 4 days (I fear for what will become of me after I watch ep 15).
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here have a croissant 🥐
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no-see-um-incorrect · 10 months
YV Acting AU PT2
Interviewer: what line delivery made you emotional? 
Faust: basically, my character was supposed to go up to Auron’s office and Bitch at him. Whatever that’s fine. SO they’re arguing. and then he hits me with the
Auron&Faust: “And you should thank me for it”
Faust: i was trying to hold it together for the HOLE REST OF THE SCENE!
Auron: meanwhile, Charlie was laughing his ass off in the background because it sounded like my balls just dropped!
Faust: SO. the scene ends and I tilted my head back so my mascara didn’t run and he walks up to me to check on me and I 😆
Auron: I’m Half way to him and he FLIPS ME OFF AND SAYS “Fuck You! this foundation Was 48 Dollars!”
Interviewer: was there ever a scene wear the spice was real?
Casper: ………
Charlie: ……….😳
Casper: …………That Boner in ep 6 Was real as it gets 😆
Casper: yea ok tell yourself that pretty Boy😏
Interviewer: which one of your costars embodies the phrase “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee”
Lucien: Finn
Sunflower: oh yeah. for sure 
Lucien: but it’s not like he’s irritated he’s just kind of scary…
Sunflower: he sounds like he could snap at any moment, but he doesn’t 
Yuuri: that’s how we film Yandere Finn. We just don’t let him have caffeine until filmings over 
Finn in the background: YOU GUY ARE ASSHOLES! 
*filming the scene in bittersweet where Alphonse  Beat the fuck out of Charlie*
Alphonse: what’s the matter rat? You used to like when I choked you.
Charlie: *panicked grasping at the chain*
Alphonse: CUT! CUT! You OK Charlie?!
Charlie: *Sharp inhale* yeah I’m fine. I’m fine. The chain pinched my neck. Sorry..
Alphonse: Nah Man it’s chill. you just scared me😅
 Interviewer: who got hurt on set 
Seth: well, a few of us got hurt on set. But when Finn accidentally cut himself was the first time
Sunflower: yeah, it wasn’t in the script. He wasn’t supposed to look over at me while cutting the ribbon and hurt himself.
Finn: I was supposed to cut the ribbon, bring it over to the table and then when I sat down, I was supposed to miss the chair and fall….but then I accidentally cut my hand. 
Seth: and he didn’t even break character. Yuuri was about to say cut but he just kept going!
Sunflower: so, when you see me Rush to his aid, that’s genuinely me rushing TO HIS AID
Interviewer: these next few questions are surrounding the two most recent episodes of lost and found. Question number one were the both of you actually getting emotional during the dance? Question number two does our new little friend have a home or is he from a sanctuary?
Charlie: Yea we was getting emotional. And everything towards the end of that scene was improvised!
Casper: yeah, after Charlie’s Lore heavy lines I got a chill down my spine because of his delivery, and from then on it was just our genuine sappy  selves
Charlie: as for the new little dude! He’s actually Caspers cat 
Casper: Yea! So I have a light gray cat named bandit  and we just took some pet friendly dye and made him look like a raccoon. And he already loved Charlie, so that was a big deciding factor because all of the actual raccoons that we looked at DID NOT
Hope you guys enjoy
also, feel free to submit  “interviewer” questions and I’ll use them and credit you in the next post 
If there’s any spelling errors, I apologize 
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traitor-boyfriend · 2 years
Okay. first impressions.
- This is, to me, the strongest season opening since stunning and brave from s19. I am beyond stunned at how much laughing I actually did. For the last few years season openers specifically have often felt like an obligation and not actual fun to watch and this was a breath of fresh air.
- I am thoroughly impressed by the juggling of a pseudo love triangle between Stan, Kyle, and tolkien, the cupid ye/cupid me play on words leading into what is functionally a valentine's day holiday episode, the return of and elaborated depth added to a character we have not seen in a while (cupid me as an extension of -- or, more accurately now, a hallucination and/or delusional alter ego of Cartman), interwoven with topical current events and a smattering of racial commentary. This is the layering I have missed in an episode of South Park for so long. This feels like firing on all cylinders.
- love the setup of tolkien/token (a permanent change, yes?) and Kyle hanging out and Stan seething with jealousy. How external Stan is about his about his emotions specifically when it comes to Kyle. It did kind of actually break my heart a bit when he thinks Kyle is coming to sit with him but instead just asks to borrow a charger.
- love, love, love the juvenility of Kyle and tolkien's dumb tiktoks and that the other kids find them very entertaining. Feels very true to life in that way even if it does make my skin sort of crawl as an adult.
- it was bizarre to see randy out of his tegridy outfit. Is this a sign of things to come? Him being like "gerald, can you just talk to him?" After Kyle reiterates he does not run Hollywood got me.
- the things I could write about Cartman after this episode could fill a library. This will be for another day.
- Stan admitting both to Tolkien and Kyle separately that he was jealous they were spending time together. I really enjoy this burgeoning, plain-spoken emotional maturity from Stan we've seen in recent years. And aiding Kyle and seeking to protect him like always... *World's #1 most forlorn sigh ever*
- the only thing I would've wished to see was just a moment more of back and forth between Stan and Kyle. A few more lines during the scene where Tolkien and Stan come to guard him from the other kids would've been the optimal opportunity.
- Jimmy's headshots.
- the credits all being attributed to Matt stone with trey's being just "assistant to Mr. Stone" is one of the funniest post-ep credit roll gags they've ever done.
All in all this episode came wrapped up to me in a pretty pink bow and was lovingly left on my doorstep. I am actually looking forward to the rest of the season for the first time in a hot minute.
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
Okay, so last week my sleep schedule was beyond fucked up and I had a friend staying with me so I didn’t get to watch the new CM until WAY too late and my reactions were barely existent and I almost fell asleep before it ended cause it was almost 6am by then. So I’m rewatching last week rn (while working on other stuff) before watching the new ep. Expect some notes from last week but not a lot I guess lol!
We love a good female unsub.
I STILL do not understand how Emily got full ass arrested over this shit, like yeah brian accused her, but they don’t really have any grounds for arrest, esp her being fbi?? She should have been asked to come down for questioning but that was it. She never should have actually been booked. (though this DOES play into the whole conspiracy thing. Like get her arrested/out of the way/a reason for the upper people to get rid of her or have something to hold over her head. Like, her getting arrested would be part of the whole gold star thing). WITHOUT that though, make it make sense.  GOD to be a lawyer in the CM universe must be THE most annoying thing in the entire world LOL.
This red coat will forever and always be one of my top fave wardrobe items of em’s
Okay but like, the coke “conspiracy theory” seems pretty legit LOL. But em is like.. losing it. She’s tunnel visioned on this gold star case and isn’t sleeping and like, my girl just needs rest and peace for ONCE please.
Jj wanting to talk but not having the courage to bring it up just hurts me man.
“contracted to kill gold star” I thought gold star was an operation? Or a team? Or was that found out later in this episode….LOL
Honestly… Emily breaking the rules/law is not OOC at all. and her asking Garcia to help her (and Garcia complying) isn’t either, it’s happened before in canon. And like.. when em’s getting shoved to the utmost bottom, she’s never above breaking protocol, even if she is in charge. Look at the lauren arc, look at her battle with barnes, her standing up to strauss, she’s always done whatever she thinks is right, it’ll get her answers, even if they can’t be used in court.
Voit looks SO much like someone I work with and that weirds me out LOL.
Mega points for Sydney for standing up for herself. I’m super glad she’s been given some time to shine this season.
Okay either Emily has had some sense knocked into her w saying “this case isn’t gold star until we prove it” or she thinks its an utter waste of time…
You’re SERIOUSLY telling me Penelope Garcia of all people didn’t see “star light star bright” and think of the nursery rhyme? That she wasted how ever many of her guesses and didn’t come up with something along the lines of “wish tonight”?!!!? that shit’s TOO easy…
If last season gave Emily a migraine, dealing with all of this and esp brian should be giving her an aneurysm lol.
The girl playing holly is incredible, I hope she gets the career she deserves. Also.. she deserved to attack voit, like her sister is young enough she’s still living in a weird confused/delusional point where she doesn’t really get what’s going on. holly’s old enough she knows her entire life is completely fucked up by her dad being a killer. That her family’s torn apart, she’s watching her mom barely keep it together, they have to move, again and again, new school, new friends, over and over all in a feeble attempt to try and stay safe from their dad who’s supposed to stay in prison?
Yeah this girl’s absolutely going through it. She loves her dad and misses what they had before everyone found out what he was actually doing.
Not voit getting TWO fucks in one sentence! He is right though about holly being in trouble and needing help now. Maybe he’s self reflecting a little bit, I can’t remember if his past was discussed last season LO, I’m remembering something but I might be fucking up plot lines… EITHER WAY, he sees a bit of himself in holly and doesn’t want her to turn out like him, which could be considered remorse…
JJ asking about Emily and how she’s doing after em asks about Sydney and the girls… just absolutely proves what everyone online was BITCHING hardcore about, with em “not caring about jj” they’re both going through hell, they’re both exhausted, I bet jj didn’t sleep the night before either. JJ wants to know about em and is checking in with her, she knows everyone’s going through it and when asked about her shit, she brushes it off cause she knows both of them are under stress, that she can bring it up later rather than dump everything on em when she’s struggling to hold herself and the team together. Sometimes you have to wait on things like that.. it’s just life.
If tyler and Penelope had met under ANY different circumstance I would be here for it, but I refuse to be the way it was done.
Emily v Voit is giving me so much life. Why didn’t they just send her in first? Lol. Like yeah voit ends up getting what he wants, but also, she’s so fucking cocky about the way it  happens and she can read him like no tomorrow and that’s after no sleep and all that shit? Tell me your powerful without telling me your powerful.
Okay, imma check if the new ep is up yet, if it is, I’ll be back right away, if not, I’ll see ya in a couple of hours…
Alright, I decided to finish writing some headcanons and got distracted and opened twitter to a gif of Emily smoking from the new ep and it was the hottest thing ive ever seen so let’s pray the new ep is up…
Oh we’re starting WAY back with last season flashbacks? Oh GOD this is gonna be a rough episode isn’t it??
Emily needs a hug, a nap and an orgasm.
Jfc this got creepy right off the bat… like voit was slightly okay in the past eps and now he’s just playing into the psycho
Im sorry, the fbi assassinated WHO? I cannot function without my subtitles and there are TOO many names/people in this season over the total season arc that I keep losing track….
Okay so at least it’s not just em’s ID they haven’t updated, rossi’s is old as fuck too..
“its not the first time I’ve crossed ethical and legal boundaries for this case” Rebecca: “and I didn’t hear that…” LOOOOLL
I understand that they said any previous deal would be off the table if voit fucked around with them but are you SERIOUSLY trusting him to provide the message and it not be something to alert them?
Okay but shout out to voit for being the first person to refer to tara as “Dr Lewis” in like.. forever
“you neglected to ask me that” dude’s right… you didn’t ask. That’s on you.
I really like the way they’re profiling this situation from both points and jumping back and fourth,
LOOOOLLL the morse code. Fucking called it.
“can you do that? without fingerprints?” homegirl is about to get herself fired, isn’t she? (she don’t care either so…)
I know Rebecca being close to voit is like, a legal thing and the jurisdiction and shit but it worries me. Imma be surprised if she makes it through this season.
Jfc Emily is SO hot. I adore they keep putting her in blue!
Voit being the comedic relief was not on my bingo card.
Not fuckin voit giving the ship a name.. my dude.. stop.
Lmao, Rebecca, he’s not actually gonna confess a crime babe…
“youre not under arrest, you’re here as a person of interest on a 24 hr hold” WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SHOULDVE HAPPENED TO EMILY
Not him gaslighting her!
I know part of it is tv, but part of it is reality that plain clothed officers look EXACTLY like cops. Like, everyone can tell that you’re looking over your shoulder and being suspicious. Someone watching for cops isn’t gonna be that dumb.
Wow that team really had ONE good shooter? You serious?? Jj could have got that in a second.
The way Penelope knows about bombs?? That definitely came from derek.
UGH NOO BUT YESS the look on rebecca’s face when tara said she was staying with the bomb. There’s still love there and I swear to fuck if there’s some dying confession of love that’s my 13th reason
Not jade literally being in the same fucking park…
Ive been saying it for years but without Garcia… the team wouldn’t solve a single fucking case.
Okay I GET THAT THERE’S A FUCKING BOMB but like.. both tara and luke and ALL the surrounding officers are SO focused o that and are COMPLETELY ignoring voit.. that bitch could and would have been completely gone if it wasn’t for rossi and the sniper with him…
“this piece of shit” YES. Listen, I know we’re all feral for swearing, but as someone with a potty mouth who works in an industry when we’re always swearing, it’s so natural to me, and it makes things seem more real.
But now voits back in his cell…
Ugghhh rebeccccaaaaaa
“im not at my best right now” “pfft. LOOK AROUND”
How DARE THEY end the ep like that. like the smoking part and her not giving a FUCK about it being inside and in her office was one thing, but the dire attempt to keep her composure and keep it together until she got out of the building only to utterly break down in dave’s arms?!?! Im sobbing. I honestly don’t think we’ve seen her cry *like that* since she was abducted by scratch…. They really turned to paget and said “hope you’re ready to act this season…”
I.. what an episode.. part of me feels the intense need to write some form of fix it fic… woof.
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week In BL - I give out a bunch of 7/10s
Nov 2022 Wk 3
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 3 of 12 - I’m beginning to get concerned about where the plot, pace, and conflict is going to come from. So far it’s all angst and internal conflict, and I’m not entirely opposed to that, but there needs to be some external stressors in Thai BL or it’s not enough to carry 12 episodes (especially if it’s helmed by New). WATCH ALONG HERE.
Ai Long Nhai (Mon iQIYI) 9 of 10 - something actually happened in this ep, we got some of Ai’s family history & backstory. Evil mother is evil. Sister may be evil too. But it’s still shirtless so I’m pleased. Also, yay, no singing!
Remember Me (Sun Gaga) 7 of 12 - Name has finally made a new friend. JaFirst remain the most interesting. I actually don’t mind the show when it’s focused on them, but most of the rest of the time I find it, if not boring, at least not something that engages me personally. Although, the younger boy flirting with Em after cheer practice was kind of cute. 
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) 2 of 12 - Thi is such a pushover. Look, I’m just not wild about this lead pair dynamic and I absolutely can’t stand the score.
609 Bedtime Story (Sat WeTV) 1 of 11 - Didn’t drop to WETV in my territory, no idea what’s going on. I’ll have a bit of a hunt when I get home. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
My Tooth Your Love (Taiwan Fri Viki) 8 of 12 - Every week I look forward to this show the most. We knew it had to happen, but it’s really sad to see our traumatized bar-boy break our beloved dentist’s heart. We all know they’re in love with each other, they also know it. But Bai Lang is very very scared of commitment and the dentist is a good boy who keeps getting hurt by other’s inability to trust and open up. The past romance was really sad and sadly true to life. Is it better to have a friend’s love or pity, if all you really wanted was friendship? I like how complicated all of these characters are. I love the conversation the leads had with each other after Bai Lang finally admits to his true feelings. Such a good show. 
Eternal Yesterday AKA Eien no Kino (Japan Thurs Gaga) 6 of 8 - This show is so sad. I sometimes wonder if Kochi remains alive entirely because Michan wills him to be so. Does anybody else wonder if the gay biology teacher who lost his first love is a nod to Boys Love? Just me?
Choco Milk Shake (Korea Strongberry Tues YT) 7-8 of 10 - The pacing is so good in this show. Also, I am completely and utterly in love with the ex-bf (hi, Wild Dog, long time no see, wanna run away with me instead?) 
Happy Ending Romance (Korea Thurs Gaga) 1-2 of 8 - Very dramatic opening. I like it. Leo is stupid pretty. This is a complicated, if improbable, plot about writers and ego and reputation, but engaging. (For a change I like the OST, Leo is also one of my favorite main singers among the honey-voices of Kpop.)
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Finished This Week 
Ghost Host, Ghost House (Weds YouTube) 8fin - An excellent confession sequence. I was a little surprised. Usually confession scenes make me wince, but this one was lovely. I’m not a fan of the Kdrama “separation in the final episode” (see Big D) but in this particular instance, I understand why they did it. The characters did need to mature and build new lives. It’s just annoying that they couldn’t do it together. All in all? This is a light horror plus family drama built around a well executed BL trough-line that felt honestly queer with great chemistry from the lead pair. (I hope that we see more of them.) For me personally the surrounding cast, premise, and story didn’t resonate but if you like a touch of gothic in your BL this might appeal. RECOMMENDED WITH RESERVATIONS 7/10 
Big Dragon (Sat Gaga) 8fin - I really don’t like Thailand copying Korea’s arbitrary “separation in the final episode” thing. So for me this final episode wasn’t very satisfying. Ultimately? This is a decent execution of enemies to lovers, exploring some darker themes and nodding at kink in a more respectful way than Mame could ever dream, plus excellent chemistry, but something was askew around plot, directing, and ending. RECOMMENDED FOR THE LEAD PAIR, BUT NOT MUCH ELSE 7/10
Kabe Koji (Japan Mon Viki) 8fin - Japan sure does love the “running of the gays” trope. Only this time around they ran together. Which was kind of cute. Honestly? This probably should’ve been my favorite BL of all time, but for some reason it just never resonated with me. Also, I’m over the no kiss thing. I’m tired. If they kiss in het, they can kiss in gay. IT’S FINE. 7/10
Apparently, when Japanese BL is good, it’s very very good, and when it’s bad I’m annoyed.
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
War of Y (Thai Gaga) 20 eps - it’s just all too much for me.
To Sir With Love AKA Khun Chai 16 eps - could be sad v worried
2 Moons 3 (Thai Mon ??) 10 eps - Possibly a future binge watch. Rumor is it’s banal.
Love Bill  (Vietnam Sat YT) - Bah Vinh is back but I’m too distracted. Also there’s a lot of fund raising and stuff going on. I’ll wait and binge.
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How is he so hot? Asking for science. 
In Case You Missed It
My Roommate (Thai YT) 32 eps of 2 minutes each now done, it’s terrible production values so I’m not bothering but it’s been repackaged into 8 min chunks on the youtubes.
Fahlanruk (Thai GaGa) 12 eps - I cut my losses at ep 5 but it’s finished now, someone who knows my taste tell me if I should I bother? 
SELF (Thai Thurs YT) is complete at 6 eps, anyone watch this one? Is it sad? Worth watching?
LITA special - it’s exactly as trashy and kinky as you want it to be. Go indulge, you lushes. Rain & Payu, man, wow. Also, the sound is terrible. But no one cares much about the script, least of all the writers. 
GAP the series (Sat YT) is a classic office set romance. WATCH IT! It’s GL and this studio needs our support! (Also, the stairs are back!) 
Coming to Viki: Love in the Air, ITSAY & IPYTM, Remember Me, and new KBL, The New Employee.
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GMMTV posted their pilot trailers for 2023. I reported on them all here. Fewer this year than last which is a good thing, they should slow down and focus more. 
How did my predictions go? Not good. Scored a 6/10 maybe 6.5 if you’re feeling generous. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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2022 still to come?
Dec 9: Semantic Error movie (Viki) - the repackage rumored to have some added footage. 
Dec 19: Chains of Heart (movie? theaters?) trailer Suspense thriller about a forest ranger, smugglers, memory loss, and lost love. Stars Haii (Cirrus in TT2) and Poppy (Porpla in YYY). Adapted from a Y-novel of the same name by TJ Tommy. I don’t know if this is still releasing or if C19 has effected it. 
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Win, my love! Just call me his of the morning, hia. Just touch my cheek before you leave me, hia.
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In Stongberry we trust! *consent in the house* 
This week’s earworm: Just B - Me (srs where did these boys come from? so good) 
(last week)
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succession finale thoughts!
i don’t know if any tv show has ever given me as much of a stomachache as this episode, oooooooooof!!! the STRESS. (but honestly, the stomachache was 100% just suspense over whether gerri and roman would ever interact again. everything else, i was very zen about.)
gerri in the video radiantly reciting a dirty limerick like a roman daydream come true and roman watching her fondly!!!!! ugh!!!!! that was so schmoopy, especially for this show!!! he still loves her (not that that’s news)!!!!! and him panicking and losing it at the very sight of her and really feeling the crushing weight of his potential that she so believed in because she could have got him there!!!!!!!!!!! she also gave him a couple little not-hateful looks that might have even been sort of nice or concerned or at least ... okay, and i will cling to those for the rest of my life. but i’m so, so sad we never got to see them talk to each other again. OOF.
i have the most hope for roman just because he wound up self-aware enough to see the reality of the situation. jesse armstrong might think you’ll be a sad guy in a bar forever, but to me, there is nowhere for you to go but up, bb. and into the arms of your woman.
i hate the idea of gerri sticking with the company with tom as the ceo just because her disdain for tom was so strong; putting up with logan was one thing, putting up with roman was another even, but TOM????? tom, getting his melancholy everywhere?? however, i think it’s probably too idealistic of me to suggest that she’d turn it down for that reason. but also, maybe she would? isn’t she tired of idiot men yet??? doesn’t she want to go to the g.d. south of france already???? like, the contrast of the old camaraderie in the video of the party with logan with, like, the stupid dudebro tech culture of mattson ... ugh, i just don’t want gerri to be up in that mess! i want her to reject tom! and stand in solidarity with karl & frank! GIRL, IT’S TIME TO RETIRE!!!!!!! in any case: gerri being un-fireable remains hilarious.
gerri not really having any lines in the actual events of the ep = thumbs down forever. NOPE!
roman martini-pining for gerri as his very last act onscreen.
dear GOD.
though i’m sure the intention of canon is for their relationship to be over forever, it was so wobbly in its over-ness that i’m pretty pleased. i do think it’s in a place where it can be very patched up in fanfic in a way that’s still canon-compliant. hell, she might roll up to that very bar and order another martini and keep him company and be like, “uh, babe, why is that cut on your forehead burst open???”! anything goes! forever! whoohoo, ao3!
i’m so relieved this is over!!!!!!!!!!
in my head they will make up tho. 💗 let the era of fix-it fics begin!
other stuff:
the sibling moments!!!!!! the rollercoaster!!!!! it’s funny how when they were getting along, i believed as much as they did that they HAD IT! and then watching them fall back into the old patterns ... it was that thing this show does best, condensed into one episode of agony. amazing acting, amazing chemistry!
ken starting to get physically abusive toward roman with the crushing hug and then smooshing his face!!!!! when before he stuck up for roman against their father’s abuse. jesus christ. :(
the contrast between the scene in the kitchen and the scene in the conference room ............... OOF!
tom and greg having their little bitchy slap fight in the bathroom, lol. tom putting his little sticker on greg’s forehead, lol.
tom really did marry up! jeez.
conwilla: the not-long-distance era, because democracy shall prevail
even beyond the flawless beauty of limerick gerri (obviously the highlight forever <3), that whole video and the kids watching it?? the emotions!!!!!!
this episode made me feel So Bad.
roman and gerri need a spinoff where they are just cute and silly. someone please get this happening for me.
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bberry005 · 2 years
i was watching the like trailer for the rest of the show that released after ep 5 to try and get a clue for what happens in episode 8 and here's the best i could come up with, complete with a few screenshots!
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jade, boorman, and graydon all jump down after kit and elora. based on later shots, we know willow is likely there too, and with this angle we just can't see him in this frame. there's also a possibility that these three jump and then willow follows later, since at the end of ep 7 he seemed the most determined to turn back, especially since his vision/conversation with mims.
jade has a line in the trailer where she says "this is the beginning of a war, and i cannot win it alone." i'm thinking she has to convince the others to come with her and that there's still hope for the quest to succeed and that kit and elora didn't just jump to their deaths.
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elora going 1v1 against the crone. this is something we all knew was coming, but i'm so excited to see it. i wonder how the set up goes where she ends up against the crone on her own. so far i'm thinking kit goes and fights airk and elora goes to find the crone. i have no idea if the gales are still alive, but if they are, the others are probably fighting them. there's a different shot that i didn't get where it looks like the gales are at the entrance to the immemorial city, so maybe they stop jade, boorman, graydon, and willow on their way in.
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this scene was so hard to get a screenshot of MY GOD but i did manage. the one in the armor is definitely kit, since we have clearer shots of her in the armor later on. this shot is pretty dark so i can't really tell who she's fighting, but based on context it's probably airk. also the weapon the other person is using looks like the thing airk had at the end of ep 7, so i'm going to go with this is kit vs airk. this is going to be so emotionally painful but i'm so ready for it.
also, boorman has a line/moment in the trailer where he says something along the lines of "all you have to do is believe in yourself." when i first saw this trailer before ep 6, i thought he was talking to elora. but now i think in that moment he's talking to kit and giving her the cuirass and telling her that she's worthy of it. do i even know how this conversation comes to be? definitely not, but i know that if/when kit gets the armor it's going to be such a cool moment
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this shot looks like they're leaving the immemorial city to me. the two pillars look like when airk was trying to walk away from the city during ep 6. and another cool detail: the sun is setting. if the sun is setting, that means the crone is probably defeated and the eternal day of the immemorial city is gone.
BUT looking at this shot, it looks like we have airk, boorman, elora, willow, kit, and jade. where's graydon? likely evil. or dead. if the crone is defeated though, graydon would be free of any possession that might've overtaken him. either he's betrayed them of his own accord or he's killed in the final battle. i suspect he's got some sort of magical illness from being possessed twice, so maybe he knows he's not going to live much longer and has a heroic moment? i have no idea. i'm just worried for graydon's fate.
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melonteee · 1 year
are you planning on watching the rest of the live action? I'm not trying to be confrontational or accusative here because it's obviously fine to be critical of it but it's kind of wild to me that you keep going off about it based on hearsay and you've only actually seen 1 episode
The reason I don't want to watch the rest of it is because of what I've been told lmao, like I don't need to see all of it to make up my mind when I get told the 1, 2, 3 of everything and got upset just from hearing it jfkg. I don't think it's hearsay to see clips or be told the script word for word somehow, it's not like people are just lying to me for fun about this. I don't think SEEING this version of Sanji NOT watching Zoro verse Mihawk and NOT shouting his line will make me go "Oh yeah that's great actually I'm so glad they excluded him", same with knowing Nami's village ACTUALLY treated her like shit or making Gin a 5 minute cameo where Sanji doesn't even need to put himself on the line for the Baratie. Like, I can watch it all for sure, but somehow I have a feeling I'd just get more upset from actually seeing it HHH
I watched the first ep and I did not feel One Piece, I have been told of the changes and feel even LESS of One Piece. I know myself enough to know I would just go into this tearing my hair out and the more I'm told the more my jaw drops at what the hell they've done LMAO like I really don't think looking at the pretty sets and the attractive actors is gonna change my mind 😭 and considering people who have seen the whole thing are finding reasoning in my complaints, I feel like perhaps this series is the predictable netflix show that's been on time and time again, you know? I don't particularly want to watch a car crash of my favourite series I guess
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sskk-manifesto · 1 year
Ok I didn't want to say anything but I need to get this out: don't you think its weird that the anime changed the most meaningful moment between atsushi and aku (and even some small moments such as akutagawa's shock expression when fukuchi tells him to kill atsushi) to make it looks like he doesn't care about atsushi at all(and even added that line of "ango told me everything" taking away atsushi's moment of reflexion in the manga) but then changed that scene of aku and higuchi(which was supposed to be terrifying in the manga) and made it look way more suggestive???
... I think I'm not the right person to ask this to. I mean, I have evident sskk bias, so it's pretty hard to tell whether my judgement is objective or not.
I've considered the scenario the Fukuchi vs. sskk fight was adapted like it was in order to water down the queer subtext - I mean, that scene in the anime does feel straight, in a way the same scene in the manga definitely doesn't -, but in the end I feel like it's too wide of a stretch to say it was done intentionally. It is hard to believe Bones steps away from homoerotic subtext (Dead Apple is literally out there), and it's probably more likely this has just been an instance of sskk being very very unlucky to be adapted in one of the seasons with the least budget destined to them.
I'm not sure what to think about the Higuchi / Akutagawa scene. It was very pretty, definitely better animated than the entirety of the previous episode, but I'm guessing it kept consistent with the quality of the rest of ep 4, so I doubt it got some kind of special treatment? ... And even if it did, idk, I feel like the problem isn't when scenes are animated well, it's when they aren't. The problem shouldn't be the Higuchi / Akutagawa scene being animated well, as much as it should be that all the other episodes should have met the same standard, which they didn't.
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tokiro07 · 6 months
Undead Unluck ep.24 thoughts
[It's the End of the Show as We Know It]
(Contents: reflection)
And with that, season 1 of Undead Unluck's anime comes to a close
I can't say it was everything I hoped it would be, but I can say it was a lot better than I feared it could have been. Strange usage of recaps, blinding color scheme choices at odd moments, and certain scenes composed in ways that sadly cut down their impact from the source material hampered it from being the next big thing, but unique interpretations and embellishments on the source material mixed with several moments of fantastic animation and great voice acting absolutely prevented it from being a cookie cutter, bland adaptation
And of course, keeping in line with the rest of the series, the final episode made sure to encompass every single one of the above aspects
Now, to its credit, almost all of the recap in this episode was in the manga, it's just very funny that a show that was like 10% recap concluded on a chapter that was, itself, 50% recap. Plus, what recap there was that wasn't originally in the manga was actually handled quite elegantly, being brief moments of establishing information rather than just replaying entire scenes - y'know, the way that a recap is supposed to be!
We still got the garish red gel over the final fight, but I think because we've seen it so many times now, I'm kind of used to it, and the action itself was pretty damn good. The addition of a meteor to the final stroke of Unluck made that final pass at Autumn a lot more visually impactful than it otherwise would have been, and Anno Un's death being an explosion of ink rather than just fading into dust added a nice bit of flair that I think makes their nature as an ink construct much clearer
Overall, a fitting conclusion given the rollercoaster of odd and pleasantly surprising creative choices, and naturally it ended with one final befuddlement. While the beginning of the episode cut the opening theme, we ended up getting it at the end of the episode, which would be pretty standard for a finale, if it wasn't immediately followed by the sequel hook which, itself, was both truncated AND followed by the ending theme! If they'd just cut at least the ending theme, we could have had the full scene of Juiz approaching Billy! Hell, if they'd cut the opening too, we could have gotten the full explanation for how Akira knew the future! Sure, that wasn't entirely necessary, but it could have helped, and getting it recapped at the beginning of season 2 will probably be completely out of place
This was a solid episode, I really enjoyed it, and I feel the same way about the season as a whole, but god damn was this a baffling experience from beginning to end. I will definitely end up looking back on this later as a quirky experience, a fun bit of trivia that we as a community will have a chuckle about and appreciate that it's not Promised Neverland Season 2, but until someone posts a deep dive explaining how those creative decisions came about, I'm probably just going to be obsessing over how it came together so strangely
Definitively, the manga is better; this adaptation does not in any way surpass or in my opinion even match the quality of the manga, but at the very least, it does not do it a total disservice. The goods were good and the bads were weird, and I hope the experience will convince newcomers to check out the manga, if not for the desire to see more, then at least for the curiosity of what spawned this madness
If you were able to stick with it the whole time, I hope you all enjoyed this season as much or more than I did. We're supposedly going to be getting some kind of announcement soon, hopefully for season 2 or a movie. I definitely hope that Yuki Yase won't be at the helm next time, but on some level I think I'd appreciate the consistency if he does return. I'd certainly take that over getting someone worse
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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ep 6 playboyy rewatch stray thoughts
- not gaga auto jumping to nont and jump 👀 guess i rewatch that scene often….
- headlines: someone making noise complaint was killed, drunk partygoer shoots friend, i heard “lgbtq” but didn’t see subs about it…, leaked photos of elites partying on a. yacht with drugs and women
- the section in english is interesting is this a convo between nuth aob and puen?
- i feel like we don’t talk about this aobpuen scene enough….
ep 6 the truth is a glass of wine
- here we have the framing of the baddies but porsche is always cropped out
- zouey being like “we should throw a party” and first and captain immediately start discussing which animals to dress as. i see you
- kerjiejr nont like can yall be serious we are not having an animal themed party…. the theme will be sexy sleepwear skdjrkkrrjjr
- captain is such a menace akjsjdjsjejr wait why are his nails so long i thought he played rugby
- ZOUEYTEENA i’m popping them in my mouth
- is this rooftop the baddies? like what doesn’t their house have damn
- porsche being a menace for no reason
- get it tutor!! yes jump suck that boobie!!
- jump is so tired free my mans jdjdjdjjd on the phone sucking and moaning like it better be teena on the other line
- the sunglasses JUMP HAS CHAIN NECKLACE
- aob can do anything except role playing he’s in love with puen… aobpuen enthusiasts we are so back
- i can’t pretend to be in love with you because be- because because you’re not pretty… enough!!!
- aob crying scene oh i forgot…
- aob also in a chain necklace aurrrkay
- nont on the verge of just giving up
- promnont scene of all time “sex doesn’t change you, just reveals things… is there anything you want to reveal”
- jump walking into the party pointing at prom and walking away my autistic meow meow if this production. he also lookin like a whole meal
- first is so fucking dramatic skdjjdkd if jejdjjg
- why are you toasting me we’ve accomplished jack shit go solve the fucking murder
- it’s the way porsche zouey and prom have similar outfits….
- nonts boots don’t go with the rest of the fit… i’m sorry but it’s true. still love this fit tho
- captain is a FUCKING MENACE kaksjdjd that’s my boy
- discord peeps who said teena had sadistic sex with jason…. i’m starting to think yall are right
- zouey kinda taken himself out here cause he tried to have sex with teena and jump like now look where we are zouey you should have asked a different question skdjdjjdjfj
- wtf is going on with the belly button on captain rn 🤨
- why jump and keen kinda eyeing eachother up a ton like ok…
- i’m obsessed with jump teena soong hanging out also them all teasing jump for being a himbo i love them
- does jump know jason is the daddy….
- “if we play more games we’ll definitely know” <- me when i’m about to be proven wrong skdjdjjr
- jump and teena hyping eachother up im gonna screammmmmm oh proms there too?!?!?!
- jump in the bg is killing me he’s so fucking funny
- i’m jumping on the teena can’t dance train yall im gonna roast tf outta this boy
- teena straight jamming through all the drama ekktkkrjjt teena is the only character in a romcom im obsessed with him
- teena got thr puppy dog eyes out someone help my man
- “you can choose to be masculine but be awful or be a pussy and not hurt people” ok zouey
- and teena returns to heal position
- captainkeen the only ones who understand the assignment of this game aksjjdkdk
- hold on what goes on with zoueys jacket….
- zouey first and teenasoong being chaotic besties yessss
- jump also understood the assignment
- “twins are so identical” always takes me out like he just says what comes to mind but this is the thing that makes nont want to burn him alive
- jump seems into the wax play before nont starts… being nont…. so noted
- nant appears to at least 3 characters as haunting visions…. aurrrrkay
- the lighting in this nuthphop scene is absolutely fantastic
- prom being so worried for porsche….
- porsche tells prom “if he finds out you gave nant his money he will kill both of you…” which might not mean anything but also….
- phop in his pearls and chains
- oh nuth…..
- nont really loves masks like ok
- here we go captain being a menace
- it’s soongs room?!??!? what?!?! do they all live in the same abandoned hotel?!?!? do they not run into eachother?!?!?!
- captain being a menace again skdjdis
- the bloody handprint still fascinates me
- poor nuth once again. kinda obsessed with nuth going through it in the corner and phop just continuing on. like it’s probably an average day for them…….
- nuthphop enthusiasts how we feeling… who else feels like they’re about to pass out…
- i’m kinda obsessed with the turn of events. like nuth being like i just got got on vid cam cause i was trying to be horny about the fact you made me so jealous i wanted to kill you…. wanna be my bf?
- i love this scene actually….
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stitching-in-time · 2 months
Voyager rewatch s4 ep8: Year of Hell pt 1
I really don't think I've rewatched this since it first aired- I usually ignored it when casually rewatching because I knew it was the one where Voyager nearly falls apart, and everyone's dirty and stressed, and generally having a bad time. But there's entire scenes I didn't remember at all, and they're all very good.
This was the first appearance of the astrometrics lab, which Seven and Harry had been building for the past few eps, which will be a primary set throughout the rest of the show. (Is it me, or did they change the ceiling of it later?? It feels different to me somehow in this ep, maybe just an unusual camera angle? I'll have to look more closely in future eps.) They have a little unveiling ceremony, where the Doctor tries to make a speech, and ends up being so annoying that everyone is glad to be called back to the bridge. (And he's still dunking on Tom- what did he ever do to you, dude?? Y'know, except be a supportive friend to you even though you treat him like crap??)
(RIP to Janeway's magnificent Gibson girl up-do hair once and for all- they cut it very short for this ep, and she wore some version of a bob cut for the rest of the series, which I have never stopped lamenting. She's always gorgeous, but the up-do was perfection. No, I will not be accepting criticism on my very correct opinion.)
The events of this episode were foreshadowed by Kes in 'Before and After' last season, but apparently, everything that Kes told them about it got erased from their memories when she got sent back to the current timeline, because none of them know who the Krenim are here, or that they should avoid them. So they waltz on through Zahl space as the Krenim start erasing the Zahl from the timeline with their time weapon, and they get caught in the crossfire, because of course the Krenim don't want anyone flying through what is now their space. (Literally everybody in the Delta Quadrant is so territorial! How they heck do they have interstellar trade when every alien species they meet is like 'no one is allowed to enter our space!!' Srsly dudes, why do you even have space travel when you're so damn xenophobic?? Why even would their societies actually put in the effort to develop warp capability when they don't want to go anywhere or meet anyone?? It doesn't make sense, but I guess it's necessary for The Plot, so ok, here we go with Xenophobic Delta Quadrant Aliens volume 15! lol)
The lead Krenim baddie is played by Kurtwood Smith, who gives a perfectly fine performance here, but this was right before That 70's Show started, and now, after having watched him in that show for so many years, I cannot unsee Red Foreman whenever he's onscreen. Like, I just keep expecting him to throw off the civil facade and have him angrily tell Janeway to leave Krenim space before he puts his foot in her ass. I'm usually pretty good about separating actors from roles, but Red is so iconic, I just can't, no matter how hard I try, and it's kinda distracting, tbh. But at least that isn't anyone's fault- the guy playing the second Krenim guy, however, is giving such a bad, over the top performance that I really question both the casting director and the episode director on their choices here. He straight up reminds me of the guy from those Liberty Mutual commercials, where it's supposed to be a caricature of a comically bad, good looking actor who can't even get through the simplest lines. Like, that's literally this guy. How could they have cast him, and let him act like that?? Idk, but that particular distraction is absolutely the production team's fault.
So Voyager has to go through Krenim space while under constant attack, and the ship gets beat up more and more each time, with power failing, the hull breaching, debris falling everywhere, things are on fire, everybody's getting injured and dying, nobody is doing okay. Everbody basically becomes the embodiment of the 'This is Fine' meme in this ep, especially Janeway, who's powering through it all by repressing her emotions as much as possible, knowing that she has to singlehandedly hold the crew together through it all. Chakotay has another one of his 'I'm going to disagree with you in the dumbest way possible' moments when he suggests to Janeway that they can't make it with Voyager, so maybe they should all abandon ship and try to get home in escape pods. Janeway's obviously like 'WTF NO CHAKOTAY' because she's not abandoning ship, ever, and she's not breaking up the family (she straight up just calls the crew 'the family' now, it's not even subtext anymore) and they'd be way less likely to get home scattered in tiny escape pods. To which Chakotay's like 'lol, that's fine, I didn't think it was that good of an idea, I just wanted to give you shit for no reason suggest it haha', as if that wasn't a mean and deranged thing to say to the most stressed out captain in Starfleet. (She must love that man so damn much to put up with that bs, good lord.) He decides to be nicer later, and gives her a pocket watch for her birthday, which she tells him to recycle because they need the replicator rations. He tells her he replicated it months ago before the Krenim attacked and he's been saving it for her, but she still won't take it, even though she's obviously moved by the thought he put into it. Maybe if you stop questioning her judgement she'd accept your gifts, you dumbass. It's a rather heartbreaking scene, since Janeway is clearly stifling her emotions just get by after months of attacks, when she no longer knows what the date even is to remember it was her birthday in the first place.
There's lots of heartbreaking little scenes in this one- the Doctor having to let two crewman die as he evacuates his patients from sickbay, knowing the hull is about to breach and they won't reach the hatch in time; Harry and B'Elanna playing a trivia game to pass the time and distract her from her injury while they're trapped in a turbolift waiting to be rescued; Tom triaging wounded and lingering with B'Elanna even once she's stabilized, clearly worried about her; Seven acting as a guide for Tuvok after he's blinded in an explosion while retrieving her from a jeffries tube, where she'd stayed back to find the phase variance of an unexploded chronoton torpedo. (The same one Kes did in 'Before and After', though the radiation doesn't seem to be a problem in this timeline, for some reason.) So many excellent slices of the crew soldiering on, and pulling eachother along through sheer force of will, with their dedication to each other and their mission to get home all they have to keep them going.
Seven's discovery of the phase variance on the Krenim torpedo allows them to create a defense against it. When the main Krenim baddie uses his temporal weapon to try to erase another enemy planet from the timeline, and ends up erasing half the Krenim empire instead, Voyager sustains no damage from the shockwave, which draws the main Krenim baddie's attention. He realizes Voyager's presence somehow messed up his calculations, and he kidnaps two of Voyager's crew to interrogate, and threatens to destroy the nearly crippled Voyager if they get in his way.
Captain Janeway finally, reluctantly decides to let the majority of the crew take escape pods to evade the Krenim as long as they can while she stays on Voyager with the senior officers as a skeleton crew to try to get Chakotay and Paris back from their Krenim kidnappers, and to find a way to get Voyager through Krenim space in one piece to rendevous with the rest of the crew on the other side. The last shot is the escape pods leaving Voyager, which I think was maybe the first time we'd seen escape pods launched en masse from a Starfleet ship, which was a pretty heartbreaking cliffhanger to end the episode on. I'm honestly surprised this was a mid-season two parter and not a season closer/opener, but at the time, I'm sure I was glad to only have to wait a week to find out what happened next instead of a whole summer.
Tl;dr: A sad but well done disaster-type story where the crew is pushed to the brink, with a devastating cliffhanger.
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sirdust · 8 months
THOUGHTS ON THE FINALE?? bc it was a lot for suuree
| any thoughts on the last 2 episodes??? i sure do have mine i was like wth throughout the whole thing😭 |
apologies for the radio silence 🫡 i've been busy and also not very enthusiastic about discussing this show, lol. been in the process of packing up my autism and moving it over to transformers.
anyways sure i'll give my thoughts.
as my friend who i was watching the eps with said during ep7, "this version of hazbin hotel where women exist is a lot more interesting"
ep7 was probably the most tolerable character-wise even though it suffered from the same general pacing problems that we saw throughout the rest of the season. charlie felt like an actual character who experienced inner turmoil, and while i didn't like "out for love" very much as a song, the sequence itself was solid. carmilla badly needed more presence in the story for how much they treated her as an important character, though.
i'll also say that i think rosie is the most likable character in the show period. she has a cute design and a charismatic personality, and i wish she had shown up earlier. it was weird that she and alastor acted as if they had just reunited when they saw each other in ep3, though.
the final battle was disappointing all around for both obvious and non-obvious reasons. vaggie badly needed a big heroic moment, but she was fighting lute (who simply does not feel like a real threat) for so much of it that her actions during that part of the episode had very little impact. especially since she was the one to figure out how angels can be killed in ep7 (which was admittedly a plot point that did not need to exist, aside from it facilitating charlie and alastor's deal, but i digress).
i also am pretty miffed that charlie only got one or two good hits in on adam before needing to be saved by lucifer. it was like they couldn't decide whether they wanted to do a team-up or to give lucifer a moment showing off how powerful he is to be able to fight adam one-on-one.
i don't know if there's anything for me to say about what they did to pent that hasn't already been said. i doubt he's going to be relevant in s2, but even if he is, i really don't care. it's baffling incompetent to treat a character death as a comedy beat one moment and then dramatic the next. it winds up not making me feel anything at all. (and on a pettier note, i hate his redesign.)
i've never been huge on adam. his character had potential but was continually wasted in favor of being another shallow commentary on toxic masculinity (which is much too prevalent in spindlehorse shows, i'd argue. the issue isn't with the thematic choice but how vapid the execution is). i'm also hung up on the fact that he's clearly meant to look like alex brightman, but the writers have lucifer make a fat joke about his appearance. fatphobia in these shows has always been an elephant in the room but i feel that this crosses some sort of line.
i don't think i have much else to say? i could go more in-depth of course but i'd have to refresh my memory and i don't have the time or desire to rewatch any part of the season right now. i've gotten pretty much all of my gripes with the show as it stands out of my system.
this blog will likely continue to get some use in the future, but i'll probably be increasingly inactive on here. the silver lining of all this is that hazbin's success may, if nothing else, help pave the way for execs greenlighting more queer animation, but we'll have to wait and see. here's to better shows being made in the future though 🥂
ETA: oh and i've been calling twist villain lilith since 2019 but i have nothing else to say about that.
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myloveforhergoeson · 26 days
#15-23 for the ship ask for rames!
eee hi! tysm
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
sooo many soo so so many all in this playlist but #1 is songbird by oasis hands down, followed by iris by the goo goo dolls. i've been in brand new day mode for so long i haven't found any new rames songs recently lol so we're on the basics for now :)
16. Would they ever get matching tattoos? If yes, what would these look like?
personally, i don't think james is a tattoo guy in the tasw part of the rames universe (lol) but i did give him lots and lots in the warped au that will come out one day. roxy would be more than willing to get matching ones, and would get some for him just on her own, but james wouldn't really be down for that. her tattoos would just be little things that reminded her of him, like his initials somewhere or maybe a line from one of their songs in his handwriting. in the wag lolive/rames au im writing she has his jersey number tattooed behind her ear hehe
17. How well do they communicate? Are they open with their feelings/thoughts or more reserved? Why?
sighs. when it's just normal conversation they communicate perfectly fine, almost to the point of mindreading, but the moment tensions start to rise the both of them are not very good at managing their emotions. james is somewhat better at it, especially if it's just roxy being anxious about something and he's able to talk her through it like their conversation about camille or before they went out in public together, but if the two of them are stressed or getting upset/angry it becomes hard for them to get their words out. for the most part, if it's not a serious topic they're mostly open with their thoughts. james is a certified yapper and roxy just likes to listen; she only really gets going if she's passionate about the subject!
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
hehe we've seen both of these in tasw; james got a bit quiet and stoic yet super freaked when rox got scratched by that cat in bt sparks and immediately pulled her up to 2-j to try and help her feel better. since he's a hockey player he's no stranger to caring for injuries, he just got scared because it was roxy who got injured. i think if james were injured roxy would be pretty anxious about it and not so level headed' she also wouldn't know what to do as she's not too versed in dealing with injury. on the flip side, if he was sick, she has a pretty good idea of how to care for him, as seen in bt guru. lots of rest, lots of medicine, lots of music. on james' part, if roxy were sick i do think that would rattle him quite a bit - he'd probably seek out logan or mrs. knight for assistance in taking care of her at that point
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
while roxy's clothes are too small for james to wear i do think it would be funny if she tried to squeeze him into a crop top personally; but he doesn't make a habit of it. if he had his ears pierced, they might share earrings, but mostly he just likes admiring her gold charm necklace - no interest in wearing that lol. roxy also doesn't super make a habit of wearing james' clothes either, but she does like to wear his larger clothing items in the winter if they're cuddling together or something. that's more of a private thing, not something she'd be doing in public. unless he places in on her like his jersey in the christmas ep. she'd prefer to spray his cologne around the room/on her things if she was missing him
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
hoo boy are we about to learn. mostly physical contact, mostly just lending an ear, and probably most importantly, a shoulder to cry on. largely effective for roxy, somewhat effective for james. i think he's more of a time-heals-wounds kind of guy, while roxy needs to learn to talk her feelings out and actually process them in her head instead of via song!
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
nope! both of them really need to be kept busy and neither really have an interest in cultivating a household, together or separately. too job focused imo... but that doesn't mean they don't like spending days off at home together or having lazy afternoons away from rocque records!! they love those, neither of them could see being a stay at home person though
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
yesss oh they are the most silly around each other (something i need to work on incorporating to the story more tbh) and they're very comfortable joking around and goofing off together!! it's their natural state i'd say
23. What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
oh this is such a good question... i'm not super sure since they're still really getting established together, but they're working on communication very slowly. i wouldn't say that's a defining trait by any means, but i think the two of them are good listeners, they just have to be open to receiving information that may harm them at times LOL. both of them have quite high respect for the other as well, so maybe a general sense of care and compassion for the other...
i appreciate the ask so much!! we all know how much i can yap about these two hehe
send me a number 1-50!!
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