#got the lineart p much done
espytalks · 9 months
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Came up with a character from some random art supplies i got, and doodled a full color reference while i procrastinated other stuff this week.
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kindabizarreart · 2 months
thank you bestie :33
Oh my GOSH I am so sorry this took so long to answer, but I did it!!! I drew her!!! I hope I did her beauty justice phphphph
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I will confess I got a little bit lazy with the lines at some point purely because I already spent WAY too much time on this(much more than 10 hours, I'm pretty sure)
But I quite like how it turned out! Probably could've done more, but oh well 🥲
(P.S: I think after this, I'll definitely be taking a LONG break from "clean" lineart)
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emerxshiu · 6 months
rat brainrot going hard
sorry for not posting this week, i was cooking some stuff but this drawing took almost the entire week to do, worst part, it was a shitpost
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i still dont know why this took me so much
so uh, almost all my drawings this week have been related to this two(and lis) so much so that i struggled because i wanted to draw other things so i would just stare at a blank sheet of paper for over half an hour, god that was torture, tho i dont mind drawing the sillies, sometimes it gets a bit boring drawing the same over and over y'know? im also going to take this as an opportunity to ramble about my forgo gijinka, because surprisingly i hadnt done that yet.
og image
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ok now to actually talk about the wet rat
ive tried doing a gijinka of em since i joined the fandom (my first gijinka was fecto elfilis (well not really they were fnaf, but i mean when i got into kirby and when i started using the term gijinka))
but most of the time it just looked like elfilin but like...evil, with a different ear and a hospital gown, thats it, so i barely drew them since i didnt like that, but on february, i actually sketched an idea that i liked, and thought it looked cute but a bit off (i mean off in a good way)
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(yes im posting this image again because i think its the best drawing of my forgo (im very inconsistent with my style ok))
they have their eyes closed most of time, like in game, i considered giving them legs but i ended up with the tail, since i didnt want to end up with like a fourth evil elfilin, the arms are like that so i can have em be small and weird like in the actual game, but i also made it so they can like change it, that way i can make em have hands and stuff if necessary (like to hold that frying pan for example)
not sure if a lot of you notice it but um, bro has no neck, i took away his neck privileges, i did it just to see but i ended up falling in love with that and stuck around, and also that allows me to draw them bending their head like in the drawing above because their neck isnt necking and i like that, i like being able to draw characters doing stuff that shouldnt be anatomically possible or is abnormal (i did something a bit similar with void) thair clothes are rugged because well forgotten land you know what i mean, but in general theyre actually pretty simple
i also did the drawing in digital
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i tried doing very sketchy lineart, i tried a new brush in this one and thats the one im using for my last drawings (not sure if anyone noticed the brush change) it was pain painting it because i did it all with the brush in the same size, not changing it, god did my hands hurt and it was a bad idea
i accidentaly downloaded the following 3 drawings twice lol
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sleepy zzzz
i think they would wear something like this to sleep, i dunno i just wanted to draw em in something cute, and sleepy, with elfilin slippers (the mug also has elfilin btw) oh and also i like changing their hair, here one of their long bangs is tied into a bow, kinda like callie from splatoon, i have some drawing im probably wont post, one more of forgo wich looks very much like the upper one but like eyes closed, and one of fecto elfilis gyaru because my sister asked me to draw them like that, bad thing is i didnt look up references on gyaru since i couldnt use my phone at the moment, i did like the hair i did for them in that one tho, they have their bangs tied up in a bun, and then left the rest loose, making it look longer than it actually is. i might redraw it, but actually looking up gyaru so i can make something more accurate, i like the style, but im not too informed on it
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elfilin being silly like a kitty :p
not much more to say on this, just sillines :3
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there is totally not a cropped drawing there
based on the kirby manga, where they make it so elfilis sings really bad, at first i didnt like it that much since i had imagined they'd sign great, but after i while i started to find it a bit cute so now its a headcanon, they like to sing but suck at it.
writing this just made me remember i wanted to do another drawing too for this with kirby and them singing, but i forgot to do it, im kinda tired (and its late) ill probably draw it, but for next post or another one
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tried drawing fecto forgo as a plushie, silly.
i wanna learn how to sew so i can make plushies of characters (like prince fluf!) but im way too lazy, i will get around it some day! (hopefully)
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elfilin too as a plush
i also wanna learn to sculpt, i tried doing a clay kirby once, but one his feet broke in half, and one day my mom put it in a box, and his eyes fell off and stuck to the box :(
i really wanna do figures for characters i like or dont have enough merch or my ocs (prince fluff, flamberge, fecto elfilis)
but as i said, im way too lazy and unmotivated, though its be nice, one day, maybe one day if i stop procrastinating
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it doesnt have the same ring to it as "feto rata mojada alien" wich is how my sister and i call them (she doesnt know that much about kirby, but i sometimes show her my drawings (reluctantly sometimes, but im the older so like >:) she has too if she wants to show me her stuff too))
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silly rat and wet rat, thats how i call em (because wet rat alien fetus is too long sometimes)
you can tell the brainrot was too strong (were near done(kinda))
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they gain a mouth whenever i fell like it very much
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artblock hit, and all the rest of pages i stared at them for 30 minutes
it felt weird looking at my fecto elfilis with the eyes so big, it looked off (in a weird way)
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dunno, tried drawing them in a different pose i i dunno really
i think these are from tuesday. i did more but those were oc (mostly splatoon) or other kirby character related, and i want this to be a rat post (might post those tommorow or another day maybe)
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i dunno (x2), i tried drawing elfilin like elfilis, i really liked the hands here. i still struggle a bit with anatomy but i think this was quite good for my usual character just stading looking at the front or a quarter profile. im considering making this into a fully digital drawing, what do i say by considering im actually doing that fuck it, i just think it looks kinda cool
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"This new creation, driven by pure chaos, was defeated by the bright light of Kirby's hope."
Chaos Elfilis reminds me of a moth. kirby's hope is a bright light.
you can see my thought process. i just thought itd be a bit cute and kinda silly and funny.
the kirby fandom wiki, said that chaos elfilis looked akin to a moth, and it just stuck with me, so i wanted my gijinka of them to be moth inspired, and thats when i saw just how cute moths are! i mean im still a bit scared of insects but at least now i kinda like em.
i feel like i need to say sorry to that one moth i desintegrated in a matter of seconds with a book because i thought it was an spider and didnt think (im so sorry little guy)
but ah yeah elfilis, moth, it made sense to me since chaos elfilis has the soul of morpho knight, who is a butterfly, and moths are kinda like butterflies too. and i thought itd be cute
so uh yeah i sometimes like making my chaos elfilis be a bit like a moth, that includes liking light, a lot, so uh kirby is like a lamp in here because i said so
now to talk about the desing since for some reason i hadnt earlier, as i said before, they are very moth inpired so uh im might say that word way too many times (im sorry i suck at explaining stuff)
their horns are thinner to resemble moth anntenae, and they curve just because i thought it look cool, and to differentiate it a bit from fecto elfilis. their bangs tie into a bun (i forgot to draw that but i dont wanna go and change it now, way too tiredv man and i still have to post this on other places) the bun looks a bit like an eye, because well, they are basically a soul boss, and moths have things in their wings that look like eyes, btw chaos elfilis doesnt have their wings here because i got lazy and i didnt want them to like cover most of the drawing. the things coming from their bun are like the trhee things theyve got in their head, theyre shaped like that to resemble insects legs a bit, fecto elfilis also had the 3 things (i dunno how to call em sorry) as their eyelashes, but chaos elfilis has just white eyelashes, because the bun already has the 3 things and because my morpho has white eyelashes so (i still havent done my morpho gijinka yet, i just know im gonna give the butterfly some white eyelashes cuz cute and pretty grimm reaper) the rest of the hair is shaped into like a ponytail but like, adn shaped, with whats left shaped like a lil moth
the waistband they have is a nod to morpho, they used to have a bow shaped just like the butterfly morpho appears as, but i took it out because i thought it crowded the design way too much, and also because it was too on the nose. the arms have those golden things because my fecto has it and because my og chaos elfilis gijinka had them so i wanted to bring it back, the hand fades into white because the red in the hand wasnt hard to distinguish so i came up with that to make it easier to see.
the red part of the pants are actually a bit fuzzy akin to a moth and the white part has those stripes to loke like insect stuff because y'know akin to a moth. the boots are like the red part in their legs their model in-game has, so i just made em tall boots, the high heels? originally it was platform just ike my fecto but then i wanted to draw them in high heels when i was slightly redoing chaos elfilis, and welp, i loved it and now theyve got high heels. those rings around the ankle are inspired by the ones leaongar has around their arm. also can you tell anatomy is not my strong suit? and that i dont draw high heels often?
i made a slight change in my kirby, making the sleeves be a different color, since the one he had before i felt was way too white, and i wanted to have more saturation in it
i also forgot but elfilin is supposed to wear that during forgotten land, and then i decided that after the anding of the main story he changes clothes, but i forgot about that while doing this so he has his pre-ending clothes (also because i still cant really decide on their second outfit for the post-game)
god im so tired i wanna talk and show more drawings but o shit im sweating why is it so hot in here
um thank you for reading all the unnecessary long rambles about why i do certain stuff in my gijinkas, i appreciate it a lot (im still sorry about writing walls upon walls of text but i just cant help it)
Jambuhbye! :D
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Vesuvia Weekly: Fashion Intervention
~ here's another sketch of an afternoon with my fandom self-insert :P ~
1.8k words
One of the best parts about being the type of person to prefer sitting in corners is needing to worry less about my appearance.
One of the worst parts about being the type of person who doesn't worry much about appearance is having six friends who definitely do.
The part I don't understand is when my fashion sense got so horrifically bad that said six friends actually banded together to stage an intervention. In the marketplace. While I'm writing. With Selasi, that delightful baker, enabling them.
"Ah-ah-ah, don't try to resist! You're a fine young man, my friend, but we all have our weaknesses. Appearances are easy to fix!"
My neck is going to start hurting if I keep having to look up like this. Julian is gesturing enthusiastically, his coat billowing in the breeze as he gets caught up in his monologue on self-improvement. Do I point out the irony, or -
"He doesn't look that bad, he just needs some more ... smrthrgnh." The last word of Asra's sentence is muffled by a mouthful of bread. My bread. Why is he eating my snack?
"Why are your clothes so shapeless anyways? Show off a little something! You should do like I do and get everything tailored. Work that figure!" Lucio takes a few heeled steps and then spins, striking a pose to show off his suit. Muriel frowns.
"It's okay if you don't want to show off." Thank you. "But maybe you could ... pay attention to patterns." I take it back.
"Yeah, what's up the funky looking skeleton? There's no way the fabric it's painted on is going to last longer than a few washes."
"It's merch, Portia." She huffs at my defense and plops down across from me, brushing my parchment out of the way. "I like it because of the pattern, the quality is just ... unfortunate, sometimes."
"I believe we've made our intentions clear." Nadia sails into the discussion and gives me a no-nonsense look. "It would be remiss of us to allow our friend to sit in a public space with so little care for his appearance. Especially when he is one of Vesuvia's aspiring authors."
I try a pleading look, but the only person who starts to look remotely guilty is Julian. Portia's elbow to his ribs makes quick work of that.
"I have shi- I mean, I have stuff to write. And to get done. If you want to look through my wardrobe and help me put together outfits later, we can, but I don't want to leave my corner right now."
"I cannot say this response is unexpected," the Countess gives me a sly but friendly smile, "so I've prepared something for you in advance. When the time comes to return it to me, I expect you to do so with a cleared schedule and an open mind to fresh aesthetics." She holds out her hand, an intricate set of silver chains dripping from her fingers. "From my personal collection - I expect it will suit you nicely."
I sigh. The sooner I accept, the sooner I can go back to not being scrutinized by six pairs of frustratingly kind eyes. "Thank you. I'll take very good care of it."
Nadia moves the jewelry out of the way as I reach for it. "I desire something in exchange."
"What ... what something?"
"I'd like your sweater, please."
"My hoodie? But it's so comfy!"
Her eyelids droop in poorly concealed annoyance. "Your 'hoodie' is in a severe state of disrepair. I can see the threads poking out from the seams, young man, I don't care to see my prized jewelry hidden under such a tired item."
"... okay." I squirm out of my hoodie, handing over the pile of fabric in exchange for the chains. The short sleeves of my undershirt leave my arms exposed, something that I thought I did more often, except -
"You have tattoos?!" Portia's reaching across the table, snatching up my wrist to get a closer look at the slowly growing sleeve. "That's so cool! I've heard that they can really hurt."
"That's a familiar symbol," Asra eyes the lineart on my upper arm where its stretched across the table in front of them. "What do the other ones mean?"
"There's one on your neck, too!" Lucio sounds almost scandalized. "Let me see it!" Before I know it, my freshly exposed neck and arms are being closely examined while a few more sharp eyes focus in on the hints of ink peeking out on my shoulders and chest. This is why I wear hoodies.
Muriel's quick to notice my discomfort when the attention shifts to my neckline and bound chest. "My turn," he grumbles, dropping a navy blue scarf around my collar.
"Don't mention it. Now give me the second hoodie."
It's hard not to scowl, but I untie the backup hoodie's sleeves from my waist and hand it over. Dang it. "Here."
"You look chilly, my mentally decaying friend!" Good lord, when is Julian going to stop ribbing me over my pen name?
"It's brainrot." He doesn't falter.
"Allow me to rectify your situation! I guarantee you this trusty cloak will protect you from the fiercest of storms." He pulls the massive, dramatic coat from his shoulders in a rehearsed sweep and twirls it to fall behind me. He keeps the armholes open with an excited grin until I push my hands through them.
"This is ..."
"Warm? Comfortable? Touching?"
"Huge." I can barely hold back my laugh. "There's no way even your arms come out the other end of these sleeves! ... but thanks, I'm definitely not cold any more."
"I'll help you roll them up," Portia chirps. Her nimble fingers make quick work of the endless fabric, and I can see my ink stained hands again in no time. "Now give me your socks."
Oh no. My boots are sitting next to the pile of cushions, my socked feet tucked under me for maximum comfort. It's not the stink I'm worried about - for all my poor fashion sense, I never miss my daily shower, or laundry day - but to say that I walk gently would be a blatant lie. I briefly size up the determined look on her face before sighing and shucking them off under the table. "... remember, you asked for this."
Hey jaw drops. "Please tell me you have at least one pair of socks that don't have holes in them."
I shrug. "As long as I can still wear them ..."
"No!" She slams her hand on the table, rattling the now-empty bread bowl sitting in front of a shameless snack thief. "These aren't socks anymore, they're practically cobwebs! I'm knitting at least five more of these."
She shoves a pair of knit orange socks into my hands, lovingly covered with Pepi's cat hair and decorated with little blue bows. "Put these on, I'm burning the rags you gave me."
We both know my pout is just for show. It's not my usual style to wear anything that isn't black (or very, very dark grey), but the bright orange gift is supremely comfortable when I put it on.
"My turn," Asra begins with an innocent smile.
"Where's my bread?"
The dimples deepen. "Give me your head covering, and I'll tell you."
"My beanie?"
"Is that what it's called?" He holds out his hand, taking a closer look at the shabby knit fabric when I pass it to him. "I don't see why, there aren't any beanlike qualities about it. Ooh, unless they're invisible beans ..."
Nadia's sharp cough sets them back on track. "Wear this instead, until we can find a better replacement." Oh god, tell me it's not -
It is. It's his iconic wide brimmed hat, complete with the oversized neon rainbow feather nodding from the band. I don't have time to protest before they're plopping it onto my head and wobbling it into place with a laugh. "Now you're unnoticeable." I highly doubt that. "As to your bread, Selasi's been asked to bring you some of the next hot batch. Can you forgive me?"
Nothing about a smile as smug as his says "guilty", but to be fair, I was never upset. I nod. "So ... can I go back to writing now?"
"What about me?!" I glance from Lucio's outraged pout to the rest of the group. I'm fairly certain that, even if he was invited to the planning for this, he didn't follow through on deciding which offending article of clothing he wanted to replace. "You didn't tell me I had to bring something!"
Portia rolls her eyes. "Well maybe if you had listened when I was talking to you, then you would've known." I don't miss the quiet smile lurking in the corners of Muriel's face as Lucio turns bright red and sputters.
"Well joke's on you, 'cause I'm going to give him something anyways!" He starts taking a hasty inventory of his outfit. "Yeah, that's right! I'm gonna give him ... I'm gonna give himmmmm ... this!"
He unfastens his smallest medal and leans over the table, poking the pin of it through the thick leather of Julian's jacket, disregarding the whimper of protest from the doctor behind him. "It's supposed to be airtight, to keep out the bad humors ..."
"There!" The ex-count grins down at me proudly. "Now your outfit isn't boring. You can give that back to me when you have a better look."
"Thanks," I tell him, and I mean it after noticing the way he glances forlornly at the new empty spot on his sash. "I'll make sure it gets back to you."
"We should go now." Muriel's already half-turned away. "... I'm still not sure this worked."
Asra steps back to his friend, surveying my new look from a distance. "Maybe this will motivate him to let us fix his look sooner."
"It looks better with my medal on it," Lucio announces proudly. Portia lays a firm hand on his shoulder and starts heading away, dragging him with her.
"You'll look better once you make time for us, promise!"
"You should be somewhat protected from the elements, at least." Julian eyes his cuffed coat critically. "If you fasten it correctly, it's airtight, humors proof, water tight, blood proof, pus proof -"
"We'll leave you in peace." Nadia smiles again, amusement dancing in her eyes every time she looks at me. "I suggest you prioritize finishing this project soon."
The six disappear back into the crowd. I lean back against the stone wall behind me, Asra's hat knocking forward over my eyes and giving me a moment of peace. Sure, I may have looked shabby before in my all black-and-grey, well worn clothes, but now -
I'm startled out of my blissful shuteye by a surprised choke. Selasi's standing by my table, a fresh bowl of spiced rolls in one hand and the other clapped over his mouth. "Would you - would you like a mirror, my friend?"
I hold out my hand for the rolls, mentally taking it as a consolation prize for what I've just been lovingly wrangled into.
"Oh, don't think I'm not aware that you let this happen, Selasi."
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snakes-on-skates · 2 months
silly springtrap sketch
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artists notes and progress photos under the cut
i always make the best stuff between 12-3am for some reason. sorry school! fnaf fanart is more important to my brain!
i really really like this one. took about an hour judging by the fact i watched the entire first gtlive playthrough of Into The Pit while drawing it
made this one while testing out some new markers i got :] i find that i enjoy using basic stationary more than fancy artist materials. 80% of this drawing was made with a single yellow-green sharpie. 10% with a gray sharpie. and then the rest is my assortment of markers and colored pencils for stuff like the eyes, wires, and the lighter fur color.
also dont mind that other sketch just out of frame. nearly this whole page is just differently colored animatronic rabbits. this is the only good one
i drew this from memory so if its inaccurate then uhhh *runs away*
anyways process photos time yayayyayy!!!!!1!!1!1!1!
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first lil sketch :] and yes i did forget part of his ear is missing. sue me
this was originally supposed to be a springbonnie drawing lol inspired by the scene in Into The Pit where hes looking into the suits eyes while youre hiding. and then i did the eyebrows and i was like this. doesnt look very much like springbonnie. and then ding! springtrap exists! yayayayy
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i do really like springtrap as a concept so im glad it worked out the way it did
but yeah most of the ""lineart"" up to this point was just me going over and over with the same sharpie
forgot to take any more photos till it was done </3 sorryyyyyyy ;p
took me ages to figure out how i wanted to do the lighter fur patterns :/ ended up just using a bunch of colored pencils on top of eachother
i cant believe its been 10 years. this franchise means so much to me aghhhh i love these dumb furry robots forever and ever and ever
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il3x · 9 months
Found my old art hehe, thought it might be fun to do a little retrospective.
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2018-2023 pencil drawings :P
Retrospective: the first two really aren't a fair comparison. The first one I was going for a cartoon style, the second one I got scared and fell back on realism because I thought realism was "better" (and still couldn't stylise for shit).
For some fairer comparisons... (long, extremely self-indulgent post that's mostly just art you've already seen below)
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^ same character, attempting stylisation in both. 2020-2022
or this:
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bird photo studies, 2021-2023, worth noting that the second one was done in way less time and on a new tablet. Also in the notes app.
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Or here's a good one! Comfort bird art (well, griffin). 2021-today. Think I actually used the same lineart brush.
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Even this is a pretty fair comparison, I think - similar style in mind, similar time input. (2020-2021-2023). Also all photo studies to an extent (final one was based on a pic I took of my own arms).
Interesting to look back on my high-effort pieces... you can see exactly where I went in for harsh geometric shading (2021) and how I got looser with it and started exaggerating colours. Hit a peak w/ the John art where I was like "whoa, may have gone too far" lmao.
I'm proud of where I've come, it's got much easier to be stylised and expressive in a way that looks natural (I hope), and that's something I've been aiming for since long before 2018.
Final piece that's not a comparison, just something old I'm still proud of :]
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fraternum-momentum · 1 year
Okay, so let me ramble abt making the last comic, cause that was an absolute behemoth to work on, and I have a lot of thoughts in my head. Man, I don't know how those webtoon artists do it every week. They scare me now.
This is super long btw, so get cozy if you want to read :]
Starting off, I actually got this idea from my lil 'ol diary I keep by my tableside :] I like writing down what I feel so I can see it in a more concrete(?) manner, helps me cope i think. One time, I really did cry for someone because I guess I just really liked them a lot. Having crushes is fun, but catching feelings isn't.
I always get this giddy feeling of being head over heels for someone. Every interaction is so exciting. Intoxicating even. And I couldn't get enough of it, but after that few seconds of bliss I immediately think to myself that all these scenarios in my head will never happen, not in a million fucking years. I just preemptively reject myself without ever telling the person what I feel. I know what the outcome will be anyway, and I'm afraid of what will happen if I did say anything. It's just too risky.
The second half is completely made up tho, I will never ever kidnap someone... unless? (For legal reasons, I will have to clarify that this is a joke, Thank you.)
Now onto the comic itself!
The composition is probably the easiest and the most fun part. I love, love, love, how versatile you can be in the webtoon format. Figuring out how to transition the panels is super fun, and it sucks that most of the webcomics I see on tapas or webtoon, etc. are just sticking to those boring box formulas over and over again when it has so much potential, although there are exceptions like, for example, Lore Olympus. While it has it's fair share of flaws when in comes to other aspects, you can't deny the artist's talent esp when it comes to knowing how to place the character in an illustration, (again) the compositioning etc etc. (ep. 8 is p good. They stick to the box stuff during dialogue but gets more experimental in some parts. I haven't been keeping up with it, so idk any other good eps)
One of my only big regrets is that I wish I had made the space between the '...but I love it." and "And soon..." parts longer. I think it changed scenarios way too fast and your eye immediately moves onto the next piece of text,, but eh, it is what it is, and I can't be bothered to edit it so ig I gotta learn to live with it.
It's still messy in,, a lot of parts actually, and I still can't do lineart to save my life, but i kinda tried just cleaning up the sketches instead???? I mean, it kinda works, but it isn't really smooth so,, And there are small mistakes here and there that I could've fixed or colored stuff in properly or whatever. But at that point, I'm just done with it. No more. Am tired and want to draw other shit now. Maybe boobs n dicks n pussy-
Oh actually i have another comic in my wip folder that I started before the sad Kylar crying one. Here's some of the thumbnails for it:
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the fucking lisa simpson looking ass face just cracks me up every time I see it LMAOQJSJQJ I just wanted to show it to u but stay tuned for that ig
I eventually want to make little comics like this for other characters as well! Like Sydney, who is also one of my favorites cause of the whole religion aspect to them, and I would like to tackle that topic with yet another super personal experience of mine that for some reason I'm comfortable with sharing with a bunch of ppl lmao
I also really want to make a full on nsfw one, like gut rearranging, carnal fucking, hardcore banging,, ok ill stop. But I do need to do more,, uh, "research" on that,, i swear it's research, i have no clue how im gonna draw it. Hell, I already struggle with drawing people fucking and imagine adding cool transitions to that. Guess even my masochistic tendencies extend to this shit too.
And I think that's pretty much it? I'll probably just stick to b and w or monotone with a few accent colors because i just know that it would break me if i did a fully colored one.
Okay, thank you for reading this ramble, I'll go ahead and answer some asks now,, Here's your prize though!
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its-bun · 5 months
a p r i l
I've actually drawn more than I thought I would this month, so here's some of the stuff I've done. First up, we have an inaccurate headshot of my beloved's oc Artair
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Then we got some poorly done OFF fanart, cause it may be 2024 but I'm still obsessed
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Next, we got one of the cutest designs I've ever come up with, feel free to bask in her cuteness. This was also the first piece I've ever really tried coloring lineart on
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And a much less good oc piece I did at the same time
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A princess
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And then I started trying to learn how to do chibis, that's what I've been working on a lot the past few days. Starting off we have Vivi
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and then another one of Tristan's oc's named Weaver who I'm obsessed and in love with but did a poor job of drawing
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And then we got my newest oc named Bambi, and theres a version of her that exists in her headspace and a version that is the thing controlling her body-- kinda like possession just roll w it uwu
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pumpkin-spike18 · 5 months
✨Weekly Progress 2024 #16-17✨
Procrastinating...? Nooo, what are you talking about? (✿◡‿◡)
Weekly Progress #16
Researched loop code ideas
Prepped fan project idea
Finished scripting (music + VA) for SYVNH main game
and SYVNH Side B
Additional SYVNH voiceline (recorded & implemented)
Linearted Dove & Avia sprites (SFB)
Linearted SFB sprite expressions
Flat colored SFB sprites
Scripted Death Decider, S1-S3e1 SYVNH loop
noted ideas for resolutions of potential game breaking cases lmao
Weekly Progress #17
Scripted S3e2-S3e5 SYVNH loop
ID'd BG and CGs for SFB
Fin P^3 outline
Reworked variable logic for SYVNH
If you see me reblogging things about 30 min to an hour before posting this, I got distracted as I was updating haha.
And okay, yeah, I'm procrastinating. I don't want to final test 80k+ word script...
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Stuck in a Yandere Visual Novel...HELP!!
Not sure what to say here, there was just a lot of scripting in the past two weeks. Realizing I had to script/check about 200 pages worth of content broke me for a few hours.
Then I said, "Pumpkin!! This isn't going to script itself! Get to work!!" and pushed through. It actually wasn't that bad since the looped content is significantly less than any of the scenes I had to script before.
The loop gave me a bit of trouble and I had to rework all the variables. As it turns out, one variable was not all I needed to make that portion of the code to work.
My original plan for the story was to use a persistent variable and plan to have the story in three acts: initial playthrough, loop playthrough, and final survival. In between each act, the player would not be able to access the previous act because, uh... I was inspired by DDLC pls don't hurt me fellow devs!! As I started checking the variables and coming up with ideas and some 20 variables for various encounters, I decided that was far too much work!!
Besides, it's better to be kinder to the player. The story can still be enjoyed the same way in one playthrough rather than multiple.
However... because I had one persistent variable and now need about 5 regular variables to accurately check the system, I had to update the whole script.
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(I'm so scared to test the whole thing............)
A Sky of Falling Birds
Sprites are done to the flat color stage!
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I'm convinced my art looks the worst at this stage so have some linearts too
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They have multiple arm poses and a variety of expressions.
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The initial count is 24 BGs and 18 CGs
This is a 20k word game.
I crack myself up.
Hopefully next time I update, I’ll have more info to share.
I finished the outline.
I have no more info prepared to share.
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kaevch · 5 months
૮₍˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶₎ა !!
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-ˏˋ RYU—!! ⭒ he/they, 15, asian.
moots | mlist | carrd.
i support palestine 🇵🇸. zionists will be blocked.
hey hey hey!! u can call me ryu or mei >:9 my pronouns r he/they but im okay w anything else EXCEPT she/her !
this is an sfw blog!
FANDOMS : TWST, genshin, HSR, JJK, black butler, sk8, BSD, Lookism, Omniscient Reader, Obey me (not actively but happy to talk about :)).
i generally dont block anyone bcs i typically dont have a reason to, and i just leave ppl alone even if they're sort of disturbing/uncomfortable to me so if you got blocked you probably did something that REALLY hurt me/made me way too uncomfortable. ill be blocking problematic people/artists.
the app i use is ibispaint x ! the brushes i use are the default ones alr there like dip pen (hard), felt tip pen (soft/hard) and marker!
for traditional, i literally js use a cheap ass blank notebook and a 0.7 tip mechanical pencil. lineart is done using brustro pens or a cheap black pen if im lazy :P
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i might take breaks randomly, highschool is CRAZY rn and i have to actually start focusing on my studies cuz i cant be a silly lil kid that draws silly guys anymore 😢
my blog will contain spoilers, not much as i myself am still in book 6 but ill make sure to tag it all properly :).
urmmmm pls dont trace my art >< its happened before and i hated the feeling lolz, u can use my art as a pfp with permission and credits though! (the art i send to my moots are all theirs to use tho idrc)
asks are always open! and im open for moots/anons too :3
i dont take writing requests bcs 1) im scared of messing up and not reaching the persons expectations and 2) i get stressed over it bcs i have to post it in a certain time or i feel like im dragging it out and it sucks bcs i have to rush if i dont have any motivation/idea and itll probably turn out really bad.
all and all, please be nice on my blog and respect people's boundaries!
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fwu-ffy · 2 years
Typing my random thoughts till I get bored:
I genuinely hate bait accs. I get that being one is fun and all, but some of them go way too far. Also, why do so many ppl hate Ed Sheeran? What did he do? Bcuz I genuinely can't find anything. I'm not even a fan of his but even I think some of these ppl are being way too rude. Sometimes when I get a hyperfocus, I talk about it so much that I start feeling awkward bringing it up bcuz I feel like ppl are getting annoyed w me talking about it sm, so even me even mentioning said topic will feel like a thousand tiny cameras are pointed at me. I should watch Wednesday. I keep seeing content everywhere and I feel like I'm missing out. I got Omori for Christmas and I really need to play it. I also got Doki Doki Literature Club and I've already gotten 1 ending. I think that Pinterest is on of the most xenogender supportive platforms I've been on. Everywhere I go on there I see people that either use or support them and it's really nice. Of course, not everyone uses or supports them, but it still is more supportive than other platforms I've used. I really hate the dsmp members. I like Ranboo and BadBoyHalo, but other than that everyone is garbage. I still listen to Wilburs music bcuz I like it, but he's done some pretty messed up stuff too. I adore the storyline and stuff, but unless I really need to watch their content, I just watch EvanMcGaming to keep up on the lore. I hate doing lineart. It's so time consuming and annoying. Plus I need to make sure it matches the sketch. I LOVE coloring and shading though. I'm craving pizza rn. Like, I actually will die if I don't get some. And a cheese burger. That sounds so good. Using 🤪 or 🥶 isn't cringey as long as you're doing it ironically imo. I joke about among us a lot and now I can't tell if it's ironically or not. Taking a Benadryl and passing out feels so good. I remember one time I took one and all I remember is talking about giraffes and bananas and then passing out. Apparently I was just spouting random nonsense. I want to get a TBH plushie at some point. I hate people that think that anxiety disorders aren't a neurodivergency. Living in constant fear and worry is not normal. There's anxiety caused by stress, and then there is an anxiety disorder. which is, in fact, neurodivergent. Anything that strays from the neurotypical is neurodivergent. That's the exact definition. I loathe bakudeku shippers with every inch of my body. They genuinely have -10000 braincells. Anyways, I'm tired of typing now :p Peace ✌️
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hopefullyababe · 3 years
ok workin on the next requesty quest andddd!!
it looks so fukin good!! im so excited to show yall when its donneee!!!
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i was like “i can’t just draw riawin again” like no wait absolutely i can and then i was like “but like also even More [winston billions chilling out / cuddling] content?? you draw that All the time” and then it was like wait i really actually do not, i just think about it like every day
#it's humorous i Do have the ''you can't just be [1000% Self Indulgent]'' ingrained thought @ myself but then i go ''i really can and will''#riawin#winston billions#this sure isn't carefully honed but w/e i should just like throw out stuff more casually#e.g. no i do Not need to account for everyone's limbs like fuck it i'm not bothering defining feet and rian's leg angled under winston....#we got the important shit and just put it out there get this done while my brain already goes [how abt drawing yet another shoulders-up shot#of the quant being Expressive] and i'm like yep sounds genius let's knock this one out#corned beef#flipping canvas enough i had to glumly erase rian's hand tat coz it turned out i drew it in when i had this shit Inversed....#this is ''we're chilling out together but also whenever you feel like it i Am dtf'' cuddling from winston obviously#this still was like a 3? day process drawing this lmao....finished up this non-fancy lineart today (which still took a while) and then dealt#w/ adding color which is always a whole thing l o l . . . and feeling too chaotic 2nite like if i'd been starting from scratch it would've#been such a challenge i feel like lmfao. just normal chaotic though like. annoyed at waking up at 4pm for a week cuz it's my Natural#Nocturnal Wakeup Time im sure and it takes so many attempts to push it back for a while...and it just being a regular day in 2020 means like#augh ouch oof.....but even so it's like well i know the content i want-ent to whip up. it's [limited billions characters we care abt] like#hanging out chilling out kissing cuddling etc or just sort of Emoting you know that's how it goes....quantent. riawinning. the evergrowing#yet also not that long list of ppl who should kiss the quant (i mean p much Everyone At Tmc can be on that list but. not many Named ppl)#anyways.....here we are#already looking at unimportant coloring details like well why didn't you simply do this other thing....#the answer is i gotta just take whatever momentum i can get and at any given time [Stopping And Pondering] is very likely to turn into#just regular ''stopping and losing focus for a good while'' i just open a canvas and crash through it and go Oh God Oh Jeez the whole time..
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metfell · 2 years
okay so this is going to sound a little weird but whenever you do a comparison/redraw of your art tge new piece always feel so much more alive and mature! in particular the ranboo pride pieces come to mind where despite being drawn a year apart they have two completely different feels! the tubbo comparison you made a while back with your profile pic and your old tubbo drawing had the same vibes! the new pieces feel like your drawing an actual person if that makes any sense. like whether it’s the colors or the composition older pieces just feel stagnant, like you are just making a drawing but new pieces feel like you’re creating a world/person/scene/they just have so much character and i can’t quite put it into words lol :p anyways! sorry about my mini ramble that probably made no sense and have a nice day <3
this is so sweet thank u!! i understand what you mean :) i think a lot of it is my use of undertones in shading that really brings a figure to life. back then i was still kind of just coloring in the lines, whereas now by doing lineart last, i can force myself to sculpt out the facial structures or clothing bulk using my colors, and THEN use the lineart to put visual priority on specific spots.
so for example:
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here's two eret artworks! the left one was done june last year, and the right one was done around halloween when she poster her halloween costume pics :)
you can see how much heavier and intrusive the lineart is on the left, combined with a worse understanding of anatomy, and flatter colors (though that metfell technique is peeking in), the left does not feel as alive or..... advanced, i guess? as the right, which has clear evidence of looking at anatomy references, studying how corsets work, looking at how leather reflects light, and using undertones and multiple different colors in shadows and highlights to really bring that whimsical feeling to life that i think so much of my art has.
another example is this:
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the left piece again- aside from being horrifically anatomically incorrect and a completely wrong body type in my opinion for c!wilbur- looks like i used only one brown to color the main body of the coat. which i did! a lot of my improvement as a traditional artist has come from expanding the amount of colors i have to work with. instead of using only 75 total marks i have around 200-300 markers. and in particular i focused on buying as many different skin tone options as i could find. and i think that's evident in the right wilbur art, which has many rich warm browns making up both his coat and his hair/tail. and again, i referenced my poses for the pride art series this year, and did not do that last year. so they absolutely feel more human! because im referencing humans!
sorry this got long i love talking about my art its so fun
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the1trueanon · 3 years
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So I've been stressed lately, and ended up starting a doodle page for when I can do digital doodles and wanna do some stress-relief arts. And I've been wanting to try my hand at Sir (@frechiiie/@rainbowsans' FellSwap Sans) for a few days now, so I did.
And I heard @frechiiie is having some trouble with his arm, and obviously I s y m p a t h i z e because I was there, like, 2 or 3 weeks ago! So I'm gifting this doodle (and probs a few others, Sir is really fun to draw for stress relief and I had this one idea for the "here comes the boy" song ... I'll leave the suspense for you guys but I thought it was pretty funny) to him in hopes of sharing serotonin while he's healing. Feel better soon, Frecher!!
((tbh, I wasn't originally going to try to learn Frech's style, 'cause I had so much going on, but I ended up doing it anyway and, like, ????? It's freaking magic???? If any of you have seen @evermore-cathrine-blog's reference page that I did, I used what I've learned so far on there too and I just ???????? When I was doing the pencils the hair went perfectly??? It's never done that before!! And then I moved it to digital and it just ajklfdsjklfdsj;jfds???? Cleanest lineart I've ever gotten???? In short, Frech you've got some sort of magic there, man, and idk what it is but day-um O-O))
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Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve done a crossover ship and this was all heavily inspired by the exciting crossover RP I’ve been doing with my lovely friend, @x-elyssa-x​~💜 I put in the idea of doing a crossover with Synth meeting Disney’s Kaa, wondering how it would all turn out. And I must say we got some really heartwarming results! >w< It starts off with Synth meeting Kaa in his dream from listening to a famously familiar storybook, and of course Synth fears Kaa at first but it turns out that the mysterious snake manages to find his way to the Trolls’ world (where anything can happen ;p) encounters our Techno Ambassador and instantly takes a liking to him! Ovo Still fearing the persistent snake, Synth wished Kaa would leave him be but as time passes, he slowly but surely begins to enjoy the snake’s company as they get to know each other better (as Kaa is kept secret in Synth’s home) and the more time they spend together, the more Synth begins to gradually fall for Kaa while the snake already had strong feelings for him~💓 Eventually the two of them became inseparable, especially when Kaa decided to finally leave his old jungle life behind to be with Synth, for it seemed the Techno Ambassador had changed him for the better, opening the snake’s eyes to his brighter world and together, they go to visit an old acquaintance of Kaa’s to help him become a troll like Synth, permanently. And as seen above, that is what Kaa’s troll form looks like - a Techno Troll with the new name to disguise his own, ‘Kayne’. Elyssa and I came up with the design together~ :3 She did the template lineart, I did the colour scheme (inspired by the first movie and sequel) and details, along with designing Kaa’s new troll hairstyle~✨ I am super pleased of how it all turned out and I really enjoyed doing the collab with you, Eylssa, dear! 💕 I also added a heart-shaped crystal opal necklace around Kaa’s neck, which was given specially to him by Synth as symbol of their loving bond~ 🎧🎶 💖🐍 Kaa, now ‘Kanye’ has become a very supportive and loving partner, protecting Synth with his life and love, and even comforts him about his fear of the dark~ ;//w//; Also, Kaa still has his hypnotic powers but he doesn’t use them as much as he used to. He sometimes uses them to soothe Synth when needed~ UvU But that’s not all, folks! 8D ‘Cause lookie what my sweet buddy, Emi a.k.a @groovinyeen​ drew for me below!! 🌟0🌟 💘 My very first fanart of SynKaa, which I absolutely, love, love, LOVE~!! 😍 🎧🎶❤️🐍 😍 
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My fave crossover ship, up there with Bluegnouf (Groognouf x Blue Diamond)
Thank-you, thank-you ever sooo much, sweets! *mega-hugs* 💞 You did a fantastic job and as promised to you and Elyssa, I wished to share your amazing work with the fandom! ✨👍Consider Emi’s piece a birthday gift from me too~🎁 ;3 Hope you all like - especially you, my dear Eylssa and I would like to also wish you a very Happy Birthday to you for tomorrow~!! (31st Jan) 🎊 💝 🎉 🎂 🎉 💝 🎊 =^o^= Thank-you so much for being such a wonderful friend, you deserve the best in my eyes~💜 😘 *mega-cuddles* 
And also a very Happy Birthday to our dear Branch too, a.k.a Justin Timberlake! 🎂 🎊
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Synth (c) Trolls TrollsTopia/Dreamworks Animation
Kaa (c) Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book
Kaa’s Techno Troll Form ‘Kanye’, Design, Lineart & Colour Scheme (c) @x-elyssa-x​ & @jade-green-butterfly​ (Me~!) 
Synth x Kaa (SynKaa) Gift Art (c) @groovinyeen
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