#got this ukulele for 4 days now
lyypeachu · 2 years
if you know, you know
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straawberries · 4 months
gonna make another post since that usually helps with reach
teehee poll for reach. please read the rest of this if you can
heeyyy its me delilah. im an autistic plural trans girl with ptsd, and im living in an abusive household with my adoptive "father" that absolutely hates me. in less than 4 months, i am going to be kicked out, and i am trying to raise the money i need to survive this event.
ive been trying, pretty much every chance i get, to get a job, but i think because of this shitty small town in texas, everyone already knows who i am and nobody wants to hire me. this means i have to rely on stuff like this.
by JUNE 1ST 2024, i need to make enough money to move out, or else... well, i dont really know what will happen to me (other than vague "homelessness"), but im really scared that it wont end well.
on top of that im rarely being fed enough which is seriously fucking with my mood and making me feel like shit, so im having to balance saving and eating which.. with the money im currently getting, is not very sustainable. other than a few people giving a lot (who i am eternally thankful for and if youre able to do this i would basically do anything for you) im basically getting zero donations.
i get that this kind of stuff is annoying and maybe a bit slow, but just taking a few seconds, maybe a minute or two at most, to give me a small amount of money, would be a hell of a lot more helpful than doing nothing.
C*SH*PP - @delilahswagga
P*YP*L - @delilahkill
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plenty of people use stuff like this to scam, so heres some info about me if you doubt that this is true. (copy pasted from previous post)
i have a really big love for performing, i fell in love with theatre years ago and performed the addams family musical as fester about a month ago as my biggest role on stage yet, and right now im in the process of getting ready for antigone as teiresius. i love music, and its one of my life goals to learn as many instruments as possible, and currently i own quite a few, though my favorites are my two ukuleles and my super cool electric guitar. i have 8 partners at the moment, and i have a very big desire to one day live with as many of them as i can. i pride myself on being the best partner i can be, and its been my goal to make all my partner's lives better (and i think ive been doing a good job at it :3)
i love cats an extreme amount, ive never had a cat myself (because my dad is insane and hates cats and tries to hit cats with his truck) but being around cats makes me super happy and always makes my anxieties go away, even when im having an anxiety attack or a panic attack. i really hope i can get a few cats one day, and i want to give them all silly food names :) my fursona is kind of a reflection of that, her name is bagel. some cat names ive thought of are mochi, chili, Supreme Pizza, or maybe french fry :)
im not sure if ill be able to achieve any of my goals if i dont get the financial support i need. ive been.. really close to giving up recently, but i dont want to have to do that, so im going to fight like this for as long as i can.
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Random Escaped Audios character headcanons (semi domestic... Idk?)
Escaped and Jean sleep with socks on, a habit they picked up in prison.
Escaped also sleeps with the mask on sometimes. And only in his boxers... And socks. Sexy. Seductive, even. 😂
Jean sleeps in whatever he wore that day minus the pants. Crinkled dress shirts all the way. (if he even gets sleep that is) On really bad days, before the intern, he just threw on pants the next day and was ready to go. (yes he did shower... But he put his old clothes back on)
Precious baby boy Ivan (actually adorable dilf... ESCAPED NO YOU DID NOT SEE THAT!!!😳) sleeps in matching pyjama sets and even got some for Raven and Paloma so they all three can match! of course the pj's are bird themed!
Now that I'm on a "what they wear to bed" trip... Alphonso does the classic t-shirt and boxers combo, jogging pants if he's cold. Plus a hoodie if he's really cold. Which is rare. Or... Well... His slayer uniform.
Benji does the t-shirt boxer combo too. All year. He mostly wears his old college (or band👀) tees to sleep.
You cannot convince me Crow "i don't have use for t-shirts" doesn't (didn't 😢) sleep butt ass naked. Either that or fully... Clothed? As clothed as he is. Leather harness shoulder bracer and all. There's no in between.
Enough of the sleep hc's... 🙈 Onto the random stuff
Nap dates with Jean!
Escaped has a sweet tooth. Also LOVES home cooked meals. After all the junk in prison, he loves the times in between where he gets to eat real food. If he could choose between take out or home cooked it's home cooked all the way. (one of the goons is a fantastic cook)
He misses his mom's food, though.
Escaped does finger guns all. The fucking. Time. Like...🧍‍♂️... 👉👉...🧍‍♂️
Alsoooo... Escaped and spiderman kisses!
I have many feelings about our slutty villain soo... He's a cuddler. Big time. Won't admit it, but likes being the little spoon (kinda mentioned in the audio). Will also lie on top of you if he catches you lying around, and put his head on your tiddies or tummy.
Crow has one of those photo calendars on his desk. It's with cats. Doesn't use it for calendar stuff... Only has it for the pictures. Gets new ones every year but keeps the old ones in a drawer in his desk.
Benji, our precious marine biologist (yes shh i know it's not exactly his job), is the same but with sea animals.
Also... Benji makes mixtapes. Not just early into the relationship, but also after he got married. It's his anniversary gift. Literally spends all year compiling a playlist, and a movie watchlist for datenights!
Picnic beach dates with Benji!
And forest or bird watching dates with Ivan (birbs☺️)
Also 100% convinced Ivan manages to befriend the crows he's feeding & playing with and they bring him gifts in return.
Jean likes his hair to be played with. (shout out to @stupd000 for saying he likes having his hair pulled🙈)
He also learns more songs on the ukulele and he and the intern sing together. Not very well, but it's cute. When the singing gets too bad, one would just kiss the other to shut them up.
Alphonso keeps souvenirs of the places he visits on hunts and keeps them in his room at the slayers' stronghold when he's there.
Jean is a bit jittery from all the coffee he drinks. Goes through withdrawl after escaping the mafia. But now he's down to the normal amount of coffee for a day (like... 2-4 cups a day)
Ivan will come and wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your (Raven's) shoulder while you two cook together. Will steal bits of food, too.
Ivan does wood carvings sometimes. He carved a little raven for Raven. Paloma painted it hot pink, she's very proud of it!
Once at safety, Jean adopts a stray dog... which turn into three.
Ivan will totally bring home injured animals (especially, ofc, birds) and nurse them back to health.
Okay I think that's all I can come up with for now
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bp-trio · 6 months
you’re watching….
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Outfit | Makeup | Hair style | nails
( ALL IN ENGLISH ) ( questions searched on the web about Sol)
"Hey, I'm Sol and this is the Wired Autocomplete interview," Sol said smiling. Sol was given aboard. A medium-sized board where the questions were stuck with a paper and she has to peel it off to open the question. “Let’s see what you all are curious about”
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"Have you ever googled yourself before?" Interviewer.
"No. I try not to."
"Alright, first question," Sol said before carefully peeling off the sticker that was covering the full question that was searched on the web about her.
[ WHAT ]
"What is Sol’s full name? My full name is Solaire Victoria Raeya Ivanov and I know it's a long name. But my parents liked it." Sol answered and smiled.
"What does Sol like in a guy?" Sol chuckled at the question. "Wow, did someone actually search this on the web?" Sol asked as she looked at her staff behind the camera and giggled. "What I like in a guy is honesty and just be good to me."
"What is Sol’s net worth?" Sol smiled at the question. "why do you guys care about this? but to be honest I don't even know what my net worth is."
"What is Sol's zodiac sign?" "Aquarius, I am. Fun fact, I actually share a birthday with Rosé. I was told recently about some of the characteristics of the Aquarius. Think I maybe have like, three of eight."
"What is Sol's phone number?" "That is a question I won't be answering. I don't give my number to anyone. So, it is maybe impossible to get my number. Sorry." Sol said and smiled blandly.
"What is Sol's accent?" Sol laughed at the question. "Honestly I have no idea. I would say British on most occasions. it also depends on where I go. When I got to America. my accent changes to American English and when I'm in Paris, I speak in a Parisian accent. Or these days it feels like I’m getting Aussie accent because of Rose. It is a bit confusing I don't know what my accents are." Sol chuckled.
"What is Sol doing right now?" Sol exhaled and chuckled " Talking to you. that's so funny people would google that. what is Sol doing now, like Google's gonna know"
"What was Sol's first song?" "The very first song I wrote was for my mom on her birthday when I was like six years old, and it was about when I grow up, can I be as pretty as you? when I grow up, can I wear your dress? and still, my parents and my siblings make fun of me sometimes."
Sol throws the medium-sized board on the floor and grabs the one handling to her.
[ DOES ]
"Does Sol have pets?" " Yes, I have 4 pets, three dogs and one cat. I have Shiba Inu named Cain, Samoyed named Chico, white Pomeranian Cece, and a Manx cat named Cleo. I adopted all of them from a rescue shelter. They are my angels."
"Does Sol speak Spanish?" Sol smiled. "Yes, I can speak Spanish because I taught myself and I'm proud of myself for doing that because I can now communicate with my fans who speak Spanish," Sol said and continued smiling as she peeled off the sticker that covers the next question and read it.
"Does Sol play guitar?" "Yes, I do play guitar. In fact, I play a lot of instruments. My grandpa taught me how to play the Violin and Piano. during my trainees days, I learned to play drums, electric guitar, ukulele, recorder, flute, and Saxophone recently. since I have much free time this year because of the pandemic, I spend my time mostly learning new instruments and learning online." Sol answered and nodded.
"Does Sol has tattoos?" "That’s a secret" she giggles, “but I do, I have four tattoos and each one of them has a meaning.”
"Does Sol watch anime?" "Do, and my top three animes are the seven deadly sins, my hero academia, and One Piece."
“Does Sol know how to play games?” “Yes, I love playing games. It’s my hobby.”
[ CAN ]
"Can Sol sing?" Sol laughed at the question. " I bloody hope so, otherwise I have no idea what I'm doing here."
"Can Sol rap?" "Yes, I can rap. I’m the lead rapper in the group."
"Can Sol drive?" "I can drive.  I actually passed my driving test the first time. I do really love the freedom of just getting in your car and going wherever you want."
"Can Sol come to my birthday party?" Sol laughed."I wish I could but I think you would have to speak to my agency and my manager about that."
"Can I date Sol?" Sol laughed and grinned. the staff also laughed "that's an interesting question. Maybe but I think you would have to speak to my agency and my manager about that too." Sol said and shrugged with a chuckle.
[ HOW ]
“Okay last board, How old is Sol?" Sol read off as she peeled the tap. "I'm 26 years old."
"How to get Sol's face?" Sol laughed. "Seriously? I don't know. surgery, I think?" Sol said and shrugged with a chuckle.
"How did Sol become famous?" Sol chuckled. " by releasing good music."
"How many languages can Sol speak?" Sol smiled. "I can speak 7 languages. Korean, English, Japanese, French, Mandarin, Spanish, and Russian I'm hoping to learn Thai and German by next year." Sol answered.
“How does Sol stays in shape? By working out.” She stated. “I don’t like dieting and I was extremely bad at it. When I was training to be a singer, I had this extremely diet and I just failed. I couldn’t resist my love for ice cream.”
“How does Sol keep her hair healthy?” She smiled, “I use a specially made shampoo and conditioner provided by my wonderful stylist aka Lina.”
“Well, that’s it?.” She asked, throwing the cardboard away when the staff members nodded. “It’s been fun! They weren’t as scary as I thought they would be.”
“I hope you enjoyed the video, thank you. Mwah.” She says, staring directly into the lens and blowing a kiss at it.
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Interview to JPJ
(by Steven Rosen, Guitar Player - July 1977, Chicago)
It was shared on ultimate-guitar.com by Steven Rosen himself (link). I suggest going to read the introduction because there's a bit of angry JPJ which is quite surprising (to me at least). Enjoy!
What was the impetus behind becoming a bass player?
I used to play piano when I was younger, and there was a rock and roll band forming at school when I was fourteen, but they didn't want a piano player, all they wanted was drums or bass. I thought, I can't get the drums on the bus, bass looked easy, four strings, no chords, easy so I took it up. And it was easy; it wasn't too bad at all. I took it up before guitar, which I suppose is sort of interesting. Before I got a real 4-string, my father had a ukulele banjo, a little one, and I had that strung up like a bass, but it didn't quite have the bottom that was required. Actually my father didn't want to have to sign a guarant or to back me in the payments for a bass. He said, ‘Don't bother with it; take up the tenor saxophone. In two years the bass guitar will never be heard of again.’ I said, ‘No Dad, I really want one, there's work for me.’ He said, ‘Ah, there's work?’ And I got a bass right away.
What was your first bass?
Oh, it was a pig; it had a neck like a tree trunk. It was a solid body Dallas bass guitar with a single cutaway. It sounded all right though, and it was good for me because I developed very strong fingers. I had no idea about setting instruments up then, so I just took it home from the shop. I had an amplifier with a 10 speaker... Oh, it was awful. It made all kinds of farting noises. And then I had a converted television; you know one of those big old stand-up televisions with the amp in the bottom and a speaker where the screen should be. I ended up giving myself double hernias. Bass players always had the hardest time because they always had to cope with the biggest piece of equipment. It never occurred to me when I was deciding between that and drums that I'd had to lug a bass amp.
What kind of music were you playing in that first band?
Shadows, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis stuff. I started doubling on piano. We didn't have a drummer at first, because we never could find one. That happened to another bass player, Larry Graham, Sly Stone's bass player. He started off in a band with no drummer, which is how he got that percussive style. You've got a lot to make up for once the lead guitar takes a solo because there's only you left. You've got to make a lot of noise. We got a drummer after a while whom I taught, would you believe. I've never played drums in my life.
That must have definitely had an influence on your playing.
I suppose it must have. I don't like bass players that go boppity boppity bop all over the neck; you should stay around the bottom and provide the end of the group. I work very closely with the drummer; it's very important.
How long did that first band last?
Not very long. I found a band with a drummer. This band also came along with really nice looking guitars, and I thought, ‘Oh, they must be great!’ They had Burns guitars so I got myself one, too. The one with the three pickups and a Tru-Voice amplifier. We all had purple band jackets and white shoes, and I thought, ‘This is it, this is the big time.’ But as soon as I got out of school I played at American Air Force bases, which was good training, plus they always had great records in the jukebox. That was my introduction to the black music scene, when very heavy gentlemen would come up insisting on Night Train eight times an hour.
What was the first really professional band you were in?
It was with Jet Harris and Tony Meehan (bassist and drummer with The Shadows). That was when I was seventeen, I suppose. And those were the days when they used to scream all the way through the show. It was just like now, really, where you have to make a dash for the limos at the end of the night make a sort of terrible gauntlet. In the days before roadies, you'd have to drag around your own gear, so we all invested in a roadie. We thought we owed it to ourselves, and this bloke was marvelous. He did everything, he drove the wagon, he lugged the gear, he did the lights... the whole thing.
What kind of bass were you using with Harris and Meehan?
Oh, I got my first Fender then. I lusted after this Jazz bass in Lewisham, and it cost me about $250, I think. It was the new one. They'd just changed the controls, and I used that bass up until last (1975) tour, and then she had to go. She was getting unreliable and rattling a lot, and I just had to leave her home this time.
What followed your working with that band?
I got into sessions. I thought, ‘I've had enough of the road’, bought myself a dog and didn't work for six months. Then I did start up again. I played in other silly bands. I remember that Jet Harris and Tony Meehan band, John McLaughlin joined on rhythm guitar. It was the first time I'd met him and it was hilarious. Here he was sitting there all night going Dm to G to Am. That was my first introduction to jazz when he came along, because we'd all get to the gig early and have a blow. Oh, that was something, first meeting him. And then I joined a couple of other bands with him for a while, rhythm and blues bands.
Do you remember the first session that you ever did?
No, I don't think so; it was in Decca Number 2 (studio in London). I was late, and I suddenly realized how bad my reading was. There was another bass player there, a stand-up bass, and I was just there to provide the click. It was nearly my last session.
Who were some of the people you were doing sessions with?
All kinds of silly people: used to do calls with Tom Jones, Cathy Kirby, Dusty Springfield.
The Rolling Stones and Donovan, too, didn't you?
I only did one Stones session, really. I just did the strings, they already had the track down. It was ‘She's A Rainbow’. And then the first Donovan session was a shambles, it was awful. It was ‘Sunshine Superman’ and the arranger had got it all wrong, so I thought, being the opportunist that I was, ‘I can do better than that’ and actually went up to the producer. He came around and said, ‘Is there anything we can do to sort of save the session?’ And I piped up, ‘Well, look how about if I play it straight?’ because I had a part which went sort of ooowooooo (imitates a slide up the neck) every now and again, and the other bass player sort of did wooooo (imitates downwards slide) down below, and then there was some funny congas that were in and out of time. And I said, ‘How about if we just sort of play it straight; get the drummer to do this and that?’
How did the session go?
The session came off, and I was immediately hired as the arranger by Mickie Most whom I loved working with; he was a clever man. I used to do Herman's Hermits and all that. I mean they were never there; you could do a whole album in a day. And it was great fun and a lot of laughs. I did all of Lulu's stuff and all his artists. I did one Jeff Beck single, and he's never spoken to me since. It was ‘Hi Ho Silver Lining’. I did the arrangement for it and I played bass. Then we had ‘Mellow Yellow’ for Donovan, which we argued about for hours because they didn't like my arrangement at all, not at all. Mickie stood by me. He said, ‘I like the arrangement, I think it's good’. It wasn't Donovan. He didn't mind either but he had so many people around him saying, ‘Hey, this isn't you.’ But he sold a couple of a million on it, didn't he?
Was the Hurdy Gurdy Man session when you first met Jimmy Page?
No. I'd met Jimmy on sessions before. It was always Big Jim and little Jim. Big Jim Sullivan and little Jim and myself and the drummer. Apart from group sessions where he'd play solos and stuff like that, Page always ended up on rhythm guitar because he couldn't read too well. He could read chord symbols and stuff, but he'd have to do anything they'd ask when he walked into a session. But I used to see a lot of him just sitting there with an acoustic guitar sort of raking out chords. I always thought the bass player's life was much more interesting in those days, because nobody knew how to write for bass, so they used to say, ‘We'll give you the chord sheet and get on with it.’ So even on the worst sessions you could have a little runaround. But that was good; I would have hated to have sat there on acoustic guitar.
How long did you do sessions?
Three or four years, on and off. Then I thought I was going to get into arranging because it seemed that sessions and running about was much too silly. I started running about and arranging about forty or fifty things a month. I ended up just putting a blank piece of score paper in front of me and just sitting there and staring at it. Then I joined Led Zeppelin, I suppose, after my missus said to me, ‘Will you stop moping around the house; why don't you join a band or something?’ And I said, ‘There are no bands I want to join, what are you talking about?’ And she said, ‘Well, look, I think it was in Disc, Jimmy Page is forming a group’, he'd just left the Yardbirds ‘why don't you give him a ring?’ So I rang him up and said, ‘Jim, how you doing? Have you got a group yet?’ He said, ‘I haven't got anybody yet.’ And I said, ‘Well, if you want a bass player, give me a ring.’ And he said, ‘All right, I'm going up to see this singer Terry Reid told me about, and he might know a drummer as well. I'll call you when I've seen what they're like.’ He went up there, saw Robert Plant, and said, ‘This guy is really something.’ We started under the name the New Yardbirds because nobody would book us under anything else. We rehearsed an act, an album, and a tour in about three weeks, and it took off. The first time, we all met in this little room just to see if we could even stand each other. It was wall-to-wall amplifiers and terrible, all old. Robert (Plant) had heard I was a session man, and he was wondering what was going to turn up some old bloke with a pipe? So Jimmy said, ‘We're all here, what are we going to play?’ And I said, ‘I don't know, what do you know?’ And Jimmy said, ‘Do you know a number called, The Train Kept A Rollin'?’ I told him, ‘No.’ And he said, ‘It's easy, just G to A.’ he counted it out, and the room just exploded, and we said, ‘Right. We're on, this is it, this is going to work!’ And we just sort of built it up from there. ‘Dazed And Confused’ came in because Jimmy knew that, but I could never get the sequence right for years; it kept changing all the time with different parts, and I was never used to that. I used to having the music there, could never remember. In fact, I'm still the worst in the band remembering anything. And the group jokes about it, ‘Jonesy always gets the titles wrong and the sequences wrong.’ Even now I have a piece of paper I stuck on top of the Mellotron which says: ‘Kashmir remember the coda!’
What were some of your early amplifiers?
I've used everything from a lousy made-up job, to a great huge top valve (tube) amp. We started off in a deal with Rickenbacker where we had these awful Rickenbacker amps; they were so bad. Our first tour was a shambles. For about a year I never even heard the bass. They said, ‘We've designed this speaker cabinet for you’, and I said, ‘Let me see it, what's it got in it?’ It had one 30 speaker! I said, ‘All right, stand it up there alongside whatever else I've got, and I'll use it.’ I plugged it in, and in a matter of five seconds it blew up. I thought the bloke was having me on; I said, ‘There's no such thing as a 30 speaker!’ And I had to take the back off because I couldn't believe it. Then we met the guy from Univox, and he came up with a bass stack, which unfortunately didn't last the night. But while it was going, it was the most unbelievable sound I've ever heard. It was at the Nassau Coliseum in New York, I remember, and the bass filled the hall. It was so big, it couldn't have lasted. I don't think I'll come across anything that sounded like that. But as I said, three numbers and wheel the Acoustics out again. I used two or three 360 standard Acoustics for quite a long time. They served me well.
You used the Jazz bass until just recently?
Yeah. Oh, I got a hold of a very nice Gibson violin bass (pictured in the little cut out wheel on the cover of Led Zeppelin III). That was nice, too, it's not stage worthy, but it gives a beautiful warm sound. I don't like Gibson basses generally because they feel all rubbery; I like something you can get your teeth into. But the violin bass was the only Gibson that was as heavy as a Fender to play, but still had that fine Gibson sound. I used it on Led Zeppelin III, and I've used it every now and again, usually when I'm tracking a bass after I've done keyboards for the main track. The one I have went through Little Richard's band and then through James Brown's band, and it arrived in England. In fact, I saw it in an old movie clip of Little Richard. It was probably about a '48 or '50 or something like that; it was the original one. Actually, I've also got an old '52 Telecaster bass. I used that on stage for a while, for ‘Black Dog’ and things like that.
Do you ever use a pick when you play?
Yes, when the situation demands it; on the 8-string it's awful messy with your fingers. On ‘The Song Remains The Same’ I use a pick to get that snap out of the instrument. It's fun, you play different. If I was just playing straight bass, I'd use fingers. When I first started I always used my fingers.
How has playing with Jimmy Page for the last nine years styled your playing?
That's hard. I play a lot looser than I used to. For instance somebody like John Entwistle is more of a lead instrument man than I am. I tend to work closer with Bonzo I think. But then again I don't play that much bass on-stage anymore, what with the pianos and the Mellotron. I'll always say I'm a bass player, though.
How do you develop a bass part?
You put in what's correct and what's necessary. I always did like a good tune in the bass. For example, listen to’ What Is And What Should Never Be’ (on Led Zeppelin II). The role of a bassist is hard to define. You can't play chords so you have a harmonic role; picking and timing notes. You'll suggest a melodic or harmonic pattern, but I seem to be changing anyway toward more of a lead style. The Alembic bass is doing it; I play differently on it. But I try to never forget my role as a bass player: to play the bass and not mess around too much up at the top all the time. You've got to have somebody down there, and that's the most important thing. The numbers must sound right, they must work right, they must be balanced.
You just picked a track from the second album, but there was something so gloriously unique about the first Zep record.
I know what people mean when they say the first Zeppelin album was the best. It was the first. I don't know what it was; we could never recreate those conditions it was recorded in. It was done in about thirty hours, recorded and mastered. There was a lot of energy in those days. But I liked (Physical Graffiti). I liked most of them actually. The funny thing was about the first album, when we got to about the third album (Led Zeppelin III) and started using acoustics everyone was saying, ‘Ahhh, Led Zeppelin has gone acoustic. They've changed their style.’ What everybody forgets is there were two acoustic numbers on the first album. Right? ‘Babe I'm Gonna Leave You’ and ‘Black Mountain Side’. The funny thing is people try to pigeon-hole you with all that heavy metal stuff. And if they ever listened to the fucking albums they'd realize it was never riff after riff after riff. It never was like that, you know? Peculiar... oh, well.
Do you practice?
In a word, no. I fool around on piano, but bass I never practice. Although again, with the Alembic, I'm beginning to feel, ‘Wouldn't it be nice to have it in the room?’ It really makes you want to play more, which is fantastic.
The band has always had a strange relationship with the press.
There is an amount of professionalism which must be retained. You can't go around canceling gigs and things like that. After Robert's accident there were rumors of, ‘Oh, they're afraid to come out’ and this and that which was really hard on us because we've always tried to be as professional as possible. And we take a pride in this. We've tried to turn up on time but it gets hard moving this amount of people. And that sort of thing hurts. Robert was in a wheelchair and we had to wait until he was healed. And then we were all ready to go and he got tonsillitis on this '77 tour. And he must have felt so bad. I tell you if this band ever drops from favor with the public, a load of people are going to come down on our asses so fucking hard. They're just waiting for us to drop. I don't know why, I honestly don't know. I always remember the first review of our first album in Rolling Stone and the bloke dismissed it out of hand. I don't even think he would listen to it and said as much. Then they dismissed us as hype.
Who do you listen to?
I don't. I used to listen to a lot of jazz bass players once, but jazz has changed so much now, it's hardly recognizable. I listened to a lot of tenor sax players: Sonny Rollins, John Coltrane and all those people. Bass players? Scott La Faro, who died. He used to be with (jazz pianist) Paul Chambers. Ray Brown and Charlie Mingus, of course. I'm not too keen on the lead bass style of some players. Paul McCartney, I've always respected; he puts the notes in the right place at the right time. He knows what he's about.
Who don't you listen to?
Ian [Anderson] is a pain in the ass. We toured with Jethro Dull [sic] once and I think he probably spoke three words to Jimmy or I at any one time. The band was nice but he was such a funny fucker. His music bores the pants off me, it's awful. Page came up with the greatest line about them. He had a title for a live album when Jethro was playing in Los Angeles: ‘Bore 'Em at The Forum’. (Ritchie) Blackmore is another guy I don't like. He was supposed to have been a big session man but he must have done demos because he was never a regular session man. I'm getting out all my pet hates.
There's nothing you'd like to do outside of Zeppelin in an instrumental context?
I always get the feeling I'd like to write a symphony. I like all music. I like classical music a lot. Ravel, Bach, of course, Mozart I could never stand, though to play it on the piano is great fun. If Bach had ever come across the bass guitar, he would have loved it. Rock and roll is the only music left where you can improvise. I don't really know what's happened to jazz; it has really disappointed me. I guess they started playing rock and roll.
So you're able to continually experiment in Zeppelin and expand your playing?
Yes, absolutely. I wouldn't be without Zeppelin for the world. What's it like being in Led Zeppelin? I don't know. It is a peculiar feeling; it intrigues me.
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dramatic-dolphin · 10 months
I'm writing this anonymously because I don't want my blog to be connected to this but I think I have something that might interest you and fellow hungarians.
I'm in the 12th grade of highschool and I'm 18 years old. I decided to take an early érettségi exam from english. The problems started after nobody told us what exactly we need to in order to get permission for that. Somehow we scraped the info we needed. They told us to go to a different school to get papers. I and a friend of mine arrived there at 14:20. There was quite the line there, so we figured it will take an hour or so and we can go home.
Well one hour turned into nine. The school should have been closed and frankly I don't know what happened and why it was so slow. The queue advanced three centimetres per hour. Around 18:00 the porter came up to ask what the fuck was up, why are we still here. We couldn't go anywhere else, we couldn't get the papers anywhere else. So we stayed. It was starting to look really dire. I don't know how many of us were there, but it's safe to say that more than a hundred. In a narrow corridor, sitting. The line seemed to not progress at all at that point. It was around 23:30 when I finally got my papers. I waited for NINE hours. I sat on the ground of a narrow corridor for NINE hours. I got out just in time to catch the last tram to home. I got home around 1:00 and I had to get up 6:00. I run on around 4 hours of sleep. I'm dead tired.
While waiting a friend of mine wrote to Telex in hopes of getting their attention with this story. Now I obviously don't blame the poor teachers who had to do our papers, I bet they won't get extra money for this. But this is unaccaptable. I hate this fucking country.
On the flip side though we tried to have fun while waiting. We brought food, we talked, we sang and one guy pulled an ukulele out of somewhere. There was also guy with a mouth harmonica. So all in all, the people were 10/10 but the experience itself was like a personal hell, 0/10 would not recommend.
oh god, the early érettségi process was bad enough when I had to do it years ago, this sounds like an actual nightmare.
NINE HOURS???? 23:30??????? if I were you I straight up would not have gone to school the next day, this is more than enough of an excuse
I'm thinking there were like two teachers at best doing all this and every single important machine broke. or something. I actually have no idea what sort of circumstances could excuse NINE HOURS OF WAITING. jesus christ.
but also as we all know there is no tanárhiány, and if there is it's their own fault, and nothing is wrong in this country 🙃
what the fuckkkkk. get some sleep today <3
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15 people 15 questions
tagged in this meme a few weeks ago by @isaksbestpillow!! here we go
1. are you named after anyone?
My first name is the name of a specific figure from UK history! someone a lot of uk people have heard of, but it's unusual to actually have this as a name. I get some incredulity and some people who politely ask where i'm from. I have to say i'm not 100% sure what answer they're expecting.
My tumblr url is a B-52s song which seemed somehow relevant back in uhhh 2013 or whenever it was.
2. when was the last time you cried?
I thinkkkk possibly when i was doing my taxes back in january. These days I tend to cry from stress and anger and frustration but it's really bad for me because once I start I find it VERY hard to stop, it makes my emotions spiral, I get more and more upset, so I really have to squash it down. For me crying is not cathartic, it just ruins the day.
3. do you have kids?
No - BUT - I have a lot of much younger cousins - and I babysit them & help with childcare fairly often so I am quite used to kids. Fortunately my cousins think i'm super fun
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
I am extremely noncompetitive! I was terrible at team sports at school and also had terrible hand-eye coordination. I have been at times an OK swimmer and I played a lot of table tennis in my last couple of years of school with the other four or five people who'd been deemed too useless for netball etc. As an adult I do youtube yoga, I periodically do app-based running stuff like Zombies Run or Nike Run Club. Ideally I'd like to go every day on like a 5 mile walk in an interesting location with a reasonable amount of ascent and descent but in a city it's hard to orchestrate that. Also I put my little cousins on my shoulders and get them to direct me where to go so they can learn the difference between left and right
5. do you use sarcasm?
I think I actually don't! Maybe a little bit sometimes. I tend to me more uhhh. pedantic and literal. tend to deconstruct .
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
uhhhhh probably skin texture . or haircut . or I look at their clothes. i don't know . sounds creepy. sorry.
7. what’s your eye color??
I think if you average it out it's brownish / greenish . think filippo berio bottle . maybe a bit browner / greyer than that. I tried to take a picture but it only confused me. Also when you look close enough at someone's eyes you might get flecks of like eight different colours.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
I do watch and enjoy scary movies and I have learned that I have a higher tolerance for them than some people BUT if I must pick between the two - I am team happy ending.
9. any talents ?
Little bit doublejointed! Can play a little bit of ukulele. Good memory. Good cook. Can make cocktails .
10. where were you born?
London, UK
11. what are your hobbies?
cooking, language learning, walking. Tumblr . opening new browser tabs . I'm getting some wine qualifications which is partly work related partly hobby.
12. do you have any pets?
no but my sister & her partner just got a dog and I do feel I am now an auntie
13. how tall are you?
167 cm I think? i think that's 5 ft 6? normal amount.
14. favourite subject in school?
probably languages ........... honestly I don't remember. unfortunately I had a thirst for knowledge and enjoyed most subjects.
15. dream job?
What I do now (print media production work, magazine production work) is pretty good for me
I'm going to do what @isaksbestpillow did and tag the last 15 people in my notes, that seems fun. no obligation obviously! @rociopath @fizzbuzzbananagram @magicmarker @autisticmisabel @starburger @the-omnishambles @itsmapes @youvegotaluckyface @misterhaderach @jestershark @lanninglurksnomore @sirquacklesdefoof @tracybaconnnn @321claratin @alien-ally
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alintheshitposter · 5 months
It is currently 4am in the morning, I can't sleep, so let's do this now. (Pretty sure I've done it before but this is simply going be the updated version🤪)
15 questions + 15 friends; I was tagged by @spezialgelagerte-rokokokokotte thanking youuu <3
It got quite long, so I'll put a cut here😅
1. Are you named after anyone?
No😊 (and I say this confidently because I named myself)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Two days ago, on my birthday (I was just a little emotional), but @maxwellshimbo was there to comfort me💚
3. Do you have kids?
Not of my own, no. And it's unlikely that is ever going to happen.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did ballet as a kid but quickly got tired of it and started playing football, which I technically STILL play (it's been 84 14 years💀) but I am falling out of love with it. I used to do archery for like a year which I absolutely loved and hope to do again sometime! I'm in a club for lifeguarding (German peeps will probably have heard of DLRG👀) so I spent quite some time at the swimming pool as well. Though I am not as active in actual training anymore. And I did ballroom dancing for a while. Like standard and latin dances. My favourite was probably Cha Cha Cha and my least favourite was definitely Quickstep😵‍💫 it was fun tho! I danced with one of my best friends and I did the leading parts which made me feel kind of gender euphoric. I also like to go for a run every now and then but overall I'd consider myself a not so sporty person. I like to relax a lot🥴
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I cannot live without. It just comes naturally.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Just the overall vibe I guess. And whether I like them or not.
7. What is your eye colour?
It says blue-grey on my ID but I've been told they're actually more green-ish and I kind of agree.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I don't like scary movies, I think they're ridiculous.
9. Any talents?
Hm. Well...my dad jokes are pretty good🤪 but apart from that...I guess I'm quite creative?🤷🏻 I speak 3 languages fluently? I can touch my tongue to my nose? Idk xD
10. Where were you born?
In some small town in northern Germany. Fellow Germans will probably know it for one (1) big tourist attraction but I'm not going to specify it here.
11. What are your hobbies?
I play theater. I play several musical instruments (bass, flute, ukulele, kalimba and some more but I'm not as good). I like taking pictures and editing them. Sometimes I write fanfic and/or poetry. And I like to relax in my bean bag🥴
12. Do you have any pets?
I have a cat but I haven't lived with her in 3 years. (Due to an allergy🤧 and me moving out of my parents' house.) I visit her from time to time tho!
13. How tall are you?
It used to be 1,68m on my ID but I recently had to renew it and now it says I'm 1,71m...I think I might actually be smaller than that though🥴
14. Favourite subject in school?
Always all the languages. Never any of the sciences. I loved music class as well. And all the school bands I played in. I miss that.
15. Dream job?
Please, that is the WORST question you could ask me right now😩 I feel a little lost. I'm currently studying to be a translator but is it what I really want? I don't know ;-; I miss working at the kindergarten lately. But I don't know if I'd wanna do that full time either. I'm so insecure and I hope I'll figure it out soon.
Phew. This took me almost an hour. Well. Let's see if I can fall asleep now. 1½ hours left until my alarm goes off. Good night😴
No pressure tags: @daughterofhecata @miaisreadytorun @bistdueinbaum
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toffeecoffeee · 3 months
went to my first ever convention (pax east)!!
here’s a summary of my experience that I want to share with the world, because I doubt anything like this will ever happen to me again:
got badges inside
bought neurospicy lanyard and pin #1 (axolotl pin)
had croissant
took a picture with a Narinder cosplayer
bought Rivulet + blue lizard plush (pebbsi was sold out I think :( )
bought dancing Flowey plush
tried out Celeste in one of the gaming rooms
proceeded to die over 100 times in the course of 40 minutes
loved it
went to a presentation about villains in video games
tried and failed to get into many jackbox tournaments
bought pin #2 (hollow knight pin)
saw hollow knight cosplayer (didn’t get to take a picture because we lost them)
went to hotel
eepy time
went to hell again (celeste)
loved it still
went to play jackbox
actually got in a round of trivia murder party using Rivulet as a good luck charm
proceeded to ACTUALLY WIN
got pin #3 FROM THE VOICE IN THE GAME?????????????
watched Failboat play ukulele and summon burgers during a Mario Kart tournament
proceeded to miss the meet n’ greet
but that’s ok because JUST SHAPES AND BEATS WAS THERE?????? (up to 4 people could play at a time)
played the hell out of that
finally found the hollow knight cosplayer from the day before and got that picture
went back to the hotel
got ramen
bought Celeste and got through the first two levels with 13 and 18 deaths respectively
died 239 times on the third level
bet you can’t tell which level I had played before
eepy time 2 - electric boogaloo
played JSAB again
complemented some dude there wearing a cool JSAB shirt
IT’S OLIVIER LAMONTAGNE (one of the programmers)
My friend and I compliment his game
he gives us BOTH A FREE PIN?????
bro I actually love the creators of JSAB so much now they were both so nice and chill
shoutout to my peeps Simon and Olivier
I go back to playing JSAB
I actually S-rank a level after that
I feed coins to a mimic after donating to charity and it gives us two books that were giving it indigestion
go back to playing JSAB again and get COMPLIMENTED BY THE CREATOR ON MY PLAYING??????????????
go and watch people do the fake finale of the omegathon (which was who’s your daddy) and the big omegathon (the real finale was a combination between minesweeper + space cadet pinball)
the winners of that were someone in a knuckles outfit and someone with a beard or goatee of some sort
got some coffee
eepy time once more
here’s a picture of the pins btw!
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and here’s the badge!
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and the lucky rivulet plush!!
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roseband · 3 months
My VVVIP experience with The Rose (very long):
I did the triple VIP package in Stockholm, Sweden with the boys <3
For the green room tour, they all started with a hug, which was very nice... they're all very short hahaha, but so handsome.
When I first got into the room, Dojoon commented that my top looked like some of the jackets they wear on stage, so I was happy that he noticed that lol (done on purpose!!)
The first thing they asked all of us is if we wanted anything to drink, I asked for a diet coke knowing that Hajoon is a diet coke drinker too, which turned into a conversation with them about how diet coke isn't really sold in that area of Europe cause of the chemicals in it, and how we should probably all.... stop. (I drink like 3-4 a day I have a problem)
They asked why I came all the way from NYC, I mentioned that I had a buttload of unused PTO (which they didn't know what that was, which, honestly... artist problems same reason I didn't use mine, I told them that I finally got a staff graphic artist job (forgot to mention the brand and i wanna kermit cause sammy and their photographer both own a lot of stuff from the brand i work for, and like a ton of other idols lol.... like Eric's whole family is a fan of one of the things I do some art on lol (I should seriously send him one of the toddler outfits I did a bunch on for his nephew lol)), vs the freelance I had been doing for 3 yrs before), asked if I had come to multiple cities or had gone on vacation only, and I told them I was on vacation in Sweden/Denmark.
They don't usually get to tourist when on tour, so mainly just plane/train, hotel, concert venue, maybe one part of the city, which is kinda sad ;_; also it must be so tiring, like Dojoon looked super tired and not the healthiest, so I hope he's okay, he kinda kept his distance from us during parts of the tour and also "brain farted" during Q&A......
But they asked how I got there, mentioned plane ofc, but I made a joke that u could probably take a cruise...?? Hajoon said UBER which made the others all laugh
I kinda froze a bit, it was a loooottt, so Dojoon made a joke that I could just stare at them even and it'd be okay...
I asked them if they were going to ever release the old songs (like photographer, omg, greed, can't let you go) that they used to play on their tours in 2017-19, when I mentioned omg/photographer I told Jae I like his little slap bass solos in them <3 <3 <3 (Jae def still has the most idol'y mannerisms cause he did the classic idol compliment, head turn, heart eyes and hands to chest lol)...
They're planning on releasing them in a special way for broses, and Sammy was thinking some sort of like, scavenger hunt type thing on rosarium. (pls give them to meeeeee <3)
I told them I like those (omg and photographer) the most cause I play a bit of bass guitar, even though it's not my main instrument... and that the VIP package made me want to get out my guitars again,, Sammy asked what it was and if it was guitar, which I was like CLARINET!!!! and Bass Clarinet which is like a super big clarinet that goes up to /here/ *stands and gestures height*.
Sammy and Hajoon both came to the conclusion that it's a "clarinet cello" and "like a cello to a violin" which YES!!!
So when they got the ukulele out to sign, going with the violin joke, Jaehyeong mimed it being like a violin hahaha, and as they went to sign it Sammy kvetched about how sharpies smell lol.
So I was still talking to them about the old tracks, and mentioned I was a predebut fan.... and /used to/ (at least my noggin worked there) run a tumblr page of them, and sammy mentioned he used to be on tumblr and would follow/look into fan accounts, so HELP ME, (now i'm certain they've seen that awful video ;~;) but there's no way that he hasn't seen my acct then and that's big bad energy for my brain now lol.
but for the 4 selfies they first asked who your bias was, and when I said jaehyeong soooo quickly they all made fun of me for how fast it was, but OFC!! bass baby.
Jae and I took the two selfies, plus he almost dropped my phone in the middle, so I have a third really derpy one that wasn't supposed to be taken, and then we had the two with ot4...
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I wanna know what witchcraft they use to look taller in pics though...
And also... my precious (I have to build my display for it now)
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So after that we went for the stage tour....
I had initially hung by Jae while going on stage (and he helped me up cause their circle part of the stage was a big step up and i was wearing heels and am a klutz)
But I ended up hanging with Sammy and playing Skylar which <3 <3 <3
So two of the girls who were in my group played piano and were hanging with dojoon, and were both super good at piano btw!! <3
When I first put Skylar on I played a little bit of blackbird by the beatles and Dojoon sang alongggg, and then I played the beginning/chorus of back to me like the melody part (IDK I may slip in the audio that I recorded on my watch later, but not sure, I think I may wanna keep those private for me)
But Sammy asked if I wanted to keep playing (so I didn't get a chance on Juicy w/ Jae but that's okay, next year hopefully) and he showed me the chords to b2m and a little bit of the chords for alive.
It's really hard to play on stage, I'm not a guitar family main, and mostly play by tab/ear, so the delay you get from when you pluck/strum the instrument to when you hear it without the IEMs is really confusing.... so now I totally get why when they had that issue with their sound team with their IEMs they kept having such extreme issues cause it's like off by a half second from you playing and hearing it. (I can really only handle that delay on my reeds lol)
Also, rather than having a pedal board where they can change effects during tracks, they actually have them preprogrammed for each song, so they can change distortion type effects based on which song is in the setlist vs what effects they want at the moment. Which is different than when I went on their stage in 2018, cause they had a typical pedal board setup then.
Also when I took off Skylar, I asked Sammy what's with the heavy relic customs (cause he has two now) and he said that he just likes them..... and I sorta joked that in nerd instrument world that's not ok (even though I know someone who played at carnegie with duct tape on her fucking contrabass clarinet) and he said "well guitar can be a nerd instrument too" and like dude u do not know how weird woodwind players are... u do not get it but ily so much
Q&A/Soundcheck/Concert was... normal, waiting for fancams to upload now
We had one final group photo with the 5 VVVIPs where they also gave us the signed ukuleles and the posters they were holding backstage for us.
We got to hug them all again and we thanked them for the show.
We technically weren't allowed to give them gifts, but that was the only time we weren't watched as much, so one girl slipped them some black rose pins she ordered thru Dojoon, and I gave the keychains that I drew and had printed/manufactured through Sammy.
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Sammy was impressed that I had all them and that the sticker on the back of Brittany is on the back, but when I mentioned I drew them he was like "wait you DREW these" so i'm super happy lol
...and then now i have world's worst post concert depression hahaha
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femmemortes · 4 months
When did you start practicing music? And or what kickstarted the passion fully?
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This is gonna be a long ass reply because I’ve never really talked too much about me starting music so I apologise in advance:
My first instrument was the ukulele and it was just something I did as a little side, fun thing to do since I had always been interested in music my entire life but had never had the time or money to sink into getting a learning a more significant instrument such as guitar until I started playing guitar about 4 years ago at the lowest point in my life coming off the back of a really, really nasty relationship, actually. I had been listening to Phoebe Bridgers’ “Stranger in the Alps” album on loop for days, weeks to cope. Sometimes it was the only thing I’d listen to while doing my studies. At the time I had just found her after listening to Smoke Signals.
I loved it so much it pushed me to learn guitar for real.
So I started talking about it. My grandpa gave me his old, 50 something year old acoustic guitar he had used to play to his students when he was a teacher and the first day I had it I had learnt three Phoebe Bridgers songs upstairs in his house. It’s still my favourite acoustic I own, the sound is like nothing else.
From there I just kinda learnt how to write to cope. I have probably an entire albums worth of songs with lyrics and chords and whole structures nobody will ever hear apart from me and time period helped me realise there was nothing else I wanted to do other than music. I’d spend just ages and ages writing and writing music. I only just got fully serious about music in the last two years and while my music style is very different now (I write post punk for god sake lmao) I still have a very soft spot for that type of melancholy, acoustic based music.
In short, music saved my life and I’m really excited to continue being able to do it for as long as I live :)
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emeritus-fuckers · 6 months
Howdy hey I'm interested in trying the match-up event. I always enjoy reading the things y'all've written.
Apologies in advance if this is a mess. 1. Identity: I am nonbinary, use they/them and she/her pronouns. I'm bisexual and a bit on the demisexual side.
2. Who I like: I'm cool with either the papas or ghouls
3. What I look like: I'm 5'8" and chubby. I'm pretty strong and got some muscle so I'm built perfect for giving big hugs and cuddles (though it'll take a bit of convincing to get me cuddly). At the moment my hair is dyed bright red but it changes colors often. Both my eyes have sectoral heterochromia and are green with a bright blue chunk. I usually wear all black graphic tees, skinny jeans, boots, and fun colored socks that often show because i never find pants that are long enough in my size lol.
4. My personality: I am introverted but enjoy being around others even if it wears me out. I'm good with kids (I'm a human jungle gym at this point) and people tend to tell me their secrets and find it easy to be open/themselves around me. I'd say i'm pretty smart but I will do stupid things just because i'm curious. Folks i'm comfortable around will never hear the end of my current interests and I'm a complete goofball (I've been banned from being funny at the table because i've caused too many people to choke laughing oops). It takes a while to actually get to know me deeply because I keep things close to my chest and dont open up easily. I've got a lot of anxiety and some baggage that I keep hidden but I'm working on I swear. I can get really competitive over trivial things and can turn anything into a game. I sometimes go MIA when im distracted with whatever the hell i'm into at that time but when I reappear there's always something new to share. (I can tell you everything you never wanted to know about pipe organs!)
5. Interests: I've got the adhd so my interests bounce around a lot. I like making things and I mess around with a lot with different crafts. I do a lot of fiber arts stuff and I've also recently been whittling bears (I have a few around somewhere). I love music both listening and playing it. I play 8 instruments (violin, viola, cello, mandolin, ukulele, trumpet, trombone, and french horn) but I'm best with the violin because i've been playing it for around 17 years. I'm also teaching myself accordion and guitar. I play video games sometimes and I especially enjoy getting 100% completion. In general I love learning anything and everything and am a "jack of many trades but master of none"
6.Trivia: My favorite movie is fantasia 2000 and recently I completed my goal of performing every music piece in an orchestra (The Pines of Rome and the Firebird Suite are my favs). I collect knickknacks and random things I find and use them to decorate my spaces and I have a skeleton with a mustache in a wizard costume in the back seat of my car and its name is Todd. I also keep googly eyes in my bag just in case
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is...Swiss
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You and Swiss quickly became friends, he's so excited by things and so enthusiastic that you got swept up in it all. He's charming and really sweet to you, so you started to fall for him. One day you were sitting outside, Swiss taking a large drag of his vape before he looks at you and grins. "I love ya, you know that right gorgeous one?" You blush and blurt out that you feel the same way. Swiss responds by biting your shoulder just under the collar of your t-shirt. "There now it's offical" he says so excited he's practically jumping up and down "you're my mate!"
Swiss adores your eyes, he thinks they are the most awesome thing ever, and so beautiful. He tells you this a lot.
Swiss adores how much of a goofball you are, he is too, and you spend a lot of time together both laughing so hard you end up tearing up.
If your anxeity is getting bad he will cuddle and do anythig he can to help. If things get too much and you seem sad he'll hold you. He will cuddle you as long as you need. Then he'll try and take your mind off things, anything to get you to laugh a little and smile. Swiss is chaos personified but one thing is constant for him, he loves you and is devoted to you.
Swiss can keep up with your changing interestests. Infact he loves it! This Ghoul enjoys chaos and jumping around from thing to thing, that keeps him occupied. Whatever you get into he'll throw himself into it completely with you.
He is fascinated by all the things you collect. He loves how varied they are and the skeleton with a moutache is his favourite. He was very excited when you whittled him a bear. You handed it to him and he just looked at it like 'woow this is awesome'. he keeps it in his room, pride of place.
He's more than happy to help you learn guitar, he gets so excited his tail starts swishing around. He passes you his guitar and sits behind you legs either side of you showing you a cord and then letting you practice. He'll kiss your neck or softly bite your shoulder every now and then. He'll rest his chin on your shoulder and watches. He smiles at how fast you are learning, his smile is gorgeous enough to make your heart melt for him, to forget completely what you were playing and you just smile back. Often this leads to you getting so distracted the guitar gets forgotten as he presses his lips to yours.
Written by Nyx
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Diamond Star Halos Track-By-Track Important Points:
Joe: "I got this tattoo of a girl sittin' on the moon" you sure do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
the flaming finger being for This Guitar (I kinda figured)
U Rok Mi isn't about a person it's about the feeling of inspiration
it's prerecorded but joe keeps laughing TPTPPGGABHBDE
Joe calling the album a "BITCH to autograph" bc of all the artwork
Sav songs have L A Y E R S
i cannot. stop. looking. at. Joe's. gorgeous. face. I could do this all night. I mean it.
i forgot Kick was the last thing made for the album GIROTGMTIMOT
where tf is Rick
Joe can't read Phil's handwriting LMAOOO
the random eye contact with the cameras keeps making my heart stop rtgonisrogotgstrg
Joe said the words "Panic! At the Disco" and I never. ever thought I'd hear him say those words
DSH is Phil song heaven and I think that's why I love it so much
so glad joe being stubborn about This Guitar for nearly 20 years paid off
Viv: I think we know how to make records now-?
SOS Emergency was one of the first songs written for DSH
"Phil, WHAT is liquid dust?" "it's US!!!"
Phil's children getting ukuleles
phil teaching himself ukulele off youtube
joe is always so enthusiastic i wanna just giddily nerd out with him he looks like he needs someone to reciprocate his giddiness
seriously WHERE IS RICK
joe: "we sing 'meh'"
both sav and viv play piano???? I knew sav but VIV???
"ohhhh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) what about mike garson ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
i see joe's silver chest hair peekin' out ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
joe wrote the lyric over the course of 3-4 days while he was picking up Finlay from his home-school lessons at someone else's house ;O;
"the lyrics aren't always as dumb as people think" -joe
viv doing the outro vocals of All We Need ;O;
I've come to the conclusion we don't get to see Rick at all in this
hearing all this makes me so happy i have a tattoo for this album uwu
I can't wait for Gimme a Kiss aka the Slut Song
"We just wanted a smash-you-in-the-face song" -phil (smash you in the face, huh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
this whole experience of recording DSH sounds like them having a sleepover
joe calling Gimme a Kiss "playful" and "fun" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is that what he calls it?
seriously. i can't STOP looking at joe's silver chest hair 👁👄👁
viv saying "Elton Joe" and I can't believe I didn't think of that first bc one of the first things I thought of Goodbye for Good This Time was that Elton should cover it
there is def Elton influence on this album and that's prob another reason why I love it so much
joe wanting to punch his 22 year old self in the face bc of him making melodies so high to sing
joe: *talking about how Lifeless was just a generic heartbreak thing at that it wasn't inspired by anyone hurting him*
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this is really Phil and Joe PowerHour huh (not complaining)
viv did the solo on Unbreakable catch me loving it even more
i stg they don't even MENTION Rick once
"making From Here to Eternity was like giving birth to an elephant" -sav
sav calling it one of the oldest songs on the album
From Here to Eternity being about a love triangle where a man kills his lover's mistress
joe actually using the phrase "murder ballad"
viv calling From Here to Eternity a sav song "in case you can't tell- bc it's got that dramatic vibe to it"
viv's solo in From Here to Eternity being placed in the wrong spot but viv liking it better (and so do I)
they need to make a music video for FHTE in black and white as a film noir change my mind
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emisirrelevant · 11 months
So today’s prompt is: And the freshman’s in prison! Therefore I present to you:
A song commentary/analysis of Mattie’s Lament!
Hold on to your landlines y’all.
•“Dear mom and dad” so wait did no one visit her, not even her parents? This is a wonderful start
•Also this line giving me “DEAREST DARLINGEST MOMSIE AND POPSICAL” I’m sorry I had to say it
•“Well I’m not shivved so that’s something” ahahaha I know it’s not funny but I do laugh when I hear this part I’M SORRY MATTIE
•“Statistically so many people die each day”
•It IS good she’s not another dead person
•But also oof not me now hearing this line differently and thinking holy shit this IS sad imagine being reduced to a statistic 
•“It’s the little things” and the ukulele in the background 
•I mean I love it but oh god the ukulele being like the main instrumental- it’s giving “everything’s fine, we’re fine- NO WE AREN’T but we’re gonna pretend it is” 
•Okay but having listened to this song with fresh ears I think this song is sadder than I really thought oof 
•How Riley managed to send a freshman to prison before she herself ended up there, I just- 
•“But some girl named Tasha just made me her wife” MATTASHA!!! 
•If they ever did a live performance again or did an actual run of the musical could they make a scene where we just see Tasha briefly?? For research purposes?
•“Prison has hardened me” honestly you go Mattie good for you girlie
•“I don’t think that I can do this anymore” AND THEN HOW SHE SINGS IN THE FINALE “I’m not sure that I’m okay but I get stronger every day” and then how everyone joins in with her like yes they’re finally supporting her “I know I’ll find the good things” parallel to “it’s the little things” THIS MUSICAL!! can you tell I love it???
•“I’m sorry I got drunk, I’m sorry about peer pressure, peer pressure SUCKS” IT REALLY DO (imagine THIS being your hazing story- BOOO HAZING)
•“Cause I don’t think I killed those girls, I really don’t” ugh like I am going to defend Mattie here. I was thinking about it and yeah sure she got drunk and she did that but also Farrah does but also I love them both and I really don’t want to blame them because I believe it wasn’t Mattie’s fault she was framed and I know logically and canonically it’s Riley behind it all but I also sometimes support woman’s wrongs so-
•“SHUT THE FUCK UP” LOL but really has Mattie done this thing before? Imagine she sings rants out loud and everyone except Tasha are like this random inmate just tired of hearing mattie sing
•Again, I’m dead with the ukulele being the main instrument- like it’s brilliant, if you think more in depth about it, it’s like a calmer sounding instrument but the whole situation is anything BUT
•Like, the masking in this song is genius
•“You build a bridge and you move on” I mean I’d personally hold a big grudge against whoever did this to me if I was sent to prison by the rest of my team but-
Mattie my beloved! 
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eyndr-stories · 2 years
The Stranger The Better (FNAF SB fanfic) C4 - It's NOT An Addiction
Read the intro to Chapter 1 (Enter A Sleepy Bitchard) for more details! I'd start reading there anyways else things won't make a whole lot of sense lol
In Summary: Reader is a forever exhausted young adult who has social difficulties doing their best to pay the bills, so when they get hired at the well-paying, almost entirely automated Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza-Plex, they don't really hesitate to think things through before stumbling headfirst into a horror mystery surrounding this company and its crew of quirky (and surprisingly kind) animatronics.
Things To Know (lmk if I should add anything, also check the tags for more stuff):
There are some horror elements in several chapters! This particular chapter isn't too spooky, though there is a brief description of a violent nightmare at the very start of the chapter.
Eventual romance, minorly important to the plot.
Reader has paranoia.
There is much swearing.
Reader is also addicted to energy drinks, and not fantastic at self care.
Reader is nonbinary (and also trans masc) though it's not vital to the plot and only comes up once or twice.
Reader is from the south, is protective of their friends, and if you threaten their friends then I'm afraid you've yee'd your last haw and yes that is important to the plot
Previous Chapter | Chapter 4 | Next Chapter
C4 - It's NOT An Addiction
     Too soon. Not enough sleep. You had to go to work regardless. You never got enough rest for how brutal your job at the deli was. It didn’t help that your sleep had been less than restful, full of evil anthropomorphic rabbits tearing you limb from limb. You were sick of the rabbit, you’d been dreaming about the stupid evil rabbit every now and then for months now. Come up with some new shit already, brain. Or just let you sleep for once. Wishful thinking.
     But that’s where the energy drinks came in. You downed one before work and powered through your shift, working hard and doing your best and trying to stay on top of things so you could close in time for your shift at the pizza-plex. You downed another energy drink on the drive there, the first one having worn off by then.
     You waved at the security bots you passed on your way to clock in. You made a note in your phone to get some coffee stuff on your next shopping trip. The mini-fridge was still working, so you also noted to stock some energy drinks in there in case you forgot a second one or needed a boost in the middle of your shift one of these nights. You had to keep this exhaustion at bay. You had far too much to do and you couldn’t afford to be slacking off.
     You started your rounds as you usually did. You had the place memorized by now, though you still kept that map in your back pocket. This time as you walked around, you made notes on the map of places to check, entry points or good hiding spots or suspiciously darkened areas. You passed by the daycare, opting to come back around later once you’d finished mapping out any trouble spots.
     That bird bot was out wandering around, and gave you a friendly wave when you spotted her. You waved back. “Hows it hanging?” you called from the other end of the cafeteria.
     “It’s okay! Had a really fun day today, the show went great!” the bird bot replied, making her way to you.
     “Oh yeah?” You glanced towards the massive stage at the far end of the room as you walked to meet the bird bot. “What kind of… show was it? Did yall put on a play or something?”
     “No.” The bird bot laughed. “We’re a band! We play awesome music together.”
     “Ohhh okay. I see.” A few things clicked into place for you. “That’s cool. What instrument do you play?”
     “I play guitar,” the bird bot said with no small amount of pride.
     “Sick! My main thing is piano, only thing I've ever been able to play with strings was a ukulele, and not very well. Any more than four strings is too much for me. So that’s really admirable, that you play guitar and perform and stuff!”
     The bird bot beamed, pleased with this praise. “Thanks! You play piano? How long have you been practicing?”
     “Several years, on and off. I can read music okay and play a few songs but I’m by no means an expert or anything. I’m actually pretty rusty as of late, I should really practice more…”
     “You should! Maybe sometime we could jam out together!”
     You smiled. “Yeah, that sounds like fun!”
     You and the bird bot chatted about music for a little while, and you even learned the bird bot’s name- Chica. The conversation ended on a cheery tone, and you got back to your rounds as Chica headed back to her room.
     Once you’d covered the whole building (quickly powering through the big arcade with the giant spider guy), you felt satisfied enough to head back to the daycare and greet your ‘new friend’ Sun.
     You knocked on the door as you stepped inside. The lights were on tonight. “Hellooo, Sun?”
     “Y/N!!” Sun’s head popped up from behind one of those little plastic kid houses. Sun came bounding over, doing a little skip and a twirl as he ran. They swooped you up and spun you around in a big hug. “I’m so glad you came back!!”
     “Of course, I said I would, didn’t I?” You laughed and pat Sun’s arm once you’d been set back down.
     “Yes, but… I was worried, after your meeting with Moon…” Sun looked away, his shoulders hunched and fingers fidgeting.
     “Yeah, I was pretty freaked out at first, but it’s all good. I got them back for spooking me.” You smiled, recalling the delightful profanities you’d yelled at Moon from just outside the daycare last night. “He put me in time out for like, an hour.” You scowled.
     “Did you at least learn your lesson?” Sun asked. They seemed much more relaxed now.
     “I’ll do my darnedest not to swear in the daycare.” You rolled your eyes.
     “Good!” Sun smiled. “I’m so glad you aren’t mad at Moon, or me. When you walked by earlier without saying hi I thought maybe you were upset with me for not telling you about Moon…”
     “Naw, Sunny. I just wanted to do my rounds first and mark out some spots on my map to check over each night, kinda like a little checklist. I promise I’m not mad at you. I don’t really… get mad, anyways.” You rubbed the back of your neck.
     Sun tilted his head, in the opposite direction from how Moon had tilted his head last night. “Everyone gets mad, silly.”
     “I mean, I feel angry sometimes, rarely, but when I do I just kinda… ignore it.” You waved a hand nonchalantly.
     Sun looked like they were about to say something else, but their gaze zeroed in on your hand.
     “Oh dear! You’ve got some scrapes on your hand. That wont do, not at all! I’ll have those fixed up right away.” Sun already had the first aid kit out.
     “Oh, that’s okay. You don’t have to.” You tried to wave Sun off, but Sun just caught your hand and dutifully cleaned each little cut. “I get lots of nicks and scrapes and bruises all day every day, you really don’t have to worry.”
     Sun glanced up at you as he applied small band-aids of different colors to your hand. “What in the world are you doing to get all these scrapes and bumps??”
     “Working. Plus I’m just a klutz.” You shrugged. “Mainly I’m just a klutz, though. I could work a job where I literally just sit in a chair all day and I’d end up with at least a bruise by the end of the shift.”
     Sun took your other hand and studied it, done with the first. They started cleaning that hand next. “You should try to be more careful.”
     “Bahhh.” You looked away, feeling awkward. You ran your thumb over one of the band-aids on your hand. “…Thanks.”
     “Of course, sunshine!” Sun applied the final band-aid. Satisfied, he packed up the little first aid kit and stowed it away.
     “I've got the whole rainbow at my fingertips!” you said with a smile, holding up your hands. Each band-aid was a different color of the rainbow.
     “Shall I start calling you leprechaun?” Sun asked playfully.
     “I ain't that short, Sunny.” You rolled your eyes.
     Sun laughed.
     You checked your watch. Everything looked alright on the cameras. “Well, I’ve got a little bit of time on my hands. You sick of me yet or you wanna hang out?”
     “I’d never get sick of you!” Sun frowned. “Oh, I would love to hang out! Fun times with my new friend!!” Sun bounced and danced happily. “What should we do?? Do you want to play a game?”
     “Did you have anything in mind?” you asked.
     “We could play hide and seek, or i-spy, or we could do arts and crafts! We could play hot potato, build a fort…” Sun rambled, looking all around the room.
     “Whats your favorite thing to do?” you asked.
     “My favorite thing to do?” Sun paused and looked at you. “My favorite game…”
     “Doesn’t even have to be a game if you don’t want. Just like, whats something you really enjoy doing?”
     “Hmm…” Sun pondered this for a moment, tapping their chin and raising a quizzical brow. “Well… sometimes I like to sit under the window and look up through the skylight in the hall. Whether its stars or clouds or rain, the sky is so lovely,” Sun mused, almost dreamily. “Oh, I also love to read! Moon won’t tell you this but he loves to read as well, especially for story-time. Moon does the most delightful voices for the kids.”
     “Aw.” You smiled. Totally not gonna use that to tease Moon later.
     “I’ve collected a few more mature books as well, those are in my room,” Sun said.
     “Oh yeah? What kind of books?”
     “Stories about adventure and quests and magic, they’re so fun! Do you like to read?”
     “I do actually yeah. I like to write too, whenever I have a moment of free time.” You smiled.
     Sun gasped. “Ooh you write stories?? That’s amazing!! Can I read something of yours?”
     “Oh, I dunno, I-I mostly just write like, for me. For fun. No plans on publishing or letting anyone lay eyes on these stories. So they can get kinda… personal? I guess is the right word? So they’re not exactly like the average story you’d read that’s got like. Actual plot structures and whatnot. They’re very character driven,” you rambled.
     “I’m sure they’re wonderful, sunshine. If they come from the heart, then they’re lovely and I’d be honored to read them,” Sun said gently.
     Your face felt warm. “Aw, well.” You cleared your throat and looked away. “I mean. Thanks. Uh.” You considered something for a moment. “Actually, you know, if you like adventures… anytime I take a little solo trip or adventure somewhere I keep a little journal of stuff I see and do and even a little bit of my thoughts. I think that’d be okay for you to read, if you want.”
     Sun nodded excitedly. “Yes, yes! That would be wonderful!!”
     “Alright.” You smiled at Sun’s enthusiasm. You pulled out your phone and opened the app you wrote all your stories on. You navigated through several well organized tabs and notebooks until you found your travel log. “Okay, this is a trip I took to a beach a few states up several years ago.” You held out the phone.
     “Would you read it aloud for me??” Sun asked, clasping their hands together.
     “What? Oh, I dunno, I’m not the best at reading stuff aloud… or talking in general…”
     “Pleeease? It’ll be like story-time!” Sun hit you with some very convincing puppy dog eyes.
     “Quit looking at me like that! Ugh, alright fine.” You sighed and relented.
     “Yay! Thank you!” Sun smiled happily and sat down cross legged, swaying excitedly.
     “Alright.” You grabbed a nearby plastic kiddie chair and got as comfortable as you could. “Okay.”
     ‘Arrived at the Inn at around 1:30. The bed fills half the room and the bathroom… has a toilet that works. The room is dark and the window is a weird corner window that looks out to the parking lot, and I don’t want strangers looking in here. But the room is just for sleeping! It’s time at last to go to the beach!!’
     You censored many swears as you went, recounting your descriptions of the beach and the sand and making Sun giggle when you recited that you’d called the ocean a ‘frosty babe’. You told Sun about the food you’d eaten, and the plant store you’d explored, and your meeting with a cute grey cat named ‘Squeaks’. You paused your reading to briefly explain your long held tradition of going to see the sunrise over the waves at least once per trip to the beach.
     ‘Hit snooze twice but made it to the beach just in time to settle in and watch the sunrise. It was cold, of course, but I came prepared. It was lovely. Anxiety is a distant ex I’ve grown past. My soul feels whole and healed. The beach is what I was made for, and the ocean is who I belong to. This trip was the best decision of my life.’
     You paused to sheepishly explain that being at the beach made you very happy and calm, which you normally were not. Sun looked upset by that, but you continued before he could say anything.
     You briefly went over more food, and a freaky dream you’d had. Finally, you read the last paragraph of the entry.
     ‘I need to stop writing. I’m putting off the long drive, haha. I’m going to miss the beach. This was nice.’
     With shaky hands, you put away your phone and cleared your throat. “So, that’s it. Uh. My first little solo adventure. What’d you think?”
     “It was lovely,” Sun said earnestly. “Do you have any more adventures written down??”
     “Oh yeah, lots! But I think that’s enough for now.” You laughed.
     Sun pouted.
     “Maybe I’ll read you another one next time. We’ll see.” You smiled at Sun, taking in the positive feedback and enthusiasm like a starving person to a five star meal.
     “Can you tell me more about the beach and the ocean?” Sun asked.
     “Oh, yeah! You’ve never been to the beach, right?” You inquired, pulling your phone back out.
     Sun shook their head, almost sadly.
     “Here, I took lots of pictures. Luckily I keep these adventures organized into their own folders…” You tapped at your phone for a moment before standing up from the kiddie chair to take a seat on the ground next to Sun, who eagerly leaned his face in to see the screen, nearly poking you in the eye with one of his rays.
     You spoke excitedly as you swiped through the pictures, fumbling with the words but relaxing as Sun continued to let you talk without interruption.
     “And the sand is usually somewhat soft, its just countless tiny particles of shells and stuff that the waves have pulverized over time. It’s looser than dirt, and hard to walk in. And the water… I dunno, the ocean is just so massive in person, its like how looking at the stars makes you feel small, but so much closer. You can stand in it and stare out at just an obscene amount of water, all of it so beautiful, crashing towards you in soothing waves, containing depths and multitudes, bringing you shells. Its beautiful and calming and awe inspiring,” you rambled.
     Sun let you ramble, enraptured by every word. When you finally stopped rambling about the beach, Sun excitedly flailed their legs and let out a happy squeal.
     “The beach sounds so magical!! And the ocean is so impressive… maybe its just your passion wearing off on me. Oh, it just sounds so lovely!” Sun cried.
     “You should go sometime!” you suggested. “I think you’d like it. I’m not sure about Moon, but I think he’d probably enjoy the calm of the waves crashing,” you speculated.
     “Leave the daycare? Leave the pizza-plex?? Absolutely not.” Sun shot to their feet and began pacing around.
     “Common, yall deserve a vacation! Surely the daycare isn’t open all the time forever. Even if you can’t ask for days off, you must still have some days free to do as you like,” you tempted.
     “My programming does not allow for me to leave the daycare, unless I’m being escorted to parts and service.” Sun folded his arms.
     “…What about Moon?”
     Sun hesitated, looking away. “He… is allowed to leave the daycare, yes.”
     “Perfect! Then make a nighttime getaway, yoink a car, and go to the beach!”
     “Moon is not allowed to leave the complex,” Sun said.
     “Oh. Why?” You turned awkwardly in your chair to face Sun.
     “He is… malfunctioning.” Sun looked upset, hands fidgeting as they swayed slowly.
     “How exactly is he malfunctioning?” you pressed.
     Sun hesitated. Then they spun on their heel and was back to their normal bouncy self, smiling down at you. “Don’t you worry, Moon will get his systems fixed up lickity-split! No need to worry, sunshine.” Sun lightly booped your nose.
     You smiled and stuck your tongue out. You opened your mouth to ask again, but… Sun probably didn’t want to talk about it, for some reason. This made you even more curious than before, but whatever.
     “Okay,” you relented. “You wanna play a game or something?”
     Sun seemed to visibly relax. “I sure would!!”
     During hide and seek, you resolved to question Moon instead tomorrow night. You were a very good hider, but Sun was a suspiciously good seeker. You suspected cheating, but had no proof.
     After waving goodbye to Sun and promising to come back in another two nights, you left the daycare to finish out their rounds. You were now pretty good with the cameras, able to tell which ones were where in the building and flip through to the one they wanted with ease. There were several cameras you hadn’t quite figured out yet, in terms of where exactly they were in the building. You didn’t think much of it, there were lots of cameras and you were still pretty new at this.
     The thing about working in the deli’s kitchen was that it was bittersweet. Sweet, because you didn’t see a single customer all day. Bitter because it was hot and messy and clean up was a bitch. However, the kitchen closed earlier than the rest of the deli, so if you worked hard and got everything done quickly, you might even be able to eat between jobs.
     Unfortunately for you, fate was not kind to you today. Order after order came in, and the longer you had to keep the kitchen open to cook all the orders, the longer you had to put off cleaning up. Long story short, you jammed a melted granola bar between your car’s AC and the phone holder, an action that was quite natural to you at this point. Your stash of granola bars in the glove compartment was running low. Another thing to add to the list.
     You finished the un-melted granola bar just as you pulled into the spot you usually parked at, near the far end of the pizza-plex. You clocked in just in time and breathed a sigh of relief.
     After storing a small supply of energy drinks in the mini fridge, you took one and cracked it open as you started your rounds.
     You referenced your map a few times, making sure to check every spot you’d marked as you quickly flipped through the cameras. The infrared was on for the daycare’s camera, so the lights were off. You wondered for a moment if Moon would even want to see you. Sun seemed to like you, but your first meeting with Moon had gone rather poorly.
     You ran into Chica, who winked secretively at you. You winked back. You did not envy whoever was responsible for cleaning up after Chica’s late night feasts. Or was Chica clean about it?? Maybe she was helping to keep things tidy around the building. Maybe she simply liked eating garbage. You couldn’t be sure.
     After an otherwise uneventful sweep of the whole building, you made your way to the daycare. You checked through the cameras once more before seeing yourself in through the already open door.
     “Howdy, Moon! It’s me, Y/N. I’m back to bother you some more,” you called out, sweeping your flashlight around.
     “What do you want, troublemaker?” Moon’s voice came from above.
     You peered upwards, eyes lingering on the soft LED stars on the ceiling. “Just came to say hi, maybe ask you some questions. If you want me to leave I can, no hard feelings.”
     There was a long stretch of silence. You turned all around. You couldn’t see Moon anywhere.
     “You want to play a game with me?” Moon asked quietly. “We could take turns asking questions, maybe.”
     “Sure, that sounds like fun!” You felt relieved at not being kicked out of the daycare. “Uh… are you gonna come out, or…?”
     “Alright.” You shrugged. You took a seat in one of the little plastic kid chairs, finding it just as uncomfortable as before. You set your flashlight and energy drink down on the circular table next to you. “Why don’t you go first?”
     “How gracious.” Moon chuckled.
     You glanced around, but still could not see the animatronic. He sounded like he was above you, but you still couldn’t see anything upwards besides the ceiling. You settled your gaze loosely on the shape of the nearest play structure’s edge, where a twisty red slide ended.
     “Why did you get a job here?” Moon asked.
     “Need the money. Nowhere else will hire me. The hours work out so it doesn’t interfere with my other job, too.” You shrugged. You asked the first question on your mind. “What kind of malfunctions have you been having?”
     Moon sighed. “Nosy. Since you seem so intent on finding out… Briefly, I will loose control of my body. Sun is unaware of things when this happens, and while I can remember what happens, I cannot control what I do.”
     The embarrassment you felt for being annoying rapidly melted into concern. “Oh, man. That sounds horrible. Are you doing okay??”
     “It is not your turn.”
     “Oh. Sorry.”
     Moon asked their next question. “What do you require all the money for?”
     “Uh… it’s kinda complicated. I have to support myself on my own. Gotta pay the bills. In this economy, I gotta work hard to stay afloat on my own.” You picked at a small scab on your hand. You cleared your throat. “Are you doing alright? With the whole malfunction thing?”
     “No,” was all Moon said in response. “Why are you alone?”
     “Man, what a question.” You let out a low sigh. “…Pass.”
     “That’s right. I pass. Ask me a different question.” You folded your arms.
     “I didn’t realize ‘pass’ was an option,” Moon grumbled. “…Why are you drinking that?”
     You glanced at your nearly empty energy drink. “I can’t be falling asleep in the middle of my shift. I get too drowsy otherwise.”
     “You should sleep.”
     You rolled your eyes. “I don’t have time for sleep. I work two jobs, dude. Sometimes three, but it's a slow season for pet sitting at the moment.”
     “Quit your other jobs.”
     You laughed. “Yeah, right. I’ll just live in my car, then.”
     “Take a nap.”
     “Why do you care?” You asked suddenly. You paused, almost wishing you could take the question back.
     “…Because Sun cares about you.”
     “What about you?”
     “Not your turn. Follow the rules.”
     “Shoot, sorry.” You sighed.
     “How much rest do you get a night?” Moon asked.
     “Uhh, four, maybe five hours? Its not particularly restful sleep either.” You took a long sip of your energy drink. You checked through the cameras before settling on your next question. “Okay… how do you feel about me, Moon?”
     Moon was silent for a long moment. “Pass,” he finally said.
     “Aw man,” you muttered, frowning. “Okay, uh… would you tell me if I was bothering you or if you didn’t like my company?”
     “I would not hesitate to.”
     “Right.” You snorted.
     “Why is your pitiful amount of sleep not restful?” Moon asked.
     “Well, I believe its because of my uneasy dreams, if I do ever get any dreams. I’ve had only nightmares since I was a kid. Well, that’s not a hundred percent true. I've had a handful of calmer dreams. Lately though it’s just nightmares again.” You shrugged. “I’m really used to it at this point, it doesn’t bother me much.”
     “It should bother you. You require nine hours of restful slumber at the same time each day,” Moon chided.
     “Nahhh I’m fine. Why are you staying out of sight?”
     “I like having the upper-hand. I don’t trust you.”
     You nodded and crossed your arms. “Fair enough.”
     “Why are you filthy?”
     You looked down at your pants and work boots. Your apron, which was currently laying crumpled in the passenger seat of your car, had suffered the worst of it but you still had all sorts of gunk and breading and stains on your pants. “Oh. I just came from my other job, didn’t have time to clean up. I was on kitchen duty tonight. Cleaning the breading cart is a pain in the ass,” you complained.
     “Language,” Moon hissed.
     “Oh, sorry.” You silently cursed in your head.
     “Bad, naughty… troublemaker. Rule breaker.” Moon sounded angry and strained.
     “Aw man, don’t put me in time out again.” You tried a light laugh.
     Moon just muttered to themself, making you slightly concerned.
     “Do you have any hobbies?” you asked.
     “…Hobbies.” Moon sounded surprised, as if the question had startled him.
     “Yeah, hobbies. I know Sun likes to read,” you offered. You neglected to tease Moon about their similar affinity for reading, for now.
     Moon considered this seemingly simple question for a long time. “I used to… sing. To put the kids to sleep.” There was a pause, then Moon quietly added, “also sometimes just for fun.”
     “Aw!” You smiled.
     “No, that’s great! I like singing too. I actually write my own little songs sometimes… I’m no good at the melody though, just the lyrics. I cant seem to match the music with the feeling when I play it out on the piano.”
     “Sing me a song?” Moon asked.
     “Oh, I dunno, I haven’t warmed up or anything…” You sheepishly turned your attention to the table next to you, picking at a thin seam in the plastic running along the edge.
     “You read Sun a story.” Moon sounded sad.
     You rolled your eyes. “Well if you’re gonna whine about it.” You took a deep breath to steel your nerves.
     Without allowing enough time to overthink, you dove into the first song that came to mind.
     ‘There’s no sunshine… this impossible year. Only black days and sky grey, and clouds full of fear… And storms full of sorrow, that won’t disappear. Just typhoons and monsoons, this impossible year…’
     You leaned into it, closing your eyes and pretending you were in your car singing along to your playlist, the comfort and ease following. You relished in the sound of your voice, low and deep and smooth now that you’d been on testosterone for a year.
     ‘There’s no you and me, this impossible year, only heartache and heartbreak, and gin made of tears…’
     You built up to the climax, projecting as you sang.
     ‘There’s never air to breathe, there's never in-betweens, these nightmares always hang on past the dreams…’ You let ‘dreams’ hang on a little longer than it should have. You took a deep breath to steady yourself before softly singing the final verse.
     ‘There’s no sunshine, there’s no you and me… there's no good times, this impossible year.’
     You felt a little awkward when the song was over. You opened your eyes and were startled to see Moon, standing a few paces away, watching you quietly.
     “You have a lovely singing voice,” Moon said softly.
     Your face felt warm. “Ahh… thanks.”
     “Not as nice as mine, of course. But still. For a human… not bad.” Moon gave you a cheeky smile.
     You snorted and rolled your eyes. “Why don’t you sing a song then?”
     “Hmm… maybe next time.” Moon flicked the end of his nightcap over his shoulder and folded his arms.
     “Figures.” You stuck your tongue out at Moon. You checked the cameras on your watch. Everything looked fine.
     “You’ll have to come back again if you really want to hear me sing,” Moon said.
     “Oh? So you’re giving me reasons to keep coming back and hanging out with you, huh?” you teased. You stood up and stretched, then gathered your stuff from the table while Moon huffed and turned their back.
     “Its no fair if you only hang out with Sun,” Moon muttered.
     “Relax, dream boy. I’ll visit you both. I’ll admit, I… don’t have a lot of friends, outside of work. So it’s… it’s nice. Talking to you guys. You know?” You awkwardly fiddled with your watch, avoiding looking directly at Moon.
     Moon leaned in very close, faceplate tilted as a wide grin grew over his face. “Does this mean we’re friiiends?”
     “Shut up!” You huffed and turned away, though you were smiling. “If you wanna be friends. Sure. You and Sun.”
     “Sun is delighted to be friends.”
     Your smile widened. “And you?” You glanced back over your shoulder at Moon.
     “I suppose… I can learn to tolerate a rule-breaker.” Moon waved, as if the whole situation was boring him.
     You grinned. “Cool. I’ll see you in two nights then. And I’ll see Sun tomorrow.” You waved as you made your way back to the daycare’s doors.
     “Good night. Go to sleep,” Moon said.
     “We’ll see,” you said, stepping outside.
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yourtouchismidas · 1 year
Thank you for the tags @bookish-strawberry and @hereyeswerefilledwiththestars 
15 questions /15 mutuals 
1. Are you named after anyone? no but my dad named me rather than my mum which i think is quite cute.
2. When was the last time you cried? last week when i got in a fight with my bf (all resolved now haha) i used to be such a crier, but i dont cry that much anymore.
3. Do you have kids? no and i dont think i want them? willing to let my mind change though as i get older but right now im thinking no. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? a reasonable amount i think 
5. What the first thing you notice about people? vibes. i notice different physical features depending on what they look like. but i feel like im an intuitive person and can always pick up on whether a person is good and kind when i first meet them. 
6. What's your eye colour? blue 
7. Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings. but i much prefer a bitter sweet ending. or an inconclusive ending that drives me crazy. but i dont like scary movies so out of these two, happy endings. 
8. Any special talents? i can do a pretty good dolphin noise. 
9. Where were you born? the midlands in england.
10. What are your hobbies? writing (though hopefully this will one day be my career), reading, playing ukulele, riding my bike, watching good telly, playing sims. 
11. Do you have any pets? i dont. i wish i could have a cat or a dog. but my building doesn’t allow them. i do also feel like i dont want to be too tied down yet and having a pet does tie you down a bit as they need a good home. 
12. What sports do you play have you played? i used to be a gymnast. now i just go to the gym, do some yoga, and go bike riding. 
13. How tall are you? i am five foot four
14. Favourite subject in school? english. i loved it for obvious reasons. but also in year ten and eleven we had a really sexy english teacher and he was also really nice and everyone loved him. everyone either fancied him or respected him for being so hot so everyone behaved and we just learnt english haha. 
15. Dream job? published author. i would die happy. 
I don’t think I have fifteen mutuals and I definitely don’t have fifteen mutuals that haven’t already done this so I’m going to tag @justanamesstuff and @irllydontgetit and anyone who wants to do it! 
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