#goth house for sale
jomadis · 1 year
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The harlequin gene is soooooo cool omfg-- this gal is up in the Auction House!!
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mediumsizedpidegon · 1 year
Another avenue I want to explore in an Amity Park is Weird scenario is all the niche sub-cultures going on.
There is absolutely NO WAY there isn't a thriving goth community in Amity Park. They're holding picnics every full moon. They're holding crafting sessions in their friends' basements. They're adopting ghost animals left and right: eight-legged dogs and blob-cats, skeletal fish and neon bearded dragons.
There's a young man called Raphael who performs live music every week at a dance club with his band: he's got a myriad of shiny piercings, and a phone camera roll full of his rabbits, Morningstar and Salem. Perhaps those ghosts are bad business like the Fentons say, but the club's never felt more alive.
The scene and emo kids are multiplying at a rapid rate. The punks and grunge folks are doing shit with textiles that makes every quilting grandmother in a five mile radius swoop in to pass on their skills. Josie and Betty, old friends who periodically upload photos online of their handmade lace, suddenly gain an influx of young folks who want to learn how to make their own ghoulish patterns.
There's a new group peeling off from the goths that dress like the embodiment of Halloween– all bones, pumpkin orange and lengths of costume jewelry.
The historical costuming community is alive and well in these times, and they fall upon the few ghosts from times past willing to share knowledge like starving wolves. Their minds are full of patterning-math and fabric prices, and their excitement is, quite literally, infectious.
A revolution starts up in food service: a great many restaurants closed or moved to follow the many people who left Amity after the ghosts first came. A pair of brothers open a restaurant that has the best Polish food around: people politely don't comment on how the owners are dressed in clothes a century out of date or how their eyes gleam. Two cat cafes open, one space themed and another with loose definitions of what counts as a "cat." Assorted coffee and tea shops dot the landscape: some serve donuts, some have cupcakes, and others have breakfast wraps, sandwiches or savory hand pies.
People that can't afford to open a restaurant sell food out of their homes, advertised by cardboard signs with phrases like CAKES FOR $10, and BARBEQUE RIBS FOR SALE painted on them in gigantic bright letters. High school students bring in bags of cookies they made the night before and completely sell out of stock before the day is done. One woman's house has no signage and yet is known by word of mouth to be a herbalist, selling tins of homemade tea blends, flowers, assorted plant clippings, and cough drops.
Someone down the street of Casper High sells small batches of eco-friendly soap at a nearby corner store.
During summer time, lemonade stands are everywhere. Some of the lemonade is made with the strange fruits from one of the parks: no one dies, so it's fine.
The Farmer's Market has gotten... intense.
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Posted this one before- the 1920 home in Birmingham, AL has been re-listed for sale 4 times since 2022, and has undergone the following price changes: $1.45M; $1.25M; $1.05M; $975K; until the current $925K.
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The sun porch entrance would make a stunning conservatory.
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In order to buy this house, you have to like your homes ornate. When you have a home like this, by repainting too much, you ruin the sharpness of the details.
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The dining room is off the entrance hall.
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Notice how the sitting room has 2 steps down. I would have to warn any guests, b/c they're gonna trip, for sure. Who would expect that?
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This less formal sitting room, used as a family room, opens to the garden. Interesting floral floor. I wonder if it's hand painted.
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Off the family room there's a mini kitchen where they have a wine rack, microwave, mini fridge, and ice maker. Look at the fancy sink.
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Judging by the books and magazines, they must spend a lot of time in here- guest powder room on the main floor.
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I didn't expect a galley kitchen.
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But, there's space for a table on either end.
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Here's another sitting room with steps up to the main floor primary bedroom.
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It has a small en-suite with an original tub. Nice mirrored sink cabinet.
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The paintings on the walls are, according to the description, museum quality.
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Look at that ceiling. You know, I bet this home would look cool in gray and black goth style.
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Small bedroom #1 is surrounded by windows.
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This bath is majorly ornate. Look at the sink! Arches in the shower, too, and mirrors everywhere.
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Larger room with a ceiling mural. I wonder if that pink desk would convey.
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This is nice- a big covered terrace on the 2nd level.
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Back on the ground level, there's a small workshop.
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Deck with a hot tub surrounded by ivy-covered walls.
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Here's a patio with a pergola.
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Gated front with a one-car garage. 8,712 sq ft lot. I'd definitely buy it.
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The Beach
Note: This one's for the goth girls who don't like summer. Thank you for the lovely request, @foxyanon! I hope you like it!
Warnings: none, just fluff!
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x Witchy!Reader (f)
Summary: You joined Sihtric on his first ever trip to the beach.
Word count: 2.2k
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You were utterly and totally shocked when you found out that Sihtric, your long time boyfriend, had never been near a beach or even seen one. You knew he had endured a rough and quite secluded upbringing, but to meet someone who had never seen the ocean was just wild to you. And once you told Sihtric that the beach was only about an hour drive from your shared home, he became overly excited and had been begging you to go with him every single day ever since. It drove you absolutely mental. And it's not that you didn't want to take Sihtric to the beach, you were actually very excited to see his reaction, but being a witch and an enjoyer of all things dark and spooky; a hot and sunny beach wasn't exactly a place you longed to be at.
Not that witches didn't belong there or can't enjoy such a thing, of course they can… you just weren't one of those witches. You preferred to stay indoors, nice and comfortable, and especially on hot summer days you wanted nothing more than to lay on your couch with the fan on and the curtains closed. And Sihtric knew that. He simply adored and worshipped you, so of course he was aware of the fact that you were not a summer person. And so he would do everything he could to make a trip to the beach as comfortable as possible for you.
He went out of his way to buy a huge beach umbrella, a black one of course, and he got two matching beach chairs as well. When he wanted to pay for it, the sales lady also managed to persuade him into buying a coolbox and a beachball, as well as some towels, the latter which you already had enough of at home. Sihtric wasn't sure how he had suddenly wasted a ton of money once he walked out of the store, but it just happened and now he had to deal with it.
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When the weather was finally beach perfect, you agreed to join Sihtric to the dreaded destination. Sihtric packed up everything he had bought and loaded the trunk of the car, and he jumped behind the wheel as fast as he could. He was impatiently waiting for you to step out of the house, and he honked several times to make sure you knew how eager he was to go. You rolled your eyes at the fifth honk. Sihtric surely was lucky that he was so cute and handsome, with his trained body and sexy short haircut, but he was also very good at being a menace. You loved him for it though, you couldn't deny that, and he simply loved you for the way that you were.
And Sihtric was floored when he saw you step out the front door, wearing a huge black sun hat while dressed in a black bikini with a black lace dress on top. He stared at you from behind the wheel with his jaw dropped, and he slowly lowered his sunglasses to get an even better look at you as you approached the car. He never understood how he had gotten so damn lucky to get such a hot witchy girl like you. Sihtric had actually been terrified of you when you first met, being quite superstitious and fearing you would throw a curse on him. But he soon learned you were all about light and love, despite your dark clothes and interests.
Sihtric composed himself again once you got in the car, and he had to shift awkwardly in his seat a few times because his black swimming trunks had gotten a little tight after he had eyed you up. He then started the car and drove off so fast, the tires squealed on the asphalt and small clouds of smoke erupted from them. You glared at Sihtric and he knew he shouldn't hit the gas like that, but he was just excited and you couldn't blame him. Once you arrived, you were happy to find the parking at the beach was rather quiet, which meant that despite the nice weather the place wouldn't be too crowded.
'Shit,' you cursed under your breath as you grabbed the beach bag Sihtric had packed, 'I forgot to bring my book. I left it on the table so I wouldn't forget it…'
You groaned and shook your head, disapproving of your own mistake.
'Don't worry, darling,' Sihtric said and kissed your cheek, 'you'll be fine, I promise.'
You mumbled something inaudible while you watched Sihtric grab the huge umbrella, the chairs and the coolbox.
'Are these towels new?' you frowned as you looked in the bag you held.
'Eh, maybe,' Sihtric coughed, 'they… they came with the chairs. Oh, that beachball too. And this coolbox too.'
'Really?' you raised your eyebrow with suspicion, 'must've been a good deal then, huh?'
'Oh, for sure,' Sihtric lied and quickly slammed the trunk shut.
He managed to awkwardly carry everything up to the sandy dunes. He was beyond excited but also didn't expect climbing those sand mountains to reach the sea would be such a struggle, but he knew it would be worth it. And it truly was, for even you teared up when you saw his face once you had climbed to the top and the beach came into view. Sihtric just stood there with his mouth open as he stared at the sight, and he mindlessly dropped everything he held as he was simply mesmerised by the blue water and their enchanting waves.
'It's… it's beautiful,' he stammered eventually.
As much as you disliked the heat, you immediately forgot about all of that upon seeing your other half so moved by something that was so normal to you. Once Sihtric managed to stop gaping he picked up everything again and followed you down the dune and onto the beach. You sighed when you remembered how you had forgotten to bring a book to read, but your bad mood was only temporary as Sihtric began to unfold one of the huge towels and spread it out on the sand. He then set up the black umbrella for you and placed the two beach chairs next to each other, with the coolbox and beach bag in the middle.
'For my lady,' Sihtric smiled proudly with a light blush on his cheeks, already slightly sunkissed.
You couldn't help but smile a little shyly as he took your hand and made you sit down. And a comfortable spot it was, in the cool shadow of the umbrella, accompanied by a faint breeze and the calming sound of the distant waves. Sihtric then opened the coolbox and surprised you with your favourite drink and some fresh fruits. And just when you thought he couldn't be more thoughtful, he rummaged through the beach bag and pulled out the book you had forgotten to pack. You were speechless, and luckily your large sunglasses hid your teary eyes as he gave you your book. And seconds later Sihtric had taken off his shirt and kicked off his flip flops, ready to run towards the water, but you stopped him in time.
'Honey,' you said, 'you really need to put on some sunscreen or you will get an awful sunburn.'
Sihtric figured you were right and, after searching through the bag, he handed you the bottle. You put some of the protective lotion on your hands and began to slowly massage his broad shoulders and his back, your fingers smoothly sliding between his shoulder blades and down his spine. Sihtric smiled a little dazed and closed his eyes as you continued to rub the lotion onto his skin. His biceps were so toned, you needed both hands to work his arms and make sure they were completely covered. 
Then you told Sihtric to turn around and you applied the sunscreen onto his muscular chest and his abs, feeling every muscle underneath your fingers as your hands stroked his body slowly. You felt a little dizzy, not sure if it was caused by the warmth of the sun already or if it was simply because of your hot boyfriend who looked so effortlessly and ridiculously good. Then you dropped down on your knees for him, and for a second Sihtric's eyes grew wide before he realised you were only down on your knees because you had to apply sunscreen to his legs too. A little relieved, but also quite disappointed, Sihtric relaxed for a moment but tensed up again as soon as he felt your hands massage him just beneath his thigh, and a strangled moan sounded in his throat when you repeated the same movements on his other leg.
'Don't go into the water right away, you'll wash it all off again,' you warned him, 'and if you do go into the water, then be careful. It can be dangerous and you don't want to get caught in a rip current.'
'No, I only want to wet my feet,' Sihtric said, a little spooked by your warning.
He grabbed his sunglasses while you sat back with your book, and he kissed your cheek before he ran off towards the water. You kept an eye on him while you enjoyed your snacks, and you saw how he kept walking in circles near the water. Each time the water approached him, he quickly took a few steps back, only to act all brave again once the water retreated. And when the water tricked him and was faster than he could hop away, Sihtric let out a light yelp once he felt the coldness of the ocean.
You smiled when you heard him laugh out of pure joy, and he chased the water several times more before he suddenly seemed distracted. You looked over the rim of your shades as you tried to figure out what he was doing in the distance while he was suddenly crouched down on the beach.
'Babe?' you yelled, 'are you okay?'
'Yeah!' he called back, a little absentminded as he picked something up and came back running to you, 'look what I found, darling! For you,' he smiled and handed you a tiny seashell.
'Thanks, sweetheart,' you chuckled and placed the seashell on top of the coolbox.
Sihtric immediately ran back towards the water again and you heard him gasp.
'There's more!' he yelled back at you, 'oh! Big ones too! Honey, look!'
'I know about the seashells, Sihtric,' you laughed, 'I used to collect them when I was a kid.'
'Collect them?' Sihtric breathed in awe as he suddenly spotted seashells everywhere around him.
And he then began to carefully search the beach, looking for the prettiest shells and collecting them after careful inspection. Because only those in mint condition and with the most beautiful colours were good enough to bring you, as a token of his love and appreciation. And once he simply couldn't carry any more, he came back to you with a huge smile on his face.
'For you,' he said again with his proud yet shy smile, and he dumped the dozens of seashells in front of your feet, on the towel.
'Oh, I… thank you,' you chuckled while Sihtric didn't even hear you and already ran back to find you more shiny objects.
You shook your head as you smiled, adoring the almost child-like innocence he sometimes had, which was a pleasing contrast to his muscular and rugged appearance. You managed to read a few pages of your book while finishing your drink before Sihtric returned to you again, and handed you a shell that was almost the size of his palm.
'I found this!' he smiled, 'look how big it is! I can't believe it was just laying there-' 
He was interrupted when you suddenly shrieked and jumped up as something had crawled out of the shell onto your hand.
'That's a fucking hermit crab, Sihtric!' you screamed and tossed the inhabited shell far away.
You shuddered and waved your hands with disgust as you could still feel the creature touch you, and Sihtric was quick to apologise once he realised how spooked you were.
'It's okay,' you said once you had calmed yourself down, 'just… no more shells, okay? And you also look like you're getting a sunburn despite the sunscreen, you have to be careful.'
'I'm so sorry, darling,' he said, bewildered and just as spooked, 'I… I didn't know.'
He was quick to pull you in his arms, and he kissed your face all over while he continued to murmur how sorry he was.
Sihtric nodded and looked back at the water.
'So… do those things like, live in the water?'
'There's a whole lot living in the water,' you chuckled as you sat back in your chair, 'you don't want to know, trust me.'
'Oh,' Sihtric mumbled and grimaced.
He suddenly didn't feel the need anymore to step into the water, or even onto the sand again after his newfound knowledge. If that crab was hiding in that shell, then who knows what else was hiding out there. Sihtric shuddered at the gruesome thoughts he had of gigantic crabs lurking in the water, and he decided he would enjoy the rest of the afternoon just sitting beside you, in the shade, where it was safe from crawling creatures and also safe from the sun. But soon he would discover a new kind of enemy after he opened a package of crisps; the fearless seagulls.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @volklana
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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sirjuggles · 6 months
Things My Partner Knows About The Locked Tomb Through Osmosis
I am an unrepentant and annoying TLT fanboy, to the point where my partner has sworn to never read the books on principle (for this I respect them). However, given that I never shut up about these miserable books, they have picked up quite a bit of knowledge about them purely through my rants. With that in mind, I asked them to describe to me everything they think they know about The Locked Tomb (notes in italics are mine)
There are characters named Gideon, Nona, and… something like… Pacifica Sales Bonecruncher of the West? I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be Harrow's full name and title.
It's a scifi-fantasy world in a necromancy space realm 
There's… 10 kingdoms that are all part of an Empire? Or maybe houses? But they're part of a monarchy? 
The ruling classes of each of the realms gets summoned by God because they want to play a Hunger Games thing to find their… new God child? 
It's not a God child like he's gonna adopt them… it's like rebirthing them into a new god? They will also become God? 
Each one of the realms has a special quirk about them, something that's their specialty. Like, one realm are accountants. Shockingly accurate.
Gideon and Pacifica’s realm are like cool goth themed? More goth than the others. Extra-goth.
Oh there's a person named… Electra? They have long blonde hair and kickin curves and they're really hot? Everyone likes them? I'm pretty sure this is a conflation of Alecto and Corona as seen through reblogged fanart.
Personal philosophy aside rant: The whole necromancy-as-center of-an-empire thing… I find it kinda rude? I don't like the idea of people and their remains being used as a resource/tool. Like, I don't like using people as interchangeable cogs in a machine under someone else's control, both in life or in death. It doesn't seem consensual or respectful. In death your obligations should be released. 
I think Gideon has a big hero’s death while trying to save Pacifica, and then their… souls mingle? And then after that Pacific has Gideon-flavored intrusive thoughts? And I'm not sure if it actually is Gideon or just, like… the same as if you stare at the sun and get the after image burnt into your cornea. This isn't wrong, but I'm almost certain part of this is actually my ramblings about Baru Cormorant leaking through.
Is reincarnation or resurrection a thing? I feel like it should be in a necromancy setting. 
DIRECT QUOTE: “Is there a Jesus allegory in here? I feel like there is. Wait... Is Gideon Jesus?” Folks, upon hearing these words casually spoken out loud by someone with no knowledge of context, I straight up left my body.
God is just a chill dude. He's just a guy making pancakes, and occasionally he'll go “How's that whole Hunger Games thing going? You want a snack? I'm just gonna be over here.”
God was wanted by aliens or something? There's something bigger going on with entropy or heat death or the Discworld auditors and it's a problem for God and that's why he's doing the whole Hunger Games thing. 
I think God used to be not a God and that's why he's such a chill dude. And then there was a problem and everything was dying so he did something and necromancied everything and that's why he's God now and also why things are so weird? 
One of the groups from the houses was two annoying siblings who split from the party and died really quickly. 
Gideon is big and bulky and has short red hair. 
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qaidoneus · 5 months
Alright so personally I love 60s wives, but I’ve been asked for 50s wives and I’ve never really considered, so I shall provide! This is for @nastasya--filippovna !!!!
- Everyone thinks they’re really good friends. I mean obv cause it’s the 50s but like they lived together back then!!!
- Fem presenting babes and they’re so cute for it.
- Zira looks like a soft, pastel stay at home wife who bakes and hosts lil cookout functions all the time, and Crowley is like the personification of a Doberman.
- She looks spooky and dresses kinda goth, but she’s the sweetest once you get to know her.
- Think kinda like nanny Ashtoreth, how she’s all soft and sweet but can be a bit spooky.
- And everyone expects Zira to be the gardener because they have a great big BEAUTIFUL strawberry patch in their yard, but that’s all Crowley!!
- All the flowers on their arbor, the bushes around the patio, all the fruits and veggies and everything, is courtesy of Crowley.
- Even tho Zira is an angel, I like to think that she absolutely does not have a green thumb. Like once something is started, she can keep it happy (albeit with a few minor miracles) but she absolutely cannot start things from seed. They just…don’t grow for her.
- She does make sure to spoil the plants though because we all know how her wife can be..
- Even though Crowley is to thank for all their lovely plants, Zira makes amazing desserts and dishes with them!! She’s absolutely gifted.
- They had a bake sale at the local elementary school (they don’t even have a kid, they just showed up💀) and she sold the most deserts!! They gave her a lil medal for it and everything, it hangs on their fridge.
- She even had people coming up after and asking if she sold outside of that, and she made some extra cash!!
- But this is how she gets everyone to her functions, guys. She has all the wives come over and sit outside with some tea and of course some delectable pastries and baked goods.
- She always has a pie in the oven, often raspberry.
- I also think that during their time as wives, Crowley went as Antoinette because why wouldn’t she?
- But those who were over often would always just call her Crowley, or even “Crow” for short.
- Secretly everyone thinks of them as little birds who came to roost, Zira as a dove and Crowley as a crow (hence the nickname)
- They just like…randomly popped up to. People were confused for a hot minute but then they got to know the wives and they couldn’t care less as long as they get to eat those sweet, sweet pies of Zira’s.
- If they had jobs, Crowley would have a flower shop, but I still think Zira would stay home.
- But I think she would run a little cake business out of the house. On the down low tho…
I hope this was alright!! Lmk if I should do a pt. 2 or something, cause this was so fun!!
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starrypawz · 2 months
AO3 So this has actually been something I've had the idea for for a good while and so here's a rare dip into angst adjacent territory. CWs for this include panic attacks, smoking and references to Mary Keay's death and blood.
“I don’t know what to do with it,” “With what?”
“Pinhole,” The sighed word is a bitter pill and he wishes he had something stronger than a can of coke to wash the aftertaste out. 
“Oh,” Nemo replies. 
Pinhole Books has sat empty for months now. Largely forgotten, a benefit of London’s panache for anonymity probably. Although the occasional whisper carries the ‘tragic’ events even if the spectres of police tape, white clad forensic officers and news reporters have long gone. 
The narrow stairs to the attic bedroom that had been both have not sung their creaking song to greet Gerry’s boots for a long while. Not since that one cautious visit to collect what remained of his belongings and he dared not even think about even risking one glance into the gutted corpse of the bookshop, and he swears that wretched copper smell still lingers.
“It’s just… sitting there… festering… rotting,” 
Gerry sighs, looks out over the cemetery, the days are starting to get shorter, the air cooler. Entering what he will admit as cliche as it is his favourite time of year. (But then what’s the point of being Goth if you don’t engage in a good cliche now and then… like sitting in a cemetery on a cool early autumn evening) And this… this is probably too perfect of an evening for this but even as Nemo places a hand on his back and he closes his eyes for a second as he tries to focus on that he can’t stop. 
“Maybe,” He chews his lip, “Maybe I should leave it to rot right? Leave it there, pretend it never existed,” He tenses up and Nemo leans into his shoulder and he sighs. 
“But… But fuck I can’t… I can’t pretend it doesn’t exist, that is… was…” He sighs and shakes head and swallows down the words stuck in his throat and takes another swig of coke to try and help them go down but the bubbles catch in the back of his throat. 
He tips his head back, “You know what… when I went to get my stuff I saw someone,”
“Someone?” “Yeah,” He sighs.
“It... wasn’t the police right?” 
“Nah,” He sighs, “Unless they were Special Branch?” He closes his eyes for a moment as he thinks back, “No… I don’t think so, the shoes?”
“Shoes?” “Yeah… low heels but not the sort you can run in,” He pauses, “Office wear, looked… very polished, green shirt… guess she was trying to look like she had a personality,”
Nemo snorts.
“She was taking photos, sent a text to someone,” “Council?” 
He thinks, “No… actually she was an… estate agent.”
“An estate agent?”
“Yeah… I saw… a logo on something the back of her car,” “Huh… I mean could be the Special Branch undercover as an estate agent?” 
Gerry snorts.
 “I guess it’s a hot property right?” He sighs, “For sale detached Victorian style house with attached shop, two bedroom, period features and a foreboding sense of doom to anyone who crosses the threshold, sight of one really fucked up occult murder don’t worry we cleaned the blood stains up as best we could,” He grips the edge of the stone under his hand and the texture bites into his palms, “Could probably get a decent amount of money from it right?”
Nemo’s quiet. But by this point he knows that quiet is the sort that exists to let his thoughts flow as he listens. 
“Yeah… sell it to some poor bastard, let them deal with whatever the fuck is lurking in there… they’d have to replace those floorboards that’d be so expensive… and then I’ll take the blood money and… fuck I don’t know,” 
“It wouldn’t feel right would it?”
“No,” Gerry sighs,
“No,” Gerry sighs, “Can’t leave it, can’t palm it off to someone else…” He swallows and mutters, “Instead of the cross, the albatross around my neck was hung,” 
Silence falls between them, this isn’t one of Nemo’s helpful silences to quietly unspool his tangled thoughts, it’s one of those tense ones where neither of them quite know what to do and maybe he should stop here, have this conversation another night, or maybe never again. 
Yeah, It’s getting late, they should go home, just go home, go home, go home, have Nemo put their sweet lips on his lips before they go to bed like they did most nights now. 
But instead. 
“I could burn it,” “What?”
“Burn it,” He grins and turns to them, “Plenty of books in there, they go up easy enough, turn it all to ash,” He laughs.
(This isn’t his normal laugh) 
“Gerry,” Nemo shakes their head, “That… that has got to be the stupidest fucking idea I’ve ever heard,” 
“Is it?” He sighs, “Is it really? Seems the best fucking idea I’ve had for a while actually,”  
He laughs again, “Just burn it down… burn the fucking albatross,” 
He laughs again
He laughs again
He laughs again
“Gerry?” He just about registers Nemo’s concerned face. 
His eyes are wide, his hands shake, breaths fast and shallow. 
Nemo swallows, and once again he witnesses them slip into instincts from a past life. They urge him to look at them, place his hand on the arm, see how soft the fabric of this hoodie is, ok take a breath in, hold it, hold it, now out, easy slow… now again… again… see you’re ok you’re ok again, it’s just us here, nothing can hurt you, you’re safe, you’re safe. 
“Fuck,” Gerry sighs, and lightly presses his forehead to theirs, “Thanks,” 
Nemo rubs his back and he groans softly as he realises just how tense he is. And oh here comes that tension in his jaw again, ow fuck. 
He reaches in his pocket for a cigarette and a lighter, 
“Shit… still shaky need-”
Nemo steps in, and takes a drag on the cigarette once they’ve lit it. 
“Hey… no that’s fair,” He chuckles weakly before Nemo slips it into his mouth. 
Nemo leans into his shoulder and he watches as the too perfect of an evening for something like this takes hold. 
“Fuck,” He sighs, cigarette between his fingers, “This is becoming a really big fucking problem,” 
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pavstars · 1 year
summer breeze
[ crossposted on ao3 @ sinnerspades ]
some of my jojo favs with summer activities. includes: abbacchio, mista, jotaro, dragona, joseph & suzi q, and johnny
author’s note: using he/him pronouns for dragona! if they end up changing in the future i can edit :) some are longer than others but i swear im not biased, just more inspo and ideas. also joseph/suzi/reader poly ftw!
Abbacchio: It’s such a nice day out that it seems the entire city has opened up their yard sales, estate sales, stores- you name it. Not one to stay cooped up inside while the sun shines so brightly, you drag Leone out to various houses and streets that you think will pique his interest. “Look, this one says goth yardsale!” you tease, tugging his hand towards the shoddy little gray house. 
    He looks so good today (he always looked good and exceptionally done up) with his long hair tied into a messy bun, a few strands coming loose and framing his face so nicely. This sale in specific ends up being a score and you return to your car down the street with a worn paperback (“you’ve never read interview with the vampire?! Leone!”), varying lace and leather clothing items in black and grey, and the cutest little antique lamp you had ever seen. You make a trip to the record store on your way back home and he buys two cds: sisters of mercy and moody blues of course. Your evening is spent dancing slowly in the living room and finding spots to put your new goodies.
Mista: Taking a trip to the lake with your favorite boys, but not after stopping at the store for floaties of course. Mista has the genius idea: “let’s bring an air mattress!” despite your caution you cave and leave with one air mattress, a giant inflatable alligator, and two sparkly donut floaties. 
    At the lake you spend far too long wasting your breath blowing it up- until Fugo raises an eyebrow “why don’t you just use the air mattress fan on the other floaties?” Oh right… Yeah that would make things easier… After applying generous amounts of sunscreen on to everyone (Mista didn’t need much, he tanned easily and without fear of being burnt) you all head into the water. The chill of the lake water feels so nice on your heat-soaked bodies after being in the sun for so long setting up. 
    You drag the inflatable mattress out and wade until the water is about chest-deep. Mista hops on to the mattress and you’re almost afraid it’ll start sinking under his weight but it stays surprisingly afloat. “Well, aren’t you going to join me?” He grins at you, shaking water out of his dark curls. You accept his hand and he pulls you on top of him on the mattress, holding you in a strong and very warm embrace. The mattress ends up floating way far out to the middle of the lake, but you two are on either side with your hands in the water, unbothered and ready to deal with this problem when you got to it later. 
    “This was actually a really good idea.” you turn to face him and smile softly. He leans on one of his elbows to turn to face you as well, but quickly pales as he realizes his mistake. The uneven weight of his elbow on the mattress had pushed it down and water had quickly started pooling, sinking his side of the mattress. You shrieked as he rolled into the water and you could hear Narancia’s laugh all the way from the other side of the lake. It only got louder when Mista swam around the other side and wrapped his strong arms around your waist, pulling you into the water with him and pressing kisses against the side of your face. 
Jotaro: Last minute trips to the store to get sandcastle supplies, even though you know you’ll have to convince him to build one with you. You end up buying snacks too, perfect for a little picnic by the water. Once you reach the beach you end up using the plastic yellow pails to collect shells and rocks instead of their original purpose, but you’d never complain. “This one matches your eyes!” you hold a pretty turquoise pebble up to his face and squint, comparing the color. He laughs softly and takes it, adding the rock to your growing collection to bring back home. 
    While you’re setting up the picnic, he silently searches for a rock of your own: he didn’t even have to look over at your face, knowing the color of your eyes by heart. A lifetime of stolen glances studying your face and staring at the details of your eyes, lips, nose too when you weren’t looking back at him.  After lunch you two finally get into the water, tiny fish swimming around your feet and sand between your toes. You squeal when he picks you up effortlessly by your waist and tosses you into the water, but you get your revenge after coming back up for air and jumping onto his back with your legs wrapped around his waist, effectively splashing him. His hair is so curly after he comes out of the water and you make him lean down so you can towel dry it ever so carefully. 
Dragona: Sticky sweet hands splitting apart fruits to share, ice cold drinks sweating water droplets on to your chests, the smell of sunscreen and coconut body lotion. Matching swimsuits and sunbathing together after a long day of swimming and running around the beach. Dragona practically glows in the sun and you can’t help but stare from behind your huge sunglasses. He grins at you and rolls on to his side, striking a pose and inviting you to keep staring. 
    The sun is so warm and you’re so happy, you wish you could just lay here forever with him and take a cat-nap in the sun. But alas, you’ve made plans for dinner and you have to go get changed- the restaurant was casual but not swimsuit casual. That feeling on vacation of pulling loose fitting dresses and shirts over your swimsuit and sitting down outside to share your food, a nice warm breeze passing by. Showers are due once you get home and you have a feeling you’ll be sleeping so soundly after the long day you’ve had. You trace the tattoos on his skin and fall asleep against his chest, lulled by the sound of crashing waves.
Joseph and Suzi Q: waking up early to take the ferry together to a tiny, homely island. Visiting a huge lavender farm and spending hours just wandering and picking the perfect bouquets for all three of you. Tucking a flower into Joseph’s hair, right behind his ear while he leans down to give you a better angle. Weaving daisies into Suzi Q’s hair and giggling when she returns the favor. Laying in the grass under the shade of a huge tree, eating runny ice cream and sharing bites. Screaming and scrambling away when the bees buzz a bit too close: “you’ve fought a god but you can’t handle a bumble bee???” On the ferry back home Joseph falls asleep on your shoulder and snores softly in your ear- you run a hand through his unruly hair and Suzi snaps a pic for you two to tease him over later.
Johnny: The sun is almost finished setting, beautiful shades of orange and purple floating through the sky and casting an amber glow on your faces. You two sit on the steps of the porch, content to sit and stare at the sky while the radio plays from the open kitchen window. You can smell dinner cooking inside, as well as the faint smoky smell of a campfire being started in the backyard. It’s a perfect temperature outside, warm with a faint cool breeze, and you turn your head to stare at Johnny who’s still gazing up at the sky. 
    You wish you could live in this moment forever, counting the freckles scattered across his cheeks and nose, admiring the way his lashes brush against his face- god he was so pretty. His eyes meet your own and you blush, scooting away in embarrassment of having been caught. “See something you like sweetheart?” He muses, taking a hold of your hand and tugging you back over to him, closer than before. Music drifts in and out through the window but the moment is interrupted when Gyro calls you two to dinner. With a smile you stand up and dust off your jeans, holding out your arm out for Johnny to take with his own strong one as you help him to his cane resting against the kitchen door frame. Dinner was in the backyard of course, why else make a campfire? 
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imtrashraccoon · 8 months
The first writing request is from my friend @g0nefischin . They wanted to see Papyrus doing something normal and so this is what I came up with!
The Shopping List
Classic!Papyrus & Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 2,366
With a heavy sigh, you shut your locker and locked it with the combination lock. It was time to face whatever the day brought your way. Squaring your shoulders, you zipped up your uniform vest and began the trudge onto the sales floor.
You worked at a large chain department store and it had been the only job you could seem to land after trying for months. Nowhere you applied at seemed to be hiring, despite having ads for various positions up for ages. Maybe they just weren't looking to hire someone like you though.
To say that you hated your job was an understatement. Not only were the hours long, but also, your shifts were very rarely at the same time each week. This left you with very little free time and you were often too tired to do anything besides look after yourself when you got home from work. You weren't paid nearly enough either and money was almost always tight each month when it came time to pay rent.
You were literally working yourself into an early grave just to survive.
Curse the Wolton family.
Despite your hangups over certain aspects of Capitalism and Corporations, you still had a job to do. It wouldn't do to lose that job just because you didn't want to work. No, you dreamed of going out in a blaze of glory if that day ever came.
Today, you decided to just put your head down and get through your shift, like you nearly always did. The first hour was pretty dull, although you began to hear whispers from your coworkers of a strange person in the store. You didn't care to make conversation and this really wasn't an uncommon occurrence. At this point, you'd seen so many weird people at ungodly hours, that you didn't think anything could freak you out anymore.
Wasn't there a forum for that called r/peopleofwolmart? You'd glanced at it a few times in the past but it just made you lose more of what little faith you still had in humanity. Maybe you'd eventually have your own story to tell on there one day though.
You didn't have to wait long to see who they had been murmuring about.
He was easily the tallest person you'd ever seen in person, maybe close to seven feet tall, and for a moment you wondered if he played any basketball at all. He certainly had the height to do so, but at the same time, he wasn't what you thought of when you heard the word basketball. But what did you know? You only had a passing knowledge of the sport in the first place.
The thing is, his height wasn't the only thing out of the ordinary about him. He was wearing bold, almost blindingly bright clothing and...he was a skeleton.
An entire civilization had been trapped underneath the nearby mountain that this city was named for and only recently had they been granted full citizenship by the local government. Most had moved into an older part of the city by now so it wasn't unusual to see them out and about. You were still to meet one though and you guessed most of your coworkers were in the same boat.
The tall skeleton had on a bright pink tank top with a logo you didn't recognize, a pair of fuzzy red mittens, multicolored shorts that could probably pass for swim trunks, an orange jacket tied around his pelvis, and a pair of tall bright red boots that kind of reminded you of those chunky ones that goth teens seemed to like. The guy looked like he'd stepped out of a colouring book and part of you had to admire the sheer confidence he had to leave the house wearing all that. You could never even dream of doing the same.
He had a shopping basket over one arm with a few groceries already inside and what looked like a shopping list that he was currently scrutinizing.
While he was certainly interesting, you didn't want to be caught staring as he was clearly just going about his day. It wasn't like he was bothering anyone or making a mess that you'd have to clean up. Definitely not something worthy of posting online for everyone to see.
So you went to go restock one of your aisles. It was a good thing one of the managers wasn't around or you might have gotten reprimanded for not approaching him. Screw that noise, he looked like he was doing fine. If he needed help, he'd ask, right?
It wasn't like you were purposely ignoring him either. You hated approaching people out of nowhere and striking up a conversation. So unless it was absolutely necessary, you tried your best to avoid people, even outside of work.
You couldn't help but feel a bit curious about the skeleton though.
You were in the middle of facing and restocking the canned food aisle when you heard someone approaching you. Glancing over, you made eye contact with the tall skeleton from earlier. He didn't seem to have picked up any other items and the way he was scanning the shelves before looking back at his list made you realize he probably could use some help.
Taking a deep breath, you decided that, yeah, you could help this guy. He seemed nice enough and it might be interesting to talk with a Monster.
"Are you having trouble finding something?" you asked.
He seemed a bit startled at first even though your voice hadn't been very loud. Although, he recovered quickly and the corners of his permanent grin quirked up a little. He must've been focusing pretty hard.
"Yes, Actually! I Cannot Seem To Find The Tomato Paste, Although I Am Certain It Should Be In This Aisle."
His tone of voice was louder than you'd been expecting and while you didn't have a headache yet this morning, your sinuses felt a little sensitive just listening to this guy. Maybe he was one of those freaks of nature who could get up with the sun and have energy from the get go? You'd never understand what that was like as long as you lived, in part due to your poor sleep schedule.
You scanned the bay with the various canned tomato products. You'd never understand why there were so many different ways to process the fruit as it would all get cooked down eventually, right?
"Oh, here it is." You pointed at the cans that were located one shelf up from the floor. With his height, no wonder he was having a hard time finding them!
The skeleton's cheerful expression somehow grew even brighter. "Stars, Of Course They Were Right Under My Nose The Whole Time! Thank You, Human!"
You elected not to point out that he didn't even have a nose and instead handed him the cans that he needed since you were right next to them. He stowed them away in his basket and you were about to walk away, when you noticed his smile fell as he glanced back at his grocery list.
Seeing that, you couldn't help but feel a little bad. He'd been so nice during your brief interaction and he probably wasn't familiar with the layout of this store at all. While you couldn't be sure, population wise, there were a lot less Monsters than Humans and they likely didn't have massive stores like what was commonplace up here.
"Was there anything else you needed?" you probed gently.
The skeleton worried at the fingers of his mittens and if he had lips, he would probably be biting his lower one. "I Do Not Want To Be A Bother... You And Your Colleagues Seemed So Busy..." His tone of voice was considerably quieter now, making him sound rather unsure of himself.
You gave him a small smile and shook your head. "It's fine really. I can probably at least point you in the right direction if anything."
He let you see his shopping list and you had to suppress a chuckle at the big, bold lettering that was his handwriting. It suited his personality in your opinion and was kind of cute. Most of the items on the list were located in the grocery section, but there were a few that you knew weren't, such as glitter or a blowtorch. Still, you tried to help him to the best of your ability.
He was apparently quite chatty, which you would normally find a little awkward as you disliked it when strangers tried to engage in conversation with you. It was different with him though. He was very passionate about everything and talking with him almost felt like catching up with an old friend.
He told you how beautiful the surface was, not that the Underground wasn't, but he couldn't emphasize enough how amazing it was to look up only to be met with a near endless sky. He hadn't been outside of Ebbot City yet because traveling was still difficult, but he wanted to go see the ocean one day, among many other places.
He told you about a few of his friends, such as Undyne, who you remembered was the former Captain of the Royal Guard. You'd seen her in passing from various press conferences the King and Queen of Monsters had held. According to the tall skeleton, she was every bit as powerful as she looked and then some. She'd also been the one to teach him how to cook and it had become a passionate hobby of his ever since.
That was why he was shopping today. He was excited to try his hand at the Human method of cooking, whatever that meant, and needed to get specific ingredients for the recipe he was planning to make. When you asked what the differences between Human and Monster cuisine was, he told you that there was basically none. The ingredients were essentially the same, although there were a lot of things Monsters didn't have access to in the Underground. There was one difference though that while seemingly inconsequential, made a world of difference for certain subspecies of Monsters, including himself.
Monster food had magic in it.
Whether it was in the individual components or added during the cooking process, the result was the same. The reason why was because Monsters were almost entirely made of magic and many subspecies didn't have the biology to digest food the way Humans did. Magic made the food easily absorbable so that all Monsters could benefit from the nutritional value of it.
He also told you about his brother, or rather, he complained about him. His brother was quite literally a lazy bones, something you couldn't help chuckling over, and couldn't be bothered to get up early to join him for shopping this morning. Apparently, he also told the most low effort jokes imaginable and tended to spend most of his time slacking off rather than working.
Still, it quickly became apparent how concerned your new tall friend was about his brother's wellbeing, despite how much he had complained about his habits. You wished you had that sort of relationship with your own siblings, but at this point, you doubted that would change.
After successfully, helping him locate nearly everything else on his list, the tall skeleton abruptly turned to you and clasped his mittened hands together in front of his ribcage.
"Thank You So Much For Your Help Today! I Had Tried To Ask A Few Other Associates Before You, But None Of Them Seemed Like They Wanted To..." His smile fell slightly as he trailed off and you felt a pang of guilt at the realization that more than likely they hadn't wanted to help a Monster like him.
He brightened up just as quickly and flashed you a winning smile. "But, I Am Glad You Helped Me! So, Thank You...!" Your heart nearly skipped a beat when he said your name and for a moment you questioned if you'd ever introduced yourself.
You must've looked shocked as well because he was quick to reassure you. "Sorry, I Knew Your Name From Reading Your Name Tag Earlier," he commented.
You couldn't help but feel a little silly. Of course he had noticed that. You'd actually forgotten you were wearing one, despite seeing it every time you put your vest on before your shift started.
"Oh! No it's okay, it just caught me off guard for a second there." You chuckled and rubbed the back of your neck, feeling a bit embarrassed as well. "What's your name? If you don't mind me asking anyways...?"
He grinned and puffed out his ribcage a little. You swear he would've struck a pose like some sort of action hero too, if he wasn't currently holding onto a full basket of groceries.
"I Am The Great Papyrus! It Is Wonderful To Make Your Acquaintance, Human!" he exclaimed in that same cheerful tone from earlier.
You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Yeah, it's good to meet you too. I can't say I had expected to actually enjoy helping a customer today, but I did."
He let out a laugh that sounded almost exactly like, "Nyehehehe!" You chuckled as well, although a lot quieter than the boisterous skeleton.
He turned to head to the check out but stopped and looked back to you. "Do You Mind If I Stop By To Say Hi If You Are Working When I Come Shopping Next Time?" he asked.
"Sure thing! I'll gladly help you find things again or just have a small chat. I hope you have a good rest of your day, Papyrus!"
He gave a little wave and smiled brightly at you. "Good Bye!" he called out your name once more and then he was gone.
You felt like you were buzzing from sheer joy as a result of the brief time you'd spent with him. You couldn't remember ever having such a pleasant interaction with a customer before today, let alone with a Human one. Were all Monsters this friendly?
You really hoped you'd see him again...
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sizeableunderground · 2 months
Three childhood friends - Kris, Chara, and Frisk, have fallen down recently, into an underground full of rather... curvaceous monsters. This is an undertale AU combining the Deltarune and Undertale universes, with as a result some changes. For starters, all characters have been aged up to be 18+, and the universe has changed to reflect that (for example, the school Noelle and the others go to has been changed into a college). Some other changes include Toriel teaching the college instead of alphys (who instead is still royal scientist), as well as asriel still being alive (as chara never dropped in, asriel never got impaled). And, of course, all characters are extremely thicc.
RULES: - 18+. no minors allowed. - Please forgive me if I do not respond to RPs. I have a very poor memory, and probably forgot. Don't be afraid to shoot me a DM. - The main kinks of this blog are Hyper sizes, Casual Hyper, and AUs. There also is a minor focus on Lactation, jiggle physics, giantess, and weight gain.
UNDERTALE CHARACTERS Toriel A kindly teacher teaching at the underground College. She used to be married with the king of the underground, ASGORE, but the two have since parted for unknown reasons. She's very sweet and motherly to her students, though Ref:
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ALPHYS The royal scientist. Shy and nervous, she oftentimes hides behind her love of anime and video games. But she harbours some sort of dark secret... Refs:
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Weight ref, butt ref
UNDYNE The captain of the royal guard, unmatched with a spear. She primarily uses ranged attacks on account of her limited mobility, such as throwing spears. Don't underestimate her actual abilities, however. Ref:
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MUFFET A spider that inhabits an outcove in Hotland. She creates large amounts of milk from her chest, that she sells together with various baked goods as "spider bake sales". Ref:
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SNOWDIN SHOPKEEPER A motherly and gentle bunny, running a small shop in Snowdin. Ref:
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MEW MEW A plush of a famous anime figure posessed by a ghost, mew mew acts unlike her original appearance by having a penchant for being rather rude on occasion, and complaining a lot. She currently lives with Alphys. Noticable is the amount of jiggle her curves have, defying physics by following "anime physics". Ref:
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SHYREN A singer living in waterfall. Her head and body are detatched from one another, allowing both to move about independently from eachother. She's really good at singing, but her nervousness makes it hard to do so. Ref:
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BRATTY One of a pair of lesbian shopkeepers running close to the MTT resort. Huge fans of mettaton. Ref: (left)
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CATTY One of a pair of lesbian shopkeepers running close to the MTT resort. Huge fans of mettaton. Her chest produces a fair amount of milk, which is usually bottled away. Has beef with Catti. Ref:
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ASRIEL DREEMURR The god of Hyper. It's due to his actions that the world shifted and changed to the manner it is now. Now he travels the underground, helping out where he can. Ref:
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DELTARUNE CHARACTERS NOELLE A deer girl currently studying law in college. With very wealthy parents, which allowed her to attend in the first place, partially due to her... lower half. In a relationship with Susie. Ref:
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SUSIE A large, loudmouthed, and brash dinosaur. Standing at an impressive 12' in height, she works as a taste-tester at "Cooking with a Killer Robot". Refs: left = body ref, right = boobs ref
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CATTI A goth cat. Acts perpetually bored. Despite her (relatively) small size of her chest, she produces extreme amounts of milk that she hides away in her house. She's a little embarrased about it, especially when it makes it harder for her to do her job as a waitress. Ref:
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RALSEI A bustyboy prince of the dark, a second kingdom existing within the underground. However, the two have been at peace for a long time, and borders are open and free. He's always willing to help, and frequently interacts with his subjects. Most of his power he leaves to his co-ruler, Queen. Ref:
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TASQUE MANAGER One of Queen's servants, she is in charge of the beasts (especially cats) in the region. She often wields a whip, working hard and demanding everything in the palace remains orderly. Ref:
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QUEEN The queen of the dark, and the true ruler of the Dark World. Jovial and happy, she often flies around on her specially-modified bed in order to visit others. Refs: left = boobs ref, right = rest of body ref
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rivertigo · 4 months
Gimme the tea on music gatekeeping OR restrictions on clothes when it comes to musically-inspired lifestyles and outfits 👀
hmm well. I think there is a lot to talk about when it comes to this and I’m assuming you’re talking about music based subcultures so that’s what I’ll be rolling with.
music based subcultures historically had a physical space: clubs, skate parks, house shows, college campuses, neighborhoods, malls, etc. Rising costs has made this almost impossible depending on where you live due to many factors. The majority of these communities developed amongst younger peoples so i’ll be talking about things that most relate to younger people.
The increase in parental anxiety over the safety of their children has made it hard for people to go to places where a music subculture would flourish regularly. In many places (mainly the US) public transport doesn’t exist in a meaningful way for people to reach farther away places, so that means you have to drive. so you have to get someone to take you and that means gas money, which is more expensive along with everything else so everyone has to work more.
you work so much to have money to scrape by so you don’t have any free time or as much extra cash to afford going to shows and support local acts. being a musician takes too much time away from work or school and when everything costs so much that is time you can’t afford to practice and play if there isn’t reasonable money in it. musicians don’t make sales in records or get local radio play (radio is a monopoly so small local stations can’t survive) anymore due to streaming so when you’re a very small act you’re making dirt.
so the subcultures are on a sort of life support, due to the poor economy. more budget friendly shows are in small amount due to more regulation around neighborhood noise rules and lack of parking (because everyone has to drive to the show) makes house venues very sparing. bars used to close and open and pop up all the time, but due to the increasing costs of running a business and laws around alcohol sales and minors, bars don’t have a lot of spare money for hiring music acts, and there aren’t as many to play in.
so this means music culture has to be online, and online there is a disconnect between aesthetics and the music because there is no real life location to experience the culture. In a goth club you dress up goth because it’s a social experience you want to participate in and you go out and listen to goth music, surrounded by people of all walks of life. An old guy in black skinny jeans and a ramones shirt can be goth because he is at a goth bar listening to goth music and participating in the subculture.
online, everything is image. It’s all about presentation and looks. you can be a poser because you aren’t going to shows. you can buy something labeled goth or punk on shein because you like the way it looks and not have to understand any history behind what participating in the subculture means. you don’t have people to learn from because you are isolated from older people who aren’t online to tell you about why buying fast fashion alternative clothing is stupid as fuck. you go on your merry way calling yourself a goth who’s favorite artist is polluter and billionaire t*ylor swift. you get people who’ve never learned a bit of history of the very real punk music subculture using the word to make posts saying ‘what punk is actually about is being soft and hugging friends’
I think the ‘problem’ of posers of subcultures is mainly from music becoming something in your phone rather than something to experience in a community 🤷 but of course this is just my opinion on rock based subcultures in mainly the United States because that’s the music I listen to and where I live so I can’t speak for literally anything else. and I’m always learning new things too so my opinions are ever changing as well
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
I hope this doesn’t come off as weird. But class 1b as parents and/or how many kids would they have?
Honestly this is rlly cute and I had a lot of fun writing it <3
(Everyone is adult age obviously)
Not proofread we die like men.
Awase -
"Its not stupid if it works" became his motto very quickly, its actually kinda admirable to see the stupid shit he gets up to as a dad. One time you watched him wield his kid to the wall while he cleaned up some juice that spilled or smthn.
Sen -
Hes definitely on the more protective side of things towards his whole family. Anytime his kid wants to hang out with their friends it turns into a fucking interrogation. "Whos gonna be there? When will you be home? Jacobs going, whos that? Oh that jacob! Hes chill asf."
Kamakiri -
Both him and his kids are little balls of rage. I feel like hed have two kids and they all constantly yell at eachother in the most loving way possible, kinda weird how they pull it off honestly.
Kuroiro -
His kid is tiktoks goth baby. (If you dont know its a tiktok account about this little girl that dresses in black dresses and her whole room is black and stuff and shes so cute omll) him and the kid have a whole matching wardrobe and its adorable <3 (just imagine Kuroiro and a toddler wearing matching Metallica shirts)
Kendo -
I feel like she only has one kid (specifically a boy) but hes like captain of the soccer team or smthn so her house always had like 11+ sweaty kids in there talking about something completely random. (She doesn't mind tho, as long as they wear deodorant)
Kodai -
I feel like she would prefer to adopt an older kid than have one of her own. Shes so sweet to her kid all the time and she teaches them so much. She genuinely loves spending time with her kid its adorable.
Komori -
I went to a renaissance fair a few years ago and there was a lady with two kids all wearing matching elf costumes. Thats Komori. She ropes her kids into doing all of the weird stuff she likes and its honestly rlly cute <3
Shiozaki -
I honestly cant see her having any kids of her own or even adopting but I do think she would foster. Everytime a kid comes to her house to live there for a few months she spends her time teaching them a lot of things, (independence, thinking skills, different cultures and religions, ect.)
Shishida -
Boomer. He does that weird ass squint everytime his kids show him something. If its a stupid ass meme he always asks if his kid knows them lmao. 100% falls for flash sale scams and his kid has to remove viruses from his computer every day
Shoda -
He would be a good dad of one, maybe two kids. But he cant cook to save his life. His lover is out of town so hes watching the kids? Its pizza and instant ramen for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day for the next week.
Pony -
Pony is more popular than her daughter lmao. I feel like her daughter keeps to herself and reads at school, doesn't like being social but sometimes random people will go up to her and be like "can you tell your mom theres a party this saturday and sams." They are complete opposites lmao.
Tsubaraba -
Definitely has a son, they are besties and they constantly do shit like this together <3
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Tetsutetsu -
Big muscle man and his tiny daughter with her silly pink tutu. He definitely spoils his kid so much its actually insane. Imagine him and his daughter having a little princess tea party and they're both wearing little crowns while drinking from pink cups <3
Tokage -
Cat mom. She can barely keep a plant alive how tf is she gonna handle a kid? I also feel like she had a bunch of younger siblings she had to take care of throughout her childhood so shes done with kids.
Manga -
"What do you mean we cant have 20 kids :(" if he could he would. He loves kids so much, he wants a big ass family with as many kids as possible and everyone will wear matching pajamas for christmas >:) best dad tho
Honenuki -
Hes such a good dad oml <3 he always listens when they talk about something and he genuinely loves and cares for them. He 100% lets his kids teach him about whatever their current Intrest is and its adorable.
Bondo -
Hes actually really shy and almost clumsy when it comes to being a parent (at least he is at first) nervous 24/7 but hes actually so gentle and kind to his kid <3.
Monoma -
Hes so protective of his kid. He just doesn't want his kid to be bullied like he was </3 he gets almost scared for his kid when they get their quirk (especially if its his quirk being passed down) gives them an hour long self love lecture lmao <3
Reiko -
I cant see her having kids (theyre sticky and gross tbf) so whenever someone asks when shes having kids she just kinda points to her cat. She does volunteer to babysit for everyone elses kids if they need a sitter tho <3
Rin -
Dad that loves dragons and kid that loves sharks. They definitely go to cool ass fairs and festivals together <3 knows all of his kids friends by name and is willing to help them with anything. They are his kids by extention lmao.
I really struggle writing sometimes because I just want to end every sentence with a heart but it looks stupid when I do that aaaheufnhhhhghgg </3
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vampryn · 3 months
i actually found some tapes today while i was out hunting and im sooooooo excited about it!! i mean im also a little cheesed off.. i found a screener of Below (2002) and there was a copy of fucking lady and the tramp in there covered in mold... idk if people are donating these movies like this or if customers are fucking with them, but either way who the FUCK mixes around which tape is in which case?! its like opening a CD and the wrong one is inside. like why didnt you just put it back in the proper case when you had it right in front of you?! i cant think of a reason why you'd seperate the two. its not like you can store it not knowing that its empty, the case is a fraction of the weight and sturdiness when its empty... i found life as a house on vhs, which is semi-rare because it came out in 2002, past the point when people were starting to opt for DVD instead of VHS. being "semi-rare" doesnt mean that its worth much, but this movie sentimental value, which is worth much more than money. its more of a drama than the usual kind of movie i watch, but its still worth a watch if you want to see hayden christensen gothed out. i was definitely way too young to watch this movie when i did hehe. man i just love VHS. it sucks the thrift stores have been so dry lately, i remember last year when i went down and got an insane lot of horror for $2 each, it happens every now and then but its been a while!! maybe ill stumble on something good at a garage or church sale this summer~
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Check it out- a purple & black 1887 house, with original features, in Omaha, Nebraska has 5bd, 1.5ba, & is only $275K.
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They have since replaced the front door lock, but there's an original mechanism still there, the old keyhole, and original doorbell.
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Original front door & stained glass window in the entrance.
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There's a nice big living room with pocket doors. You've got to look past the current decor and picture it decorated in a cool Goth motif.
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Look at this wonderful original door hardware with a keyhole that once locked with a skeleton key.
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Next is a big dining room also with pocket doors and a beautiful built-in cabinet.
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Original door knob.
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The kitchen was completely remodeled with cabinetry that matches the wood in the house, new countertops, and an exposed brick chimney with a wine rack.
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Cute staircase.
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Large bedroom with original wood and a transom over the door.
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All of the bedrooms appear to be spacious.
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This looks like a bonus playroom.
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The bath still has a claw foot tub.
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This room in the basement looks like an old coal cellar and has a nice pantry area.
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There's a big deck in the back of the house.
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There's a large fenced yard with lovely shade trees.
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Plus a carport.
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The home isn't decorated nicely, but can you picture it as a cool Goth house?
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plumbogs · 5 months
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people always stay late at Tybalt and Mercutio's house to play pool. this is always what i open the lot to.
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aww he actually kinda cares about being nice to mercutio's family... and throwing more parties
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Tybalt heads to work and Mercutio gets back to that garden.
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He gets so good at gardening that he can literally speak to the trees now. the lorax...
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mama mia that's a lotta tomata
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Since they have an obscene amount of spare cash, he bought 5 Pentameter Parkway to turn into his own grocery store and offload some of those tomato. I'll probably sell most of them the normal way because 180 is a lot of tomatoes to deal with normally.
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Plenty of display room plus selection and additional things for sale and display. and he gets to take Macbeth with him. With work, maybe Veronaville's residents will stop going to Bluewater Village for groceries.
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bianca's tomato crop sucked ass i guess so her wife goes out to buy new ones from her nephew. Macbeth continues to be annoying.
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while Mercutio sells food to the people, Tybalt comes home in his smart little business suit while thinking about all his friends.
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he brought home this woman again. back to pool.
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grandpa zombie also came by again. it is very nice that he lives right across the street. they'd probably offer to let him move in if not for the goth manor being a very nice place to be undead. and he doesn't HATE mercutio but they aren't really friends at all so it's probably fine the way it is. besides who wants to have the shambling corpse of their grandfather living in their house?
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consort apparently hates that woman. he has a lot of enemies.
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witnessing a zombie lay a smackdown on some woman acts as foreplay for these guys, apparently. and the day ends thereabouts.
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Pulp's Guide To Sheffield Words: Gina Morris, Photographer: Louise Rhodes Taken from the New Musical Express, 3 April 1993 Transcription: Acrylic Afternoons
Welcome to Sheffield, home of Sound City '93. Your guides through the historical sights, prime drinking places and doss-spots of steel city are local pop gurus Pulp.
Situated in the 'alternative' area of the city (Division Street), amid the second hand clothes shops and 'in' cafes, is Warp Records, the shop, the label, the empire. Warp is the most important British dance label outside London, responsible for club/chart hits like LFO's 'We Are Back', Tricky Disco's 'Tricky Disco' and Nightmares On Wax's 'Aftermath'. Started back in July '89 by Steve Beckett and Rob Mitchell, Warp has expanded to massive worldwide recognition. Recently they set up an offshoot indie label, Gift, and signed local god-like legends Pulp and hopefuls Newspeak and Various Vegetables.
"This is the safe area of town," says our guide and Pulp lead singer, Jarvis. "You get a lot of grief if you're alternative round certain parts of Sheffield. It's like Pac Man, you have to dodge your way through the centre of town to get to Division Street. Anyhow, this is the shop that started the record labels Warp and Gift, the Warp Empire began right here. Arrgh! There's a large display of our new single in the window."
Renowned in certain circles for their appalling dress sense, Pulp take us to the very heart of lurid-thread city. Freak Boutique, also on Division Street, is just one of a number of shops specialising in gruesome '70s wear.
Jarvis: "We shop here occasionally. The last thing I bought was a pink and purple patterned shirt. Sheffield's pretty good for second-hand clothes. The jumble sales are best because they're the purest form - you don't know what you'll get, the clothes haven't been sifted."
City Hall, aside from housing the council is also a famous heavy metal venue, boasting a sprung Saturday Night Fever-type floored ballroom.
"This is perhaps the only building that has decent architecture in the whole of Sheffield," observes drummer Nick. "The inside is marvellous. They have an indie disco in the ballroom every Saturday night,"
Jarvis: "Sheffield City Council used to be really radical. I remember when the buses were only 10p to go anywhere. That's why buses are mentioned quite a lot in our songs. Anyway, it all stopped in the mid-'80s. There are about six different bus companies now, like Eager Beaver, Yorkshire Terrier... it's, ridiculous - if the driver sees the stop they're supposed to be going to hasn't got any people at it, they change the number and go to one that has. People came from Japan to see our bus service - it was the envy of the Western World."
Jarvis: "Fargate is a pedestrianised area. This was the centre of Sheffield dole culture. In the summer, everyone would go dolestrolling. Sometimes it would take you a whole day to get from one end to the other because you got to know everyone. It was a nice little scene. Then they introduced YTS and it cut off the new generation. It just got older and sadder after that. It was also the place to come it you wanted to put a band together, you didn't bother putting ads in papers, you just walked up and down for 20 minutes."
At the very core of Sheffield's sports culture is the Crucible Theatre. Every year, top potters like Steve Davis and Jimmy White gather to compete for snooker's top prize.
Jarvis: "Yep, this is the famous Crucible Theatre, just off Fargate, snooker central. It used to be the favourite hangout for goths in Sheffield, when goth was the big thing. I'm not sure why, maybe it was because Ray Reardon looked a bit like Dracula."
Castle Square is a weird underground market, off Commercial Street, with an open air 'sun roof', known locally as the Hole In The Road. Once it was the meeting place for tramps and down-and-outs-but-on-the-way-ups. Now the authorities want to get rid of it.
Nick: "We've started the Hole In The Road campaign, the council want to fill it in with concrete, which will mean more people getting run over. We can't let them do it. It's all part of a conspiracy to dispense with the town centre altogether, and move everything out to Meadowhall (a huge shopping complex known locally as Meadow Hell)."
On the other side of the Market there's Ladies Bridge which runs over the River Don, the largest river in Sheffield. It's a beautiful part of the city despite being situated in the centre of the once prosperous, now derelict, steel industry warehouses.
Jarvis: "I went on a very good adventure down the River Don once. I had an inflatable boat and I went from here to Rotherham which is about eight miles away. It was like Apocalypse Now, there was all these factories pouring thick smoke across the water, we got attacked by gypsies and then there was a bloke stood on the river bank trying to shoot fish with an air rifle. It was probably the best thing I ever did. It's good to find an adventure in mundane surroundings. Sheffield is built on seven hills, just like Rome but I think that's where the similarities end."
Nick: "The Wicker is just a street, but it's a very special street. It's difficult to say why, but The Wicker arch was the gateway to all the old steel works. Sheffield's oldest brewery is just there, it always smells of hops round here."
Jarvis: "I used to live round here, in the same warehouse that FON Studios and our rehearsal rooms used to be... and the only porno cinema in Sheffield, Studio 567. I bet you didn't know Bob Marley spent a lot of time in Sheffield, did you? Well he didn't, but there's The Bob Marley Recording Studios anyway. I did once see Sly and Robbie on this road though, that was very bizarre."
FON Studios is Sheffield's most prolific recording house. In 1985 it was the first local commercial 24-track studio and over the fast few years has attracted such luminaries like Ian McCulloch, David Bowie, Yazz, Erasure, James, Altern8 and, erm, Rolf Harris. FON is the centre of Sheffield's music culture.
Nick: "Did you know FON actually stands for F*** Off Nazis?"
Jarvis: 'We recorded the LP 'Separations' here, and 'Countdown', 'O.U.' and 'My Legendary Girlfriend'. They're very nice to us. I can't imagine people coming to Sheffield to record because of its exotic location but FON is the best. It's where all the big names come but it's more a studio for techno acts, you couldn't get a grand piano in here, sorry Elton."
The Leadmill has appeared in the Top Ten venues in the NME Readers Poll every year since it opened in 1980 - not bad for a place that used to flood every time you flushed. Now it has the best venue toilets in Britain (fact) and been described by the House of Commons as a prime example of good business practice. Bands that have graced its boards include New Order, Simply Red, The Pogues and EMF.
Jarvis: "The Leadmill's a pretty important venue, I used to come here a lot before I moved to London. The main bus garage is just opposite and, when it first opened, they had a policy of letting bus drivers in for free. So a friend of mine got hold of a bus driver's uniform and got let in for nothing. It was a good little scam but the trouble was, he'd walk in and all the other drivers would be at the end of the bar saying, 'What route does he do then?'"
Of all the pubs in Sheffield The Washington Public House, just down the road from the Grosvenor Hotel, stands out as a reminder of when public houses were quiet family affairs decorated with the landlady's china.
"This is the only pub left where you don't get grief for looking slightly outlandish," remarks guitarist/violinist Russell. "They don't allow riff raff in here. The bar people are very friendly. If you went into town, you'd notice all the pubs have loud jukeboxes, you can't hear yourself talk. This is a little oasis of sanity."
Jarvis: "It also has a large quantity of tea pots, one of the finest collections in the land. It's a theme but it's for real. It's a '4 real' pub."
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