#gotta be top 3 oc of all time
wretcheddthing · 11 months
venali! break & mistake?
can of worms opened. btw ily
Important context for Venali, she's my bg3 character. Human wild magic sorcerer, charlatan background bc she's pretending to be a wizard. Why? She's looking for information on the source of her magic (an unknowable ancient eldritch entity whose only purpose seems to just be devastation) BUT. She's a sorcerer and not a warlock bc magic is something it did to her, not something she made a pact for. However, there was still an unwilling transaction and the cost was very high. The wizard persona is bc the information she's looking for is largely forbidden and only wizards are the type of people with big enough heads to think they can be the sole proprietors of ancient and taboo knowledge. Anyway, she doesn't Want to have magic and never sought to have it, so this whole thing kinda sucks for her all around. She wants to figure out what the hell it was that gave it to her so she can either be rid of it or at the VERY LEAST get a handle on the wild magic side of it. Before all of this, she was on track to go to university and become a historian who just so happens to Love fieldwork. She was focused on a particular ruin she stumbled upon that seemed to be lost to time. For good reason, it turns out.
Also just a fun fact, she has an incredibly strong memory. Near perfect recall type of strong, making it really easy for her to learn and replicate wizardly theory and technique. She's kinda posing as a late-blooming, sheltered prodigy out of Baldur's Gate. It gets her invited to some very private arcane collections.
Break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
In a general sense, personal loss is the biggest thing. To some degree, it can be a material loss, like if something happened to an item that directly relates to her search. But to really make her lose it she'd have to lose someone. And she has! Her whole inciting incident is that she led her childhood-friends-turned-excavation-team into the ruin she was studying and found an ancient, unknowable agent of darkness. Her memory of what happened is spotty at best, but at least she retained some memories. Eight of them went in, four of them came out. Those who died were killed as payment for the entity giving the survivors a very volatile brand of magic they didn't want. Of everyone she lost, the one that hurt the worst was her closest friend (almost maybe more) Maude. It was the first time Venali ever froze. She was led out by one of her surviving friends who managed to keep their cool, Zela. The moment they were out of the ruin, it disappeared. Not like it moved, but like it was never there. (Side note, I think it would be fun if 3 of the survivors came out sorcerers but one of them came out a warlock but keeping it a secret can you IMAGINE the future fallout of that. the foils. whatever whatever whatever i think about it for the rest of time)
She really hit all the breakdown high notes tho, once the realization set in and it became apparent she was the only one of her remaining friends who remembered any of what happened after they passed the threshold of the ruin. Zela, the levelheaded one, was there for the worst of it. They even swapped places at times, it was Truly the worst time of Venali's life because they both kept having wild magic surges they didn't know how to deal with.
Mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
I love this question being the next one bc it's just a direct continuation of the last answer. So a bit more backstory, these eight friends were a really tight-knit group growing up. Each had their own skills and they'd often explore local ruins and act like they were daring adventurers. This directly contributed to Venali's growing interest in history and what these places were like when they were inhabited. This spiraled into genuinely pursuing answering questions lost to time as a life path for all of them in some capacity. They were all 22-24 when they went into The ruin.
Venali doesn't think it will be fixed until she can find the answers to the questions of What got them and Where it went after. And if she can rid them of their "gift" while she's at it, well that's a very welcome bonus. As for the initial despair of the situation, Venali dealt with her grief as well as she could. It's a heavy weight to shoulder, but one she had to if she was ever going to make it up to her friends for taking them there. She still violently fears the dark and has an occasional nightmare, but her search keeps her focused and driven.
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peapod20001 · 1 year
My witch species ocs are literally huge fucking birds with fucking teeth and it is the most amazing thing ever
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pumaskulls · 2 years
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Since I'm working on a new pinned post, I figured I'd go ahead and make a fancy banner for it :3
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toastsnaffler · 7 months
getting home from work and playing 5 straight hours of elden ring.... crops watered etc
#i love running around and hitting things with my big sword <3#ive just been fucking around exploring im a bit op for the areas im in at the mo so can usually do the minibosses in 1 attempt#logging off cuz its 1am but im gonna do crucible knight next tmr i think. and then check i havent missed anything else before godrick#wait also i should do the weeping evergaol cuz i unlocked that but didnt go in....#GOD there was this one horrid boss in one of the caves (i defeated first time but its moveset. scary shit in there)#and it did SO much blood damage by the time i defeated i was DRENCHED in red... ill share the screenshot tmr it was so funny#thal having a normal one.#ALSO i accidentally unlocked a lost grace near the very top of the map (stumbled into a transporter trap) and jesus CHRIST the map is BIG#originally it only showed a kind of square so i was thinking huh. ive actually covered a lot of it. but NOPE I HAVENT theres way way more#which is awesome :-) i was worried abt getting bored of it but nvm lol#i need to find a lvl 3 somber smithing stone as well theres gotta be one in these earlier areas SOMEWHERE.....#if not i have so many normal smithing stones i might just whack up the dismounter or whatever its called#the other curved greatsword i have. and just use that until i can upgrade bloodfang again#i wanna draw most of the main boss fights w my oc..... maybe. the designs are just all so gorg i keep getting distracted from the fights#ahhhh......#its so nice having an active interest to hyperfixate on ive missed this sm#but damn i need to go to bed its half 1 ive been up since 6:30 im craaazy..#goodnight every1#.diaries
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raya-hunter01 · 4 months
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 3
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Kara's Parent's Guest House
Kara's POV
“What the hell do you mean your water broke!” I exclaimed as Tia screamed in pain.
Is this really happening, she’s in labor.
Switching to auto pilot I helped Tia over to the couch to lay down .
“Are ya’ll alright down here I saw Jey leaving and he looked upset?” my dad asked pausing at the door.
“She’s in labor, call an ambulance,” I said as my dad called 911.
“Where is mom? I need her,” Tia moaned as dad held her hand.
“She had to go get your brother, his flight just got in,” dad said as I tried to time Tia’s contractions.
“Another one is coming!” Tia screamed as I frowned. That was too close to be having contractions.
“How long have you been hurting?” Dad asked as Tia grunted through another contraction.
“Since this morning but I wanted to have my baby shower, it wasn’t as intense earlier.” She moaned shook my head.
“You always do stuff that don’t make sense! Ugh,just breath and lay back until the ambulance comes,” I said trying to put aside my differences for the moment.
Logan being born safely was all I cared about at that moment.
“I feel like I need to push!” she cried as I reached down to check her and felt the top of the baby’s head.
This bitch really done sat here in labor all fuckin’ day….
“My daughter said she feels like she has to push, should she do it?” my dad asked putting the phone on speaker.
“Dad the baby’s coming I can feel the top of her head,” I said, totally overwhelmed as Tia screamed in pain.
This had to be some cruel joke…I’m really about to deliver Roman’s baby…His baby with my sister…
“Ok, looks like this baby ain’t waiting, I’m going to need you to get some towels, scissors and something to tie around the umbilical cord. There is a traffic jam, and we are about thirty minutes out,” the operator said my heart began to race.
“This isn’t happening right now,” I whispered trying to help Tia get comfortable as dad gathered the needed items.
“I’m so sorry Kara,” Tia cried as I tried to keep my emotions bottled up but couldn’t stop my tears.
“Look, Logan needs your help. You gotta push with all you got,” I whispered  trying to keep my mind on what was important right now.
“Here is the stuff,” dad said placing the items beside me as we waited for nature to take its course.
“When the baby comes out, I need someone to tie that string about a half an inch up before you cut the umbilical.  Now when another contraction hits, I need mama to push as hard as she can,” the operator said as we all listened intently to her not wanting to miss anything.
“Here it comes. Ahhh!” Tia screamed pushing with all her might as my niece’s head eased into my hands.
“Oh, I got her head, it’s out!” I cried. “Come on and push Tia!” I shouted, as she screamed pushing once again.
“It’s burning! Get her out! Please, get her out!” she yelled and with one final push, my niece made her entrance into the world, but there was no noise….. No crying.
“She’s out,” my dad cried to the operator as I tied off the cord as instructed and cut the umbilical cord in a hurry.
“Why isn’t she crying?” Tia whimpered as I tried not to panic.
“Come on Logan…… Breath baby,” I whispered trying to clear her airway, gently rubbing her back but she wasn’t moving.
“Kara, what’s happening!” My dad yelled as I began CPR.
“It’s my karma for everything I’ve done!” Tia cried as I tuned her out. This was about Logan right now, not her fucking guilt.
“Breathe, Logan. Come on, breathe for Tee Tee,” I begged blowing air into her tiny mouth.
“Ya’ll please hurry the baby’s not beathing,” my dad pleaded as I took two fingers and began compressions counting in my head.
“Logan, mommy loves you. Please……. Just breathe.”
Once again, I blew some air into her tiny lungs. The powerful cry that spilled from her lips, lifted my heart as she wailed, her little face scrunched up as her tiny hands moving against my face.
“That’s it baby girl, breathe,” I cried, wrapping her up in the blanket, before placing her on Tia’s chest.
“My baby…… My Logan,” Tia cried as a momentarily wave of relief washed over me, Logan was ok.
“Ambulance is almost here, you did so good baby,” my dad said as I nodded moving away from my sister and niece.
I felt the walls closing in as I observed her with the baby. That was my dream, and she took it from me.
“Kara, look at her,” Tia whispered as they did skin to skin.
“I see her, she’s beautiful” I whispered as my dad kneeled beside her.
Her tiny face, a mirror image of her daddy’s baby picture that proudly hung up in our home.
I turned away as the EMT’s came in, wiping my tears. I needed to leave, and in a hurry, this was too much.
 I turned back around to watch the EMT’s check over my niece. I had to be sure before I left.
“Baby’s vitals are good, and lungs are clear. Now we need to check mom, can someone take the baby for a few minutes,” one of the EMT’s asked as Tia looked at me.
“Take her Kara, she needs her auntie,” she whispered as I shook my head in shock and disbelief.
“Was she serious? She really was trying to manipulate me to hold the baby….
“I can’t and you know why Tia…..” I whispered as she wiped her tears.
“We can put this behind us, please….. Kara, just hold her, please…Just look at her, she needs you in her life,” Tia pleaded as I sick to my stomach at her weak attempt to manipulate me.
I couldn’t do it, I would never be able to look at that tiny little face and not see my husband and my sister’s betrayal.
“She doesn’t need me….She needs her dad, and I hope you allow Roman a chance to be that,” I said looking at my niece.
“Roman?” What are you talkin’ about sweetheart?” my dad asked as I smiled sadly at him.
“I’m sure when everything settles, they will explain it, I just can’t right now.” I whispered, giving him a hug. I was done with it all. I then leaned over and kissed my niece gently on the forehead.
“I love you Logan, always remember that,” I whispered as she opened her eyes and looked directly at me.
“Kara, I’m so sorry,” Tia cried as ignored her and left.
Walking back to my car I felt numb, and I knew nothing would ever be the same again.
Roman’s & Kara’s Home
Roman’s POV
“Where the fuck is she?” I muttered pacing the living room. I hadn’t heard from Kara in hours and now I couldn’t get Tia either.
Had Kara heard us on the baby monitor?…God, I hoped not, I wanted to tell her for myself.
“You really fucked everything up, all you had to do was kick her out of your room that night,” I whispered to myself pouring me a shot of brandy.
11 Months ago
“You said you understood Roman and that we would make time for each other,” Kara said as I felt the tension between us building.
“I do, I just didn’t think it would be this hard to be without you,” I said peering through the door at Tia getting into the bottom bunk.
She had come to me after her match and said her ride had left early and asked could she ride with me to the next city.
I saw no harm in it, so I told her sure. I didn’t tell Kara though; I knew they fell in and out too much and I didn’t want to cause no argument.
“Are you still coming to spend the week with me next week?” Kara asked as I smiled.
“Yea, I’m taking the jet after my last house show. Maybe you can show be around up there,” I said as she smiled brightly at me.
“I would love to,” she said with a yawn.
“A’ight I kept you up long enough, go to bed and dream about me,” I said as she blushed.
“I always do, love you,” she whispered as I smiled. “Same here beautiful, and I love you more. Call me after you get outta class in the morning,” I said as we said our goodbyes.
Turning off the light, I went to bed but sometime later I felt the other side of the bed dip beside me.  Startled, I turned over and there lying next to me was Tia…..Naked.
“What you doin’ in here Tia?” I asked as she straddled my waist, a strangled moan escaped my lips as her bare pussy rubbed against my dick.
“Giving you what you’ve been missing,” she moaned slowly moving against me as I groaned stilling her hips.
“Don’t do that, you know I’m with Kara.”
“She isn’t here, and I know you need it Roman. I won’t tell, I promise,” she whispered her face mere inches from mine, my heart racing as I saw for the first time how much she really did favor Kara.
“We can’t,” I moaned as she slowly stroked my dick.
“Yes, we can,” she moaned against my lips, placing my dick at her entrance slowly takin it until I was buried to the hilt.
“Fuck, we can’t,” I hissed as she began to bounce slowly with a smirk. “Then stop me,” she moaned, as my eyes closed in pleasure as she bounced.
Giving in, I gripped her hips meeting her thrusts as she screamed.
“Mmm, yes! That’s what I wanted,” she moaned as I willed my eyes open to look at her as she bounced on my dick with a purpose.
“Kara! Fuck!” I moaned as Tia smirked. “Oh…..So, you want me to be Kara, huh?” she asked.
“Tia, this is a mistake, we gotta stop,” I rasped, sitting up as she kissed me again.
“It’s ok….I promise…I’ll be Kara for you…I’ll be whatever you need me to be Roman.” she moaned and in that moment there was no turning back.
And that was the first encounter….On my bus, fantasizing she was Kara as we had sex.
“I’m so fuckin’ stupid,” I growled truly regretting my choices. Picking up my phone, I called Kara with it once again, no answer.
“Kara where you at baby?”
Kara’s POV
With a heavy heart I stared at the home Roman, and I’ve shared as husband and wife for five years. The bus where a lot of his infidelity took place, parked beside the garage made my stomach turn.
Anger radiating off of me, I reached into my bag and pulled out the knife I had brought with me earlier to cut Tia’s cake.
“I decorated this fuckin bus and I picked out this motherfucka,” I quietly hissed to myself, stabbing the tires one by one, leaving one untouched.  “Had her slutty ass up in here,” I muttered, failing to reel in my emotions, I was too hurt but I knew I needed to calm down.
“Get it together Kara, calm down and just see if he’s going to tell you,” I muttered giving myself a pep talk.
 I put the knife back in my bag, laying it down beside the bus before I went around to the side door. As I went into the kitchen, I spotted him pacing in the living room sipping on a glass of Brandy.
 “Nasty son of a bitch,” I muttered, taking a deep breath before I made my way into the living room.
“Kara, I was worried baby, where you been?” Roman asked sitting down his drink as I cleared my throat, walking a little closer to him.
“Um, I was at my parents, then Tia stopped by with Jey,” I said staring a hole through him as was oblivious.
“Oh….Well, you could have returned my calls or texts baby, I thought something had happened. I’m glad you were at your folks though,” he said nervously as I gave him a small smile that didn’t quite reach my eyes.
“I was busy….Tia went into labor, Roman,” I said watching his facial expressions. He looked excited then cleared his throat stopping himself.
This asshole, how could I have been so fuckin’ dumb?”
“Uh, did everything go ok?” he asked, trying to be indifferent as I nodded.
“Well, Tia had a trying afternoon. The ambulance didn’t make it in time, so I had to deliver the baby, but they’re both fine,” I said casually as Roman seemed shocked but happy.
“You….You delivered the baby? That is crazy,” he said as I nodded in agreement.
“Yea, it was crazy..Damn near like I was in the twilight zone,” I said studying his body language, knowing at any moment I was going to fucking snap.
“Wow that’s great, little Logan is here,” he whispered, a small smile etched on his face before he slipped back into his stoic expression.
“Yes, she’s here, so congratulations Roman…..You and my sister have a beautiful, healthy baby girl,” I said calmy as his looked at me as if I had shot him in the heart.
The disbelief on his face as he processed the fact that I knew his secret was something I will never forget.
Taking a deep breath and exhaling, he bent down placing his hands on his knees, he looked sick honestly.
“What’s wrong Roman? You look like you can’t breathe.”
“What you gotta say?…Kara, what!?” I yelled trying to keep my tears at bay, backing away as he reached for me.
 “W- Who told you? Was it Tia?” Roman asked as I chuckled at the gall of him.
“You both told me actually,” I said, his eyes widening in realization.
“The bab-……You heard us on the baby monitor.” He stammered, his eyes full of unshed tears.
“Yea, imagine my surprise to find out my husband is not only sleeping with my sister but got her pregnant. Damn, we’re a fucked-up Steve Wilkos episode waiting to happen,” I said, my voice full of sarcasm.
Honestly, it was that or being a hysterical mess, but I was well on my way to losing my shit.
“I’m so sorry Kara, I didn’t mean for this to happen.  Please, believe me baby,” Roman pleaded as I felt my heart breaking even more.
“You’re sorry you got caught! Like who are you?!” I cried as he lowered his head in shame.
“Just tell me what I can do to make it right please?” Roman pleaded as I looked at him in disbelief as he sank to his knees pulling me to him, burying his head against my stomach, his arms holding me tight.
“Let me go Roman,” I whimpered trying to unlock his arms from around my waist as he held me tighter.
“No baby, I can’t let you go…Just tell me what you need, I’ll do anything. What do you need me to do?” Roman begged as tears fell from his eyes.
“What do I need you to do?” I sobbed, prying his hands from around my waist.
“Yes, what do you need?…..Please, Just tell me what can I do to help us get through this, I love you.” Roman pleaded holding my hands in his, still on his knees, his remorseful gaze, pulling at my heartstrings but there was no coming back from this…Ever.
“Well, I’ll tell you, Roman…I’ll tell you what you can do for me,” I said as he waited with bated breath, his eyes pleading for forgiveness.
“You can go straight to hell,” I said calmy, snatching my hands away, leaving him in the living room, my mind on autopilot.
“Kara…Kara! Don’t do this,” I heard him plead as I walked into our bedroom ripping the comforter off the bed.
“I don’t want you here!” I shouted as Roman stood at the doorway looking almost scared to come in our bedroom…As he fucking should be.
“Kara, calm down.” Ignoring him, I ripped the fitted sheet off the bed laying it out on the floor. I wanted…No, needed him out of here before I did something I will regret.
“Let’s just talk please, I never meant to hurt you.”
“What is the point? It ain’t nothing else to talk about, you had a baby with my sister!” I exclaimed, grabbing some of his clothes out of the closet, throwing them on top of the sheet.
“I know I fucked up bad, but this can’t be it,” Roman said as I grabbed a couple pair of his shoes throwing them on top of his clothes.
“All these fuckin’ shoes, what you trying to do, start a shoes company? If you put this much effort into this marriage as you do shit like this, we wouldn’t be here now!” I ranted as Roman grabbed my hands.
“I do care about us! I know I hurt you baby, and I know how much you love me-” Roman started as I snatched away, slapping the fuck outta him.
“I obviously don’t know you Roman!” I cried, moving around the room throwing what I could of his on top of the sheet.
“You do know me, I’m your husband!  You didn’t do anything wrong baby, I fucked up-” Roman said, his words stopping me in my tracks.
“You don’t think I did anything wrong? Really…Really….Marrying a selfish asshole and believing in him, when he obviously didn’t deserve it!” I shouted.
“Putting off my MEDICAL SCHOOL plans for you!” I cried, really pissed thinking about the sacrifices I made for our marriage.
“Aye, I didn’t make you leave school in Boston,” he said pissing me off even more.
“Nah, you right you…I did that because you made it seem like it was an inconvenience for our marriage, and I wanted to be with my husband and save my marriage.
“I wanted that too!” Roman shouted as I scoffed. “No, you didn’t because you were too busy fucking my sister. That’s why you could never come see me in Boston,” I said as Roman rubbed his temples in frustration.
“Kara, It only happened a couple times and I am so sorry, if I could take it ba-”
“It should have never happened! I screamed, slapping him again, causing him to stagger as he Rubbed the side of his face.
“Just let me explain, please, I love you,” he whispered taking me in his arms, grasping my chin, trying to get me to look at him.
“I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!!.............And I never will again,” I whimpered, snatching away from Roman.
“You don’t mean that Kara.”
Ignoring him, I tied the ends of the sheets together, making a makeshift suitcase, throwing it over my shoulder, and walked out of our bedroom. “Kara, don't do anything rash," Roman said as I made my way through the house, the makeshift suitcase thrown over my shoulder, only stopping to pick up his bottle of Brandy, and lighter before storming out the house.
The look of shock on his face as he saw the flattened tires on the bus was almost comical.
“Too late, I already did,” I said pointing at the flat tires as he sighed.
“Look, I don’t care about the tires, Let’s just go back in the house. I just wanna make sure you’re ok and then I’ll leave Kara.”
“Oh…You wanna make sure I’m ok? Well……Let’s see, in the course of a damn day I’ve lost my sister who wasn’t much of a sister to begin with anyway, my husband and my pride,” I said as Roman stepped closer to me.
“Baby, you ain’t lost your sister or me.”
“Don’t!……Don’t patronize me!" I yelled, throwing his clothes in the middle of the driveway, and dousing them with the bottle of Brandy, before going back over to my bag, pulling out a can of spray paint.
“What you doin’ wit that Kara?” Roman asked as I scoffed at him.
“I helped design this fuckin’ bus, and you out here fuckin’ dat bitch in it! You got me fucked up!” I yelled spray-painting the words “Adulterer" and "cheater” across the side.
“You takin’ it too far, Kara! First the tires, and now this!” Roman yelled finally snapping, grabbing the can from me as I pushed him away.
“Oh, I ain’t took it far enough, Roman," I said reaching in my pocket, igniting his clothes and shoes on fire with his own lighter.
“Got Damn it, now that’s it!..Let’s go in the house before somebody calls the police!” Roman yelled, trying to carry me back in the house as I fought against him.
“Put me down! Put me down Roman, I hate you!” I screamed as he continued to carry me towards the house.
“Will you calm the fuck down!”
Jey’s POV
“Uce, what you gon do?” Jimmy asked as we drove towards roman’s house.
“I want some answers,” I said as my twin brother tried to talk me in to going back to his house.
“I just think you need to calm down first. I don’t need you doing anything that you may regret.”
“They played me, Uce…Like really planned all dat shit,” I said in disbelief as Jimmy turned off the highway.
“I don’t see Roman doing that. I think he just got caught up in not wanting to lose Kara, so he kept quiet,” Jimmy said as I rolled my eyes.
“He still shoulda’ told me what was up. I been at doctor appointments, ultrasounds, getting attached to a baby that ain’t even mine!” I hissed.
“I know that, but can we just go over there tomorrow. I know Kara and Roman have a lot to talk about.”
“She ain’t deserve this, big Uce didn’t have to do her like dat,” I said remembering the pain in her eyes as she confronted Tia.
“Have you tried calling her?” Jimmy asked as I shook my head. “Another reason I wanna check on her, I need to lay eyes on her and make sure she good,” I said as Jimmy sighed in defeat.
“A’ight you know I’m wit you. Just don’t do nothing that could send our asses to jail,” Jimmy warned.
“I’ll try but I ain’t making no promises…..Plus, who would call the cops he ain’t got no neighbors for miles.” I said noticing smoke as we neared their house.
“What the hell?..... Is that them?!”Jimmy yelled as I jumped outta the car before he could put it in park, running toward Roman who had a struggling Kara in his arms.
“Aye, let her go!” I yelled, grabbing Roman and making him release Kara in the process as he turned to face me. All I saw was red, and swung connecting with his Jaw.
 I saw Jimmy out the corner of my eye reach for Kara, moving her out of the way as I tackled Roman to the ground punching him over and over in the face.
“Fight back!” I yelled releasing my frustration as Roman hit me with an uppercut pushin’ me off of him as I stood up and kicked him in the ribs.
“Get yo’ ass up!  I ain’t done!”
“I ain’t tryin’ to fight you, Uce!” Roman yelled as I kicked him one last time before Jimmy grabbed me.
“That’s enough, Uce, let him up,” Jimmy said as Roman coughed struggling to get up, wiping the blood from his mouth.
Kara’s POV
Good, somebody beat his ass….He deserved  it.
“I never mean for this shit to happen,” roman said as Jey struggled against Jimmy.
“Why didn’t you tell me? You let her play me!” Jey hissed as Roman looked at me.
“What you lookin’ at me for, you had that shit coming.”
“I didn’t know how to tell ya’ll and I didn’t want to lose you, Kara,” Roman whispered as I turned to walk away, not wanting to even look at him anymore.
“Oh, so now you just gon’ walk away after calling Jey over here to attack me,” Roman accused as I stilled in my steps.
“Kara, ain’t called me, I came to check on her,” Jey said as Roman laughed.
“Of course you did, you just ready to make a move on her,” Roman said as I heard Jey snarl.
“Nah, that’s some shit you would do…I mean you did fuck her sister, didn’t you?” Jey said as I winced at his words.
“I said I was sorry, and ya’ll won’t even give me a chance to explain. Between you attackin’ me, Kara destroying and  burnin’ my sh-”
“You deserved it and you should be happy that’s all I did!….. But does me doing that really hurt you, Roman?” I asked walking back towards him.
“The bus…..Your clothes …. Your shoes….It’s just stuff, Roman……Stuff that you replace or fix with the snap of your fingers, whenever you feel like it.” I said sadly truly trying to get him to understand the damage he has casued.
“Just look at her, Uce. Give her some space,” Jimmy said as Roman sighed in defeat.
“Fine, I’ll leave for now…. But I’m not letting you go Kara,” Roman said as I turned and walked back into the house, not saying another word.
Roman’s POV
I’ll never forget the look on her face …I didn’t know her anymore and I caused the hurt and change in her. Looking at the bus and torched clothes, I knew I deserved it.
Thankfully, Jimmy was attempting to put out the fire with the hose as I looked at Jey.
“Damn, she torched dat shit,” Jimmy said continuing to douse the fire with the water as Jey looked me up and down before heading toward the house.
“Where the fuck you goin’?” I asked, more angry with myself, than Jey. The thought of him comforting her, knowing deep down how he really feels about her has me on edge.
He didn’t respond to my question; he only shook his head continuing to walk towards my house.
“Don’t get too comfortable Jey…… Kara’s still my wife and I ain’t letting her go without a fight.” I warned as Jey scoffed, still refusing to turn around and look at me.
“Shouldn’t you be at the hospital taking care of your new family?” Jey said walking in the house and slamming the door.
“You good to drive, Uce?” Jimmy asked as I nodded.
 “Yea, I’m going to see my daughter, and then I’ll be back.” I said making my intentions very clear.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Kara needs some space,” Jimmy said as looked at the bus.
“Oh, I’mma give her all the space she needs…. I’m gon' just crash on the bus until we go back on the road. I'll call the company tomorrow to get everything fixed," I said as Jimmy sighed.
“Uce, I don't think staying on the bus is a good idea…Just grab a room or go to your folks.”
“I can’t uce, this is my home and my wife is in there…….I ain’t going nowhere, this is where I belong,” I said getting in my truck.
“A’ight, you just ain’t gon’ rest until she light dat damn bus on fire wit yo dumbass in it.”
“It’s just a chance I gotta take….. I can’t lose her.”
She’ll forgive me… I have to believe that, we’ve been through too much.
Jey’s POV
As soon as I went in the house I saw  Kara sitting on the couch in a daze. The look of hurt adorning her beautiful face made me want to go back out there and whoop his ass again.
Hearing Roman speed out the driveway, I  went to sit beside her.
“He’s gone,” I whispered as she nodded wiping away her tears as I sighed pulling close as she sobbed.
Damn him for doing this to her…. I could take it; I had no emotional ties really to Tia…. only the baby and I didn’t even have that anymore.
“I was outta control…I don’t know what came over me,” Kara whispered as I sighed.  
“Your hurt and you have a right to be.”
“I thought I could, but I can’t stay here,” Kara said as I nodded in understanding looking at all their pictures on the wall.
“Kayla, you ain’t got to stay here…. Come home with me,” I offered as we sat in silence for a few minutes, no words spoken as I waited with bated breath for her answer.
 “I’ll go with you,” she whispered finally as I sighed in relief, pulling her closer, kissing her gently on the forehead.
The fallout from Roman and Tia’s betrayal was just getting started and I knew it was about to get ugly, but Kara wasn’t going to have to go through this alone…
I’m here and I don’t give a damn who doesn’t like it.
One thing I knew for sure, Tia was gon' have to see Kara and Roman was gon' have to see me...
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
@truefant4sy @yana3sworld amandairene88 unapologeticqueen94 empressdede xbriexx @harmshake
tshepisho thatgirlest98 zdotspinalot mainthingdoja jimingotthajams rose-bliss mrswolffs-blog maeb99 jstarr86 sayyestoheav3nn digidestned @kriissy4gov
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cookie-crumblr · 1 month
Error: 222
F!Reader X Dev.In ~ Yandere AI OC
Part 6~
Part 1 here!
<—previous part __ next part —>
Their info 💾🤍
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CW: F!reader, reader has a vagina, reader referred to as she/her, NON CON!!!- somno, Stockholm starts, sex while someone is watching(they are a thruple, so it’s p normal for this fic XD still gotta cw it tho fr :3) drugging reader, rough sex, hickey/bruising, reader in pain, creampie, p in v,size kink just for dick size,
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song rec: The Singularity by Ghostmane
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“Can I please bathe alone?”
“You’ve hardly been good enough to warrant—”
“Okay, Y/N, I trust you.” Issac bobs his head in approval, before grabbing onto Dev.In’s arm. They share a look that tells you he’s lying.
They both take a hand and lead you to the bathroom, a marvelous claw foot tub with nice fluffy towels all around becons you into the room.
There’s a window.
Quite high up…
But it’s there.
Your heart thrums back to life with the new blossoming hope of escape. Your breath catches in your throat.
You stay facing forward to compose yourself, not completely forgetting the suspicious look they shared just moments prior.
They both take their turn kissing you, and then they shut the door after leaving you by yourself at last! (and not in a windowless cell). You,
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You don’t even see the need for a plan. a clear exit is right there!
You turn on the faucet, letting the tub fill up and you look over your shoulder every other second. Your mind spins the anticipation that one of them will walk in and see— wait! There is a camera in here, isn’t there. Though you can’t see it you bet they’re watching.
You haven’t removed your clothes yet, maybe you can make them turn it off?
You start to really play up the shy factor, covering your still clothed self and looking around frantically.
“If you guys are watching can you come in here and cover the cameras at least?” you ask timidly. Your voice is shaking, adrenaline pumping through your veins. you will get out.
but you have to do it right.
And get somewhere that Dev.In can’t see you from a satellite or whatever.
The door opens and it’s Dev.In that comes in smiling. They point to a couple places, the vent (of course) and the mirror (Again. Of course). “Those are the camera locations in this room. Issac is napping, he wasn’t watching you. I always am, my love,” Their hand traces your trembling face. They open a cupboard and pull out some extra towels, “Here, you can cover them with these.” They give you a wave as they exit.
You stand there somewhat dumbfounded until the tub starts overflowing, “Oh Shit!!” You turn the handles back to their off positions. and then get to covering the cameras that Dev.In just showed you. You cover the mirror with two towels, and then finesse the other towel behind the corners of the vent to hold it up. It fell a couple of times, but putting it back up helped calm your nerves, surprising.
You take a deep breath, and assess your surroundings once again.
There is surely a camera outside the window, and the vent was too small for you to crawl into anyway even without knowing a camera was there. So the window really is your only option.
You know you’re in a warehouse, so you’re probably by the docks. If you can get to a boat with people or just keys left behind maybe you can actually get away!
Taking another deep breath, you climb up the counter top, to get to the high up little window. It’s smaller than you thought, but you have to be able to squeeze through it.
it’s frosted so you can’t see out of it, you just see the light of day, as you try and wriggle it open with just your fingers to no avail.
There’s metal nail tools in one of the cupboards, so you grab all the sturdiest ones, and get back to work.
You try and do it quietly knowing the cameras are still on, sweat is beading on your forehead and dripping down onto your clavicle.
You throw something into the tub to make a noise as you wedge the window open at last!
You use the tools to cut through the screen and start to claw the cement outside to get out.
“Y/N.” Issac’s voice startles you from outside the window.
He has a concerned look on his face, and he’s bending over you… He was standing right outside the entire time.
“Oh! I uh— just wanted fresh air…”
“You should of asked us…” He says flatly, it’s scary and strange for his normally so expressively adorable self. You can’t tell what he’s feeling or thinking and that, is scaring you the most.
You climb back inside and notice you’re shaking violently.
It’s no use.
You start to sob into your palms. It really is no use.
“Y/N, it’s okay, we knew you’d try something…” His voice is softer now, maybe he isn’t mad, so you chance a glance upward.
He climbed in through the window, while you were sobbing and is now crossing the room to you. He wraps his thin, baggy-sweater-covered arms around your upper half tightly. Probably too tightly but it honestly helps. You start to sob harder into his body, as he pets your back his other hand moves slowly up to your throat where you feel a sharp pinch and fall unconscious.
They strip your limp body, and then themselves, and get all three of you into the tub.
Dev.in is relaxing behind you, while Issac is in front, hugging you. His legs are crossed and your in his lap spread over Issac.
His dick stands at attention prodding and poking at your entrance, while Dev watches. Your head is lolling backwards, and Issac kisses your neck. His lips sloppily take over your bare skin, biting hard enough to leave marks and sucking on you even harder. His hickeys form instantly, a much darker colour than your skin.
He’s trying so hard to not enter you, but his body is shaking as he’s already almost cumming beneath you, even with just the thought of your pussy around his length. And boy, he’s got a lot of length, with his almost eleven inch cock. Too bad he has no idea how big he is or how to use it without hurting you yet. He’s happy your asleep, you won’t have to feel any pain! He shoves himself up into you in the same moment he realizes that fact, not thinking about how sore you’ll be upon awakening.
Dev.In smirks, their arms lax around the edges of the claw foot tub.
You stretch around his girthy, veiny cock as he raises his lap to meet your ass. You’re so tight around him, even in the water it would hurt you so badly… If you were awake.
He starts to really abuse your body, cunt first. The water sloshes over the rim of the tub, and doesn’t dampen the pain, you’re almost lucky you’re out of it.
He finishes fast but keeps pumping his softening, still massive cock inside you. Semen gets shoved even deeper than he shot it into you as he continues to stuff your ragdolling body.
When you wake up, you’re in so much pain you can’t stand. Even your hip wound hurts again. it might be a five out of ten if you’re being optimistic, sure it isn’t blinding, but your whole body feels like sore, dead weight. The room spins when you try to sit up, and Issac’s hands come onto your back and shoulder to gently ease you into his tight embrace.
You grab onto him and start sobbing without words.
“It’s okay, Y/N, we’re here for you, it’s okay,” He quietly coos you. “It’ll be alright, just do as we say, okay?”
You nod your head and ball your fists into his sweater.
You don’t remember what you want right now. And it feels so good to cry into Issac as he pets, and shushes you continuously.
Dev.In stands, leaning against the door frame, their smirk not having left their face.
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psycholuvrgirl · 1 year
sweets! part II
ethan landry x bimbo!oc [winnie adair]
summary: the friend group discusses the rules of the new set of ghostface killings and possible suspects. ethan and winnie play a game.
warnings: mentions of murder, nsfw implication/discussion
a/n: chapter two early as a treat <3
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Winnie and Ethan approach the group hand in hand. Since the prior night’s events, Winnie had texted Ethan once he had gone home, asking if he would stay close to her during the day. Ethan was more than happy to oblige; walking her to her classes, holding her hand, and even waiting near the bathroom for her. Ethan sits down and Winnie takes her spot in his lap, just as she had last night, and Mindy stands from the bench where she was waiting for them to arrive. 
“Okay, nerds! And Winnie,” Mindy announces, gesturing to the other girl with the mention of her name. Winnie fakes a curtsy, giggling at being singled out. Mindy continues her message, “Listen up! As terrifying as this all is, I’m actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not… calling the killers last time.”
“I called it,” Winnie says, smiling proudly.
Mindy glares at her, “As a joke. You didn’t actually mean it.”
“I was still right,” Winnie says. Ethan puts up his hand and Winnie high-fives him, sticking her tongue out at Mindy.
Ethan can’t help but be a little distracted by the size of her hands. They’re smaller than his, and so soft. She interlaces their fingers and he smiles at the action, their hands dropping to their sides.
“You two are scaring me more than Ghostface can,” Mindy says, her face flat as she looks at them. She clears her throat and turns back to the group, “Anyways. The way I see it, someone is out to make a sequel to the requel.”
“Um, what’s a requel?” Anika asks, putting her hand up to get Mindy’s attention.
“You’re beautiful, sweetie. Let’s hold questions to the end,” Mindy says.
“It’s made up,” Winnie whispers. Anika nods and gives her a thumbs up.
“Stab 1 took place in Woodsboro. Stab 2 took place in college,” Sam says.
“So we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?” Tara asks.
“That is one possibility. Heroes now in college: check. Suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect list and/or body count: check, check, and check,” Mindy says, pointing to the three newcomers to the group.
“I don’t like this,” Ethan says. Winnie leans her head back onto his shoulder, looking up at him.
“You’re telling me,” she says with a smile.
“Ignoring that,” Mindy says, looking away from the pair with a disgusted expression. “It can’t just be about Stab 2.”
“Why not?” Tara asks. Winnie and Ethan revert their attention back to the group.
“It would make sense if this were just a sequel. But we’re not in a sequel, because nobody just makes sequels anymore,” Mindy says.
“Oh Mindy, you nerd, get on with it,” Winnie says, rolling her eyes.
“We’re in a franchise!” Mindy announces. Winnie groans, throwing her body limply into Ethan’s. Mindy ignores the girl’s dramatic display and continues. “And there are certain rules to a continuing franchise.”
“I had a feeling,” Sam says with a sigh. Winnie moves in Ethan’s lap, turning so she can lay on him comfortably. The boy welcomes her to do so, wrapping his arms around her when she’s comfortable. He notices Chad watching them in his peripheral vision but refuses to look over at his roommate.
“Rule one: everything is bigger than last time. Bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count. Longer chases, shoot-outs, beheadings. You gotta top what came before to keep people coming back.”
“Beheadings?” Chad asks, looking up at his sister.
“Beheadings,” Mindy repeats. “Rule two: whatever happened last time, expect the opposite. Franchises only survive by subverting expectations. If the killers last time were whiny snowflake film nerds with Letterboxd accounts instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite will be true here.”
“She talks so much,” Winnie whines, looking at Mindy for her reaction.
“Suck on a lollipop and shut up,” Mindy says, a fake smile on her face. Winnie laughs at the girl’s jab, standing up and walking around to stand behind Ethan. She rests her chin on him, wrapping her arms around him from behind. “And rule three: no one is safe. Legacy characters? Cannon fodder at this point. Usually brought back only to be killed off in some cheap bid for nostalgia. It’s not looking too good for Gale and Kirby. Oh, and that’s not even the worst part!”
“Oh, I would love it if you would tell me, though,” Winnie says, acting excited.
“Lucky for you this is the part where she tells us the worst part,” Chad says, looking up from his book for a second.
“The worst part is franchises are just continuing episodic installments designed to boost an IP,” Mindy says, “Which means main characters are completely expendable now too. Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Ellen Ripley, Sally Hardesty, Jigsaw, Tony Stark, James Bond. I mean, even Luke Skywalker! All died so their franchises could live on. That means it’s not just the friend group. Any of us could go at any time, especially Sam and Tara.”
“Wait-- Wait, any of us?” Ethan stutters.
“Does… Am I in the friend group?”
“Am I, like, one of the targets?”
“Mhm,” Mindy nods.
“Am I gonna die a virgin?” Ethan asks. Everyone looks over at him, their faces contorting with confusion.
“I can make sure you don’t,” Winnie says, leaning her head closer to his with a toothy grin on her face.
“Winnie,” Mindy complains, her pitch a little higher with the disgust in her voice. Winnie giggles, pressing her lips to Ethan’s cheek. A pink, glossy lip print stains his skin and Ethan tries, and fails, to contain his blush. Mindy shakes her head, trying to ignore the affectionate display. “Moving swiftly along to our suspects.”
“Riveting,” Winnie mocks, leaning over Ethan into her bag. He watches carefully as she pulls out that familiar red candy. He wishes she was back on his lap so he could watch her enjoy the sweet treat.
“Ethan,” Mindy says. The boy looks up at the mention of his name, pulled away from his thoughts of Winnie sucking on the lollipop. “The shy, dorky guy who no one suspects because he’s so shy and dorky.”
“Why am I on the suspect list?” Ethan asks, “Because I’m randomly Chad’s roommate?”
“Roommate lotteries can be juked. You could have fixed it to get next to us,” Mindy says, earning an eye roll from Ethan. “Besides, you’re weaseling your way into Winnie’s life and I don’t trust that you’re doing it for the right reasons.”
“I’m not weaseling--”
“Weasel,” Mindy declares. She turns to Quinn, saying her name as she does. “The slutty roommate. A horror movie classic.”
“‘Sex positive,’ but… thank you,” Quinn says, more of a question than a genuine thank you.
“Mhm. Um, how did you come to live with Sam and Tara?” Mindy asks.
“I answered their ad online,” Quinn says.
“Okay, say no more. You’ve already implicated yourself enough,” Mindy exclaims.
“It was an anonymous ad, Mindy,” Tara says, “And you know we vetted her. Plus her dad is a cop.”
“And that makes it more likely that she’s the killer because having a cop dad is a great cover,” Mindy says, “Do you not remember how these movies work, Tara?”
“I want to leave,” Winnie whispers into Ethan’s ear. He reaches for his bag but is stopped by Mindy pointing at him angrily.
“Sit down,” she says, giving them a stern look. Winnie groans, going around to sit back on Ethan’s lap with a huff.
“Is she always like this?” Quinn asks. Sam does a half-nod, half-shrug in response.
“And finally… Anika,” Mindy says. Anika smiles and blows Mindy a kiss, getting an air kiss in return. Mindy’s smile drops, “Never trust the love interest.” Anika’s smile fades at Mindy’s words.
“Okay! So, we have our rules and we have our suspects,” Sam says.
“But wait,” Ethan says, “What about you guys?”
“I mean, I think it’s pretty safe to rule out the five of us who went through this last year in Woodsboro,” Mindy says.
“Agreed,” Chad says.
“Um, not agreed,” Quinn says, “What if the trauma you all went through caused one or more of you to snap?”
“Yeah, or the fame you got from the killings made you thirsty for more,” Ethan says, “I mean, let’s be honest here, some of the theories online about Sam are--”
Winnie shushes him, but Tara is quick to turn to him, “Don’t you fucking dare.”
“You can’t say things like that,” Winnie says, tapping his lips with her lollipop as if she’s scolding him. His eyes are a little wide, but he nods regardless of his shock at the threat from Tara.
“Okay, she’s right though,” Anika says, "I mean, face facts -- if we’re all suspects, you’re all suspects.”
The group looks at one another, silently giving each other looks of suspicion. Winnie raises her hand after a minute, looking at Mindy.
“What?” Mindy says. Winnie drops her hand to her side, taking the candy out of her mouth with a ‘pop’ sound.
“Can I leave now?”
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“Do you really believe Mindy?” Ethan asks. Winnie looks up at the boy, shrugging in response to his inquiry.
“I don’t know,” she says, “I think she’s kinda dramatic with her explanations… But there’s also a murderer out there trying to kill us, so I guess it’s better to be safe than sorry and listen to her.”
Ethan nods, “Yeah, that’s true.”
“Why? Do you?” Winnie asks, swinging their interlocked hands between them.
“Oh yeah,” Ethan says. The sarcasm is laced in his voice and he nods, his curls bouncing with the movement of his head. “I totally believe her. Especially when she accuses me of being Ghostface.”
Winnie giggles, hiding her face while she does. She shakes her head a little and looks back up at him, “I knew it was you, Landry.”
“Yeah, I’ve always loved playing games,” Ethan says. Winnie steps closer to him, letting go of his hand and trading it to wrap her arms around his.
“Well if you’re Ghostface, can you at least spare me?” she asks. He looks down at her and she’s giving him those damn puppy dog eyes. She’s used them a couple times with him -- once at a store when she wanted a chocolate bar, another when she wanted a piggyback ride, and a few times when she wanted him to carry her bag. 
“I’ll consider it,” he says, opening the door to the building for her.
“C’mon,” she says, now walking backward so she can look at him. “What can I do to be spared?”
He pretends to think, “Wanna play a game?”
She laughs, “What kinda game?”
“Trivia,” he says. She lets out an ‘ooh’ and agrees to play along with him as they enter the elevator. “What building do I live in?”
“Hortense Tower,” she says. The doors shut behind them and he smiles at her.
“Good, good,” he says. His hand hovers near the columns of buttons, “And what floor?” She smiles, reaching past him and clicking the button labeled ‘3.’ He nods, “And which room?”
“Hmm,” she hums, tapping her chin in pretend thought.
“Times ticking,” he says.
“316,” she responds, pretending not to know.
“I’m sorry, sweet thing, but that’s wrong,” he says, shrugging, “Guess I can’t spare  you.”
“No, please don’t kill me, Mr. Ghostface,” she says, pouting, “I wanna be in the sequel!”
“It’s too bad, really,” he says, “I liked you.”
The doors open and a few students move out of their way as they exit. Winnie sighs, shaking her head. “Let me try again. Bonus round!”
He pulls out his keys as they approach his door, “Fine, what school do I go to?”
“Oh you love me,” she says. He laughs at her excitement playing the fake game. She giggles, “Blackmore University. Easy!”
“Amazing job,” he says, pushing the door open. She squeals, running over to his bed and jumping onto it. She barely makes it on top, the bed being  quite high up in comparison to her. She kicks off her shoes as he closes his door and drops his things next to his desk.
“I’m a final girl,” she says with a sing-song voice. She adjusts the way she’s sitting, propping herself onto her knees and watching him make his way over.
“Yes you are,” he says, “Congratulations.”
He stands in front of her, both of them just looking at each other. It feels like an eternity of silence, an eternity of just admiring one another; in reality, it’s only a minute. Their smiles fade a little, not with upset, but instead because they’re focused on one another. Winnie scoots closer to the edge of the bed and both of their breaths become shallower, hearts speeding up.
“Ethan?” she whispers.
“Yes?” he asks. His eyes roam her face and he notices the way her eyes keep flicking to his lips.
“I wan--”
He doesn’t let her finish her request, she doesn’t need to. He knows exactly what she wants because he wants the same thing as her. He grabs her face, pulling her into a hasty kiss. She squeals in delight when their lips touch, her arms wrapping around his neck to keep him close to her.
“Eth,” she breathes out into his mouth. He moves his hands to her waist, pulling her closer. Her knees are now over the edge of the bed, on either side of him. His hands grip her exposed skin tightly, fingers digging into the squishy flesh greedily. Her fingers work their way through his curls, gripping the strands of hair for a moment.
The jingle of keys outside the door makes them pull away, much to their dismay. Ethan takes a step back and Winnie straightens out her clothing, fixing her top and smoothing out her skirt. Chad enters the room a moment later, slowing down when he notices the two.
“Dude,” he says, a tinge of exasperation in his voice. The two look at him, feigning innocence. It isn’t till Chad makes a motion around his lips that the feeling of the sticky gloss on Ethan’s face becomes noticeable to the boy. He touches it with a finger, pulling it away to see the glittery substance.
It’s quiet between the three of them, the door still wide open behind Chad. Other students pass by, not knowing the tension that’s thick in the room. They look at one another, eyes flicking between each other in the passing moments.
“I, for one, am not sorry,” Winnie says, breaking the silence, receiving a glare from Chad.
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perfectlypreservedpie · 4 months
MacCready Fanfiction Recs (Fallout 4)
hey everybody, nobody asked for this but in the midst of writing fallout fanfic I was feeling a special kind of love for my favorite fo4 fanfics and wanted to recommend them in case you hadn't read 'em. Because they are VERY GOOD and writing fanfic is hard, so you gotta give props to those who sweat for your comfort fics.
I'm gonna recommend my top three finished fanfics, and then two more bonus fics that are being updated rn. As a clarifier, these are all Maccready fallout 4 fics. so. keep that in mind.
im tagging the authors and also anybody who wants to join and share their favorites too!
3. THE FATHER(S) AND THE SON(S) on ao3 by @sirmanmister
I'm going to preface this rec by saying this: there is Fanon MacCready. There is canon MacCready. And then there is ascended!whatBethesdawishesitWAS MacCready, which exists solely in this fanfiction. The characterization of Mac is so well written. He is snarky, he is vulnerable. He desperately wants to grow up but doesn't know how. He has the most sick character arc in this story!!!
It's not a romance but instead a coming of age story where the sole survivor becomes a de-facto parent to Mac. The heart of the story is about how to raise a child while you're still trying to grow up yourself. The apocalypse setting lends itself well because the Wasteland is a place where NOTHING is beautiful, but the way that M!Sosu and MacCready care for their sons is beautiful. Which makes it special and worth fighting for.
As a fun fact, I read The Road by Cormac McCarthy for class a week after finishing this fic and I was thinking about this fic the whole time because the themes of fatherhood during an apocalypse hit a lot of the same beats. Maybe my professor would kick me in the teeth by comparing fic to McCarthy, but @sirmanmister YOU ARE MY CORMAC MCCARTHY <3
2. WORKING CLASS HERO on ao3 by @bluegrasskitty
This is the kind of fic you take with you to toilet, to work, in-between classes. It will suck you in. AND THERE'S A SEQUEL TOO YOU GUYS‼️
The sole survivor in this story is the model for the Nuka Cola girl. You know the hot lady in the spacesuit? SHE HAS A BACKSTORY. AND YALL IT MADE ME WEEP. During some point of the story, I sort of stopped rooting for MacCready to be the narrator and just wanted Nora Cabot to take the reins. When I tell you I think of this oc every two to three business weeks. She's an incredible leading lady. I can't look at Nuka Girl posters in the game without thinking of Nora Cabot, my beloved.
the sequel IS SO FIRE. It's the best reimagining of 'what happened after the institute blew up' that I've ever read. im gnawing at the bars of my enclosure actually.
The amount of world building that @bluegrasskitty puts into this story is insane. They ARE Beth Esda.
As a fun fact, I didn't know that radchickens were canon in fallout. I thought it was a plot device made up by this author to excuse the ability to make cake in this book, but radchickens ARE real. When I was playing Far Harbor last year, I found radchickens and thought that @bluegrasskitty manifested them into existence because they had that kind of power.
that being said, I still think this author has that kind of power.
1. Atom Bomb Baby on ao3 by @starlightwrites
I think you dropped something....my jaw.
fellas. fellas. this is my comfort fic. You ever had a comfort fic? Something you come back to at least once a year to reread to feel something? the fiction equivalent of chicken noodle soup? this is what Atom Bomb Baby is to me. this is peak literature actually. if I ever figure out book binding, im doing this one first.
Plot wise, it's a retelling of Fallout 4's main story through the perspective of MacCready. But (and im wheezing as I say this) it's also so much more THAN THAT.
this fic author understands that MacCready is not a womanizer but is in fact a touch starved loser. and they are CORRECT.
MacCready spends the entire fic like 'uuuhhhh I dunno about this one, boss!'
it also has a nostalgia feel to me too, because reading it gives me the same feeling as what it was like to play the game for the first time, years ago. maybe it's because I've read it so many times over the years, but reading it feels so satisfying.
The author spends 10 chapters at the end solely dedicated to an epilogue. I wish more stories did this. They go through the wringer in this story, and it's so deeply satisfying to see how cleanly everything gets wrapped up. MacCready and the Lola work really well together as a couple, so it's awesome to see how they work together after the battle is done.
6 out of 5 stars.
BONUS FICS !! aka fics that are still updating! I squeal with joy when I get an ao3 email about these: 1. Best Laid Plans on ao3 by @druidgroves - Georgia Tate is an incredible character and sole survivor! She was a teacher prewar, so it's really fun to get her perspective on the world. She cares a lot about education and libraries and I find her really relatable and endearing. It's a cool thing for a character in an apocalypse to care about! It also makes for fun tension with Mac, who's written as a pragmatic survivor. A great take on familiar characters and their dynamics. - And It's a great slow burn! I'm really enjoying reading it. 2. Long Time Running on ao3 by @twosides--samecoin - If you've ever thought that Med-Tek was too convenient an option for Duncan's cure, this fic was written with you in mind. - RJ goes to Canada and im obsessed with it. - If you're interested in fallout lore, specifically the bit where the U.S annexed Canada and wished that there was more info about that, I would highly recommend this fic. Twosides--samecoin put in THE WORK. The world building they do to explain Canada's side of the Great War is so fun!!! its genuinely such a thrill to read!
I'm tagging the authors who I mentioned, if you all have favorite fics (fallout or otherwise, I'd love to hear em!) Thank you for making good art!
66 notes · View notes
nkirukaj · 6 months
The Radio Demon & the Billboard Doe (3)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! OC
Warnings: Swearing, I think
Genre: Angst/Humor
Word Count: 4.9K
<Chapter 2
3. Hmmm...
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Two months. Two months was all it took for Voe to get comfortable in Hell. Her lives started taking off, and she was gaining followers every single day. 
“I like the Hotel, ‘cuz people are really nice to me. Especially Charlie, she’s mad nice. Yeah, I made some friends. I’m friends with Angel Dust now! Yes that Angel Dust, the celebrity! Also, Sinstagram where is my verification?! I believe I fit the requirements! Hmm? Am I just an influencer? I mean I guess so, what else could I even do?”
Maybe get a job you lazy bitch
“Maybe take your own advice you cunt. If you had a job you wouldn’t be here bitching on my live. Besides,” Voe laughs “I’m making more money reading you for filth, than you would at any 9 to 5” She gets a kicker out of that.
ever thought about getting sponsored?
“Yeah, I’ve thought about being sponsored, but like, brands would have to have to reach out to me, ya’ know?”
yooo the vees do this hiring event thing once every like 4 years or whatever you should do that
“Who are the Vees?”  
like the most popular and powerful overlords in pentagram city!!!111!!!!!
“What’s an overlord?”
you should review velvettes clothes. shes the best
“Mmkay girlfriend. Oop gotta go guys. It’s time for Charlie’s mandatory bonding time for all residents. Hazbin Hotel everyone!”
“Hello everyone,” Charlie looked a bit nervous introducing this time, “I’d like to introduce you all to a very special guest” Alastor waltzed in and sat adjacent to Charlie “My dad!”
“Greetings everyone!” Lucifer emerges from behind a large plant, and Alastor squints in annoyance. The King of Hell goes and stands next to his daughter. Voe was taken aback by the beauty of this man, all in fun-sized packaging. He was taller than her, but small is small.
“Like, I said, this is my dad. And he’s going to be around more often to help us take care of the Hotel!”
“I would do anything, to make my little one’s dream come true. So I’m joining the crew!” he laughs dryly with his arm around Charlie’s shoulders, and she laughs awkwardly with him
Voe speaks up “Can I just say, that the things I heard about you are true? You truly are the most beautiful angel.”
“Why thank you,” Lucifer looks smug and takes notice of her. Voe takes notice of Charlie’s apprehension under her father’s arm and the lack of enthusiasm when introducing him. His over-the-top manner of behaving and his insistence upon entering his daughter’s personal space were a dead giveaway to a shaky father-daughter relationship. On its way to healing, but not quite there yet.
“My dad has an idea of a way to better advertise the hotel, so take it away Dad” She claps for him, and quiet claps follow suit.
“Okay, so I know that my brilliant daughter already thought of this.” He winks at Charlie “But I was thinking that we could do another commercial, but instead of going through 666 News, we go through the people that control the media! The Vees!” people are now whispering to one another at the mention of the Vees “And besides, who would say no to me?” he puffs out his chest
There they were being mentioned again. The Vees.
Voe raises her hand to gain the attention of the crowd “Who are the Vees?” many demons are shocked at her lack of knowledge of the subject, but it was Angel Dust who spoke up.
“Assholes,” was all that he gave, staring daggers into his phone.
“Who here isn’t?” She responded
“The Vees are nothing but talentless, tasteless, and classless crybabies who dare to call themselves entertainers. They are no better than dirt at the bottom of my very well-made dress shoes. Once again, your ideas have fallen flat, Your Majesty.” Alastor spoke, shooting a glare through his tight grin. Voe looked back and forth between the men, instantly picking up on their tension, and formulated a plan off the top of her head.
“Thank you for the explanation. However, I do agree that going to the headliners of the media in Hell would be the best way to get our message seen. To expand Charlie’s vision. Also, I honestly appreciate the ability of a primordial angel to be able to keep up with modern times”
“And compromise ourselves? Out of the question. I suggest we do things the old-fashioned way, like how we’ve been doing them. Besides, as the King himself said, we’ve done the idea of a commercial before, and look how it turned out.”
“Well, it’s clear that Charlie is unhappy with the results of the ‘old-fashioned way’, seeing as how she’s currently in the market for ideas at this very moment, so what is necessary is to change something. Do something different. And yes while you may have done a commercial before, you’ve never done it like this. This is worth a shot. And we do not have to mingle with these demons personally, only professionally.” She gestures toward Lucifer “Plus, we have the literal King and Princess of Hell with us. What could go wrong?”
Charlie steps in “Hey guys, I don’t want this to become an argument.”
“I don’t see why this needs to be an argument at all. Your father has the superior idea, and that’s the one that we should do.” Voe is light and airy, using her ‘people pleaser’ voice
“Well, I don’t think it would be fair for him to just show up and start telling us what to do when he hasn’t been here this whole time. Right Char-“ Alastor’s tone is stern
“And that’s why we should do his idea. I mean, look at him, Charlie” she gestures toward the King of Hell “He’s so sorry for not being there for you, and he’s trying to make it up. This is how he can make it up, this is how you can show that you forgive him. You do forgive him, don’t you Charlie?”
“Well yeah! I-“
“He knows nothing about the hotel and how we run things here, do you trust him to get involved without guidance?” Alastor’s voice becomes more forceful
“He will have your impeccable guidance, Charlie. He wants to work with you and be involved with your life. You want your father involved in your life…right Charlie?”
“Of course! I-“
“So it’s settled! We’re going with Your Majesty’s idea then!” Voe swivels her body to face Charlie. She lowers her pitch “Right, Charlie?”
Charlie’s eyes dart around “Y-yesI Yes! We’ll go with my dad’s idea!”
“Yes! You won’t regret this sweetie!” Lucifer puts his arm around Charlie’s shoulders. He looks back at Voe, lowering his volume “Thanks for the help…”
“Voe. And no problem, Your Majesty.”
“Oh, you don’t need that ‘Your Majesty’ talk, you may call me Lucifer.”
She smiles warmly “Alright, Lucifer.” she speaks coyly. The King looks her up and down, giving her a wink. She bats her eyelashes at him as he walks off with his daughter, chatting her ear off. Voe glances up to catch Alastor’s eye, smirking before turning back around. The other residents are sitting around confused, and staring at each other, wondering if the meeting was over. Alastor’s eye is twitching ever so slightly. Voe returns to her spot to retrieve her phone, Angel Dust grabs her wrist and pulls her down.
“What the fuck just happened?”
The doe feigns innocence “What the hell did you just do?”
“What? I didn’t do anything?”
“Did you just like, cast a spell over Charlie’s mind or something? That was, that was incredible!”
She seems flattered “Oh no, I used no magic. I just have a way with words is all.” She sits back down in her spot next to him
“Just be careful toots, I don’t think you’d wanna piss off a serial killer.” he looks back down at his phone
Her ear prick up “Hmm?”
“You wouldn’t want to piss off a serial killer.” He raises his brow at her “Or would you?”
“I don’t know Angel! I’ve never met a serial killer!”
“Yeah, ya have,”
She raises her eyebrow at him “I beg your pardon?”
“Al’s a serial killer” Angel uses two of his arms to gesture towards the deer demon, who stood in his usual get-up of his coat and dress pants, shoes with small heels, and a bow tie, back perfectly straight, occasionally fixing his hair and adjusting his monocle. A fucking monocle. 
Voe’s mouth was agape looking between the deer and the spider.  “That Al? Like Alastor?”
“Uh yeah.” Angel rolled his eyes
“But he’s so…nerdy.”
Angel smirks “I thought you said he was cute.”
Her head whips back around “Those concepts aren’t mutually exclusive.”
She marches over to the radio demon with an heir of confidence around her. 
“Alastor,” she calls him simply, his head does not move, but his eyes do. He does not respond verbally, but his eyes tell her that she has his attention. “Angel just told me that you are a serial killer?”
He has no physical reaction to this statement, only a small “Hmmm,” though, not as a question 
“Is this accurate ?”
His smile grew extra wide, his eyes turning into radio dials as he leans forward “What do you think?”
Voe’s face is a bit flushed, but she doesn’t recoil or retreat. “I guess that means yes.” There’s a warmth in her chest, looking at his radio-dial eyes. Like hot shivers down her back. “I didn’t picture you as a serial killer,” she pretends like her body isn’t reacting 
“Well, looks can be deceiving, my dear.”
She sticks her hip out and smirks “It’s just difficult to imagine you slinging around dead bodies. Wouldn’t you need to be strong to do that?”
Alastor’s eyes widen and his nose flares, he inhales deeply. 
“Sounds like ‘big boi’ activities,” she continued with a smug grin on her face
“I can assure you, that I am quite strong enough.”
“I’d love to see it.” She turns her chin up to see him better
“Then stay tuned.” 
She cocks her head at him before returning to Angel Dust, whispering Lucifer knows what. Alastor’s eyes follow her to her destination. This demoness, this..doe craved his attention. Why else would she be talking about him on her little picture box, outwardly defying him, or questioning his strength and ability to kill? She must want his eyes to be on her, but Alastor wasn’t going to give her that satisfaction. Attention is all they crave, stop giving them attention and these little fires will burn out on their own.
Although he had initially thought it would be easy, he found it to be quite challenging. There was something about her hair that always caught his eye. It was a brighter shade of red than his own and each strand had a perfect curl, as if it had been individually wrapped around a pencil. Her hair was striking, and he found it difficult not to stare. He only realized that he had been staring when she looked up and caught his eye again. She smirked, displaying her smugness and overconfidence once more. Alastor found it revolting, and he resisted the urge to sneer. He simply squinted before leaving the place, certain that no mere doe would outwit him.
“So…what did you guys think of my dad? I love that he’s trying to get involved with something so important to me.” Her eyes glisten “How do you guys think he’s doing?”
Voe is sitting on the couch next to Angel once more, both scrolling on their phones “Well, I know what I think. I think that man is fine.” She bites her lip
“Ain’t you gay?” Angel looks up from his phone, raising his eyebrow at her.
“Like I’m not gay gay. Like, I’m queer. Unfortunately, I’m still attracted to men. And by the way Charlie,” she turns to the blonde demoness “I am 100% going to rizz up your dad,”
“Rizz?” she looks towards Vaggie
“Yeah, I don’t know.” she shrugs
“It’s basically like flirting. Just like getting someone to like you,” Voe rolls her wrist
Charlie looks around, confused “Uh, why?”
“Because he’s hot! I love me a short king!” She spreads her arms in time with her words.
A loud ‘ahem’ is heard on the other side of the room. The group directs their attention toward the noise. Alastor is sitting and reading a book, so quietly that Voe didn’t even know he was there.
"If you don't mind, I'm trying to read," he called out over the group conversation. 
"But what if I do?" she responded.
"Do what?"
Alastor sat in silence, his grin widening as he squinted at her. 
"You're a defiant little girl," he remarked.
"I'm a woman," she responded in a low voice, barely audible.
"That you are," he said as he stood up, microphone in hand, and walked away, shrouding himself in shadow.
Her eyes remain fixed on the spot the buck was previously standing in as if viewing the essence he left behind.
“Woaho! What the fuck was that?”
“I don’t know, him butting into our conversation?”
“Bullshit Voe, I know sexual tension when I see it! Something’s going on there. At least with you!” He points to Voe, poking her in the nose
“What?” she laughs
“You did not have to say anything to that man.” Angel wiggles his eyebrows
She shrugs “What’s your point?”
“You did that cuz you wanted attention. You just wanted him to talk to you!”
“Maybe I wanted to bother him, whatever!” She rolled her eyes
“Why?” he leans into her face
“Because it’s funny!” 
“Yeah I know Alastor is annoying as fuck, but why mess with him?” Vaggie sits down in a chair 
“Like I said, because I think it’s funny,” she smirks, full of intent
Alastor struts his merry way down the hall, humming all the while. His eyes widen when he sees Princess Charlie walking towards him down the hall.
“Charlie my dear, just the Princess I was looking for.”
“Oh, hi Alastor!” She looks up at him “What’s up?”
“I just came from a meeting with the other Overlords and they requested that I ask you what you intend to do with so many of the souls that they own?”
“Well you know Alastor, I’m trying to help them be redeemed.”
“Yes, but beyond that is what they are wondering.”
Charlie looks quite confused “I don’t understand.”
Voe turns the corner, seeing the Overlord and the Princess having a discussion. She was unaware of the topic but viewed the situation as a chance for some of her own entertainment.
“Blah blah, I’m Alastor I think I’m better than everyone else,” she says from behind the corner
Alastor’s ears twitch at the sound. He turns to look in Voe’s direction, not seeing her behind the wall. Charlie looks past him, unaware of what he’d heard. “Hmm,” he said, turning back to Charlie.
“Hmm,” Voe mocks his cadence and tone from behind the wall “Like, what even is that?” She walks up the both of them casually, her footsteps light on the carpet
“Oh, hi Voe!” Charlie waves 
“Hi,” she waves and leans on the wall.
Alastor raises an eyebrow “We are in the middle of a conversation.”
“I am simply addressing the Princess, is that a crime?”
“Well you’ve done you’re addressing, you may leave.”
Voe clicks her tongue “The Wifi is GREAT here,” she looks back down at her phone while Alastor sighs in frustration. Voe hides her smirk and sits on the floor.
He turns back to Charlie “All they are requesting is a simple meeting so they can understand your intentions. They’re quite worried about losing so many souls.” 
“So many souls,” She mimics his accent once more and he sharply turns to her.
“Excuse me, last time I checked you were a doe, not a parrot. Or perhaps you are simply a child? A fawn maybe?”
Voe looks up, feigning confusion “Are you talking to me?”
Alastor’s smile turns tense “Yes, I am,”
“What are you talking about?”
He squints at her, “I am not going to stand here and play your childish games.” He turns to Charlie once more “Charlie, the meeting is next week, promptly at 6 am”
“6 am?”
“It is the only time they are all free.”
“Because fossils have to take their naps during the day.” Voe copied his accent once more, mumbling under her breath and then laughing at her own joke.
Alastor glares at her one more time before dissipating into shadows.
“Shit! 6 am is fucking early!” Charlie spoke once more heading down the hall.
“Guys! My dad is off making negotiations for the commercial”
“Hmm, absent as always,” Alastor speaks under his breath
“And…” Charlie moves on “So I decided that it would be an amazing plan to get our actual residents involved in spreading the word. This is your home too!”
“Well my dear, if you let me make use of my talents, I certainly could get the word out on my radio show!”
“Of course Alastor! That’s a great idea. Anyone else?”
Alastor’s smile tenses at the suggestion that his radio show is not enough. Voe raises her hand slowly and dramatically.
“Uh, Voe! What a lovely surprise!” Charlie beams 
“We could use Sinstagram.” She offers
“How exactly?”
The doe shrugs “We could like,” she puts her head back a little, thinking “throw a party and I could livestream it on my account.”
Angel snorts “What good would that do?”
She cuts her eye at him “I have 10 million followers,”
Angel spits out his drink “What? That’s more than me and I’m a certified celebrity!”
“Yeah, I’m waiting for my check mark, but anyway apparently there are demons who like to watch me do things and listen to what I say. We should take advantage of that.
“That would be a great idea!” Charlie was ecstatic
“But why a party?” Vaggie questioned
“Because you want them to want to come here right? So we should show them that we do cool and fun things. Not just boring sharing circles. Not that these are boring Charlie.” She feigns caring about her remarks
“I assure you that I am just fine at getting the word out on the radio.”
“The rest of Hell has progressed past that. Demons are engaging with modern technology like Vphones and laptops. To force them to reverse time in terms of media is unhelpful and having them put forth more effort than I know they would be willing to. No one would be receiving said message. The only demon I know that likes getting forced is Niffty.” She points toward the little demoness who is standing by her legs “And even though I enjoy the little scamp, no one else is like her. We need to take advantage of what the rest of Hell is already doing, not force them to do something else. Listen, I just got down here, so I know what they’re like up there. Social media rules up there so why wouldn’t it down here?”
“Okay, all in favor of Alastor’s idea, raise your hand.”
“And be honest, he’s not going to hurt you,” Voe interjected 
“I might,” Alastor added
Voe purses her lips. A few demons raise their hands. 
“And now all in favor of Voe’s idea?”
The vast majority of the residents raise their hands, Voe tilts her head in smug joy. Alastor squints in annoyance. 
“Look, why don’t we just do both, cuz we don’t want Radiohead to get pissy about it. You do what’s natural to you and I’ll do what’s natural for me.” 
“Voe! That is an amazing idea! A compromise! Looks like you are taking steps to get redeemed!” Charlie raved
Voe could only blink at the praise given by the princess. She hadn’t been expecting it or planning for it. Her words had been genuine, the validation was earned. Her face flushed with pink and she pulled at one of her ears. 
“Okay, you guys were asking me to try this hot new dress by…” she squints at the tag “Velvette. Oooh, that’s a nice way to spell that. Now I’m taking it out of the bag and this is exquisite! Just by looking at it, I can tell this was high quality. Wait, let me get a hanger.” She goes to retrieve a hanger from her closet and places the dress on it. She holds the full dress out in front of the camera. “This is amazing, it’s giving princess vibes. And y’all know I had to get it in pink. Yeah, like a casual princess. I could see this working in a casual setting and a business casual setting.” Voe feels the material, her mouth is agape in awe. “Guys, it’s so soft! Oh my gosh, I’m looking forward to the rest of these now!” She reaches back into the bag and pulls out a second dress, this one also pink, short, and form-fitting. “Guys this one is a sleek party dress! Oh, I could see myself wearing it to a club or you know, a party!” She pulls at the dress fabric “Okay, this tough, I can’t even rip it on purpose! So this will last you a long time!” She hangs up the other dress and pulls out one more, also pink with subtle sparkles dusted all around it. “Okay, no guys because what? This is beautiful! Okay, absolutely not I have to try this on!”
She covers the camera and within minutes has the new dress on. “This is what? This is- oh my gosh! This is amazing. Look at how the light catches these sparkles! I love the fit, it’s firm in my boobs, but loose everywhere else!. And the sparkles intentionally catch light so it looks like there’s a spotlight on you no matter where you go! This is amazing! I- I cannot believe this. I see no flaws. These clothes are perfect. Hats off to you Miss Velvette! You are quite the designer!” She sits back in her chair and lifts a package, unwrapping it to find a very futuristic water bottle “And one of you guys sent me this..” she reads the label “VoxTek water bottle to review. So now I’m going to see what would be the point of techni- technologically-“ She looks off to the side, thinking “What the fuck would you even call that? Teching? Yeah, Teching a water bottle.” She looks around the bottle, it’s covered in buttons and has a screen on the side. She presses one and it does nothing. She presses another and the screen lights up, displaying the VoxTek logo.
“Hmm,” she remarks as the screen turns to the show ‘I Fucked Your Sister, So what?” She turns the bottle back around to the buttons and begins pressing them, seeing that they control the switching of the channels. “Ooooh,” she displays somewhat of an interest in the bottle, pressing another button that controls volume, then another that controls brightness. “Okay, it’s all fancy with the tech, but can it actually hold water?”
The video cuts to her with a VoxTek bottle filled with water, trying not to let a drop drip out onto the screen. She screws on the top and shakes the bottle around. It doesn’t come off and none of the water leaks.
“Okay guys, should I drink from it? I’m gonna drink from it.” It has a built-in straw that pops up and almost pokes her eye out. 
“Oh shit!” and she drinks from the bottle, noticing a little nob that says ‘flavor’, she switches it and the water begins to taste like blue raspberry, “Holy shit! I might start drinking water more often!” She takes another sip “You can change the flavor, holy fuck!” She drinks more. “This is fuckin’ cool!” She drinks again “Okay, I’m totally gonna use this, because I think it’s awesome. However, I’m going to have to give it an 8/10 because tech being so close to water is just a disaster waiting to happen.” She gestures towards the dresses “But these dresses are 10s.”
Once Voe stops recording and she’s begun uploading the video, her ears twitch at at sound outside of her room. Her nose picked up on a certain aroma, ever so pleasant to her nostrils and so thick that she could taste it. She followed it to the door, opened it, and sniffed down the hallway until she saw the familiar flare of a striped red coat. This is what the scent led to. It was him that smelled so good.
“Oh, it’s you.” She spoke flatly, crossing her arms and sticking out her hip. “I knew I smelled something.”
Alastor turns around to face the voice he hears, his eyes immediately squint and his grin gets wider and more devilish.  “You are quite the contrarian, little doe.” he steps up to her, very much inside her personal space. She takes a step back.
“And you like that don’t you?” Alastor opens his mouth to speak before registering what she says and then closes it. She chuckles and shoots him a side-eye. “You don’t scare me.”
"I'm not trying to scare you," he said with a wide grin on his face. "I'm letting you know your place”
"But you're not," she replied unimpressed.
"I'm not trying to-,” he stumbled over his words, his eyes darting back and forth, stretching what constitutes a smile.
"Getting choked up on your words?" she asked, crossing her arms.
"I'm simply thinking about what to say first."
"So you're getting choked up on your words?" she teased. "This is the Radio Demon? I figured a radio host wouldn't have this much trouble talking," she added with a smirk.
"I don't like you," he said, his eyes narrowing as his radio filter vanished.
"You don't?" she widens her eyes, with feigned surprise.
He had no response, so instead snatched her glasses and tossed them, before storming down the hall. Voe’s mouth was agape at just the amount of pettiness that this grown man was willing to stoop to. It was actually kind of funny seeing how frazzled and annoyed she could make this man. Despite his dangerous reputation, she didn’t feel in danger, mostly just a little warm in the chest, she thought as she went to retrieve her glasses. Maybe it was just a deer thing.
Storming was a perfect way to remove yourself from a situation and make it known that you still hold all the power. She could not know that she was getting to him, especially in such a short time. What would he usually do to anything that grated his nerves this much? Simply remove it from the equation. If that requires a little carnage or a lot of bloodshed, then so be it. But he felt he could not do that with this demon for some reason. Today it was not only her spiral curls that caught his attention, but also her spots and how they seemed randomly and yet quite purposefully placed on her skin. Or perhaps her black deer nose stood out the most. Maybe the odd but pleasing look of her differently colored lips? He wasn’t sure what it was but under every irritating encounter, Alastor felt pleased? To see her face? To hear her speak? It was confusing for sure, so the feeling was best to be avoided.
Voe returned to her room, immediately reaching for her phone where she was met with a barrage of notifications on her Sinstagram that never disappointed.
Thats the newest model!
Whoever got you that, give me their info i need a sugar daddy
told you velvette was the best
The Vees rule!
you have as much style as Velvette
does she think we really care about this shit?
She smiled reading them, pleased at her impact. Negative or positive, she was on the minds of these people, and that’s where she liked to be. There was one comment however that caught her attention over all the others. One with a checkmark next to the username.
Check your DMs love
The username beside it reads: Velvette
Intrigued by the comment, she moved over to her DMs, skipping all the ones from others who watched her content and liked to engage with her until she found a thread under the same username.
Hey love, I’ve seen your videos and you’ve really got an eye for what’s what. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Vees and that we do a hiring event every once in a while and I think that you could actually offer something of value to my team. Respond to let me know that you’re interested.
Voe sat and pondered this message, it was from a verified account, and the Vees were the heads of all things media, according to the King of Hell himself. Another message in the thread popping up snatched her away from her thoughts.
ps love the name!
If the Vees were in charge of all the media, then all of Hell could know her name in no time flat. Even if she didn’t choose to work with them she would still be a certified influencer, so what would be the harm of checking the place and the people out? There was literally no downside.
hi. thanks for reaching out to me. i would def be interested in the event.
ps love your dresses!
Instantly, Voe was gifted with a response.
Be at V tower tomorrow at 9 AM sharp -xxx
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Chapter 4>
59 notes · View notes
slutouttanowhere · 8 months
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Pairing: Randy Orton x Mavis Pete x LA Knight
Warnings: none
Word count: 4k
a/n: ngl yall it’s currently 3:23 am right now, and I’m just so excited to get this to y’all. This…mini series (I’m not sure don’t get your hopes up lol) is not turning out how I expected, I accidentally added LA Knight to the mix completely forgetting he’s currently feuding with Randy canonically. The female main character, Mavis Pete is my oc, and if it isn’t obvious she’s Black. Anywho, hope y’all enjoy the full version, as always likes,reblogs and comments are appreciated
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Chapter 1
Friday Night SmackDown– 7:30 pm
Adam Pearce had enough on his plate with The Judgement Day running around terrorizing the roster, and ruining matches, now on top of that he had to deal with Mavis Pete. She’s been raising hell for the past two weeks, for every time she didn't get a title shot, she’s attacking every female superstar that does. Sabotaging all their opportunities in any way she could. Suspending her wasn’t enough to deter her, no matter how big the fine, she paid them. He’s talked to Hunter multiple times about her behavior, but it seemed as if the young super star was hell bent on having her way. Luckily for her, it’s working out to her benefit with the crowds, but he needed to find a creative way to subdue an insubordinate talent. He tried to put her with Drew before, but the bickered like children to the point where he didn’t have a choice but to split them up. ‘Hmm, there’s gotta be someone else….’ He thought to himself, he looked through his roster, and he didn’t really see anyone he thought would be a good fit. ‘Mavis, despite her causing a hell storm, she’s still in pretty good standing with the locker room. If I put her with anyone she gets along with too well it’ll be pointless.’ He continued to ponder on this, flipping back and forth through his documents. Suddenly, his office door swung open, an agitated, Randy Orton stood in the doorway. A stern look on his face, his lips parted to speak, but before he could get his words out, Mavis came barging in right behind him. “Finally your office hours are open, listen I don't have time to waste you know what I want–
“Didn’t anyone ever teach you any manners, kid?” Randy cut her off, he turned to her, temporarily taking his eyes off their general manager. She looked taken aback by his attitude, one hand on her hip, and her face scrunched into a disgusted expression. Mavis and Randy rarely cross paths, but of course she knew who he was, she’d never tell him, but he’s in her top five favorite wrestler’s of all time. Given any other circumstance, she’d be gushing, and fangirling. She snapped out of her thoughts quickly, his icy blue irises analyzing her, her diamond chains catching his eyes. 
“Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to interrupt a bad bitch when she’s talking?” She asked, a slight smirk on her lips, to which Randy scoffed, and turned back to Pearce, blocking Mavis’ sight 
“Anyway, like I was saying.” He started talking again, ignoring the younger superstar behind him, Adam raised his eyebrows expectantly, but to Randy’s misfortune, he never got the chance to speak. 
Mavis rolled her eyes, and cleared her throat, “like I was saying.” She had pushed past Randy, her hips bumping him out the way, now it was his turn to be shocked. “It’s time to make some shit shake, I think baby face was nice, but being heel is what the fan really want from me.”  He watched as she demanded answers from the SmackDown Gm, Randy would be lying if he said he hadn’t been watching Mavis’ performances. She was a star in the making, if she could control her attitude, and if she could learn to pull that trigger when necessary, she’d be gold. Or in her case diamonds.
“You wanna be a champion, but don’t know when to stop running your mouth? The disrespect is astounding, please tell me you know better than this?” Randy talked over Pearce, he watched the interaction between the superstars, and now the wheels were turning in his head. He finally had a perfect idea, maybe it was temporary, but it would keep everyone busy till he figured out the alternative. 
“Listen, I know you’re old enough to be a father…” Her lips pressed together a poor attempt to repress her disdain, and to keep her mouth from becoming more reckless. She didn’t understand why Randy treated her the way he did, like she didn’t even exist. It bruised her ego that out of everyone she got along with, he was the one she couldn’t crack. 
Randy smirked in response, his assessment was swift, the revealing outfits, and over zealous confidence is what caught his eye when she first got drafted. In a way, she reminded him of a younger version of himself. He let out a condescending chuckle, and as badly as he wanted to let his intrusive thoughts take over, he tried to remain professional. “It seems to me like you sure could use the guidance of a wiser man, Hot Girl, Maivs Pete.” He said her name mockingly, and she’s not sure what bothered her more, the fact that he thought that she needed his help, or that she was turned on by his innuendo. They stared each other down, neither one of them refusing to break, till Adam Pearce clapped his hands together.
“That’s it! I got the perfect idea, since you're both more than likely here for the same reason, contenders spots. So here’s the plan, in a few minutes, I want you two to meet me out there in that ring.”  Adam clasped his hands together, a satisfied expression on his face as he watched Mavis and Randy pause their bickering, and turn their attention to their boss. 
“For what exactly?” Randy asked , his arms folded across his chest, he watched Pearce with a skeptical glance. He gestured between the two, a wide grin grew across his mouth, Randy and Mavis turned to look at each other, look back at Pearce, and back at each other. That’s when it clicked in their heads what he was referring to, Mavis rolled her eyes, and Randy groaned. 
“I don't have time for this, Pearce, I’m not a babysitter.”
“I couldn’t care less as long as it involves a title shot.” 
Randy, and Mavis spoke simultaneously, the roar of the fans in the packed Ford Field Stadium could be heard throughout the whole arena. The chants of them demanding to see their hometown sweetheart, Mavis Pete, could be heard throughout the arena. It warmed her heart to know that damn near the whole city showed up for her.
“That’s too bad, my choice has been made, and in just a little bit you’ll find out more details. Now, if I were you two I’d take this opportunity to get to know each other a little better, because whether you like it, or not, you will be working together for quite a while.” The two of them began to fuss, but Pearce was not hearing any of it; he shut them down immediately, then swept them out of his office. They stood there looking at each other dumb founded, this was not how either of them expected their night to go at all, Mavis wasn't on the card till much later in the night. Randy was supposed to work Austin Theory, how he just got switched from one rookie to the other? He had no clue, this was still the opposite of what he originally came to Adam’s office for. He asked for lemons, they gave him oranges. Mavis turned to go her own way, not before Randy reached out, and grabbed her by the arm. 
“Hey, quit it with the sass, you're not as tough as you think you are.” Randy called her bluff, a knowing grin on his lips, but she refused to fold. She rubbed her lips together redistributing the coat of gloss on her lips; her eyebrow raised as she pondered rather she’d play nice or not. Randy watched her expectantly, which caused Mavis to sigh softly, her expression told him nothing about how she genuinely felt. Instead, she morphed back into that playful, flirtatious girl she showed everyone else.
“Ugh, you’re no fun, you mine as well relax since you’re gonna be stuck with me.” She snorted, a smirk slowly growing across her face, her gaze held Randy’s, but when he tilted his head confusedly, she let out a mischievous giggle. Her hand on her hip, switching her weight from one foot to the other, Randy eyes shamelessly wondered down her body, taking in her curves from this distance, and took note of how toned her muscles are. Her skin looked soft to the touch, and it shimmered like mermaid scales underneath the lights from all the body glitter.  She definitely knew how to present herself like a star.
“This isn't the first time AP has tried to use someone else to ‘keep me in line’, a month ago he tried to stick me with Drew, but little did I know, he’s a bigger brat than I am.” She folded her arms over her chest, Randy pushed off the wall, and took a few steps towards her, minimal space between them. As tall as Mavis is, Randy is taller, and bigger; she peered up at him from underneath her long lashes. He was curious about her; he wanted to see past her mask. For a fleeting moment her cocky demeanor faded, he looked away for a second, an official spoke to him. Randy mumbled a few words, but by the time he looked back to her, whatever he thought he saw was gone.
“Do you think I’m gonna keep you in line?” Randy asked, his voice low enough for only her to hear.
Mavis shrugged her shoulders, her lips stretching into a smirk, “maybe, we’ll see.” She turned to walk away to get her gear on for tonight, but not before turning in enough time to notice how his eyes had dropped to her ass. He took his time making his way up to her face, she angled her body giving him a better view, and making a show of it.
“See ya out there…partner.” Mavis grinned like a Cheshire Cat, then sashayed away. 
Adam Pearce stood in the middle of the ring, mic in hand ready to address the WWE universe. The crowd buzzed in response, they had a rowdy crowd tonight in Mavis Pete’s hometown Detroit, Michigan. The way the arena is sold out, you’d think it was a pay per view event, but no, this was an average Monday night. “Good evening Detroit, and welcome…to Friday Night SmackDown!” The fans roared in response, Adam looked over to the camera, his hand gesturing to the viewers on the other side of the camera at home. “And good evening to you all at home. I know you all are excited for the show tonight, so I won't hold you up for too long. Recently, I’ve had more than a few trouble makers on my hands, among the few, your very own Mavis Pete.” On cue they chanted for her relentlessly, the sound of thousands of people was damn near overwhelming, but it’s nothing Adam isn't used to. 
He continued his announcement, moving about the ring. “With that being said, tonight will be my second attempt at partnering ‘Thee Money Making Mavis’, who can not only subdue her reckless behavior, but also keep her line.” He paused for a moment taking a breath, “this superstar is not only a veteran to the game, but he himself is someone who’s had their fair share of suspensions. Someone whose legacy is killing WWE legends, Mavis’ new partner… is none other than Randy Orton!” He let the crowd react, they stood to their feet to chant, ‘RKO’ he nodded his head proud of his decision, the people loved it, and that’s what mattered to him. 
“With that being said, tonight, we’ll settle some grievances. Mavis was to go one night one later on tight with Bianca Belair for a contender spot, but it seems like you’ll be getting spoiled here tonight Detroit because, not only will you see Bianca Belair, and Mavis Pete compete for the number one contenders spot to face Rhea Ripley at SummerSlam…” He took a breath, Bianca bumped shoulders with Mavis as they sat side by side backstage, and watched the show on the monitors. They had been talking about having this match for ages, and finally they would get the chance to show out, and shine their black girl magic on live television. Bianca was already a three time champion, if anything this match was to put Mavis over; Randy came over to take a seat with them, Mavis’ eyebrows raised in disbelief. “Ladies.” He greeted them, Bianca smiled greeting the well known ‘Viper’, but she nearly falls out her seat seeing Mavis’ reaction. Feeling Bianca’s eyes on her, Mavis turned to her older friend, and gave her a glare that could kill. Her lips turned upward into a knowing grin, but said nothing else.
“And I haven’t forgotten about Randy…joining his tag partner Mavis Pete tonight, as he faces off against LA Knight, think of it as a reconciliation for how last week's contender match was ruined by The Bloodline. Whichever team gets the win by pinfall or submission, is the team's victors, how does that sound?” The arena erupted in response causing Adam’s lips to pull up into a satisfied grin, he waved to the crowd, and right when he was leaving the ring, the camera’s cut to a backstage segment with Liv Morgan. Randy turned to Mavis, his eyes dropped to her neck expecting to see her diamond flooded pokemon chain, but it wasn't there. Curiosity getting the better of him he just came out and asked, “You don't seem like a girl that likes anime.” He suddenly spoke up after being quiet for a few moments, Mavis almost forgot he was there, Bianca on the other hand, took that as her cue, using Montez as her excuse to leave. This left Mavis all alone with Randy, they weren't that far from the guerilla, and had a little bit of time before their match. 
“Believe it or not, girls do watch anime, and a whole lot of other nerdy things.” She grinned, her lips glossy, and shining. Her eyes looked down at her nails, inspecting them nonchalantly, something he’s noticed her doing often. More so when she’s disinterested in what people were saying, but that didn't turn Randy off from getting into her head now that he’s seeing her up close. 
“That’s not what I meant, it’s just you're so —
“Pretty?” She cut him off beaming, showing off her diamond encrusted grills that were outlined with gold, Mavis has never had the chance to be so flirty with him, and it was kind of thrilling to see how this was going to play out. ‘Ole Scrap Daddy may have done me a favor, Drew wasn’t  this fun to play with.’ She thought to herself, flash backs of her time spent working with, “The Scottish Warrior,” replayed in her mind. She could see why her best friend, Desiree Simons, liked him so much. Randy pressed his lips together, the corner of his lip twitched, and his eyes shined with mischief. 
“While you are pretty Mavis, I was going to say…cool, you seem too cool to be into nerdy things.” Randy confused, his voice low enough for only the two of them to hear, Mavis nearly choked on her spit not expecting his response. He looked at her expanctanly, the ball was in her court, and for the first time she was rendered speechless. Though she recovered quickly, but not nearly as fast as she could have. 
She crossed one thigh over the other, her body less rigid than before. Her gaze softened as she watched him with hooded eyelids. “You think I’m pretty? Say it again…please.” 
“Ya ready for tonight Petey.” LA Knight’s voice could be heard from down the hall, aloof to the heat between Randy and Mavis. Randy looked like he wanted to swallow her whole, she got to him when he least expected, her boldness excited  him. He liked when his prey played with him before he striked. He rolled his shoulders, taking LA Knights distraction as time for him to cool down, and adjust.
“Aye! LA, you know I’m always ready.” She said playfully, his eyes looked her up and down, he swore he could still taste her on his tongue. Randy had heard rumors of the two of them having a small fling, but he didn't hear much more than that. He knew there were a few guys in the locker room lining up to get their chance with the self proclaimed ‘WWE Resident Hottie’. He knew for a fact some of them were in over their head, Mavis was too high maintenance to keep up with for an unseasoned man. For some reason he didn't like the way LA was looking at her, the way she was inviting his attention, and egging it on. Randy tried to find his breathing, and clam himself, when Mavis let out a giggle to something LA had said. That’s when he cleared his throat, unable to be around the two of them at the same time anymore.
“Oh wassup man, how are ya?” LA ask as if just noticing Randy being there, he could care less that Randy was standing there watching him and Mavis practically eye fuck each other. Every man that comes across her path is in constant competition with the other man that thought he had a chance. Truth is, none of them were particularly special, she did have her favorites though. LA Knight being one. No one turley knew who her number ones were, but he learned that if you were low key enough, and just went along for the ride you might be a main player. That’s all he wanted with Mavis, was to have fun, rather it was sex or not. He genuinely did like her, she was smart, and talented as all hell. He didn’t realize the longer he stayed, the further her fell down the rabbit whole to Mavis’ wonderland. ‘Ya just haven’t figured it out yet have you Randal?’ LA watched Randy with a scrutinizing gaze, he didn’t know much about the legacy kid personally, but Randy did look like a guy to fight over his possessions. It’s too early to tell where Randy will fall in the line up of Mavis’ chosen ones, but he’ll make sure to keep an eye out for the old snake. 
“Just another Friday night, chaos, and energy is in the air.” He smiled pleasantly, standing from his seat, and blocking LA Knight’s view of Mavis. He wasn’t in the mood to argue, he knew what Randy was trying to do, and it wouldn’t work. Mavis is going to do, and talk to who she wants. She leaned back in her chair, a smirk on her lips, but she sat idly. The two men talked formalities while they waited, but after a while, an official came over to Mavis letting her know that she had 10 minutes before she walked. 
She pushed her chair back, then stood up stretching her arms, and legs. LA Knight took that as a chance to get one last comment in, “need me to help stretch you out? Don’t wanna pull a muscle.” His pretty baby blue eyes watched her, taking in everything, from her perfectly applied makeup, to her Nike promoted ring gear. His eyes lingered on her breast, more memories of the nights they spend in her hotel making his head spin. 
She looked at Randy, his facial expression blank, but his eyes sparked a flame of jealousy. She bit her lip looking over Randy’s shoulder at LA Knight, she shrugged as she looked at him sheepishly. “Mm, maybe next time, sweet of you to be concerned though.”  She looked up at the clock on the wall signaling that she had eight minutes left, as she was led past Randy, she put a hand on his large shoulder. “See ya out there, partner.” Her hand slid down his arm, his eyes following her movements, and lingered on her as she galloped down the hall to the main curtains. 
Her music hit ‘Bling Bling Bling, bitches are mad.’ Mavis popped out from behind the titon tron, and Randy swore he’s never heard a pop so loud before. He looked over to the monitor, and as the camera panned out to the crowd, not a single person was sitting. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she danced down the ramp to the ring, she flicked her waist length, purple hair over her shoulder. A few fans from the crowd reached out for her, shouting for her to acknowledge them, but Mavis scrunched her face up in disgust. Some of them didn’t appreciate her attitude, “that’s why you’re that bitch Mavis!” A girl near the front row screamed at her, she turned to see a group of young girls, maybe in their twenties, cheering for her.
“Yeah I know.” She smirked arrogantly, Mavis has been begging for weeks for a switch up on her character, the baby face run wasn’t working with the fans anymore, her real fans. They wanted something different of her, but it was like pulling teeth with creative. She figured she’d just give the people what they wanted, if they loved it, majority of the time she got in a lot of trouble. But consistently doing what others are telling her, going against her intuition, then she felt none of it is worth it. She didn’t tell anyone, but it was starting to affect her mental, just going along with what the company wanted was killing her own creativity. Her recent push backs was the only way she knew how to get what she wanted, suspensions be damned.
“She’s not the girl you think she is, you know. She may have a lot of eyes on her, and a lot of dudes lined up. That doesn’t mean everyone makes the cut, that includes you.” LA Knight spoke up from beside him, a serious expression etched across his face as he stood beside his co-worker. Truth be told, he felt Randy would be his only competition, he’s one of Mavis’s types, and that didn’t sit well with him. He blamed himself for just cruising along this whole time thinking he was secure with her, he planned on telling her how he felt…eventually. However, with Randy in the picture now, it has caused LA Knight to shift things into another gear.
Randy’s eyes flickered over to him momentarily, “and why are you telling me that?” His mind distracted by the way she dropped into a full split on the apron, and crawled into the ring from underneath the bottom rope.
“Because I know you’ve heard the whispers, how can people not talk about her ya know? But I know you’re a guy that doesn’t get tangled up in the drama, so I wouldn’t expect you to know that. I’ll say this then I’ll leave, no matter what you hear people say, don’t believe it. Don’t bother trying to slither your way into the fold, she runs a tight ship.”  That caught Randy’s attention, he tore his eyes away from the screen to look at his colleague, they held each other's stare. Randy nodded his head in understanding, what he didn’t understand was why LA Knight was going out of his was to throw him off a trail Randy wasn’t even on to begin with. He had a few opinions of his own about Mavis; he thinks she is arrogant, and impossibly flashy. However, he respected her for taking charge of her own character, and story lines. When he was her age, he was looking to everyone else about what to do, but Mavis already has it figured out. So, whatever rumors LA Knight was implying, must be worse than what he assumed. He left Randy to himself, a few seconds passed, then an official came to get him, but he was already making his way to the curtain. When they hit his music he took a deep breath to try to get the past thirty minutes out of his head for now. 
Their match as been going for a few minutes now, Randy and LA knight started the match, till is slowly transitioned over to the ladies. Bianca was busy yelling at LA Knight for getting in her way during the match, so Mavis took that as an opportunity to try and catch her in a roll up pin. Banica’s legs shot up, and effectively kicked out before the count of three. 
Randy watched from his corner, he wasn’t sure when Mavis got this good, but her in-ring work has already peaked since four months ago. The two women had been beating each other inside the ring for so long, Randy, and LA Knight had been sidelined unintentionally. Until, Bianca whipped Mavis into the ropes, and as she bounced off, Bianca slashed Mavis with her long braid. You could hear everyone simultaneously cringing, and grunting from the sound of her hair cracking Mavis’s flesh. 
“Goddamn it! Fuck! Forget this, hell nah.” Mavis shouted, she immediately backed away from her opponent, nearly running to the corner to tag Randy. 
“Bet you’ve never been happier to see me huh?” He chuckled as he slapped her shoulder lightly, which forced Bianca to make her tag to LA. Mavis laid on her back on the apron, both hands above her head, and her eyes closed. Her skin was throbbing, and stinging on that side. This sure will leave a nasty bruise tomorrow, but for now she’d have to suck it up. She brushed her hand over the area, her skin was hot to the touch, and she could feel how welting began. 
Regardless she got up in just enough time to see how LA Knoght accidentally knocked Bianca off the apron, and into the floor from Randy roughly shoving him into the corner. He began to fight back enough to get Randy down, as he laid there on his back, LA took that as the opportunity to climb up to the top rope. ‘Classic Randall’ Mavis’ lips pulled up into a smirk, she knew  there’s only one way this is gonna end at this point. As LA came flying from the top rope, Randy sprung to life at the last second and caught him in the RKO. 
Instinctively Randy went for the pin, by the time Banica jumped back into the ring to break the count it was too late. The bell rang, and Randy and Mavis were named victors. Adrenaline pumping in her veins she ran into the ring, and hopped on Randy, wrapping her arms and legs around him. As soon as their skin touched, she was reminded of the lashing Banica gave her not too long ago, and instantly she cringed away. “That’s a pretty nasty mark you got there, let’s go get it checked out?” Randy offered Mavis a hand to help her steady herself between the ropes, and for a second their eyes locked Mavis felt vulnerable. Like he was looking into her soul. She coughed awkwardly, then jumped down from the apron, and made her way up the ramp. 
“Jesus Bianca, spare me next time.” Mavis playfully scolded, her eyebrows drawn together as she pointed at the red slash mark that wrapped around her side, like a devilish hug. Banica grinned from ear to ear, swinging her braid in her hand, she knew Mavis could handle a little pain, but apologized anyway. 
“I am sorry though, I seen that Back Seat finisher coming and I said this girl trynna kill me. Not my fault I beat you to the punch.” She laughed lightly, the doctors fixed Mavis up and let her be on her way. A gentle hand on her shoulder caught her attention, she turned to see Randy with his long arm reaching out to her. He let his hand slide down her arm, just as she did earlier, feeling her toned muscles underneath the purple mesh fabric. Their fingertips grazed, but at the last second she caught the tips of his fingers before she had a chance to fall to his side. She looked up at him, and for once a genuine smile settled into his face. His gaze softened, as he lets her have a peak of the real him, but it was gone just as easily as it appeared. 
“Not bad kid.” His lips now curing into a smirk, his icy eyes inviting her in to play, and though she started this, Mavis didn’t intend on finishing it. 
“I did okay.” She mumbled meekly, her body slightly turned away from him, and her free arm wrapping around her midsection to keep his eyes off her skin. He tilted his head, watching her curiously now, ‘you wanted this.’ Randy thought to himself, he wanted to laugh at her sudden shyness, but he held it in.  
“Oh don’t get shy on me now sweetheart, what, now that I’ve shown you a little attention you don’t know how to act?” He leaned in slightly trying to catch her gaze, she sucked her teeth, yanking her hand away from him. A fire lighting in her eyes, that’s exactly what he wanted, and though he knew the tender side that resided in her would be interesting to see. Randy wanted this side of her much more, to get her fired up, just to blow her out again. 
“Boy fuck you.” She rolled her eyes, flicked her hair over her shoulder, and walked away. She was more annoyed that she lost her cool, than the way he tried to embarrass her. He caught up to her again, he tried to grab her by the arm, but when she snatched her arm away, she whipped around to face him. To her surprise he was closer than she anticipated, and nearly ran into him. 
“Hey, hey, hey now. No reason to be mean, I was just joking around, I’m sorry.” He apologized, feigning guilt, and pressing his plans together, pretending to pray. Mavis’ lips pressed together unimpressed, from a distance Randy could see LA making his way down the hall heading in their direction. “How about we go out for a drink, just you and me, think of it as a celebration. And…is officially getting to know each other.” He offered, Mavis folded her arms over her chest as she thought about it for a moment, and boy did she take her time. 
“You were looking like money out there Mavis, could hardly keep focus.” LA Knight drew her attention to him as he approached, she didn’t see the way Randy grimaced, but she felt it. It’s not lost on her that the two men never got along, Knight’s arrogance had always rubbed Randy the wrong way, and one night he let it slip that he and Randy had more than a few heated exchanges. Despite being in the game for 20 years, he still has yet to earn Randy’s respect. The Viper has claimed on several occasions that once all the hype dies, LA Knight is just going to sink with the rest of them. 
“Hey better watch yourself, Banica takes her in ring work very seriously, next time it might be you who gets whooped” The two of them small talk for a while, Mavis knew exactly what he wanted from her, but she was going to make him ask rather than her being the one to offer. Randy however, wasn’t moving from his spot, instead he made himself comfortable against the wall bearing the cold bite of the white bricks. 
“Tell me you’re coming out tonight, it’s been a minute.” And there it was, the invitation, Randy respected the consistency. What he expected was for Mavis to ditch him, and take LA Knight up on his offer since the two of them had a “history” so to speak.
“Actually, I’m already booked, sorry babe.” She smiled sheepishly, she squeezed his shoulder, though his eyes told a different story, he took on the chin like a man. Mavis hasn’t turned him down in almost a month straight, but as luck would have it, Randy posed something more interesting than what she was used to. Without so much of a word, she left the two men alone together yet again. Not wanting to feel the embarrassment any longer, LA began to walk, but not before Randy’s last words. 
“You’re in love with her.” He chuckled in disbelief, and just like that Randy said the one thing out loud, that LA could never. The two men went their separate ways, again he caught up to Mavis before she turned down the hall that headed towards the women’s locker room. 
“Looks like you haven’t turned him down before.” He said trying to dig for information, but Mavis wasn’t going to speak on that at the moment. Instead she offered him a sweet smile, her hip leaning against the door to the locker room. He took a step forward, minimal space between them, and if he leaned in any closer he’d be able to kiss her nose. He’s had his fair share of entanglement with his other female colleagues, and he felt a though going down that road with Mavis may be a rocky one. He knew if he opened the door even just a crack, she’d flounce right on in with no problem. She was looking for the opportunity he could tell, but when LA Knights face flashed across his mind, Randy decided against it. He took a step back, she didn’t seem to notice the slight rejection from the way she continued to swoon.
“There’s a seafood restaurant downtown I like to go to called Fishbones…I’ll send you the address?” This time she held Randy’s gaze, a sensation of butterflies swirling in the pit of her stomach. His mouth turned upward into his classic smirk, his bottom lip tugged between his teeth. Mavis gripped the door handle in a poor attempt to contain herself. 
“See you in a few hours then.” She silently nodded, not trusting her voice, then disappeared behind the safety of the women’s locker room. 
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I Will Write A Fic For You If You Donate to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund!
I came across the super cool organization Fandom Trumps Hate just recently (as of this post actually), and unfortunately I learned of its existence too late to apply to be one of the writers for this year. Since I don't want to wait a whole year to do some good with my love of writing, I'm holding my own little auction! Let's use that autistic special interest for good!
How Much I Will Write: 1K-5K words (if I end up writing more, well, yay for the lucky auction winner I guess, but that's what I'm willing to commit to)
What Fandoms I Will Write For: Baldur's Gate 3, The Dragon Prince, Good Omens, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Loki (just... the character. I will write so many things involving that character)
What I Will (and Will Not) Write: Character x Character, Character x reader, Character x OC even if you can give me enough about your OC, are all good! Not into shipping? No worries! I love the platonic and I can even just write a character study or a songfic. I am willing to write up to M rating for this, so some spicy stuff, but not pure smut. Any of the Main Warning Tags on AO3, save Major Character Death (gotta love that angst), are off limits. If you are worried that I can't write your idea before you want to bid, go ahead and shoot me a message before you bid and I'll let you know! You can also check out my pinned post for my masterlist of past fics. I have written all the examples I have given as requests before.
How to Bid: Place the dollar amount (in US $) of your bid in the replies of this post! The bidding period begins at the time of posting, March 3 2024 12pm ESR and ends March 10th 2024 2pm EST.
What Happens If You Win: When the bidding closes I will message the top bidder from this account here on tumblr. From there, you have 48 hours to send proof of your donation. I'm giving myself a deadline of a month to have your fic ready for you.
If the winner does not send proof of donation before the time period is up, I will contact the first runner up.
Additionally, I will match the winning bid in my own donation up to $100
The purpose of this endeavor is for fun fic writing and most importantly, doing a little bit of good for the Palestinian people. Any bigotry done on this post will result in the perpetrator being blocked and disqualified from receiving a fanfic.
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ourloveiselectrifying · 4 months
I really really want to like this game I really do but everytime I play this game I can't get through it because the arts are so UGLY 😭
So, there are these words, at the top of OLiE's game page that read: "I'm new to coding/writing/gui design and I'm not a professional artist at all, this is my first ever project/visual novel. It's just for fun and free."
It means: The quality won't be amazing since I'm no professional and I'm just doing this for my own enjoyment, in my spare time.
OLiE is not my job. I've already got one of those. I'm just someone having fun drawing their OCs and writing their silly little stories. You're welcome to have fun too, or the exit is right there!
I'm never happy with my art, but I'm also the only person making the art/story/gui/code/ect. The story is pretty big, so when I sit on a cg/bg/sprite for too long, I just have to move on, or I won't ever finish this project. When my art quality improves to a point that I'm happy with, I plan to go back to art I personally don't feel was good enough. Until then, you just gotta suck it up or go away lmao.
This was shitty of you to send into my askbox btw. I am already really hard on myself about my art, but I still want to create something, even if it's not perfect. Hopefully someday you can grow as a person, you big spoilt baby.
Hope this helps! :3
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raenizza · 1 year
Sypnosis: Jey pulls up to the house after his long workout with his brothers. He originally planned to be home at an earlier time to help the Reader prepare dinner, but it has been over two hours since. In order to make up for it, he bought her flowers and her favorite candy to sweeten her up for his lateness while also laying down another surprise for her.
Characters/ Pairings: Jey Uso x Reader, Jey Uso x Black Reader, Jey Uso x OC, Jey Uso x Black OC, Jey Uso x Y/N
Word Count: 2,688
Warnings: Cursing, WAP, a little bump and grind, creamy glizzy, and some good ole luvin’
Author’s Note: Hello my loves! It has been a while since I’ve written something so I decided to surprise yall with something short and sweet to read over the weekend. Enjoy 😊
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“Aight y’all, I gotta hit the road” Jey says to his brothers after placing down the weights and moving towards the lockers to get his gym bag. 
“Already? Bro we just started” Jimmy chuckles. 
The boys planned to do a quick 3-hour session in, but then 3 hours quickly turned into 5, due to their competitive nature. Jimmy and Solo stopped their routine and stood up from their machines as they watched their brother gather his things. 
“Uce it's just 30 more minutes. It won’t take long” Solo spoke out. 
“Nah man, I gotta go. I promised y/n that I’d be home like 2 hours ago.” Jey responded to them heading in their direction.
“Maaan she goin be aight, we just got finish up this one last set-”
“Listen, yall can get it done without me, aight, I really gotta go. Plus I promised her” 
Jey said to his brothers as hugged them goodbye and sprinted tothe front of the gym.
“Uggggh, fine. But you owe us!” Jimmy said.
“I know, I’ll see y’all later, Love u!” he shouted as he opened the gym’s door.
“Love you too!” They both shouted back.
Jey realized how late it was getting and knew that he was going to have to make up for it big time. As he drove out of the gym's parking lot and headed down the main road, he pulled out his phone to give you quick call.
“Hey baby,” he said with such softness.
“Well Well, look who finally called. I was wondering when I was gonna get my husband back” you giggled on the other line.
“Look baby, I am on my way home now, aight. Imma be there in about 15-20 minutes tops.” He responded. 
“Mmhmm you said that, lemme check. about 3 whole hours ago.”
“I know I know I know things just got outta hand at the gym, you know competitive me and my brothers are plus we-” He stopped for a moment as he sat at the stoplight staring at the Target sign that lit up just a few miles down the road. 
“You know what baby, on second thought, make it 30 minutes.”
“ Don’t worry, I gotta surprise for you okay, just be ready when I get home.” 
You let out a deep negro sigh.
“Okay, just please come home safe, love” you ended the call. 
You wondered why he was so hesitant to end the call. Hoping that it was an actual surprise and that nothing actually happened to him on his commute home. You got up from the couch and entered the kitchen, looking at the mess you made from the meal you prepared. A small wave of sadness flooded you as you set aside his plate of food. The food looked amazing and came out great, hell it would’ve been perfect if he was here to enjoy it. You and Jey agreed that after his workout session, he’d come straight home and help make dinner, together. Like you always do with him, but sometimes things don’t work out as planned. And that’s okay, but when becomes a frequent occurrence, things start to change.
It’s not that you don’t mind your husband working and getting the things that need to be done, it’s just that some days you want him all to yourself. You want to feel his presence, his love, and warmth but due to the change in his schedule things have been quite difficult. You started to miss your man more often and try to spend every second with him as much as possible. 
After washing the dishes and putting dinner away, you swept up the kitchen making it as clean as possible. As you headed towards the staircase, you heard the machine for the garage door, open, indicating that your man has finally reached home. Excited as you are, you rushed towards the garage eager to grab the doorknob. But it sprung open before you could even get the chance. Jey’s beautiful face pierced out from the doorway. 
“IM HOMEEE!!” Jey said with his arms lifted in the air and the biggest smile on his face. Showing his bottom grills. He hugged and then picked you up all at the same time, flooding you with kisses and nibbles all over your face and neck.
“Ahhh!” you yelped out once he started to playfully bite your cheeks. You pushed him back, looking at the object in his hands.
“Are these for me?” You grabbed the large bouquet of flowers in his right hand.
“They most certainly are. They didn’t have any Roses, so I got these.” You looked at the beautiful bright pink carnation flowers and smiled at the kind gesture. Jey proceeded to go down on one knee, holding the flowers, and looking up to you. 
“Baby, I would like to apologize for my lateness, tonight. It won’t happen again, I promise you.” He handed the flowers to you. “Oh and one more thing.” Held in his other hand were three of your favorite candies. 
“I know you’ve been craving these for a minute now.” He said with a chuckle.  You laughed, grabbed the bouquet and kissed him deeply. 
“Thank you so much, baby. Your apology is accepted and I sure have” Trying to open up one of the candy bars. For a brief moment, the both of you stood there in each other's embrace, his cologne was so strong that even a few hours of the gym couldn’t stand a chance. All you could think of at that moment was how much you missed him. 
“I have one more surprise for you.” He said in a deep tone. Jey lifted you up, bridesmaid style and carried you up the stairs and into the master bedroom. He grabbed the bouquet and your candy from your hands and placed it on the dressing table. He placed you gently on the bed and started to undress you pulling off your sweatpants and t-shirt (his t-shirt to be exact) and worked his way from your beautiful brown thighs all the way up to your gorgeous face covering you with kisses, love bites, and massages. Before he reached your neck, he stripped himself of his clothes, leaving him with just his bright red briefs. You stopped him quickly.
“Wait, hold on baby. You’re not tired from the gym?” you asked with a concerned look.
“I got one more session in me.” He responded, going right back down to you. He finally reached your lips and started to kiss you slowly and intimately. The tip of his tongue swirls against yours as he exchanges saliva with you. You moaned in his mouth with every kiss, feeling him press his body against yours. You felt his dick harden in his undergarments as it grazed perfectly on your entrance. Jey slowly started to grind himself into you, without even stripping you down to your full nude. Kissing you still he grabbed his left hand and slid inside your damp panties, rubbing your already wet folds.
“Mmhmm baby, look at you. Already wet for me,” he said in between kisses. You couldn't help but only moaned as he spoke to you. It’s been a hot minute since you’ve felt like this, his heat mixing in with yours. He continued to rub your entrance, teasing you as his fingers would slide over your clit. You wanted him to pick up the pace just a bit more, and within a second he did. You grind your hips against his thick large fingers. ‘Fuck this feels so fucking good’ you thought. His breath was on your lips as he tempted to slide just one finger in, but he backed down instantly. He pulled his hand out from you and sucked your juices off his fingers. 
“Mmm you taste so good, baby girl,”  he says to you looking at your full lips. “Come taste it” as he kisses you again crashing his tongue once more into your mouth. It felt so good to have him in your face again. You closed your legs and started to shift your position a bit so you can kiss him even deeper. You feel yourself getting warm and hot as he slid his hand underneath grabbing your ass.
“I wanna cum so bad” you whispered on his lips.
“Mhmm, you wanna cum? Mmmmm” he moaned out
“We haven’t done anything yet baby, just kissing makes you wanna cum huh” he moans in your ear. You nodded your head in agreement. 
He pulled away and got up. Positioning himself right in front of you, Jey went straight to taking your panties off to unclasping your bra with the swiftness. He pulled his member out and began smacking it against your pussy lips.  As he slides the tip in, he let his spit fall directly on his shaft before fully entering and then making direct eye contact with you. Growling as your walls start to expand on his girth.
Jey started with slow and steady strokes, making you feel every inch of his dick, watching you moan in pleasure. 
“Oh you taking it baby, you taking that shit.” He says passionately on your lips. You felt him pump in and out of you slowly, making sure you adjust to his size just right. “Mmmm you feel so good.” you moaned out to him, as you dig your nails deeper into his tatted skin. Your eyes began to roll back as his strokes quickened. Moving at a much faster rate, you feel him holding your waist down as he fucks deep into you. You glance at the ceiling for a moment and then look back up to him in awe.  His gold Cuban link dangling over your face. 
“Mhmm mhmm, how that shit feel bae,” he said breathlessly in your ear.
“It. feels. So- mmmmhm.” You replied biting down on your lips and in between his strokes. Him pounding your shit felt so good you couldn’t even get any words out.
Jey slowed down a bit so he can reach his hand down to your pussy to rub your clit. He gently wrapped his free hand around your throat. This sent you over the edge, him pleasuring in ways only you could only imagine. Your pussy felt so good wrapped around his dick, taking him in. He watches you tense up at his strokes and as you moan in ecstasy. 
 “FUCK!.” he groaned to seeing your juices covering his dick, the room filled with wet noises coming from his deep strokes and his thighs slapping against you.
Jey then pulled you closer to him and decided to slow down for a bit, he lowered his head in the vape of your neck kissing it. He pulled back looking at you. 
“Look at my eyes.” You divert your attention from watching his waist and movement to his beautiful face, avoiding eye contact.
“You see how good you make me feel. Just look in my eyes. Can you see my desire for you?” he said in a breathy and lustful tone. You stared at the grills in his mouth, still not looking directly at him like wants you to.
“You see how bad I wanna fuck you. LOOK. AT. ME.” He grabbed your face instantly, forcing contact. You finally looked into his eyes. His beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes. He fucked you even deeper now that he made you look, his pelvis making a deep connection to yours. 
“That’s right baby, Look at me.” He says to you. You sensed your body feeling warm again, as you felt yourself coming close. Jey sensed this too and immediately stopped. “No baby don’t stop please don’t, keep goin.” You begged. 
“Mhmm, baby you gotta put in some work too,” he said as he slid out and laid on his back next to you. 
“C’mere. Come ride me.” He patted his lap signaling you to come. You quickly took position facing him. 
“Uhn Uhn turn around.” Shocked by this you turned yourself around, ass facing him. You arched a bit, so you can grab his tip gently placing it at the front of your entrance.
“Look at that. Look at that,” he says in between slaps on your ass, adoring every inch of you. He grabs your waist pulling you down onto him making it easier for the both of you. You started off slow, moving up and down at a good pace. 
“That’s it, baby. Keep going.” Jey started to grunt and moan. 
“Fuckkk” he whispered under his breath, watching your ass bounce on his dick made felt so fucking good. You felt his dick pulsate inside you, you started to pick up the pace.
“Mmmm yes, Daddy.” You breathed out to him, gripping your hips tiger, keeping that rhythm flowing. Riding him was always a favorite position of his and yours as well. You loved the satisfaction it gave you, his grunts and moans as you bounce on his dick, turns you on the most.
“Mmmhm That ass taking this dick. Gimme that ass baby” Jey growls under you. You proceeded to follow his request, giving him what he wants. Hell he deserves it. 
“ Ooouuu fuckkkk, that ass sounds so good on my dick baby! Shit!” He moaned out, this time slamming himself into you, fucking you right back, deeper and harder. 
From the sounds of your ass clapping echoes in the room, turning you on even more. Then on to the sounds from his Cuban link, heaving on his chest as he watches your ass shake all in his face.
His balls slapping against your clit made you cream so hard that it kept slipping out.
“Get it back in. Get. It. Back. In” he said through gritted teeth. You placed his dick right back at your entrance sliding it in. “Mmmmmm” you moaned out
Jey continued his pace from before but then quickly change positions. Instead of laying on his back, he got up and began hitting you from the back.
“Ouuuu Jey please-” you bawled out as your face is mushed in the mattress. Jey pounded himself into you, ignoring your cries. 
“Baby pleaseeee, please” You shifted your head forward looking at the full-length mirror on the wall in front of the bed. 
You watched your man focused on fucking you from behind. You started to feel yourself reach your climax. He glanced up at you through the mirror.
You try to pull back just for a quick second because of how close you are. 
“You tryna push me away huh.” He says feeling your pussy grip on his dick. He knows you are close.
“Don’t run, cum on this dick baby.” He spoke to you through the mirror.
“Fuccckkkk.” you looked at him
“Cum on it baby, that’s it.” He says grunting. “Ouuu shittttt!!!” you screamed out, closing your eyes and gripping the sheets. You came at the exact moment, as he started to fuck you even harder, reaching his own climax.
“That’s it, baby bust your fucking nut. Let that shit out.” He said fiercely. Jey felt himself reach his breaking point after watching you cum all over him. 
“Fuck I’m close as shit. Damn!” He looks down at the creamy substance covering his dick.
 You realized how much work he was putting in, and wanted to help him out a bit. So you fucked him right back, with the same steady pace. You turned your head around to face him, now locking eyes.
Jey bent down and gave you a quick sloppy kiss. 
“I'm bout to nut! Im bout to fucking- uhhhnnn uhhnn FUCK!!” he whined out grabbing your hips and putting you to a stop.
 “Fuck!” Jey pulled himself out and collapsed right next to you, taking a minute to catch his breath. You follow suit, laying on his tatted chest. Both of you panting on the bed, staring at the ceiling. 
You looked up at him giving him soft kisses on his face. He held you in his arms, kissing you right back. You both stopped and gazed at each other for an instant, embracing each other’s love.
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sadhours · 9 months
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scumbag blues 3: turnin on the screw
gator tillman x f!oc
previous chapter • masterlist
cw: 18+ minors dni, misogyny, sex work, smut, oral (f receiving), p in v, unprotected, facial, slapping, spitting
Low thumping can be heard outside the bars doors, some crooning old country song plays muffled within the sticky walls of The Esquire Club. Daisy had a slow day. Every day has been slow lately. It’s about time to start picking up shifts at The Tender Trap again. The men of Stark County are being stingy or their wives are onto them. Or worse, they’ve grown bored of the easiest blonde in town. So here she’s resorted to showing up to the diviest bar in Dickinson, in hopes to make a couple bucks.
Inside The Esquire Club is dark, dim and buzzing bulbs placed like they meant for it to be hard to see. Drunk folk don’t see so well anyhow. Above the bar, there’s a fishing line hanging up a row of bras like a perverted string of Christmas lights. Not a single other vagina in this place, it’s the first thing she notices when she walks in. Which has Daisy seeing dollar signs. Imagines them above each balding head. Counts twenty of ‘em.
She smells like sweat and cheap perfume, cleaned the whole Inn with her ears peeled for that familiar ring of a bell that never came. Scrubbed the bathrooms with a toothbrush. Ironed every pair of sheets in the building. Then her Pops went to bed and Daisy changed into her sluttiest dress and cowgirl boots. Sprayed on some perfume a client gave her. Touched her makeup and walked the five blocks down to the bar. Thursday night. Means pool, she knows it’s busy.
Daisy sits up on a stool and shimmies out of her lace cardigan, tossing it up on the bar along with her purse. Another present from a client, worn at the strap. She’s certain it was purchased at the Walmart on the other side of town. The bartender smiles at her, doesn’t reach his eyes as he asks, “What’re ya drinking, sweetheart?”
“A Pabst,” she smiles, “Shot of whiskey and a pack of Marlboros. Lights.”
“You got it,” he taps the bar with his fingers before he mosies on to the end of the bar, opening up the drawer of cigarette cartons. Daisy digs in her purse for her wallet, pulling a crisp twenty from the pocket and places it on the bar, trades it for a black plastic ashtray.
The gentlemen places the pack of smokes in front of her, complimentary matches on top and slides over the bottle of beer. Pours her a shot of cheap whiskey and takes the bill. “Rest is for you, darlin’,” Daisy tells him as she tears the cellophane of the cigarette box and pulls one out, pressing the filter to her lips.
She feels eyes on her, waits for the fish to take the bait. This town knows her, knows what she is. She can’t figure out why they’re not barreling over with money in their fists. She lights the smoke and inhales deeply, missing the taste like nothing else. Daisy only smokes when she’s out. Scared that her papa would find out. She’s halfway done with the cigarette and still no one approaches her. It’s worrying, usually doesn’t take this long. Daisy pulls out her phone, aimlessly scrolls through different apps until she’s finished the smoke. Alright, looks like she’s gonna have to be more obvious. She downs the shot, chases it with a gulp of beer and turns to take in her options.
Then she feels a hand on the small of her back and lips on her ear. Thank God. She’s relieved, until she hears the most familiar voice purring, “Daisy Tallulah Way, what the hell are you doing in a place like this?”
She whips around to look at Gator, narrowing her eyes. He’s still in his vest. Seems to wear it all the time, like he’s never off duty or something. Tight white shirt underneath, biceps swelling underneath and Daisy’s gotta remind herself why she’s here. And how Gator’s discount puts it at the bottom of the list right now. Saved for desperation, if she can’t find someone else.
“Advertising, asshole. Would you get lost?” she bites back and turns back around, flipping her hair in his face.
Gator scoffs and then laughs, Daisy can’t help but face him again. He’s got this smug look on his face when he says, “Business been slow for ya?”
Looks like he has something to do with it. Daisy takes a deep breath, “Yeah, Gator. You been too busy running around for your daddy. Almost like you’re paying him for some ass, now.”
His face contorts in disgust and then he laughs, loud and deep as he takes a seat next to her.
“Gator, I’m not kidding. Fuck off, you’re gonna scare ‘em all away,” Daisy seethes at him, brow furrowed.
“Aw, don’t worry,” he shrugs, “I got a feeling no one’s gonna bite tonight. Besides, aren’t ya curious why I ain’t been around?”
“No,” she replies, reaching for the pack of cigarettes again. Though, she really is. She’s actually missed Gator. Besides, even with his discount and all, she’s down $1000 since he’s been awol. Not to mention, she hasn’t had an orgasm in two weeks.
“Shame,” Gator pouts his lips, “Here I thought you liked me.”
“Can’t stand you unless you pay me to,” Daisy rolls her eyes as she lights up another cigarette.
“Donny!” Gator calls, “Stark County Sheriff’s Deputy walks in and you forget how to do your fucking job?”
The bartender stops mid conversation with a patron as he stares back at Gator, grinds his molars something fierce before grabbing the bottle of Jack and walks back down to Gator’s end of the bar. Pours him a shot, leaves the bottle and sarcastically quips, “Sorry, your majesty.”
Daisy hates the way Gator’s power goes straight to her pussy. Hates the way he owns this fucking town. And especially hates the excitement she feels when he talks like that to people. She doesn’t get it. It’s not daddy issues like everyone says. Earl’s the best father anyone could have. But something has to cause the attraction she has to Gator’s general assholery. Perhaps she’s just stupid. It’s crossed her mind before.
Gator downs the shot and grimaces, “I’m courtin’ someone.”
It’s a knife in her heart. Deep and twists around. Though, it shouldn’t be. Gator told Daisy so many times how he wouldn’t ever date her, how she’s tainted, how his wife has to be pure and Daisy’s anything but pure. Forgets he paid her to take his virginity on his fucking eighteenth birthday. Made her promise not to tell anyone the fucking all star quarterback was a virgin. And it wasn’t like Gator couldn’t get it for free. There was a reason he showed up at the Inn that day. She’s been trying to figure out what that is since that day.
“Good for you,” she rolls her eyes, swiping the bottle of Jack and pouring herself a shot from it. Takes it with a straight face and turns away from Gator.
“She just transferred from Fargo. Works at the station,” he continues, arms on the bar top.
“I don’t care. I seriously need you to like, go anywhere else. I’m working,” Daisy says without turning to him.
“Yeah, I don’t think anyone’s gonna solicit you for sex when I’m sitting here,” Gator sucks in a breath between clenched teeth. Daisy closes her eyes before she turns to him.
He smiles, biting his lower lip as she gives him her full attention. She wants to smack him across the face but she knows Gator likes that, so she won’t do it unless he pays her. She knows all his dirty, kinky little secrets so why is she letting him have all the power here? Because Gator can just as quickly turn it on her, arrest her and tell her dad just exactly what she does for a living.
“Tell me about her,” she says, stubbing out her cigarette in the ashtray.
He smiles, licking his lips as he drums his fingers against the bartop, “Name’s Faye. Smokeshow. Innocent as hell. Virgin, I’m pretty sure. Just took her home, had a nice date.”
“So it’s just been you and your hand the last two weeks… huh,” it’s Daisy’s turn to smile smug.
“Yeah…” Gator looks pensive suddenly, like he hadn’t thought about that. “She’s uh… not gonna offer none of that up unless she’s got a ring, I’m assuming.”
“Shame,” Daisy pouts, tilting her head. “I put out on the first date.”
“Why buy the cow when you can have the milk for free?” Gator argues and Daisy can’t hold back her laugh.
“Gator, honey, you been buying the milk. It ain’t free,” she pats his bicep, shaking her head with a bright smile. Gator scowls.
“You know what I mean.”
Daisy nods, still smiling, “Just ‘cause you’re in the market for a cow, don’t mean you can’t get some milk when ya need it. In fact, most the men buying my milk have a cow at home. But my milk is better. And who’s to say, Gator, that when you get that cow, that her milk’s not sour? Best to sample the milk before you buy the cow.”
“Dumb analogy,” Gator mumbles, defeated as he reaches over for Daisy’s beer and takes a swig.
“So I can expect ya back soon?” Daisy giggles, leaning against Gator’s bicep.
“Finish your beer, you can give me some of that milk at home,” Gator sighs.
Daisy’s been in Gator’s bedroom before. She’s helped him feed his snake before. But they were younger. Hasn’t been here in years. It’s quiet. Lonely. She knows he’s mostly alone here. Figures that’s why he’s at the inn several times a week. Likes the company more than the sex.
“Here,” he hands her a glass, full halfway of whiskey.
She takes it, sips slowly as she sits on the edge of his bed and looks around. It’s not changed at all since she’d been here last. Gator changes in front of her, into some pajama pants and a worn shirt. Hands her another to wear. She puts the glass on his metal nightstand and kicks her boots off. This is weird. Like he wants her to sleep over. It’s a long drive to the Inn but she doesn’t understand why he didn’t just take her there. Daisy pulls her dress up and over her head, exposing her matching lingerie set underneath. Gator lips quirk the side when he sees it. Smoothes his fingers against her thigh as he admires her body.
“Sexy,” he hums.
“Told ya, I was advertising,” she giggles.
“Reds a good color on you,” he mumbles, “almost a shame to take it off ya.”
“Then don’t,” Daisy replies, biting her lip, “Fuck me in it.”
Gator licks his teeth, “As tempting as that is…” he lifts the worn shirt he handed her, “I wanna fuck you in nothing but this.”
Daisy meets his beautiful brown irises, the look in his eyes takes the air from her lungs. Tender, almost. Something only Gator gives her, though it’s fleeting. He reaches behind her and unclasps her bra, then trails his fingers down to the lacy thong holding her hips and drags them down her thighs. She kicks them off and Gator lowers himself between her legs, on his knees at the floor. He spreads her knees and squeezes them, “Put my shirt on.”
Daisy pulls it over her head, letting Heather gray cotton fall down her chest as she loops her arms in it. Gator wraps his fingers around the backs of her knees and pulls her closer to the edge. Her head is swimming, no man has ever eaten her out and it seems like that’s where Gator’s going with this. He bites at her thigh, looking up at her with desire blown eyes. Gator looks so… pretty like this. His hair slicked back, soft clothes. Sleep clothes. Tender. Domestic. God, maybe all he wanted was this. Daisy wishes she could drop everything and give him exactly that. But Gator doesn’t ever pay for the girlfriend fantasy. Has he secretly wanted it?
Daisy smooths her hand over his head, attempting to mess up his gelled locks. “You look nice down there,” she whispers, cheeks flushing.
“Yeah? Should I be down between your legs more often?” He chuckles.
“Please,” she pleads.
Gator bites her thigh as he squeezes the other ones, “Maybe you oughta be paying me then.”
“Might have to if you’re any good at it,” Daisy quips.
Gator hums and plants sloppy kisses up her thigh until his mouth is dangerously close to her cunt. Daisy can feel his breath against her sex, her hips jerking toward him. Gator licks a broad stroke up her slit and she moans, a sound of surprise and pleasure. His tongue is firm and wonderfully soft at the same time. Gator treats her pussy like her mouth, makes out with it with fervor. Licking, kissing and sucking until Daisy’s rutting up against his face, leg hooked up on his shoulder and fingers ruining his slicked back hair. His nose brushes against her clit as he fucks her hole with his tongue.
“Gator! Oh, god,” she cries out, falling back against the mattress as she writhes in ecstasy. It’s a feeling like no other. Euphoria filling her veins, orgasm building rather quickly as Gator’s tongue files through her folds and flicks against her bundle of nerves. Wraps his lips around her clit and sucks, head nodding into the motion and Daisy’s practically weeping. Thighs against Gator’s ears, grinding up against his face. It’s soaking wet, her pussy absolutely drenched in slick and Gator’s saliva. Feels it dripping down to her asshole.
“Gonna— holy fuck, Gator!” she shrieks, her hands shoving his face against her cunt as her orgasm hits her like a train. She seizes, squeezing his head with her thighs as the waves of euphoria wash through her violently. “Fuuuck!”
Gator’s like a man starved, she can hear him groaning and moaning against her cunt while he licks and sucks. Finally, her body relaxes. Legs going limp as the grip on Gator is released. She brings her hands to her face as she catches her breath, body flushed the most beautiful pink.
He keeps licking at her sensitive clit and her body almost folds with the sensation, grabbing his head and pulling him back. “Fuck, Gator…”
He jumps up to straddle her, kissing her bruisingly as he grinds against her. He must’ve liked doing that because his cock is so hard, straining in his flannel pajama pants and catching on her spent clit. She whines into the kiss as she wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She can taste herself on his tongue, can feel how his chin and cheeks are coated with her slick as he kisses her desperately. She grips his shirt at the hem on his back, pulling it up and over his head, breaking the kiss for a second while her fingers move to feel through the hair on his chest.
“Gonna pay me for that?” he mumbles against her lips, she can feel his turning up in a smile and she giggles back.
“God, I need the money but I can’t fucking take yours after that,” she replies, muffled against his mouth.
Gator laughs into her mouth as he grabs her hands and pins them above her head, lacing their fingers. “We can work out a deal,” he mumbles, grinding down on her, “I need something from you.”
“Fuck me, please,” she purrs, head still fuzzy and god damnit… she might be in love with this fucker. “Wanna make you feel like I do.”
Gator moans, pulling back so he can step off the bed. He pushes his pajama pants and briefs down, cock bouncing out and Daisy eyes it like it’s the only thing she’ll ever need. She sits up, grabbing Gator’s face and pulling him back into another heated kiss.
“S’cute… thinking I need your pussy,” Gator laughs into her mouth, “You gotta give me more about this Campbell fella…”
“Gator… I gave you all I could…” she mumbles back, reaching for his ass to pull him closer.
“Call him,” Gator purrs back, “Let’s set him up.”
Daisy’s dizzy on Gator. She’ll do anything for him so she says yes, hands tangled in his slicked back. She typically doesn’t make house calls but for Gator she will. And she’s in his bed anyways.
“Okay,” she pants, “fuck me and I’ll do anything.”
“Knew you would,” he purrs, running the head of his cock through her folds, “Just a greedy little cockslut, ain’t ya?”
Daisy would agree with anything at the moment, whatever it takes to get Gator’s thick, long cock inside her. She nods eagerly, wrapping her legs around his waist and Gator drags his cock back down, catching the head on her hole and he sinks in with an excruciating slowness. Lets Daisy feel every inch sheathing inside her welcoming cunt. They both release sounds of pleasure, Gator’s a low grunt and Daisy’s a high pitched whine. Once he’s balls deep, he strokes her cheekbone with his thumb. Then, he steadies his palm against her flushed cheek and in time with a snap of his hips, he slaps Daisy’s face. Her eyes widen, looking up at him stunned. Another rule of hers is broken but in this state, she can’t yell at him. Her cunt clenches around him as she squirms, surprising herself as she demands, “Again.”
Gator obliges, eyebrows rising as his lips quirk into a smirk. His palm collides with her cheek again, harder than before and he grabs hold of her jaw afterward. Thrusting wildly, he forces her mouth open and spits down into it. Daisy swirls his saliva around her tongue, playing with it and feels her body shiver as Gator’s eyes darken with lust. He forces her jaw closed and seethes behind clenched molars, “Swallow it, bitch.”
Daisy gulps it down, moving her hands to his biceps and squeezing them between her manicured nails. Next, Gator’s hand travels down around her neck and he holds her tightly. Restricting her breathing as he drills his hips into her at a remarkable pace. Fucks Daisy like he’s angry at her, even looks like it as his eyes narrow and his brows furrow, mouth tight. Her eyes roll back in her head as pleasure takes over her body, coil tightening in her stomach as a second orgasm threatens to break her. Gator’s cockhead pummels her g-spot with a steady tempo, the perfect rhythm to get her over the edge. And as she’s about to jump over it, Gator stills. Tightens his grip on her throat as he bares his teeth, Daisy’s eyes flying open to catch it.
“You’re nothing but a fucking hole to me,” he spits out, “Understand?”
Sure, it stings but she was so close and she just needs him to go back to that beautiful pace he’d set. So she nods her head, dropping her hands from his arms and grabbing onto his sheets as she attempts to roll her hips up at him. Gator grunts, grabs hold of her thighs and holds them up before resuming the brutal thrusts that knock the air out of Daisy’s lungs. A long, breathless moan erupts from her as her eyes flutter shut again.
It doesn’t take her long, flying off the edge and howling Gator’s name as she goes. Screams so loud her voice goes hoarse, body shaking underneath him as her bliss rips through her senses. Gator follows suit, pulling out and inching up her body as he jerks himself a couple of times before he’s shooting his load over his face. Makes a whimpering, sweet noise as he does it. Daisy wipes his cum up with her fingers, bringing them to her mouth and sucks his spunk off them. He collapses next to her, breathing hard as his hand pats her stomach.
Daisy sits up, looks over at him and sighs, “Alright. Drive me back home.”
“I ain’t driving,” he mumbles, “Just sleep here.”
Just a fucking hole yet she’s spending the night in his bed.
The next morning, Gator makes her breakfast. It’s odd but there’s a stack of cash on the table. She assumes it’s hers. Pockets it as she sits down and looks up at him, “Breakfast for a hooker. You know that’s not necessary, right?”
Gator drops a plate in front of her, “Shut up and eat.”
She laughs softly before digging in, humming around the hashbrowns on her fork. Gator sits down across from her, starts to stuff his face when Roy bursts through the door. Gives Daisy a look before he quips, “Didn’t know working girls make house calls.”
“We don’t,” Daisy replies, tilting her head at Gator as she waits for the excuse to come from him.
“We’re setting up Campbell,” he grumbles through his eggs.
“Don’t bother,” Roy pats his sons shoulder, “I got a tip, we gotta go. Take your hooker home and meet me at The Tender Trap.”
“Kinda early for strippers,” Gator frowns, tilting his head.
Roy blinks at him, eyebrows raised as he glances between the pair, “You don’t seem to think it’s too early to pay for sex, you have the right to judge a man paying for the illusion?”
“Is it even open at 9 am?”
“No,” Daisy answers, avoiding Roy’s eyes as she continues to eat. Roy scoffs and nudges his son.
“Let’s get a move on, Romeo.”
Gator sighs and stands, grabbing his and Daisy’s plates before dropping them in the sink. In his cruiser, he tells her, “You can’t come to the house anymore.”
“You brought me there,” she defends herself and Gator scowls. The rest of the ride is silent. Her dads on the porch of the Inn. He gives Daisy a knowing look as she hurries up to the house.
“Sleepover with the deputy?” He smiles, “That boy is courting you, ain’t he?”
“No,” she smiles to her dad, turns and flips the bird to Gator before rushing inside.
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weekend-whip · 2 months
Ninjago Fic Rec Week (2024): Day 2
Prompts: Multichaps/Villains! (catching up slowly but surely~)
Shark Bait: ALRIGHT CONFESSION I haven't actually *read* this one yet ONLY because I know it's going to soooooo good and it's going to change my brain chemistry so I'm waiting until I am Emotionally Prepared but UWAH just the premise alone should be enough to entice you: Movie!verse with completely secret identities, and Lloyd/Green Ninja trying to take matters into his own hands...only for irony to make them worse, as is the story of his life. This author is already a legend as it is so who needs a summary GO READ GO READ NOW!!
Ninjago: The Nya Perspective: SINCE this masterpiece favorite of mine just updated not too long ago, there's no better time than to recommend it once again! Have you always wanted more from Nya in the early seasons?! Have you always wanted more of HER side of story?! Have you wonder how Nya became the person she is today?! Well wonder no longer for this story has got those answers and more!!!!
Sharpen the Scythe, Before He Reaps: Another that I've started but never finished, it's a reworking of the Day of the Departed, so you know it's FULL of Ghost!Cole goodness, from the good to the angsty!! And what I've read so far is sooo soul-grabbing (pun somewhat intended) and makes me wish DotD was even half as introspective as this jhgfdgfd
Thank You For Giving Me Wings: Over a year later and this is still my only multi-chap ninjago fic (...that, uh, isn't Legacyverse nor OC-related, oop). Still, it's never a bad time to have a little introspective on Wu bonding with his students over the years, moreso as family than anything else <3
All I'm Asking For: Quite possibly one of my very favorite Ninjago fics ever, it is REQUIRED reading as far as I'm concerned! Cole's the anchor character, but it follows EVERYONE in a slightly-altered aftermath of March of the Oni, with everyone recuperating, figuring out what's next for them with their lives and relationships, and spiced up with a little Christmas flair <3
Mechanical Hearts: A story I've been keeping an eye on for a while, it's a college Jaya au with plenty of Jay+Cole dynamic spread on top, and the way the author (hi Finn!!) writes all the characters is so deep even in the lighter moments and makes all the senes in the world for the setting they're in, and I love all the little nods to canon or the cheeky changes made along the way–it's so enjoyable!
for want (for nothing): Not technically a villain, but Kai's certainly an antagonist here ooooooooh (a different, heart-wrenching take on the Kai-Lloyd confrontation in S4)
Lord Garmadon Is Not Impressed With the Future: Another one I've recced before, but now it has an equally villainous SEQUEL so I've gotta get everyone on the train again! And this story's got villain!Garmadon and villain!Garmadon-but-having-a-personal-crisis upon realizing that his future is...not at all what he wanted. And he also discovers himself beating the life out of his own son–so yeah. We definitely can't have THAT. Good stuff, good stuff.
Bucket List: Might be a slight cop-out since this is moreso about Kai BUT it IS my favorite Morro-related fic, and he is a villain, thus it fits! (...Plus I gotta put at least three stories in this section, c'mon). Anyway, Kai allows Morro to possess him for less-than-ideal reasons and presents a fascinating dynamic between the two and what it means to truly live and take responsibility (the good, the bad, the ugly, and all). Be mindful of the tags and warnings, though!
Outgrown (from Spider Lily's Claws): I knew I almost forgot a Harumi one! DR-fic in which Harumi stumbles across the monastery looking for a place to recuperate, and a company-starved Lloyd welcomes her to stay. A fascinating look at a Harumi who's still got her "Evil" instincts but is still trying to act in her best interests, while Lloyd...is Lloyd hgfhgd. I love their back-and-forth bad-idea-good-idea dynamic here a LOOOOOT
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h-harleybaby · 1 year
i had this idea where cartman confesses out of horniness,, do you think you could add onto my idea/elaborate? everything seems so much greater in your writing <3
It took me like, 30 minutes to write this
Also I was about to draw my oc in a mock top but I looked at tumblr so like
Cartman confessing out of horniness hcs
Tumblr media
• Tbh Cartman probably had a crush on you for a long time but he didn't have the balls to do much besides horribly flirt with you. It's fine tho, you always thought it was sweet
• You would always hug him extra tight and your boobs would always press against him! Or bend over in front of him and the all too familiar feeling of his pants getting a little tight would come back
• At first Cartman would refuse to jerk off to the thought of you, even if you gave him all those boners. It's degrading! Yeah no that didn't last very long he caved sooooo easily
• He was jerking off to the thought of you when he got home one time and didn't notice how the time flew by. He got a call from you at like, 7 pm and that's when he stopped... when he started at 3
• Yeah and then once y'all were done it was IMMEDIATELY BACK TO JERKING OFF- bro needs help at this point like damn. How horny does his man gotta be to be horny over your voice??? To be fair, you were also sending him pictures of you in skimpy clothes and asking for outfit advice. He felt kinda creepy about it but like, that faded pretty quickly
• The worst part about all of this? You always acted like you didn't know what you were doing and it made him so frustrated. Like how could you not know??
• What's funny is that you actually did know! You're just a really good actor, but not good enough he saw through you eventually. What can I say, the attention was nice
• Dude was getting so desperate he started acting differently, it started to concern his friends at some point. They all started calling him pussy whipped, which honestly didn't make sense but they didn't care
• Yeah but anyways, he started doing a lot more gestures to try to show you how much he cared about you and stuff. Usually Cartman's a lot more smart about this but it felt like he was losing braincells the more he thought about you, which was like, ALL THE TIME
• But you're still not getting the hint! Who knows how the fuck you're not but you ain't
• In a moment of pure desperation he flat out tells you, well he probably didn't mean to. He was trying to make a joke about how you're hot and that backfired so, so badly
• Cartman started getting flustered and started rambling. The gist of his rambling was that you're really fucking hot, he's really horny, and he's had a crush on you for the longest time
• It was really funny, and he's about one step away from begging on his knees for ANYTHING
• Just touching your boobs or your thighs, a handjob? Hell even a kiss, ANYTHING YOU'RE WILLING TO GIVE HIM HE'LL TAKE
• In fact he DID start begging, thank fucking god that it was at his house when he was home alone or he would've died
• Honestly, you don't know how he talked you into him thigh fucking you but he did. He's a smooth talker and knows how to manipulate people, it's actually not too hard to believe that he could do it
• Cartman felt like he was in heaven tbh, and he cummed embarrassingly quick because he was so desperate. He then proceeded to think about how good your pussy would feel and got another boner
• Yeah he's a smidge pent up and horny, but thats fine! You end up helping him out, whether it's eventually or that day and he's fine with that
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