romanztea · 2 years
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LIMITED TIME SPECIAL!!! ©️LoLa Renés Classic Cheesecake ! ™️ . The most delicious classic cheesecake you will ever have in your life! Is made by the mother of the maker of the Best Sweet Tea in Your Life! A thick and creamy layer baked cheesecake made with only the best, Philadelphia Cream Cheese, bordered with a #homemade #handmade #gramcracker crust and top crowned with #strawberries,kiwi slices, #cherries and drizzled with a #Radberryberry glaze, oh M, G! THE BEST #CAFE #DESSERT EVER!!! This is the same classic #Cheesecake she made for me for my #birthday and I indulged her to make it for you. DM ME NOW, to reserve your slice for pick up @thesweetteacafe on 4826 Mt. Moriah Rd Durham NC 27705 Trusssssst me, YOU WILL LOVE IT! Limited Slices available! . . . . . . #artisan #gourmet #homemade #handmade #classic #cheesecake #cafe #café #dessert #romanztea #thesweetteacafe #roman #gabriel #delicious #foodie #foodie #local #shoplocal #shoplocaldurham #shoplocalchapelhill #shoplocalraleigh #rtp #nc https://www.instagram.com/p/ClrH3d_OiDs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gushygoose · 6 months
Fuck it, Im going shrug all responsibilitys and become a manic pixy dream boy
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jennrypan · 1 year
WOOOO A FELLOW FELIX SALTER!!! Felix is my least favorite character in this show. At least Lila doesn't pretend to be a good person!
I hate that mf so MUCH bruh.
He's not even an interesting character fr, he's just as shitty as Chloe and Lila but he gets a pass cuz??? No one even knows, he has done anything redeeming besides be a semi ok boyfriend to kagami (but not a good cousin so 🤔)
Legit he sucks sm lmao
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oswednesday · 1 year
i can taste like the quality that makes dairy taste the way it does in butter is how hungry i was
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kenhowler2004 · 8 months
it's a "eating frosting from the container with a spoon" kind of day.
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10yrsyart · 2 years
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set roughly 2 years after OTGW, Wirt is having a Moment but Greg makes it better ✨
props to all my traditional artists out there, y’all are the real OGs. i had to switch inking pens 3 times (cause all my supplies are old and dying), and then i fumbled around with my colored pencils like a kid with a crayon. really makes you appreciate the process 😂
Wirt: Where.. am I? Hold on, I know this. I can do this. I'm in the woods. ..Mom is driving to the camp mart. Jonathan is buying fire wood, I think? Yeah.. Greg.. Greg is...
Wirt: Where's Greg? Oh no, where's Greg? I've lost Greg!
Wirt: He's lost- in the woods No no no. We're not back there, we're not back there. I-It's only in my head.. I just have to.. find him. Stand up. Stand up! Pull up the roots-
Greg: Wirt?
Greg: Sorry Wirt. Jason Funderberker thought he say a mushroom. Are you ok?
Wirt: Yeah, I'm.. Just my brain being dumb again.
Greg: That's not very punk rock of your brain.
Wirt: HAH-hahah!
Greg: I heard it in a movie.
Wirt: Hahaheheh Greg: Aw beans. Did I say it wrong?
Wirt: Thanks Greg.
Greg: No problem, brother o' mine!
Greg: Hey, we should make our s'mores inside out.
Wirt: Wouldn't that be kinda messy?
Greg: But no one's expecting it! Gramcracker Gasp! Crunchy Conspiracy!
Wirt: S’more Surprise?
Greg: Whoa, yeah!
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rexxiweb · 1 month
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ottpopfic · 17 days
It's been two and a half weeks since Leo died last
Jason is positive he's not handling it well. He's never handled any of them well, but the fact that he heard Leo die this time makes it different
Every other death there had been no sign of the other, just Piper and whatever bullshit they have gotten themselves into. But the last time, standing at the exit of the Sphinx's maze listening to Leo get crushed to death just out of his sight line had been horrible . Piper had had to hold him back from running in after him
So Jason taking off right after he had his sob fest might have been an asshole move to Piper on his part, but he couldn't stay there. They are getting closer, he can feel it. The spacing of the deaths is getting shorter, and that little window where they are both alive at the same time allows them to get closer to each other each time. Jason can feel that they are in the last push, that it's any day now and he might actually see Leo
Can he handle that, he doesn't know. It doesn't matter anyway, he's still going to keep trying
Currently, Jason is trying to reverse tree the other man. Zuse has turned so many people into plants that Jason is pretty sure it can be done in reverse. He spent over a week in research and flying about, finding the original trees people have been turned into and taking cuttings. He's hoping that he can draw energy from them and have Leo detreed back to life somehow
He's made a home base at the Baucis and Philemon shrine to his father. The place is set in a lovely grove of Oak and Linden, with the two lovers' trees twinned together behind the temple. The temple is guarded by what feels like half a million Canadian Geese, and Jason once again hates that he speaks bird
Like there's nothing wrong with birds per se, but they are loud, and opinionated, and rude. And also most of what they talk about is food and fucking, at great length and volume, which is not the most fun to listen too
Jason is down in the wildflower patch under the temple, a big clearing made by a long-ago flood. He's carefully flatted down the Jewelweed and Forget-me-nots like that one documentary on crop circles he watched with Will forever ago, bending the plants but not breaking the stems, it's a holy site after all 
Around him are the cuttings of the people plants he's been arranging into piles. Hyathsenth, Fig, Apple, Myrtle, Olive, Fir, Weeping Myrrh, Cypress, Walnut, Laurel, Popular, and of course Oak and Linden
“Godling, that bad place for nest,” a goose says as it toddles up to Jason through the wildflowers “Gramcracker can show you water if you need. Gramcracker built good nest with Cheerio by water, hatch many eggs”
“It's not a nest,” Jason tells the waterfowl
“Look like nest” Gramcracker observes, tilting his head “Sticks in circle. Not good nest, need better structure, try layering sticks not in piles”
“It's not a nest,” Jason explains “I'm trying to bring someone back”
“Back from where?”
“The dead”
“That fool errand”
“I've done it before” Jason sighs “I just gotta try something new this time”
“Ah” the goose nods “Lucky mate then”
“He's not my mate”
“Don’t, understand “ Gramcracker questions “Why build nest if not for mate?”
“It's not about him being my mate,” he sighs again “He can go have a life with someone else if he wants to, I just want him by my side”
“As mate?”
“Yeah,” Jason looks over at the goose “But he doesn’t have to be if he doesn’t want to”
“Make no sense then,” Gramcracker questions “Why build nest not for mate, no do dance yet?”
“Yeah, we haven't done a dance yet,” Jason snorts out a chuckle “But I'm making this so maybe he can come back and we can do the dance”
“Nest first then dance smart move,” the goose complements, sitting down next to him and tucking his little bird legs away “Did same with Cheerio worked very well”
“Are you happy with your Cheerio?” Jason asks him
“Very much!” Gramcracker flufflels himself out in contentedness “She's good mate, we hatch many eggs”
The goose sits with Jason as he works, simply watching his apparently atrocious nest-building 
“Why this one as mate” Gramcracker eventually asks “Many other birds on lake, less crazy godling work”
“Because he's, everything at this point,” Jason says back “We have been doing this for so long, I don't think I can stop now”
“Sunk fowllacy” 
“It's not just that, it's that he does it back. We haven't known each other for so long , but every time I go he calls me back again. He doesn't have to, but he does. It makes me want to do the same in return”
“Because love him?”
“Yeah” Jason smiles to himself “Because I love him”
“how long since been with mate”
“Three years”
“Three years ” Gramcracker squawks “That too long”
“You don't get it, you're just a bird” Jason twirls the cutting of Apple in his fingers “I heard him the last time, in the maze as it collapsed. He was there ”
“Gramcracker may be just bird,” the waterfowl ruffles himself in discontent at his answer “But Gramcracker know how to be good mate. If mate is in there you go to them”
“This is me going to him,” Jason tells the bird “If my ‘nest’ works I'll be closer this time. This time maybe I can actually see him”
“All this just to see ?!“
“We get closer each time,” Jason says, looking down at an intertwined twig of Oak and Linden “And the deaths are getting sooner. If we keep at it we might make it”
Gramcracker gives a contemplative honk “Strange curse on your mate godling”
“Yeah” Jason checks his notes again “but we'll break it eventually, we have to”
“Here idea,” the goose tells him ”Gramcracker know where good berries are, good roots. When break curse, come to Gramcracker. You two hatch many eggs then”
“Thank you friend,” Jason says laying out the last of the twigs “I might take you up on that”
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821hiiro · 3 months
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PREACH 🙏🙏🙏 if you have picmix plz be my friend my picmix user is gramcracker ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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heartiriddle · 11 months
you should try it riddle!!! its not as sweet as a strawberry tart but its supper supper good if u have a gramcracker crust!! im being sophie from howls moving castle! have you ever seen that movie rids???
I will try it, thank you for the recommendation. I’ve seen Howl’s Moving Castle when I attended a movie night with Diamond, Ace, Deuce, and Trey. I liked it, it was a very beautiful movie. I wish my mother had introduced me to movies like Howl’s Moving Castle when I was younger. I heard Miyazaki has a lot of good movies besides Howl’s Moving Castle, my personal favorite is My Neighbor Totoro. I must rewatch it again whenever another movie night is hosted.
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[Le gasp]
You've never had a smore??? Alright so you need a stick and marshmallows, you put the marshmallow on the stick one the stick is clean then you put it in the fire till golden brown, grab a gramcracker and some chocolate and make a sandwich where the gramcracker is the bread and the chocolate and marshmallow are the filling, got all that?
- Crow anon
[ ....His brain is making crackling noises /silly ]
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teaziecups · 6 months
What is everyone's favourite food/snack?
Elliot: Stir fry/Dark chocolate
Rett: Anything fruit related/Candy
Draw: Something savory/Gramcrackers
Lu: Something in his native country/Baked goods
Quienzy: Pickles or something like that/Chocolate
Peppermint: Baked goods/Peppermints
Basil: Burgers/Biscuits/Fruit snacks
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readychilledwine · 11 months
ahhhh you love baking! Same!! I entered a cake into the state fair but I didn’t win LOL. to be fair there were 43 entries so my expectations were so low 😂 what do you like to bake?
Cake contests at fairs are so hard! Some people have more talent than a professional bakery and it blows my mind.
Cake and breads are my favorite.
I love cakes because of the decorating process and the variety you can create. Yes, everyone has had chocolate cake, but have they had a layered chocolate cake with a toasted marshmallow and gramcracker layer in the middle and chocolate glaze? Have they had a lemon cake with fresh strawberry filling and a strawberry frosting? Cakes are just fun flavor experiments.
I love baking breads because you get so much mental stimulation. Breads are, in my opinion, a very exact science. Temperature, timing, and ingredients can make or break the texture, flavor, and density sp breads require more focus. Kneading dough is also therapeutic, so that's also a wonderful stimulate with it. Breads can also be so beautiful. I can't remember her tiktok, but there's a creator who makes a lot of sourdough and the designs she creates in the tops are almost drool worthy.
The hardest baking skills I've acquired so far are macaroons and cheesecake, which ironically are my partner's favorite. I do love a challenge, but I only continue to bake them because he makes this face when I am on the last step with them, and he's instantly there and so happy. They'd also be in my top 5 things to bake for his reaction alone.
I could talk about baking for hours 😅 sorry I rant answered this!
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fatguarddog · 1 year
I should probably start signing these things oops.
I thought of something simple as we slip from summer into fall. Smore's brownie pie. Take a gramcracker pie crust, fill it with chocolate chunk brownies, let bake for 2/3 of the time then top with marshmallow so its nice and gooey and delicious. Would pair nicely with a hot mocha or hot chocolate, and very good for fall.
It would be so easy to make and then slide in front of you, the smells of the toasted marshmallow and melted chocolate wafting up. It could be a nice desert after an already filling meal, a little cherry on top.
Eyyy glad to see you signing off, always nice to know who I'm talking to! 🥰
And god, what an idea that is... I can imagine finishing off a nice hearty fall soup that you've made, lifting up the bowl to slurp up the last of it only to see you sliding the brownie pie towards me expectantly
Would you help me finish the whole tray if I started to struggle? Making sure I'm filled to the brim with warm treats and hot drinks so I'm appropriated warmed and fattened up for the winter ahead?
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
Poor babe just wants ta watch his shows an eat gramcrackers
You better switch to bottle feeding if you haven’t already
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honeyboyfelix · 2 years
i had cheesecake for the first time in a very long time the other day and i didnt hate it as much as a did when i was little but i still feel its an affront to god that you eat cheesecake alone instead of like a dessert spread on like a gramcracker or something
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