#grandidierite stone
itsbulkgemstones · 1 year
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moonlight-stalker · 10 months
# Dcu x Dp 142
In the center of Gotham there stood two unique and strange statues.
One of the statues was of a humanoid man that stood up straight at 5 feet 8 inches both of his hands resting on the top of a sword that was in front of him. He wears a cape that was sculpted to look like there is fur on the edges a chain holds the cape in place, where the chain meets the cape there is a human-looking skull on both sides. His head is slightly tilted down so if you stood a couple of feet away he would be looking at you, he has a soft open smile on his face if you look closely enough you can see he has fangs. His hair looked as though it was floating, on top of his head sat a crown, he had pointy ears the hands that rested on top of the sword had nails that looked like claws. He wears a bodysuit baggy pants and what looks like combat boots, on the center of his bodysuit there is a D with a P inside symbol.
At his feet lays the other statue, a big Rottweiler. The dog came up to his hip while lying down and was at least 7 feet long, his head was by the man's hip and his body was curled behind the man's legs. The dog had his mouth open partially with his tongue hanging out you could see his teeth when looking at him the dog's head was looking at the same spot that the man's head was looking at. The dog wore a collar with spikes at the front there was a tag that had the name Cujo and on the back of the tag the same symbol that was on the man's bodysuit. One of the dog's paws was resting on top of an actual dog toy made of rubber.
They both are on a stone pedestal that is about 3 feet tall and 6 feet wide the pedestal is decorated with symbols of death and protection. You can find other humanoids sculpted into the pedestal and over time people have noticed that you can also find the Bats and Birds symbols on the front of the pedestal and in the corners you can find symbols that represent the rogues.
The statue had both precious gemstones and metals decorating it. The statue of the dog had the least, the dog's eyes are made of rubies the claws are made of obsidian. The spikes on the collar seemed to be an actual metal, in between each spike a star sapphire sits. Under each spike, a small chain is attached and connects to the next spike.
The man had much more, his eyes were made of Alexandrite stones but changed from Emerald to Sapphire and they changed at random. His freckles are a combination of Opal stone and Moonstone that are spread across his cheeks and nose, and his claws and sword are made of obsidian. The cape outside of the cape has small silver spots, and on the inside, there are many different gemstones that are decorated to look like stars in the sky. Crown is made of a combination of Amazonite and Malachite and is decorated with Ammolite, papagoite, shattuckite, and star sapphire. Bracelets are made of Azurite with grandidierite, he has Paraiba tourmaline earrings with one star sapphire earrings hanging from his right ear. He has three rings one made of Garnet, the second one is made of Grandidierite, and the last one is made of Jeremejevite. On his left hand, there are some cracks that disappear underneath the sleeves of his bodysuit and appear again on his left cheek the cracks seem to be filled with emerald ( the bats know it's not emerald it's crystallized LaArus water ) it is like a kintsugi.
Several things make these two statues very unique
1. No known history there is nothing about who made the status or why they were placed there
2. Destroy or steal no matter how many times people try to blow up the statues or smash them no damage can be done, and no one can remove any of the gemstones that are on them. The person would also become sick or be injured after trying
3. Can't be Recorded or take pictures it's difficult to get clear pictures and videos unless they're from an older model
4. No one can buy or take them many wealthy people have tried to buy the statues and take them but every time that's happened the machines and cars that were there to move them were shut down and the person who tried to buy them would get extremely sick and be haunted by nightmares, night terrors and paralysis.
5. Crused and blessed as mentioned before people would get sick be injured get nightmares, night terrors, and/or paralysis. People that stand in a 15 feet radius of the status can't get infected by any of the gass that are release and people that are already infected by them are inside the radius will get cured, and has also protected people from getting attacked inside the circle .
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KW 2024: Day 7: Proposal
After a million years, Day 7 of Kataang Week 2024 hosted by @kataang-week
I've just recovered from my sickness and can now say I am doing well. Due to university kicking my ass, my updates on other fics will be kind of sluggish and sow since I am constantly busy.
Either way, enjoy this!
Prompt: Day 7: Proposal- Sunday, August 4th Summary: Aang wants to propose to Katara, but he is a nervous wreck.
Word Count: 3.3 K
Rating: General Audiences
“She won’t say no!” 
“What if she does?”
These were the two main voices that have been haunting Aang’s mind for the past few months. The Avatar has been in a relationship with Katara for over eight years. They have been through thick and thin, good and bad, and haven’t left each other’s side at all. Aang had known some time back that he wanted to be with Katara for the rest of his remaining years, and would do anything to make that come true. 
He wanted to propose to her for a very long time, but proposing at the age of 16 was not precisely a good idea. They still had a lot to do, individually and together, and getting married while they were still teenagers was probably going to bring conflict. Additionally, Aang needed more time to back up his decision on being with Katara for the rest of their lives. Even if she was the most amazing person in the world, Aang was still unsure if his choice would be the right one, not because he did not love her, but because he thought she could say no. 
However, all of those doubts began to clear off when Katara saved his life once more a year ago, one of the harshest attacks Aang suffered since Azula struck him with lightning when he was 12. He was in critical condition, and Katara did an exceptional job at saving his life once more.  He was eternally grateful to her for that, and although she would say it was nothing and that she’d do anything for him, he praised her for her kind actions.
It was a tranquil morning on Ember Island, and the sun had just begun rising. The whole Gaang decided it would be refreshing to take a small vacation after doing so many missions in Republic City. Katara decided to choose the place because she wanted to practice Waterbending in a more relaxing place, and of course, everyone agreed that the island was one of the most calming places in the world. 
“Aang, I am certain that Katara will say yes,” Sokka told Aang, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “You guys have been through a lot, and she LOVES you, like… a lot.”
“It’s just that… I’m scared she could say no,” Aang said with worry, looking at the sunrise in front of him.
“Come on, twinkle toes!” Toph said from afar. “Stop being so dramatic! Do you really think that your eight year term girlfriend will refuse a proposal from THE Avatar? No! That’s absolutely ridiculous! She’s probably been waiting for this for years!”
“Maybe,” Aang said.
“Plus, you’ve been working on this necklace for MONTHS!” Sokka pointed out to the necklace that Aang held in his hands. It was a Water Tribe necklace carved from one of the most precious stones in the ocean: Grandidierite. Aang had worked on the designs every day for the last six months, and used every single prototype available. He even went to the Northern Water Tribe to get some prototypes from the people who had these necklaces, but did not find a design he found right, until a jewelrer from the tribe had told him something important. 
“You need to make everything with love,” he said. “Don’t focus on other designs, imagine how YOU want this necklace to look.”
Even though Aang had a natural talent for jewelry making, sometimes, he struggled trying to come up with ideas for whenever he made jewels, and for this occasion, he had an insane amount of trouble trying to imagine something. Aang wanted to combine elements from the Air Nation and from the Water Tribe, but due to the fact that the Air Nation did not do the whole “marriage thing” since attachments were forbidden, it almost seemed impossible. He also had some trouble remembering what other materials the Air Nomads used to make jewelry. 
Then, one day, Aang was meditating in the beaches of Republic City. He was sitting at the feet of the ocean, feeling the cold water touch his feet, until he felt something from the ocean call to him. It almost felt like the Sea Lion was trying to call him back, and Aang walked towards the ocean and submerged himself. He saw a bright, cyan light shining below him. He dived his way there, and that’s when he saw it: the Grandidierite. Aang had heard of the stone before, and it was told that it was one of the rarest to find in the ocean. People would die to find it, and it even cost a fortune. Why would this stone be in plain site in the oceans of Republic City? He thought it was strange, but he decided to take it as a sign. Aang created a small air bubble to maintain his oxygen levels, and then used waterbending to get the large piece of stone out.
When he came out of the water, he examined the stone once more, its cyan color blinding him, and suddenly, he had an epiphany: the Air Nomads would sometimes mine Grandidierite from the ocean so the nuns could make necklaces, and that's how Aang knew that Katara’s betrothal necklace had to be made more Grandidierite. After this, Aang spent the next few months drawing the patterns that occurred to him with the help of Sokka and other people from the Northern Water Tribe, and finally, he had the perfect pattern, and it was time to carve it onto the stone. 
“Good morning,” Katara came out of the bedroom she shared with Aang. Her hair was still messy, and she looked really sleepy. She headed towards Aang and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Aang was happy to receive the gesture, but he was tense due to today’s proposal. Katara sensed this, but did not mention it.
After Katara arrived, everyone sat down to eat breakfast. While they were eating, Aang started to recite the lines he would say to Katara, which was making him look even more nervous than he wanted.
“Katara, you are the love of my life, and-” Aang began to recite in his mind. “And we have been through a lot: ups and downs, thick and thin, life and death-”
“Aang?” Katara called out. The Avatar's trail of thought broke and Aang turned around to face Katara, who looked puzzled.
“Is everything okay, sweetie?” she asked. “You were zoning out.”
“Yeah! Everything is fine!” Aang rapidly said, lying. “Just… thinking! That's all!”
“Wonder what he's thinking about,” Sokka teased. Aang shot him an intimidating warning look and Sokka's smile immediately got wiped off. 
“So, sweetie,” Aang whispered to Katara. “I… kinda have something special planned for us today.”
“Oh! What is it?” Katara asked curiously.
“It's a surprise,” Aang told her, smirking. “But, I will give you a few hints: it's at our special spot on this beach.”
“What's the special ocassion?” Katara asked.
“Nothing in particular!” Aang replied. “Just meet me there at sunset, and wear something nice!”
Aang quickly bolted out of the dining room, leaving Katara confused. The rest of Team Avatar didn't seem to notice Aang’s strange behavior, or at least didn't care.
“Don't you guys think Aang is acting weird?” Katara asked.
“A little,” Zuko said. “I'll go talk to him.”
Zuko headed out of the room and went to the balcony, where Aang was meditating. Next to him lay a shell shaped box that was shut closely. Zuko opened it and saw a beautiful Water Tribe necklace. The stone, which was teal, had a delicate and detailed design of the Water Tribe and Air Nation symbols carved into it, and the chord of the necklace was made of  blue leather.
“It's beautiful,” Zuko told Aang. “You made it for Katara?”
“Yeah,” said Aang, breaking his meditation. 
“Aang, you know perfectly that Katara is not going to say no to your proposal,” Zuko said. “She loves you a lot. I still remember when she threatened to kill me after I joined you guys in the war, and I knew from that moment that she cared about you with her life. Katara would want to spend every breath she has left with you.”
“I don't doubt Katara's feelings,” Aang said. “I just fear that she will say no to well… spending the rest of our lives together.” 
“D’ you really think that she'll say no to that?” Zuko asked, bewildered. 
“I don't know!” exclaimed Aang. “I'm also just… well… nervous.”
“The mighty Avatar is nervous to propose to his girlfriend?” Zuko teased. “Aang, you've faced even more dangerous things: my father, my own sister, the entire Fire Nation Army, and so much more; I know you're capable of proposing to Katara.”
“Thanks, Zuko,” Aang said. “Your words mean a lot.” Zuko then left Aang meditating and went back to the dining room.
“Is Aang okay?” Katara asked.
“Yeah, he was just meditating,” Zuko said. “He's fine.” Katara looked more at ease and finished her food. Once everyone finished eating, they changed into their swimsuits and headed to the beach to enjoy the tropical and hot weather. 
“Where's Aang?” Katara asked. “I haven't seen him since we had lunch.”
“I'm sure he'll be back soon!” Sokka told his sister. “He's probably meditating or doing y'know, Avatar stuff.”
Meanwhile, Aang was in the Island residence preparing everything for the proposal. He packed the food he needed, a blanket to sit down in the sand, a wine bottle, and cups and plates, placing them in a basket. He placed the necklace near his robes, which he would wear later, and headed back to the beach to join Katara.
“Where were you?” Katara asked. 
“I was just getting the stuff ready for our date tonight!” Aang told her, planting a kiss on her cheek.
“What exactly are you planning that needs so much of your time?” asked Katara teasingly. 
“It's a surprise, sweetie, I can't tell you,” replied Aang. 
“You know I hate surprises!” Katara said.
“I think you'll like this one,” Aang said. He gave Katara a loving kiss on her lips and went back to the water, and Katara chased after him. They played in the ocean, splashing water on each other using their bending and laughing like childten. They were 12 and 14 again, playing in the water like they used to when they were younger. It brought them so much nostalgia and love, and in that moment, they wished that they were that age once more. 
“I love you Aang,” Katara told Aang, laughing and catching her breath. 
“I love you too, Katara,” Aang replied, hugging Katara from behind. 
“Well, I think I should go get ready for the surprise you have in mind for me,” Katara smiled. “I’ll see you at our spot.”
“I’ll go with you, I need to prepare everything quickly before you come.” Aang said. He pecked Katara’s cheek and rushed back to the residence. He showered, put on his robes, and got everything he needed to head outside. Katara was getting ready as well, but took a little longer to get herself prepared. She put on a white beach dress, some sandals, and a pair of Earth Kingdom style earrings. 
Aang placed the blanket on the sandy beach and placed the dishes and cups neatly. He placed the necklace in one of his pockets and patiently waited for Katara. As he waited, his nerves were beginning to build up even more, and soon enough, his body seemed to be shaking, and his heart was beating rapidly. When Katara began to head over to him, he almost fainted. She was looking ethereal with the rays of sunset, her blue eyes glowing with the reflection of the sea. 
“Sweetie!” Katara greeted. She kissed Aang’s and could savorthe salt from the sea in his mouth. “You look really handsome.”
“You look stunning, my love,” Aang said, holding Katara by the waist.
“So, this is the surprise?” Katara said, looking enthusiastically at their little picnic.
“Yeah, but only part of it,” Aang said, teasingly. “There will be more to come!” 
They both sat down in the blanket and Aang took out the wine bottle and served two glasses. 
“Let’s make a toast,” Aang proposed, holding his glass of wine. “A toast to our love.”
“To our love, which will be everlasting,” Katara responded. They clinked their glasses and drank a sip off the glass. Then, Aanf took the first bit of food, which was an appetizer based off kale and originated from the Earth Kingdom. It was similar to the dishes Katara saw when she sneaked into the king’s palace in the Earth Kingdom during the war. 
“You made this?” Katara asked, savoring the delicacy. 
“Yeah, with some help,” Aang replied. 
“Aang, it’s so good!” Katara exclaimed with some food in her mouth. 
“I am so glad you like it,” Aang said. “Because I think you will like the next dish!” He took out two wrapped bowls of fire flakes. They were the chips that Sokka first tried in that Fire Nation festival, which were extremely spicy. To reduce the spice, Aang made a creamy dip to soak the chips in. 
“I remember these!” Katara said, taking a chip out of her bowl. “These were the chips that Sokka tried at that festival!”
“Yeah,” Aang said. “I found a recipe here and decided to make them. They are not as spicy as the ones Sokka had.”
“I love them!” Katara said, devouring her chips. Aang tried to eat at a normal pace as well, but his heart was thumping in his chest and his hands began to sweat. Soon enough, he knew he had to pop in the question. 
“Here is the next dish,” Aang took out two small pots and inside were stewed sea prunes with salmon. Due to his vegetarianism, his soup had tofu, but still had the fishy flavor the stew had. 
“You made sea prune stew?” Katara asked excitedly. “But… you don’t like sea prunes.”
“This one has tofu!,” Aang said, trying to contain his anxiety. “It tastes just as good as your stew!” 
They both ate their stews in comfortable silence, but as time went on, Aang’s eating began to become uneasy. He felt sweat build up in his body, and his chest tightened even more. It was now or never, and he had to do it quickly. 
“Katara?” Aang called her name. Katara stopped eating her stew and looked at her boyfriend, who looked extremely anxious and worried. 
“What is it, Aang?” she asked, trying to discern his expression. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, um…” Aang said, his breathing hitching. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask… Katara… I…” He took a deep breath, and placed his hand on his chest, trying to calm himself. 
“It’s okay, sweetie,” Katara cooed, placing a hand on Aang’s hand. “Take it easy.” 
Aang breathed once more and began to speak again. “Katara, from the moment I met you in that iceberg, I knew my life would never be the same. We’ve been through so much over these past eight years: we’ve been through thick and thin, life and death, ups and downs… We’ve gotten through everything together, and I want to ask if… if…”
“If what?” Katara asked, feeling her own heart beat like crazy.
“You’re the love of my life Katara,” Aang interrupted. “You’re the best thing anyone could ever ask for. I… I love you more than anyone in this world, and I want to ask if you want… if you want to spend the rest of our lives together, because I cannot imagine a future without you in it.” Aang took out the shell shaped box and opened it, revealing the handmade necklace. Katara was in shock, not knowing how to react. Did Aang just… propose to her? Now, she realized that he did ACTUALLY propose just now.
“Oh my gosh,” Katara whispered, feeling tears brewing in her eyes. The necklace in front of her was magical. She recognized the Grandidierite, and saw the delicate pattern carved onto it. She couldn’t believe it: Aang was ACTUALLY proposing to her right here. Was this all a dream? Katara could not decipher it, but whether it was real or not, she did not want it to end. 
“Katara… I want to spend every breath I have left with you,” Aang said shakily. “Will you… will you marry me?” 
Katara stayed silent for a few moments, still trying to process what just happened. She did not know how to react at all, which began to set Aang in a state of panic. His breathing accelerated and his heart began beating in a way that could give anyone a heart attack. Katara has loved Aang since she was 14 years old, and had fallen in love with him even more over the years. She did not just love him because he was the Avatar; she loved him because he was one of the kindest people she has ever met. He showed her what real kindness and compassion is, and is something she would never forget. How could she say no to spending the rest of her living days with the love of her life? 
“Yes,” Katara murmured, tears streaming down her eyes. “A thousand times yes!” (1) Aang sighed in relief and even felt tears building up in his eyes. She launched herself towards Aang and kissed him passionately. They embraced each other for minutes, feeling their hearts beat in unison and their breathing synchronizing. 
Aang broke the hug and got the necklace out of the box to wrap it around Katara’s neck. He clasped the necklace onto her neck, and the color of the Grandidierite was glowing with her eyes. 
“Aang, you are the love of my life,” Katara said, wiping her tears with her hand. “You’ve been my guiding light through the darkest of times. You've shown me what it means to truly live, to truly love. I’ve watched you grow into the incredible person you are today, and I’m so proud to stand beside you. I will stand beside you for as long as I have left in this world.”
Aang smiled sheepishly with tears brimming in his eyes, and pulled Katara into a tight hug. They stayed there cuddled, laying down on the blanket while watching the sun go down over the beach.
“I love you so much, Aang,” Katara whispered. 
“I love you so much as well, Katara,” Aang said, kissing her lips once more. 
As the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of deep orange and purple, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in that quiet, magical moment. The gentle sound of the waves lapping against the shore was the only thing that filled the silence between them.
Katara rested her head on Aang’s chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her ear. It was a sound she cherished more than anything in the world, a reminder that he was here, with her, in this life they had built together.
Aang gently stroked Katara’s hair, his fingers tangling in the soft strands as he gazed up at the emerging stars. “This is just the beginning, Katara,” he whispered. “The start of our forever.”
Katara closed her eyes, letting the warmth of his words wash over her. “Our forever,” she echoed softly, her voice filled with love and certainty.
They stayed there, wrapped in each other’s arms, as night slowly enveloped the world around them. The promise of a lifetime together, sealed with a kiss under the twilight sky, lingered in the air as they drifted into a peaceful slumber, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them side by side.
And so, with hearts entwined and spirits lifted, they welcomed the dawn of a new chapter in their lives: a chapter that would begin with love and continue with unbreakable unity.
This line is from the 2005 movie adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, when Mr. Bingley proposes to Jane.
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galacticnikki · 20 days
A Baby Witch's First Grimoire
Grimoire Entry 19 - Crystals For Promoting Confidence
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⚠️Obligatory Disclaimer⚠️
Crystals are not a substitute for modern medicine.
Apache Tears
Black Jade
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Scheelite
Cherry Tanzurine
Chinese Writing Stone
Chocolate Calcite
Chrysanthemum Stone
Crazy Lace Agate
Dalmatian Jasper
Dragon Stone
Fairy Stone
Garden Quartz
Golden Healer Quartz
Green Garnet
Green Kyanite
Green Onyx
Green Tiger Eye
Healer's Gold
Himalayan Quartz
Honey Calcite
Imperial Topaz
Japan Law Twin
Lemon Calcite
Maligano Jasper
Mango Quartz
Miriam Stone
Noble Shungite
Ocean Jasper
Orange Aventurine
Orange Calcite
Orange Kyanite
Orange Selenite
Orca Agate
Peanut Obsidian
Pink Calcite
Pink Halite
Polychrome Jasper
Purple Opal
Red Jasper
Red Quartz
Red Tiger Eye
Ruby Fuchsite
Ruby in Kyanite
Ruby Zoisite
Shaman Stone
Sonora Sunrise
Strawberry Quartz
Sulfur Quartz
Tiger Iron
Titanium Quartz
Tourmalinated Quartz
Truffle Chalcedony
Tsavorite Garnet
Yellow Opal
Zebra Calcite
Feel free to check out my master post for more information!
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fowardfashionfindz · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Grandiderite, 1.21ct, decent blueish gemstone.
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gallerycityuniverse · 6 months
Certified Grandidierite Loose Stone, Natural Grandidierite Gem, Grandidierite Heart Shape Cut Grandidierite Gemstone 9.96 Ct VERY RARE Stone
Link to shop🛍️: https://www.etsy.com/shop/GoodJadeite
#jadeite #gemstone #jewelry #naturalstone #healingstone #crystalsale #wellnessale #discountjadeite #sale #preciousstone #lithotherapy #discountgemstone #sale #preciousstone
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ainews · 1 year
Grandidierite is a beautiful, blue-green gemstone that has been highly sought-after by collectors and jewelers, but unfortunately it is too rare to be used in jewelry and is found in only a few locations in the world.
Grandidierite is a magnesium aluminium borosilicate that gets its color from traces of iron, manganese and chromium. It is found in Madagascar in a few places and, due to its rarity, it was almost impossible to access the gem until fairly recently.
Grandidierite is incredibly hard (7-7.5 on the Moh's scale), too hard to be carved or set into jewelry. Even the best diamond cutters are unable to shape it and the stones produced are usually too fragile for normal wear. It is also incredibly expensive, as the stones are so rare, typically costing up to $10,000 per carat, making it too expensive for most jewelers and consumers.
The rarity and difficulty of working with Grandidierite means it is unlikely that it will become popular in mainstream jewelry anytime soon. However, it is slowly gaining in popularity as a collector's item and its price is starting to rise. As technology advances, it is possible that new ways of working with this gemstone could be developed in the future, allowing it to become an even more desirable item in fine jewelry.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: AAA Grandidierite and White Zircon Men's Ring in Platinum Over Sterling Silver.
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folkmarketgems · 1 year
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300 grams Extremely rare Natural Grandidierite for cutting
Can facet and cabbed with transparency and slight brilliance
Sizes: under 1 to 3 gram per piece
No treatment
Origin: Madagascar
Price: $590 usd
Shipping: $15 USD by FedEx
0 notes
ssouza11 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🎁 Grandidierite and Zircon in 950 Platinum & 925 sterling silver. ENGAGE.
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itsbulkgemstones · 1 year
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gemsonahelphotline · 4 years
Ametrine + Lemon Jade, Grandidierite + Lemon Jade and Chrysanthemum Stone + Lemon Jade
Ametrine + Lemon Jade
- Alexandrite- Titanium Quartz- Mystic Topaz
Grandidierite + Lemon Jade
- Spangolite- Cornwallite- Diopside
Chrysanthemum Stone + Lemon Jade
- Maw Sit-Sit - Serpentine- Ludwigite
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stonesoutlet · 5 years
Grandidierite #grandidierite #rough #gemlover #uniquestone #gem #gemstones #calcite #stone #stones #jewelry #crystal #rare #jewelrydesigner #gemstonelover #crystalauction #stonelover #japan #ring #crystalhealing #crystalsofig #wirewrappedpendant #cabsforsale #crystalauction #minerals #pineapple #cabochons #cabochon #グランディディエライト #格蘭迪耶裡特 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wexVZnQb4/?igshid=le4fy1o5sca7
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fowardfashionfindz · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Grandiderite, 1.21ct, decent blueish gemstone.
0 notes
ainews · 1 year
In 1993, a small opossum made of grandidierite found in Peachtree Corners, Georgia created a stir in the world of gemstones. The opossum, which was estimated to be worth thousands of dollars, was discovered by a local couple out for a late night walk. After sharing the news of the opossum, which is a very rare blue gemstone, local experts and archeologists gathered to witness the remarkable find.
The gemstone has since come to be known as the Peachtree Corners Outstanding Opossum (PCOO) and its discovery marked an important era in geology and gemstone studies. To commemorate the discovery, a special restoration event was held in Peachtree Corners in 1993, attended by experts, locals and onlookers.
The discovery of the PCOO was instrumental in changing the international perception of grandidierite, a gemstone which was previously seen as ordinary and of little value. The rare and stunning blue of the Peachtree Corners Outstanding Opossum led to a re-evaluation of the precious stone's aesthetic and financial worth.
These days, the PCOO has become a symbol of Peachtree Corners. It is displayed at the city hall for all to see and is now worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. The discovery of the gemstone is still remembered and acknowledged by locals, and it continues to be an exercise in geology appreciation and celebration.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: AAA Grandidierite and White Zircon Men's Ring in Platinum Over Sterling Silver.
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