#grandma donna
my90smemories · 2 years
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Happy Halloween 🎃
I have a Halloween memory of when I was younger I had to have been 5 & I think my cousin was a baby. My Grandma Donna threw a Halloween party for me & some of her friends kids. I don’t really remember any of them, I just remember there were about 4 girls & maybe 1 boy? We carved a Jack O Lantern that’s when I realized I didn’t like the smell of pumpkin guts at all. My costume was a creepy one of Donald Duck. We played games & had these mini Jack O Lantern buckets for candy. Later on that night we put the pumpkin we carved with a candle inside outside of my Great Grandfather’s Apt building by the corner of the fence (Very Top Right Was His Apt). I don’t really remember the rest of the night but I do remember there was a couple times my Grandma took me trick or treating around my great grandfathers block. I don’t know if it was the same night but it’s a good memory that I never forgot.
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o-kay-la · 10 months
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Grandma Donna's Rhubarb Crisp This strawberry-rhubarb crisp recipe has been handed down through one family and is now shared with you so you can share it with yours. 1/4 cup all-purpose flour, 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice, 2 eggs, 3/4 cup rolled oats, 1 cup white sugar, 2 cups diced strawberries, 1/3 cup milk, 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 cups diced rhubarb, 1/2 cup melted butter
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Grandma Donna's Rhubarb Crisp
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This strawberry-rhubarb crisp recipe has been handed down through one family and is now shared with you so you can share it with yours.
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grrrechka · 8 months
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They having a meeting
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whipbogard · 4 months
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Grandpas’ truce
Been thinking about them being dumb old men
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wondertwinsenthusiast · 7 months
Wonder Twins!!
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In a fab five road trip ;) fun fact, they're in Roy's ugly pickup truck (congrats Donna, now you can relate to 'picture to burn' and 'our song' by Taylor Swift /j)
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rockrosethistle · 2 years
say what you will about the second half of TSH, “One time Uncle Bunny called me a bastard” is the funniest line I’ve ever read in a book.
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de4thart · 3 months
"Rose!" Says the doctor befre starting to list all her family members.
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maria-cadenzavna-eve · 3 months
*Guy who is always thinking about symphogear voice* "this really reminds me of symphogear*
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skeleton-squid-boy · 9 months
just occurred to me I don't think I've seen anyone talk about if 14 is mortal now?? Does 15 like take all the regenerations with them or is 14 gonna keep regenerating and just get passed down the noble/temple generations like some insane family heirloom????
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caitlynmeow · 8 months
Hey, really enjoy all your work. Could you wright about how each member of Alcina's family (Miranda, Heisenberg, Donna, Moreau) reacted after the birth of each daughter and their relationship regarding each of them in your modern AU ?
i know i said i'll write this as a fic (which i will do!!) but my brain is too fried to do that these days so it's just a post on here.
i put most of it under read more because it got LONG lol
ok, here goes!!
When Alcina was pregnant for the very first time, Miranda was very clear: she wasn’t going to be that grandmother who was always around her grandkids. She has a life and she isn’t about to be tied down. The child can visit with Alcina, and it will always remain with its mother. Simple as that. When Bela was born, Miranda was among the first people who saw her. A slimy angry creature wailing and not having a good time at all. She picked her up later on, hours later when it was just the two of them in the large hospital suite. With golden eyes and golden gifts of hair, the infant had some distinctive features and she was certain to attract a lot of attention. As time went by, Alcina did visit with the little tyke. During those visits, if one is to look closely, one can see that the infant is almost always nestled in her grandmother’s arms. As Bela got older, Miranda began demanding that her daughter be the child over when she was visiting. Miranda admits Bela isn’t like most children. She is smart and neat. She likes being around her mother and grandmother and Miranda doesn’t mind taking the child with her to the many different errands she’s running every day. When Alcina enrolled her daughter in nursery school, Miranda was mad. “She is young still,” was the older woman’s argument. Bela was almost three at the time, and Alcina was well into her second pregnancy she needed a distraction for her daughter. Miranda relented eventually. Though she’d often be seen picking her granddaughter up from school on most days and taking her out before sending her back home. As Bela continued to get older, Miranda enjoyed doing more things with her. She knows that she’s a rare breed and she is proud of what her young granddaughter is like.
While Bela’s birth was somewhat uneventful, Cassandra’s was the opposite of that. Flirty five hours of labor, only then did she finally decide to come out. Nonetheless, by that point, Miranda knows that her grandchildren are different from other kids. And while Cassandra is no Bela, her second granddaughter had her own personality that she was displaying from early on. Though, Miranda admits, the second daughter is not as easy as her older sister. She is stubborn and picky and gets bored easily. Miranda can’t take her anywhere without a long list of complaints that even Bela doesn’t know what to do with. Cassandra never listens and believes that rules are there to be broken. Ironically, it’s this trait that makes her good at— solving problems. She often gives warnings, so no one can complain, but when Cassandra loses it- well, it’s the other person’s fault for 1- making her mad and 2- for not looking at the warning signs and not backing out. Cassandra is fierce and very protective. She is also very sensitive and can easily fall into jealousy. She needs a lot of reassurance, both verbally and physically to keep her grounded. But one thing remains unchanged: Miranda is very proud of her second granddaughter because when Cassandra strikes out, she makes an impression that lasts for a long long time. While, as a family, Miranda is often frustrated that nothing can stand in Cassandra’s way, she knows that this is a huge asset in life. Yes, fighting in school isn’t all that good but that boy should have listened when Cassandra told him not to touch her toys. Is it really her fault for lashing out at him? No. And this is what Miranda says every time she goes to school for these things. Cassandra never starts trouble, but she isn’t afraid to finish them if someone keeps pushing her like this.
Daniela might have known long before she was born that she is the third daughter to be born and this, competition is fierce. Daniela is all action— she decides on something and does it instantly, never even pausing to think or consider anything. Extremely impatient is what the youngest daughter of Alcina is. Miranda has lost count of the number of times she told her “wait” only for Daniela to not process the word at all.
Miranda wouldn't expect it from her. It only took two hours after Alcina's water broke for Daniela to be born. By the time they made it to the hospital, she was ready to come out and she did in record time. A far cry from what her older sister did. Despite that, the youngest child of House Dimitrescu is not without her own set of personality traits that make her very endearing. Again, because she felt like she was coming late into a competition, Daniela comes with a lot of charm. Even when she argues and gives everyone a hard time, no one can really get mad at her. Certainly not Miranda nor Alcina. Again, when the girls were young, Miranda had no issues taking her granddaughters with her anywhere. But she also learned to be strategic about it. Taking the girls out individually is good. Taking all three is a disaster because Cassandra knows how to push all of Daniela’s buttons and it’s just… chaos. Bela and Daniela together are good. Bela and Cassandra are also good. Cassandra and Daniela are not something for every day. All in all, Miranda adores all of her granddaughters. She does believe that they have not only warmed their mother’s heart, but they have a similar effect on the rest of the family.
Karl didn’t believe that his sister was going alone with her crazy plan. But holy shit she actually did. He was startled when Miranda called him late at night, telling him to get to the hospital because his dear older sister was having her first child. Karl always thought children were slimy and slippery. He doesn’t like touching them or carrying them because what if they slip and fall? Then what? That psycho with severe anger issues is going to decapitate him and he wasn’t about to deal with that. Bela was fun until she got a little older and was usually stuck to whatever insane rules her mother came up with. The girl just… doesn’t have that much sense of adventure and he learned what sorts of things he can do with her and what he can’t.
Now that is a fun child! If anything, he’s giving the second daughter points just for always going against what everyone says. She doesn’t hide it either. Confrontational and brave. She does all kinds of crazy shit while maintaining eye contact because the girl got guts! Bela usually reacts with “Are we gonna get bitten?” When he takes them to see the wolves, Cassandra is always up to playing with the beasts. Of course, he isn’t going to endanger her well-being. He only allows the smaller pups around her, and he’s always close by ready to interfere at the nearest sign of aggression from the feral animals. With time, as Cassandra got older, her fierceness only grew. She soon displayed interest in all kinds of weapons he had in his storage room. Knowing that if he prevents her from being there, this one in particular is going to find a way to sneak in (not sure how, but he knows that she’ll do it) that's why he decided to do the honors himself. Once a week, he’d bring his niece to the big warehouse and teach her about the different weapons he had there. Going from daggers and sickles to rifles and shotguns. Cassandra was always fascinated. And as time went on, she developed her own interest. When she was fourteen, Karl had a special sickle made just for her. He gave it to her as a birthday present amidst loud objections from his sister and mother. But he didn’t care, the kid didn’t care either.
Karl would say that the youngest daughter of his sister is an odd mix of her two sisters. And she’s moody. One day she’ll be all “yay let's go hunting” and on others, she’s like “Ugh this is boring I'm not doing it,” there is just no telling when it comes to her. He knows that she’s adventurous, and is into breaking rules and pushing the limits just like her big sister. She likes the pups and shows interest in hunting. But truth be told, she isn’t nearly as good as Cassandra. She tries though, and he gives her credit for it. Cassandra is more natural at it though.
Donna loves Bela with all of her might. Her eldest niece has always been sharp and attentive. Often, she’d be reading a book or learning about flowers and plants while her sisters were roughhousing somewhere. With Bela things are tranquil, and they can talk about many different things. Bela has always been wise. She’s responsible, and Alcina does put a lot of emphasis on her being the eldest. She is her mother’s right hand when it comes to her sisters and many other things. It’s no wonder the girl grew up to be a great leader albeit she’s under a lot of pressure.
Donna knows that Cassandra is a bundle of many things. She is very complex and smart. Very capable and it’s— advised that she learns how to hone in on her anger and try to channel it. She’s not angry in nature, only when she’s provoked. Really, people need to learn not to push her buttons and she’s good as gold. But not many are willing to understand her niece. Cassandra knows what she’s capable of. And she tries to back out. One instance is when Cassandra came to her one day and said “Can you deal with this problem?” To which Donna responded with “Why can’t you deal with it?” And the poor girl confessed that “because if I deal with it I’ll go to jail,” And it’s true. Donna knows that it’s true just as her niece does. Cassandra is mature enough to know what she is capable of, and sometimes it’s better for everyone that she distances herself from a bad situation and moves on. Donna adores her. Cassandra is her very picky niece with a dash of poor life choices. The woman prides herself in cooking things that her niece likes and she understands what turns Cassandra away from many kinds of food. Sure, there isn’t a lot of variety, but Donna is satisfied with how things are going with Cassandra food-wise. Cassandra has bad habits. When the girls stay over, and can tell who has a messy sleep schedule that Alcina would never allow but Donna is the cool aunt who’d never tell. She did put her foot down one time though. Having caught Cassandra mixing two shots of espresso with an energy drink nearly sent the woman to a heart attack. It was the first time she had to be firm and tell this girl ‘no’. Cassandra complained that she was tired because she only slept for four hours. Wonderful, Donna said, “You can go back to sleep now. I’ll wake you up later,” but the girls had plans to go out in a bit and Cassandra wasn’t going to miss that. Tough luck. She was going to miss it because of her poor choices. Unfortunate as it is, Donna’s firm side pops out every now and then, because Cassandra needs to have those clear boundaries before she self-destructs. Donna hates upsetting her, but she can handle pouts and crocodile tears as opposed to watching her niece harm herself.
Daniela: Daniela is playful and very curious. The youngest daughter loves flowers and gardening, often spending hours upon hours taking care of plants with her aunt. She’d also read copious amounts of books about certain plants because this girl is both smart and curious. She almost learned how to crochet also. But she’s too impatient for it. She never stuck around it for long. Daniela is quiet and tends to keep to herself. When around her sisters she can either be quietly watching TV or reading, or annoying her sisters because she’s bored, or playing hide and seek and pulling pranks— there is no telling with her. Daniela is adored by everyone. She’s warm and fuzzy and loves being physically close to those she loves. She might be a bit of a brat at times, but it’s all wholesome and she never hurts anyone (who doesn’t deserve it at least). All in all, Donna loves the three girls with all of her might. They all have different personalities and she loves them all.
He is the recluse family member who prefers staying in his own house to going outside. Despite that, he loves his family, especially his mother. Often, his siblings are fighting which makes him anxious, and his mother doesn’t seem to notice anything aside from Alcina (she’s very scary) and Karl (he’s very loud). He went to the castle with Miranda to see the babies. He’s always been fascinated by them. Watching them grow from small unmoving bundles to walking and talking toddlers was almost jarring. They kept growing, and by the time the girls started school they were finally resembling normal humans and he was comfortable interacting with them. While Moreau struggles with finding words, he is never short of making the girls happy with gifts and presents. Bela loves high-quality trinkets and jewelry. Cassandra loves antiques and artifacts from all over the world. Daniela loves classical books and he always finds her the oldest and most vintage editions. He loves them all just the same, although, as the girls got older, they took a lot after their mother. They’re usually less angry and condescending, but they can be just as scary sometimes. Since the girls were young, Moreau always enjoyed having them over. He has a huge lake at the back of his house, and the girls love going over there, especially during the warmer months. He always makes sure that he is well prepared; with chairs and fire and lots of snacks. He also has built a big screen, where in the evenings he can use a projector and they can all enjoy watching movies at night outside. Tho there was one time when Daniela forgot to apply sunscreen and ended up with burns on her skin which made Alcina run after him but this is a story for another time.
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my90smemories · 2 years
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I remember when I was young my Grandma had a friend I believe her name was Sherry that had a son they called “Mangsta The Gangsta” or “Mane Mane I used to play with. They lived on the ground level floor to the left back of a Building like this. I’m not sure if this is the exact building but it reminded me of it. It was her mothers APT & I remember a lot of kids being there; The couple days I had to stay there the girls & I played Barbie’s by the front door the 1st night & the 2nd day we were all in the room with the older Son while he was playing Mario on the Nintendo but wouldn’t let us play. That was the last time I saw them after my Great Grandfather had to come to pick me up. I remember the night he came & got me. He was mad with my Grandma for leaving me there but He had this cherry or strawberry swirl cake at home waiting Mmm & later on my Aunt came to bring me home.
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thatseventiesbitch · 10 months
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my  f a v o r i t e  Eric & Donna moments #52
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linthehero · 8 months
have you guys ever noticed the majority of brandons characters are missing one or both parents, either that or their parents are never mentioned, i think cathy might just be the only character who has a mom and a dad
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milkydraws8 · 1 year
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donna troy - wonder woman 1970
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nicolettecallednikki · 5 months
Not Smokey stealing his girl and then telling him he's too dumb to run a gang. RIP Rusty James, your unibrow will always be iconic
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