#granted i say i split my sister into two but it's in a similar way to how i inform my akira and akechi characterizations
orcelito · 2 years
Only in Discordant Accord can u read about akechi goro punting Morgana like a football
#speculation nation#discacc shit#unless it is in some other fic but ive certainly never seen it lol#rereading a comment left to me and reliving the good moments from last chapter#genuinely a little surprised by how positive the reception to rei was#when mentioned in comments ppl seemed to genuinely be happy to see her again#and im just like. that's my funky lil oc who was barely even an oc to start with lmfao#i just split my own older sister into two older sisters for akira and called it a day. their personalities just kinda happened as a result#like im very well versed in making characters so maybe thats why it was so just. Accidental?#an accidental oc. that people do like. kinda wild.#granted i say i split my sister into two but it's in a similar way to how i inform my akira and akechi characterizations#by splitting Myself in two#less of a direct trait to trait kind of thing and more just. focusing on different parts of a person and extrapolating from them#koharu being the Protective Older Sibling energy &rei being the Good Friend And Constant Antagonistic Force (but still fiercely protective)#two parts of what my sister is to me. i guess.#it's similar to how i gave goro Soooo much of my self destructive tendencies + general bloated ego syndrome#and akira a lot of the like. idk. worrywart kinda thing. and also Anxiety. panic shit. sorry akira.#thats the secret to my realistic characterizations lol. it's all informed by self experience.#i wasnt meaning to make a whole post like this. none of these tags r even relevant to the main text of the post#but when have i ever stayed on task with a post lol . never.
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irlkisukeurahara · 2 years
I love when people make designs for Zanpakuto Spirit Nozarashi. It's interesting. However my problem is that many of them just seem to be "Yachiru with tits." And that's a bit weird. Of course she'd resemble Yachiru, she split off her. But Nozarashi would not look identical to Yachiru, however they would look feasibly related. Think about our other obvious example in the series of the Zanpakuto spirit splitting in 2; Katen & Kyokotsu.
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We know that Kyokotsu split off (or Katen gave birth? I'm assuming they're using 'birth' as a metaphor considering Katen isn't a person.) from Katen. Granted, the nature of Kyokotsu is different from Yachiru, but there's the same general idea; the Zanpakuto became two people. Nozarashi split herself in two; Noza herself being the Shikai, and Yachiru being the Bankai. Nozarashi made Yachiru so that Kenpachi could always have her with him, even when he wouldn't communicate with her. Katen made Kyokotsu so that she could hide Shinken Hakkyoken (as......weird as that was.)
Why bring them up?
Because they are a pretty clear blueprint for how character design would work under the concept of the Zanpakuto splitting in two.
Katen and Kyokotsu are not identical. However, just by looking at them there's obvious similarities. They have the same eye color, hair color, skin color, and have almost the exact same color pallette in their outfits. (Kyokotsu does not have pink in her outfit, but Katen does.) They even have similar decorative hair pieces. However, they have slightly different eye shapes and obviously different haircuts. They both cover their eye, but not only in very different ways, but also the opposite eye. They reflect each other. They don't look like the same woman but older, they look like sisters.
It's safe to assume that Nozarashi and Yachiru would follow similar designing conventions. Nozarashi would have Yachiru's eye color, hair color, and skin color. She'd probably have a hairpin similar to Yachiru's. The color pallette of her outfit likely doesn't apply as Yachiru is in a shihakusho, due to passing as a Shinigami.
So, when you see fanmade Nozarashi designs, often they are just Yachiru with long hair and big tits, shihakusho and all. And it's fine to design a woman that looks like Yachiru with big tits and call her Nozarashi. Nozarashi probably would have big tits, I mean most BLEACH women do! But it has the same vibe as people turning Anya Forger into a 'hot 20 year old.' It starts to kinda reek of lolicon shit.
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To me, I've always envisioned Nozarashi looking like Yachiru's punk mom. (Especially if Katen "giving birth" was literal, rather than metaphorical.) For a few reasons. It says a lot about Kenpachi as a person. He had that protective, parental instinct over Yachiru since day 1. He's her dad. Nozarashi split off Yachiru so that Kenpachi would have a piece of her with him, so she could always be there for him. She loved him dearly. Kenpachi was Nozarashi's baby, while Yachiru was Kenpachi's. An older, parental vibe from Nozarashi would make sense to me. Not just judging by Katen & Kyokotsu, but by how Kenpachi's story played out.
The point at the end of the day, yes Nozarashi would look like an older Yachiru. But Nozarashi wouldn't just look like Yachiru with slightly longer hair and a nice pair of tits. At least put her in an outfit that isn't a shihakusho. Maybe an extremely ripped up kimono that's to the point it almost seems scantily clad. With it loosely tied so that her boobs are out. Make her face less childish. Put some creativity into it. Nozarashi is more than just Yachiru! If you're going to make a design for a character that doesn't have one, what's the point of just copying an already existing one in a way that makes you look like a lolicon?
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cooliogirl101 · 2 years
if lily was reincarnated into the naruto world, how would that turn out?
Got another ask that was like, "what if both Hisana and Sayuri reincarnated in the Narutoverse" so I'm just gonna combine the two into "what if both Christina and Lily reincarnated into the Narutoverse."
I've always thought Lily/Sayuri shared quite a few similarities with Itachi, so...here you go. An AU in which Lily gets reincarnated as Itachi and Christina gets reincarnated as Sasuke.
The thing about canon!Itachi is that he was split between his duty to his village, his duty to his clan, and his love for his brother. He ended up deciding his clan was an inevitable sacrifice if he wanted to save his village and his brother, and well-- we all know how well that turned out.
Lily!Itachi, on the other hand, does not give a single flying fuck about Konoha, the Uchiha clan, or really anything except for the only person who's made her feel less alone since arriving in this godforsaken world. There's no dilemma, no conflict there, because Sasuke is the only thing that matters. So what happens is that she decides, you know what, I'm just gonna fake my and Sasuke's deaths and get the fuck out of this hellhole before shit really hits the fan. Konoha, Danzo, the Uchiha? They can eat each other alive for all she cares.
"Lily," Christina said, a little helplessly. "Lily, maybe we should talk about this."
She spoke in English, the way she always did when they were alone. One of the most widely spoken languages in their previous life reduced to a secret code between them alone.
Lily hummed, giving her a small smile.
"What's there to talk about?" She asked.
"I mean." Christina paused delicately. "We did just fake our deaths and defect from the village. That's a pretty major event."
She looked at Lily.
"You bought us a little time, but sooner or later, they're going to realize that we didn't actually die. You realize that, right?"
"What are you saying?" Lily asked.
"What I'm saying is that maybe we should make ourselves a little less recognizable." She smiled, eyes bright. "They're going to be looking for two brothers. Not two sisters."
Lily's breath caught.
"Are you really able to--?"
"There's not much I'm not able to do, with chakra," Christina laughed. "Granted, it'll take a bit of time, but to start...how do you feel about the names Isane and Shion?"
Honestly their 'fake our own deaths and transform ourselves so completely no one will ever be able to recognize us and then proceed to lay low/live a quiet peaceful life away from any ninja bullshit' plan would've worked, had it not been for the fact that Christina/Sasuke/Shion was completely unable to stay away from any bullshit happening at any given time.
"Please tell me how in our attempt to become boring, unremarkable civilian figures unworthy of any shinobi attention, we ended up becoming vigilante heroes roaming the countryside dispensing justice everywhere we go instead," Isane said dryly.
"Oh, come on," Shion huffed. "You can't tell me that you didn't enjoy bashing that Gatou asshole's head in."
"That's not the point, the point is--"
"The point is that for the first time since entering this life, I'm seeing you smile and have fun," Shion interrupted. "And if that means attracting a bit of attention? Well, I'm willing to take that risk."
(It's interesting thinking about what their interactions would be like, I don't write them together that often. Comments welcome!)
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infinitelyinfj · 1 year
I have only seen the world through the tips of my fingers. Ritualistic, and without thought, as if the talent i have belongs to my hands alone. they say art is inspired by experience. Out of all of the available skills to be had, art is amongst the few. For it is not found to be as vital to the health and security of the community as other more laboring positions. Having your predetermined place, and yet still not knowing where you could end up-both physically and mentally-can have you looking at yourself and surroundings sideways. Why I have always been a recluse. Within my own little net of being, existing within the community, extending bare branches. Fortunately for me, these bare branches stumbled upon two great friends. There's Octavia Autumn, my sister by choice, not of blood. We are webbed together with our shared common surname. We are apart of the Autumns. In our community, our appointed officials determine the way things are. Down to our surnames. Family last names died out in the New Beginning. Our community adapted to a new system. Narrowing it down to the season of which you were born. The idea was to maintain a sense of individualism, while still sharing a common ground with other members of the community. Then theres Xavier Winter. Bold as he is driven, how I found myself within his corner still mystifies me to this day. I never take them for granted. I am able to catch a glimpse of myself through their eyes now and then. They believe in my art, they breath light into my ability to preserve my value, my part in the community.
I am Desiree Autumn. Only child of Winnofer Summer, and Landon Summer. The last names are coincidence, and the only similarity they share other than me, and being failed laborers. The only life I have known within the 17 years of my existence has been within my community of 3000, one community of the 50 that make up one block of the four that exist since the birth of the beginning. The names of the lands we reside on are unknown to me, and replaced simply with North, East, South, and West. We make up the East. Our community is called East-Berry, if that gives you a clue as to what we are known to favorably source. Each community establishes their own rules, and regulations. With a communal interest always a priority. Though their are more established officials, whom take on the brunt of the labor required to keep our well preserved community at bay. We all play a part, play a role. Our voices are heard, as well as encouraged. Our skills are molded and sculpted from childhood. Each person is able to contribute as much as they can, or want, for the community. Or even less, if they simply do not possess the skills or desire. In order to keep things orderly, we are split between two levels within the community. There are the uppers, and the lowers. Uppers are hard laborers. As the day to day necessities are sourced locally, with other more desirable and privileged goods being traded either with other communities, or even farther; as the golden rule requires good exchanges between the 4 blocks as a way to keep the peace, keep things fair. Only small shops exist within our community, bread bakeries, wood supplies, farms, name a need and there is a laborer whom possesses the skills. their work and desired skills contributes to the community as a whole. There is no coin, as it was before the beginning. Any dollar possessed is considered contraband, and you can be stripped of any privileges you may have. There is no dollar, but there is the promise of having first pickings of receiving the best goods, services, and of course, theres living within the uppers.
the lowers, where me and my family reside, its not so bad. We have less than the uppers, but still have enough. We also have the knowing that we can, at any point, have the opportunity to change that circumstance. Through dedicating ourselves to our skills. Committing to our labor. In the lowers, we have shared living spaces. long buildings we call halls, with lines of beds. Depending on whom resides in which building, the beds can be lined up singularly, or crammed together and separated with walls made of blankets. In my hall, my mother, father and I have the space towards the very end. We crammed our three beds closely together, loosely barring ourselves from our bed neighbors, perhaps as an unspoken promise of closeness. Not out of fear, as that is not our way within the community. There are no prisons here, as crimes are nearly non existent. We all have our roles to play. If for some reason, a crime is to be committed, your fate would be determined by lead officials, and then heard from members of the community. It is always for our greater good. More often than not, you would be judged based not only on your crime, but the contributions you make and have made to the community. If the contributions are not significant enough to justify you remaining, you would be requried to leave the community. Whether or not a neighboring community desires to accept you, has nothing to do with us. The most recent crime was committed years ago. Laborer, he owned one of the local bread shops. He was required to produce certain amount of goods, for the community, for a block trade. In order to mantain his lifestyle within the uppers. He also was recieving a fair share of privildged goods that no lower could ever dream to see. It was found that he had been tricking the system. The goods he gave to trade, were tampered with. A certain amount in weight was due to be shipped every month. He had slyly added things within his contributions to meet the weight requirements, while hoarding materials needed. What he did with those extra materials we do not know, as this was a long time ago. Before my birth. Word of hoarding for personal gain, as well as sharing within the lowers has been spread throughout different mouths, different times. Ultimately, he was found. The block-trading system was updated, any loose ends quickly cut. He was a necessary laborer, well known and desirable, it was determined by the officials, and of the community, he would be stripped of his privileges, live out the remainder of his days amongst the lowers, while still providing his labors. That is, of course, he would like to stay in the community. Taking the chance of leaving, risking being turned down by other communities, unknown to us, was far to great of a risk to take. Considering that though he was a favorable baker and laborer within our community, still does not erase the fact that bakers are a dime a dozen. If anything, it's one of the safest laboring positons to have. Skill is learned, Passion made, and well, then there are the materials needed to consider. That may set any lower back a few. considering we have only what is shared. And when a thousand hands have stretched, used and processed, theres only so much thats left behind.
And that is exactly why I learned to get creative with my art. My materials are molded by things that I have found. I learned to make my own paint, out of things like berries. Grass, even. Mud. I make sculptures out of any materials I can find, natural or not needed, discarded. Theres a lot of opportunity within the community, even as a lower you are permitted to visit the town, observe the uppers and laborers as they play out their roles. enjoying the fruition of their positions. It is not to say we have nothing. We just have less. We share the same, just perhaps the bottom of the barrels. More sharing for the lowers. But that also is understandable, engrained into the fact if you do not work to provide for the greater of the community, then it is only fair to accept what comes with that. And it is why we are motivated to work harder, to rise from this, to serve greater. be better.
Narrating my routine in my head, over and over again helps me in getting closer to that quieted aspiration i have of finding a place within the community. Hours can go by, dawn turns to dusk with every finished painting. as the days pass, my work gets better and better. Since there is no place for me to keep my work, and materials hard to come by, I do my part in assisting Xavier, an upper. His father does wood work. He and his father cut down trees, they have the materials and skills require to be able to source wood, turning it into the needed material to build, to create. I will pitch in now and then, aiding Xavier, aiding his father, to provide me the scraps I need to supply my art, that cannot be found in nature. Ironically, paper. A resource that is not within our community. A luxury good, we exchange with the west, as they favor the sweet tasting berries of our community. our block. With the good grace of Xavier, I am allowed a small shed to store my work. piles and piles of paintings stacked. Seasoned and piled, crisped and turning. A timeline of my existence, a physical scale of my progress.
Our communities are packed within our block, all belonging to each other. However, there is what is known as the Landing. It is where the founding of the Beginning began. Where the founders reside, and have expanded and grown within the 90 years of which the beginning took place. The location of the Landing is unknown, though we are aware of its existence, as every 10 to 15 years, a hand of the Landing comes, scouring each district for one Valuable. Every 10 to 15 years, one Valuable is selected from each block. A valuable is chosen by each community, hand picked by voting within its members. The 50 chosen's are then narrowed down by one thing. their skill. Their skills can range drastically. The Landings look for some one with skills that set them apart from the others. They are recruited and invited back to the Landing. They are inspirations to us all. There has not been a lower selected from any community in 50 years. Any member has the opportunity to submit their skills. The community members review, and choose. Then fate takes it course.
Chapter 1
I am sitting by the edge of the woods that separates our community from our closest neighbor, East-Wood. The crisp air of autumn sends a chill down my spine, as im hunching over a painting I have been working on for awhile now. With winter coming, demand slows. My access to materials dwindles, forcing me to preserve what I have. It is a bittersweet process. I give myself a chance to raise this piece, adding detail slowly, and gradually. mindfully painting, scraping, adding pieces here or there. Allowing myself designated times to paint, to lose myself within one of the few things that gives me the greatest sense of joy. The painting is of wood, a small cabin, similar to the small homes the uppers have to themselves. Coloring the trees different shades, as if representing all four seasons, intertwined as one. Im stumped on a minor detail, deciding between one shade of green, or another. One I want to use more, but have less of. I hear a crunch of twigs behind me, and I smell the cedar sweet scent, of Xavier.
"I knew I'd find you here." He says in his usual charmed way. I dont need to turn around to know that Octavia is at his hide, trailing behind him. Equally as exuberant, happy to find me in the same spot I am always lost in at this particular part of the day.
I give him a sly look, and quickly cover my painting. Octavia glances over Xaviers shoulder to sneak a peak. I playfully scorn her, smothering her with my almond-amber eyes. "Dont even try it."
She rolls her eyes at me, kicking a twig at me. "You know, you could do more than paint even, if you wanted. Building dolls or horses out of twigs like you do your sculptures. I am seeing a new labor opportunity here." Octavia is resides in the lower, alongside me. Natural born skills come harder for her, but it has never shown in our friendship. She has never offered me anything less than pure, genuine love and support and belief. They engrain into us that we all possess the ability and opportunity to fufill our duties for the community. But in reality, the reality I have seen, uppers like Xavier, who fumbles with an axe, has more of a chance to remain as an upper. considering he has the materials available. He has lived and breathed a laborers life since his first breath. He may scrape and fumble, but his chances remain higher. Octavia, on the other hand, her mother a failed-baker, same as my mother, what skills do we have other than what we have witnessed from afar, or now and then when resources made available? Octavia possesses a certain magic to her that could captivate any audience. I am probably the one and only person she has yet to sell. due to my own resistance.
I have no desire to contest my sweet soul-sister. I simply smile, fold up my paper, stand up to join my friends as the sun is setting, and the chill is dampening. "Only if I have you to represent me." I poke at her.
"and Xavier can supply the wood!" she beams, elbowing him.
"What shall we call our labor? Shall we share our home in the upper-lala land?" He jests. Something so natural to him, yet foreign for us, lowers. Whom share a hall of twenty beds, where uppers have the choice between one private cabin, or a slighly larger cabin shared with whom they desire. We link arms, and make our way to the center. Where we break away, casting Xavier away towards his side, With Octavia and my arm still linked, leading us back to ours.
She bumps her hip to mine, breathing a whisper my way, "I mean it, you know." she gives me a serious stare. "Your work. It's breathtaking. Nothing I have ever seen before. You really could even. You know. Present your skills. To be a valuable." she gets quieter at she says valuable. Its almost so unbelievable, unrealistically unachievable, its hard to stomach, impossible to digest. which is why i immediately retort the idea, smothering the flame before it could even become lit. The fire within me, that desires my art to be seen. But the way laboring positions are so scarce, so competitive. Why breathe light into something that could not possibly exist.
"Impossibly impratical." Is all I get out. No time for lose ends, one days, if onlys. We live in a predictable, mechanical world.
She sighs. Kisses me on the cheek, and sweetly says, "If only you could see your talent the way Xavier and I do." I look down at my feet, and by the time my eyes are looking up, Octavia and her raven-black hair is sweeping in the wind, making its way to her hall. She casts me a goodnight, see you tomorrow. Where we will break fast, meet again, and recreate the same day over again.
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brighteyesredfire · 6 months
beloved sequel to aitsf it sure kicked me in the balls
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I just remembered a google doc i compiled of my post game flurry of thoughts after playing this one and decided perhaps they deserved a little cleaning up and placing here. So Here they are.
TL:DR i liked parts of this game but some really big glaring aspects kind of spat on them and destroyed any persistent good will i still had for it in me...especially reflecting back on it months later.
/ spoilers from here /
To start this is largely a visnov so i wont be saying much about the gameplay, the qte's are what they are i have no strong preference for them either way. I'll mostly be commenting on the narrative here.
God Uchikoshi you really grind my balls sometimes.
To start off, the main twist. We all know it, the beautiful stupid DNA timeline twist that warps at the end and gives everyone a headache when they go oh god wtf is the continuity doing here actually.
After all has been said and done i don't know what the purpose of hiding the fact the story was split the way it was... WAS in the first place. It didn't really resonate emotionally with anything, it was mostly just a confusing 20 minutes of me staring at the screen once it happened. It basically lives in service of being a fun twist... but for what!?! the entire story forces itself to bend around this twist so the player doesn't see it coming (to its own detriment) and it doesn't even do anything with it. It's just there to Be A Twist.
You could rewrite this entire game with Ryuki doing all the past segments and Mizuki all the present somehow, and then just shuffle it if you wanted the presentation to be confusing to the audience lmao. But Bibi secretly being past Mizuki, i really don't know what we get from it in the audience other than LMAO didn't see that one coming!
The most this game gets from splitting the story like this ill grant it is that it does help make the audience almost feel Ryuki's dissociation more because some shit just doesn't make any fucking sense between scenes. The off kilter way characters will just say or mention something that completely confuses you as a player is fun but i don't know if its worth all the bullshit required to trick the audience 😭
The swapping also helps hint at timeline nonsense for SIMULATION THEORY stuff but you could also have just done that without the two Mizuki trick, hell just have mizuki and ryuki be literally communicating between the past and the future instead (zero escape fan jumping out sorry).
Ryuki can shoot someone else to save tama in the past to make the plot go, it doesn't need to be Bibi! Offscreen Abis psyncer #4 get over here like, lmao Bibi's existence just continues to horribly grate for me.
Speaking of, my next gripe, Bibi and Mizuki! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!
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Starting off on a positive note, I liked the interactions her and Mizuki had actually, that is to say i liked them so i didnt really realise why i was so bored recalling them at first.
But it is simply because i don't really care…. about the designer baby twist or secret sister twist like did we need to shove another secret backstory onto mizuki for some reason? it felt. EXCESSIVE. to the point of it being nothing (getting apollo justice ptsd rn dude).
Mizuki could still have been experimented on as a baby unknowingly somehow (renju and shoko wake up) and i don't mind them wanting to explain her hulk strength but like i didn't need the secret clone twin and i was raised at an orphanage stuff.
Also Bibi being so similar to Mizuki personality wise, that they're nigh indistinguishable while playing is just kind of boring. I dont want mizuki 2… id rather a different new character…!?! It also just steals screen time away from... MIZUKI!? WHO'S KIND OF MEANT TO BE THE TITULAR CHARACTER OF THIS SEQUEL. AND ALSO IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE WHY THEY WOULD ACT EXACTLY THE SAME (EXPLODES).
Everyone and their mother has also complained that it just shoots her arc in the first game in the head, i dont need to repeat myself but oh my god bro. I guess it makes Shoko's abuse and Renju's distance almost paradoxically worse if she was adopted too because they would have adopted her into. A FAILING MARRIAGE, its almost cartoonishly bad now.
In retrospect i realise i liked Bibi and Mizuki's conversations just because it felt like caring dialogue between Mizuki and another character, and her getting a chance to be wistful or vulnerable for a few scenes in this game (that she gets alarmingly few of). The thing is, i would vastly have preferred she got these scenes with any other existing characters in the cast… that she actually has a developed relationship with, so it's like a sea of wasted potential. I don't care about Bibi!? Frankly i don't know why Mizuki kind of does!? She doesn't really know her either!? AHHH!!!!
Her one scene where she actually reunites with Date in this game is comically short and undercut bc the plot is fucking zooming by and cant take the time to actually do anything too emotional with it. BUT BIBI AND MIZUKI GET ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD TO CHAT ON A PARK BENCH. im so angry sorry. Bibi is just so pointless and i hate her twist i hate her purpose in the story, nothing would be lost if she was written out out of this thing to give mizuki a better spotlight.
Regarding Mizuki's writing in general in this game, it is kind of terrible. She can barely do anything with the time she has and she also... barely develops or changes throughout this game despite the list of shitzillion alarming things that supposedly occur to her during its timeline!? (because no one can change bc of the goddamn dna twist).
I wish she was slightly less chipper most of the time considering her 6 years suddenly being abandoned again, suddenly parent-less again without Date and somehow coping. Ryuki becomes a depressed alchoholic in that same time near her, WHYS HE HOGGING ALL THE DATE ANGST….? ITS ALMOST FUNNY.
I almost wanted her to be more similar to how she is as a kid, a bit guarded and combative (acting out or being hardheaded), especially to Boss. It would have been an interesting dynamic seeing as she's her new guardian (and literal work boss). It would make the moments she is happy or upbeat again stand out more. So many of these relationships between games just feel underutilized.
You could make her get along better with Pewter over Boss, bonding via shared trauma or talking about Aiba. Those early few moments they wrote in Ryuki's somnium with her hyping him up and thinking hes cool because of the tech hes made were so good lmfao, but there's barely anything else like them.
I think her hanging out at ABIS more than home after Date dissapears even if its awkward (ryuki, boss, pewter all in the same place) because it's preferable to being alone is so interesting as a thought… but none of this or how it effects her is barely touched on. IT SUCKS!
Let's move onto Ryuki, shall we...
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Going into this game no one thinks they're going to like Ryuki over Mizuki, no ones thinking hell yes this new random twink is going to outsell Mizuki in her segments and writing, im going to be madly attached to him over any other reoccurring character in this game. Well Guess What HE DID IN FACT DO THAT. Thats how bad they handle the existing cast in this thing. Uchikoshi we have to stop letting you write sequels.
Ryuki's great, his brain is broken, his got an evil video game virus, hes bisexual, hes fail, he's gods special-est little psyncer, i could go on. The fact this is his introductory game means he actually gets to have a semblance of an arc, which compared to every other character in the game is a big win honestly.
On that note however, there are still downsides. His background is brought up then not incorporated at all which was funny, and i dont have a real problem with it. Though if they never called the masked woman, a woman, i would have instantly thought it was actually his brother, because as a stupid anime twist it'd make more sense than MIZUKI having one. and would have been. like. more interesting lmao.
Im resorting to writing au fanfic now in this review don't hold it against me but that is how much i dislike the bibi twist. You don't need to make his secret dead brother an ABIS agent either to take her role, he can just be fucking, vigilante man. Invent a good reason he didn't say anything to Ryuki here, its not that hard, maybe after his accident Chikara grabbed him and did x amount of horrible things to him and only after he died did he find freedom. Then over the next 6 years remember who he is, YOU DID IT TO DATE LIKE. LOL CMON.
His brother resents a choice he made blindly pursuing justice and it ruined his life. Just like a certain Mr Ryuki does in this game? Who is trying to cope with forgiving himself, now reflected back? Hmmmmmmmmm ? Cmon. Cmon. im giving this away for free.
I used to have an idea brewing in my head too over marco somehow being based on his brother, or having part of his brother in him but that would require some heavy rewrites like just make shit up territory now roflmao but ..! Yknow ! My point is we could have given any of this more relevance and it would have been probably better off.
Speaking of TheBestCharacterInThisGameRyuki, hes offscreen for some significant endgame time to the point that he felt almost like an afterthought, which was also amusing. Also, and perhaps this is due to the nature of the timeline lying to you, it just seems like at the end of the game hes just like dont worry. I got better 👍 and we then just moved on from his problems lol.
One of what'd be his most pivotal scenes is offscreen? We get the peptalk from Date after but its still kind of ridiculous. We don't get to see the depressed bisexual man see the guy he loves on screen again for the first time after thinking he killed him for six years!? Mizuki's Date reunion gets shafted, why is Date even in this damn game.
And, I mean Ryuki is probably still mentally ill and coping better after date has re-alived but as for how the timeline was resolved its just a little flippant regarding his emotional arc, it kind of peeters out... the fucking secret routes almost more of an ending to his character development lmao. Yet, the meta stuff is also underbaked, i wish it had more relevance in this actual plotline.
Moving onto the rest of the cast...!
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Regarding the others - Lien and Kizuna dragged Mizuki segments down considerably on account of they suck; they were both snore and nothing characters. Remove or redo them completely or even just tie their character development to OTHER CHARACTERS and not each others godawful ROMANCE.
Have Lien be more tied to his Gen, Date bestie trio (even his past with moma!? wow something for him to do in this game) or have Kizuna relying on Iris in her rough time after getting caught up in an explosion instead (and wow here's something for Iris to actually do in this game now too). Just stop gods worst straight pair ever written in these games PLEASE. U CAN KEEP THE DUMB PROPOSAL JOKE SCENE IF U REALLY NEED TO. BUT JUST HAVE LIEN GO FML…okay w/e and move on. stop this.
Mame as a character to focus on was great, Gen can be written less tropey and melodramatic so i dont fucking laugh at all his cutscenes but otherwise, he was fine. Outside him also being in love with Amame (stop doing this). I liked Shoma and Square Dad just fix his head its so hard to take him seriously, in my perfect world Shoma gets an older model and doesn't get hit with super non aging but i can let slow growth go…..for now…..
Tama and Aiba were great, i do think there needs to be some sort of resolution over Date and Mizuki sharing aiba now that hes back…maybe this is where marco can come in and be Mizuki's new permanent in the epilogue scenes lmao, (blue!) though she still switches Aiba in sometimes bc thats her ai mom… :)
At this point im dreaming up things to make myself feel better because i hate thinking about this games execution. All of this crap essentially boils down to, we had to sacrifice a bunch of shit to make our big twist work, and it wasn't even a good twist and i dont know why the fuck we did it.
Good aspects and characters saved it at times, but ultimately, this games feels like a waste and a wash and a sea of lost potential.
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More spoilery Zelda thoughts:
-I WANT LORE ON THE BARGAINER STATUES SO BAD. Who built them? Who made their bodies so damn big? Were they made at all, or are they just like. Weird fossilized spirits? Why are there inexplicably two smaller, head-only versions(possibly more I am unaware of) hanging out on the surface? I know Josha's was probably recovered from the depths directly but what about the one in the Great Plateau? WHAT IS THEIR DEAL I WANNA KNOW PLS I AM BEGGING
-i really just am completely obsessed with Josha, bc she really reminds me exactly of how I've imagined my OC Calli would behave if I put her in this universe. It's quite funny honestly, how entirely similar they are, down to the excitability and gullibility.
-i am having a lot of fun figuring out how my OC Koro fits into the story. So much to consider! granted im having to redo quite a bit of the stuff i established in botw, but hey, sequels, amirite? i'll need to update her writeup when i can. i can say definitively that she and Sidon split up(obviously) but she ended up with her old childhood/teen friend Grante(who now goes by Granteson, which i love lol), and she's super close with Josha, who reminds her of her passed sister.
-i love that you can ride on the dragons now. especially now that i know the origin of the Light Dragon, i like to imagine Link, though he's not much of a talker, takes to riding her around Hyrule and just, tells her how everyone's doing, and how much they miss her. i'm currently sat on her head so i can farm dragon parts and it always makes me sad lol
-i am still having WAY more fun in the Depths than i am in the Sky Islands lol. i have probably a good 70% of the lightroots activated at this point? im mostly just trying to find all of those before i really get to properly exploring.
-i have all the main quests finished up to what i assume will be the final fight against Ganondorf. THIS GAME GIVES YOU A FUCKIN ROBIT HELL YEAH. also i love having all the sages unlocked bc you can just gang up on any creature in hyrule and it fucks.
-still havent gone up against a Gleeok proper yet, though. they scare the shit out of me lmfao. too stronk.
-the return of Puppet Zelda has been a great touch, and without her narration, the blood moon is even spookier imo. just silence, and then monsters reanimating. oof.
-the Frox down in the Depths are interesting to me. they dont do Gloom damage like almost every enemy down there, which implies they might be the only native creature to the Depths? very fascinating!
0 notes
luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
I would be honored if you could do an imagine for Fili crushing on someone who went on the journey with the Company. He thought she liked his brother, but after seeing him with Tauriel, Fili feels like he has a chance and offers everything to make her as happy as he thought she would be with Kili. Lovely fluff and some misunderstandings with everyone living because IF I CAN'T SEE CANON THEN IT DOESN'T EXIST
Mixed signals, Fili Durin (platonic Kili x reader)
what do you mean they don’t usually live???? Idk I always skip the last half hour of botfa. If I don’t see it, it doesn’t exist.
Ahahah I got taken away a bit so it’s a long request. Sorry….
Headcanons, female s/o
Tw: misunderstood feelings, mention of injury and blood, tiny sprinkle of angst, fluff, Kili being a lil shit, Fili being jealous, few mentions of Y/N I’m so sorry.
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- This man is whipped for you. I posted a request similar to this one yesterday, and I feel like it says enough.
- The moment he sees you, he knows you’re his One. Yet, he can’t allow himself to show you. His brother wouldn’t shut up about it and besides that, after Erebor was to be reclaimed, he had to marry royalty in order to form an alliance.
- But Thorin wasn’t blind. He has seen the look in Dis’ eyes many times before. He had seen his sister find her One, so it came as nothing out of the ordinary when he witnessed his nephew do the same.
- And this is pre-dragonsickness. Back when Thorin was all “I hate everyone but I guess I have to keep up with these two idiots so I’ll tolerate them.”
- And he wanted to grant Fili the opportunity to be with his One. He had even told him to simply go for it.
- But Fili was a bit insecure. When you met him, you didn’t seem taken away in any way. It was almost as if it had only been him who was in love.
- And with that, you had grown remarkably close to his brother, Kili. You two joked around all the time. You sat together during the evenings, Kili would help you up on your horse/pony, he would take offer your watches and he even let you hold his bow and arrow. That is basically dwarven language for “I love you and I wish to court you” or “I love you and I’m so glad to have you in my family.”
- What Fili didn’t know is that Thorin told Kili about you being his One. But instead of teasing Fili about it, Kili had made it his duty to agitate his brother so much that he would have no choice but to confess to you before Kili would sneak you away.
- For your information: Kili had no intention of sneaking you away. He just wanted to make it look like it for Fili, and, lucky for him, you had just been going along with it subconsciously.
- But it did not agitate Fili. It made the poor lad confused and tired. You were showing so much affection and endearment to his brother that he felt like he could never compete. Even though Kili had never been attractive in dwarven standards, he knew his way around women. And seeing someone finally pay attention to him, made Fili happy for his brother.
- And Kili just kept up with the act. He was oblivious to what his brother was feeling. Thorin had quite specifically told Kili not to tell his brother, and for once, he didn’t. But when days turned into weeks, Kili made more advances. Not in any way uncomfortable for you, but they had been a step further.
- He would let you rest against him during night shifts, he would let his hand linger on your waist when he helped you get onto your horse/pony. This sneaky bastard even managed to toy with your hair.
- Fili grew absolutely devastated at these moments. He had distanced himself more and truly felt as if his One had been taken away and he would die alone.
- But then Mirkwood happened. It was obvious to Fili that his brother had taken a liking on Tauriel, the female elf that saved him earlier. You had been passed out of exhaustion in your cell, not paying attention to your surroundings anymore.
- And that was when Fili finally decided to speak.
- “What are you doing? I thought you liked Y/N and now you’re flirting with that elf? You can’t treat her like that!”
- And now Kili was confused.
- “I thought you liked Y/N?” He had questioned, not even knowing whether his uncle had been lying to him or not.
- “That doesn’t matter. What matters is, you can’t just run around-“ but Kili had already cut him off. “It does matter. Because Y/N isn’t my One. I’m not attracted to her!”
- And now Fili was dead silent. He had been contemplating on whether to act furious or taken aback. In reality, he had been a bit of both.
- “You don’t like Y/N?” Fili asked, nearly insulted.
- “I was only trying to agitate you. Uncle said she was your One but that you wouldn’t confess.” Kili admitted finally, knowing that keeping the act up any longer wouldn’t work.
- “So you tried to beat it out of me?” The only response the blonde got was a quiet hum.
- “You thought I would take away your chance of happiness?” Fili wondered aloud, his anger now showing more clearly. “Well, not if you put it like that-“ “How else am I supposed to put it?”
- With those words, the space grew quiet. One more question lingered on Fili’s mind, and he had to ask it.
- “Does she know you don’t like her?” A short pause was heard from Kili before he responded. “She does. When we grew closer she told me she wasn’t attracted to me and I told her she wasn’t my One.”
- A sigh of relief came Fili’s way, but his brother kept on talking. “She grew all confused by the concept of ‘Ones’. Had to give her a whole history lesson. She thinks it’s adorable. I’m sure she won’t reject you.” With those words, Fili’s ears pricked up.
- “How so?” “Because every time we are together, she won’t stop asking me about you.” Fili never thought someone could ever bring him more butterflies than when you smiled at him, but as Kili’s sentences reached him, his stomach felt all light again.
- “At first I thought it was because you were ignoring her, but I quickly figured out that wasn’t the case.” Kili shot a quick look his brother’s way, even though he had been in a cell on the other side of the hall. “She likes you, she really does. She’s not as good at hiding it as you are. If you ask her to court you, she won’t say no.”
- Fili had spent the entire night pondering over his brother’s words. Even as they escaped the dungeons and took the boat to Laketown, his anxiety bubbled up.
- But as soon as the orcs entered the city, reality sunk back in. They had been on the run while simultaneously claiming their homeland. There might be a chance neither of you would make it. And it terrified him.
- As you were busy holding off the orcs in Bard’s home, Fili had been right beside you covering your back. He knew asking you to court him would require more steps. Up until this moment you had only held a handful of conversations, but Fili was running out of patience.
- “When all this is over, I need you by my side.” He told you quickly, his voice heavy as he fenced off the attackers. You grew confused at your words, yet your actions did not falter one bit. And it only made Fili more attracted to you. How you maintained yourself on a battlefield, yet somehow managed to hold that perfect look. It could quite easily take his breath away.
- “But I am by your side.” You answered, not catching his meaning, thinking it had been too good to be true.
- “I mean by my side at Erebor. When we reclaim the mountain. Will you stay with me?” Upon your silence, Fili tried explaining his speech. “I know asking you to court me requires more steps but we might not have time for them anymore. I need you to stay with me. We can do all these steps afterwards, I promise.”
- You cast him a quick look before giving him a sincere nod. “I’ll stay with you.”
- And that is exactly what you did. Upon finally arriving at the mountain with the four dwarves, Fili finally got the time to braid your hair, even if Thorin told him to look for the Arkenstone. You had even managed to braid his hair too, even though you had no beads yet.
- Even as Thorin slowly grew insane, Fili had done what he promised; he remained by your side, defending you against his uncle and keeping you as safe as he could.
- During the battle of the five armies, you stayed with him and Kili. You traveled with the three of you, not once separating. Not even when Fili decided you should split up. Because of that, you managed to do quite a number on Azog before Thorin called out to him.
- Azog had gotten a good slash on your leg, nothing life threatening but enough to make you collapse on the spot. Fili had been so worried. He had promised to look out for you, but now you were bleeding out on the snow covered floor. Kili had already ran off for help, even though the possibility he would come back with one would be highly unlikely, as battle was still raging on.
- On top of Ravenhill everything had grown silent. Bodies of dead orcs were littered over the floor but all that mattered to Fili right now was you being safe. Eventually, Kili had ran back with Bilbo, Thorin and Gandalf by his side. They had successfully beaten Azog, finally putting an end to the bloodshed.
- As the mountain was being rebuilt, Oin had put you on bed rest to let your leg heal and Fili had been with you the entire time. Thorin hadn’t even tried to get him for royal duties. He knew he had been awful to you during his dragonsickness, and this was his way of apologizing to you. And you had been fine with it.
- When you had finally recovered, Kili took you to the forges to make beads for Fili. You wanted it to be a surprise for him, but you needed supervision. At first, Dis, Fili and Kili’s mother, had offered to help, but it had become her duty to distract the crown prince.
- A few burns and scratched had started to form on both your and Kili’s hands but it had been worth it. The beads were incredible.
- Fili was so happy when you gave them to him. He was so surprised by the amazing details and the thought and time your poured into them.
- He wears them the entire time. Now exceptions. Not even for bed or bath. None. They must always be in his hair.
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bokettochild · 3 years
Sisters, Scoldings and Seaside Memories
My excuse? I wanted to write the Oracles meeting the heroes and it spiraled into some Legend angst, because, well- this is me.
I do have a prompt I blame for this though, so go yell at the folks at @linkeduniverse-prompts for inspiring me with this idea.
The heroes had landed in Legend’s world again, jolted across time and space by yet another sudden switch, one that had left them more shaken and out of sorts than normal, and which, quite to everyone’s panic, had nearly made Four pass out. As was, the smithy had clutched ahold of the nearest hero at the moment, Legend, and refused to let go, resulting in his getting picked up and carried by the vet after they had figured out where they were.
The fact that they had been dumped so close to Legend’s house (they were only just a half an hour’s walk away) had unnerved the vet, and a few others, but there was no sign of monsters as far as their scouting crew could tell, even with the heavy rainfall, and if Hyrule, Wild and Twilight all agreed that the path was safe, then no one else was going to be the one to question them. After all, if you can’t trust the two best survivors and the best tracker on their team, who could they trust?
Ravio had greeted the group with open arms and cheerful welcomes, pulling the sopping smithy out of Legend’s hold and cooing when the multi-colored hero hadn’t even protested. Legend didn’t appear too very put out about it either, just shaking his head with a smile that he hid behind dripping bangs as he’d removed his shoes and barked orders at the rest of them to do the same.
While Legend stoked the fire and grabbed a blanket for Four, who Ravio was settling in his own favorite overstuffed arm-chair (if Ravio hated Legend's rocker, then Legend had already condemned that chair to the furthest corners of the dark world), the rest of the heroes stood about toweling themselves off and looking around. Ravio had reorganized again, although he’d left a few things, like the strange mask on the wall and a few other decorations, alone. It looked nice, cozier, although a bit less like a shop. When asked why, the merchant had waved off the curious looks from both the heroes and his housemate.
“I figured with all y’all visiting so much I’d probably better work out of the shed. It took a bit of tidying up- now Mr. Hero, don’t look at me like that, it was a mess! Anyways, I tidied it up, moved most of the things into the basement where you can get at them easier, Mr. Hero, and set up shop! Now y’all won’t have to worry about my things getting in the way.” Ravio smiled brightly as he finished, patting Four’s head and ignoring the smithy’s irritated look and looking pointedly at Warriors instead.
It was clear that Ravio’s adoption of Legend and Twilight’s use of the word ‘y’all’ was bothering the poor captain immensely.
The evening progressed as usual, with Ravio humming off key as he bustled about the house making ready the bedrooms for the heroes’ use. Wild, perhaps in wake of the pie incident, had finally been granted access to the kitchen, which allowed him to make dinner while the others offered Ravio their aid.
As “host” Legend had been assigned the task of sitting with Four until the smithy felt a bit better. The vet had at first protested leaving all the work to the others, but Ravio had finally persuaded him by pointing out that Mr. Smithy shouldn’t be left alone to stew too much in his thoughts, and wouldn’t Mr. Hero like to make sure the Hero of the Four Sword was quite alright in this particular Hyrule? Why that worked, or why Ravio had used that specific wording was unknown to the others, but Legend caved quickly after that, changing into a horridly oversized tunic and joining Four on the couch, the smithy leaning against him while the two talked over mundane things like metal imbalances in weapons and other such matters.
Time hadn’t been able to hide a snort of laughter as he caught wind of Four very casually explaining proper cooling methods to use on newly forged swords to a flushed veteran, and Legend had looked one instant away from snapping back about a recent mishap involving such a task, only stopped the smith’s continued softness of voice and weary eyes.
The knock on the door only sounded however, once most of the others had already bustled into the kitchen, leaving Legend and Four to eat their dinner together where the smith would be most comfortable and Legend couldn’t scold Twilight for his ‘wolfish’ manners at the dinner table.
Considering the vet had trouble keeping himself clean, Warriors had quietly commented that maybe the other boy didn’t exactly have room to be complaining about table manners.
The sound at the door was lost to those in the kitchen as they chattered and laughed, but to the two heroes in the living room it was clear as day, and startled them both so much that they both fumbled with their bowls, violet clashing with brown as sheepish smiles marred both their faces, light laughter on their lips at their shared startle.
The knock sounded again, this time urgent, repetitive and with a desperate air.
Amusement flickered to worry as Legend had risen from the couch, the line of his shoulders tight with worry as he’d reached for the sword he’d left at the door before even daring to lay his fingers on the door handle. Four’s own hand had scrabbled for his blade, but he’d remained sitting, tense and alert with his ears pricked forwards and eyes sharp against whatever might be outside.
There were a few things Legend was expecting to see when he’d opened the door; royal guards coming for the bounty that the king had still failed to lift from him, despite most all of Hyrule knowing by now of his innocence of the crimes attributed to him, or maybe it would be a villager desperately reporting a monster attack down in Kakariko, he had thought it strange they had been dumped so conveniently close to home with no danger immediately evident.
What was on the other side however was not any of the things on his mental list.
Three cloaked figures stood outside the door, two of them nearly looming over him as a pair of sharp blue eyes stared at him from beneath the shade of a hood, stern and wary, but not entirely devoid of concern. “Link! Oh, thank heavens you’re here!”
“Nayru?” The vet blinked in surprise, gaze falling first on the Oracle in front of him and then to her sisters, standing behind her and wrapped tightly against the rain. And for lack of anything better to say, or even think, he opened the door a bit wider, motioning vaguely with the sword still in his other hand. “Come in.”
Four’s eyes followed the three girls as green, red and blue had brightened the dimming room, the bright hair and clothes of the three Oracles strangely out of place in the muted tones of Legend and Ravio’s house. Legend stashed his sword back against the wall, taking the cloaks from the three ladies and hanging them on hooks with everyone else’s as Nayru turned to him with her face drawn and eyes flickering sternly.
“Link.” Nayru began, frowning down at the vet, who stared up at her with similar seriousness. “It has come to my attention that there has been a temporal and chronological anomaly that seems to have been following you, I’ve come to ask-”
“Four!” Farore’s trill broke through the tense atmosphere as the Oracle of Secrets rushed over to bundle the Hero of Four Swords into a hug. “How? Oh, my stars! It’s been so long! You look so much older!” The girl exclaimed, holding the sheepish smithy at arm's length and inspecting him. “I haven’t seen you in forever! Although, I suppose it seems like less time for you. Linky! How on earth did you rescue him?” That stopped the smithy silent, and he stared up at the greenette before him curiously as she chattered on, worry in her eyes. “Is that why he looks ill? Did you-”
“Farore.” For maybe the first time in his life, Legend actually managed a half decent growl. Sure, he still squeaked a bit, but it was low and harsh enough to nearly count.
“How-” Nayru frowned, blinking slowly at the smithy seated on the couch while Din waved to him quietly.
“Boys, is everything-” Time’s voice was cut off as the three Oracles spun to stare at him, color draining from their faces as Din buried her face in her hands, Farore tensed and Nayru stiffened, sharp blue eyes turning to Legend with a glare.
“I told you to never play with the Harp of Ages!”
“I didn’t!” Legend snapped back, glaring up at the older girl with something similar to a pout. For the other two heroes, had it not been for the painful tension of the situation, they may have smiled at how much the interaction looked like a pair of siblings arguing over a valued toy.
“Then how is he-” Nayru flung a hand out to point at Time, who stood awkwardly in the doorway. “-here?” The Oracle faltered, gaze turning back to Time in confusion before settling on Legend again. “Wait, which hero is that again?”
“Ouch.” Time deadpanned, completely on instinct.
“Hero of Time.” Legend returned with a scowl.
“Wait.” Farore stared from one hero to another in confusion. “Isn’t he dead? Linky, are you- have you been rescuing-”
“This one didn’t die.” Legend returned, looking increasingly done with the situation while Time and Four both winced.
“Split timelines, remember, Fare?” Din offered with a pained smile.
Nayru scowled, pinching the bridge of her nose as her other hand settled on her hip. “Link, I swear, the Harp of Ages isn’t even supposed to be able to cross realities! Do you know what you’ve done? Link, I know you miss her, but searching across time and space for her just doesn’t work! You’re going to-”
“I didn’t use the freaking harp!” Legend shouted, and to the surprise of both of the others, tears were gathering in his eyes. “So could you just not-” The vet’s voice broke as teary indigo glared up into startled ocean blue. “Could you just not bring that up? I know better, Nayru! Besides, which one of us is it that broke the timeline last time, huh?”
“That wasn’t me.” The blue-haired maiden sighed. “We both know I had no control over any of what happened. But your point stands, I’m- I’m sorry for accusing you.”
“Good.” Legend wrapped his arms around himself, a single tear trickling down his scowling face as Din flew over and wrapped him in a hug. “Oh, Sunshine, she didn’t mean it! We’re just worried is all, you know that, right?” The vet didn’t answer, but he did melt into the hold of the young woman as she patted his back gently.
The others chose that moment to make their respective appearances, peeking around Time to see Nayru standing awkwardly beside the embracing Oracle and Hero while Farore and Four exchanged a Look.
“Legend, who is this?” Hyrule frowned, instant regret flooding over his face as he saw Legend swipe the end of his over-long sleeve over his face with a violent sniffle and a huff, releasing Din as the red-head sighed sadly.
“The Golden Goddesses.” Time answered instead, nodding politely to the three ladies, who all offered him awkward smiles in return.
“The Oracles actually.” Nayru corrected with a strained smile. “Apologies, Forest Hero.” She inclined her head respectfully. “I meant no disrespect, it’s only that you are quite similar in appearance to another hero from this world, one that is near and dear-” The woman’s voice stuttered to a halt as she stared at the others peeking out from behind the eldest hero.
The room fell to silence for a brief moment as Nayru’s face fell, eyes widening dramatically as her shoulders slumped. “Is that- Link, how many Heroes of Courage are in your home?”
“Nine.” Legend huffed, crossing his arms and looking anywhere else but at the girl. “Counting me anyway.”
“Nine Heroes of Courage.” The Oracle repeated, dumbstruck, before rubbing her hands over her face. “That’s like half of all of Hylia’s Heroes in all! Why? Why would so many be gathered in one place? How did you even meet them?”
The vet shrugged, still not meeting the baby-blue eyes that turned his way in desperation. “A lizard. Also, portals.”
From where she was now sitting next to Four, Farore nodded. “That sounds just bizarre enough to be true.”
At Nayru’s nod of agreement, Din reached out to ruffle Legend’s pink hair. “Just like you to get pulled along in something like that, isn’t it, Link?”
The soft chuckle earned a hesitant smile from the vet as the others pushed further into the room, only to freeze again as Nayru’s startled again, staring across the room at Warriors, eyes full of horror. “Oh no. Not you!”
The captain blinked in surprise, offense taking over as he stared at the young woman. “Excuse me?”
Nayru shook her head, no long paying attention as she cupped her cheeks. “No, not the blasted Hero of Warriors! Oh, why me!”
“Okay, now that’s just offensive.” The captain huffed, crossing his arms indignantly as Legend chuckled softly.
Sharp blue eyes made the captain still again as the Oracle of Ages whimpered softly. “Of all the people in your home, Link, you had to have the one Hylian that my daughters obsess over? Why?”
All eyes turned to the vet, who now looked similarly dumbfounded and horrified, blinking slowly at nothing as one hand buried itself in his long bangs. “My niece has a crush on-” the vet viably gagged, face screwing up as he looked up to meet the confused stare of the captain, “-Oh my gross!”
“Seriously?” Warriors huffed with a glare before throwing his hands up, voice raising slightly as he spoke. “Could someone kindly explain why all of you suddenly find me disgusting?”
“Not you.” Din laughed. “My nieces just have something of an obsession with you, and Nayru’s sick of it. Add to that that-”
“Of all the people,” Legend interrupted with a horror filled mumble. “For my nieces to have a crush on, it had to be my brother? Just- oh that is just so incredibly gross!” Violet met twinkling red as the vet leaned back to stare at Din. “Why do the ladies in my family always have such weird taste in men?”
“Says the guy who had a crush on his now sister.” Farore sniggered, now fully wrapped up in the blankets with Four, despite no one having noticed either of them move. The smithy didn’t appear to mind either, his smile matching that of the Oracle of Secrets’, even if he didn’t appear to know exactly what was going on any more than the rest of them.
“It wasn’t a crush!” Legend near shrieked, stiffening as his face turned nearly as red as the long hair that shimmered in the firelight behind him. “You get asked to dance by a girl you don’t know and see how you act!”
Nayru, now somewhat recovered, grinned impishly at the blushing hero. “That’s right, besides, I’m pretty sure our little brother had a crush on a certain farm girl.”
“I didn’t like Ropely like that!” The vet huffed, brightening further. “Or Malon, if that’s what you’re implying. She’s my freaking cousin and that would just be gross.”
“Malon is your what now?” Time blinked, confused.
“I have a Malon in my time too.” Four offered, very unhelpfully, as the eldest hero looked like he was descending into mental acrobatics. “She works near castle town and even lives on a ranch. I think Malons are a constant in our worlds, just like Zeldas.”
“I don’t have a Malon...” Wind mused quietly while Time began to look increadibly distressed.
“It’s a family name.” Legend huffed, rolling his eyes as his blush began to fade. “Mine was named after our great-something-gramma. The same is probably true of Mamalon, Time. She’s probably named after an ancestor from Four’s time or something.”
“Great!” The smallest Oracle exclaimed with a clap of her hands. “Now that we’ve got that out of the way, can I please make you recognize that my babies are in one place for once?”
Her sisters stared at her, blinking slowly. “Um, Fare, that’s sort of why Nayru just had a freak out?” Legend snorted but his...sister? Ignored it.
“Yes but,” Farore nodded at Four, who she’d once more wrapped in her arms. “Look!”
And they did. Four was cuddled up with a resigned smile, looking positively tiny in the Oracle’s hold and, admittedly, rather cute. There was not one person in the room left unaffected, and several actually cooed when Farore hugged him tightly, burying her face in the smithy’s hair. “All of my babies, I love you all so very much!”
Warriors laughed at that, shaking his head. “What, do the Golden Goddesses have favorite heroes too? I thought that was just Hylia!”
“Unfortunately, that is the case.” Nayru shrugged. “We can’t help getting attached, just like any other Hylian.”
“Who are who’s favorites?” Wind chirped; eyes eager as he stared from one Oracle to another.
It was Din who answered, wrapping her arms around Legend’s shoulders as she stood behind him, smile warm even in the chill of the evening as she stared at the sailor hero. “Sunshine here’s mine, he’s my baby brother after all!”
“Adopted, as all of our other siblings are.” The Oracle of Ages interjected, earning her a pout from her sister and a laugh from the heroes.
“Nayru’s favorite is the Hero of Time, it’s why she calls him by a nickname, and Farore, well...” The red-head grinned to where the youngest of the three Oracles was cooing and fussing over Four. “I think you can guess.”
“Do any of you have second favorites?” Wind pressed, curiosity flickering in ocean blue and silver.
“I haven’t had enough experience with most of the other heroes to really say, although the Hero of Wild’s never fails to make me laugh when I watch him through Nayru’s mirrors.” The Saesonal Oracle laughed, making the hero in question flush lightly. “Both for his pranks and clever antics, and, of course, having a horse named after you means you simply have to adore the owner!”
“Farore has several favorites, she’s just only ever interacted with Link and Four.” Nayru chuckled. “She’s quite fond of those who had to strive for Courage though, so I suppose the Hero of Hyrule and the Hero of Winds likely tie for her second favorite.” The two boys in question grinned brightly at each other. “As for myself, I find that as the Keeper of Time, I have quite the fondness for its hero. Although, my baby brother and brother-in-law are also dear to me.” Twinkling blue settled on Sky’s flushed face as the Oracle winked. “Hylia could have chosen no one better to be her lover, and I approve the match wholeheartedly.”
Sky proceeded to flush a color o one had known existed and quickly lower himself to the floor, smiling madly and covering hisface with his hands, earning tender laughter from the blue-haired maiden as she turned her attention back towards the other heroes.
“And for some reason, I’m the only hero left unfavorited.” The captain sulked.
“If it’s any consolation.” Farore called out. “Our other baby sister thinks you’re cute! She says she’s glad you married her daughter!” The Captain Hero choked, and it was only due to Twilight thumping the others back that the poor man didn’t choke right then and there. “The same goes for the Twilight Hero, Lolia absolutely adores him!”
“How did the same goddess choose us both? We are nothing alike?”
Warriors coughed in what might have been agreement.
Farore only shrugged. “I suppose it’s the same reason she adores Ravio so much, it’s the hero who makes an impression on her world that earns her favor.”
The heroes in question took their time processing that, and in the meantime, Legend darted off toe retrieve dry things for his elder sisters, only to come back to Ravio chattering to the three, who’d now gathered on the same couch as Legend and Four had been on earlier, all answering his questions fondly and politely while Farore continued to suffocate Four with hugs. The smithy didn’t seem to mind though, resting easily, eyes glimmering reddish-brown in the fire-light as the Oracle of Secrets toyed with his ong hair.
“I brought warm clothes.” Legend called, offering the things with a brief shuffle of his feet. “They’re Fable’s, but I don’t think shell mind.”
Ravio frowned, looking up at the offered garments with furrowed brows. “Are you sure that will warm them enough, Mr. Hero? It would be horrible if your poor sisters caught cold!” Grenn flickered knowingly, and Legend huffed as he met the expectant gaze.
“Fine, I’ll brew some cider, since I expect that’s what you suggest?”
“Oh! Mr. Hero, how kind of you! I didn’t mean to ask, but since you’ve offered I’m sure your lovely sisters will love to have some!”
Din straightened in her seat, eyes sparkling brightly. “Cider? Oh, Link! I haven’t had your cider in ages! Please make some! I’d actually kill for a cup about now!”
And really, who was the veteran hero to argue with the will of the Oracle of Seasons?
“He’s made you cider before?” The Oracle of Ages frowned.
“Oh, all the time! The whole circus troupe loved it! Auntie Impa always used to beg him for the recipe, but it was that one thing she could never convince him about. It’s absolute heaven, Nay! You’re going to love it!”
The bluette huffed, crossing her arms and faking a put. “He never made me any cider.”
“Because you tried to kill me!” Legend’s voice called back from the kitchen, making the three girls startle slightly. “If you hadn’t, maybe you could have tried some along with Ralph and Raven.”
“I wasn’t- I was- Link!” Nayru spluttered as a cackle arose from the kitchen. “I was under mind control!”
“Still tried to kill me!” The vet chirped back with far too much cheer considering what he was saying. And really, none of the others could argue his point, either because they didn’t understand what was being discussed or because it was true.
Cider was passed around after a brief wait, during which the others had made idle small talk and Farore had finally agreed to release Four from her grasp. The short hero still sat at her side, trading smiles with the three Oracles as he chatted amiably with them, clearly familiar with all three and quite happy to see them again, even with the drama from before.
No one brought up what Farore had meant about ‘rescuing’ him.
When Legend finally emerged from the kitchen, Ravio’s tray stacked high with mugs of steaming cider, silence had quickly fallen save for the quiet sips and louder slurps of the three as Legend handed out the mugs, finishing with the three Oracles and promptly plopping himself down in their midst, entirely uncaring of the looks they exchanged over his head while Four shifted a bit closer to his brother.
“Link,” Nayru settled her mug in her lap and stared over at the pink-haired hero, unfortunately gaining the attention of the rest of the chain in the process. “About earlier, I really am sorry for accusing you. It was wrong of me to assume-”
“You already apologized, it’s fine.” Legend cut her off, yawning softly as he sipped his cider.
“No, it’s not. But I’d like to make it up to you.” The mug was set aside as long fingers had begun to glow with a soft blue, catching the vet’s eyes and making him stare as the Orale of Ages waved her fingers gently, a blue orb appearing in her grasp as a soft smile graced her delicate features. “Anything you’d like to see, baby brother?”
Violet eyes stared fixed on the orb, glistening slightly with wonder as the vet floundered, nearly spilling his cider only to be rescued by Four’s quick thinking as the smithy removed the mug from his grasp. “A-anything?”
“Anything.” The Oracle reaffirmed.
Legend stammered softly for a moment. “C-Could I see Raven? Where he is now?”
There was some murmuring from the others, curiosity and confusion in their tones as Nayru frowned. “Raven lived four-hundred years ago, Songbird, he’s dead now.”
“Oh- uh- I knew that.”
“I can show you what he was doing today four-hundred year ago though.” She laughed softly, spinning the orb in her hands slowly before turning it to face Legend. The veteran hero stared intently, brows furrowing slightly before his eyes widened and he was pushing back into the couch and away from the viewing orb.
“Oh yuck! Nayru! That- ew!” At the girls’ laugher he shot them all a glare. “I did not need to see a woman eating my mentor’s face!”
“That would be kissing.” Time smirked. “You’ll understand when you’re older.”
“That’s my ancestor though!”
“And I knew that would happen.” Nayru giggled. “That was a prank, here’s the actual thing.” A small child and a man looking suspiciously like Time appeared on the surface of the orb, both lying on the floor of what might have been a farm-house as the little one played with a few small toys, the man watching with a fond gaze as he relaxed, looking as if he wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.
“They look happy.” Legend hummed, gaze softening as he watched the duo a moment more before smiling up at his sister. “Thanks.”
The bluette smiled in return. “I accused yo twice though, so you may have a second. What else would you like?”
Anyone who was watching could see the conflicted emotions flying through Legend’s eyes as he stared at the now blank orb, the vet fidgeting with his rings and long sleeves as he gnawed his lower lip, torn about something that remained unknown to the others but clearly was tearing him up inside. At long last however, the vet’s voice, small and vulnerable, more so than they’d heard even when he was half asleep, spoke his request. “I’d like to see her.”
Ocean blue eyes softened as the Oracle nodded, spinning her orb slowly before handing it over to the vet as the scene of a beach crossed the surface of the ball.
A girl with curly red hair and sparkling eyes sat on the beach, voice rich and lovely as she sang ou a tune that had the vet’s eyes watering as he smiled as the vision, his brothers crowding close curiously as several of them muffled soft gasps.
“Marin?” The voice of a boy rang from the orb, gentle, uncertain and young, but resemblant of Legend’s own in an odd, gentle way.
“Link! Don’t startle me like that!” The girl laughed, shaking her head and making her curls bounce as she smiled over at a boy maybe a bit older than Wind.  The lad was dark haired, but pink showed through at his roots and while he carried a sword on his back, he looked relaxed and at peace with the world around him, face gentle and unmarred by worries or fears as he walked across the sand to where the girl sat. A dopey smile and light blush touched the kid’s face as the girl, Marin, gently patted the sand at her side. “Join me, you’re done running errands for everyone now, right?”
“For today.”
“Good.” The girl reached up, tugging ‘Link’ down next to her firmly. “Lay down.”
“Lay down.” Marin ordered. “You need a break. You’re always running everywhere and helping eveyone else, you need a bit of time to yourself.”
A smile pulled at the boy’s features. “Yes ma’am.”
The girl snorted, but patted her lap and tugged at the green tunic of the other, resulting in him at last laying on the sand, head in her lap as she smiled down at him. “You’re going to rest now, because tomorrow is a busy day for us.”
“Oh?” Already there was a dreamy quality to the boy’s voice as he relaxed into the hold of the girl, her fingers tugging gently through tangled black hair as she nodded.
“Yes. We have to sleep in until nine, and then eat a big breakfast before taking a long walk on the shore. Then, you’re going to help me conquer a huge basket lunch before you can then defeat being awake for an hour. After that, we have to chase the tide until it tires, and then dance in victory over the ground that it’s lost.” The boy laughed softly, lashes already fluttering softly across rosy cheeks as the girl continued. “Then, you and I are going to sit here and watch the sun go down, and we will sing it to sleep along with the island until the sun comes up.”
“And what then?”
“And then we do as we please!”
“We build a fire.” The boy hummed. “And I’m going to make you cider so good you’ll be ruined for any of your silly teas.”
“Hey!” The girl huffed, purposefully jostling the lad’s head as she huffed down at him. “My teas are good!”
“Not as good as my cider.” The boy replied, opening one eyes to grin up at her, a cheeky smile on his face. “Just you wait, you’ll see.”
Marin shook her head, eyes glistening gently as she ran her fingers through Link’s hair again. “I suppose I will.”
The orb shattered as it hit the floor, dissipating instantly as the heroes collectively startled.
“Legend?” Four rested a hand on the vet’s shoulder, staring in concern at the other boy, who hid behind his bangs with a faint sniffle.
“Thanks , Nayru.”
“Do you want me to fix it? I can give you another-”
“No, I know what happens.” Legend waved her off, sighing heavily and offering a teary smile. “I just wanted to see her again.”
“Well then you should have said something!” Warriors exclaimed, catching the attention of all gathered as he stared at the vet, caught between a grin and a scowl “Had I known you were Marin’s prince charming I would have said something by now! For pities sakes, the girls have been trying to hunt down her world since the war ended!”
Legend blinked.
“She’s still not home?” Wind frowned. “But, it’s been months!”
“No one knew where she belonged, she didn’t even know, said she knew nothing of Hyrule’s history, only that there was a hero.” The captain shook his head. “Hard to believe the sweet hero she described is this here ass, but who am I to judge?”
“She’s alive?” Legend stared.
“Yes,” The captain smiled slightly, gaze warming as he met the vet’s. “But between Cia, Lana and Midna, we never-”
“Midna too!” Twilight exclaimed, pushing into Warriors’ line of vision with a shocked face and watching the captain immediately fly through every shade of shock imaginable.
“Love of the goddess...” Warriors breathed. “Both of you? The two famed sweethearts of my team are the biggest asses I know? You have got to be kidding me!”
The Oracles laughed, or in Farore’s case, cackled, at the plight of the captain, and the other heroes joined in.
“Wars, I’m not even mad.” legend chuckled, shaking his head, and Twilight nodded in agreement.  “But I will say this, we can’t get to your Hyrule soon enough, and when we get there, Time, know for a fact that I don’t need to wait till I’m older to understand that thing earlier.”
“Okay, that's just gross!” Wind exclaimed. “I do not want to see Legend kissing someone! That’s just- oh yuck!”
The vet threw his head back and laughed, and no one could really help but join in. Except Wind, who scrunched up his nose in disgust while Wild and Hyrule shared a confused look.
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trampohlena · 3 years
Okay, so after last night’s episode I would just like to say that Supercorp IS Endgame. I’d also like to point out the various reasons as to why Kara and Lena are not only soulmates but true twin flames.
For those reading this post who have never heard of the term twin flame: “A twin flame is your own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical beings. It’s one soul, split into two bodies.” -Google’s definition.
For those who are spiritually inclined and have a proclivity for indulging esoteric philosophies; Lena and Kara are ABSOLUTELY twin FUCKING flames 🔥🔥🔥!!
Here are the reasons why:
1. Their drastically different childhoods that resulted in remarkably similar trauma.
Both Kara and Lena have experienced great loss throughout their life. Both mourned the death of their parents, and life as they knew it, at a very early age. Both were shipped off to a foreign land, forced to leave behind everything they knew, in hopes for a brighter/safer future.
Albeit, Lena got the shorter end of the stick in regards to unconditional love, but both were given a second chance and a new start...and yet, they still never fit in, or felt like they truly belonged.
Although they individually have dealt with said trauma in different ways (Lena by pushing away those who try to get too close, and Kara by holding on tightly to those she holds dear) both of their actions are motivated by the same subconscious fear that they HAVE never and WILL never TRULY belong. All while yearning for a sense of “home”.
2. They are opposite reflections of each other; true “mirror souls”, if you will.
Physically, aesthetically, economically, and emotionally—they are complete “mirrors” of one another.
Kara is strong, physically powerful, cut from marble, all hard edges and sharp lines—except for her face. Lena is clearly not as physically powerful, she is soft, all curves, and exudes the grace of the Devine feminine energy—except for her face, which is hard edges and sharp jaw lines. You see what I’m saying?
Aesthetically and economically go hand in hand of course. Lena’s exorbitant wealth is evident in her high-end designer appearance; whereas Kara’s aesthetic is more humble and grounded, and prioritizes comfort over “fashion”. (Let’s admit it. Some of Kara’s fashion choices have been questionable. She clearly rocks the chinos and button-downs better than anything else in that eclectic closet of hers she refuses to come out of 😏)
Emotionally...oh honey. Do I need to say more? I won’t say much but I will say this: Kara is the sun and Lena is the moon. They compliment each other in a way that ensures the world keeps turning.
3. Their individual strengths are the other’s individual weakness and vice versa.
Goes along with the aforementioned “opposite reflection” point above but I’ll expand a bit further in regards to their specific personality traits.
Lena is predominately analytically driven, whereas Kara is emotionally driven. Lena is good in crowds, Kara is not (overwhelmed). Lena is introverted, Kara is extroverted. Lena is detail oriented and has the memory of an elephant, Kara is clumsy and as forgetful as a Pisces (but hey, she has a lot on her plate and barely any free time to balance it). Lena eats like a rabbit-bird-hybrid and Kara eats like a garbage disposal. Kara loves giving and receiving hugs and other forms of physical affection whereas Lena does not (UNLESS it’s from Kara, of course). Etc. Etc. you get the picture.
4. Now this one is the DEAD GIVEAWAY. Undeniable, irrefutable PROOF that Lena and Kara are twin flames.
They are LITERALLY completing what is know as the Twin Flame Journey or the Twin Flame Union.
The stages of Twin Flame Union are roughly as follows:
1. Yearning for “the one”. I think every human being that believes in love experiences this whether it’s throughout their entire life, or only their adult life until they meet this person but yeah. You get it. Kara has always wanted that “Wapow!” moment.
2. Glimpsing/meeting “the one”. Whether it’s only for a short moment, an extended meeting, or perhaps merely locking eyes with them as you pass each other by...you feel immediately connected. There is an instant soul recognition when meeting them, so much so that you could have sworn you’ve met them before or that it’s as if you’ve known each other your whole lives.
Remember when Kara met Lena? And she was gaga-eyed over Lena? Or when Lena felt so comfortable around a new acquaintance that she granted an almost stranger unbridled access to her office? Or how about when Red Daughter flew to America (the country she was taught to hate), with no recollection/memories of Kara’s relationship with Lena (again, the woman she was taught to hate), all because she felt PULLED to do so. And then when she did meet Lena she looked at her and practically drooled over her as if Lena was a double XL cheeseburger with extra special sauce from Big Belly Burger? Like, biiiitch 👀
3. Falling in love. Need I say more? Fine, again, I will. You CANNOT tell me that there is no way in hell that these two morons are anything BUT in love with each other. That’s a lot of double negatives and I appplogize so let me reiterate for clarification: THEY ARE IN LOVE AND YOU CAN’T CHANGE MY MIND!
And at this point is it so freaking BEYOND platonic love, the show cannot explain it away or sweep it under the “just close friends” rug. No. Kara used her Fifth Dimensional Wish (she literally could have wished her entire planet didn’t explode) and she said “make Lena not mad at me, I’m sad 😔” 👀. Mmmkay. Not to mention Lena picking Supergirl over Jack, her former lover. Or the plethora of other times Lena chose Kara/Supergirl over everyone else she knew. Mmkay.
4. The fairytale relationship/friendship. Lena has finally found someone she can depend on, be vulnerable with, support her without judgement, trust with her life etc. and Kara has finally found a true best friend, not her sister, not Kenny who she didn’t realize was her best friend till after he passed? And now he’s not dead?? But her one true best friend that she felt she didn’t need to be neither Supergirl, nor Kara Danvers, but rather Kara Zor-El around (despite Lena not knowing that little tidbit of information).
They were each other’s best friend. Each other’s person. They were happy.
5. Outer Turmoil and Inner Purging—Supergirl and Lena fight. Lena still does not know that Kara is indeed Supergirl and does not pick up on the brewing tension between herself and Kara.
Kara of course is riddled with guilt and her relationship with Lena becomes strained. This outer turmoil creates inner purging by bringing out negative traits in each other. I.E. Lena hiding kryptonite and also Kara asking James to spy on her. Shit gets messy but they still try to make it work.
6. The Runner and the Chaser/Separation Stage—Tensions mount between the two and Lena FINALLY learns about Kara’s secret. And she has a choice to make. So what does she do? She runs. Not physically but emotionally. She completely withdraws from not only Kara and their friends but also withdraws from herself.
She literally experiences cognitive dissonance and becomes someone she is not. Someone other people made her believe she was on the inside, even though Kara knows that it isn’t. And so, Kara chases her.
Lena becomes the runner and Kara becomes the chaser as they navigate this separation stage.
Continuously running and continuously chasing.
7. The Surrender and dissolution stage—they’re fucking done. They’re tired. They’re exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally after all the bullshit they put each other through as well as all the bullshit Lex and the Phantom Zone put them through.
They come to an impasse in regards to Lex and realize the only way to defeat him is to work together, as a team. (El Mayarah anyone?)
They surrender to their emotions and to each other as their egos dissolve and their souls expand after having learned invaluable life lessons. The major one being: THEY CANNOT LIVE HAPPILY WITHOUT EACH OTHER!
8. The last stage that we have yet to see but we fucking better or else I’m gonna January 6 the CW studio building—“Oneness”.
This time, I’m not gonna say more.
So, in conclusion: Supercorp is Endgame because Lena Luthor and Kara Zor-El Danvers are the literal definition of a twin flame, soulmate connection. They are the same soul, manifested in two physical forms, for the sole purpose of expanding their soul’s consciousness.
They deserve to be happy, they deserve to be together. Not only does their union parallel some of the greatest love stories throughout history, i.e. Romeo and Juliet, Darcy and Bennet, Superman and Lois (duh) it would also break the curse of generational karma and illustrate to anybody who watches the show that the only person who defines who you are is YOU. Not a name, not a legacy, not society’s expectations, YOU. And most importantly of ALL...it would showcase that love truly does conquer all.
I rest my case.
TPTB, make Supercorp Endgame or kick rocks ✌️😘
An empassioned fan with way too much time on her hands.
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Survey #392
“l.a. is where stars come to die”
Do you think there’s anything you did better when you were younger? I think I was a better writer, honestly. Like I've developed in some areas, like being less over-dramatic, but I just think my creativity in wording and such has dulled down. Who was the craziest teacher you’ve ever had? I've never had a "crazy" teacher, honestly. What’s the last thing you got paid to do? Take pictures. What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for someone else? How should I know? Ask either Jason or Sara. Have you ever wanted to model? No. Have you ever seen someone have a seizure? I THINK my sister? Teddy had seizures in his old age, too. What’s your favorite car? I don't have one, really. Do you know any HTML or CSS? If yes, how much? I know veeeeery little basics. LIke, I can change the color of shit and that's about it lmao. Do you tend to care about the lives of celebrities? Why or why not? Only celebrities I really really care about, like Mark. What do you think of the scene style? #aesthetic and I will ALWAYS be envious of the hair. Have you ever told an extremely inappropriate joke? Oh god, I remember one. What is the highest you have been up, other than in an airplane? On a certain faire ride, I wanna say. Is there any hope of you ever seeing your favorite band in concert? Ozzy does want to do another tour at some point, but he's fighting Parkinson's currently, so it's not guaranteed it will happen. Mom and I planned on going to his last one that was scheduled, but the diagnosis cancelled it. :( What is your favorite non-green vegetable? Uhhhhh I guess potatoes. What is your favorite non-traditional fruit? I don't think I've even had a non-traditional fruit. Just basic stuff. Have you ever had Swedish Fish? Yeah, I'm not a fan. What is your favorite origami shape? Birds, I guess. Do you usually take the stairs or the elevator? I pretty much always take an elevator if one's available because my legs can barely handle stairs at all. It's agonizing for me. Do you need a key card to get into the building you live in? No. What was the last takeout food you had? I had a burger from McDonald's a few days ago. Do you take the pickle off your burgers? No, I love pickles on burgers. Do you share a bed with anyone? Just my cat. If you’ve read or watched Harry Potter, which book/movie is your favorite? I haven't. What’s the last app you downloaded on your phone? I re-installed DragonVale. What do you know the most about? Meerkats, Markiplier, and Silent Hill, probably. What TV shows can you not stand? What's that stupid show on Adult Swim, Rooster Teeth or something like that? That shit was so dumb. Have you ever tasted your own tears? I mean not intentionally. Sometimes tears just fall down a spot where it happens. Are your legs hairy? I can almost guarantee to you that I probably have the hairiest legs of any woman you've ever met. Do you like Cheese-Itz? I love them! We don't really buy them though because both Mom and I can destroy a box of them. Have you ever built a sandcastle? I have. Did you ever watch Barney as a child? Yeah, I loved Barney, but not as much as my older sister. She literally "married" him, haha. Have you ever had a pet rabbit? No, but my older sis did as a kid. That poor thing died and Ashley didn't know for THREE DAYS. Mom took it out earlier and I guess she wanted to see how long it took Ash to notice? She didn't take great care of it, so. Are you wearing anything of any sentimental value? Describe? Yes, my friendship ring with Sara. To you, what is especially distracting? Tapping noises. When was the last time you did some major cleaning? MAJOR cleaning? Good question. How do you feel about people who neglect their pets? It sickens me. Have you ever contemplated cheating on anyone? Nope. When are you likely to lie? Probably when I don't want to seriously hurt someone. What is a personality type that you do not like? I hate people who think they know everything, are unwilling to acknowledge their flaws and work on them, feel they're better than others, are closed-minded, sexist, bigoted, racist... What is a personality type that you DO like? I am drawn to people who are empathetic and try to understand and consider more than just themselves, are caring and genuine, philosophical and think deeply, are calm, friendly, good listeners, and have a light sense of humor. Which of your friends is the least like you? In what way? I actually don't know. MAYBE Mini with her being extremely conservative to a frustrating degree and overwhelmingly religious. We diverge pretty strongly in beliefs that are important to me. How about the most like you? In what way? Sara! We have incredibly similar interests and morals, and we both are wild over animals. When was the last time you felt under-appreciated? I'm gonna be completely transparent here, even though it's uncomfortable to admit. I was very unhappy with the literally two interactions a poem I was really proud of got on dA. Like it was one I was trying to get published prior to just posting it there, so it was really disappointing to feel so overlooked when you worked hard on something you felt came out great. Does anyone take advantage of you or take you for granted? No. Are you taking anyone for granted? I sure as hell hope no one feels like I do. I definitely try to appreciate those I have to the utmost. What is one selfish thing that you do? I prioritize my alone time probably too much. How about something selfless? I'm pretty much always willing to listen to people's hardships and comfort them even if my own mental health is in poor condition. What do you like to do on your favorite holiday? Just be with family and really focus on how lucky I am to have them. What helps you fall asleep? I guess really paying attention to slowing my breathing, but that doesn't always work. It takes me at LEAST half an hour to fall asleep, so I struggle no matter what. Is there anyone you wish you were still friends with now? Megan. I really, really miss her. What is a fear you want to overcome? SOCIAL ANXIETY. UGH. What is something you do not like about yourself, with good reason? I'm lazy. What do you usually cry about? PTSD. Do you like pizza better on the second day? No. What do you like on your pancakes? Butter and normal syrup. Have you ever made up your own emoticon? I don't think so. How do you generally meet people? Online in one way or another. Have you ever seen a Broadway show in New York? No. Are you listening to music right now? Yeah, "God Hates Your Outfit" by Jeffree Star lmao. Look, it's catchy. Can anyone in your immediate family play the guitar? No. Have you ever wished to be an internet celebrity? How about a ‘real’ one? No. Like I've actually *loosely* considered trying to be a let's player with my love of games, but I don't even want to *risk* popularity; not that I think I'd get to that point, but still, I don't like the chance. Have you ever been kayaking? No. Do you still live with your parents? Yes. Do you believe you will never get over someone? I think Jason will always occupy at the very least a small corner of my mind. I just deal with loss so poorly in general, but that... that breakup was something. What do you order at Burger King? I don't like BK. Have you ever lived by yourself? No. Pretty sure I never could with my depression. What brand cell phone do you have? It's just a Tracfone, lol. Did you ever have a ‘security blanket’ when you were younger? Yes, my stuffed moose. What is your lucky charm? I don’t have one. Have you ever been in a wedding? Yeah, I was a bridesmaid in my sister's. Do you believe in yourself? ehhhhhh What time does your dad usually wake up in the morning? I don't live with him, so I can't say for sure. He's a mailman though, so he gets up early, I know. Who was the last person/people you were in a car with? Mom. What movie do you plan on watching next? I've been meaning to watch Jacob's Ladder for like... over a year, lmao. It served as an inspirational work for Silent Hill, and I know its reputation is brilliant, so I really want to see it. I just... don't really watch movies unless I'm in the theater. When something really scares you, what’s your immediate reaction? Gasp or go "what the fuck" or something along those lines. I can almost promise a curse word is coming out of my mouth, lol. Using song lyrics, say something to your most recent ex: I don't wanna get emotional digging through the songs that remind me of her, so pass, lol. You can only watch 4 TV shows for the rest of your life. What are they? Meerkat Manor, That '70s Show, maybe Pokemon even if I don't watch it anymore (it could be like a comfort show if I'm limited to four), aaaaand I think Ginga Densetsu Weed. Do you think it’s possible for a rap song to make you cry? ... Yes??? There are a couple that have for me. Does the idea of having a baby at your age scare you? I'm not having kids, sooo I don't have to worry about this. What band has the power to make you cry by splitting up? None. I'd be really upset if some did, but I wouldn't cry. Who is your favourite famous person who isn’t a singer, actor, or athlete? Well, I WOULD say Mark, but considering he's officially an actor now... guess not, haha. Uhhhh. Put him aside and I guess maybe Bindi Irwin. I'm not sure.
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romioneficfest · 4 years
Halloween at the Burrow
Title: Halloween at the Burrow
Prompt/Day: Day 8 · Skirt
Tumblr name: 
Rating: K
Brief summary: Halloween has been a yearly affair at the Burrow ever since Teddy Lupin declared it was his favorite holiday, and this year is no exception. Harry and Ron, with little Rose in tow, are convinced they have the best costume this year— but their wives may give them some competition.
“It’s perfect,” Ron snickered under his breath, slowly pulling on the black skirt over his gangly legs. “Oh, Harry, this is bloody genius, they’ll never see this coming.”
“Keep it down, Ron,” said Harry, though he was also trying his hardest to stifle a giggle as he struggled to pull on the tight khaki Quidditch pants. “Last thing we need is for them to come snooping ‘round and find out before it’s time.”
“It’s bloody brilliant, I tell you,” said Ron enthusiastically, now shaking on a black top. “Blimey, I think this is the most excited I’ve been for Halloween in a while.”
Halloween at the Burrow had become a yearly affair ever since Teddy Lupin, in a shock of bright blue hair, declared it was his favorite holiday because it was the only day of the year he could freely Metamorph without earning some weird looks his way. Of course, Ron thought fondly, it may just also be the only day of the year the bugger knows he can outdo us all: having grown up between magic, Teddy whined constantly about not being able to do with his wand what he saw his family do, and telling him that he’d be able to do it when he went to Hogwarts seemed to be of little comfort. This was the one are where he knew he could do something not even Aunt Hermione’s strongest Disillusionment charms could measure up to.
So the greatest event of the night was always seeing what Teddy had chosen to Metamorph into. Last year, he’d appeared as a porky, greasy short boy with a piggy nose and a nasty shock of blond hair, inspired —as he’d told them— by how “Uncle Harry always tells me about that mean boy from when he was my age”, and Harry had had to leave the room wheezing at how well Teddy had incarnated Dudley. This year, Ron thought, he’d do something less revolting: he’d noticed him staring at Victoire, whose usual fairy attire accentuated her long silver-blond hair, and he thought this year he may go for impressing her.
Arthur and Molly always paired up and went as a variety of Muggle character duos, which Hermione happily kept supplying when they looked for new ideas: Archie (which paired nicely with the hair) and Betty, Gomez and Morticia Addams, Sherlock Holmes and Watson, Fred and Velma Flintstone… They didn’t always get them 100% right, which was understandable, and Harry and Hermione didn’t have the heart to tell them they highly doubted Bonnie and Clyde would’ve approved of Molly’s bonnet.
Fleur, in an attempt to improve her English, had once purchased a thick book on the history of the United Kingdom, and had pulled images from it to dress like a new English royal every Halloween. The most notable one was where she dressed like Anne Boleyn and Bill (who always went as a rockstar, given all he had to do was wear a different band tee under his usual clothes) joked all dinner about how he was losing his head over how great she looked.
In a similar move, Hermione was partial to dressing like Jane Austen heroines, and she once had gotten Ron to don tails and a top hat to accompany her (which he’d sworn, gasping and pulling at the tight collar, he’d never do again), and she’d likely be going as one tonight. Ron found ways to dress up as every snack available at Honeydukes: a giant cardboard box became a carton of Every-Flavored Beans, a small Hover charm and some tulle made him a convincing Fizzing Whizzbee… His costume was usually Teddy’s favorite, since he was too small to understand some of the adult’s references, but candy? Oh, candy he knew. Ginny picked a different Hogwarts professor to embody every year, and so far, her McGonagall had been the most convincing, though her Flitwick had been funniest. Harry usually just wore jeans and a blue T-shirt and, to anyone who asked what he was supposed to be, he’d amusingly pull out his own Chocolate Frog card (where he was wearing the same outfit) and would say, in a mock insufferable voice, “I’m the Boy Who Lived, haven’t you heard?”
But tonight, he and Ron were switching it up. They’d gone into town and made off with a couple of wigs, some dark black women’s clothing, a Gryffindor scarf, and Quidditch robes they’d gotten at a fan store: in short, everything they needed to turn into their wives. As a two-year-old James whizzed around their legs, knocking into their ankles with the handle of a toy broom and dressed as a Hippogriff, Ron adjusted the bushy chestnut wig on his head and kept fussing with it, saying in awe, “Blimey, how does she manage with all this hair?”
“Beats me,” said Harry as he struggled to button the tight pants that’d go under the emerald robes with WEASLEY in gold on the back. “How Ginny can fit into these and still look incredible, now, that’s the real question…”
“Oi, mate, that’s my sister you’re talking about,” said Ron in faux offense, tossing a box of hairpins at him, which he caught easily.
“Also my wife,” Harry smiled, looking down at James as he made his way around them, hooting gleefully. “Say, Ron, how does it feel to be in the clothes of the brightest witch our age?”
“I wouldn’t know, just last week the instructions to building a couch stumped her,” said Ron, now draping the Gryffindor scarf around his neck. “I told her we were gonna do it with magic, but no, she said it had to be the Muggle way— granted, I almost impaled Rose last time I tried to charm a screwdriver…” he said, gesturing vaguely to Rose, who was bumbling contentedly on the bed. To complete the Hermione Granger look, her rosy toddler face was shrouded in ginger fur, part of the Crookshanks costume they’d gotten her into. “How about you, Harry? What’s it like to be the youngest player ever signed by the Holyhead Harpies?”
In response, Harry merely did a whirl to send the tail of his uniform and the tips of his long orange-red wig flying, and attempted to pose defiantly, but lost his balance and tripped back onto the bed.
“Mate,” announced Ron as he pulled Harry to his feet again, “let’s hope to Merlin she’s not that clumsy on the field, otherwise the Harpies have lost the season already.”
Giving the last finishing touches to their costumes, Ron picked up Rose and held her in the crook of his hip, bouncing her lightly: “We’re gonna give Mummy a surprise, aren’t we, Rosie? She’ll never see it coming… You ready?” he said, turning to Harry.
Harry nodded, his face split in a giddy grin, and opened the door slightly to let James whizz out on the broom— a herald of their eventual descent. Then, Rose in her father’s arms and Harry clutching a broom, they tiptoed down the stairs stealthily, careful not to send any boards creaking so their appearance could remain a surprise, containing their snickering as they imagined the look on their wives’ faces.
When, finally, they reached the landing, Ron turned for one last knowing look at Harry, cleared his throat, and put on a mock high-pitched voice as they swung into the kitchen: “Oh, Molly, do you happen to know whether Ron and Harry have come—”
He and Harry stopped cold in their tracks when they saw the sight that met them: Hermione bore a shock of red hair and an almost-exact replica of the dreadful dress robes Ron had once worn to the Yule Ball, while Ginny had appropriated Harry’s usual blue tee and jeans, drawn a lightning scar across her forehead and placed glasses on her nose, and carried baby Albus —who was lost, just like Rose was, in a sea of white feathers, the Hedwig to Ginny’s Harry— in the crook of one arm. Shocked, the two men looked at their wives with their mouths ajar, disbelieving the triumphant looks on their faces. Silence pervaded for a few more instants as the two couples (Harry and Ron in shock, Hermione and Ginny in victory) examined one another— and then shattered as they both broke out laughing at the same time.
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blankdblank · 3 years
Ridikulus Pt 30
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Bent in half in an empty hall beside Vivienne and Ollivier in matching states of stretching the pair found you, having woken to their own mooing alarm clock Glorfindel stroked the chin of to silence. Readied in light robes of silver with matching trousers and boots with varying embroidered patterns the pair were off to breakfast following the servant sent to guide them down to eat. Passing the hall they joined your great uncles mid conversation on their continued youthful pull back to their former appearances complete with the loss of their darkened grey hairs similar to Vivienne’s hair also darkening back to its youthful deep brown. Wrinkles were fading and all, Minerva included had been remarking on the changes you were all facing being taken in link to the change of your ears. Any youthful in heart still seemed to feel the pull while those like Albus and Slughorn held to their aged appearances as a sort of badge of pride for having lived so long.
Yet before question of when you were joining them was voiced you came in and their eyes scanned over the sweats and t shirt you were wearing as you sat to tie your converse on. With your hair pulled up into a messy bun and bangs swaying over your stunningly scar free cheek you peered up at the pair staring at you and asked, “Sleep well?”
Thranduil, “Yes, we did. There is something about that pillow, my head touched it and I was gone. You?”
Eric, “That would be the Hoo-Hoo feathers, help to lull any who rest with it off to sleep.”
Glorfindel murmured, “Hoo-Hoo..”
“Idris, is a Hoo-Hoo. One of the Phoenix family known to have songs to lull people into peaceful sleep, certain feathers on them hold the same qualities. But you have to ask very nicely for them.”
Thranduil, “Ah, most of our pillows hold swan feathers, also willingly granted.”
Minor details were shared and the breakfast was savored between glances at you while Ollivier and Vivienne chatted around you sharing comments through Trina’s feeding of Em. Into the car again and oddly for the men stealing glances at you in your casual clothes far from what you wore to teach they settled still glancing between you and the couple also coming for their own roles as King and Queen they would be disguised for.
Over the city you flew and parked among the lines of other flying cars and got out to join the other actors in line to head for the makeup and wardrobe tents. Overture, Me Who Am I, Loneliness of the Evening, Prologue, Prince returning home from first meeting Cinderella, The Prince setting out to find the owner of the slipper and the talk with the King and Queen about finding Cinderella, exit scenes of town and announcing the Banquet. All of these had been filmed in the past couple days before you had showed up with just your portion of the few ensemble or duet numbers to film in your own locations.
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It was hours before dawn and the first scene you would film was your readying for the banquet. Just past when the step mother and sisters would leave and into the tent you strolled smiling at Bernadette’s announcing giddy squeak. “There you are!” Into a tight hug she wrapped you and guided you in filling you in on all you had missed before asking, “Did I hear right you brought two dates with you?”
Chuckling weakly you changed into the servant costume for Cinderella and replied in sitting for the hair stylist, “King Thranduil and Lord Glorfindel.”
Again she squeaked, “Tell me everything. I know you used to dream about them, I want all the details.”
“Not much to say, I told you about Ones,”
“Soul mates, right?” You nodded, “Which one’s yours?” The corner of your mouth ticked up and she gasped patting your arm taking her own seat, “Both?”
Your head tilted to the side allowing the stylist to braid the side of your hair back that was rippling out into a deep maroon shade. “It seems they don’t want me to choose and they are difficult to choose between. Dad seems supportive, I mean it’s no shock that I might have ended up like him, all romantically free and whatnot.”
Bernadette chuckled and said, “Now you and I both know you are nothing of the sort.” Her hand folded around yours, “No doubt they both love you to bits, why they wanted to come and spend the spare time you have with them.”
In a chuckle you replied, “Films are strange to them, especially any where there’s some sort of mock intimacy in it.”
Bernadette’s eyes met yours in the mirror, “They’re jealous then?”
“They are curious. I’ve showed them the play and they wanted to see how it’s handled.”
Smirking herself as her hair was finished and pooled into a tall feather accented beehive she joined you out of the tent holding the front of her extravagant gown. “Oh we’ll calm them down, surely they won’t be able to do anything but fall helplessly for you as Cinderella. Forgetting all about any petty ideas of jealousy.”
A single glance of you from the distance was all they got while you were shown up to the house being used for Cinderella’s home. But in your absence Bernadette hurried over eager to meet the duo who recognized her from a photograph of yours. Pleasantries were traded and off behind the cameras she showed them the best spot to watch the monitors in seeing the scenes of you readying for the banquet with the Fairy Godmother. After changing again to your tattered gown after being supposedly locked up, weeping only to calm at Godmother singing There’s Music In You. Your half of the Loneliness of the Evening came up next sung between chores to the sun rising to match the Prince’s scenes in the Palace.
Next would be various scenes of you for background images for the opening, cleaning, organizing and various chores before scenes walking to town. The Lords stood waiting at the tables for your first food break watching as your cheek was cupped by a dark haired man with his eyes shut who had kept hold of your shoulder for the stroll down half to set block on his own way to another scene back at the Palace the waiting carriage would drive him to. Catching their stares in seeing a kiss on your bare cheek followed by another Bernadette stated, “That’s Andrea Bocceli, he’s playing the Proclaimer of the Orders of the King. You’ll get to hear him tomorrow I believe.”
Glorfindel muttered, “No doubt he is far more friendly with Jaqi that the other actors. Scarcely pays the others any mind.” His eyes lingering on his hand easing down to your shoulder again in your turn to the carriage.
Bernadette’s lips parted, “Oh honey,” that made the pair look at her, “He’s blind.” That had their brows inching up, “He’s one of our greatest singers from our old world, used to sing with Jewels, scores of plays, operas and musicals. I’ve got a whole heap of pictures with him holding Jaqi as a baby when Sirius would bring her to shows. You see, he’s from a long line of Squibs, scattered Witches in between, but the men of the line have a blood curse they go blind. Jaqi found a spell to reverse it, but if you do it would just skip to his son and continue on, but if he remains blind his son’s sight is safe. His shoes are enchanted to sort of give him a feel for where things and people are, but for his friends he doesn’t mind being led around.”
Thranduil, “Ah, you performed with her mother as well, how does she match up?”
Bernadette smirked, “It’s hard to put into words. She has all Jewels’ talent and then some, built more for somber or drama by what she has to draw from, Jewels couldn’t help but burst into giggles after.” She wet her lips, “She might have just asked for acting lessons first off to be a convincing double agent, but she’s far more talented than she gives herself credit for. Even if she signed the contract reluctantly she actually does enjoy acting. Who knows, could take a couple years off when she’s finished the final two obligated films and get a better contract when you have all settled everything.”
A snack with you ended with a pair of stolen kisses before Luis showed up for his own filler scenes in the Palace. Him, his husband and children all greeted you and the duo fondly before heading off to change when your partners were off with Eric and Roderic for the start of their tour of Paris. Museums would be first with a pass by the Eiffel Tower they would see the following day. Each piece in the museums they were shown only adding to their curiosity on what else the Muggle portion of this country had to hold for them. From the Louvre to a Wizarding art museum they saw the vast difference in style and subjects chosen in the moving portraits both silent at chatty.
Filler and walking scenes between home and town were captured leading up to the big draw, everyone gathering in the town to do a final run through on The Prince is Giving a Ball you then filmed into the following scene where the Prince and Cinderella would first meet and split up again to head home. Lunch was next and with the final bit left you filming your half of the number Do I Love You at the house again mid chore. All of these scenes were little to be intriguing for an audience in being filmed, tedious and detail oriented but around the table you sat at the empty seats on either side of you were filled again by your partners eager to share all they had seen through the stack of pictures you shuffled through while eating.
Behind the monitor they watched the lead into your next slew of scenes, all mainly musical. In My Own Little Corner bled into scenes of readying the three other women in the house furrowing the men’s brows seeing their harsh treatment of you. A pick up of the second part of my own little corner bled into the arrival of the Fairy Godmother for Impossible through to the ride to the Palace in It’s Possible.
Grins were plastered on the duo’s face between stolen glances at others around them with teary or sentimental gazes holding through each number. Another meal break came at the setting of the sun and in the night scenes you began by walking home post change back with one heel singing He Was Tall lost in a dreamy haze reminiscing on the wonderful evening. The arrival of the carriage out front had you hiding the slipper and readying to greet your returning family bleeding into the numbers When You’re Driving through the following number, A lovely night until the Step Mother sent you all to bed and you lingered behind to lowly sing the second rendition of A Lovely Night.
Noting the time the men had hoped you could head back home again, however after another hurried meeting with you a stolen pair of pecks were taken on your way to the scene you had warned the pair of. When Cinderella would be locked up, in a combination of an agreed upon set of hexes, tugs and shoves from the Step Mother stirring up a tension in the air ending at your burst of giggles at hitting your elbow in the final shove post cut. Hugs and giggles came in Bernadette’s path to change with you.
The final collection of scenes were to be the forest scenes. First, It’s Possible for the final stretch of it heading up all the way up to the Palace gates then into the courtyard, from which you looped around and before the men could get a good look at the Palace you were off to film the big chase scene on the marked path to the chime of the giant clock. With hearts racing even knowing looking on what would happen the clock was giving its final chimes and the carriage split apart full speed behind the transformed horses now mice again. Rolling through the grass in the timed crash your dress turned back to the servant uniform as your hair whipped around you violently when you rolled to a stop.
A glance at the following Prince’s carriage had you clambering to your knees and up behind a tree panting in the closing of your eyes to melt against the tree behind you. Smiling frailly to yourself the remaining shoe on your foot was removed and when the other carriage was gone you began your barefoot stroll through the forest singing He Was Tall on the way back to the house again. Once there however cut was called and you were able to change and head back to the house. Nearly falling asleep on the way back you rested between the guys and filed out to help you to the waiting dinner.
Bed came right after and for a hard drop off to sleep you would get more sleep than the night before ensured by your dreamless draught drop you had eaten to ensure only your alarm would wake you. An early breakfast allowed you some time with Em before heading off to set, only over your omelet your eye caught the paper that had been set aside when Vivienne was through with it. Unfolding the front page your lips parted seeing a picture of you in the bog at the Triwizard Tournament with the stoic duo behind you hovering over the water. The headline reading a bid to have you nominated to be listed as a genuine seer with the image of your arrival the other day with the same duo beside you as proof that years ago you had foreseen the fall here in one way or another and had set about to protect as many as possible to arrive here.
Roderic stated, “Surely they will add you to the lists if they haven’t already.”
Glorfindel leaned over and accepted the paper you tapped the image of stating, “Top one’s from the Triwizard Tournament.”
He nodded, “Yes, the bog Ron stated he saw us in.” Tilting the paper he showed Thranduil who eyed it carefully, “What is the story about?”
“Oh, they are saying I knew, at least partly, on the fall here years before it happened so they want to add me to the list of genuine seers.”
Thranduil, “Is it not well known already your abilities?”
Eric, “That’s not the issue, to be added to the list it must be a large prophecy or vision to be seen coming true witnessed by dozens. Only twelve have ever been added to the list.”
Roderic nodded, “And two have been disproved as hoaxes. Jaqi’s is the largest by far, destruction of a whole world and discovery of allies in a new one,”
Ollivier, “There was no doubt on our following her here, merely up until your arrival here and photographs with her none thought to have proof her visions were at least a sign we were meant to come here.”
Vivienne, “But outside of that are you excited for the morning tour today? We are not needed on set until two. We even secured a tour of the zoo.”
The pair sat quietly enjoying the fact they would be spending the morning with you and with them in colorful robes you wore comfy jeans and a sweater carrying Em on your hip after securing your wedge boots. A short flight later you were parked in the group of some of the cast also wishing to see the zoo either new to this one or new to zoos all together. But the odd animals had the men puzzled when seeing the billboards but Em named what she could and following the map you spent the morning allowing the duo to inspect each of the animals and learn what each sign posted said about them. Both a bit saddened that the boys weren’t here but with a confirmation from you a promise to take them to the London Zoo had them grinning so they could help to guide the boys around alongside you with just a stack of pictures to bring home to tide the boys over until then.
Each animal echoed in their mind along with the statements that each zoo would be following suit of the London Zoo, the first of which to have enchanted territories to be closer to those in the wild people could roam through safely to see the creatures in their native habitats instead of cages. It would be a full day outing no doubt and set to open the following weekend with you among a group of other celebrities to bring press to hopefully encourage other zoos to follow suit once they saw how successful it would be for guests and the populations of their animals. Everything seemed spectacular and they couldn’t wait to see it after having seen something they imagined to be similar, your snake room with habitats for each of the snakes to feel safe and happier under your watch. Another sign that your people were actually peaceful and wishing for even the speechless non magical animals to have their own safe homes in this new world to repopulate again.
Work however did call again and this one had the meat of the film for the duo to watch from the sidelines. The start of it being nice and slow where Cinderella frees herself by using a wand her father had left her to unlock the door after having been kept from practicing magic by her step mother after he had died only making her study more while they slept from his old books she’d hidden away. While filming that the Prince and the other women in the film were recording their tries for the magical slipper. Cue the arrival of Cinderella and again the duo noting the sentimental grins of those watching through the proposal and tearful hug you shared.
Explosively the set seemed to flood around the stunning Palace the duo toured through while things were being readied then went back to the director’s sides to watch the wedding including the first of the two kisses. Barely a blink flashed by and it was over, chaste and to the point fitting for a Royal Ceremony ending with the Godmother recapping There’s Music In You. From there a quick change of décor after the wedding parade scene that allowed you both to change quickly the Prince was back again to come and greet the endless chain of women to dance with him while a touch up on the arrival scene to the Palace.
Each lady would dance a circle with the Prince through the sea of waiting Lords to collect the lady and pass them on to another in the next pass keeping the chain of ladies moving, with passing flirtations when each would ease near the Prince again. Through the Palace Cinderella strolled holding the hem of her lavish gown until the doors opened and the big entrance came stunning the Prince. Greetings to the near endless dancing bled into the trip out to the gardens where a second film crew waited to capture your dialog as the Stepsister’s Lament played out inside amusing the crowds looking on behind the camera. Yet in the ticking of the added clock to the gardens the distance between you closed and a tender cupping of your cheek came in a steady press of lips to yours. For the camera angle it seemed very intimate, and yet the angle the Lords were watching from clearly it was forced, but a glance at that screen and they could see why others were grinning madly at the image.
All the same that clock chimed and even knowing the story everyone still seemed to wish that she would get caught and live happy ever after. Still that show was lost and the carriage was jumped into and took off for the Palace to be reset once again for the arrival to the follow up banquet. This second flight away however ended with cheers and claps with a sea of hugs and cheeks kissed stunning the guys until they realized that that was it.
One more flying car ride filled with comments on your final scenes and reactions to it they had seen came before Thranduil had asked, “When are we leaving tomorrow?”
“Um, we actually have to head to the station by midnight to get back in time.”
Glorfindel, “You get no rest at all?”
“I can sleep on the train.”
Thranduil sighed, “Fine, but after class you are coming over to sleep if I have to bring you myself, Darling, you need your rest.”
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A quick stop upstairs for you had you coming downstairs again with your silvery blue hair pulled into a bun and white facial scars back again. The dress you had changed into was silvery blue with ruffled skirt under a mostly sheer top with lace leaf pattered panels covering your chest to your cleavage with short sleeves and a collar secured in the back with buttons down the back of it. The dress was stunning and fit the family color chosen for the dinner with Em in a similar ruffled dress of her own complimenting the pictures captured of you all before you managed to sneak back to your duo with Em on your hip while Vivienne and Ollivier greeted the other guests.
Glorfindel accepted hold of Em while Thranduil asked in a smooth of his hand over your back, “Are you tired?”
Peering up at him you smirked saying, “I’m fine. I can handle a dinner.”
Though the approach of Jean, the assistant who handled the affair of discovering Suzienne’s grave and transferring her to Paris with another familiar face right behind him, Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France Luc Gerard. An offer of a handshake was stoically accepted in his introduction to your partners. “We are so pleased to have been able to welcome you for a visit, even if it is just for a short time. Have you enjoyed the few sights you were able to take in?”
Thranduil nodded, “Yes, it was quite enjoyable.”
Glorfindel took his glance falling on his to say, “There is a great many things to take in. Mainly the differing cultures between your countries and varied races dwelling together, we have just begun to learn about them, it seems we have a great deal more.”
Luc grinned saying, “Well said. Hopefully we might be able to bridge that gap and become more comfortable with one another in the future. We have heard a great many wonderful things of your lands and people as well, and might we say we have been curious to discover what the link would have been to the pair of you since seeing you following our dear Miss Black here in that bog challenge.”
Glorfindel, “Yes, we saw the picture. It was intriguing when her family arrived in Rivendell months before her and described the challenge to us as for why we seemed familiar to them.”
From the initial greetings to the dinner table it became absolutely clear that even more than you had claimed you were a natural at smoothing differing cultures together and were the grease keeping the gears moving and the conversation natural. Both sides relaxing into the neutral zone you helped to guide the council and Lords into between luring others from the large guest list into a moment of their own focus of your attention clearly brightening their moods the same as your relatives and the Delacours seemed to pull out of them. Name and influence of this half of your bloodline surely wasn’t missed and even in moments of odds with them you still strove to uphold the names you came from while clearly defending, guiding and teaching the Lords one day to be your husbands. Even in your denials and doubts there was no one more suited in their eyes to bridge the gap or to learn how to aid in ruling the Elves of Greater Greenwood.
Doubts clearly weren’t anywhere close to the impression your family gave on if you could join them, barely seven years and you had silenced any doubts possible of what could have come from their lost daughter’s bloodline. Bad choices and unfortunate circumstances or not through the painful rubble of those lost years and pair of women in their line you were the diamond glimmering out of all of it with Em shimmering all the brighter for your determination to keep her safe. Guests soon left and with a sigh you were up at your room changing back again to your jeans and sweater with wedges added again. A glimpse at the clock showed you still had time and closing your eyes you followed the pull you felt to head to the Pearisiyiae Tomb.
Onto the bench outside of it you sat just talking to your grandmother hoping she was at peace and was content with how you had turned out. A hushed whisper from your mother however in your ear sounded that after years of being back with her family she was ready to talk and they were meeting one another. On your feet you stood trusting that maybe one day she would feel strong enough to let you see her and with a token of her favorite flowers left behind. And just a short walk later you stopped in to leave some flowers for Leta Lestrange as well sharing a few words on how Newt was doing and how much she was still missed and always was spoken of fondly. Zapping back again you wiped the corner of your eye at the tear lingering there and you made sure you had everything then walked down to join the others waiting there to say goodbye while Thranduil kept hold of Em already asleep in his arms and grinned seeing you with them again.
Hugs were traded between respectful nods and wishes for another visit soon from your relatives to the duo on your path to the waiting car. It didn’t take long till you were back on the train again laid out on one of the two beds in the now sleeper car with Em across from the duo grinning in organizing the pictures to share with the boys and Legolas when they returned. Four hours you slept through their elaborate plan of sharing the whole trip and offer to take the boys to the opening of the London Zoo along with the clear way they had decided to bring up the travel papers issue with Elrond and Celeborn. This would all work out, meeting the other Ministers and settling at least a friendship with them as there was little trade needed between your people past curiosity for culture and crafted items. Much like the quartet of animal plushies you had brought back for the boys and Legolas they would surely treasure.
One in the morning the train swayed to a stop and in your groggy blink awake Thranduil cradled Em to his chest and Glorfindel helped you up and kept hold of your hand for the walk back from Lower Bulgaria gaining more stamps for their travel booklets only to walk back into Pumpernickel finding it was raining hard. Hastily Glorfindel hoisted you up in his arms saying, “Off to Greenwood. No risking it, you need to sleep.”
A deep sigh from you came in watching Thranduil behind you using his wrap to keep Em covered from the rain on the eager trot to the arch exiting in the main gardens protected from the same massive storm by the canopy above. All the same eyes lit up and heads bowed seeing the Lords returning, yet in their glances at you the reason for your silence was that you had fallen asleep again making the duo chuckle. Carefully tucked into bed with Em by your side they left you to eagerly bring the pictures and the gazelle stuffie you three had thought Legolas might enjoy. Grinning while holding the gazelle he listened to each of the animals you had seen before inspecting the pictures of the museum exhibits, Versailles and the Eiffel Tower and view from the top of it.
Stories of the set were set aside as Elrond and Celeborn came after receiving notice from him that they had returned early. Inspection of the travel papers were taken and altogether it seemed an agreeable deal for the time being to be counted as allies of your Ministry after the details had been shared word for word how you had described it.
Celeborn, “Was her family more agreeable to Miss Black?”
Thranduil, “They were, us as well.”
Glorfindel, “I believe she might have spoken with them to calm them a bit more.”
Thranduil nodded, “Yes, and for all her doubts on being an acceptable ruler it is quite natural for her to ease two cultures into friendship. It was quite masterful her guidance through dinner with the French Minister and Council and other important people in France with us.”
Glorfindel nodded, “Yes, for what little suspicions we might have had on the Pear clan not accepting Jaqi, they seem to be quite in awe of her among the rest of us. Her Great Uncles even remarked how it would have been perfect for her to even have an inkling of interest in performing when they had first met, but to see just how talented she is in various fields. In my opinion I believe they are starting to see her outside of her grandmother’s shadow.”
Celeborn, “That is magnificent news. How was Cinderella?”
Elrond, “Yes, it was quite short notice to bring you along.”
Thranduil inhaled and decided to share the truth, “There are two kisses filmed in Cinderella,” ticking Elrond’s brow upwards, “Just as in the drawn version and in the play her mother performed in they were brief and chaste, from the angle of the camera, while at our angle it was evidently forced.”
Celeborn, “You both seem calm.”
Glorfindel nodded, “Yes, before her trip Jaqi stated it plainly and laid out the whole protocol involved in filming these sorts of feigned intimacies. Once we got to the village they filmed in we met the man playing the Prince and his husband and their children. All very old friends since their childhoods.” That seemed to calm the other Lords more worried on how their friends would have taken the encounter than anything else.
Legolas wet his lips asking, “It is common for actors to kiss in films?”
Thranduil caught his eye, “Apparently some films can grow quite intimate, even involving faked consummation of relationships. However Jaqi was quite clear she does not accept romance centered scripts, I believe the most she has filmed before was a kiss on the cheek for a child one of her roles tasked her to raise alone after the father had passed in an accident, who was played by a child of a friend hired to play her cousin. It was very comforting how clear she was on the rules and what the role pertained, I do not believe it will trouble us in the future.”
Glorfindel nodded, “And everyone watching the tale was equally swept away with adoration for the new recording of the classic tale. Even filmed out of order from the bits we did see it is quite a task to pull a story together, often Jaqi and Luis, who played the Prince were on opposite ends of the city they were filming in. Most of her scenes we witnessed she was alone or with one or two actors in fact.”
Thranduil, “Not counting the day they filmed the wedding and the ball and then banquet in one day. And they had this carriage chase scene, quite intense at moments, it will be a sight, the day the film is unveiled. A few months I believed they said they could edit it and release it widely through the countries.”
Celeborn, “Was Miss Black able to get much rest?”
Glorfindel, “No, she did however sleep on the ride home again and fell asleep when I carried her from the arches in her lands when we saw it was raining.”
Thranduil, “She is resting in our apartment and has been tasked to return here after school for more rest.”
Elrond, “That is good. I would be lying if I did not state we wish to see just how bright her shimmer will grow when fully rested and adjusted here.”
Pt 31
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bubbleteakoala · 4 years
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Hey guys! Since we’re all at home, why not practice your target languages a bit? Here’s a list of movies, tv shows, as well as variety shows in Chinese! For those of you who don’t learn Chinese, this is also a great way to entertain yourselves while learning a bit more about the world and Chinese culture(s). I’m not sure where you can watch these cause that would depend on the country you are in and etc. Anyways, let’s go!
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(10/10) Iconic. A true story too! From what I remember, it follows the love story of a guy who tries his best to get better grades in order to get the girl. Eventually they go to college and they split because of this stupid fight. It’s a great story revolving around the idea that when you love someone you just want them to be happy, even if it isn’t with you. There is a book for those of you who are interested, but from what I heard many details were left out of the movie.
(7/10) Another iconic one, however I feel like it’s too similar to 那些年. It’s about a good girl that pairs up with this bad boy (cliche I know) just to split up their crushes who *seem* to be together. There’s also this whole backstory about how the bad boy and the girl’s crush were friends until an unfortunate event. Unlike 那些年 it has a happy ending! (But personally it was too idealistic)
(10/10) God I love this movie so much! I literally cried at the end! It’s a heartwarming movie about a girl who wishes that her older brother, who annoys her a lot, doesn’t exist. She wakes up after this and enters a world where her brother is now her best friend’s brother. By observing her brother and her best friend, she starts to miss having a brother. Eventually, she learns that everything her brother does was for a reason and tries to reverse her wish. (I really don’t want to spoil it please watch it it’s so good!!)
(8.5/10) Mainly about friendship and a brotherly bond. Two best friends try to grant the last of the trio’s dying wish. Which proves to be quite hard hahaha... it’s quite comical but the ending is what really hits you. I cried in this one too... would definitely recommend to watch at least once! (Oh right, and one of the actors is the brother from 快把我哥带走 and another is the main guy from 我的少女时代)
(8/10) Not really my type of movie, but it’s still pretty good. It talks about bullying, shows the repercussions of it, and mixes in the kind of romance you have in your youth. It was really popular when it came out here, so watching it may give you some convo topics with natives~
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(11/10) I’m serious. This is one of the best shows I’ve seen. It focuses on three families and their children in their last year of High School. Each family has their own problems which they eventually overcome: separated parents, parents who were absent, pressure on grades and school, depression, etc. The children also mature and grow as the story progresses. It’s a pretty modern tv series, so it’s easy to follow. It shows modern culture pretty well, but keep in mind that it takes place in Beijing, so it’s gonna be different for other regions. It’s also loosely based on the series 小别离 that focuses on middle school instead of high school, so check that one out too!
(7.5/10) Ok if you like those mushy, cringy, romance type of stories, this one’s for you. As long as you survive the first 2 or 4 (?) episodes, the story gets better. It’s a pretty interesting series that revolves around this competition called CTF (I really don’t remember what it’s called sorry!) that’s basically like defense and hacking. So Guy 1 was a famous player but is now the CEO of a company/agency for young boys who are in the competition now. Enter Girl 1, a college student (masters I think) that’s smart, pretty, kind, yep. All that. It’s a story about how their each other’s first love and how they both navigate their lives after that. Honestly, I watch it when I’m in the mood. It’s not that bad.
(7/10) Some of you may have watched the movie but my sister swears that this one is better. From what my mum says it’s based on a book too?? If you like school dramas, like 那些年, then you’re gonna like this one. Follows the characters through their 3 years of high school, and shows how they grow, mature, and figure out their lives. Some falls in love, some realizes that the ups deserve better. And then there’s our main couple...SLOW BURN. YES ITS SO SLOW. BUT ITS SO GOOD. So check this one out if you have the time
(8.5/10) I didn’t like this one at first, but it got better. It’s about a group of kids in a music school and how they want to perform on stage. They major in Chinese traditional instruments, but the school prefers those who major in western instruments so they don’t get any opportunities at all. Also, most people nowadays learn western instruments like the piano more, so less and less kids are learning traditional instruments. It’s a story about growing up, the pains of it, staying true to yourself, and also standing up for yourself. It may seem weird at first, but it has a lot of life lessons that you can take form it. There’s also a movie too, but trust me, this one is better.
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(10/10) YASSS THIS ONE RIGHT HERE. Ok so I mainly only watched the 3 season since it has the actors for 快把我哥带走 in it (yes I like it that much). For the start of every episode, the 嘉宾 (the ones that are invited to film... what are they called....I can’t remember it in English..) of the previous episode leaves in the morning, then in the afternoon, new ones come!! It’s like farm life in China. The 嘉宾 tells the hosts what they want to eat, then once they come, they have to help the host prepare the dish by harvesting the food, catching the fishes, etc. It also has a lot of life lessons from it. So I recommend this to anyone who likes foods, culture, and wants to take a break from busy lives (... well I don’t know if that would have the same effect now since we’re all at home...)
(9/10) I also only watched the 3rd season for this one. So the third season is about a group of celebrities (and one chef) that travels to Italy, and starts a Chinese restaurant there. It shows them managing it, buying ingredients, cooking, designing a menu, and basically trying to survive. They have a quota that they have to reach by the end of the season. Oh and they also get wages, which is pretty cute since they use it for treats when they’re not working. Another one for the foodies!
(9/10) Oh yessss, ok so my mum, my sister, and my sister’s classmates are obsessed with this one. For those of you that don’t know, 密室s are like escape rooms, and it’s like a whole culture here. It’s what you would go play with friends, and each has a different theme and mystery that you have to solve to get out. It’s also pretty creepy cause of how real everything is. But anyways, there are two versions of this show: a pro version that shows how the pros solve it, and the celebrity version. Personally I haven’t seen the pro version, but my sister says that the celebrity version is funnier and more realistic cause most of the time they can’t figure it out and gets trapped in a room for hours (then one of the members starts to eat the props, those that are food btw, not like plastic). So this one is great for those who likes suspense and comedy mixed together.
(?/10) This one is pretty new. My mum has been watching this one lately and she says it’s great. It’s a show about a group of celebrities that starts their own radio show, I believe. From what my mum says it has a lot of life lessons in it. Check it out.
(This is my Week 4 post for the langblr activation challenge, you can find my other post here: Week 1, Week 2, Week 5)
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dreamingofscully · 4 years
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5x20. “The End” - X-Files Rewatch
A little missing scene fic I wrote to accompany this episode: [INTRUSION] / Read on AO3 / rated T / M/S UST / Diana / Multiple POV, Drabble, Missing Scene / The first interactions between Mulder/Scully/Diana after the conference room scene. Also, how did Diana end up in the back seat of their car?
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Anyway, on with the episode! I have quite extensive analysis about Diana & Mulder, Scully's jealousy and the MSR. Probably one of my longest posts yet. Hope you enjoy! Comments, reblogs and tag comments are love!  ❤️
Cute lil' Gibson. Love him so much. ❤️
Mulder and Scully's picture in their office.
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What is Mulder hoping to find?
Mulder isn't sure, beyond "The Truth". His sister, of course, but overall?
Scully can't live with ambiguity like that - that their investigations will continue forever with no end goal, because there is no end goal in Mulder's mind. She needs more certainty, something solid.
If Mulder reaches the end of the work - does he lose Scully? (This theme is addressed in Fight the Future.)
Mulder's face when he sees Diana.
He's not angry, just shocked. They didn't leave on necessarily bad terms, at least in his mind. He probably blames himself, as he usually does. (MORE AT THE END.)
"There were things at home I decided I wanted to get back to."
Diana's assumption that she can have Mulder when she gets back. There's no idea that he's changed or doesn't want her any more.
Scully is confused. Why are they giving this woman a ride? Why is she being included in something that was normally just something she shared exclusively with Mulder? She's jealous, possessive, at least when it comes to Mulder.
Their positions entering Gibson's room: Mulder, Scully, Diana.
The whole mind-reading scene.
I think Mulder is thinking about Diana, just because she's turned up and it's so weird for him. He also has the annoying tendency to take Scully for granted sometimes. 😥
It could be either Diana or Scully thinking about Mulder, maybe both. Gibson is a troll. Both of them have Mulder on their minds - perhaps Diana is a bit more overt, though. Scully is good at compartmentalizing and would try to focus on the case despite the strange woman intruding on her territory.
That Mulder doesn't want Gibson to say who is thinking about him. He thinks its Diana, of course, and he does NOT want Scully to know about her yet. He wants to delay any explanations for as long as possible. Why? He's never told Scully about Diana. His feelings for Scully, his thoughts about their relationship... they're in a very delicate position and his ex showing up throws things completely off-balance.
Diana peeking in on Mulder and Scully's argument/discussion MAKES ME RAGE.  😡
Scully's look when Diana speaks. Like... who gave you permission to enter this conversation, Diana? Certainly not Scully.
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Mulder giving Diana the "authority" to do the testing over Scully.
He obviously knows her strengths, what she's capable of. Still hurts.
Scully's "So you two know each other." and Diana's obtuse "It was a long time ago." OOF.
That Diana knew Mulder before Scully, does she feel that gives her some special advantage? She's trying to assert herself, get some of the power she feels she lost from their previous interactions.
Mulder's so transparent. He's SOOOOO uncomfortable with Scully knowing Diana.
Why would it be awkward unless he feels guilty or some strange sense of betrayal?
Why would he feel that way about a past relationship unless he was thinking about deepening the one he has with Scully?
Scully holding Gibson's hand. ❤️
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Gibson the little troublemaker.
Telling Scully she's thinking about Diana and Diana is thinking about Scully.
Scully finding out more about Mulder and Diana.
Her jealousy is written ALL OVER her face.
That Diana is more similar to Mulder
Scully can't help but feel insecure, that Mulder would favour a partner like Diana instead of her. 😥
I love how excited Frohike is to see Scully. ❤️
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When going to the LGM, she says : "Analyze the data … with an eye to the parapsychological."
Does Scully feel she needs to be more open-minded because she feels threatened? She needs an advantage.
Frohike looks very uncomfortable when Diana is brought up. What does he know that the other gunmen don't? Maybe Frohike knows exactly the predicament that Mulder is in regarding his feelings for Scully, and whatever issues Mulder dealt with about Diana.
Byers' "I always wondered why they split up." Oh he is so clueless. Scully's face. Her emotional, roughened voice. She's not dealing well with this new info.
That he was in a romantic relationship with Diana, while working with her. She’s probably thinking: maybe Diana is the reason that her and Mulder haven't had anything happen between them, why he's rejected her over and over? He doesn't feel that way about her, he's been pining over this other woman. Who will now replace her not only in a romantic sense (that she never had but she perhaps thought might have been possible) but also in a professional one.
Scully heading to the Gunmen's to fact-find about Diana is pretty cute in a heartbreaking way. Scully brings something for them to look at, but she is also there to grill them about Diana. I think her evasiveness about her reason for being there might be pretty telling to the Gunmen (Frohike, at least), and they might suspect some sort of jealousy on her part.
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Mulder's chatty when there's only one of them.
Diana is DEFINITELY trying to manipulate Mulder away from Scully. "I sense you could have used an ally, though – someone who thinks like you, with some background."
Mulder's defense of Scully: "I've done okay without you."
Diana's "Hey ... I’m on your side." and taking his hand. This just screams manipulative to me. Also, this seems like a strange phrase to use. She’s trying to convince herself as much as she is Mulder.
Scully seeing the handhold.
Walking away, trying to recover from whatever it was that she thinks she saw. Some sort of intimate moment - after learning about their past. Diana seems to want to rekindle things, but where does Mulder stand?
The scene in the car is just heart-wrenching. The deep sigh, the tears in her eyes.  😥
Then, Scully proving to a roomful of agents why she's been the BESTEST PARTNER EVER. TAKE THAT STUPID FOWLEY. (I’m not biased, I swear.)
Mulder's so happy and proud that people are seeing how awesome Scully is. ❤️
Scully dropping the "five years" that she's worked with Mulder to Diana and talking about proof.
Diana's criticism: "How do you quantify the spiritual? It can’t be done." Trying to undermine the importance of what Scully's learned, what she's given Mulder.
Diana frames her argument as being concerned with the X-Files being shut down. So what? Is Mulder just supposed to ignore the incredible evidence so he can continue his endless pursuit of nothing? Never wanting proof or anything concrete, just happy to gather stories and have faith in unprovable beliefs?
The similarity to the beginning with Skinner - what does he want? Does he want proof or does he want to endlessly investigate cases and learn interesting things but never actually accomplish anything? Does he want Scully's way, or Diana's?
Scully's white suit vs Diana's black one. Just sayin'.
Pre-Scully, would Mulder have thought the same as Diana? Probably. But now his beliefs have shifted. It doesn't matter what he has if he doesn't have the foundation, the basis in reality - to back them up.
Mulder has GROWN. He's changed so much since Scully's come into his life.
Time for Scully to do the same.
CSM back to his old tricks. They wanted him back so he could assassinate - but he's just a tricksy manipulator who takes pleasure in tearing hope away from people at the last minute. He's a cat playing with a mouse before he breaks it’s neck.
Scully's wearing a lot of skirts this season. ❤️
Gibson's "They’re so worried about what other people are thinking when the people they’re worrying about are worried about the same thing. It makes me laugh."
Scully's worried about Mulder, and Mulder's worried about Scully.
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"No, you don’t care what people think. Except for her. The other one." - Gibson
Scully does what's right no matter the consequences. That's why she's still with Mulder. But Diana, she has no idea what to do there.
Diana falling asleep while watching Gibson. So she's incompetent, too? Cool cool cool. 😡
Scully at Mulder's apartment. Skinner knowing she's there.
She went home after finding out Diana was shot/after finding the sniper assassinated. Changed and came to Mulder's apartment. Why? To be there for him. Maybe she heard about Jeffrey Spender and his threats.
"I'll be here if you need to reach me." - Scully
Staying with him, helping him through whatever he's thinking; that they've lost not only the proof but the X-Files as well. Maybe their partnership.
Scully feels guilty. Mulder sided with her, chose her proof despite the warnings from Diana. And the consequences she mentioned are all coming true. Maybe she's not good for him anymore, maybe she is HOLDING HIM BACK. Her thoughts, her guilt that she expresses in Fight the Future start here.
The ending.
Holding onto Mulder while he stands there, stoic and unresponsive.
First, he lost his proof, his answers. Then, his life’s work. What’s left?
Scully’s reaching out, but he's folded into himself.
I like how this episode seems to end with Scully embracing Mulder - trying to hold onto him while he is the stoic and standoffish one. Seems like this whole episode, from an MSR perspective, has been about Scully's emotions surrounding their relationship, trying to hold onto Mulder, who she feels is slipping away. Holding tight to the idea of THEM when she's not sure there has ever been the possibility of a THEM.
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She helped CSM when he was shot in Redux II: in exchange, he'd find a way for her to return and get Mulder back
She returns at the same time as CSM; at the beginning all she's told is that she can have Mulder (yes, like an object), nothing much about Scully except that she's his partner and they AREN'T involved
She's shot, why? To show her that CSM can do what he wants with her, that he OWNS her; she's cured quickly, by HIM: tells her she's going to be working on the XF with his son and her only objective is to get Mulder to turn against Scully or at least put a wedge between them
CSM knows that the MSR is the reason why his repeated attempts at turning Mulder have failed. Mulder's changed, he no longer can be manipulated by people as easily. Scully is his conscience, his integrity. As long as they are together, Mulder in invulnerable.
Diana is the perfect way to disrupt the relationship. She's been working with the Consortium, and she can (or at least used to be able to) wrap Mulder around her finger.
Diana/Mulder Relationship
They had an on-again, off-again relationship ever since he was out of the academy (Gunmen)
Diana was manipulative but loved him in her own way. She feels entitled to him. She assumes he will come running back to her because he always did it before.
From my Kill Switch post: Diana made Mulder wear the ring to 'claim' him, she was pretty possessive of him. They didn't actually get married until after they discovered the X-Files. And that was sort of a last ditch effort by Mulder to keep her, since she was getting impatient with his obsessive focus on the X-Files. She left anyway shortly after, sent the annulment papers by mail for some bogus reason that she guilted him into agreeing with. I don't think Mulder was ever in a healthy relationship with someone who was unselfish and truly cared about him until Scully (and even that isn't quite healthy in some ways, but at least she cares for him).
Mulder feels responsible for losing Diana, that it was all his fault for the relationship failing. He's avoided romantic entanglements since then. He SPECIFICALLY refused to entertain the idea about loving Scully because of this history.
He doesn't harbour any negative feelings towards Diana, or feel that she did anything wrong.
I have some ideas of what she said to him to get him to agree to the annulment and they'd probably fuck him up; this goes beyond speculation and into fanfic territory so I won't get into it here. Nevertheless, he feels like he's shit at relationships, that if he were to try to become involved with Scully in that way that she'd leave him because of it. He always loses those he loves, and it's always his fault.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 260: GOD IS A WOMAN
Previously on BnHA: Virtually all of the known pro heroes in existence split into two big groups (each with its own weenie hut junior subgroup) to launch a massive surprise attack on the League of Pliff. Endeavor’s group, in Jakku, stormed the hospital where Ujiko works, which amazingly seemed to catch him completely off guard, so I guess we’ll see how that goes. Meanwhile off in the woods somewhere, Midnight’s group (ostensibly this is Edgeshot’s group, but I call it like I see it guys) prepared to attack the villains’ main HQ at the Overlook Hotel, while my infant son Kaminari Denki complained too loudly about being stuck on the front lines. Meanwhile the rest of 1-A (sans Tokoyami) is either tucked away safe in the woods, or perched just outside of Jakku ready to begin the citizen evacuation. I suggest that everyone enjoy this brief period where the good guys appear to be safe and victorious while it lasts.
Today on BnHA: MIRUKO!!! Okay lol. A lot happens in this chapter. Aizawa uses his quirk on Ujiko, who immediately starts melting away into a crispy-fried old man because apparently this motherfucker had the immortality quirk all along. And then Mic and Aizawa yell at him, and the other doctors are all “pardon us but what the fuck” and the heroes are all “NO TIME TO TALK, HE’S EVIL” and then we find out that Ujiko is a fucking Twice clone, so that’s just great. And the real Ujiko is of course down in the basement, along with LORD EVEN KNOWS HOW MANY HIGH END NOUMUS, and for a moment it honest to god looks like we’re screwed. But then MIRUKO, YOUR NEW FAVORITE CHARACTER, KICKS DOWN ALL THE FREAKING DOORS AND FLATTENS POOR JOHN-KUN AND IS ALL “BOOM, YOU LOOKING FOR THIS?”, and let me tell you guys, FOR A MOMENT I SAW TRUTH. Anyway so next chapter she’s probably going to have to fight zombie Jeanist or something, but for now? Life is good. REMEMBER THIS DAY.
so just like last week, before I get started I’m gonna do a quick follow-up on chapter 259. really, Viz’s version wasn’t all that different from the fan scanlation this time around, so this will mostly just be reactions to things I didn’t notice and that other people pointed out
first off, a couple people mentioned that the thing Mic is holding up appears to be some kind of throat spray. which seems to track, so I’ll just say again that I have a very morbid curiosity about whether or not Mic could actually kill someone with his quirk. and this curiosity has only intensified since my google search
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so yeah. will we ever get to see something like this?? STAY TUNED
also, I got a couple of conflicting answers about Naomasa’s quirk. someone said his quirk was lie-detecting, but another person said that’s actually his sister’s (LOL I HAD NO IDEA THERE WAS A NAOSIS, I REALLY SHOULD JUST READ VIGILANTES) quirk. and I never actually followed up on that lol sooooo. let me just do that real quick
okay so he doesn’t have a quirk listed on the wiki, but it says that his codename (??) is “True Man.” so that does seem to imply that his quirk is similar if not identical to his sister’s quirk, which is indeed a truth quirk (Polygraph). although the “she can’t detect a lie if the person is relaxed” seems to call this ability into doubt a bit. still pretty powerful though I guess
moving on now, last but not least let’s discuss the most relevant and controversial thing that happened this past week. (incidentally, I added an ETA about this to the previous chapter recap a couple hours after I first posted it, so in case you don’t what the asks below are referring to, it’s that.)
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so... I have mixed feelings about this. thing is, after reading up on it, it seems like the fans who were most upset were those from China, Korea, etc., which is actually completely understandable given the historical context. Japan doesn’t exactly have a great track record with being sensitive about all of the horrific shit their military got up to during WWII, so while I still believe that Horikoshi wasn’t intending to be disrespectful, I can understand them not being inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt
that being said, I keep thinking about this tweet by aitaikimochi:
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and despite what Horikoshi said in his apology tweets (about how he didn’t intend for the name to be associated with that particular historical connection), I still can’t help but think that he absolutely did intend to reference Unit 731, with the intent of (a) linking it to this vile, disgusting piece of shit character as a commentary, and (b) perhaps subtly pushing some of his Japanese readers who have never heard about this particular part of history to learn more about it. like, I know he offered up some dubious explanation about it being a reference to Ujiko’s rotund nature, but that seems really iffy to me tbh. that’s one hell of a coincidence if that’s really the case. idk
and you know what else -- and here’s where I’m really whipping out the conspiracy goggles -- I also can’t help but suspect that the decision to go back and change the name in the volume release is coming more from Shueisha (who I half-suspect weren’t themselves aware of the “maruta” name association until this blew up) than from him. because unfortunately this seems to be the standard Japanese PR response any time this subject comes up -- offer a vague statement of regret, and immediately proceed to wipe any mention of the subject from existence. because god forbid people actually talk about this or acknowledge that it happened
and so ultimately, while I do empathize with those who were upset by the name, I think it’s unfortunate that this is just getting swept back under the rug so quickly and will no doubt be forgotten about within a couple of months, because my gut feeling is that Shueisha was ultimately more concerned about what their Japanese readership might think about the controversy than what the Chinese and Korean fans thought. I could be wrong about that, and maybe also giving Horikoshi too much benefit of the doubt, but meh :/
anyway! so now that we’ve gotten that topic out of the way, let’s see how many pages it will take before the heroes finally realize just how much of an “oh fuck” situation they’ve gotten themselves into!
so the cover page is Hawks and Endeavor, but more importantly (to me), it establishes that this is indeed a hotel/resort and not a mansion, as the readheroaca team randomly translated it as last week. like does that look like any mansion you’ve ever seen. come on now
anyway so now my question is what happens if someone actually tries to stay at this hotel. do they just book that shit on trivago and enjoy a week up in the mountains surrounded by very strange but seemingly nice people, and just never suspect a thing? like, Gigantomachia lives in the basement here. I’m just saying. how dense can these hypothetical travelers be
also the hotel is apparently 80km from the hospital, or about 50 miles for us troglodytes who still use the imperial system. so pretty safe to say neither team will be able to provide backup to the other in this case. I will try not to think about this
so now Ujiko, the man without a name, is screaming while Endeavor and his group just STAND THERE LIKE TWENTY FEET AWAY. what the fuck
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I swear to god he looked so much closer in the previous chapter. WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING. HE’S GOT NOUMUS IN THE BASEMENT!! CAN YOU FUCKING ARREST HIS ASS ALREADY
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what are the odds that the next panel features Aizawa Shouta looking more pissed off than we’ve ever seen him. oh my god. it’s probably going to be hot af. I’m not sure I’m ready
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that is more or less the opposite of hot af. Horikoshi why you gotta do me like that
well well WELL!
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you mean to say Mr. Innocent Quirkless Philanthropist isn’t actually quirkless?? even though he wasn’t actually innocent?? and he wasn’t actually a philanthropist either?? well I am just SHOCKED. who saw this coming. how could this happen
also for real this is creeping me the fuck out though
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it does make sense though. I just can’t picture AFO entrusting so much of his operation to this dude if he actually was quirkless. because he’d view someone without a quirk as being lesser/inferior. so Ujiko almost had to have something up his sleeve. although it’s possible he could have been granted a quirk, rather than being born with one I suppose
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(ETA: and does this mean that if Aizawa ever visits AFO and uses his quirk on him, AFO will also instantly age like 200 fucking years? could that actually kill him?)
duuuuude. Nao’s speculating about whether the Noumus’ regeneration ability actually stems from this quirk. ...but that can’t be the case, can it? otherwise AFO would have been able to heal his injuries from the battle with All Might. we know for a fact he’s known Ujiko for at least 15 years. but still, either way it’s still one hell of a powerful quirk
which now seems to be unraveling before our very eyes. uh...
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anyone else getting Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade vibes? “he chose... poorly”
oh MY GOD!!
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do it Mic do it do it do it
oh my god. well he’s not killing him with his voice, but instead this is happening
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nooo Mic. I need you to be less anguished and more murdery. I don’t want feels yet!! goddammit
I mean it’s not asking for too much, is it? I just want a teensy little bit of satisfaction before the shit hits the fan. just torture him a little bit. just a little!
oh hey some doctors are intervening because the heroes look like psychopaths right now
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s2g if one of these fuckers gets in between Ujiko and Aizawa’s line of sight and he fucking gets away -- !! oh my god. I can’t fucking take this. ffdffjjjk I’m so anxious you guys, I could never be a hero the stress is too much
so instead of explaining it to these rightfully concerned people, the heroes are just pushing them aside and telling them to stand back. and like, on the one hand I get it. they’re on the clock, they have to eliminate John-kun before the hotel villains get wind of the attack, and they don’t have time to explain an entire series’s worth of backstory to everyone who asks about it. but on the other hand, I also just want them to shout “HE EXPERIMENTED ON CHILDREN AND CORPSES AND CREATED THE NOUMUS!” or something. just so they know. I need them to know goddammit
but at least the patients seem to all be pretty chill about it lmao
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-- holy shit. okay, three things
that panel with them moving the beds is my favorite
the panel with Tora holding this one guy who’s suddenly IN LOVE is also my favorite. oh man. Tora you are the manliest
combat with the WHAT DID YOU SAY NOW
so they knew?? well that sure fucking explains why Endeavor made the executive decision to keep his son and the other kids as far away as possible. but also, what? so like they must not realize that there are more high ends, then. right? or else they surely would not be so casual about this
holy shit?!
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just how thorough was this investigation?? I really need to stop underestimating the heroes huh. should have learned my lesson after Kamino. these guys do their homework. it’s just that there’s always some one last thing that they failed to account for
so what is it going to be then in this case? Tomura is the one controlling them now? shitttttt
oh god. yeah, Miruko’s just casually kicking down the mortuary door and she’s all “we know who’s controlling them!” so I assume they believe that it’s Ujiko. which is honestly what I myself assumed up until about ten seconds ago, so fair enough
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hot. a. f. just like I said. excuse me sir but there are laws against smoking in a hospital. because you’re smoking. get it. ...it’s because you’re hot. ...yes sir I’m sorry sir I will stop now
so Ujiko is sobbing and screaming “let me go!!” and okay but where is Present Mic? do you see, Mic. this is what I wanted, okay. but it’s all right, I understand that you were upset
ohhhhhhhhhh ffffuuuu
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Endeavor with a worried look and lots of dots followed by an exclamation point, and then a closeup of Ujiko’s mouth looking surprisingly sinister as he reiterates for them to let him go. I’M SURE THIS IS ALL FINE. WE’RE ALL FINE. THAT’S OKAY HORIKOSHI, YOU CAN END THE CHAPTER HERE, IT’S GOOD. WE GOT LIKE WHAT, EIGHT PAGES? THAT’S PLENTY, REALLY
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jesus christ. Miruko does the exact same thing as Katsuki where she sees a wall and she’s all “FUCK YEAH.” goddamn. it honest to god gave me a boost of confidence even as I watched her announce that THE NOUMU ARE DOING THE EXACT FUCKING THING SHE JUST SAID THAT THEY WOULDN’T BE ABLE TO DO
and also that is 100% a black Noumu there on the right side. so confirmed, the big guns are here too
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but nice save, Aizawa!! I personally would not have had such quick reflexes upon being confronted by a giant monster lunging out of the floor to stick out its multipronged DRILL TONGUE WHICH IS ALSO ITS BRAIN, haha. can someone please check on Horikoshi to make sure he is doing all right. I have some concerns about the mind that drew this
holy shit the drill tongue Noumu is actually drilling into Ujiko. like there’s blood and stuff
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(ETA: well it turned out not to matter BUT STILL.)
lmao Endeavor looks so fucking mad
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...aaaaaand this is happening
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lol. good job @blessedgirthma​ you called it. it’s a clone! hahaha, fuck
and so the bad man lives to see another day. bets on who will eventually be the one to take him out? just remember how long that list is. lots of enemies, Ujiko. you’ll get yours
but right now I guess we have some other things to worry about
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by the way we best pray to god that it was Twice who made that clone and not Ujiko himself, because if Ujiko has managed to replicate that ability on top of everything else, we can truly kiss the world goodbye
but anyway! so that’s Noumu!Tomura confirmed then, in my book. and there are the 11! does this mean they’re not at the hospital?? all I know is they had better not be out on the outskirts of the city where my babies are
also is Ujiko talking to himself here. it almost seems like his words are coming out of the clone’s mouth. but Twice doesn’t have that kind of clone puppeteering ability. so then who is this guy bragging to. -- oh my god can he see us
lmao he’s plopping into his science chair and zooming halfway across the room
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don’t misunderstand me though, one panel of being super relatable does not make up for a lifetime of horrific and nauseating crimes
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there is at least one more row than I recall seeing in that previous chapter way back when. so even more high ends. in addition to the 12 (11 considering Endeavor subsequently fried one) we previously saw
and also I just realized, he did say “this” hospital. meaning he is still in the basement? so these guys are still right under their noses, then? oh god oh god so much to process and all of it is terrible god
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holy shit. you guys. what the fuck. the hell was All Might thinking going to U.A. to pick a student successor when Miruko was right fucking there. like I’m just saying??
and also, fuck me he is getting away
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lmao and that’s the end of the chapter. holy shit. all I need is for her to say “I am here!” and I’m set. I leave it in your capable hands. why was she not in charge to begin with. number five hero my ass!! smdh for real though guys lol
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ratchetclankarecute · 4 years
(WIP, but y’all can read it if you want)
Edit: I’m done I think! Enjoy younger Hornet and her friends theorizing about evolution!
“Princess!” someone hissed.
The Gendered Child in question shot her head up from the book she had been reading, to meet the red Little Weaver cloak and then the eyes of her friend.
“Joii and I are comparing limbs for her studies,” Chete explained, “Can we, er, borrow yours as well?”
“Of course,” the Gendered Child tucked the book on spores under her arm, and quietly padded after her, ducking around another student with the markings of a Hallownest noble and far too many books to be healthy.
Joii was at a table intended for four, carefully sketching her own four fingered hand next to well annotated drawings of Chete’s upper and middle claws.
“Ah!” she murmured when she saw her two friends approaching, “Come here?” she asked, holding out her hand.
The Princess put her book next to the scattered notes and papers, then placed her own clawed hand in Joii’s, examining the sketches, as well as the actual limbs in question as she did so. 
When Chete put her upper left claw next to hers as comparison it made an interesting picture. 
From the Little Weaver’s segmented limb with claws that seemed to fade in size as they got closer to her body,  to the Gendered Child’s single set of barely jointed claws, to the Hallownest native’s hand, jointed in multiple places, it seemed as though someone had created a spell to transform one of the ends into the other, and the Princess’s limb was simply the in-between.
“Thank you, Princess, that’ll help a lot for my essay!” Joii said quietly.
“You have to do essays already?” the Gendered Child asked, surprised.
“Mhm, my dads both think I'm good enough for the advanced classes,” Joii sighed, “but it doesn't really feel like I'm learning more, just that I'm doing more!”
Chete and the Princess both made sympathetic noises at that.
“What's your essay about?” Chete asked.
“Oh! It's about our ancestors, but um, really far back! Like, the creatures who we both descended from, not just who Hallownest bugs descended from!”
Joii began waving her hands as she delved into the topic, “See, Chete’s claws and my fingers have sort of different structures, but the way we feel from them and use them is really similar when you think about it, cause-”
“Shhh!!” some nearby students hissed, glaring at how loud Joii had gotten in her excitement.
“Sorry!” All three whispered apologetically.
“How did my claws help with that? Seems more like an argument for a hybrid being similar to both parents, instead of both parents having the same origin.”
“That's the thing!” Joii exclaimed, before quieting as an aide glared at her.
“That's the thing,” she repeated in a whisper, “the fact that you were born at all means your parents had to be compatible!”
Chete chimed in at that, “The Beast told some of us she was glad the Pale King was married though, cause they would have been incompatible otherwise!”
Joii waved that off, “No, I mean in parts! Like um,” she ducked her head as she realized what she was implying, “the fact that their bodies- never mind, you know what I mean!” 
The Princess was very ready to move on, “So my birth itself helps prove your point?”
“Yes!” Joii jumped on the change in subject just as eagerly, even as Chete giggled at them both, “Though I wonder if you'll get more claws or more joints in the claws you have when you grow up.”
They all stared at the Gendered Child’s limbs in silence for a bit. Here was a fuzz that could harden into chitin on her next molt, there was a bump on thumb that might become another joint, both signs that could hold the future, and yet could just as likely be meaningless.
“Perhaps you'll get both,” Chete mused, gaining nods and mhms for her comment.
“Perhaps I'll get claws growing out of the ones I already have,” she said half jokingly. Chete snickered at that, while Joii stared as if actually considering it.
“Like that fractal art we saw!” Joii said.
“Yes exactly!” the Princess said, “And out of those claws, more claws -” she lifted them, trying not to laugh that her friends wouldn't catch on to her plan, “- until I can hold everything in my grasp!” 
And at that she shoved one hand towards the ticklish spot on Joii’s neck, and another towards the underside of Chete’s chin, getting shrieks out of both girls.
“Excuse me!” the aide strode over, “I am very sorry ladies and...” they faltered as they recognized the instigator, “...Princess, but, I am going to have to ask you to, erm-”
“It won't happen again,” the Princess promised, “We’ll be quiet from now on. You have my sincere apologies.” 
Her friends both nodded, giving a chorus of apologies themselves.
“Right, er, see that it doesn't!” the aide turned away and left toward the desk they had occupied earlier.
“But, um, thanks a lot Princess!” Joii said, “My teacher said having primary sources is super important, and this is probably as primary as it gets!” She huffed as she looked over the tablet her teacher had given her. “Now I need to give an argument for when the split happened though…”
The Gendered Child turned to Chete, “Don't we have a story like that?”
“Like what?” Chete tilted her head.
“Where two sisters focused on different strategies for their bodies...” a sudden rustle came from both spiders. Joii watched, confused, as the two twisted their red cloaks, checking different parts of their fabrics.
“Here!” Chete exclaimed, “Sort of toward the beginning!”
“Ah!” she replied, turning the spot on her cloak to Joii to see.
“Here it says, 
“and as Arthro left the nest, she bid her daughters to grow and improve themselves. 
“One sister, Arach grew many limbs, with many parts to feel with, and do work with, while Insetce focused on the limbs granted to her, making the ends into clever, delicate things” 
“and a bit after that it explains how Arach gave birth to the mother of the Weavers,” the Gendered Child said, running a gentle claw down the silk as she explained each passage.
Joii had leaned forward during the story, looking at the delicate silk pattern. “That story is in your cloaks?” she breathed.
“Yes!” Chete said, “And when we're old enough, we make cloaks for our younger siblings ourselves!”
“That. Is. Amazing...thank you both so much!” Joii turned back to the tablet, parsing the lines toward the end before groaning, “Ugggh, there's no procedure on how to cite a Weaver cloak!”
The two spiders patted her on the back, reassuring her that she would figure it out. Chete commented how glad she was she didn't need to write a paper herself, earning another groan from Joii, and a little giggle from the Gendered Child.
Goodness, they were probably going to get kicked out of the library at this rate, Princess or no.
But the Princess wouldn't have it any other way. There was nothing like the company of dear friends. 
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