angstymdzsthoughts · 5 years
I’m happy but I cry whipping boy part 2 posted today and it’s hot and sad and WWX body image is tragic because it sounds like LWJ has been trying for years to help but it’s slow which makes it REAL AND 😭 I WANNA HUG WEI YING BUT HES GOT LAN ZHAN TO LOVE HIM ENOUGH FOR 2 PEOPLE I cry I kinda want it in WWX point of view too? Think how devastating that would be believing he’s not beautiful enough for LWJ how far off canon is that really it’s just not his looks I CRY
You and me both, darling, you and me both… But did that part 2 deliver on the angst and the difficulties that come with recovering from abuse or what?
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doradojjk · 6 years
qUESTION! what are your top three fics you’ve written?
Hmmm, tough choice, but these would be my picks! Thanks for asking! (None are TSC/TID 💦)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16746988 (MDZS, Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16039325 (Free, Rin/Haru)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14812118 (Free, Rin/Makoto)
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its-a-bi-guy · 7 years
This is a weird ask. My sis (in her late 30s) is bisexual and so is her husband. They've been married for 13 yrs and are super happy. They are moving back to Chicago and I am so excited for them to come back home and I mentioned that I can finally drag them to Pride next summer (cuz Chicago Pride is AMAZING) and they both balked. They are not active in the lgbtq community at all and it's so frustrating!!! They both have been in same sex relationships. (pt 1)
I was sure I’d have another big sis as intense as my sis was with her gf was all through college. If gay marriage had been legal by the late 90s/early 2000s I wonder if they’d have gotten married. Anyway, my question is, was being lgbtq THAT hard back then? I feel like they’ve both washed their hands of the community and want to live their heteronormative life in peace. Which is totally fine but I want my sis to be a part of what;s impt to me too. Am I being totally selfish? (pt 2)
I should probably add that our parents are pretty cool (and I think they were when she came out when she was 17 yrs old) but my BIL has really homophobic parents, he lived with us one summer after their Senior year of HS (they've known each other forever) cuz of it and I wonder if that has anything to do with it. idk I don't think of the 90s as that homophobic but I have no clue really (pt 3)
A lot of bi people I know have unpleasant experiences with the larger LGBT community. If someone is paired with someone of a societally accepted gender then it’s incredibly easy (and common) for everyone to just assume they are straight, including in the LGBT community. They may have seen times when other couples were forced out depending on the gender of their latest partner or seen enough biphobia to expect that it would happen. I can’t begrudge anyone not wanting to participate in a community that doesn’t make them feel welcome very often. If your brother in law had bad experiences with his parents - that might also impact his willingness to be part of the community. If he still has a relationship with his parents it may be easier/safer to just let them assume he’s straight again rather then fight it at every turn. Or they may have completely different reasons.
As for the 90s - yeah it wasn’t easy being queer then. We didn’t have any kind of institutional support - no GSAs, no queer clubs in school, etc. I can understand someone not wanting to fight anymore.
All of that being said - I get that you were excited to have some queer family members move back close to you. I understand wanting them to be part of the community you’ve found. I’d suggest inviting them with low pressure and if they say no or make excuses just be cool with it and don’t ask them again that year. They may want to join you in the future, and they may not, that’s totally up to them.
Hope this helps some?
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jessamine--lovelace · 7 years
Hey have you ever done blog recs? If not could you rec some?
I made blog recs some time ago, but I can make another one. :))@catarinalosss @tiberiusblacktorn @lovelaces-are-quiters @fcirfolk @emmarosales @tiberius-herondale @kittrook @kierancfthehunt @herondaleschildren @justafangirlwithideas @blackthorn-twins @cristinqrosales @kiaaan @sania0810 @mostawesomepineapple @livvyswifi @ladyofroses @thepurplewarlock @cairstine @corianess @queenrosales @ashmorningstar @amberblackthorn @tessieherondalee @karouss @sorelia-the-shadowhunter @seminaked-mark-blackthorn @blackthorntrash @blackhtorns @basically-a-trashcan @reallygaymangos @heronchildlove @heronstqirs @howtobesatan101 @goldenjellyfish12 @graydalestairs @fangirl-writes-poetry @fandom-life-is-for-me15 @johnmichaelshelby @cordeliaheronstairsxThey are everyone I could think of… Sorry it took so long to answer this… I had the post in drafts and forgot about it… uups….
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bro-zachariah · 6 years
10 songs you are currently obsessed with+ tag 10 blogs
I was tagged by @justafangirlwithideas 💜
In no particular order:
1. Supercut- Lorde
2. Control- Halsey
3. English Love Affair- 5sos
4. Heaven in Hidding- Halsey
5. Old Yellow Bricks- Arctic Monkeys
6. Cruisin' For Bruisin'- Teen Beach Movie
7. Missing You- All Time Low
8. Primadonna- Marina and the Diamonds
9. Only Angel- Harry Styles
10. Girls Like Girls- Hayley Kiyoko
Bonus bcs I'm an indecisive trash: Nancy Mulligan (Ed Sheeran), I'll Make It Up To You ( Imagine Dragons), The Room Where It Happens (Hamilton), Writer in The Dark ( Lorde), We Are Young (Fun), Just Around The Riverbend (Pocahontas) and Sign of The Times (Harry Styles)
Tag: @graydalestairs @ourshadowhunterscodex @queenrosales @rosqles @untrustworthyducks @what-the-phoenix @sorelia-the-shadowhunter @slapmyassandcallmejess @allthestoriesaretrue-78 @alilovelaced
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thewolfnephilim · 7 years
9 albums that rock, 9 tags
tagged by @graydalestairs , thank you😘
Wretched and Divine by Black Veil Brides
IV by Black Veil Brides
Flicker by Niall Horan
Harry Styles by Harry Styles (so creative lol)
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
The Shadow Side by Andy Black
Hell Freezes Over by Eagles
Greatest Hits by Phil Collins (lol)
Divide by Ed Sheeran
I tag: @the-lady-of-roses @blackthorn-twins @queensophiecollins @goldenjellyfish12 @clockworkraindrops @sasoak @amberblackthorn @erincarstairs @teaspoonemotionalrange
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kierarktina3ever · 7 years
9 Albums that Rock, 9 Tags
Ooo this is cool! I love these tag games because I’m annoying and love excuses to talk about myself 😂 Tagged by @graydalestairs
In a bit of a Christmas mood lately so forgive the amount of Christmas music here
1. Young Does Disney (1&2) by Jonathan Young
2. Young Does Christmas by Jonathan Young
3. M A N I A by FOB (I’m aware the whole thing isn’t out yet but I already love every song I’ve heard from it 😂)
4. That’s Christmas to Me by Pentatonix
5. Christmas Cheers by Straight No Chaser
6. Disappear Here by Bad Suns
7. The End is Where We Begin by Thousand Foot Crutch
8. The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
9. Be More Chill (this one is a musical randomly thrown in here because it’s one of my favorites and has no recognition)
Tags: I don’t want to bother nine people but I’ll tag a few of my pals:
@kiearktina @herondaleboys @fangirl-writes-poetry
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carlosmydevil-blog · 7 years
Ty Tag ❤
So I'm doing Ty Tag! I love my brave boy Ty Ty and a special thanks for @thepurplewarlock for tagging me !
So here are my words :
close , weave , tight , sleep, curious , cure , dream , parchment
Thats all I have for now . Happy Ty appreciation day everybody !
I'm gonna tag like every TSC blog I know : @tavvy-and-rafe-are-parabatai , @queenrosales , @tiberiusblacktorn , @tscdaily , @gracelightwood , @graydalestairs , @catarinalosss
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doradojjk · 7 years
Jem just really likes cereal
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kittrook · 7 years
omg you are one of those blogs that intimidates me I'm sure you have a billion followers buuuut you are the one who got me hooked (OBSESSED) with Froy as Kit and I want (NEED) your opinion on this 12 second clip I posted of Froy singing cuz in my head IT IS KIT singing to Ty but I need the stamp of approval from my (EVERYONE'S) fav Kit expert if you wanna look at it, I'd say whatevs but I have zero chill as you can prolly see already
LOOK AT HIM GO! I approve! so much! 
this makes me teary eyed. kit! singing! to! ty! Such a beautiful concept… thank you for showing me this!
link to the video
ps. “but I need the stamp of approval from my (EVERYONE’S) fav Kit expert if you wanna look at it” this is the best compliment anyone can ever give me, im smiling sm. thank you! 💓
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Five facts
Tagged by @graydalestairs ❤️
1. When I read a book it either takes me two days to finish it or the rest of eternity.
2. Back home I have a dog called Nala that I miss with my whole heart.
3. I always find it so difficult to find something interesting to say about me because I have such a low self esteem I think everything about me is boring lol
4. I have been in so many fandoms I lost count, but I guess my obsession for Taylor Swift surpasses everything.
5. My tumblr started as a Taylor Swift/Glee/the vampire diaries blog and honestly I was so embarrassing back then
Tag: I always end up tagging my favourite mutuals, have patience guys
@blackthorndeborah @unicornshirtdays @britttrobertson @anniegamgee @herondalesgonehaywire @oblivionsdream @do-the-fandom-mash @twenly-one-duns
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atreewithin · 6 years
tagged by- @willhrondael
How tall are you? — 5'8/5'9
What colour are your eyes? — blue (or blue-grey idk)
Do you wear contacts and/or glasses? — glasses
Do you wear braces? — yes unfortunately
What is your fashion style? — i dress like a fucking art hoe and also hoodies
When were you born? — london
Do you have any siblings? — a brother
What kind of student are you? — i procrastinate but i'm pretty smart so luckily when i fail at revising i still get higher marks than everyone else (pls i'm not boasting it's self loVE)
What are your favourite subjects? — english lit, history, psychology
What are your favourite movies? — yikes i mean i like musicals? mamma mia? idk i like movies
What are your favourite pastimes? — talking to internet friends tbh, reading, playing music, crying??
Do you have any regrets? — ahaha i have at least 1-2 regrets per day
What is your dream job? — @emmarosales @catarinalosss ;)));)
Would you like to get married? — yeah probably
Do you want kids? How many? — I couldn't biologically have kids unless I were to do that bone marrow thing but tbh if I really wanted kids (which idk about but it would be cool i guess to teach someone like that) I could just adopt bc operations scare me
How many countries have you visited? — yikes um around 17?? I think that's a lot but in context it's not really? and there's still a bunch of places i really want to go to
Do you have a (boyfriend/)girlfriend/significant other? — no + i would say i wish but i'm not in the right place to at the moment?
(tagged by @catarinalosss sss for this one too)
Thank You For The Music- ABBA
Friday I'm In Love- The Cure
Dancing Queen- ABBA
Runaway Train- Soul Asylum
Live Forever- Oasis
Somewhere Only We Know- Lily Allen
Memory- Cats (musical soundtrack)
Sleepover- Hayley Kiyoko
Party Tattoos- dodie
How to Save a Life- The Fray
I tag— @catarinalosss @emmarosales @rosqles @blackhtorns @tiberiusblacktorn @herondaleschildren @pillowcreeks @dianawraybcrn @graydalestairs @isabellelovelxce
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waitque · 7 years
9 albums, 9 tags
Tagged by @cordeliaheronstairsx for this challenge
1. Human Condition - Jon Bellion
2. I love you - The neighbourhood
3. Blurryface - twentyonpilot
4. American Teen - Khalid
5. AM - Arctic Monkeys
6. The ride - Catfish and the bottlemen
7. Dua Lipa - Dua Lipa
8. Wiped out! - The Neighbourhood
9. The click - AJR
Tags :
@herondaleschildren @officialdemigods @julianspancakes @claryfightwood @nephilimdaily @noah-herondale @cityoflostposts @incorrect-tmi-quotes @graydalestairs
Sorry id I don’t know you still quite new to the who tumblr thing but anyone feel free to message me and say hello :) :) x
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thewolfnephilim · 7 years
I was tagged by @cairstine thank you😘
Goal: to become a sommelier 🍷
Relationship Status: single yayyy
Favorite Color: shades of blue
Lipstick or Chapstick: lipstick
Last Song: Kiwi by Harry Styles
Last Movie: White House Down
Top 3 Shows: (I’m not a tv series person tbh. *whispers* please don’t kill me.) I watch Shadowhunters, used to watch Teen Wolf. But in the evening I watch NCIS with my mom🌸
Top 3 Ships: Henry and Charlotte Branwell, Herongraystairs, Sam and Grace (The Wolves of Mercy Falls).
tagging @thepurplewarlock @graydalestairs @fandom-life-is-for-me15 @sasoak @herondalesgonehaywire  😊
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carlosmydevil-blog · 7 years
Facts!!!!! ( I love facts ❤)
So I was tagged by the lovely @graydalestairs ! And let me tell you people how much I love tags ! I love answering questions so yay !
Name : Sofia Gender: female Sign: Capricorn Height: 162 cm ( I think that's like 5.2 or smth) Sexuality:straight Favorite animal: dogs , dogs , DoGS! Did I mention dogs!!???? Also bears and rhinos idk why I just love them so much and boars! Dream trip: Australia or like a road trip around UK Dream job: A writer and to open my own publishing company . When and why I made my blog : I think it was in February of this year and I basically craved fandoms and my fave ships and then I stumbled upon the holy grail of tumblr and now I'm in love . Favorite music band : I would say FOB because it is basically how I feel 24/7 and the words just really get to me, like all the time. Props to my friend who got me into them ! Favorite emoji : The red heart . Classy and boring but I love it ❤. Would you rather be exceedingly rich but unhappy, famous but somehow have little money ,or happy and wealthy but in ill health?: Hmmmm, I'd say be famous and somehow have little money because it's really important for me to be both happy and healthy so I would prefer to be famous for something great and spread the word on the topics and themes that I am passionate about! Do you have any piercings that are not in your ear lobes?: nopeee , only my ears although I'm hoping to get more holes in my ears soon What kind of exercise do you do/what sports do you play?: I play tennis for leisure cause I'm not really a sporty girl . Although I really enjoy P.E lessons at school due to my super duper competitiveness . Can you sing well enough that you wouldn't be booed offa karaoke stage?: yea I would say I would . I love singing and I love karaokes so I don't think that I'd be booed 😂. Can you cook any meal from scratch?: Nope unless it's like an avocado toast . I legit might burn the house down . Describe in five words the last person you had a serious crush on: OH BOYYYY. So this guy who's actually kinda my friend ( I don't really crush that much on him anymore ) alright basically: 1) Best accent ever 2) arrogant 3) fluffy hair 4) annoying 5) Astro-physicist ( that was more than 5 words whatever ) Android or iPhone ?: iPhone Ever broken a bone?:nope , but I have severed my back really badly in the past . What's that one song you can listen to an embarrassing amount of time ?: Superheroes by the Script , I love it ! What is the last book you've read that wasn't TSC?: well I'm reading the Raven cycle and they both die at the end right now so yea there's that ! Both are great btw and the second one is making me cry every second of my life like wow the beauty!
So I tag : ( obvs mi amiga ) @tavvy-and-rafe-are-parabatai , @queenrosales , @thepurplewarlock , @tiberiusblacktorn , @gracelightwood , @catarinalosss
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doradojjk · 7 years
Whispers for Ty (requested feels)
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