#great work everybody!! thanks so much for playing along i really enjoyed this!!!
just-a-ghost00 · 2 days
You got mail 💌
Let’s find out what the person on your mind has to say to you. Pick one of the following emojis and discover your reading.
🌍 🩵 🌄 🤠
Group 1 🌍
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I may not show it to you but I am really happy we met. Everyday with you feels like a new adventure. Though we are worlds apart and so different from each other, I really feel like we match perfectly. You make me feel like I belong. Every moment spent with you is so much fun. It makes me want to jump forward and explore. You are so sweet and generous, so playful that I can’t help but to play along. I feel so lucky being with you. There is so much I want to do with you. I want to hang out with you and get to know you more. Maybe we could have a couple drinks, play in a park, have a little date by the river… if you wish. I feel so boring compared to you. With me, everything is always black and white. But you, my love, are so colorful and bright. I wish we were a family. I wish I could wake up in the morning to find you sitting at the table, eating breakfast with a smile on your face. I wish I could share with you my favorite spots and take you to every place I get to see. I wish I could find a way to express all that you mean to me. I tend to see the glass half empty. But when I’m with you I want to believe everything is possible. You have filled my cup with your love and I am so thankful for that. I can’t find the words to tell you how much I owe to you. You’ve made me a better person and I feel like I could never return the favor.
Group 2 🩵
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I may look like all is well and fine but to tell you the truth I feel hollow. And I could use some fun. I always seem so busy, always the life of the party, making everybody laugh and ensuring they have a good time. But deep inside, it’s getting tough. As the days go by, I feel my energy depleting and my motivation as well. I don’t even know why I do this anymore. I force myself for the sake of keeping appearances but honestly I’m not sure I like it at all. I’m afraid that if you dig deep enough, you wouldn’t like what you find there. I am much more fragile than I seem. Also much more mellow and soft when I get the chance. But lately I’m more of a zombie than anything. I don’t think I could bring you much joy nor comfort. I’m afraid I’ve turned bitter. It’s all about work and making sure the money gets in and less about enjoying what I’m doing. I need to pay the bills. There’s competition around. I can’t afford to lose. Everyone’s counting on me. People look up to me. I sacrificed a lot to get there. I can’t back down now. Who would I be if I did? I can’t disappoint. It’s all a masquerade but it’s for a cause. It might not look great to you but it means a lot to me. So, sorry if I’m acting cold but… it’s all for you baby. Don’t go thinking I found someone better. Believe me I don’t have the time for that.
Group 3 🌄
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Hold on a minute ! I know what you’re gonna think. What the heck is he/she saying? But hey, let me explain you’ll get it ! I may not be the strongest, the wisest or the most impressive of them all but one thing that’s sure about me is that I only have good intentions for you. I am ready to fight for you if that must be done. Thought I’m not good at that. Listen, my point is I really like you. I want to be with you, have fun with you, chat with you. I want us to take our time and get to know each other and hopefully to grow old together but that’s another story. With you I feel like a kid again. Sometimes, I gotta say, the feeling can be irritating. But at the same time it is freeing. I don’t have to chose a side. I don’t have to act a certain way to be accepted by you or understood. And that’s crazy! I’ve never experienced that before. Usually I would try to conform and play nice, show my best side and stick to the plan. But ever since I met you I want to free myself of those restraints. I want to find my home. I want to express my full potential without fearing being rejected or not belonging. I know you’ll never kick me out. Because you are the same aren’t you? The things I’ve seen, what I’ve been through, you’ve been there as well, right? I want to make a promise to you. Whatever comes our way, I swear I won’t run away. Even though it is scary and seems impossible, I will always work hard and do my best to make it. I may not be exactly your type or what you imagined a partner should be, but I am willing to learn. I am willing to tune to your melody and shelter whatever we may build together, not matter how unstable it may seem. I want you to feel comfortable with me. I want you to feel as safe with me as I feel with you. So if you’ll let me, let me fulfill that promise. You won’t regret it.
Group 4 🤠
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To be honest, at first I didn’t get the best of vibes from you. I was a little intimidated and didn’t want to get to know you. Especially considering what people were saying about you. But I tried to see past your exterior and once I got to know you I found out that you were very chill. Maybe it was because I didn’t know you. Maybe I feared the unknown territory you represented. Maybe I was just afraid of going deep. But curiosity got the best of me. And luckily for both of us I stayed around long enough to make my own opinion. And I have to say that you are quite surprising. I won’t lie, being with you asks a lot of efforts on my part. But every second spent with you is worth it. In your presence, I feel comfortable. Being with you reminds me of my childhood. I think of my mother and my family, of the days we spent together before I moved away and followed the wind where it took me. Every page of our story takes me deeper within. I see sides of myself I never noticed or didn’t want to remember. I remember the innocent days where doing something new weren’t as terrifying and meeting new people sounded like a thrill. Being with you I feel blessed and content. There’s a light heartedness and a warmth in my heart I wouldn’t trade for anything. When I’m alone at home you’re all I think about. When I’m at work also. There isn’t a single moment when you’re not on my mind. When I’m with you I feel hopeful. I think that maybe life isn’t as tough as I thought it would be. That maybe there is more waiting for me. Please, show me more of your different sides. Tell me more about what makes you happy. Let me in and let me see for myself what you are made of. I’m begging you don’t shut me out. I want more of you.
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
🍞 [BREAD] Does your OC have any allergies? How severe are they? Do they require equipment to help them?
oh woops! i forgot to get to these individual anonymous ones as i meant to copy-paste them in and forgot in the time i spent answering, sorry sorry!! it was this one and 5 others (which were already answered) so i'll pick five others from the list!
🍞 [BREAD] Does your OC have any allergies? How severe are they? Do they require equipment to help them? || none so far, not even to the occasional poisonous substance. low spice tolerance though, and she gets the hiccups instantly from fizzy drinks, if that counts for anything
🍂 [AUTUMN LEAVES] Does your OC view piles of dead leaves as a mess or as fun? || delightful!!! very fun!! this is extremely waddle dee core, jumping into a pile of crunchy leaves!! sometimes if you're really lucky kirby will come along and bluster you around in them!
🥧 [PIE] What's the longest journey your OC has gone on? What was it for? Did they succeed? || it was really, really, really really she's been out to sacred square with Meta Knight for research and study purposes. she's not super well travelled on Popstar yet, and her feet are pretty small so it's hard to get most places on her own. plus she doesn't like to go too far without company, and she doesn't really get to tag along on the Bigger Adventures. as for the success... well, meta knight didn't seem super satisfied, but starstruck had a nice time! they had to fly so it was automatically a huuuuuge success in her mind
🍈 [MELON] If they had to be put into a box, what box would it be and why? || i put her into schrödinger's box 🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place? || all over the place in dream land, actually! and popstar as a whole! it's a beautiful country on a beautiful planet; she loves to be there! she thrills to see all kinds of weather, all times of day, all sorts of locations. some of her favourites are the grassy knolls of cookie country on a clear night to watch the stars, the parapets of castle dedede at sunset when the spiral rivers turn gold, and the sand dunes of orange ocean right when the first light breaks and the dark indigo sky goes that little-bit icy yellow. she hasn't been to rainbow resort yet, but i think she'd go absolutely crazy for it! 🍻 [BEER CHEERS] Is your OC typically on the louder or quieter side? || she talks a lot (when she's comfortable) but not super loudly. once she learned to use her own voice she was also encouraged to use "the inside one" and never looked back
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louroth · 1 year
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Hello hello everybody! It is time for another months progress, and I am so excited to share with you, all the things I have gotten my grimy little gremlin hands on. First off, what we are all here for; writing. I have been on fire, to be honest! Last month I churned through the last of the first batch of erotica stories (there's 6 (!!!) of them on my patreon already) and set them up for publishing along with two more unseen ones- I'm still going over the logistics of where to publish for the best revenue (I know this sounds boring, but I have to make an income somehow, and hopefully find another audience as a smut writer on other platforms 💀 I love writing it so why not!), and I am making headway, learning the ins and outs of self publishing. On patreon, there are also two Q&A's that are written in a bit more fictional manner, in character: a more fun way than just writing answers straight up and down. I have enjoyed those so much! There's a bunch of other stuff I haven't even mentioned- honestly, I have to say, I'm really proud of my output on Patreon even though I have been really anxious about writing full time. It's going great! I have to thank my new friends and support-network on discord; you make this all worth it. I cannot express how fun it is to shoot the shit with you in vc, gaming together, or seeing your shenanigans in gen or your in depth theories (thanks for the brainworms!) or memes or staring longingly at the fanfic channel or drooling over your art (ouro related or not) or... Gah. You are just amazing people, and I will waste no opportunity in saying so. Thank you forever and ever and ever an-
When it comes to OUROBOROS, I am happy to announce that the next chapter is damn near done! I was halted because of the discovery that dashingdon is no longer supported by it's creator, and have been working on the twine version ever since, earlier than I expected- it's tough work, but I am so excited to make this an actual game made entirely by myself, and not submitting to a company that quite frankly leaves a bitter aftertaste. It is taking long to make because I want to make it mobile compatible from the start, which there isn't a lot of resources for. But I'm doing my best! The plan is that I will be posting the next chapter for Patreons in the coming month, and then treat you to a full twine release here on tumblr. I haven't made any rewrites when porting the twine build, but I would like to do that too... so we will see; this plan is not set in stone. I will just have to see how it evolves over the next month. Yes, beta-readers is still on the schedule, just holding off a little while while I wrap my head around this new coding landscape.
Other than that, I have been working on the set aesthetic for ouro, which has been really hard, a lot harder than I expected. You all know I am no wizard when it comes to graphic design, but I want to at least develop a set palette and imagery and portraits that is cohesive to the story. The work is ongoing, and I don't have much to say about it- even though it is taking a lot of my brain power. I'm hoping I can come to some kind of set and in depth conclusion that I am happy with before the twine release, because I want the game to feel like a treat to open up and play; a world to get lost in.
That's it! If you want to see weekly and more in depth dev-logs, you know where to go. I hope you have an amazing day or night, and we will see each other soon. xx
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sapphyreopal5 · 11 months
"Dark Knights" interview with Nicholas Knight, Jared Padalecki, and Jensen Ackles (Oct/Nov 2008)
The following tidbits of text are from the Supernatural Magazine Issue 6 (Oct/Nov 2008) interview "Dark Knights" with Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and writer Nicholas Knight (pages 10 to ).
"Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki will readily tell you that working on Supernatural has made them much less likely to get scared by the strange things that creep along just out of sight and lurk in the darkness. So what does it take to scare them nowadays? A writers’ strike.
“The obvious news of [season three] was the writers’ strike,” Padalecki emphasizes. “It scared a lot of us over here. Everything was up in the air. TV itself was up in the air. People wondered: ‘Is TV going to go to reality? Is TV going to go to news only? Is [all this] stuff gonna go to the Internet?’ Magazines like this one and the companion books really helped to ensure that our show would come back, and it did come back. So on behalf of everyone here, a big 'Thanks!' to everybody; we’re all very grateful to the fans and to the people who just enjoy the show, because we enjoy the show as well, and we enjoy making it.
“As soon as that strike hit, we were all saying ‘See you later,’ but a lot of us were scared it was going to be farewell. It was good to come back!” However, that doesn’t mean it was easy coming back. Ackles admits that it was hard for him to jump back into character. “In fact,” he says, “I sat down and watched three episodes just to get my head back into the whole show and the character, and find that [brotherly] relationship [again]. “I didn’t even see Jared the whole time the writers’ strike was going on, because he was traveling off in Europe and I was home in Texas. We just [all] kind of tried to utilize that time off as much as possible. Not to mention that we see enough of each other when we’re working together…” Ackles laughs, but it’s an unnecessary cue because it’s been well documented how well the two actors get along both on and off screen.
Although happy to be back, Padalecki also admits, “It was weird. Since the Pilot it’s the longest I’ve gone without playing Sam Winchester. Between seasons one and two and seasons two and three, the breaks were two months, and this time it was over three months.'"
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Is Sam going to turn evil? “That’s a great question,” Padalecki says.
“I hear it all the time and I always wish I knew the answer. As of right now, I think the audience would be very against it, so I don’t think [Eric] and the other writers are going to let that happen. But it’s somewhere I’m curious to go; I’d love to see what happens if Sam goes that way. As far as the scripts and outlines I’ve read, it seems like the only way [for Sam] to save his brother is going to be by embracing his evil side for even a moment, so I’m curious to see what happens if Sam goes ‘dark side.’ The audience probably doesn’t want it, and of course my parents and family don’t want it either, but I think it’d be interesting to see Sam maybe get weak a little bit and give in to that [impulse]."
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"Maybe I was powerful initially, and now that I’ve died and come back it’s almost like when Obi-Wan [Kenobi, from Star Wars] said, ‘If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could [possibly] imagine."
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"No Rest For The Wicked left us wondering if Sam not only is a fully fledged demon, but if he’s more powerful than Lilith. But do we actually know how powerful Lilith is? “She’s pretty powerful, obviously," states Padalecki. “I know that Kripke and the writers love playing with the color of the demons' eyes. Black-eyed demons are run-of-the-mill demons, but the Yellow-Eyed Demon, he’s even worse, and the red-eyed demon is the Crossroads Demon. And here we see Lilith with her white eyes and we know that she is gun-running to be essentially the leader of Hell, opposite Satan. We don’t know where Satan fits in, but Lilith is the big badass in Hell, so we know that we’re going to have to answer to her. From what we know, she's essentially all powerful. We don’t know a way to stop her. Even Ruby, who is a demon (doesn’t know how to stop her]. She's obviously been trying to weasel Sam into embracing his demonic abilities a tittle bit more, but Sam's been so against it and doesn’t want ' to go [down] that route… but he wants to save his brother…"
"Something that's harder to balance with all the dark and dreary are healthy relationships. Dean and Bela aren’t likely to hook up in Hell - although stranger things have happened - and Sam and Ruby are now unlikely to get friendlier.
“I don't know," Padalecki chuckles. "I don't think so. I think she has a clear and obvious purpose in the show, and a great purpose that she serves well, but I think that our die-hard fan base just wouldn’t be interested in watching that love story. Jensens done a love scene, and I've done a love scene, and they're interesting and serve their purpose, but I don't think the boys would work in a relationship [with anyone]. I think it'd Just be a weird dynamic. I mean, what, would Ruby ride in the back of the Impala? It’d be kind of odd [to] wheel out. I don't think it'd ever pan out. But if it did, I’m sure the writers will work it in seamlessly. Besides, it'd kind of spoil the mood if during love scenes her eyes turned black. “Exactly. 'Uh. am I supposed to kill you now?' It was hard enough for poor Sammy waking up und fighting a werewolf. So it'd be even worse if he opens his eyes and there are some big black eyes staring down at him!"
Hmmm, were The Seers [what deities and The Khala collectively call themselves] possibly hinting to Jared in his divine hearing about Ruby and Sam in fact hooking up in Season 4? Very interesting that even Jared didn't think that this would be a suitable story to add to the show...
"I definitely don’t want to go on if Eric’s not willing to." Ackles proclaims. “If you lose the mastermind of all this brilliant story creativity, then you Just turn into a puppet. I’m passionate about the stories that Eric writes, and if he stops writing them I would be scared that the passion I have for the show would start to (diminish]. I don't want to be a part of a show that lasts past its expiration date. It's been a motto in Hollywood for many years that you always want to leave the audience wanting more. I think it still makes sense, even for television shows. Once those stories reach that pinnacle, or that plateau, get out before it starts declining. Go out on top! So if Chat's his decision, then I support it."
Unlike Ackles, we’re willing to make a prediction: Regardless of whether Supernatural runs for five, seven, or 15 seasons, fans’ support will never expire!"
Odd, it's just like the writer here was hearing The Seers speak of Supernatural ending after either 5, 7 or 15 seasons (alas the show end up lasting for 15 seasons).
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @telomeke ! I was surprised when i saw the notification pop up but yaay I loved reading your answers and I'm very excited to try this out too. Thanks for tagging me🤗
Credit to the creator of this game @thatgirl4815 of the Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Fair warning, almost the entirety of this is going to be filled with Bad Buddy related responses and it's gonne be the opposite of concise *SURPRISE* so yes lezgo...
Favorite Thai QL: Bad Buddy. It was the second thai QL i have ever watched and THE ONLY reason i decided to actually consume more of thai QL content cos this show moved me in a way nothing i had ever seen until then had. It was queer, it was asian, it intentionally subverted so many tropes i hated, gave us inkpa AND patpran-one of the most beautiful and respectful love stories ive ever seen that culminated in an ending that is as happy as it is realistic and i am still in awe of p'aof and ohmnanon and the gem they made. But also. Just for episode 5. Perfection. Also, Episode 7 my beloved. And Episode 11 the love of my life. Bad Buddy you will always be my favourite <3
Favorite Pairing: OhmNanon -> PatPran ofc! I've never seen the appeal of childhood friends to lovers until i saw Patpran's childhood frenemies to adult frenemies to friends to lovers. Just the most organic growth of a bond whose seeds were sown even before they were born. But most importantly once they grew up and were confronted with obstacles and realities, they chose to love eo and kept on choosing eo. Their love, their regard for eo, the way they cared for eo, it's all so very precious and i just won't ever love a romantic pairing the way i do patpran, and it's half because of just how brilliant ohmnanon's chemistry worked, they are EVERYTHING to me.
I also LOVE First & Khaotung's chemistry. Great Stuff. Also Net & James.
Most underrated actor: I don't know if i have watched enough shows to comment on this since the actors i mention might actually be well appreciated and not strictly underrated but yes Fluke Gawin Caskey is on my list too. I feel that his drop dead gorgeous looks have somehow made his real acting chops appear like an afterthought when in reality it so isn't. Kinda have similar feelings about Net from Bed Friend as well.
I loved LOVE from bad buddy, and i can't wait to see her in 23.5 with Milk. Suar from You're My Sky & La Pluie, and Title also from La Pluie, War from Love Mechanics, First & Khaotung from Eclipse (i know they are well loved but still!) i REALLY enjoyed their performances.
Favorite Character: Pran Parakul my beloved. Pran is in so many ways so similar to me i immediately took a liking to him. I don't know how much my love for Pran is inextricably tied to how Nanon played the part but the pining and the love that was just on display but hidden oh so beautifully, my heart hadnt ached for a character in a romance story in so long. And then the love is reciprocated and then instead of the character doing a full 180 and being unrealistically happy we see him struggle to adjust, we see him learn and grow and finally accept the love he had been wanting all along, and along the way learning to be a better partner too, more gushing on pran here, cos i'm incorrigible.
Favorite Side Character: Pa from Bad Buddy. I love love love Pa and Pat's bond. I love how Pa is like Pat's compass pointing him in the right direction (more often than not) and Pat listens and actually follows up on what she says. And also "men are so boring, and are all men delusional like you" NO ONE DOES IT LIKE PA I SAY. Special mention to Ink & her "It's so gainful".
Also Tee from Gap The Series, Palm's mom from Never Let Me Go, the uncles from My Ride (they remind me of Patpran with all their bickering ahhh), Tien & Bow from La Pluie, Pharm & Manow from Between Us, Pear from Be My Favorite. Oh also everybody in Cher's friendgroup from A Boss and a Babe.
Favorite scene in a QL: I'm gonna cheat cos there is no way i can pick one, so here's 5, all from Bad Buddy: ep 5 rooftop Kiss, that whole scene in ep 7 where pat shows up as Riam and saves the play, the balcony phone call scene ep 8, ep 11 the scene that starts with Pat thanking Pran for "trying to make a silly guy like me happy" and also the scene where Pran follows "i wrote this song for him" up with singing the beautiful song that was "our song" SOBBBS.
But also Thun's coming out scene in He's Coming to Me is so so very special to me.
Okay maybe that's more than 5, but i already said i'd cheat so :333
Favorite line in a QL: So many lines from Bad Buddy I could just go on and on under this prompt BUT okay i'll be good this time if i had to pick one just rn then - "Together, we’ve been through a lot. We’ve experienced wonderful times a lot. We’ve had awful times a lot. We’ve looked out for each other a lot. We’ve been concerned about each other a lot. We’ve been thinking about each other a lot and we’ve been happier, a lot." will just have to be the winner. What a crown worthy answer, my baby Pran is right as usual.
Most Anticipated QL (& why): 23.5 degrees. GMMTV finally releasing a GL show after years and years of BL content. And also MilkLove together after Bad Buddy & INKPA NEED I SAY MORE!?!?
But also "Last Twilight" cos i cant wait to see what P'aof's been cooking.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: Patpran, again xD. This is extra special because they had all the obstacles that could have made this such a toxic relationship and yet they focused on respect and consent and healthy communication and caring for each other and understanding each other and becoming better versions of themselves because of and with each other and the prominent way consent is emphasized in all their intimate moments, it's just EVERYTHING to me.
Also Mork & Tawan from My Ride. Rarely do we get to see such an equally contributive and reciprocal and healthy relationship. It was a pleasure to watch.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: Maybe VeeMark from Love Mechanics. They were cute and shiz but just way too much back and forth and miscommunication just NO.
Guilty pleasure series: Bed Friend
Most underrated series: My Ride, He's Coming to Me, You're My Sky
Tagging @sharingfandoms, @aroceu, @thecriers, @midnightfreeway, @lovelyghostv, @fiercynn, @thegayneurodivergentagenda and whoever else who wants to try this, no compulsion &lt;3
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hanlixmin · 2 years
Heyy! Could you pls make a pt 2 to “From You, It May Have Hurt Less”???
From You, It May Have Hurt Less (Pt 2)
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Summary: Felix has fallen out love with the reader and suddenly grows tired of being around her but things get chaotic and crazy when y/n finds out.
Pairing: Felix x Y/N
Genre: Angst, Fluff?
A/N: Sorry this took so long!!! I didn’t expect so many people to want a part 2 to this so I had to write one up!! Here’s part 2!! Enjoy💗
— I did not proofread this so I’m sorry!!
It’s been a few months since I left Felix. I’ve completely disappeared off of social media and I’ve relocated myself. I’m now staying in Los Angeles with my best friend, Mya. Being in Seoul, just wouldn’t have been great for me. Considering everybody knows what Felix had done and said. It was embarrassing. I left as soon as I could.
Of course chan and the guys have tried reaching out to me, but I’ve never gotten back to them. There just wasn’t much to talk about. Felix felt how he felt, and I feel how I feel. There was no changing it. The only thing that really has healed my pain, was time. So much time had passed, I eventually stopped crying. I stopped thinking about and loving Felix. It was hard, but it was something I needed to do.
Or so I thought.
Being in a new city, means being around new and unfamiliar faces. I was always recognized in Seoul as Felix’s girlfriend, but being recognized in Los Angeles was different. Mya and I were walking around Melrose Avenue, just shopping and getting some fresh air. When we had stopped to get some coffee at a local coffee shop, I had heard some familiar voices along with some laughs.
Please don’t be who I think it is.
The familiar voice called out. No, please no. Before I turned to see who the voice was coming from, I looked over at Mya who’s face was in disbelief. That’s when I knew my gut feeling was telling the truth.
I slowly turned around as my heart began to race. There stood Chan, along with the seven other members. I’m not going to lie. I’ve done a lot of changing since Felix and I broke up, so I do look bit different. I wanted to play it off like Chan got the wrong person, but it was already too late.
“Uh, I can’t talk, I actually have to get going.” I said, stumbling on my words. “Y/N, please? Please stay so we can talk?” The familiar, but not so familiar voice rang through my ears. It sent a chill down my spine. “No. I’m okay. Thank you though.” I said, grabbing my coffee and heading towards the door. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I love you. I’ve never stopped.” Felix shouted, causing the whole store to stop moving and growing silent. I immediately stopped walking. Completely frozen in shock. I turned around to look directly at him. He stood there with his mouth ajar. He looked like he was shocked at himself. “You what?” I asked him in the most coldest way possible as I stepped towards him. “You love me?” It was obvious that my anger was setting in again. “When you love a person, you normally wouldn’t embarrass them in front of millions of people.” I said, walking closer to him. My movements caused Chan to also step towards us. “Y/N. Please.” Felix said, sighing and running his hands through his hair. “I know I messed up big time. I have no excuse for that. I own up to it and I take full accountability for it. Please let me make it up to you. I love you and I miss you.” He said, his eyes were sparkling as if tears would leave them in any second. I looked at him for a moment, then I looked at Chan and the rest of the members. They all nodded as if he was telling the truth. “Y/N, you know I would never lie to you. I would never pretend something is okay when it isn’t. Felix has been a mess but he’s been working to make everything right. I’ve never seen him go so hard at something in my life.” Chan says, causing me to chuckle a bit. “It’s true, Y/N. Every time we hangout, all he talks about is you.” Hyunjin says, playfully rolling his eyes and making a gag noise. I laughed even harder and looked back at Felix. He was giggling, but the tears ended up slipping. I walked over to him, to wipe them away. “Okay.” I said, giving him a soft smile. I haven’t talked to him since the day I broke up with him and I never once let him explain. I believe I’ve healed enough to allow it now. “We can talk.” I said, smiling at everyone and walking to a table.
Mya agreed to stay as well, getting to know the rest of the guys while Felix and I talked things out.
After hearing his side, and him apologize for the 50 millionth time, I decided that I would be okay with us starting fresh and slow.
“I don’t mind starting over. New and slow.” I said, taking a sip from my coffee. Felix’s eyes grew big and he nodded. “But, this time around, I don’t want our relationship in public view. I would like to keep it private, just between me and you.” I said, making myself clear. He agreed and promised to keep the relationship safe and private. The only people who would end up knowing would be the members, Mya and our families. Not even his team would know.
Over time, Felix constantly would make up for everything even after months have went by. He’s never once made me feel unloved or unappreciated. In the end, it feels really good to have him back as mine. These days were so lonely, but it’s nice to be back.
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The Roger Moore Morally Compromised Mini-Marathon | Shout at the Devil (Hunt, 1976), Gold (Hunt, 1974) & The Wild Geese (McLaglen, 1978)
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Mild spoilers below.
There's plenty you'll have to wince through when watching Shout at the Devil, which depicts the African continent as a playground for white adventurers, which relentlessly infantilizes its black characters while lingering over their dead bodies after they've been violently killed, which has as its most prominent African character a mute played by a white actor who is all too eager to hang villagers, and which has a character go undercover in blackface during the climax, as a cherry on top of a big ol' racist sundae. And this is not to mention that it asks us to root for an entirely self-interested ivory smuggler and features a poaching sequence so exuberant that the heroes are practically high-fiving each other as they kill a shitload of elephants. (Although a disclaimer assures us no animals were harmed during the making of the movie.) Unsurprisingly, the movie was produced in Apartheid era South Africa.
But I think Roger Ebert in his review, despite glossing over the film's issues, gets at its essence pretty succinctly, correctly noting that it's about the unironic embrace of jungle adventure movie with all its pleasures and idiosyncrasies. And if you can wince through all those aforementioned elements (and it's perfectly okay if you can't), you find much to enjoy here, starting with the team-up of Lee Marvin and Roger Moore, in incorrigible scoundrel mode and dashing but self-deprecating mode, respectively. Even the introduction of Barbara Parkins as Marvin's daughter and Moore's love interest doesn't sink the film, as Parkins is able to complement both of their performances pretty nicely and give the movie a bit of heart. Everybody knows all girls have cooties, but Parkins and the movie take measures to mitigate their spread.
There's also the fact that Peter Hunt, who directed one of the best Bond movies and edited a few others of similar pedigree, is a really good action director. There's one great scene where the heroes ambush a German convoy going down a hill, and the sense of diagonal movement snowballs, powered by both the astute editing and the unexpectedly gruesome violence, which, along with all the dicier elements, makes this feel like an exploitation movie despite the A-grade production values.
Compared to Shout at the Devil, Gold, an earlier collaboration between Peter Hunt and Roger Moore is maybe a bit easier to get through, in that it offers some semblance of self critique for choosing to film in Apartheid South Africa. Here, the gold mining industry is depicted as a purely amoral enterprise, the kind that is happy to kill off its own employees for short term gain, or, you could infer, maybe do business with a repressive regime. And it shows at least nominal sympathy for its black characters (and treats them as actual characters). A lot of the movie is about traversing through corporate politics, which I probably find more interesting to watch than the average viewer (a bizarre side effect of being a business major), although it must be said that Moore has great chemistry with his co-star Susannah York, and we get a pretty appealing performance from Ray "Dial M for Murder" Milland as the gruff patriarch. Hunt's talents as an editor are somewhat underused, but I like the way he presents the mine as one big machine, with a series of moving parts working in unison, all integral to its proper functioning. All that being said, the fate meted out to the villains feels like something from a dumber movie, and for some reason there's a Bond style theme song and opening credit sequence but with gold mining instead of racy silhouettes. (If you want more serious Moore, I'll recommend The Man Who Haunted Himself, which makes a pretty nice case for his acting talents and gives him some unexpected vulnerability. Also, he has a mustache.)
And of course I had to cap off my Roger Moore morally compromised mini-marathon with a rewatch of The Wild Geese, a movie that I've grown a real affection for, thanks to both familiarity, and the fact I'm a sucker for these old school men on a mission movies. Listen, the politics here are awful, and even more cringeworthy is the movie's attempt to hide it by pairing the deposed African president the heroes rescue with the most racist member of the group. Winston Ntshona and Hardy Kruger, the actors playing the president and the racist, respectively, both took their roles hoping for a serious movie about racism and African geopolitics. That seriousness did not materialize in the finished film, which resolves these issues with a quick conversation by the one hour thirty-two minute mark, at which point it can get back to shooting and blowing stuff up. For what it's worth, Ntshona and Kruger are actually committing to the material, and Kruger is especially good, although the movie plays its hand by allowing Kruger to articulate his mixture of racial resentment and isolationist views with unusual clarity while saddling Ntshona with vague platitudes. (And if you think racism is the movie's only questionable stance, it also relentlessly pokes fun at the one gay character, although it does eventually give him some good scenes.)
A bit easier to enjoy, perhaps at the movie's expense, are the presence of Richards Burton and Harris. I understand both of them were not allowed to drink during the production, and while I am not a good enough judge of alcoholism to tell if they look hungover from sneaking sips at night between shooting hours, or angry because they haven't been able to drink, there's an undeniable booze-adjacent contempt in their performances. (For what it's worth, Harris looks more cheerful, but I've found him the more innately energetic actor from experience.) The other big star is Moore, who gets by on his natural charisma but isn't as good as he is in Shout at the Devil or Gold or his Bond movies.
Honestly, for the first half, the movie seems to be rather badly made, shooting scenes in the most drab, limp way possible and resolving every confrontation with as few hiccups as possible. An attempt to rescue a character being hunted by the mafia ends with the mafia abruptly lifting all the contract put out on him. The siege on the base where the president is being held ends with no losses for the heroes, the guards all being sprayed with cyanide gas in their sleep or killed instantly with a crossbow. These characters are supposed to be highly trained professionals who can do this in their sleep, and that's basically how it plays, for better or worse. But complications do eventually arise, and the movie thankfully gets a lot more exciting. There's a half hour or so in the third act where the characters are retreating through the bush from a rapidly advancing army while trying to secure an exit, depicted as a near constant stream of close quarters gunfights and on-the-fly defensive tactics. As limp as Andrew V. McLaglen's direction is in the first half, he wisely gets out of his own way here, moving things along at a fast clip and letting the shooting, bleeding, dust and wilderness do the talking. (For something that feels tonally like a classic WWII era actioner, complete with rousing score, it's quite a bit bloodier than you'd expect.) It's a great action scene, and goes a long way in warming me up to this movie.
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guvato · 1 month
Tamalog Day 27
Today we began the day at 8:30AM when i woke up to my alarm clock ringing, calling for me to check up on my Tamas and call their Sitters afterwards, which i did. But little did i know, i should have just enjoyed my time left with one of our girls, cuz as i predicted yesterday, today someone went away. Pretty much just woke up, checked real quick if nobody was dying, called the Sitters and then i went back to sleep.
Waking up at 12:00PM i waited some time to pick everybody up cuz i needed some time to myself for a bit. At 1:00PM i got ready to go to work and went on to pick everybody up, but then i noticed something, Neliatchi was already asking to go back to her home planet, and i was devastated as it wasn't expected by me that she would go so soon. This time though we got an animation of Neliatchi transforming into a Pro Musician along with her goodbyes, which was pretty neat and i was very proud of her, but yeah, we had to say bye-bye to our Tama Friend, but she will probably get famous and become rich real soon so it's for the better, really. Our new friend is a boy that for his first evolution turned into Mokumokutchi, he spent all day doing fine and didn't give me much trouble at all, which is great, but doesn't mean i wasn't playing with him and getting to know him already. Picochutchi also did fine all day, she enjoyed some Somen Noodles and a Cactus Steak, went to the TamaVerse and ate some Dates to make her afternoon as perfect as possible. Tuyopitchi ate a lot of different food, but didn't find a favorite, but we'll be looking for them best we can, i gave her some pets during the afternoon also since she wasn't as fond of me as she usually is, but after the best petting of her life she came around to loving me again.
During the evening i needed to change my Pix's batteries and charge my Uni, so it was a preeeetty uneventful night. I mostly just checked on everybody and cleaned some poops, but other than that i just did my thing.
When it was time to sleep, Mokumokutchi was obviously the first one to fall asleep, then, Tuyopitchi asked me for some pets to help her sleep, and y'know they ask and i deliver, so she didn't sleep petless tonight. Picochutchi just did her thing and went to sleep as normal like every night, i'm glad to have amazing Tamas that even though they need my help they won't torment me if i don't go checking on em every 5 minutes. Our Tama Day ended fast but it was no problem, as it was a great Tama Day with a new friend to join our roster.
Will probably have some issues doing new Tamalogs cuz apparently my laptop died and it won't turn on, so i will be writing from my phone until i get everything sorted out. But i will try my best to not stop writing them. Things are going down but we'll soon rise up. Thanks for reading, hope to see you tomorrow. Good Night <3
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juliepinsononline · 2 months
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Julie Pinson's Soapnet Chat Transcript
(Friday Feb. 25, 2005)
Moderator: The chat with Julie will begin in just a few minutes so get your questions ready!
Moderator: Don't worry, we're still chatting with Julie today. She's running slightly late and is racing to the phone as I type!
Julie Pinson: Hi everybody! I'm glad that you all are joining us for a chat. This is my first time doing this but please be gentle!
Penny Hey Julie, it is great to see you on Days.. Was it strange for you to take over the role from Lisa Rinna?
Julie Pinson: No, it wasn't strange at all. I think if Lisa wasn't available to do the role, I think it was fated to be mine.
hey Julie! i love watching you on DAYS! i'm wondering if anyone has ever told you that you look like Rosalind Russell? you should audition for The Women remake!
Julie Pinson: Rosalind Russell? I've never heard that one but I'm flattered!
at what age did u start your acting.
Julie Pinson: The first time I remember is when I was in sixth grade and I was in the play, Heidi. I played Fraulein Rottenmeyer, the bad lady. At the curtain call, my family stood up and clapped so loud and I loved the feeling so much that I knew it was what I wanted to do.
hey julie, thanks for chatting with us today. i was wondering how you are adjusting to being on days? who has been the biggest help to you in the cast?
Julie Pinson: Definitely, Peter and Kristian. My storyline is with the two of them so obviously I spend most of my working time with them. They've helped fill me in on the show history and family and things like that. Basically, I found out that I'm related to everyone in Salem!
Were you a DOOL fan before landing the role of Billie, and if so, for how long?
Julie Pinson: Honestly, when I was growing up the only show that I watched was AMC. I hear the Boos coming, lol. I do remember being in a restaurant about 15 years ago and looking at the TV and seeing Kristian ice-skating. I remember thinking how beautiful she was.
Hello Julie! I think you're doing a great job as Billie. I don't miss Lisa at all! Do you think there BIllie will fall back into drugs because of her sadness over not having Bo or Georgia?
Julie Pinson: Anything's possible. I would hope that Billie would be stronger than that but finding out that my daughter is alive is a life changing experience. I'm not sure how much disappointment it would take for Billie to go over the edge again.
do you want to always act the bad girl along with kate. to me you and kate makes sami look like a saint.
Julie Pinson: I think it's just as fun to play the bad girl, it's more fun. I think the fans like to have the bad girl on screen. If everyone was nice and wonderful it would be really boring.
Hi Julie.
I watched you on PC and Eve and Ian were one of my favorite couples. Have you kept in contact with Thorsten Kaye after you left PC?
Julie Pinson: Unfortunately I haven't. He's in NY doing AMC and we lost touch after my run on PC ended. But I loved acting opposite him.
Do you think finding your character's daughter will make her stronger or more dependent?
Julie Pinson: Stronger. I think it would give her something to live for and it would give her life meaning. I think it will strive to make her a better person.
Who would you like to have more scenes with or work with more from the show??
Julie Pinson: I like working with Lauren (Kate). I think it might be fun for the two of them to partner up and try and wreak havoc. I would also love to Thaao Penghlis (Tony). I don't know what kind of story we could have but I would love to work opposite him. For storyline purposes I think it would be cool if Billie tried to infiltrate the DiMeras and take Tony down.
Thank you for your great preformances. LOL I want to slap you at times though for what you are doing. It looks like you are enjoying this roll. Is it fun playing Billie Holiday Reed?
Julie Pinson: Lol. I'm having a great time, it's fantastic.
i know it must have been hard on you when pc was cancelled....what's your fondest memeory from that show?
Julie Pinson: Working with Jon Lindstrom and Kin Shriner and what they taught me.
Julie Pinson: One more thing for the girl who wanted to slap me: If you didn't want to slap me at times, I wouldn't be doing justice to the character!
I was a huge Chris and Eve fan when you were on Port Charles and so felt that Eve died long before her storyline was over. I think you're doing an awesome job on Days as Billie and was so glad to see you back. In your opinion, what is the most challenging part of being in the daytime world?
Julie Pinson: I think the most challenging part is taking the stories that the writers come up with and making them work because sometimes the stories are really out there and we have to make the audience believe that it's really happening.
Hey Julie.. I remember reading once that you collect dolls. Do you still?
Julie Pinson: Yes, absolutely. I collect Barbies! I haven't bought any new ones in a couple of years. I got to the point where I thought I had enough. I just got a new Barbie catalogue so I might look at it after the chat!
All the smiles and smirks that you do behind Hope's back, is that a touch that you add on your own or are you directed to do so?
Julie Pinson: I add it on my own. Do you hate it or love it? You have to bring something of your own to the character and the history that I understand Hope and Billie have warrant the smirks.
Loved your scenes with Bryan Dattilo (Lucas). Great brother and sister chemisty. Will there be more of that in the future?
Julie Pinson: I hope so! I haven't seen any scripts yet within the next few weeks where we're together but I love hanging out with Bryan.
Hi Julie! I admire your acting on the show and loved you on PC as well. Who are your personal heros?
Julie Pinson: That's a good question. Well, I'd say one of my personal heroes is my best friend Sherry who has managed to raise her daughter (my goddaughter) by herself and hold a full time job. Single parents are amazing to me. My parents, as well.
Do you still keep in touch with any of your Port Charles costars?
Julie Pinson: Jon Linstrom is one of my best friends. Ion Overman and I still talk.
Connie Boaz
I love your hair. Can you give me some details on the type of cut it is and what you do to get it to look so great? i.e., products, styling etc.
Thank you
Julie Pinson: It's pretty much a razor cut. I use BedHead products - the Movie Star line. I also use KMS Configur and then I turn my head upside down and blow it dry.
Has it been hard playing Billlie and trying to come between Bo and Hope?
Julie Pinson: No, it's not hard because Billie has a reason for everything that she does. At this point, she's not trying to come between Bo and Hope on purpose. She's really not. You may snicker, but she really isn't. lol.
Oahu girl
Julie, do you think that it would be a better story for Billie to get over Bo and become a mother to Georgia? I know you are new to the show, but for long time viewers, this Billie coming between Bope story is old. It's unbelievable that after 16 years we are led to believe Billie has not moved on. Billie is better than that. I think Bope belong together. Billie needs a new man, and a new story. Do you agree?
Julie Pinson: I think that Billie deserves a chance at true love. And I'll leave it up to the writers to tell me who they think that is.
What adivice would you give to someone who might be considering going into acting?
Julie Pinson: Love it more than anything in the world. Have a tough exterior because you'll have to get used to rejection. But it only takes one yes to make it to the top.
Are you friends with any of the cast members outside of work?
Julie Pinson: Brody (Patrick) and I hang out together.
Since you and Bryan are brother and sister I hope they make the big sister come out and protect him from his lying mom. Billie is smart enough to see thru Kates lies, do you think that might happen?
Julie Pinson: I think the truth is going to come out that Kate set Sami out and Billie will be very upset with her mother. I think right now Billie is giving her the benefit of the doubt.
I loved you as Eve. You and Nolan North had amazing chemistry as Chris and Eve. A lot of fans felt like the story ended way too soon for those two characters. Would you have liked to have seen Chris and Eve get together back in the day?
Julie Pinson: Most definitely, yes. I always thought that Chris and Eve would have made a great super couple. We would have taken over PC as the best super couple. I loved working with Nolan, by the way.
What characteristics do you and your character Billie have in common?
Julie Pinson: We're both strong and we both have a sense of humor. I've tried to infuse a little bit of humor into her because I think that I'm funny. Lol. We're independent women.
What do you enjoy most about being back in daytime?
Julie Pinson: I enjoy that I look forward to going to work every day and getting to do something that I love so much.
Who's your favorite actor/actress(not from Days, of course!)?
Julie Pinson: My favorite actor is Robert Redford. My favorite actress would take too long to decide. Elizabeth Taylor is my all-time favorite movie star but I don't really have a favorite actress right now.
Have you heard that Billy Warlock is returning to Days? Weren't the two of you engaged? Are you looking forward to working with him?
Julie Pinson: I've heard that Billy is coming back and I'm definitely looking forward to working with him. We have always remained friends.
If you had to play another on "Days" who would it be?
Julie Pinson: I wouldn't want to play any other character. I love playing Billie.
I've particularily enjoyed the flashback scenes with Peter! How did you enjoy shooting those, especially with the long hair?
Julie Pinson: Those were fun. It was nice having long hair again. I enjoyed playing those flashback scenes because Bo is actually in love with Billie!
What is the most exciting part about being a part of the Days of Our Lives cast? Anything in particular that's your favorite thing about working there?
Julie Pinson: My favorite thing about working at DAYS is that from the minute I stepped on that stage I have felt nothing but warmth and welcome from everyone - the cast and the crew. I have never had that experience working in the industry before. That's the truth!
Julie Pinson: Thank you all for chatting with me today. Thank you for the interest in myself and in Billie. Stick with her and I promise you'll never have a boring day! Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
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why-raven · 4 months
Did you design your OC with a specific aspect of RP in mind? Such as shipping, NSFW things, attending in-game social events, hosting events or entertaining others?
Little OC Creation Ask List. — OPEN
Thank you for the ask, @mimble-sparklepudding! I always love your ask questions for the thoughtfulness and insight, and I’m very happy to receive one from the OP (´◡`) To answer the question: not really, for the options stated in the question.
Whenever I design my OCs for storytelling (be it for writing fanfics or RPing with others), I usually go along with either my personal aesthetic taste, or if I already had a rough idea for their lore to pick something that would work reasonably. I don’t think about what other players would feel towards my muses because I didn’t create my characters for them in the first place. Great if you like my blorbos, but it’s fine if you don’t vibe with them. My characters and I aren’t here to please everybody. I’ve been writing and roleplaying in other fandoms for at least a decade, way before I even joined the FFXIV community, so I’ve never felt the need to create my characters around other people unless absolutely necessary.
So far, I’ve only shared two major muses openly on this site: Sora and Yiuno. Sora is a likeable sort of character, with her cute appearance and child-like innocence (we do not talk about her penchant for violence). She was the first OC I made when I started playing the game during Shadowbringers launch. I was fairly clueless about FFXIV back then, so I didn’t really think much about her character development and mostly went along with what felt right for her. I only started working on her backstory proper around patch 5.55, when I’m more familiar with the game’s lore.
As for Yiuno… he wasn’t created to be someone good and straightforward, like Sora. When male Viera is added to the game in Endwalker, I thought of designing a character who is multilayered, complicated, and fun for me to explore from various perspectives. Yiuno is a dangerous but broken man; almost nothing about him is particularly likeable as a person (except maybe his face, lol). Speaking of appearance, that was what I had intended for him—he has an idealistic beauty that could charm others to gravitate to him, until they finally realize the horrors he kept behind that pretty smiling mask (and by then it’d probably be too late). He’s supposed to be a hypocritical existence, the embodiment of paradox and contradiction.
The only exception created for shipping with NPC, I’d say, is Persephone, the other half of Yiuno’s Ancient self. The serious reason is my own take on the true motive that drove Emet-Selch to extremity in his actions against the Sundered on Etheirys to reclaim the Star for his own people (i.e. my way to fill in some blanks in the canon). The fun reason? I enjoyed the various studies on the relationship between Hades and Persephone in Ancient Greek mythology, and I want to do something similar with them. (Also, I stand by my personal headcanon of Emet and Lahabrea often lamenting about their wives after the Convocation meetings.)
While most people might be unwilling to admit this, our characters also serve as an extension of our real selves, particularly in a virtual world like Etheirys. I mean, we technically don’t see the real faces of other players in the game (unless you share your RL photos, that’s on you), so naturally the avatars that everyone sees in the game is a representation of the player controlling that character. I believe that ultimately people create characters for themselves, because they are the ones making the conscious choice and taking the necessary actions to fulfill that decision. Just my two-cents.
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sophia-sol · 8 months
Recs from January: fanfic, vids, short stories, poetry, novelettes, video essays, zines
Once again time for my monthly recs round-up! This month you will find:
9 mdzs/cql recs 2 nirvana in fire recs 5 svsss recs 1 tortall rec 1 word of honor rec 6 poetry/short story/novelette recs 1 youtube video essay rec 1 zine rec
Rule the World, by remellow
cql fanvid about wei wuxian as the yiling laozu, set to the Lorde song Everybody Wants to Rule the World
incredible ominous vibes threaded through with the pain of everything that happens
beautifully edited! I was hooked from the start
2:33 in length
thanks to lookitmychicken for the rec!
Tucked inside the heart of every nice girl, by phnelt
I've read this fic before but today I had call to reread it and it's still SO good
t4t jzx/jyl!!!! always into this, in every permutation
cql/mdzs modern au jin zixuan is a trans woman finding her gender euphoria in the midst of the work of being a woman under patriarchy, and jiang yanli, in watching her, realises just how much every aspect of being a woman has been a burden and not a joy for herself
the relationship jyl has with gender here is so good and makes so much sense for the character!
I love how careful jyl is to not ever stifle jzx's baby trans joy, even as jyl is struggling
4k words in length
Borne, by Cordial
cql fic
after wen qing's execution, she ends up sharing jiang cheng's body!
they're both dealing with so MUCH at this point in the narrative, and they're so careful with each other now that they are tied together like this, and it's so gorgeous
3k words in length
All I Really Want, by trelkez
a cql vid about Wei Wuxian & Wen Qing
ahhhhhh I have SO MANY feels about them and this vid GETS them
ouchy in the best way
audio is solely the music
no subtitles
4:41 in length
thanks to lesbianwangyibo for the rec!
Reunion Dinner | 团圆饭, by vivisextion
mdzs/cql, post-canon, jiang cheng realises jin ling has never tasted his mother's soup
cue the epic quest to learn how to recreate it, and the things he learns along the way
lovely fic about family and about food
4k words in length
thanks to stultiloquentia for the rec!
The Other Mountain, by nirejseki
omggg I tore through this fic SO fast and had SO much fun with it
mdzs lan qiren/wen ruohan arranged marriage!
I'm always here for fic that's like "okay this ship might sound ridiculous but WHAT IF --" and then comes up with genius ways to make it plausible
there's fun character interactions and fascinating plot and it does interesting things exploring the situation between Qingheng-Jun and his wife, and I love how much lan qiren loves rules and has carefully considered what they mean wrt right behaviour
I love this vision of lqr so much, and I love how FUNNY the interactions between lqr and wrh are, and how well these interpretations of the characters work with each other and play off each other in mutually beneficial ways!
the fic started off a little slow but once I was into it I was INTO IT and read every word with relish
completely delightful. do recommend.
287,000 words in length
Spilled Pearls, by nirejseki
another mdzs lan qiren/wen ruohan canon divergence au! and also wen ruohan/nie dad at the same time
this one follows lqr from when he's a young teen and it's very fun to see his changing perspectives on wrh over time
I enjoyed it a great deal, and also it's fun to see what is and isn't the same between this fic and the others by the same author featuring these characters and ships
and I just want MORE!
89k words in length
Tricks of the Trade, by nirejseki
a reread, just as fun the second time as the first
mdzs, jin guangyao/lan qiren!
jgy coming up with schemes to get hugs from lqr and accidentally developing a relationship of mutual respect and care which changes the trajectory of jgy's life goals
it's so delightful
getting bits of lqr's perspectives on the whole course of events at the end, in the form of excerpts from his diary, is incredible for recontextualising what was happening from his pov
31k words in length
of all the gin joints in all the world, by bloodletter
cql, jiang cheng/nie huaisang
a post-canon fic, running into each other at an inn and Not Talking About Things
a wonderful little interlude of finding space to have a bit of something fun
because sometimes the opportunity to not talk about things, and not even think about things, is what you want the most!
even though everything that happened IS still there. but you're with someone else who knows and understands and has seen you since before anything went bad.
it's great
1k words in length
Never knew a part of you / you didn't set in ink, by BromeliadDreams
Nirvana in Fire fic about Cai Quan/Shen Zhui!!!!!! god I love these nerds
Reading fic about their comfortable relationship with each other as they argue and work and engage in endless bureaucracy just filled me with enormous fondness for them both
they should be a thriving ship in the fandom and it's a tragedy there's not more fic about them, but this one is GREAT.
3k words in length
our hands our hearts are empty, by egelantier
NiF canon divergence fic where Jingyan is called back to the capital to an arranged marriage with a young maiden named Mei Changsu
I love seeing what is and what is not different in the plans and in how the two of them relate to each other, in this changed context!
some great cameos from other characters too
what a fun and satisfying read!
10k words in length
Ignorance Leads to Bliss, by Tainaron
An svsss qijiu canon divergence fic, about things that might have happened while lbh was still a very young disciple to change the course of events
I love how small the things are that cause these changes, and that it's a small unthinking kindness from yqy to his own disciples that in a winding way leads to his own happiness
as the author says, these two are freak4freak and I love it
the desperation both of them feel about each other while being unable to talk about any of it!
11k words in length
petal and vine, by aibari
an SVSSS bingqiu fanfic wherein sqq wakes up in his plant body with amnesia and makes a home in the small village nearby, blessing its crops
lbh eventually comes through looking for his shizun, and sqq helps him
trying to find the right words to describe the tone or flavour of a piece of writing can be so hard but imo that's one of the things this fic does best! it's got this like….distanced, fairy-tale, dreamy vibe that really drives home how disconnected sqq is from his life and his emotions here and it's so great
(happy ending, of course!)
5k words in length
raised by winter winds, by nyoomerr
this is a fic that really understands the fundamental problem with original sqq, which is that the child abuse is real but so is the tragic backstory. he contains multitudes! one feels complex and conflicting things about him!
ok so the fic is a canon divergence fic where shen yuan is transmigrated in early as a disciple of og!sqq, and it's a bingqiu fic but also a fic about the master-disciple relationship between sy and sqq, and also about sy's relationship with his role as head disciple on the peak
and it's so good at all of that! I love what it does, I love all the sides of sy you get to see and all the things he cares about and puts his energies into (… and what he doesn't), it's all so perfectly him
and aughghhhhhh I have SO MANY FEELS
I am very emotion. I highly recommend.
36k words in length
Toxic, by Prim_the_Amazing
Ming Fan/OMC, where the OC is another disciple on Qing Jing Peak
it's truly impressively horrible, the pov of this awful bully who manipulates Ming Fan into misery and encourages Ming Fan in all of his own worst bullying tendencies
it's so well and believably done, and so compelling!
mind the tags on this one, it means what it says. I enjoyed the fic a lot but it's not a kind fic!
13k words in length
Lost and Found in Limitless Clarity, by TGP
bingqiu postcanon fic
lbh is miserable because sqq has died again, permanently, and lbh blames himself
this weird recluse Shang Yuan is a compelling mystery for lbh to investigate though……
the fic is deliciously full of angst and misunderstandings and attempts to learn from the past
75k words in length
A Personal Challenge, by bobbiewickham
fic for the Tortall books, in epistolary form
Alanna was forbidden from challenging Wyldon to a duel because she was king's Champion, but obviously as soon as she's not anymore, she goes for it
various people react
it's perfect. it's delightful. it's everything.
2k words in length
A Little Bit Ghost Valley, by alpheratz_vids
a Word of Honor vid focusing on Wen Kexing. I have never seen any of the show and do not know who any of these people are and it's still so fun!
stylish and snappily edited and confident
audio is solely the music
subtitles available
2:04 in length
thanks to lesbianwangyibo for the rec!
Merciful Even to Scorpions, by Kay Chronister
in a village where people possessed by demons are turned into javelinas, cared for by a pig-boy for the rest of their lives, what happens when the new pig-boy has a little too much empathy for his charges?
excellent use of fantasy alternate world to engage with questions of the failures of the justice system and the penal system, and the ways people become complicit with the system
really well done pov character
5k words in length
Also, the Cat, by Rachel Swirsky
an original story about ghosts and toxic family dynamics and feeling trapped
the three sisters who are the main characters are all difficult people in their own way, and all fully-realized characters I truly believe in
I loved that it's a story where the moral isn't "family should always stick together." family can be wonderful but it can also be awful, and sometimes you're better off apart
14k words in length
The Naming of Knots, by M.A. Carrick
an original story that I believe to be set in the same world as Carrick's Rook & Rose trilogy, which I haven't read yet but which is on my tbr list
having read this story and enjoyed it definitely increases my interest in that trilogy!
this one's about a thief who gets talked into helping a legend steal information to get back at people who misuse their positions of power
the importance of public infrastructure! the usefulness of recordkeeping! the will to carry out audacious crime!
fun and interesting and I want to know more about this world
9k words in length
I'll Be Your Mirror, by Rebecca Schneider
an original story about AI personhood, and about the bond between one AI who is different from the others, and their bond with a human who is different from other humans
it's also about the difficulties of caregiving during a pandemic, and the toll it takes
a beautiful, quiet, tender story about finding where you belong, no matter what others think
and ultimately, in my read, about a neurodivergent robot and a queerplatonic relationship, which like. AS ALWAYS, TAKE ME TO THERE. I'm here for it.
6k words in length
Then Came the Ghost of My Dead Mother, Antikleia, by Nadia Radovich
about grief and loss; losing a parent young, and losing access to that parent's culture and language; and about holding on to what things you can
the story isn't specific about exactly what happened in the disaster when the main character was a young child but the hints are enough to be pretty dark
beautiful, longing, sharp and bittersweet
second person pov
-1k words in length
My Last Duke, by Jess Nevins
narrative poetry from the pov of a dead woman to her terrible husband's new wife
really fun and compelling to read on in a vacuum, but also it is clearly written in response to Browning's famous poem "My Last Duchess" and is from the pov of the dead woman that poem is about!
also seems to be an alternate history narrative? again you don't need to know this to appreciate the poem but after reading it I had to look up the characters involved. POV character is Lucrezia de' Medici, her terrible husband is Alfonso II d'Este, but as far as I can tell the new wife is someone who in irl history died in infancy: Isabella, daughter of Charles III of Savoy.
and now I really want to know more about the history of the time period and the ways that this would have affected things and why the author made these choices for the story of the poem!
anyway. I like the poem. it's good.
1k words in length
Ranking Every 2023 Historical Drama on Costume Accuracy, by Bernadette Banner
bernadette banner on youtube has been in the habit for a few years of putting out a video rating the historical accuracy of costumes from tv/movies of the previous year, and each year the video gets longer and includes more guest experts for other cultures she's not as intimately familiar with, and this year's video for 2023 was SO much fun!
I loved hearing about all these different time periods in different parts of the world from people who know what they're talking about, and seeing how very wrong (or right!) various media gets the details
no subtitles
video is 2 hr 20 min long
Fucking Trans Women, by Mira Bellwether
I have never read a piece quite like this before and it's incredible
the structure, the way she arranges the order in which she leads you through her thoughts!
the many informative details, and the encouragement, and the desire for a conversation!
and I love the way she talks about bodies, and celebrating the things about bodies that are soft and that require a delicate touch
80 pages long; word count hard to calculate
0 notes
fahrni · 1 year
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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I took Friday off to take some folks visiting us to Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. It’s a beautiful place I used to pass daily on my way to work prior to the pandemic turning the world on its head.
It’s both impressive and sad. To know that Monticello was built and maintained by enslaved people puts a stain on an otherwise beautiful place.
What’s worse is Jefferson hated slavery but kept enslaved people because he knew he couldn’t run a 5,000 acre plantation without them.
Bryant Francis • gamedeveloper.com
The cost of using Unity as a game engine is once again about to increase. Starting in January 2024, the company will begin charging what it’s calling a “Unity Runtime Fee” that is based on the number of users installing games built on the widely-used engine.
This has been a huge topic this week. I feel really bad for smaller game devs because it’s going to really hurt their ability to continue operating, much less making great games for folks to enjoy.
I hope the Unity folks come around with something more agreeable.
Matt Birchler • birchtree.me
It’s been nearly a year since it became clear Elon Musk was going to buy Twitter, and I wanted to take a second and just say thank goodness for Mastodon.
Yes indeed! Thank goodness for Mastodon! I don’t regret for one moment spinning up Curmudgeon Cafe and I hope I can keep it going for years to come. 🤞🏼
Yahoo Sports
Aaron Rodgers out for season after MRI confirms Achilles injury for Jets QB
Welp, the Aaron Rodgers story takes a strange turn four plays into the 2023 season.
The big question on everybody’s mind is, is this career ending? He’s 39 years old, which now doesn’t seem so old for an NFL Quarterback, but it’s more difficult to heal as we age and does he have the desire to get healed up and put in the grueling work to get prepared for next season?
Charles Chen
This two part musing reflects the conversations I’ve had with some good friends and former teammates of mine as well as reflections on some of my own observations over the last few years as I prepare to join one of the few Bay Area VC-backed startups using .NET on the backend.
A VC backed startup using .NET? Outrageous! 😁
Yeah, not really. I like .NET and C#. If you’re coming from another curly braced language like C or C++ you should feel right at home with C#. And the .NET runtime and supporting libraries are feature rich and give you the tools to do anything you’d like.
Myles Simmons • NBC Sports
News continues to trickle out of ESPN’s on-air layoffs and another former NFL player is among the cuts.
This is a piece from July. I’m not sure how I missed it. I like to watch Sunday NFL Countdown and the opening weekend of the 2023 season the crew had a new member, Alex Smith. That got me asking questions and I find out Matt Hasselbeck was let go.
I’m not a fan of the new set. The old round table in their waterfront studio was nice and different than any other pre-game analysis show. They were all in reaching distance of each other. It had a more intimate feel. It was nice.
This year the crew is spread out along your typical long desk in a drab set. I suspect it’s in the basement of some building to cut costs, which is fine, but why’d you have to make it so drab?
Anywho, enough bellyaching. The NFL is back! 🏈
Ron Amadeo • Ars Technica
Don’t let Chrome’s big redesign distract you from the fact that Chrome’s invasive new ad platform, ridiculously branded the “Privacy Sandbox,” is also getting a widespread rollout in Chrome today.
I’m not a fan of Chrome. They’re definitely the new Internet Explorer.
I’ll stick with Safari and Firefox. They’re both great browsers and are more concerned about user privacy.
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Clean up the web!
Developers, it’s time for you to choose a side: will you help rid the web of privacy-invading tracking or be complicit in it?
This isn’t a blog, rather a site encouraging web devs to clean up their act and fight against privacy invasion. Here’s hoping it works.
Of course we all know every news site is all about tracking and advertising. Good luck getting them to change.
FRANK BRUNI • The New York Times
But was there a bevy of headlines about a brain ravaged by time? Were there notations that Trump, at 77, was already as old as Ronald Reagan at the end of his presidency, and that after another four years in the White House, Trump would be a touch older than Biden at the end of his first term and thus the oldest president ever?
Yeah, why is the focus 100% on Biden? Sure he’s older than Orange Man but three years isn’t that much older.
Also, who in the Democratic Party is ready, willing, and able to beat Orange Man in a general election?
I still wish we had a Hillary Presidency but that ship has sailed.
Aria Yang • Business Insider
I moved to Seattle for a high-paying tech job. It turned out to be the loneliest time of my life.
I can’t imagine having to adjust to a new city — across the country — in our new COVID-19 world.
When we moved to Seattle in the early 1990’s I had a family to care for and enjoy time with at night and on the weekends. Oh, and there wasn’t a pandemic raging across the planet killing folks.
I’d also imagine the transition from college life right into a place like Amazon could be rough. It’s my understanding Amazon is a tough place to work and if you’re a social person I could see it putting a dampener on your social calendar.
Stephanie Keith • commondreams.org
The slow-mo wave of fascism engulfing Florida - book bans, more guns, no drag, cheerleading for slavery - took a big goose-step forward with the latest incursion of a snarling horde of swastika-swathed Nazis screaming “White Power!” and “Did you thank Hitler today?”
The MAGA loving GOP has given white supremacists groups the courage to crawl out from under their rocks and show their true colors.
The GOP needs a boring old conservative to become the head of the ticket.
The MAGA movement needs to die in a fire.
Shape Your City
The City of Vancouver is exploring ways to support existing and new corner stores, and other small-scale shops and services in residential areas.
When I was a little fella growing up in Lindsay and Exeter we had little markets nearby. In particular I remember Lynwood Market near my grandparents house in Lindsay. It’s long gone now but we neighborhood kids would collect our pennies and trek down to Lynwood Market to buy sarsaparilla for the entire gang. I really enjoyed that and still think about it from time to time.
Seeing Vancouver work toward this is encouraging to me.
Dr. Cat Hicks
He fixed things often and silently. Grandpa just cared about things working. He had an instinct for not just broken things but soon to be broken things. He would point out risky work, bad decision making in the form of shoddy materials or shifting angles. He was offended by the trace measures left in the world that signified short-term planning. So I learned that this too had something to do with craft. He had a visual vocabulary that amazed me. I think about how he could see these details. He saw choices and constraints and tensions and frictions where I just saw chairs. He saw effort where most people just saw end products.
Craft. No matter the thing we do for a living we should always work on our craft. I believe I grow a little every day I’m working on developing software. I’ve had so many influences over the years who I believe have collectively made me better at the craft of software development.
It’s a never ending process!
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0 notes
yelenasdiary · 2 years
Nobody Like You
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Singer!Reader
Summary: Florence attends one of your concerts, which you were unaware of until you spot her in the crowd.  
| Fluff | 1.07K |
AC: I listened to the song you mentioned, it’s a great song although it wasn’t my type of music, so I have used one of my all-time favourite songs for this as I felt it sort of gave me the same vibe. Enjoy! 
*This is a request from my old blog*
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“Alright love, I’m going to go before my manger calls me again for the 50th time!” you spoked as you met Florence in the living room, snuggled up in a blanket on the sofa. 
“Have a great show darling!” she smiled to you as you lent down and kissed her plump lips. “I’ll see you soon” you said against her lips. 
Little did you know, under the blanket Florence was dressed and ready to surprise you. She gave you a warm smile before you left. Tonight, was one of the last shows of your tour, you played at small arena’s and mostly did acoustic songs. 
You’ve been with Florence for a little over a year. Never officially making it public but there were plenty of cryptic posts about the two of you, interviews asking you about one another, fans made fan pages to show support for the relationship they weren’t aware was real. It made you and Flo giggle whenever you’d see some posts about being at an event together “can they just idk??? Kiss???” one caption would read, “I can’t get over how they look at each other!” another would read. Florence and you spoke about coming out about the relationship but the two of you were enjoying the privacy and the fun that came with it. 
You stepped onto the stage in front of a welcoming ground, your guitar sat waiting for you by the microphone. Flashes from phones in the crowd never blinded you anymore as you were soon used to the bright lights and the spotlight that made you stand out more on stage. 
“How are we tonight?” you spoke into the microphone, the crowd cheered in replied. “Thank you for coming out tonight, let’s get the show started yeah?” you smiled as the cheers got even louder. 
This is what you’d dreamed about since you were a kid and learnt how to bang pots together. Florence had her movies and would help you with song writing sometimes given her shared talent in singing. You loved her voice and would encourage her to dabble more into the music industry like she’s mentioned so many times before. The energy of the crowd always made for a successful night, getting a kick from the idea of being able to bring people together through music and hearing people sing along to song you wrote, songs you recorded and appreciated so much. 
Halfway through your set you noticed a familiar blonde in the crowd, she was singing along, dancing and every now and then would have her phone out to record you. It was hard to tell if it really was Florence as you were sure she was at home watching movies with her feet up. But once one of the spotlights hit her on the right angle you knew it was Florence. You couldn’t hide the big smile on your face once the two of you caught eyes, she gave you a small wave and you threw her a playful wink as you continued the show. 
The fans demanded an encore, you could hear the chanting from your dressing room as you changed into an outfit that didn’t feel as hot and sweaty. You walked out with your guitar, again, the crowd’s cheers were loud and clear. 
“I hope you guys can sing this one with me” you said before starting one of your most popular songs, the fans screamed once they caught on and sang along with you, never missing a lyric. 
“Before I go tonight, I just want to thank everybody who made tonight happened, my band, my team backstage, family, friends, every single one of you guys in this room tonight mean more to me than you’ll ever know! I want to end this magically night with a song that I’ve been working on recently. 
This song is one of my own favourites and” you paused as you looked over at Florence, “this song is about my girlfriend” you added. The crowd got louder than ever as they scanned the room for the girlfriend you were talking about. Fans standing closest to Florence were the first to quickly point out she was in the audience. Some fans followed your eyes which were glued to Florence’s as she stood proudly with a smile, sending you a soft nod to say it was okay to finally be able to tell the world.
You started strumming your guitar, the fan’s attention drew back to you fast, camera’s out and ready to record the special moment. 
“I’ve never had nobody like you” 
“You take the edge off the pain, yeah. They’re always asking what’s your name, yeah But you ain’t falling for that game, yeah You know that Imma do the same, yeah”
“It aint your figure or your frame, yeah it’s just the feeling that you bring, yeah I can’t let you slip away, Girl, I need you in my space”
“I’ve been through it, I’ve been through it I’ve had some girls and they damn make want to lose it, But you give my heart a break, you take my far away you take me faraway”
“I’ve never had nobody like you” 
After the show you went backstage to gather your things, you felt a set of warm arms wrap around your waist, a big smile covered your lips once more. “I’m so proud of you” Florence spoke before resting her head on your shoulder, “I thought you were at home” you looked at her through the mirror, she smiled, “you think I wanted to miss your show so close to home?” she replied. You turned around and faced her, she moved her arms to rest around your neck as your hands found her hips. “You better record that song because I want to listen to it every day” she smiled once more. “Anything for you” you kissed her softly. She pulled you in and deepened the kiss. Once pulling away for air, you both just sunk into each other’s hold “does this mean you’ll do a duet with me now?” you asked. “Maybe” she smirked. 
“The car is ready for you” your manger spoke after knocking on the door. 
“Just a moment” you looked over at her before looking back to Florence, “I just want to soak this in since the world knows now” you whispered. Florence kissed you once more before hugging you tightly, “I love you my darling” she whispered. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
....I think my requests regulates around Mammon and Platonic/Child!MC—
Brothers, Dateables, Angels + Solomon reacting to a Child!MC made by Barbatos' and Mammon's magic out of pure accident, none predicted it.
Im a fan of Barbatos/Mammon friendship so yeah! If you're not comfortable feel free to delete.
Hello! Welcome back to the blog. Somehow this reminds me of the powerpuff girls haha. Anyways, I hope you like this fic!
The obey me cast reacts to Mc's creation
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
important: Just an extra clarification: Mc is a child, therefore there is 0 romance between them and the (legal) cast. It's all purely platonic
let's assume mc is around 5 here
content warnings: accidental child creation
oh he's not happy at first
since he knows he's going to be the one who ends up raising you, or at least do most of the work involved
until lucifer gets attached to you, he won't view you as a 'burden' anymore
'oh no, lucifer's gonna kill me'
but fear aside, you do look pretty adorable
mammon's prepared to teach you all kinds of stuff, lucifer has to stop him when he starts explaining how to cheat at poker
he thinks it's funny how mammon and, of all people, barbatos could make such a mistake
he mostly stays away from you until you show interest in hana ruri
now he calls himself 'uncle levi'
look, he expected this from mammon but not barbatos
doesn't really interact with you much, since he has no idea how to talk with a child
you, on the other hand, like satan and you try to get him to read books to you
'oh my, you're just the cutest thing!'
I don't know if anybody else watched modern family but asmo likes to dress you up for photoshoots like cam does to his daughter
the only difference is you actually enjoy it
beel is great with children
he loves to play little games with you, and make food for you
if you don't like the crust of the bread, he'll eat it for you
he's lowkey scared , but beel drags him along with things
forget alarm clocks, you're always waking him up in the morning by jumping on his bed
belphie hated it at first, but now he doesn't mind
diavolo adores little baby you as well
he likes to take you to toy stores, and he secretly buys lego sets for himself too
everyday, he thanks barbatos for accidentally creating you
barbatos turns into dramatos
'my lord, I apologise for this, I shall take care of this right now-' diavolo had already picked you up and spun you around
he is actually a great parent figure, despite how busy he is
simeon loves to babysit you when needed
he likes it when he's cooking something in the kitchen and you try your best to watch what he's doing
also, he thinks it's great for both you and luke to get closer to each other
he thinks it was a bad mistake on mammon and barbatos' part
but, he soon warms up to you and congratulations, you now have a big brother
luke teaches you how to make michael's favorite sweets
this man spends a good day laughing at the two demons who created you
mammon almost ended up fighting him but barbatos held him back
solomon wants to make you food, but everybody stops him
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lumincryo · 2 years
Can we get Yandere Mori and/or Yandere Ranpo headcannons please? 👀
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
Hello! Ofc, I’d be happy to write some headcanons for ya. :) I decided to separate them into little question categories. Thanks so much for requesting! <3
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠?
-Ranpo takes pride in his abilities as a detective, so I’d imagine that this carries over to him bragging about himself to his darling. Be prepared to constantly be pestered with him telling you about the seemingly impossible cases he’s solved, explaining each one in great detail. He’d speak to you with a wide grin and skip in his step as he follows you around the detective agency. Despite your pleading looks, your fellow coworkers never take a moment to distract Ranpo from his boasting. They’ve learned what his cold, still gaze feels like from past investigations, and it’s not something any of them would like to experience again. In addition, the members truly respect him for his natural brainpower, so good luck finding help. 
-When he’s not bragging to you about his accomplishments, he usually takes whatever opportunity he can get to tease you. Ranpo can even get a little flirty with you sometimes, enjoying the look of your flustered face after making a suggestive comment. It makes him giggle like a child. 
“Aww, are you blushing, y/n? You’re simply too cute, hehe. I’d love to see that look on your face more often. Be a dear and share it with me, hmmm?”
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠?
-Easy, he’d drag you along as his personal babysitter. Or perhaps, he was yours. You can never really tell. 
-Everybody in the agency is aware of his troubles with navigation or simply doing a normal chore. On certain occasions, this can be quite the burden as somebody always needs to go with him to help. Hey, since he takes a liking to you so much, how about you follow him around instead of a more crucial member? That would make more sense, right? Much to your dismay, the members agree that this would be the best way to settle things and send you off with him whenever there’s a case to solve. Ranpo claims that its a good experience for you anyways, as you can see what its like to do his work. After helping him take the train and watching him decode some murder mystery, he likes to treat you to a nice dinner or trip to the arcade for all your “hard work”. If anything, these trips seem more like dates, but you keep your mouth shut. You’d rather not have him tease you for misenterpiting the situation… again.
𝐈𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞?
-Nope, not at all. 
-With his savvy, this guy would be able to detect any sort of lie or mind game you might be playing with him in two seconds. Don’t even try to fool this man- he has you all figured out from day one of observing you. 
𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠? 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠?
-Well, I’m honestly not sure if he would. It depends on the circumstances. For example, his intelligence level is rather high, so if you make any attempts to leave the agency, he’ll probably have you figured out before you can even go through with your plans. This can deflate your motivation quickly, as hes always one step ahead of you. 
-If you still try to leave after multiple attempts, he’ll simply decide that you’re obviously too much trouble to keep track of at work, and he’ll lock you up in his own home. This wouldn’t be the most uncomfortable place to stay though, as he provides you with a nice living space and decent food. Once done working, he’ll come home and take you in his warm embrace. If it didn’t feel as suffocating as it was, you would’ve considered it to be cute. 
-Like I said before, he’ll know when you’re planning an escape. Very much like running away from the agency, leaving his house would also be extremely difficult- probably even more so. If somehow you were able to escape, he’d use his "ability" and track you down in an instant, dragging you back to your confinement to isolate you longer than you already had been before. Right before he locks you in your enclosure, he leans in and whispers to your shaking form-
“I hope this helps you learn that there’s not one way you can escape me. No matter what, I’ll find you and bring you back here every single time until you learn where you belong. Remember that.” He ends the statement with his classic sadistic grin before locking you up for what seems like an eternity, forced to think of your newfound fate. Don’t worry though, you’ll eventually come out- and hopefully with a new mindset and love for your captor as well. 
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scmg11 · 3 years
Hey, can you write something about Hailee x actress reader um wich everybody KNOWS they have something but they want to keep It private, but are always saying cute and lovely things about each other um Interviews? Thank u 💗
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A/N: HELLO PEOPLE! Sorry for taking so long on answering your requests but college is hard and I had a few ideas that I wanted to write about first. But here we are! Enjoy!
Sending love ❤️
Summary: Hailee and Y/N are dating and even if everyone knows about their relationship, they try to keep it private as much as possible, but these two lovebirds can’t stop gushing about each other.
Warnings: none, just pure fluff.
Word count: 1564 words.
"Everybody, make some noise for Y/N Y/L/N!" Jimmy screamed at the audience as the curtain opened and the girl walked out and onto the stage wearing a nice, black dress that was enhancing her lean figure while waving at the clapping audience enthusiastically, then hugging Jimmy tightly and let him lead her on the chair she was going to occupy, right beside his desk.
"It’s always good coming here!" Y/N spoke up after the crowd calmed down and grinned at Jimmy brightly.
"It’s a pleasure to have you here! It’s been so long!"
"Oh yes! I’ve been so busy promoting my new movie! This last couple of months were pretty hectic to say the least." Y/N grimaced comically before letting a shiny smile take over her features.
"Yeah! You just got back from London to promote your upcoming movie on the European press tour! How was that?"
Jimmy asked her a few questions about her new movie, about her crazy schedule, some upcoming project and finally her time on set. "I once got in trouble because I completely overslept and missed the morning shooting but since I’m the main character, they couldn’t fire me-" Y/N quipped in a ‘duh’ tone and winked towards the host, who chuckled at her joke alongside the audience while clapping his hands amused, "but yeah I felt so so bad that from that day on I showed up 10 minutes earlier."
"Did your co-stars made fun of you for oversleeping?" Jimmy smirked knowingly, Y/N knowing really well the host was dying to ask a question about her cast members, one in particular, and played dumb with a small, sly smile on her lips.
"Of course! It was the inside joke of the entire cast and the entire crew!"
"I saw Hailee’s Instagram story months ago where she pranked you with 10 alarm clocks ringing while you were sleeping." Jimmy was having troubles in finishing her sentence due to his giggles getting louder, a clip of that said story playing for the audience to see, laughing harder pointing at the screen.
Y/N rolled her eyes fondly at that memory and smiled in fake annoyance at her girlfriend’s prank, "she got me good that day. I was so lost when I woke up to the sound of 10 alarm clocks ringing 3 hours before my make up call. Here-“ She pointed at the screen, grinning brightly as she tried to talk while giggling softly, “you can see the confusion, the- the disorientation before my eyes focused on her laughing her ass off.” She laughed loudly before rolling her eyes and shaking her head in fond exasperation, “I wanted to get her back or at least stay mad at her, but that cute face got her away." Y/N pointed out to the screen showing a photo of them smiling on set on that same day.
"How was working with her?"
"Amazing. She is a great inspiration. Watching her act so effortlessly is mind-blowing. She always gives her all into a scene and it’s really inspiring." She smiled brightly, “and she is so nice, everyone on the crew was always in a better mood when she was around. We got along pretty well and pretty quickly and I’m so glad of that. I don’t even want to think about enduring all those hard working months without her by my side.”
"Okay let’s do word association."
"Okay, let’s do this." Hailee clapped her hands enthusiastically and grinned widely at the host.
"I’ll say the name of one of your co-stars and you have to tell me the first 3 words that comes into your mind."
Hailee nodded and started the game. They were few names of people she worked with in when she heard her girlfriend’s name, an instant smile forming on her lips, "Y/N Y/L/N."
"Hard-worker. Goofus. Incredibly talented. Yes incredibly talented as in one word." Hailee joked with a small chuckle, causing everyone in the room to laugh alongside her.
"Your new movie with her just got out. It’s amazing."
"I have to be honest, it’s one of the best project I’ve ever worked on. The cast and the crew were spectacular. I had a lot of fun and I learned from everyone each single day."
"How was working with Y/N? She’s one of the most talked actress in the industry, what’s her deal?"
"She is the most caring person I’ve ever seen. I remember one day, a fan got in trouble with security. We were shooting in a really reserved area, so no one was allowed except for cast and crew. But between two takes she went to say hi to that teenage girl and walked her out of the set. It was the most heartwarming thing I’ve ever seen."
“We saw all the posts and stories you shared on Instagram.”
“It was the best way to interact with our fans. I don’t usually post a lot of things on Instagram, but it was hard not to when you have a co-star that is so easy prank on.”
“You got along pretty well.”
“Yes, like a said she is a really nice and caring person. I was terrified my first day on set but she eased my nerves instantly, walking us around the set to take a tour before our first table read. And since then we were attached to the hip. We started rehearsing in our trailers, we stayed behind the cameras when the other had a scene to shoot, we cheered each other up when we were missing our families and we were always goofing around.”
“It’s really good it hear it.”
“Yeah, I’m so glad we found each other.”
"Ellen I swear to god that if you scare me, I’m never coming back." Y/N walked out of the backstage, waving at the audience, stating in lieu of a greeting to the host in a worried tone as she sat down on the chair, looking around suspiciously to detect any potential threat, causing Ellen and the crowd to erupt in a loud laugh.
"Don’t worry. Last time you were here was enough to entertain the world forever." Ellen laughed when a clip of Y/N jumping up and screaming in fright when Ellen scared her last year appeared on the screen behind them.
"I hate that clip." Y/N regarded Ellen with an unamused face and with a murderous glare before side-eyeing the video with the same expression.
"So, let’s talk about the movie!" Ellen spoke up when the crowd calmed down and everyone sat down, "it was a success!"
Y/N answered to a lot of questions Ellen asked her, talking about the movie mostly, enjoying her time with the hilarious host and the welcoming audience. "Hailee was a rock during that time. When we were nearing the wrapping time of the movie, I was really stressed, I had problems sleeping and I was overall exhausted and she stayed by my side all along. Well we pretty much supported each other up, always ready to crack a joke at the worst times.” She laughed softly and shook her head at the wonderful memories she had of and with her girlfriend, “I’m really thankful fo-"
While Y/N was pretty much gushing about how much she loves Hailee, the brunette was tiptoeing silently behind her, lifting her pointer finger up to shush the audience then settling behind her girlfriend and screaming loudly as she touched her shoulders, “Y/N!”
“HOLY SHIT!” Y/N jumped in fright and screamed loudly, turning around and finding her girlfriend laughing her ass off, crouched down on her knees with her head hung down. “You’re a fucking asshole!” Y/N reprimanded her girlfriend and slapped her shoulder hard before pushing her away when Hailee got up to hug her tightly, Ellen still laughing alongside the audience with tears running down her cheeks.
“Ohw c’mon, it was amazingly hilarious!”
“For you! I almost peed my pants!” Y/N pouted and crossed her arms, Hailee sliding her arms around her and hugging her tightly, still giggling softly. “I can’t believe I was talking highly of you to Ellen! I take that back, she is a dick.” She looked at the still laughing host before looking at the crown with her eyebrows furrowed together and her pout still present on her lips.
“Ohw, no.” Hailee awed while laughing and tightened her grip on her girlfriend, leaning her head back to stare at Y/N softly, “I’m sorry-“ Hailee bit on her bottom lip hard to stop her from laughing while fighting against a smile to form on her face to look into her girlfriend’s Y/E/C eyes with a serious expression, but Y/N arching her right eyebrow up in challenge and an unamused expression on cracked Hailee’s façade and her face contorted into a bright smile while a loud chuckle left her lips. “Okay, I’m not 100% sorry. Can you forgive me tho?” Hailee pouted cutely and put on her best puppy dog eyes, smiling in victory when Y/N’s left corner of her lips lifted up slowly.
“Only because you’re cute!” Y/N pointed her finger at her in warning before hugging her back when her girlfriend resumed their strong embrace. During their hilarious banter a crew member replaced her chair with a small couch and when the two actresses pulled away from the hug, Ellen signaled them to take a seat to continue the interview.
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