#green bunny smiling critters
cvbullshit · 7 months
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Just decided to do some doodles to make me happy
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vampire-bat-stims · 3 months
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Stimboard of Hoppy Hopscotch from Poppy Playtime with Paws, Bunnies, Glitter, and Charms for @outacontrolrobotz!
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twl-cyan · 4 months
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Day 659
海怡半島與Hoppy Hopscotch 。💚💛
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chimchiri · 4 months
Poll Adventure: Rarijack Dinner
Index | [prev] - Part 06 - [next] Special thanks to @babydarkstar for putting out the lovely writing! <3
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A tall, willowy woman sits crouched on her knees, tending to a fruiting garden with her back to AJ. Her long pink hair is tied up in a thoughtless knot, though the green ribbon holding it together makes it elegant. A basket sits beside her, half-full with newly harvested veggies, flowers, mushrooms, and greens. As she works, the tune she hums floats across the yard, accompanied by birdsong that chirps along, and the occasional chatter from a chipmunk joining in.
As usual, Fluttershy is surrounded by a sundry of critters. Today there are butterflies flitting around her shoulders, beetles dancing at her knees, a wild doe that rests beside her with its long legs tucked under its body, a tortoise that munches on the kale from her basket, and a roundup of squirrels chattering away as they help her find ripe cherry tomatoes. And of course, Angel—the mischievous bunny that can get away with nearly anything, because he’s Fluttershy’s darling boy. For now, he sits directly behind her, scratching idly at his neck with his hind leg. Bodyguard duty.
A tiny, bright blue flash approaches Flutters and hovers in the air beside her, a delicate flower in tow. Flutters looks over to the proffered gift, removes a glove and holds out her hand out to let the hummingbird drop the flower into her palm. She places it in her hair before letting the bird land on her finger.
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“Thank you, Hummingway,” she chimes, bringing the microscopic bird up to nuzzle at her cheek with a soft laugh.
For a moment, AJ can only watch in awe. Fluttershy’s uncanny ability to commune with nature never gets old. A grin breaks out on her face. She’s glad she decided to stop here first; she can feel her stress melting away.
“Fluttershy,” AJ calls from the pathway leading to Fluttershy’s front door, and the woman in the garden yelps, shoulders tensing in a defensive pose. Applejack cringes as Flutters turns to face her, eyes wide.
“Oh—goodness,” she says, a hand to her chest, “Applejack, you startled me.”
“Sorry—sorry,” AJ says with a sheepish smile, stepping over to grab the basket and offering Flutters a hand.
Fluttershy stands, brushing the grass and dirt from her pants and tucking her gloves into a pocket before bending down to scoop Angel up into her arms, bidding farewell to the other critters retreating from their garden duties—the ones that didn’t flee when Applejack broke their peaceful moment.
“Well, it’s good to see you, AJ,” Flutters says in that soft voice of hers, reaching a hand out for the basket in AJ’s hand. But the farmer gives a little shake of her head, insisting she carry it as they step out of the garden patch and over to the cobblestone pathway.
“Um, you really don’t have to carry it for me…but thank you,” she says, stroking at one of Angel’s fuzzy ears, to busy her anxious hands, “Come in, I was going to make tea.”
So AJ follows Fluttershy into her charming little bungalow, locked in a staring contest with Angel, who looks at her over Fluttershy’s shoulder like he would maim AJ if he had sharper teeth. Setting the harvest basket on a bench by the door, AJ watches the timid woman put a kettle on to boil and then putter about the open floor plan of the downstairs as she fusses with putting her veggies in the sink and tidying whatever she deems out of place. As they wait for the water to boil, they make idle small talk—the weather’s been nice, Twilight (yes, Twilight) is planning a surprise party for Pinkie Pie, how are the horses?
Once Fluttershy pours tea into cups on a tray and leads them to the den, she takes a timid sip before looking to AJ. “It’s always nice to see you, Applejack. Did you need me to help with something? Is Winona doing okay?” A look of panic flashes across her face and her eyes go wide. “She didn’t get into the horse feed again, did she? Oh dear…I told her only to eat her own food….”
Her brows pull up in concern as she meets AJ’s gaze, who shakes her head with a chuckle. “No, Winona’s alright—she loves the new food”—(“Oh, thank goodness…”)—“I’m actually…I’m here because I had a favor to ask.”
Applejack rubs the back of her neck. Shit, she’s nervous. Thinking about consulting her friends is one thing, but actually doing it is something else entirely.
AJ grabs her tiny teacup from the tray and blows on the tea, unable to look at Fluttershy. “Uh, yeah—I, uh. I’m goin’ on a date. And I need some advice.”
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“A date!” exclaims Flutters, louder than her usual delicate tone as she flashes a grin, her soft blue eyes glittering. “That’s wonderful.”
AJ can feel her ears turning ten shades of pink. “Heh, thanks. I’m stuck on a few things but I think you can help me out.”
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Tag List: @mrrrpmeow @babydarkstar @butwerebothmares @chaosdraconequus @chrysaliswife @gaywombat @mulan-but-gay @jubjub05 @dan-chan-rn @sanybaby @horserepository @justletmesnarkandbark @colourswirlcannibal
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vthewriter1121 · 24 days
The Great burden
Chapter 1: The Sun and the Moon
"Gods... Powerful beings half of the critters of the Eclipse Kingdom believe in. For those who bask in the region, believe in… A god of sorts. The prototype. Books full of prophets of two critters, a child of the sun and a child of the moon, will join in marriage," a figure said to the group of children lying in the grass.
"Ewww, marriage where they kiss and hold and stuff," a yellow chicken kid yelled.
"Awww, I think it's rather nice," one whispered to the child that shouted.
"Quiet now, children, I'm not done. Ahem… Ah, now they will lead the kingdom into a period of peace, but things will stand in the way of their happiness," the teacher explained.
"OH OH isn't the child of the moon the prince of the kingdom?" one of the other children asked.
"Correct!" the teacher replied.
"But how will you know if you are the child of the sun or moon?" the yellow chicken questioned.
"They say that a certain necklace that the palace holds, that they will shine upon touch," the teacher replied.
"So the necklace with the moon glowed when the prince touched it?" the bunny child asked.
"Correct!" the teacher exclaimed.
"Oh, I hope I'm the sun to his moon," said the red bear child. The whole class giggled with a bell going off in the distance.
"Alrighty class, looks like our day has come to a close. Remember your assignment, and I will talk to everyone more tomorrow!" All of the children quickly got up from where they were sitting and grouped up to go home. All except one, the new child from out of the kingdom. The teacher sees him staring off in the distance at all the kids running off. She walks over to where he's sitting down and crouches to his level.
“You alright, Dogday? You had a big day today! How are you feeling?” she questioned the child with floppy ears and a shy smile.
“I'm alright, Mrs. Delight. I just never heard of anything like that before. I'm not one for religion, but that story would be a nice fairytale!” the child explained. Mrs. Delight giggled at his reply.
“I guess so! Now now, It’s after hours. Why don't you go home now, and we can chat all about it tomorrow?” she offered the child a hand up and a small smile. He slowly grabbed her hand and stood with her. Brushing off some dirt, he smiled and waved her off as he slowly started walking away with his tail wagging.
“He’s got a spark, huh… I have a feeling he's going to do great things,” Mrs. Delight said quietly to herself as she placed a hand on her hip.
Eight years later…
"Hey, you gotta keep up, dude," the all grown-up chicken shouted to the dog man, who was walking a bit far back from him.
“Haha, hey, you're running too fast… whoa,” the dog chuckled as he finally caught up to the chicken. He slightly bumped his shoulder. Then seeing a group of critters surrounding the school, they both quickly glanced at each other then at the crowd.
"What the heck is happening?" the chicken exclaimed. They closely walked side by side, entering the mass of critters. Some of them were critters they had never seen before. The dog scanned the crowd until he saw two familiar faces of his friends. He brushed past other critters, dragging the chicken with him, and submerged himself in the crowd to finally reach his friends.
"Bobby! Hoppy!" he happily greeted his friends with a wide smile on his face.
“Oh! Dogday! Hello you too KFC!” said the green rabbit dressed in her sports attire with her tennis hat on her head.
“Dogday! Kicken!” the bear said happily as she swayed in her pink and white dress, then smiled brightly at all of them.
“Hey, do either of you know what the heck is happening?” Kicken asked both of them, readjusting his sleeves on his biker jacket. Bobby stims with excitement at his question.
“The prince is here!!!!” she burst out with excitement. Hoppy placed a hand on Bobby’s back as if to tell her to calm down, knowing there were a lot of critters around. This statement intrigued Dogday’s interest as his ears perked up hearing this.
“Yeah, apparently he wants to attend high school for his last year,” Hoppy explained, sighing knowing it's gonna be crazy, before Bobby butted in with.
“I have a feeling he’s looking for the child of the sun, his partner, the love of his life!!!!” she squealed, clearly fangirling, but some critters around the group shot the girl weird looks. Hoppy looked around at the group of critters around bobby ,and shot them a mean look Kicken then laughed . Dogday wondered to himself why this school, and why now, glancing at the faces of his friends. They were all chatting with Bobby she was telling them more info about the prince. With Hoppy and Kicken laughing with each other about how much Bobby knows about this subject.
Then they heard the loudspeaker go off and heard a voice ringing throughout the school's property. “Today is just a regular day now everyone goes to class, and if you don't attend our school, please kindly escort yourself off the property!!!!” A booming voice that the students recognized as their teacher Mrs. Delight. Loud discourse from the critters surrounding the group could be heard, and the crowd around the school slowly dispersed. As Dogday observed the looks on people's faces, feeding into his desire on why so many people were interested in the prince's whereabouts and how he acted as a critter. His mind zoned out with so many thoughts until he heard.
“Dude, DogDay? Are you coming, the path is clear, and I don’t know about you, but I don't wanna be lectured by Mrs. Delight again. Last time was so uncool…” Kicken waved his hand Dogday’s way, telling him to walk. The dog chuckled as the group walked into the building.
Critters scurried to their designated classes throughout the buildings. As some leaned against the wall talking to their friends and or partners, whispers about the prince caught the attention of the dog, who slowly walked through the hall. Critters gave a quick glance to Dogday ,and he just smiled back.
“SHIT” Hoppy shouted suddenly realized she had homework and forgot her whole backpack. Kicken laughed at her situation.
“I thought you were on top of things, Judy Hopps?” he teased her as he nudged her arm,and she shot him a look. As they slowly approached the classroom they were all assigned to. Dogday pulled in front of the group so he could hold the classroom door for them all as he did every morning. But as he tried to grab the door handle, Bobby quickly grabbed it for him.
“Nah, this time let me, Dogday,” she smiled. He barked out a quick thanks and headed inside. Then he paused in the doorway, and his eyes meeting with a pair of yellow moonlike eyes staring at him. His gaze captured a cat boy who was sitting in the window seat with a moon gem on his forehead and a crescent moon amulet necklace. He was wearing royal attire..., but what was even more shocking was the critters he was hanging out with. They were sitting at a group of desks: a unicorn, a pig, and an elephant. Two of them were sporting royal attire, and one of them was wearing casual clothes with an apron.
“Ah, Dogday, just the dog I've been wanting to see!” rang a voice at the front of the classroom. There stood his teacher Mrs. Delight as she just got done writing something on the chalkboard. She turned around and gave him a huge smile as she waved him over. Dogday finally walked through the door frame, walking over to Mrs. Delight. The other critter crew walked closely behind Dogday as they tried to listen in.
“Hello Mrs. Delight, Good Morning! Is there a reason you need me?” he questioned with a slight tilt of the head.
“Yes, I’m sure you are well aware of the current situation at the moment. Yes, we have a new student, and yes it’s the prince,” she explained with a smile. “But he brought some friends from inside the castle with him. So I trust you with keeping them happy and feeling welcomed?” she asked him gently. Dogday rapidly nodded his head as his tail started wagging, knowing he liked making friends. Mrs. Delight nodded and giggled at his behavior as she clapped her hands together.
“Alright, I’ve arranged your table group with them. So for now, you will be sitting with them. Now that's all I have for you for now. So hurry to your seat before everyone starts shoveling in,” she gently patted his back. By the time Dogday turned back around, all of his friends were setting in their assigned table groups. Then he gently searched back at the cat boy's table group with his eyes and slowly made his way to the corner table group. As he approached, he felt all eyes on him, including those enchanting moon-shaped eyes. He stopped in the only open spot at the table . The cat boy raised a brow and tilted his head.
“Hello to you all! I’m Dogday. I'm basically gonna be your student guide to everything at this school! So if you have any questions about the school or any critter or homework, I can answer mostly anything for you,” he said kindly as he smiled at all of them. The elephant carefully pulled out the chair in front of Dogday and gestured for him to sit. Dogday smiled at him and gently took a seat. The elephant turned to him and gestured to himself.
“Hello, My name is Bubba… Bubba Bubbaphant. I’m the Prince's Royal adviser, and personal assistant. The unicorn's name is Crafty, and the pig's name is Picky. And the prince, his name is-” Bubba Paused as the prince put a paw on Bubba's shoulder as if saying let me.
“My name is Catnap. Please, there is no need to call me anything but that.” A gentle and soothing voice erupted from the cat as he also finger spelled his name in Sign language.
“I don’t wish to make a fuss. I may be the child of the moon, but I want to lead a fun life outside the castle. Only the prototype can know what goes on inside the castle,” he gently explained to the dog boy . As Dogday settled into his seat, he couldn't shake the curiosity swirling within him like a whirlpool. The presence of Catnap, the prince, and his electric entourage stirred up a myriad of questions in his mind. What was life like inside the castle walls? How did the prince envision his time at the school? And most intriguingly, what secrets lay hidden behind those enigmatic moon-shaped eyes? 
Before he knew it he lost track of the other students filling into the classroom ,and the bell rang to commence classes to start. The classroom buzzed with a subdued energy as Mrs. Delight began her lesson. Dogday's attention, however, kept drifting back to Catnap and his companions. Picky, the pig, seemed to be engrossed in the lesson. Crafty, the unicorn, appeared lost in thought, occasionally scribbling doodles on a notepad that Dogday couldn't quite make out from his angle. Bubba, the gentle giant of an elephant, exuded an air of serene wisdom, his eyes betraying a depth of experience beyond his years. Why was he even in high school here with the prince? He looks so bored with the lesson almost if he knows everything.
As the lesson progressed, Dogday found himself stealing glances at Catnap, who seemed to be listening intently, his expression a mask of serene concentration. There was an aura of quiet authority about him, tempered by a palpable sense of humility that belied his royal status. Dogday couldn't help but admire the prince's composure, especially in the face of the whispered rumors and sidelong glances that seemed to follow him wherever he went.
When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of the lesson, Dogday found himself torn between the familiar comfort of his friends and the magnetic pull of Catnap and his companions. With a quick nod to his friends sitting on the other side of the room , he gathered his things and walked on to the other side of the table where Catnap was sitting . As a small conversation took over the table they were sitting at a small voice pierced through it all.  
"Hey, um, Catnap, right?" Dogday ventured, trying to keep his tone casual despite the flutter of nerves in his chest. Bubba ,and Picky look at the Dog with curious intent as Crafty sketches on her notepad in front of her. Catnap looked up from his notes, his moon-shaped eyes meeting Dogday's gaze with a faint glimmer of curiosity.
 "Yes, that's correct. And you must be Dogday, our esteemed student guide," he replied, a hint of amusement tugging at the corners of his mouth .Dogday felt a rush of warmth at Catnap's words, his tail wagging involuntarily at the praise.
 "Yeah, that's me!..... So, uh.., welcome to the school, I guess. If you ever need anything, just let me know. I'm here to help," he said, hoping he sounded more confident than he felt. Catnap inclined his head in acknowledgment, a small smile playing across his lips.
 "Thank you, Dogday. Your hospitality is greatly appreciated. I have a feeling we'll get along just fine," he said, his voice carrying a note of genuine warmth as he slowly gathered his notebook. Dogday stood there nervous for what he wanted to blurt out.
“Would you ,and your group… want to hang out with me and my friends? I promise they are chill ,and charming bunch of critters” The Dog suggested and tilted his head to the side. Feeling nauseous for asking such a question. Millions of things rang through his head before he realized he's been staring at at the cat. Zoning out on those moon-like eyes he has. Catnap’s eyes softened by his suggestion. Never really having an outside group of friends with no royal blood or attachment to himself. He found himself surprised ,and thankful.Catnap regarded Dogday with a thoughtful expression, his moon-shaped eyes glinting with a hint of curiosity. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded slowly.
"I appreciate the offer, Dogday. It would be a welcome change of pace to spend time with you ,and your group," Catnap replied, his voice carrying a genuine warmth. With response Dogday's eyes flashed for a second almost as bright as the sun. Catnap smiled at the thought of his attitude.
Bubba, Picky, and Crafty exchanged glances, silently communicating with each other before nodding in agreement. Dogday couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of introducing his friends to Catnap and his companions.
"Great! How about we meet up at lunch then? There's a nice spot on this hill we usually go to when we eat lunch. There is this big tree provides a lot of shade too! ," Dogday suggested eagerly, his tail wagging with anticipation .Catnap smiled softly, and chuckled a spark of curiosity dancing in his eyes.
 "That sounds lovely. Sounds quite fun too." he agreed before gathering his belongings and rising from his seat. Dogday couldn't shake the feeling of excitement coursing through him. Meeting the prince and his friends had opened up a whole new world of possibilities.
“So Catnap what period do you have next?”
Heya guys this is v got locked out of my other account but here is the first chapter of my story rewritten an whole so hope you enjoy!!!
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kkml225 · 3 months
Smiling Critters Scents
Okay, so From my Poppy playtime AU, I mentioned how the toy prototypes of CatNap and DogDay smelled like Lavender and Vanilla. DogDay is the only one that canonically emits a smell, and I thought that their first designs, hints to the 'prototype' label, were like that and here is what I imagine each character smells like and why.
DogDay = Vanilla (cannon)
CatNap = Lavender (because it helps you sleep, the natural 'red gas' if you will)
CraftyCorn = Cotton Candy (idk why, her hair reminds me of it so thats the only reason why)
PickyPiggy = Birthday Cake (because her thing is food and I remember hearing that PinkiePie from My Little Pony smells like birthday cake and since their themes are both kinda food related I decided why not)
Bobby Bearhug = Strawberries (Strawberries are kinda heart shaped, and thats her locket-shape-thingy and because strawberries are common to give to someone you are about on valentines day, at least it is where I live)
Bubba Bubbaphant = Cool Breeze or the 'ocean' (just the classical smelly-good flavors that you get for your house, I had a few teachers in the past use it in the classroom so, yeah... idk how else to explain that)
KickenChicken = Banana (more specifically, the banana flavored laffytaffy smell because its a liked smell where I'm from and they both are that annoyingly bright yellow color)
Hoppy Hopscotch = Green Apples (this is based off of the first time I met a bunny in real life, there was an artificial green apple smell in the air and sometimes my brain thinks I smell it whenever I see a bunny, idk why my brain does that it just does)
PickyPiggy was the hardest to choose a smell for, since she is about food and I spent an hour trying to come up with what she would smell like. I only decided on it because I was scrolling through the channels on tv and came by My Little Pony and remembered the whole PinkiePie thing.
What do you guys think? Let me know if you come up with some better ideas.
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Dang it I just got a thought. after the couples got together during one of the thunderstorms, one of the minis turn on music to drown out the thunder and dogday asks catnap to dance and with the music going downstairs prototype asks angel to dance and they just softly sway together in a little soft moment
Okay I just HAD to write something about this. Hope you enjoy it!
Pairing(s): DayNap, Prometheus.
Warnings: None!
"Do you guys like this song?"
There's a pause as Marie Long Legs lifts Julie up so she can properly adjust the sound. The small green bunny's ears twitch, and she scratches her back while waiting for a response. Marie nods: "It's pretty good".
The others agree. A thunder echoes outside, and you have to gently squeeze Picky's arm so she won't collapse next to you. Carefully, you let her rest on your lap. The song is now louder, and Julie is tapping her bunny feet against the wooden floor.
"No more bad thunders for us!", she proclaims. You nod in approval, and she jumps on her feet, other small critters following her lead.
"Maybe you guys should dance", you suggest to no one in particular. "Get all of that energy out".
The toys mutter and talk amongst each other, and, after making sure Picky is alright, you let go of her arm and stretch yourself, not keen on the idea of getting up from your spot. Elliot moves behind you, and you feel one of his arms drag you closer to him. You look up as he stares right at you, his eyes glowing red. You nod at him with a smile, dragging your blanket closer to you two.
Hoppy is already silently clapping her hands by the time you return your attention back to the kids. Julie copies her movement, the other small toys moving.
That's when Dogday gets up from the pile of cushions, pillows and blankets made for the occasion. He stretches his arms, and, with a small smile, turns towards Catnap, lazily spread across his own corner of the living room.
"May I have this dance?"
Theo blinks slowly, before playfully rolling his eyes and getting up from his spot. "Of course".
"Ew, romance", Hoppy shows her tongue, receiving a smack from Catnap's tail. She laughs way louder than what you were expecting for such a simple joke, and you smile. "Dumbass".
Catnap gets up on two legs, tail wagging behind him as Dogday holds him close. You could pinpoint the exact moment the feline's world melted away, leaving only his partner there. And Dogday knew it, chuckling in amusement as he guided Catnap on their little dance.
"Awnt", Bobby mutters, next to you and Picky. "It's like seeing a little royal ball!"
"Who's the prince, then?", Poppy asks, nodding to the song's rhythm.
"Dogday", the bear suggests. "And Catnap is also a prince, but he's from another kingdom".
"We're hearing you two, you know?", Dogday replies, still chuckling. Catnap is purring, a signal to everyone inside to know that, at least for now, they're all safe. "But I like the idea".
"Hm", Catnap agrees. "It's not too far to what you actually are in real life".
Poppy, Dogday and Bobby all chuckle, amused. Picky is genuinely smiling as well. You can see Bubba relax against the couch he's using, petting Bunzo without a care in the world. "Not too far from our D&D sessions, either", the elephant points out.
"Are you guys really leaving only us to dance?", Dogday asks, being spun by Catnap.
"Naaah", the feline complains. "Don't say that, it's more space for us".
Tlic, tlic, tlic, everyone hears, as Delight, ready as ever, jumps from her pile of pillows, leaving her book aside, energetically dancing her way towards you and the other girls. She offers her hand to Picky, grabbing her cane with her remaining one, and the two of them giggle before joining the dance floor.
"Ah, noooooo", Catnap laments, playfully hitting the duo with his tail. Dogday cannot stop giggling as he and his partner try to give space to Delight, who simply decides to occupy more and more.
"You're going to knock us out of the dance floor!", he accuses them.
"Uh-uh!", Delight objects, laughing out loud. "Hoppy, Kickin, come here, darlings! Marie, Poppy, you too~!"
It's not long before a majority of the toys join the main couple on their many attempts at dancing. You stay in your sofa for a while, before getting up and wrapping Crafty on a warm blanket. She smiles back at you, camera on hands as she films the disorganized symphony.
"I'll go check in your other parent", you tell the group. "Be right back!"
"Yeah, sure, dad", Kickin replies, causing everyone, including you, to laugh. You show your tongue to him, and he replies the gesture. "Nah!"
"Nah!", you repeat, leaving the living room.
You pause, knocking on the bedroom's door before entering. You can still hear the song Judy put on for everyone to dance to, even after you make sure the room is once again closed.
"Elliot?", you call.
You put your hands on your hips, amused, as you watch the giant pile of flesh, fluff and metal get up from another pile, this time made of pillows, various plushies, and extra-large blankets sewn together to fit his form better. He grabs all the cloth that covers his face, revealing a fleshy cover with brilliant red eyes.
"Looks like no lightning has hit you", you observe, approaching the Prototype. He leaves room for you to sit on your bed. "Just wanted to see if you were okay. The kids are dancing in the living room".
"I heard", he mutters, before hiding his face in the blankets again. "I saw".
"You saw?"
"I taught Theo how to dance", he continued, ignoring how amused you were at how, despite all this time, he was stil as stealthy as ever. "Did I tell you this?"
"... Yes. More than once, in fact", you lie against him. "Do you want to tell me about it again?"
"...", Elliot replies. "No".
"No? But you love talking about that!"
"I know".
"Bad day?"
You yelp in surprise when, all of a sudden, he uncovers his face and human torso, grabbing you and dragging you out of bed. You hold Prototype for dear life as he laughs in your face, amused. "You fell for this again".
"You scared me!", you groan, being put back on the floor. Elliot had gotten out of the blankets while you were trying to not fall (as if he ever dropped you on purpose), his amalgamation of a body now free from the bed. "What is it now?"
"The kids are dancing, correct?", he repeats, partially using your voice. You nod: "You should dance".
"And you should get out of the bedroom for now. I don't want you to have another nightmare without me being nearby to help".
"I will get out of the bedroom. But we should dance, first".
The Prototype then showed his hand, palm open for you to hold, like you always do. You shake your head, letting him drag you close to him. His touch is half-cold like a machine and half-warm like a normal person, and the way he moves is still a bit broken and unelegant here and there, but you cling to him.
Slowly, one step at a time, you and Elliot try to make a little dance, going back-and-forth. He smiles (or at least attempts this the best way he can), and you laugh when he tries to spin you around, only for you to almost fall out of his grasp.
"So/rry", he mutters. "We are not used to doing this as much as we want to".
"We, as in you and me, or you, as in you and the other yous?"
The song still echoes in the background. It's soft and warm, and you give Elliot a hug as you two try to make-do of your dance. His torso seems to relax under your touch, just like how your mind does when he's around.
"We should dance more", you suggest. "May be a good habit to keep. You're gettind old, Elliot, don't want to see you forgetting how to move".
"I can't get old anymore. You, on the other hand...".
You yelped when Elliot lifted you up, spinning you around him, but not putting you down. No, no, he really wanted to hold you.
"You... You will. Which is why we should dance more. You're getting old".
"Wait at least 50 more years before saying that".
He chuckles. You roll your eyes and give him a kiss on the forehead, making him stop moving. Then it is your turn to laugh, getting on the floor again and holding his hands so he can follow you.
"C'mere, big guy. The kids are going to love this if the critters and Bunzo don't try to use you as a mountain to climb".
Elliot merely laughs, opting to simply follow your command.
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protective-mama-bear · 3 months
Uhhh... i think i just made a psychopaths version of Hoppy Hopscotch– since the creator of the Smiling Psychopaths say that Impulsive!Hoppy Hopscotch isn't really a psychopaths or evil? (Sorry creator of Impulsive!Hoppy, this is not an insult–) my brain... my goddam brain won't stop thinking of what would Psychopaths Hoppy would actually look like... and i just, accidentally made her :'D so yeahhh...
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Meet Poison!Hoppy Hopscotch or Skittish!Hoppy Hopscotch
The backstory of Poison!Hoppy Hopscotch
Just like her original version, Hoppy is an energetic girl and always loved a challenge especially when challenging her friends! Though, Hoppy wanted more new friends to challenge and then she spotted a group of gangster (her backstory is a bit like Violent!Kickin)
Unfortunately, the group of 'new friends' she have made wasn't actually a good friends. But Hoppy doesn't realized it as she was a naive bunny. The gangster have used Hoppy quite a lot, doing all kind of bad stuff, like stealing, commit arson and more! And boy, Hoppy was fill with a thrill of excitement! The feeling was so different from the feeling she have with her own friends (the smiling critters).
One day, The gangster would take advantage Hoppy again, asking her to join on their little 'fun adventure' in going into an old and broken down lab, a building that used to have many scientists that works on a dangerous chemicals or creating killing machines.
When Hoppy and her 'friends' enter the old building, there would be a lot of barrels that fill with weird yellowish-green liquid. Then, they all would halted infront of a giant barrel that fill with a lot of those 'odd' liquid.
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Hoppy was so busy in staring at one of the barrels that she didn't even noticed her 'friends' were cornering behind her and when she slowly turn her head... her 'friends' pushed her into the giant barrel that fill with that 'odd' liquid, causing Hoppy to drown in there. Her 'friends' that thought she was dead would left her.
Until 3 years later... a news of a group of gangster have found dead in an old school building. The bodies were ripped apart, some eyeballs were out, their guts looks like it been ripped out by sharp teeth and lastly... they were puking yellowish-green liquid, it was like a deadly poison.
Hoppy was alive but her entire appearances have change... she was still energetic but her energy is like out of control, she can't stop moving or shaking her body, it was as if she doesn't want to stop and she have a deep thirst on killing people or burning buildings, to be honest, anything that made her feels a thrill of excitement! She even kill her own friends and does she regret it? No, they were too slow and too weak... she need someone that can keep up with her playing and she will found that person.
Oh... She just can't wait!
And done! Maybe i would made her references sheet and her headcanons, probably? Again, this is just me doing what my brain told me to. Maybe i would made another blog but for Poison!Hoppy Hopscotch.
But she won't be in the Smiling Psychopaths unless the creator @smiling-psychopaths wants her to be in the group. Anyway, gotta go and continue creating her references sheet *jumps out of the window*
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pico-digital-studios · 2 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: The Smiling Critters (or "Smiling Buddies")
Please refer to the below post as well:
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(Attached link is for both halves of the art, designed by togebora)
A colourful band of friends, these are who you may (or may not) know as the Smiling Critters! Well, they are different in the IAB! continuity than you may know them in Poppy Playtime, especially over in Dimension MP-2021, where their roles are most prominent.
In this universe, they are NOT fictional characters from a TV show or toy lineup, but they are instead real characters in-universe who co-exist alongside everyone else in MP-2021. As it happened, all eight had applied for Bumper High School at the beginning of One More Hero and were getting ready to study alongside OMT!Tails and the ApocalypseTitan kid characters.
Daylight the Pup (DogDay)
The leader of the friend group and one of the most optimistic of the eight. He's shown to be very loyal to his friends, and he's one of the first OMT!Tails passes by on the open week at the school.
Bubba the Elephant (Bubba Bubbaphant)
The blue elephant member and one of the top students in classes, up there with OMT!Tails (mainly in math and science) and Max Cartwright. He's naturally smart and has a really good memory for things, and he's sometimes about to keep check on the below-mentioned petition and see how it's coming along.
Kickroyale the Chicken (Kickin' Chicken)
The yellow chicken member who is full of radical attitude for those around him and can be pretty smug about stuff. Though it does cause trouble on occasion for those around him, he's still got a good heart, and he's a bit of a softie deep down. Though he is the "cool kid" of his gang, he is pretty prone to fear, and is open to asking others for help if he really needs it.
As it happens, in One More Hero, he's the first to come to OMT!Tails and Bobby's aid when Benny starts bullying them for the heck of it (and even had the gall to mock Bobby's all-loving status), and he kept his trap shut when Richard attacked the school in More than One Universe to avoid being noticed.
Picky Patch the Pig (PickyPiggy)
The pink pig member and the big eater of the bunch. Contrary to her name, she isn't picky, but she enjoys lunchtimes at school and usually picks something filling and healthy to have for her daily meals. Of course, she can be picky about trying light snacks or fast foods, due to not wanting to be unhealthy in her life.
Picky is also one of the most optimistic and level-headed in the group, and is there to calm the others down if things are getting out of hand. And out of the goodness in her heart, when she heard that OMT!Tails was off sick, she shared some apples she had picked from an orchard for him to enjoy.
Hoppy Scotch the Bunny (Hoppy Hopscotch)
The green rabbit member and the most excitable of the bunch. She gives a lot of enthusiasm to friends around her, though can come off as loud or impatient sometimes because of this, so she does make time to slow down for her friends.
Of the bunch, she was one of the bigger fans of OMT!Sonic when he was still alive, and aspired to be able to run fast like him, hence her decision to ask OMT!Tails to give running or hopping a shot with her whenever they got the chance to hang out.
Crafty "CraftyCorn" Canvas the Unicorn
The white, yet colourful, unicorn member and one of the more shy members. She is shy around meeting new people, but especially enjoys art and the vast wonders it can create. As an aspiring artist, she finds it very important to share the art she creates with others and finding beauty in pretty much anything around her.
She's the Smiling Buddy who has the most influence in points of One More Hero's plot, as she had heard about the rising prevalence of AI in art theft and disliked the idea, so she enlisted OMT!Tails's help to go and get people to sign her petition to make AI art outright illegal in Dimension MP-2021.
OMT!Tails did find some difficulty in getting all the required signatures at first, but when the alternate crew from the Blur Gang came along, that's when he made excellent progress, and he handed the finished petition back to Crafty at the end of the story for her to put forward. She even painted a picture of him (including one with his nano-suit) and sent it to him as a thank you for what he did.
Bobby Hugster the Bear (Bobby Bearhug)
The young red bear member and the all-loving part of the gang. She's a young girl who shows love and compassion for pretty much anybody, no matter who they are. However, this all-loving status doesn't come without its flaws, as it leaves her vulnerable to bullying, which she wouldn't have made it through if not for people like OMT!Tails and Kickroyale having her back.
In One More Hero, she's the first to see how nervous Tails is about settling into his new school in those next six months, and offers him some starting companionship while he gets to grips with the place. And once she heard about what went down with Uma, she's the first to comfort OMT!Tails once he returns to the school dorms, knowing just how difficult it must be for him to cope with.
Of course, thanks to her being there whilst OMT!Tails was being comforted by the Blur Gang, it meant she also got caught up in the crazy hide-and-seek when Danny entered the room, and then pinned in the room with OMT!Tails when the Blur Gang headed out to shut down Eggman Nega's invention themselves, though she was freed once Tails got his heroic second wind.
Naksh the Cat (CatNap)
The last member of the Smiling Buddies, and arguably the one who's changed THE MOST from his original counterpart. He's not constantly sleepy, but he is selectively mute and hasn't smiled a lot, even when with his friends. He had a rough home life and finds comfort in being around people who genuinely get it.
He does show up to help comfort OMT!Tails after Uma is hospitalised, though due to being more nervous, he doesn't stick around after the Blur Gang arrive at his dorm, though does show fascination when he witnesses proof of the multiverse from them.
Through this knowledge, he saw about his portrayals from Playtime Co. and the horrors of the factory, and isn't afraid to show his dislike for BOTH portrayals, feeling they don't capture who he really is at all.
And in general...
Each of them enjoy being around OMT!Tails and have all supported him from the sidelines in his quest to protect Mobius from destruction at the hands of crazed villains. Though their roles are not as major as anyone from the Blur Gang, Quill Society or rogues gallery, they all still make sure to do their part where it counts.
Small Note
For all you Poppy Playtime fans that saw this post and liked it, welcome to my blog, where I post stuff related to a story based on Spider-Verse, but with hedgehogs, foxes and other characters from the Sonic multiverse. Be sure to stick around here to see more!
And as a side-note to you guys, the Smiling Critters (who I'll admit are my personal favourites from the game) are going to be the ONLY representation of Poppy Playtime in ALL of IAB!. That means the rest of the characters are absent in Dimension MP-2021 outright.
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ca-8 · 3 months
could request, Yandere Bunzo Bunny x Toy Rabbit reader, where the reader tries to escape and takes a mini Hoppy critter, which is the adopted baby
MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING BEFORE READING: Heavy descriptions of gore and ingesting human remains (This is a yandere fanfic meant to portray behaviors seen in fiction and fiction only. This is not to represent people who have real mental/personality disorders and/or trauma that cause them to gain obsessive behaviors. Please do not romanticize any behavior like this seen in real life, and do not actively seek out a relationship with someone who is prone to hurt themselves and/or others. Keep fantasies in fiction. Thank you.)
(Y/n) loved making things beautiful. They reminded themselves of that as they gently ran the tattered brush along little Hoppy's green fur. It soothed the tense hairs and laid them to sleep, bathed in the warmth of the bristles as they brushed over the same spots, over and over again. Over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over again. ・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・
𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖!𝔹𝕦𝕟𝕫𝕠 𝔹𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕪 𝕩 𝕋𝕠𝕪 ℝ𝕒𝕓𝕓𝕚𝕥!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 (ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟙)
・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・ Little Hoppy sat still. The voice box sitting snug inside her widened smile let out purrs and coos with each gentle sensation. This was the only way for her to calm down after hours of walking. Every so often, whenever they'd hear the slightest creak in a darkened room or a hint of a shadow scurrying in the corner of (Y/n)'s vision, they'd run and hide, and little Hoppy would shriek and curl in such a position her threads would almost come lose. And then (Y/n) would take out their brush and brush and brush and brush along that disturbed fur to keep her quiet and beautiful. Yes. Yes, it was quiet. Finally it was quiet. And she looked so much better. Even the bloody, muddied spots on her face and the ends of her ears were neatly tucked down along with her fur and threads. Yes, beautiful. She was beautiful. (Y/n) loved making things beautiful. Such a wonderful pastime. They didn't have to think about anything else. Not how the brush's handle had its paint chipping off. Or the way the light was flickering high and high above. Or how the high ceiling sometimes let a few droplets hit the ground and let out an eerie plop, or how some of those droplets of whatever was on the floor above would hit (Y/n)'s perfectly sewn clothes and little Hoppy's beautiful fur, or how the droplets would create wet spots on their perfect clothes and make them uncomfortable, or how uncomfortable they'd get when the wet spot is red or how she would think about if that red wet spot on her perfect clothes was from something with blood or how some red drops would drop down on little Hoppy and further ruin her beautiful fur or how those red drops kept coming and coming and coming and smelled so strong and loud or how they smelled delicious or how those red drops would perhaps come from something edible something they could eat something they could eat something that could fill their terribly empty and gnawing stomach that twisted and turned and hurt and agonizingly hurt and rumbled so loud that he could find them at any moment at any moment at Little Hoppy whimpered. (Y/n) looked down. They brushed so hard that a few threads came loose. "Oh...I'm so sorry, dear." They pat her little head and took out the sewing kit in their pocket. After grabbing a needle and some green thread, they began to sew her back into beauty. Another thing (Y/n) loved was being made for the sole purpose of beauty. Each inch of (f/c) fur and the way their long bunny ears curled and every outfit they wore was perfect in every way. Because they were so beautiful, they had to make everything else around them beautiful too. That's why those devils taught them hair care and how to sew and how to teach their children to be beautiful to the world. If only they could have taught him how to be beautiful. A gurgle of noise shot out of little Hoppy's voice box, and the sudden image of his cursed face immediately left (Y/n)'s mind. "What's that, bun-bun?" they asked. The mini critter turned, and those white dots buried in the depths of her vast eye sockets blazed and trembled with hunger. The second those eyes shot guilting daggers, they made her turn the other way. "I know you're hungry," (Y/n) uttered lowly, "but you're going to have to wait a little bit longer." Little Hoppy whimpered, and a twinge of shame twisted inside them. They were supposed to take care of her. That's what they promised when they found her in the deepest, darkest pits of the factory. They said she wouldn't have to worry about eating or getting eaten once they found a way out of this hell.
But even under the flickering fluorescent lights, memories whispered across each hallway as its painted gore decorated each floors' and walls' every crevice. They were lucky enough to ascend two areas, yet nothing edible could be found to fill their craving, howling stomachs. 'But it's better this way. He can't follow us up here. I'd rather starve to death than see his face again.' Little Hoppy's ears snapped up. "What's wrong, dear?" (Y/n) asked, stuffing their mini sewing kit inside their pocket. They had just finished sewing her threads back together. With an alarmingly loud snarl, little Hoppy dashed away and bursted through the door, letting light pour on shadow's warmth. "Hoppy-!" (Y/n) called, until they froze mid-way through standing up. That smell. That smell. That warm, ghastly yet succulent SMELL. Thick coats of iron wafted through the heavy humid air, curling, engulfing their body and blessing their nose. They almost considered falling back to their knees and praising whatever cruel god gazing down upon them, it was food it was food it's been so long it's been so long! Their baby were almost wiped from their thoughts completely when they sprang to their feet and rushed out of the room as fast as their trembling legs could let them. (Y/n) collapsed against the doorway. They were weaker than they had thought but they couldn't stop now the smell was so close they can't stop they were going to die. So they quickly shoved themselves off the door frame and collapsed on the floor, forcing their violently quivering arms to drag their body against the sleek floor, and there it was. Their eyes were glued, the corners of their vision suddenly tainted in veins and red. There was a God, a loving wonderful God! How else could there be giant, shimmering pile of the Devils' insides? Those perfectly shredded kidneys, how that glistening gore rolled through the intestines' crevices - and it was so fresh look at how every inch of that pink bleeding beauty throbbed and squelched out their name it was calling to them it needed to be inside them. Little Hoppy was already devouring this blessing but it didn't matter there was still more for them! Plenty more! Blood squirted from the Devils' pile and splattered right onto (Y/n)'s twitching face. It rolled down their cheek and fused with the drool that poured endlessly from their mouth, and to think, yesterday nothing flowed from their lips but desperate breath. And finally, finally they were close enough to grab the throbbing meal. Its soft fill easily collapsed and pulsed between their fingers, and they immediately shoved it in their mouth. Their eyes instantly rolled back and a shivering pleasure coursed up their spine. It was disgusting, so horrid but so soft and lush and how it was drenched enough to easily roll down their throat and into their stomach, but they needed more they need more so much more they couldn't stop their hands from diving into the pile and stuffing that terribly delicious ooze inside their mouth and no matter how many times they swallowed each piece of breaking intestine each squelching vein pounding against their lubricated tongue before it fell down their throat they needed more otherwise they would die they didn't care if their stomach didn't want it they didn't care about the sickening putrid stench they didn't care if each time they swallowed their body made them throw it back up they needed to eat they needed to eat they NEEDED TO EAT THEY NEEDED TO EAT THEY NEEDED TO EAT THEY WERE STARVING THEY WERE STARVING THEY WERE STARVING THEY WERE STARVING THEY WERE STARVING THEY WERE STARVING THEY WERE STARVING THEY WERE STARVING THEY WERE STARVING . . . . ・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・・❥・
So, big surprise, I didn't know that there was a character limit when answering questions. This one shot is supposed to be a lot longer than what I have now, but when I went to save, Tumblr gave me a 4,000+ character limit warning thing. Don't worry, I had enough foresight to save the entire thing on a separate google doc, so I'm pretty much close to being done. @zinnia1506, thank you so much for requesting, and Part 2 is coming real soon! (Like legit later today) Hope you guys enjoy what I have so far!~
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cvbullshit · 7 months
Me: Man, CatNap kinda fire, def gonna be my favorite
Also me:
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bunnies-go-hop-hop · 4 months
"Bunny, Bunny, Bunny You're so funny With your twitching nose!"
"Bunny, Bunny, Bunny You're so funny From your head to your toes.."
"Bunny, Bunny, Bunny Your ears are funny They're too big for you~!"
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Heya! Mod Blaze here with another blog, this time a Poppy Playtime one!
Mod's Main - @a-p0lythe1sm-sea-l10n
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Since I don't know but about Hoppy I will be making head canons and going off what I do know for now so just bear with me here
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My AU/headcanons:
Hope/Hopscorch/Via is was 15 when she her soul got stuffed, she is 20 now.
Hoppy pulls at her ears when stressed although it tears her ears and makes blood come out which makes her lose her hearing.
Hoppy is bisexual & asexual but prefers girls, she also uses she/them. Hopscorch is omnisexual and polyamorous. Via is lesbian & trans(mtf).
She acts like the mother to most of the smiling critters cause she had a little sister and brother when she was alive and her parents never took care of her and her little siblings so she acted like their mother.
Hoppy doesn't like talk about her own problems cause she doesn't want to be a burden.
Hoppy, Hopscorch, & Via gives kisses as a form of affection for their friends.
Hoppy is able to hold all her friends up with one arm, she is very strong for a bunny.
This was set before Hopscorch was killed in a 2nd fire by Catnap.
Hopscorch survived the first fire Catnap put her into, but lost an ear causing her to lose half her hearing in the process.
Hopscorch also lost her eye due to The Prototype scratching it out.
Via's deadname is Valentino, she likes the name but hates when people call her by her deadname, she takes is as a form of disrespect.
Via has green bunny ears and burns to show she is the soul of hopscorch, she does not have a tail though.
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Other smiling critter blogs you should go follow!!
@the-crafty-unicorn - Craftycorn @the-cool-chicken - Kickin' Chicken @theokitty - Theo/Catnap escaped the Prototype killing him AU @acat-foryournap - Big Catnap @that-sunny-pup - Dogday & Big Dogday/Solar @bearhugs-from-bobby - Bobby Bearhug @kickinchicken-survivor - Big KickinChicken @the-wax-winged-employee - Icarus @dogday-shines-bright - Dogday @isolatecraftcornau - Big Crafty
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Hoppy Family/Other Hoppys:
@hoppyhopscotch1 - Lesbian Hoppy Hopscotch (Sister) @hoppy-hopscotch - Asexual Hoppy Hopscotch (Sister) @hoppyhopscotchs-blog - Normal Hoppy (Sister) @biggerbodyhoppy - Hops (Sister)
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Dating info so far:
@hoppyhopscotch1 & @the-crafty-unicorn are dating
My hopscorch & @kickinchicken-survivor are dating
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Info from game:
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Idea of what Hopscorch looks like:
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Name & Artwork both made by the lovely @mailman-fritzarald, go follow them they are pretty cool!!
Another example of Hopscorch:
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Art work made by the lovely @blanca815, go check them out, they make amazing artwork!! <33
Picrews I made of Via:
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I have few nimona fic request
1. Mermaid bal in the little mermaid au either disney, HCA or your version
2. Bal as the sleeping beauty
Hi! Thank you so much for requesting from me! I decided to go with number 2: Ballister as Sleeping Beauty.
I hope you enjoy!
Here's the link to it on AO3:
Once Upon a Dream
Ballister walked across the beautiful green grass of the forest, his long black hooded cloak dragged behind him as he passed over logs and bigger rocks while he held up his basket.
A little, pink bird flitted around him, a whisp of light occasionally twirling around him in an excitable manner.
He would occasionally look back from towards where he came, constantly checking if any of his three aunties were following him, knowing full well that they’d try to make him stay out longer so they could finish whatever they had planned for him back home. However, as much as he loved them, his personal time with his friends was important to him as well, and, though he didn’t know why, the soon to be 21-year-old wasn’t really allowed to converse with anyone outside of his family.
It might have something to do with what happened to him when he was younger, though he doesn’t remember the ordeal at all, he knew it was the reason for his missing arm and that had scared his aunties terribly.
It’s a fair fear really.
Ballister just wished they’d trust him more to care for himself though.
He wasn’t a child anymore after all.
He sighed and looked at his small flying friend, as he noticed many other of his animal companions were also following. He smiled at them as he finally made it to his spot near the river, sitting on a giant bolder found underneath an old, ancient tree where the roots near the stump spreading out to wrap around the rock as nature took over and set his basket aside.
“No matter how old I get, they’ll always treat me like a little boy. They never really want me to meet anyone, especially not on my own.”
His animal friends gathered around him, and looked on in sympathy as he leaned against the old tree and closed his eyes. The little pink bird, now a human, sat down next to him and gave the young man of almost 21 a light nudge. He looked to see all his companions looking on at him in worry and chuckled softly. “Don’t worry for me my woodland friends, for you see, I’ve fooled them,” it was almost like he could hear their gasps as he finished, “I have met someone.”
‘Who?’ Friend Owl cried.
“Yeah, who?” His dearest friend Nimona, now a raccoon on his shoulder, asked.
Ballister simply stood up while grabbing his basket and continued his way into the woods, all of the rest now following in curiosity.
‘Who? Who?’ Friend Owl flew near his head.
“Oh, you know, a prince.”
Ballister could have laughed with the way his friends began to chitter, and Nimona- who was once again a bird- fluttered all around him and began questioning all his actions and choices, while everyone was wondering who this prince could be, as there had not been a prince in the land for a very long time.
“How is he? Well, he’s tall, and handsome, and- and oh so very romantic.”
“And what, exactly, is it you do with the ‘prince’?” Nimona tweeted into his ear.
Ballister brought the hood down from his cape and opened it more so he might move better. “You know, the usual.” He began almost dancing on air.
“We walk together,” he twirled one way, “and we talk together,” he twirled another, “and just before we say goodbye,” Ballister stopped to look at where someone, his prince most likely, would be standing right in front of him, “he takes me in his arms,” he said wrapping his own arms around himself gently, “and then!”
All his friends were leaning in now, every bird and little pheasant, every dear and bunny and other little critters, even a few turtles from the pond looked on with pure hope and awe. Nimona themselves were in the edge of their seat on a branch near Ballister, almost on the edge of falling of as they all waited in want to hear what this prince did with Ballister in his arms-
“... I wake up.”
Those three words had all of them, Ballister including, deflating in their spots. Nimona actually fell off the branch in disappointment for their friend.
“Yes,” Ballister sighed, “I’m afraid, it’s only in my dreams.”
His animal friends gathered around him then as he went to sit on a nearby fallen branch, moving closer in sadness for him. Some even placed their paws on his hands and feet in a way that said, ‘don’t worry’ and, ‘please don’t be sad’. “But don’t feel bad for me my friends,” he tried to comfort them, not noticing when Nimona got themselves back on the branch and freeze when she saw, in the forest, a golden hood, tough brown boots, and a single feathered traveler’s hat basically hanging from a near by tree and smiling when a plan formed in her mind.
“You see,” Ballister went on, completely oblivious to some of his friends, including Nimona, disappearing behind him. “They say that, if you dream something more than once, it’s sure to come true.” He laughed dreamily as he leaned back on the long and looked up to the heavens. “And I’ve seen him so many times before.”
On the other side of the woods, not too far away, a tall young man of 19, with hair of gold and eyes of amber brown, stood over a river with his horse, letting his loyal steed rest and drink from the stream as the man stared off into the distance, right in the direction of the kingdom of the land.
He bit his lip pensively as he pretended to wash one of his gloves for the hundredth time.
He heard a horses’ snort and huff next to him, and he noticed his fellow companion staring at him in concern.
Who knew horses’ faces could hold so many emotions?
“Hey buddy, it’s okay, I’m fine! It’s just... I don’t... I haven’t even met him yet, you know?”
The ‘him’ the young man was referring to, was the reason he was in the land of his Queen’s Realm in the first place and not exploring the world with Francien, his horse.
His so called ‘Future Husband’.
Even the thought of him had the man sighing in destain.
It was his parents’ idea, and everyone else’s in both kingdoms. They wanted the two princes to wed and unite the Kingdoms together to bring peace and prosperity by marrying the two eldest of each family and having them rule together. Unfortunately, his eldest brother and sister ran away from their royal duties a long time ago, so it was up to him to uphold the family name.
He sat down close to the riverbank on one of the nearby rocks, scratching at his palms as he contemplated what to do next.
He... He didn’t want this. He didn't want his life, his future, his dreams and wishes to be over so soon when he barely even began to live any of them.
He felt a heavy weight rest on his right and looked up next to him to find his steed resting its head on his shoulder and smiled at his only friend. “Oh well,” the prince whispered and rubbed at Francien’s snout, “it’s for the good of my people after all. I guess I’ll just... have to hope he isn’t someone boring.” He laughed bitterly as his horse nuzzled him.
Before he could get up to continue his journey to his kingdom, he heard rustling from behind them and turned to see a group of small critters and birds being led by... a pink badger? Stealing his-
Were those his things?!
“Hey!” He yelled after them, tripping over his feet at how quickly he moved and Francien helped lift him up with her teeth by his shirt. “Get back here!”
Ballister exhaled as he continued to fill his basket with different assortments of fruits and berries from the forest, his friends helping him and gathering other nuts and vegetables for him, until out of nowhere they all suddenly ran away causing him to pause and look at the direction they were running away from and snorted loudly at the sight of Nimona, along with many of his other friends, adorned with a cape, boots, and a single feather traveler’s hat.
“W- What-” Ballister tried to get out, but he couldn't stop laughing, “what are you lot wearing?”
Nimona just smiled proudly and turned from a badger into a bird to be able to lift Friend Owl up by the cape, while the sweet thing wore the hat on his head and smiled so proudly doing so. When Ballister looked down he saw that in the shoes were two little bunnies making the feet of the figure walk. The young man could do nothing but laugh at this point. “This is- oh you’re all just wonderful. But Nims? Why aren’t you just wearing everything?”
Nimona rolled her eyes and shot a glare towards the owl and bunnies. “They called dibs, and I pulled the short end. Anyways, Mr. Woodsman, meet your dream prince!”
The owl proudly cooed proudly, puffing up his chest as Nimona carried the bigger bird forward.
Ballister chuckled and took off his hood, revealing his simple but lovingly made attire. “Why, what a handsome prince you are. You know,” he said jokingly, walking to his friends and lightly booping his friend on the beak. “I’m not really supposed to speak to strangers, but we’ve met before, haven’t we?” Ballister grabbed the tips of the beautiful golden cape and opened his mouth to release a beautifully haunting melody.
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
He danced joyously with his friends, all of their other animal companions joining in.
I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Oblivious now to their surroundings, no one seemed to notice the other young man in the woods almost falling out from behind as he was following behind the thieves that stole his times.
Yet I know it’s true
The prince paused then at the sight of the most gorgeous man with the loveliest voice he had ever seen in his entire life (yet he felt like he had seen him somewhere before), dancing with the thieves who were now decorated in his things.
that visions are seldom all they seem
The prince didn’t even notice Francien behind him, reaching with her snout towards him and pulling him back behind some trees and bushes.
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
Ballister continued on without a care or a thought towards the stranger he didn’t know was there.
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream
Ballister completely lost himself in the dance, moving along to an unheard song except only to himself and those stuck with him in the moment.
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
Suddenly another voice joined him as the prince shrugged off Francien’s concern of this stranger and went to join him, like this was a song he himself knew by heart.
You'll love me at once
Ballister slowed his singing at the handsome voice and came to a stop to see a young man standing not far from where they stood and finished his part.
The way you did once upon a dream
Ballister went straight at the sight of the other man. A tall and very dashing, very handsome looking man (oh wow), with golden hair and a white and blonde steed.
He looked... almost familiar...
His animal friends, including the bunnies and Friend Owl, ran to hide behind Ballister while Nimona turned into a cat that sat on his shoulders. After an awkward silence of the two, Ballister and Nimona, glaring at the stranger, the other on the opposite side began to speak. “I- I’m really sorry sir, I didn’t mean to intrude I swear.” The young man stuttered taking a step closer, but thinking better of it when Ballister took a step back and stood immediately back. “You’re singing, it’s very lovely, I just... I think your friends might have taken my things?”
Ballister, without turning his head away from the young man, shot Nimona- who at that point was glaring at the intruder and was now pointedly looking away from both men- a look.
“I’m- uh,” Ballister started hesitantly, he’d never spoken to another person other then his aunties and Nimona until this point, “I’m ver- very sorry for- for this... uhm... here, let me just...”
Ballister turned around and reached down towards Friend Owl and the bunnies, who all tried hopping away, and attempted to grab the cape, hat, and shoes. “Oh you lot! Please come here.”
The other man laughed behind his hand politely as he watched this funny, handsome man run around after two little critters and a bird who were currently wearing his things as a bunch of other animals stared on not helping while the pink bird-turned-cat glared at him from a rock.
“Here, do you mind if I...?”
And so, he helped the man in their endeavor to retrieve his stolen items.
“I am ever so terribly sorry for this,” Ballister apologized to the man once more when they were finally able to get the pieces back from his friends, “for my friends’ apparent thievery, and my weary behavior of you it’s just that I...” Ballister thought to explain as he handed the man’s cape back to him. “Well, I’m not really... It’s just you’re a... a...”
“... A stranger?” The man finished for him, smiling warmly with kind humor at Ballister as he finished putting on the last item on his person while Ballister nodded.
“Well, yes.”
“Hmm,” the prince hummed thoughtfully as he finished tying the last of his boots. “Please forgive me for being so forward if you can but, though we are strangers,” the stranger looked straight into Ballister’s eyes now, holding him with a beautiful amber gaze and red cheeks, “I feel like, mayhap, we’ve met before?”
“We- we have?” Ballister felt his face warm a bit at the thought, because no, he’s sure he would remember such a handsome stranger, though the man did seem oh so familiar.
“Maybe it’s possible, as you said, once upon a dream.”
I know you
The man bowed to Ballister in such a genteel and polite way, it reminded him of royalty, especially when the man stood up and offered his hand to Ballister.
I walked with you once upon a dream
Somehow, for some reason, Ballister- though he did stare at the hand for a moment- without further waver, took the offered palm as the man brought him to a respectful distance and began dancing with him a sort of waltz.
I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Yet I know it's true
Ballister joined him, bringing the man a bit closer so as they could both dance in a proper waltz across the forest ground to a song and music only their own hearts could here.
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream
After their dance the two walked the forest together for hours, the man, ‘Rose’ he said as a nickname Ballister could call him, helping him gather the remainder of the fruits and vegetables he needed while they talked, and laughed, and teased, and danced.
It was almost like a dream, a wonderful dream, only this time, Ballister knew it was much more than that.
Ballister breathed deeply and yawned while he leaned his weight onto the warm side of the other man, who seemed to happily take it as he stood strong so Ballister could rest against him. “What a wonderful day it’s been.”
Rose nodded in agreement with him, leaning his head down to rest it on top of Ballister’s. “Yes, it has.” But then he sighed in a way, so sad and tired, that it startled Ballister from the peace he found himself in. “It was... a very nice last day of freedom, I suppose.”
Ballister looked up at the man in alarm.
Ballister pulled away to look at Rose’s downcast face, an expression- Ballister thought- that should never be on his face. The presence of Nimona and their other friends, whom never really left, was a nice feeling behind him.
“Tomorrow evening,” Rose explained, “I am to wed with a man I have never met, and rule beside him for as long as my family’s name lasts in meaning, or until I myself perish with age.”
This appalled Ballister, the very thought of marriage, such a romantic and loving notion and ceremony in his eyes (as shown by his books) used to simply, what, force two people who don’t even know- let alone love- each other to be bound together for the sake of a family name?!
How ridiculous!
However, before Ballister could say anything, his own rules and responsibilities came to mind, and he held his tongue. “... I understand.” Ballister slowly and reluctantly stepped away from his new friend, almost taking it back at Rose’s saddened, but understanding eyes at the action. “I... I myself am not meant to be speaking to you... I think, maybe, it’s best if I...”
Rose caught on quick and nodded solemnly. “Yes, of course.”
Rose helped Ballister carry his basket all the way back to the clearing where the two had met only hours ago.
What a shame it is.
To have met someone you feel like you’ve known all your life, though you met only a short while ago, who makes you feel like you are whole and truly free, only for them to become just another dream. To have met the one- the man of your dreams- only to know that he is promised, by the choices of others, to another.
Such is life, Ballister lamented bitterly.
He and his stranger turned friend, Rose, looked at each other for what felt like the last time before Rose bowed to him and such a manner it would have made Ballister’s heart flutter if it weren’t already as heavy as stone in a river. “What a gift it has been, and a true honor,” Rose spoke his goodbye, “to have met a man so charming, he put even the highest regarded royal princes to shame.” His friend reached for Ballister’s hand carefully, giving the shorter man time to pull away if he so wished, and brought it up to his lips so he may place a sweet, gentle kiss upon his knuckles. “I hope, one day, we meet again.”
“Yes,” Ballister answered, his eyes pricking a bit at the thought of losing something that didn’t even get a chance to begin. “I hope so as well.”
Ballister watched mournfully as the stranger, Rose, disappeared into the woods with his steed, never to meet, and never to love, again.
“Once upon a dream.”
Rose, or Ambrosius, as his parents called him stopped suddenly in his tracks. Francien, who walked next to him, stopped abruptly as well and huffed at him, almost as if asking: ‘What do you think you’re doing?’
Ambrosius, ignoring the tugging and pulling from his horse, made a last second decision and turned around, running back into the direction where he had left his first second friend ever.
He couldn’t, no, wouldn’t, let it end like this.
“Wait!” He yelled out, hoping upon hope his friend was still there. “Wait, please!”
Ballister, who was just about to go home, looked swiftly to the direction where his newest friend called to him from the woods, jumping a bit as the man seemed to burst out of the flora, gasping for air.
“Please.” The taller man pleaded through shallow breaths. “Please, I... I don’t want it to end like this, not- not when I don’t even know your name.”
Ballister simply stared at him for a moment, in complete awe and bewilderment at this strange and yet wonderful man he’d just met, who didn’t want to leave just because he never got Ballister’s name? How silly.
How absolutely, remarkably, so adorably silly.
“My name is-”
The man raised his hand up cordially and shook his head with a smile. “No, not yet.”
Ambrosius took a few steps forward, so as to be a good 3 feet away from Ballister and grinned down softly at the man. “Tomorrow. Please tell me tomorrow morning. Right here.” He suddenly pulled out a rose he had had for his mother from out of nowhere on his person and offered it shyly to his first second friend. “It’ll give me a reason to come back.”
Ballister was so distracted by the gift, the first ever from anyone other than his aunties, Nimona, and their animal friends that he’s ever received, that he didn’t even notice the other man bend down slightly.
But he certainly felt it when a kiss was placed delicately on his cheek.
He looked up to find the man already leaving, smiling giddily and waving his hand enthusiastically as his horse appeared to almost drag him away.
Ballister touched to spot on his cheek where the kiss was laid, and while ignoring Nimona’s judgmental stare from where she stood on a rock, couldn’t help but dance and wish that tomorrow would come quicker.
Speaking of which, he should probably go back to his aunties’ home before he stays here until tomorrow and tell them everything about his day.
Oh yes, he couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
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ilovelawrencee · 3 months
i would like to introduce my smiling critter to you.
—> character's name;
in the cartoon: ( the character's name was never mentioned in the cartoon )
bigger body experiment: scientists call him "bunny" because he is a rabbit. but the experiment was considered flawed. so they didn't bother to give it a name.
—> character appearance;
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changed detail: the necklace around his neck had a green leaf. but it was changed to a small cloud.
—> character card; ( it is incomplete )
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note: in his bigger body version, the scarf around his neck is tied around his waist, as he seemed uncomfortable having something around his neck.
—> bigger body version;
his job was to make sure children were safe while they played or did their activities. being able to intervene whenever the children were fighting. and can help them interact with each other
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in short, her job was to take care of the children, as a caregiver does.
—> important points;
he was not allowed to leave playcare.
did not have a voice. because scientists couldn't give him one. and when they tried, the experiment seemed to scramble the words, making strange sounds, which scared the employees whenever they tried. and that's one of the reasons they consider "bunny" a failed experiment.
he is taller than dogday. which made his presence uncomfortable for some children and adults. while others liked his way.
he communicates through drawings made on paper.
does not have a gender. but being okay with being called boy or girl.
uses the pronouns he/him, she/her and they/them
their ears are always pointed back.
generally walks using its hands and feet, as it appears less frightening when not on two paws
the experiment is the responsibility of Harley Sawyer, its creator.
—> during the hour of joy;
during the hour of joy. he looked for just one person: Harley Sawyer. but unfortunately he didn't find it, which made him attack the other employees, and while he was desperately looking for the scientist who created him, and who tortured him during the tests.
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—> curiosities;
he protected two children during the hour of joy. but they probably died.
he is 22 years old.
before becoming a bigger body. he was a playcare employee.
he likes to be in the dark.
its color is brown. and the necklace around his neck has the symbol of a white cloud.
during a test, he was alone with Harley Sawyer in a room. and while the scientist spoke, asking questions to test the reaction of the experiment. bunny attacked him, leaving some wounds on his arm. but unfortunately the doctor managed to use a small shock device to ward off the experiment.
his biggest regret was not killing Harley Sawyer while he could.
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sillyseaveerablogs · 5 months
Part 1 of Chapter 3 Aug (TдT) Tagging some moots so they can RB this- @misty-zzz @cartoon-angerr @paidexp @thisblogisblank @n1ttnan1t @amberkaiju @vh4mp
⳾*⑅*❀⑅*❀⑅*❀⑅*❀⑅*❀⑅*⳾ It was a gloomy morning. Wind was blowing gently to the extroverted people out on Platera, the Plant Island town. The rain is pouring its insides onto the buildings and the statue of a woman with curtain bangs and a lizard-like tail with leaves and mosses following along. There were three monsters in front of the statue. One of them put up their arms and said to the statue, “Hey Ma, me, Bloom and Terra are going to Airno to see Aether and Sora. Do you accept that, Ma?” Their soft magenta iris glares at the statue’s closed eyes. They then turned to their sister and their friend and said to them, “Ma accept us! I couldn’t believe it.” Terra was smiling with a V-shaped mouth. She is a half-human half-Epic Plant Wubbox with a milk chocolate skin, dark navy blue irises, and green core underneath her black tank-top that is overlapped by her shoulder cut dress with a ribcage around her chest. Her willowy pastel green hair sprouted with Ixoras are blowing by the gentle wind. Bloom, Aether, Sora and Andrea are the daughter and sons to the celestials, that being Lauma Rossa, the Celestial of Plant and Atticus Althorne, The Celestial of Air. Since they’re hybrids, all of them are mixed with their genes. Only Aether is the only one with his father’s looks. Bloom, Andre and Terra decided to celebrate Sora, the youngest of the Althorne family, 15th birthday on Airno, the Air Island town. They finally booked their tickets for travelling reasons. They then go to the marketplace, where every monster sells everything! From Chocolate to meat to anything you want, basically you name it. Terra bought the present to give Sora. Although she still worries about her big brother’s condition. Wilbur. He never contacted her ever since the separation, poor guy, Terra thought. Maybe a letter to him will surprise him.
───※ ·❆· ※──────※ ·❆· ※──────※ ·❆· ※─── After the shopping spree with Bloom and Andrea, she immediately goes back into her room, filled with roses and exotic critters. The critters chirped and chipped as she went into the room. She sat on her desk with notes piling on other notes, a pile of notebooks sat at the corner and a pegboard with important things to jot. She picks up the bunny critter and stroke it gently as she plucks a sticky note from her desk drawer and write; Dear Wil, I know it’s been a while since you ran away from us, but I got an announcement to make, WE'RE GOING TO AIRNO TO CELEBRATE SORA’S 15TH BIRTHDAY! Now does that name ring the bell? Anyway, could you bring one of your creations? I say that because Mavi told me that since your creation wants to meet someone outside of you and him, it would make a great oppurtunity to see other exotic monsters. Also you can reject the request if you want to, just maybe a letter to send to me or a card is fine tho. I’m gonna pen off now, it’s night so I gotta hit the brakes. Bye! From your sis, Terra Terra’s face split into a smile. She put the letter into a postcard, and stamped it with a foxglove. She then sprinted to the outside, waved the mail at the bluebird critter; it then took the mail with its feet and flew away from her. ───※ ·❆· ※──────※ ·❆· ※──────※ ·❆· ※─── Mavi, the EWW was watching the view when the mail fell onto them. They stare at the mail and soon after the mail is supposed to be for Wilbur, They grinned and sent the mail to Wilbur. Wilbur was in his room, creating what seems to be a Zuuker, when Bradley the Brump whisked into his room and yelped, “Dad, Mavi sent you a mail,” Wilbur stood, skulked and grabbed the mail from Bradley’s hand. Brad then ran away to the living room. Wilbur then sat on the chair and read Terra’s mail. His corner of his mouth then lifted afterwards. He then sent Terra’s mail and started writing as a reply. Mid-way through the writing, his thoughts turn to Humbert. Hmm, I should write one for him, he thought, smiling even though their friendship ended when they're teens.
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙ At the Gossamery Town, the Ethereal Island township, a now 17-years-old Humbert is watching his younger siblings, Skia, the youngest sister in his family, playing catch with her other older brothers, Umbra and Nyx, around the playground, full of bright and cheerful double-ethereals as toddlers. As the three siblings run in circles, Humbert notices that Meeb is flying towards him with a postcard attached to his hand. Hum then grabs the post card, thanks Meeb and reads the card. It reads: Hey Humbert,   So sorry about that time I slapped my sister in front of you and ran away from Terra, Walter, Berlioz, you, your siblings and Rumi. I’m just so mad that the stupid f**ka** green bird with three legs manipulated the Colossals that I thought my sister was yelling at me for not doing anything. Glaring at her with my amber eyes, I had enough. I slapped her and I looked at them and I was shocked so I ran away. Again, I’m sorry. Um, is Walter and Berlioz ok? I’m worried about them as I’m writing this message. Let me know as soon as possible, I have to pen off now. Bye.                                                                 Signed,                                                                 Wilbur Knowing Wilbur is still alive, Humbert smiled sadly but genuinely. He felt like writing him a letter as a reply to him. They quickly stood up and chirped to his younger siblings to go home, as the crystallised sun was lowering down to the horizon.
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floral-force · 1 year
Sleeping Bounty - Chapter 3
Once Upon A Dream
din djarin x fem reader (no y/n)
summary: when two strangers meet in the woods, everything seems to feel like it happened once upon a dream.
warnings: none other than immense fairy tale fluff
a/n: apologies for the delay! I got caught up in my job and other stressors, but im back and happy to be writing our favorite tin can in the sleeping beauty universe again. let me know what you think!
words: 2.3k+
read on ao3 | series masterlist
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You had your suspicions about Peli forcing you out of the cottage. You had picked plenty of berries yesterday, enough to last both of you the rest of the week. Her insistence on your running this errand seemed to be a cover for something else. Perhaps it was for your birthday? You knew she’d been anticipating your 21st birthday for some time now, so maybe she had some surprises planned for you. The thought made you smile as you strolled through the forest; envisioning your aunt yelling at her droids to bake a cake or sweep the floor in a hurry was humorous. Peli was thoughtful, and you looked forward to seeing what she had planned.
But the execution of her plan meant wandering and collecting more berries, so you sighed and let your feet carry you through the woods you knew so well.
It was a light spring morning, gentle sunlight filtering through the foliage, illuminating the forest floor so you could avoid stepping on sharp rocks and twigs with your bare feet. Peli always chastised you for being barefoot in the woods, but you insisted that it made you feel more connected to nature and the life force of the planet. She’d mumble about Jedi mumbo-jumbo before rolling her eyes and planting a kiss on your cheek, giving in to your wish to be barefoot because she could never deny her precious Rose her desires.
As you wandered, you watched birds fly overhead and chirp to each other across branches, chattering away in their nests. Squirrels raced up and down tree trunks, chipmunks hurrying through bushes. The quiet rumble of the river was the base of the forest noise, and you decided to walk over to it, following its edge to the berry brush you frequented, humming a melody as you did. The birds’ songs inspired a sweet song within you, making you sing along with them and vocalize with their melody. You liked to think they heard you and followed you on your journey, but you didn’t want to imagine things.
After a short walk, you reached the blackberry bushes. You stopped vocalizing and sighed as you sat down on a fallen log, setting your basket at your feet and shifting your shawl to rest across your shoulders instead of covering your hair. Out in front of you were even more trees and random spots of flowers, dots of pink and blue across the dark green forest floor.
You sighed and slouched forward, resting your chin in your hands. Your mind had drifted back to that dream you’d had last night, and you decided to linger on it now that you knew your aunt wouldn’t overhear you and worry.
It had been such a pleasant dream; one you didn’t mind having over and over. You looked to your left and saw a little brown bunny sitting on its hind legs, seeming to stare at you. You giggled and noticed other animals had gathered around you, staring at you in curiosity. It was a tiny little audience, one that you knew would keep your secrets in confidence.
“Aunt Peli never wants me to meet anyone,” you said to the critters around you. “But I have met someone!”
You smiled and stood up, swinging your basket in your hand.
“He’s tall and handsome,” you say, dipping a toe into the stream. “We walk and talk, and he takes me in his arms.”
You bounced on your toes, smiling and clutching your basket. There was a chitter from the trees and a little tweet from a bird above you. You closed your eyes and sighed dreamily.
“And then…I wake up.”
Your smile dropped and your eyes fell back to the ground, and you leaned against a thick tree trunk, sinking to the ground with a sad sigh.
“I’ve only met him in my dreams. But they say that if you dream a dream more than once, it’s bound to come true!” You smile, and then notice that a rabbit was sat near your foot, inching closer.
You set your basket and shawl on the ground and pushed yourself to your feet. You began to hum a melody, trying to cheer yourself up with a random little tune you made up as you went, pairing it with a little waltz, performing for your audience of woodland creatures.
You failed to notice the man creeping behind you, watching you with curiosity underneath his helmet.
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It was almost insulting how easy the bounty Karga had given him was, but it had given him enough time to take his reward to the Armorer and have her forge the rest of his beskar armor. The location of the covert was difficult to find—which was for good reason—and that was why he was now wandering through the woods, trying to find his way back to the Crest. He’d heard her voice while walking through the forest, trying to track a path back to his ship since he had lost his way, which was incredibly out of character for him. The second he heard it, he was enchanted. He needed to see the source, to investigate the person behind it. Din was not usually a man who put his job on the back burner for adventure, but for some reason, he felt compelled to explore this further.
Using the thermal mode on his helmet, he managed to locate the source—a woman dancing with herself, humming a melody that enchanted his ears. Din wouldn’t call himself a man of the arts, but all he wanted to do was join her, even if that desire went against his code as a bounty hunter.
He crept up behind her, spooking a few of the animals that had strangely gathered around her. She noticed them skitter away, and he took that chance to tap her shoulder and alert her of his presence.
She gasped, taking in his form, probably frightened by the beskar he wore.
“Oh!” she cried, jumping away from him in fear.
Din held out his hand, beckoning her forward. “I’m sorry, I…I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Her hands rested over her chest, and when he took another step towards her, he saw her think about running away, her eyes flitting to the left and right.
“I heard your voice, and I had to find who it belonged to,” he explained, and noticing that one of her hands had dropped to her side, he gingerly took it in his gloved ones. He was pleased that although she jumped at the contact, she didn’t run. “I…I needed to find you.”
She dropped her head shyly and bit her lip. She looked up at him through her lashes, curiosity lighting her eyes. “I feel like we’ve met before.”
Oddly enough, Din felt the same way. This trip had been one of many firsts, so he decided to allow himself to be swept away in the moment for once in his life. He took another step and was now inches away from her face and body, intoxicated with her faint floral scent and the way her eyes and plush lips drew him under her spell.
As soon as he got close, she turned and walked quickly to the nearest tree, trying to escape him. Din pursued her, his boots tramping across the grass. He tapped her hand, and she turned, her eyes wide. She hurried away again to another thick tree, hiding behind it. Again, Din took her hand, twirling her into his embrace, and she didn’t struggle or try to flee; instead, she placed her other hand on his shoulder and looked up into his visor.
“I shouldn’t talk to strangers,” she murmured.
“But can you dance with them?”
She smiled up at him and giggled when he placed his other hand on her waist.
“I don’t see why not.”
Din nodded and whisked her into the only waltz he knew how to dance—a simple one with only four steps. She followed his lead, her eyes never once leaving his visor. It was incredibly odd of him to do this, so entirely out of character, yet it felt so right at the same time. The young woman in front of him had bewitched him within minutes, and there was no way he could go on his way without investigating her further. Finding the Crest could wait—he knew nobody on this moon would dare touch it. For now, he wanted to enjoy this curious and happy accident, whisking this woman away in the forest to a melody only they knew, performing to an audience of woodland creatures and the nature around them. Whenever he twirled her, she laughed, and it sounded like silver bells chiming together. Her smile made his chest grow warm, and the way her eyes crinkled when she grinned only enhanced her beauty. The mystery woman was beautiful in every way, and Din didn’t want to stop their intimate dance.
They finally reached a cliff overlooking the kingdom in the distance, and she curtsied to end the dance but didn’t release Din’s hand. Together, they leaned against a thick tree branch, catching their breath and nestling close. Din looked down at her to see her gently smiling, relaxed into his side despite the beskar armor adorning him, her head resting in the bend between his neck and shoulder. His arm curled around her, and she reached up to rub his hand that rested on her shoulder with her delicate fingers. Din allowed himself to lean his head against hers, being mindful of his helmet.
“Who are you?” he finally asked, staring into the distance. “What’s your name?”
She stirred as if being woken up from slumber, turning in his arm to face him directly.
“My name? It’s…It’s…”
Her eyes flitted between his visor and the ground, and suddenly they grew wide, and she backed away.
“Oh, no, no! I can’t, I…” She looked from side to side before ducking underneath the tree branch, shouting, “Goodbye!”
Din turned, watching her start to run away.
“But when will I see you again?” he felt himself blurt out, crossing back around the tree and into the forest behind her.
“Oh, never!” she yelled, picking up the pace so she could recover her shawl and basket.
“Never?” he shouted, starting to jog after her.
“Well, maybe someday!”
She bounded across the river, frantically searching for her items, and Din trailed behind her, not wanting to startle her even more than he probably had.
“When? Where?”
“This evening! At the cottage in the glen,” she yelled, scooping up her things and only stopping to glance at his visor one last time.
Din stopped his pursuit, watching her disappear into the forest.
He sighed to himself, shifting on his feet. The river rushed next to him, and he heard distant chirps and chitters. This forest was indeed a mysterious place, and Din was unsure how he managed to become so utterly bewitched by a stranger.
But she was right. They had met before; he was sure of it. It was her, the woman from his dreams. He had never been able to make out her face—until now.
He chuckled to himself and then checked his vambrace for the time. He could afford to push back charting a path to his ship. Din needed to see her again, needed to dance with her again. Something was pulling him to her despite all his instincts, and he needed to find out why.
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Peli was crafting her Rose’s dress when it happened.
She had successfully “sewed” the dress using her wand, and it sat in a chair, waiting for Rose’s return. Peli was, however, dissatisfied with the color of the fabric that she had in the cottage, so she waved her wand and said, “Make it blue!”
With a ping, the fabric of the bodice and skirt turned a bright cobalt blue, and the fitted peplum and long, triangular sleeves turned a couple of shades lighter than cobalt. The pointed, off-shoulder collar of the dress remained white, as did the multiple petticoats underneath the skirt.
The fairy nodded and started to get to work on baking the cake.
Her insistence on changing the dress caused her to slip up and misfire, and a rogue beam from her wand bounced into the fireplace, then up and out the chimney.
As Poe flew overhead, he saw it and dove down toward the source of the sparkling blue streak of light before it disappeared entirely.
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When you realized the man was not following you, you slowed down and leaned against a tree to catch your breath. Your bare feet were aching a bit from the impromptu waltz and the subsequent dash through the forest, but you barely noticed it since your heart was racing.
As you stared up at the dense foliage, all you could see was that intimidating metal helmet.
Except, it wasn’t all that scary. Every piece of you said to run away, but your heart whispered for you to remain. You were glad your heart had won over your rationality, because now you were sure you’d met the mysterious man of your dreams, even if you hadn’t seen his face.
Aunt Peli had always told you never to speak to strangers, but this one was different. When you took his hand, it felt like lightning underneath your skin, and you wanted to be caught in the storm even more if it meant the masked man would hold you through it.
You wrapped your shawl around your head and shoulders, sighing wistfully and smiling. Your basket was empty, but you doubted your aunt would care, especially after you told her about your encounter with the mysterious masked man.
How could your Aunt Peli ever punish you for falling in love?
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