#green clay architects
mensministry · 29 days
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Blue Rock, Casablanca, Morocco,
Green Clay Architecture
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moa-broke-me · 9 months
PJO characters as gods:
So there was a post going around about the idea of PJO characters being treated as gods in a thousand years or so, and I like the idea, but some of the godly placements felt a little off to me LOL, so I decided to make my own pantheon. (not sure how to order these, lol)
Percy: God of the ocean and all its creatures, of water in general, hurricanes, earthquakes, cities, family, and horses. Titles: The savior of Olympus, the good son, the loyal husband, retriever of the bolt, king of the gods. Sacred items: Stuffed animals, particularly bears (panda pillow pet), any item colored blue, but especially food, like candy or cookies, bull horns, and pens. Sacred animals: All marine life, the black pegasus, the black dog, and the ophiotaurus.
Annabeth: Goddess of war, strategy, intelligence, wisdom, practical knowledge, civilization and the building of houses, the study of history, and the mind. Titles: The general, the architect, favored child of Athena, queen of the gods. Sacred items: Knives, rings, clay beads, coral, silver, and popcorn. Sacred animal: The owl.
Clarisse: Goddess of war, revenge, anger fueled by love, triage and midwifery. Titles: The eager soldier, slayer of the drakon, retriever of the golden fleece. Sacred items: Spears and weapons in general, wool/fleece, and chariots. Sacred animal: The boar. Often depicted bloodstained, charging into battle without armor.
Frank: God of war, animals, change, the transition from boyhood to manhood, of the duality between strength and gentleness. Titles: The reluctant soldier, the changeling lord, the young praetor. Sacred items: Bows and arrows, playing cards (mythomagic), charred wood, and a silver medallion on a red string (the canadian sacrifice medal) Sacred animals: The bear and the bee, both the most common depictions of him as an animal.
Reyna: Goddess of war, patriotism, fidelity, independence, leadership, strength, sorority, and resilience. Titles: The shield, the politician, guardian of Athena (bc the athena parthenos). Sacred items: Cloaks, gold, silver, and oat cakes (oatmeal cream pies). Sacred animal: The hound. Often depicted either shielding a little boy with her cloak or braiding hair with her older sister.
Hazel: Goddess of jewels, caves, broken curses, witchcraft and the mist, art, death and escape thereof. Titles: The princess of the underworld, the queen of magick, the illusionist, the dead girl who rose again. Sacred items: Schist (because... obviously), pencils and oil pastels, gold, shrimp stew (because gumbo), Tarot cards, and caramel candy. Sacred animals: The horse, the stoat, and the black cat. Often depicted either drawing or riding horseback, usually with her older brother, but sometimes alone or accompanied by her husband or one of her friends.
Nico: God of darkness and shadows, death, decay, loss, longing, love of all kinds, language, diplomacy and forgiveness, insomniacs, immigrants and orphans, mourners and outcasts, and sewing. Titles: The bereaved, king of the underworld, the ghost king, the romantic, deliverer of Athena (again, the statue, not the actual goddess). Sacred items: Playing cards (mythomagic), soft suede leather, fried bits of chicken (mcnuggets), sewing supplies, oat cakes (again, oatmeal cream pies), Posca (not the pen; the drink. it's like an ancient roman gatorade), pomegranates, anything colored green or black, and memento mori rings. Sacred animals: The bat, cerberus, unicorns (because unicorn draught), all stray animals, and any animals or insects that feed on carrion. Commonly depicted either weeping or accompanying his little sister or husband. (@yonemurishiroku you're gonna love this one)
Bianca: Minor goddess of death, darkness, rebirth and reincarnation, sisterhood, and the hunt. Titles: The broken promise, thief of the forge, slayer of Talos. Sacred items: a carved statuette of her father, and a bow and arrow. Sacred animals: None. Most often depicted climbing onto the back of Talos, or comforting/bickering with her little brother.
Will: God of medicine, light, summer, and the sun. Title: The healer, the sun. Sacred items: Candy bars, medical equipment, lamps, summer fruits, and anything colored yellow. Sacred animal: The cat.
Thalia: Goddess of lightning and storms, maidenhood, the moon, the night sky, wilderness and the hunt. Titles: Queen of the skies, the hunter, guardian of sanctuary. Sacred items: Leather, golden fleece, the severed heads of dolls (bc of the 'barbie is dead tshirt), and pine trees. Sacred animal: The black eagle. Commonly depicted dressed in black and silver, behind a shield emblazoned with a terrifying face.
Jason: God of clear skies and wind, daylight, law, leadership and fatherhood, heroic sacrifice, child soldiers and the military. Titles: Prince of the skies, the retired praetor, the golden boy. Sacred items: Eyeglasses, dense chocolate cakes (brownies), peaches, swords, silver wire (staples), bricks, and feathers. Sacred animal: The wolf. Often depicted with a spear lodged in his back.
Piper: Goddess of love, the heart, beauty in all its forms, charisma, music, wealth, and fame. Titles: Beauty queen, the snake charmer, the dove, the silver tongue. Sacred items: Knives, jewelry, anything colored in pink or light purple. Sacred animals: The dove.
Silena: Minor goddess of love, specifically first love, regret, noble sacrifice, grieving widows, and disguise. Titles: The young lover, the spy, the bleeding heart. Sacred item: Armor. Sacred animal: None. Often depicted wearing armor while lying on her back, bleeding.
Drew: Minor goddess of beauty and adolescence. Title: The betrayed. Sacred items: Seashells, seafoam, cosmetics, perfume, and really anything with a strong, pleasant scent, like herbs, flowers, or incense. Sacred animals: None. (side note, I made up most of this just because canon gave us Literally Nothing)
Leo: God of fire and the forge, machines, invention, humor, cookery, and runaway children. Titles: The engineer, the orphan, builder of the Argo, the forge, the devil, and the trickster. Sacred items: Tools, oil, cinnamon, cooking utensils, and bronze. Sacred animal: The dragon.
Charles: Minor god of the forge, blacksmithery, and fallen soldiers. Title: Courage of the gods, the young lover. Sacred items: Canned fruit, promise rings, and green fire. Sacred animals: None.
Tyson: Minor god of blacksmiths and the ocean, specifically underwater volcanoes. Titles: General of the Cyclopes, the rising mountain, brother of Percy. Sacred items: Peanuts (because peanut butter), shields, watches and clocks (because of that watch that becomes a shield that he made for Percy), ships, and canons. Sacred animals: None.
Grover: God of animals, nature, wilderness, music, empathy and emotional sensitivity, and the young. Titles; The protector, the searcher. Sacred items: Pan flutes, walking sticks (those crutches he used to blend in), flowers, cheese (bc of the enchiladas), apples, and any kind of plant life. Sacred animal: The goat. Often depicted as half-goat-half-human, sometimes wearing a wedding dress.
Rachel: Goddess of wealth, youth, rebellion, nature, art, hedonism and impulse, and prophecy. Sacred items: Hairbrushes, art, and art supplies. Sacred animal: The yellow bellied armadillo.
Sally: Goddess of the hearth, motherhood, writing and literature, women, and survivors of abuse. Titles: The sculptor, the author, the victor, the good mother, queen among women. Sacred items: food, especially the blue kind, and books. Sacred animal: The snake. Often depicted either holding a little boy behind her or holding up the head of medusa.
If there's any character you want me to do next, please tell me!
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Enn:Typan efna Alloces met tasa
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Other names:Alocas
The Fifty-second Spirit is Duke Alloces, or Alocas. He appears in the form of a soldier riding upon a great horse. His face is like that of a lion, very red, and having flaming eyes. His speech is hoarse and very big. He teaches the art of astronomy, and all the liberal sciences. Evoke for helping one’s focus, to establish clear thinking and boundaries, and to build foundations. Some believe Alloces to be a spirit of clay and metals artists along with architects. He may cause the sorcerers enemy to grow paranoid with the movements of the moon, if the practitioner wishes. He brings to you good familiars; also he rules over 36 legions of spirits.
Call upon Duke Alloces for
⬩Art of astronomy
⬩Causes enemies paranoia
⬩Clear thinking boundaries
⬩Liberal sciences
⬩Ask him what he will work with you on⬩
⊱•━━━━━━⊰In Ritual⊱━━━━━•⊰
Enn:Typan efna Alloces met tasa
Sigil:Posted above
⬩Green candles or objects
⬩Ask Duke Alloces what he likes⬩
⬩It is important to learn protections before trying to work with any spirits. You can get tricksters and parasites if you don't.
Cleansings- cleaning your space of negative energies. You can burn herbs or incense for this.
Banishings- forcing negative energies out of your space. The lesser banishing ritual is one of the most commonly used.
Warding- wards keep negative energy out of your space. Amulets, sigils and talismans do this.
Set up a your space and do a cleanse and banishing. Have wards up in your home. Meditation is to calm yourself and get your mind ready. The sigil (symbol) is what you draw on paper. The enn is what you chant or say to call forth the spirit.⬩
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pocket-luv101 · 2 years
Desert Roses // Chapter 2
Fandom: Genshin Impact Ship: CynoNari
Summary: Cyno and Tighnari have an arranged marriage to end the conflict between the desert and rainforest. Later, Tighnari discovers a box that could hold the truth behind the disappearance of the Scarlet King and the Goddess of Flowers.
Ch.1 // (Ch.2) // Ch.3 // Ch.4 // Ch.5 // Ch.6 //
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“How was your audience with the king?” Tighnari asked Cyno. They couldn’t discuss his meeting in front of a child so they told her that Cyno wanted to give him a tour of his new home. The palace garden was already stunning to Tighnari and its long halls were even more so. The architect of the desert contrasted the buildings found in the rainforest. He admired the mural on the wall made from paint and clay. As he walked, the life of the Scarlet King was told through paintings.
They passed the Scarlet King’s final moments. The portrait portrayed a sober scene of the sun being eclipsed by vines, thorns and flowers. The desert believed that their god’s disappearance was because the Goddess of Flower had him captive. As humans, there was nothing his people could do but preserve his memory and pray for his return.
The mural contrasted the folklore the rainforest told of the two gods’ fate. He recalled the countless stories of how their beloved Goddess was killed by the Scarlet King. Tighnari knew that it was best not to comment on the portrait and its validity. While he was the type of person who never hesitated to correct others, it was unnecessary when no one knew which version was true.
“The king wishes to hold a banquet to welcome you to the desert.” Cyno’s answer was short and Tighnari knew that there was more he didn’t tell him. He wondered if he kept parts of their conversation a secret due to the king’s order or his own distrust. Tighnari touched his neck and thought of their wedding night. If Cyno didn’t trust him, he would’ve claimed him as a mate to ensure his loyalty to the desert.
“I assume he plans to judge my character as well. There’s no need to be so roundabout with the issue, Cyno. There are many who wish for one of us to break the treaty and return to war. The best solution is to communicate with each other.” He told him. Cyno respected Tighnari’s strength and composure despite the situation they were in. He was surrounded by strangers in the desert yet he faced them with pride.
Tighnari tilted his gaze up at him and Cyno was drawn into his determined eyes. His eyes were a mixture of turquoise and amber, framed by long lashes. He could see the rainforest in those eyes. Cyno looked beyond Tighnari to the portrait of the Scarlet King looming over them. “Our ruler will not ask anything of you at the banquet. He knows there are already loyal Eremites who will confront you about the war. Be careful not to say anything to provoke them.”
“My mother told me that my sharp tongue would offend someone one day. Hopefully, it’s not tonight.” Tighnari laughed sarcastically.
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“Maybe if everyone in the room gets drunk enough, the night will go smoothly.” Dehya joked and nudged Cyno with her elbow. He barely reacted to the small jab because his focus was on the royal families and Eremites attending the party below. They stood next to the entrance and waited for the king to finish his speech. “This treaty has approval and it will bring peace to our kingdom. Do you believe that?”
“Are you referring to the former or latter statement? No matter which it is, we need to do what’s best for everyone.” Tighnari’s voice reached them from further down the hall. Cyno was told that his race had sharp hearing but he didn’t expect for him to overhear their conversation from such a distance. “I’m sorry for making you wait. Even with Candace’s help, I’m not accustomed to these clothes.”
Cyno turned around to greet Tighnari but the words were caught in his throat when he saw him. Tighnari wore regal robes with a green shawl tied around his shoulders. A thin, gold chain circled his head and stood out among his dark hair. He was draped in fine fabric but the memory of Tighnari on their wedding teased him now.
“Compliment your husband, Cyno!” Dehya slapped his shoulder and pulled him out of his thoughts.
“You look beautiful.” Cyno said. Tighnari found himself hoping that the compliment was genuine and not merely for the sake of their arranged marriage. In the back of his mind, he wondered why the question was important to him.
“Thank you, Cyno. You’re handsome as well. The ribbons of your helmet are a little tangled so let me fix them for you.” Tighnari reached up and straightened the long strip of clothes. Throughout their journey across the desert, Cyno wore a long cloak. The General Mahamatra uniform he wore resembled the deity, Anubis, and it suited him.
The king finished his speech and they were called forward to join the banquet. Tighnari stood in front of the crowd and the weight of their stares fell onto his shoulders. He was accustomed to people watching him because they were curious about his tall ears. His sharp senses allowed him to hear each whisper from the crowd. _That’s the fox from the rainforest. Could he be a spy for them? We shouldn’t trust him. _
He ignored their comments and walked past them to the head of the table. He sat down with Cyno beside him. The guests returned drinking and enjoying the music and he hoped it meant they would be less focused on him. His race was known for being solitary creatures but Tighnari didn’t mind socializing with others. If the treaty didn’t loom over them, he would’ve tried to discuss his theories with the scholars.
“You’re quite resilient, Tighnari.” Candace said. She sat to his right and he reasoned that she had a prominent title to sit at the head of the hall as well. “Cyno asked me to help you prepare for the banquet because he was worried that you’ll be overwhelmed. It appears there was no need. The desert is harsh but even a flower can flourish here.”
“Cyno asked you to help me?” He echoed and turned to Cyno. Tighnari thought he saw a small blush on his cheeks but he turned away before he could be certain. He was touched that he asked Candace to help him but he would’ve preferred if he spoke to him first. “You could’ve talked to me, Cyno.”
“Don’t hold your breath waiting for him to answer you. If you have any questions, you should find Candace. You can come to me as well but my assistance is costly. I’m a mercenary.” Dehya sat between them and aimed a subtle smirk at Cyno. “He doesn’t talk and, the rare times he does, it sounds like a puzzle. I was shocked when I heard that he found himself a pretty mate.”
“Why must you talk about me as if I’m not here?” He asked and took a sip from his wine cup.
“You can avoid this conversation by taking your mate to dance.” Dehya’s words were more of a challenge to Cyno than a suggestion.
“I would prefer to sit here and talk.” Tighnari said. He decided to spare Cyno from Dehya’s lighthearted teasing and changed the topic. “The palace garden is beautiful. I read about plants from the desert and my father bought a few samples back from his expeditions. However, reading about a subject and experiencing it is much different.”
“Your father visited the desert for an expedition? It’s difficult to gain clearance to enter the kingdom during a time of war. The desert values knowledge as the rainforest does. What does your father study?” Candace asked.
“Insects. My mother is a paleontologist. They thought I would become a scholar as well but I chose to join the Forest Watchers. I can see the forest thriving directly. I’m glad they were supportive of my decision.” He told them of his work in the forest. “I can’t count the number of times I had to stop someone from befriending a dangerous tiger. My knowledge in medicine comes in useful at least.”
“I’ve had my fair share of troubles stopping kids from straying too far from the village.” Candace and Tighnari began to discuss their jobs, from the battles they faced and the smaller aspects others overlooked. The rainforest and desert were different but their jobs were surprisingly similar. Cyno watched them interact and the relieved smile Tighnari had. He was glad that he found a friend.
Time passed quicker than Tighnari expected. The music, food and dancing complimented the festive atmosphere of the banquet. However, he couldn’t fully allow himself to relax. Tighnari felt someone’s sharp gaze on his back. He could sense its general direction but he couldn’t say who was watching him. He subtly glanced at the table where the king sat.
Tighnari leaned towards Cyno and said: “I forgot to ask you something before the party. Do any of the merchants sell Nilotpala Lotuses? I want to make medicine for Collei.”
“I can take you to a shop that sells them. I doubt anyone here will miss us or notice us leave.” Cyno agreed once he mentioned medicine for Collei. Since he performed the ritual to subdue the god with her, he felt a responsibility towards. His job kept him from helping her as much as he wanted to. He stood and waited for Tighnari to say goodbye to Candace and Dehya before they left.
Before they could leave, a voice stopped them. A man stood from the king’s table where Tighnari had felt eyes glaring at him. “Is this party not good enough for a fancy forest folk? You don’t even have enough manners to address your new king before you leave. I shouldn’t expect anything else from a fox who betrayed the Scarlet King to live in the rainforest.”
“Rahman, this isn’t the place for a debate.” Cyno spoke in a low voice that carried across the now silent room. Rahman was a devout follower of the Scarlet King but he didn’t expect him to confront Tighnari so openly. “Sit down.”
“I’m not talking to you, General Mahamatra.” Rahman didn’t move his glare from Tighnari as he spoke. “Your race was once close with the Scarlet King, do you think he could be cruel enough to kill another goddess and then abandon his people?”
“I cannot say what happened between the Scarlet King and the Goddess of Flowers. Neither can you.” Tighnari walked to the table and faced Rahman with unwavering eyes. “My ancestors were vanguards for the Scarlet King and then they travelled to the rainforest. The Valuka Shuna survived by working with others and we wouldn’t have chosen to work with either deity if they were cruel.”
“Our treaty is dependent on a man with no loyalty.” Rahman placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. Tighnari instinctively placed his hand over his vision but he stopped himself from attacking. Even if he brought his bow to the banquet, he couldn’t fight the man. The room was already tense and escalating the situation would endanger the guests.
Cyno silently moved between Tighnari and Rahman, his spear in his hands. He didn’t say a word but it was clear he would protect Tighnari. They both waited for the other to sheath their weapon first. The king finally spoke. “Perhaps you should take your mate to see the garden, General Mahamatra.”  
“We were already leaving.” Tighnari muttered beneath his breath.
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Tighnari thought over the banquet after they returned to the room that he shared with Cyno. He went through the motions of removing his jewellery because his mind was occupied with worries. When he corrected the man, he expected an argument but he didn’t think Rahman’s animosity would lead to a fight. He could only imagine what the king’s court thought of him now.
He walked to the tall window and he parted the curtain to peer outside. No matter where in the world he was, the same moon would watch over him. He took comfort in that. Tighnari was a practical person and, usually, he wouldn’t lean on something so sentimental. His back was to the room but he heard the door open behind him. From the footsteps, he knew that it was Cyno. The curtain slipped from his fingers as Tighnari turned to face him.
“I thought you would be asleep already. Are you having trouble? I can ask Collei to bring you some tea.” Cyno offered. He didn’t know whether he should ask him anything further. Sometimes he wished he was better at reading people and speaking with them. He had trouble speaking with the Matra at times. He could see that Tighnari was already tired and it might be better to let him sleep.
“Are you thinking of a joke to cheer me up like on your wedding night? That might make this conversation more awkward. We can’t change the past so let’s not dwell on it.” Tighnari sat on the edge of their bed. He looked at the window and watched the wind play with the white curtains. The fabric was thin and moonlight was able to filter into the room. “The desert is hot but there’s a nice breeze after the sunsets. Can we keep the window open?”
Cyno started to argue that it was dangerous because someone could enter their room and attack him. The treaty was little protection for Tighnari, especially after the banquet. Those arguments became mute when he noticed the longing in Tighnari’s expression. He nodded and said, “I’ll sleep on the right side of the bed tonight.”
Cyno wanted to sleep closest to the window so he could protect Tighnari in case someone did enter their room. He stood next to the bed and a gold box on the nightstand caught his eye. He helped move his luggage into the room and he would’ve remembered seeing such a unique box. Tighnari must’ve noticed him staring because he took the box.
Tighnari held the box between them. He hooked his pinky beneath the silver chain and tugged on it lightly. “I found this outside the gate. I was hoping to study the box after the party. The box has an ancient script from the rainforest. To my desert rose and the king who holds my heart. Do you know who this box could belong to?”
“It’s nearly impossible that something from the rainforest would be so deep in the desert.” Cyno leaned down to examine the locked chest. He ran his thumb over the chain and searched for the lock holding them in place. The box was small and their fingers brushed together. He was focused on the roses and he didn’t notice how Tighnari’s ears twitched at the light touch. “There isn’t a keyhole to open the box. The chain looks thin enough for us to break.”
“This is clearly meant to be a gift and we shouldn’t break it so thoughtlessly.” Tighnari stopped Cyno and held the tiny box against his chest. Cyno was curious about the box but it was obvious that it held more significance to Tighnari.
“There might be something inside that will give us a hint of who made the box or the person it was meant for.” He pointed out and he couldn’t give a rebuttal.
“Perhaps the keyhole is too small for us to see. I’ll try to find it.” Tighnari set the box on the table and then he placed his dendro vision next to it. He controlled a thin vine and he wove it between the chains. Closing his eyes, he connected his senses to the vine and searched the gold surface for holes. The box held firm. “Maybe someone with a geo vision will be better.”
“I have an electro vision.” Cyno leaned against the table and tapped the green marble of Tighnari’s vision. Sparks of lightning coursed through the vine and Tighnari could feel the measured power. A growing light forced Tighnari to open his eyes. He assumed the light was from the elemental reaction. His brows furrowed when he found that the silver chain was glowing. “Watch out, Tighnari!”
Cyno sensed an ancient power from within the box and he quickly pulled Tighnari back. He couldn’t take him out of the room before the box burst open. He instinctively held Tighnari against his chest to protect him and braced himself for the impact. A moment passed and Cyno felt a soft petal fall onto his shoulder. He hesitantly looked back to the box.
“Desert roses?” Tighnari became breathless when he found that the room filled with the extinct flower. They were no longer in the palace and he couldn’t say where they were. Darkness surrounded them with only the pink glow of the flowers to provide light. He didn’t want either of them to become lost so he took Cyno’s hand and pulled him closer to the roses. “Do you know where we are?”
“The air is dry so I think we’re still in the desert. Beyond that, I can’t say.” Between travelling for his job and his own research, he was familiar with most of the ruins in the desert. He didn’t recognize where they were though. Cyno stepped closer to the wall and said, “Give me a minute to read these hieroglyphs. I studied the gods and ancient seals in school.”
He reached out to move the glowing rose closer to the hieroglyphs so he could read them easier. Tighnari stopped him by lightly pushing his hand away.
“Be careful not to touch the flower, Cyno. These are the Adenium variant of desert roses. Its sap can be poisonous but my race has a resistance to it.” He cupped his hand around the flower bud and carefully turned it in his hand. His expression was pensive as he examined the flower. “Commonly, their rootstocks are thick. You never see them growing out of the wall as vines like these ones.”
He began to list different facts about the flower and the subtle excitement in his voice drew Cyno into his explanation. He wasn’t interested in botany but he found his short botany lesson engrossing. His words eventually trailed off. He dipped his pinky into the flower and then he licked the sap from his finger.
Tighnari gasped when Cyno took his hand. “You shouldn’t lick poison even if you’re immune to it.”
“This isn’t a real desert rose. Even if I didn’t know they were extinct, I don’t sense dendro energy from these flowers. I wanted to test my theory.”
“Do you often eat strange things for your research?”
“It’ll be unethical to have someone test it on my behalf. I’m careful not to try anything that would truly make me sick.” Tighnari said and folded his arms across his chest. Cyno didn’t know whether he should call him dedicated to his research or irresponsible. He could only conclude that Tighnari was different from the researchers he knew. “Let’s focus on learning where we are and how to return to the palace.”
“It’s dark so stay by my side so we’re not separated.” Cyno suggested. He picked up the golden box that had dropped between them. He didn’t fully understand how or why they were sent to the tomb but it must’ve had a connection to the box.
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yuri-cocaine · 9 months
ffxivwrite 2023: ring
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Sharlayan cake was just like every other kind of Sharlayan fare—bland. Even this wedding cake had about as much taste as chewing on cardpaper. The pastel pink fondant was as hard as dried clay, and it wasn’t even sweet. Yuma nibbled on the driest slice of cake she had ever had in her life, and she was reminded of the hardtack she used to have in Rabanastre. 
Professor Tankin and Hinageshi decided to host their wedding in the Searcher’s Meet, and everyone was invited to the impromptu celebration. It was charming in a clumsy, bookish way. Instead of fancy glassware, guests had paper cups full of iced tea and juice. The wedding cake was appropriately pink with fondant roses and fondant doves, bought for about thirty gil at a random greengrocer’s at the last minute. An alchemy student loomed over the punch bowl, stirring something neon green and fizzling. A cluster of anthropology TAs were furiously huffing and puffing into balloons, and a department professor confident in their tenure let loose a dozen mammets blaring wedding ballads at maximum volume. 
The food was mostly take-out from the Last Stand, and along with her slice of boring cake, Yuma also had a small plate of popoto wedges and a paper cup of fizzy green drink. She took a curious sip, and found that it was flavored like grapes of all things. 
Hinageshi, the beaming bride, looked radiant in her wedding dress. One of her friends wore a moogle hat and acted as the officiator moogle. She brought out the rings, and the bride and groom put them on. They were silver bands fitted with gently glowing crystals, elegant in their simplicity. 
After the Scions publicly disbanded, Yuma had helped around the Studium gathering samples for various professors, among them Professor Tankin and Hinageshi. Hinageshi had always apologized profusely for asking Yuma to travel around, but Yuma was sick and tired of the sages at Physis Technon constantly fussing over her wellbeing, and was more than happy to have to any excuse to get away. When the party died down around midnight, Tankin and Hinageshi loaded Yuma with all the leftovers as well as a good chunk of the wedding gifts as thanks for the help she provided them. There were gift cards for various shops in the Agora, as well as practical items such as new pens, pencils, notebooks. 
Yuma smiled, and wished them a blessed and eternally happy marriage. Her eyes flicked to Hinageshi’s ring, and some strange emotion bubbled in her throat and caught there. 
Back at her room in the Baldesion Annex, Yuma brushed her hair and thought of what to call this feeling twisting within her. It was bitter, and it stung behind her nose and eyes, and it made her ears flatten back. There was something wrong with that shining ring. There was something wrong with that happy little wedding in the Studium, surrounded by peers. 
When she slept, Azem’s memories bled through her soul and into her dreams. Yuma hated witnessing bits of Azem’s life. She always awoke the next morning overcome with the most terrible grief, gasping and sobbing with ice-cold despair. Her, the so-called Bringer of Hope, having the gall to despair alone after promising hope to the greatest manifestation of despair in the stars. Azem had been dead for millenia, but her emotions still haunted her favorite shard like a bit of food stuck between teeth. 
This time, the dream had engagement rings. There were three boxes: one contained a ring with a yellow diamond, one contained a ring with a gleaming amethyst, and one contained a ring with shimmering ruby. They were simple golden bands, too simple for two Convocation members and the Chief of the Bureau of the Architect, but the three of them agreed that these rings were the ones they wanted. 
“Well, I think our matching earrings should more than suffice,” huffed a familiar voice.
Someone laughed beside her. “Oh, come now! Rings will make it official. Er, more official than it already is, of course.”
Themis would be invited, and Erichthonios, but maybe not Lahabrea. Although if Erichthonios was going, there’s no point in not inviting Lahabrea. And if Lahabrea was going, then so would the rest of the Fourteen. Venat was going to be there too, and she would probably bring along her archivist friend from Anamnesis. It would be so funny if they just held the wedding in Akademia Anyder, maybe in Mitron’s spacious lecture hall, and gave party hats to all the shark concepts. 
They split up to personally deliver invitations to everyone. Azem headed to Venat’s home with a bounce in her step, admiring her new ring. 
Yuma jolted awake in filmy gray morning light. Her face was wet with tears, and she felt a desperate presence pulling at her limbs. Groaning, Yuma pushed herself up out of bed.
“Shut up,” she muttered. “Just shut up. Stop crying.”
Yuma knew what both of them wanted. The aetherial sea was right there beneath them. Every day was the same tired song and dance. They would go to the Aitiascope, ask to take the lift down into the sea, and Fourchenault or whoever was on shift would say no. Then they would leave, and come back another time. Leave, and come back.
She couldn’t even find Emet-Selch’s earring on the Tempest floor after she killed him.
Later that day, Yuma found herself at the Agora with her gift cards. She stared at the display of fashion rings Tataru sold at her boutique. With a discount, they sold for just three gil each. 
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
To insulate a drafty, rundown home in Barcelona while making it as healthy as possible and also “perfectly integrated into the urban forest,” architect Elisabetta Quarta Colosso wrapped the entire thing in cork.
Not only are the interior walls, the roof, and the floors covered in cork insulation, but the entire back facade of the home is clad in cork. Since cork material is simply tree bark (it’s a renewable material since cork oak trees are preserved and only the bark is harvested every 9 to 11 years), it blends seamlessly with the surrounding trees of the backyard garden.
Quarta Colosso wanted to use natural materials whenever possible in the home’s remodel, so she experimented with materials like chalk floors instead of microcement and clay walls that don’t need paint since they naturally reflect the wide range of colors of the earth (greens, oranges, reds, etc.).
The backyard house, formerly the servants’ quarters, was refurbished as an office and library with natural bricks (from a local factory) stacked to create a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf. Every space is utilized; even a small lightwell off the bedroom was wrapped in cork and is now a meditation space (cork absorbs sound).
The home is a passive house, relying on strategies like passive solar - all the trees are deciduous to block summer light and allow for winter sun - and a ventilated underfloor cavity and vents on the facades to promote passive cross ventilation from north to south. While the house passed the “blower door test” ensuring the doors and windows don’t leak, the home's walls are all-natural - cork, brick, and clay - so the house “breathes,” allowing for clean indoor air quality.
[Watch another of Elisabetta Quarta Colosso's houses, also cork-clad for insulation, this time in a rural environment near Barcelona • Cork-clad home us... ].
On *faircompanies: https://faircompanies.com/videos/cork...
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musesofthemoon · 1 year
Ones stripped of flesh could only communicate reliably through dreams and visions. Such was the fate of those that once dared defy the Spiral and the Line, severing their existence from the two paths of nature. What irony, to be the only people born from both and yet be subject to neither.
An ever-mysterious and solemn smile graced pale features as the Guide looked upon the sleeping children, the roof of their room now gone to reveal a darkened dome of stars. Like the inside of a grand planetarium; Constellations swimming across the curved ceiling as they repeatedly entered and left view, appearing and disappearing beneath the silvery surface of water that now covered the floor.
The Architect's hands worked tirelessly, weaving together two strands of dimly glowing grass. One blade was a color of rich emerald green - the other a vibrant salmon red. With each twist, the pulse of light grew stronger, almost like two spirits intertwining.
"Intrepid travelers... so young, yet touched with such burdens." The woman mused, the motherly blues of her eyes taking on a hint of melancholic sadness. Slender fingers continued their craft, moving mechanically in practiced motions. "Forgive me, for I cannot relieve the circumstances of your creation."
Even the being whose name meant Creator - was helpless.
To Create was the calling of Gods. Her people merely usurped their mantle, molding life from its malleable clay since time immemorial. Yet no matter ever came from nothingness. What did the Architects ever truly create..? They merely guided it to change form. Like the children of the Cosmos, shaping so crudely the Soil and Mist that made up the earth and skies. Only ever able to give their own creations selfish functionalities, far more akin to tools than living things. From the Empyreans - their quasi-immortal mobile vessels, to the Soil batteries of Windaria, to star-drinkers and writing worms, to dimensional storage pockets.
Yes, their only craft had always been puppetry of life and fate. How fitting, for the last of them to become the entity known only under a singular name: Fabula, the Guide.
And since she was no god, even her power could not puppeteer the strings of the children of God itself. The usurper of creation could not give these poor beasts a different body, a different purpose. As much as her heart broke time and time again, she could not take away their burden.
And so, Fabula the Guide wept. Phantom teardrops falling upon the coiled blades of grass and vanishing without a trace. Sinking through solid matter, ghastly, devoid of any real substance.
How ironic - for the Architect of flesh to exist only as a thought, an idea, trapped within an animal vessel of her own creation. Neither dead nor alive, still crafting, still tinkering - and yet no longer able to feel the air on her skin. In the end, so long as Chaos and the Unlimited still lived, so too would she. That was her oath. To see her people's greatest sins to their final downfall.
Ai and Yu were such sins. Had Chaos never awakened... had it never come to feast upon all their arrogance, these children would not have been born as the demon's harbingers. Instead, they would have been born on a world of silver, among silver seas and silver towers. They would have lived a life of love and kindness.
They could have learned to create instead of being fated only to destroy. And they could have done so in honor of the true Gods of the Comos, with Soil in their blood and Mist in their lungs.
Yes, like the twin straws she held in her hand. The Architect brought it up to her mouth, placing a soft kiss upon their surface. The Empyrean's interior shifted; Appendages of pearlescent liquid moving with unparalelled dexterity as they altered the delicate matter. Manipulating the very fabric of its genetic makeup, rearranging bases and upturning ley lines.
...And the two blades of grass became two small bracelets; Half plant, half worm, though easily able to be perceived as mere mundane jewelry. In this way, they would not stand out as bizzarre to the people of Earth, appearing in their true forms only to their bearers.
"I gift to you these children of mine. Namidû and Namidâ, the twinned nereididae. They will aid you in carrying your pain. Wear them, and they will sense whenever great negativity befalls one of you. On command, they will bite into your skin, and connect you so that neither of you ever have to withstand the Chaos within all alone."
The worms skittered down the Guide's robe, leaving the Empyrean's winged shell and traversing through the water with ease to climb up each child. The verdant worm, Namidû, wrapped its small body around Ai's wrist and turned into a green beaded bracelet. The red worm, Namidâ, did likewise to Yu.
Only then did the ethereal woman's sad smile take on a warmer tone. A glimmer of apology, but also hope, was present in her eyes. The silver sea receded, and the constellations above blinked out into darkness.
"I cannot erase your burden... but I can ease it, if you only trust me."
Dreams had always been thought of as something fickle, something that one would not remember when they woke up, something that meant little. But just as gods and multiverses used to be meaningless to the human-raised twins, like them dreams would gain a new form and meaning.
As the young ones feel a muddled consciousness within this waking world, one wonders what the term was for becoming aware in your dreams... Then again, such a thing didn't quite matter, they didn't seem to be in any true danger. Instead, there's a glimmer of recollection in the girl's eyes. This was the woman who had gifted her Poschepocket, though the moment in question felt like an eternity past.
So much had changed for them both since then. So much of their lives had been turned backwards and sideways, and such swirling emotions could make anyone wonder whether it was all worth it in the end.
But then, what could such a woman of power and believed holiness want to do with the Devil's spawn? They do not yet speak it, for they will find out in time, as all things. That, along with the feeling of pressure that speaking brought, as though interrupting the maiden was transgressing in some form.
Instead of scolding and derision, however, she cries for them. To find someone who could speak to them, who wouldn't believe at first that it was their fault somehow. They didn't choose to be made in such an image, they never had a choice. Nothing could be done, but understanding felt like a greater gift now than living in a normal truth ever could be.
And then, a gift. Ai wonders why again, she would take pity on such creatures. And yet, she does, giving them something that may quell such a drive to feed the beast. It was a sign of belief in them, and that too felt like a long awaited gift.
It wasn't their fault, it didn't have to be.
The snakes now bracelets on their arms feel as though they were comfort, as though they belonged right there. The inverted colors signify their bond, it feels. If one felt such pain, they wouldn't have to bear it alone. They would have each other. More than anything, they needed each other, and this would be proof of that.
The twins do not often hold tandem when speaking. They were much too different, much too oppositional in their dispositions. This became one of those rare moments, that their voices speak out as one, a harmony that their creator never would have wanted, if it had a choice.
"We trust you..."
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the-whatcherof-89 · 2 years
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Foolish Gamers AKA The dual-faced totem (Demi)God
CR 22 NG Humanoid
XP 307,200 (if used as npc for encounter)
Shabti Cleric 7 Witch 3 Mystic Theurge 10
Neutral Good Medium, humanoid (Native Outsider)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60ft, Perception +28

AC 33, touch , flat-footed (+3 Dex, +4 Shield, +5 Deflection, +5 Natural, +5 Armor, +1 Intuition)
hp 160 (7d8+13d6+80)

Fort +17, Ref +13, Will +25
Speed 60 ft.
Melee Thundering Khopesh+23 1d8+6+1d6 electric, Spells
Ranged Dispelling Light Crossbow+16 1d8+2, Spells

Racial: Native outsider, Darkvision 60ft, Immortal, Immune to undeath, Resist level drain, Past life knowledge, Shattered soul, Pharaonic will.
Traits: Strong swimmer, Doubt.
Class features: Channel energy 4d6, Domains (life, artefice), Artificer’s touch, Rebuke death, Healer’s blessing, Domain spells, Patron spells(death), Famliar (Falcon), Hex (misfortune), Combined spells (1st~5th), Spell synthesis.
Spellcasting DC18 spells per day
Cleric CL17 4/6/6/6/6/5/5/4/3/2/1 plus domain spells
Witch CL13 4/6/6/6/6/4/3/2 plus patron spells

Str 14, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 27, Wis 27, Cha 18

Base Atk +11; CMB +13; CMD +26

Feats: Divine interference, Guided hand, Power attack, Craft wondrous items, Quicken spells, Extra hex (Fortune, Cackle, Ward, Flight, Cauldron).
Skills Appraise +12, Craft(Alchemy) +25, (Stone&Metal) +31, Diplomacy +12, Fly +11, Heal +21, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (Arcana) +31, (Dungeoneering) +16, (Planes)+16, (History) +16, (Engineering) +21, (Religion) +31, (Nature) +21, Perception +28, Profession(Architect) +16, Sense motive +21, Spellcraft +31, Use magic device+27, Swim +10, Linguistics+19
Languages: Common, Draconic, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran, Alko, Infernal, Giant, Sylvan, Undercommon.
Combat gear: Robe off the archmagi (golden), Ring of protection+5, Amulet or natural armor+5, Mithral animated caster shield (greater), Thundering +4 Khopesh, Dispelling light crossbow+2, 20 adamantine bolts, Metamagic rods: (Extend greater, Maximise greater), Headband of mental prowness+6 (Int, Wis, Craft stone&metal), Ring of evasion, Helm of brilliance (lesser), Belt of physical perfection+4, Sandals of speed, Bag of holding type II, Tome of Clear thoughts+2 (used), Tome of understanding+2 (used), Ioun stones (Dusty rose prism, Ellipsoid lavander and green, Pale lavander ellipsoid), Stone familiar, 4 Potions of cure critical wounds, 1 dose of salve of slipperness, 2 Clay golem manuals, Cleric kit with silver (un)holy symbol, Witch kit, Alchemical laboratory, 492GP.
Background: Foolish came from the sea by a tribe of similar god totems and during a peaceful mission he accidentally caused a huge incident in a village that went mad. After running away in shame, he decided to abandon his past and become non-violent. After centuries of isolation, he got adopted by Captain Puffy as surrogate mother and by Quackity as step-father because he didn’t wanted to feel no longer alone. After building his summer house, Foolish was invited to partecipate to the red banquet where he perished at the hands of Antfrost and lost some of his confidence in his powers (and maybe something else). After a long time, he received a visit from XD and built a statue of him upon which the fickle god granted him the ability to be unkillable in battle. Foolish then helped his “father figure” to bolster the defenses of Las Nevadas in preparation for the assault of the syndicate. One day, while meditating in his lounge he felt a strange vibration in the ether and the world suddenly shifted. His form changed and knowledge before unknown to him flooded his being. Foolish awakened in an unknown place that he did not recognize. “A brother broken...” faintly spoke a voice “...a shackle unwanted...” continued “...your family pulled into a cage.” Foolish froze for a second. “What does that mean?” There was silence. “Find him before the others, break the spell. Before it is too late.” Foolish was more confused than before. “I guess everything is foolish one way or another.” And he started to journey ahead into the unknown.
Special: Every day when he prepares his spells, Foolish can change (within the limits of his levels) his patron and his domains among those described in the notes below. Doing so, requires full concentration and if interrupted, Foolish has to start all over. This changes also his domain/patron related powers, channel abilities and extra spells but not his other abilities.
Notes: Since he is immortal, his mental stats are increased without age penalty to his physical stats. Furthermore, his familiar is completely filled with all the known spells of the witch cumulated through the centuries. Finally, being a demigod not only he is virtually unkillable by mortal means, but he is also capable of bestowing divine spellcasting abilities to other people using the following domains: life, death, artifice, water, oceans, storm and weather. These changes increases his challenge rating by 2.
Link for the image https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=76mnh6MV-pk
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harrelltut · 2 years
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Prehistoric 9 Ether Amurika = Original Ægipt = Antediluvian MU [LEMURIA] = Subterranean Earth of ATLANTEAN [SEA] MYSTICS from America's [MA's] Mysteriously UNSEEN [MU] BLACK SUN STATE of Pacific Subterranean Coast Queen CALAFIA [CA]
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thegoldenreport · 2 years
You are now a staff writer for the Golden Report.
Welcome to your first day!
We understand it is dark and cramped and that your primary emotion must be an acute paranoia. Do not be alarmed. That is a very common feeling when one suddenly wakes up in a place they don’t recognize. 
You might be wondering what your “work” is, what to do. Well… 
Why don’t you go outside and interview a stranger? Get those journalistic juices flowing. See what happens. Post your findings.
And remember, sunshine drips slower in dreams.
To be honest, I don’t know how I got here. And I don’t think anyone who works for the Golden Report does either. They just sort of…take you one day and then…this is your job. You don’t question it. You just start writing.
The panel opened shortly after I awoke and read the above message. My eyes squinted at the beam of sunlight. Surprisingly, I did not see this as a perfect time to escape. Didn’t even register in my mind to try.
I grabbed a notebook and pen from the left cabinet drawer of my obsidian desk and headed outside. I found myself in some kind of terrace or garden. A stone slab path winded around ivy bushes and other greenery. It didn’t take me long to find a subject. As far as I’m aware, she was the only one besides me in this whole park.
There she reclined on a wired bench, cloaked in an olive green overcoat and black goggles over her eyes. Her arms were crossed as I approached her. My voice cracked when I introduced myself. I stumbled over my words. She smirked. Beckoned me to sit next to her. Almost like she had been asked many times before.
She called herself the Architect and would not give me any other name. So this was our conversation in full.
GE049: Good evening, my name is GE049 and I am a staff writer for the…
ARCH: I know your kind.
GE049: Do you consent to an interview?
ARCH: Of course. Let’s begin.
GE049: First off, who are you?
ARCH: I’m the Architect.
GE049: Okay. Do you have a…another name?
GE049: Architect. Now what does that mean?
ARCH: I build. I tear down. I rebuild.
GE049: What exactly are you building?
ARCH: If it’s in your mind, I’ve touched it.
GE049: Interesting…
ARCH: Very.
GE049: Is this a character you play?
ARCH: Are you not also playing a character now? The nervous writer, first day on the job and the mysterious architect, full of cryptic responses…all part of one big overarching story. A living myth. Yet we do not merely play characters. It’s who we are.
GE049: If this is a story, than what side are you on?
ARCH: Side?
GE049: Good vs. evil?
ARCH: Both. As is the Golden Report.
GE049: How often do you spend in this park?
ARCH: You’re an odd one.
GE049: And by the way, where are we?
ARCH: You’re in the Spiral…quaint and mindnumbing. A labyrinth for your thoughts to get lost in. I’ve been sitting on this bench for approximately five hours.
GE049: Sounds nice.
ARCH: It is…easy to just let them go.
GE049: Do you listen for anything in particular?
ARCH: Not usually. Maybe the wind. The snake rattle through the trees. But I come to the Spiral to be less aware. 
GE049: Explain what you mean by that.
ARCH: There is a museum, a gold open dome where clay figurines dance to the ticking of a clock. Inside this dome, there is also a white room. Ten by ten foot surface area, which houses the watchers in their white robes and raspberry eyes. I meet with them often. They speak to me strangely. Symbols. Codes. Flashes of images speckled with visual snow. It takes the whole day to translate and understand what they mean. So then I come here. Where their words will run the Spiral. Unspin themselves.
GE049: You seem the keeper of some great purpose.
ARCH: I am no better than you. 
GE049: Why are you with us?
ARCH: All things are vulnerable. All things are bound to crack. But you…and I, we fill in the cracks with liquid sunlight. Fluid and flexible. Reality bent, but never totally broken.
GE049: This is my final question. What do I need to hear right now?
ARCH: Do not fear the twists. Lean into it…as they come.
At this time, the Architect stood up and sauntered off, further down the path. I returned to the black box, my office, I guess you could call it, and compiled my first report. 
I do not know who this woman is. I get the feeling she is more important to the story than she lets on. I am grateful to have wandered through her world, if only for a moment. I hope we see her again.
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supersabbatical2024 · 2 months
4/30/24: Got behind on our travel log,,,spent a while going through photos of our good dog Oreo and our family over the past 15 years…time has a way of passing by ey…?
Here is a recap of the last few days.
April 25: Our friends from Milan showed up at our door in Aix, and we had the charcuterie, cheese and baguettes waiting. Claude has known the two sisters, Valeria and Giovanna Fossa, since late 80’s(?) when Claude’s father Peter made friends with the whole Fossa family in Virgin Gorda (the Caribbean vacation spot where Peter and Regina visited with Claude each year for about 30 years). The parents have all passed on, but we have remained in touch with Valeria and her husband Roberto, and their daughter Mapi, as well as Giovanna. David and Mapi are the same age, and did a home swap in 2015(?) where Mapi came to NJ and then traveled back to Milan with David. David and Mapi still keep in touch, and David owes much of his Italian language skills to Mapi and the Fossas!
Anyway, we have met up with the Fossa family several times over the years in France, England, Sardinia—just a really “sympatico” fun time, always. So this year, this lovely group drove 6 hours to meet us in Aix, and brought along close family friend Lamberto, a really sweet and easygoing guy. We chatted all evening and, despite the fact that we have not been together for 6+ years, it was as if no time had passed. Graciously, the Italians switched into English language mode, so we could communicate more easily. Even though there are 4 of them and 2 of us Americans…we are so spoiled!! I was struck by the fact that, even when they were speaking amongst themselves, they would often speak English, so as not to leave us out of the conversation. I thought this was a really sweet gesture. Giovanna insisted that even though they do love us, it is really just easier for her not to switch back and forth between English and Italian—so just easier to stick to English. But I know it’s just Because they love us so much. ❤️ I did proclaim that I would be learning some Italian before we see them again…first I have to master le Français.
April 26: Friday morning we travelled together to Gordes to check out the massive Abbaye de Sénanque, where the Cistercians chose to found a monastery in 1148. Luckily, Giovanna is an architect and explained a bunch of interesting structural information and history, which made the whole thing much more interesting to me. We also learned the word that Claude has been searching for to describe his design plan for an office renovation in our house in Maine. We are putting a dormer into the roof to create some height and space in the upstairs area. Just so you don’t forget, dear Claude, the intersection of the dormer to the roof lines is known as the “Transceptor” (sp?) NOT the “Apse.” In any event the Abbaye was likely built in the Romanesque period, after they had learned advanced methods for structuring their massive arching spaces. Our Maine house will have no such Romanesque design features, but at least Claude learned some new facts.
We also made it to Rouillons, Sentiers Des Ocres, the “ochre cliffs.” We had to trek quickly, since we only had 45 minutes to get through the 4 kilometer path before closing time for the park. NO problem! We plodded through the soft clay ground, staring up at the orangey-red-brown cliffs. Just Amazing. Popped into an art store nearby that had thousands of jars of paint pigments, with varous blends of the colors of the cliffs, and also the now iconic Cobalt that I have always loved (and will always love) so much. I wanted to buy ALL the jars!!!! Just the entire set of blues maybe? OR the colors used by Matisse? Picasso? Mondrian? Cezanne? But then the greens and the purples were so LUSCIOUS.…!!! >Gasp< Claude convinced me to get a small set—little chips of a wide variety of colors—and gently escorted me out of the store before I hyperventilated with joy. Laudrèe Patisserie for fancy macarons.
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blinkaholik1 · 2 months
Ming dynasty (1368–1644)
Ewer with Paired Dragons amid Cloud Scrolls China Ming dynasty (1368-1644), zhengde reign mark and period (1506-21) Porcelain painted in overglaze green and yellow enamels Gift of Russell Tyson, 1954-473 Garlic-Headed Bottle with Mandarin Ducks and Birds in a Lotus Pond China Ming dynasty (1573-1620) Porcelain painted in underglaze blue and overglaze polychrome enamels Gift of Russell Tyson, 1964.692 The introduction of brightly colored enamels brought new vibrancy to porcelain design and new challenges to Chinese Potters. Enamel colorants derive from metalic oxides and can be applied only to fired porcelains- usually, but not always, after glazing. As enamel fuses to the porcelain body at a lower, temperature, it requires a separate firing in a separate kiln, Successive firing at precisely different temperatures added additional layers of technical complexity to a demanding process that already requires the collaboration of countless specialists. These vessels reflecting the range of designs, colors, techniques and levels of quality in enamel decoration found in imperial porcelains from the 16th and early 17th centuries. Unlike other vessels in this case, the yellow-and-Green ewer and bowl at the far right were enamled directly on the underglazed clay. More complex palettes combine underglaze blue and underglaze polychrome enamels. These traditionally termed wucal- literally, “ five colors” -regardless of the number of colors applied in addition to the all- pervasive dragon, seen here are bold aquatic scenes and even caricature-like figures of Taoist immortals. Some porcelains are meticulously decorated, others more casually so. Dish with floral and fruit Sprays (“Gardenia Dish”) Ming dynasty (1368-1644), Hongzhi reign Mark and period (1488-1505) China Porcelain painted in underglaze blue and Overglaze enamel Charles H. and Mary F.S.Worcester Collection Fund, 2016.97 Recent Acquisition Perhaps commissioned for imperial dining, this dish abound in auspicious botanical imaginary. The motifs were first painted in underglaze blue and careful silhouetted with brilliant yellow enamel before retiring. The flower at the center, a gardenia, is admired for its beauty and fragrance as well as valued to for its use in the production of pigment and traditional herbal medicine. Each of the four plants encircling the gardenia blossom has symbolic importance: the pomegranates allude to fertility persimmons to wealth; grapes, vines and seeds to progeny; and lotus to purity. Rose blossoms and budding stems, signifying longevity, encircling the exterior. This dish was formerly in the collection of Edward H. Bennet (1874-1954), a prominent Chicago architect best known as the designer of Buckingham Fountain. Bowl with Gold of Longevity (Shoulao) and Eight Taoist Immortals China Ming dynasty (1388-1644), Wanli reign mark and period (1573-1620) Porcelain painted in underglaze blue and overglaze polychrome enamels Gift of Dorothy Braude Edinburg to the Harry B. and Bessie K. Braude Memorial Collection, 2002.628 The unconventional figures encircling this bowl are Taoist immortals: historical persons and legendary characters to collectively symbolize good fortune and individually denote different conditions of the life (wealth, poverty, youth, old age, etc.) the central figure depicts the God of Longevity (Shaolao), identifiedmby his scepter and domed cranium. Covered Hexagonal Lobed Jar with Dragon Chasing a Flaming Pearl Ming dynasty (1368-1644), Wanli reign mark and period (1573-1620) China Porcelain painted in underglaze blue and overglaze polychrome enamels Gift of Russell Tyson, 1951.300 Vase in the Form of a Bronze Wine Vessel, with Dragons, Waves and Trigrams China Ming dynasty (1368-1644) Mark and period (1573-1620) Porcelain painted in overglaze enamel Bequest of Russell Tyson, 1964.690 Cylindrical Bowl with Dragons Chasing a Flaming Pearl China Ming dynasty (1368-1644), Zhengde Porcelain with overglaze yellow and green enamels, ground with incised decoration Gift of Russell Tyson, 1951.301
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brandschronicle55 · 2 months
Architects in Kerala: Celebrating Beauty and Functionality
Kerala, known as "God's Own Country," is not just famous for its picturesque landscapes and vibrant culture but also for its stunning architecture. Architects in Kerala play a pivotal role in shaping the state's architectural identity, blending traditional elements with modern design principles to create spaces that are both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
One of the key characteristics of architecture in Kerala is its emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendliness. Architects in the state are known for their innovative use of local materials such as wood, laterite, and clay, which not only lend a unique charm to their designs but also reduce the environmental impact of construction.
Another hallmark of architecture in Kerala is its integration with nature. Many buildings in the state feature open courtyards, verandas, and large windows that allow for natural light and ventilation, creating a harmonious relationship between the built environment and the natural world.
Architects in Kerala are also known for their attention to detail and craftsmanship. From intricate wood carvings to elaborate roof designs, every aspect of a building is carefully considered to ensure that it is not just a structure but a work of art.
In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards sustainable and eco-friendly architecture in Kerala. Architects are increasingly incorporating green building practices such as rainwater harvesting, solar panels, and energy-efficient design features to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings.
Overall, architects in Kerala continue to push the boundaries of architectural design, creating spaces that are not just beautiful but also sustainable and functional, reflecting the state's rich cultural heritage and commitment to environmental stewardship.
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saintandrew123 · 3 months
Decra Villa Tile Metal Roofing
Welcome to Top Tier Metals, your premier destination for top-quality roofing solutions. Enhance your architectural designs with Decra Villa Tile metal roofing, offering sophistication and durability at its finest.
Crafted from premium stone-coated steel, Decra Villa Tile seamlessly merges the charm of traditional villa tile with modern engineering prowess. Bid farewell to concerns about storm debris impact or hail damage, as Decra Villa Tile effortlessly withstands even the most severe weather conditions.
Available in a variety of captivating colours, including Woodland Green and Tuscan Sun, it effortlessly captures the timeless look of clay or shingle roofs without the risk of easy cracking.
Our expert installation ensures that every architectural detail is meticulously addressed, resulting in a flawless finish that enhances both the beauty and longevity of your property.
With specifications prioritizing strength and durability, backed by thorough testing, Decra Villa Tile stands as the ultimate choice for discerning homeowners and architects alike.
Experience the enduring beauty, weather resistance, and unmatched reliability of Decra Villa Tile metal roofing—because when it comes to roofing excellence, Top Tier Metals has you covered.
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spicolyplastics · 5 months
Sustainable Building Starts Here: The Role of Eco-Friendly Brick Mould Suppliers
In the ever-changing landscape of construction, the call for sustainability has become increasingly urgent. As architects, builders, and homeowners adopt environmentally friendly practices, brick mould suppliers play an increasingly key role. These suppliers shape the future of construction by providing sustainable and environmentally conscious solutions.
The Shift Towards Eco-Friendly Construction
Traditional brick production has long been associated with significant environmental consequences. The extraction of raw materials, energy-intensive firing processes, and transportation all contribute to environmental impacts. However, the way of thinking is shifting as the construction industry recognises the need for more environmentally friendly alternatives. Eco-friendly brick mould suppliers are leading the way towards sustainable building practices.
Material Innovation: Recycled & Recyclable Solutions
Eco-friendly brick mould suppliers are at the forefront of material innovation. They are moving away from traditional clay and cement compositions and towards recycled and recyclable materials. Using reused gravel and incorporating post-consumer waste into the brick moulding process significantly reduces environmental impact. These environmentally friendly materials not only save natural resources but also divert waste from landfills.
Energy-Efficient Production Processes
One distinguishing feature of environmentally friendly brick mould suppliers is their dedication to energy-efficient manufacturing processes. Traditional brick production uses high-temperature kilns, which consume massive amounts of energy. Sustainable suppliers use technologies that reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. This not only reduces environmental impact but also lowers costs, making eco-friendly options more appealing to builders.
Localised Production & Reduced Transportation
Reducing the environmental footprint of transportation is a key component of brick manufacturing sustainability. Eco-friendly suppliers frequently employ localised production models. Locating manufacturing facilities closer to construction sites reduces the need for extensive transportation. This approach not only reduces emissions but also strengthens local economies.
Water Conservation Measures
Water is a valuable resource, and eco-friendly brick mould suppliers understand the significance of water conservation. Water recycling systems and innovative technologies that reduce water consumption are part of sustainable manufacturing processes. This commitment to responsible water management distinguishes eco-friendly suppliers and contributes to a more sustainable construction ecosystem.
Certifications & Standards: Navigating the Green Landscape
To ensure the validity of eco-friendly claims, reputable brick mould suppliers seek certifications and follow industry standards. Certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) demonstrate a supplier's commitment to sustainability. Builders and architects can then choose eco-friendly options with trust, knowing they are compliant with recognised environmental standards.
Educating & Collaborating for a Greener Future
Eco-friendly brick mould suppliers do more than just provide sustainable products; they also play a key role in educating stakeholders in the construction industry. Workshops, seminars, and collaborative initiatives help builders and architects understand the benefits of environmentally friendly materials and practices. This educational component stimulates an environmentally responsible culture within the construction community.
In the fast-paced world of construction, eco-friendly brick mould suppliers play an essential role. Their dedication to sustainable materials, energy-efficient processes, and environmental responsibility helps to drive a change in thinking in the industry. As builders and architects prioritise sustainability, collaborating with eco-friendly suppliers becomes not just an option, but a requirement. Together, they are laying the groundwork for a greener, more sustainable future in construction.
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aakritcreative · 5 months
Using #sustainable materials like #terracotta in cooling devices and rooms during summers is an excellent #idea.
Since it's an easily available and sustainable material. Terracotta, which is a type of fired clay, has natural cooling properties and has been used traditionally in various cultures for its ability to moderate temperature.
There are various applications where this rustic material is used.
-Use terracotta tiles on #floors and #walls to absorb heat during the day and radiate it back into the room at #night, providing a natural #cooling effect.
-Design #passive cooling systems using terracotta elements, such as evaporative cooling walls or towers.
-Integrate terracotta #louvers or #screens to provide shade and allow for natural ventilation, promoting airflow while minimizing direct #sunlight exposure.
-Create DIY #evaporative #coolers using terracotta pots. This involves placing water-absorbing terracotta pots in front of a #fan, allowing the breeze to evaporate water from the pots and cool the air.
-Consider combining terracotta with other materials in ceiling designs to enhance both aesthetic appeal and #thermalcomfort performance.
-Incorporate #green roofs with terracotta planters to introduce #vegetation, which aids in temperature regulation through natural insulation and evapotranspiration.
Combining traditional knowledge with modern design principles can result in effective and eco-friendly cooling solutions.
#terracotta #earthenware #art #architecture #sustainabledesign #sustainabledevelopment #lowcost #coolingsystem #facadelighting #landscape #planters #pots #flooring #wastemanagement #wasterecycling #carbonfootprint #netzero2050 #netzerocarbon #stone #clay #g20summit2023 #g20india #hydrocarbon #energysaving #energyefficiency #energymanagement #energyefficient #renewableenergy #renewablerevolution
Tharun Sai Sameer Z Ar. June Chow Emmanuel Egbuchulam [3D Artist] Mohammad Reza Akbari Ayushi Yadav Adil Aboobakar, CFA Azhar Fatmi artnet Sustainable Smart City Sustainable Design Network Mahindra Susten Solar O/M Team Shop Sustentável Sabu Francis Rahul Tyagi Turn The Tables Architects ARCHITECT@WORK New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) Noida International Airport NOIDA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Tata Neu Renewable Power Vipul Organics Limited Shell University of Strathclyde Sonali Bhagwati Diamond Schmitt Zaha Hadid Architects Nitin Gupta 42mm Architecture Morphogenesis Architecture
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