#green king kong hoodie
abedsweaters · 1 month
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titanicsimp · 4 years
Can i have random modern headcanons for jean w female reader please? Stuff like food he likes, games he plays, clothes he wears... General stuff maybe 🥺 thank u
Thank you for sending in a request ♥️ I hope you like them 🥺
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Jean would either work at GameStop or at a car garage. In both companies he would be a manager or top mechanic, he likes a challenge but also the laid back moments the jobs offer.
He plays Fortnite unironically. Most of his friends have the game and he likes a co-op shooter.
Horror games are something he likes, but he gets spooked when playing them himself. He loves watching playthroughs on YouTube since he doesn’t often finish them himself since he’s so jumpy. He loves watching you play them as well, holding you on his lap while intently watching you play from behind your shoulder.
He’s the same with horror movies. Will he cuddle up with you and watch them? Hell yes. Will he probably spill some popcorn on you? Most definitely.
Secretly really into sad romance movies. It’s something he only shares with you, but movies like ‘Me before you’ have him bawling.
The types of movies he loves the most are monster movies. Godzilla, King Kong, etc. They are easy, relaxed watches for him.
Jean would mostly be friends with his coworkers and people he met through you. His big mouth deters some people, makes them think he’s just a jerk instead of a goof with poor judgment.
He mostly wears sweaters in green and grey tones or graphic tees. He wears cuffed jeans but only because he thinks it makes him look trendy.
His movies/gaming set up is a thick, sweatpants material onesie. You had bought it because you thought it was funny, like a giant hoodie and sweatpants combined, but it’s so comfy that he wears it almost daily. You have to steal the thing while he’s sleeping to get a chance to wash it.
Loves taking you to movie premieres. Jean finds it’s so exciting to be one of the first to see a movie, and being able to see it with you just adds to it.
He loves cinemas in general, they are just the right kind of loud to him.
Pizza nights are best nights to Jean. He loves cuddling up on the couch with you while sharing a large pizza and binging a show or doing a movie marathon.
As a hobby he would play a competitive sport like football. He’s a sore loser, screaming at the opposing team and sulking to you for days after the match.
Grows out a mustache at least once just to see but quickly shaves it off after you keep on laughing at him for looking like Paul Blart.
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meetthemidwest · 5 years
About Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio playing video game, I have to know what they said during the subspace emissary gameplay. May we hear about what happened? Please and thank you, you fabulous person
This took so long and I’m so sorry but finals week happened and I had to study for apush! There are spoilers, but the game came out in 2008 so I’m not too concerned. I still put it under the cut just in case someone didn’t want it spoiled. I really hope tumblr doesn’t cut this, there’s a lot here.
Subspace Emissary is a two player story mode in Smash Bros Brawl, and since there are three of them, Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio take turns. Indiana and Ohio play the first level.
Indiana: You know what? I kind of relate to Kirby.Kentucky: Please explain what the hell that means.Indiana: He inhales food and killed god.Ohio: Oh please, you haven’t killed god yet.Kentucky: Yet? YET??
After the whole fight with Mario and Kirby, there’s a part where the Halberd flies over the stadium and drops a bunch of shadow bugs.
Ohio: Those things look like the mold that was growing in my basement last year.Indiana: Glowing and purple?Kentucky: Delicious.Ohio: What the actual fuck Kentucky?Kentucky: No, you don’t understand, nature is delicious.Indiana: Oh really? I’ll be right back.She comes back in five minutes later with an armful of plants from Ohio’s backyard.Kentucky: *picks up a leaf* There’s a spider on this one.Indiana: Eat it.Ohio: DON’T EAT IT!Kentucky: Aw, it fell.Ohio: *jumps from his chair to the table* Fucking kill it already!Indiana promptly throws it at him and he screams like a girl. The video cuts there. It comes back to Indiana and Ohio arguing over who to save in the first boss battle.
Indiana: Zelda’s twenty times better than Peach you dumbass!Ohio: Peach is the original Nintendo princess! You respect the originals or I’ll put you in the goddamn dirt!Kentucky: You just got a game over.Indiana: No one asked for your input Bill Monroe!Kentucky: How the hell do you know who that is?The video devolves into screaming. It cuts to Kentucky and Ohio playing while Indiana eats a pot of Kraft macaroni and cheese. They’ve saved Peach and moved on.
Kentucky: Hey, it’s Pit from Kid Icarus on the NES!Indiana: Fucking nerd!Ohio: Nice redesign.Kentucky: Yeah, well, if we aren’t going to get Geno, it’s nice that an obscure Nintendo game is getting some love.Ohio: *looks directly into the camera* Localize Mother 3 you cowards.Kentucky: PLAYER TWO CAN TELEPORT HELL YES YOU’RE CARRYING THE TEAM OHIO!
Indiana: DOnkEy KoNG!Kentucky: Did Diddy Kong always have guns or is that a new thing?Ohio, drinking tea in the background: Neither of you have ever played Donkey Kong Country and it shows.Kentucky: Oh god, Danky Kang just sacrificed himself for his son!Indiana: Wish that was the relationship I had with Quebec but he just calls me his bastard daughter and I call him my asshole father.Kentucky: Oof.
Ohio: Oh shit, Indi, get your xylophone, we’ve got a pokemon!Indiana: *starts playing the original pokemon battle theme on the xylophone while Kentucky fights Rayquaza but dies because he’s laughing too hard.*
Indiana: That feeling when you’re kidnapped by a small primate in a baseball cap.Ohio: No, that can happen. Have you ever been to the zoo?Kentucky: Are you okay?Ohio: *voice crack* no.
*Lucas and Porky appear*Ohio, ripping the controller out of Kentucky’s hands: YOU LEAVE MY BABY ALONE YOU CAPITALIST FUCK!Indiana: Oh shit, he’s crying!Kentucky: And I’m the nerd?Indiana: Shut up nerd, Mother 3 was hard on him.
*Ness appears*Indiana: SNES is just a word scramble of Ness.Kentucky: Mother 3 confirmed?Ohio: NOOO NESS JUST GOT FUCKING KILLED BY WARIO!Indiana: Weak.
*Pokemon Trainer appears*Kentucky: ASH KETCHUM???Indiana: You’re so stupid. It’s Red, obviously.Ohio: Red and Ash Ketchum’s secret love child.Indiana: *Gets up* I quit.
*Battlefield Fortress*Ohio: You know what this looks like?Kentucky: Oh god please no.Indiana: *pulls out Kentucky’s xylophone* Ready when you are.Kentucky: Indiana, if you value our friendship, please don’t do this.Indiana: We’re not friends though.*Marth is introduced. Indiana starts playing Together We Ride on the xylophone. Ohio joins in on a green plastic kazoo. Kentucky slams his face into the table and gets a nosebleed.*
Indiana: Hey it’s Spanish Batman from Kirby Right Back At Ya!Ohio: Never say those words in front of me again.
*Ike appears*Kentucky: Please don’t-Indiana and Ohio: *Playing the recruitment theme With Us on their instruments.*Kentucky: *looks into the camera like Jim on The Office*
Kentucky: Luigi is my spirit animal because he’s a coward with a heart of gold, like me.Indiana: You’re a coward, but I know you had your heart surgically removed in 1847 so don’t even try that bullshit with me.Ohio: He had a heart before 1847? Damn. See, I relate more to King Dedede because he’s a king and his relationship with Kirby reminds me of Michigan and I.Indiana: Yeah, that sounds about right.Ohio: I don’t like the implications there.
*Link appears*Indiana, shoving Ohio and Kentucky out of the way and wearing a Legend of Zelda hoodie: Move bitches, it’s my time to shine.Ohio: Oh thank god Yoshi’s here because I’m not playing as Link. Kentucky, doing a scarily accurate impression of Yoshi: YOSHI!Indiana: What the FUCK Kentucky???Kentucky, coughing: If I do that for too long I lose my voice.Indiana: Then don’t do it!
*There are some enemies that I distinctly remember in this part that scared the hell out of me, and they’re called Puppits.*Ohio: Oh god, oh fuck, what are these things?Indiana: Kill it!Ohio: *dies* SHIT!Kentucky, eating gummy bears out of a paper bag: Why are y’all so bad at this? It’s just an enemy.Indiana: *throws her controller at Kentucky and hits him in the forehead.*
*The cutscene with the box*Indiana: Snake? SNAKE?? SNAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!Kentucky: SPOILERS!
*Zero-Suit Samus*Indiana: I wish that were me.Ohio: Why? She’s not that much prettier than you.Indiana: Space guns.Kentucky: Of course.Indiana: Also I think a lot of girls would be into me if I had that ass.Ohio: There it is.
*Pikachu*Ohio: Did you guys know that this is how we powered the first rocket to the moon?Kentucky: Electricity rat.Indiana: Thomas Edison used Pikachu to power America, your history books have been lying to you.Ohio: We’re going to get killed by the government, aren’t we?Kentucky: Yeah, but not for this.
*The battle against Subspace Peach*Indiana: Mario’s going to be so pissed.Kentucky: Yeah, but Yoshi’s Mario’s lifelong friend, so surely everything will be a-okay!*Mario battle ensues*Ohio: Love blinds all.Indiana: Stop trying to sound wise, I literally watched you burn your tongue on your coffee and throw it into a wall.Ohio: You know what Indiana? Fuck you.
Indiana: Kirby Kirby Kirby that’s the name you should know!Kentucky: Kirby Kirby Kirby he’s the star of the show!*Both look at Ohio*Ohio, obviously disappointed in life: He’s more than you think, he’s got maximum pink.Indiana and Kentucky: Kirby Kirby Kirby’s the one!
Indiana: Ew it’s Ganondorf.Kentucky: Wait, I thought he was a pig?Ohio: Well Kentucky, people can be pigs without looking like them, like New York.Kentucky: No, wasn’t he literally a pig?Indiana: That was Ganon.Kentucky: They’re… they’re the same thing?
*Wario battle*Ohio: IS LUCAS DOING THE ARTHUR MEME?Indiana: HOLY SHIT HE IS!Kentucky: MOTHER 3 CONFIRMED!*they all start screaming incoherently. The video cuts to them actually fighting Wario. Ohio is Lucas, Kentucky is the Pokemon Trainer.*Ohio: My boy Lucas has seen some shit.Kentucky: Your boy Kentucky has also seen some shit, how about a little love over here?Ohio: No.Kentucky: Thanks.
*Bowser’s army attacks the castle Dedede is in.*Indiana: Oh my goodness he’s Dedede-dead!Ohio: I’m going to sew your lips together while you sleep.
*Bowser gets away with Peach’s trophy*Kentucky: This is so sad, Indiana play Ave Maria.Indiana: *plays Ave Maria on the kazoo*
Kentucky: I love how Ike, the youngest and most impulsive, jumps right off a cliff while both Marth and Meta Knight reach out to stop him.Ohio: Me with my bastard siblings.Indiana: Let me guess, Wisconsin’s Ike, Michigan’s Meta Knight, and you’re Marth?Ohio: No, because I don’t join them in their bullshit.Indiana: Oh? Then what do you call the time the three of you tied Illinois to a tree and left him there for a week?Ohio: It’s called knocking the wealthy down a few pegs.Kentucky: Guys, this was an appreciation of Fire Emblem characters and nothing more.
*Diddy Kong trophy*Indiana: PeRSonALLy I PrEFer ThE AiR!Kentucky: OH! GRAB THE FAN! *they proceed to get the giant Subspace Diddy Kong to 500% and launch him off the screen.*Ohio: The monkey’s kidnapping a bird.Indiana: I saw that happen in Florida once.
*Ridley battle*Kentucky: HE’S TOO BIG FOR SMASH BROS!*Kentucky then plays the Ridley theme on the xylophone while Ohio attempts to crawl out a window and Indiana screams*
*Olimar and Captain Falcon*Kentucky in the background playing Pikmin music on the xylophone: Isn’t this nice? Pikmin was one of the best games I ever played.*West Virginia kicks down the door and plays the F-Zero theme on an electric guitar*Kentucky: Get the hell out!West Virginia: While y’all were sitting in here playing video games I got arrested for tax fraud and broke out on my own.Indiana: Amateur. What’s your point kid?West Virginia: Get on my level. Get hobbies for god’s sake. You’re going to be killed one day, you gotta live in the moment.Ohio: I die when I decide, you little rat faced bastard. There’s a cupcake in the fridge, take it and get out.West Virginia: Alright, I’m going to elope with Mothman, see y’all later.
Indiana: DOnkEy KoNG!!!!Kentucky: Aw heck, I died.
*Ice Climbers*Ohio: That jumping noise definitely isn’t going to get annoying in the next few minutes.Kentucky: *slowly mutes the tv*Indiana: You guys are really dumb sometimes. You know that, right?
*the two groups meet up*Indiana: The gang’s all here!Ohio: If you play as Link again I’m going to suffocate you on camera.Indiana: With what?Kentucky: His Ohio State mascot body pillow.Indiana: What the fuck.Ohio: You’re next, Kentucky.
*Snake*Kentucky: Sometimes I just want to hide in a box while my problems run around without me.Indiana: Shame problems are like Lucario and can see right through your hiding place.Ohio: Guys, I dropped a hot pocket into the hole in the wall and I can’t get it out.
*Sheik and Peach*Indiana: I’m getting some strong Peach loves her strong girlfriend vibes from this.Kentucky: I’d love my strong girlfriend too if I had one.Ohio: No living organism would put up with you for more than a week.Indiana: YO PEACH IS SUCH A BADASS!Ohio: SEE???Indiana: Zelda’s still better though.Kentucky: Fox McCloud’s going down.Indiana: Do a barrel roll!Ohio: Shit, I want tea.Kentucky: Then make some!Ohio: Okay! Jeez, don’t yell at me.
Indiana: Where did Mr. Game and Watch even come from?Ohio: Hell.Kentucky: Actually, there’s a series of handheld games-Indiana: Shut up nerd!
*Subspace bomb factory*Indiana: American weapons storage.*the entire factory blows up*Kentucky:… American weapons storage.Ohio: It’s us when we try to get together for holidays.
Ohio: Kirby rides in on a fucking dragon to save the day!Indiana: Sakurai showing clear favoritism for his children.Kentucky: Virginia made West a pepperoni roll once and when I asked for one she told me that I could starve.Ohio: GUYS IT WASN’T MASTER HAND IT’S THIS ASSHOLE OLD MAN LOOKING GUY AND BOWSER’S DEAD STOP HAVING FEELINGS AND GET YOUR HEADS IN THE GAME!
*Everyone dies*Indiana: I want butterfly wings that kill people.Kentucky: Evolve and grow them.Indiana: Good idea.Ohio: LUCAS NOOOOOOO!
*Dedede, Ness, and Luigi**Ohio walks in dressed as King Dedede, Indiana’s dressed as Ness, and Kentucky is dressed as Luigi*Kentucky: I still think I should have done sexy Luigi, but whatever.Indiana: Ohio, say it.Ohio: I’m not going to say it, fuck off.Indiana: Say it.Ohio: No!Indiana: SAY IT.Ohio: I’m gonna clobber that there Kirby.Kentucky: That’s mama Luigi to you!Indiana: Fuck, Ness doesn’t have any funny lines. Ohio: Can we please play the game now?Indiana, clearly excited: OKEY
*Great Maze*Indiana: You’re going the wrong way!Ohio: You’re hogging the remote! Let Kentucky play!Kentucky: That’s the wrong door!*they start screeching at each other. Minnesota walks into the room about to say something, shakes his head, and leaves.*
*Tabuu fight*Kentucky: I’m vibing with this music.Ohio: Don’t try and sound young, we all know you’re old as fuck.Indiana: Ohio if you don’t stop dying I’m going to throw you out a window.Kentucky: SONIC SPEED! *proceeds to die* GOSH DARN IT!Indiana: WHY ARE YOU USING SONIC?Kentucky: HE WAS RIGHT THERE I HAD TO!*they die about twelve more times, but only one makes the final cut. At some point they beat the game*
Indiana: This was cute. I really liked the relationships in it.Ohio: Yeah, shame we’ll never get a wholesome and fulfilling story mode again, right guys?Kentucky: *plays the Smash Ultimate theme on the xylophone.*Indiana: I’ll go get my Switch.Ohio: You better.Indiana: I’ll hit you.Ohio: You’re in my house, that’s assault.*Indiana kicks Ohio out of his chair. The video cuts for the last time*
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lokis-lady-death · 5 years
The King of Gods Pt 6
Tom Hiddleston/Loki x reader
Lady Death: This is a sequal to the Interview with a God series I completed a few months ago. This picks up months after the original story ends. If you haven’t read IWAG, HERE is a quicklink to Part 1 or you can find it on my Master List !
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
The King of the Gods Part 6
It had been a week since you returned to Midgard and you had managed to retain a steady level of intoxication most of the time. The first few days, you would wander into different bars, only moving on if people began giving you too much attention, whether from a tipsy woman trying to hold onto you for support on her way to the bathroom or an intangible man trying to cop a feel.
You wanted to be drunk and left alone.
Trying to drown your worries, you stayed out of your apartment to the best of your abilities, but by the third day you knew you couldn’t avoid it any longer.
You had to go home.
When you finally decided to go back, you stocked up at the liquor store. A few bottles of off-brand whiskey sat on your kitchen counter, along with wine and little random mini-bottles. If you had to be in this awful place, you weren't going to be sober.
After taking a sip from one of the bottles, you inhaled sharply at the throbbing behind your eyes. Days of drinking until you passed out were beginning to weigh on you, eating away at your body until moving hurt and your head was sore.
The reason you kept going?
It drowned your soul enough that you could think about Loki without feeling your heart shatter into a trillion pieces. It even helped you walk around the corners of your apartment without flinching from the images that were ingrained into your conscious from your nightmares.
Alcohol may not have been the best solution, acting as a bandaid for an amputated arm, but it got you by.
On the fourth day, you woke up on the floor next to the couch, the pressure in your neck so tense you had to be careful as you rose up and stretched.
You hadn’t remembered doing it, but at some point in the night you had started binge watching Tom’s movies. You had gone through Kong, Crimson Peak, and halfway through the second Thor, you were out. Looking up at the TV, the option for Ragnorak was frozen on the screen with Tom in his Loki costume standing side by side with Chris as Thor.
Rubbing a hand down your face, you quickly looked away to find another bottle until you realized you actually had formed a smell from days of not showering or changing out of his black shirt. Rubbing your hair back out of your face, you resided it was time for a shower.
When you were finally rid of the lingering funk, you dragged your feet into the kitchen to search your medicine cabinet for something to ease your headache.
After popping some Advil, you turned back to the pile of Tom’s things that had remained untouched in days.
Letting out a sigh, you kneeled beside the bags and opened one up. Tom never had a shortage of black and white t shirts, button ups and books, including his copy of Much ado About Nothing. Pulling out a plain shirt, you slipped it on and laid against the couch to face the TV.
It felt like Loki’s green eyes were watching you when you let the movie play through, wishing more than anything you could reach out and touch him.
Feel him.
Hold him.
Swallowing hard, you drifted in and out of the days between alcohol, movies, and Tom’s clothes until finally waking up Monday morning for your first day back at work.
Yet as your alarm began to screech, you felt your nerves waver.
“I have to go,“ you convinced yourself, “I still have to live my life.”
In all this time, you tried to make yourself feel like you could be whole again, that all you needed was a few days to heal. Loki had only been a part of your life for a few months, you lived before him and you would have to live after him.
This was your life, the same life you had before you knew the god of mischief.
Urging yourself on, you managed to get out of bed and start getting ready. After drinking some coffee, you dug out a white button up from Tom’s luggage. You shrugged it on, slipped into some leggings and pulled your hair out of your face. Giving yourself a last glance in the mirror, you looked away in disgust.
Your skin was a pale, lustless color while your eyes sat upon dark, swollen patches. Taking in a breath, you tried to paint a more presentable version of yourself, lining your eyes, brushing pink on your cheeks. But even behind the colors, you looked ill. Giving up, you threw on Tom’s grey hoodie, packed your work bag and walked out only to freeze in the doorway.
Passing one last glance at his things, you reasoned you had to go. You needed a break from this place and these memories. Work was a necessary distraction, besides, you couldn’t keep avoiding life.
Before closing the door, you couldn't help but think, 'I hope Loki’s doing better than me.’
The sun was beginning to creep through the palace, illuminating the golden walls and floors as if the kingdom of Asgard was the sun itself. The halls were busy with those that worked in the castle tending to their daily tasks, while dignitaries and nobles began to rise from their luxurious beds.
Loki, however, only stared up at the top of his canopy not making an effort to move even as servant walked into his room.
"Good morning, your highness,” the thin man in tan robes offered, “Would you like another moment to rest-”
“No, I’m awake,” Loki said flatly as he rose from the sheets.
It was the same routine every day now, beginning with him lying in bed all night while he thought about you and what you could be doing back on Midgard without him. Without even your memory of him. Were you happy now or did you feel the same emptiness he felt, even if you couldn't quite place where it came from?
Could you feel that something, deep down, was missing?
Loki hadn't realized how much his life had revolved around you and the time you both shared until your abrupt absence. Never in his long life had he imagined the loss of a single Midgardian would leave him so numb to the world that he would barely feel his own existence anymore. He moved through his day, hardly a word to anyone, simply going wherever he was needed and finishing his work so that he may return to his room to sit in silence. In the days since your departure, he had turned away Thor countless times, even ignored Elsa outside his door for hours while he withdrew into himself.
In a palace full of people, he had never felt so alone.
The only obligations he concerned himself with were that of the kingdom of Asgard, more specifically the work he did with his father. Every morning, his servant would come to tell him what duties he would be attending to that day at Odin's side as he readied to take the crown. It was unbearable, but he did what he had to in silence.
It wasn't until a week later that he was alerted to a new development.
"I overheard some truly incredible news for you this day," the servant started as he gathered his lord's clothes together. "It seems the Allfather is most impressed with your diligence and dedication. He sees you fit enough to set the coronation for tomorrow evening, we are to meet with him to begin preparations."
Loki's eyes cut across the room in surprise, certain he had misheard. "So soon? But I thought traditionally coronations were held at a certain time of year with the blessing of a priest, I haven't even prepared-"
"That's superstitious nonsense that Allfather has no concern with, I assure you," came from the doorway. Baldur had cracked the door just in time to interject himself into the conversation, being sure to close the door behind him. As he was about to go on, a sudden tremor broke out across the land of Asgard, shaking the homes and palace of its inhabitants. Loki steadied himself as the servant went to his knees, hands folded over his head. Baldur backed against a wall, feeling the vibrations of the quake move up his back while they waited it out.
When the motion stopped Loki shot a curious look towards Baldur. "That's the third one since I've been back," he noticed. "When did earthquakes become so prevalent in the realm of the gods?"
Baldur stood up and shrugged his robes out as he answered nonchalantly, "Allfather says it's a sign of his powers weakening, it's been steadily getting worse over the last month or so. Just another reason to get on with the coronation."
Loki walked behind his dressing curtain with the servant when he commented, "Still seems a bit hasty, don't you think?"
"Not at all," Baldur sold, "Allfather is in desperate need of rest and the tremors are becoming more frequent. He has been ready to pass on his legacy for some time now, it's just taken a long time for..."
Baldur's words trailed off when he couldn't find a suitable way to finish his statement until Loki filled in, "For what? For me to become worthy of his kingdom?"
Sucking on his teeth, the advisor saw he had made a poor choice in terms as he soothed, "It's all over and done business, really, why don't we just get on with the good side of things? You get to be crowned, Thor gets to return to his family, and you'll be granted the rest of your powers along with that of the Allfathers. Surely you can find a reason to celebrate in that? "
Loki looked down as his servant began fastening his traditional style chest and shoulder plates into place. In truth there had been a time when he wanted nothing more than his father's approval, even craved to possess his power, but that time had long since past. He had developed his own dreams and ambitions outside of these palace walls, had lived a lifetime it seemed without all the grandeur of Asgard.
But even giving up his life in Midgard paled in comparison to the crippling agony of losing you.
Of all the things he could have in the universe, the one thing he wanted most of all was out of his reach, living life without a second thought of him.
"I know it hasn't been ideal, Loki, given your  circumstances and all, but this is what's best. This is your destiny, these are your powers, they're your birthright." When he still didn't show enthusiasm, Baldur added with a grunt, "There was a chance for you to not have this opportunity, you do realize that? This is not the punishment, Midgard was. This? This is a reward-"
"I'm aware," the god of mischief cut him off.
"Then shouldn't you be thrilled? You're getting everything you ever wanted, yet here you are still sulking over, over what? Some mortal girl?"
That comment sent fire through Loki's veins as he stepped out from behind the curtain, his golden cape flying back as he locked eyes with Baldur. "I never asked for any of this and you know that. I didn't want it when Thor abdicated his crowned prince title and I didn't want it while I was making a life for myself on Midgard. The only reason I even returned was at Allfather's request, because I assure you, I would never had asked to return. If it were up to me, you would be the one taking this kingdom in my stead."
Baldur looked like he would speak but the comment left him without the ability to form any more of an argument. Instead he took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry, that was a rude thing to say," he apologized, going towards Loki. "And as for the king, well… That's kind of you to say but you know Allfather would never allow me to take the throne, I don't have his blood running through my veins. Besides," he clasped Loki's armored shoulder and shot him a sympathetic grin, "I know you'll make a great king."
Loki met his stare but didn't reflect the sentiments. Instead he walked past Baldur towards the door, letting out a sigh. "Let's just get on with it."
When you finally dragged yourself into work, you had managed to get through the building and slip into the office without anyone speaking to you. Logging into your computer, you breathed out in relief.
The last thing you wanted was to explain anything about what happened during your time off.
Settling in, you laid out the contents of your bag to get ready for work, pausing when your eyes caught the small picture frame sitting on the corner of your desk.
It was a 4x6 cut out of the kiss between you and Tom during your first date, the one that was pastured all over the cover of magazines. Sue had framed it for you as a joke, though it was anything but funny now. Taking the image in your hand, you didn't know how long you stared at it before finally laying it face down in your bottom drawer.
'That was a fantasy. This is real life,' you told yourself, 'Work, eat, breathe, sleep, repeat. Just gotta go one day at a time.'
Working for the first couple of hours on responding to emails, returning missed calls, and setting up your schedule for the month's projects, you actually could feel a sense of normalcy begin to return to you.
It wasn’t until closer to lunch that you heard a quick set of knocks grace your door. “Come in,” you called out, looking up in time to see your office friend Sue twirl in.
Before she even started, you knew this would be the turning point in your day. “Hi Sue."
“How was your vay-cay? You and Tommy have a fun time? Where did you guys go, it was to do something with family right?” Sue was absolutely beaming at you, her smile wide and bright against her artificially tan skin and short blonde hair, completely oblivious.
“Actually…” your eyes went over your desk, trying to find the words to say, but a wave of nausea passed over you at the thought of saying it out loud.
“Oh, I get it, it's personal, that’s cool. Real low key stuff, I know how Tom is about yalls business. I bet you guys had a blast, though, I couldn’t imagine spending a week with a mega star like Hiddleston!”
“Well, that’s…”
Sue’s smile didn’t waver while her head tipped to the side. “You okay, sweetie, you look a little… ?” Her nose scrunched but she didn't finish.
Your hand rubbed down your face as you tried to form the words. "Actually, Sue, Tom and I are no longer… seeing each other…"
Glancing back up, Sue's face was broken up as she digested the information. "Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry, y/n! Are you doing ok?"
Reflecting on the last few days of drinking until you passed out, wearing all his clothes until they lost his scent, watching all his movies on repeat, you put on a forced smile, "Yeah, I'm alright."
Sue looked sympathetic as she was about to say something else, but was cut off when your magazine director Mrs. Lynn came into your office with a passive knock. "Hi, y/n, glad to have you back. Did you see my email about-"
"Y/n and Tom broke up!" Sue blurted.
The air itself felt awkward as Lynn's brow quirked at the comment, looking back towards you before going, "Oh, um. I'm sorry?"
"It's fine, I'm fine, we're all fine," you went on, begging the moment to dissipate.
"Oo, you know what you should do?" Sue asked, bouncing at her own idea. "You should come out with me and Carmen! We were gonna go to Poison to check out a new band I'm doing an article on. You should totally tag along!"
"Carmen? From the advertising department? I, I don't know about that," you answered honestly, "I don't feel much like going out…"
It's not that you disliked Carmen, but you knew she was a friend of Elliot Stringer. After the fiasco at Chris's party and the death of Hela, Elliot got into a heated debate with the director and CEOvs of People magazine about publishing a story on the whole event.
Everyone thought he was crazy and brushed it off. That was the last time you saw Elliot, learning later through coworkers that he had reclused away with some family while keeping a heavy presence on Facebook. You wanted to ask Loki if he knew why Elliot was allowed to keep his memory, but just chalked it up to everything assuming he was nuts.
What was the point of making him forget if no one believed him?
Lynn, still standing there unanswered, threw in her two cents. "You know, going out with other women could do you some good. After my second divorce, some ladies and I went out to Vegas for a weekend. Absolutely best time of my life."
"Reeeeally?" Sue pressed, "So what did you wild girls get into?"
Lynn, who was in her fifties, had always been straight laced, and never a hair out of place in her short bob haircut, straightened her thin rimmed glasses on her nose, a slight blush lighting up her cheeks as she quietly quoted, "What happens in Vegas, ahem. Stays in Vegas."
Sue passed a very impressed nod to her boss before looking back down at you. "So what do you say? Come out with us?"
They were both grinning at you now, and you just couldn't find a way to argue staying home alone to drink yourself stupid. Looking between them, you finally gave up. "Alright," you resided, "I'll go out with yall."
"Did you feel that tremor this morning?" a servant girl asked Elsa as she refilled her glass with wine. "It felt like it lasted longer than the one the other day, didn't it?"
Elsa didn't answer at first, merely resituating herself in the lounge chair. Finally, she went, "Yeah, it did feel longer."
The servant watched her take a deep breath before guzzling down her drink. Folding her arms around the bottle, she tried to think of something more to speak about. “Oh, did you hear? They intend to crown Prince Loki tomorrow evening!”
Elsa nearly gagged on her drink, spitting into her cup out of reflex. She cut her eyes up at the servant, pressing, “What? Why so soon?”
Shaken by the strange response, she only shrugged, “I’m not sure. But I’m told Baldur would like to take you shopping for a dress this afternoon if you’d like-”
“No,” she said flatly as she set the wine glass aside, “I wouldn’t. You may let his jerk-ness know I have plenty of gowns to choose from.”
In the week since you had left, she had wracked her brain for days trying to plan a way to help you and Loki. However, she was incapable of speaking to Loki about it, Baldur was acting bizarre, and Thor had shut the topic down permanently. Being in Asgard made it all the more difficult, only knowing a handful of people in the palace but none well enough to ask for help with what she needed, or trusted not to run back to Odin with what it was she was doing.
Even without knowing the full details, she knew her father in law was pulling the strings and she would do well to keep to herself for now, but what was troubling her the most now was this strange dream she had been having over and over the last few nights.
It started the same every time, her waking up in bed with Thor, the sun blanketing their room like it has done a thousand times before. But something was different about this day. As she got up to walk onto the veranda, she could hear faint shouts just before the ground began to shake. The closer she got, the louder the cries became, though none of the calamity seemed to alert her sleeping husband. As she walked outside, she took in the full cataclysmic activity that had stirred her from sleep. Out before her, lay Asgard in ruin. People screaming, children crying, the ground broken like glass with lava flowing through the streets. Even the once bright sky was now dark with the mountains in the distance spewing sulfur into the air. And then, out in the distance, just beyond the golden gates of the city, she could make out Loki, dressed in torn rags with you lifeless in his arms. He was on his knees clinging to your body, screaming out in anger just before being swallowed by a black smoke that began to run over the land from the Bifrost. Just as Elsa got ready to cry out, the world would fade and she would wake up in a cold sweat.
After the first night she had the dream, Elsa shrugged it off as her nerves getting the best of her. She was getting stir crazy, she reasoned throughout the day, nothing more. The second time she considered telling Thor, but as angry as she was with him, she didn't feel he would be any sort of comfort. So instead she kept quiet, trying to make herself believe it was nothing. By the fourth reccorance, the oracle was beginning to think something more was going on. After years of training to become Thor’s oracle, she couldn’t simply dismiss the vision, dwelling on it endlessly during the day until it felt maddening.
Through with all her aggravation, Elsa's handmaid Iona had been a small comfort. She was the only person she felt she could really talk to but still kept the dealings between you and Loki to herself. Instead she talked about her children and how desperately she missed them.
It was one of her main reasons for spending the day out on the veranda drinking, trying desperately to ignore the void of her children being on Midgard.
"In any case, Lady Elsa, would you be interested in a walk through the city? I'm sure there won't be anymore tremors and it's such a lovely day-"
"Everyday is 'lovely' here," Elsa snorted, the resentment for the kingdom boiling up to the surface. "I've walked the city, shopped the market, rode horses, swam the waters. I'm sick of being here, I just wanna go home."
If it wasn't for this place, she would be with her children. Taking them to school. Tucking them into bed, kissing them goodnight.
Taking another sip from her glass, she closed her eyes, sick of even looking at the golden city before her.
At this point, it could burn like it had in her nightmare and she wouldn't miss it.
Iona bit down on her lip as she looked at the beautiful Midgardian laid out in the sun. In the months since she had been there her heartbreak from being away from home had become apparent. The drinking had become more common, her distance from Thor was even noticeable. The servant wished she knew of a way to help her lady but nothing came to mind.
Later that afternoon, Iona was making her way towards the kitchen for another bottle of wine when she overheard a pair of guards not so quietly whispering amongst themselves. She hadn't meant to eavesdrop, simply making her way past them until their words struck her.
"I thought it wasn't possible to communicate with other realms with the Bifrost closed?" one asked.
The servant slowed her pace to listen better, trying not to be obvious.
"That's what I thought, but it turns out that Allfather has a telecommunicator in his room that can reach beyond the portals. I don't know who it was he was speaking to, but it was obviously someone on Midgard."
"Could you tell who it was he was talking to?"
"I didn't recognize the voice, but it was definitely a woman-"
Iona had stopped listening when she realized what they had said. Hugging the wine bottle close to her chest, the servant quickly made her way back to her lady with what she had overheard.
"A telecommunicator? Like a phone?" Elsa asked in disbelief.
"I wouldn't know particularly, but isn't that wonderful? You can speak to your children!"
Elsa brought her thumb to her mouth, gently nibbling her thumb nail as she tried to think. As much as she missed her children, she knew she needed to fix the damage done between you and Loki. Somehow, she needed to get in touch with you, but even with a way to communicate with Midgard, there was no way to ensure she could reach you. Regardless, she knew what she had to do, but if it was in Allfather's room it could prove tricky.
"Would you like me to get Thor so that he can call them with you-"
"No!" Iona looked confused, but Elsa simply lied, "He has been busy, I don’t want to bother him with this just yet." The girl's brow furrowed and for a moment Elsa was afraid she had startled her. "But I would love to call them now if you think you could help me? It would mean the world to get to hear their sweet little voices… "
Thinking it over, there was a genuine sympathy from her as she offered, "What do you need me to do?"
It was nearly eight o'clock when Sue texted you from out in front of your apartment building. Wondering one last time if this was the right thing to do, you looked back into the living room you had cooped yourself in for days. Empty bottles lined your kitchen counters, Tom’s clothes were now strewn across your couch and ottoman, and the TV was perpetually replayed Thor: Ragnarok. You reconsidered, just one last time, to stay hidden away from the world just one more night.
Your phone dinged and you read the message from Sue asking if you were coming down or not.
Taking a deep breath, you walked out and locked the door.
This is what moving on looked like.
Downstairs, you saw Sue and another woman waiting in a powder blue Beetle with masses of stickers clouding the back window. Her horn honked as you got closer, making you trot faster. After throwing yourself into the back seat, you looked up to find the women turned around to stare at you.
“Hi, you must be Carmen,” you stared, extending a hand out, “I think we met once at a Christmas party.”
Carmen, with her thick ruby red lips and deep caramel skin tilted her head to the side before squinting your way. “Oh, I think I remember that, yeah!” She flashed you a brilliant, large toothed grin before adding, “So Sue says you got dumped by Tom HIddleston? Tough break, nena, he is a fine piece of gringo.”
“Carmen!” Sue snapped. “Don’t mind her, she’s blunt to a fault. Now…” Her eyes went up and down you. “About what you’re wearing…”
You looked down, unsure how to take her comment. You had opted for a pair of old jeans, black shirt of Tom’s and some plain knee high leather boots. It may have been a bit plain, you realized, but you didn’t think it was that bad. “I thought we were just going to see a rock band, what’s wrong with how I’m dressed?”
“Nothin, ‘cept you’re literally wearing the enemy’s clothes!” Sue realized as she stared harder.
Carmen gasped, “That’s breaking the breakup laws of nature, we need to fix this!”
“But it’s not a big deal, we’re just going to listen to a band?”
“No!” they both shouted in unison before Sue reiterated, “No, I’m going to watch a band. You’re going to get over this breakup, to live it up, to party it out!”
“I am over it,” you mumbled.
“Then why are you wearing his shirt, y/n?”
At that you were speechless, looking down at the tshirt and feeling a sour pit form in your stomach.
Maybe they were right?
Maybe you were using his things as a crutch?
“Why don’t we just run up to your apartment and help you pick something out, we don’t mind waiting-”
“No!” They both looked taken aback by your outburst but you knew there was no way you could let them see the mess you accumulated. “I mean, is it really such a big deal? I’m not worried about my clothes, I’m just coming to hang out…”
Carmen’s thick black curls bounced as she shook her head, answering, “No, nena, you’re wrong, it’s more than just hanging out. You want to mend your broken heart? Then you need to go out on the dance floor, get lost in another man’s arms, forget all about ole’ whats-his-name. You need the rush and butterflies of passion to keep you going, just respark the life inside your womanhood! You need to know that you are ONE HOT MAMACITA and ain’t no man that can bring you down!”
After such a riveting argument, you gave up and the women started altering your outfit in the car, despite a few aggravated drivers that were having to pull around the Beetle. First, Carmen gave you her bedazzled black and silver hoop earrings, then Sue had stripped down to the lace bralet she wore in order to give you a black vest that left most of your chest and midriff exposed. Searching through both of their purses, they took turns coloring your eyes, lining your lids, and lifting your eyelashes. The piece de resistance was the flaming hot red lip stain Carmen finished your face with, waiting until it was perfectly set before she glossed over it.
“Now, your boots are fine, but those pants…” Carmen reached into her clutch and pulled out a sizable knife that made you flinch when she unsheathed it with a flick of the wrist. “Let’s upgrade them, shall we?”
Before you could utter an argument, she reached over and started easing through the denim of your jeans.
“Alright, you look awesome!” Sue exclaimed, looking over you like some new creation.”Come on, get together, Girl Power selfie!”
The three of you crammed your faces together, Carmen’s arm slithering around your shoulders to pull you closer as she poked your cheek. “Smile, nena, you’re a beautiful, powerful, independent woman! You’re about to have the night of your life, we are gonna make you forget old what’s his face!”
It may have been the sultry way she rolled her r’s, or maybe the way her smile just begged to be received, but she managed to get a grin out of you. The three of you grinned into the camera, taking several in a row with different expressions before finally starting the car. “Now, off to Poison we go!” Sue hollard while Carmen posted the pictures to her social media accounts.
Elsa tried her hardest to appear calm while standing just down the hall from Odin’s room as her servant walked on ahead of her. They had waited in this area for some time, trying to track when guards walked by so they could slip in unseen. Yet with every second that passed, she felt her nerves waver.
Glancing around, Iona timidly knocked on the door to see if anyone would answer. When no one came, she slowly opened it to step inside. Elsa’s heart pounded when the servant disappeared into the room, wondering if she was doing the right thing by involving her at all. Being married to Thor could help if she were to get caught, but there was no telling what sort of repercussions could befall a simple worker. When she peeked her head back out to signal the coast was clear, Elsa took in a deep breath and darted across the hall into the room, closing the door quietly behind her. Her heart thudded harder inside her chest as she took in the chamber of the king of gods.
The room was not as brightly colored as the other rooms in the castle, a blue color illuminated most of the space with a swirl of motion as if the room itself was the ocean. A massive tankless aquarium held a distorted blob of water with multicolored glowing fish swimming inside. The colors splattered across the blank walls, traveling with her eyes as she took in only one piece of furniture: a massive, white sheeted balcony bed made of gold.
"Homey," Elsa breathed out, walking forward as she tried to figure out where the telecommunicator could possibly be. "Now, if I was the most powerful person in existence, where would I keep my intergalactic cellphone?"
"Cellphone?" the servant repeated.
"It's how Midgardian's call each other," she explained, trying to fight the urge to reach out and touch the seemingly free floating water. "I have one, bit it's back on Midgard."
"But if you have a method to communicate with your children, why not simply bring it here?"
Elsa looked back towards the questioning eyes. "Allfather doesn't allow any technology from a Midgard here,I couldn't even bring my hair curler," she answered, her annoyance in this situation evident. If Odin forbade communication between the words, why would he keep something like that hidden away in his room?
Better still who would he be talking to?
Elsa traced her fingers over the white marble walls, feeling for a seam, a notch, a hidden lever, anything that could reveal whatever sort of fanciful tech the god may have hidden away. "It would be so helpful if I knew what the heck I was lookin for," she sighed.
Iona mimicked the search as she racked her head for any helpful insight, but the truth was she didn't know what it could look like either. With nothing else to suggest, she wondered, "What does your device look like? Maybe they're similar?"
At the thought, Elsa couldn't help but snort. "Yeah, I can see it now, 'All Hail the Allfather, king of gods and Iphones'."
"Well, where would you put it away for no one else to use? Perhaps the Allfather keeps his the same way? "
Elsa had just made her way to the foot of the bed when Iona posed the question, though she really felt it was useless. Walking around to the head, she commented, "Honestly, I slip it under my pillow at night so I can feel it vibrate and grab it quickly."
For the hell of it, she slipped a hand under one side of the pillows. Nothing, though she wasn't surprised. Iona did the same motion, but stopped when her hand was halfway under. Her eyes went large as she pulled out a small flat box unlike anything she had ever seen before.
"What the actual hell?" Elsa whispered as she reached across the bed and took the phone out of her grip.
"Is this it? The telecommunicater?"
Elsa was speechless as she looked it over, noting the word Samsung etched across the smooth black back panel. Swiping her finger across the screen, the phone lit up with a default background. There was no security code, no password. At the second swipe, the home screen appeared with only two apps: call and message.
"I…" Elsa turned the phone over in her hands, bewildered by the whole thing. Why would an all knowing god- that seemed hell bent on keeping other worlds out of Asgard- keep a Midgardian cellphone under his pillow. The hair on the back of her neck stood as she realized there may be something more going on.
“This is good, right, Lady Elsa?” Iona asked with a shaky voice. “Now… now you may call your children.”
“Yeah… my children…” Her finger went down and selected the call button, lighting up the screen with the button keypad. She was about to dial a number when she glanced back up at Iona and thought for a moment. “Do you think you could perhaps wait outside? Let me know if someone is coming?”
“Oh,” Iona gasped, “Yes, yes of course!” She went out the door, not quite closing it behind her while Elsa looked back down at the screen.
She knew she didn’t have time for two calls, so she had to make one count.
“I’m sorry, my babies,” she whispered with a crack in her voice and tears swelling in her eyes, “But I have to do this.” Clicking several numbers, she held the phone to her ear and waited with bated breath for a voice to answer on the other line.
“Yes?” a man spoke quickly. The sound of someone else on the other end, someone from Midgard, speaking to her while she was on Asgard took her breath away. An agitated voice went on at her silence, “Hey, this better not be a collection call, I’ve paid all my shit up! And if this is the New York Times, you should have answered my first call-”
“Um… Who is this?” Elsa asked, not recognizing the voice.
The man scoffed loudly into the phone, “WHO. IS. THIS. You realize you called ME? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m waiting on a very important call,” the voice went to hang up, but Elsa spoke up.
“NO! Please! I’m sorry, I’m looking for Jared? Jared Stringer?
An audible eye roll came through the line. “No, this is Elliot Stringer, you’re talking about my uncle, hold on, Jare- HEY!”
There was shuffling on the other line and Elsa called out in a hushed worried tone, “Hello? Hello!”
She sighed with relief, “Thank goodness. Jared, I need your help-”
“Are you still in Asgard? What’s going on? How come you’ve been up there so long, what’s happening?”
“Hush, I don’t have the time, I need you to listen. You have to get in touch with someone for me, she’s an oracle by the name of y/n. She’ll be staying in the city, she works for People’s magazine, but that’s all I know.”
“Get in touch with her? What for? Elsa, what’s happening up there? I’ve been having these intense visions, over and over for weeks now of, of, of volcanoes erupting, people dying, building collapsing. I’ve been afraid something terrible had happened-”
“You’ve been dreaming it, too?” she whispered into the line, not really meaning to but just so stricken by his words that it slipped out.
The phone was silent.
It was one thing for an oracle to have a dream mutliple times.
It was another matter entirely if more than one oracle shared the same dream.
“Jared, are you still there?”
A reluctant, “Yes,” came through.
“I need you to get in touch with her. I don’t know exactly what’s happening, but something doesn’t feel right. We’ve been having earthquakes, Baldur has been sketchy and Allfather, he’s…” She couldn’t put it into words, but everything about Asgard was beginning to feel off. “Just get in touch with her, there’s a chance she may know something about what’s going on. If nothing else, she needs to talk to Loki. I don’t know what’s happening, but I have a gut feeling about this and you always taught me to go with my gut-”
“Wait,” she heard in the background on the other end, “Did she,” some shuffling, a short slur of curses between the men before Elliot’s voice came back over the line, “Did you say y/n? At People magazine?” She could hear him clicking buttons on his cellphone, opening an app and scrolling through as he finished, “Because I actually know where to find her right now…”
“Then do it! Get her back to the cabin, help her contact Loki.”
“You know we’re not supposed to just summon the gods,” Jared cut in after hitting the speaker button on the phone. “Those are just for ritualistic purposes, and those must be deemed by the king. You can’t just-”
“Jared, please. You know this goes beyond protocols. Something is going on and if we were ever going to act, now would be the time.”
The line was quiet for a long enough moment that Elsa was afraid they had hung up. She breathed out in relief when she heard her former teacher agree, “Yes, alright. We’ll get her in touch with him. Just, you be careful. If Allfather really is planning something, it’s best to not get into any trouble up there. Thor can only keep you so safe-”
Looking down at the phone, Elsa went cold at the realization of what she was starting. “I’ll play it safe,” she got out as she glanced around Odin’s room, “Just get her in touch with Loki. And tell her about the visions. Go through the books, something has to be written somewhere about this.”
“Stay safe, Elsa.”
“You, too.”
When the line went dead, she erased the call and shoved the phone back under the pillow. Hurrying out, she held her breath until she heard the final click of the door as she closed it. Looking towards Iona, she tilted her head to let her know to move on and the pair made their way down the hall in silence as they passed a set of guards.
As nerve racking as this had been, Elsa could only hope her efforts weren’t in vain.
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(Everyone’s favorite person to hate! Also, extra points to people who get that song reference cause I sang it as I picked that gif for ya’ll XD)
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Tags are open! You can request a tag view comments, private messages, or asks! I will always respond to let you know when you’re added! If you requested to be added and didn’t get a notification, let me know!
TKOG: @youveseen--thebutcher–thebutcher–thebutcher–  @therealityhelix   @m4shtyx @canoodlincanary  @just-the-hiddles@hisxblackxqueen@imjusthereforthehiddlesfanfic @casteelle,  @xmichellax @ohmygoditsanthonyedwardstark,  @alexakeyloveloki    @godhateskyleigh    @teylacarter91
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Tag game 📦
The rules are:
tag the person who tagged you
answer the questions
tag 10 people
Tagged by the wonderful @gamerwoo
How tall are you? 5’1
What color and style is your hair? blonde but the highlights growing out so ears up it’s dirty blonde. It’s almost at elbow length. It’s been a while so it’s just a mess.
What color are your eyes? Blue/green
Do you wear glasses? Not anymore
Do you wear braces? Never
What’s your fashion sense? Don’t really have one I just wear whatever I like. Ideally it’s a lot of pastel colors or just a bunch of yellow with jeans. Most of the time I’m tired and just wear leggings and hoodies tho.
Full name? Jordan *******
When were you born? July 20th, 1998
Where are you from and where do you live now? Louisiana (USA) and same spot
What school do you go to? A university
What kind of student are you? Overachiever/perfectionist - if I don’t get an A I die. If I’m turning in work with my name on it, I’d rather it not be garbage. I’ll skip classes if they’re not important tho.
Do you like school? Love it, even if can be very stressful
Favorite subject? Psychology, Anthropology, English
Favorite tv show? The Challenge or Big Brother or Rupaul’s Drag Race or the Office or Seinfeld
Favorite movie? King Kong (2005)
Favorite books? Fahrenheit 451, the Martian Chronicles, Slaughterhouse Five, Cat’s Cradle, Welcome to the Monkeyhouse, Outliers, Tipping Point (the list is endless)
Favorite pastime? Reading, tv, researching, organizing, baking
Do you have any regrets? Some
Dream job? Working in some kind of lab and conducting research for my own develoepmtnal theories
Would you ever like to be married? Yes
Would you like to have kids? Yes
How many? 3
Do you like shopping? Only the online kind
What countries have you visited? None
Scariest nightmare you have ever had? The ones about getting kidnapped or home invasion (I’m sure there’s a specific one I’m not remembering)
Any enemies? Of course
Any significant other? Nope
Do you believe in miracles? Hell yeah!
How are you? Pretty good, pretty optimistic. I have a 6 day break til my next final so I have a lot of time to relax and work.
I tag: @jinslefteyebrow @checkin-london @jinhopetual @moominscafe @grammywinnerjin @whoayoung @yunhos-gf @wzyxw @4everatiny @softforyunho (y’all don’t have to do it)
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A Heroes Welcome.
Who is there after the bullets have stopped and the cameras are no longer rolling? 
Companion piece to Shattered. Occurs before the events of Reflections.
---- x- -- 
She’s the poster child for Overwatch, just about everyone knows her name or her face. Over the years, public opinion had slowly turned against the organisation, giving way to protests that on occasion had turned violent and eventually the PETRAS act. It had been a few years, give or take a few months since the fateful day Watchpoint Switzerland had been reduced to a crater. Since then new information had come to light about corruption and the legacy Overwatch had left behind was far from unsullied. For days headlines dominated the big screens in Piccadily Circus, now it had given way to holopad news sites on the subway, people often discussing, over coffee or on their daily commute, some new thing Overwatch had done or one of the agents had said. Others sat in pubs watching the wide screen telly, vocally passing harsh judgements and nasty comments, much like they had done when Dr Angela Zieglar, ashen faced and with black circles under her eyes from exhaustion, as the most senior living member of the team, had been forced to give evidence in a tribunal about Overwatch’s dealings, televised from The Hague. Now the ex-Overwatch agents were scattered all over the world. Some had taken strides to move forward, to attempt to rid themselves of Overwatch’s far reaching shadows. Others, such as Winston and Lena, had not been so lucky. Being the name and face of the once respected peace keeping force, had its draw backs. .
One such day, Tracer and her girlfriend, Emily are nestled in a high backed booth at the King's Head trying to have a spot of lunch and a pint. A group of drunken punters, in football jerseys were waiting for the match to start, only for a fresh news bulletin to come through, the sombre BBC news anchor and a political 'expert' are debating whether oversight of Overwatch should have happened sooner. A collective groan rings out and the group began to rowdily debate how useless or oppressive they had been. The war is over, don't you know? They are a relic of an old time, who did they think they were pontificating about right and wrong when all along they had been corrupt to the very core?
The footage of Numbani plays over, of Tracer flickering in and out of existence.
A guy barks with laughter, not knowing that within ear shot sits Overwatch's chipper mascot.
"The silly cunt got what she deserved!"
The barman's eyes dart over to land on Emily.
"Leave it out, Trevor."
One bloke fakes a high pitched girly scream, whilst another attempts a roar beating his chest like King Kong.
"I bet you, she fucks the gorilla."
"That's enough!" The barman shouts, his eyes once more flickering in Emily's direction. "I wont have that sort of talk in here. It's a family establishment."
Tracer’s knife and fork hovers in mid-air at their cruel words, they don't know or maybe they just don't care that good agents risked their lives for the peace they take for granted and that some of those agents didn’t return. And as her cutlery hovers, her face falters a little. Emily reaches out, with a soft hand on Lena's trembling one.
“Dont listen to them.”
Tracer flashes a weak smile, nodding,
“I know, I shouldn’t." Carefully placing her knife and fork on her makeshift napkin, she slides out of the booth. "...... I’ll be back in a jiffy.”
In the bathroom, she splashes water on her face and tries to dab it dry with a paper towel, her gaze lands on newspaper and magazine cut outs, stuck to the wall, of her and her team mates with lewd comments attached, or defaced with devils horns, eyeballs scratched out and bulls-eyes over their foreheads.
“Whore!” ‘Death to Ow!’
It takes all her strength not to cry on her way back to the booth. She tells Emily about the graffiti, who tries to make her laugh by showing her one she found on the subway of a flying overlord Mercy, with ridiculously large knockers, shooting lasers out of her eyes, incinerating teeny tiny stick figures who were gripped in chaotic panic.
“I’m going to send it to her.”
Lena giggles,
“You would never!”
“I’mma gonna do it.” Emily playfully threatens.. Pressing the button, she proudly grins. “Sent!”
Slipping the phone in her pocket, they prepare to leave. Emily goes to pay the check and the group of punters are still griping about Overwatch except this time their conversation has taken on a blue hue, discussing loudly who they would and wouldn't fuck. As Emily accepts her change from the server, she sees Lena waiting by the side door, cheeks aflame, her head hunkered down into her shoulders like a turtle in an attempt to make her already tinyself as small as possible.
This woman, who was sweet and kind and goofy, this woman who didn’t think twice about throwing on her jacket and guns the first second she heard on the police band radio that people might be in trouble. Who wouldn’t think for a second not to blink through a burning building. Who wilfully stopped muggers on the street and believed that there was good inside people, even if it needed a little coaxing. This woman couldn’t sit down in the home city she had saved on numerous occasions, to a nice plate of fish and chips in peace?
Collecting her change, she walked past the punters only to hear one of them loudly exclaim,
“I’d bend that Tracer over, and I’d Slipstream something into her.” The rest of the group broke into gales of laughter as he gestured with a thrust of his hips
Incensed, Emily whirled round, only for Lena to grab and gently tug her sleeve,
“It’s alright, Em....”
“But, Lena.. It’s not.”
“Leave it off... No point making a fuss. Just a bunch of lads having a laugh. No harm done, eh?” Once again she flashed that altogether too bright and brittle smile..”It’s part of the job, innit? Being famous an all that!” She gave a toss of her head in an attempt to dislodge a lock of hair out of her face.” I’m used to it.”
At that, something inside Emily broke.
“Lets go home.”
As they stepped out onto the overcast streets of London, she slipped her arm through Lena’s in a bid to get closer and glean some of her warmth. Maybe it was the chronal accelerator or maybe it was just Lena, but she somehow always seemed toasty, and Emily was often left wondering how the ex-pilot could run about in leggings and a blue zip up hoodie. Lena walked with her hands shoved in her pockets, and her head bowed in her blue hood. As they meandered down the street, Emily’s phone pinged. Fishing it out of her pocket, she quickly swiped right, reading the message she giggled, bringing Lena out of her morose mood,
“It’s Angela.”
Lena’s eyes lit up slightly,
“Lemme have a look.”
It was a photo of a disapproving Angela, a goofy Fareeha, bent double, laughing in the background with the caption.
‘I know at least 6 ways to kill a man, undetected. They won’t find your body for days.’
As if sent by vengeful gods, the heavens burst, huge globular raindrops battering the pavement, the sort that if one hit you it would drench you to your skin. With a squeal, the two girls dashed to a nearby doorway, taking refuge in the wide awning of what used to be a bank. A small girl clutching her mother’s hand, blinked and gasped. Her eyes going wide at the sight of Tracer.
“Mummy!” The little girl excitedly tugged on her mother’s hand. “Mummy, look!”
The mother distractedly engrossed in her phone, replied,
“What is it darling?”
“Mummy, look it’s Tracer!”
“Dont be silly dear”
“It is!” The little girl pulled a little harder.
The mother looking up from her phone, glanced at Emily and Lena before doing a double take.
“Cheers love,” Tracer saluted cheerfully, “The cavalry’s here.”
The little girl squealed in delight, vibrating, like she had her own mini chronal accelerator. Lena crouched down so they could both be eye height,
“What’s you name?”
“That’s a really pretty name. And what do you want to be when you grow up.”
“Just like you.” She grinned a gap toothed smile. “Mummy can we have a picture?”
“No, dont bother the lady.”
Looking up from her crouched position, Lena smiled,
“It’s no trouble at all.”
Pulling her daughter a little closer, the mother tersely replied,
“I’d rather not.”
“But Mummy!” Came the high pitched, upset whine.
Lena turned her attention back to the little girl. Straightening her lapels, she said in mock seriousness,
“Dont ever forget, the world could always use more heroes.”
She winked.
The little girl puffed out her little chest, nodding, attempting a little salute of her own.
“Come along Poppy.”
“But Mummy!” The little girl began to protest.
“Be a good girl, Poppy," Lena encouraged in her bright cockney accent, "And listen to your Mum, kay!”
The mother began down the street while the small girl reluctantly followed, waving goodbye enthusiastically to Lena, who returned the gesture. She remained crouched down, in the darkening early winter evening, on the grey busy streets of London, head bowed. Emily reached out a hand to rub her back, when Lena whipped round in a flurry,clinging to Emily for dear life, body racking with sobs. Wrapping her arms around her, she pulled Lena in close as she could, rubbing soothing patterns on her back.
“Oh Lena.” she sadly murmured.
She held her, in that doorway, in a city that wouldn’t be standing if not for Overwatch’s intervention.
“I’m sorry, Em.” Lena pulled back wiping furiously at her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie, “It’s just....”
Emily held her close, one hand stroking Lena’s cheek,
“Shush, it’s ok. I know. I know.”
“It’s just...” Lena started, before trailing off. “I...”
Emily took in the crestfallen look, her red rimmed, big brown eyes. Lena sucked in a sniff. Emily pressed a gentle, chaste kiss against her lips.
“It’s ok.”
She pulled her back into a hug, one hand cradling the back of Lena’s head as she sank back into her, hiding her face in the crook of Emily’s neck and green scarf. She held her, in that city bustling with people who had no idea of the sacrifice the woman in her arms had given so freely and with little expectation of anything in return. The two of them in their own personal bubble as the oblivious and often callous world continued around them.
(saved from my old blog. All ow fanfiction tagged. Feel free to like / comment/ share.
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abedsweaters · 2 years
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Season 6 Episode 4: Queer Studies and Advanced Waxing
Outfit 1: Green King Kong Hoodie appearance #2: reviewed here
Outfit 2: Pink and Blue Flannel 4
Classification: Flannel
Rating: 5/5
After all this time, who’d have thought we’d be blessed with yet ANOTHER bi pride outfit? I did my due diligence and searched for it but yes folks, this is a new, unique pink and blue flannel. Truly the representation we needed in 2015! (that’s a joke)
Outfit 3: Blue Yellow Striped Hoodie appearance #2: reviewed here
Outfit 4: Brown Cardigan appearance #6: reviewed here
Outfit 5: Dark Gray Jacket appearance #2: reviewed here
A curiosity! Was it very cold on the day of filming? Did they feel that a hoodie wasn’t somber enough for what the scene called for? Why is he wearing his first proper jacket in two seasons? Note that everyone else in this scene is also wearing jackets so maybe it was just cold, or they wanted it to seem cold (except for the dean, who is wearing that gray hoodie from the conspiracy theory episode which is a whole costuming discussion of its own).
Outfit 6: Pale Green and Pink Flannel appearance #3: reviewed here
hard to tell for sure bc of the jacket but all evidence suggests he is wearing this flannel underneath
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charlottecarterbcu · 4 years
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0 notes
I've been to Wildwood. The Jersey Shore is crazy in general but wildwood is next level. The board walk has like 200 of the same t-shirt store, feels like you're walking through the fires of hell, and is jam packed with kids on camp trips. I've only ever done the board walk there but I've seen the walk you have to take to get out to the beach, it's insane. I can only imagine what it's like with family. How old are your cousins and what are they like?
My family has literally been coming to Wildwood every year since, like, at LEAST the 1930’s, I’m not sure on anyone earlier than that, and my family is insane, so let’s dive into this.
The Main Characters In My Life On Vacation Are:
-My Grandmother, who was a child dancer star (she tapped on the radio!) who’s been coming down here her whole life- her parents used to come down the same day there would be a talent show, enter her in it, and then use her first prize reward for the money they’d spend throughout the week. Has been in the old person stage of “I’m an elder, who cares what I say or do” for the past 15 years. Has eight living kids and Too Many Descendants. Loud and refuses to admit she can’t walk half the time.
- My Mother, who gets confused very easily, overshares and breaks off into meaningless tangents in the middle of stories, snores like a literal demon, always wants to be asleep, keeps pushing for family activities, doesn’t realize all the kids think she’s lame.
- Me, who is always Extra Depressed in the summer months, and is the Sole Person In This Family My Age- everyone just stopped having babies for a few years when my mother decided to have me (Everyone is either over 25 or under 16). Because of this I’m usually confined to my room, unable to really do anything on the boardwalk because going on rides alone is depressing and my mother has heart problems. Just wants to read and write, but the children keep Screaming.
- My Aunt and Her Husband- A Very Loud Couple, she likes to control everything and he’s the only one who ever bothers to yell back at her. They always fight exactly once, every year, and every year somehow I always end up being the only other person in the apartment while its happening, so I just have to sit in awkward silence until my aunt finally huffs out “I can’t believe you’re doing this in front of my goddaughter!” and storms out to go find her kids. They make a lot of jokes and think their children are very dramatic.
- Jenna, the 14 year old cousin. Very dramatic. Mastered the art of the eye roll at a young age. Has literally looked like a mini model since she was born. Can’t be bothered to deal with anyone. We usually have one (1) tiny girl-bonding moment each vacation and then she promptly acts like she doesn’t care even though it’s clear she does. Athletic and artistic and musically/theatrically gifted. Very sarcastic. Always doing cartwheels.
- Seanie, the 12 year old cousin. Middle child syndrome. Tries to hard to be funny for attention. VERY dramatic. Will cry at the drop of a dime (I’m typing this and I literally just heard him burst into tears in the other room??). Super adorable, you can tell he’s gonna be one of those high school boys that pulls Ridiculous Shit but after one charming smile the teachers can’t bring themselves to stay mad. Very loud. Currently addicted to video game youtubers.
-Zack, the 7 year old cousin. Adorable. Loud. Lowkey a prodigy child but they can’t afford to get him into Special Schools so he’s always bored in class. Baby Of The Family syndrome. Currently in an aggressive pokemon phase. Doesn’t understand he’s literally a child, he acts like an old man half the time.
We’re all shoved into a small apartment for a week, but there are Others:
- Kathy, Grandmom’s second oldest. Literally the most bland person I have ever encountered on this planet. Very, very into trying to plan ‘fun’ family events. Thinks any conversation is a riveting conversation.
- Kathy’s husband, who is just a plain old guy who’s lowkey a hoarder and jokes around a lot, but every time someone mentions his past or his family it gets more and more confusing??? He may have a brother who was in the CIA??? He may have been homeless or he may have lived with his sister???? He may have killed a man???? I literally know nothing concrete about this man other than he’s apparently been with my aunt since they were teens but I. D. K. Every new piece of information I receive just scatters the puzzle more.
- Their eldest daughter and her husband spend most of the summer down here but always make sure to match up the schedule for when we come down. Loud, energetic couple. I have no idea what either of them do for work? They might currently be unemployed? Really into alcohol. At some point in the week every year, everyone in my apartment bonds together to diss them after we get back from the beach. Like, they’ll do something or another EVERY YEAR that sets EVERYONE off.
- The 16 year old. Tries to show everyone memes on his phone. Never really talks to people. Does NOT get along with his parents because he’s kinda an outlier in the family. I feel like he might be a stoner, but if I find out he’s got a hidden gun collection, I wouldn’t be surprised? That probably sounds awful but he’s a good kid I promise.
- Danny, 12. Adorable. Quiet. Mini golden boy. Makes jokes when you aren’t expecting them. Very resigned to the fact he has to hug me and my mother when he sees us.
- Kathy and Mystery Man’s youngest daughter, a librarian, and her stand up comedian husband, and now their three month old who is ADORABLE and everyone was surprised to learn they hadn’t named her Hermione.
Other recurring family members are prone to popping up throughout the vacation- Aunt Margie, Grandmom’s sister-in-law, who, I love her, but remember that chocolate episode of spongebob with the old woman that was essentially a stick in a wheelchair and had a chain smoker voice??? Put that in the tiniest bikini you can imagine and add a wheezing laugh and you got her. Her daughter who I could not recognize on a street if I tried. Her son Michael, who is best friends with my mom and apparently Not Gay (no one’s really convinced). A step-cousin sometimes pops by, she’s very breezy and easy-going and you can’t distinguish her Actual Talking Voice with her Talking To Little Kids Voice.
Anyway, Wildwood itself is just. Goddamn ridiculous.
The aesthetic of this place is somewhere between the 1950’s, a trailer park, and the kind of developed land you get when a moustache-twirling man wants to convince all the old people he can to retire to his buildings. Some buildings are harsh metal, and others are bright pastels, but the only thing joining them together is the fact that it looks like no one has cleaned anything here in years. EVERYTHING, even the knew stuff, looks worn and faded. Even like…the AIR is faded. It’s not just the sun being too bright, everything you’re looking at looks like it’s an old photograph. If you stay too long, you might start to fade into the landscape yourself.
I have never once seen an animal that wasn’t a seagull here. Most towns, islands, places, whatever- you usually have at least squirrels running around, maybe some variations of birds, just. ANYTHING. But it’s all seagulls all the time. You cannot exist in a spot for longer than a few moments without one of them dive bombing you. They are not mere birds. They are feathered demons that Hath No Fear Of The Foolish Mortals Of Mankind.
The song “Wildwood Days” plays on the Boardwalk every half hour. It is the only way to appease the spirits. It’s the modern, New Jersey-ian version of painting lamb blood over your door frame. As much as I’ve grown to hate the song, to twitch and clench my fist at each note, I deeply fear for the day the song doesn’t play on time and the curse is unleashed. I have a deep, sinking feeling that this moment will come within my life time.
If You Don’t Stop To Watch The Fireworks, Your Bones Shall Never Be Found.
You hear the ongoing chant of “Watch the Tram Car, Please!”, and look around, but there isn’t a Tram Car coming. The order grows louder and louder. You realize you aren’t even on the Boardwalk any more. The sound is right behind you, but you can’t find the source. “Watch the Tram Car, Please!” you realize, to your horror, the sound is now coming from inside you. You never find your true voice again.
Despite The Fact That This Place Is A Mosh Pit Of Families From All Over The World, If You Can’t Immediately Place My Accent Or Figure Out What Language I’m Speaking, I Have Legal Grounds To Kill You.
The sand simply isn’t normal. It’s ADVANCED sand. It doesn’t make sense. It never truly washes off. The more you scrub, the more appears.
Ancient gods from multiple pantheons like to chill out on the beach, have a few beers. You never know for sure who is who, but you Know they aren’t the same as you, and you know they know more about you than you’re comfortable with. For your own sake, NEVER ask them to turn their music down.
There is always at least one plane flying over with a sign reading “Jen, will you marry Sean?”. It’s been decades. Will Jen ever say yes?
Elevators Are For The Weak And We Use Them To Judge Who To Do Away With First.
The ocean goes back and forth between green and grey, and you know the color makes a significant difference but you can never quite put your finger on what.
Fish Are Fake.
All the stores sell everything you want, but nothing you need.
King Kong Is Our Fierce Protector, Loving Hero, And Just Enforcer
All the police officers and firemen and general ‘in charge’ jobs seemed to be run completely by 18 years olds
No one truly knows who pulls the shots when it comes to deciding the Boardwalks style each year. Every store sells the same Designated Style, and each year they make less and less sense. You buy a specialized hoodie anyway, and you have no idea why.
I could keep going on with that list, but the point is, Wildwood is a Strange Place and I have a Ridiculous Family, so every year is always a bit of an experience.
Like, no one in my family really has anything in common other than everyone’s always loud and everyone’s always right and everyone is always ready to loudly fight over the fact that they’re definitely right, but like. Imagine crawling through some Hillbilly Murder Showers in the garage of a condo, using all of your force to pry open a suspiciously heavy and questionably mechanized door, walking under the boardwalk and trekking over sand dunes just to find a bunch of screaming yet physically relaxed people under the flag for Montserrat. Some guy’s cracking stand up jokes while no less than three children are fighting each other, your mother is promising for the 14th year in a row that you’re gonna go on a whale watching trip and everyone knows she’s lying, some woman’s trying to hold a conversation about buying applesauce in bulk while her husband and children get drunk, there’s a skinny pale guy with horrible sunburn blasting songs from N.W.A., a girl’s cartwheeling around the site to the point you think she doesn’t know how to move any other way, a boy’s quietly drinking pickle juice, there’s a 7 year old literally trapped in a giant hole that he dug, your mother is snoring loud enough to alarm the people around you, and just when you’re starting to get a little comfortable about the feathered demons and start to relax, a tide comes in so strongly your chair literally starts getting pulled out to sea with you in in. It’s average. It's fading into the landscape with the rest of the place.
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sehani · 7 years
I was tagged by @besternatexo, thank you dear <3
Nickname: Nami (one word for ‘candy’ in Finnish) Name: Nina Gender: Female Star Sign: Scorpio Height: 167cm or 168cm idk Time: 22:52 Birthday: November 11th Favorite Band: EXO Favorite Solo Artist: Dean (got ton of fave solos bc all my fave groups keep disbanding :) ) Song Stuck In My Head: f(x) - Rum Pum Pum Pum Last Movie I Watched: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Last Show I Watched: Knowing Bros, BLACKPINK episode When Did I Create My Blog: ahuaaaa wait was it in 2013? maybe? idk What Do I Post: mainly EXO, kpop in general, memes, stuff i like Last Thing I Googled: Sam Claflin (couldn’t remember his name, oops) Do You Have Other Blogs: ... maybe Do You Get Asks?: Once in a blue moon Why Did You Choose This Blog Name: had a major Candy Crush Saga obsession going on and i wanted to use Finnish as well. Boom. Blogs You Are Following: 92 Followers: Around 381 Favorite Colors: Purple, Wine Red, Black, a specific shade of green idk how to describe Average Hours of Sleep: anything between 4 to 10 hours Lucky Number: 7 (and no, this has nothing to do with Luhan) Instruments: none. i do not own talent or patience for that What Am I Wearing: Blue tank top i sleep in, night shorts, a grey hoodie that used to belong to my sister and purple woolen socks made by my grandma <3 Dream Job: Translator Dream Trip: South Korea, Japan and Germany in general, Hong Kong, Singapore, London... i’m really in a mood to travel right now Favorite Food: anything with chicken Nationality: Finnish Favorite Song Now: the whole masterpiece we know as ‘The War’ by the kings themselves, EXO
Tagging: @erinyx-s (i got my eyes on you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
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sleepymouses · 8 years
Rules: Reblog with your answers (and the rules, please) and tag 10 other blogs (or however many you’d like) whose answers you want to hear. That’s it!
Was tagged by: @littlepetlouis, thanks bb! <3
Time Where You Are Now: 12:15 am as i start this (gonna go 2bed early maybe??) 12:59am as i finish lol
Last Thing You Watched On TV: i dont have cable, but i saw king kong: skull island at the movie theatre recently (it was rlly good1)
Favorite Color: blue, green, bluegreen
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: mint choco chip!!!
What You Ate For Dinner Tonight: leftover butter chicken pizza we made ourselves yesterday, also with these cool lil itty enoki mushrooms we’ve never had before (all very yum)
What You’re Currently Wearing: the same leggings ive worn all week (black with greyish off-pink floral patterns), my star trek hoodie and a blue top
Favorite Movie Character: i dont even know, ahhh. i rewatched ladyhawke recently and it reminded me how much i love phillippe the mouse gaston, but i still dont think i would say he’s my fave ever? idk thats a tuffy, cant say 4 sure!
Top Places To Visit On Your Bucket List: probs visiting interwebz pals, maybe like a road trip or something? i wouldnt really care where tbh with the right company
Harry Potter House: hufflepuff (ive been told im slightly ravenclaw too, but defs very hufflepuffly)
If You Read FanFic, Last One You Read: lol, i dont think anyone here is even in the fandom for the last thing i read, but b4 that i would super rec fishing in the dark by @moondoggiestyle which is a really wonderful lirry mermaid au, and tbqh one of the more refreshing mermaid premises ive seen in a decade (just in that how like, little mermaid au OR evil scientists au have been done so much to heck, like dont get me wrong i love all mermaid stuff! but it just nice to see something new yknow?)
Favorite Sleeping Position: curled up on side, preferably with a doggo under my arm (probs my favo thing about buttons is he’ll literally spoon with u, but hes my mums dog rlly so i dont get to sleep with him much, and jennie seems to always prefer the foot of my bed)
If You Could Instantly Teleport Yourself Anywhere Right Now: somewhere nicer than most of whats going on around my life rn. oh, u know what tho, one of my dearest bestest of friends is moving away soon and im already pre-missing her bc im so gosh dang busy rn it hard to just hang out, so i will save the teleport trip for a visit to her new home when she gets settled in
Last (new) song you listened to: the ghost inside by broken bells // kings by the pierces (optional bonus q i made up just now)
no presh but im tagging @slug2 @warrenkoles @softbrobarnes @savvylikeyeahhh @mermaidsbush @aeolian-harp @teenagedirtband @justawordshaker @niallspringsteen @marnz (also if u see this and u wanna do it, consider this me taggin u rn!)
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abedsweaters · 2 years
Season 5 Recap!
Hi! Welcome to one of the recap posts I'm making to round out the entire series. While I'm not gonna host any more abed madnesses (who has the time) I will give my personal highlights for each season (and maybe for the entire show, who knows)
Abed wore hoodies 7 times and wore 7 different hoodies, 3 of which were new to this season. 
My pick for best hoodie of Season 5 is…..
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The Green King Kong Hoodie
Abed wore cardigans 9 times and wore 8 different cardigans, 7 of which were new to this season.
My pick for best cardigan of Season 5 is…..
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the Gray and White Cardigan
Abed wore flannel 8 times and wore 7 different flannels, 4 of which were new to this season.
My pick for best flannel of Season 5 is…..
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The Blue Red and Black Flannel (not a great season for flannels tbh)
Let me know your pics in the comments!
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actionfigureinsider · 7 years
Available Online Now; Rolling Out to U.S., U.K. and Canada Build-A-Bear Workshop Stores This Weekend
  LOUIS (December 13, 2017) – Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. (NYSE: BBW), an interactive destination where Guests can create personalized furry friends, today announced a new licensed partnership with Nintendo, unveiling three new Make-Your-Own Super Mario furry friends—plus, a pre-stuffed Toad, sound chips and accessories. This is the first time Super Mario products have been offered at Build-A-Bear Workshop.
  Starting today, one of the most beloved Nintendo characters, a few of his friends—and a foe, of course—are joining the fun at buildabear.com (U.S.) and buildabear.co.uk (U.K.).
  Full-sized, Make-Your-Own Friends
Meet Mario Bear: With his sewn-on overalls, iconic mustache and a Super Mario logo on his paw pad, 16-inch Mario Bear is ready to jump into his next adventure. A Super Mario Bros. Theme Song sound chip is also available.
Beware of Bowser: The troublemaking King of the Koopas is ferociously fun when downsized to furry friend form. With his awesome back shell and a cool Super Mario graphic on the paw pad, 15-inch Bowser is an epic addition to your collection, especially when you add his 5-in-1 Sounds.
It’s Mario’s closest buddy! Kind-hearted and easygoing, Yoshi is always ready for adventure! Now you can add Mario’s comrade to your collection.
  Pre-Stuffed Plush and Accessories
Complete your Super Mario team with costumes, wrist accessories and sound chips for your own real-life Mushroom Kingdom!
Toad: This cute and helpful Toad always has positive words of encouragement for Mario. This pre-stuffed furry friend features Toad’s signature red and white polka dots, blue vest and white pants. Protect the Mushroom Kingdom and add Toad to your collection!
Super Mario Wrist Accessory Set (3 pack): Power up your furry friend’s accessories by adding this awesome three-piece set to your collection! This plush wrist accessory set comes with a Yoshi egg, a Super Star and a Super Mushroom.
Red Super Mario Hoodie: Jump into fun with this adorable red hoodie! With a fun Mario and Yoshi graphic on the front, this warm hoodie for your furry friend will delight Super Mario fans of all ages.
Luigi Costume: Okie dokie! Dress your furry friend just like Luigi, with his signature green hat and blue overalls.
Princess Peach Costume: Our princess might be in another castle, but your furry friend will be positively peachy in your arms when dressed in this two-piece Princess Peach costume!
Super Mario Bros. Theme Song: Power up your all-star team and head to the castle by adding the Super Mario Bros. Theme Song to your furry friend! This iconic theme will play anytime you give your furry friend a hug!
Bowser 5-in-1 Sounds: Bwahahaha! Your Bowser furry friend will be the ultimate boss when you add his signature 5-in-1 sounds!
  “Super Mario is a classic game franchise many of our Guests know and love, and we’ve had a lot of fun bringing these characters into furry friend form,” said Jennifer Kretchmar, chief product officer, Build-A-Bear Workshop. “Like Build-A-Bear, Nintendo’s characters appeal to everyone, so we couldn’t wait to team up for the first time and offer another way for Guests to enjoy the timeless brand.”
  The complete Build-A-Bear Workshop Nintendo collection is available online now at buildabear.com and buildabear.co.uk. Mario Bear, Yoshi, Bowser (select stores only) and all outfits and accessories will begin rolling out in U.S., U.K. and Canada stores this weekend.
  “Bringing beloved characters like Mario, Yoshi and Bowser to Build-A-Bear aligns our shared goal of engaging kids and families in fun and new ways,” said Tom Prata, Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives. “Now, even the youngest member of the family can interact with Nintendo by creating their own powered-up furry friend.”
  For more information about Build-A-Bear, visit buildabear.com, and follow the brand on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.
  About Build-A-Bear
Founded in St. Louis in 1997, Build-A-Bear, a global brand kids love and parents trust, seeks to add a little more heart to life. Build-A-Bear Workshop has approximately 400 stores worldwide where Guests can create customizable furry friends, including company-owned stores in the United States, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom and China, and franchise stores in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Mexico and the Middle East. The company was named to the FORTUNE 100 Best Companies to Work For® list for the ninth year in a row in 2017. Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. (NYSE: BBW) posted a total revenue of $364.2 million in fiscal 2016. For more information, visit buildabear.com.
  About Nintendo The worldwide pioneer in the creation of interactive entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd., of Kyoto, Japan, manufactures and markets hardware and software for its Nintendo Switch™ system and the Nintendo 3DS™ family of portable systems. Since 1983, when it launched the Nintendo Entertainment System™, Nintendo has sold more than 4.5 billion video games and more than 710 million hardware units globally, including Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, as well as the Game Boy™, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS™ family of systems, Super NES™, Nintendo 64™, Nintendo GameCube™, Wii™ and Wii U™ systems. It has also created industry icons that have become well-known, household names, such as Mario, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Zelda and Pokémon. A wholly owned subsidiary, Nintendo of America Inc., based in Redmond, Wash., serves as headquarters for Nintendo’s operations in the Americas. For more information about Nintendo, please visit the company’s website at http://www.nintendo.com.
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pressography-blog1 · 8 years
LaVar Ball and his boys are here to alternate the arena
New Post has been published on https://pressography.org/lavar-ball-and-his-boys-are-here-to-alternate-the-arena/
LaVar Ball and his boys are here to alternate the arena
CHINO HILLS, Calif. — If you concept LaVar Ball sounded outrageous when he said his son Lonzo, a freshman point project at UCLA, is higher than Steph Curry, nicely, you have not heard whatever but.
                                                 LaVar Ball 
Human Balls
“Again in my heyday, I might kill Michael Jordan one-on-one,’’ said Ball, the 49-yr-old basketball dad who’s 6-6 and 270 kilos and has a mouth to healthy his length. The elder Ball has spent his time touting his son as the next big thing in outrageous style (see: Curry comments) and trading verbal jabs with TNT analyst and ex-NBA superstar Charles Barkley.
The mouth was motoring in the course of a recent interview with United states of America Today Sports activities while LaVar Ball stood within the kitchen of his home here, approximately 35 miles east of la and heaven only knows how some distance from fact.
“I might simply Back (Jordan) in and lift him off the floor and contact a bad each time he fouls me once I do a soaring hook to the right or the left,” Ball said. “He can not stop me one-on-one. He higher makes each shot ’reason he can’t cross round me. He’s no longer rapid enough. And he can best make such a lot of shots outdoor before I make each bucket beneath the rim.” It’s really worth noting that Ball played basketball for the Washington Kingdom at some stage in the 1987-88 season and averaged 2.2 points, 2.3 rebounds a sport earlier than shifting to Cal-State Los Angeles searching for extra playing time. Jordan, meanwhile, averaged 35 points and 5.five rebounds for the Chicago Bulls that equal season and is widely regarded because of the best player in basketball records.
“Now in a sport of five-on-5, (Jordan) might do a little damage, however, I’m going to perform a little harm too,’’ Ball added.
Air Jordan vs. Warm Air is how the critics may bill the sort of showdown, now not that Ball minds the tag. Look — and pay attention — for him when the NCAA event starts of evolved this week.
Billion-dollar boys
all through the interview, Ball additionally stated he is prepared to package Lonzo and his different sons — LiAngelo, an excessive school senior who has signed with UCLA, and LaMelo, a high faculty sophomore who has committed to UCLA — for an advertising cope with Nike, Adidas or beneath Armour.
“One billion greenbacks, it has to be there,” Ball said. “That’s our quantity, A billion, straight out of the gate. And also you don’t even give it to me all up to the front. give us $one hundred mils over 10 years.”
Free Film Arena
The Ball boys already are using in fashion — as a minimum the 2 which have motive force’s licenses. Lonzo and LiAngelo each drive $a hundred,000 BMWs, said Ball, who is a self-employed private trainer and whose spouse, Tina, is a center school physical schooling trainer.
“To get my boys a little $100,000 automobile, that’s nothing,’’ he said. “I don’t need to pay for schooling. I’m saving over $1 million dollars.”
The math is sketchy. UCLA’s training for in-Nation residents is $34,000 a yr, meaning Ball may want to keep about $four hundred,000 if each of his sons stayed at UCLA for 4 years. Lonzo is anticipated to move pro after this season and is projected as a top-5 choose for the NBA draft.
in the meantime, Ball dismisses the belief that his comments could have a poor effect on Lonzo, a United states of America Nowadays Sports first-crew all-American who is averaging 14.6 factors, 7.7 assists and six.1 rebounds in keeping with the game.
“They try to twist him up,’’ Ball stated. “ ‘Ah, guy, your dad’s distracting you. What’s he doing? His dad ain’t out right here on the court without hula hoops going, Hey, make a shot through right here. That’s distraction.’ ”
Ball’s mouth and his sons’ fulfillment have become him right into a celeb. At UCLA’s normal season finale at Pauley Pavilion, as an example, he posed for as a minimum a dozen pix. Charles Barkley will not be among the ones inquiring for a selfie with Ball.
“I know you could be proud of your son,” Barkley told Carrying Information, “but at some point, it will become stupidity.”
Showing he may have a better hazard going mouth-to-mouth with Barkley than one-on-one with Jordan, Ball instructed Colin Cowherd of Fox Sports activities 1, “If Charles thought like me, perhaps he’d win a championship.”
And to America These days Sports activities, Ball stated, “You talking approximately a dad, me, that talks an excessive amount of? I recognize some of these dads aren’t even there. Alcoholics, drunks, awaiting their son to make it. Hurry up, son, we in poverty right now, hurry up.”
A brand new Ball sport
Reputedly there’s no hurry for the Ball boys. The own family lives in a five-bedroom residence with a pool nestled in a quiet community — quiet, this is, except LaVar Ball is exterior. He was in height from March 4 at Pauley Pavilion.
Standing out of doors of UCLA’s locker room after the Bruins’ seventh seven-68 victories over the Washington Kingdom, Ball greeted UCLA head coach Steve Alford in inimitable style.
“Steve Alford!” Ball boomed. “Hiya, man, you all proper? I were given some tissue for you.”
It became Senior Night, and Ball said he’d noticed tears in Alford’s eyes for the duration of the pregame right when Alford’s son Bryce, a senior guard, walked throughout the arena floor.
“To make me cry,’’ LaVar Ball stated, “you’ve got to hit me with a 2-by way of-4.”
The punchline brought about laughter from Ball’s entourage, and an exciting entourage its miles. The individuals include:
► Darren Moore, a circle of relatives buddy who LaVar stated he has paid to stay in Westwood this season and preserve tabs on Lonzo. Moore said he has attended every UCLA exercise and UCLA avenue game.
► A photographer and videographer chronicling the lifestyles of LaVar Ball and his boys for a capacity Television display.
► Alan Foster, a family friend who stated he’s helping develop a signature basketball shoe to be bought below the circle of relatives’ apparel line, huge Baller Emblem, that drew scrutiny from the NCAA.
at the internet website, bigballerbrand.Com, the family sells T-shirts for as a good deal as $60, hoodies for as plenty as $70 and hats for as tons as $a hundred. In February, LaVar stated, UCLA informed him he could need to remove a photograph of Lonzo from the website or else Lonzo’s eligibility could be at risk.
NCAA policies prohibit scholar-athletes from using their call or picture to put it on the market, advocate or promote immediately the sale or use of a business service or product of any type. And LaVar Ball, who stated UCLA changed into privy to the web page lengthy earlier than it asked for the image to be eliminated, turned into no longer pleased.
“I was going to inform them, huge Ballers style, see if you may cross win this (NCAA) match without my son,” Ball stated. “I stated, ‘Permit me to tell you guys something proper now, If I come down there, it ain’t going to be no complaints. I’m coming all the way down to get my son.’ And that’s after they changed into like, ‘LaVar, it wasn’t us. It become USC.’ ”
Tim Tessalone, USC’s Sports information director, confirmed USC contacted UCLA about the internet website online, however, said UCLA indicated it changed into aware about the problem and already working on it. On Saturday, the NCAA issued an announcement said it had labored with UCLA on the matter and no movement would be taken towards Lonzo.
‘He’s sort of boastful’
The son of a personal protection guard, Ball said he developed his brash way even as growing up in South Principal L. A.. And he stated he conceived of the idea of his personal Ball boys — three sons he would groom to be basketball stars — earlier than they have been conceived.
“You handiest need 3,” Ball said. “You want one down the middle and down the perimeters.’’
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He said he discovered his ideal companion in 1989 while he spotted his destiny wife, Tina, then a 6-1 basketball participant at Cal-Country La.
“I used to be one of the maximum famous dudes inside the school,” Ball said. “All the girls become like, ‘God dang, that’s the one that’s split with the green eyes.’ And Tina turned into like, ‘Good day, he’s form of smug.’
“when I first saw her strolling down the hall, I simply stopped and I stated, ‘I don’t know what I and you’ll do collectively, but we’re going to do something.’ ”
They gave delivery to the now-celebrated Ball boys.
“Glaringly his wife have to have fantastic skills,’’ cracked Kelvin Sampson, who coached Ball at Washington Country. “The element I bear in mind about LaVar is … he gave the look of King Kong out there.”
Even though less muscular than their father, the Ball boys are making almost as a great deal noise on the courtroom as LaVar Ball is off the court docket. This season, while Lonzo has set up himself as one of the pinnacle university games in the united states of America, LiAngelo scored 72 points in a game for Chino Hills in November and LaMelo topped that with ninety-two points in a recreation for Chino Hills in February.
Ball said his wife became unavailable to be interviewed, but he said she handles all of their son’s academic affairs and Ball takes care of athletics. He said he has coached the boys on account that they first started dribbling and, alongside the manner, matched them up against players as a good deal as seven years older than they were.
They were unstoppable, Ball stated, and could have been exceptional football games. In fact, Ball said Dennis Erickson, the previous football educates at Washington State, requested him to pop out for spring exercise and attempt out for the team as a good stop.
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abedsweaters · 4 years
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Season 5 Episode 1: Repilot
Outfit 1: Gray and White Cardigan
Classification: Cardigan
Rating: 5/5
I really like herr! she’s large, i like the soft gray and white colors, and I love how comfy it looks :)
Outfit 2: Green King Kong Hoodie
Classification: Hoodie
Rating: 5/5
Genuinely can’t believe they didn’t put Abed in any graphic hoodies earlier!!! I believe you get a better view of this hoodie in a later episode but i LOVE it. it’s soo cute. Also the green color is nice!
Outfit 2.5: Navy Work Apron
Classification: Apron
Rating: 3/5
Outfit 3: Superhero Outfit
Classification: Costume
Rating: 5/5
OWL PAJAMAS! I wish we just saw these as standalone pajamas bc OWL PAJAMAS!!!! as a comedically shitty superhero outfit it also works well tho. no complaints!
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