#pink and blue flannel 4
abedsweaters · 1 month
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beansprean · 2 months
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My Familiar’s Ghost part 81
Masterpost Masterpost 2
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(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Wide shot, knees up, of vampire Guillermo and Nandor sitting on the couch in the library in front of the papered-over bay window. Nandor is wearing one of his usual outfits and Guillermo is wearing something new: a dark blue shirt with a pink floral pattern, a dark red sweater vest, brown cuords, and a string of pearls. Both are looking at the viewer and have clipboards in their hands, Guillermo's pen poised and ready on the paper and Nandor gesturing his in the air as he asks, 'So...what makes you the best candidate for our new familiar?'
2. Reverse shot of a single green armchair on a vague brown background. Sitting on it, legs crossed, is a southeast Asian woman in her 30s with shoulder length black hair and countless slash-like scars running up her arms, neck, and face. She is wearing a purple sweater with 3/4 sleeves, black leggings, and combat boots. She grimaces, looking upward, left arm waving vaguely as her right nervously fingers the arm of the chair, and says, 'Well, I survived three years with Gorgo the Murderer...'
3. Repeat, new candidate in the chair: a fat white man in his 30s with close cropped sandy blond hair and unsettling blue eyes, wearing a blue polo and brown chinos. His arms are covered in gorey tattoos depicting blood, buzzsaws, skulls, and fangs, plus one art nouveau portrait and black fang shapes above and below his mouth. He stares directly forward with a fixed grin, hands laced together over his chest, and declares, 'My former mistress always said I had a knack for dismemberment.'
4. Repeat, new candidate in the chair: a fat brown hispanic person in their 20s with hazel eyes, big glasses, and half bleach blonde half dark brown hair in a bowl cut. She is wearing a red flannel open over a TrueBlood tee shirt and jeans, nails painted teal, a silver hoop in each ear. They are leaning forward eagerly, fists clenched and eyes wide, babbling, 'You're the only familiar I've ever heard of who got turned! What's the turnaround for your familiars? Which one of you will turn me?!'
5. Repeat, new candidate in the chair: a small white woman in her 60s with gray-streaked auburn hair wearing a low-cut dark pink top tucked into a plaid knee-length skirt. Her long nails are painted a dark reddish brown to match her lipstick, and she also has on pantyhose and, inexplicably, a diamond ring on her left ring finger. She leans casually against the side of the chair, brown eyes roaming the ceiling, and announces, 'I've had so many masters by now... I'm really just looking for something more long-term...'
6a. Reverse shot back to Guillermo and Nandor on the couch. Nandor leans forward with a suggestive smirk, touching the butt of his pen coyly to his chin, and replies, 'That is good to hear... I trust your age will not prevent you from your duties?' Guillermo glares at him from the corner of his eye, grip shaking on his pen. 6b. Knees up in profile of Nandor and the milf candidate sitting across from each other, leaning forward with suggestive grins. One of her legs stretches forward to rub against his and she touches her chest demurely, replying, 'Honey, I can handle whatever you have for me-' Guillermo leans around Nandor to get between them and interrupts her, loudly shouting 'Next!!' 6c. Zoom in to shoulders up of Nandor, turned toward the viewer to curl his fingers in a wave as the milf leaves offscreen, muttering, 'Uh, well, thank you for your time.' Nandor glances over his shoulder with the smuggest of grins at Guillermo, who is absolutely seething behind him. Guillermo is surrounded by a ragged black aura, frowning as deeply as his boyish face allows, glowing orange eyes burning holes into the back of Nandor's head. /end ID
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yinza · 1 year
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I wanted to try putting together some queer couples in this style...
Stickers available in my Etsy shop, and prints via Inprnt!
[Image Description: A set of six flat-color drawings in a simple style. From left to right, top to bottom: 1, against the trans flag: a thin white person with a blue undercut holding a fat black woman bridal style. The black woman wears a pink flannel over a red shirt and jean shorts and red sneakers.
2, against the pan flag: a thin black man in a wheelchair with hot pink accents, his clothes in the corresponding purple and blue of the bi flag. Beside him walks a thin black woman in a white dress holding a rainbow umbrella.
3, against the gay man flag: two South Asian men in salwar kameez stand holding hands with their foreheads touching. The one on the left is wearing trans colors.
4, against the lesbian flag: a chubby South Asian woman with long dark hair and glasses sits embracing a petite East Asian woman with short hair. Together their outfits comprise the colors of the flag.
5, against the polyamorous flag: a chubby freckled Latina woman with long wavy hair and a skinny white person with a shaved head, tattoos, and a prosthetic leg stand embracing a hijabi woman between them. The two on the outside have outfits with the colors of the aroace flag, while the hijabi woman wears aromantic colors.
6, against the nonbinary flag: a fat white person with a grey beard and ponytail, using a forearm crutch, and a mid-size black man with long greying hair who is gently touching his partner's face. The black man wears ace colors, while the white person wears nonbinary ones. /end ID]
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viperrot · 1 year
⇁high school sweethearts | leon kennedy | pt. 1
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resident evil 4 remake leon s. kennedy x fem!band-student!reader high school au
there's a new guy in town, and he's pretty damn cute. too bad he hates your brother, though.
content contains: mild angst, enemies to lovers, tbh? mean leon, cliches, minor religious/christian themes, story is told in first person, reader is a bit shy and is an oboe and trumpet player!, leon and reader are in their juniour year, fictional town set around 1980!
3037 words
song rec: "kutsuro gish" by hiroshi takaki
pt. 2
what's this? the blossoming of a series? yes, yes it is! very self-indulgent. i love tropes like this so much. enjoy some mean leon content and a sweet enemies-to-lovers concept, little dove :]
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Life in Everglade is... interesting, to say the least. Actually, it was extremely cliché here. Every Sunday and Wednesday, people would go to church, every Friday night was a football game, and the rest of the days were just busy nonsense. The people here rarely ever leave town, and people never really come in. It's been like this for years.
Until recently.
This fall, a handful of strangers tumbled into the little town of Everglade, proud home of the Everglade Ravens. Lucky for me, they even moved in across the street.
From my little window nook, I watch a dingy U-Haul pull up into the driveway across the street, and out comes four people. The first is a man that looks to be in his mid forties, dressed in khakis and a navy polo. Next is a little girl, who looks like a middle schooler. She's got a long skirt on and a flannel sweater, coloured with warm red and browns. After her is what I assume is an elder sister, but she doesn't look much older than the little one.. She's dressed in messy, paint-stained jeans, a black tank-top, and a pink windbreaker jacket to top it all off. She's the only brunette one out of the blonde family so far.
Then comes out the son.
Dragging himself out of the passenger seat was the most dashing boy I've ever seen. The smile he gives his sisters make my heart race—it honestly put Danny Zuko's smile to shame, and I love Grease! His blonde hair is parted to the side, hiding his eyes a bit. He's dressed up in blue jeans that grip around his thighs perfectly, a black t-shirt, and a navy-blue bomber jacket that had the sleeves rolled up to show off his forearms. From my spot at the window, I couldn't help but ogle. The mystery family all gathered around the front door of their new home to get a good look of the inside, and I couldn't help but keep my attention on the only son of the family. I noticed how their was no mother to be seen...
"Hey, thumper," a voice calls out from the door of my room. I tear my eyes away from the window to see my father, leaning against the frame of my door with his arms crossed. "He's been calling me thumper ever since I was little, seeing as how I stomp my foot when I laugh.
"Hey, pops! What's up?" I cock my head to the side questioningly.
"Mom's done with dinner. Meet ya downstairs, or are you gunna keep 'practicin''?" He smirks teasingly, looking at my unused oboe on the foot of my bed. I blush, rolling my eyes.
"I'll be down there... and I was practicing, thank you very much!" I huff. Dad just laughs at me and waves his hand, mumbling about how he'll see me at the dinner table. With that, I get up to collect myself. I take a quick look out the window one more time just to see if the boy next door was still outside, but the front door was shut tight.
I stumble down the stairs, my bunny slippers skidding down the steps as the smell of baked chicken filled my nostrils. Upon entering the dining room, I see my dad at the head of the table accompanied by my mom and my older brother, Damien, who sighs at the sight of me.
"Finally, you're here," Damien huffs. "Can you sit down now? I'm fuckin' hungry," he stretches his hand out to me so I can sit down and say grace with everyone. My dad throws a pen from his breast-pocket at my dumb brother, telling him to watch his language.
I sit at the other end across from Damien to avoid saying grace with him, holding hands instead with Mom and Dad with my head bowed down.
"Ahem... Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen," my mother says. Immediately after the prayer, Damien scarfs down the first piece of chicken he can get his hands on. I pick at some au gratin while my parents converse and scold Dami for being such a disgusting eater. I clear my throat to catch my parents' attention when they grow silent.
"So... uhm... There's new people across the street. Do you maybe... know about them?" I ask, giving my parents side glances. Mom shakes her head as a no, and before Dad can say anything, Damien coughs up a response.
"That punk Leon's the ace player from Greensmell's soccer team!" My older brother snorts, seemingly a bit angry.
So his name's Leon...
What Damien meant to say was Greenvale, which is a town over. They're probably Everglade High School's biggest rival in ever aspect—academics, sports, and even parties (apparently, I wouldn't know). The only thing I can confidently say they're bad at is marching. Their band is horrendous.
"Seriously?" I cringe at the information. "What are they doing here...?" I wonder under my breath.
"Probably got so embarrassed we beat 'em at state champ this year, the wimp probably got kicked out and thrown into Everglade!" Damien shouts with a mouthful of rice. I cringe at the sight, looking back down at my untouched au gratin.
"Cool, cool..." I mumble. "Uh... can I be excused? M'not really hungry," I ask Dad. He nods, going back to his food. Wordlessly, I take my plate to the kitchen to clean it up. As I wash dishes, I stare out the window blankly, eyes set on the house across the street. No one was out still.
I decide it's best to just go to bed after washing dishes, putting my oboe back in its case and setting it next to my backpack. I flop into my bed, part of me hoping to see this Leon guy again soon...
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I hate gossip.
I can never tell if people are talking about me, the people around me, or to me. As I walk the halls of Everglade High School, oboe and trumpet cases held tight in my hands, I hear the little murmurs of the cliques of the school. Punks mumbling, girl's that try too hard to look like Sandra Dee whispering behind their palms, and some jocks laughing loudly about Leon.
Wait, Leon?
My converse-clad feet are walking through the hall faster now. As I bump past a bunch of students, I speed my way down to the lunch room, needing to see my friends as soon as possible. Luckily, one of them sticks out like a sore thumb today. Sporting a red blazer, blue flannel tennis skirt, and black socks, I see Samantha Grey in all her glory sitting on top of our usual table, talking to a few of our little group. I stomp up to her, the charms on my instrument cases clinking softly with each step.
"Sammy!" I whisper-yell. Her brown eyes immediately look over to my position in front of her, her black hair swaying.
"Hey, sweet pea~!" She coos happily, a big smile painting her face as she gets down from the tabletop to give me a hug. "Glad you aren't too late. Me 'n' the girls were just talkin' about the new hunk in town," she pinches my cheek before helping me set my cases down on the table. I sit next to her, getting settled.
"Hunk? What's this about?" I stare, acting like I didn't know who they were chittering about. Across from Sammy and me is Lucy Brail and Patti James, who I've known since diapers along with Samantha. Lucy is the first to speak up, clearly excited to talk about Leon.
"This stud just moved into town yesterday! Apparently, he's got two little sisters at the middle school, 'n all the boys here have been howlin' about how he probably got kicked outta the Greenvale soccer team after losing nationals this year!" She says with a grin that reaches her ears. My eyebrows knit together at the information that I had heard the night before.
"You call almost every meathead here a stud, Lucy," I chuckle. She gives me a weird look before scoffing.
"This one's different, sweet pea," Sammy jabs me in the side softly, and I yelp. "He's got this look in his eyes that just scream at me like he wants me!" She sighs dreamily.
"Are you sure it wasn't his pecs you were lookin' at?" I click my tongue. Another jab to the side, and it hurts a little more than the last. I roll my eyes.
"Whatever, I'm sure he's just like the oth-"
"Oh! Oh!! There he is, sweet pea, look!" Sammy grabs me by the jaw to turn my sights to the new guy.
There he is...
Across the lunch hall is Leon, dressed all pretty in a forest green letterman jacket with his initials on the right bicep. There's a few patches from some bands he likes and a big ole "11" on the back of it with "Greenvale" above it. He's still in tight jeans, but they're black this time, as well as his t-shirt beneath the well-worn coat.
"He's got some nerve wearin' that here," Patti mutters. We all hum in agreement as we watch him saunter over to the lunch line to get a carton of strawberry milk.
"Ain't he just a dream~?" Sammy breathes out. Lucy's got this blush that could be seen from Mars, and I swear that Patti's mouth is gunna get dry with how much she's drooling. My gaze is trained on the back of Leon's head, looking at how well-trimmed his hair is.
"He's... he is pretty cute," I mumble, jaw hurting a bit with how tight my best friend was gripping onto it. I hear her giggle.
"Don't get sweet on him now, thumper!" She reminds me, using that silly nickname. “God knows your brother would tear you a new one if he found out you wanted to get a piece of Leon Scott Kennedy," she lets go of my jaw, and I roll my eyes.
"M'not sweet on anyone, Sam," I grumble. Lucy giggles, twirling a strand of her blonde curls in her fingers.
"Isn't he right next to your house, (y/n)?" She asks me. I nod.
"Yeah, actually... How did you know?"
"Oh, sweet pea?! Please, please, please tell me you gotta good view of him from your room! If so, I'm comin' over every weekend!!!" Samantha begs, shaking me by the shoulder.
"H-hey, quit it! I dunno if he's gunna be upstairs or not, and that's c-creepy!" I gasp as she shook me. Lucy and Patti laugh as I get thrashed around. From the corner of my eye, I see Leon get closer. He's got a mean look in his eyes, like he's ready to bite someone if they get near him.
I guess he's trying to protect his peace...
The girls grow silent as he walks past our table, not showing any mind to how noisy we are. They all watch Leon like dogs to a bone when he scoots past us, tossing his milk carton in the air like he hasn't a single worry in the world. When he's gone, it's like we can all breathe again.
"Oh lord, he even smells good," Patti fans herself, a blush covering up her little freckles. Sammy grins in agreement, clearly happy that she got to see the new guy so close. I stick my tongue out in disgust.
“You guys are so gross…”
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“Everyone, please welcome our new student,” Mrs. Bradshaw, the advanced chemistry teacher here at Everglade High, drones, motioning her hand to Leon near the back of the class.
And also next to me.
The blonde boy stands up, puffing up his chest a little.
“Name’s Leon Kennedy. Nice to meet you,” he says curtly before sitting right back down. Everyone’s giving him looks ranging from “I wanna rip his throat out” to “I want to kiss him behind the bleachers”, and it’s clear that he doesn’t care about it either. Mrs. Bradshaw clears her throat to stop annoying students from whispering.
“Now, let’s get started on our calorimetry unit. To begin…” The old hag’s words begin to go process in my brain as I get to writing notes. At times, I look at Leon from the corner of my eyes.
He’s writing on a piece of paper instead of a notebook, his blue ballpoint pen scraping against the surface as he messily jots down his notes. I’m pleasantly surprised to see that he actually cares about his education! I can see Leon’s tongue poking out between his plump lips, and I can’t help but stare a little. He doesn’t seem to notice me, until he looks up to check the blackboard up front.
Leon’s blue eyes set their sights on me, locking with mine. Quickly, I avert my gaze back to my notebook, trying my best to act like I was still writing notes. I hear him laugh a little next to me, but I make no effort to speak up.
When the class ends, and the bell for the next period rings, I gather my things to head off to the band room. Backpack slugged over my shoulders, I’m getting ready to pick up my trumpet and oboe case before someone else grabs of for me. Big, veiny hands take the cases by the leather handle, lifting it before my eyes. I look up to see Leon with a devilish smile.
“Caught you staring at me. Mind if I walk with you?” He says confidently. I’m a bit taken aback by his attitude, but I nod nonetheless. I’ve never really had a boy offer to walk me to class other than Damien…
“I can hold my-“
“Nah, don’t worry bout it. I carry my sister’s euphonium all the time,” he chuckles, his shoulders shaking a little as he does. I blush, not expecting him to even know what a euphonium is. So, he’s cute AND he knows the difference between a tuba and a euphonium..
“Are you sure? I-I mean, I don’t want it to be a hass-“
“Don’t worrrrryy,” he exaggerates. “Where are you headed? This is my study hall period, so I got time,” he grins.
“Uh… the band room. A-and thanks,” I tell him, nervously fiddling with my fingers. We walk out of the science lab together, me trailing slightly behind him as we walk.
“So, I’m guessing you and your little posse this morning was talking about me?” He asks, and I feel the blood rush up to my face.
Samantha and her big ole mouth…!
“Y-yeah…” I stammer, unsure of what to say. “Sorry about that… It’s just… we never really have any newcomers here, so the girls were just excited,” I bite my lip. I can feel the stares of people around us in the halls. Whether it’s out of jealousy towards me or hate for him, I’ve no clue.
“I see,” Leon hums. “It was kinda funny, so don’t apologize.” He says, and I can hear the smile in his voice. His fingers are gripping the handle of my cases tight enough to make his veins bulge a little, and I can’t help but stare. After our small talk, it’s quiet, and when we make it to the band room, we stop next to the door so he can give me back my things. As Leon hands over my instruments, footsteps thunder toward our position.
“You know, I thought it was just some sick joke hearing about my lil sister hangin’ around you, but I see that the rumours are true,” Damien growls, walking towards Leon and me slowly with his hands in the pockets of his black letterman. The blonde boy in front of me is still holding my oboe case as he looks at my older brother with an unamused stare.
“Well, had I known she was related to you, I would have never offered to carry her junk,” the ace smiled. I felt my heart drop at his words.
And then it felt like the world came crashing down on me.
Like it was fire, Leon let go of my oboe case, and it clatters against the floor. He’s staring my brother dead in the eyes as he does so, and I can feel tears swell in my eyes. I watch as my reeds, feather, and parts of the oboe pop out of the hard case, scraping against the floors of the hall.
“N-no!!” I yelp, unable to hold back my tears as I drop to my knees to gather the parts. A key or two had bent, and a few corks were damaged. I hear Damien shout at Leon, slamming his body into a locker. I don’t understand what they’re yelling about, too busy trying to pick up the bits of my instrument. More voices erupt, and I assume they’re people trying to pull my brother off of Leon Kenne-dick. My feather gets swept away amidst the commotion. When everything but that is successfully stuffed back into my case, I snap my head around to glare at the ace soccer player behind glossy eyes.
“You’re fuckin’ paying for this, you piece of shit!” Damien screams, thrashing against some teachers who dragged him away from the scene. Leon’s being escorted away as well, not giving me a chance to say anything. I’m left alone in the hall with my broken oboe before Samantha scurries out.
“Sweet pea! We heard all the ruckus, but Mr. Kay said it wasn’t safe for us to be out, and—oh, sugar…” she gasps lightly, crouching down next to me. The ravenette looks down at my open case, seeing the broken and bent keys and chipped corks. “Who did this…?” She asked me gently, setting her chin on my shoulder.
“Leon…” I hiccup, tears falling. The silence is heavy when I tell her this, and I know that Sammy can only see red. Without a word, she wipes my tears with her thumb before helping me into the band room.
I’m starting to regret wanting to see him again.
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woohoo! chapitre un, fini :] i know it’s a bit lacking, but it’s just the beginning. hope you enjoyed! pt. 2 here!
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'when blue and yellow meet in the west' pt.2
I reached the image limit in the first post so season four will need it's own post.
First part is here!
⭑ Season 4:
Ah, yes, the lying, hiding and miscommunication season. This should be great.
El's outfit at the start has a lot of red, but still with some blue. Mike isn't around now, and she's being mostly true to herself at school, but that's the issue. People are mean as hell and don't like her for who she is.
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She wants so badly to be seen as normal, to live the life of an ordinary girl, but even now she's seen as weird and unusual. At least one sweet detail i noticed is that the flannel she's wearing might have been Joyce's.
I also find it sweet how red has been incorporated into Will's outfits, too. It happened a few seasons back, and it's a nice detail considering how undeniably close he and El are.
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Mike's in his Hellfire shirt. With El away, he doesn't feel the need to perform so much anymore, and feels more free to actively enjoy his interests and be himself again.
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The day Mike came to California, El was, once again, wearing mainly blue.
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And then there's.... Michael's outfit....
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Mmhm. Yellow over purplish blue. This is the outfit for the awkward ass airport hug, and the entirety of Rink-o-Mania, until they get home.
After his s3 realizations, he went straight back to repression. Acting totally weird around Will and forcefully happy around El again.
While Mike wears yellow, Will wears blue.
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Oh, also, the flowers Mike picked for El had "too much yellow", and "vomit green socks".
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Mike's fight with El here is a super important scene to mention. He's wearing mostly blue with just a few yellow accents, but he's still lying to El, isn't he?
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Oh, he's lying, alright. It's just not working.
El isn't running with it like usual. She's crying, confronting him about not being able to tell her he loves him and Mike's trying to convince her but even then, he can't say it. Eleven can see right through him. And the yellow... Well, I think we know why Mike can't say he loves her.
The monologue scene is the same case. About 0% of what he said in it was true, but El knows that. That's exactly why it didn't work.
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This is when the pink starts showing up again, but there are still layers of blue to remove before it's free.
Mike and Will switch back to their respective colors again, and make up from their previous fights. Will wears blue and yellow, and Mike wears that blue shirt with that godforsaken sideways pocket.
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These are the outfits they're forced to stay in for the rest of the season cause everything goes to shit afterwards.
Throughout the season, El sheds her blue layers, until finally, she's all pink.
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She realized she doesn't need him and they're definitely going to break up next season. She's finally free and will finally get to be herself without molding her image to fit into what others think she should be like.
Now it's Mike's turn to free himself.
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Okay, that was a lot! Once again, thank you @62percentmaplesyrup for all the help !!! I'll leave her posts linked down here if you guys wanna look for yourselves, it's a super interesting detail.
Here and here!
If any of you actually read through all of this, i really appreciate it. I worked on this for days on end lmao.
anyway byler endgame stay gay losersss
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chic-a-gigot · 9 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 1, 4 janvier 1896, Paris. No. 11. Groupe de toilettes. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(1) Dos du No. 3.
(2) Dos du No. 4.
(3) Toilette de promenade, en lainage Suède uni. Corsage-veste Louis XVI, rond devant et à petites basques godées derrière où elles sont retenues par deux boutons; devant, ceinture suissesse en satin bleu; sur les épaules, bretelles retenues par des boutons, entourant une pèlerine revers en satin bleu brodé, col montant, manches empire. Jupe à godets, très evasée du bas, garnie devant par deux bandes de galon retenues en haut par des boutons. Chapeau Louis XVI en feutre Suède, garni par une bande de soie plissée relevée droite et par deux plumes d'autruche droites sur le derrière.
(3) Walking ensemble, in plain Suede wool. Louis XVI bodice-jacket, round in front and with small basques at the back where they are held in place by two buttons; front, Swiss belt in blue satin; on the shoulders, straps held by buttons, surrounding an embroidered blue satin cuffed cape, high collar, empire sleeves. Godet skirt, very flared at the bottom, trimmed in front with two strips of braid held at the top with buttons. Louis XVI hat in Sweden felt, trimmed with a band of pleated silk raised straight and with two straight ostrich feathers on the back.
Métrage: 10 mètres lainage grande largeur.
(4) Toilette de lainage gris souris. — Corsage à revers, orné de petits boutons, ouvrant jusqu'à la ceinture sur un plastron bleu brodé de soutache, col montant, basques à godets en velours. Manches gigot à crevés de velours, avec hauts poignets ornés de petits boutons. Jupe à godets, avec petits boutons dans le bas. Chapeau rond en velours plissé, orné d'un côté par un groupe de coques semblables, de l'autre par deux plumes d'autruche.
(4) Mouse gray woolen ensemble. — Lapel bodice, decorated with small buttons, opening up to the belt on a blue bib embroidered with soutache, high collar, velvet basques with godets. Velvet leg-of-mutton sleeves, with high cuffs decorated with small buttons. Godet skirt, with small buttons at the bottom. Round hat in pleated velvet, decorated on one side with a group of similar shells, on the other with two ostrich feathers.
Métrage: 10 mètres lainage grande largeur.
(5) Robe d'intèrieur en flanelle blanche, — Corsage-blouse à longues basques; dessus, col carré en broderie entouré par un grand volant de dentelle, séparé derrière; col montant, bretelles de ruban brodé devant, et bande semblable au milieu dans le dos. Manches ballon, relevées par un nœud. Jupe à godets.
(5) Indoor dress in white flannel, — Blouse-bodice with long basques; above, square embroidery collar surrounded by a large lace ruffle, separated behind; stand-up collar, embroidered ribbon straps in front, and similar band in the middle of the back. Balloon sleeves, raised with a knot. Godet skirt.
Métrage: 12 mètres flanelle.
(6) Toilette d'intèrieur, en lainage vert grenouille, corsage à petite pinte ouvert sur une chemisette en mousseline de soie rose, col montant, grand col à pointes en passementerie, faisant pointe derrière jusqu'à la ceinture, jockeys semblables sur manches ballon courtes. Jupe à godets, très plissée derrière.
(6) Indoor dress, in frog green wool, small pint bodice open over a pink silk chiffon shirt, high collar, large pointed collar in trimmings, pointing behind to the waist, similar jockeys on sleeves short balloon. Godet skirt, very pleated behind.
Métrage: 9 mètres lainage grande largeur.
(7) Dos du numéro 6.
(8) Dos du numéro 5.
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theoriginalsapphic · 2 years
I'm tired of people dismissing the Mike/Hopper and Mike/Brenner parallels because they make them uncomfortable.
First of all, it is supposed to make you uncomfortable. Secondly, we are not creating the parallels; the show does it and we are merely pointing them out. And third, and most importantly, Mike isn't paralleled to Hopper and Brenner because El sees him as a father figure, but rather because he is another male figure influencing her identity.
El never had an actual sense of identity outside of whoever is influencing her at the moment, and this is better illustrated by her clothes.
In season 1, she is dressed in Mike's clothes and later on in Nancy's dress.
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Then in season 2, she is dressed in whatever clothes Hopper can get for her and later as punk by Kali.
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Even in season 3, when she is giving a better choice at autonomy and the opportunity to build her own fashion sense, she is still following Max's guide.
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And for most of season 4, she is incorporating the Byers's fashion sense (to the point she borrows Will's flannels) and Mike's blue color.
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It's only at the end of the season, and after El go through her journey of self-discovery and allows her to get closure with her abuse at The Nina Project, that we get an image of an El that has built a sense of self-identity outside of the male figures that have influenced her her whole life. Now that she feels like she gained independence of what others tell her who she should be, and starts to be who she wants to be, El is dressed all in white with a few specks of pink, signalizing a new chapter in her journey.
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lunarwritesthings · 2 years
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New Friends and A Cute Date
Paring: Colby Brock x Gn!Reader
Fandom: Sam & Colby
Request: No
Summary: You finally have the time to hang out with Kat & she invited you to a party her boyfriend Sam & his roommates were throwing.
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I was looking through my closet for an outfit to wear to this party Kat invited me to. She said it didn't have to be fancy. I grab a flannel, jeans, and a pair of Docs then quickly change. I debate about wearing makeup and decided to go with simple eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. I grab a bag and put the makeup and wallet in it then check my phone to see Kat has texted me telling me to come over. I text her back then grab my keys and walk downstairs and out the front door locking it after leaving.
Once I got to the house and texted Kat letting her know I was here. I heard a door, and looking up I saw Kat coming towards me. "Hey! I haven't seen you in forever" She says. "I know! I have been busy will work but was finally free so here I am for the party" I said. "Well, you're just in time. It's a small party. C'mon, I'll introduce you to everyone" Kat said. We go inside to see 4 guys messing around. "Guys! We have company" Kat yells.
The 4 guys stop and look at us. "Guys, this is my friend, anyways that's Jake" she points to a guy with black & pink hair. "That's Sam but you know him" she points to Sam. "That's Colby" she points to a guy with brown hair and blue eyes. He was gorgeous. "And finally that's Cory" she points to a guy dancing. They all wave and said hey. I said hey back." "Let's get this party started." Sam says
I was sitting on one of the couches watching the guys and Kat being crazy. I hear Colby ask Kat "do you know if they are taken? Kat smiles and says "their not. They have been waiting for the right person and I believe you have caught their eye". Colby nods and walks over.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" I look at him saying "yes Colby?". "Can you come with me for a minute?" He asked. I nod and get up following him into the backyard. "Why did you want me to come with you? I heard you talking to Kat" I ask. Colby blushes slightly "I didn't realize you heard, but I had you come with me so I could ask if you go on a date with me and I didn't what the other guys interrupting me." He says. "Well to answer your question I would love to go on a date with you and I'm glad you did it her-"
I got interrupted by Jake yelling "Get your asses back in here. There's no party out there." Colby and I go back inside, continuing to plan the date that would happen later on during the week.
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New comic! This is a collaboration with the wonderful @sketchbook-stars!
Our story is on the left, and theirs is on the right.
Some notable people on my side of the comic include:
@milady-mothman - the best friend in the first panel!
@gagtodeath - the cousin in the third panel!
@andrewjacksondestroyer - our very close friend from the fourth panel!
We’ve been trying to publish more of these, but we keep wanting to start new comics instead of finishing old ones (yes, we have ADHD, lol).
Uhhh so anyway, hope you enjoy!
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[Image ID: Note: There are two stories told simultaneously in this comic. The story on the left will be described first, and then the story on the right.
Begin ID: Panel 1: The background is sea foam green. There is some text near the top that reads, “Coming out to our best friend as a system was a huge deal for us. They’re super supportive and we love them very much (platonically). Underneath that, there is a gray text message bubble coming from the left that reads, “who am I speaking to?” Beneath that, there is a blue text message bubble that reads, “Ao and Ruby, thanks for asking.”
Panel 2: The background is sea foam green. There is one block of text near the top that reads, “We came out to another friend using memes and a comic we made on Super Storyboarder.” Beneath that, there is another block of text that reads, “She thought the memes were funny and seemed to really appreciate them.”
Panel 3: The background is sea foam green. There is a block of text at the top of the page that reads, “Coming out to our cousin was a pretty big deal. We came out to her after the concert of an artist we both love. We had brought up DID before, but we would always talk about our ‘friends,’ who were a system (hint: it was us). She’s always been super understanding and even follows us on Simply Plural now.” Beneath that is a drawing of two people on a dock across from some land with trees and houses. The water around the dock is reflecting an orange color, like the sunset. The person on the right has short black hair, peach skin, and is wearing a white shirt with long sleeves and white pants. There is a white box next to them that says, “Coltun (they/them), one of two alters who has a super deep voice while fronting (the only one of the two that we knew about at the time). They are saying, “Did you hear the change in my voice before?” The person on the left has long red hair, peach skin, a black shirt with long sleeves, and blue pants. She is saying, “Yeah, I was wondering if that was you.”
Panel 4: The background is sea foam green. There are two blocks of text at the top. The first one says, “One of our biggest system coming outs was the first time we ever told anyone. Ao knew of 8 alters at the time (including eirself), but thought ey was imagining them (spoiler alert: ey wasn’t). The block of text beneath it says, “We had heard of DID before, but knew almost nothing about it.” Beneath that, there are two people sitting on a gray ledge with their feet on a sidewalk. The one on the right has long brown hair, peach skin, a neutral facial expression, light brown eyes, thick black square glasses, a red flannel jacket with long sleeves, blue pants, and red shoes. There is some text next to him that says, “Corey (he/him), co-host of our friend’s system at the time.” He is saying, “I’m a system, which means I am many people in one body.” The person on the left, Ao, has peach skin, reddish-brown hair, a shocked facial expression, blue eyes, a gray hoodie with a darker gray pocket and hood, black shorts and black shoes. Ey is saying, “That sounds like what I’ve been experiencing!”
Begin second story ID:
First panel: The background is a warm shade of pink. There is a block of text near the middle that says, “we never planned to come out to any of our friends initially, being afraid of being judged or misunderstood. yet it turned out to not be so bad.” Beneath that, there is a smiling person who is the same color as the background with shoulder-length messy hair.
Second panel: The background is a warm shade of pink. At the top of the panel, there is some text that says, “Yet after a while, one of our hosts was tired of hiding it all, and told some of our friends.” A block of text below that on the right side of the panel reads, “They were extremely accepting.” There are two people in the panel. Both are the same color as the background. The first has completely black eyes, shoulder-length somewhat messy hair, two antlers, a smile, a bit of sweat on their face, a pointy tail, a turtleneck sweater under an open jacket with cuffed sleeves, and pants. “Lucid” is written above their head. There is a tiny speech bubble next to them with an ampersand in it. The person on the right has short hair with bangs that cover their eyes, a slightly open mouth, lines next to their face indicating emotion, and a hoodie with long drawstrings. Next to them is a small speech bubble with a check mark and an exclamation point.
Panel 3: The background is a warm shade of pink. At the top of the panel, there is a block of text that says, “and on the inverse, we helped our partner realize that they were also a system.” Beneath that, there is more text that says, “it warmed our hearts to know that they trusted us with this concept and we helped them come to terms and realize it.” There are two people below that. Both are the same color as the background. The one on the left is looking at the one on the right. They are winking. They have shoulder-length hair, a smile, a braided band in their hair, and two pairs of wings- one on their head and one on their back. The word above their head is Civ. There is some text above their head that says, “y’know, how did you NOT realize??” The person on the right is looking at the person on the left. Their mouth is open. They have chin-length hair, a hoodie, horns, and a pointy tail. The word above their head is Colix. There is some text above them that says, “..IM A LITTLE STUPID-“
Panel 4: The background is a warm shade of pink. The text at the top says, “We don’t regret being open about our system one bit.” The text beneath it says, “It might have caused us some pain, but we have made so many more good memories since that day.” Beneath that, there are two people holding hands. They are sitting on green grass and the background behind them (underneath the text) is crimson. The person on the left has peach skin, shoulder-length dark crimson hair, black eyes, a smile with a fang in it, a red shirt with long sleeves and a white collar and cuff, crimson pants, a dark crimson bat wing on the left side, black shoes, and a red rose on the right side of their hair. There are three small speech bubbles on the left side of them. The top one has a red heart, the middle one has an orange flower, and the bottom one has a yellow star. The person on the right is looking at them. They have thin black square glasses, light blue-green skin, light blue-green hair that sticks out more and is a little longer than the hair of the other person, a smile, a darker blue-green shirt with a frill on the front under a darker blue-green jacket buttoned at the bottom with a collar, darker blue green pants, and a furry tail the same color as their skin. On the right side of their face is a dark blue-green patch. They do not have an eye there.
End ID]
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intrepid-polo · 5 months
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Fantasy High Episode 7: The Graveyard of Good and Evil
Collared Shirt Count: 4/7
Brennan holding strong at 7/7 collars, he is wearing a forest green button-up over a white tee. Emily is wearing a pink split neck shirt with blue around the neckline. Emily's shirt also has a small repeating pattern of red and blue sailboats. Zac is wearing a medium grey tee with a pocket. Siobhan is wearing a dark green, gold and black flannel. Lou is wearing a blue striped polo (our first repeated piece of the season!) Ally is wearing a white collared shirt underneath a collared dark wash denim jacket. Murph is wearing a light grey tee.
Brennan: 7/7
Emily: 1/7
Zac: 5/7
Siobhan: 4/7
Lou: 5/7 (Repeat from Episode 5)
Ally: 6/7
Murph: 4/7
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serene-sun · 1 year
13 "I love it when you scream my name"
yn at Rain. (Baby is very vocal we all know it 👀) Or Rain with someone if your choice. But make that baby boy whine pleaseeeeee
18+ minors don’t interact NSFW CONTENT
13: “I love it when you scream my name.”
Pairing: Rain ghoul x Swiss ghoul ❤️🫶🏻
A/n: yeahhh I might of gotten carried away. Also- this is the first thing I’m releasing for the 400 event and I’m already 30 away from 500….needless to say there will NOT be a 500 event lmao. This will also be part 2 of a two chapter thingy, still working on chapter one.
Warnings: toys, overstim? Kinda hardcore to fluff, crying (pleasure), uhhh I most likely missed some. Also- NOT proof read
Rains so far out from being sane that the sound of electricity and the numbing feeling of the vibrator taped to his dick has become the regular environment.
It’s been 4 hours since Swiss proposed the idea. And it’s been 4 hours of rain squirming and whining for the, possibly, last orgasm of the night.
His long limbs have been abandoned since they started.
The first couple of hours, rain tried to compose his moans and hums as the abbey was in a deep state of slumber.
Swiss’ room was completely dark, pitch black since the moon was new and in its final cycle, something rain was currently envying. His bed sheets have fallen to the ground and their bodies were across the flannel dressed mattress. His window was fully open, the curtains danced in the wind that ran shivers up rains wet and shaking form.
Swiss, on the other hand, was enjoying the scene before him. There wasn’t a second, not even to swallow his own saliva, that wasn’t used in a whine or load moan.
Oh it was music to Swiss’ ears, he just sat there, on the edge of the bed watching rain struggle to keep up with the intense vibrations of the bright pink toy strapped to him.
If he got to quiet for his liking, he would simply take the remote from the side table and push the button to the next highest setting.
Rains eyes pop open as they shine bright blue in the dark room, his legs buck and he feels the restraints on his hands and ankles to the bed posts strain him from any movement.
Swiss tested our different patterns of levels, earning a song from rains bitten lips.
Every time it hit the highest setting, his thighs would try abs squeeze together, making the most beautiful sound escape the leather buckle and the loudest sound fall from his trembling blue lips.
He quickly pulls the trigger down all the way, pulling a pitiful whine from the water ghoul.
His black wavy locks stuck to his skin from sweat.
“Ohhh rainy…so you think it’s time to cum?” Swiss mocks, a smirk on his face.
Rain can’t even form words, the feeling of an abused orgasm is too much to bare.
“P-l” he works up both the courage and strength to say please, but is interrupted by the toy hitting the highest setting again.
What was left of his breathe is stolen from his lungs and he feels his heart burn withe the fire that shoots from his core to his stomach.
His heart tells him it’s pleasure
But his brain tells him otherwise
He gives up, laying there limp as the small little toy brings him to orgasm.
All rain can do is lay there and focus on the hot white liquid leaking from his red and swollen tip. Drops turn into s stream and he’s now a faucet of both cum and moans on Swiss’ bed.
He uses the last of all his air to display a long deep note that was neither a groan of relief nor a moan of pleasure.
Swiss rides out his orgasm, slowly twisting the bob down to 0%.
“Oh rainy…” Swiss whispers, rubbing his back and the backside of his calf.
“S-iss.” Rain whimpers, feeling tears fall from his cheeks.
“Let’s clean you up Hm?” He says, untying the leather restraints on him.
Luckily, there’s no bruising or red burns.
“-ait.” Rain barely whispers, more of a breath than a word.
Swiss looks at him, his full attention on his water ghoul.
“I wan, I wan feel uo.” Rain whispers, “just wan you inside.”
Swiss smirks, surprised that rain still needs a bit more sexual love for the night.
“Are you sure? We can wait till tomorrow?” Swiss says, trying to be sure that he’s ok.
“I won’t be able to walk tomorrow either way.” Rain giggles a little, his droopy tired eyes squinting with his smile.
“Alright raindrop.” Swiss laughs
“Let’s get you ready, I know you must be tired of stuff being done the hard way tonight.” Swiss adds, gathering rains slick with two fingers and sliding it deep into him. Rain twitches at the sensitive feeling.
“Fuck, sorry baby boy.” Swiss apologies
“No no, please continue.” Rain replies
“Fuck, sugar your so sweet.” Swiss moans
He moans, at the foreign feeling.
Swiss scissors him, all around to stretch him for his own length. No matter how many times rain takes Swiss, he will still be a challenge to fully take.
Swiss takes his fingers out, and slides them in one last time, then out again. He flips rain onto his back, a more comfortable position for his most likely aching joints.
Swiss leans up to him, props rain against the wall of pillows. He meets their noses, a little ghoul way of kissing, then wipes the baby hairs sticking to his forehead away. Swiss blows a bit of cool air onto his face, relaxing him even more while Swiss positions himself at his entrance.
Swiss slowly slides himself in, he feels rains insides clench around him, it drives him nuts.
“Fuck- no tight baby.” Swiss groans, fitting what girth he could.
“Mm- so warm.” He continues under his breath.
Rain whimpers, feeling his girthy length touch every available spot.
“G-green.” Rain whispers, signaling for him to move.
“Are you sure?”
Swiss slowly pulls out, then slowly thrusts back in. He does this a few times, he grabs rains plushy thighs and bring them up, giving Swiss more room for him to move.
Swiss goes a little faster, carful not to hurt him too much.
“Fuck!” Rain exclaims
“Oh~ ray you feel so fucking good around me.”
“Shit- please Swiss!” Rain whimpers, feeling tears prickle in his eyes.
“Fuck, baby m close.”
Swiss moved faster, faster, faster until he could visibly see the stars in rains eyes.
“Fuck Swiss! Swiss!! Please!” Rain screams, the fire of pleasure spreading fast and strong. It consumes him, it takes his legs, his arms, his head, his hands and brain.
“Fuck I love it when you scream my name Rain.” Swiss moans, his voice catching in his own whimpers as he feels himself about to be consumed the flames of lust too.
“Fuck yes, say my name louder baby.” Swiss demands, thrusting and hammering rains insides hard and further in, causing his sweet spot to trigger.
“Swiss! Swiss, fuck please Swiss!” Rain whimpers, tears of bliss falling down his blue cheeks.
Swiss’ claws dug into rains thighs as he finishes.
Rain wails, his orgasm possessing the both of the lust driven ghouls.
Rain feels Swiss fall beside him, exhausted from their ritual.
“Shit..” Swiss sighs, a groan after.
“Hauh.” Rain tries to speak, but it turns into a stream of gibberish.
“Lemme get up…stay here tad pole.” Swiss murmured, pushing himself off the bed.
After a few minutes, Swiss comes back with a warm wet washcloth and cleans the mess he made with rain up.
He slowly guides it across rains skin, over his curves and in the crevices of his skin. He’s exhausted, but not as much as rain. So Swiss takes the time to even clean his horns, his claws, and his tail, then proceeds to give him a little scalp massage when he lays back down.
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Requests are closed
Thank you for reading! Feedback is always helpful for the next fic! Reblogs are always super helpful :)
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abedsweaters · 2 years
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Season 6 Episode 4: Queer Studies and Advanced Waxing
Outfit 1: Green King Kong Hoodie appearance #2: reviewed here
Outfit 2: Pink and Blue Flannel 4
Classification: Flannel
Rating: 5/5
After all this time, who’d have thought we’d be blessed with yet ANOTHER bi pride outfit? I did my due diligence and searched for it but yes folks, this is a new, unique pink and blue flannel. Truly the representation we needed in 2015! (that’s a joke)
Outfit 3: Blue Yellow Striped Hoodie appearance #2: reviewed here
Outfit 4: Brown Cardigan appearance #6: reviewed here
Outfit 5: Dark Gray Jacket appearance #2: reviewed here
A curiosity! Was it very cold on the day of filming? Did they feel that a hoodie wasn’t somber enough for what the scene called for? Why is he wearing his first proper jacket in two seasons? Note that everyone else in this scene is also wearing jackets so maybe it was just cold, or they wanted it to seem cold (except for the dean, who is wearing that gray hoodie from the conspiracy theory episode which is a whole costuming discussion of its own).
Outfit 6: Pale Green and Pink Flannel appearance #3: reviewed here
hard to tell for sure bc of the jacket but all evidence suggests he is wearing this flannel underneath
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beansprean · 2 years
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Art for the Exchangeapalooza gift I got from dear @yougoadedme!!! Ranch N' Rider Weekly: Special Edition - please go read it it's so good
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Full body of Marwa dressed in cowboy boots, jeans, and a pink flannel shirt rolled up to the elbows. She has one boot up on the bottom slat of a wooden fence and one hand braced on the top slat, the other in her hip as she grins into the distance. The background behind her is a rolling green field and rows of pine trees in watercolor. She is wearing a gold wedding band and diamond engagement ring.
2. Waist up of the Djinn, human, on a vague purple background, dressed in a flannel version of his salmon shirt tucked into his usual brown trousers. He is smiling indulgently, looking up over his glasses and holding up a bottle of margarita mix in one hand and tequila in the other. The margarita mix reads "EZ Margs - Delicious Margaritas at the snap of your fingers." The Djinn says, "I live to serve...liquor." He is also wearing a gold wedding band.
3. Guillermo sitting at a coffee table on a vague real background. There are a few black playing cards with white writing sitting on the table and Guillermo is on the side closest to the viewer, topless, and turned around to face the viewer with a sour expression. His face is flushed red and sweating, eyes darting away from the image before him. The image before him is this: human Nandor, having leaped fully onto the table in a crouched position in nothing but a white jock strap with pink hearts, flexing both of his arms with a triumphant grin and crowing, "I win!!"
4. Close up of human Colin Robinson, aged about 7 or 8, wearing a green flannel open over a red tee shirt. He is grinning excitedly, eyes shining, as he places a cowboy hat with a beaded turquoise band over his head. No less than five speech bubbles full of unintelligible babbling surround him.
5a. Nandor and Guillermo stand in a paddock, the former wearing a red flannel with the sleeves rolled up tucked into jeans with a silver horse belt buckle and the latter wearing a blue embroidered western shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a light brown cowboy hat. Nandor has his back to Guillermo's front and a leather bridle looped around his neck and shoulders. He holds the bit in his hands, but the ear strap is pressing directly into his throat. Behind him, Guillermo is holding the reins in both fists and is pulling them taut so Nandor is forced to lean back into him. Nandor's face is flushed, expression dazed and struggling to be stern but clearly not altogether displeased with the situation. He mumbles, "Guillermo, what...are you doing?" Guillermo's eyes are wide and wild, as if he isn't fully in control of his actions, face red and sweating profusely. 5b. Behind them, Colin, wearing a red cowboy hat with a strap and a long sleeved yellow shirt under an orange tee shirt that says 'Lego my Eggo' with a picture of a Lego waffle, stares at his uncles from atop a horse. The horse, Glitterfoot, is gray with a lighter mane and darker nose and ears, a white blaze down his face. He is properly tacked up western style, the reins in Colin's loose hands. Glitterfoot is also staring at the other two men, tongue sticking out the side of his mouth as he and Colin await instructions.
6. Guillermo and Derek sit across from each other at a table in a bar. A neon sign on the wall says "Sassy Cat Bar & Grill & Tack & Feed & Haberdashery. Mon-Sat 9am-12pm 2pm-2am" Guillermo, wearing an untucked red-violet flannel and jeans, is sitting with his back to the viewer. The back of his wooden chair has a burnt-on design of a rearing horse with a cat on its back, wearing spurred boots and waving a cowboy hat in the air. The Guide, human, leans one hip on their table and stares at Guillermo with a flirtatious grin, pen and notepad poised and awaiting their order. She is wearing a sparkly black beret, hoop earrings, a black and purple flannel shirt mostly unbuttoned tucked into a high waisted jean skirt, a gold horse belt buckle, and sparkly black thigh high cowboy boots. Her hair is curled and teased out big and poofy. Human Derek, sitting across from Guillermo in a brick red Henley and jeans, leans his crossed arms on the table and grins expectantly at Guillermo, waiting for him to react. Guillermo's shoulders are hunched up defensively and he has his face half turned away from the Guide toward the viewer, flushed and sweating nervously. /End ID
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little-bee-draws · 9 months
art vs artist 2023, lots of purples, blues, and peachy pinks
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ID: a 3x3 photo grid where the center photo is a selfie of the artist, a white nonbinary person with short hair, and the others are images of their artwork, mostly colorful character portraits. All artwork is signed "L-T-Bee."
Image 1: a portrait of a young winter eladrin woman with white skin, glacial blue hair, and black eyes with the irises rimmed in glowing blue.
Image 2: a portrait of a draconic tiefling woman with blue skin and hair and multiple sets of gold horns. Her irises and pupils are gold.
Image 3: a portrait of a young Indian (Malayali) woman with light brown skin and dark curly hair. She is bleeding from her nose and looking intensely at the viewer.
Image 4: a portrait of my D&D character, Idris, a feminine air genasi with blue skin, grey eyes, and curly white and peach hair. She wears round gold-rimmed glasses.
Image 5: a selfie of me, a white nonbinary person with short brown hair. I'm wearing a green and blue flannel.
Image 6: a portrait of a summer eladrin in side profile. they have copper skin and red-violet hair. a yellow, painted-on flower adorns their cheek.
Image 7: a painting of two people hugging. One is Idris, and the other is a taller half-orc young man with light green skin, brown eyes, and messy brown hair.
Image 8: a portrait of Idris. She looks directly at the viewer while tucking a curl behind her ear. One of her eyes is green.
Image 9: a digital painting of my D&D character Yarrow, a purple-skinned drow woman with long brown hair blowing in the wind. She wears a flowing dress and is picking flowers.
End ID.
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satosktty · 4 months
2000s satoru would b so pretty w a tongue piercing, angel bites; wearing super dark affliction n probably inspired by mello n misa at the time; he would very much be into lolita goth, vkei n mall goth! I think he n sugu would match in romantic goth hummm... he wouldn't wear the stereotypical gothic colors 24/7 and sometimes dabble into pinks, (BLUE ESPECIALLY) and whites — going into his teens and finally being given some autonomy over how he wants to live; he starting seeing more death and morbid things that he gained interest in; which lead to him getting more onto the internet and his free time ( when he wasn't training or fighting ) and he discovered Kuroyume ( post-punk/gothic rock band ) and through these he began discovering people like Malice Mizer which lead to him learning about the origins of goth
but theres also non goth sato who would love aa alternative fashions ( for its time ) he would rock flared jeans OR FLARED LEGGINGS?
( stop calling this shit 2000s grunge; these styles were inspired by 2000s Japanese fashion, hip hop fashion and then rock fashion n nu metal b rave scenes which THEN skater boys found it; grunge ngas were wearing skinny jeans and flannels ! ! )
he's going all out; he would later get doxxed 4 hating on dark & wild ( bts) { he secretly loves it he just said shit to be a dick to suguru who loves bts idol } ) he would love 1st 2nd n 3rd gen kpop soooo bad; he especially loves AOA - Excuse me and still as a grown man rolls his eyes when anyone says their favorite song is Miniskirt bc he always thinks life a game or smthing 🤦‍♀️
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chic-a-gigot · 8 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 4, vol. 20, 23 janvier 1898, Paris. 12. (1) Groupe de cravates et plastrons fantaisie. (Modèles de la maison Capdeville, 58 boulevard Haussmann). (2) Corsage de maison en moire rose de Chine. (3) Robe en drap. (4) Robe de chambre en cheviotte flamme. (5) Robe en flanelle bleu de France. (6) Robe en bouclé écossais. (Modèles de Mlle Thirion, 47, boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris.) Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
(1) Groupe de cravates et plastrons fantaisie. (Group of fancy ties and bibs.)
(2) Corsage de maison en moire rose de Chine, de forme sac devant et dans le dos les devants garnis d’un coquillé de dentelle col de velours garni de dentelle, nœud flot devant, manches unies en velours garnies d’un jockey de dentelle, volant de dentelle au bas
(2) House bodice in Chinese pink moire, sack-shaped front and back, fronts trimmed with shell lace, velvet collar trimmed with lace, flowing bow in front, plain velvet sleeves trimmed with a jockey of lace, lace flounce at the bottom
Matériaux: 3 mètres de moire, 6 mètres de dentelle, 2 mètres de dentelle plus haute haute pour les jockeys.
(3) Robe en drap "terre glaise" velours "violette" — Jupe garnie devant de deux quilles de velours recouvertes de croisillons de velours noirs étroits, et bordées d’astrakan. Corsage-blouse garni de deux bandes de velours rappelant la jupe et bordées d’astrakan. Les devants s'ouvrent sur un gilet de velours surmonté d’un col droit. Col Médicis très évasé, doublé d’astrakan et bordé d'un volant de taffetas boutons de strass au col et au bas du corsage près de la taille, ceinture ronde en velours, manches unies bordées d’astrakan. Chapeau drapé en velours violet orné de plumes noires.
(3) Dress in “clay” cloth and “purple” velvet — Skirt trimmed in front with two velvet keels covered with narrow black velvet lattices, and edged with astrakhan. Blouse-bodice trimmed with two bands of velvet reminiscent of the skirt and edged with astrakhan. The fronts open onto a velvet vest topped with a straight collar. Very flared Medici collar, lined with astrakhan and edged with a taffeta ruffle, rhinestone buttons at the collar and at the bottom of the bodice near the waist, round velvet belt, plain sleeves edged with astrakhan. Draped purple velvet hat decorated with black feathers.
Matériaux: 6 mètres de drap, 4 mètres de velours, 10 métrés de velours étroit.
(4) Robe de chambre en cheviotte flamme dans les tons vieux rouge et velours noir, de forme américaine, froncée devant et plissée dans le dos, montée sur un empiècement carré entouré d’un volant bordé de velours, manches blouse avec grand volant de dentelle à l’intérieur, col Médicis garni de velours.
(4) Flame cheviotte dressing gown in old red tones and black velvet, American shape, gathered in front and pleated in the back, mounted on a square yoke surrounded by a ruffle edged with velvet, blouse sleeves with large ruffle of lace inside, Medici collar trimmed with velvet.
Matériaux: 5 mètres de tissu, 10 mètres de velours.
(5) Robe en flanelle bleu de France. Jupe ronde unie. Matinée plissée devant et dans le dos, garnie d’une collerette de dentelle formant coquillé, ceinture de ruban nouée devant, col droit, ruche de dentelle, manches avec double jockey, revers de velours et volant de dentelle.
(5) French blue flannel dress. Plain round skirt. Pleated matinee front and back, trimmed with a lace collar forming a shell, ribbon belt tied in front, straight collar, lace ruffle, sleeves with double jockey, velvet cuffs and lace flounce.
Matériaux: 6 mètres de flanelle, 4 mètres de dentelle.
(6) Robe en bouclé écossais. — Les devants droits sont garnis d’une petite passe en velours bleu garnie de velours noir étroit, berthe froncée en tissu écossais montée sous un même biais, ceinture assortie. Col droit et ruche en velours. Manches unies.
(6) Scottish loop dress. — The straight fronts are trimmed with a small blue velvet pass trimmed with narrow black velvet, gathered berthe in tartan fabric mounted under the same bias, matching belt. Straight collar and velvet ruffle. Plain sleeves.
Matériaux: 5 mètres de tissu écossais.
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