#aph indiana
spidertalia · 1 year
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they're twins and got each other shirts
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indiana alfred f. jones
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ft. japan as marion
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unhonestlymirror · 1 year
In Lithuania, firefighters were checking whether the residents were not burning last year's grass. Instead, they found a burning refrigerator on the road.
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I’ve been thinking about fashion and
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This is such a Midwest girls vibe to me
(Left to right) Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana is how I’d dress them
I love the idea of all the female states with their hair done up (or done down) and wearing flower patterns it’s so cute to me
And then with the 70s being bolder with fashion and just having fun
Maybe it’s because of the casualness of it and the social revival going on, but 60s (and 70s) fashion just has such a happy vibe to me and I love to see it
This is more of the 70s but
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(Left to right) N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee is how I’d dress them
Like look at how gorgeous and fun yet elegant their silhouettes are that’s so awesome
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flash56-chase05 · 1 year
La última película de Indiana Jones me ha hecho pensar en cómo reaccionaría Roma —en ese contexto específico—, si de repente viese un avión de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Luego ha desembocado en cómo se sentiría si supiese cómo estaban todos sus hijos en esa época.
Y no he terminado de salir de ahí.
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Indiana: Whenever Illinois is mad at me, I go and tighten the lids of all the jars so they have to come to me for help.
*sound of glass breaking in the background*
Indiana It hasn't happened yet but it'll happen.
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Revamp once again!!  @askaphindiana -> @ask-hws-indiana- illinois
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Ethan: “Heyo everyone! Feel free to ask me and my brother Nathan questions!”
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Indiana: *Out of breath* I thought I told you to stay in the car.
Illinois: *Holding a gun and standing on top of a pile of bodies* I know but I got bored and it looked like you needed help. America also would have killed me if I didn’t help.
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Kansas: I’m sort of a chicken magnet.
Indiana: Don’t you mean chick magn-
*distant bawk-bawking*
Kansas: We have to go NOW!!
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The only gods the Midwest answers to are the corn gods
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I support this
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spidertalia · 1 year
Relations to other states?
For Indiana
Indiana's human name is Anthony des Miamis, after Fort Wayne- once known as Fort Miami(s).
Indiana likes playing basketball, being outdoors, farming, racing and storm watching. He tends to grow most of his own fruits and vegetables, and so he has a garden/farm at every single one of his houses. He likes racing and owns a single racing car, and he'll occasionally participate in races himself. He loves going to the Indy 500 as well.
He's the fraternal twin brother to Illinois, though neither knows which of them is older. He's an older brother to Missouri and Iowa.
Appearance wise, he has dirty blond hair, gray blue eyes and stands at 5'10 1/2 or 179 cm. I'd have to describe his body type as kinda bulky- he's not super muscular, but he's broad with a thick torso and overall build. He does have some muscle thanks to the decades of farming and hard, manual labor he's done. He tends to keep his hair medium length, roughly 1-3 inches above his shoulder. Similar to his twin, he has some facial hair; however, while Illinois just has some facial hair on his chin, Indiana wears a full beard of stubble. His hair is generally styled similarly to Illinois- they like to kinda match while also having their own spin on things. i haven't fully colored him, but here's a sketch of him !!
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meetthemidwest · 4 years
Kentucky: Okay, but your hair kind of makes you look like that guy from Persona 3.
Michigan: Which one?
Kentucky: Um... Marth?
Indiana: Oh my god...
Kentucky: He's voiced by Yuri Lowenthal but that's all I know.
Indiana: OH MY GOD!
Ohio: Kentucky what the fuck?
Illinois: No, he's got a point.
Indiana: No one asked for your opinion, Illinois.
Illinois: I don't deserve to be bullied like this.
Michigan: Okay can we get back to the fact that Kentucky has one brain cell and it's been steeped in Fire Emblem like a teabag in hot water?
Minnesota: I... what is happening here?
Indiana: We're collectively having a massive stroke, nice of you to join us!
Kentucky: Wait, what's the character's name though?
Kentucky: Please tell me, I'm struggling.
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Knows French and will converse in French: Quebec, Wisconsin, UP
Knows French but pretends not to: Ontario, Minnesota, Michigan
Knew French at some point but isn’t fluent anymore: Illinois, Indiana
Doesn’t know French: Ohio (or does he?)
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Wyoming is just a badass Karen on the inside (and out)
Sir... sir why would you defame my sexy morally ambiguous in it for the Money and Fame™️ femme fatale mercenary — who will flirt with everyone and can lie smoother than the resident lawyer illinois as she is shameless and witty while he is a mere dork hiding behind stoic logic a woman who slays effortlessly in her Wild West prostitute aesthetic corset and skirt and steps on all them women loving fools in her stellar six inch stilettos before conning Jeff Bezos of his mahnie and drop kicking Jared Kushner’s baby face back up a uterus the most shady and powerful woman in the world sitting on her throne of cash money — as a Karen (though she is indeed badass) when my Indiana has the entire Karen bob and my North Carolina is literally named Karen? 🥺
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missmagicandlight · 5 years
Childhood headcanon for michael, corey, and riley please
▼ - childhood headcanon
Michael: lost his front teeth and they took like two months to grow in. He found a wolverine kit and kept it until it was old. Even after he released it, it stuck around nearby. 
Cordelia: pigtails. always had bows/ribbons in her hair that matched her outfit. Ginny used to make her and Tim stuffed animals out of fabric scrabs so she had a collection of stuffed wildlife and they would trade them every couple of months. 
Riley: Alfred used to help Cass and Riley build elaborate toy train setups in the living room. cute messy little kid hair. had (still has tbh) so many cowlicks. wandered everywhere barefoot and used to track mud all through the house
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Indiana: Hey Buck, can you carry this box? It's really heavy.
Ohio, picking up the box with ease Nothing is heavier than the weight of my depression.
Indiana: ... I'm now equally impressed and concerned.
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