#greenhouse academy season 1
lgbtqforeverything · 6 months
ok so i figured out the greenhouse academy timeline on this rewatch and it is wild.
season 1/2: a total of 4 months!-alex and hayley get into the greenhouse 8 months after their mom “dies” then when hayley finds her alive (aka the season 2 finale) she says its been around a year
season 3: 4 weeks! (plus one month after season 2: daniel says that its been one month since marcus was arrested at the start of the season)-louis says his tech conference is 6 weeks away when he leaves and then at the start of season 4 brooke says its 2 weeks away
season 4: 2 weeks!-at the start of season 4 brooke says the tech conference is 2 weeks away and the conference is the main setting of the finale
so all in all the 4 season 2017-2020 show takes place over 6 and 1/2 months. it is the wildest/most traumatizing time of these kids lives and it’s not even a full year.
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conjuringgifs · 8 months
PAID CONTENT by clicking the source link, you will be directed to ko-fi to purchase 300 gifs of grace van dien in greenhouse academy season 1 the minimum amount to pay is $4 (all money will be going towards paying a couple bills that were a little more pricey this month). do not repost, claim as your own, edit in any way, or include in gif hunts. this includes taking my gifs and making your own gif sets. want to support me? consider a commission or buy me a ko-fi!    
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hidelias · 13 days
A bend in space-time Season 2 - [Chapter 26: A conflict of interest]
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[Chapter 26: A conflict of interest] Links : AO3 - Wattpad - FFN
Summary: Viktor's deflagration has been devastating, and Rin blacked out. She wakes up in a place outside space-time, where she remembers having been before… once.
The first thing I recognize is the peaceful silence, only broken by the gentle breeze and the flight of dragonflies. The feeling of sudden lightness as I open my eyes. I sit up, I stand up, contemplating the luxuriant place where I now wake up. I recognize those bushes, those streams, those ponds, in the unreal light that bathes everything: sepia, almost monochrome. Yes, I've seen them before, those paths of fine gravel crunching underfoot. And the greenhouses, similar to those in the Thao Cam Viên botanical garden in Ho Chi Minh City, where my mother and grandmother used to take me when I was a child.
"Fuck", is the first word that comes to my mind. Because even though I know nothing about the nature of this place, what's left of my own energy perception doesn't fool me about one certain fact:
I'm no longer alive.
I sigh, stunned by the realization of what my death implies: what I'm losing, what I'm leaving behind. I could shudder. Yet I have little time to dwell on it: suddenly, my contemplation is swept away by a movement different from that of the carps splitting the clear pond, amidst the water irises.
A summer dress, a ribbon hat. A young girl - almost a child - strolls like me through this delicately scented garden. I frown slightly as she crosses a small wooden bridge: she scrutinizes her surroundings with a critical eye, and exudes that self-confidence you have when you're perfectly at home. (…)
↝↝↝↝ Read 'A bend in space-time' ↜↜↜↜ Full chapter : AO3 - Wattpad - FFN Season 1 complete : AO3 - Wattpad - FFN Season 2 in progress : AO3 - Wattpad - FFN
I chose to insert an OC - Rin - into the plot of The Umbrella Academy, appearing almost only in deleted scenes. This fic is not a self-insert nor a OC-centric fic : Rin exists to flesh out the canon characters, and the fic is mostly focusing on Klaus. Please read the introduction for more details ♡
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thatonebadasslighter · 9 months
When I get into a good show but hate it once it gets ruined by terrible writing and trashy editing skills
• CW The Flash
• Supergirl
• Ginny & Georgia ( Season 1 not counting s2 )
• Riverdale
• All American
• Station 19
• Once Upon a Time ( only counting s7)
• How to get away with Murder
• Arrow
• Manifest ( Finished it btw loved and hated it at times )
• A Secret Life of American Teenager
• Peacock Bel-Air
• I know what you did last summer
•Greenhouse Academy
•Outer Banks ( S3 only )
•Pretty Little Liars
•13 Reasons Why
•Secret Invasion
•Many others that I can't think of rn 😅
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mackeydoodledoo · 2 years
A Shoulder to Cry On: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Stella x (Fem!)Reader MC: Cirrus Qrow
Chapter Summary: Cirrus Qrow is a transfer from Red Fountain Academy: immediately catching the eye of Andreas, to which he has her training closely under Sky and Riven. Beatrix tells Stella to go find someone else to pine after. So Stella begins to find her own ground on what and who she wants.
Warnings: Vulnerability, Swearing/Vulgar Language, Angsty, Jealousy
Key: Italics = Thoughts, +*+ = Time Skip, Bold/Indent = Text Messaging, Bold/Italic = Flashback
Chapter Theme: Into My Arms - COIN
A/n: Happens in Season 2. 05/30/2024: I decided to rewrite this series: I wanted to make it better.
*Sky’s POV* “So, what’d you think of the new transfer?” Riven comes up to you
“What do I think?” You ask, chuckling, “She’s a natural. Rosalind mentioned that she took an internship working with the Solarian Army.”
“Now don't get a boner for her,” Riven jokes with you, “You’re shagging the Dragon Flame don’t forget.”
“Fuck off,” You sigh in annoyance, “So far she hasn’t even gawked at either one of us since she got here.”
You push him away as you observe her sparring session with two specialists at once. 
*Cirrus’ POV* You didn’t have the chance to move in at all, you were sent to the greenhouse before they could find a proper room and roommate for you in the Specialists dorm. But, it was only for a single night. You stop in front of the door with the number that matched with the number on your paper. 
“Hello?” You call to the person on the other side of the door
You open the door and see a woman with frizzed hair, setting herself down onto her desk.
“Ahh, you must be Cirrus, I’m Kat,” She introduces herself, “Wasn’t sure which side of the room you wanted but I made sure that there was some kind of distinction between our sides.”
“Thanks Kat,” You say, beginning to occupy the empty part of the room, “So... You were here last year.. What was that like here?”
“Insane,” She sighs, “But, we didn't really have to fight them as they were all after Sky’s girlfriend.”
“The Dragon Flame?” You ask
She nods.
“Wonder what it would be like if I had some kind of power like that whilst being a Specialist,” You wonder
“You’d sure as hell be super powerful,” Kat states
*Stella’s POV* “What are you doing here?” Beatrix asks
I can’t let her know about the plan...
“It’s embarrassing,” You sigh
“I’m listening,” She says
“I... I was looking out for Sky,” You confess
“Oh, more like... Stalking?” She asks, smiling
“Yeah, like I said, embarrassing,” You sigh
“Rather your shoes are embarrassing, stalking is pathetic,” She replies
“You tell no one about this,” You demand
“Please, I’m no snitch,” She says, “But like... Either go to therapy, or find someone else to pine after.”
You blankly stare at her.
“It’s been months,” She sighs in frustration, walking away
"Can you manage getting the guard’s keys, unlock Silvia's chains and sneak him out?” Aisha looks at you
“I just hope that I don’t break my back carrying the entire plan,” You joke
“Let’s take a moment to appreciate this entire plan,” Terra smiles, “Even Stella is happy she is involved.”
You were attempting to keep your head down too low: texting your friends that you were about to meet up with them, you didn’t realize you had run into someone. Arms wrap themselves around your midsection; preventing you from falling onto the ground.
“Are you alright?” A feminine voice asks
As you look at your savior, your mouth open to answer, but no words come out. 
“My office, now,” Rosalind’s voice firmly tells you
Just as she helps you onto your feet, er hands slowly drift from your hips as she walks the opposite of you. 
“I’ll see you around, Princess,” She says
You watch her round the corner; nearly forgetting that Rosalind was standing right in front of you. 
It was painful... Everything felt sore. You were walking back to your suite. You had to figure out how you were going to tell your suite-mates that you were a now-caged princess.
I can’t let them pity me...
You grunt: running into someone again...
*Cirrus’ POV* “Princess,” She chuckles, “We have got to-”
You stop speaking when she looks up at you, tears streaked her face, eyes red-puffy. You look around for any lurking eyes, and then bring her to an intimate spot around the main hall.
“Talk to me princess,” You wipe her tears away
“N-not here,” She sniffles, “Lets go back to the suite.... Please. I can’t be seen here...”
You nod. You wrap your arm around her shoulder and try to keep her on the down low as the both of you walk back to her suite. 
“This.. Thing is keeping me from leaving Alfea grounds,” She explains
You stare at the gem stuck in her back: the punctures still red.
“That’s really excessive,” You say
You carefully trace the outer parts of the area. Your fingers instinctively retract once she reacted. 
“I just remembered that I never got your name,” She changes the subject
“Hah,” She sighs, “Cirrus Qrow.”
*Stella’s POV* The hot transfer from Red Fountain?!... 
You gently chuckle to yourself...
“Stella,” She answers
“Come on, you think I don't know the Crown Princess of Solaria when I see her?” She chuckles
The both of you hear the door open... Stella puts her sweater back over her and composes herself as she walks to the door. You lurk behind her.
“Uhm, where the hell have you been?” Aisha asks
“Guys, let’s not gang up on her until we know the full story,” Musa states
You notice their eyes lurking behind your shoulder.
“Oh. My. God.” Musa’s surprised face turns into a smile,”You brought the hot transfer into your room?”
“You do realize we will need details,” Terra states
“Ladies I can assure you nothing happened,” She chuckles, walking past you, “Text me. Yeah?”
“Yeah, sure,” You slightly smile
Her hand drifts from your hipline. She makes her leave from the suite. Your friends eyes look back at you as soon as the door closes.
“You all saw that too right?” Musa teases you, “The way her hands were on her hips?”
“I hate you all,” You sigh in frustration
*Cirrus’ POV* You attempt to subtly enter your dorm again however, Kat was awake.
“Heard you went to the Princess’ suite,” She smirks
“Nothing happened,” You say
“Right,” She chuckles, “What happened then?”
“Things that aren’t my story to disclose,” You answer
“Come on, there’s got to be something,” Kat sits up in her bed
“Nothing that you don’t need to concern yourself with,” You argue
“Ooooh, is Cirrus Qrow already crushing on the princess?” Kat asks, smirking
“Absolutely not,” You say, “I had only ran into her twice.”
You’ve been visiting Stella at her request since giving her your number. Mostly when she has the suite to herself. You’d often see her with Beatrix outside of the suite. But you didn’t think anything of it.
“Have you told your friends yet Stel?” You ask
*Stella’s POV* You sigh in relief when you feel her fingertips gently dance across your back, carefully avoiding your gem. You’ve been trying to forcefully rip it out of you. But alas, it is stuck.
“No,” You answer
“Why not?” She asks, looking down at you the best she could
“I don't want them to pity me,” You reply, looking up at her
“So you’re seeking a semi-stranger to vent to?” She asks
“You’re... Different,” You say
“Different?” She asks, sitting up, “Different how?”
You sit up, facing her, “There’s... Just something about you that... That.. I just find myself attracted to.”
“It’s not because I’m simply ‘the hot transfer’ right?” She asks
That’s one thing...
“It’s more than that,” You say
“What else is there... Then?” She asks
Before you could answer, you hear the door to the suite opening. You reach for a sweater off of the bed. Again, you compose yourself and exit your room. 
“Stella, since when did you have anything black?” Aisha asks
You look down at your sweater and notice it was Cirrus’. 
“Since today,” Cirrus pops from behind you, wearing your sweater, “I’ll see you later Stel.”
*Cirrus’ POV* “Oh you and Stella are finally exchanging clothing?” Kat asks
“Well, she took mine so, only fair if I took something of hers,” You chuckle,” I'm surprised at how well bright colors suit me.”
“Princess’ fashion does suit you,” She says, “When are you going to stop brooding and just ask Stella out already?”
“She has a lot of her own things going on,” You say, “I’m not going to add the pressure of having top put certain expectations for someone.”
“I see the way she looks at you when we’re all in the same room together,” Kat states, “Just do it, it may just help her after all.”
“Fine.” You sigh, getting off of your bed
When you turn the corner to Stella’s suite, you stop; seeing Beatrix at the door.
“Care for a pre-drinks drink?” She asks
“I’m kind of busy, but I’m sure Riven is free,” She says slowly closing the door
As soon as you see Beatrix turn her heel, you immediately try to run.
“Stalking the princess now are we?” She calls out to you
You slowly turn around, lips pressing together. 
“I had a very important question for her,” You say
“And... What as that?” She asks
You pause... 
It’s pathetic...
“None of your business,” You say
You turn your heel and walk back to your dorm.
“Cirrus Qrow,” Andreas calls for you
You step up into the platform.
“Dane,” He calls
He steps up onto the opposite side of the platform.
“First blood,” He announces
You look at him.
“Afraid to tear your new outfit?” He asks
“It’ll be fine,” Dane lies to you
“Don’t expect me to dial back my moves because you’re still a rookie,” You say
“I’m a 2nd year,” He states, “Don’t expect me to do the same.”
You wait until Dane strikes first. 
You continue going on the defensive, not being able to land an offensive move. You begin to panic as he just continues to make the offensive move. you miscalculated the trajectory of his blade and you yelp; falling to the ground.
“So much for being one of the great students from Red Fountain,” Dane talks down at you
Sky immediately brings you a cloth to prevent infection and blood getting into your eye.
“Your boyfriends will send you dick pics later,” Riven tells Dane, “Let’s get her fixed. You’ll explain it.”
“That’s a pretty deep gash,” Terra says, gently dabbing your eyebrow
“Thank cocky over there,” You grunt in pain
“Don’t be a sore loser,” Dane chuckles
“That’s enough there Dane,” Riven humbles him, “Why don’t you go back to training.”
“I’ll be fine Riven,” You sigh, “I don’t need a babysitter.”
“Alright then,” He raises his hands in defeat, 
Suite’s empty, want to come over?
Terra smiles down at you.
“Am I all good?” You ask
“If it’ll make you and the person who made you smile feel better, yes,” Terra answers
You could hear Stella’s footsteps as she rushes to the door. Her smile soon drops when she sees your face.
“What happened?” She asks 
*Sky’s POV* “What’s it about nearly taking someone’s eye out?” You come up to Dane
“Nothing,” Dane chuckles, “Just having a chat.”
“Why are you talking about Cirrus as if she’s weak?” He asks
“No, not at all,” He says
“I appreciate you Sky,” Cirrus says, then pats him on the back, “But, if I wanted to fight this battle further, I would have done it myself.”
You look down at your phone: a message from Bloom.
“Got a date tonight?” She asks
“Rosalind’s gone, we could all use a break,” You say, “You gonna come?”
“Nah, I don't really drink,” She says
“Or are you waiting for Stella to ask you to see her?” You ask, smirking
“Hey, man, it’s not like that,” She says, raising her hands, “Beatrix has been missing for a minute.”
“Just.... Careful not to dive yourself too deep,” You advise, “She’s... Close with Beatrix.”
“I’m aware,” She says, “
The both of you part ways to your dorms. 
*Stella’s POV* You listen to your friends talk out in the living room about Rosalind being gone, but none of them seem to plan on finding Beatrix anytime soon. You’d do it yourself 
“Stella, are you going to come?” Bloom asks
“As if I’m going to give the commoners the satisfaction of seeing a princess in a gross, dingy pub,” You say, “Have fun.”
You simply wait for them to leave, pulling out your phone.
Room’s empty, come over?
Be there soon.
You immediately rush to the door as soon as you hear a knock. You didn't give her any time before you embraced her; inhaling her scent.
“Miss me that much Princess?” She asks, chuckling
“Wish you were in a dorm that was closer,” You say
You lay against Cirrus’ chest, soaking in her presence before the girls come back. The both of you watch her friends’ stories: how much they’re having fun. Cirrus’ fingers draws circles around the gem.
“You still haven’t told them?” She asks
“No,” You answer, “I don’t want them pitying me.”
“It would help them understand why you're stuck here,” She notes, “You don't want them to think you're a lazy princess right?”
“I don’t want them to but if it gives them a better idea then so be it,” You say
“I don’t like that you’re doing this to yourself Stella,” She says, “You have to tell them.”
“Fine,” You say, looking up at her, “But, I’m doing it on my own terms.”
“Because if you don't, I’ll make you do it,” She says
You stop your scrolling when you see a notification... 
“Stella, what's wrong?” She asks
You nearly shove your phone into her face; a text form Beatrix. She gets out from your embrace and begins phoning her friends. 
“I’ll go,” You get up from the bed
“No! You can’t go!” Stella grabs your hand, “You’re staying here!”
“Okay fine, but we need to tell Silva,” You say
“I’ve texted Sky,” She says, “They’re out, so they’re closer.”
The both of you wait patiently for everyone to return. However, Stella is immediately all over Beatrix.
“Cirrus, it’s best if you go for now,” She tells you
“Wh-what?” You ask
“I’ll text you when I have the chance,” She says
Your expression drops. She sighs; seeing how hurt you were. She gently takes your cheek into her hand. She places her hand on your stomach and places a kiss onto your cheek.
“I promise, okay?” She says
Chapter 2
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baileyblues · 9 months
Chapter 1: Move-in Day
[AO3] [Wattpad] [Masterlist]
𝔇𝔞𝔱𝔢- 𝔄𝔲𝔤𝔲𝔰𝔱 17𝔱𝔥 258
𝔚𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯- ℑ𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔲𝔫𝔫𝔶 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔪 𝔬𝔲𝔱𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢
𝔗𝔦𝔪𝔢- 9:30 𝔞𝔪 — 𝔐𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔡𝔞𝔶 — 𝔐𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔴𝔬 𝔡𝔞𝔶𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔡𝔞𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔰𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔩. ℑ𝔱 𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔰 𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔞𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔩 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔣𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔰.
Day 1
Date: August 17th 258
Weather: Sunny and warm
Time: 9:30 am
Move in day
Move-in day is two days before the first day of school. It allows students to get used to the layout of the school and make some friends.
[Venus POV, 9:30 AM]
Standing in the doorway of her bedroom, or what would be her bedroom for the next 10 months, Venus felt excited. After all, she was an aid to the Archduke of the Student Council now, which meant she had more power than before. Something even better is that she wouldn't have to deal with the boorish half-orc whom she had been forced to partner up with since her first year at Oakenshield Academy. She shuttered thinking about him… She would avoid him at all costs this year. No matter what, she would never be in the same room as him! Taking off her cardigan and rolling up her sleeves, she started to get to work unpacking the things she brought with her. It would be 2 more days until her maid could enter the Academy, so Venus was left to fend for herself. Softly humming to herself, she opened a box full of her favorite books that she could use to keep herself entertained during the hellish High Council meetings. She glanced at the clock which said 9:14 AM. She was making good progress.
After putting away her books, she turned her focus to her wardrobe and started to sort through it– first putting her uniforms based on the season, how often she would wear them, their color, and their length. Second, she turned to her casual outfits once again and sorted through them by the same criteria. After finishing that she reached for her formal outfits– Venus hoped that she would get to wear the dresses she had gotten tailor-made for herself. Standing back with her hands on her hips, she grinned and admired her hard work. Her room looked a million times better than before. Venus had to give her dad credit for suggesting an earthy color scheme, as her room now looked almost identical to her room at her home manor.
Going over to the bay window, she pushed open the windows to let some sunlight into her room. As she did, a soft gust of wind ruffled her bangs and loosened the braids she had done. Propping her elbows on the windowsill, she let out a soft huff, letting her body rest from the hard labor she had just done. The view outside her dorm was a nice one– she had a clear view of the middle courtyard, the greenhouse, and Erua Lake. Venus could even see a few first years hanging out and having what seemed to be a small picnic. Resting her head on her arm, she started to fall asleep. However, before she could close her eyes and have a peaceful mid-day nap, she heard a knock on her door. Wrinkles appeared on her closed eyelids as she tried to ignore the sound and get some rest, but it didn't work as the knocking only got louder. "I'm coming!" She snapped at the door whilst quickly stomping there and abruptly opening it to see a certain Demon Archduke.
"Oh?" she said, curious as to why he was at her door. Before she could utter another word, the demon cut her off.
"Are you coming to the meeting?" he said, without blinking.
"Yeah? I mean I don't have a choice, it's mand-" She started, though was cut off again.
"Okay," He gave a quick nod and left as soon as he came.
"Rude much?" she muttered, staring at where he came from. Venus quickly started to think of ways to get back at him. While lost in thought, she remembered she had to collect a few documents from the library. Popping back into her room, she grabbed her key, put on her cardigan, and rushed to the library. Maybe she could find a few people to tease on the way...
[Alaric POV, 9:20 AM]
The Council room was dead on account of Alaric being the only one there. The Barons and Baroness had done their job well setting it up. The room looked more homey and cozy than last year. Walking to his desk, he saw a small pile of papers. Picking them up, he started to scan through it, quickly realizing it was the list of Council members, and catching a few familiar faces made him feel... nostalgic? Is that what humans call it? He made a quick mental note to talk to Lucy about the feeling. The door creaked as it opened to reveal Lucy with what seemed to be a first-year trailing behind her. "Hello there.." He greeted, softly putting the papers he had been holding down onto the table and turning to face the pair.
"Hello Ala!– Meet my new first year and a new baroness," Lucy said in a sing-song voice, gliding across the room to her desk.
"Being a first-year means that she's new, meaning you don't have to say 'new first year,” Alaric said, going back to his nit-picky roots which he soon regretted as he saw the way Lucy's eyes shimmered and how her lips tugged into a cunning smile.
"Do me a favor, won't you? Go ask Venus if she's coming to the meeting." Ah, so she was using that against him.
"I would love to go and ask, but I fear I am busy," He fired back, gesturing to the stack of papers at his desk.
Lucky nodded her head while letting out a fake sigh, "Well...I guess I'll have to go and see her… and maybe I should show her a few baby portraits of our most wonderful Archduke, hm?" She teased, holding up a collection of Alaric’s baby pictures.
Accepting his defeat, Alaric dragged his feet to the door and left quietly without a goodbye. He had already memorized where all the Council members were located in case of emergency. Approaching Venus's door, he gave a soft knock and waited for a while... Getting important, he started to knock harder until the door was thrust open from the inside by a green-haired elf and fae hybrid.
"Hm?" she hummed, not expecting Alaric to be the one knocking.
Trying to move along as quickly as possible, he asked her: "Are you coming to the meeting?" He started, focusing on how her nose scrunched up, she was annoyed.. Next time he would start with a greeting so at least Venus wouldn’t get so mad.
"Yeah? I mean I don't have a choice it's mand-" Venus started to say, though Aleric finished the conversation for her.
"Okay." He nodded and turned on his heel, not waiting for a reply. His gloved left hand reached up to his face– he could feel his temperature rise. Thank god he hadn't stayed any longer or else he would have definitely made a fool of himself. He focused on calming himself down while going back to the Council room.
[Bailey POV, 9:30 AM] Bailey sighed in relief as she finally finished unpacking all of the items she brought with her. She remembered her mentors telling her how important it was to keep everything organized so an accident doesn't happen. Bailey suddenly perked up. Since she was already finished unpacking everything, why not give her mentors a call? She took her crystal ball from the shelf she had put it on previously and started to cast a spell. The ball glowed for a bit before revealing a landscape of a swamp. Bailey smiled, knowing that her call was accepted.
"Ah, Bailey! Have you finished unpacking everything?" One of her mentors, Heather asked. "Yup! And I remembered that you and Master said to organize everything!" Bailey proudly cheered. Although Bailey was unable to see her Mentor due to the restriction of the magic ball, she knew that she was smiling.
"That's good. I'm very happy that you updated me with a call. Elementa is out gathering herbs at the moment. When she gets back, I'll send you some of the new ingredients we found on our expeditions."
Bailey’s eyes lit up in excitement, "Thank you, Master!" Heather hummed, "It's not a big deal, sweetheart. Remember to go and stretch your legs. I know you've been here before but you still should look around and get used to how things feel."
"Ah! Of course! I know you're busy so I'll leave you to your things!" "Alright then. Stay safe." With that, Bailey smiled and ended the call with another spell. Bailey put her crystal ball back on her shelf, grabbed her dorm keys off of her nightstand, and made her way to the door. She went out of her dorm room, wondering where she should go first.
Making sure she locked it right, she smiled and plopped her keys onto her wrist, since she made it into a bracelet to carry it easier. Since she volunteered here last summer, she knows the basic layout of the academy. She took a quick stroll around the dorms before deciding that she was bored and went somewhere else to satisfy her exploration urges. After what seemed like an eternity walking around, she finally reached the outside of the building. She took a breath of fresh air and found a little path she could walk on. The grass was fresh, and even the flowers were blooming, despite it being August already. She took a nice walk around the school, looking at the different types of plants that grew there. She was amazed at the diversity of plants that were grown, even some that she had never seen before! She took out her phone and took a few pictures of them for future research.
She was already excited about starting school, and this just added more excitement to her! Bailey was amazed by just how big the school was as she walked around. Maybe she should talk to other people and make new friends! She always loved meeting new people and discussing interesting things! She also heard that there was a student council, and thought that was very cool. She happily walked around outside before deciding to go back into the building and see what other places there were.
'I can't wait to start school!' Bailey excitedly thought. Although she was a first-year student, she already had a lot of extensive knowledge about some concepts, such as astrology. She hoped that people would like her, and hopefully, she could have a good first year at Oakshield Academy!
[Alaric (& Bailey) POV, 10:00 AM]
 As Alaric walked through the halls, he noticed a blue-haired witch out of the corner of his eye. Stopping for a moment, he wondered where he had seen her before. Recalling his memories, he realized that she was the Flower of Society. He had seen her before, last summer if he wasn’t mistaken. She looked to be a first year based on her uniform. Deciding to introduce himself to her, Alaric made his way to Bailey until he was close enough to strike up a conversation.
“Hello there,” He said, trying for a friendly smile just as Lucy had taught him.
As Bailey walked through the halls looking around, she noticed a demon walking towards her. Although she didn't know who he was, she felt that he was powerful based on his aura, but he had no malicious intent towards her.
"Hello there," the demon said to Bailey, smiling.
"Ah! Hi there!" Bailey happily greeted back. Someone from the school is talking to her! 
"My name's Bailey! I'm a first-year who volunteered here last summer!" She said, smiling at the demon. "What's your name?" Bailey politely asked.
“I’m Alaric Regulus-Emir Andras, the Archduke of the High Council and a third year. Please pardon my rudeness, but you are the flower, are you not?” He tried his hardest to ask as casually as possible, not wanting to be rude. He guessed his smile had worked because Bailey didn’t have the same reaction as Lucy when he did it to her. 
"Ah! It's so nice to meet you, Alaric!" Bailey excitedly replied.
'Wow, I can't believe I met someone from the council!" Bailey excitedly whispered to herself. "Although.. I'm not sure why you're referring to me as a flower. Is it some sort of position?" Bailey wondered out loud.
“Uhm..yes?” Alaric answered, confused. “There hasn't been a flower for 50 years, so that may be why you’ve never heard of it…”
‘It’s weird she wasn’t informed of her role despite it being a high position.. I should talk to Lucy and the head about this,’ Alaric thought, making a mental note to ask Lucy and the headmistress about this issue.
Bailey was amazed, and Alaric probably saw the expression she made. "Really?? No wonder why I haven't heard of it before!" Bailey didn't know what to say, but she guessed that being a Flower was a good thing since there hadn't been one in 50 years. Alaric seemed to be thinking of something, though Bailey didn't pay any mind to it. 'School hasn't even started and I've already made a new friend!' Bailey happily thought, smiling to herself.
“Since you aren’t informed of the roles of a Flower, should I explain it to you?” Alaric felt sympathetic to the girl since she had been placed in a position of high standing without knowing anything about it.
"Really? Thank you so much! I'd love to know more about it!" Bailey excitedly replied, her eyes sparkling with joy. She was pretty curious about how she managed to acquire a role that hadn't been around for 50 years. 'This could be an opportunity to learn more about the school!' Bailey thought.
“The Flower of Society is a title given to one of the most influential students in Oakenshield Academy’s history. Students who have received this title executed their roles so well that the Headmaster recognizes their achievements and contributions to the school. They will receive a reward for their efforts at their graduation party, and will be eligible to receive public support from the school should anything scandalous happen to them. Not every year or even generation has them,” Alaric explained, directly quoting from the school’s guidebook.
Bailey was beyond amazed. As far as she knows, she barely knew anyone around the school, so she was quite surprised to hear that she was apparently one of the most influential ‘student’ at the academy! "Woah!- that's a lot of perks! No wonder it's so rare.." Bailey replied in awe. "You're really unknowledgeable!" She complimented Alaric.
"If the Flower isn't around every generation, then how does the school know who's the most influential? Are they chosen by the school? I've only volunteered here last summer and I barely know anyone..." Bailey asked, muttering the last part to herself. Although she didn't understand completely, it sounded like a huge responsibility! And she wasn’t even a student yet!
“If I were to guess, relationships most likely played a huge role in this. If your family or someone you know has a lot of influence, they could have talked to the head about you being the flower. If I may, I ask her about it for you,” Alaric offered. Even if Bailey said she didn’t want him to ask, he would ask on his own. “I should mention the flower works closely with the Council, so if you need any help with anything feel free to stop by,” Alaric offered.
‘It would be unwise of me to let this opportunity go by, as  connections are important after all,” he thought to himself.
Bailey perked up. "I'd really appreciate it if you could ask for me! I don't know much about the school and that'll be a good opportunity for me to learn the important things!" Bailey gratefully replied.
'Huh, so the Flower works with the council?' Bailey thought. "Thank you so much for the offer!" Bailey happily said. "I'll be sure to stop by sometime if you ever need my help!"
Bailey's eyes were sparkling with joy as she said that. The student council sounds like a difficult job, so she wants to help Alaric if she can since he was the one who told her more about the school!
Alaric nodded his head as he wasn't quite sure if the conversation had ended or was still going, so he decided to add in a final thing.
"In case I am not at my desk, the other members can also be of service to you so feel free to ask them as well– it can also be a way to make influential friends,"He offered again, seeing how happy Bailey was at his previous response.
"Ah! Thank you so much for telling me this!" Bailey replied, practically shining like a sun. Bailey perked up at the thought of making new friends. "I'll be sure to go talk with the other members when I have time!" Bailey smiled.
"I hope you make many friends, Bailey. I apologize on this sudden note, but I must be going now," Alaric said, realizing he might be late to the first council meeting of the year if he stayed to socialize any longer.
"I understand! You must be busy and probably have to take care of a lot of things from the Council!" Bailey hurriedly replied.
"I won't take up more of your time now!" Bailey said, starting to walk away.
Alaric didn't waste any time and he quickly made his way to the Council room. Thankfully, he wasn't late for the meeting. Glancing around the room he noticed Venus wasn't there yet. Feeling disappointed, he inched towards his desk and wrote down the questions he had to ask.
The meeting went by quickly as only one-third of the Council attended. Alaric had asked about Bailey's situation and had been informed that because of her unique upbringing and the connections she had with the Headmiss, she had been awarded the title. Looking out the window, Alaric sighed and looked back at the batch of papers sitting on his desk. Today was going to be rough…
(Bailey POV 10:24 AM)
As Bailey walked away from Alaric, she happily thought to herself, 'What a successful day! I managed to make a new friend who's also from the council!' As she walked around the halls, she had a sudden thought to go check out some of the rooms where classes are held. Seeing as she has to take them soon, it'll be good for her to know where they are.
Luckily, Bailey grabbed a hand copy of the map of Oakshield Academy and followed it as a guide to navigate the school. She first looked at her schedule and located the room she was supposed to go to for her first class. 'Ah, Flower Language! Sounds interesting! Let's see... it's right... here!' Bailey smiled as she found the room and where she was in the halls.
She followed the map and quickly found the room she was looking for. Bailey glanced at the sign in front of the room, 'Yup. Flower Language.' After making sure she was in the right place, she stepped inside the class and did a quick scan of her surroundings. 
Bailey looked at the setup of the chairs as well as the decoration on the walls. There didn't seem to be anything special about the room as it was just a plain classroom. There wasn't anyone in the room, so she decided to leave. Instead of checking out her other classes, Bailey thought it might be better to go somewhere where her classes won't be, since she's going to know how to get to her classes sooner or later.
The school was very big, and there were lots of exciting places she wanted to check out! As she looked at the map again, a certain location caught her eye. She always loved reading books when she was younger and was always excited to discover new things! Plus, the library seemed like a good place to start exploring! She had a hunch she would be in there a lot so might as well see what it's like first!
[Mac POV, 7:26 AM]
As Mac stood at the door to their dorm room for a while, they thought to themself, “This will be a new year, it won’t be like last year no matter what!” There won’t be that pervert together with her like last time trying to get her to have sex with her... As they walked into the room, Nan pointed out how roomy the area was even having two beds available. “Ah,” Mac said pridefully; “it must be because the school knows you will need your bed when you become a great spirit! … Nan?”
As Nan gave Mac the silent treatment, they flew towards the boxes in the middle of the room. Mac remembered that they would have to unbox all of their possessions. After 2 hours, Mac finally unpacked everything. The music player, the many precious rewards of being a mercenary, their clothes, other random stuff, and the most important… a hammock of Nan! After sitting in their bed, Mac remembered that they needed to fill out a form to the council for both the men and women’s uniforms. As they got up and walked towards the door, the door was opened. Mac saw a human standing there with her bags.
Startled, Mac jumped and yelled at the said human, “What are you doing here?!? Ah, wait-” Mac clears her throat.
“Human! It appears that you accidentally walked into my room, or perhaps you came to see my magical audio conjurer?” Mac says to the human, pointing to their normal music player.
“If you are lost, I could spend time out of my day to help find your dorm?” They said with a small blush on their face from embarrassment.
[Ludynn (& Mac) POV, 9: 26 AM]
Ludynn sighed as she stood in front of her new dormitory, carrying two bags that contained her possessions. She just arrived at the school and she already wanted to go back to the forest.
‘It’s not like I belong here anyway,’ Lu thought to herself. Lu suddenly heard a whistling noise to her left and glanced in that direction. It was one of the ghosts that liked to follow her around. Well, at least she won’t be alone in a strange place filled with living people Well, not people exactly. Lu may not have been at the school very long, but so far she has not seen a single person that looked like her. The other students she had seen were elves and there was one who looked like a demon.
‘I don’t think I’ll be making friends in this school anytime soon…’ Lu gloomily thought. The ghost made a whistling noise again and wrapped itself around her right arm, comforting Lu.
 “Where did your twin go?” She asked the ghost, who shook its head since it had no clue.
“Hmm, well, we shouldn’t waste any more time standing out here..” Lu reached to open the dorm door only for it to open by itself and reveal an elven standing on the other side. The elven seemed to be startled by Ludynn standing in front of the dorm. 
“What are you doing here?!? Ah, wait-” The elven clears their throat.
“Human! It appears that you accidentally walked into my room, or perhaps you came to see my magical audio conjurer?” The other said to her and pointed at something in the room that Lu couldn’t see from the angle she was at.
“If you are lost, I could spend time out of my day to help find your dorm?” They awkwardly asked Lu.
Ludynn didn’t know how to respond to that. ‘Uhh, I’m pretty sure this is the right room.. Are they supposed to be my roommate??’
Lu reached into her back pocket to pull out her schedule to check the dorm number again.
“Um, I think this is supposed to be my dorm unless there is a mistake with my schedule..” She shyly said to the elven, completed with an awkward smile.
“Ah…well-” Mac looks back to see their belongings on both sides of the dorm..  “My mistake! Wait! But that means I have to– AND I JUST SPEND SO LONG PUTTING EVERYTHING UP!” They yelled into the air, looking dejected and falling to their knees dramatically putting their hands on their head. Nan bobbed around Mac’s head to tell them that the human was still standing there, though Mac didn’t acknowledge anything Nan said as they were busy being miserable.
Ludynn stood there as the elven fell to their knees with their hands on their head. She noticed a blue sphere bobbing around the other’s head.
‘I wonder what that is..’ Lu didn’t know how to respond to the situation. “Umm I’m sorry to intrude and you probably have already finished unpacking your things…” She trailed off and looked nervously at the ghost around her arm, unconsciously using her right hand to rub her left arm. Lu tried to quickly think of something to ease the awkwardness of the interaction but came up with nothing.
Lu ultimately decided ‘Maybe there is a mistake with which dorm I’m supposed to be in!’
After Nan aggressively bonked Mac, they realized what they were doing and immediately got up and turned to face the human.
“I’m so sorry! I thought I had a dorm by myself and I ended up setting up some of my stuff over there– I never looked to see if I was rooming with anyone else.. I-I’ll clean it up right away!” Mac said, with their glasses messed up while bowing to the girl. After getting up and fixing their glasses, Mac spoke again with a much bigger blush on their face and a crooked smile, “ Umm... My name is Mac… nice to meet you?”
“Oh! My name’s Ludynn, and it’s nice to meet you, Mac..” Lu smiled at Mac, feeling the nervousness she once had ebbing a little as she started to be acquainted with the other. 
“I thought I wouldn’t have a roommate either so I can help you move your things if you like..” Lu offered to Mac as she pushed a stray piece of hair from her face. They seem friendly..
“T-thanks..” ‘This human.. no– Ludynn didn’t yell at me!’ Mac thought with a slightly surprised face.
After regaining their composure, they said to Lu: “Well I saw you look at this guy, this spirit who hit me-,” Mac says, angrily looking at Nan, “–is Nan. He’s a pain sometimes, but otherwise he’s nice.”
As Mac finished speaking, Nan floated towards Ludynn and swirled around her head. “Well, I am perfectly fine all by myself, but if you want to be my new companion, you may help.” Mac said, going back to acting all prideful with a smirk on their face, while Nan somehow looked more disappointed in Mac, despite the fact that he doesn’t have a face.
Mac smirked at Ludynn as the blue sphere, Nan, floated towards Lu and swirled around her head. She giggled quietly as Mac agreed to let her help.
“Nan is cute.” She said, with wonder in her eyes. The ghost who was still around her right arm gave a jealous whistle and faded away to who knows where.
“Can I enter to put my stuff down and start helping you?” Ludynn asked, oblivious to Mac’s smirk.
Realizing Mac had been ignored in a way, they deflated. “Yeah, you can put your stuff down on the table in the middle..” Looking around, Mac realized how much stuff needed to be reorganized.
Realizing that Lu just ignored the first person she had been acquainted with for a very long time, she mentally kicked herself.
‘Lu you dummy! That’s not how you treat others! You’ll have to do better if you want to make friends..’ She entered the room and set her luggage where Mac told her to.
After that, Ludynn observed the room she was to be sharing with Mac. “Wow, it’s so nice and organized. I don’t have many things.. just clothes and some books so we don’t have to reorganize much. A-And you probably have somewhere to be so I don’t want to hold you back for too long!” Lu quickly added, so it doesn’t seem like she’s being rude.
“Well if there’s anything that you don’t mind on your side, we can just keep it there.” Mac said while starting to remove their extra items from the table next to Ludynn’s bed.
“I do happen to need to go somewhere relatively soon so I may leave before it’s all organized. If there’s anything that you don’t know where it goes, just put it on the bed okay?”
“Okay,” Lu answered, nodding her head in understanding. Eventually, the others left to go wherever they needed to go and Ludynn finished with the reorganization.
She only left a few things on Mac’s bed but everything else was where it needed to be. Lu started to unpack her luggage, putting away her extra clothes, setting her books on a shelf, and putting a blanket that she brought with her from the forest where she used to live.
“Oh, I almost forgot!” Ludynn placed an old lantern next to the bed and conjured a small blue flame on her palm to light the candle inside the lantern.
“And now we’re done!” Lu silently congratulated herself on being able to unpack everything she needed in a short amount of time.
“I should change into my uniform since I can’t be walking around with this on. Maybe I should wear my mask too..” Lu muttered to herself.
After changing into her uniform, Ludynn left the dorms to find her classes around the school. ‘This school is really big! I hope I don’t get lost when classes start..’ Lu found her first few classes easily, and as she was searching for her Formal Dance class, she was startled by someone yelling, “YOU RAN INTO HIM!??”
Curious, she walked quietly towards the sound to see who yelled and saw a green-haired and blue-haired student chatting to each other. Ludynn had no idea what they were talking about, but the blue-hair seemed to be confused and the green-hair sounded like she was complaining.
‘Green hair must be a year older than me, though Blue hair looks like she might be my age. Maybe Green Hair is explaining something to Blue Hair? Another student approached the other two, this one had purple hair. Purple hair probably knows them. It’s not any of my concern cause I don’t know them so I should probably go before they see me watching them,’ Ludynn thought while watching the scene unfold in front of her eyes.
As Ludynn left, she heard the green-haired student yell something about someone eating a cookie with a fork and knife. Sounds interesting, I wanna try that!’
After leaving the dorm room, Mac started to head toward the student council room to submit her form to them. As they got to the council room, they saw that there was a meeting going on, so they decided to come back later. Mac decides to go to the cafeteria and grab some lunch while they have the chance.
‘I finally found it!’ Lu happily thought as she entered the room for dance class. The missing ghost from earlier joined her when she was still searching for this room and helped her find it (since it already explored most of the school). ‘Oh wow,’ Lu was in awe as she saw just how breathtaking the formal dance room was.
it looked so similar yet different compared to the one she had back home! The room had mirrors all around the walls and a chandelier in the middle surrounded by a mural. Walking into the room, Lu saw a music player. The ghost went to it and started looking through the small pile of music discs next to it. As Lu followed it, she started to see two ghosts, one male and the other female (probably students from the past), dancing in the middle of the classroom.
‘It must be a favored memory left behind by them,’ Ludynn figured. Sometimes when the ghosts of people leave this world, some of their most cherished or hurtful memories are left behind in the place where the memory took place. Her ghost companion whistled to her and was waving a music disc with a dull blue cover.
“What is it?” She asked as she took the disc into her hands.
“Oh, I remember this one.” It was one of her favorites that she used to dance to every time she had a chance back before the accident.
‘I think I remember how the dance goes..’ The music recorder started to play and her ghost companion took the form of the cousin Lu used to like to dance with. Lighting her hands with her blue flames, she started dancing, using her memory as a guide. After dancing for who knows how long, Lu glanced at a clock in the classroom, “Ah, it’s getting late!”
 Lu realized how much time had passed since she came to the classroom. The other two ghosts had faded away mid-way through her dance and her ghost companion was napping next to the music recorder. She returned the music disc to where it originally was on the pile, picked up her ghost companion, and left the classroom to return to her dorm.
[Venus POV, 9:50 AM]
Venus looked around the library in amazement. No matter how much time she spent in the hall, it never got old. The shelves seemed to be an endless sea of knowledge, the color scheme of the room didn't help either as it was a dark blue all around and the lights were a dim brown. She quickly glided to the center of the room information desk to pick up the papers she needed to get.
"Pleased to see you again Lady Alerion!" The Librarian greeted her with a warm smile.
"Hello again Miss. Dotts," Venus responded, giving a friendly smile. "Do you have any papers for me?" Venus asked, already knowing the answer.. but! What was wrong with cozying up to the staff every once in a while?
"I do," Mrs. Dotts said, fixing her cat eyeglasses on her face. She turned her back to Venus and reached for a thick stack of papers.
"As far as I know this is the updated list of all the students," Mrs.Dotts explained, sliding them on the table. "Before you go though– could I ask a favor from you?" Venus tilted her head to the side and thought for a bit before answering.
"Of course! A Council member must help those that need it at school, after all.”
 "Thank you! I wanted to ask if you could redo the night wall for me? I asked maintenance about it but they said they can only get there next month and I can't wait that long." Ms. Dotts explained. Venus nodded her head. The night wall was a wall that displayed the night sky at all times. Conveniently, it was right where the astronomy books were. As Venus made her way to the wall she started to brainstorm ways to fix it.
After working on the wall for who knows how long, Venus knew she was late for the council meeting, but at this point, she didn't care– the goddamn wall was finally fixed!. It had taken her so long, but she had done it. She had fixed the wall. Deciding to take a break, she laid down on the cool, wooden floor, staring up at the fake night sky. Still lying on the floor of the library, Venus closed her eyes and tried to take a well-needed nap.
[Bailey (& Venus) POV, 11:42 AM]
While trying to navigate to the library, Bailey thought it might be a good idea to look around and explore the school while she still has time, which is why she decided to take a huge detour to get the library. She picked up a snack from the cafeteria since she had a feeling she won't have enough time to get food once lunch starts. Bailey weaved through the halls and eventually found her way to the library. As she entered the building, she could feel its grandness. The shelves, no! The walls are filled with books from what she can see as she walks around. Bailey was absolutely in awe as she stepped closer to one of the 'walls' and examined the books closely. Despite the books being in the library for probably many many years, they were still kept in peak condition. Bailey looked around a bit more before making her way to the center of the room, where the librarian probably was. She slowed her pace and started to walk quieter as she got closer.
"Hello," Bailey softly said, not wanting to disturb the librarian too much.
"Oh, hello dear!" The librarian replied. "You can call me Ms. Dotts, I'm the librarian here."
"Ah, my name is Bailey! I came here to see what it's like here," Bailey quickly replied. Miss Dotts chucked at her response.
"You must be a new year, yes? It's no surprise that you'd want to be here- the library is one of the most exquisite places in the Academy! The library is quite big so be careful not to get lost. We're currently not accepting check-outs at the moment, so please don't take any books," Ms. Dotts explained.
Bailey listened to Ms. Dott's explanation and nodded. "Alright, I'll be careful here!" Bailey exclaimed.
"Shhh.." Bailey blushed and smiled sheepishly at her antics. Bailey said a quick thanks and was off to explore the library. As she looked around the sections, she noted that there was practically everything in here. The books ranged from Medical books to fighting styles, and there were some things Bailey had never heard of before! She glided across the floor and scanned the area for Astrology-related things.
As she was looking around, she noticed there was a wall that looked like the night sky. Feeling amazed, Bailey quickly made her way over to see what it was. As she walked closer and closer to the wall, she realized there was a green-haired girl who was lying down on the floor. Bailey slowed down and walked quieter before stopping a meter away from the girl. After quietly observing the girl for a few seconds, Bailey decided that she didn't want to disturb her too much, so she carefully walked around her and looked for the books instead. A few books caught her eye, and she immediately grabbed them from the shelf. She quietly sat down on the floor and began reading the books.
Venus found herself in an awkward position. She was still awake after all, and had been for a long time. She could get up and leave without question.. but then there was the possibility that she could run into the girl again. As she continued laying on the floor, she tried thinking of ways to get out of the situation without embarrassing herself. Then a sudden realization struck her.
“I MISSED THE COUNCIL MEETING!??”She yelled, and quickly shot up in a sitting position. Venus started to do the math in her head and yes– she had, in fact, missed the first meeting of the school year. As she panicked, she didn’t realize she was saying all of her thoughts out loud.
As Bailey was peacefully, and very much into the book she was reading, she suddenly heard a yell. Bailey yelped in response, very startled by the sudden change in the atmosphere, which caused her to almost drop her book. However, she was able to quickly catch it. The girl started to say her thoughts out loud, not realizing it. Bailey blinked at the girl.
'So she must be someone who's on the council..' Bailey thought. She was so indulged in reading she hadn't even noticed she'd been in the library for over an hour already. As the girl was saying things Bailey couldn’t understand, Bailey called out to the girl. "Hey!- Are you ok?" The girl didn't seem to hear her. Bailey got up and walked to her, kneeling in front of her. She waved her hand in front of the girl but still didn't get her attention. Although Bailey was very tempted to grab the girl's shoulders and shake her, she knew it wasn't very polite, and instead decided to scoot next to her and wait until she was done rambling.
Eventually, Venus stopped rambling and took a sigh. “Stupid Archduke distracting me like always..” Venus huffed before turning to the blue-haired girl next to her.
“Human, if someone screams their frustrations to the world, will they be okay?” Venus asked in a mocking tone before collecting herself.
“Anyways I will be okay once I punch that idiotic Archduke in the face!..” Venus muttered before laying down on the ground and looking to see the girl's face.
“I’m Venus Maeve Alerion by the way! The Marquess and aide to the Archduke.” She knew it was late for introductions, but she was too sleep-deprived and was going to deal with the consequences of her actions at a later date– preferably after she took a nice 15-hour nap.
Bailey was quite surprised that she knew Alaric, though she supposed it's pretty self-explanatory since she was in the council. Bailey was pretty relieved to know that Venus is alright, though... 'Why did she ask me that? Could it be stress?' Bailey didn't want to pry too much into why Venus asked her that question and instead introduced herself to Venus.
"My name's Bailey! I'm a first-year here at OakenShield Academy!" Bailey enthusiastically said. Bailey took note that Venus had eyebags and didn't seem to be listening.
"Um, sorry if I'm prying too much, but you seem a little tired. Are you sure you're ok?" Bailey asked, slightly tilting her head to the left. Although Venus spoke badly of Alaric, it was pretty clear that they had known each other for a long time. Her frustration must be related to him somehow. 'If someone screams their frustrations to the world, would they be ok?' Bailey pondered the question for a bit.
“Pleasure to meet you Bailey, and for the record, I am not okay because of Alaric who very rudely interrupted my afternoon nap and made it so I was late to the first council meeting!” Venus quickly changed from being polite to ranting out her frustrations.
“Hey… you the flower right?” Venus softly questioned Bailey.
Bailey was snapped out of her pondering when she heard Venus asking her a question. "Ah.." Bailey didn't know what to say to that. It was understandable that she was angry because she was unable to sleep. And to miss the first council meeting too…
"Huh? Yeah! That's me!" Bailey answered. "I suppose everyone in the council knows, right?" 
“Yup,” Venus replied, popping the ‘P’. “Good luck with that,” she mused, not sure where to take the conversation.
"Huh?" Bailey was confused. "Is being a Flower bad?" She asks, worried. She supposes that it's understandable since Alaric said it’s a high position, so it’s pretty likely that she'll have a lot of responsibility. 
Venus thought for a bit before answering, “It's not bad per se.. it's just stressful and annoying– I mean you do have to be perfect all the time and you can't make any mistakes or else you're out.” She sighed, getting bored of talking and wanting something fun to do.
"Oh... I see... I suppose that's a problem," Bailey answered, dejected. Bailey never liked being perfect, because well, what's the point of being perfect in everyone else's eyes? 
‘No one will ever be pleased at any action someone makes, so it's just better to not care about it too much.' Bailey thought.
"When you say 'you out,' do you mean that Flowers can be demoted?" Bailey decided that it was better to have more information at hand. Since school hasn't started yet, it'll be better for her to start thinking about her position a bit more. Based on Venus's reaction and what Alaric said, she wasn't informed of her role yet, but that also means only the council knows she's a Flower. "Also, does anyone else know about me being a Flower?" Bailey asks again.
“Yes and no. It's more so all the records of you being a Flower are erased and you just act like a normal student again, and as for who knows? It's just the staff and counselors for now,” she calmly replied.
"Ohh, I see." Bailey chose to not pry further because erasing records of someone being a Flower seemed like someone was trying to cover up something. Maybe that's why there hasn't been one for 50 years... Though, since no one else knows about her status, she's safe for now. But why only the staff are allowed to know about her status? This rule has to be implemented for a reason, meaning an accident has happened in the past, which could tie to why there hasn’t been a Flower for 50 years…
"Thank you for telling me all this!" Bailey cheerfully replied to Venus, covering up her previous expression of thinking.
'I should be careful... If anyone finds out my true identity, it'll be problematic. I guess I'll have to try to keep a distance from everyone from now on. And I can't easily trust what they say... AGHH THIS IS SO ANNOYING!! ' Bailey thought to herself, probably making a face.
“You weren’t notified?” Venus questioned, not paying attention to the strange face Bailey was making.
"Well, no one told me anything about it-" Bailey said, recalling what Alaric told her. "I only found out when I ran into Alaric today... I didn't even know there was such a role until he told me!"
“YOU RAN INTO HIM?” Venus half yelled half asked. “I need all the details right now.”
Bailey was shocked by Venus' yelling, though she replied, "I ran into him in the hallway when I was looking around... He kind of came up to me and then told me about being a Flower and some stuff about the council.." Bailey recalled.
Venus clicked her tongue, “And here I was thinking that I would get some gossip..” she huffed out in annoyance, “I hate him!– he's so annoying, and pushy, and stingy, and… just– rude!!” she complained, raising her voice, not caring if anyone could hear her.
Bailey was confused, though deducted that since Venus is a part of the council, she probably doesn't have much free time. As she listened to Venus's rant about Alaric, she was more and more convinced that Venus and Alaric had known each other for a while now. Based on how Venus is speaking, it seems that Venus understands Alaric, and maybe cares about him, to a certain degree..
[+ Emmitt POV, 12:03 PM]
As Emmitt walked through the library, he saw a particular sight of a fae complaining about the Archduke to a blue-haired human. Wanting to be of service, he approached the duo and asked them a question. “You two look confused, is there a book I can help you find? As the assistant librarian, I wouldn’t mind helping.””
Venus yanked Emmit down until he was sitting down with them and continued to complain. “He ate the cookie by cutting it with a fork and knife!”she yelled into the air, making various hand motions in the process.
"Ack!" Bailey yelped in surprise at Venus' action, trying not to get hit by Venus. Bailey continued to listen to Venus rambling while making sure the new person was okay. "Uhh, are you ok? You're not hurt, right?"
“I’m alright, but was the cookie at least of decent size?” The purple-haired boy started to question. “If so, it’s understandable to eat with a fork and knife,” He says nonchalantly,  trying to defend Alaric. Bailey sighed in relief that the person wasn't hurt.
“NO!!” Venus yelled, “IT WAS A FUCKING MINI COOKIE– So anyways, I was just doing my work like a normal person, and he just POPS UP BEHIND ME AND STARTS BOSSING ME AROUND!?!” Venus continued rambling about her frustrations to the other two sitting down.
Bailey's ears started to hurt from having to listen to Venus yell and shout, so she decided to move elsewhere to read her book, almost forgetting why she was in the library in the first place. Venus’ throat had started to hurt from yelling, so she stopped talking in order to not scream her lungs out.
“Venus, you really need to calm down. This is a library after all, and your throat will scar if you keep yelling like that,” Emmitt advised.
“Luckily there wasn’t anyone here except for us…” He muttered to himself, annoyed by Venus’ antics.
Venus glared daggers at him, but still took his advice and gave a quick nod.
Before Bailey got far from where she originally was, she remembered she has yet to introduce herself to the new person. With that in mind, Bailey started walking back towards the duo. Bailey saw the person scolding Venus and decided to wait patiently until they were finished so she could introduce herself.
“Ah, I apologize about the inconvenience, ma’am. Was there something else you needed?” Emmitt asked, noticing the blue-haired girl waiting on the side.
"Ah! You don’t have to call me ma’am or anything! I wanted to introduce myself to you, and I have a couple of questions I want to ask! My name is Bailey, and I’m a future first-year at Oakenshield! I hope we can get along well," Bailey enthusiastically said.
“Well then, welcome to Oakenshield Academy, Ms. Bailey. My name is Emmitt, I’m a third year and the assistant librarian here. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Emmitt introduced himself.
"It's great to meet you too, Emmitt! I have a couple of questions about the library if you don't mind.." Bailey shyly said.
“Ask away, I’ll answer to the best of my ability,” Emmitt gracefully replied.
Bailey beamed at Emmitt. "How big is the library? I've walked around here for a bit, and it seems big! Also, how many sections does it have? There's so many books here!" Bailey started to ramble a bit before catching herself and letting Emmitt speak.
“Oh, this old place? The library is partially entered within the fairy-world, so it could go on forever. Even I, who's been here for 3 years, haven’t explored all of it,” Emmit replied, glancing at the bookshelves in wonder.
"Woahh! That's amazing!!" Bailey's eyes were shining with excitement as she heard Emmitt’s answer. She couldn't wait to go exploring in the future!
“Also, you're technically not allowed to enter after 9 PM, but if you want–” Emmitt approached Bailey and whispered in her ear, “The door will be unlocked from 10 to 11 PM on the weekends, explore to your heart’s content if you wish. Just make sure this stays between you and me.” Emmitt stepped back and gave her a closed eyed smile.
Bailey’s eyes lit up in excitement. "Thank you so much!!" She was practically radiating light when she heard Emmitt say that she could explore the library. 'Ohh this is so exciting!!' Bailey thought to herself. "It was nice meeting you Emmitt!! I'm gonna go explore while I can!" Bailey said as she happily skipped away. 'I can't believe I made another friend today! I hope I'll be able to see him more often!' Bailey thought, scanning over the walls of the library.
Emmit got up from the floor and dusted his clothes off. He made his way to an area that needed to be dusted. “The first years are so energetic this year.. Let’s hope that lasts,” Emmitt said to no one in particular, thinking about the past first years he had seen before.
[Bailey POV, 12:52 PM]
Bailey walked around the library, full of enthusiasm. She doesn't know how long it's been since she was here, but she saw many different sections and read a couple of books that intrigued her. She was still in awe about the library, seeing that it was full of magic. She saw a section about stars and immediately went up to browse the books. Bailey picked out a bunch and made a pile next to where she will be sitting. She sat down and started to go through the books one by one, and put them back when she was done reading them and repeating the process. Bailey's been in the library for a long time.. probably... She doesn't know when she fell asleep reading, but she heard something calling her awake.
[Wisteria POV, 8:36 PM]
Wisteria is Bailey's fairytale and met her when she was young. They've been together for 8 years already, and fully trust each other. Wisteria felt Bailey's aura beam many times before, which meant that Bailey was very happy, and in turn, it made Wisteria happy as well. Wisteria stayed in her realm most of the time unless her Master called for her. She found it weird how after some time, her Master's aura was lowered and steadier, instead of beaming with light unlike before.
'Ah, it seems like Master has fallen asleep..' Although Wisteria didn't want to wake up Bailey, she heard from that boy, Emmitt, that the library closes at 9 PM. She automatically knows the time, due to it being a part of her skill, so she has no choice but to hop out of her pocket realm and wake up her Master so she doesn't get penalized. Wisteria opens a portal to the library right in front of Bailey. She floats towards her Master and gently touches her forehead with her hand.
[Bailey POV, 8:37 PM]
Yawn... Bailey didn't know what time it was, but she felt tired. She groggily rubbed her eyes to see Wisteria in front of her. Bailey blinks a few times. "You're awake, Master!" Wisteria says to Bailey, telepathically.
"Huh? What time is it.." Bailey starts to stand up and stretch her limbs. "It's currently 8:38 PM, Master!" Wisteria replies in Bailey's mind. Bailey lets the information process in her mind before suddenly freezing. "Ahh, it seems like I've slept for a long time!" Bailey starts picking the books off the ground and neatly puts them back where they are on the shelf. Yawn.. "Hmm.. I should get back to my dorm before the library closes," Bailey starts walking, before remembering how she'd gotten here. "Oh right, I was exploring the library then I fell asleep..." "Yes, that's right, Master!" Wisteria confirms. "Aagh! The library is so big! How will I find the entrance again.." Bailey moped. "There is a special seal in this library that will always allow you to walk back to the entrance of the library when you want!" Wisteria explains. "All you have to do is just trust your instincts and the magic will lead you back!" "So that's what I felt when I entered the library! It was that seal, right?" Bailey started walking again. "Yes!! The Masters will be proud of you for being able to perceive it!" Wisteria giggles. Bailey smiles. As Bailey gets closer to the original space, Wisteria goes back into her pocket realm. She quickly makes her way to the entrance and takes out her map to guide her back to the dorms.
[Emmitt (& Bailey) POV, 8:42 PM]
"Ah, I must’ve lost track of the time while reading my new books. It’s almost time to close down the library for the day."  As Emmitt finished putting the new books into the system, he heard a familiar set of footsteps by the main desk.
Bailey ponders if she should go say goodbye to Emmitt. It was him who helped her after all, and she'd feel bad if she left without saying anything to him. Just as she decides to go back to look for him, she hears a familiar voice.
"Miss Bailey, did you happen to forget something?” Emmitt questioned.
Bailey quickly turns around at the source of the voice. It was Emmitt! Bailey smiles at him. "Not at all! I just wanted to say goodbye to you! You helped me after all, and I'd feel bad if I just suddenly left without saying anything..." Bailey shyly said.
"It’s alright, my job is to help people within the library so I don’t mind.”
Bailey beamed at him. "Are you staying at the library for work?" Bailey asks. It was already getting dark, and she hoped that he would get some rest. Bailey knows it's not easy being a librarian, and Emmitt was a student too, and working at the library will increase his workload when school starts.
"I have to close up the library first, then clean up a little, and see if Alaric needs anything before I can grab a meal from the cafeteria before it closes for the night."  As Emmitt finishes his sentence, a library spirit comes up behind him and sits on his shoulder to whisper in his ear. “Oh, hmm..” Emmitt listens to the spirit speak. It turns out there was still a soul within the library.
Bailey listened to Emmitt's reply. Since there wasn’t anything she could do to help him, might as well leave him be so he can rest quicker. "Well, alright then! Remember to get lots of rest! I'll leave you to your things now!" Bailey replied, starting to walk away.
"Goodbye, Miss Bailey. I must go look for whoever is still within the library’s walls. I do hope you have a good rest of your night.” Emmitt says goodbye to Bailey and excuses himself to settle the matters at hand.
Bailey smiles and turns back to Emmitt. "Thank you, Emmitt! Have a good night as well!" With that being said, Bailey turns back around and starts heading towards the dorms.
"Now where are you, little rat?" As Emmit searched through the library, he was unable to find anyone. He knew he had to stop by the student council room to turn in some reports so he decided to let them go for today.
"I guess it wouldn’t be too bad if only one person stayed.” He muttered before going to the front desk again to lock up the library.
[Alaric POV, 8:55 PM]
As Alaric strode through the library, he came upon a particular sight. A green-haired fae curled up into a ball sleeping on the floor. The corner’s of his lips tugged up into an amused smile. 
“Now what do we have here?” He playfully murmured before couching down to admire her. Had it not been Venus who was sleeping, he would have woken them up. But since it had to be Venus and knowing how she felt about him, he decided to hold off on waking her up.
As the seconds ticked by, Alaric was debating what to do. While in thought, his gloved hand instinctively reached down to brush a few loose strands of hair from Venus’s face. As he admired her sleeping beauty, he came up with a solution. Gently picking Venus up in his arms, Alaric held his breath as she moved a bit in his grasp.
“Please forgive me for my rudeness..” He quietly whispered to Venus before carrying her to her room. He found her Fairytale waiting by the door, and quickly rushed to Venus’s side when she spotted Alaric. “Oh, that silly girl! Always falling asleep in strange places..” Flora, Venus’s fairytale, scolded the fae in Alaric’s arms before turning to him. “Although I am aware of how lady Venus feels about you…I do have to thank you for bringing her to her room safely.” The fairytale spoke in a soft voice, though Alaric knew she was grateful for his help.
Alaric gave her a soft smile. “It’s the duty of an Archduke to take care of his aide, no matter what said aide thinks of him,” he responded with a small chuckle. Flora let him into Venus’s dorm and Alaric gently placed the sleeping fae on her bed and quickly wished her a peaceful sleep. He said his thanks again, and left to the council room to finish up work for the night. ‘Hopefully Emmitt turned in the reports by now,’ Alaric thinks, then quickly gets back to his work.
[Bailey POV, 8:56 PM]
Bailey tried navigating across the halls as fast as possible, not wanting to be penalized for not staying up past the designated time. Although school hasn't started, she doesn't want to make this a habit of hers and end up getting kicked out. Then all of her mentors' work would have been for nothing!! She finally entered the dorm building and immediately started to head towards her room. After a while, she found it and quickly unlocked the door. As she entered, she felt the familiar presence of magic she put on her dorm to prevent intruders. This spell was also used in the hut she lived in with her mentors. She quickly locked the door behind her and plopped her keys on her nightstand. It was very late, but Bailey still wanted to change out of her clothing so she hurriedly threw on something comfy and plopped onto the bed. Not long after, she fell asleep, smiling as she dreamed of the good times to come.
[Mac POV, 12:00 PM]
Looking around at all the food options, they decided to just get a sandwich. After some time, they decided to go back to the student council to put in their form, but there was no one there. Dejected, Mac went back to their dorm, and stayed there until the morning came.
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yo, when you're done with greenhouse academy you HAVE to check out the village. that's where grace really shines as an actress.
Here's the link: https://ww7.soap2dayhd.co/film/the-village-season-1-28249/
I want to watch that too! Thank you for the link! 🙏🏻✨ I only really started Academy first since I have it on Netflix
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manandesai07 · 2 years
The Seriousness of Global Warming
Total annual global temperature rise during the Industrial Revolution has been little over 1 degree Celsius, or over 2 degrees Fahrenheit. It increased on average by 0.07 degrees Celsius (0.13 degrees Fahrenheit) per 10 years between 1880—the year that accurate recordkeeping started—and 1980. The rate of growth, however, has more than doubled since 1981: Over the past 40 years, the yearly global temperature has increased by 0.18 degrees Celsius, or 0.32 degrees Fahrenheit, every decade.The outcome? a world with unprecedented heat. Since 2005, nine of the ten warmest years on record since 1880 have happened, and the last five warmest years have all happened since 2015.Now, climate scientists have concluded that if we want to prevent a future in which daily life throughout the world is marked by its worst, most devastating effects: the extreme droughts, wildfires, floods, tropical storms, and other disasters that we refer to collectively as climate change, we must limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2040. The greenhouse effect is the result of these heat-trapping pollutants, notably carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapour, and synthetic fluorinated gases, which are referred to as greenhouse gases.Although the earth's climate has changed several times over the past 800,000 years due to natural cycles and fluctuations, our current era of global warming is solely attributable to human activity, specifically the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, gasoline, and natural gas, which creates the greenhouse effect. Scientists concur that longer and hotter heat waves, more frequent droughts, heavier rains, and stronger hurricanes are all being fueled by the earth's warming climate. For instance, scientists determined in 2015 that global warming had increased the severity of a protracted drought in California—the state's greatest water scarcity in 1,200 years—by 15 to 20%. They added that over the previous century, the likelihood of future droughts of a similar magnitude had almost doubled. We can now confidently link some extreme weather events, such as heat waves, droughts, and heavy precipitation, to climate change, according to a 2016 National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine report. Additionally, the oceans' temperatures are rising, which allows tropical storms to intensify. In other words, global warming has the power to upgrade a category 3 hurricane to a category 4 storm, which is more hazardous. In fact, researchers have discovered that both the number of storms that reach categories 4 and 5 as well as the frequency of North Atlantic hurricanes have increased since the early 1980s. A record-breaking 30 tropical storms, 6 major hurricanes, and 13 hurricanes were all recorded during the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season. Increased intensity causes more harm and death. Everywhere, the effects of global warming are being felt. In recent years, extreme heat waves have been responsible for tens of thousands of fatalities worldwide. Additionally, Antarctica has lost nearly four trillion metric tonnes of ice since the 1990s, which is a worrying portent of future events. Every year, scientists discover more information about the effects of global warming, and every year, we amass more proof of the catastrophic harm it causes to both people and the environment. Communities suffer, and the number of fatalities rises, as the heat waves, droughts, and floods brought on by climate change grow more regular and severe. Scientists predict that if we don't cut back on our emissions, climate change could kill more than 250,000 people annually and push 100 million people into poverty by 2030. The United States is already feeling the effects of global warming. Here are just a few of the potential consequences if we are unable to control our emissions.
Cities, farms, and forests will see more bothersome bugs, heat waves, torrential downpours, and flooding. Agriculture and fisheries may be harmed or destroyed by all of these.
Many plant and animal species may go extinct if environments like coral reefs and alpine meadows are damaged. Increased pollen-producing ragweed growth, increased levels of air pollution, and the spread of conditions that are conducive to pathogens and mosquitoes will all lead to an increase in the frequency of allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and infectious disease outbreaks.
Despite the fact that everyone is impacted by climate change, not everyone is equally impacted. Typically, those who are indigenous, persons of colour, or economically marginalised are severely harmed. Even though these same communities have made the least effort to contribute to climate change, they are more vulnerable to its worst effects due to inequities built into our housing, healthcare, and labour systems.
Many plant and animal species may go extinct if habitats like coral reefs and alpine meadows are damaged. Increased pollen-producing ragweed growth, increased levels of air pollution, and the spread of conditions that are conducive to pathogens and mosquitoes will all lead to an increase in the frequency of allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and infectious disease outbreaks.
And while new federal and state standards are a step in the right direction, much more needs to be done. Voice your support of climate-friendly and climate change preparedness policies, and tell your representatives that equitably transitioning from dirty fossil fuels to clean power should be a top priority—because it’s vital to building healthy, more secure communities
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stivo85 · 9 months
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I am watching Greenhouse Academy 4x01 "Rock by Rock"
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alwayslcyal · 1 year
rewatching greenhouse academy, this show was good but omg the acting in season 1 was SO SO bad!!  but omg, this show really had me on a chokehold.
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xolarajean · 4 years
Greenhouse Academy S1-4
Preface: So, I finally have gotten around to writing a review about S1-4 of Greenhouse Academy. I finished over a week ago and watched all 4 seasons in about 4 days haha. Honestly, I’ve been procrastinating this review because I have A LOT to write about. So here we go!
Plot: Eight months after losing their astronaut mother in a rocket explosion, brother and sister Alex and Hayley Woods enroll at a private boarding school, the Greenhouse, for gifted future leaders. Separately, they join two competing houses, Ravens and Eagles, within the school and tension builds up between the two siblings as they adjust. Soon, mysterious events catch the attention of the students from both houses and forces them to work together in order to find out what is happening at the draw the Greenhouse.
Review: 3.5/5
I found the plot really intriguing at first. In addition, I liked the actual events that happened and where the story could head in the future. Though, the execution was not as great. The acting I felt was good for the most part, but the writing seemed a little awkward and cringey at some points. But bear in mind that it is targeted at kids/teens (even though at some points in season 3 and 4 there were some curses thrown around) so it is kind of expected to have those moments. Either way, those moments are bearable to watch through. I personally liked season 1+2 more than season 3+4 for the most part. There is one main issue I have with this show, but I can’t describe it without spoiling it. So, continue reading if you’ve watched the show/don’t care about being spoiled (It’s mostly about season 3+4).
But the main issue I have were the character changes. The obvious ones are the actual cast changes for Emma and Brooke. And the fact that Jackie left... that broke my heart. I still have this naive hope that she will come back though. It sucks that the original actresses could not continue with season 3 and 4, but you can’t really blame anyone since those decisions are based on personal reasons. It’s hard not to prefer the original actresses because well they are what we are used to. Though, I can’t understand why everyone is hating on them sooooo much. I personally think they were fine at acting. The REAL problem was the writing. In season 3 and 4, the personalities of so many characters were switched and the plots were messier. 
To start off, the whole love triangle between Daniel-Hayley-Leo was annoying. I DID ENJOY Daniel and Hayley, but Leo was just being a dick for the entirety of season 3. Obviously Leo was already a bit of an ass with the whole Aspen and LDR drama, but in season 3 the writers just made him 10x that (especially with the whole leading Beca on and straight up insulting Hayley at every chance he got). As you can tell I’m not a big fan of Leo, but the thing that got me is that the writers made Daniel such a jealous boyfriend? It seemed really out of character to me for Daniel to go through Hayley’s text like that and be paranoid of Leo (I mean hello this is the guy that is just straight up insulting your girlfriend and cheated on her. I don’t think you have that much competition or so I thought -- ending of season 4 was annoying). Like I know he was probably scared of Hayley getting back with Leo because of the Brooke and Alex thing, but honestly he knew that his relationship with Brooke was already sinking before Alex came into the picture. Plus, Hayley wasn’t flirting with Leo like Brooke was with Alex in Season1+2. The only good part about this love triangle was how supportive and understanding Daniel was with Hayley at the end. I mean done get me wrong I was thrown off by the huge 180 his personality took, but I’m just gonna believe that Daniel is just that good of a guy to be that mature. Anyway I’m just gonna end it with I prefer Dayley because their relationship felt more real (also I’m so glad that she told Daniel about the button and secret room right away and the writers avoided the keeping secrets to protect you which leads to tension trope because I would have imploded if they did that) and I want to erase the ending of season 4 from my head. 
Next up: Emma and Max. Honestly in the first episode when I learned that Jackie was gone and both Emma and Max started lying about being in LDRs, I knew the writers were gonna try and pair them up. I had hope that they would pull a twist and have Jackie show up in the middle, but NOPE. Like this pairing is just super... boring? Like they are both sweet characters, but they really don’t bring that much to the table in terms of romantic chemistry. I liked them better as best friends who geek out together. And because the writers focused so much about their relationship it left almost no room for actual individual screen time or character development for either of them. Like all they did was use some algorithms and their intelligence to solve some seriously hard problems, but it made them seem more like robots and tools to solve the conflicts in the plot. All I have left to say is that I still ship Jackie+Max.
Now I wanna talk about Alex and Brooke. Tbh I never saw much chemistry between the two characters in any season. Like yeah Alex was a good guy that was with her at the right time when she went to the cave at night in like season 1 where he fought off the park ranger, but still it didn’t feel like a real relationship. This continues into season 3+4 and I was sooo happy when they broke up (but why did she have to do it during a basketball game? Heat of the moment I guess) Also, even when Alex was “trying to be a good friend” to Brooke, it came off that he was still trying to get back together with her even though it is obvious that she is just not ready? And near the end of season 4 after she talks to Jason in the hospital when she and Alex were talking, I cringed so hard when he admitted that he was having trouble being just friends because it felt to me that he was trying to guilt trip her into getting back together with him which is just so wrong?!?! Again, I wish to delete this scene from my brain.
Lastly I wanna share my opinions about Sophie, Parker, and Enzo. Let me start out by saying I think in season3+4, Sophie was my favorite character. I mean come on how could I not love her? She is determined to chase her ambitions like the bad ass she is even with her past (which I’m super mad that they didn’t really delve into her past because that could have made the show a lot more interesting). I also liked the introduction of a character like Enzo since it brings a new kind of person into the show and makes it more realistic because for the most part these kids seemed a little “too perfect.” Though, the writers didn’t use him to the full potential that he has which sucks for the viewers and the actor too and based on what we saw he is pretty good. Anyway I liked how he is actually a softie at heart and does the right thing for Soph. Now I wanna talk about the Sophie+Parker ship. Honestly, are the writers trying to pair up literally all the students together?!?! Again like Emma and Max, I felt that this wasn’t a real relationship; we’ve barely seen these two have any romantic chemistry and I view them more like a good pair of friend (class clown/funny + class president/serious dynamic is something I love). That’s all.
Quick opinion: Louis just felt off since the S3. I mean I get that he wants to better the students, but causing fights seemed wayyyy out of line for his character. So that was weird. 
Anyway that was all of my thoughts (at least for now) about Greenhouse Academy! Even though it seems like I hate the series based on my complaints above lol I actually really liked it and hope for a season 5 (crossing my fingers) where the writers and other staff can hopefully redeem themselves by fixing the problems above. If you have any thoughts about the show, please do talk to me about it because I LOVE chatting about the shows I’ve watched. 
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conjuringgifs · 1 year
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by clicking on the source link you will be able to purchase 300 gifs of Grace Van Dien from season 1 of Greenhouse Academy!  each gif is 268x150. all these were made by me for myself but decided to share. do not repost, claim as your own, edit in any way, or include in gif hunts. this includes taking my gifs and making your own gif sets. do not use in smut, real life or taboo rps. were these useful to you? give this post a like or a reblog please.  interested in commissioning me? you can check info on the sidebar!
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- this gif set is being released as paid in a effort to obtain the money needed to pay the rest of the cremation bill to bring my cat’s ashes home. so please consider buying it.
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myepisodecalendar · 5 years
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Greenhouse Academy Season 3 - Episode 1: Episode 1 AirDate: October 25th, 2019, 12:00 AM
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rjzimmerman · 3 years
Excerpt from this story from EcoWatch:
Six months of summer may sound like a school child's fantasy, but it could be a very real, and very serious, impact of the climate crisis.
A study published in Geophysical Research Letters last month found that summer in the Northern Hemisphere could last nearly six months by 2100 if nothing is done to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And this could spell "increased risks to humanity," the study authors warned.
"A hotter and longer summer will suffer more frequent and intensified high-temperature events – heatwaves and wildfires," Congwen Zhu of the State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather and Institute of Climate System at the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, who was not involved with the study, said in an American Geophysical Union (AGU) press release.
"More often, I read some unseasonable weather reports, for example, false spring, or May snow, and the like," study lead author Yuping Guan, an oceanographer at the State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, told AGU.
So Guan's team looked at climate data from 1952 to 2011 in the Northern Hemisphere. They defined summer as when temperatures began to be 25 percent hotter than during the rest of the year, and winter as when temperatures were in the coldest 25 percent of the year. What they discovered is that seasons are already shifting:
The new study found that, on average, summer grew from 78 to 95 days between 1952 to 2011, while winter shrank from 76 to 73 days. Spring and autumn also contracted from 124 to 115 days, and 87 to 82 days, respectively. Accordingly, spring and summer began earlier, while autumn and winter started later. The Mediterranean region and the Tibetan Plateau experienced the greatest changes to their seasonal cycles.
"Summers are getting longer and hotter while winters shorter and warmer due to global warming," Guan summarized.
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karimamk · 3 years
I’m about a year or so late but I finally watched the last season of the greenhouse academy and LMAO I just… can’t even lie it was so terrible 😂😂😂 like what was even the point??? If I was ever team Daniel y’all forgive me because he was literally such an asshole. Gloating to Leo is one thing, but deleting his text and then continuing to not tell her was a new low for him.
Hayley is also such a different character than she was in season 1, normally this would be called character development, but I don’t know she seemed kind of dull this whole last season? Like her only purpose was to keep the whole Daniel Leo triangle going and nothing else.
Also the new Brooke was still awful and Becca is a pointless annoying character?? Like did they just add her character to replace aspen?? And any scene with Suzanne was hard to watch, like it was way past cringey I couldn’t handle her, and Sophie oh my god she could’ve been a great character for the last season especially because of her connection to Enzo, but they made her seem helpless and made it feel as if she was forcing her acting. Max basically solved all her problems and she never even thanked him she just hugged Parker 😂. Also the ending when Sophie and Brooke became friends again LMAO I can’t even remember why they stopped being friends it was such a cringey scene
Pretty sure the best part was like 2 minutes of the finale where brookes brother ended up revealing his split personality and actually being the guy behind it all and escaping with Suzanne.
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Hargreeves Mansion Layout: Third Floor & Fire Escapes
I’m so sorry that its been so long! My dog ate my charging cable and all my pics were on my laptop :(
Anyway. See parts 1 & 2 for 1st and 2nd floors! Part 4 (basement) coming soon!
The third floor of the Hargreeves mansion is my favorite, and also the one we see the least. So here we go!
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Here’s my overview of both parts of the house with the courtyard in the middle.
But lets go into more detail. Starting with the half of the house for ‘normal’ life.
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So the only rooms we really see of this floor are Five’s room and the small section of the attic I’ve marked. We know that there’s more to the attic since we see it through the archway (why its separated I have no clue) but that’s all we’re shown. We never enter it. We also see from the high up shots that there is a sort of rooftop terrace and such, this is most likely on a floor above the third floor but as I have no idea what to do with all that extra room, I’ve decided that it makes more sense for it to be all on one level.
Lets start with Five’s room.
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Fives room is the one we see the most on this floor. Its weirdly bigger than the others by a good bit. Only Klaus’ room is equal in size or bigger but that’s because it used to be 2 rooms.
We don’t know if Five has always written his math on the walls like a mad man, or if it was a learned apocalypse behavior since it was unlikely paper could survive the fiery blast. I can see him doing it when he was young, just like Klaus did in his room when he scribbled what the ghosts were saying in black marker on his walls.
Five’s room is untouched from when he disappeared, and its sort of childish for the old man we know him to be. Which is sad to me.
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This is the only view we get of the 3rd floor hallway. In my layout I’ve moved the stairs since the way they had them doesn’t make sense (please film in one location this is very frustrating). For me the stairs come up horizontally between the two rooms since they turn halfway up, even though I did mark the whole hallway as the stairs on my drawing like an idiot.
Fun fact (and something I only noticed upon rewatch): In the flashback scene with the mission alarm, the stairs are on the left, and their across from a few of the children’s rooms. This makes sense with where the stairs are in the above shot (the right wall). But in the sequence where we actually see Vanya walk through the house and up to Five’s room, the stairs are in a semicircular room with several doors and on the opposite wall, which doesn’t work with the house in any way.
The door on the left of the hall is obviously Five’s room since we enter it so much, but we never see what’s in the room on the right. I must assume it’s Bens room since it doesn’t make sense for it to be anywhere else. This is either a crazy coincidence, or a hint to Reginald’s Monocle being able to see the future like in the comics. Because what sequence of events could ever lead to the two children who die/dissapear to share a whole floor alone and separate from the rest?
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This is the other room we see on this floor, the Attic. We only see it three times. In the above scene with Allison, when Klaus gets tied up to get sober, and when Luther is staring at the moon.
The door on the left is the one out into the hall, and the archway is the only view we get into the rest of the attic. If you squint you can see a door in that part of the attic, I think that this is the greenhouse entrance, but more on that later.
Outside of the Attic is a small balcony type section that is, from context clues, a fire escape landing.
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I think the only way this makes sense as a functional fire escape, especially on the third floor, is if there are stairs going downward on the left side. This also makes sense with the location of Five’s bedroom window and its fire escape a few feet to the left.
Looking at the show and rewatching season one episode three - where Five climbs down the fire escape - this is what I came up with:
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Sorry that its messy, its just a quick sketch I did, unlike the other pictures. 
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So in the scene we see Five crawl out of his window, go down a staircase, turn left, walk across the landing in front of Diego’s window, and climb down a ladder.
Looking at my layout of the first two floors, the room that Five passes, and Ben is sitting in front of, is Diego’s room. And that’s where I’ve placed the staircase (that’s what the diagonal lines are - stairs). I’ve done the same for the attic since that’s the only way it works.  I have one long landing for the second floor, and while I don’t think that’s how fire escapes work, I’m keeping it. Then there’s ladders down to the bottom on both sides for equal escape opportunities, and then there’s windows for Grace’s rooms.
Oh, and Klaus’ dumpster.
You can ignore the diagonal lines around the top two windows, that’s just me signifying where the roof is. And I wrote down and crossed out Vanya’s name on purpose since it used to be her room.
Fun fact: if Five is crossing passed Diego’s window... And Ben is sitting in front of Diego’s window... And we look at the size of the landing... Five is walking through Ben.
Maybe not a fun fact in hindsight.
Moving on.
The rest of this floor is a rooftop terrace area. 
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There are two entrances to the roof. 
The first is the one we see in the show. Its the greenhouse entrance we see in the scene where Allison and Luther get caught in the fort. I’m assuming that the room we see beyond Hargreeves is the attic, so I’ve drawn it as such. We can see from the above picture that there is cobblestone around the greenhouse, so I’ve added a door out from the greenhouse into the courtyard.
The second entrance is one I added since I didn’t think that the only entrance should be through a greenhouse. I’ve added a small striped box in the attic, which signifies a small staircase of 3 steps or so to the roof.
Also here on the roof is an observatory and a small open air courtyard through an archway with a gazebo (or what kind of looks like one).
Behind the Gazebo, in the front of the house, is what looks to be another room but I had no idea what to put there. Any thoughts?
Moving on to the training half of the house.
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This should go faster since its all headcanon. Please ignore the paint stains and the dotted lines, those are only for me to see the 3 sections of the house where walls have been knocked down.
So the blue striped box is still the staircase from the race scene flashback that goes through this entire section of the house. Through the doors to the left is (finally) the library. In my mind there are no shelves against any wall besides the top one. and both side walls are made entirely of glass with shelves in the middle of the room. I forgot to draw in the bathroom door but its right next to the library one, no door to the bathroom inside the library.
Then on the bottom, through the library, there is a hallway giving access to 3 rooms. One is Hargreeves’ lab, for experiments and the like. Then there is his invention lab, for machines and creating training devices. Then there is his file room. Its large since he seems to be immortal until killed or injured severely enough. And it had records of all his purchases, inventions, alias’, diaries, notes, and the academy records from being bought. Mothers names, places of origin, price, and such. Then to the right we have the Memorabilia Hall. This is where Hargreeves kept all the souvenirs from the supervillain level villains. Things like laser guns, alien tech, robots, bio weapons, etc etc etc.
Then there’s the Helipad and bridge to the other half of the house. This is the only other entrance besides the ground floor one. You may have noticed that I did not add a door to the Helipad. This was on purpose. Wherever in the house the children may be, they would need to run to the locker room to change and then run upstairs to the Helipad. I feel Hargreeves wouldn’t like them going up there for no reason so that’s why you would have to go through the whole house to reach it. Inconvenient. But probably extra training in his mind.
That’s it! I’ll be back with part 4! The Basement!
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