#greenhouse academy season 3
stayevildarling · 1 month
Hi. I saw you are running low on inspiration for some Delia, Mina, & Billie fics. I was shifting through and found some fun prompts that could be fun to use with them!
“Where are you? Tell me where you are.”
“You left me alone.”
“Don’t cry please.”
“Oh my gosh, you’re bleeding.”
“Don’t yell at me!”
“What did you do?”
No pressure whatsoever, inspiration comes naturally so it’s okay if you don’t have it currently. I have been loving the Marvel fics too but I do miss our girls Delia, Mina, and Billie! Thankkk youu. Take care!
Cordelia Goode x Billie Dean Howard x Wilhemina Venable x Reader - Basement Blues
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A/N: Thank you very much for sending these prompts. I got a request that instantly reminded me of this and so I combined it🫶🏼.
initial request:
Hiii as per usual I’m watching a horror movie and I was wondering .. could you write a fiction where r decides to join Billie during the inspection of a presumed ‘haunted house’ and her coworkers, while Billie is checking upstairs, pull a prank on r deciding to leave her behind in the basement. Little did they know that a ghost lurked there, anything but kind, leaving r absolutely terrified. Maybe she hurt herself trying to push the door open. When Billie finds out what happened, she is both outraged and deeply sorry for r, who won’t speak but only cry and shake in fear. It could be a hurt comfort fic w multiple characters too, I was thinking Cordelia and Mina maybe? (You choose) When Billie comes back home with r, Mina and Delia will surely ask her questions, noticing r’s state. The three of them trying to pick up the pieces. Thanksss <<3
tw: mention of ghosts, mention of haunted house, mention of cursing, mention of smoking, mention of blood
word count: 6k
@lunaticwhittaker , @billiebeanhoward , @lanawinters-ily , @kenzbro , @minaslittleone , @httpfiftyshadesofgay , @whitelotus00 , @ninaahs , @paulsonsratched , @vintagepaulson , @isle-of-earle , @grilledcheeseandguavajelly , @lucyintheskywithxanax , @fanfics4world , @mymiraclewitch , @hazard-to-myself , @awritersometime , @wastdtime , @p1pecleanerwitheyes , @queen2234 , @ihartnat , @lifebyinez , @ahsatanizgay , @stepintomyworld
The academy had been quiet today, the soft sound of rainfall shuddering against the windows overlooking the gardens and greenhouse of the coven, your home. As your partners go on about their usual days, Billie Dean filming her show- getting ready to film the last bits for her newest season, Cordelia working in the academy, guiding a group of witches in improving their magical abilities and Wilhemina equally at work, you find yourself feeling a little bored.
Now it certainly didn't happen often, as you had a career of your own, but unfortunately you are off from work for a week, which usually you would enjoy, if it meant their schedules lined up with your own. However, as it was a little short notice, neither of them could take any time off, leaving you almost like a lost puppy wandering the academy. Often you had wished you could also be a witch, get taught by Cordelia and spend your afternoons or days off working on spells, witchcraft and potions. But you couldn't and so the only thing you had been doing today was some reading, getting started on some dinner preparations and checking in on the supreme from time to time. Despite not being a student at the academy, you wanted to make yourself useful and so you had spent your morning in the greenhouse, tidying up the potion shelves, organising the various ingredients and labelling some jars. Afterwards, you watered the plants, ensuring they receive the proper care, despite the supreme caring and tending to them regularly but you knew she had been busy lately.
However, as the day goes on, you find yourself growing increasingly bored, sighing to yourself, you lean on the kitchen counter, overlooking the gardens and how it was by now pouring down with rain, the sky filled with dark clouds and making the aura almost a little gloomy. Your thoughts are interrupted when the sound of the front door opening and closing startles you a little, causing you to instantly turn around, your features beaming. A small smirk makes it's way onto your features, as you watch your girlfriend Billie Dean walk inside, abandoning her umbrella nearby before kicking off her heels. Almost with graze, she abandons her handbag and blazer in the hallway before sighing heavily at the rain and knowing she would need an extensive hair care routine tonight, as otherwise she would be overwhelmed with her hair going frizzy and wavy. You peek your head around the doorframe, watching her in quiet adoration and giggling a little at her antics.
,,Hi'' you beam a little, your genuine smile instantly lighting up the room as you didn't expect the medium to be home just yet. ,,Hi babydoll'' she greets you warmly, her features equally lighting up before opening her arms. ,,Come here'' she offers and you comply, letting her steady arms wrap around you as you nuzzle yourself further into her neck, taking in her scent of expensive Chanel perfume and vanilla. ,,How's my baby girl?'' she asks gently before you mutter out a quiet ,,I'm k Billie, how about you?''. As the two of you pull away, you follow her into the kitchen where she takes a seat, lighting a cigarette before filling you in about her day. ,,How was filming?'' you ask excitedly as you watch her light the cigarette with again such grace. ,,It was good darling, we have one more house to film at tomorrow and then we should be mostly done'' she announces, brushing her fingertips through her slightly soaked curls.
,,Where are you filming tomorrow then?'' you ask curiously before she fills you in a little further, the two of you getting lost a little in conversation and Billie filling you in on all the details about her day. She watches curiously as you listen intently to her every word and as she abandons her cigarette in a nearby ashtray, before turning the coffee machine on, she can't help but notice how spotless the place is, not just the kitchen but the academy as a whole. ,,What did you get up to today darling? other than cleaning?'' she chuckles, knowing you to be a bit of a neat freak. When your gaze averts hers, the blonde can tell that something was on your mind, in fact she had noticed it as soon as she greeted you as you normally aren't that clingy or cuddly straight away. Her features tense a little as she tilts her head to the side to get a look at you ,,What's the matter?'' she asks, her tone soft but a little stern at the same time. ,,Nothing Billie'' you assure, quickly smiling at her to make the statement more believable.
Her eyebrows furrow as she sits back down again, her gentle hand finding yours on the table and holding it in place. ,,What is it?'' she tries again, her eyes piercing right through you as you meet her brown ones. Sighing heavily you avert her gaze again before speaking ,,I've just been bored today, I have done everything that I could think of but I always feel a little useless when I'm not working or when I'm not around either of you'' you admit. The statement causes for her to frown a little before she begins thinking ,,You're off for the rest of the week right?'' she asks, causing you to nod at her question. ,,I'm sorry darling but I promise I'll take you somewhere nice this weekend hm?'' she tries, causing you to simply nod sadly, excited at her offer but knowing you would still have to wait a whole week for that to happen. Billie watches as an idea quite literally ripples through you, causing your eyebrows to shoot upwards, a smirk on your features ,,What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?'' she smirks before you fill her in ,,Can I pwease go to work with you tomorrow?'' you ask excitedly, your features beaming once again.
The medium scratches her head before beginning to play with her rings, thinking about it for a moment. You had often asked Billie as you are a big fan of her show and she had taken you for some promo bits a few times. Her crew loved you anyway as you always made yourself useful and got everyone coffee so she simply smiles at you before nodding. ,,Sure babydoll, I'd love to take you'' she reassures before you beam a little, kicking your feet up and down in excitement and she chuckles then at your adorableness, before pressing a kiss to the hand that she is still holding. Glancing at the time, you notice you should carry on finishing dinner preparations and so you do just that, walking back over the fridge and setting the ingredients down. You smile warmly as you feel Billie's arms wrap around you from behind, her chin resting on your shoulder ,,What are we having tonight babydoll?'' she whispers. ,,Tacos'' you announce before she presses a kiss to your cheek. ,,Oh, you truly are an angel'' she smiles before walking away, swaying her hips a little more than necessary. ,,I'll just be in the shower darling'' she announces before leaving you.
A while later, you finish setting the table and continue to prepare dinner, chopping some vegetables, overlooking the gardens once more, noticing how the atmosphere seemed a little lighter, even a rainbow in the distance somewhere before you see a presence lingering by the doorway from the corner of your eyes. ,,Hi Delia'' you greet her as she watches you in quiet adoration. ,,Hello sweetheart'' she smiles warmly before taking slow and gentle steps towards you ,,Guess what?'' you beam a little and doing some type of excited dance that she can't help but giggle at. ,,What darling?'' she asks, her heart fluttering at seeing you so happy. ,,I'm going to work with Billie tomorrow'' you announce proudly, almost a little smug. ,,You're what?'' she asks, acting as if she didn't hear you properly, her eyebrows raised ever so slightly. ,,I-am-going-to-work-with-Billie-tomorrow-'' you slow down the words in a joking manner causing her to smirk a little.
,,Oh yeah? who says that sweetheart?'' she asks, the concern already laced on her beautiful features. ,,Me'' Billie Dean announces as she walks in, towel wrapped around her head from just finishing in the shower. The medium presses a kiss to your cheek before stealing a vegetable from the chopping board and putting it in her mouth ,,And why is that?'' Cordelia asks, her eyebrows still raised as she tries to keep her worry hidden and at bay. ,,She told me she's bored and I would love to take her'' the medium shrugs before leaning agains the kitchen island. ,,I'm not sure that's a good idea'' Cordelia protests, remembering the dangers that Billie's career brought, often finding the medium shivering and shaking at night after an especially rough few episodes. ,,Why not? I'll look after her'' the medium announces, giving you a little wink before speaking again ,,Besides, you have been here all day'' she argues causing for Cordelia's eyebrows to raise again.
,,Yes teaching witches all day'' Cordelia argues back, you watching the scene unfold quietly, knowing it's still light and mostly a joke. ,,Come on Dee, it's not like she's going to work with Wilhemina'' Billie jokes, before walking away to light a cigarette. ,,Who's not going to work with me?'' the redheads voice rings through the quiet kitchen as she returned moments ago. You beam a little seeing your Mina, having missed her today ,,Darling Billie here has decided to take Y/N to work tomorrow'' Cordelia announces, her eyes pleading with the redhead hoping she was going to agree with the supreme and share her concern. Wilhemina watches Billie's devilish grin before retreating for a smoke, your puppy eyes as if asking for permission, despite not needing it and Cordelia's eyes piercing through the redhead. Wilhemina remains quiet, not necessarily liking the idea of you being near ghosts and spirits but trusting Billie and her white light spirit that she talks about daily enough to let you go, knowing you must have been bored and feeling bad that she didn't manage to take any time off to spend with you this week.
As you serve the food, Billie returns before Wilhemina's eyes pierce through the medium ,,You better look after her Howard'' she warns before the blonde chuckles ,,Always''. Cordelia watches, her eyes meeting Wilhemina's surprised that she agreed before reminding herself that you are an adult after all and can make your own decisions. The tense atmosphere is quickly replaced by a comfortable one as the four of you talk about your days over dinner, the three of them thanking and praising you for you cooking and you making fun of Billie for almost dropping the entire content of her tacos on the table while trying to take a bite. The remainder of the evening is spent in the comfortable embrace of each other, the almost all too familiar image of Wilhemina sitting in her armchair by the fireplace knitting, Billie and you snuggled in Cordelia's arms on the sofa while watching some of her show.
The next day begins with a gentle warmth filtering through the windows of the academy. As the first light of morning creeps in, Wilhemina's alarm clock ripples through the quiet air, causing her and Cordelia to stir from their slumber, arms and legs still entangled in each other and their comforting embraces. Slowly, Billie Dean stirs as well, before opening her eyes, catching a glimpse of Wilhemina already on her way to the bathroom, Cordelia's eyes meeting hers. ,,Where's Y/N'' Billie asks confused, her voice still sounding hoarse from sleep. Cordelia glances towards the bathroom door, finding Wilhemina disappear inside, at first assuming you had been in there before her eyebrows furrow. The two of them briefly make their way downstairs, only to find you already having set the table for your girlfriends for breakfast, Wilhemina's lunchbox for work already prepared as you go on about your task while dancing along to a song playing in the background, swaying your hips as your excitement gets ahold of you.
,,Sweetheart?'' the supreme tries softly, however you are so lost in your buzzing mood that you can't hear her. Billie chuckles before walking over to you, startling you. ,,Morning babydoll'' she greets you with a chuckle and gentle kiss as your cheeks are coated in a slight red shade, not expecting them downstairs yet. Cordelia watches in quiet adoration, leaning against the doorframe and she can't help the fluttering of her heart or the genuine smile spreading across her features, seeing you this happy and content. It hadn't always been like this, the last two years having been anything but kind to you and she had often worried if you would move past it, make it to the other side but seeing you this genuinely happy, causes her both relief and joy. The supreme is startled when she hears the sound of Wilhemina's cane softly approach from behind, causing her to snap out of her thoughts and join the three of you for breakfast.
,,Alright I'm off, have fun little one'' the redhead speaks softly as she collects her things including the lunchbox you had made for her. ,,Thanks Mina'' you smile at her before she turns to the medium ,,Look after her'' she warns again before leaving, her cane echoing through the academy as she makes her way towards the driveway. The remainder of the morning you cannot await your departure with Billie, she made sure to make it special for you, helping you with the perfect outfit and even some makeup as she offered to maybe give you a little scene in her show after all if it wasn't too dangerous. After saying goodbye to the supreme, who's worried glance follows you until you are both out the door, Billie drives you to her usual coffee spot, picking up her pre work coffee and getting you a little something as well. ,,Thanks Billie'' you beam, loving when she spoiled you like this.
The ride to the location takes about half an hour and the two of you simply enjoy each other's company, the sound of the music quietly in the background. Billie truly was stunning and you have a hard time not stealing glances at her or to stare too much as she takes you inside to her crew, the mini skirt complementing her body in the perfect way. ,,Good morning Miss Howard'' her crew greets her and you watch in awe seeing her crew again and all the film equipment already prepared. ,,Morning everyone'' she greets with her usual cheerfulness until her colleagues take a look at you. ,,We've got a guest today?'' her assistant remarks excitedly and Billie nods, before introducing you to two male crew members that you hadn't met before, being familiar with the rest.
While they look over the last few details of this house's history and the spirit meant to be residing here and haunting the people living here, you inspect the camera equipment a little further, staying in the background as you didn't want to bother Billie or anyone. ,,Alright, start upstairs and then make our way down?'' her assistant suggests and Billie nods before checking herself in the mirror one last time, doing some sort of expression that you can't help but silently chuckle at in adoration. ,,I want you to stay down here with the crew babydoll k? I'll get you once I know it's not too dangerous and then I'll see if I find a little scene for you alright?'' she asks, bopping your nose with her finger and you nod and smile before she presses a kiss to your lips.
The house becomes quiet as they ascend the stairs, the only noises to be heard Billie as she takes the camera through the house, talking about the history of this home, what the owners had been going through and what they had researched about the spirit. Some of her crew members remain downstairs and you watch the two guys as they mutter something to themselves. There is some artwork on the walls and you inspect them a little closer as you see old family photos and you wonder who the people may be as the family living here was young and these photos looked a couple of centuries old. ,,Hey, your Y/N right?'' one of them asks and as you are awful with names you decide to call them ,,the blonde one'' and the ,,the ginger one'' in your head. ,,Yes I am'' you announce friendly, not particularly liking the company of men but wanting to be nice nevertheless considering they work for Billie.
,,We left some equipment down there, do you think you could fetch it for us while we do this?'' the ginger one asks and you nod as he gestures towards the computers where you see Billie inspecting upstairs and so far not having any luck as she works her magic in contacting the spirit. ,,Sure'' you shrug friendly, usually helping out her crew whenever you joined the medium the couple of times you had been to her office. ,,It's just a small laptop'' the blonde one says and opens the door for you. The entire basement is dark and as one of them turns the light on, a wooden staircase is exposed and you make your way down. As soon as you reach the bottom of the stairs and look around, the door suddenly bangs shut and you quickly go upstairs, still thinking this was an innocent mistake. When you hear both of them giggling and notice they had locked the door, you simply roll your eyes before muttering ,,Not very funny''.
In the end you sit on the stairs for a while, realising you have no service or connection to contact Billie. The door was thick and you assumed if you screamed she may not hear you and you simply will embarrass yourself more. In the end, you walk back down the stairs, checking out some more frames on the walls and countless storage boxes. It's when the light suddenly begins flickering and turning off altogether that your breath hitches a little. In a desperate attempt, you use your torch from your phone, despite it only providing a small source of light in the big basement. At first you assumed it was those same idiots that had locked you in here to begin with but you quickly realise it was more serious than that when countless of the boxes begin tumbling down the shelves, no presence of anyone visible.
,,Hello?'' you call out but instantly scold yourself as you had always mentioned how stupid it was to call out said word whenever watching a horror movie. Carefully, you walk around some of the boxes, shining your torch in the direction the noises came from when you see a shadow. It causes you to shriek a little before backing away. Now, due to the darkness you aren't sure but you could swear you had seen that face on one of the photos from earlier, a man assuming in his twenties with dark hair, dressed in some clothes that match the century vibes from the pictures. His expression looked angry, making you feel scared and uneasy. In a desperate attempt to flee the situation you begin screaming and banging against the door but you can't hear anything other than the giggling idiots on the other end.
,,This is my house, you have no business here'' a dark voice suddenly calls out before a torch comes flying your way, hitting the door and causing the glass to split everywhere, including your direction. ,,Please I just want to get out of here'' you plead, your rational side not able to believe that you are actually talking to a ghost and at the same time admiring how Billie could do this on a daily basis as this terrified you in a way nothing had ever scared you. It's when you hear heavy footsteps at the bottom of the staircase that you begin banging against the door, screaming for Billie and eventually using all of your strength to try and open the lock, hitting your shoulder and pushing all your weight against it in the hopes of opening the door.
,,Where is Y/N?'' Billie's voice calls out as she makes it downstairs again, seeing her two crew members but no sign of you. They both shrug and Billie is confused before looking around the house. ,,Y/N?'' she calls out before she hears you crying out her name. ,,Where are you? Tell me where you are'' she calls out in a desperate attempt, hearing your distress. She suddenly hears banging from the basement door and stares at the two idiots before rushing over, the camera still following her. The medium unlocks the door instantly, finding you shivering and shaking with fear as you practically fall into her arms, the spirit near seconds from you and she is quick to grab you, spin you both around so she faces the spirit before chanting some latin words and making him disappear.
,,What the hell happened?'' she asks as she takes your cheeks into her hands, tears continuing to stain them. ,,You left me alone'' you choke on a sob, feeling the fear still rippling through your body as you had never experienced something like this before. ,,Don't cry please'' she whispers as she holds you protectively. ,,Why were you in there?'' she asks confused before you meet her eyes and your guilty eyes meet the two idiots standing in the corner, their expression suddenly very serious. ,,Turn this shit off'' Billie curses as she stares at the camera, leaving you for a moment. ,,Are you serious?'' she screams, not being able to hold her composure. ,,Locking someone in a basement of a haunted house, congratulations, you didn't only scare her for dear life, the spirit is also gone'' she screams in frustration, her whole camera crew and assistant silent as they had never seen the medium like this before.
,,Get out of here, you are both fired'' she curses before turning to her assistant. ,,We are done here, I'll see you in the office on monday'' she announces and the woman simply nods as Billie reaches for her handbag. As you follow her, her assistant gives you a compassionate and sorry look. Billie takes your hand, guiding you towards her car before opening the door for you. She closes it gently before getting into the drivers seat, banging the door in frustration before lighting a cigarette. The two of you remain there for a little bit until Billie finishes, without a word she begins driving, the music still playing quietly in the background.
,,I'm so sorry'' she eventually whispers and as you turn towards her, you notice a tear running down her cheek and you are quick to catch it with your thumb. ,,It's okay Billie, it's not your fault'' you assure but the medium knows you are wrong. She should have looked after you, stayed with you and looked after you better. This is exactly what your other two girlfriends had been implying and that makes her feel even worse. ,,It is'' she mutters quietly and Billie was so lost in her daze that she never noticed your state, how pale you are, that your whole body is still shaking, the pain on your shoulder unbearable and your hands covered in blood from the glass and trying to open the door frantically. ,,I promise Billie it's okay, we can just forget about it'' you encourage her but she remains silent, struggling with the guilt of what had happened.
By the time you both make it home, you both notice Wilhemina's car in the driveway, unaware how long this whole thing actually took and how long you had been gone. Billie looks at your face, still so lost in her feelings that she doesn't notice your physical state. ,,We don't have to mention it promise'' you encourage and she simply nods as the two of you walk inside the academy. Now, the shock had momentarily made you forget about the pain and the state your body is in and so it's no surprise as the two of you walk inside, when both Wilhemina and Cordelia's face drop seeing your state. Cordelia's eyebrows furrow as they both walk over to you, Billie following behind.
,,Oh my gosh, you're bleeding'' Cordelia shrieks, quickly taking your bloody hands into her own, the blood staining her and some pieces of glass still stuck in your hands. Wilhemina takes one look at your painful face, quickly noticing the signs of shock as your knees and hands are shaking. You remain silent before looking into Cordelia's eyes, trying your hardest to force a smile. ,,I'm fine I promise'' you reassure but they are having none of it. ,,I just fell that's all'' you try to lie, not wanting to have Billie getting the blame but again they can see right through you. ,,Sit down'' Cordelia orders as she takes you in the kitchen, Wilhemina and Billie following, as the medium leans against a counter, lighting a cigarette in frustration.
,,What the hell did you do?'' Wilhemina's yelling ripples through the air, causing you to shake in Cordelia's arms as she checks and begins treating your injuries with her magic. Billie pretends that the raising of her girlfriends voice doesn't affect her, simply shrugging as she takes another long drag. ,,Don't yell at me'' she warns, not in the mood for Wilhemina's usual antics and anger. ,,You need to tell me what happened Howard because when Y/N left this morning she was the happiest and now she is shaking, bleeding and it looks like she is going to pass out'' the redhead warns, controlling her voice after seeing Cordelia's warning expression.
,,It wasn't Billie's fault'' you somehow mutter out, fighting through the pain of your shoulder injury. All three heads snap towards you and you begin speaking again ,,Her coworkers played a dumb prank but Billie fired them as soon as she found out, it really wasn't Billie's fault'' you defend her and Billie's heart swells with pride, her eyes filling with tears as she knows she deserved every bit of this but appreciating nevertheless that you are trying to defend her. ,,What sort of prank sweetheart?'' Cordelia asks seriously before you glance at Billie and fill them in. ,,They asked me to get something from the basement and then locked me in there'' you admit and Wilhemina scoffs at hearing your statement.
,,But then where did this come from?'' Cordelia asks confused as she points out the cuts on your hand and the leftover glass she had pulled from it. ,,There was a spirit but Billie didn't know and got rid of it'' you admit And Wilhemina can't help but lose her temper again. ,,Really you left her alone? with a fucking spirit in the basement?'' Billie is in no state to deal with this and so all she does is collect her cigarettes before placing her hand on your shoulder in a comforting manner before walking past you. ,,I'm sorry babydoll'' she apologies again before disappearing outside, needing some air.
Wilhemina can't help but notice your flinching and pained expression when Billie had touched your shoulder and she tilts her head to the side a little before stepping closer to you. ,,Are you in pain little one?'' she asks and you shake your head but when your two girlfriends glance at each other, they know you are still trying to downplay the situation. ,,If you are in pain, you need to tell us sweetie'' Cordelia encourages and you hesitantly fill them in. ,,I tried to break the door open'' you admit and they both look at you seriously before Cordelia points towards your shoulder. You nod in confirmation and with gentle hands, she lifts your sleeve down, exposing your beaten and bruised shoulder. ,,God'' Wilhemina mutters, seeing the state you are in and feeling like she wants to kill those idiots that did this.
,,That spirit should be grateful it's dead because otherwise'' Wilhemina mutters and you can't help but break out in laughter, startling the two of them. ,,Sorry'' you mumble and Wilhemina smirks ever so slightly, Cordelia happy to at least see you smiling again. As she inspects your shoulder a little closer, she realises the extend of your injury and glances at Wilhemina who knows exactly what this means. ,,Sweetheart, your bone seems injured, I can fix it but magic like this can be tricky'' she explains and you listen intently to her words. ,,Can't you just fix it?'' you ask and she bites her lip before sighing. ,,I can but the way this magic works is the bone will heal itself, it's very quick I promise but can be very painful'' the supreme explains and you glance at Wilhemina who looks at you with so much concern.
While Cordelia prepares herself for the spell, Wilhemina passes you some water and encourages you to drink the whole thing. ,,Ready?'' the supreme asks and Wilhemina reaches her hand out to you which you take. ,,Ready'' you mumble, feeling a little nervous before her hand hovers over your shoulder before she begins chanting some latin words. At first the pain feels tingling, the initial pain even leaving before the excruciating pain ripples through your body. Your eyes begin swelling up and you can't help but let out the most painful scream, that causes both their hearts to ache. ,,Done'' Cordelia whispers, her own eyes filled with tears at knowing how much that must have hurt. ,,I'm so sorry sweetie'' she whispers as she cups your cheeks. Your eyes remain closed but as you open them again, you notice the absence of any pain, her magic working wonders as if none of this ever happened in the first place.
,,Better?'' Wilhemina asks, her expression almost unreadable and you nod before Billie comes rushing inside. ,,What happened?'' she asks, hearing your scream from outside and never having heard you like this before. ,,Cordelia fixed the bone that broke'' Wilhemina mutters without the slightest bit of emotion in her voice, Billie's eyes widening in realisation. ,,Sweetie are you okay? you look awfully pale'' Cordelia acknowledges as the colour quite literally drained from your face. ,,Yes.. I think I'm going to have a shower'' you say before standing up, not wanting to be anywhere around for the confrontation that was about to unfold between your girlfriends. They all watch as you walk away, their worried eyes following you and Cordelia can sense with her magic that a wave of dizziness was going to wash over you any moment. With quick steps she aids to your side as you hold onto the nearest wall. ,,It's okay, I'll help you darling'' she offers and she takes your hand, gently guiding you upstairs, knowing what this type of magic and the shock from before can have an impact on your body.
Cordelia‘s movements are gentle as she helps you upstairs, sitting you down on the bed before retrieving some clothes for you. She knows about your desire to shower after today but she also knows your body is in no condition to do so after the shock and her magic. She washes your face for you, gently dresses you in some pj‘s before tugging you into bed. As she watches you get comfortable, she feels conflicted, knowing you both needed her and the desire of not leaving you alone but she also knew her other two lovers needed her in order for the argument that was bound to happen not to escalate. „It really wasn‘t Billie‘s fault Delia“ you mumble, already feeling the tiredness from the day wash over you. „I know sweet girl“ she smiles before walking over and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
„It‘s okay you can go“ you mumble, being able to tell how conflicted the blonde is feeling. And it almost brings tears to her eyes how well you know them, how kind and considerate you are. Now before the witch gets the chance to leave, the door opens and both of your heads snap in the direction, surprised when you see both of your girlfriends walking in together. You can tell by their expressions that Billie still feels guilty, that Wilhemina still feels angry but it‘s the way they walk in together, side by side, no distance between them that you and Cordelia can tell they had settled this among themselves. Billie remains silent, walking over to you as Cordelia checks in with Wilhemina, the redhead nodding as if to signal that all is well. „I‘m so sorry my sweet girl“ she apologizes again and knowing Billie you knew she would be sorry for a lifetime. „It‘s okay really Bills“ you encourage and she smiles contently before pressing a kiss to your cheeks.
„Now babydoll, me and Mina had a talk, considering the day you‘ve had, how about we order your favorite? you can have a little rest until it gets here and then we‘ll watch your favorite movie?“ your eyes sparkle at her statement and you glance at both Delia and Wilhemina who simply smile and encourage you to agree. „Yes please“ you beam, before sitting up excitedly, the tiredness suddenly gone. And so, the four of you find yourself in front of the TV a little while later, your favorite takeaway in your lap and your favorite movie playing in the background. You could tell there was maybe a conversation to come but by Wilhemina and Billie‘s causal bickering and joking you could tell everything was back to normal. After finishing your meal, Cordelia begins the dishes as Billie steals away for a smoke and you finally find yourself in the arms of your redhead lover.
„I‘m glad you‘re okay little one“ she whispers as her fingers trace patterns on your back. You smile as you nuzzle into her further, seeking her warmth and she wraps you closer, being able to tell. „Sooo“ you begin and by your tone of voice she can tell whatever you are about to say will make her smirk in that all too familiar way. „Does this mean I can come to work with you next?“ you smile cheekily and she simply raises an eyebrow before chuckling lowly. „Definitely not little one, if you think Howard‘s work is dangerous, you definitely don‘t want to meet my bosses“ and the two of you chuckle, Cordelia smiling from the kitchen having heard the interaction before melting into your girlfriend further.
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dominik528 · 1 month
Five & Lila: Enemies-to-lovers done right
As unexpected and controversial as the pairing of Five and Lila was for the final Umbrella Academy season, I have to say that the writers knocked it out of the park with the "enemies-to-lovers" development.
Now, was this romantic direction planned from the start? I highly doubt it. Even with their bathroom fight scene in season 3, with Lila obviously naked, I got absolutely no vibes of sexual tension. What I think happened was, since Castañeda and Arya broke up, the writers decided to spare them the awkwardness of continuing to play an on-screen couple, so they chose this trajectory.
When Lila and Five first meet, there is clear distrust and animosity between them, contrasting from her and Diego's bonding and quickening attraction. Five even threatens--and comes close to--killing Lila.
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Then Lila's hostility grows when she learns that he's the one who killed her birth parents. After another fight, Five, calmly and reassuringly, says that he was acting under the orders of her adoptive mother, who arranged the hit and picked up the scared 4-year-old girl at the scene.
Come season 3, and Five now considers Lila as part of the family, even with Klaus pointing out how she tried to kill them a few days ago. But, of course, it's more of a begrudging allyship, seeing how the two still bicker and insult each other.
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By the time season 4 rolled along, and we got the scene with Lila wiping away the sugar on Five's mustache, lingering, followed by Diego getting the wrong idea, I thought, 'Wait...' (The first hint that slipped by me was when he noticed her from afar earlier, like a scene out of a romance.) After that, I started anticipating more scenes between the two.
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You can imagine my excitement by ep. 5, seeing two people who once despised and taunted each other now warming up to one another more and more, finally leading to a kiss. Yes, I had the actors' age difference in mind (Gallagher being over 18, Arya being in her 30s), but I still found myself adoring seeing Five being happy. After all, he'd grown bitter and cynical after spending over 40 years alone in a post-apocalyptic wasteland with an inanimate object for a companion, becoming a cold-hearted assassin, and only mainly showing his softer side towards Viktor. With the cottage core-like scenario at the greenhouse, I hoped that the series would end with the pair living similarly, like how Viktor tried to rebuild his life.
But then, I told myself to tamp those hopes down, considering what happened to every other relationship on this show: Viktor & Leonard, Viktor & Sissy (another unpopular ship I loved), Klaus & Dave, Allison & Ray (I was rooting for them in season 2!), Allison & Luther, Luther & Sloane (I was looking forward to them reuniting in this reset timeline☹️), and now, Diego & Lila. I'd recalled a quote from an article about Five having an "emotional arc" with Lila, giving himself a reason to live, and feared it meant that Lila was gonna get fridged.
The last 15 minutes of the show proved to be far worse than I imagined, leaving me and many viewers alike feeling empty inside.🙃For the first five episodes, I thought, 'This is enemies-to-lovers done right!' And then a chance for a satisfying conclusion to such an arc, along with long-suffering characters finding true happiness, was dashed away, just like the entire cast of Star Wars: Rogue One, and Kylo Ren and Rey in The Rise of Skywalker.💔
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lgbtqforeverything · 9 months
ok so i figured out the greenhouse academy timeline on this rewatch and it is wild.
season 1/2: a total of 4 months!-alex and hayley get into the greenhouse 8 months after their mom “dies” then when hayley finds her alive (aka the season 2 finale) she says its been around a year
season 3: 4 weeks! (plus one month after season 2: daniel says that its been one month since marcus was arrested at the start of the season)-louis says his tech conference is 6 weeks away when he leaves and then at the start of season 4 brooke says its 2 weeks away
season 4: 2 weeks!-at the start of season 4 brooke says the tech conference is 2 weeks away and the conference is the main setting of the finale
so all in all the 4 season 2017-2020 show takes place over 6 and 1/2 months. it is the wildest/most traumatizing time of these kids lives and it’s not even a full year.
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whatfamidoinghere · 1 month
The Umbrella Academy Season 4 Final Thoughts
I have opinions I need to share. Obviously spoilers ahead so… enter at your own risk?
Firstly, the positives
To give it some credit, this was a beautiful ending. It was technically the only way they could end it bc it was clear no matter what they did, the apocalypse would follow
I loved the reference to them saving the Eiffel Tower in an alternate timeline, like they did in the comics
…yeh, that’s it
Oh wait, I loved Klaus’ relationship with Claire. I love Klaus. I love everything about him. Thank you. End quote
Now for the negatives - this will be in no coherent order so bare with me
It’s embarrassingly clear that this needed its usual 10 episodes. I think I read somewhere that the director felt that 6 episodes were the perfect amount so maybe Netflix didn’t cut it, or perhaps he was trying to make the best of a shitty situation. But every scene felt like it was missing something.
Where was the family dance sesh???
Five and Lila. No. Just. No. They’re begrudging step-sibling and that is it. And even if they did want to go down this direction, even if I wasn’t so opposed to the ship, I just didn’t care. You can’t just time skip 7 years in 1 episode and simultaneously get me to feel invested in their relationship. They needed 2 episodes at least to make me feel the impact of those 7 years. I know for 5 that’s probably nothing compared to his time in the apocalypse, but to Lila, that would’ve driven her insane, and in her breaking point, that’s when she goes to 5, bit like how they did this. Not to mention, they come back looking the exact same. 5 is supposed to be, what, 27 at this point? I sure as hell don’t see it. I would’ve much preferred a scene where, once Lila releases they’re going back home, frantically tries to clean up and cut her hair to look exactly how she did before so that her family still recognise her. Ugh that entire point was just so shit
The baby shark gag was not funny
Why did Diego and Lila have to have twins as well. I get it, they’re tired parents who miss their glory days. But if you want us to feel really sorry for them, and later mourn them when Lila has to say goodbye, maybe let us see the family interact as… as well as family. I was so excited to see Diego in his real daddy era just for him to talk to his oldest daughter maybe once? ALSO why does Lila get that whole emotional goodbye to her children and Diego just, nothing? “Get the family out of here” umm hello, even if you didn’t like the in-laws, those are 3 of your fucking children that you’re saying goodbye to forever. I think I’m just upset that they reduced Lila to being a tired mother (to me anyway) and forget Diego was the father. I would’ve so rather seen him being the dad that he never had in his life.
Like putting the family on the Subway to nowhere. Literally. It’s not like she knew how the Subway worked so she was just sticking her family on the train and hoping for the best. They made it seem as though they had never found a world safe enough. Like truly the best place for them to stay was the fucking Greenhouse world, so how did she expect the family to survive, and with no powers mind you. And also didn’t thy know at that point that all ultimate timelines would be destroyed, except for the main timeline. Was she hoping they’d magicallly be taken to the main timeline orrr? I’m just so fucking confused man
The Subway. What a fucking missed opportunity oh my fucking god. Its only true function was to have all the Five’s meet up to tell Prime Five the super duper important convenient information that would bring upon The Finale. It was such a cool concept and we saw… none of it. Firstly, they made it wayyy to easy that Five just happened to find a journal his future self made that worked out the tunnel system. You’re telling me that in 7 years he never worked any of it out. Uhhh I just wanted to see how the Subway worked and we couldn’t even get that. AND they only showed us 1 world!!!! I think alternate timelines are such a. Fun concept because you can explore multiple worlds that are like your own but a little more freaky with little to no consequences in your own world. I LOVED seeing the Phoenix Academy so much but… that was it. Imagine a montage of Five and Lila visiting a ton of worlds like our own with messed up Academy. Can you imagine if we saw a comic accurate Umbrella Academy??? Omfg the ultimate homage. I’m tearing up just thinking about what we could’ve had.
Gene and Jean were rly fun but again, what waisted potential. I loved my quirky not-so-instance parents sm
Uncle Five? Uncle Luther? Gone. Maybe I’m misremembering but they always seemed so excited to meet Claire. Ik they’re pissed at Alison or whatever (but they’re literally not though) but you’re telling me we never see them interact, despite them being some of the only sibling to care about Claire??? Oh okay, okayyy
The powers. Does nobody care that some have multiple powers now orrr? So Lila had laser eyes but could still mimic everyone else. Also the running gag of not being able to control her eyes could’ve gone on for so much longer. And Alison. Was she just so powerful she could rumour ppl without saying anything now? And when her eyes went yellow, that was a completely new power, right? And did Viktor’s powers seem different to you guys or is it bc he absorbed Harlan’s powers last season. Me personally, I think they’re should’ve gone down the Tinkerbell: The Pirate Fairy route and swapped the sibling powers with each other or completely different ones
It would’ve been such a good plot twist if after learning that the Cleanse restored them to the one true timeline, they all think it’s their original lives as a misdirect and they the horror sets in as you realise that they’re actually part of an ultimate timeline. They just could’ve done so much more than that. I know with limited episodes they had to wrap things up quickly so after they learned they had to be erased they just kinda had to accept it but I would’ve loved an entire episode of them grappling with the fact and saying goodbye and reminiscing about their past and maybe even being in denial and self sabotaging or whatever (kind of in the style of that ep in s2 when they have an hour to meet up
Why was Jennifer in a squid??? Why? did she get all the durango? Why weren’t there 42 other kids who got ur? That could’ve been such a cool parallel like cmonnn
I always suspected Ben’s death to be connected to Reg in some way so I loved the reveal… but I hated Jennifer’s involvement. Like it just felt tooo convenient. And I understand why they did it from a writers/ directors perspective that they wanted to wrap everything up but I just felt it could’ve been done much smarter. ALSO I just realised that Klaus doesn’t know how Ben died. Diabolical. I will not stand for it
Reginald didn’t recognise his own wife??? Like when Fake Gene called him “love” and Reggie didn’t clock it???
Soooo Luther never once asked Reggie about Sloane???
Ray. Where’s Ray? Maybe the actor was working on something else and they had to get rid of his character
WE NEVER EVEN HEAD ALISON SAY “I HEARD A RUMOUR” NOT EVEN ONCE like I get she’s powerful enough to the point she doesn’t have to say it anymore but that line eats down every. Single. TIME!
Lastly and most importantly… the soundtrack. The songs didn’t slap. Simple as.
Final Statement
I think I covered all my points. I doubt I’ll make a part 2 bc honestly, the show isn’t worth my time and energy anymore. I just needed to rant bc I don’t know any ppl who watch this who have any lick of media literacy.
The finale was painfully underwhelming. It didn’t feel like the same TUA I’ve grown to love over the past few years. I can accept the ending but the journey to how we got there was one massive slap in the face. I’m going to ignore this ending ever happened thank you <3
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classicbarbie · 1 month
umbrella academy spoilers below lol bc i just finished the last season and i need to vent
Im so conflicted about ep 5, bc i get it, they were all alone for 7 years, it took them 6 years before they even did anything, and it's like, 'would i date you if we were the last two people left on earth'. And from that perspective, hypothetically, yes, I can see it, bc Lila and Five make such a good pair of partners. But that wasn't the case bc they weren't the only two people left, they were just stuck in the wrong place with Lila's very real and alive three kids and HUSBAND waiting-
And despite that the whole reason Lila and Five's dynamic was so, so good and fun was because they were purely partners in crime fighting and shenanigans (besties).
( Also as an aroace, @ the writers why would you take this perfectly platonic good platonic hetero platonic friendship from my hands and ruin it )
It could've been anyone else. It could've been literally ANYONE else. Lila would never cheat on Diego lets bffr (also the way they had both Lila and Five treat Diego like he's completely inept this season was FOUL. Okay. I didn't care until ep 5. But to leave him out and then get together?? :D ? Wild.)
But the thing is, I really liked that little plot for Five. The guy has been begging for retirement the last 3 seasons. At least everyone else got to settle down, have families and recuperate after the first apocalypse. Meanwhile Five was jumping from the end of one apocalypse to stopping the next one, okay. He deserves to sit down in a strawberry greenhouse and live a domestic life with a real person (sorry dolores). But why did it have to be Lila 😭
I don't get why he would hide the book from her, I don't think that Five has ever been that selfish. But I understand why he wouldn't want to leave, because what if the apocalypse has already happened and it's another barren wasteland and everyone's dead and he's all alone again. I understand him needing that security for himself and not wanting to go through it again.
(Also Lila couldn't handle the suburban life with Diego, how is a strawberry greenhouse life any better)
Side note, I thought the plot twist was going to be that Five always knew everything all along (no way he would've missed that his boss was a keeper) but that's a different topic.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Excerpt from this story from the Chicago Tribune:
Reid Thompson, a fourth-generation farmer in central Illinois, is in the middle of planting season. Weather permitting, he tends to the fields in the morning, walks home for lunch with his wife and newborn, and then returns to his tractor until sundown. He’ll harvest his corn in early fall, sell it to a nearby ethanol plant, and eventually it will make its way to a car’s gas tank. That’s the routine, at least for now.
Nearly all U.S. gasoline contains ethanol to reduce emissions, and nearly all of that ethanol is made from corn starch. But, electric and hybrid vehicles offer even further emissions reductions. This poses a threat to corn demand that could be devastating for a state such as Illinois, the second-largest corn producer in the country.
The resulting decline in the value of Midwestern farmland and corn prices will hurt farmers and have ripple effects across rural communities, predict University of Nebraska at Lincoln agricultural economists Jeffrey Stokes and Jim Jansen. Rural businesses that cater to the agriculture sector could go under, property taxes that fund local schools will likely plummet and farmers could be forced to default on debts to community lenders, the economists forecast. This would come after farmers have been hit by a series of misfortunes over the last five years: the pandemic, trade wars, inflation and excess supply.
Corn could be the key to solving another clean energy dilemma, though. Unlike cars and trucks, planes are difficult to electrify, and some fuel companies believe the answer to cleaning up aviation lies in America’s heartland.
“(Corn is) the cheapest, most sustainable, most scalable feedstock (raw material),” said Patrick Gruber, CEO of Gevo, one of the companies with plans to turn corn ethanol into aviation fuel.
Thompson and other corn farmers are eager to seize this opportunity in sustainable aviation fuel, another term for jet fuel made without fossil fuels.
But, before corn ethanol-to-jet fuel can be a viable alternative to conventional jet fuel, the emissions associated with corn ethanol production must come down. This will require farmers to change their practices on the field and ethanol plants to implement controversial technologies like carbon sequestration.
Since 2005, the federal government has required transportation fuels to be blended with increasing amounts of renewable fuels such as corn ethanol to reduce air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on foreign oil. The mandate transformed rural economies across the Midwest. Between 2008 and 2016, corn prices rose by 30%, and 26% more land was converted to cropland than would have been otherwise, according to a 2022 study published by the National Academy of Sciences.
Ethanol plants quickly sprang up around corn fields, due largely to investments from farmers eager for the new market to succeed.
The Biden administration established a “Grand Challenge” to produce 3 billion gallons of sustainable aviation fuel — defined as jet fuel with 50% less emissions than conventional jet fuel — annually by 2030. The ultimate goal is to make enough of this fuel to meet all national demand — estimated to be 35 billion gallons — by 2050.
Airlines are on board. United and Delta have both signed advance purchase agreements with numerous aspiring sustainable aviation fuel producers. Currently, however, sustainable fuel only accounts for 0.1% of the jet fuel used by major U.S. airlines, according to the latest federal government data.
The challenge is that creating sustainable aviation fuel costs three to five times more than conventional jet fuel and securing biomasses at scale is challenging. Most of the 24.5 million gallons produced last year were created with discarded cooking oil and animal fat, which are available in limited quantities.
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manandesai07 · 2 years
The Seriousness of Global Warming
Total annual global temperature rise during the Industrial Revolution has been little over 1 degree Celsius, or over 2 degrees Fahrenheit. It increased on average by 0.07 degrees Celsius (0.13 degrees Fahrenheit) per 10 years between 1880—the year that accurate recordkeeping started—and 1980. The rate of growth, however, has more than doubled since 1981: Over the past 40 years, the yearly global temperature has increased by 0.18 degrees Celsius, or 0.32 degrees Fahrenheit, every decade.The outcome? a world with unprecedented heat. Since 2005, nine of the ten warmest years on record since 1880 have happened, and the last five warmest years have all happened since 2015.Now, climate scientists have concluded that if we want to prevent a future in which daily life throughout the world is marked by its worst, most devastating effects: the extreme droughts, wildfires, floods, tropical storms, and other disasters that we refer to collectively as climate change, we must limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2040. The greenhouse effect is the result of these heat-trapping pollutants, notably carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapour, and synthetic fluorinated gases, which are referred to as greenhouse gases.Although the earth's climate has changed several times over the past 800,000 years due to natural cycles and fluctuations, our current era of global warming is solely attributable to human activity, specifically the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, gasoline, and natural gas, which creates the greenhouse effect. Scientists concur that longer and hotter heat waves, more frequent droughts, heavier rains, and stronger hurricanes are all being fueled by the earth's warming climate. For instance, scientists determined in 2015 that global warming had increased the severity of a protracted drought in California—the state's greatest water scarcity in 1,200 years—by 15 to 20%. They added that over the previous century, the likelihood of future droughts of a similar magnitude had almost doubled. We can now confidently link some extreme weather events, such as heat waves, droughts, and heavy precipitation, to climate change, according to a 2016 National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine report. Additionally, the oceans' temperatures are rising, which allows tropical storms to intensify. In other words, global warming has the power to upgrade a category 3 hurricane to a category 4 storm, which is more hazardous. In fact, researchers have discovered that both the number of storms that reach categories 4 and 5 as well as the frequency of North Atlantic hurricanes have increased since the early 1980s. A record-breaking 30 tropical storms, 6 major hurricanes, and 13 hurricanes were all recorded during the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season. Increased intensity causes more harm and death. Everywhere, the effects of global warming are being felt. In recent years, extreme heat waves have been responsible for tens of thousands of fatalities worldwide. Additionally, Antarctica has lost nearly four trillion metric tonnes of ice since the 1990s, which is a worrying portent of future events. Every year, scientists discover more information about the effects of global warming, and every year, we amass more proof of the catastrophic harm it causes to both people and the environment. Communities suffer, and the number of fatalities rises, as the heat waves, droughts, and floods brought on by climate change grow more regular and severe. Scientists predict that if we don't cut back on our emissions, climate change could kill more than 250,000 people annually and push 100 million people into poverty by 2030. The United States is already feeling the effects of global warming. Here are just a few of the potential consequences if we are unable to control our emissions.
Cities, farms, and forests will see more bothersome bugs, heat waves, torrential downpours, and flooding. Agriculture and fisheries may be harmed or destroyed by all of these.
Many plant and animal species may go extinct if environments like coral reefs and alpine meadows are damaged. Increased pollen-producing ragweed growth, increased levels of air pollution, and the spread of conditions that are conducive to pathogens and mosquitoes will all lead to an increase in the frequency of allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and infectious disease outbreaks.
Despite the fact that everyone is impacted by climate change, not everyone is equally impacted. Typically, those who are indigenous, persons of colour, or economically marginalised are severely harmed. Even though these same communities have made the least effort to contribute to climate change, they are more vulnerable to its worst effects due to inequities built into our housing, healthcare, and labour systems.
Many plant and animal species may go extinct if habitats like coral reefs and alpine meadows are damaged. Increased pollen-producing ragweed growth, increased levels of air pollution, and the spread of conditions that are conducive to pathogens and mosquitoes will all lead to an increase in the frequency of allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and infectious disease outbreaks.
And while new federal and state standards are a step in the right direction, much more needs to be done. Voice your support of climate-friendly and climate change preparedness policies, and tell your representatives that equitably transitioning from dirty fossil fuels to clean power should be a top priority—because it’s vital to building healthy, more secure communities
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bakugouswifeyforever · 2 months
About Me
Hi! My name's Lynette!
18+, married to all my anime crushes, disgusted by real men Comfort Characters: Bakugo Katsuki, Ejiro Kirishima, Senku Ishigami, Josuke Higashikata, Jotaro Kujo Currently watching: Bleach Finished Shows: Jojo's Bizzare Adevnture, Greenhouse Academy, Young Justice (seasons 1-3)
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stivo85 · 10 months
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I am watching Greenhouse Academy 4x03 "A Not Totally Bad Person"
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theultimatefan · 2 years
Christina Ricci, Giancarlo Esposito, Carl Weathers Lead Next Wave of FAN EXPO New Orleans Celebs
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With less than one month to go before the return of FAN EXPO New Orleans, six celebrities from several iconic franchises have been added to the celebrity roster of the pop culture extravaganza set for January 6-8 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. The exciting set of newcomers includes fan favorites Christina Ricci (“Addams Family,” “Wednesday”), Giancarlo Esposito (“The Mandalorian,” “Breaking Bad”), Carl Weathers (“The Mandalorian,” “Predator”). Bonnie Wright (“Harry Potter”) and the “Stranger Things” duo of Grace Van Dien and Eduardo Franco.
Ricci, who first caught attention as a child star as “Wednesday Addams” in The Addams Family (1991) and Addams Family Values (1993), has nearly 100 acting credits, including as “Marilyn Thornhill” in the current Netflix series “Wednesday.” She moved from appearances as a teen in Casper and Now and Then to adult roles in Sleepy Hollow, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Speed Racer and more and had regular roles in TV series “Ally McBeal,” “Pan Am” and others.
The prolific veteran film, television and stage actor, director and producer Esposito, in addition to his role as “Moff Gideon” on the Disney+ series “The Mandalorian,” is well known by television audiences for his iconic portrayal of drug kingpin “Gus Fring” in AMC’s critically acclaimed award-winning series “Breaking Bad.” Some of Esposito’s most memorable performances can be seen in films such as Rabbit Hole, The Usual Suspects, Smoke, The Last Holiday and Spike Lee’s films Do the Right Thing, Mo’ Better Blues, School Daze and Malcolm X.
Weathers, who portrays “Greef Karga” in “The Mandalorian,” first gained acclaim for his role as boxer “Apollo Creed” in the first four Rocky films (1976–85). The former pro football player also has had memorable roles as “George Dillon” in Predator (1987), the title role in Action Jackson (1988), and “Combat Carl” in the Toy Story franchise. Weathers and Esposito will be joined at FAN EXPO New Orleans by fellow “Mandalorian” standout Katee Sackhoff, announced last month in the first wave of guests.
Wright, whose portrayal of Ron Weasley's little sister “Ginny” in 2001's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone marked her first screen appearance, has since reprised the role in numerous iterations of the franchise, through Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, Part 2 (2011). The London-born actress also earned numerous awards for her lead role in Sweat (2015) and starred in a contemporary retelling of A Christmas Carol in 2018. She will join fellow Potter standout Matthew Lewis (“Neville Longbottom”), who announced in November that he will be attending the event.
Van Dien built a resume that has included appearances as “Brooke Osmond” in the Netflix teen drama series “Greenhouse Academy” and “Katie Campbell” in NBC drama series “The Village” before landing a recurring spot as “Chrissy Cunningham” in Season 4 of “Stranger Things.” She is also a noted and popular streamer on Twitch.
Franco has the key “Stranger Things” role of “Argyle,” also in Season 4 of the Netflix series. He also appeared as “Theo” in Booksmart and “Spencer Diaz” in the Netflix mockumentary “American Vandal.” He and Van Dien join fellow “Stranger Things” cast member Joseph Quinn (“Eddie Munson”), who has previously been announced to the FAN EXPO New Orleans celebrity roster.
In addition to Sackhoff, Lewis, and Quinn, the new wave of celebrities will be part of a star-studded FAN EXPO New Orleans lineup that includes legendary filmmaker Sam Raimi (Spider-Man, The Evil Dead franchise), Anson Mount (“Star Trek: Discovery,” “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds) and the stars of “Trailer Park Boys” Mike Smith, John Paul Tremblay and Robb Wells. The event will boast a featured lineup of celebrities, voice actors, creators, cosplayers, authors, exhibitors, compelling programming, meet and greets, special events, family zones and more.
Tickets for FAN EXPO New Orleans are on sale at http://www.fanexponeworleans.com, with individual day, 3-day and Ultimate Fan Package available for adults, youths and families. VIP packages are also available now, with dozens of special benefits including priority entry, limited edition collectibles, exclusive items and much more.
Additional guests, exhibitors and programming for this major comics, sci-fi, horror, literary, anime and gaming convention will be announced closer to the event.
New Orleans is the first event on the 2023 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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herestomyhaters · 5 years
my dumb ass when i hear the greenhouse academy intro
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xolarajean · 4 years
Greenhouse Academy S1-4
Preface: So, I finally have gotten around to writing a review about S1-4 of Greenhouse Academy. I finished over a week ago and watched all 4 seasons in about 4 days haha. Honestly, I’ve been procrastinating this review because I have A LOT to write about. So here we go!
Plot: Eight months after losing their astronaut mother in a rocket explosion, brother and sister Alex and Hayley Woods enroll at a private boarding school, the Greenhouse, for gifted future leaders. Separately, they join two competing houses, Ravens and Eagles, within the school and tension builds up between the two siblings as they adjust. Soon, mysterious events catch the attention of the students from both houses and forces them to work together in order to find out what is happening at the draw the Greenhouse.
Review: 3.5/5
I found the plot really intriguing at first. In addition, I liked the actual events that happened and where the story could head in the future. Though, the execution was not as great. The acting I felt was good for the most part, but the writing seemed a little awkward and cringey at some points. But bear in mind that it is targeted at kids/teens (even though at some points in season 3 and 4 there were some curses thrown around) so it is kind of expected to have those moments. Either way, those moments are bearable to watch through. I personally liked season 1+2 more than season 3+4 for the most part. There is one main issue I have with this show, but I can’t describe it without spoiling it. So, continue reading if you’ve watched the show/don’t care about being spoiled (It’s mostly about season 3+4).
But the main issue I have were the character changes. The obvious ones are the actual cast changes for Emma and Brooke. And the fact that Jackie left... that broke my heart. I still have this naive hope that she will come back though. It sucks that the original actresses could not continue with season 3 and 4, but you can’t really blame anyone since those decisions are based on personal reasons. It’s hard not to prefer the original actresses because well they are what we are used to. Though, I can’t understand why everyone is hating on them sooooo much. I personally think they were fine at acting. The REAL problem was the writing. In season 3 and 4, the personalities of so many characters were switched and the plots were messier. 
To start off, the whole love triangle between Daniel-Hayley-Leo was annoying. I DID ENJOY Daniel and Hayley, but Leo was just being a dick for the entirety of season 3. Obviously Leo was already a bit of an ass with the whole Aspen and LDR drama, but in season 3 the writers just made him 10x that (especially with the whole leading Beca on and straight up insulting Hayley at every chance he got). As you can tell I’m not a big fan of Leo, but the thing that got me is that the writers made Daniel such a jealous boyfriend? It seemed really out of character to me for Daniel to go through Hayley’s text like that and be paranoid of Leo (I mean hello this is the guy that is just straight up insulting your girlfriend and cheated on her. I don’t think you have that much competition or so I thought -- ending of season 4 was annoying). Like I know he was probably scared of Hayley getting back with Leo because of the Brooke and Alex thing, but honestly he knew that his relationship with Brooke was already sinking before Alex came into the picture. Plus, Hayley wasn’t flirting with Leo like Brooke was with Alex in Season1+2. The only good part about this love triangle was how supportive and understanding Daniel was with Hayley at the end. I mean done get me wrong I was thrown off by the huge 180 his personality took, but I’m just gonna believe that Daniel is just that good of a guy to be that mature. Anyway I’m just gonna end it with I prefer Dayley because their relationship felt more real (also I’m so glad that she told Daniel about the button and secret room right away and the writers avoided the keeping secrets to protect you which leads to tension trope because I would have imploded if they did that) and I want to erase the ending of season 4 from my head. 
Next up: Emma and Max. Honestly in the first episode when I learned that Jackie was gone and both Emma and Max started lying about being in LDRs, I knew the writers were gonna try and pair them up. I had hope that they would pull a twist and have Jackie show up in the middle, but NOPE. Like this pairing is just super... boring? Like they are both sweet characters, but they really don’t bring that much to the table in terms of romantic chemistry. I liked them better as best friends who geek out together. And because the writers focused so much about their relationship it left almost no room for actual individual screen time or character development for either of them. Like all they did was use some algorithms and their intelligence to solve some seriously hard problems, but it made them seem more like robots and tools to solve the conflicts in the plot. All I have left to say is that I still ship Jackie+Max.
Now I wanna talk about Alex and Brooke. Tbh I never saw much chemistry between the two characters in any season. Like yeah Alex was a good guy that was with her at the right time when she went to the cave at night in like season 1 where he fought off the park ranger, but still it didn’t feel like a real relationship. This continues into season 3+4 and I was sooo happy when they broke up (but why did she have to do it during a basketball game? Heat of the moment I guess) Also, even when Alex was “trying to be a good friend” to Brooke, it came off that he was still trying to get back together with her even though it is obvious that she is just not ready? And near the end of season 4 after she talks to Jason in the hospital when she and Alex were talking, I cringed so hard when he admitted that he was having trouble being just friends because it felt to me that he was trying to guilt trip her into getting back together with him which is just so wrong?!?! Again, I wish to delete this scene from my brain.
Lastly I wanna share my opinions about Sophie, Parker, and Enzo. Let me start out by saying I think in season3+4, Sophie was my favorite character. I mean come on how could I not love her? She is determined to chase her ambitions like the bad ass she is even with her past (which I’m super mad that they didn’t really delve into her past because that could have made the show a lot more interesting). I also liked the introduction of a character like Enzo since it brings a new kind of person into the show and makes it more realistic because for the most part these kids seemed a little “too perfect.” Though, the writers didn’t use him to the full potential that he has which sucks for the viewers and the actor too and based on what we saw he is pretty good. Anyway I liked how he is actually a softie at heart and does the right thing for Soph. Now I wanna talk about the Sophie+Parker ship. Honestly, are the writers trying to pair up literally all the students together?!?! Again like Emma and Max, I felt that this wasn’t a real relationship; we’ve barely seen these two have any romantic chemistry and I view them more like a good pair of friend (class clown/funny + class president/serious dynamic is something I love). That’s all.
Quick opinion: Louis just felt off since the S3. I mean I get that he wants to better the students, but causing fights seemed wayyyy out of line for his character. So that was weird. 
Anyway that was all of my thoughts (at least for now) about Greenhouse Academy! Even though it seems like I hate the series based on my complaints above lol I actually really liked it and hope for a season 5 (crossing my fingers) where the writers and other staff can hopefully redeem themselves by fixing the problems above. If you have any thoughts about the show, please do talk to me about it because I LOVE chatting about the shows I’ve watched. 
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storyranger · 5 years
Hayley, every single episode
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achalantspitfire · 5 years
Aight guys. There’s lots to rant about here. And spoilers ahead cuz duh.
Hayley chose right. That’s it.
Also 🥺🥺🥺
They’re so cute
But like also Leo needs a hug. Someone give him a hug
And like breaking up with Alex right before his shot???? Good job. Excellent fucking job. And getting upset when everyone calls on your shit? Even better job
God someone punch Becca in the face for me. She got Alex sick which deserves a punch already but fuck her voice. Her voice makes me want to scream. Just shut up, please and thank fucking toy
This “client dude” is a perfect example of why we should eat the rich. I mean, wtf y’know? Also it’s kind of unfair how hot he is. The dude can die, but the actor? 10/10 would bang
Sophie deserves the world. And her world better be Parker, because jesjshjsshjashaish, y’know? Also they better not mess this ship up like they did (imma start sobbing) Jackie and Max
That cliffhanger tho
Like wtf
And last but not least
Where the actual fuck is Jackie
In conclusion, season four needs to be longer, Brooke needs to get a hold on herself or else she’s gonna get slapped (probably by me), Becca should leave and never come back, and if they don’t get Jackie back, I will riot.
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Woah. I was not ready for that cliffhanger.
I'm not saying anything.
But woah.
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depressedfangirling · 5 years
OMG They are holding hands
So I just started season three of Greenhouse Academy and Hayley and Daniel are holding hands and the feels. I’m so glad it’s him. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!
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