#greng jai
celestialmazer · 2 years
Unknown emotions to the English language - compiled from definitions in the source links at the bottom
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L’appel du vide: You’re waiting for the train when an inexplicable thought flashes into your mind: What if you jumped off the platform? Or perhaps you’re driving up some precarious mountain pass, when you feel strangely moved to jerk your steering wheel to the right and sail clear off the road. American psychologists in 2012 published a paper in which this feeling was dubbed the “high place phenomenon” (and their study suggested, by the way, that its presence does not necessarily signal suicidal ideation), but the French term for the phenomenon is much more alluring, as French words so often are: l’appel du vide, or “the call of the void.” As the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once observed, the emotion is so unsettling because of the way it “creates an unnerving, shaky sensation of not being able to trust one’s own instincts.” It’s a reminder, then, to perhaps not always let your emotions rule your behavior.
Ilinx: There exists a GIF of a fluffy white cat that speaks directly to my soul. In it, the cat is perched atop a desk, and as its human places various objects near its paws — a lighter, a glasses case, a wallet — it pushes each item off the desk and onto the floor. You might say the animal is expressing ilinx, a French word for “the ‘strange excitement’ of wanton destruction,” as Smith describes it, borrowing her phrasing from sociologist Roger Caillois. “Callois traced ilinx back to the practices of ancient mystics who by whirling and dancing hoped to induce rapturous trance states and glimpse alternative realities,” Smith writes. “Today, even succumbing to the urge to create a minor chaos by kicking over the office recycling bin should give you a mild hit.”
Kaukokaipuu: People of, say, Irish descent who have never actually been to the country of their ancestry may still experience an unexpected ache for it, as if they miss it — a strange, contradictory sort of feeling, as you can’t really miss someplace you’ve never been. But the Finnish recognize that the emotion exists, and they gave it a name: kaukokaipuu, a feeling of homesickness for a place you’ve never visited. It can also mean a kind of highly specified version of wanderlust, a “craving for a distant land” — dreaming from your desk about some far-off place like New Zealand, or the Hawaiian Islands, or Machu Picchu, with an intensity that feels almost like homesickness.
Dolce far niente: The pleasure of doing nothing.
Greng Jai: In Thailand, greng jai (pronounced: kreng jai) is the feeling of being reluctant to accept another’s offer of help because of the bother it would call them.
Iktsuarpok: When visitors are due to arrive, a fidgety feeling sprouts up. We might keep glancing out of the window, or pause mid-sentence, thinking we’ve heard the sound of a car. Among the Inuit, this antsy anticipation, causing them to scan the frozen Arctic tundra for approaching sledges, is called iktsuarpok (pronounced: eet-so-ahr-pohk).
Matutolypea: The alarm clock trills. The dawn slips in through the curtains. And we awake, overcome with misery and bad temper. Your grandmother might know it as “getting out of bed on the wrong side.” But it is, in fact, the much more important-sounding matutolypea (pronounced: mah-tu-toh-leh-pee-a). No one quite knows when the word was invented or by whom, but it comes from a combination of the name of the Roman goddess of the dawn, Mater Matuta, and the Greek word for dejection, lype, to give us the dignity of “morning sorrow.”
Umpty: Perkin Flump is in a very bad mood. (The Flumps was a 1970s children’s cartoon presenting the home life of a family of round furry creatures who lived in northern England.) The water is too cold. The floor is too bumpy. His porridge is too lumpy and too sticky. “I feel umpty” he tells his mother. “What’s umpty?” she asks. “It’s a too-much morning” he explains and stomps off to be on his own. Umpty: a feeling of everything being “too much” and all in the wrong way.
Mono no aware: Murasaki Shikibu, a poet and lady-in-waiting in 12th-century Japan, crafted what is often described today as the world’s first novel, The Tale of Genji. Set in the imperial court, it recounts the political intrigues and love affairs of an emperor’s illegitimate son. The book is infused with a quiet feeling for life’s transience, a sensitivity to the beauty of decay and the fading of all living and inanimate things. To read it is to become well acquainted with the feeling the Japanese call mono no aware (pronounced: moh-noh noh ah-wah-ray). Literally translated as the pathos (aware) of things (mono), it is often described as a kind of a sigh for the impermanence of life. "Monoaware" is "the pathos of things." It is the awareness of the impermanence of all things and the gentle sadness and wistfulness at their passing. "Bitter sweetness of fading beauty".
Itadakimasu - means “I will have this." It is used before eating any food to express appreciation and respect for life, nature, the person who prepared the food, the person who served the food, and everything else that is related to eating. "I humbly receive with gratitude".
Kogarashi - is the cold wind that lets us know of the arrival of winter.
Yuugen - is an awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses that are too mysterious and deep for words.
Shoganai - The literal meaning of "Shoganai" is “it cannot be helped." However, it is not discouraging or despairing. It means to accept that something was out of your control. It encourages people to realize that it wasn't their fault and to move on with no regret. "It is what it is".
Hanafubuki - "flower petal storm" is usually used to describe how cherry blossom petals float down en-masse, like snowflakes in a blizzard. I certainly wouldn’t mind being caught in this storm.
Tsundoku - Booklovers are all too familiar with the truth behind the Japanese word tsundoku. In English, this untranslatable Japanese word describes the act of piling up books that you never get around to reading.
Natsukashii - While the Japanese word ‘natsukashii’ does have an English equivalent in the word ‘nostalgia,’ the use and meaning of the word are quite different. Natsukashii is used quite often in everyday language in Japan. When used, Japanese people are not saying “nostalgia”; they are expressing a feeling that warms the heart because it brings back memories.
Kouyou - Like Hanafubuki is used in Cherry Blossom season, Kouyou is used as Autumn arrives. Kouyou is a way to say, “The leaves are changing colour, so Autumn is near.”
Komorebi - In a single untranslatable Japanese word, ‘Komorebi’ illustrates a beautiful forest with sunlight peeking through the leaves of the trees. What English word could compare? "Light filtering through leaves".
Kawaakari - Just like many untranslatable Japanese words, kawaakari conjures an entire landscape in the mind’s eye. This word refers to light reflected off a river at night or dusk.
Kyouka suigetsu - is a Japanese phrase that can’t be easily translated into English. It refers to something that is visible but can’t be touched, like the moon’s reflection on the water. Or, an emotion that can’t be described in words.
Tsukimi - Japanese festivals often revolve around nature. Tsukimi is the act of viewing the moon, which is often enjoyed en-masse during moon-viewing festivals in September or October.
Mottainai - Having a hard time parting with clothes you never wear or throwing out expired condiments? ‘Mottainai’ is a colloquial term used when confronting the feeling of regret that comes with wastefulness. ‘Mottainai’ doesn’t only refer to items that you toss in the bin, but also perfectly good things that are left unused or sitting in storage. The term can also be used to describe a waste of talents or missed opportunities
Irusu - 'Irusu’, a word combining the Japanese terms for ‘here’ and' ignore’, is used to describe a situation where you’re home but don’t feel like answering the doorbell. If you have a sneaking suspicion that the person at your door is there to sell you another subscription plan you don’t need, you might feel tempted to just ‘irusu’.  
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strokesandscribbles · 9 months
it's almost the end of the year...
can't believe i'm still here. what a roller coaster of emotion. glad quarter life crisis is on a downtime at the moment, will it withdraw soon? idk. hope so since a lot of things have already made sense to me this year. tho i'm still confused most of the time. life be playing mind games. but for the most part, it was a great run. and here we are about to close a chapter. are we ready for the next? not sure. i believe most adults are too tired of life in general and that includes me. that doesn't sound so positive but hey I get to spend another year learning from a lot of things. i think that's a win.
biggest lesson this year:
letting go—of thoughts, habits, feelings, people—so we grow. you cannot expect growth without change. as difficult as it is i've learned to accept this fact and see it as a normal life task. it's all part of it. the laughter, the tears, some days a winner, some a loser, hello's and goodbye's. it's all part of the process. we learn from the past and we keep on learning as we go. we learn and let go. or let go and learn. idk if that makes sense. my brain is mush right now.
but here's to 2023 and all the self discovery. and to all coming days i'd be blessed to see! ✨🥂
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*dear universe, if you would allow me to see more of life's beauty behind all misery.*✨
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goldennika · 1 year
Head on down to the healing house
Lay to rest your fears and doubts
It’s tense, I feel the strain
Hold tight and start again
You are everything to someone
You are everything to someone
You are everything to someone
You are everything to someone
You are everything to someone
You are everything to someone
You are everything to someone
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mimble-sparklepudding · 6 months
A Little OC Ask List of Difficult to Describe Emotions.
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Some emotions are difficult to explain clearly. Perhaps your OC has experienced one of these? Can they remember a specific example? If they haven't then can they imagine what it might be like to experience?
Sonder: The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.
Opia: The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
Kenopsia: The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that's usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.
Monachopsis: The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.
Jouska: A hypothetical conversation you compulsively play out in your head.
Altschmerz: Weariness with the same old issues that you've always had - the same flaws and weaknesses that you've been gnawing on continuously for years.
Greng Jai: A feeling of unwillingess to accept help from someone, out of concern for the trouble it might cause them.
Liberosis: The desire to care less about things than one does.
Dolce Far Niente: A feeling of pleasure from doing absolutely nothing.
Mauerbauertraurigkeit: The inexplicable urge to push other people away, even close friends, lovers or those that you trust.
Enouement: The bittersweetness of having arrived in what was once the future, seeing how things turned out, but being unable to tell (or warn) your past self.
Kuebiko: A state of exhaustion inspired by exposure to acts of senseless violence.
Exulansis: The urge to give up trying to talk about an experience, because other people are unable to relate to it.
Adronitis: Frustration with how long it takes to get to know another person.
Attriage: The state of having lost all control over how you feel about someone.
Wildred: The feeling of haunting solitude in extremely remote places.
Mudita: A feeling of joy at another person's good fortune.
Aulasy: The sadness that there’s no way to convey a powerful memory to people who weren’t there at the time.
Ioia: The wish that you could see statistics overlaid on every person you encounter, perhaps to check the strength of their compatibility, measure their trustworthiness, or even just know for certain how they’re really feeling.
Yeorie: A certain scent that has the power to sweep you back into memories of childhood.
Thrapt: Being awed at the impact someone has had on your life, feeling intimidated by how profoundly they helped shape your identity.
Dolonia: A state of unease prompted by people who seem to like you too much, which makes you wonder if they must have you confused with someone else — and feeling vaguely disappointed that they’re unwilling to spend the time it takes getting to know the real you.
Antiophobia: A fear experienced while leaving a loved one, wondering if this will turn out to be the last time you’ll ever see them, and whatever good-bye you tossed their way might have to serve as your final farewell.
Harmonoia: An itchy sense of dread when life feels just a hint too peaceful.
Dolorifuge: Something which brings about a feeling which banishes or mitigates grief.
Compunctious: Feeling remorse or regret, but wishing to avoid actually apologising.
Callosity: A lack of feeling or capacity for emotion.
Mimeomia: The frustration of knowing how easily you fit into a stereotype, even if you never intended to do so.
Pronoia: A strange, creeping feeling that everyone’s out to help you...
Awumbuk: A feeling of emptiness or heaviness after someone else departs.
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silmeria-lafleur · 6 months
Greng Jai: A feeling of unwillingess to accept help from someone, out of concern for the trouble it might cause them.
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Thank you very much @mimble-sparklepudding for your question! I love every prompt list that you do, and I have to add all of these new words for my personal vocabulary, although I will probably never use them in my daily life Lol ~
As I said, Reika is one of those people who will always want Better share, habit strength is difficult to change. In her head there will always be the thought of not wanting to be a burden, after all, everyone has problems to deal with, so, why would they have to deal with her problems/feelings too?
Over the years, Reika learned to share little by little. First mundane things. Then if her conscience allows it, important or complicated things for her, but it will only be to have a new perspective, an opinion, or only to be heard and not feel alone. And after all, Reika can act knowing that despite everything, good and bad things, everything is better when shared and that she can trust others as well as they trust her.
The world is a place full of colors... and we have to learn to see them all.
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kimchokejin · 2 years
music tag games 🎶
doing another round up because i fell way behind on tag games due to my mental breakdown 🙃 thank you for tagging me!!! sorry for the long post feel free to just...not look at it
game #1: artist bingo
tagged by @lesovoj​​ 💘
rules: look at the bingo card of the person who tagged you, highlight the artists you have in common and then create your own
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did not expect tongue out to be one of the default paint 3d stickers but it worked out!
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i picked these from my top artists on lastfm for the past year but i took out bts and any artists that have been...disappointing me lately...
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for anyone who wants to play!
game #2: first listens/watches
tagged by @summerwave​​ 💝
rules: list your favorite albums that you first listened to and your favorite shows/movies you first watched in 2022
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i did the grid this time!
Dawn FM by The Weeknd
Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers by Kendrick Lamar
blue water road by Kehlani
Juno (Deluxe) by Remi Wolf
Rachel@Fairyland by Rae Morris
Live by Joywave
Somewhere City by Origami Angel
Nymph by Shygirl
Tracy Chapman by Tracy Chapman
not doing a grid for this one idk how to do that for tv/movie posters lol
Because This Is My First Life (2017) - Netflix
Heartstopper (2022) - Netflix
Our Flag Means Death (2022) - HBO Max
Encanto (2021) - Disney+
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) - Paramount+?
Fire Island (2022) - Hulu
Fight Club (1999)
What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim? (2018)* - Hulu
Sort Of (2021)* - HBO Max
*haven’t finished but i like it so far!
i don’t watch a lot of things so don’t take any of these recs too seriously haha
game #3: receiptify
tagged by @summerwave​ 💝
rules: just run your spotify or whatever you have to stream music through this thing: https://receiptify.herokuapp.com/
i guess most people just share last month but i have spotify and last.fm and i like to overshare data so you’re getting it all oops. spotify first
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i’m pretty sure i only listened to #10 twice? but the rest make sense. where’s newjeans though i was definitely listening to them
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oh wow that’s just embarrassing
now artists!
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son lux is only on there because i listened to the everything everywhere all at once soundtrack and there were a lot of songs on it. and i only listened to youngboy’s album one time? but the rest is probably accurate
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i listened to so much all time low before i heard about the jack barakat stuff :/
now genres!
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i am also assuming escape room art pop and boom bap have something to do with the everything everywhere all at once soundtrack because i have no idea what those are
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sorry every time i just see random numbers without units i just think about this
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anyway...now lastfm!
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oh look at that an opportunity for me to plug the greng jai piece! if you want the ability to pretend you don’t have mental illness for 30 minutes this is the album for you
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yeah so...indigo and i have developed a very special relationship over the past few weeks...like i said before i have been Going Through It™
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okay so just to put this in perspective, rattlesnake was my second most listened to song during ALL of 2022. it came out in january of last year. indigo has only been out for TWO MONTHS. and still life is tied.
tagging in case any of these games interest you, no pressure: @courtthisdisaster​​, @cheekyquokka​​, @mutedstring​​, @joon-rkive​​, @sugaggukkie​​
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catdotjpeg · 2 years
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here’s some singles and albums i was listening to in february. i was doing this on twitter for a while but i just realized it makes way more sense for me to be keeping it here 
(in no particular order other than color)
j’aime les filles // kate bollinger (french pop cover)
despertar // ratas en zelo (accordion punk)
the edge // atarashii gakko (japanese progressive pop? hyperpop?)
super champon // otoboke beaver (japanese punk)
nadja // unknown mortal orchestra (psychedelic pop)
this is why // paramore (alternative)
marginalia #122 // masakatsu takagi (japanese piano)
crest // bladee and ecco2k (electronic)
pollen // tennis (indie pop)
the greng jai piece // phum viphurit (thai bedroom pop)
miss the world // body type (australian garage rock)
american gurl // kilo kish (alt pop)
filming school // sidney gish (alt pop)
hollywood baby // 100 gecs (power pop)
lose you (ft. soccer mommy) // bully (alternative)
space cadet // beabadoobee (british indie)
pahrump // xiu xiu (experimental)
bless this mess // u.s. girls (alt pop)
multitudes // feist (pop) 
it hurts // bad bad hats (alt pop)
desire, i want to turn into you // caroline polachek (art pop)
hands // little boots (synthpop)
does you inspire you // chairlift (indie pop)
done (let’s get it) // yaeji (electronic)
it’s blitz! // yeah yeah yeahs (indie rock)
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tailless-whale · 1 year
Happy (belated-ish) birthday!
Here’s a smattering of music recs in no particular order:
Halloween ‘18 by Early Eyes
Keeper of the Lake by Closure in Moscow
Sheets by Mega Mango
Greng Jai Please by Phum Viphurit
The Downward Road by Jake Blount, Demeanor
The Bird and the Worm by The Used
Konibaje by Skales
Diplomacy by Balqees
NoGai by Byzantine Brown
I love The Bird and the Worm!! Brings back good memories.
Thank you!!!
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best2daynews · 2 years
Phum Viphurit Announces Debut Australia & New Zealand Tour - Spotlight Report - best news
Thai-Kiwi singer-songwriter Phum Viphurit has today announced Australia and New Zealand tour dates in support of his sophomore album The Greng Jai Piece. The Greng Jai Piece Tour will see the indie-pop heartthrob make his debut trip to Australia for shows in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, before heading home to New Zealand to perform in Auckland. Supporting Phum Viphurit across all dates will be…
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loupettes · 3 years
A year of loup.fics 🎉
A year ago today, I posted my first ever piece of fanfic! 👏🏻 237801 words later, I've done a cheeky roundup of all 67 pieces of work I've written in my first year.
Purple: Upon reflection, these are my favourite pieces ☺️
Blue: Teen rating
I’ve had a blast writing the stories I have, and I cannot believe the amount of reception they’ve received. I never thought I’d get into the world of fan fiction writing, but it’s turned out to be something I really enjoy doing. Escapism/denial of responsibilities at its finest!
Things I want to tackle within the next year
a GITF fix-it (it’s in the works!)
FINALLY post one of the E ratings in my drafts 👀
Finish doomsday 
Post more Nine!
Here’s the complete list!
soho down to peckham, then back up again | hiraeth 
redamancy | prate | schiamatchy | morosis | fanaa | yoko meshi | liberosis | ephemeral | laconic | ab initio | eccedentesiast | aegis | lacuna | dès vu | kilig | mamihlapinatapei | natsukashii | dépaysement | exulansis | procellous | woolgathering | matutine | greng-jai | samba | washing | sphallolalia | the stone rose | spaghettification and the singularity | a thousand times but only once | mistletoe| gingerbread | midnight | apricity | twenty one | eight, nine, ten   
clinomania | suspiration | limerence | latibule | caim | anacampserote | goetic | gotong-royong | quab | kit kat caramac | safeway in thornton heath | marylebone to king's cross | a thousand times but only once 
new earth | tooth and claw | school reunion | the girl in the fireplace | 2.04.1 | rise of the cybermen | the age of steel | the idiot's lantern | the impossible planet | the satan pit | 2.09.1 | love and monsters | fear her | army of ghosts | doomsday 
Click under the cut for more details, or click a random link above and see where it takes you!
redamancy: 321 words, TEN x ROSE. Fear Her missing scene ficlet.
prate: 3962 words, TEN x ROSE. New Years Eve party domestics.
clinomania: 2302 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Their beginning on the parallel world.
schiamatchy: 2773 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose feels the devil's prophecy following Krop Tor.
morosis: 1489 words, TEN x ROSE. Small ficlet whereby Rose and the Doctor escape prison.
fanaa: 2121 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-Satan Pit missing scene ficlet.
concilliabule: 1048 words, NO PAIRING. The Tyler fam & Mickey getting up to no good on the parallel world.
suspiration: 1095 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose get locked out of the TARDIS.
limerence: 2002 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Things get a little heated after Tony's birthday party between the Doctor and Rose.
latibule: 682 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor plays a game of Marco/Polo with his family.
yoko meshi: 2293 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose finds a new way to tell the Doctor how long she plans on staying with him.
caim: 2190 words, TEN x ROSE. The Impossible Planet missing scene.
liberosis: 2868 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place during School Reunion. The Doctor talks to one of his students about love.
ephemeral: 4271 words, TEN x ROSE. Devastated after losing Rose, the Doctor runs into a past version of her on the TARDIS.
laconic: 3041 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-Age of Steel anger UST.
ab initio: 2354 words, TEN x ROSE. After the Christmas Invasion, Rose and the new Doctor have a chat.
eccedentesiast: 2954 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-the Idiot's Lantern. The Doctor takes Rose somewhere and they talk about the events of the day.
anacampserote: 3380 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor does his best to help Rose adjust to this new him.
aegis: 3596 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-New Earth, the Doctor looks after a post-psychograft Rose
lacuna: 4412 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose learns of what happened to Nine.
goetic: 2104 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Halloween nonsense where the Doctor, Rose, and Tony play a game to spook Jackie.
dès vu: 2619 words, TEN x ROSE. A quiet moment of stargazing between the Doctor and Rose.
kilig: 2669 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose flirts with somebody at a bar, and the Doctor get jealous.
gotong-royong: 1839 words, TENTOO x ROSE. A disaster in London strikes, and Rose panics she might have lost the Doctor.
mamihlapinatapei: 4538 words, TEN x ROSE. A morning in bed spent discussing their relationship.
natsukashii: 2820 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor draws Rose a bath after finding a rare moment of quiet between themselves.
quab: 2365 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose play a daft game they used to play back on the other universe.
dépaysement: 4744 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose run into Jimmy Stone at the pub.
exulansis: 5797 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose comforts the Doctor after a nightmare.
ataraxia: 4121 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-The Satan Pit, Rose can't sleep.
procellous: 5728 words, TENTOO x ROSE. A stormy night in Pete's world, Rose finally gets to ask the questions she's been wanting to since they were separated.
woolgathering: 1227 words, TEN x ROSE. Small scene where Doomsday never happens!
kit kat caramac: 2094 words, TENTOO x ROSE. The Doctor has something to hopefully cheer up a very pregnant Rose.
amity: 2690 words, NO PAIRING. A Journey's End missing scene when Rose, Donna and Martha get to talk.
matutine: 3015 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-Fear Her, the Doctor tells Rose he loves her.
greng-jai: 5570 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor seemed to have gotten the wrong idea about their relationship.
samba: 2186 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-New Earth, Rose learns of what she did when possessed by Cassandra and, suffice to say, is mortified. The Doctor tries his best to fix it.
washing: 1322 words, TEN x ROSE. Domestic fluff and a broken washing machine.
safeway in thornton heath: 2745 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Rose and Tentoo stop at the supermarket on their way back from Norway, and Rose can't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the monotonous life the Doctor now faces.
sphallolalia: 17484 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose is the maid of honour for Shareen’s wedding, but the Doctor, unsurprisingly, doesn’t seem all that enticed by a day of romance and weddings, and Rose is starting to draw the attention of others, one of whom is Jimmy Stone.
marylebone to king's cross: 2513 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Tentoo and Rose on their ten-year anniversary.
the stone rose: 3339 words, TEN x ROSE. Post-The Stone Rose, the Doctor regrets the events of the day — or rather, what that kiss might have done to his and Rose's relationship.
spaghettification and the singularity: 6773 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose is sick on Krop Tor, and she worries it might have something to do with the black hole above them. The Doctor does his best to comfort her and get her to sleep.
soho down to peckham, then back up again: 4508 words, NINE x ROSE. Rose tries to go 24 hours back at home without talking to the Doctor, but he can't do the same to her.
a thousand times but only once: 6656 words, TENTOO x ROSE. Rose wakes one ordinary Saturday morning to find the Doctor she's been building a life with making her pancakes in the kitchen.
Until he's not the Doctor she's been building a life with.
new earth: 8584 words, TEN x ROSE. Set after the Doctor and Rose drop Chip off to say goodbye to Cassandra, where the two spend a night in New New York getting to know the new him. Fluff, humour and a sprinkling of romance.
tooth and claw: 2720 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place on the cart ride back to the TARDIS. Fluff, humour and a slightly hormonal Rose Tyler faced with a devilishly handsome Tenth Doctor.
school reunion: 5416 words, TEN x ROSE. Split into two chapters: chapter one takes place the morning of, chapter two takes place in the evening following their trip to Deffry Vale High.
the girl in the fireplace: 7076 words, TEN x ROSE. Two chapters, takes place after the Doctor severs all links on the ship and tries to mend his relationship with Rose.
2.04.1: 2727 words, TEN x ROSE. Set between the Girl in the Fireplace and Rise of the Cybermen. There's still a lot left to discuss following the events on that spaceship and the nature of the Doctor and Reinette's relationship, and Rose wants the answers to questions she’s been too afraid to ask.
rise of the cybermen: 4539 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place at Pete's mansion, where Rose is saddened, conflicted, and most certainly bored. She and the Doctor play a game of 'Who am I?' away from Jackie's party to pass the time.
the age of steel: 9295 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place after the Doctor drops Rose off at her mum's. Rose mourns the loss of Mickey, and deals with the aftermath of having two of the most important people in her life turn her away. And, worryingly, the Doctor is nowhere to be found. Has he left her, too?
the idiot's lantern: 7642 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place at the street party following the events of the day. The Doctor and Rose enjoy the end of an evening of laughter and giddiness together with a dance. But Rose can feel herself getting nervous as the night comes, afraid that she might be reliving the day in her nightmares.
the impossible planet: 10395 words, TEN x ROSE. Two chapters: chapter one takes place in the canteen pre-mortgage chat, where the Doctor struggles with the strange sensation that he's on the verge of something quite terrifying — and oddly tempting; chapter two takes place that night when Rose can't sleep and the Doctor offers her comfort.
the satan pit: 12522 words, TEN x ROSE. Rose and the Doctor wind down after their escape from Krop Tor, and Rose can feel a shift in the Doctor's demeanour and their relationship. But as the end of the evening approaches, her anxieties following their time on that planet still haven't been addressed, and she's a bit too afraid to do so.
2.09.1: 4278 words, TEN x ROSE. Set between The Satan Pit and Love and Monsters. The Doctor finds himself completely and utterly in love with Rose Tyler as they stand beneath the stars on a frozen lake.
love and monsters: 5676 words, TEN x ROSE. Takes place after their encounter with the Abzorbaloff. The Doctor and Rose spend the night at Jackie's following what happened with Elton, and Rose has caught quite the cold. But Jackie's started to notice things have changed a little between Rose and the Doctor, and she has some questions for the man who is, quite obviously, very in love with her daughter.
fear her: 5163 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor takes Rose for a peaceful breakfast picnic on an uninhabited planet before their trip to the 2012 summer Olympics in London.
army of ghosts: 4941 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose enjoy a domestic morning in bed, talking about horoscopes and taking relationship quizzes that ultimately lead to more serious conversations.
doomsday: 24827 words, TEN x ROSE. Tells the story of how the Doctor went from losing Rose at Canary Wharf to finding her on Bad Wolf Bay, with past missing scenes of their time together that detail just how he was able to do so. [UNFINISHED] ... good luck loup.
mistletoe: 4931 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor suffers a Christmas party back in present day London with Rose.
gingerbread: 3336 words, TEN x ROSE. The TARDIS is transformed into a gingerbread house!
midnight: 7187 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor pines over Rose at a New Year's Eve party.
apricity: 2990 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor and Rose, on the TARDIS, Christmas Eve, getting ready for Christmas back on the Powell Estate.
hiraeth: 4941 words, NINE x ROSE. After leaving the Doctor alone in his grief, Rose is still upset over what happened that day he left her and Mickey on that spaceship for Reinette. She goes to find him and confront her feelings, but runs into somebody she could never have imagined to instead.
twenty one: 12439 words, TEN x ROSE. The Doctor attends Rose's 21st birthday party.
eight, nine, ten: 20585 words, TEN x ROSE, EIGHT x ROSE. The Doctor takes Rose to 2030's New York to investigate paranormal activity at a nightclub. Rose, exhausted from their flirting that seems to be going nowhere, meets a man who charms her in a way she can't quite explain.
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maesaitohatyai-blog · 7 years
Greng Jai
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“I was locking the door to my apartment today and someone walked by me, and I apologized. Where do Canadians learn this from?” – Actual Facebook quote from a Canadian As far as I can tell, the Canadian penchant for unnecessary apology relates to the need to be included in the “group” or society during the cold, pre-furnace, early days of European migration; if you were a selfish asshole you may…
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thebigpapilio · 5 years
The Alphabet Ask Game’s Answers!
The Alphabet Ask Game I invented (reinvented?) has many answers waiting to be unveiled. You will find which metaphorical doors have been opened here... 
You should look at the above link before making any requests. You will have to look up definitions for the words. Sorry... 
UPDATE 7/7/19: From here, I might post one or two fic-recs for stated favorite characters.
UPDATE 7/14/19: Since I think this has died down, I’m just gonna fill in the rest day by day. If anyone volunteers another letter, I’ll throw in the daily one as an extra.
Let’s see how much we can do, everyone!
While I had many choices from Miraculous, I instead decided to go for a series close to my childhood’s heart - Alex the Lion (Madagascar). With the exception of Penguins of Madagascar, watching the movies has been a tradition on my mom’s side since the first one, so I thought this would be a nice pick! Known as the King of New York, Alex has gone on many adventures with his friends (NOPE). On those adventures, he has (NICE TRY), (HAHAHAH-NO), and eventually he (YEAH NO SPOILERS). Wait... if Alex is the King, and Spider-Man protects New York, does that make Spider-Man Alex’s Knight or something?
Headcanon based off “Abomasum” - All wielders of the Ox Miraculous have been able to swallow anything without throwing up immediately. That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t puke it out at all, though - it just means they are less likely to puke as quickly as a non-Ox wielder.
Story Idea based off “Au Courant” - Overwatch AU where the Slipstream came back, after Talon showed up but before Amelie’s kidnapping. It would feature her & Winston after she was found and fixed up with the Chronal Accelerator, with Winston catching her up on everything that has happened.
Is it that wrong that I would pick Gabriel Agreste/Collector/Hawkmoth (Miraculous Ladybug) as one of my favorites? I find his backstory interesting, and his powers even more so. While I do feel bad for him, I know that’s no excuse to do what he does. He not only fits my definition of spoiled but Einstein’s definition of insanity! 
Headcanon based off “Greng-jai” - Marinette got herself into helping so many people all at once because Tom or Sabine got hurt - however big or small the resulting pain - in the bakery when she made a mistake of some sort, and she started being ultra-helpful to try and atone for it. Eventually, it turned into just how she is.
Story Idea based off “Goodfella” - Gabriel created his evil lair with the help of... illegal parties. How else was he supposed to keep the whole thing secret?
Makoto Niijima a.k.a. Queen (Persona 5) is one of the more “normal” members of the Phantom Thieves. Ever since she helped the team defeat a greedy mafia member called Kaneshiro with her newly awakened Persona Johanna - later Anat - Shujin’s School Council President has introduced many a villain to her spiked fists.
Headcanon based off “Manqué” - Nathalie’s a Hi-Po who could have become a lot more powerful in the fashion world - more than Gabriel - but her attraction to Gabriel holds her back. Gabriel knows this, and it scares him - until Mayura, it was the only reason he kept her around.
Story Idea based off “Meacock” - In which Adrien walks in on Nathalie’s secret stereotypically-girly side (writer picks the details) and gets her to be a bit more honest with herself. Bonus Points if there’s trans!Adrien. Extra Bonus Points if she reveals herself as Mayura. 
It may not count like the others, but I chose to go with Jack Morrison a.k.a. Soldier:76. Overwatch’s fandom has many “family roles,” and Jack is the Team Dad. While I haven’t played in a long time, I recall him being the only former Offensive character who can heal others. Also, did you know Overwatch’s former Strike Commander has the middle name of Francis?
Headcanon based off “Sarmie” - Max is terrible at food prep other than slapping something in a microwave, but he makes a killer sandwich.
Story Idea based off “Sui Generis” - Adrien asks Plagg what made him special enough to be chosen. Bonus points for Gabriel angst. 
I don’t want to repeat the same fandom too often, so for Y, I chose Yoshi (Super Mario Bros.). T. Yoshisaurus Munchakoopas (yes, that’s their full name) and their species have been helping the Mario Brothers since they were babies. They can swallow almost anything with their long tongue, and turn them into eggs for “ammo.” Speedy, sweet, and set with a stupendously-sized appetite for fruit, Yoshi will be your best friend when you need them. Just don’t let him run off the cliff, okay?
Headcanon based off “Yellowback” - Ohya has a successful side business writing fictional stories under the alias of Beelzebubbly. She had been considering quitting journalism to work on it the day Akira began a Social Link with her.
Story Idea based off “Ylem” - A fic on the composition of kwami and how it changed as new ones were created.
Valete,  TheBigPapilio
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adriana-redactora · 4 years
Greng Jai
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nebris · 5 years
38 Wonderful Words With No English Equivalent
Sometimes we must turn to other languages to find le mot juste. Here are a whole bunch of foreign words with no direct English equivalent.    
1. Kummerspeck (German) Excess weight gained from emotional overeating. Literally, grief bacon.    
2. Shemomedjamo (Georgian) You know when you’re really full, but your meal is just so delicious, you can’t stop eating it? The Georgians feel your pain. This word means, “I accidentally ate the whole thing."    
3. Tartle (Scots) The nearly onomatopoeic word for that panicky hesitation just before you have to introduce someone whose name you can't quite remember.    
4. Mamihlapinatapai (Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego) This word captures that special look shared between two people, when both are wishing that the other would do something that they both want, but neither want to do.    
5. Backpfeifengesicht (German) A face badly in need of a fist.    
6. Iktsuarpok (Inuit) You know that feeling of anticipation when you’re waiting for someone to show up at your house and you keep going outside to see if they’re there yet? This is the word for it.    
7. Pelinti (Buli, Ghana) Your friend bites into a piece of piping hot pizza, then opens his mouth and sort of tilts his head around while making an “aaaarrrahh” noise. The Ghanaians have a word for that. More specifically, it means “to move hot food around in your mouth.”    
8. Greng-jai (Thai) That feeling you get when you don't want someone to do something for you because it would be a pain for them.    
9. Mencolek (Indonesian) You know that old trick where you tap someone lightly on the opposite shoulder from behind to fool them? The Indonesians have a word for it.    
10. Faamiti (Samoan) To make a squeaking sound by sucking air past the lips in order to gain the attention of a dog or child.    
11. Gigil (Filipino) The urge to pinch or squeeze something that is irresistibly cute.    
12. Yuputka (Ulwa) A word made for walking in the woods at night, it’s the phantom sensation of something crawling on your skin.    
13. Zhaghzhagh (Persian) The chattering of teeth from the cold or from rage.    
14. Vybafnout (Czech) A word tailor-made for annoying older brothers—it means to jump out and say boo.    
15. Fremdschämen (German); Myötähäpeä (Finnish) The kinder, gentler cousins of Schadenfreude, both these words mean something akin to "vicarious embarrassment.”    
16. Lagom (Swedish) Maybe Goldilocks was Swedish? This slippery little word is hard to define, but means something like, “Not too much, and not too little, but juuuuust right.”    
17. Pålegg (Norwegian) Sandwich Artists unite! The Norwegians have a non-specific descriptor for anything – ham, cheese, jam, Nutella, mustard, herring, pickles, Doritos, you name it – you might consider putting into a sandwich.    
18. Layogenic (Tagalog) Remember in Clueless when Cher describes someone as “a full-on Monet … from far away, it’s OK, but up close it’s a big old mess”? That’s exactly what this word means.    
19. Bakku-shan (Japanese) Or there's this Japanese slang term, which describes the experience of seeing a woman who appears pretty from behind but not from the front.    
20. Seigneur-terraces (French) Coffee shop dwellers who sit at tables a long time but spend little money.    
21. Ya’arburnee (Arabic) This word is the hopeful declaration that you will die before someone you love deeply, because you cannot stand to live without them. Literally, may you bury me.    
22. Pana Po’o (Hawaiian) “Hmm, now where did I leave those keys?” he said, pana po’oing. It means to scratch your head in order to help you remember something you’ve forgotten.    
23. Slampadato (Italian) Addicted to the UV glow of tanning salons? This word describes you.    
24. Zeg (Georgian) It means “the day after tomorrow.” OK, we do have "overmorrow" in English, but when was the last time someone used that?    
25. Cafune (Brazilian Portuguese) Leave it to the Brazilians to come up with a word for “tenderly running your fingers through your lover’s hair.”    
26. Koi No Yokan (Japanese) The sense upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall in love.    
27. Kaelling (Danish) You know that woman who stands on her doorstep (or in line at the supermarket, or at the park, or in a restaurant) cursing at her children? The Danes know her, too.    
28. Boketto (Japanese) It’s nice to know that the Japanese think enough of the act of gazing vacantly into the distance without thinking to give it a name.    
29. L’esprit de l’escalier (French) Literally, stairwell wit—a too-late retort thought of only after departure.    
30. Cotisuelto (Caribbean Spanish) A word that would aptly describe the prevailing fashion trend among American men under 40, it means one who wears the shirt tail outside of his trousers.    
31. Packesel (German) The packesel is the person who’s stuck carrying everyone else’s bags on a trip. Literally, a burro.    
32. Hygge (Danish) Denmark’s mantra, hygge is the pleasant, genial, and intimate feeling associated with sitting around a fire in the winter with close friends.    
33. Cavoli Riscaldati (Italian) The result of attempting to revive an unworkable relationship. Translates to "reheated cabbage."    
34. Bilita Mpash (Bantu) An amazing dream. Not just a "good" dream; the opposite of a nightmare.    
35. Litost (Czech) Milan Kundera described the emotion as “a state of torment created by the sudden sight of one’s own misery.”    
36. Luftmensch (Yiddish) There are several Yiddish words to describe social misfits. This one is for an impractical dreamer with no business sense.    
37 & 38. Schlemiel and schlimazel (Yiddish) Someone prone to bad luck. Yiddish distinguishes between the schlemiel and schlimazel, whose fates would probably be grouped under those of the klutz in other languages. The schlemiel is the traditional maladroit, who spills his coffee; the schlimazel is the one on whom it's spilled.    
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kindda · 6 years
That feeling you get when you don't want someone to do something for you because it would be a pain for them.
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ngtrngocdiem · 7 years
เธอไม่ต้องกังวล เธอไม่ต้องเกรงใจ Tur mai dtaung gung won tur mai dtaung greng jai You don’t have to worry, there’s no need to be courteous ความรักที่ฉันฝากไว้ เป็นเรื่องง่ายกว่านั้น Kwahm ruk tee chun fahk wai bpen reuang ngai gwah nun The love I’m entrusting you is a simpler matter than that
(*) ฉันเป็นเพียงชายคนหนึ่งที่อยากดูแล ห่วงใยเธอเท่านั้น Chun bpen piang chai kon neung tee yahk doo lae huang yai tur tao nun I’m just one man who wants to look after you and be concerned about you, that’s all ขอแค่เพียงยังมีใครที่ห่วงใยกัน ไม่เคยต้องการสิ่งใด Kor kae piang yung mee krai tee huang yai gun mai koey dtaung gahn sing dai I just want you to still have someone worrying about you, I’ve never wanted anything else
ใจที่ฉันให้เธอ เธอก็แค่รับไป Jai tee chun hai tur tur gor kae rup bpai Just accept the heart I’m giving you เธอไม้ต้องมอบสิ่งไหน ตอบแทนมาให้ฉัน Tur mai dtaung maup sing nai dtaup taen mah hai chun You don’t have to give me anything in return
(**) ขอแค่เศษส่วนหนึ่งจากใจของเธอ หากพอจะมีให้ฉัน Kor kae set suan neung jahk jai kaung tur hahk por ja mee hai chun I just ask for a portion of your heart, if you have enough to give any to me ขอแค่เพียงยังมีใคร ที่ห่วงใยกัน ไม่เคยต้องการสิ่งใด Kor kae piang yung mee krai tee huang yai gun mai koey dtaung gahn sing dai I just want you to still have someone worrying about you, I’ve never wanted anything else
ขอแค่เพียงยังมีใคร ที่ห่วงใยกัน ไม่เคยต้องการสิ่งใด Kor kae piang yung mee krai tee huang yai gun mai koey dtaung gahn sing dai I just want you to still have someone worrying about you, I’ve never wanted anything else
ไม่เคยต้องการสิ่งใด Mai koey dtaung gahn sing dai I’ve never wanted anything else
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