#grey speedo
yourdadsbriefs · 10 months
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focusonspeedos · 9 months
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handsome-n-hot-boys · 11 months
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chrisinsuffolk · 3 months
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mrwavellswaps · 1 year
The Transfer Auction 1 - Vince
Once every month, late on the first Sunday evening, an auction would be held. But this was no ordinary auction. It was held at a secret location that only few knew about. Those people were either those that were extremely wealthy or those who were brought to the auction to ‘compete’. It took place in a rather large showroom with a huge luxurious stage at front. There were multiple rows of chairs seated before the stage, many of which were already filled by those eager for the show to start. As this was the men’s auction, naturally the entire crowd was made of rich men. The kind of rich you’d be able to sense at a single glance. High end tailored suits, designer clothes, expensive watches. The type of men that could spend thousands and hardly bat an eye. And yet, because of its unique and fascinating nature, this auction had drawn them all here. Because at this auction they could buy something they wouldn’t be able to buy anywhere else. So naturally when the lights dimmed, the crowd erupted with applause while a man made his way to the left side of the stage where the podium sat.
“Good evening everyone! My name is Gavin Alexander and I’ll be your host for the night!” He announced via the microphone.
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“I can’t help but notice just how many of you there are so I suppose it’s only appropriate for me to say that this is a private event. AKA don’t be telling any poor folk about where we’re situated.” He laughed, getting a chuckle out of the small crowd. “But seriously, don’t. If we have to deal with the public then that means less fun for all of us!” He added, to which the audience murmured in agreement. “However, with that out of the way, let’s get this show started!” The crowd applauded once more as the stage lit up with spotlights, preparing for what was to come.
Moments later a group of ten men came onto stage, all in nothing but tight speedo and a number so that nothing was left to the imagination. The men varied slightly in age with the youngest looking around 20 years old and the oldest seeming to be in his 40’s. They also varied in height, appearance and race but the one thing that remained consistent throughout all ten men was that they were in great shape. Some of them were huge bodybuilder size, some were super lean with defined abs while others sat somewhere in between. Regardless, they were hunks to say the least.
The host walked over towards the first man in line. “As some of you may already know, this first group of men are our professionals. This means they’ll have a few guidelines which they’ll share with you as we proceed. After this our second group of men will be our criminal group who’ve been ordered to take part in addition to their sentences. As such these men don’t have the luxury of setting guidelines and so everything is up for grabs with them.” He stated clearly with a wide smile before making his way across the stage to the first hunk in line. “Now, to our first professional of the night, Mr Chase Adams! What are your terms?” He asked
“Well I’m cool with transferring muscle, body fat, hair and all that stuff. Only things that are off the table for me I’d say are genitals and anything to do with my face.” Chase listed off and as soon as he did the bidding began at around 400 grand. Many of the spectators eager to win a chance to ‘transfer’ with the well proportioned, fair skinned hunk. But one man in the crowd wasn’t the least bit interested in Chase.
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Vince Hamlin. He wore a casual grey suit that hugged his lean form and honestly made him seem a little underdressed when compared to some of the other men in the audience. He was easily identifiable by his bald head while also keeping a nicely trimmed beard that framed his handsome looks perfectly. Vince sighed as he waited for the bidding of Chase to come to a close. The quicker they got to the sixth man in line, the better. Number six was only one Vince really had his eye on.
For the next half an hour or so Vince sat either on his phone or using his bidding paddle as a fan while he waited. Watched as the host defended down the line of hunks. The one after Chase was an asian man who had the face of a super model with an incredible swimmer's body. After him was another white dude who was the smallest of the bunch and prided himself on being so thin and lean. Vince couldn’t help noticing how more of the overweight men in the crowd began bidding once the guy mentioned body fat transferral was on the table. At last however he found himself sitting up a little straighter when the host finally approached the sixth man in line.
“Next up is Mr Darius Crawford and by the looks of it he’s our biggest man here tonight! But before we start fighting over him, what are your terms Mr Crawford?” He asked the hunk.
Just as the host had said, Darius was easily the largest contestant out of the group. He was huge all over with massive imposing muscles along with rich ebony skin and dark hair, not to mention being incredibly tall. Some of the gay men in the crowd were practically drooling at his mere presence, Vince included though he tried to hide it. “For me, the things that are off limits are my genitals, my race and my age in either direction. Besides that everything else is up for grabs.” He spoke with a deep, masculine tone into the mic before giving a thumbs up to the audience.
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“You heard him folks!” The host said as he turned towards the audience again. “Now how about we start the bidding at… let’s say Six Hundred Grand? That sound fair Darius?” He turned back towards the bodybuilder who gave a satisfactory nod. “Six Hundred Grand it is!”
Right away people in the crowd began raising their paddles. 650K, 700K, 800K, 950K! The number kept rising and it was no surprise considering Darius seemed to be the grand prize of tonight’s professional selection. Just as the numbers were reaching the mid one millions however, Vince raised his paddle and shouted “Four Million!” There were a few glances in his direction, people slightly surprised at the sudden jump in bid.
“Going once!” The host beamed in Damian’s direction. “Going Twice!” He added. “Any more bid’s!? This is your last chance! Goin-” before he could finish he was interrupted by another bidder.
“Five Million!” Shouted a 60-something year old man.
“Seven Million!” Another one screamed with his paddle in the air.
“Twelve Million!!!” One more chimed in.
These bidders were persistent. More so than Vince had expected. Then again most of them are middle aged dudes with far too much money on their hands so he should’ve anticipated this. What he’d thought might’ve scared the other bidders off had only made them more desperate as the numbers only went into higher and higher millions. And so with a big sigh he threw his paddle up again and shouted “TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION!!!”
The host and the audience were stunned. “T-two hundred and fifty… million? I don’t think we’ve ever had a bid that high on one person before.” The host muttered before quickly trying to regain his composure. “Going once!” He began. “Going Twice! Any last competitor’s?!” There was a brief moment of silence and… nothing. “Sold! To the handsome gentleman in the grey suit!” He announced proudly with wonder in his voice.
Damian practically fell back into his seat, grateful that he didn’t have to increase his bid any higher. “Fuck this had better be worth it…” he grumbled to himself before resigning to sit through the remaining men on stage.
After that the bidding returned to normal. The host continued down the line of remaining hunks on the stage as each of them sold for a decent price around a million or so but none bothered to bid much higher. After all, everyone could tell Darius was the biggest prise to be won, literally, and Damian had already secured that bag. And so it wasn’t long before the tenth and final man in line was sold meaning the show could continue on to its next phase.
“Alright everyone! That’s all of our professionals tonight!” The host announced. “They’ll all be ready and waiting for those of you that one the bids but before that we have our second wave of men!” With that the professional made their way off stage to make room for the next group. Moments later ten more men were escorted on stage by the security. Like the professionals they were clad in nothing but speedos however, unlike the professionals, not all of them had huge sculpted physiques to show off. Two of them had decently impressive bodies but the rest varied. Some of them just looked average while a couple were slightly overweight. One of them was just a straight up bear with how huge and hairy he was. “Here we have tonight’s criminal selection! As previously mentioned these are men who’ve been ordered to be here by the court as part of their sentences which means anything is up for grabs!” It wasn’t surprising to Vince that this group had to be practically dragged on stage. There was no way in hell they wanted to be here but then again it was their own faults…
The bidding began with the host introducing the first criminal in line but Vince wasn’t the least bit interested. He’d already gotten what he came for so he pretty much just zoned out for the rest of the bidding. Most of the criminals had much lower starting bids than the professionals due to them not being in quite as peak physical condition. The two fittest men out of the group certainly had the highest bids to begin with them both starting at 100K. The bearish man however, though his starting bid was relatively low at around 40K, the audience got surprisingly competitive. In the end he was sold for a whopping Eight Million. Vince supposed some people in the crowd were quite eager to look a little more butch…
Eventually the tenth man of the criminal group was sold, much to Vince and every other winner’s delight. “And with that, the bidding part of tonight’s event comes to close!” The host stated. “Those of you who won the bids, please allow members of our staff to escort you to where you need to be. Everyone else feel free to help yourselves to the buffet. There’s plenty of food and drinks that are all on the house as a thank you from us for attending tonight!”
Vince got up from his chair and made his way over towards a group of staff with the other winners. The staff checked the numbers and each winner’s paddle to make sure everything was in order. Once that was taken care of they were led through a pair of double doors and down a long corridor with ten rooms on each side. Rooms 1A and 1B came first, on the left and right of the corridor respectively. The winner of the first professional bid was taken into 1A while the winner of the first criminal bid was taken into 1B. This pattern continued down the hallway with winners being taken into rooms that corresponded with whichever bid they’d won until they finally reached rooms 6A and 6B.
“Right this way sir.” One of the staff kindly ushered Vince towards 6A while the remaining winners continued down the hallway. Once inside he was shocked by the large futuristic looking machine that took up most of the room. It was a massive device that was connected to two chairs, both of which seemed to have some kind of helmet above them that was directly wired to the machine. He’d never seen anything quite like it… and they had at least twenty of these things?? It was only then that he finally noticed Darius, the gigantic hunk he’d won in the bid. He’d been sat patiently waiting since the professional bid ended and was eager to get up and greet Vince.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr…?” Darius began, holding out a large hand.
“Mr Hamlin. But you can just call me Vince.” The rich man responded before shaking Darius’s hand. “So I assume you’ve done this before?”
“Once yeah. A couple years ago.” Darius confirmed. “It didn’t hurt or anything. You just feel a bit weird for a while after as you try to adjust.” He explained rather nonchalantly. “And thank you by the way. I never imagined someone would bid that much for me. I know the organisers take 40% but that’s still one hundred and fifty million my way… I can’t thank you enough.”
Vince smirked as his eyes scanned over the hulking man’s form once again. “Your body is all the thanks I need.” He then turned his attention to the staff in the room with them. “So what’s next?” He asked. The staff explained that all they needed to do now was agree on what was being transferred. After that they just needed to get seated and the machine would do the rest.
“So what’s it gonna be?” The hunk prompted, taking a couple steps back to allow Vince a chance to take in everything that was up for offer.
“Your muscle. I want as much of it as you can give.” Vince didn’t hesitate for a second. He knew exactly what he wanted and who could blame him. Darius was a monster with how massive he was. “It’s always been a dream of mine to be huge like you. I’ve worked out a lot over the years but I’ve always struggled to put on any decent size. But now… suddenly it’s all possible.” Vince had to try and stop himself from salivating over the pure adonis before him. If he hadn’t been imagining having all that muscle for himself, he’d have been picturing himself fucking Darius’s huge muscle ass instead. If he didn’t have so much restraint he’d certainly have a boner right now.
Darius didn’t mind the lustful stares the other man was giving him. He wasn’t gay but, with how much this guy was paying him, he couldn’t really complain. “Yeah I figured you’d say that. I am pretty huge huh?” He gave one of arms a quick flex. “Was there anything else you had in mind?”
Vince thought about it for a second as he looked up at the giant before him. That’s when it hit. “How about some of your height as well? I’m 5’10 but I’ve always wanted to know what it feels like to be over 6 foot and you look like you’ve got plenty to spare.”
He wasn’t wrong. Last he’d checked Darius was about 6’5 and was usually one of, if not, *the* tallest man in a room. “Depends. How much you thinkin’?”
“How does 5 inches sound?”
Darius went back and forth in his head for a moment. 5 inches wasn’t too much right? He’d still be about 6 foot afterwards… “Alright, fine. 5 inches. But no more!” Darius put his foot down on that. He might’ve been getting paid a lot but he wasn’t about to drop down to 5’11 or below. He was a tall fucker and he wanted it to stay that way. Thankfully Vince seemed more than satisfied with that.
Just then some of the staff chimed in. “Alright so we’ve got 5 inches of height and as much muscle as can be safely transferred. Is there anything else you want to request, Mr Hamlin?” Some of them were already inputting settings into the machine regarding his previous requests.
Vince thought for a second. Tall and muscular, what more could he want? He was about to say that was all until his eyes nestled onto Darius’s bulge. “Well… I know on stage you said it was off limits but I was wondering…”
“Nope. Not happening.” Darius didn’t even need to hear the rest to know exactly what Vince was about to ask. “Sorry man. My girl doesn’t care how huge and buff I am but she loves my big dick. Can’t help you I’m afraid.”
For a moment Vince thought of offering Darius a little extra money in exchange but he could tell just by the look on the hunks face that it wasn’t going to happen. Or at least Darius wasn’t going to agree with it anyway. Luckily for Vince he had a backup plan… “Oh alright. Just muscle and height it is.” He waved his hands about a little before turning to the staff. “I suppose we’re ready now.”
Once all was decided both Darius and Vince were made to sign a few documents confirming that they both consented to the transfer and that Vince would pay his fee afterwards or would be reprimanded accordingly. And once that was taken care of, they were taken back over to the machine…
As the pair of them were getting strapped into the chairs however, Vince whispered to the man that was doing his chair. “Hey. I’ve got a deal for ya.” As quickly and quietly as possible, Vince proposed that he would give the man and his co-workers in the room a hefty amount of money if they agreed to transfer some of Darius dick size to him. The man gave him an awkward look for a second, his moral compass clearly being challenged, but soon enough he agreed.
Before long both Vince and Darius had the helmets placed on their heads, ready for the transfer. It took quite a while for the machine to actually boot up. Vince could only assume this was due to the staff members negotiating the deal he’d offered. He could only hope they’d make the right decision. Eventually there was a loud engine-like sound as the machine roared to life. For a moment Vince didn’t feel anything besides the buzzing of the huge device behind him so he was taken by surprise when a bolt of energy from the helmet came surging through his body. It was an almost indescribable feeling, as though he was being filled with electricity but instead of being frying him to a crisp it was energising him instead! It felt… exhilarating! So much so that he didn’t even realise the transfer was already taking place.
Slowly but surely Darius’s muscle mass began to decrease. His arms getting smaller, his huge chest deflating, his legs shrinking. With every second that passed he lost more and more size. All of that muscle he’d worked tirelessly to gain swiftly vanished along with all the strength that came along with it. All of it being converted into pure energy that was processed by the machine. Before long Darius was a far cry of his former self, looking thin lanky rather than imposing.
Of course all that energy had to go somewhere and that place was Vince. As soon as the machine had finished absorbing Darius’s muscle, it began pumping all of that energy into Vince’s body. He felt it immediately. A burgeoning power growing inside him. Gradually his body started to inflate with new muscle. His biceps and triceps expanding with newfound size as his back and chest started to broaden. Even his thighs and calves began to thicken significantly by the second. Before long ripping sounds could be heard coming from Vince’s suit.
His jacket was the first to give in as the sleeves started to tear under the pressure of his growing shoulders and biceps. The sound alone was music to his ears. Vince couldn’t actually see what was going on due to the helmet but the tearing of his clothes was a good indicator of how big he was getting! His upper body continued to broaden and expand, causing his jacket to pretty much explode apart at this point, revealing the already ripping shirt underneath which no doubt wouldn’t last long. But before it had the chance, his quads had the honour of bursting through his suit pants in all their glory, their sheer mass not wanting to be contained any longer. And not a moment later the top button on his pants came flying off as well as his hips and waist grew thicker. But not as thick as his ass. Vince’s once average butt ballooned to a colossal size, practically elevating him in his chair with its mass and giving him a nice round bubble butt just like Darius once had. Soon after he couldn’t help but let out a grunt as his chest heaved forwards, two massive pecs forming at last and being the final straw that caused his shirt to tear apart at last.
But of course just because Vince’s clothes were in tatters didn’t mean the growth was about to stop there. His body kept expanding, growing even larger with muscle. His thighs had grown so thick that it was impossible for them to not rub against one another. And that’s not to mention how ridiculously swole his upper body now looked. By the time the machine had finally run out of energy to pump into Vince’s body, his muscles looked engorged with unbelievable size and strength. No wonder since it was cramming all the muscle of a 6’5 man into 5’10 body. He was so swole now he’d hardly be able to move properly. But of course that had been accounted for and was about to change with the next transfer.
The machine returned its attention to Darius once again, sucking even more energy out of him. Only this time instead of taking his muscle, it was slowly shrinking his body in another way. His limbs and torso all diminished until his height had reduced its way down to 6 foot exactly. On the plus side for Darius, his body didn’t look quite lanky now as it had moments ago.
Of course once this was done the energy was once again redirected towards Vince. He felt the energy filling him once again, only this time it felt a little different. Instead of expanding, he felt himself stretching out instead! His arms and legs all grew longer as his height increased, finally coming to a haunt once Vince reached an impressive 6’3. Simultaneously the muscle he’d gained moments prior was now able to spread itself out a little bit better across his larger frame.
Now was the moment of truth. Had that bribe been enough to get Vince the last thing he wanted? There was silence for a moment as if the staff were still debating amongst themselves on what to do. For a second Vince was worried his little plan had failed. That is until the machine roared to life one more time…
“Hey uhhh… sorry you two but we just need to make sure there’s no ummm… imbalance between you two before we shut this thing down.” Said a voice over the speaker.
Darius was of course none the wiser but Vince knew exactly what that meant. Slowly and carefully so that he wouldn’t notice, the machine started sucking more energy out of Darius. Unbeknownst to the professional, his penis was gradually getting smaller until it had lost about 3 inches of its size. When the machine turned on Vince however, it made the transfer nice and fast. Within second he felt his cock inflate, going from an average 5 inch cock to an impressive 8 incher with some added girth to top it off. The rich, conniving man couldn’t help but grin maliciously.
A few minutes later the transfer machine was powered down properly before the staff returned to remove the helmets. As soon as they did, Vince looked down at himself in wonder. His body. It was everything he’d ever dreamed. Gigantic in every sense of the word with bulging muscle all over! He then glanced over at Darius who looked tiny in comparison. The intimidating bodybuilder he once was now replaced by an average skinny looking dude.
As soon as his restraints were removed, Vince tore away the remaining shreds of clothes leaving him in nothing but his dress shoes, socks and underwear. The latter of which was struggling against all hell to contain his cock and ass right now. But he wasn’t concerned about that right now. All he cared about was how fucking massive he was!
The very first thing Vince did was lift his hands up to grope his pecs, squeezing the muscle with pure wonder. They felt so soft yet when he tensed his pecs they became firm and hard. After that he bent forwards slightly and flexed both his arms together, feeling as they bulged with strength. His biceps looked like mountains on his arms as they peaked with insane size that not many would be able to match. And his lats… they were enormous! Even pushing his huge arms permanently out to the sides, giving him more of a natural alpha stance. It was incredible. He *felt* incredible!
Before Vince could continue exploring his god-like build however, one of the staff members stepped up carrying a pair of large black boxer briefs, some white joggers and a huge black t-shirt. “We figured you might want a change of clothes before you leave Mr Hamlin. We always have backups.”
The rich Adonis smirked before taking the clothes. “Thanks. I had such a one track mind towards getting this muscle that I hadn’t even considered my clothes.” He glanced down at the remains of his suit strewn across the floor. “Sorry about that by the way.”
“It’s no problem at all sir. We’ve found most people actually prefer keeping their clothes on during a muscle transfer so they can rip out of them anyway. We assumed that’s why you didn’t undress.”
Without another word, Vince pulled down his insanely tight underwear from before and kicked them onto the floor. The staff turned away but not before getting a glance at Vince's huge cock swinging free. It seemed that despite his self control, he was still rocking a semi. Of course the new hunk couldn’t help smirking at this, knowing full well his cock already looked bigger semi-erect right now than it did fully hard before. He didn’t dwell on it too much though. After all, Darius was still in the room. Instead he just pulled up the briefs and joggers he’d been offered, loving how despite their huge size, they still fit him perfectly. He did however decide to keep the t-shirt off for now. He wanted to savour this a little longer…
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Meanwhile, as Vince marched over towards a mirror to admire himself further, Darius stood looking down at his thin lanky body. He hadn’t been this skinny since he was a teenager. The last time he did a muscle transfer, the other guy already had a decent but of muscle himself so the transfer wasn’t too crazy. But now? Lord knows how long it was gonna take him to put all that size back on. “Well… back to square one I guess.” He huffed, looking over at the rich white dude across the room who was now enjoying all his hard work. He couldn’t be mad. After all, he was getting an insane amount of money for this. But still. It just felt weird seeing himself like this.
The now miniature sized bodybuilder made his way over towards Vince who had now begun poses and flexing in the mirror, enamoured by his new reflection. Even watching as he pulled down the joggers for a second to get a look at how juicy his new muscle ass was and judging by Vince's reaction, he wasn’t disappointed. “Hey man. Lookin pretty swole! You’re happy with the transfer I take it?” Darius questioned, keeping a positive attitude.
Vince turned to face Darius with a cocky smirk. “Oh you have no idea. It feels even better than I could’ve imagined. Happy would be an understatement.” He confirmed, flexing again. He also couldn’t help but relish in the fact that he was now the one looking down at Darius thanks to the height transfer. “Thank you Darius. I promise you I’ll take good care of all this.” He vowed before extending a hand out.
“You better. I certainly didn’t sculpt all that muscle so a rich white guy could waste it away.” Darius half-joked as he clasped the other man’s hand and shook it firmly.
As they shook Vince couldn’t help but grin inwardly. Darius still hadn’t noticed the extra dick transfer he got the staff the throw in. Not that it mattered if he did because soon enough he’d get the staff to erase the info on the dick transfer from any of the transfer machine’s data logs. By the time Darius realises what’s happened, he’ll have no way to prove it as all the staff in the room will be sworn to secrecy with Vince’s money. It was slightly evil, he knew that. But how could Vince pass up the chance to fuck and dominate dudes not only with all this muscle but with an even longer and fatter cock too! Besides he needs bigger equipment to match his bigger body right!?
The staff then took some time to go over a few details with the men. Listing possible side effects and what to maybe expect post transfer such as headaches and mild nausea for the first 24 hours while their bodies adjust. Vince was hardly listening though, only focusing on how fucking jacked he was now. Once they were done with the formalities however, they said the pair of them were free to either leave or join the rest of the attendees at the buffet.
At last Vince slipped on his t-shirt, adoring how it clung desperately to his giant pecs while the sleeves struggled to hold his biceps. With that he made his way out to the buffet where some of the other winners were already being admired after their own transfers. There were a few others who’d buffed up considerably as well as a few that seemed to have gotten younger with an age transfer no doubt. He even saw the guy who’d bidded on the bearish criminal and sure enough he was covered in thick manly body hair now as he was proudly displaying through his slightly unbuttoned shirt. Not to mention the huge bushy beard he now adorned.
The moment someone noticed Vince however, everyone stopped and looked. His transformation was the most insane of them all and it was no surprise considering who he’d won on the bid. Within moments the attendees and other winners alike came over to ask him how it felt and what it was like. All of them seemingly blown away by his transferral. Of course Vince revelled in the attention and it was now easier than ever to pick out the other gay men from the crowd by the way some of them looked at him.
The rest of his evening was spent being admired and complimented on his new body. It gave Vince a sense of confidence and cockiness he’d never experienced before but he couldn’t deny how much he loved it. He was frequently asked to flex his biceps by the increasingly drunk attendee’s and some people had even asked him to pick them up off the ground to which he did with ease. He even learnt how to bounce his pecs to his and everyone else’s delight. One very drunk dude even made a comment about how he wanted to shove his face between Vince’s juicy pecs. A wish that Vince was happy to grant as he pulled the guy in for a hug and made sure to squish the dude's face between the two slabs of meat on his chest. After which Vince even gave the guy his number so they could maybe meet up another time when he wasn’t so drunk.
Eventually the night came to an end and everyone piled out of the event, eager to get home. On his drive home, Vince couldn’t help thinking about everything he was going to do now. Besides checking himself out every morning he was going to love the attention he was gonna get every time he walked into a room from now on. He was also going to have a ton of fun buying new clothes to fit his gigantic physique. Not to mention how empowering it was going to feel to be the biggest guy at the gym from now on as he works to maintain all this. And most of all he couldn’t wait to get some hot guys to worship all his muscle before he fucks their brains out. He already knew he’d be pounding the guy he gave his number to in the near future. Maybe he could get ahold of the dude that took the bear criminal’s hairiness as well. The dude had definitely been making eyes at him. He was already pretty good looking before but now with all that body hair he looked gorgeous. Vince couldn’t help Imagining how good those bearded lips would feel around his fat cock…
Regardless Vince knew that he was gonna have the time of his life being the muscle beast from now. He reached down and groped his now fully hard cock through his joggers, smiling as he felt a full 8 inches of thick man meat down there. Oh yeah he had A LOT of self worshiping to do when he got home.
More Transfer Auction stories coming in the future!
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jupiterdomain · 2 months
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High Res Hair
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morallyinept · 5 months
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A full character analysis on JAVI GUTIERREZ from the film THE UNBEARBALE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to learn more about the character. 🖤
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Basic Details:
Full Name: Javi Gutierrez
Nickname(s): Javi
Appears in: The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent, 2022 (first appearance seen at approx. 18:50)
Age (if known): 39/40 - Javi has invited Nick to his 40th birthday party
Nationality: Spanish - Javi lives in Mallorca, Spain. Javi's villa used for filming is actually Villa Shehereazade, which is based in Dubrovnik, Croatia
Sexuality: Straight
Family: Father, deceased. Cousin, Lucas Gutierrez. No other family mentioned
Spouse/Partner: None, however Javi is in love with Gabriela Lucchesi
Relationship Status: Single
Current Living Status: Alive
Languages Spoken: Spanish, English
Education: Not confirmed, although Javi writes a script that is made into a film, so assumed basic schooling/college education at least
Job Role/Title: Face of a cartel posing as an Olive Grove business run by his cousin/script writer
Special Skill(s): Able to memorise all of Nick's films, use of firearms
Notable Colleague(s): Nick Cage
Distinguishing Features:
Tattoo(s): None
Piercings: None
Scar(s): None
Other Markings: Freckles on neck
Eye Colour: Brown
Prominent Feature(s): Brown curly hair, facial scruff that is slightly greying, moustache
Injuries: Javi is shot in his left shoulder by his cousin Lucas. Javi is also hit and knocked over by a car when he runs out into the road, although he is high at the time and doesn't seem obviously injured.
Hair Colour: Brown
Traits: excitable, wild, impulsive
Javi speaks with a Spanish accent as he is from Mallorca, Spain. His cadence is light and mellow, and he weaves into Spanish when excitable and high.
Javi seems to be the highly suggestible type, letting his imagination run away with him. He also seems to live vicariously through Nick's films, unable to do so in his own life.
Javi is the face of a cartel, posing as an Olive Grove business, which is run primarily by his cousin Lucas after Javi's father passed away. It is not confirmed exactly how much Javi knows about the day-to-day dealings of the business, as he wasn't aware of the kidnapping, however he says to Nick, "my cousin Lucas is the head of the organisation! The whole world thinks I run it. When my father died, Lucas took over. He forced me to be the figurehead..." so there is some assumption that Javi would know about some of the business dealings to some extent. And is potentially being manipulated by his cousin as he also tells Nick that "you don’t just leave this world, Nick. You, and everyone you care about, is in constant danger."
Javi is in love with Gabriela, however does not act on it to keep her safe. Explaining this to Nick, he says "I can’t be with Gabriela because that would put a target on her back."
Javi goes through a character growth arc by standing up to his cousin and doing the right thing in the end, even if he knows it will put his own life in danger. Together, he and Gabriela take on Lucas. Javi says to Nick, "I'm never going to have any kind of a life unless I stand up to my cousin! I need this."
Javi appears to take drugs recreationally. He is seen smoking a joint with Nick after jumping off the cliff, and they also take LSD drops to get inspiration for their movie.
Javi is seen cliff jumping and also driving whilst high on LSD, indicating he likes to have adventure and live on the wild side.
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Outfit 1 - (Opening scene on boat) Light blue blazer, white and grey striped shirt, brown chinos, brown belt
Outfit 2 - (With Gabriela scene) White and grey striped shirt, brown chinos, brown belt
Outfit 3 - (By the pool scene) White and blue striped speedo, cream linen shirt, sunglasses
Outfit 4 - (The cliffs scene) Striped button up shirt, white vest top, burnt orange pants, white sneakers
Outfit 5 - (Paddington scene - 2nd outfit) Cream chinos, white and red striped button up, white vest top
Outfit 6 - (In pool with Nick) Red swimming shorts
Outfit 7 - (Javi's birthday party scene) Green two-piece suit, blue print patterned shirt, gold ring on pinky finger on left hand, dark shoes
Outfit 8 - (LSD scene) Brown striped shirt, green pants, blue sneakers, ring and watch
Outfit 9 - (Clay pigeon shooting scene) Red striped shirt, cream chinos
Outfit 10 - (Nick's family scene & remainder of scenes) Yellow checked linen shirt, blue rolled up pants, brown suede loafers, trades for Nick's Vans sneakers
Outfit 11 - (Premiere scene) Black two piece suit, white shirt, black silk tie with silver stripe detailing
Accessories: Gold Rolex watch, sunglasses, gold ring on left pinky finger with what looks to be a diamond cut into it
Weapons Used:
Weapon(s): (Exact weapons pictured below)
Javi's gun is a Glock 17 (3rd Generation) hand pistol 9x19mm
Javi's collectible Golden Guns are Castor Troy 24k Gold Titanium Springfield Armory M19-11-A1 V-12 Pistols .45 ACP
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Modes of Transport:
Javi owns and drives a silver Porsche 356 Pre-A Speedster with the license plate 216F1AG
Javi owns and drives a green 1984 Land Rover 90 with the license plate 940OFJI
Javi owns and drives a speedboat, which appears to be an Art of Kinetik Antagonist model
🗨 See Javi's full dialogue from the film, including deleted scenes.
Further Character Links (if any):
Behind The Scenes TUWOMT, Behind The Scenes 2nd Video, More Behind The Scenes Footage
Samples of Javi's Wardrobe - Watch, striped t-shirt, sunglasses, yellow shirt, blue sneakers & Adidas sneakers info obtained via Styleofpascal IG
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focusonspeedos · 10 months
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handsome-n-hot-boys · 9 months
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roller6262 · 7 months
Help! Someone stole my body and my boyfriend doesn’t know! I’m stuck in the body of this tall, hairy, straight Greek guy! I think I’m starting to forget who I was before..
Sorry, but I can't get your old body back. I've learned not to get into a tug-of-war with another master of transformations. Instead, let's lean into this new body! You already have a lot going for you as a Greek man. Sun-tanned skin, big curly hair, and an adorable bushy mustache. I think we can use more muscle though. We'll give those Greek statues some competition with a body worthy of an Olympian. Your new memories are already telling you how much you like to show off to tourists on Mykonos' finest beaches. Looking down you see you're still wearing your favorite speedo and take a moment to admire your bulging legs and fuzzy gorilla torso unobstructed. It's no wonder you pick up women so easily. In fact you already have. You recall a girl you've been on a few dates with. Actually she's a serious long term girlfriend. No, your wife! The years roll by in your memories as I mature you, adding a bit of grey to your new beard. You find yourself on a beach at the ripe age of 40, your wife having left you because of your wandering eye.
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So it's back to your old preying grounds to find a new mate when you spot a man eyeing you. It's your old boyfriend, walking by with your old body! You don't recognize either of them anymore, but something about the way your old boyfriend is looking at you strikes your curiosity. He's always been into daddies. You don't act on it, this body and your memories are straight now, but your soul is still gay. With no partner and your old boyfriend pursuing you, eventually your curiosity will wear you down until you give in to the best sex you've ever had! And though you won't remember the man that stole your old body, deep in your soul you'll feel proud of stealing your boyfriend back from him.
All of you reading this, have you also been the victim of a forced transformation? Or just want a change in general? Let me know in my asks
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ordinaryschmuck · 1 month
Spiderman knocks frantically on Wolverine's door.
Spiderman: Wolvie! Open up! I need your help!
Jean Grey opens the door slightly...showing shes in lingerie.
Jean: Peter! Hi. Uh, Logan is...a bit busy right now....
Spiderman:....Does...does CYCLOPS know you're here?
The door opens wider, revealing Cyclops wearing nothing but his glasses and a speedo.
Cyclops: She said he's BUSY.
Now THAT is a solution to the love triangle that I can appreciate.
And if it’s just for fun…
Spider-Man: …Can I join? After the crisis, that is.
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Clark Kent's Wardrobe! 1938-1947
I wonder if they looked at actual fashion magazines for these.
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Late 30s to mid-40s Standard outfit: Blue jacket, vest, pants, tie and hat (Usually orange)
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Late 30s Fancy Dress: Top hat, tailcoat, bowtie.
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Late 30s Orange pinstripe suit
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1941 Red Dressing Gown
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Mid 1940s Swimsuit Speedo
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Early 40s Red vest
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Early 40s Green Suit (No Tie)
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Mid 40s Orange sweater and loose pants
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Mid 40s Light Blue Suit jacket, Black polka dot Bowtie, Greenhat
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Early 40s Light blue suit jacket, striped white shirt, blue striped tie
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Early-Mid 40s Grey dress suit and bowtie
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Early 40s Blue Pinstripe
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Mid 40s jumpsuit
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Mid 40s Red Suspenders
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Mid 40s Plaid Suit
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Mid 40s "Dress" Reporter outfit.
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Late 40s Blue wool overcoat and orange scarf.
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Mid 40s White Checkered? Suit jacket and bowtie.
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Late 40s Green suit
...To be continued...
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"The only X-Men character who may in fact be both transmasc and transfem simultaneously. Quentin is the only "male" character to ever take on the role of "Wolverine's subtextually-lesbian teenage protege from whose perspective we experience the story," it's canon that QQ recreated their body themselves the when they came back from their sojourn as a jar of goop, a period of their life that lasted from roughly age 13-15, they're very picky about their self-presentation, they once wore a speedo with a radioactivity symbol over their junk, and, most recently, when they were experiencing the identity-destabilizing impacts of a breakup, we see them trying on new bodies, including, implicitly, female ones.
Oh, and they're a destined Phoenix Host, a role typically reserved for female human telepaths, usually in Jean Grey's bloodline." - @summerstrash
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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sporkberries · 8 months
She’s blonde, she has issues with authority, she’s a businessman, shes disabled, she has the messiest relationships you’ve ever seen. She has untold mental issues and a nuke in her basement. She dyes out her greys and wears a speedo on the first date. Shes a bisexual, she’s a war criminal.
I didnt say her name but you thought of her didn’t you?
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jupiterdomain · 15 days
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themightywolftiger · 5 months
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Jimmy was... afraid of being trapped within the timeloop. Afraid of being alone, afraid of being forgotten, and afraid of what would happen if the loop didn't get fixed.
In his fear, the canary hybrid sought out anyone that would listen to him. Anyone that could still see him despite his ghostly, looping state.
Jimmy wound up finding someone that would here him out: Skizzleman.
The angel/bird hybrid was confused at first, but he really did want to help Jimmy out. Jimmy tried to explain what was happening, but the crash of lightning and Martyn's deranged laughter cut through their chat.
In that moment, Jimmy acted upon instinct alone. He grabbed Skizz by his hand as the world went grey. Skizz eventually woke up back at Team B.E.S.T's base. And once he returned to his ghostly state, He and Jimmy eventually found a ghostly Joel.
And now, when the world stops and eventually begins to go back, Joel and Skizz find themselves falling through a plane of purple. However, as the world around them shifts and changes as they fall, there's something that always the same:
In the distance, a clocktower with two familiar figures falling as well.
(My ramblings below the cut)
So, with Hermitcraft 10 revealing Joel and Skizz being new hermits, my work on Frozen Over being a bit halted (Drawing and writing are both hard), and my continuous enjoyment of Timeloop AUs coming back, I've figured that I should talk briefly talk about Joel and Skizz's involvement within Limited Loop AU.
Both lifers are brought into the loop by Jimmy (By force/accident and/or by willingness). But once aware of the loop, they both are willing to help Jimmy (and even Martyn) fix the loop and rescue everyone.
Little things about each of them:
Skizz doesn't quite understand what caused the loop. But, he does know that Jimmy needs a shoulder to cry on and a hug.
Skizz is in charge of getting the rest of B.E.S.T to help Jimmy once they're ghosts (and even when they're alive)
He's also in charge of morale.
When a ghost, Skizz constantly emits a blue glow.
Joel wasn't found in the best state before he joins the loop. His anger boils over quite easily (his eyes turn fully red and his body crackles with electricity).
However, despite this, once he's able to breathe, he's fully willing to help Jimmy fix the loop.
Joel's job is primarily recon. He constantly keeps watch of the other lifers and tries to help Martyn find what he needs to fix the loop.
When a ghost, Joel constantly emits a green glow.
Joel and Skizz both have the ability to bring others into the loop, like Jimmy. It's significantly weaker though.
Like Martyn and Jimmy, the two hybrids have hourglass shaped pupils (it doesn't affect their vision and it only seems to affect one eye)
Bonus doodle of the two on a solid black background, mimicking the drawing of Jimmy's ghostly design:
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Drawing wise I tried to keep to their Limited Life skins to the best of my ability. But, to be honest, I didn't want to draw Skizz in a speedo (That's why he's in heart boxers).
Also, the clock tower is a reference to another drawing I did for Limited Loop:
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