#grim reaper virgil
Dancing with Death
Chapter 4~ Familiar Faces
Virgil has been the God of Death since the dawn of time. He had earned many titles from the mortals, though his favourite was 'The Grim Reaper'. Once in the afterlife, most know him as King Virgil
Patton, as the recently deceased, gets led into the afterlife by a cloaked, masked figure. He wants to know more about them
The first place they went on their day out was the beach. Virgil had been to beaches a lot, but only for collections, so he had never truly appreciated the beauty of the waves
He pushed away memories of deaths at places he went; there was never going to be anywhere untouched by death. He had been everywhere already, but he had never really stopped to appreciate it
Now that Patton was there pointing out every fun fact and nice detail and everything that he liked seeing, Virgil was seeing everything in a new light. 
Patton led him around, and they stopped at restaurants, though they were unable to eat the food of the living. Virgil duplicated the food they wanted into something they could actually touch, and they ate.
Patton was leading him around and Virgil was following like a lost puppy.
Virgil had never actually spent this long in the living realm. It was nice, he supposed. He was sure he wouldn’t enjoy it as much if it wasn’t Patton leading him around.
He simply smiled and let Patton lead him everywhere. Patton was holding his hand, and practically dragging him. He let out a small laugh, and Patton took him to a lake where they just sat for a while. Virgil had been there a few times before, he remembered, looking into the deep waters. 
He looked around at those who were still living but were getting dangerously close to the edge. He didn’t want to stay there anymore. He had seen this scene play out about a thousand times in this one spot alone. He sprung to his feet and started walking away from the lake
Patton got up and trailed after him
“You okay, Virgil?” He asked, and Virgil looked back at those worried brown eyes
Virgil tried to smile, but could not. He didn’t dare speak aloud in the living realm, so he conjured another note
It just said that he was uncomfortable and wanted to go somewhere else. Patton nodded, and was once again leading the way. Virgil smiled, and followed his apprentice to somewhere Virgil had seen before, but wasn’t somewhere he went as often as lakes. 
It was a nice open field of flowers and trees. He watched the birds sing and the clouds move past. It was strange, he had never stayed this long, and it was different. He loved that Patton was happy, and he enjoyed the new experiences, but he needed to go back to the castle immediately as the day was finished, he decided.
He wasn’t meant to be in the realm of the living. There were no adverse affects, technically, but it did make his anxiety skyrocket occasionally. Patton was making it better, a lot. They ended up in Patton’s hometown, and Patton just wanted to show him around and show him everything
He wasn’t as energetic there as he was everywhere else. Not a lot had changed since Virgil had first collected his soul.
Patton looked around at each and every building and Virgil almost felt he was intruding.
Eventually, Patton asked him if he could get something for them both, whilst he had a moment alone. Virgil agreed, starting to look for what he was asked to find
Where sold ice-cream, he wondered. He knew Patton’s ice-cream preferences, from their sleepovers, but he didn’t know where to find the ice-cream.
He understood this wasn’t actually what most people classified as a big deal, but he wanted everything to be perfect for their day out
He eventually did find an ice-cream truck and took some from there
Patton was having a nice day, all things considered. He didn’t mind that they left the lake early, or that Virgil didn’t talk much
He wanted Virgil to be comfortable, as well as himself. The rest of the day was fun, and he got to show Virgil his favourite places
Everything was different. The world had been going on for only four months since his death and, while nothing had really changed, everything was different. He had a moment alone, and he visited his grave
He never really thought about his death much, he didn’t want to think about it.
He felt eyes on him and he turned to see a familiar face, filled with shock
“Patton?” They asked
Taglist: @a-chilly-pepper 
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I decided to try a drawing of Grim Reaper!Virgil, what do people think ?
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(Also, I kinda want to write something to do with this idea, what do people think?)
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 6 months
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Me when I made a Grim Reaper Virgil AU and now want to make it Dukexiety
— 👑
D O I T let the Spooky Beloveds C O N S U M E your AU >:}D
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Virgil Finlay
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pustoe-mesto · 2 years
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Pascal Möhlmann, For Ever // Off-White c/o Virgil Abloh™ Men’s Fall-Winter 2020-21, Pascal painting print shirt
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fangirltothefullest · 11 months
Thomas playing with his sides like they're the Sims. Logan tries to take the trash out but a sock is in the way. He stands there for twenty minutes angrily confused and then goes to take a shower. He is derailed because the door is missing. He reads poetry for 6 hours.
Roman paints for 15 straight hours and passes out in a heap. When he wakes up he immediately paints again for six hours. He hates his painting. It gives him a negative mood modifier. He sells it for lots of money. He goes to exercise for 25 hours straight.
Patton adopts like twenty dogs, feeds two and adopts more cats. He talks to everyone. Has the highest friendship with everyone. Should not wahoo but does. Always has to go chat with the grim reaper.
Virgil is chatting the reaper. Virgil is also badmouthing Roman to the grim reaper. The grim reaper asks to wahoo. Virgil leaves to take a nap. Virgil gets trapped in the pool. He is three feet from the exit but he cannot be bothered to grab it.
Remus is wahooing the reaper. He is a plant sim. He did not start out as a plant Sim. He has dates several aliens. He is abducted after wahooing the reaper. He is plotting to make fun of someone.
Janus is plotting. He has left a sock on the floor. He is the only sim with a job. He goes to the job. He does not pay the bills. Why does Logan not have a job? There is a sock on the floor and he cannot get to his job.
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hebuiltfive · 2 months
I Know Places: Chapter One (Part One)
In honour of our dear Flyboy’s birthday (and because it completely slipped my mind and I have nothing else prepared) here’s the short and sweet first part of Chapter One of a piece I’ve been working on slowly. No angst (except at the start where he’s recounting the mission). Happy Birthday, Scotty. 💙
The deep baritone laugh of his brother reverberated through him and continued to echo even after Virgil had stopped chuckling. Scott cherished the sound, allowing himself a few moments to take in his brother’s laughter and appreciate it for all it was worth. He had been so close to losing that sound forever.
They were all accustomed to close calls. Their job demanded that they grow familiar with the Grim Reaper lurking on the sidelines of each and every rescue. They all had their ways of coping with that imagery and, for the most part, they all continued rather normally despite the constant threat. How they managed to do that was anyone’s guess, and they would all probably be incredibly fascinating to any therapist who wanted five boys with baggage, but they never dared to stop and question. All five of them had made peace with it, as had their close family and friends.
Normally, a close call wouldn’t have shaken Scott so much but today’s mission had been different. Today, they’d escaped by the skin of their teeth. Scott wouldn’t have even termed it a “close call” simply because it seemed too close for comfort. He nearly didn’t make it out, and there had been nothing Virgil could have done about it.
They — the people he’d been tasked with rescuing — nearly didn’t make it out, which somehow made things worse.
Scott could have made peace with his demise. He had often said silent prayers to his parents in the tighter spots he had found himself in, anyway. This would have been no different. Of course, he certainly never dreamed of or wished for such an occurrence, but if it meant getting those people to safety, he would always, always chose the lives of others over himself. To save them rather than to be saved. All of his brothers had that mentality and part of him hated that fact. If he had been the only one caught up in that place, if he’d been the only one to have never stepped foot into the turbulent world beyond those reinforced doors again, then maybe Scott wouldn’t have been so panicked.
As it was, he had never felt so scared. On the outside, he had managed to keep himself cool, calm and collected. On the inside, it had been an entirely separate case. With the exception of maybe only Virgil, no-one would have been able to notice the raging that had been silently brewing away deep inside as those seconds had ticked down.
His fists had pounded on that steel door until the vibrations rang through his bones. The rescue wasn’t over until there was no-one left to rescue. Over and over Scott had battled with the unfamiliar feeling of despair, reassuring himself that Virgil would somehow get through and that he just had to keep on breathing. The relief he had felt when that sealed door had finally slid open, revealing the tunnel beyond, was paramount to none.
In the end, it hadn’t mattered who had opened those doors. Scott had only been eternally grateful to the universe coming through for him.
For them.
For her.
Scott turned back to Marion. She was still smiling. He had no doubt in his mind that she was just as relieved as both he and Cameron were to be out of the plant. Of course, he had no way of knowing whether her calm demeanour in those last few minutes was also an act as his had been — shy of asking, and there was no chance he was about to do that so soon after the debacle — but Scott found himself oddly proud of her for not losing her head. In any rescue, one of his biggest worries was always having to work out a solution as well as deal with a panicking rescuee. He was grateful that he hadn’t needed to worry about that with Marion, or with Cameron for that matter. They had both shown that they were resilient and…
Since when did he offer such a detailed report of a rescuee’s behaviour when there was little to actually note? Especially when his designated rescuee wasn’t even the actual rescuee?
“Do I even want to ask?” Marion questioned with a quizzical look.
Scott’s brows furrowed in confusion before realising what she was referring to. He chuckled. “Oh, the popcorn? We were supposed to be having a movie night before we go the call. I’d made myself popcorn and left it on the side when I responded. Virgil stole it, thus he is a thief that owes me more.”
“If Scott’s got any say,” Virgil chimed in over Thunderbird Two’s loudspeakers, “then he’ll be making me fetch him popcorn for the next three movie nights as punishment.”
“Three?” Scott queried with a humorous tone. “I think you mean five.”
Again, Virgil’s laugh echoed, this time around the Shackleton complex. As it had done the first time, the blessed sound warmed Scott’s heart.
“Your cruelty knows no bounds, big brother.” Virgil replied before the click of the loudspeaker being switched off was heard and his laughter ceased.
The area seemed silent without Virgil’s deep tones bouncing off the buildings, and Scott suddenly felt rather awkward. He observed Marion who still stood only a couple of feet away from him. Her helmet was still tucked underneath one of her arms, her side plait slightly dishevelled from the ordeal they’d just escaped from. A couple of stray strands blew in the breeze and Scott told himself that his next words were solely down to them simply having narrowly escaped a horrific death together, not because of anything else.
“Speaking of popcorn and movie nights,—”
He gestured towards Thunderbird One. Her silver hull shone proudly in the dying light of the day, a day that had almost been their last. He had come so close to not seeing her again, not flying her again, but for once in his life that heartache wasn’t the strongest he currently felt. As he had come to terms with the forever unfavourable odds of his job, Scott had come to terms with what that would mean for his ship. The relief of seeing his ‘bird again after narrowly escaping a harrowing rescue was a familiar feeling to the pilot. This other feeling was less familiar.
Scott mentally threw away those thoughts and banished whatever he felt. He was just tired and in need of a long, long sleep. He attempted his best charming smile, no matter how weak it felt, as he continued, “we never did start the movie. How’d you like a ride over? If you’re not busy, of course.”
The last amendment was added on in haste. His avoidance of straight out asking Marion if she wished to travel back to their villa to watch a film with them — with him — was due solely to his attempt to sound casual. It hadn’t worked, and he knew it hadn’t. No matter how hard he had tried to seem indifferent, Scott couldn’t stop that innate feeling of sounding like a fool as the words left his mouth.
Internally, he cringed at himself. Scott was acutely aware of the subtle arch of Marion’s brow as he’d put forward his suggestion.
Her smile had remained, however, and her brown eyes averted away from him, over his shoulder and to Thunderbird One behind him. Marion’s gaze swept over his ship and, for a moment at least, Scott thought she might have agreed to his preposterous idea. There was a twinkle in those assessing eyes that he foolishly read as acceptance, a tiny step towards his ship, towards him that suggested the next words out of her mouth would be an agreement.
The GDF jet a few meters behind Marion roared, and whatever she’d been thinking, whatever she’d been about to say, was abruptly halted. She gently shook her head.
“I have to get back. Cameron and I will have reports to do.”
There was an unfamiliar sinking feeling that Scott felt but refused to acknowledge. He knew his idea was probably going to get shot down but he hadn’t expected to care that much, simply because he didn’t care. It was a nice, friendly gesture and Marion was busy.
Shamefully quickly, Scott nodded along and, in addition, blurted out, “So do we, actually.”
He heard a small snigger over his comms unit.
Though the loudspeakers had been shut off, his brother’s radio link was still very much active, meaning Virgil had just heard every single word of Scott’s embarrassing attempted proposition. Oh, he’d never hear the end of it now.
Scott sighed, eyes lowering to the ground double defeat.
Marion patted his arm. She hadn’t heard Virgil’s snort due to it only having been on their private line, which meant that she probably thought that his sigh was down to her decline and—
Before Scott could explain that he wasn’t as downhearted as she might have believed — a lie, but not a total one, so he could live with it — Marion’s hand lifted to brushed a stray strand of hair that had somehow fallen out of place despite all that extra-hold gel he’d swiped through it that afternoon.
“Ask me again another time when I’m a little less busy, and I might say yes.”
He barely had a beat to process that before Marion was walking away. Scott blinked at her back and continued to watch until she rounded the corner of one of Shackleton’s buildings, out of sight but not out of mind. The GDF jet roared once again a few minutes later as it rose into the night sky, setting off for whatever base Marion and Cameron were to be deposited at.
Only once the chilly night breeze snapped him out of his daydream did Scott return to Thunderbird One. Virgil, as he so often did, had waited for him and together they flew the leg back home to base.
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brandstifter-sys · 13 days
Crypt Cuddles
@dukexietyweek 2024 Day 8 - Date Night + Pets
Word Count: 3065 (Ao3)
Rating: T
Characters: Remus, Virgil
Pairing: Dukexiety
Warnings: food mention, sex mention, macabre flirting, cartoon antics, spiders, dogs, death mention
Remus doesn't get to plan their dates often, so he wants everything to go right for Virgil. But even with such careful planning and equally macabre company, there's still room for a few hiccups
Remus was absolutely ecstatic. Virgil had finally given him free reign to set up a date for their monthly date night. Usually he could only pick the movie they watched or their dinner. Virgil was always hesitant, content with routine. It was fun, but Remus was itching to do something more. 
Everything had to be perfect! Not in a way that nothing would go wrong, but perfect in a way to impress his Carnage-patch kid even if something went awry. And with Remus’ side of the Imagination, that was more likely than not.
Was he nervous when Virgil finally knocked on his door? Of course! But that gave way to excitement when he flung the door wide open. 
Virgil was the one who was surprised. Remus was not nude, nor was he wearing his usual outfit, opting to wear his sash as a belt, and trading in the gaudy jacket for a black billowy shirt. Virgil began to worry that he wasn't dressed up enough in his usual jeans and hoodie. It was bad enough that Remus looked hot even when he was covered in mud and strange fluids. 
“Well if it isn't Death himself,” Remus cheered and leaned one arm against the doorway, “If you're here to take me, be gentle, I want to burn that face into my memory!” 
“You're running out of material,” Virgil scoffed fondly and tried to hide his blush behind his hair. You would think he'd be used to Remus' flirting, but no. 
“I'm not!” Remus giggled and grabbed his hand, “I just used a little too much brain power to set up our date!” 
Before Virgil could ask what that entailed, Remus whisked him through the organized chaos that was his room, and through the portal-door to the Imagination. 
Virgil was used to the rush that blew his hair back and tickled his skin, it was standard for entering the Imagination. He was expecting the gloomy cloudy skies and the spindly forest he usually saw on Remus' side. 
He was shocked to see that the sky was mostly clear with a few wispy clouds. They were in a clearing in the forest with no nightmarish creatures in sight. 
“Remus,” Virgil breathed, “Where are we?” 
“We're near the border of my duchy, Roman’s kingdom, and your part. It's neutral ground. I didn't want anything to get in our way,” Remus said with a shrug, “I want to be the only one to see your radiance illuminating the darkness, to feel it burning my skin to a crisp.” 
He kissed Virgil’s hand and smiled at him, though he was shaking. That was more than enough reason for Virgil to be concerned. 
“Are you trying to be Roman?” he scoffed teasingly. That got Remus to stop shaking and start shimmying. 
“I'm trying not to overdo it so soon!” Remus laughed and guided him through the trees, “I'm trying not to go Gomez, rip off your hoodie, and then worship your anxi-tities!” 
Virgil snorted and shook his head. Remus was still being Remus, but on a short leash. It was still unsettling, not knowing where Remus was taking him, even if he trusted Remus. 
“Holy shit!” 
Virgil gawked at the scene before him. There was a graveyard in the forest with elegant granite headstones and a marble fountain in the center. He couldn't stop staring at the fountain, not when it was a statue of the grim reaper with their arms spread and holding a scythe. There were purple and green fairy lights draped across it and in the branches of the few autumn trees in the yard.
And in the center of it all was a purple and black striped blanket with a lantern in the middle, and a picnic basket holding it down. 
“Do you like it?” Remus beamed. He was bouncing on his heels like an excited kid. Virgil was impressed and he really did like it. But there was always a catch. 
“What if there’s a zombie uprising?” Virgil hesitated. 
“Look at the gravestones, even if there's a zombie uprising, we're safe!” Remus chirped and dramatically motioned to the closest headstone. 
It read: “Here lies Roman's Hetero Fantasy #472” 
Virgil laughed and quickly covered his mouth. He was Roman’s friend, he should show some sympathy! But it was funny.
“Welcome to the Gravely Yard of Broken Dreams, my Margrave of Terror!” Remus giggled, “There are no bodies here so I can't accidentally reanimate them!” 
“You really went out of your way for me,” Virgil muttered shyly. He knew Remus would bend over backwards for him, or go full Uzumaki if he were feeling really bold. But it always surprised Virgil when he put so much thought and care into their relationship. 
“Of course I did! My shadow’s the only one who walks beside me—and you are my shadow, the darkness keeping watch over me, the void that I want to swallow me whole and cradle me!” Remus said, dropping into a purr. 
Virgil had to laugh at his ridiculous boyfriend before he kissed cheek. 
“You won't be leaving my arms ever, even if you want me to let go, honey.” 
“It's a good thing I don't want you to let go of me! I want to get trapped in your web, pierced by your claws, and enraptured by your sublime beauty!” Remus said as his entire body turned red. 
“You're the pretty one here,” Virgil pouted. So he didn't see himself as anything special when it came to looks. And Remus was pretty, from his sharp smile and big beautiful eyes, from his tan but freckled skin to his perfectly groomed mustache. 
“I know I'm pretty,” Remus laughed, “And I know you are absolutely spellbinding, gorgeous, unearthly. You are so much more than pretty!” 
Virgil kissed his cheek again and pulled him to his chest. A little more affection might make this dork shut up. 
“What did you pack for this picnic?” he asked while Remus imploded. Virgil smirked as Remus actually exploded like a cartoon character with a stick of dynamite in his mouth. 
When he returned to his usual state, albeit blushing, Remus guided Virgil to the blanket and sat them both down. 
“Scare Bear,” he hummed and dug through the basket, “I thought about it a lot. Sandwiches are so boring, so are wraps, and I didn't want to use too many forks.” 
He pulled out a tray of meats and cheeses, and crackers, setting it between them on the blanket. Then he pulled out a plate of bell peppers, celery, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and hummus. 
Virgil was impressed but waiting for the catch. Was one of the meats from one of Remus' creatures? Was the hummus poisoned? Did he mic in dish soap somewhere?
“So I begged Jannicus to make something!” Remus beamed, “and all it cost was letting him dry clean my suit!” 
“That's why you're dressed up,” Virgil teased and grabbed a piece of cucumber. He dipped it in the hummus, watching Remus preen from the corner of his eye.  
“It's comfy, and if you like the look, I don't mind wearing it more often! Though I like wearing less around—” 
Virgil shoved the cucumber into his mouth before he could finish that sentence. Of course he liked the look, his biteable neck was in the open! 
“I like a little mystery, Cuddlefish,” Virgil hummed and went for another cucumber for himself. 
“I am an enigma!” Remus chuckled and pulled a bottle of wine and two glasses from the basket. 
“Red wine?” Virgil questioned. 
“Janus packed it. I think there's some juice in there if you don't want to drink,” Remus chirped. He really did think of everything. 
“One glass is fine. But I doubt it'll taste like you only sweeter,” Virgil hummed and relaxed, lounging on the blanket on his side, watching steam escape Remus' ears. 
Remus set the wine and glasses aside and grabbed Virgil's face. He was so pretty in the dim light, Remus couldn't help himself. 
Virgil grinned into the kiss, letting Remus' frantic lips explore his own. He would be fine skipping the meal if Remus wanted to make out and cuddle under the stars. 
“You are such an emo nightmare!” Remus teased and bumped their foreheads together, “The perfect match for my brand of nightmares!” 
“You're such a gorgeous nightmare,” Virgil said and ran his fingers through Remus' hair, “Old habits never seem to go away. You make me feel brand new.” 
“What old habits?” Remus gasped and melted under the touch. 
“Making you drop everything to kiss me,” Virgil hummed, “It’s the collision of your kiss that makes it so hard.” 
“Keep making song references and I'll be the hard one here!” Remus giggled and pulled away for just a moment. Virgil watched him pour two glasses of wine and set the bottle in the basket. 
“Is that a threat or a promise?” Virgil jeered and took his glass. He was looking up at Remus with the most relaxed smile and purple eyeshadow. One man could not be allowed to look so pretty and teasing. 
“Which one makes you want me more?” Remus jeered and wiggled his eyebrows. Virgil tried to bite back a laugh. 
“Which one guarantees you won't bite my fingers off?” Virgil asked and sat up. 
Remus pouted in thought. There was no guarantee that he wouldn't get the urge to bite. Then again, he didn't have an opportunity to bite. 
“I don't know, but why would I bite your fingers if they're not going anywhere near my—?” 
Virgil silenced him with some salami and cheese on a cracker, smirking like a little shit. Remus did the first thing his brain thought of and sucked on his finger before fully accepting the treat. 
“Now I know you're trying to be seductive,” Virgil huffed and shied away from him. Remus coaxed him back and giggled as he chewed and swallowed. 
“I have to keep up with you somehow!” Remus huffed, “Just seeing that aubergine hue under those peepers is driving me mad! You are my siren, and I am ready to crash and drown in you. If you wanted to, I would throw away everything just to decay with you.” 
“We're in the right place,” Virgil mused and licked his cheek, “But you're too lively.” Remus squeaked as his soul left his body—a cartoon angel ascended from his shoulders with hearts floating around his halo. 
Virgil reached out and grabbed the little ghost's tail and dragged it back down to its body. Remus giggled and leaned into him with the most lovestruck eyes. 
“You are such a dork,” Virgil jeered. 
“A toast to being a dork in love!” Remus beamed and held up his glass. 
“To being in love with a dork,” Virgil said. 
“Tchim-tchim!” “Prosit.” 
They clinked their glasses and each took a sip. And then Virgil stole a kiss from an unsuspecting duke. Remus was all too happy to reciprocate. 
“It tastes better with you,” Virgil teased. 
“You think so?” Remus giggled and pulled together a cracker with salami and cheese. Virgil could see what he was up to, and he didn't mind. 
When Remus brought the food to his lips, Virgil took it between his teeth, grazing Remus' fingertips. That got Remus to shiver. But he couldn't handle it when Virgil kissed his fingers and languidly kissed up to his knuckles. 
Remus couldn't take it! He shot into the air like a rocket and exploded above the trees like a green firework. Virgil was impressed that he didn't spill his wine, even as he floated down to the ground again. 
“You're going to stop my heart if you keep that up!” Remus giggled and laid down, using Virgil's lap as a pillow. 
“Do I get to keep it if it stops?” Virgil asked and ran his fingers through Remus' hair. 
“It's already yours,” Remus hummed and closed his eyes, “And so is the rest of my body.” 
Virgil set his wine aside and grabbed some celery and hummus. 
“If that body is mine, I'm not letting it go hungry,” he said and brought the celery to Remus' mouth. Of course Remus ate it. Everything was going better than expected.
The evening went by without a hitch. They talked and fed each other, sharing quick kisses that made Remus act like a Looney Toon. It was calm and relaxing. And nothing was going wrong. 
“Hey, Scare Bear,” Remus asked as they stared up at the stars, “Are you having a good time?” 
“Yeah,” Virgil said and pulled him to his chest, “You did good, Puppy.” He punctuated that statement with a kiss to Remus' forehead and giggled at how red the duke became. 
“What about you?” Virgil asked, “This is pretty tame for your tastes.” 
“I'm getting kisses and cuddles from my boyfriend, he hand fed me, he thinks I look hot, and he's enjoying himself. What part of that wouldn't be a good time, Carnage Patch Kid?” 
“You're right,” Virgil said, “I just wanted to make sure. You keep asking me about it, but it shouldn't be all about me.” 
“What if I want it to be all about you? I'm just a man driven mad by a sublime specter. You don't know what hell I would endure to see you smile. I want to pamper you, to be your sacrificial lamb. I want you to torment me for your own amusement, I want all the pain you want to inflict.” 
“You're a little masochist. I just want you to be happy.” 
“I am happy. And I'm happier when you're with me. It feels natural, right,” Remus said and kissed his jaw. This date was going smoothly and he was having fun with his Baby Undead. 
But something felt off. 
Virgil could feel the vibrations through the ground. Something big was thundering their way. But there was a chance it would pass them without seeing them. 
Remus could tell something was coming too. But he wasn't concerned. He knew that pattern. 
Still, he sat up and looked around. He had to bite back a laugh as a familiar tarantula crawled onto Virgil's arm. 
“You made a friend!” Remus giggled. Virgil glanced over and smirked. 
“How did you get out?” he asked and scooped the spider into his hand, “You were supposed to stay in my room, Thunderbolt.” 
The spider chirped and relaxed in his palm. 
“She's still really feline,” Remus giggled, “And one of the best mistakes I ever made.” 
“You wanted to make me a cat, this was your first gift to me ever. She's anything but a mistake.” 
“You're right!” Remus giggled. And then Virgil went rigid. That thing he could feel coming was close. 
Boof! Bork! Woof!
Remus beamed as a giant three-headed dog burst through the trees. Her tail was wagging so fast and all of her eyes were locked on Remus. 
“Winary!” he cheered. The dog immediately started whining and tackled him to the ground, each head nuzzling him and licking his face. Such a happy puppy! 
“Was this part of your plan?” Virgil asked and relaxed, laying down next to him. Thunderbolt scurried to his shoulder and curled up in his hoodie. 
“Nope!” Remus laughed as his puppo calmed down, “But out of all the surprises that could happen, this isn't so bad!” 
“Looks like we won't get to pull a Mary Wollstonecraft,” Virgil said and pulled Remus' head to his chest. 
“We can do that later!” Remus beamed, “I'd rather watch you watching the stars.” 
“That might be a problem,” Virgil said with a grunt. Winary decided that it was the perfect time to flop over both of their legs. 
“Why?” Remus pouted. He looked so dejected with big sad eyes and an adorable pout. 
“I'm not gonna watch the stars, not when you're here,” Virgil admitted shyly. Why wouldn't he want to admire his boyfriend? Remus was adorable and feral, sweet and silly, and he cleaned up so well. If Virgil were bolder he would kiss every freckle on those cheeks until Remus couldn't function. 
“You’re so sweet!” Remus giggled. 
“You're the sweet one here,” Virgil huffed fondly, “You set up this whole date and you thought of almost everything that could happen. You went out of your way to make it something I would enjoy.” 
“You're enjoying this?” Remus peeped hopefully. Virgil nodded and kissed his forehead. 
“Yeah, even if there's a hellhound crushing my legs.” 
“That means I get to carry you back!” Remus beamed, “And you'll get to see me looking like some sort of bodice-ripper male lead!” 
Virgil laughed and shook his head while Remus fantasized. He was not some damsel who couldn't get around without his legs. He had some sturdy spider limbs. But it was cute watching Remus daydream. 
“How about you just lay with me here and decay?” Virgil suggested. 
“Passing on in each other’s arms, letting this cursed flesh rot away until only our pristine skeletons are left, clinging to a passion that goes beyond living?” Remus asked and looked up at him with shining eyes. 
“Yeah, unless Winifred, Sarah, and Mary decide to eat our corpses. And Bolt too, but she doesn't eat nearly as much.” 
“Mm, keep talking about decaying with me,” Remus purred and fluttered his lashes. To add to his point, he traced circles on Virgil's chest. 
Virgil took his hand and kissed it, letting Remus melt on him. 
“How about you try to asphyxiate me instead? Steal my last breath while I devour your lips,” Virgil said with a smirk. Remus was never prepared for Virgil flirting with confidence. He could never get enough. 
Virgil cupped his chin and leaned down slowly, building up some tension. His thumb brushed Remus' lower lip before he struck. Remus refused to fight it, not when Virgil leading the kiss sent sparks through his vision. 
“We should do this again sometime,” Virgil mumbled against his lips, “If it's not too boring for you.” 
“Only if we keep our pets home. I want to pull a Mary Wollstonecraft with you!” Remus giggled and nuzzled into his chest. He was going to appreciate the anxi-titties no matter what. 
“Deal,” Virgil hummed and held him close. Winary rolled on her side with a huff while Bolt crept out of hiding to cuddle between Remus and Virgil. This wasn't perfect, but it was wonderful all the same.
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thatonelesbianfander · 4 months
The Ghost and the Reaper Chapter 2
Fandom// Sanders Sides
TW// Panic Attack, Strong Emotions, Crying, Yelling, Screaming, Funeral, Nightmare, Fire, Death mention, Storms, Swearing, Weapon
Word count// 2161
Description// Janus is one of the many grim reapers whose job it is to reap the souls of the dead and help them ascend to the afterlife. After one assignment, the spirit they reaped, a 23-year-old nonbinary person named Remus, refused to ascend. Now, Janus is stuck with them following it around wherever they go.
Characters// Remus Sanders, Janus Sanders, Roman Sanders, C!Thomas Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders
Pairings// None
AUs// Found/chosen family Creativitwins & C!Thomas, human!sides, they/them Remus, it/they Janus, he/she Roman
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Janus stood alone in their kitchen, drinking their cup of coffee while staring off into the distance. Remus appeared in front of them, looking around.
”Oh, you’re back,” Janus said, putting its coffee mug on the counter.
”Yeah…” Remus said, refusing to make eye contact with Janus.
”What do you have?” Janus asked, noticing the rose in Remus’s hand.
”A fucking nuclear missle. What does it look like, dumbass?” Remus said sarcastically.
“I’m sorry about yesterday, okay?! Is that what you wanted to hear?!” Janus yelled.
”Yes,” Remus said, looking off into the distance.
”Okay, well I have afternoon duty, today. I’m off duty for the morning,” Janus said, pouring more coffee into its mug.
”Hm…” Remus thought. Janus looked over to them.
”So, what do you want to do?” Janus asked.
”Well, there isn’t really anything to do… I was just thinking I would just go fuck around in one of those abandoned places,” Remus said, “You know, a good old classic haunt.”
”What place were you thinking about?” Janus asked, intrigued.
”Well, there’s an old church near the graveyard, but the old school next to that bakery might also be good,” Remus suggested.
”Eh… Those places get boring after a while…” Janus replied.
”Alright, then. You don’t need to join. I’ll just go by myself,” Remus said.
”Alright. Be back by noon,” Janus said, waving Remus off. Remus faded out of view, reappearing in front of the old church. They walked inside, immediately jumping off the ground and hanging upside down on the chandelier. The chandelier rocked back and forth, Remus swaying with it. They fell back down on the floor, walking up the aisle of pews to the front of the church. Visions flashed in their eye as they saw a casket being rolled up the aisle. People sat in the pews, all being dressed in black. Remus looked around, seeing their father and sibling in one of the front pews. Remus stumbled back, lifting the casket lid up to see themself in it. They backed up as the people in the pews stared directly at them. The people in the pews all stood up, walking over to Remus and surrounding them. The sounds of whispers erupted from everyone as they surrounded Remus. Remus couldn’t make out any of the words but they heard one word loud and clear. One word they were terrified of.
”Anti-christ,” the figure of Roman said, pointing at Remus. Remus started to panic. They pushed through the crowd, running to the doors of the church. They banged on the doors, desperately trying to get them open as they were surrounded again. Fire started to build up as they banged on the doors. They turned around, finding their father and sibling right behind them. They clung onto their father’s clothes, falling to their knees.
”PA, HELP ME, PLEASE! I’M NOT THE ANTICHRIST! I DON’T WANT TO BE! PLEASE!” Remus pleaded with their father, their father just standing there with a vacant expression. Remus sobbed as the flames engulfed them, scared and alone.
“Oi! Remus,” Janus said. Remus startled awake, finding themself back in the graveyard. They looked over to Janus.
”Oh, hey there, Jan,” Remus said, putting the rose they had in their hands down.
”Are you good? It’s 10:03, and you were still asleep when I got here,” Janus asked.
”I was?” Remus replied.
”Yeah…?” Janus said.
”Must have overslept by accident. Anyways, what are we doing, today?” Remus asked.
”Well, I already got through a bunch of my tasks before coming here. I just have 2 more spirits to reap, and I also have to have a meeting with my manager so that should be fun…” Janus replied.
”Ugh, do we really have to meet with that guy? He’s a bastard,” Remus said.
”I know you don’t like him, but I don’t really have a choice,” Janus said.
”Then, let’s get that out of the way first. Save the better thing for last,” Remus suggested.
”Alright, then. Also… I’m sorry about last night… I wasn’t thinking and I should have worded what I was saying better…” Janus said.
”Don’t sweat it, man. It’s fine. Come on, let’s go,” Remus said, fading out of sight. Janus followed suit, the two reappearing in an office-like room. A man sat at a desk. His face was darkened with only his mouth visible. He wore an outfit reminiscent of a stereotypical grim reaper with the hooded robe and everything.
”Oh, hello, Janus! And… you…” the manager said, Remus flipping him off.
”You wanted to meet with me, sir?” Janus asked.
”Yes, yes. Sit, I’ll make you something to drink. Tea or coffee?” the manager said, standing up.
”Just black coffee, please,” Janus said, talking a seat. Remus hovered in the corner, leaning back against the wall and grabbing a notepad and pencil from a nearby table.
”So… why did you call me here?” Janus asked.
”Oh, it’s nothing serious! You’re just a little bit behind on your quota for spirits this week and I was wondering what was going on,” the manager said, handing Janus a mug of coffee.
”Shit, I’m sorry, I thought I was ahead on quota this month…” Janus replied.
”It’s fine, it’s no big deal. I’ll just need you to pick up the pace a little. Maybe even take a few nights of work,” the manager said.
”How much am I behind by?” Janus asked.
”Just 10. It’s no big deal. You could probably get it done in a night if you take the whole night,” the manager replied.
”Okay, then I’ll do that,” Janus said, standing up as it finished their coffee, “Have a good day.”
”You too,” the manager said. Janus shook the manager’s hand, turning to Remus.
”Come on, let’s go,” Janus said. Remus ripped the page they had been drawing on out of the notepad, putting the notepad back down on the table. The two faded out of view together, Janus waving goodbye to the manager.
The two reappeared in a room together, Janus walking over to the two bodies that laid together on the ground. It took out its scythe, swiping at the bodies. The two spirits rose up, stumbling back a little before regaining their balance.
”Ugh, what happened…” the one spirit asked.
”You died,” Janus said, pulling up a screen and swiping through it.
”Fuck, we did?” the other spirit asked.
”Yup…” Janus said, pulling up a profile, “Your name is Virgil Blackheart, correct?”
”Yes,” Virgil responded. Janus printed out a little slip, handing it to Virgil.
”You do have one unfinished task before you can ascend, so I would get to it as quickly as possible. And you are Logan Croftberry, correct?” Janus said.
”Yes,” Logan replied. Janus printed out another slip, handing that one to Logan.
”You also have an unfinished task, so I’ll let you get to it. If you need any help, my name is on that slip. Just call it and I’ll be on my way to assist you when I can,” Janus said, putting the screen away.
”Okay…” Virgil said.
”Any questions?” Janus asked.
”Who’s that?” Logan asked, pointing towards Remus who floated behind Janus.
”That’s no one. Just ignore them,” Janus said, pushing Remus away.
”Rude! I have feelings too!” Remus said, dramatically falling back.
”So, who are you?” Logan asked.
”Remus Sanders-Kingstone! Nice to meet you!” Remus said, holding their hand out.
”Logan Croftberry, please to make your acquaintance as well!” Logan said, shaking Remus’s hand.
”Alright, we better get going now,” Janus said, pulling Remus away, “Any important information about afterlife living including rules and stuff can be found on that slip. If you ever need me for whatever reason, call me. Good luck with your ascending,” Janus said, fading out of view while waving. The two reappeared in Janus’s apartment, Remus floating over to the couch.
”Alright, I’m going to go catch up on my quota,” Janus said, grabbing a new scythe.
”Ooo! Can I come?” Remus asked.
”No. You are going to stay here and not get in my way, so I can do my job and not be distracted,” Janus replied.
”Aww, you’re no fun,” Remus responded.
”That doesn’t matter. I need this job,” Janus said.
”Whatever,” Remus said. Janus went into his room, putting his hat away and grabbing a cloak. He put the cloak on, pulling the hood up over his head. Remus looked to Janus, confused.
”What’s with the stereotypical reaper outfit?” Remus asked.
”The night time reapers have a strict uniform to follow. I need to put this on so they know I’m working,” Janus said.
”Alright, then. You go have fun without me,” Remus said, putting a hand to his head and falling back dramatically.
”Don’t be dramatic. I’ll be back in a few hours, don’t go anywhere,” Janus said, fading out of view. Remus looked around the apartment, checking to make sure Janus was gone before fading out of view as well.
Remus reappeared in a living room, finding it empty. They walked around a little, finding someone in the kitchen. They peaked in the kitchen to find their father cleaning the dishes. Music played over a little speaker, playing Remus’s favorite song. They sat on the kitchen counter, watching as Thomas cleaned the dishes.
”I love this song,” Remus said, kicking their feet against the cabinets below. Thomas continued to wash the dishes, oblivious to the fact that someone was there. Roman entered the room, his hair wet and messy from the shower. Thomas looked over to Roman, smiling. He walked over, hugging Roman. Roman hugged back.
”Hey, buddy. Ready for movie night?” Thomas asked, putting a hand on Roman’s shoulder.
”Yeah, I guess…” Roman replied.
”Awesome! Just let me finish these last few dishes and I’ll be out,” Thomas said. Roman nodded, exiting the kitchen and going to the living room. Remus followed, sitting on an empty chair. Roman sat on the couch, turning on his phone and scrolling through photos. Thomas came out of the kitchen.
”I’ll be right back, I just need to put this towel away,” Thomas said. Roman nodded again, Thomas going upstairs and putting the towel into a laundry basket. Thomas put the laundry basket on top of the dryer, going back downstairs and sitting on the couch. He turned on the TV, going to Netflix and clicking through the movies.
”So, what do you want to watch, tonight?” Thomas asked.
”Mulan,” Roman replied. Thomas smiled, turning the movie on and putting the remote down on the table in front of him. Roman leaned his head on Thomas’s shoulder, curling up in a blanket. Thomas put his arms around Roman, holding him close as the movie played. Remus sat on the edge of their seat, enticed by the movie. Roman looked over towards the chair where Remus sat, tears coming to her eyes.
”That was their favorite chair for movie night…” Roman said. Thomas frowned, looking over to Roman. He wiped the tears from Roman’s eyes.
”Buddy…” Thomas said, “You know it’s not your fault.”
”It is though… If I hadn’t said all that horrible stuff to them…” Roman said, starting to cry. Thomas pulled Roman closer, comforting him as she cried. Remus perked up, looking over to the other two. Remus frowned, getting up and walking over to the two. Remus reached their hand out to Roman, about to touch her before remembering what Janus had said yesterday. They pulled their hand back sadly, walking back over to their chair and sitting back down. They watched the movie as Thomas and Roman sat on the couch together. Halfway through the movie, the lights in the house started to flicker as a storm started up. Thomas stood up, locking the door and closing the windows as Roman sat on the couch.
”Welp… So much for a calm night,” Thomas said, coming back to the couch. He grabbed a blanket that was on the arm of the couch, bundling up in the blanket and sitting back down next to Roman. He pulled Roman closer to him, Roman’s eyes darting around anxiously.
”I hate when it storms,” Roman said.
”I know, buddy. I know. It’s okay,” Thomas said. Roman leaned in closer to Thomas, closing his eyes as Thomas held him. Remus got up from their chair, looking at the two. They smiled softly.
”I love you two…” Remus said, to no reply. They faded from view as Roman and Thomas fell asleep on the couch. Remus reappeared in the apartment, laying down on the couch and falling asleep as well.
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dalia1784-art · 11 months
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Gave Virgil a civilian design, the world’s richest and most well respected mortician might be the grim reaper carrying out his work in secrecy. Taking calls only from Hades.
Yes whatever you think is going on with Virgil and Hades is happening.
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Dancing with Death
Chapter 1~ laughter
Virgil has been the God of Death since the dawn of time. He had earned many titles from the mortals, though his favourite was 'The Grim Reaper'. Once in the afterlife, most know him as King Virgil
Patton, as the recently deceased, gets led into the afterlife by a cloaked, masked figure. He wants to know more about them
When Patton died, it was a bit of a shock. He was a young adult, he was pretty normal, and then suddenly... all of that was gone. Some of the people he had known in life may have been upset
Patton wouldn’t know. He was escorted to the afterlife pretty much immediately. He hadn’t slept in about a week, which Patton realised was probably the cause of his death. 
Could you blame him, though? His friends needed help! They needed comfort and advice for matters that were more pressing than any of his, and he may have not slept as much as he could’ve, but he couldn’t stop helping them. He only stopped for a small nap before waking up untethered from his body
He looked at the person guiding him. They were tall (maybe seven foot), with a dark purple cloak, almost black in colour. They had grey skin, and sunken cheeks, but he could barely see that due to the skeletal mask they wore.
It had cracks in the design, and was a muted gold colour. The person didn’t speak, not when Patton asked where they were going. They didn’t even seem to react. Patton tried to make light of the situation, and looked at the skeletal figure with a small smile
“With how tired I was, I guess you could say I was... dead on my feet” He watched their reaction carefully, noting how the corners of their lips quirked up into an amused smile before falling into the same emotionless face again.
They walked into the afterlife and Patton watched as they grew and grew into an ethereal giant, and Patton joined crowds of other souls. 
The afterlife was vast, infinite even, but he could get wherever he wanted to go if he walked for a while. It would come to him.
The afterlife was an always shifting, always changing paradise, but what never changed was that in the middle of it all was a giant castle made of dark bricks. It was like something you’d see in a Halloween movie, Patton thought.
He had asked who lived there (lived being a relative term), and an older soul explained that was where the god of the dead resided.
King Virgil, apparently. He was the one who guided the souls, according to the person he was talking to. Patton thought about his journey to the afterlife; it was quick, but Patton would never forget it. 
According to everyone else, the king never spoke, and almost never left his castle, except to collect the recently deceased. Most people seemed scared of him, which Patton could understand. When they were in the afterlife, he was over 90 feet tall, and with the not-talking thing, and spooky castle, and death theme, he seemed rather intimidating.
Patton thought about the smile he had seen on the kings face when he had made a joke. Was the king really that scary?
He spent a year or two after that simply exploring. Time worked different in the afterlife; he didn’t know how he knew that but he did. A year there could be a minute to the outside world
The afterlife was large, and he found himself connecting with a few old friends, and he found himself staring at the king every time he left the castle. Patton found out that his majesty wasn’t supposed to be guiding the souls himself
He was supposed to have an apprentice like the other gods. Patton never even knew there were other gods. Virgil was only supposed to be ruling over the dead while the apprentice/apprentices collected the souls
No one had decided to become apprentice to the Death God, even when the Gods were worshipped widely. Apparently, it was seen as bad luck to devote your life to death, even if you couldn’t actually start working until you died. It was said to be like a curse upon those closest to the apprentice, to always die soon after choosing. 
Patton doubted that. He had never believed much in superstition, not since it made people hate little black cats. He applied.
That’s not to say he wasn’t nervous, he definitely was, but the god was probably lonely, no one to teach and no one in that truly ginormous castle with him
He had spoken with a few people who had applied and almost immediately quit because the whole thing was too off-putting for them, and King Virgil still never took the mask off and was ‘staring at them with the empty black eyes of the mask’
Patton didn’t mind if he kept the mask on or off. The people who had been in the afterlife for over a thousand earth years didn’t seem to be as scared, but as soon as the god got anywhere near any ‘villages’, they would avoid.
Some claimed that they had once heard his voice, and never wanted to hear it again, that it sounded like a thousand damned souls calling out to them to join them, that it hurt if you thought about it too much
Patton was sceptical of that, but he recognised that they were scared nonetheless and didn’t push it.
He knew immediately when his application was accepted, as he felt something connecting him to the castle, to the king himself. He shivered, but he didn’t back down. A letter came through his door a few minutes later, on black paper with golden ink.
It was detailing what exactly the apprenticeship would entail, a few months of training, shadowing the reaper as he collected souls, and eventually doing the collecting on his own.
The letter also stated that he was free to back out at any time. He was to start the next morning
He walked up to the castle doors, noting that he was barely the size of a single brick. At exactly the time he was scheduled to start, the large wooden doors opened and the king was stood there at his giant, towering height. Patton was led inside, and Virgil still didn’t speak to him or take his mask off
Patton worked through training for the next few months, which seemed to surprise Virgil. The training was partly how to open the veil between the living realm and the realm of the dead, partly how to make the souls follow you, partly how to wield time magic to make sure you manage to collect each soul on time. Patton had even got a matching cloak to Virgil’s! Though his was blue, not purple
Virgil still never spoke. Patton got his instructions from slips of paper and gestures the king made. Though, he did laugh at one of Patton’s jokes, which was most certainly a win.
It was time to learn how to collect the souls. He followed Virgil through a curtained door
Virgil hadn’t expected his new apprentice to stick around long enough to actually learn something. None of the others had.
He didn’t mean to scare people, but it was so hard not to. They were scared when he was silent, they were scared when he spoke, they were scared of the mask, they were scared when he took the mask off. He just couldn’t win with them
Patton didn’t seem to mind very much. Patton seemed the most promising of everyone. He could remember collecting Patton’s soul. He had caught him off guard with a joke of all things
Virgil usually never reacted to the recently deceased’s jokes, especially never when it was about their deaths, but this one came right out of the blue and surprised him, and he had smiled. 
Patton was a cheerful dude, a little too eager to be helpful if the way he died was any indication. Virgil may have to take the mortal to a therapist if Patton kept putting himself last. Virgil wasn't the best model of mental health but even he knew that wasn't healthy
Virgil taught Patton how to separate the veil, and Patton followed him with an eagerness to learn, to help guide people
It was refreshing from the usual fearful apprehension he was met with. Mortals always wanted to try to escape death, the very thing Virgil represented. They hated the idea of death, the idea of Virgil
And, Virgil would be lying if he said that didn’t make him at least a little bit upset. Patton hadn’t tried to run, or evade. He hadn’t tried to seek out death either, and Virgil admitted that was a good course to take.
As much as Virgil valued his domain, he knew that it was better for mortals to live out their full, short lives as they were supposed to before joining him.
Patton almost always had a smile on his face, and he just kept making jokes. Virgil actually laughed at one of them, instead of just smiling. He guided the apprentice towards the living realm for collection training.
When they went through the curtain, they evened out to roughly the same height, though Virgil was still taller by quite a bit. 
The first victim was a middle aged woman who had unfortunately gotten into a car crash. Her body was still in the driver’s seat. She was crying. 
Virgil looked at Patton, who was starting to move forward to comfort her. Virgil didn’t hear what was being said, but she soon let them lead her to the after life.
There were many souls to collect, and Patton didn’t drop his cheerful, friendly demeaner at all. Except when they got into Virgil’s castle again and he looked up at Virgil, looking sad. Virgil could almost hear the tears that he could tell were being held in
“How? How do you manage it? Having to guide everyone, when they’re so upset about something that can’t be fixed?” 
Virgil sighed sadly, conjuring another note
‘it is hard,’ was what was written ‘but it must be done’
Patton nodded up at him, and Virgil let a small smile down.
Taglist: @a-chilly-pepper​
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lbodraws · 8 months
2 AM Side Order headcanons
Prison of the mind concept (we're in Marina's mind, kinda like in Xenosaga encephalon dive or Ghost in the Shell)
Marina isn't the villain; she's preventing the REAL villain from escaping the simulated reality. but by doing so, she's endangering everyone else and creating rifts that are sucking people into the simulation.
The coral used to be people (or avatars?). every time you get a game over, there's more coral in the plaza.
The theme is about death and grief, and how to move on from it to move into the future (bleached coral and skeleton fish inspired, since they both need each other to survive but are stuck in this limbo where they can't move on) ((also with this narrative, Dedf1sh could play the role of the Grim Reaper, or Virgil guiding Dante through Inferno))
personally i like the last one, since it ties in nicely with Eight's appreciation for poetry. none of this likely makes sense but thank you for persevering if you read this far
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rodolfoparras · 1 month
I have like 50+ random drabbles in my notes and I just pretend they don't exist every time I open the app😭 and omg mitski🙏🙏🙏 Brand New City, I Bet On Losing Dogs and Abbey are the three songs I've had on loop when working on Virgil👀 my tragic dramatic boy
Quinn says the most terrifying shit ever and then gives the cutest, most innocent smile like they didn't just give someone nightmare fuel😭 they're so silly though and they're obsessed with Grell, like she's the coolest person ever to them (after Ace, they think their brother is just wow) and they really want a chainsaw like Grell (Ace says no for obvious reasons)
Quinn also isn't fully a grim reaper considering grim reapers have to yk off themselves to be a grim reaper, but they're not fully human. They have the shitty eyesight reapers have but they refuse to get glasses. Ace did buy them a few pairs, they mysteriously disappeared ( Quinn sold them😭)
!! I got the name Talia from Ride the Cyclone!! It's a musical, there's a song called Talia and it's so pretty !!! And the name has been stuck in my head it's so nice to say
and thank you !!! I will definitely do a light shade of brown for Talia's hair :3
I absolutely love I bet on losing dogs and abbey!!!! But I also love real men and first love/ late spring 🥹 tbh I listen to chunkload of mitski I checked Spotify and was surprised how many of her songs I listen to😭
Idk why but when you speak of quinn I think of the characters billy and Mandy and just that image of them makes me absolutely love quinn!
Not Quinn selling their glasses 😭 but also what a smart kid?? Like I’m imaging someone asking them for like $1 and they pull out a whole stack and someone’s like how do you have that and they’re just like tihi😭
Also im listening to the song rn and I absolutely love it!!!! My minds here grumbling about the persons accent ITS SLAVIC HES SLAVIC OH MY GOD!!! I thought I was being insane bc I was like this is… a Slavic person no?? OH MY GOD!! I LOVE IT!!
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Virgil who is a Reaper, who doesn't kill people but comforts them into death and helps them cross to the other side of whatever their belief system has placed them as. He doesn't judge.
He was awkward at first, uncomfortable and sarcastic, especially as a teenager who died in the mid 1500s. But over time, he's taught himself the beside manner needed for things like this. He's helped everyone cross: the old, the young, the sick, the healthy, the insane, the sane. Everyone over centuries.
But nobody sticks with him quite like Remus.
Remus' afterlife belief is "I'll hang out with the grim reaper" and he means it. It's not a joke like everyone else. Virgil had nowhere to take him.
Cue them wandering around, Virgil reaping and then "Remus oh my god you can't say that to them they just died" and Remus learning and eventually becoming a Reaper himself.
Being a reaper and having to be kind doesn't change anything about them. They're still snarky and inappropriate, but they measure how snarky and inappropriate they have to be. They fall in love in the afterlife and despite it being rather lonely sometimes, not really being able to long-term communicate with people, they have each other.
(Virgil doesn't know why he's a Reaper. Yes, he reaped his family. He reaped Remus'. Very sad for everyone all around.)
(Virgil isn't the only Reaper, he's one of many. But they're kinda prissy assholes and he doesn't like them very much.)
— 👑
That sounds S O fucking cool holy shit!!! L O V E that Ree's belief is just chilling with the Grim Reaper and Vee's just like "Alright might as well take him in cause he has nowhere else to go" XD Also I fucking L O V E the mystery of Vee not knowing why he's a Reaper and how much of a close bond the beloveds have <3
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nickngreg · 1 year
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CSI: S14Ep01 - The Devil and D.B. Russell Nick: Who’s the mannequin supposed to be, the Grim Reaper or something? Greg: Phlegyas; the boatman. In Dante’s Inferno Virgil escorts Dante down to the nine circles of hell, and Phlegyas here is the one who gets them across the river Styx; the River of Death.
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