guys?!? im at the grocrey store. keep in mind that i almost never go out. but im at the store rn and. as soon as i entered, this guy walked past me. and as he did this, he looked me dead in the eyes, n in the loudest booming voice, he exclaimed "God Bless You Maam! There IS A God, You Know!" then he laughed like the joker, almost an inhuman laugh, as he kept walking.!,,.?. im stunned..it happened so immediately im disoriented i just stumbled aroun the store for a moment tryin to collect my tjoughts..WHY DID HE DO THAT?? he looked like such a normal guy?? why did he say that to me when ther wer so many other ppl around us ?? guys did they open the portal
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burningcrab · 1 year
y do i always get cravings at random ass times. like ok its leven thirty and im watching car crash videos on youtube like i do. and then im blasted with the need to get raisins and eat like a whole bag of raisings. like what the hall. i caant even go buy them…….. grocrey store closed
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The Little Matchgirl
writing prompt: discribe the cold
As I walk down the alleyway, I am practically freezing to death. The softly falling snowflakes pierce through my thin jacket. I keep pushing, if i can just make it through… The dirty snow on the ground wets my boots, and sloshes around with each step. Goosebumps run across my arms and back, making me shiver, although I cannot be sure it's from the cold. I break into a run, trying to race the cold. if I can leave it behind, maybe, just maybe I shall be warm. Up ahead I see a light! I feel warmth! People and love! I step closer, my face warming, the smell of a Holiday feast gently touching my nose. As I am about to reach the door… it all fades away. nothing my mind playing tricks on me. The building is bare, no people are inside. I go in anyway, as it could be warmer in there. I fall through the doorway, using the last of my strength too crawl to the corner and curl up, conserving my body heat. Something pokes my side. No, could it be? An unlit match! I pick it up slowly, not believing my luck. I strike it against the wall. A flame, small but beautiful, emerges from the tip. Oh! It feels wonderful! Like a hug! Like a warm drink of cocoa! Splendid! Then, all too soon, it dies. the poor flames lifespan is over, leaving me in the cold once more. Franticly, I begin searching the floor of the old building. I scramble around, there must be anouther, there must! Alas! i've found one! Immediately, I light it. Oh how wonderful! Look! A beautiful woman emerges from the shadows. she takes my hand, and i drop the match. she brings me to a feast! A place full of warmth! Joy, love happiness! These people are my friends! A balding man with a scarf, a woman carrying many grocrey bags, and… Oh! My baby brother! I thought I had lost you! We shall dance and party the night away. My take on the Little Matchgirl
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tboy-boone · 8 months
just watched the kate grocrey store scene. think i saw the lorde
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taigasims · 2 years
Thankfully Hollie gets healthy before 8am, which means she can go to work in her grocrey store as per usual!
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lady-raziel · 3 years
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lettuce-godess · 4 years
Please stop pronouncing the color cyan as Cayenne as in cayenne pepper
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starr-eaterr · 3 years
the worst part about my avid instincts to steal is that i mainly shop at small locally owned buissnesses and i cant bring myself to steal from them.
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
I feel like if they had, the word would have gotten out. These days everyone has a phone and a twitter account.
Thats why i semi-believe the different house rumors, they haven't been pictured anywhere in moncheeto at all. That christmas photograph was so clearly staged to prove they "still" lived there. I think they haven't lived at the house they've publicly claimed to live in for some time now. Not since it was published that you could walk down their street and she hated that they didn't have privacy.
It's one thing for privacy surrounding your children but there's legit been no photos of any of them unless she paid for paps. Not one of her at a coffee shop or doing yoga or grocrey shopping. She hasn't even paid someone to leak a shitting photo of them somewhere. that would at least drum up the fact that they are recognizable and photos are taken of them. its been radio silence and its strange.
They can't afford private security so they never leave the house.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
trying really hard to articulte in words how no matter how similar Hunter may be to c!Tommy he will never be able to serve as a c!Tommy 2.0: No Victim Blame Edition because my attactment to c!Tommy stems in large part from the specfic way in which his manifests both his “ugly” trauma responses as well as his softer, gentler attributes.
It’s like........the trope of “spunky teen is a secret sweetheart who goes through immense trauma/abuse” is cast from some kinda projector as light against a screen. Hunter & Chommy are lenses for the light that have a similar design/shape, but c!Tommy’s has a warmer, more familiar vibe to how its colored, why Hunter feels very cold and artifical due in large part to the media in which his story resides(a TV show that you watch plots play out on passively, as opposed to a twitch web series, which for some reason has always felt more intimate as a viewer in ways I can’t quite describe but that make sense to me).
And yknow maybe the owl house fandom won’t victim blame him. and maybe i should just ditch DSMP entirely so I don’t have to deal with that shit, or the invevitable ending where chommy is left to rot away forever with no one to ever truly love him without it coming with a grocrey list of expecations for how he’s expected to be in return for basic love/human decency.
But....I want chommy’s ending to be happy in canon.
I don’t wanna depend on an entirely different story for the comfort I show get for his story within the bounds of his story. I want him to be happy. I don’t wanna have to think “oh, at least THIS blorbo is happy”. That feels fake and icky and mean to chommy as a character :( I don’t wanna be mean to chommy
idk. just rambling thoughts. this isn’t hate to toh or hunter or people who see him as a c!Tommy stand-in. I’m just very specific with my blorbos and can’t just undo over a year’s worth of attachment for a whole other character. I’m weird
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sleepy-purin-kun · 3 years
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。:°ஐ happy happy friday friends! 。:°ஐ
congrashu lashons!! you have made it through the week! Me and Muffin are going grocrey shopping for a saturday celebration with all of our friends! Soon we will say by to August and hello to September~
♥ Are you excited? ♥
- your pudding son, Purin ૮ฅ^ ﻌ ^აฅ
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twulo · 5 years
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How can you not know?
How could I not miss you?
I wish we brushed our teeth together, I wish we got ready together, I wish we ate breakfast together, I wish we washed the dishes together, I wish we went grocrey shopping together, I wish we lay on the couch and watched tv together, I wish...
From @laallomri’s fic Just Come To Me Once on ao3 - completely stole my gd heart, had me squealing into my pillow, the whole shebang
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Broke art student D&D character/ OC portrait commissions!
Commisions are open to help pay for rent and grocreies this semester. They’ll stay open until I get bogged down with homework.
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saioumachild · 4 years
If Korekiyo can wear a mask throughout an entire killing game, you can wear a mask to the grocrey store. 😽
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thefleshmustgrow · 4 years
i know there only doing their jobs but i rly FUCKIGN wish the airmiles bmo ppl would stop aproching me at the grocrey store it makes me wana fucking avoid going as long as i can i hate it
i dont know how to respond!!! i dont!! ive tried so many diffrent things to say no and try to get them to go away but it never works and uigh!!!!!!!!
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brattyantichrist · 6 years
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Inspired by @rico_j_c_photo & @louderwithcrowder I've taken own self portrait. Not a reflection but a Political statement on an obscure issue that I'm highly passionate about... #Politicalincorrection #trashbags #photography #selfportrait #protest #antiliberal #grocrey #groceryshopping #groceystore #food #Convenience #Capitalism #waste #wastemangement #trash
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