#grooming experience
techdriveplay · 3 months
Sydney’s premier Face of Man marks a new era of luxury grooming with its flagship city location
Sydney’s premier men’s grooming lounge, Face of Man recently made its debut in its reimagined location on York Street and has now expanded its services with a dedicated Face of Grooming barbershop. The high-end grooming spot continues to innovate and challenge the norms of the modern man’s grooming routine, now featuring treatments and products from the luxurious British skincare brand,…
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afterthelambs · 1 month
I'm not sure if I believe the "Wakaba Isshiki did unethical experiments" theory in the fandom, but I do think this is the biggest proof of it in-game:
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Because how the hell would she know that?
The first explanation is that she did experiments by sending people into palaces and then testing what happens to them if the palace collapses. Which is messed up for obvious reasons.
The second explanation is that she did NOT test it, meaning she was just making shit up. Which is funny but also would make her a terrible scientist. This explanation is less believable because everything else about her research is too accurate.
There's also a theory that Wakaba did unethical experiments on Akechi specifically. I'm not sure I believe that, since the evidence for it is pretty shallow (like the featherman game scientist experimenting on grey pigeon). But this scene is once again the biggest argument you could make for that theory. The researcher in the image above refers to palaces by their correct term 'palaces', which they say was based on Wakaba's research. But that's only something you would know with firsthand experience of the metaverse. And the only person they know who could access the metaverse was Akechi (that we know of, but i dont think Shido would rely only on Akechi if there were other options).
So yeah this scene is very sus. It's most likely the writers didn't think too deep about the implications. There's no way they wanted Futaba's mom to be sketchy, right? But even if it's not intentional, the scenes and their implications still exist. So in conclusion those theories make sense, I get it, and I don't blame anyone for headcanoning them and having fun. And tbh anyone involved with cognitive psience was portrayed as some degree of unethical (maruki for example), maybe this is just on-brand
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I don’t know if there’s anything as explicitly horny In Arknights as Pudding’s operator record tbh
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nyctocollective · 6 months
friendly reminder that plurality is caused by trauma. trauma is defined as an event that has a severe negative impact on oneself. there are going to be dark parts of plurality that no one wants to talk about. the brain created you to cope with what it went through. it's okay to have parts (or wholes) that have “twisted” desires, attractions, innerworld or external relationships, sexual or emotional needs, etc. other people might call you disgusting, evil, immoral, but it's just part of being traumatized. it's going to be unpleasant or unsightly.
read the tags.
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sincerleyren · 2 months
I want to give Richard Gadd a big hug.
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queenvhagar · 19 days
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Girl I just KNOW Daemon is bad in bed. He only gets it up for family members and little girls and has to groom Rhaenyra her whole life to get with her and then what!
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Does this read as satisfied to you??
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werewolf-cuddles · 4 months
Boy, this Willy's Chocolate Experience fiasco has sure been amusing to look at, hasn't it? This trainwreck has given us nothing but pure wholesome fu-
>Paul Connell, the most well known of the "Willy McDuff" actors, got outed for dating a 16 year old student while he was a 22 year old drama teacher
Oh for fucks sake
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noahmullariii · 3 months
the most average-looking utterly pathetic man and some fucking extraterrestrial personality trapped in a majestic human body
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topnotchquark · 3 months
hi! I'd love to read more about your boarding school AU! only if you have something in mind of course.
safe travel! <3
Love you anon, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hadn't written anything for a while, but here's a fic I just wrote in my notes app for you. It's Bezz/cele mostly. Kiss kiss hope you enjoy even though it's whatever! 💗💗
Pecco shows up a little late at dinnertime and delivers the news as he pulls a chair next to Franky.
"Apparently it's picture day tomorrow for the team, around 11." Pecco announces as he pours himself a glass of water.
"Why are they rushing it?" Bezz asks from where he's sitting next to Cele.
"They want to get it done before the principal travels for his guest lectures and we leave for the regionals" Luca responds on Pecco's behalf who nods in his direction.
"What are we expected to wear?" Franky inquires.
"The whole shebang. Suit and tie and winter trousers." Pecco's response immediately makes Franky and Bezz groan in protest.
"I don't even have a pressed shirt." Luca remarks.
"You can borrow one of mine." Pecco tells him.
After dinner Bezz accompanies Cele to the infirmary to get his bandages changed. Cele had cut his palm open in a lab mishap. The nurses had stitched it up fine, but recovery was chugging along. Bezz has been helping him since then, always coming to see him after classes, and sitting next to him during meals to ensure he ate.
On the walk back to the residences, Cele quickly makes a mental checklist of whether he has his full uniform ready for tomorrow.
"Why are you so quiet?" Bezz asks him as they cut through the lawns in the dark.
"Thinking about where my clothes are."
"I'll help you find them."
"No that's fine Marco. I'm just worried about washing my hair."
"Because of your hand?" Bezz asks.
"Yes. Bathing is already difficult"
"I could.... I could help." Bezz speaks after a moment, an edge to his voice.
"Okay, thank you." Cele nods in response to Bezz's offer.
Bezz and Cele are the only two people in the the dorm bathrooms at this hour. The halogen lights makes a buzzing noise as they stand there confused.
"Right, umm, how do we do this." Bezz asks to no one in particular.
"The sinks seem fine. I'll bend over." Cele responds, not quite sure of himself.
"Alright yeah. Wait." Bezz says as he wraps a small plastic bag around Cele's bandaged hand to keep it dry.
Cele lets Bezz securely tie the bag around his wrist and bends himself so his neck and face hand into the sink.
Bezz accidentally turns the tap on full speed, soaking the collar and back of Cele's t shirt.
"Fuck shit" he remarks as he quickly shuts off the water.
"Cele I think it would be better if you took your t shirt off." Bezz tells him.
Cele stands up straight and struggles to get his wet tshirt off with one hand. Bezz immediately closes the gap between them and grabs the bottom of his tshirt and gently tugs it upwards. He looks at the broad expanse of his pale body, the veins under his skin looking blue under the harsh lights. Bezz gulps as he frees Cele's head from the collar of the fabric, taking extra care to gently loop it out of his injured hand. Cele's familiar body looked alien to him at this odd hour in these odd circumstances.
Cele bends over once again and sticks his neck into the sink. Bezz manoeuvres the tap better this time. Cele feels warm water on the nape of his neck. It flows down his scalp in little rivulets that makes him feel like he's getting goosebumps. Bezz gently eases his fingers into his hair. The dull ends of his fingers on the skin behind his ears. Cele can't describe the feeling. It feels pleasantly relaxing, but also like being on a rollercoaster when it's dropping down. Bezz squeezes some shampoo into his hair and quickly massages it into a lather. Bezz's fingers snag on his tangled curls as he cleans him. The pinching, sharp sensation on his scalp feels like it's running down Cele's shoulder and making his stomach feel like it's in freefall. Bezz rinses him and takes the care to clean the foam around his ears. Afterwards, he uses a towel to gently dry him off and drops him off to his dorms.
Cele runs to the lawns to make it in time for the picture. Pecco and Luca are there, waiting for another group to get done before they assemble. Luca looks at Cele and tells him to fix his collar, Pecco smiles and reaches over to fix it for him. When they finally line up, Bezz comes over to stand next to Cele, and ruffles his curls before the picture is taken.
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volfoss · 29 days
i think honestly what irritates me about yoshidas work SO much is that people will tell you that banana fish is THE gay manga (ignoring the many things that came before it and were more groundbreaking, ie MW literally having on screen (or like. on panel but still.) gay sex in it and that came out like a decade before BF did) when there really isn't barely any gay rep outside of the pedophiles and the one time ash drops the f slur. like im sorry but somehow yasha, a work she wrote in 1996, has more gay rep in it but also has the same issues.
i truly do not get how people can enjoy banana fish with the rampant racism every 2 pages or the rampant sexual assault plotlines (on women and ash bc he is just... written like how yoshida writes women lmao) that are handled IMPOSSIBLY bad and sincerely i hoped yasha would be better because it had been like a decade or so between works. and then it proceeds to continue with the heres our blonde genius protagonist who everyone is weird as fuck to and will sexually harrass and everyone finds it a VERY funny joke to point out how feminine he is when theres barely any women in the work (if you exclude the ones that are being raped/killed/creepy to minors. which to be fair yasha has toned down the sa a LOT) and that its funny that hes kind of gay except not really!! and its just absurd to me how it just persists in all of her stuff because she is not an author that handles gay stuff well. like the scene in banana fish where ash is completely ok getting gang raped and did it solely to get into the hospital when its been SHOWN that he has a lot of trauma with that. and then right after his friend makes a joke at ash's expense about that. like sincerely and genuinely is this what we are hyping up as the old retro gay manga. go read some tezuka and stop reading shit that the most the main characters do is share a kiss in a nonromantic sense and is obsessed w making every gay person be evil!!
#twist rambles#sorry mw u will always be famous to me (horrible fucking manga to experience for like 50% of the time but also it rocksss and theres#about anything tw worthy in there but i wish more ppl did read it)#sorry im like. i like to read her stuff bc her art is interesting to me but oh my god it makes me so angryyyy#rape mention#ask to tag#like... you do not understand my one sided rivalry w her it is SO intense like... bf was one of the worst reading experiences ive ever had#my tzk gay recs are: black jack (protag literally has a transmasc ex bf) and mw (for aforementioned reasons but its like. genuinely bonkers#and honestly there r a lot of minor characters that r lgbt in his works and like. can we please read smth that doesnt suck 100% of the time#like idk god bf is so baffling to me bc theres NOTHING there other than like. the new horrors every chapter. and yasha seems to be reusing#some plot points so it double sucks. haunted by the one analysis showing how the two had similar themes and point 1 was literally child#exploitation like... man. god it sucks. like not that mw is perfect bc its not and its a media i have a lot of thoughts on but man. id take#that over bf anyday bc like... sincerely how is anyone looking past the horrors there!! the story is a jumbled mess and it rly doesnt have#much to sayyyy but whatever lol!! id love if the characters were in a better media id love if ash didnt end the story feeling positively#towards the man who groomed him but whateverrrr lol#this is super disorganized as a post but like. genuinely it is so infuriating bc some of the plot concepts in yasha have potential and then#she keeps doing this like!!
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slutcoded-mandogirl · 4 months
dear people who hate emerie but love crosshair - how's your internalized misogyny?
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queeraliensposts · 1 month
Illymation: Don't be a dick to fat people.
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ayotamacorner · 8 months
damn thinking about the fact that mystra knew gale from the time he was an apprentice/kid to adulthood. and like. went from his teacher to his lover, like, he had no chance to ever really explore anything beyond her and magic. not to say that his interest in the weave and stuff isn't genuine but like. she's literally the source of the thing he is the most passionate about, the thing he views his entire value as a person off of. like. woooah. he spent whole life dedicated to a goddess who doesn't see him as more than a second of entertainment in her immortality. and if he hadn't been cast out by her for the whole orb business, he probably would've given her the rest of it, too. hell, if he didn't meet tav and everyone else he probably would've spent the rest of it trying to gain back her favor anyway!! like. augh. this guy,,,,,
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
there’s something about the events leading up to billy being flayed that i can’t stop thinking about
like you’ve got this 17 year old who gets sent out to look for his little sister and he winds up at a much older woman’s house where he essentially has to flirt with her to get the information he needs and she reciprocates, all while knowing he’s underage
then the whole situation at the byers happens and no one sees it the way billy does, no one except for him seems to realise that it’s fucking weird for steve to be in the middle of nowhere with a group of kids while lying about it, no one believes billy and he still comes out worse in the end with him being even more isolated than he already was
and then you move onto season 3 and you have the first episode where a newly 18 year old billy is introduced by being sexualised and objectified by a group of women way older than him, karen included, and it’s made obvious that they had to have learnt his work schedule by the way they talk and that they do this often which.. yeah
then billy goes up to karen and she reciprocates his flirting once again and agrees to meet up with him later with the full intention of having sex with him out at some motel somewhere, despite knowing his age
and it’s so wild to me that all of this predatory behaviour is what actually lead to billy crashing his car - he was literally on his way to see karen when it happened, that’s the only reason he was ever there - and that all of this grooming is essentially what lead to billy being attacked in such a brutal way that is so reminiscent of sa
then there’s the scene after he gets dragged to the basement where he manages to call 911 and he doesn’t answer when asked what his emergency is because he doesn’t know what to say/doesn’t think he’ll even be believed which is all too common among victims
and then you circle back to the night at the byers, the night where billy’s seen as irrational for thinking anything’s off, where he ends up being the person ‘in the wrong’ and where all of that happened right after karen started being predatory towards him and the first time he was (unknowingly) in a situation relating to the upside down
i have a lot of thoughts
something about the chain of events leading up to billy being flayed, about how everything is so interconnected and how that works when you’re looking at it in this specific way
something about grooming, something about victims not being believed, something about billy in particular never being believed and people blaming things on how he acts rather than seeing that the way he acts is a direct result of things that have happened to him
something about how he’s immediately isolated after the fight at the byers, something about how isolated he is after he’s attacked, the way his demeanour changes when he leaves karen’s house, how his behaviour seems to change after the byers, and how his behaviour changes completely once he’s attacked
how all of it fits this allegory, right from the start
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ghosts-cyphera · 9 months
Hospital anon again:
The thing with one doctor in my unit was just that he exactly knew what to say to make me flustered. Like when I had (visibly) a bad day he and his colleagues talked about something when I just started my late shift and he’d say something along the lines of “the shift won’t be that bad when (my name) is here” and I knew he kinda had an eye for me but I also thought that maybe it was all in my head until even my colleagues brought it up. So he kinda made me feel like I was the centre of the world which is kinda cool when you’re 18 and he literally once looked me in the eyes one late shift and said how he also wanted to become a gynaecologist at one point (literally no context given). In retrospect that was a bit fucked up but when you’re young that makes you feel special (and it was kinda hot tbh)
oh my fucking god these men are unhinged and it’s making me feel all the feels
like yes, flirting with eighteen year olds when you’re their superior is not really cool, but I resonate so, so much with it making you feel special and that’s a damn good feeling hahaha
he reminds me of a history teacher I had in high school who—for whatever reason unbeknownst to mankind—decided that I’d be the perfect person for him to… focus on and tease? one day I came to class late and (gosh) I was still standing at my desk, getting my books from my bag when he goes ‘hey I already checked everyone’s homework. did you do yours?’ and I sorta just cringed and told him that I may have forgotten.
and this man—
this man in his forties looked at my eighteen year old self and went: ‘alora you’re such a bad girl.’
I never recovered from the way that my brain immediately fell in love with him, and never managed to get my friends to stop teasing me about it lmao.
he never stopped, by the way. he repeatedly kept selecting me to talk to from forty kids, and was always coming to me to joke around with. I fucking lived for it and definitely entertained him back, but looking back at it now that I’m 25 I’m—more than just a little bit shook about the whole thing lmao
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thoodleoo · 2 years
nothing will put the fear of god into your heart faster than 1200 pounds of angry horse charging at you with pinned ears. the greeks were right about these bastards prophesying achilles' own death to him
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