#so y’all feel free to share your experiences lol
beautyofaphrodite · 8 days
Happy Friday!
As Friday is a day to honor Lady Aphrodite, every week I like to create a post similar to this, where I talk about a certain topic and have questions for you to share or think about. Last week’s post can be found here. As always, this may not apply to everyone.
Today’s Topic: Aphrodite and Being Queer
Tumblr is known for being a very queer app, so I wouldn’t be surprised if many who see this are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I’m going to refer to us a “queer” instead of the acronym because it’s long lol.
Lately, as there has been more acceptance and representation for queer people, more and more have been realizing they’re queer. We have always been here, but we are more and more seen and loved than we have been in the past.
Lady Aphrodite has always been a queer goddess. She is a goddess of love, and that means all love, whether that means love between a man and a woman, to two people of the same gender, to more than two in a relationship, to queerplatonic love, or any way that love can be experienced. In addition, She can be seen as trans or intersex with Her form of Aphroditos, someone with a “feminine” shape and “male genitals”.
Many, including me, see Her with more modern labels of queerness. In communication with Her, She has shown Herself to be transfeminine, pansexual, and polyamorous (completely UPG, not a belief everyone will share and She may use different labels or none at all if you ask Her).
Because of Her domains and how She is perceived, many of Aphrodite’s beloved followers and worshippers tend to be queer. Not all of them, of course, but many. For an example that is not modern, take Sappho, the poet where the term sapphic comes from. She often mentioned Lady Aphrodite in her poetry.
In my experience and the experiences from others that I’ve heard about, Lady Aphrodite helps a lot with identity and who we are. I know She’s helped people with internalized queerphobia, navigating relationships whether queer or not, embracing gender identity and expression, and much more.
I love our queer Goddess so much 🫶 I chose this topic in particular for this week as I’ve been struggling with being perceived as female lately. Usually I don’t care how people see me, I know nobody will use my pronouns irl so I just don’t care but I’ve been dressing feminine because I like it and have been getting more feminine comments and I knew that would happen and that that’s what happens when I present femininely but it sucks :/ (sorry for the little vent y’all)
Today’s Question
Does Lady Aphrodite appear queer to you in some way? If you are queer, has She helped you with that somehow?
Be a good ally to others in the community or just the community in general. This includes those you don’t understand or think are “weird”. Ally is a verb, not an adjective.
Thank you all for reading this and happy Friday! As always, please think a little bit about the questions and feel free to share your answers if you choose! I will share my answers in a reblog as always.
To anyone who sees this, may you notice love and beauty all around you.
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oldhalloweentape · 4 months
🪨Venture (OW II) x (gn) reader ⛏️
(Two different sides Edition!)
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(Picture’s not mine!)
(Request here! Hey!!! Thanks for waiting guys, I really appreciate you all for all the support— I hope that you have a lovely day!!! :DDD)
- When you guys first met and were still friends, they appreciated the way you kept both them and the group in check. It was the way you cared after all!
- But when you both were a couple and started getting comfortable with each other? And you started acting entirely different— More free and expressive? Oh my god did they love it.
- They definitely return the energy, listening intently then yammering right alongside you.
- Jumping up and down on the bed as you both have a near nonsensical conversation, the poor bed has nearly broken cause of it… And one of y’all jumping too hard leads to the both of you falling off. They nearly chipped another tooth cause of it lol.
- Is honestly amazed by how you can shift from both personalities so easily, and they aren’t believed when they say you have probably tried to chug a whole Coke cola slushie only to get a major brain freeze that had you gripping onto the wall for a solid minute (this is totally not from personal experience).
- Every night is filled with your shared chattering, with your calls to each other lasting for HOURS if given the opportunity.
- There is just so much in history and in the world in general to talk about! And they especially love doing it with you.
- You guys relate on a deep level and it’s obvious as to why.
- In general it’s fun to do things with Venture, y’all feed into each other’s excitement but not to an unhealthy degree, your mom friend side keeps the two of you even keeled for the most part.
- Venture is the kind of person that goes out of their way to make someone close to them comfortable, and they adore the fact that they are able to achieve that with you— Their partner.
- If you are a pothead genuinely, dude keep the edibles hidden. If not they will eat one whole by accident because they think they’re slick with snatching your snacks and suffer the consequences an hour later.
- The ice cream disappears “mysteriously” and just so happens to get smeared all over Sloane’s mouth, their face all doped out.
- Though I do think they have smoked more than once, and can handle a blunt of you offer it to them, sometimes you need a chill pill you know?
- Clingy as all hell when they’re high, but also spaces out just as much.
- The type to basically lay back onto the couch, arms and splayed out, giggling while looking at the TV… Which is usually turned off when they’re like this. Though the second you walk close to you, they’re like a mountain lion going for the kill— Lunging forwards and grabbing you, their grip around your waist as they slump against you before pulling you down with them.
- Snuggling their face into the crook of your neck, one arm lazily wrapped around your waist still while they rub your thigh with their freehand.
- If you try to pull away they immediately start whining, saying things like, “Nooooo five more minutes at least mi corazón, pleaseeee” pouting deeply all the while.
- If you relent and feel particularly chatty, they’ll mumble loving nonsense to you, trying their best to converse but get too preoccupied with kneading the skin of your thigh… Kissing and nuzzling against your neck… You’re just so warm, how can they not?
- You’re not getting out of their arms anytime soon, sorry not sorry.
- Naps with them are heavenly, just saying, just putting that out there.
(There, now back to writing something for Junkrat, my favorite little grease ball)
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annymation · 7 months
Asks Are Open!
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Kingdom of Wishes may be over, but I still got PLENTY of stories to tell, so give me your asks about the rewrite!
I don’t know if this allowed on Tumblr etiquette, but I have some ask suggestions, things that you may haven’t thought about asking or thought “oh she probably doesn’t have an answer for that” BUT I DO, I have an answer for anything, and I’m dying to tell y’all everything!
So here’s some suggestions:
- What’ll be Asha and Aster’s future?
- Who was that skeleton the group found in the dungeon?
- What did Dario go through living in Rosas? (When they were sharing their bad experiences in the campfire he was the only one who didn’t feel comfortable sharing anything, that’s not because I didn’t think of something, I just thought his story was way too sad)
- Whats Aster’s reaction to human things like food and smells now that he’s human?
- Where did Bravo come from?
- Is there any idea in the plot that you scrapped last minute? (Y’all might get mad at me for this one lol)
- How would King Florian react to everything his brother has done?
- Is there any symbolism you wanna talk about? (This one is pretty much an invitation for me to just gush over stuff)
And that’s a little list of asks ideas, but feel free to make your own too!
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jocelynships · 8 months
✨💕 Promo Time 💕✨
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Hi hi hi, my name is Jocelyn and I’m your local disaster bi who likes cartoons, let’s be friends!!
💚 My main interests are TMNT & Sonic, I’m also into X-Men, the Disney Afternoon and 80s movies despite not focusing on them much, but I’ve been fixated on the Trolls movies lately!
💜 My main F/Os are Kurt Wagner from X-Men and Baron Draxum from ROTTMNT. I’m not comfortable sharing either of them, and no hard feelings if you do as well! I have my space set up and y’all are valid too! I’m okay sharing all my other F/Os though!!
💛 However I’m mainly focusing on Clay & Bruce from Trolls: Band Together as for some reason I’ve fallen HARD for both lol (and in case anyone worries I have different S/Is for both)
🩷 I get anxious having fandom blogs interact with me due to bad experiences in certain fandoms I’ve had. I’m not a fandom blog. If you’re okay with self shipping/inserting you’re welcome to follow but please be aware that’s most of what you will see
💙 Last but not least, I’m probably more intimidated by you than you are of me lol. I don’t bite! Feel free to message me! Just know I have a busy life irl so I may not respond to messages right away, but I love making friends!
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tofu-gaycat · 7 months
This is the time to talk how exactly compulsory heterosexuality (comphet) affected me and in what ways trough my life, this is more of an intro post and a personal story.
When I was young I was always told that “guys should look after me and will pay attention to me eventually, that will make me happier and just be essential with time”. Even back then I didn’t understand what so cool about dating a guy? What makes him so special and why each girl should do this somehow? That it brings kids? Isn’t our planet already overpopulated? Some people can be child free? Even when I was small I didn’t really care for this “aspect of happiness” and therefore wasn’t affected compulsory heterosexuality due to my young age and attitude - I didn’t see my future where I settle down with a man.
Everything has changed when I thought I caught a first crush for a guy since everyone around me already did and it so cool. It wasn’t cool and it wasn’t a crush in the first place, it was a first example of attraction I needed to unconsciously fit in. After this I’ve developed another one-funny how both of guys were unavailable and of course ones I made in my head. Back then I couldn’t even bring myself to a thought that it was comphet. After I’ve finally came with terms that I was lesbian all along (May of 2022) and was repressing my attraction to women, I explained it as an attraction to men didn’t feel so real as it is to women, plus I’ve never had an attraction to men who were available and ones who were available were pushed away by me (literally lol). Even when I did so I couldn’t give it a name and just thought it was my unique experience and people don’t usually deal with it…I was wrong.
In one of my previous posts I shared a lesbian doc: it says that having attraction to unavailable men (fictional and ones unavailable irl) not seeing your future with a man and just feeling as this attraction is forced - is a huge sign of comphet (you can read it for yourself).
However, the story doesn’t end here since trough those almost 2 years I couldn’t live without having a damn crisis. I went back and forth from lesbian to bisexual - all due to same reason and wanting “to fit in” aka being forced into standards by compthet- the past issue like this is no easy to fight with even after years of being sure. I’ve never in my life felt legitimately sexually and romantically attracted to men. I can recall liking several girls and women and it felt real and not forced. Funny enough how despite getting romantic attraction almost never - I felt it for woman anyway. So all my “crises” ended in their own when I recall that comphet is still there and can affect anyone so it’s important to outline an issue so your true self won’t have to hide away.
In the end, I believe that it takes a while to spot and realise your comphet, how to fight with it and seek similar experiences. Don’t worry - being a lesbian is beautiful and no one should tell you otherwise <3
P.s I will make more posts about my exact experience with it so stay tuned!
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩Love for y’all, stay safe👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽
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Meme by @louvainisntacity
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ten-cent-sleuth · 11 months
2023-12-06 EDIT: This event has flopped and been cancelled. Kindly ignore my having tried and failed to make this happen. I am embarrassed, humiliated, mortified, etc. etc. Lol, happy holidays! Can’t wait to see what fics y’all have in store for us in 2024. <3
Hey, Henry Cavill fans!
Are you interested in filling a prompt for someone while someone else fills a prompt for you? Do you want to participate in a Secret Santa with your Tumblr mutuals—or maybe find some new ones?
Then consider joining the first ever Cavillry Secret Santa! You can sign up via this GForm, and once you’ve done so, I’ll add you to the GSheet for prompts. The idea is you input three gift requests, and your Secret Santa will write for one (or more) of them. More information available on the Form!
If you are hesitant to join, feel free to peek at the prompts here. Anybody can view the spreadsheet, but you can only edit it once you’ve signed up and agreed to the rules.
Should this get big and we decide to do this again next year, I’ll probably make a separate blog for the event. But since this may very well flop, I’ll run everything from my personal Tumblr for now. So send in your doubts and uncertainties to my askbox! If you want me to answer privately, ask off anon and let me know that you don’t want me to post it publicly. :)
The prompts sheet will close at midnight UTC on 5 November 2023, so sign up asap! (You don’t have to have your prompts ready right away—just sign up first if you’re interested! You can always come back to the prompts sheet and edit your requests, and if you change your mind about joining at all after signing up, you can leave your prompts row blank.) I’m sorry for making this so last-minute guys hrjfbsjfh. If you would be willing to be a pinch hitter but don’t want to commit to the full event, you can sign up on the Form as well. And if you, participant or not, would like to be tagged with event updates, just let me know in the comments!
Please signal boost! Reblog this even if you’re not going to join… Share the link to this post and/or to the sign-up Form with your friends… The more participants, the more I can shuffle who’s whose Secret Santa, the more fun this’ll be!
Note: You don’t have to be “big” in the Henry Cavill fandom to participate. Heck, the moderator of this event (yours truly) has literally only ever published ONE Henry Cavill fic before and only has a few Tumblr followers. This is for the well known writers with long masterlists AND for the small blogs with (next to) no experience AND for everyone in between! <3
[For revisiting ease: link to sign up … link to view the prompts]
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peachysunrize · 1 month
- (potential) 🧸 anon
could i potentially be your 🧸 anon if that emoji is free? x also i'm so relieved you LOVE my tho(ugh)ts beacuse sometimes i get too carried away and it just turns into basically a blurb/drabble which is pwp which is why they're so detailed 😭
also canon!Aemond i can assure you that he is so inexperienced with female anatomy like mans goes to the brothel for ''unconditonal love', milk (lactation kink) or to fuck away his stress, frustration, anger? really only focusing on his pleasure and, sorry to say but he probably doesn't care/even know whether the silk whores even come or not and when they 'do' (they totally fake it since like, he only focuses on his sweet relief) he feels a sense of pride because he acc thinks they came so... here comes my proposal:
imagine fem!reader introduces Aemond to the wonders of female anatomy and to teach him how a woman actually comes, she gets him to eat her out, and he's all like "that's so degrading and below of you to ask me, a dragon–riding prince! i'm not a whore!" but she ends up convincing him or he later finds her and deafetedly says he'd like to try (i mean, he was in disbelief that his lady wife would even dare suggest such a thing...) anyway and he's basically a munch x all pussy–drunk and trying to bury his face further in, nudging his nose up against readers bud because he wants to lock away the scent of her juice, prying readers thighs apart then wanting them to crush him inbetween her legs (he can't choose! he's so overwhelmed...) and he's thrusting his tongue in and out, greedily swallowing everything he can and then he finally experiences a *real* female orgasm for the first time and he get's all embarrassed over thinking he had actually (when paying attention...) made those silk street women come when they hadn't! and the whole time he's drinking out reader he's humping, rutting and grinding against the mattress for his own pleasure – never escaping his selfish habits... (give him a break i beg! his brother ruined his first–time which was meant to be with wife!reader </3)
Omgggggg my cute 🧸anon!!! I love discussing thots with y’all!! It’s good to be horny with other and this is a safe space for that��🏻
Ooofff you’re so right!!! Aemond takes pride in his well educated ass but when it comes to intimacy he’s more like a septa lol so when he fucks the whores all he thinks about is his pleasure and him coming
But when he gets married??? That’s a game changer! At first he is soooo stoic about lying with his wife and their first time will be a disaster! But the next time when she tells him that she didn’t come? He’ll be livid and won’t believe her but when she asks how does he knows that he’d made women come before? And when he doesn’t a single she takes charge and asks him to get on his knees to get a close look and guides him through EVERY STEP
And when he gets a taste even though he still thinks it’s not befitting a dragon rider of the largest dragon alive, he would get absolutely pussy drunk
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kaz-oooo · 6 months
Peak behind the fic writing curtains time because I’m re-reading my notes for As Above and thinking about it lol.
So fun fact about the tapes! I wrote a draft for Wilbur’s tapes before I properly finished outlining Tommy’s perspective. I was kinda struggling to piece together Tommy’s story and I needed Wilbur’s outlined first and well… What this means is that I wrote the tapes in order of events, not in the “random” order Tommy found them.
I thought it’d be fun to share that order with y’all, plus it offers a bit of a new perspective on the events of As Above. I put it under the cut because it does contain spoilers for As Above So Below, just in case :)
Also for extra funsies, idk if it’s possible but since there is an order you might be able to figure it out on your own. So if your ARG brain is tingling then feel free to have fun with this, the answers are below. Just note some early tapes got skipped because they were just Wilbur reading notes to the open air which isn’t fun to read or write.
Without further ado this is the order I wrote Wilbur’s story in (along with brief summaries of each tape cos fuck! even I forget what I wrote sometimes lol)
1a - technical difficulties.
Wilbur’s introduction, both to himself his work and everything wrong with Lostfield
1b - unnamed interview 2.0
Wilbur’s interview with an unnamed resident at Lostfield, who we know is Ranboo! Wilbur learns very little information here, just makes Ranboo freak out!
2b- another unhelpful anecdote
Wilbur’s rather unhelpful interview with Technoblade, where he receives a nice long list of missing persons who just happened to show up on Lostfield.
3b - possible progress
(fun fact I nearly called this one research and crimes… probably should have tbh, it’s funnier) Wilbur gives an update on some of his personal findings about Techno’s research, and explains his plans to sneak into Lostfield and speak to the owner himself.
4a - interview with the owner
Wilbur does a little house tour and speaks to the owner of Lostfield AKA Dream. Their interview gets weird quickly and Wilbur feels like he’s panicking / losing control of himself.
4b - untitled (ch10)
Wilbur starts recording because he’s just woken up from his visit to Lostfield and he barely remembers what happened.
5a - if I don’t make it
Wilbur decides he needs to go back to Lostfield, he records a note for himself — or whoever finds the tape — incase he doesn’t make it back this time.
7a - courtesy of Lostfield apartments
Tapes that Wilbur is later given (mentioned in 6b goodbye) that detail his experience in Lostfield. The first tape is Wilbur talking to a voice that we cannot “hear”
7b - untitled (first half of ch12)
Dream’s mock-interview with Ranboo for Wilbur. Basically a repeat of 1b unnamed interview 2.0 but Ranboo actually gives answers this time.
5b - don’t go back
Wilbur, or something pretending to be Wilbur, starts recording the follow up for 5a before letting the real Wilbur wake up and have a full blown panic attack
6a - the last 3 days
Wilbur summarises what little he remembers from the 3 days he spent in Lostfield, mostly a recap of how he broke into Lostfield.
6b - goodbye
Wilbur recives a package containing a tape (7a and 7b) and he comes to the conclusion he’s in too deep and can’t escape. He uses this tape to say his final goodbyes
8a - untitled (second half of ch12)
Wilbur breaks into Lostfield with the tape recorder in hand. He gives some live insight as to what is down there before he spots something in the middle of the room and Dream appears.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅱ Animate Tokuten Drama CD “The Older Brothers’ Roundtable ~Deciding on the Strongest Older Brother~”
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Original title: 兄たちの座談会~最強の兄きめちゃいます!~
Source: DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅱ Animate Tokuten Drama CD “The Older Brothers’ Roundtable ~Deciding on the Strongest Older Brother~” [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Midorikawa Hikaru, Hirakawa Daisuke, Takahiro Sakurai, Tatsuhisa Suzuki & Toshiyuki Morikawa
Translator’s note: Even though I have definitely listened to this CD before, I actually forgot how it ended so I got to experience the hilarity in all its glory for a second time. xD Carla is definitely quite...intense in this CD lol. I have to agree with Yuma that I feel kind of bad for Shin. Karma kind of came back to bite him in the ass at the very end though, lol. Personally, I would choose Yuma to be my older brother out of this line-up. He would keep you on the right path but still make time for fun as well. uwu Also free piggybag rides y’all. >3
Laito: Okay...~! Today we would like to welcome the elder brothers of the Sakamaki, Mukami and Tsukinami households to our studio for a roundtable discussion! I - Sakamaki Laito-kun - will serve as your host~! Even though I am the youngest triplet, I have been selected as the MC! And my assistant is...
*Dun dun dun*
Laito: None other than the girl who wraps us Vampires around her finger with her special blood ーー Bitch-chan!
The crowd cheers. 
Laito: Come on, Bitch-chan. Don’t just stand there frozen in place and introduce this bunch of grumps to the audience. 
Laito: Nfu~ In a cute way, like you’re begging to me, okay?
Ayato: Anyway, Laito you bastard! What is this farce ‘bout!?
Ruki: Exactly. Perverted triplet. You owe us an explanation. Why did you summon us here? 
Laito: Nfu~ Ayato-kun, Ruki-kun, no need to make such a scary face~ Show me a smile!
Carla: I must say you have some nerve to call a Founder such as myself to this place. Sakamaki Laito. You expect me to smile? What kind of joke is that? 
Laito: ...I have a hard time dealing with this guy. As you can tell, he doesn’t understand a good joke.
Carla: I could have sworn I heard some slanter just now?
Laito: Oh no~ I said nothing!
Ayato: Oi! I don’t care what this guy says, I just want an explanation! Chichinashi, if Laito refuses to speak, you tell us! Aah? 
Shuu: Nn...Exactly. Why did you gather the most uninteresting combination of people imaginable? Are you hoping to start a fight or something? Pwaah...Nn...I’m sleepy...Give me an answer already.
You respond. 
Yuma: Aah...? A roundtable discussion consisting of the eldest members from each household where they discuss what it means to be an older brother? ーー Wait. Then why am I here!? I’m not an older brother.
Ruki: In your case...You were probably put in this group based on your physique. 
Shuu: Pfft...Isn’t it an issue of attitude instead? 
Carla: Heh...In short, he is simply large-framed? 
Yuma: Che! Don’t tall shit ‘bout me, ya two. ーー Also Ruki, don’t give them an opportunity to do so!
Ruki: My bad. It slipped out.
Laito: Relax, relax! To put it simply, they were simply one person short (1), so don’t let it bother you!
Yuma: Haah...!?
Laito: Oh come on, I was just joking! Let...go!
Laito: Phew...Honestly, they really chose to gather all the people who can’t take a joke. 
Yuma: Once again, I’m not an older brother!?
Laito: I know that! ...But you can pass as one, don’t you think? 
Ruki: It can’t be helped. That is simply what makes up an older brother. They are supposed to make an earnest judgement and fix issues. 
Carla: Hmph! Mukami Ruki. While I do not enjoy having to share an opinion with you, I suppose it does boil doing to being serious. 
Shuu: Haah...What a pain in the ass. Besides, I don’t understand why we have to bear such a ridiculous responsibility just because we were born a little sooner? Haah...For one, my siblings only ever treat me as their older brother when it best benefits them. 
Yuma: Shuu...You’ve got it pretty tough, huh?
Shuu: Can you tell? 
Ayato: Right? In my case it’s like this, I’m considered the eldest of the triplets, but I was actually born last. (1) It’s only when the Shitty Old Man has somethin’ to complain ‘bout that he treats me as such. 
Shuu: ...! Are you sure you’re in any position to say that?
Ayato: Haah!? What do you mean?
Carla: As to be expected of an inferior species. I have no idea what the two of you are talking about.
Laito: Excuse me!? Things were finally starting to sound like a proper discussion, so could you not butt in, please!?
Carla: Hmph. I am in no position to have you tell me what to do. 
Laito: Haah...This is kind of exhausting. ーー Well, either way! We can conclude that being the eldest brother comes with a bunch of responsibilities and is rather bothersome, right? 
Ruki: Pretty much. 
Laito: Actually, you’re more slack than I thought, Ruki. 
Ruki: You noticed?
Yuma: Ruki’s pretty careless at times, ya know? The other day, I caught him drinkin’ tea from a chipped cup. 
Ruki: That was not a thoughtless decision. I did have my proper reason for it.
Ayato: Did you not have the money to buy a new one maybe? Hehe...!
Ruki: I’m surprised you got that. 
Yuma: For real?
Ayato: ...! I said that as a joke...
Laito: Oh~? No money? I thought the four of you were living the luxury life after receiving a bunch of money from that man? 
Carla: It seems that Karlheinz is more stingy with his money than I thought. Fufu...
Ruki: That is not true. We do have money. No, to be more precise, we had money. 
Shuu: ‘Had’? Which means you’re all out now?
Yuma: Did you use it? Don’t tell me, did Azusa have one of this moments and destroyed something!? 
Ruki: It was Kou. 
Ayato: Kou? What did he do? 
Ruki: He ordered an absurd amount of clams for his vongole bianco online. That is how he blew through our entire family budget. 
Yuma: ...Just how many did that guy buy!? ーー Wait! Is that why we’ve been eatin’ clams for breakfast, lunch and dinner for days now!?
Ruki: Exactly.
Laito: C-Couldn’t you get a refund? ...Actually, can you even buy those things online? 
Ruki: It appears that refunds are not accepted in regards to fresh food. But you can most definitely purchase them online. 
Yuma: Didn’t he do that on purpose!? Anyway, doesn’t he earn money by being an idol as well? 
Ruki: You might not be aware of this, but Kou does not know how to deal with money at all. Perhaps it is due to the fact that he never had any as a human, but he never saves and whenever he gets his paycheck, he spends it almost instantly. Just the other day, he bought nearly an entire store’s worth of accessoires for a certain ‘Maso Kitty’. 
Yuma: In other words...?
Ruki: We are broke! Our bank account is completely empty!
Carla: My consolences. 
Ruki: I certainly did not expect any pity from you. 
Shuu: I didn’t think you were a victim of your younger brother’s whims as well. 
Ruki: I very much am. Therefore, I understand how you feel...very well. 
Ayato: Right? Younger brothers are such a pain in the ass. 
Shuu: Again. You shouldn’t be the one saying that.
Laito: But you know...
Ayato: What?
Laito: I realize now that being the eldest sibling can be quite troublesome. ーー Well, putting that provoking Old Man over there aside. 
Carla: Excuse me? 
Laito: Oh! Seems like you’re actually aware of the fact that you’re basically an old man?
Carla: Hmph! Did you think that some simple insult would be enough to make me lose my composure? For one, being older means that one has accumulated more experience and status. While it is something one should be honoured for, instead you are basing your opinion on some public label of ‘older brother’. There is something seriously wrong with you two. 
Yuma: Ah? What is this guy goin’ on ‘bout? 
Ayato: Stop usin’ those big words!
Carla: I suppose I should have chosen a more simply explanation for people such as yourself which are the very personification of ignorance.  ...In other words...You should assert your dominance more! And make your younger siblings work for you! That is what I meant to imply.
Yuma: Ahー Your younger brother...What was his name again?
Laito: Shin-kun...I think? 
Yuma: Ah, right, right! I feel for the guy, really. 
Carla: Hmph. There are only two types of people in this world. Those who make the orders, and those who obey the orders. Sakamaki Shuu, and Mukami Ruki. In other words, the two of you are part of the latter category. 
Carla grabs hold of you. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Carla: Now tell me, woman. Which kind of man do you think is more older brother-like and attractive? ーー It’s obviously me, right?
Shuu: I wonder? Having that older brother charm basically means. ..
Shuu pulls you his way.
Shuu: ...Being reliable and tolerant, no? In other words, I fit the bill much better, don’t you think? I’m sure you agree...
Ruki: ...Ugh. That is not all, Livestock. 
Ruki pulls you over.
Ruki: A true older brother should be attentive and have his younger siblings’ back when they are in need of help. In short, I meet that criteria the best out of us three. 
Carla: You poor excuse for a Demon (2)...and Sakamaki Shuu. The two of you should show a little more respect towards me. 
Shuu: Hah. No thanks.
Ruki: Exactly. You are unbelievably foolish if you believe that one’s race decides everything. 
Carla: Hah! Say whatever you want, you lowlives. 
The atmosphere grows very tense. 
Yuma: Oi, oi...Cut it out guys. If the three of ya keep on pullin’ her to different sides, you’ll tear her to pieces...
Ayato: Exacty! ...Also, why am I not included in the older brother mix!? ーー Chichinashi. You think so too, don’t you? 
Laito: Nfu~ Bitch-chan just went quiet, didn’t she? Oh no~ 
Ayato: ...Haah!? 
Yuma: Who cares if you’re part of the group or not? We gotta do somethin’ ‘bout these three.
Carla: Hand her over. What is yours, is mine as well. Everything belongs to us Founders. 
Shuu: Che...You *beep* (3)
Ruki: One will be punished for being too greedy. That is what that man taught us.
Carla: Hah! I am not the slightest bit scared of what Karlheinz could do to me. 
Laito: At this rate, there might be some blood flowing soon. What should we do? ...Hey, what do you think, Bitch-chan?
You make a suggestion. 
Yuma: Aah...? An older brother competition? What do ya mean? Explain yerself. 
You elaborate. 
Laito: Heeh...I see. We pick a certain premise and have each member act out how they would react. Then whoever performed the best is declared the winner, right? ...Bitch-chan, that’s a genius idea! Fufu...Fufufu...
Ayato: Let me participate as well!
Yuma: Yeah, yeah. You’ve got more of those lil’ bro vibes goin’ on tho so don’t get yer hopes up too high;
Ayato: ...S-Shoot...!
Laito: Nfu~ Ayato-kun always has to be number one at everything, huh? 
Ayato: ...Aah!? Did you say somethin’!?
Laito: Oh no, not at all~ ーー Well then, to get back to the topic at hand. Let’s get this older brother competition started right away! The setting will be decided by...Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Eh!? Me!? Lemme think...Right...
Ayato: Help someone study. 
Yuma: ...You’re answerin’ for me!? God, fine by me.
Carla: Hm...Assist with one’s studies, you say? Very well. I shall go first. ...Woman, come here. I shall show you what a real older brother looks like. I am sure it will leave you trembling and in tears as you realize this is how a true older brother should act.
Shuu: Haah...You’re exaggerating. Haah...Just get to it already.
Carla: Hah. I suppose lowlives have little patience. ...Well then, let us get started.
Laito: ...Action!
Carla: What is the matter? What is bothering you? ...You are having trouble with your schoolwork? Hmph. Good grief...You are hopeless...
Yuma: Hm? He’s actually doin’ a decent job? I mean, strokin’ her head seems pretty goー
Carla suddenly starts pulling your hair as you shriek. 
Carla: ...Hm? It hurts, you say? Why of course it does. I am pulling your hair after all. Good grief...You imbicile! I cannot believe my own younger sister is not even capable of answering these problems some human came up with! You should be ashamed of yourself! Apologize to me! For dragging our family’s name through the mud! Come on!
You apologize.
Carla: Exactly. Show your remorse. ...Very well. Well then, I shall teach you how to solve this problem. 
Carla: Did it hurt? However, I cannot always go easy on you. It is all about finding the right balance between gentle and harsh guidance. Well then, I hope you shall be careful not to receive the same treatment again.
Laito: Okay, cut!
Carla: That was easy. What do you think, Woman? Be honest and tell them that I am the best. Come on!
Shuu: Weren’t you just being a ruthless sadist just now?
Ruki: Exactly. He was talking about the carrot-and-stick method after all.
Yuma: Yeah...Rather than siblings, it felt like looking at S/M play instead...
Carla: Hmph! She is the one making the decision and not any of you lot.
You tell Carla that you want to give the others a chance first.
Carla: Excuse me? You want to keep going? Good grief...It should be blatantly obvious though.
Laito: You heard her! Well then, next up...Shuu, go ahead~!
Shuu: Haah...What a drag. To be honest, I don’t give a damn about who is the best older brother...That being said, I don’t want to lose against Mr. Big Talk and the droopy eyed blackhead. 
Shuu: But you will take just about anyone, won’t you? Haha...As long as the guy will make you feel good.
Laito: Excuse me, Shuu? Could you please refrain from sexually harassing her?
Shuu: Hah...It’s pretty creepy to hear that coming from you, so cut it out. You’ve basically made sexual harassment your job. 
Laito: ...! ...I can’t let that one slide.
Shuu: It’s the truth, isn’t it?
Ruki: Haah...This will take forever. Let’s just get started. Ready? ーー Action!
Shuu: ...Hm? You want me to teach you? Che, too much trouble. For one, are you asking me for help, knowing very well that this isn’t my cup of tea? But...Well, it’d be pretty troublesome if you were to get a failing grade. The Old Man will be on my case about it. I’m the one who has to take responsibility, you see? If you understand what I mean, hurry up and open your textbook. 
Shuu: Haah...Really? Memory work? (4) In that case, you just gotta do this. Give me your pen. I’ll teach you how to never fail these kind of tests. 
You seem curious. 
Shuu: It’s fool-proof. But don’t tell anyone, okay?
*Scribble scribble*
Shuu: There...This should do. 
Shuu: Put this in your pencil case. 
You seem confused. 
Shuu: Haah? I promised I would show you a way to pass, right?”
You frown and tell him that is just plain cheating.
Shuu: Haah...Shut up. What’s the problem? You won’t find a better cheat sheet anywhere. 
Yuma: CUUUT! ーー You just showed her a way to avoid failing without actually teaching her anything at all!
Shuu: Is that bad? The point is to ensure that she passes the class. 
Ruki: I have no words for this.
Carla: Fufufu...As to be expected of the eldest son of an inferior species. I almost want to applaud you for your selfish ways of only thinking about yourself. 
Shuu: ...I never said that? If she passes, it benefits her. And it saves me a lot of trouble as well. I’m just killing two birds with one stone, no? 
Laito: Nfu~ I feel like you’re getting something fundamentally wrong with that reasoning...
Shuu: Once again, I don’t need to hear that from the guy whose very existence is fundamentally wrong. 
Ayato: Ahー Whatever. Can we just end this ridiculous competition already? 
Laito: Good point. It’s starting to get a little ridiculous so we should probably call it a daーー
Ruki: ...Oi! Hold up! It hasn’t been my turn yet!
Yuma: Ruki, you’re seriously gonna do this shit!?
Ruki: Of course! I’ve come too far to back down now. 
Carla: Woman! If you simply choose me, we can put an end to this whole ordeal.
Ruki: Don’t be ridiculous. ーー I’m going next. Oi, perverted Sakamakii! Get the clipperboard ready!
Laito: Ahー What a drag. Fine, fine! Well then...Action!
Ruki: ...What’s wrong? Are you having trouble with something? 
You explain.
Ruki: I see...Your schoolwork, huh?
Ruki: You can ask your Onii-chan anything, okay? As you should be aware, your Onii-chan has excellent grades so this simple of a curriculum should be of no issue to me. In fact, there is very little reason for you to still attend classes when your onii-chan could simply teach you at home. 
You refuse this offer.
Ruki: I see. I suppose you are right that the school provides a fine learning space for social skills and will give you a basic understanding of how society works. As your Onii-chan, I am terribly pleased by the fact you take school so seriously. ーー Well then, shall we get started? First, question oneーー
Carla: CUT!
Ruki: ーー Oi! I’ve only just gotten started. I got way less time than any of you guys? 
Carla: It was making me nauseous.
Ayato: Disgusting. 
Shuu: Creepy...
Ruki: ...Haah!?
Ayato: What was the ‘Onii-chan’ crap? It gave me the heebie-jeebies! I got goosebumps all over!
Carla: Sakamaki Ayato. It seems like we actually share the same opinion for once. I too could simply not stand the shivers running down my spine, I ended up using the clipperboard. 
Ruki: ...!! Y-You don’t need to be so harsh! This is what an older brother should be like! You two just don’t understand because you’ve been a Vampire your whole lives!
Yuma: Eeeh? 
Ruki: Yuma! Agree with me! God!
Laito: But you know, I kind of understand wanting to say the word ‘Onii-chan’. ...Also~ I’d love to be addressed as such by Bitch-chan~ ‘O・ni・i・chan...~’ just like that!
Ayato: Haah...?
Shuu: ‘Onii-chan’, huh...?
Carla: Hm...
Ruki: See? It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? 
Yuma: Ruki...Were you maybe just hoping that the Sow would call ya ‘Onii-chan’ or somethin’...? 
Ruki: ...N-No way!
Ayato: Chichinashi. Try calling me ‘Onii-chan’ for a sec.
Laito: Hey! No cutting in line!
Carla: Ahem! Exactly. The winner of the earlier competition shall be crowned the true older brother. In other words, only he holds the right to be called ‘Onii-chan’ by her!
Laito: But wait! What about us then? 
Ayato: Exactly! We didn’t participate in the fight!
Yuma: Was that thing from earlier really a fight? Also, it’s kinda creepy how desperate y’all are...
Laito: I assume that means you don’t want Bitch-chan to call you ‘Onii-chan’ in a cute tone?
Yuma: That’s...Hm...Hm...? Nn...? ーー ‘Kay! I’m in!
Ruki: Good grief, all of you...However! It was always a competition between just three people. Therefore, Laito, Ayato, nor Yuma have the right to be called ‘Onii-chan’!
Shuu: Haah...What a drag. I really don’t give a damn so just make your decision already. You’re gonna choose me, no? You can try and sugarcoat all you want, in the end, you can’t deny that one has to cheat to make it through life. That’s what I was trying to teach you. 
Carla: In that case, the winner should be me! I showed you just how cruel and strict this world!
Ruki: I wanted to tell you that one should treat their family with love and kindness. You understand, don’t you? Everything they say is just sophist nonsense.
Shuu: Pick me. 
Carla: Me!
Ruki: Me!
Ayato: Ahー Will you old geezers shut up already!? At this rate, we’ll never get to a conclusion! If we take a lesson from the past, this is usually the part where Chichinashi makes a run for iーー
You dash away.
Yuma: ...Wait!?
Laito: Oh dear~? 
Ayato: That bitch...! She run away as if on cue!
Laito: Nfu~ It’s the same old, it seems? ...Well, I already knew it would eventually end like this.
Yuma: There’s no way she could ever make up her mind and pick just one person. 
Carla: I...refuse to give up!
Shuu: On what?
Carla: I am a Founder! In other words, I am superior to any of you and must always come out on top!
Ruki: Basically...You’re saying that you haven’t given up on having her call you ‘Onii-chan’...?
Carla: ...!! D-Do not be ridiculous! That is not what I meant!
Laito: You know~ I kind of feel like everyone had one of their fetishes exposed today~ Fufu...Fufufu~
Yuma: You mean like a little sister fetish? Uwah! Disgustin’!
Ruki: I guess it’s simply part of our nature.
Ayato: When you think about it, we all share the same bloodline which can be traced back to the Founders. ...Hm? Which means...?
Ruki: ...?
Yuma: Hmー
Laito: Nfu~
Shuu: Ah...I see...
Carla: W-Why are you all staring at me? Cut it out! You are not worthy of looking at me from up close!
Shuu: I guess it’s this guy’s fault that we get so caught up on the whole ‘big brother and little sister’ thing, huh? 
Carla: Ridiculous! I shall not allow for such insults to myself!
Yuma: Ya can say that but...
Carla: I am not - no, us Founders, do not have a sister complex, nor do we wish to monopolize them! Understood!?
Ayato: Guess we should let the other guys know ‘bout this as well. Lemme think...’Founders have the hots for little sisters., there. 
Carla: Wait...! When did you start posting on social media!? 
Ayato: There we go! Published! Don’t underestimate the internet’s power, Old Geezer!
Carla: Darnit...! Usually I am not fazed by anything, so how I could allow myself to get tricked like this? This cursed son of Karlheinz...! Ugh!
He turns around.
Carla: Heed my words! You will not go unpunished after tarnishing the Founders’ reputation like that!
Carla transforms into a Wolf and runs off.
Ayato: Hahaha! He was talkin’ all big ‘bout being a Founder but he’s honestly such a pushover! ーー Don’t bother ever showin’ up again!
Yuma: Exactly!
Ruki: Haah...I ended up utterly wasting my time.
Yuma: Says the guy was the most into the whole thing.
Ruki: ...Hah!? 
Shuu: ...That’s one rival down.
Laito: Oh dear~? Is Shuu perhaps the one who’s the most crazy about little sisters?
Shuu: Well...Who knows? 
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Back when the triplets were born, Japan used a different system in regards to twins/triplets. Rather than the baby born first being considered the oldest siblings, they counted the other way around. Hence why Laito is called the youngest when he was born on March 20th and Ayato the oldest despite being born two whole days later on March 22nd. 
(2) Carla refers to the fact that Ruki was born human here. 
(3) I’m not sure if it’s like this in all versions, but Shuu’s phrase is actually censored here with a ‘beep’ sound. Unfortunately, I have no idea what he might have said with only the first and last syllable. ^^;; Since Carla is talking about wanting ownership over everything based on him being a Founder, I assume that it’s probably related to politics? I tried googling some words in regards to fascism, etc. because that obviously ties back to Japan’s history as well but I couldn’t really find any matches. :/
(4) 暗記物 or ‘anki-mono’ refers to any kind of task which requires you to learn a set of words, phrases, etc. by heart. (E.g. Learning vocubulary when studying a new language)
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star-puff · 4 years
hq boys as wholesome boy things
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note: inspired yet again by @seijch​, we’re each other’s ghost writers (though i’m still not sure if i’m using that term correctly). anyways! spawned after i was pleading eye emoji over school memories; all of the below have happened to me or my friends at least once (guess which ones are personal experiences LOL).
the sequel: here
feat. hinata, bokuto, terushima, kuroo, suna, futakuchi, osamu
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hinata → walks from class to class with you to finish your conversation even though his class is the opposite direction from yours. the first time he does it you honestly thought his classroom was right next door, up until you reach the door of your class and hinata takes one look at the clock and says a cheerful “bye! talk to you later!” and just bolts to the third floor. you feel kind of bad, honestly, but when you tried to make a stop at the staircase one day he says, “it’s okay, i like talking to you!” and honestly who could argue against that :') a sweetie through and through <3
bokuto → asks to try your eyelash curler when he sees you fixing up makeup during free period. he looks so genuinely curious you can’t help but say yes, but, knowing him bokuto probably goes in for the kill and gets his eyelid caught in the curler despite your warnings. it’s one of those eyelash curlers that open when you press down too, so bokuto is just...very panicked and confused 💔
you: let go!!
him, wailing: I CAN’T!!!!!
yes you can babe, just press down again 💔 i promise it’ll get better soon just squeeze the curler it’ll come right off 💔
terushima → looks at your scented hand lotion longingly until you notice and offer him some. immediately says yes, probably uses more than he needs just to get the maximum fragrance, but honestly he looks so happy after he's done putting it on you just...let him. now he just walks into class and looks at you all wide-eyed and expectant and lets out the happiest cheer when you toss him your hand lotion. it's a early morning ritual—you buy the bulk pack of hand lotion now.
kuroo → you're in one of those period filler classes and he lets you paint his nails with highlighter when you're both bored. when you use certain colors and you wipe them off after class they still kind of stain but he wears them with pride, our masculinity king. in like a week you look at him with your collection of mildliners and he just sighs and sticks his hand out. thanks for being the ultimate trooper tetsu, we all love you <3 he still won’t let you do french tips with white out, but it’s currently a work in progress.
suna → daps you up whenever he sees you in the halls. y’all are in-class buddies cause one time he was tired from practice the night before for nationals and pokes you with the back of his pencil, does the “psst psst nudge nudge can i copy” and you’re like “yeah sure go wild” and slide your paper over to his side of the desk. forever indebted to you, truly. there’s an unwritten rule you have where if one of you sleeps in class, the other one stays awake and takes notes to give to them after class. so far the two of you have a pretty even score of sleepyhead vs. notetaker. the twins are jealous cause they don’t have you as their in-class buddy; suna likes to rub it in their faces.
futakuchi → another in-class buddy, the chaotic variant. he originally sat behind you and y’all just would not stop talking so the teacher had to move you away from each other. now, you pass notes like you’re spies during the cold war. except, not really. at this point the teacher has probably given up because kenji is literally flying paper airplanes at the back of your head with notes on it 😭
you: what did you get for number 7
kenji: figure it out yourself dumbass
you: bitch nvm i bet you’re not even on it yet
you were right, he just finished writing his name on the top line, had to rewrite the date a few times because he got the new year wrong again even though it’s literally june. doesn’t stop him from making the most offended face when he reads your note though 💔 it’s okay kenji we’ve all been there 💔 comedic duo of the entire year to be quite honest.
osamu → brings an entire four course meal during math class and shares it with you--not really of course, but he brings so many snacks it might as well be. mealtimes with osamu is the only getting you through trigonometric identities at this point. he literally has everything, sometimes takes requests on what you’d like that day but for the most part you like to be surprised on what he brings! although every time you eat it’s like those silent eating challenges because you’re technically “not allowed” to eat in class but. nothing can stop your hunger, everything can be a comfort food if the math is distressing enough. literally in the middle of the lecture it’s just:
the teacher: why are you eating again you literally just had lunch
you and osamu, snacks piled up on your desk: yeah, and??
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bugnirvana · 2 years
🎸🤘brother from another mother🤘🎸[Eddie Munson & Reader] HCs
warnings: drug usage from eddie, implied from you. that’s basically it
terms used: masc (per usual)
a/n: I’m making this to soothe my anxious soul. i am in a constant state of anxiety, allow me to enjoy this please. requests got me anxious n shit. I love them but human interaction makes me so fucking nervous lol. anyway. watching anola holmes rn. i make a lot of “mbb runs over gay people” jokes but she’s truly so radiant and such a good actor! love her to bits. ok enough rambling. Im so nervous. reader and eddie have the kind of relationship/brotherhood ig that dustin and steve have. two men with nice hair yet totally and completely different? insanity. ok for real now.
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the both of you met via hellfire, however, you’re in the year above the main stranger things kids so you get an entire year free of them and their bullshit
it’s ok it’s fine you love them nonetheless
this is about Eddie though. oops
Eddie literally just takes you under his wing as a younger brother and you love it
You will become the baby metalhead the world has always needed
He definitely helps you make a vest
painting with you and shit.
he loves every minute! Genuinely. He loves helping you with crafts and gets paint EVERYWHERE
probably would let you borrow some of his rings and stuff
maybe even keep some
the both of you love sharing music with one another
you find a new band? He’s probably heard of it but he’s going to act like it’s something he has no clue of just to make you feel good
You also definitely get all of your music taste from him
also just in general a grunge aesthetic
you weren’t exactly normal going into highschool but you also weren’t on his level
you let him in on ALL the gossip. he loves it
y’all have probably gone camping at least once or twice together just cuz
he’ll tell you stories about campaigns he held before yours and oh my god are the stories so entertaining
he’ll also tell you stories about his concerts and shit, like if any fights broke out from the drunk dudes lol
speaking of concerts…
he probably taught you how to play guitar
and if you knew how to already he’d teach you on how to improve
actually asks you to play with the band at one point
mainly just a simple line from a song or two but every moment is so amazing
one day you ask him if he could do your hair like his
if you have short hair oh my god did you look silly
if you have long hair he loved it
you had to tell him to stop using so much heat on ur hair or else ur hair was going to get badly heat damaged
he just ended up using copious amounts of hairspray in the end
You found him high one day and all he could do was tell you to not do drugs or whatever to be a good influence
you listened for the most part but that isn’t to say you didn’t dabble at least once or twice
did you tell him?
-t directly? you let it slip out once though
he wasn’t really mad he was just curious of your experience and kind of concerned because of how young he is
also where the hell did you get it from????
that’s another question for another day
you know how eddies uncle has a lot of mugs?
eddie probably has some stashed away in his room
he eventually gives you one as a birthday present and you understand the meaning to this.
officially adopted by Eddie Munson
ok back on topic
he definitely at least attempts to get you to wear a leather jacket but you reject, claiming “it’d be too hot”
he says fine, but you’re missing out
over all he takes good care of you. good older brother figure and you wouldn’t trade him for the worldl
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anxiety has kind of been soothed I guess. eddie munson brother true.
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chdarling · 2 years
Hi ch! Quick question: why do leave jily’s sexual experiences up to our interpretation? Just curious. Mine is this: Lily did it, and James will do it with flo, but once they are together they are gonna have a conversation related to this subject
I mean, there are a lot of things I leave up to interpretation, sex is just the one that gets the most attention. There will certainly be sex scenes later that are not up for interpretation, of course, but on the whole, I tend to operate under a “less is more” mindset of writing. If I don’t explicitly describe something in the story (not just sex), it’s probably because a) it’s going to come up later (this happens a lot you guys! 😂), b) it’s not that important to the narrative and/or c) I want you to draw your own conclusion.
I answered an ask about this quite a while back but unfortunately I can’t find it and I’m not feeling nearly so eloquent today, but it’s the idea of the writer as architect. Essentially: I build the house and you, the reader, get to decorate the rooms how you please. I give you the scenes necessary to construct the narrative, and you bring your own ideas and experiences to populate the world. No one has the same experience reading the same story, and I think that’s really cool.
It’s also just fun for me to see how people interpret different things. I��m an English major, nothing delights me more than excessive analysis. Plus, even if I did try to describe every little thing, I’d never manage it because I am learning that y’all are (and I say this with absolute love and affection) insatiable. 😂 (I’m looking at you, pajama anon, I love you and I’m sorry I haven’t answered yet.)
And finally (this is a tangent, and not directly related to your question, but it’s been on my mind a lot lately so I’m just going to tack it on here): I get A LOT of asks about sex in TLE. A lot. And no matter how many times I remind people that I don’t write smut, I get demands for smut. (Some very nicely, some less so!) At the same time, I get messages requesting that I please please don’t write smut. I cannot possibly please everyone, so I don’t try. At the end of the day, this story is something I write for fun and share for free, so I write it in the way I most enjoy, and leave people to fill in the blanks as they please. 😌
(but yeah I mean that jily conversation is definitely going to happen at some point lol)
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realcube · 4 years
comfort with the haikyuu!! boys hcs 💝
characters: kenma, bokuto, ushijima, tsukishima, akaashi
thanks to anon for the request (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
ALL AGED UP! (no mature themes though) (i just like the post-timeskip domestic dynamics)
tw// hurt! reader, swearing, mentions of death, fluff, angst if you squint
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Kenma Kuzome
bb has cat senses so he can tell when you’re sad
he can also tell bc you do the exact same thing he does when he’s sad, which is cuddle underneath blankets in bed, play animal crossing and blare lo-fi music to conceal your faint sobs
so when he walks into your shared room and notices you wrapped up in blankets on the bed, he does his best to suppress a snicker whicH HE FEELS SO BAD FOR HAVING IN THE FIRST PLACE
like he knows you’re sad but a part of his mind is just like ‘heh, (y/n) burrito.’ like you just look sO FKN CUTE!!
anyway, the first thing he always does when you’re down is approach you on the bed, sneak under the blankets and join to you to become a (y/n) & kenma burrito 
also, he might turn the speaker off depending on how loud the music is lol but if it’s at an okay volume then he’ll just leave it on and vibe with you for a bit as he desperately wracks his brain, trying to come up with something reassuring to say 
you usually comes up with the something basic like, ‘what’s wrong?’ but i mean, you don’t really mind - at least he’s making an effort and you know it must be difficult for him to think of things to say lol
depending on how sad you are, you might just tell him straight-up what happened or you might text him bc you don’t think you’ll be able to choke out an answer without bursting into tears again
then he’ll ask you if you want to be alone and act accordingly 
assuming that you say ‘no’ bc you want his presence, he’ll just recollect on the last time you comforted him while he was down and mimic it tbh
..you always comfort him so well 🥺 and whenever you console him, he always feels so much better so he just thought that maybe if he imitates you, then it’ll work just as well
so he started off by resting his head on your shoulder and whispering kind things in your ear just like you did to him, ‘you know i love you, right?’ , ‘i hope you feel better soon’, ‘do you want me to bring you some food?’
he’ll seriously do everything in his power to make sure that you’re as comfortable as possible 
and he’ll stay as a (y/n) & kenma burrito until you feel better or until the sun rises  ( *^-^)ρ(*╯^╰)
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Kōtarō Bokuto
i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again - he’s such an empath and so overdramatic
so when he comes home from work and you don’t run up to the door to give him hugs & kisses- he’s about to burst into tears himself
emo-mode engaged :(
his hair deflates as he pounces on you and wails, ‘(Y/N)! WHY ARE YOU CRYING?! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHO HURT YOU?!’ (ಥ _ ಥ)
and the bitch dives on you while you are under the blanket, essentially scaring and suffocating you 
‘bokuto, get off me!’ you shrieked, wriggling out of his grip and out from under the blanket
 when he notices you had escaped the blanket with tear-stained cheeks, he felt even worse 
he threw himself into your arms, howling, ‘(Y/N)!! I AM SO SORRY!’
at this point all the blood had rushed to your head and you had kinda forgotten that you were sad for a moment or two
‘bo! you should know you’re own strength by now.’ you muttered, rubbing the underneaths off your puffy eyes
‘I KNOW!’ he wailed once more, burying his face into the crook of your neck
you sighed while rubbing his back, unable to supress a slight giggle, ‘bokuto..’ 
there was ages of silence between the two of you before he pulled away to look you in the eyes and asked, ‘(y/n), why were you crying before i got here?’
you’d explain the issue to him and he’d do everything in his power to solve it because the way he sees it, why should he try console you when he can just fix the variable that’s making you sad in the first place?
like, if you were just fired from your job, he’ll go full karen and he will call corporate to demand for your job back if you don’t stop him
or if your loved one died, he’ll become a fkn medium or study resurrection
or if you’re just stressed from exams/tests, he’ll just be like ‘why do you need to go to uni anyway?’
‘so i can get a qualification.’
‘why do you need that?’
‘so i can apply for a job.’
‘why do you need a job?’
‘so i can make money, so i don’t starve.’
‘you can have my money!’
you couldn’t help but chuckle at how much life-experience bokuto had, yet he will still so naïve; honestly, you couldn’t even tell if he was joking or not. ‘what if we break up?-”
“DON’T SAY THAT!” he gasped, instinctively tightening his grip on you
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
both you and ushijima’s pride did not allow y’all to cry in front of one another 
if you ever had to cry, you’d just run to the bathroom, lock the door, turn on the tap to drown out the sound of your sobs and just let it all out
and if he ever had to cry, he’d just do it in the shower
but like- you both knew when the other one had been crying because of their puffy, damp eyes but you both mutually agreed to not mention it
i mean, up until now y’all had both been able to flourish in the relationship while dealing with emotions on your own so why bother changing?
and if anything, you both felt more comfortable crying to yourselves
 that was, until today
you had cracked under the pressure of your job - you were simply sitting at your desk in the study room, doing some work then it all just came crashing down
ushijima had just stepped out of the shower in his towel and was currently wandering around the house in search of you, to inform you that he ran out of shampoo so it would be greatly appreciated if you were to add it to the shopping list 
but when he entered the study to see you sitting there by your computer, bawling you eyes out..he froze
like he had to do a whole double-take bc he wasn’t sure if he was seeing this correctly
your face was buried in your hands so you didn’t notice him at first but then you heard him awkwardly clear his throat from the doorway and your neck immediately jerked to look at him
it was quite embarrassing for the both of you, ngl
like he was standing there half-naked, staring into your red eyes in hopes that what he saw was just a hallucination
after what felt like hours of deafening silence, ushijima broke it by muttering under his breath, ‘uh, is everything okay?’
‘everything is fine, toshi.’ you replied, forcing a bright smile onto your face as you went back to typing, ‘did you come down here to tell me somethi--’
‘i can tell that there is something wrong.’ he stated, walking towards you while using one had to hold his towel in place and draping the other over your shoulders to pull you into his chest. ‘do you want to tell me?’
you let out a long sigh, resting your cheek against his chest while still staring at the many tabs you had open on your desktop 
but ushijima quickly fixed that by taking your chin in-between his thumb and index finger, then turning your face to look up at him, 
‘work?’ he hummed his assumption
‘yeah.’ you mumbled, quite surprised at how understanding he was being
but then again, ushijima obviously knows what it feels like to be overworked and burnt out too, so he was able to provide a lot of empathy in that sense
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Kei Tsukishima
ok a bit of tsukki slander but i feel like tsukishima would make it worse WEILUBRGBE
wait no well, he doesn’t make it worse but he doesn’t make it better either
like he’ll walk into the living room and see you curled up under a blanket on the couch, lightly sobbing from underneath- and he honestly doesn’t know how to act
this is the first time he’s seen you cry bc usually y’all keep your emotions to yourselves - you’re both v independent like that ( ̄︶ ̄)
anyway, mans thinks he can just tease the sadness out of you 🙄
‘awh, is my little couch goblin feeling sad?’ he said shakily, clearly intimidated by your figure lying on the couch, and you could tell he was nervous per his use of the nickname ‘couch goblin’
‘‘TSUKISHIMA, FUCK OFF!’ you barked, hastily wiping away your tears and clinging to blanket to prevent him from pulling it away, as the last thing you wanted him to see was your weary figure just so he could tease you about it 
‘bitch, i live here.’ he hissed, rubbing the back of his neck - feeling rather conflicted
on one hand, you seemed serious when you asked him to leave; plus, the last thing he wanted to do was make you feel uncomfortable by staying when you’re already sad
but on the other hand, he genuinely wanted to help
he’d feel bad if he were to just leave his s/o in tears when he could’ve done something to make you feel better 
‘do you really want me to go?’ he asked and for a change, not a hint of mockery or sarcasm was found in his voice
there were several moments of silence until you mumbled from under your blanket, ‘no.’ then proceeded to lift up your arm to allow him to crawl under the blanket and join you
he did so, pulling you against his chest so you could sob lightly against his cotton shirt while being engulfed by warm darkness
‘what could’ve possibly went wrong to make the evilest blanket demon cry?’
‘evilest blanket demon’ - that was definitely a new one, and you’d be lying if you said a small snicker didn’t escape your mouth at how monotonously he was able to deliver such a unique nickname
and after years of being in a relationship with tsukki, you’ve learned to find comfort in these nicknames considering they were a big part of how he expressed love 
in his vocabulary, ‘you’re so annoying.’ is equal to ‘i love you’
so him calling you an ‘evil blanket demon’ was, in his eyes, the highest and most sincere form of flattery
you eventually tell him what happened that made you sad and he just listens 
feel free to ramble on about anything/everything that’s worried you for the last few months bc he’s all ears 
he figured that other than make you dinner and hug you, that was the best thing he could do to help bc he was far from a romantic who’s good with words 
if he tries to console you verbally it would probably come out like ‘uh, don’t cry - i understand what you’re going through, i think, but like- cry if you want. this must be tough for you, to be honest.’
so he just listens to what you have to say and occasionally inputs a lil’ ‘mhm’ or ‘yeah’
he’s probably the most patient with you so you could stay sad on the couch for the next few weeks, as long as you’re eating the meals he delivers to you and you’re staying healthy, he’ll just let you mope until you feel better tbh
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Keiji Akaashi
boyfie material right here
i’m hardly an akaashi simp but he’s probably the best at comforting you while you’re sad tbh
because he’s literally been dealing with bokuto and his emo-mode for god-knows how long so he’s very good with reassuring people😌
also, i just know that this man can detect emotions so well- evEN THROUGH TEXT ISTG
he’d text you the usual ‘goodnight ❤’
and you’ll quickly wipe away your tears that were blurring your vision to reply ‘goodnight 💕’ 
then he’ll deadass text back like ‘i’m coming over. what’s wrong?’
HE JUST KNOWS!! don’t question it bc he doesn’t even have a logical answer lol
anyway, he’ll arrive and immediately begin with the reassurance before you even tell him what’s wrong 
‘you’re coping so well, (y/n).’
‘i’m so proud and i love you so much.’
‘is there anything i can do to make you feel better?’
‘would you like a hug?’
‘you’re beautiful, (y/n). i hope you know that.’
‘do you want me to get you ice-cream?’
a king- 👑
also, you weren’t embarrassed to cry in front of him either bc you had seen him cry before 
plus, y’all both established at the very beginning of the relationship that you’d both try be as honest and open with your emotions as possible
so now, you were both sitting beside each other on your bed while sharing a banana split that akaashi made (you put the sprinkles on though so you basically gave it flavour ✨)
akaashi is definitely the therapist friend to so he gives great advice 
but if you don’t want his advice and you’d prefer him to just listen, then he can do that too 
honestly, he’d do basically anything to make you feel better 🥺
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Hi Steph! Hope you’re well :) Do you have a 5+1 rec list? It’s one of my all time favourite tropes and having just found a new one I wondered if you knew of any more? Sorry if you already have one linked somewhere, I’m still not very familiar with tumblr! (The new one I found is works/23857900/chapters/57342538 - sorry I’m not sure how to link properly on asks yet either! 😖
anonymous asked: What’s ur opinion on 5+1 fics?
Hi Lovelies!
Ahhh, sorry for the delay on this one!! I love 5 and Ones!! :D I’ve been tagging them since the beginning 3 years ago so I could more easily find them, just WAITING for people to ask, LOL. I read them a lot on FFNet (it was a BIG fad in the early noughts to have 5+1 fics, just like song fics were a 90′s thing lol)
So here y’all are, plus the one @johnlockedin221b suggested which I haven’t read yet! Please feel free to add your own here! 
I’ve also added some *CLOSE TO* five and ones, so like four and ones, I have a 7 times fic, and just one with 5 times. Hope y’all enjoy!
Once Upon A Time by ProfessorSquirrell (T, 908 w., 1 Ch. || Family, Snippets of Life, Romance, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Implied Drug Use, Angst with Happy Ending) – There is a room in Sherlock's mind palace where nothing gets deleted. And it looks like this...
The Four Incidents by TheGirlWithRedHair22 (K+, 1,064 w., 1 Ch. || S1 Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, John Whump, Accident, John POV, Hand Holding, Worried Sherlock, Sherlock’s Self Esteem) – The first time John was present when someone insulted Sherlock, he brushed it off as a strange coincidence.
Five Times John Watson Remained Oblivious by thriceandonce (K+, 1,154 w., 1 Ch. || Five and Ones, Romance, Friendship, Asexual Sherlock, Queerplatonic Relationship) – ...And one time he didn't.
Five Times John Didn't Notice Sherlock (and one time he did) by somanyhands (T, 1,369 w., 6 Ch. || Friendship, Five and Ones, 221B Format Oneshots) – Five times out oblivious John Watson didn't notice Sherlock, and one time he really did. A short series of (five plus one) 221B fics, just because.
The 3x John Carried Sherlock, and Once ViceVersa by ShinkonoKokoro (K+, 1,673 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Friendship, Three and One, BAMF John, Sherlock Whump, Worried Sherlock, John Gets Shot) – It happens more than he suspects.
The Perfect Place by SilverSmile (K+, 1,955 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Romance, 5 and Ones, Fluff, Experiments, Bed Sharing) – Sherlock attempts to find the perfect place to sleep, but his little experiment proves to be far more difficult than expected.
Like Euphoria and Scotch by FinAmour (M, 1,856 w., 1 Ch. || TSo3 Fix It, Five and One, Alchohol / Drinking, POV Second Person Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock’s Imagination, Armchair Sex, Cracky and Fluff, Happy Ending) – 5 different ways it all could have gone + the one way it actually works itself out.
Five Times Sherlock gave John a Pebble and One Time John Returned the Gesture by grimmfairy (NR, 1,895 w., 1 Ch. || Love Confessions, Fluff, Penguins and Pebbles, Nervous / Pining Sherlock, Oblivious John) – Sherlock isn't good with words, so he decides to tell John his feelings the way penguins do, by bringing him pebbles with different meanings. John catches on.
The Perfect Place by SilverSmile (K+, 1,955 w., 1 Ch. || Humour, Romance, 5 and Ones, Fluff, Experiments, Bed Sharing) – Sherlock attempts to find the perfect place to sleep, but his little experiment proves to be far more difficult than expected.
Five Times Sherlock Realized He Was Getting Older by Mildred Graves (T, 9,215 w., 6 Ch. || Five and Ones, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Old) – . . . And one time it didn't matter.
It Was All Right There In Front of Him (A Five Times Plus One Story) by bees_stories (T, 3,191 w., 1 Ch. || 5+1, Protective Idiots, Grooming, Bed Sharing, Lestrade POV) – DI Greg Lestrade is a good detective. But sometimes he doesn't trust the evidence in front of him, until there's a compelling reason to do so.
Wish I Was In Heaven Sitting Down by standbygo (M, 3,282 w. || Post-S4, Five Plus One, Missing Scenes, Parenthood, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Cuddling & Snuggling, Hurt/Comfort, Declarations of Love, Fluff, Food, John Whump) – Five times when Sherlock and John ate together, and one time they didn't. A history of the boys, in food.
Atrium by kali_asleep (T, 3,460 w., 1 Ch. || 5+1, Valentines Day, Fluff & Schmoop, First Kiss) – Five times Sherlock gave John his heart, and the one time Sherlock got a heart in return (literally)
Because Your Coat is Part of You by camellialice (K, 3,705 w., 1 Ch. || 5 and 1, Canon Compliant, Sherlock’s Coat, Angst, Fluff) – Five times John wore Sherlock's coat and one time he didn't need to.
Five Times John Cooked Something with Peas and One First Kiss by 221b_careful_what_you_wish_for (T, 3,915 w., 1 Ch. || 5 and Ones, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Cooking / Food, Sick Sherlock, Music, Domestic Fluff, First Kiss) – After John cooks five dinners that slowly reveal their hunger for each other, Sherlock and John finally share a first kiss.
Human Body Pillow by Lunavere (K, 4,122 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Five and Ones, Sleepy Johnlock, Bed Sharing) – A story about the five times John fell asleep on Sherlock, and the one time Sherlock fell asleep on him.
What John Doesn't Know (Won't Hurt Him) by blueink3 (NR [T], 4,392 w., 1 Ch, || S3 Fix It, Pining Sherlock, Snippets of Life, Hurt/Comfort, Scars, Fluff and Angst, Five and One, Hopeful Ending, POV Sherlock) – Five people who see Sherlock's scars before John Watson. But Sherlock's secrets were never something he could keep from his blogger for long.
Carry On by Mazarin221b (M, 4,647 w., 1 Ch. || 5 and Ones, H/C, Afghanistan, Frottage, Hand Jobs, First Time) – Five times John didn't want to be carried, and one time he did.
Bed-Sharing Between Flatmates by testosterone_tea (T, 5,053 w., 1 Ch. || 5 and Ones, Bed Sharing, PTSD John, Science, Whump, Insecure Sherlock) – 5 times Sherlock had an excuse to share John's bed, and the one time he didn't need one.
Storytelling by amythedork (T, 5,126 w., 1 Ch. || John’s Past, Friendship, Humour) – Five times John Watson opens up to Sherlock Holmes, and one time Sherlock Holmes opens up to John Watson. Gen, though could easily be read as pre-slash.
Sociopathy and Other Fibs by kinklock (M, 5,314 w., 1 Ch. || 5+1, Miscommunication, Humour, Friends to Lovers, Post S3, Love Confessions) – Five times John called Sherlock out, and one time Sherlock returned the favour.
five times sherlock holmes lied to john watson (and one time he finally told the truth) by miss_frankenstein (G, 5,948 w., 1 Ch. || TAB Compliant || Homophobia, Pining Sherlock, Oscar Wilde Trials, Happy Ending) – Set in "The Abominable Bride" universe, this piece adopts a familiar format to chronicle Sherlock's quiet suffering in the wake of the 1895 Oscar Wilde trials and the particular way they affect his relationship with (and feelings for) John.
Five Times John Noticed But Didn't Really by ScandalousMinds (T, 6,383 w., 5 Ch. || Domestics, Fluff/Angst, Bratty Sherlock, Idiots, Pre-Slash, Jealous Sherlock, Love Confessions) – 5 times John (thought) he noticed something peculiar about his and Sherlock's relationship but really missed the obvious.
once upon a time by darcylindbergh (M, 6,501 w., 6 Ch. || Fluff and Angst, First Kiss / Time, Love Declarations, Christmas) – It starts with a wish. In the beginning, John comes home. Part 1 of things fairy tales are made of
Five Times by AliuIce0814 (T, 6,667 w., 6 Ch. || Drama, Canon-Compliant S1 & 2, Angst, 5 and Ones, Reunion) – ... Sherlock woke John, and one time John woke Sherlock.
Six Dates by avawtsn (E, 7,421 w., 2 Ch. || 5+1, First Time / Kiss, Post S4-Compliant, POV John) – A rather accidental 5+1 written for the prompt "is this a date?" Hint: it is.
Galapogos by anchors (E, 8,460 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Angst, 5 and 1, John Whump) – Somewhere in the depths of the universe, and somewhere in the middle of Sherlock's chest, a star goes into supernova.
All the Times Something ALMOST Happened by allonsys_girl (T, 9,049 w., 6 Ch. || POV Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Canon Compliant, Angst, Friendship/Love, UST) – John and Sherlock dancing around what they dance around in canon.
Illogical, even. by magikspell (E, 9,119 w., 1 Ch. || Grey-Ace Sherlock, Character Study, Growing Up, Victor Trevor, Romance, First Time/Kiss, Sherlock-centric) – Five reasons Sherlock never believed in love and one reason he does now.
A Different Kind of Love by Svenja The Strange (T, 12,357 w., 6 Ch. || Fluff, Humour, Romance, Five and One) –  The five times people noticed and the one time John did. A collection of oneshots (some short, some longer) raising the issue of Johns endless dilemma of being deemed for Sherlock’s boyfriend.
A Study in Linguistics by rizandace (T, 12,425 w., 1 Ch. || S1 Canon Compliant/S2 Divergence, Friendship, Slices of Life, Communication, Cranky Sherlock, Hospitals, Sherlock Whump, Pet Cat, Jealous John, Sherlock’s Violin, Anxious Sherlock, John Whump) – Sherlock Holmes and John Watson had their own language. It was a language of few words and minute facial expressions, and John had learned that it was nearly the only way to have an honest conversation with his eccentric flat mate.
First Response by Arwen Jade Kenobi (T, 13,516 w., 8 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Five and Ones, Whump / Injury) – Five times John had to perform first aid on Sherlock and one time Sherlock had to perform it on John.
Never-Ending Cycle by orphan_account (T, 17,211 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas, Est. Rel., Proposal, Fluff) – Or, four times Sherlock Holmes attempted to propose to John Watson, and the Christmas Party at which he finally did. Sherlock thinks he's a miserable failure, John is confused, Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade provide some unsatisfactory advice, and Mummy is, as always, the solution. All in a lovely, fluffy holiday theme.
Just a Kiss by emmagrant01 (E, 19,695 w., 7 Ch. || 5+1, Case Fic) – Five times John and Sherlock kissed because of a case and one time they kissed for real.
EMERGENCY CONTACT: Sherlock Holmes, RELATIONSHIP: n/a by blueink3 (M, 5,533 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt John / John Whump, Five and One, Fluff & Angst, Worried Sherlock) – The first time John Watson’s emergency contact is called is the first time Sherlock Holmes finds out that he has the job. Part 1 of The Emergency Contact Series
EMERGENCY CONTACT: John Watson, RELATIONSHIP: Saint by blueink3 (M, 6,229 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt Sherlock, 5+1, Hurt / Comfort, Caring John, Scars) – The first time Sherlock Holmes realizes he needs an emergency contact is the first time he mentally appoints John Watson with the job. John, of course, does not know this and neither does the local hospital. Part 2 of The Emergency Contact Series
Caught In The Act by ShirleyCarlton (E, 7,009 w. across 6 stories || Est. Rel, Voyeurism, Character POV’s, Masturbation, Switchlock) – This is a series of six scenarios written from the points of view of six different people as they accidentally walk in on Sherlock and John having sex.
Five Times Sherlock Realized He Was Getting Older by Mildred Graves (T, 9,215 w., 6 Ch. || Five and Ones, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Getting Old) – . . . And one time it didn't matter.
The Five Stages of Mourning, Plus One by SunnyRea (T, 10,557 w., 1 Ch. || MCD, Pining / Grieving Sherlock, URT, Heavy Angst, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Drug Use, Graphic Death, Depression, Unhappy Ending) – Sherlock did not want this, did not want another stalemate with John in the middle, a gun in Jim's hand. This cannot have happened without a sign. There has to be something he missed anything which said today is the day I kill for real.
About Sleep and Coffee and the Existence of Fate by Atiki (E, 17,426 w., 6 Ch. || Fluff, Marriage Proposal, Humour, 5+1) – Naturally, John was startled when suddenly the ultimate solution occurred to him: Marriage. This was, of course, a bit of a fundamental problem rather than an actual solution. One didn't simply use the words “Sherlock” and “marriage” within the same sentence. Not even in a hypothetical context. Five times John kind of wanted to propose to Sherlock, and one time he didn’t have to.
Just a Kiss by emmagrant01 (E, 19,695 w., 7 Ch. || 5+1, Case Fic, Kisses) – Five times John and Sherlock kissed because of a case and one time they kissed for real.
5 Times John Got the Girl (and lost her) and 1 Time John Got the Guy (and kept him) by LiviKate (M, 21,695 w., 6 Ch. || 5 and Ones, Kissing, Oblivious / Awkward Sherlock, BAMF / Sexy / Stud John, Embarrassed John, John’s Scar, Hurt/Comfort, Jealous Sherlock) – John has always had good luck with the ladies. He's charming, friendly and funny, not to mention great in bed. However, his usual skill with the opposite sex is constantly being thwarted by Sherlock and his outbursts. How will John ever get a leg over when Sherlock is always cockblocking him?
Five Times: Watching and Waiting by Ira Lea (K+, 23,034 w., 13 Ch. || Friendship, Post-TRF, No Slash) – Five times Sherlock didn't know John was watching, and one time he made sure of it. Five times John didn't know Sherlock was watching, and one time he figured it out. Three years of "he's dead", one moment of "he's alive", and the resulting chase through the streets of London. (Two 5:1s in quick succession and a bonus).
And A Doctor by StillWaters1 (T, 27,393 w., 6 Ch. || Friendship, Doctor John, Whump, Soldier / Doctor Dichotomy, Five and One) – It was only when people actually saw John working as a physician that they began to understand: that it wasn't just about bullets and IEDs and trauma care under fire. That "doctor" actually covered a pretty wide field. And that John was bloody good at covering ground. 5 times Dr. Watson treated others and 1 time he treated himself.
Five Times They Kissed for a Case, and One Time They Kissed for Real by fleetwood_mouse (M, 32,406 w., 6 Ch. || 5+1, Slow Burn, Fluff / Angst, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers) – A stolen ring! An artful blogger! And many more adventures for your enjoyment.
The Case of the Vanishing Pants by SwissMiss (E, 44,025 w., 6 Ch. || Five and Ones, Post-TRF, Case Fic, UST, Homophobia, Friends to Lovers, Pining John, Showering Together, Couple for a Case, Sherlock’s Bum, Fantasies, Jealous Sherlock) – Five times John and Sherlock lost their pants in the course of a case.
Five Times Sherlock and John Had Realistic Sex and One Time They Didn't by pennydreadful (E, 1,811 w., 1 Ch. || Five and One, Anal/Oral, Finger Fucking, Hand Jobs) – Reality is a bitch.
A Study in Night Terrors by Dovahlock221 (T, 2,811 w., 1 Ch. || 5 and Ones, Night Terrors, (Emotional) Hurt/Comfort, PTSD Sherlock, Worried John, Hurt John, Angst with Happy Ending) – Five times Sherlock suffered from night terrors and the one time he had the best dream of his life.
What Every Step Is For by Anyawen (G, 2,921 w., 1 Ch. || Five and One, Bedsharing, Injury, Illness, Cold, Lack of Beds, Fake Relationship, Fluff) – Five times bedsharing occurred due to circumstance, and one time it happened by invitation.
5 Times John Almost Told Sherlock He Loved Him, and 1 Time He Did by wanderlustmind (T, 3,006 w., 1 Ch. || 5 and Ones, Additional Tags to be added) – As adorable as a box of puppies, I promise.
The Fundamental Things Apply by Raina_at (M, 6,263 w., 1 Ch. || Five and One, Kissing) – "Kisses that are easily obtained are easily forgotten." - Proverb
Five Times Sherlock Fell Asleep in John's Arms by Accident and the One Time He Did It – Accidentally – on Purpose by WillowGrove (T, 7,201 w., 6 Ch, || Five and One, Falling Asleep, Cuddling & Snuggling, Texting, Tea, First Kiss, Dreams, Fever, Comfort, Caretaker John, Love, Humour, Fluff) – Sherlock notices that John keeps cuddling him to sleep and he rather likes it. But then John stops, and Sherlock has to result to schemes to make it happen again. Who falls asleep, who wakes up in who’s arms, and – most importantly – will there be a kiss in the end?
Dinner Conversations, a 5+1 by BakerTumblings (G, 7,559 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Blended Families, Parentlock, Dinner Conversations, Established Relationship, Family Adventures, Five and Ones) – Five times that John had something to say at or about dinnertime, and one time where John was requested to listen. Part 8 of Eyes Wide Open
The Refractive Index by NoStraightLine (E, 10,395 w., 6 Ch. || Five and Ones, BAMF John, Crossdressing, Sherlock is Shot, Oral Fixation, First Time, Hurt/Comfort) – Five times John and Sherlock fuck in a bolt-hole, and one time they don't.
Five Christmases that went wrong and one that didn't by love_in_mind_palace (M, 11,685 w., 6 Ch. || Christmas, Fluff & Smut, Domestics, Est. Rel., 5 and 1′s, Canon Divergence, Tooth-Rotting Fluff) – John isn’t sure about most of the things in his life. Except for the fact that he loves Sherlock, Sherlock loves him back and that after years of bad luck, he is getting the Christmas he always deserved.
In Plain Sight by SilentAuror (E, 18,100 w., 1 Ch. || Post-HLV, 5 and Ones, POV Sherlock, Sex on Trains, Sex During Investigations, Sex in Offices, Unspoken Feelings, Anal, Slight Medical Kink, Public Sex Kink) – Five times that Sherlock and John have sex of some kind without talking about it and one time when they do. Part 1 of the Public Sex Kink
Just Dance by 7PercentSolution (M, 22,784 w., 6 Ch. || Four and One, For a Case, Drug Use, Abusive Boss, Ballroom Dancing, Sherlock Loves Dancing, Blackmail, Unrequited Love, Courtship) – Four dances that Sherlock taught Janine — and one he didn’t. Never mind if it leads him into dangerous territory; how could Sherlock resist a case from Lady Smallwood that lets him use his dancing skills? This is a gift work to Silvergirl, who is an inspiration to us all.
5 times Sherlock got (a) dressed like a woman, plus 1 he did not by Nauss (M, 25,719 w., 6 Ch. || Friendship and Romance, 5 and Ones, French Language Fic) – Ton regard est baissé et ton attitude ne brille pas de son habituel éclat Je-sais-que-tu-considères-que-je-n'aurais-pas-dû-mais-la-science-John. À la place, il y a tous ces petits détails que je ne parviens pas à voir, alors je m'approche de ta silhouette enrobedechambrée. Puis je lève la main, bouche bée. - John rentre en avance du travail et tombe sur un imprévu sherlockien.
Exit- An Ex Files Special by 7PercentSolution (G, 27,148 w., 6 Ch. || Sherlock/Victor Trevor, Angst Like Whoa, TRF-Compliant, Multiple POV’s, Unrequited Love, Whump, TBI and Recovery, Heartbreak, Romance, PTSD, Grieving, Five and One) – The end (or not, as the case may be), covering The Fall and its aftermath. Can be considered both a conclusion to my Fallen Angel series and a coda to Extricate and The Ex. A five plus one.
under the burden of solitude by subtext-is-my-division (E, 27,947 w., 5 Ch. || S3/S4 Fix It/Post TLD, Angst, Grief/Mourning, First Kiss, Mentions of Rape, Hurt/Comfort, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock POV, Fantasies, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Suicidal Thoughts Mentions, Five and Ones) – Five times they shared a bed platonically, and one time they didn't.
Caesura by emilycare (M, 36,608 w., 10 Ch. || Five and One, Mutual Pining, Love Confessions, Sherlock’s Violin, Friends to Lovers, Past Abuse, Past Drug Use, Angst with Happy Ending, Suicidal Thoughts, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Domestic Fluff, Soft Sherlock, Gay Sherlock, Bisexual John) – The violin is a retreat that eases the quiet of Sherlock Holmes' solitude. It also speaks for him when he cannot bridge the gaps his defenses create. Moments when music helps Sherlock reach out or let others in, like his stalwart flatmate and, in time, the doctor's daughter. Five times Sherlock Holmes played the violin, and one time he did not.
Magpies Series by 7PercentSolution (T, 218,813+ w. across 4 works || Series WIP || Post TRF, Drug Withdrawal, References to Torture, Confessions, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Sick Fic, PTSD, Oblivious John) – The Magpies series covers the events of the broadcast series three and four, "translated" into my universe. I wrote a lot of it before the episodes were broadcast and made some of my themes into AU (such as the Holmes parents and the sibling). Darker, more intense and angsty than Game Theory and Fallen Angel, the Magpies stories show the effects of the hiatus on all concerned. When parts five to 8 are completed, the series will bring the Ford saga to a conclusion.
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“Embrace” - Din Djarin x female!reader
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Tigaanur Series: Part 1 | Part 2 (you’re here!) | Part 3 | MASTERLIST
Summary: The first time you slept next to the Mandalorian definitely wasn’t that comfortable. The second time would have been a lot better … if you could have fallen asleep in his embrace.
Warning: the fluff continues, a bit of violence/near death experience? (honestly ... is that news in that series?), more touching and bed sharing, suggestive themes, Hmmm slow-burn romance! My favorite ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Category: fluff
Words: about 8.000
Notes: The sequel to “Touch” is here! You don’t have to read the first part necessarily but I would suggest it because some things are references you might understand better if you read both. I also decided to name this series “Tigaanur“ which is Mando’a for ... touch, lol. I hope y’all like the second part just as much! I had a lot of fun writing this, hehe. Note 2: Again, set during season 1 but the events are drawn out over a longer period of time (but they aren’t really mentioned) Note 3: If you like my writing ... I’m taking Requests! Or if you just want to be notified when I upload something: I’ve started a taglist, too!
“Embrace” – Din Djarin x fem!reader
With a huff you turned in your makeshift bed and stared at the ceiling of the Razor Crest, your hands clasped and neatly placed on your stomach. Keeping track of the time was difficult when you were in hyperspace for more than a day, at least for you, but when spending these days unable to fall asleep, the minutes seemed to last an eternity longer. Insomnia plagued you in your hours of otherwise peaceful slumber ever since a few weeks. All those events, all those concerns to keep the Child safe and the realization that there was a bounty on your head now, kept you awake, alert even when you knew it was safe to close your eyes. Your days were a constant pattern you couldn't escape from. Fighting, fleeing, repeat. You were aware of what you had signed up for when you joined Mando and the little one on the Razor Crest and you didn't regret a thing. But what you hadn't been aware of at the beginning was just how much your mind would struggle to process everything. You adapted to having to be observant and careful all the time, you just couldn't switch it off anymore. Your body shook with energy, prepared to act if necessary at any time even when you were more than exhausted. In the last couple of weeks you only seemed to find any sleep when your body was too exhausted to function anymore, leaving you passed out in the copilot seat more often than not. When Mando would notice you almost falling sleep beside him, he always urged you to go down in your bed. You knew he only wanted you to sleep comfortably, the copilot seat wasn't the best alternative for your body and especially for your back. You didn't dare to tell him that the moment you would settle down in your bed, you would be wide awake for the rest of the flight. Sometimes sleep was within reach, so close but your mind would startle you awake before you could get a hold of it. Leaving you panicked in your bed with your heart beating relentlessly against your ribs, keeping you awake for the rest of the night. Other times your body was simply too restless for you to even feel tired, let alone fall asleep. The constant stress your body and mind were under, slowly but surely strained your nerves.
You groaned, frustrated at yourself, and pressed the palms of your hands against your eyes. You couldn't deal with this anymore. You kicked back your blanket and stood up from your makeshift bed. You stretched your arms over your head until your shoulders made a satisfied plopping sound, then you grabbed your blanket, draped it over your shoulders and head like a hood before you made your way to the ladder leading up. You tiptoed silently past the Mandalorian's cot in which the kid was sleeping soundly, not wanting to wake the little on up, and then climbed up to the cockpit.
Mando shifted in his seat the moment you set a foot onto solid ground again, tilting his head in confusion as he looked at you. You walked up to him with your head lowered and sat down into the copilot seat to his right. With your feet plopped onto the seat, you wrapped the blanket around you and leaned your head back, glancing at the streaks of blue and silver above your through the window. "Nightmare?" he asked, his voice a soft whisper his modulator struggled to pick up. His concern for you made your heart flutter and warmth spred in your stomach. "No" you shook your head and wrapped the blanket tighter around your body. "Just can't fall asleep right now." It wasn’t a lie, just not the complete truth either. You let out a sigh, your eyes still fixated onto the fascinating beauty that was hyperspace even though you have seen it a million times already. But the nebula of blue and silver, of the stars swirling around you, never ceased to amaze you. The silence was light but filled with unspoken words and questions. You didn't dare to ask any of them out loud. You didn't want to disturb the comfortable silence and you weren't sure if you wanted to hear his answers anyway. You had asked him the question that was burning on the tip of your tongue before. His answer didn't really clarify much for you, you were still unsure at times. Now you only knew that he didn't mind the touches, didn't mind you around him. You were curious but also afraid to ask again. You liked how the bond you two shared was right now, you didn't want it to change to something awkward.
Your eyes fluttered close unwillingly, the exhausting taking a hold of your stiff body. You still couldn't relax but your body needed to shut down, needed to recharge. You heard the Mandalorian shuffle with something but before you could open your eyes to look, he had already grabbed your hand from underneath the blanket and intertwined his un-gloved fingers with yours. The warmth of his touch immediately washed over your whole body. Your lips formed into a soft smile as you squeezed his hand in thanks, slowly melting into his touch and the seat, gradually you felt your body relax. Mando began to draw small circles on the back of your hand, soothing your racing thoughts to a halt. No words were spoken, but you didn't feel like they were necessary right now. You were just grateful for his touch as your mind slipped into a peaceful slumber. The last clear thought you could form stuck with you even when you woke up again a few hours later. You never seemed to be able to relax in your bed just as good as if you were in the cockpit with Mando by your side.
"Why does this always happen?" you huffed under your breath as you ran beside the Mandalorian, trying to get back to the Razor Crest before one of the men hunting you could land a shot.
You had just wanted to get some more supplies again, with three people on the ship rations didn't last long, especially with the always hungry kid that was hiding in the bag slung over your shoulder right now. You had wanted to go alone but after what happened the last time, when you had gotten badly hurt, Mando didn't allow that. Especially now that there was also a bounty on your head to track him and the kid down. You were in far more danger than he anticipated, than he wanted. But you also were in a desperate need to leave the ship even if it was only for an hour. You couldn’t stand being trapped there any longer, so you argued with him, refused to stay behind. After a while, and very reluctantly, Mando agreed to you going with him which meant that the kid had to join, too, because you didn't want to leave him alone on the ship. You had hoped for it to run smoothly, to just for once be able to enjoy a trip to a market and not be confronted with the harsh reality again. But you should have known better, you should have known that some bounty hunters would spot you three, that it was just inevitable.
So, that was why you were running through the narrow streets of the city you were in right now. Fighting them all off immediately hadn't been an option this time with all the civilians around you blocking your path and sight, so you three had to resort to shooting your way free and immediately fleeing after that. The plan had been to find a spot where you would have some advantage to attack but the city seemed to only consist of small, narrow streets in which you couldn't do anything except try to run, try to not get shot in the back.
Mando was running beside you but after a while you had trouble keeping pace with him. Your legs burned, the exhaustion in every fiber of your body from weeks of almost no sleep slowed you down more and more. Gasping for air you tried to not fall too far behind. The Mandalorian took a sharp turn to the left, vanishing into another small side street. You stumbled, struggling to slow down enough to take the turn without needing to stop completely. You could only vaguely hear the shouting of the bounty hunters behind you over the blood rushing through your ears and your heart hammering against your ribs. But what you could hear, or rather feel, was the blaster shoots zooming past you, barely missing. They were coming closer, fast. The kid cooed in your bag, confused by what was going on when you grabbed the bag and pressed it with him in it protectively against your chest. At least he wouldn't get hit there. You managed to round the corner and fixated your eyes back on Mando's form. With a groan you sped up, trying to catch up to him. But then you felt the laser of a blaster, its heat sizzled past your face, missing your skin only barely. Your heart leaped into your throat and you jumped to the side, your back collided with the wall of a building as you came to a sudden halt. When you collected your thoughts enough to turn your head, you saw the bounty hunters had already followed you into the small street and you knew there was no use in escaping anymore. If you ran, they would just shoot you in the back. You looked down at the Child who had stuck out his head from the bag, staring at you with his big, round eyes, and you knew what you had to do. You had no other option. You had to fight. You grabbed your blaster from the holster on your hip -Mando made you take one with you and had taught you the basics, now that you were on the radar of bounty hunters too- and slung the bag around so the Child would be hidden behind your back, safe from any blaster shots coming your way. You had no time to aim so you just shot into the general direction of the bounty hunters, hoping for the best, as you pushed yourself from the wall, avoiding a few shots only barely. Miraculously you managed to hit a few of them, or maybe it was Mando who hit them. He had to be somewhere behind you, he probably noticed your absence and had turned around to help, but your mind was too clouded to notice his footsteps hurrying closer or his blaster shots coming from behind you, more unfocused and aimless than usually. You ducked your head down to avoid a few more otherwise fatal shots and directed your blaster to the bounty hunter closest to you, only for it to jam. You pulled the trigger three times before you realized that nothing was happening. Your eyes widen in horror and you did the only thing you could think of right now: Protect the Child at all cost. You let your blaster fall to the ground as you spun around, so your back was facing the bounty hunters. You grabbed the bag during your turnaround and pressed it against your chest again, putting one hand on the little one’s head in an attempt to soothe him while your body shook in fear. You prepared yourself for the hit, prepared yourself for the heat sinking into your skin, for the pain, when you suddenly felt someone grab you and spin you around with them. You were too disoriented to react, to fight, you could only hear the lasers leaving the bounty hunter’s blaster, but none of them hit you. Instead, they hit something metallic, making them bounce off. You lifted your head slightly and your breath got stuck in your throat as you realized what was happening. Mando had wrapped his arms around you and spun you so his body was shielding you and the kid from the lasers, his back facing the bounty hunters, instead of yours. You couldn't do anything, except for staring at his visor in pure shock while he silently stared back, not even tilting his helmet in question. Him moving his hands behind your back stayed mostly unnoticed by you. Only when the whistling birds already struck down the bounty hunters that were left did you realized what he had done.
The echo of the blasters suddenly stopped, leaving the small side street in complete silence with the only exception being your still widely beating heart hammering against your ribs. The first one to move was neither Mando nor you but the Child, who was tugged in between the two of you. Wiggling and stretching his arms out he cooed at the Mandalorian whose helmet lowered to look at him. Slowly he loosened his grip on you, though his arms still stayed wrapped around you. If you didn't know it any better you would have said he was afraid you would disappear if he let go. But you didn't mind his hold on you, your legs were shaking uncontrollably and you would probably have slumped down on the ground without him. "Are you hurt?" he asked and glanced back at you, his voice frantic. You shook your head and let out a breathy sigh. "No-o" you said and gasped for air, your heart pumping hard against your chest in relief, before you directed your gaze to the little one. "We're okay. B-but I need a moment." You let your forehead fall against Mando’s armored chest and just focused on your breathing. The Mandalorian didn't move or interject, instead he tightened his arms around you again, giving you not only stability but comfort, too. You closed your eyes and tried to stop the shaking of your body. The adrenaline had vanished and only left the fear behind that was still closing its claws around you. You gulped, realizing that you almost ... that you could have died. A cold shiver ran down your spine as your breath hitched. This could have been the end of your journey. You could have... "We need to go" Mando spoke up, his voice caring an apologetic tone. You nodded against his chest, understanding that you had to leave the planet before more bounty hunters could arrive. You bit your lip and straightened up, taking a step back the Mandalorian let his arms slip from you, bringing them back to his sides. "Let's go" you agreed, trying to cover the waver of your voice with a small smile.
You held the Child pressed against your chest the whole remaining way back to the Razor Crest. His soft squeaks kept your mind at ease and focusing on his big, curious eyes made you forget about what almost happened. At least for the time being. Luckily, you didn't walk into any more bounty hunters. Though you could only take a deep breath of relief when the hangar closed tightly behind you. You only half-heartedly noticed Mando gently pushing you down onto the edge of his cot by the shoulders. You stared at the ground before you, still hugging the little one against your chest, and didn't even register the Razor Crest taking off. The short startle of the jump into hyperspace was also left unnoticed. Only when the Child was softly taken out of your arms did you look up at the Mandalorian, who had come back down. You didn't protest as he put the little one into his hammock where he promptly fell asleep.
"You should get some rest" the Mandalorian suggested, one of his hands resting on your shoulder, the leather of his glove brushing against the skin of your neck. The sensation left small tingles behind which would have made you sigh if you weren’t so tense. And even though you would have loved to, you knew sleep wasn't an option for you right now. "I can't-" you choked out and lowered your eyes to stare at your still shaking hands. You clenched them to fists and bit your lip. And even though the Mandalorian didn't speak up, did you know what he was asking when his hand wandered from your shoulder to your neck and cheek. You leaned into his touch, closed your eyes and wished to just fall asleep in his comforting presence, to just be able to forget this day. "I haven't been able to sleep properly ever since I joined you" you confessed, your voice faint. "But it has gotten worse over the last few weeks." "What can I do to help you?" the Mandalorian asked sincerely concerned. You couldn't help the soft chuckle escaping from your mouth. "Can you stay?" you hummed even though you knew he couldn't. This wasn't necessarily the worst sleeping position you were in since the last couple of weeks, but also not one of the best. However, if you moved to your bed or to the cockpit now, you would be wide awake once more. But Mando probably didn’t want to and couldn’t stay in that position anyway. You sighed at the warmth of his touch, relishing the moment for a few seconds more before you would have to stand up. But then Mando pulled away, making you open your eyes in an instant. You were about to stand up from his cot when he suddenly kneeled down before you. Freezing in place you stared at his visor that stayed trained on your face. Every word you could have said got stuck in your throat when he grabbed your legs and slipped your shoes off. You couldn't even ask him what he was doing, though your face probably gave that thought away. He placed your shoes neatly beside the entrance to his cot before slipping his off, too, which only left you even more confused. You blinked at him in lack of understanding, searching for words.
"What are you doing?" you managed to ask when he had stood up and took a step closer. He was now directly in front of you, his body so close you could feel the warmth that radiated from him and it springing over to you. He was so close that you had to put your head back to keep your eyes focused on his helmet. "Staying with you" he only answered. Before you could ask further questions, he suddenly picked you up with one arm underneath your legs and the other bracing your back. Your eyes grew wide as you just clung onto him, unable to protest. Somehow Mando managed to get you two settled into his cot with him lying on his back, almost taking in all the space, and you on your side, trying to squeeze into the space that was left. Nevertheless, you had to press against him with your head lying on his armored shoulder. You didn't dare to breathe, didn't dare to move at all and just watched Mando for a while. He had his hands clasped on top of his stomach, the visor of his helmet pointed to the ceiling, harshly reflecting the still switched-on lights of the ship. He didn’t move and you began to wonder if he had already fallen asleep. But then you thought about how he was even supposed to fall asleep that way in his bed, completely dressed in his armor. Wasn’t he uncomfortable? You furrowed your brows, your eyes still trained on his helmet. Or did he always sleep that way? Fully dressed in his armor? Unmovingly on his back like a rock?
You couldn't help the squeak spilling over your lips as you flinched in embarrassment, making the Mandalorian chuckle lowly. He had noticed you staring, obviously. You cursed at yourself and ducked your head in, trying to sink into yourself and appear smaller while your cheeks heated up. Embarrassed you stared at your hands, refusing to meet the Mandalorian’s gaze again. His shoulders shook lightly from his silent laughter. Then he grabbed the blanket, draping it over the two of you before he pushed a button on the side of the wall which switched off the lights and closed the door to the cot. You were grateful for the darkness as your face definitely gave away your flustered state. For a few moments you focused on Mando's regular breathing through the modulator, feeling his body move next to you to the almost completely silent rhythm. You mimicked his relaxed breathing, trying to clear your thoughts and focusing on only that and not the close proximity you had to each other. And before you knew it your body relaxed and you fell asleep, tightly pressed against him.
You were relieved and grateful to Mando for finally having found some sleep through his help, but you would be lying if you said it was a comfortable slumber.
You had awoken alone in Mando's cot. Well, not completely alone. The kid was still sleeping in his hammock above you and the pain in your back was now also a new companion. Spending one night cramped into one tiny space with a man completely dressed in cold, hard armor probably wasn't the best idea. Nevertheless, you had slept and for the first time in weeks you felt somewhat well rested, back pain brushed aside.
You groaned and set up, rubbing your eyes and wondered how you didn't notice Mando leaving. In the tight space that was his bed you surely would have felt him move, right? Well, apparently you had been far too out of it for that. You were somewhat impressed at yourself for having fallen so deeply asleep but your body probably had just passed out, far too exhausted to keep being alert even in your sleep.  You yawned, searched for the button to open the cot and then crawled to its edge to put your shoes back on, noticing that Mando's were gone. You stood up and glanced at the Child but when you noticed that he was still soundly asleep, you silently walked to the ladder and climbed up. Once you were at the top you stopped and stared at the back of Mando's helmet, suddenly feeling very unsure of yourself. Sleeping next too him was the most intimate gesture he had shared with you. And even though that wasn’t really something big normally, you had shared a bed with friends before, this felt different. Somehow it felt intrusive and very exciting at the same time. You felt special but flustered none the less. Then you huffed and shook your head, clearing it from those thoughts. 'We only shared a bed' you told yourself. There was nothing special about that, right? Well, maybe not with any other person. But with Mando every small step felt like a miracle, like a risk to take even though being close to him was nothing new to you anymore. You held hands, you saw and felt his skin underneath the leather gloves, you even sat on his lap a few times while in hyperspace. But nothing ever felt so intimate than lying next to him in his small cot, even if you had a sore back now because of that. Alone the memory of it made your heart speed up again. Never had so simple gestures felt so exciting to you. And then the desire hit you that you wanted more, wanted to be closer to the man behind the beskar. And that thought suddenly scared you. You shook your head once more and forced yourself to sit down into one of the copilot seats. You stared out of the window, too afraid to meet the Mandalorian's gaze should he tilt his head to you, too afraid he would somehow know what you were thinking. You felt torn. Torn between wanting to embrace whatever this was and scared to know what he wanted, what he thought. Scared to know what exactly this was. It wasn’t a simple partnership anymore, not just a crew you happened to join. This was something that set your heart aflame whenever you were near him. But you didn’t want to ask. You didn’t want to know his answer. As long as he didn’t tell you what this was to him you could continue to pretend, to relish these moments that meant so much to you.
You folded your hands and placed them in your lap to stop yourself from fiddling with your thumbs. The silence was uncommonly heavy, pressing down on your shoulders and pinning you to the seat. "Thank you" you whispered after many minutes of complete silence and glanced at the Mandalorian through the corners of your eyes. He only hummed and nodded, not turning to meet your eyes.
The rest of your day was filled with the giggles and squeals of the Child as you played with him to distract yourself form your thoughts. You couldn't stand being in the cockpit alone with Mando today, so you had passed the time and busied yourself with caring for the kid. That was until he had fallen asleep in your arms at the end of the day, or at least you guessed another day had passed. Keeping track of it in hyperspace was still rather hard for you. You had put the little one to bed and were now standing in front of him, in front of Mando’s cot, unsure what to do. Glancing at your own bed you felt your stomach tighten. You already knew you would only turn from side to side without finding any rest in there. The only option to find any sort of sleep would be next to Mando. You sighed and climbed back up to sit down into one of the copilot seats only to almost run into the Mandalorian as the door to the cockpit slid open suddenly before you. You froze, your face only inches away from his chest. You took a deep breath before you slowly lifted your head until you could look into his visor. When he didn’t move to the side or reacted at all, you furrowed your brows at him in question. "Aren't you tired?" he asked and gently took your hand in his. It was the first time that he had talked to you today. The rest of the day had always been filled with awkward silence, something you had always feared should you ask the questions that were circling in your head, something you had wanted to prevent by staying silent, but now it was too late. He tilted his head at you when you didn't react. For a few moments you were overwhelmed and struggled for words. "Ehm, well, yeah but-" you weren't able to finish your sentence, though you weren't even sure what you had wanted to say anyway, when Mando squeezed your hand and nodded to the ladder. Understanding what he wanted to signal to you, you let your hand slip from his and began to climb back down, Mando following close behind. You were back where you had stood before, not knowing what to do. When Mando slipped his shoes off you did the same, just so you had something to occupy your mind with. When he turned to look at you, you stayed put where you were, frozen in place with your heart hammering against your ribs, begging you to let it escape. Did he really want to sleep in his armor again just so you could find some sort of relaxation, some form of comfort through his presence? Not to forget how painful it was to wake up earlier today for you, then you couldn’t possible imagine how it had to be for him. You suppressed the wince that would have spilled over your lips other wise and shook your head. Now wasn't about your comfort during sleep, but Mando's. And sleeping in armor definitely couldn’t be comfortable or even good for him. He should be able to relax in his ship and not be reminded of his job, his chaotic life through the armor he wore during the day and now at night, too.
"Isn't it uncomfortable to sleep in your armor?" you asked sincerely concerned and not just to gain some more seconds to try and sort your mind. Mando only shrugged his shoulders, while you rubbed the back of your neck that still felt a little stiff from this morning. "You don't have to-" you wanted to explain to him that he didn't have to do this for you when he would be uncomfortable as a result, that you would just try to sleep in your bed again so he felt comfortable enough to take the armor off and sleep alone in his cot. But every word got stuck in your throat when he did something you never thought your eyes would ever witness. He took off his armor, piece by piece, right in front of you. Your eyes grew wide and your mouth fell slightly open. "What-" you only managed to croak out as your eyes wandered over his form, the last piece of armor he still wore being his helmet and the rest of his clothing being what he wore underneath, a simple shirt and pants. You couldn't help yourself, you couldn't keep yourself from staring at him. His shoulders were still broad and wide even without the armor but only now did you notice his slender waist. You gulped and stopped your eyes from moving lower, bringing them back up, only for your heart to leap into your throat as you stared at his chest and arms that were now only covered by a dark, long-sleeved shirt. You already knew Mando was physically strong but the shirt did nothing to hide the muscles flexing in his arms and shoulders even when he was only standing before you. Why did you feel like he was standing bare before you when he only took his armor off and was still standing before you fully clothed? You felt your face heat up and your breath getting shallow at that thought. Your body tensed as you forced your eyes to stay on Mando's visor. You had embarrassed yourself enough already.
He hadn’t said anything when he had taken off his armor nor when he stepped closer to you, directing you backwards to the cot. When the back of your knees hit the edge you stumbled, almost falling on your back but Mando grabbed your hand and kept you upright. "Careful" he chuckled. Your face grew even hotter as you bit your lip, suppressing the mindless blabber that would have escape you otherwise. Slowly he lowered your still tilted off-center body until you found yourself on the exact same spot as yesterday. It felt rather surreal and you kept wondering if you weren’t just dreaming right now. Maybe you were still asleep? But when your eyes glanced at his exposed neck, the skin sun-kissed and flexing over his muscles in such detail, you were sure you couldn’t make this up during your sleep, that this had to be real. "Mando, I-" you began but he shushed you. "Let's just get some sleep, okay?" You nodded and stood up, letting Mando settled into his bed first. He laid down like he had yesterday, flat on his back with his arms on his stomach. For a second you hesitated, staring down at him before you followed him into the tight space, plopping down on your side with your back to him and snuggling underneath the blanket he had already draped over himself. You felt far too flustered to face him right now, especially with the lights still on. Without a word he closed the door to the cot and switched the lights off. You gulped, somehow feeling Mando's side pressed against your back even more prominently than before. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, snuggling deeper into the blanket in an attempt to make yourself fall asleep faster. Only to suddenly realize that everything in the cot smelled like the Mandalorian, smelled like something metallic (his beskar) mixed with something earthy, something grounding, something soothing. Heat immediately rushed back into your cheeks and your body tensed. Oh Maker, how were you supposed to fall asleep now? With Mando's scent in your nose and his body tightly pressed against you, you definitely couldn't. You didn't really feel uncomfortable but to say this position did anything for your still slightly sore back and neck was also not correct. And that your heart racing uncontrollably fast didn't help you in any way either. You couldn't relax like this.
Your eyes darted around in the dark as you tried to jump over your shadow and control your rapid breathing. Then, before you could back out again, you turned around underneath the blanket so you would have faced the Mandalorian if the lights were on. He didn't react or at least as far as you were aware. He could surely be looking at you through his visor, that probably had night vision, without moving his head. You gulped before carefully placing your hand on his chest. You felt him tense underneath your touch instantly, signaling you that he wasn't asleep yet. You felt how your cheeks heated up even more when your fingers brushed his muscular chest instead of the cold, hard beskar armor you were used to by now. "Mando?" you asked quietly, your voice trembling nervously while you patiently waited for an answer even after many seconds of silence. You wanted to make sure he was comfortable enough to answer you before you tried anything else. "Yes?" he finally said and you felt his head moving beside you ever so slightly. "Are you comfortable?" you questioned further. Another few seconds of silence followed in which the only thing you could focus on was how close you were to the unarmed Mandalorian. You could feel every muscle on his chest underneath your touch, still a bit tense but slowly loosening up more and more. You could feel his soothing warmth even more, now that the beskar wasn't in the way. You bit your lip, suppressing a sigh. "It's alright" he only answered, leaving your question rather unsatisfied. You took a deep breath, trying to stop your body from shaking and forced yourself to speak up again. "I am not" you whispered and felt him tense up again underneath your touch. You felt his head move once more, probably now completely turned to face you. He didn't say anything, just stared at you through the darkness. You struggled for words for a while, unsure how to continue without making him uncomfortable, without sounding too demanding. Then you lightly shook your head as far as that was possible lying on your side next to him. "Could you-" you began but bit your lip. Collecting all the courage you had left you forced yourself to continue. "Could you turn on your side?"
You stared into the darkness, at the unmoving Mandalorian as your pulse quickened. Nobody moved and you began to fear that you had overstepped a boundary. Maker, he had taken off his armor in front of you for the very first time. This must be even more uncomfortable for him than you. You gritted your teeth, cursing at yourself. You should have stayed silent and just tried to sleep. About to apologize you opened your mouth only to suddenly feel movement beside you. Before you knew it the Mandalorian laid on his side, but not like you had expected it with his back facing you, but with his chest. Your heart leaped into your throat, leaving you breathless and unable to form the words you had wanted to say out loud. You froze, your whole body tensed up in disbelief. "Is that better?" he asked, his voice an almost inaudible whisper. "Yeah" you croaked out. The silence that followed was deafening, making the beat of your heart even more audible and you were sure Mando must have been able to hear it, too. Your brain shut off, leaving you alone in the dark, helpless. How were you supposed to sleep now?! With your eyes wide you stared in front of you, stared into the darkness where Mando's chest was, only inches away from your face. You almost yelped in panic when you noticed that your hand was still touching him, pressed against his unarmored chest. But you couldn't move away. Was your mind blank only seconds before was it now swarming and crowded with thousand of thoughts.
You flinched when you suddenly felt a featherlight touch on your waist. You needed a few seconds to process that it was Mando's un-gloved hand. "Is this okay?" he asked, his voice so soft his modulator didn't even pick it up. You realized that this was Mando's real voice, not the distorted sound of his helmet but what he would sound like without it. A shower of tingles wandered down your body, leaving you breathless. You opened and closed your mouth a few times, trying to find the words. "Ye-yeah." Mando let his arm sneak around your waist, wrapping it around you and slowly pulling you against his chest. You didn't even notice that you were the one to tangle your legs with his, it felt intuitive. Suddenly you felt really dizzy. Was this really happening right now? You grabbed Mando's shirt with your shaking fingers and buried your head in his chest in a stupid attempt to hide. Because the moment you had to take a deep breath to try and calm yourself down, you only grew even more dizzy when his scent filled your nose. You cursed silently in your mind. But even through all of this, did you notice how your body slowly relaxed under this touch and warmth. Involuntary, you let out a soft sigh and closed your eyes.
"Thank you, Mando" you managed to whisper after probably minutes of silence. The Mandalorian didn't immediately retort anything to that and instead tightened his grip on your waist and squeezed the hand of his free arm between the two of you to place it on to of your hands that were still pressed firmly against his chest. "Din." You lifted your head to look at where his eyes must be hidden behind the darkness and furrowed your brows in lack of understanding. "What?" you asked confused. "Please. Call me Din." Your eyes widen and your face grew even hotter if that was even possible at that point. He ... he just revealed his name to you? Your breath hitched. He just revealed his name to you. "Din" you tested his name on your tongue in a hushed tone. The Mandalorian went rigid as he sucked in a sharp breath and you feared you had misunderstood him but then he pressed you even closer to him, making your heart skip a beat. You gasped for air in shock when he nestled into your hair as you felt his chin on top of your head and not the cold helmet. His legs had sneaked around yours, pinning you against him but you didn't feel trapped. Quite the opposite, you actually enjoyed his tight embrace. "Din?" you asked, your voice wavering noticeably. The grip around your waist tightened for a split second as he tried to stifle his sigh, making you chuckle and melt against him. "Din" you said again with a cheeky smile on your lips. The Mandalorian growled against you, making you jump in surprise. "Are you trying to torture me, cyar'ika?" he asked, his voice husky and low. You paused, not quite understanding what he meant by that. "What-" you began, shifting in his hold so you would be looking at his face in confusion if it weren't so dark. For a few seconds you just stared and thought until your eyes widen in realization as your mind caught on. "When was the last time someone called you by your name?" you asked in a hush. "Can't remember" he answered you in a low growl as he pressed himself against you. Your cheeks burned again in an instant as you struggled for words once more. Din’s breath stuttered through the modulator, his chest heaving against yours. You wondered if his mind was as blank as yours was but then he suddenly let go of your waist and instead grabbed both of your hands before you could collect yourself enough to react to any of the things he had said, to the things he had revealed to you. For a few moments he just drew soothing circles on the backs of your hands, tracing your soft skin as if it was the first time he felt it. Then he directed them upwards and placed them on each side of his helmet. After that no one moved and you barely dared to breathe. You hadn't touched his helmet before, always far too afraid since it seemed to be the most important part of his creed. But the only thing on your mind wasn’t your surprise at that and instead you could only focus on how the coldness of the beskar underneath your hands and the warmth of Din's hand on top sent shivers down your spine.
"(Y/N)?" You hummed in response, still unable to speak up, your mind far too clouded. "You can take it off." Your body stiffened as you blinked in confusion. Did he really just say that? You must have imagined that, right? Right? "B-but your creed?" you objected, staring into the darkness. "It's okay as long as you can't see my face" he explained, squeezing your hands before leaving them alone on his helmet as he wrapped his arms back around your waist, lifting you a bit further up so you were face to face with him. Your hands were still cupping the sides of his helmet as you sucked in a sharp breath. Were you really about to do this? It felt wrong even though he had asked you to. It felt … intimate. "Please, cyar'ika. Let me be close to you." Din's pleading voice and the foreign nickname send shivers down your spine. Your breath hitched as you pushed all your worries to the side and slowly lifting the helmet up. Its hiss echoed in your ears as you held your breath, your heart beating so strong you felt it in your throat. You pushed it up over his hair that brushed your hands, leaving tingles behind. Then you placed the helmet to the side and gasped when you felt Din's breath on your face. The sensation left you dizzy as your heart began to drum relentlessly against your chest. Your hands felt useless as they floated in the air, not knowing where to put them. For many seconds you didn’t dare to move before you squeezed one of your hands back between the two of you, placing it on his chest before taking a deep breath.
"Can I?" you asked in a whisper, your other hand hovering over where his cheek must be hiding in the darkness. A soft "Yeah" escaped Din's mouth and you didn't waste another second and gently placed your hand on his face. The sensation and his warmth left you with a feeling you couldn’t quite place or understand. Slowly you began to outline his features, let your hand wander from his chin up to his ear, feeling his strong jar and the slight stubble that adorned it. The combined feeling of his surprisingly soft skin and rougher stubble left you breathless. You let your hand placed on his cheek for a few moments, trying to collect your thoughts and failing miserably. You sucked in a sharp breath and carefully continued to let your fingers wander to his forehead, tracing his eyebrow you felt how his eyes fluttered close. Then your touch traveled back down, mapping out the shape of his nose. In the end your fingers hovered over his lips and you felt his breath against them as they trembled. Gently you placed them on his chin and felt your way up to his bottom lip. You traced the outline of his mouth in a trance and when he chuckled against you, you didn’t even flinch and joined in. Your fingers found their way further up, to the corner of his lips, feeling the stubble above his lips form into a mustache. You chuckled again. He took your breath away. "Beautiful" you whispered as you continued to caress the corner of his mouth. You felt it crinkle up in a smile as Din laughed, the rumble of it vibrating in your chest, the sound hypnotizing you. "Mesh'la" he responded in a hushed tone, as he drew your faces closer. You weren't sure what the word meant but you didn't really care right now. His scent so metallic yet earthy, so soft yet sensual and warm it left you breathless and with your thoughts spinning, craving more. Your heart hammered against your ribs, screaming and begging for a few more millimeters, only a small push forward. You were sure Din was able to feel the echo of your heart against his own chest. He shifted lightly against you, wrapping his legs around you more, and tightening his grip on your waist, drawing your body even closer even though not a single hair could fit in between you two anymore. Your sleepiness was completely forgotten by now as you stared into the darkness, not able to close your eyes even though you couldn't even see anything. But you didn't need your eyes to see him, to know how beautiful he was. He lowered his head, placing his forehead against yours. You were glad to note that you weren't the only one whose breath stuttered over your lips at that. You couldn't help but melt into him, soaking in his warmth and the feeling of comfort, the feeling of belonging right there with him. Feeling like this was all that life was, feeling safe and protected. At peace. You let your hand wander to his hair, burying your fingers into his locks. The slight tug made Din growl once more, the sound low and dangerous, teasing and daring you to continue. You smiled and brushed his hair back, taking part in the game he dared you to play with him, no matter the consequences. You wanted to see what he would do, you wanted more. All those months of faint touches, whispers of being close to one another, had left you even more touch-starved then before, even more desperate. You didn’t care for the unspoken boundaries anymore. You just wanted to let yourself fall into your desire, a desire Din seemed to share. Slowly one of his hands crept up the back of your neck to also bury his fingers in your hair. The sensation made you gasp and your hair stand on end. You were sure Din was grinning at that, proud and pleased. Out of instinct you freed one of your legs from his and draped it over his waist, seeking to be even closer to him, even though his whole body was already pressed against you and his lips so close that you could feel the ghost of his breath on yours. It made you shiver in anticipation. Pressing your forehead even more against his you took a deep breath, taking in his soothing scent. Only a few millimeters more and you would have the closeness you sought. Only a few millimeters closer to fulfill the whishes of your heart. Only a few millimeters closer and you would have known how his lips felt dancing against your own.
Tigaanur Series: Part 1 | Part 2 (you’re here!) | Part 3 | MASTERLIST
No kisses, hehehehe. Want to have a third part with them kissing? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Then leave a comment and reblog! Feedback is always highly appreciated, it keeps me motivated and I’d just like to know what y’all think and if you liked it!
Permanent Simps: @buckysalefty​​ / ...
Din Djarin Simps: ... looking for members! ...
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everything-laito · 3 years
aight probs the last “hot” take I’ll make on this
Also, not to proliferate the drama that just happened, but I wanted to say,,,, that once again,,, I am a lesbian, and any lesbophobic (and transphobic etc) stuff on this blog is not tolerated. I can’t believe I have to say this on Tumblr of all places lmao. 
TW ahead for just drama and some threats I got
but seriously, please read
Sure I have not been directly affected by the lesbophobia in this fandom aside from some r*pe threats and people wanting my nudes (with the reason that I’m a lesbian) with the whole anon attack back last summer, but this fandom has chock-full of heteronormativity and lesbo/homo/transphobia/sexualizing asian culture, etc. This blog is, and always will be, used for promoting education and talking about topics such as these, and I have every intention of upholding that.
The content depicted in DL should never be used to justify actions of promoting incest, borderline pedophilia (or legitimate pedophilia), homophobia, and transphobia. This also goes for any media that’s deemed “problematic” (aka just indulges in darker topics). I still can’t believe I have to say this. On 2022. On Tumblr. 
Also for clarification, incest!!!! in DL!!!! With Vampires!!!! Is still not normal in their culture!!! LMAO MY GUY!!!! I have fucking covered this so much!!! I know I’m not that big of a blog and my reach is very niche but wow it should be common sense!!! Especially for the adults in this fandom!!! Do you even know how much that fucked up Laito??? Kanato???? Visibly??? Can you even read??? Read between the lines??? Have reading comprehension??? Like damn you’re not being blind at this point, you’re just fucked up.
Not calling out anyone specifically because I don’t know the exact blogs who are doing this bullshit, I just know it’s happening because it’s always been in this fandom, and sometimes I see it. So basically, if you’re one of those people, you know who you are. Don’t feel like you have to respond to me to defend your “point”, just think about it inwards. You’d be exposing yourself if you did because I don’t know rly anyone specifically lol. 
I know I’m kind of isolated in my very niche bubble I’ve made for myself and I don’t interact with that side of the fandom, but sometimes I just gotta pop it.
I can’t wait to finally be back to posting, but man––some of y’all are wack, like,,,, stop that, get some help, and reflect on yourself. I’m not saying this to instigate anything, I just sincerely want to make this fandom a better place for everyone. Just be conscious of what you post and what you think! 
Just saying to my fellow sapphics, you are seen. As for gay and trans people, sure I do not share your experiences personally, but I have every intention of standing by you as an ally. You are seen as well. Feel free to DM me if you need any extra support.
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