#grudgingly lol
wribbles · 11 months
What if: sugar baby!shouta & sugar daddy!izuku
Still an age difference and shouta is the older one
But izuku is an adult & doesnt have many friends (he has a small few tho) or much of a sex/social life, and when his friends signed him up for a sugar site as a joke, he went along with it cause he's got money and he likes using it to make people happy
(he already donates a ton, but his government-adjacent hero analysis & quirk consultation jobs pay really well, and his parents invested their money early and it blossomed massively so theyve never wanted for anything tho izuku and his mom lived modestly. So he's got a lot of money and nowhere for it to go and if he can get a fuckbuddy/datemate out of it for relatively pennies, then why not? It makes him feel useful and helpful and also gets him something of a friend)
Shouta, as an unknown underground hero and also a teacher, doesnt get much in the way of money. UA pays a basic living wage, but different expenses (medical, insurance, costume re-makes, etc etc) arent always fully covered by hero insurance, so he tends to live simply and never really have time or money to go for the good things in life. Including a social life. Hes a gay transman with no time to flirt and very little actual flirting ability. So he does the sugar baby thing as a sort of supplement - he gets sex and spending money and no strings attached or long term commitments.
The two of them meet up and dont immediately see eye to eye (shouta is not quite used to being spoiled the way izuku wants to, with gifts and items and covering costs for things just bc he can) but they enjoy the sex and keep meeting up until they're intimate friends.
Shouta ends up revealing he's a hero & izuku tells him he already knew. Izuku keeps his quirkless status a secret for as long as he can (for fear that it will make shouta leave, disgusted) but it does eventually come out.
One of Izuku's friends is Hitoshi who may or may not have some separate connection to aizawa/eraserhead [but i havent explored that yet]
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hey-akaaaashi · 11 months
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ok probably not gonna finish it more than this, so here's some horrible exorcists brain rot
just regular exorcist business, nothing to see here
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orcelito · 1 year
with some ppl following me here bc of my analysis posts, i figured i'd do a lil pinned post for my fics so you guys know what all this analysis is even for in the First place, SO!
my current main focus:
In the Next Life
a trimax vashwood time travel longfic where late trimax vash (aka as late as chapter 94) travels back in time to try to fix things. he's determined to change things, hopes to have a happy ending in this time, but still can't let go of his grief for what he lost in the time before (cough Wolfwood cough). currently a WIP, this is gonna be a Long One, so if ur into longfic this could be for u. just mind the spoilers lol
& i guess i can mention my other Trigun fic that ppl seem to like:
it's complete! started as just a drabble piece to give myself practice with writing these characters. it's a 5 chapter character study for Vash, exploring the ways his inhumanity manifests in each of his senses. it is also very much an autism metaphor done by Yours Truly (someone who clearly has the 'tism) bc i just think autistic Vash is very good. set in tristamp events bc i wrote this before i finished trimax, but has a lot of trimax influence (especially in the last chapter). i'd say it's a tristamp/trimax fusion.
I have a vashwood discord server, good for chatting about vashwood or even just trigun in general. It's 18+ so please don't join if you're a minor, & there's also a no plantcest rule (bc we wanted a place where we wouldn't have to see it lol). If that sounds good to you, then feel free to dm me for an invite link!
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chlorinewriter · 4 months
Tagged by @erinyra for the fanfiction writer bingo! I haven't done anything like this in ages, but thanks for tagging me! It's fun to think about (and to read through your tags). Tagging @ditttiii and @giurochedadomani in case either of you'd like to participate ^^ Clean template can be found here.
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joelletwo · 2 months
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haseginzura <3 [ignores the fact that these two specifically are the last kintoki holdouts]
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angelsdean · 10 months
sweet foods are not lunch foods sweet foods are not lunch foods sweet foods are not lunch foods (or dinner foods)
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robinsnest2111 · 2 years
colour palettes are fixed! I can return!
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honorhearted · 2 years
🤲 - cups my muse’s cheek(s)--ANoseforRottenApples/Mary W (Because Mary seemingly wants to give poor Ben heart failure and a complex XD)
T.ouch Starved P.rompts / @anoseforrottenapples
“Mrs. Woodhull?” Ben practically burst in through her tent flaps, breathless and his eyes alight with a rare twinkle of giddiness. “Mary, I...er, forgive the intrusion, but...” Extending his hands, he grinned, clearly pleased with himself. “Thomas and I were working on these all afternoon, and he wanted me to show you.”
In truth, Thomas hadn’t truly cared beyond the praise Ben had given him for doing such a good job on his penmanship, so this part was admittedly more for his own benefit than the boy’s in question.
Although before he was brought into camp, Thomas possessed a basic knowledge of letters and shapes, Ben had been using a primer book -- a local p.atriot family had been kind enough to donate their own -- and any instance where he’d had a moment of spare time, he’d gone straight to Mary’s tent to take Thomas aside to practice his reading and writing.
Gleeful, Ben became almost shy as he handed Mary the parchment. “He wanted to write you a letter,” he explained, shifting anxiously at her side. “I didn’t want to dictate how he should spell, because it’s best if they learn themselves at his age...so the spelling may not be perfect, but his penmanship is rather remarkable, if I do say so myself.” He beamed then, a blatant paternal pride shining in his eyes. Thomas was not his son by blood, but by God, he was his son, as far as he was concerned. Naturally, he would never say such a thing aloud to Mary -- it was not his place -- but in this moment, he couldn’t be prouder of the boy’s progress.
“He also drew a little dog in the corner there,” Ben said, chuckling, “so I think he must have seen Dr. Weston’s beagle friend who keeps sniffing around. He’s kind of become the camp’s unofficial symbol of hope.” With a grin, he tapped the top of the page and added, “If you’ll see here, he tried spelling the word ‘shite’ since Caleb is so fond of it, but I was quick to, uh...er...” Trailing off, he jerked in surprise once Mary’s hands lifted to frame his face, both her gentle touch and wordless appreciation staggering his thoughts to a stop.
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He drew in a slow, shivering breath, his own hands lifting to grip at her wrists. Subconsciously leaning into her palms, Ben’s eyes helplessly flickered in between her face and the ground, his throat bobbing sharply while his face flooded a warm, healthy pink. “I’m sorry,” he choked. “I didn’t mean to get so garrulous, I just...” I’m so proud of him. “Thomas has done such a good job, and I...” love him dearly. Flushing deeper still, Ben offered a self-conscious smile and shrugged, his left thumb idly brushing along her wrist. “Thank you for letting me teach him these past few weeks. It’s been wonderful getting to have a student again.”
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dyingstarsatdusk · 9 days
Me: a fervent ratty hater
Chapter 114:
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carolinanadeau · 3 months
I literally cannot even fathom trying to date in this society. I am not exaggerating when I say that absolutely everything is stacked against me. I mean... thankfully I'm really still not interested but I wonder if part of the reason I am so uninterested is that the kind of relationship I'd want to have just straight-up does not exist anymore
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jimmyandthegiraffes · 8 months
I only watch downton abbey for the evil gay people so what the HELL am I supposed to do when they’re not being evil and then one of them fucking leaves
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ofcrossrcads · 8 months
🖤 for dee >:)
send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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stormxpadme · 11 months
See, I'm still done with MCU but this is TECHNICALLY Fox-MCU and ... I also still got no plans of catching up with the Fox X-movies I missed since Imma not torture myself with seeing Dark Phoenix butchered all over again and heard too much shit about New Mutants. But.
Look, this is Wade and Logan together on screen. My other favs are rumored to appear. And I just. I can't see them fucking people like James all over again with everyone still puking their guts out over The Last Stand 20 years later. So I mean. I guess. Maybe this is somewhat decent? And it will be a nice swan song.
Fine. Imma watch it.
I admit it. They got me with the stupid suit.
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remedy7411 · 1 year
I keep thinking about that one player video where they were asked to create a perfect team and Otter said Miro for his first defenseman without hesitating and then how he had to watch him go down in right in front of the net and how he missed the puck that hurt Miro and just how they all kind of fell apart after losing Miro.
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bonus-links · 2 months
Commentary on the update? 🥺
i sketched this page forgetting that the SS Linebeck was gonna be visible at the dock and even went to the trouble of drawing the other side of Outset in the distance on one of the panels before i realized HAHA and then proceeded to grudgingly draw the side of the ship over and over
sorry about the lack of Ayrll lines, there just wasn't much opportunity with everything else I needed to get through this update. we'll see more of her I promise o7
i was convinced to keep the "he frow up" and "link's fuckass sword" gags in so i'm glad everyone's enjoying those HAHA
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The waterfall BG in the panel of Tetra recognizing the sword is the same one as the stone Ganondorf from pt. 3. You might also notice that tiny Wake from Tetra's last memory of the sword has a bloody eye. Wonder how that happened
Everyone joking abt Linebeck rizzing Gran Gran last update I was like wait. just wait
Lots of ppl interpreted Slate introducing himself as Link as him not getting the social cue, which I think is a great way to interpret it lol. but also consider: he totally noticed and just decided not to lie anyway.
I tried to fill gran gran's house with pictographs Wake might have taken and little gifts Wake might have brought back for her from his adventures (within reason, all these backgrounds were a lot of work HAHA). There's Wake and Ayrll on Ice Ring Isle, and Gran Gran's even got her own korok pinwheel!
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that's all!! this was a fun update, I love reading everyone's comments :-)
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
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a/n: this was a request and it sounded really cute. I used to watch watch F1 races as a kid and thought it'd be such a fun job to have. but then I grew up and realized I hate driving lol
➤ when MC is a professional F1 driver | the demon brothers
2.6k words | sfw | fluff & slice of life shenanigans
cw: developing relationships with the demon brothers; some angst and insecurity if you squint.
related: the dateables + mephisto edition
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Lucifer is your main obstacle when you decide you want a shot at racing in this realm. You argue it’s only fair if they expect you to give up your passion and livelihood for an entire year without warning. The world of Devildom racing is dangerous and he doesn’t want (or expect) a human like you to understand that. You try to show him videos of some of your races that you have on your old phone, but he’s still skeptical of your abilities. He takes you to the local track so you can prove what you’re capable of. (His brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos and the students from Purgatory Hall show up to watch as well.) By the end of the first lap, most of them are stunned with disbelief or excited for the possibilities of living with such a talented driver. Lucifer grudgingly concedes that he underestimated you. He arranges a personal vehicle for you to use during your stay in the exchange program. He also speaks to Diavolo about your interest in continuing your racing career. The young prince agrees once he’s confident you understand the risks. 
Lucifer is your advocate and advisor at first, but over time he gradually becomes your friend. He admires your determination to make a name for yourself. He attends each race in person and pretends he’s there on official business, but it’s his own way of supporting your efforts. He’s genuinely proud of you for making such a lasting impact in the Devildom in a short amount of time. He treats you to dinner after each race and it becomes a celebratory ritual you both look forward to. He starts to crave your company when the racing season comes to an end, and he scrambles for new reasons to spend time with you. He starts asking you out for dinner—just the two of you—for no apparent reason at all. He can't explain the profound happiness that blooms in his chest when you eagerly accept.
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Mammon thinks this is a fantastic opportunity. At first he assumed you were just some cute human that liked cars. But now it turns out that you actually know how to race, too? The novelty of a human racing against in the Devildom’s most competitive league is sure to draw in a bigger crowd than usual. He never bothered with betting on the races before, but your introduction to the racing league shows him the untapped potential; he can't wait to make a fortune off this! Unfortunately for him, you hear through the grapevine that he bets against you before your first race. You're annoyed and drive more aggressively than usual because of it. You already feel like you have to prove yourself, and you’re already under enough pressure without him counting on you to fail. The race finishes and you rank in the top three—it takes the Devildom sporting world by surprise. Mammon lost a fair bit of money betting against you, but he’s not angry. He admits he underestimated you and it feels like you’ve earned his respect. (He learns from his mistakes and doesn’t bet against you again.)
He’s a lot friendlier after that. He's a good engineer and likes working with his hands. When your loaner car acts up, he offers to help you with it even though you both know you can handle it yourself. He keeps you company and watches you work on it in the garage Lucifer had built. Mammon pretends he's "supervising" your work so he still has a reason to hang around. Sometimes you let him do the work for you because he looks so happy when he does. He makes a show of rolling up his sleeves and flexing his muscles before he pops the hood and leans forward to take a look at things. It's ridiculous how attractive he is when he's sweaty and covered with dirt and engine grease. 
He doesn't let anyone else drive his precious car Demonio 666 Lexura except for you. When you finally agree to his invitation to take you out on a date, he hands you the keys so you can drive it for the first time. It’s nicer and a lot faster than the car Lucifer arranged for you to use. You can tell that Mammon puts a lot of pride and care into the upkeep of his vehicle, and you’re flattered he would trust you with it when no one else has that privilege. Mammon gets a little flustered in the passenger seat because watching you drive in your date night outfit turns him on. He’s tempted to slip his hand into your lap and test how good your concentration is.
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Levi doesn’t have any interest in driving outside of video games. He’s shocked at how talented you are as a racer because you’re terrible at Devil Kart. He still invites you to play games with him and it surprises him that you would waste your time with him. He's not sure how to act around you sometimes. It should be easier to interact with you the more he gets to know you. Instead, he grows even more shy and anxious and flustered all at once and he doesn't know why.
The other students at RAD start to admire you and you develop a little bit of a fan following. He gets a little jealous that you seem to bask in all the attention, but you admit to him later that a lot of your public persona is just an act. You’re scared to be yourself in the public eye, and you hate the feeling of being judged for who you are. You show him rare glimpses of the real you that no one else sees, and he realizes he likes you. He wants to be your friend, but he wants to support you too. You don't have to pretend to be someone else when you're with him. He's not a fan of sports, but in his eyes, you slowly become as important as one of his beloved idols.
He hears rumors around RAD that some of the students want to start a fan club for you. It irritates him that he didn’t think of that first, but he sets up a fan site that gets a lot of traction. His username is different from the ones he uses on other sites so it’s harder to trace it back to him. He basically runs the largest Devildom site dedicated to you and your career and its his worst-kept secret. Another fan of yours designs cute logos based off your Devildom racing nickname, and it opens the floodgates to a huge line of fan-made merchandise. Levi orders one of everything, and he knows all of his brothers have bought some that merch too. He squirms in his seat when you mention how sweet the fan club president is. You drop subtle hints that you know it’s him, but he’s too nervous to admit it. One day you ask him out to see a new movie he’s interested in, and all he can do is nod and blush furiously when you call it a date. (He doesn't even realize he's wearing one of your fan club t-shirts until after you leave his room with a bounce in your step.)
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Satan didn't have much of an interest in cars or racing before you arrived. Once you break into the Devildom racing scene, he takes it upon himself to learn more about it. (Watching awkwardly from the sidelines while Lucifer his brothers fawn over you has nothing to do with his sudden interest.) He picks up the basics of car maintenance easily enough, but his main focus is the politics behind the racing industry and how the teams function. He wants you to succeed and that means finding a manager that's dedicated and organized and has a keen eye for detail. He observes how the other teams operate and quickly identifies the weak spots in their leadership. He's certain that he can do so much better than them and he’s relieved when you agree to give him a chance. 
You spend a lot of evenings working together. You give him detailed breakdowns about your career in the human world and how things operated. He makes careful notes of the things you liked and didn't like, the people on your team that helped you and the ones you butted heads with. He knows some of his brothers are suitable for roles on your team, and he's extremely critical when he begins filling the other vacant positions. He goes to the track when you practice and you appreciate his company. He takes on most of the behind-the-scenes responsibility for you so you can focus on other things, like not crashing and staying alive. He has zero tolerance for demons that badmouth you when he's in earshot, and it takes all his self-control not to tear them to pieces. Don't they realize how hard you work? Sometimes he gets frustrated when he has to control his temper, but you pat his arm and hug him or kiss his cheek for his efforts. You remind him that you appreciate him sticking up for you like no one else does; the anger inside him deflates and is replaced with something even more potent.
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Asmo can’t remember the last time he felt so inspired. Here you are, the most precious little human he’s ever laid eyes on, and you’re a professional racer? He's already planning a new fashion line that’ll capitalize on the hype of your budding career—he knows the trends of the Devildom and anticipates your success before anyone else does. Your first race generates so much excitement that he sets up a corporate Devilgram account for you too. The first wave of fans start following you within minutes of your surprising race debut. Asmo goes to the track and takes pictures of you talking to Satan and the others on your team about devil-knows-what. He manages to snap a particularly fetching photo of you leaning against your car. He knows you were just pointing out something in the car’s flimsy paint job, but it makes you look intriguing and formidable and a bit sexy, too. (You roll your eyes when you see the photo on Devilgram later, but his suggestive caption under the photo about the Devildom’s hottest new ride leaves you feeling flustered the rest of the day.)
Things move very quickly once the rest of the Devildom media catches up to Asmo’s insight into your popularity. All the magazines want to interview you, and even Mephistopheles requests an interview on behalf of the RAD newspaper club. The Devilgram account Asmo runs for you skyrockets in popularity with each photo he posts. Satan offers Asmo a role on your team as your official agent and social marketing strategist. He asks Satan for some other responsibilities too: he arranges your sponsorships and endorsements, and he designs your race attire and car wrap. He’s not sure anyone else in the Devildom can capture your talent or charming good looks the way he can.
You and Asmo have some very long, heated discussions about managing your celebrity status and your personal boundaries. You maintain veto power over any interviews or photo-ops you’re uncomfortable with. You also get final approval on any licensed fashion or merchandise. (The little fan club of yours has superior merch anyway and everyone knows it.) Asmo enjoys the challenge of designing your race suit too, and he’s so proud when he shows it to you. It incorporates comfort, style and function in a way that's flattering without being provocative. There are little symbols embroidered along the sleeve cuffs and he explains what they are when your brow furrows in confusion. “Oh! The thread is imbued with protective magic. The sigils will help protect you in case you get into an accident.” He mistakes the shocked look on your face for disappointment and backtracks quickly. “I promise, it’s not cheating! Demons are more durable so most of them don’t bother using these, but I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt—“ He stumbles a little when you wrap your arms around him and mumble thank-yous into his chest. He kisses the top of your head and hugs you back just as tightly while he murmurs about how special you are.
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Both of the twins end up working in the pit as part of your crew.
Beel is an obvious candidate for that physically demanding job because of his speed and strength. He didn’t know much about racing before you came to the Devildom. Your passion and his brothers’ involvement is contagious and he can’t resist getting involved too. He learns about the mechanics of caring for cars and how important the pit stop crew is to your success. He bonds with his family because they're all supporting you in their own ways. Working with his hands helps distract him from his hunger and becomes an unexpected perk of the job. You’re considerate and still make sure he has access to snacks throughout the race if he wants them, though. He can’t be there for all of your races because of scheduling conflicts with his other club obligations, but that’s when he realizes how much he likes spending time with you. He’s flattered that you find time in your busy schedule to go to his games to cheer him on too. You agree to go with him for spontaneous lunch dates when you both have time off. He takes you to new restaurants and watching your reactions to the different types of food the Devildom offers. He worries that you don't eat enough when you're so busy, and he's much happier knowing that you're well-fed.
Belphie works in the pit but his responsibilities are a bit more abstract. He volunteers for that role because his twin is there. All he needs to do is help keep Beel’s hunger-related distractions to a minimum and stay out of the way while the other demons do their jobs. He has a nice little corner where he can watch the race if he wants, but he spends most of the time sleeping. He wakes up when he senses your car is pulling up. Each time you drive away, you wave in his direction like you know he wakes up just to see you for a few brief moments.
He doesn’t like it when your fans recognize you on the street. They ask you for autographs or selfies and it’s annoying. He’s proud of you, but he hates having to compete for your attention. He makes snarky comments about your fan club but he still buys your merch—the t-shirts are soft and nice for sleeping in. He drags you to the bed in the attic for naps because he senses how exhausted you are. He makes sure that you’re not sacrificing relaxation or sleep for the sake of your career. Sometimes you dream, but it's not the nightmares that bother you. You dream about returning to the human world and living a normal life without obligations to your fans and your manager and your sponsorships. You crave a life that's completely your own again. Those dreams disturb you the most because sometimes you wish you could go back to being that person before you started on this path. Belphie listens quietly when you share your feelings in a moment of sleepy vulnerability. He doesn't judge you or laugh at you. He understands why you’d want to give up a lucrative career when it leaves you feeling weary from self-doubt and regret. Maybe one day, sooner rather than later, he can help convince you that it's okay to retire and pursue a different dream instead.
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