#guadalupe ramon
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Agustina Bascerano , Julia Silva and Guadalupe Ramon during Argentina and Croatia football match 🇦🇷💙🤍
( German Pezzella , Marcos Acuña , Guido Rodriguez : 🇦🇷 )
Pic: Guadalupe Ramon
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Por cierto..ayer antes de ver a MARKY RAMONE en sala BUT o PAQUI [donde hace justo un año vi presentar cd THE DEVIL CAN'T DO NO HARM a GUADALUPE=Virgen de Mexico PLATA=Dinero en ARGENTINA..que son de UBEDA como SABINA=RAPTO de mujer por ROMA y ZAHARA=autora de cd SANTA y cd PUTA..donde pase la ULTIMA SEMANA SANTA] en adjunta sala BARCELO tienen un póster con fotos por su 30 Aniversario con ROSSY DE PALMA [de MALLORCA] que se dio a conocer con ALMODOVAR por MUJERES AL BORDE DE UN ATAQUE DE NERVIOS junto a MARIA=Virgen BARRANCO=precipicio Que debuto en TU NOVIA ESTA LOCA Y EL ELEGIDO ..y de José CORONADO al que le dio un INFARTO cuando representa USHUAIA: CIUDAD DEL FIN DEL MUNDO en teatro ESPAÑOL el día después de cruzarme por delante con la PROCESION de CRISTO CAUTIVO de la Semana SANTA de 2017 y el cual fue SANTOS TRINIDAD en NO HABRA PAZ PARA LOS MALVADOS que produjo GONZALO SALAZAR_SIMPSON al que conoci en TELEFONICA SERVICIOS AUDIOVISUALES y cuyo padre Luis ALBERTO SALAZAR_SIMPSON dono sus 3 millones de € de INDEMNIZACION por cesar como presidente de AUNA a las MONJAS CLARISAS para que ampliaran su convento de LA AGUILERA adscrito al de LERMA [=VICTORIA cantante de Palma de MALLORCA a la que vi en BUHO REAL y en SALA WURTLIZER en calle 3 CRUCES paralela a calle SALUD]..único caso en que 2 conventos están gobernados por la misma comunidad de MONJAS
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ivanreydereyes · 7 months
Por cierto..el cuadro del Despacho de FLORENTINO PEREZ en ACS q mostró la NOCHEBUENA de 2006 en el diario el PAIS q vi en el VIPS frente calle TAMPICO [=lugar de nacimiento de su fundador MEXICANO PLACIDO ARANGO..cuando antes tenían prensa o revistas y algunas cosas de regalo , libros, discos o de electrónica e informatica.. como su competidor en México SAN_BORNS donde en el de VERACRUZ compre día de la VIRGEN de GUADALUPE'08 el cd ESSENTIAL RARITIES de THE DOORS q se cierra con THE END q abre la peli APOCALIPSIS NOW y con bonus track WOMAN IS A DEVIL..que es por lo único q me merecia la pena ir a un VIPS ]..me parece aparte de horroroso..una VAGINA OSCURA..x lo q recuerdo q luego fui a una FERIA DE SOLIDARIDAD [creo q la organizo la BOTELLA o mujer de AZNAR como alcaldesa de MADRID]..donde cante en un KARAOKE " VIVIR SIN AIRE" del cd DONDE JUGARAN LOS NIÑOS [=HIJOS DE LA RUINA PLANETARIA] de mexicanos MANA del q se mofaron mexicanos MOLOTOV con el cd DONDE JUGARAN LAS NIÑAS [con portada de una colegiala con las BRAGAS BAJADAS] y luego publicaron cd APOCALIP_SHIT
..y después fui a ver a MARKY RAMONE en sala Moby DICK [q toco con argentinos EXPULSADOS] q entro en RAMONES en Lp ROAD TO RUIN fotografiandose con FELIPE VI en la Final de COPA DE REY de 2012 en Estadio MANZANA+eRES y publicando en su web CULPA DEL REY en vez de COPA DEL REY
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
X cierto..el q la siguiente FOTO O IMAGEN a la de los TIPOS en la CUERDA FLOJA a orillas del GUADALQUIVIR junto al Puente de CRISTO DE LA EXPIRACION..sea el fondo de pantalla de mi móvil con KYLIE MINOGUE como FUSION de APHRODITE_VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE..creo q es una SERIA ADVERTENCIA O ULTIMATUM EN PRIMER LUGAR PARA ELLA..x lo q le RECUERDO SU CANCER tras actuar x 800.000 libras la NAVIDAD de 2005 en LONDRES ante MAFIOSOS RUSOS como ROMAN ABRAMOVICH [q utilizo los regalos o dinero de su 1era BODA para empezar sus inversiones aunque en teoría estaba prohibida entonces la iniciativa PRIVADA en la UNION SOVIETICA con la q se hizo RICO el ex_presidente de REAL Madrid Ramon MENDOZA]..a lo mejor la viene BIEN para PURIFICARSE q me de esos 800.000 libras no le vaya a salir otro CANCER pero TERMINAL [como a LAURA o la amiga de DANNII MINOGUE segun cuenta en el CAPITULO LA CHICA QUE SIGUIO AL SOL en su BIOGRAFIA q me firmo en MELBOURNE con LOVE IVANCRISTO en diciembre 2010 tras ser MADRINA en el FACTOR X de UK de RUTH LORENZO=SOL cuando pega FUERTE]..XQ DE MI NO SE APROVECHA NINGUNA PUTA PORQUE ME LO COBRO TODO AL FINAL O CON LA VERDAD_CONSECUENCIA.
De verdad pienso que el q ME DESAFIE ESTA COMO UNA PUTA CABRA
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moochilatv · 2 years
Sebastián de Expulsados: “Reencontrarnos con nuestro público va a estar buenísimo"
La banda de punk Expulsados presenta su última producción “El laberinto de niebla”, el domingo 20 de noviembre en el Teatro Flores (Av. Rivadavia 7806, Capital Federal).
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Además Expulsados también tocarán canciones de sus anteriores discos. Estarán de invitados el grupo Charlie 3. Por esta razón, Sebastián, cantante y fundador de Expulsados, nos respondió la entrevista:
¿Cómo te preparas para el 20 de noviembre?
Ensayando mucho para dar un buen show.
Con muchas ansias de que llegue el día. Hace más de 2 años que no tocamos en capital y reencontrarnos con nuestro público va a estar buenísimo. 
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Tickets:  https://www.passline.com/eventos/expulsados-20-de-noviembre-de-2022
Y también tickets en: Fade To Black (Bond Street) - Mala Difusión (Almagro) - Santa Guadalupe (Merlo) - Locuras (Morón) - La Cueva (Lanús) - Understyle (Lomas de Zamora) -  Xennon (Quilmes - La Plata).
¿De qué viene el nuevo disco?
 El nuevo disco se gestó en pandemia. Nos pareció lo mejor para la banda enfocarnos en grabar y no exponer al contagio ni a nuestra gente ni a nosotros.
Ahí surgió "El laberinto de neblina".
Musicalmente sigue la linea de discos anteriores. Un disco de Punk Rock argentino.
A la hora de preparar la lista de los temas clásicos, ¿Qué canciones no pueden faltar para el público de Expulsados? 
Cuando armamos listas de canciones para los recitales tratamos de que todos los discos estén incluidos. Con cada disco que sale se hace más difícil resumir. Nunca repetimos una misma lista porque sería algo mecánico y aburrido.
Como suelen tener un favorito Beatle, traslado la curiosidad al grupo Ramone que ustedes conocen bien, ¿Cuál es tu Ramone favorito, si es que hay alguno?
Es una pregunta que no podría responder jeje. Así como cada Beatle fue parte de un todo, Ramones también.
Hay un ente superior que conjuga las individualidades y ésa es la música que nos llega de ésas grandes bandas. Sin alguna de ésas partes la historia hubiera sido distinta.
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Gracias por la entrevista y por apoyar nuestra música.
Los esperamos el 20 de noviembre en el Teatro Flores junto a los amigos de Charlie 3.
Entrevista por EB
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trastornadosrevista · 2 years
Expulsados, uno de los grupos referentes del punk rock nacional vuelve a presentarse en vivo en Buenos Aires!
Expulsados, la banda más representativa del punk ramone en Sudamérica regresa a los escenarios el próximo domingo 20 de noviembre en "El Teatro Flores", Av. Rivadavia 7806, C.A.B.A. En este realizarán un recorrido por las canciones más representativas en la carrera del grupo y celebraran el lanzamiento de "Cuartos para espectros" en vinilo.
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Entradas Anticipadas disponibles a través de - Sistema Passline  https://www.passline.com/eventos/expulsados-20-de-noviembre-de-2022
- Fade To Black (Bond Street) - Mala Difusion (Almagro) - Santa Guadalupe (Merlo) - Locuras (Morón) - La Cueva (Lanús) - Understyle (Lomas de Zamora) -  Xennon (Quilmes - La Plata).
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usnewsrank · 2 years
Exorcism, love 'hexagons,' kidnappings, surround court case
Exorcism, love ‘hexagons,’ kidnappings, surround court case
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KRON) — One of several attempted kidnappings targeting a 3-month-old infant unfolded at the same California church where a young girl was previously killed in an exorcism, according to new charges filed by prosecutors this week in San Jose. A preliminary hearing is underway for Yesenia Guadalupe Ramirez and Jose Ramon Portillo who are charged with four failed attempts to kidnap…
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etuwubrutus · 2 years
yeah okay I'm doing this – everything we know about julian diaz and his family (a guide for fic writers, because I am absolutely going to push for more fics any way I can):
The Diaz Family:
He was born in the US, as was his brother, Rodrigo. Their parents both immigrated from Colombia – we don't know much about his mom, other than she left her husband + kids shortly after Julian's birth.
His dad's name was Ramon Diaz, and he worked with Carlos Martinez in their joint mechanic shop at least ten years before canon events
Ramon owned an electric-blue 1970 Corvette Stingray, which he'd modified for years.
Presumably, the Diaz family lived in an apartment somewhere closeby during this period.
Ramon died from a stray bullet during a drive-by shooting, two years before canon.
There is a six year age difference between Rodrigo and Julian – when Ramon died, Rodrigo was twenty years old and Julian was fourteen.
After Ramon's death, Rodrigo became Julian's legal guardian, and got a job at his father's mechanic job, now solely run by Carlos Martinez. Due to their father's connections with Carlos, the brothers were allowed to rent the apartment above the shop.
According to some characters, Julian became a 'real asshole' a year before canon events, which would be one year after his father's death.
Rodrigo (Rio):
Rio was a serious, shy child, going by the photos we see during canon events. As a twenty two year-old adult, he's still reserved, but shows concern and compassion for his brother's friends.
When he was around 15-16, he ran with a gang (the same one Luca was pulled into 1-2 years before canon). Going off of assumptions, Julian would have been ten years old here at most. This implies that Ramon was alive at this point, too. (Rio's father's involvement may have had something to do with him eventually leaving the gang, but this is just extrapolation.)
When Rio left the gang, his arm tattoos were burnt off. As mentioned in canon, the gang had a 'blood in, blood out,' policy. The fact that Rio wasn't killed when he left implies that they 'owed' him (theorised by Julian.)
This courtesy stretched far enough for Rio to remove Luca from the gang as well, despite his head tattoos being burned off as well.
Rio has severe scars from his tattoo burns, though during canon events, he also has tattoo sleeves. One of the tattoos is of Santa Muerte.
Due to his job as a mechanic, Rio is also muscular, with emphasis on his arms
Julian (Jules)
Julian was an excitable, adventurous child (going by his dad's photos) and canonically shows an emotional bond toward Carlos Martinez, who resembles an uncle figure (a more watered down version of Yadriel + Catriz.)
At some point in his childhood, Ramon gave Julian a St. Jude pendant, with 'J. Diaz' inscribed on the back. It carries emotional weight during canon, as it is the tether for Julian's spirit.
He seemed to have had a good record with school attendance before his father's death (before high school).
He and Omar are known as good friends, who used to play on the boy's soccer team by most of the school. Julian quit the team one year before canon.
Julian and Rocky are, according to him, best friends (in typical wlw mlm solidarity. I could add a little potential backstory here but it's a goldmine, so I'll save that for a fic :P)
Julian has a close bond with Luca, who is hinted at being the same age as the rest of them. (I'd call the relationship 'brotherly,' but it's up to interpretation.) His protectiveness could be attributed to Luca's business with the gang pre-canon.
Julian and Flaca also have a close friendship, evident by how he defends her in conversations during canon events.
Julian is a graffiti artist, who signs his work with the name 'St. J,' (a reference to Saint Jude, patron saint of lost causes. Jude, Julian? connect the dots besties.)
Two of his works shown in the book: A mural of Guadalupe, near the mechanic shop, as well as the 'trans rights skull' graffiti in the train underpass.
He and his friends often hang out around the city together, at fast-food restaurants (Jack in the Box, King Taco, etc.) They travel using their skateboards, and do not have bus passes. Julian is the only one of them to own a smartphone.
Julian knows enough about skateboards to modify his own. This knowledge may be due to his father and brother's careers as mechanics.
Julian has buzzed-short hair, which he maintains himself. His reasons, in canon, are that 'there's less to hold onto during a fight,' although no further evidence is provided to back his claim up.
He also has a curved scar above his ear, running until the nape of his neck. The reasons for this are unknown.
At some point, 1-2 years before canon, Julian fought with a boy in his biology class named 'Pancho' and ended up breaking his nose. (Julian turns red when talking about this, implying that he's embarrassed, and tries to correct the statement.)
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De Salses a Guardamar i de Fraga a l’Alguer: les comarques de parla catalana una a una. 40/88: la Llitera (la Franja de Ponent).
Llitera is a very rural district, where most villages have a few hundred inhabitants. It’s located at the border with Aragon. Its cultural capital city is Tamarit de Llitera.
A popular element in the festivities of Llitera is the “totxets” dance (ball dels totxets), a traditional dance where the dancers use wooden sticks. It’s said that this was first danced in the year 1150 in town of Camporrells in the wedding celebrations for Ramon Berenguer IV Count of Barcelona and Peronella, the heiress to Aragon.
Photos from Breit, Santialpino, Diego Dielso, los caminos de santiago, Guadalupe Cervilla, somos Litera, Ajuntament Tamarit de Llitera, EscapadaRural.
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AC Brasil Amateur 2016 (resultados)
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Resultados amateur del Arnold Classic Brasil 2016, el prestigioso certamen de fisicoculturismo y fitness. Fantástica participación de atletas locales y países vecinos. Resultados AC Brasil Amateur 2016 Women's Fitness (Open) 1. Gissella Maria Dias Gracia (Paraguay) 2. Valentina Rodríguez (Uruguay) Men's Fitness (Open) 1. Rafael Magalhães (Brasil) 2. Rene Vanderko Dos Santos (Brasil) 3. Paulo Vitor Felipe (Brasil) Culturismo +40 1. Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil) 2. Ricardo Plata Duran (Colombia) 3. Martín Jose Lester (Argentina) 4. Jorge Ignacio Asp (Argentina) 5. Alderino Alves Dos Santos Filho (Brasil) 6. Alexandre Osmar Pamplona (Brasil) Bodyfitness +35 1. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) 2. Romina Lameiro (Argentina) 3. Sylvia Pennas (Brasil) 4. Sandra Liliana Martinez (Colombia) 5. Laura Raquel Saccomani de Bordon (Paraguay) 6. Maria Alejandra Carmona (México) . Cláudia Gentil (Brasil) . Bally Natalia (Argentina) . Cylene Pereira (Brasil) . Soledad López (Uruguay) . Saturnina Lugo Bautista (Paraguay) . Carol Grayer (Canadá) Culturismo 70 Kg 1. Ueliton Aragão Silva (Brasil) 2. Vitor Alves Porto de Oliveira (Brasil) 3. Jean de Amorim Machado (Brasil) 4. Soepe Amoetan Koese (Suriname) 5. Duvan Rodriguez (Colombia) 6. Maroun Michel Srou (Brasil) . Thener Lúcio Carmo (Brasil) . Carlos Eduardo Da Silva (Brasil) . Rodrigo de Mello Costa (Brasil) . Diogo Dalton Guedes (Brasil) . Hubert Fagundes Paul Turrini (Brasil) . Hernández Víctor (Argentina) . Christopher Queiroz E Silva (Brasil) . Fernando Oliveira (Brasil) . Mahmoud Mokhtar Mohamed (Catar) . Kelton Thomas Trinidad E Tobago . Rodrigo Gomes Da Silva (Brasil) . Juan Fernando Chambi (Bolívia) . Evaristo Cortes Valladares (Costa Rica) . Thiago Macedo Pinho (Brasil) Culturismo 75 Kg 1. Marco Antonio Cortez (Brasil) 2. Fabricio de Souza Moreira (Brasil) 3. José Carlos de Oliveira Junior (Brasil) 4. Francisco de Assis (Brasil) 5. Jesus Maria Britos Quintana (Paraguay) 6. Elianderson Freitas Barbosa Da (Brasil) . Cleiton Da Silva Oliveira (Brasil) . Edson Castilho (Brasil) . Lenio Anderson Rego Barbosa (Brasil) . Davi José Furtado de Jesus (Brasil) . André Luis Birk (Brasil) . Frank Giovanni Rocha Cardozo (Bolívia) . Julio Cesar Ferreira Da Silva (Brasil) Culturismo 80 Kg 1. Isaquiel Costa Balbi (Brasil) 2. Antonio Inácio Ferreira Santiago (Brasil) 3. Felipe Henrique Moraes Da Silva (Brasil) 4. Diego Spadoni (Uruguay) 5. Paulo Vitor (Brasil) 6. Rafael Ribeiro (Brasil) . Diego Viegas Pinheiro (Brasil) . Jackson Barros (Brasil) . Lindow Adrián (Argentina) . Gustavo Lira Camargo (Brasil) Culturismo 85 Kg 1. Cristian Molina (Argentina) 2. Luis Gabriel Rios (Colombia) 3. Adilio Veloso de Lima (Brasil) 4. Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil) 5. Marciel Cristiano Mendes (Brasil) 6. Andres Marcelo Lavesolo (Uruguay) . Martín Jose Lester (Argentina) . Francisco Pereira Silva (Brasil) . Damián Izquierdo (Uruguay) . Erasmo Vieira de Sousa Maciel (Brasil) . Fernando Castro Da Silva (Brasil) . José Claudio Aguiar de Freitas (Brasil) . Johnatan Sanchez (Colombia) . Manuel Jesus Angulo Alpire (Bolívia) Culturismo 90 Kg 1. Jorlan Vieira (Brasil) 2. Geremias Da Silva (Brasil) 3. Ricardo Plata Duran (Colombia) 4. Pierre Olivier Mckinnon (Canadá) 5. Leandro Bessa Da Silva (Brasil) 6. Willian Eduardo Sanches Chirinos (Venezuela) . Elcio Custodio Dos Santos (Brasil) . Cleber Geovane Correia Lopes (Brasil) . Rafael Braga Poggi (Brasil) . Dereck Tremblay (Canadá) . Marcelo Riesco (Argentina) . Willy Lizzon (Brasil) . Edgar Ivan Rodriguez Benavides (Colombia) . Harold Carvajal Nino (Colombia) Culturismo 100 Kg 1. Ítalo Ridney Rodrigues (Brasil) 2. Ponce José (Argentina) 3. Rodrigo Cortez (Argentina) 4. Oscar Antonio Zaracho Sanches (Paraguay) 5. Camilo Andres Diaz Garzon (Colombia) 6. Helizhandro Soares de Matos (Brasil) . Luis Gonzalo Arrua (Argentina) . Martin Escobar (Colombia) . Roberto Vitória (Brasil) . Marino Santos Da Silva Junior (Brasil) . Jorge Ignacio Asp (Argentina) . Perez Facundo (Argentina) . Wendel Djoemadi Rudolf (Suriname) . Vinicius Daniel Porto Matos (Brasil) . Marcos Deivison Vidal de Matos (Brasil) Bodyfitness hasta 158 Cm 1. Guadalupe Garcia Rodriguez (Paraguay) 2. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) 3. Nora Raquel Martinez (Paraguay) 4. Sylvia Pennas (Brasil) 5. Tatiane Souza Breda (Brasil) 6. Thaise Perichi (Brasil) . Simei Pimentel de Jesus (Brasil) . María Mernes (Argentina) . Simone Nesareth Machado (Brasil) . Tamires Luana Andrade Marques (Brasil) . Mayra Mendes Kreva Da Silva (Brasil) . Carla Helena Gonçalves (Brasil) Bodyfitness hasta 163 Cm 1. Luciani Lorena (Argentina) 2. Wagna Vargas (Brasil) 3. Laura Raquel Saccomani de Bordon (Paraguay) 4. Bianca Pimentel (Brasil) 5. Kelly Da Cruz Nogueira (Brasil) 6. Alessandra Sales de Carvalho (Brasil) Bodyfitness más de 163 Cm 1. Lina Maria Herrera (Colombia) 2. Patrícia Pízio (Brasil) 3. Marissol Amaral Rios Bisquolo (Brasil) 4. Natalia Vieira de Brito (Brasil) 5. Ivonne Gutierrez Bolívia 6. Andrea Prado (Brasil) . Maria Alejandra Carmona (México) . Romina Mamani (Argentina) . Pollyanna de Oliveira Rocha (Brasil) . Carolina de Almeida (Brasil) . Camila Antunes Coelho (Brasil) . Jessica Schilling (Catar) Bodyfitness 1. Guadalupe Garcia Rodriguez (Paraguay) 2. Luciani Lorena (Argentina) 3. Lina Maria Herrera (Colombia) 4. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) Women's Physique (Open) 1. Michelly Mattos (Brasil) 2. Paloma Calandrini Cardozo de (Brasil) 3. Rosane Gomes Braga (Brasil) 4. Evelaine Rocha (Brasil) 5. Alessandra Rocha Grimaldi Costa (Brasil) 6. Giovanna Tosta Faria de Souza (Brasil) . Laís Da Hora Da Silva (Brasil) . Melissa Pinheiro Fragnan (Brasil) . Alda Maria Reis (Brasil) . Alexandra Faria Lima (Brasil) . Valdirene Santana de Oliveira (Brasil) . Rocio Ana Iris Peguero Brea (República) . Leyvina Rodrigues Barros (Brasil) Culturismo más de 100 Kg 1. Regan Taylor Grimes (Canadá) 2. Franco Domínguez (Argentina) 3. Carlos Andres Ayala Caceres (Paraguay) 4. Fabiano Ferreira (Brasil) 5. Bernardo Henrique Cesarino (Brasil) 6. Luis Alberto Gonzalez (Paraguay) . Juan Gomez Manuel (Argentina) . Jose Ramon Tineo Martinez (República) . Isaque Porto Chaves (Brasil) . Vitor Lima (Brasil) Culturismo (Absoluto) 1. Regan Taylor Grimes (Canadá) 2. Ítalo Ridney Rodrigues (Brasil) 3. Jorlan Vieira (Brasil) 4. Cristian Molina (Argentina) 5. Marco Antonio Cortez (Brasil) 6. Isaquiel Costa Balbi (Brasil) . Ueliton Aragão Silva (Brasil) . Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil)
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ivanreydereyes · 11 months
X cierto..ese día q me desperte junto a un puente LEVADIZO de MIAMI sin nada en los BOLSILLOS [lo q mas me jodio fue el iphone o el telefono de la manzana q me acababa de comprar..x lo q me conforme con Sony Ericsson q tenía con las fotos del vatikano donde fotografie a mi padre frente al monumento funerario de ALEJANDRO VII rodeado de 4 VIRTUDES como la PRUDENCIA Y LA VERDAD q es una MUJER DESNUDA q abraza al SOL y pone el Pie sobre INGLATERRA en la BOLA DEL MUNDO pues al parecer quería acabar con el ANGLICANISMO q fundó la reina VIRGEN Isabel I q nunca se caso pero inició conquista de AMERICA del NORTE siendo la última TUDOR ..asi como foto de la pintada de MUERTE A FLORENTINO en la playa de EL PALMAR=derrota contra INGLATERRA en TRAFALGAR..con el buque insignia SANTISIMA TRINIDAD q intentaron remolcar a GIBRALTAR q perdió España al entronar al BORBON..en agosto 2006 cuando fui de vacaciones con RAMON VALLE_INCLAN hijo del Ex_presidente de TABACALERA y bisnieto del escritor del ESPERPENTO]..tras estar en una disco donde estuve bebiendo TEQUILA con una TIPA dentro de mis continuas salidas nocturnas de FIESTA como si fuera el ULTIMO DIA al menos de mi VIDA x lo q estaba muy deshinbido y conocía muchas chicas..llevaba camiseta de la gira MAGIC de SPRINGSTEEN [un CORAZON CON 3 ESPADAS y en EL PUERTO DE MIAMI compre 3 pañuelos de la VIRGEN de GUADALUPE, un cinturon GUESS?=Supongo..con una HEBILLA de una CRUZ "TUMBA_DA" u HORIZONTAL y unas CONVERSE ALL STAR con lema TRUE UNTIL DEATH]..q compre en VETERAN MEMORIAL ARENA de JACKSONVILLE [inagurado día de mi 32 cumple=28_11_03 q JESUS BENITO CASERO me regalo un RELOJ ROSA de la Argentina CHENOA de OT y la cual canto en el grupo QUO VADIS=embarcación q me llevo a ver GLACIARES x ARGENTINA en 2020]..Pues recuerdo q antes me vino un tipo en un Bar y hablamos de SPRINGSTEEN invitando a una copa [a veces sospechaba de gente q podía ser topos o espias]..con la q me acaba de fotografiar en mi habitación en CHARLESTON [SOUTH CAROLINA] a donde había ido huyendo de los HURACANES HANNA y IKE así como porque una tal ANA VICTORIA REGUERA [a la q conocí apenas un mes en un Curso de PARADOS porque se fue a EEUU con su novio fotografo aunque de su amiga Argentina LORENA me amigo]..me contacto x FACEBOOK y ponía q vivía en CHARLESTON cosa q al final me negó cuando finalmente me respondió para dejarla en paz y la cual se hizo traductora de una corte penal en un condado de New York..y llegue a CHARLESTON en un tren desde MIAMI de 13 hrs [me desperte justo en la parada o caso me la salto..tras estar escuchando el cd ACHTUNG BABY de U2 q incluye UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD]..y cuando iba hacia el PUENTE COLGANTE [q tiene una vía para peatones y ciclistas llamada WONDER'S WAY en honor a un MARINE atropellado cuando preparaba ir a los JJOO de Atenas 2004]..metí los 2 pies como en un círculo de hierro en una zona en obras y me caí haciéndome 2 heridas en las 2 Palmas de las manos como si me hubieran clavado 2 clavos..luego vi un SUBMARINO de la GUERRA FRIA semi_enterrado y el Portaviones YORKSTOWN utilizado en la peli TORA TORA TORA [canción del cd debut SPEAK and SPELL de DEPECHE MODE] y para recoger del mar al APOLO 8
Despues regrese a MIAMI pues mi idea era establecerme ahí alquilando un apartamento pero tras el concierto de ENRIQUE IGLESIAS + AVENTURA decidí irme de AVENTURA en CANCUN q esta a una HORA en AVION y probar q tal pues sino me gustaba me volvía y ya empecé como a ir de gira pero de verdad..es decir..conociendo bien los sitios x donde iba
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nmnomad · 5 years
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La Capilla de San Ysidro Labrador, aka Cerro Gordo Chapel Santa Fe. Bit of background from http://www.anapachecosantafe.com: A capilla is a small private chapel built next to a family home. On Cerro Gordo the capilla to La Ermita de San Isidro Labrador was built by the family of santero Ramon Jose Lopez. San Isidro, whose feast day is celebrated on May 15, is the patron saint of farmers. He was born near Madrid, Spain, during the 11th century. The feast day for his wife, Santa Maria Torribia, is celebrated on September 9. San Isidro and Santa Maria Torribia are the patrons of all married people and the Holy Couple of Madrid, Spain. The second sanctuary, La Capilla de Santa Ines del Campo, resides on San Acacio Street. St. Agnes is the patron saint of country folk and field workers. Her feast day is January 21st but it’s celebrated in Santa Fe on August 5th to avoid the rigors of winter weather. The capilla was first built by Manuel Rodriguez and his son Felix in the latter part of the 19th century. In 1900 it burned to the ground and was rebuilt between 1930 and 1940 by Luis Maes, Jose Anaya, Miguel Maes and Jose Rodriguez. The twins of Felix Rodriguez, Juan and Juanita, who died at childbirth, are buried under the capilla. In addition to the St. Agnes devotions, the capilla is also the center of devotions in honor of the Blessed Mother, including the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and La Conquistadora. (at Santa Fe, New Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxlBcRsHi8Q/?igshid=pklalz71mict
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dogmapod · 5 years
03 Santa Muerte
Hey folks, welcome to the show Dogma: A Podcast About Cults I’m your host Denis Ricardo.
This show is about cults. The origins, practices and abuses of cults. So, if you are uncomfortable with descriptions of sexual, physical and mental violence and abuse, this isn’t the show for you.
I’m gonna try to keep it light and fun, but this stuff can get pretty dark… so you’ve been warned.
Circa 1300CE, in pre-invasion Mexico, religion was very fluid. Different tribes such as the Mexica (also known as the Aztec), the Maya and the Zapotec had specific patron gods, but the pantheon was more or less the same and many religious practices such as human sacrifice and veneration of the dead spanned the different tribes and groups of people. Many of the gods came from the ancient Olmec, thought to be gods themselves by the contemporary Mesoamericans.
For the purposes of this show, I will be using the Nahuatl name of these deities as they are the most common. My apologies to the ancestors for my pronunciations. And my apologies to any Spanish speakers because of my pronunciations. One such deity is the goddess of the dead, Mictēcacihuātl, wife of the god of the dead Mictlantecuhtli. They were placed in the underworld by Quetzalcoatl after he created the world.
Mictēcacihuātl was believed to have been born and sacrificed as an infant, granting her the status of “Lady of the Dead.” She has typically represented with flayed body, muscle exposed, and her mouth open to swallow the stars.
Mictēcacihuātl’s worship, as well as the worship of the rest of her cohorts, abruptly declined once Hernan Cortez invaded and Catholicism spread throughout the region. The spread of the Word did change the religious landscape of the Native Mexicans. Instead of honoring the Mother God Tonatzin, she was replaced by La Virgen de Guadalupe, instead of offering prayers and sacrifices to the dead, the ritual was replaced with the novenario and dia del los muertos, The Day of the Dead.
It is believed that Mictēcacihuātl’s worship has continued on throughout these centuries almost in secret and has now become more present today as the cult worship and veneration of Santa Muerte.
Santa Muerte goes by many different names, Lady Death, Lady Bones, Black Lady, White Lady… and these names are used interchangeably by her followers as well as myself in this podcast.
Santa Muerte looks very different from her (potentially) previous incarnation as Mictēcacihuātl. Though she is still flayed, she is not muscle, but just bone. She dons a black robe, resembling a nun’s habit. She is typically holding a scythe, though it is not uncommon to see her also holding a globe, a scale (like Justice), an hourglass, a Christian cross or nothing at all and her hands together in prayer. Roses and owls are also a common motif in various depictions of her. It is assumed that part of her design is partially influenced by José Guadalupe Posada’s Catrina engraving, a female skeleton dressed in fancy clothing, which is often seen on Day of the Dead.
The first person to display a large public altar to Santa Muerte is a woman known as Doña Queta in the neighborhood of Tepito in Mexico City, a neighborhood known for its poverty and high crime rate. Brujo Negro, a worshiper of Santa Muerte, historian and seemingly the authority on Santa Muerte online, writes that his grand-aunt was a devotee of Lady Death as well, having a plastic effigy of Santa Muerte in her home in Mexico that she acquired in Los Angeles, dating Lady Death’s worship and mass-manufacturing of effigies much earlier than 2001 and outside of Mexico. R. Andrew Chesnut said in his book Devoted to Death: Santa Muerte, the Skeleton Saint that Santa Muerte is a syncretic blend of the European depictions of the Grim Reaper and Mictēcacihuātl, a hypothesis that Brujo Negro agrees with, though there is almost no information corroborating this. There is also the possibility she has West African influences, as Mexico had the largest slave population in the New World at one point and their practices are major components of Voodoo, Candomblé and Santería, all syncretic blends of Native, African and Europeans spiritualities and all having death motifs in their practice. The truth is, there is no consensus on her origin, but we do know that her popularity has grown in recent years.
There is no one way to honor Santa Muerte. Her followers either will pray to her like she is a Catholic saint, asking for guidance and protection. Others, like Brujo Negro, view her as a goddess and worship her. In both cases, offerings are often placed at altars of her.
“…she is offered food, candles, tobacco, prayer and an unwavering faith.”
Various different colored statues and candles with Santa Muerte’s visage will grant different things to the devotee, according to Brujo Negro. Black is for cursing your enemies, red is for love and sexual desire and white is for cleansing and good luck. I have a white Santa Muerte candle and I can say that she really hasn’t done much in the way of luck for me but, perhaps it’s because I have not offered anything to the Lady.
There is no question that her veneration is considered brujería, the Spanish word for “witchcraft.” In this sense, witchcraft is less of the European view of witchcraft and it is more closely related to folk magic and shamanism. These shamanic people are either called chamanes, curanderos or brujos.
Because of her ties to witchcraft, she is condemned by the Vatican. They warn against praying to her and saying she is a demon. Father Gary Thomas, a Vatican-trained exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose said in an interview with Catholic News Agency,
“I have had a number of people who have come to me as users of this practice and found themselves tied to a demon or demonic tribe.”
But what does venerating Santa Muerte do for her devotees?
“There are rituals for prosperity, success in business, justice (court case), protection from harm, protection from enemies, spiritual cleansing/healing, attraction of a lover, the return of a lost love, domination, even curses against enemies, the reversal of curses to name a few.”
Brujo Negro asserts that it is a myth that in order to get a blessing from Lady Death, she will take the life of someone in your life.
Various Catholic news outlets and Chesnut report that her worship is closely tied to criminality. Altars dedicated to her are reportedly found in prison cells and is commonly worshiped by both inmates and prison guards.
Other practitioners are members of various drug cartels and there has been one known human sacrifice in her name. The sacrifice was carried out by Silvia Merez and her son Ramon Palacios, both leaders of a Santa Muerte cult. They and six of their followers performed the ritual sacrifices of a woman and a 10-year-old boy in 2009, and another sacrifice of a boy in 2010. Police officers in the state of Sonora reported that the victims’ blood was drained from their bodies and poured over an altar  of Santa Muerte holding a scythe.
Merez said of one of the sacrifices,
“We all agreed to do it. Supposedly she [one of the victims] was a witch or something.”
As of 2019 there have been no other reported human sacrifices to Santa Muerte.
Her worship reportedly has also been tied to sex workers, though I would like it to be known that this podcast believes that sex work is legitimate work.
Brujo Negro asserts that the tie to criminals is an exaggeration,
“…it is true that such people do revere her such people do not make the majority. Remember that the faithful come in all shapes and sizes and from all walks of life.”
One example is the LGBT community.
A side note— I will be using the phrase “LGBT” and “queer” interchangeably for the entirety of this podcast if the phrase comes up. I understand that “queer” is not fully accepted by the community and I understand that it can and still is viewed as a slur. However, it is the proper academic term and I am an academic of gender and sexualities in minority communities, so I will be continuing in the use of “Queer.” If that is bothersome to you, then I don’t know, listen to another podcast.
OK, back to the show.
Her Queer following seems to be mostly outside Mexico. One of the more prominent Queer practitioners is Steven Bragg, a gay white man in New Orleans. The public shrine in his home draws mostly middle-class and college educated gringos, though there are Latinx practitioners among them. They pray to her, reciting the Lord’s Prayer and three Hail Marys… add an Act of Contrition and it’s like you’re back at confession on a Saturday.
Bragg left the Pentecostal faith because of the rejection he felt as a gay man. He was introduced to Santa Muerte by a friend when he graduated college and has been a practitioner since.
“When I ask her to do something for others or for myself she does it really fast … she’s the quickest and most powerful.”
Another important figure in evangelizing Santa Muerte in los Estado Unidos is Arely Vasquez, a transgender woman who is thought to be the person to bring Lady Death to New York City. She grew up in Mexico, feeling alienated because of her gender identity. She later moved in with her aunt where she learned of Santa Muerte and became a devotee. In the 1980s she moved again to New York City where she had other family members. She credits her faith in Santa Muerte for helping her, a transgender Mexican woman who spoke no English, with giving her the strength and courage to immigrate. She now has a public shrine to Lady Death in New York City.
Even outside the sphere of Mexico and Doña Queta Santa Muerte is venerated. Queer new age and neo-pagan groups in Australia and the UK are said to worship her and she has a particularly strong following among bakla and gay men in Manila. Yashagaro Hasegawa, the leader of the devotees of Santa Muerte in the Philippines told the blog Dead Maidens,
“Santa Muerte does not discriminate. I feel discriminated in Filipino society. There is the idea of making fun of the gay [sic] here in the Philippines. There are rules in the Asian culture [sic] so I have to be careful because of jobs, and I have to be respectful, to be on the safe side. Also when I’m out at night with the boys I feel her black robe protecting us from dangers in the street.”
This isn’t to say that her veneration by Queer people in Mexico is not present. Santa Muertistas can be found holding statues of her during Pride parades, with their saint clad in a rainbow robe. The Iglesia Católica Tradicionalista mexicana-estadounidense, an unrecognized religious organization that broke away from the Catholic Church in Mexico venerates Santa Muerte, performs religious same-sex marriages for its followers, invoking her name. Doña Queta’s protege who is going to succeed her after she dies, is gay according Dead Maidens.
Another side note — Santa Muerte’s veneration by queer people and their role as leaders of the faith is no surprise. I won’t get into it much here, but third-gender and people who we would now today recognize as queer have almost ubiquitously been tied to shamanism, occultism and spirituality. From the mahu, two-spirit, fa’fafine, bakla, hidra… and so many others, we have bridged that gap between the material and spiritual (Oh, did I just out myself?). I won’t go into it more here, but maybe a podcast about the ties between queer people and spirituality will be something for Patreon donors.
OK, now, back to the show.
One thread that ties all of Santa Muertistas together, LGBT, criminals and sex workers, is their alienation from “civil” society and the Catholic Church. Santa Muerte is said to have no judgment of her followers. All are free to worship at her feet and be protected by her black robe. Death watches over all of us.
“…death is the ultimate destiny of all living things and you can not take away life from death. All mortals must answer to death, this is well addressed in the prayers of the Novena de la Santisima Muerte that express death’s supreme influence over our destinies as mortal beings. In essence this power is not limited to human life but ALL LIFE all things must die so death has great power over all life.“
Eventually, we all die, giving all rungs of the societal ladder a form of equality in the end.
Now here comes the fun part, where I beg you for money. I come to you hat in hand, asking you to go to patreon.com/dogmapod and throw a few dollars my way to help support the podcast, I really do need the money to keep the lights on. I can’t offer much for tier rewards, but no matter what level you donate at, I will get the episodes out to you early and you can have access to the joke/pop culture cult podcasts and non-cult related articles and podcasts that don’t quite fit with the format. At higher donations, I will take suggestions for cults and do an episode on those. Thank you so much if you decide to be ever so gracious. OK, now back to the show.
Is worship of Santa Muerte a cult? Yes, definitely. Though, not in the way that we think of a group like Scientology, but by the other definition of a cult: veneration of a particular figure. This is not unlike Mictēcacihuātl’s worship in pre-Columbian Mexico. Worship of death, sacrifice and the macabre has been consistent among the Mexican people and Santa Muerte is just the modern-day manifestation of this.
Thanks so much for listening. This was our episode on Santa Muerte. I wanted to cover this particular cult because of its tie to the queer community and this is Pride Month. I had a lot of fun researching this, listening to corridos and indigenous music while writing the script. I realized that the traits indicative of corridos and mariachi such as a wavering voice and the gritos (which I can only do after a few drinks) can be traced back to Indigenous Mexican music, and this says nothing of the African influences on Mexican art, music and dance. It’s nice to know that the black and brown ancestors have survived in some way post-colonialism.  
I’m going to put all of my sources in the description. Some of them are from Wikipedia, but I checked to make sure those sources were legit, so lay off me. It should be noted, because of the lack of organization in the cult worship of Santa Muerte, many of my sources are blogs. Some of the writers such as Brujo Negro cite their sources while others do not. I don’t think this effects the validity in the claims of what Santa Muerte can and cannot do for her devotees however, so their holistic writings feel like they’re  legitimate in this case.
Next time we’re going to look at a surprisingly popular cult. Its number of followers is small, but it has reached out to people at least eight or so times since 2005 in different parts of the world. And at the center of all of it was a conspiracy and bioterrorism.
Until then, take care and goodbye.
The African Roots of la Santa Muerte - Jessica Kindrick
“Latin America” Dark Tourist, Netflix
Music credits:
“Frozen Jungle,” “The Upside Down World,” “She’s gone” and “Fight the apocalypse but before a quick nap” by Monplaisir under the name Komiku http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Komiku/
“‘The Fire dance’ performed by Aztec artists” video by MissGardenGG1, performance by Company Tenochtitlan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BZ5Jm8pC_g
“Tu solo Tu” performed by Corozo y Su Cuarteto and Felipe Valdes Lopez https://archive.org/details/78_tu-solo-tu_corozo-y-su-cuarteto-felipe-valdes-lopez_gbia0022646a
“Aunt Hagar’s Blues” performed by Lu Watter’s Yerba Buena Jazz Band https://archive.org/details/TraditionalDixielandGeorgeBrunisAndHisJazzBandThatDaDaStrain/Traditional+Dixieland+-lu+watter+s+yerba+buena+jazz+band+aunt+hagar+s+blues.mp3
“Nueva Era (versiòn sorta - short version)” by Xiuhcoatl https://archive.org/details/TFR959-Xiuhcoatl-XiuhcoatlEP/04-NuevaEraversinCorta-ShortVersion.mp3
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mel-bennett · 5 years
I call this family
Portuguese version (in my blog)
Let's start with my maternal family.
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Our story begins when two longtime friends came from Mexico to work in the region that now belongs to Canyon Lake. They didn't suspect that their children, Guadalupe and Ramon, would marry in the future. This picture was taken in 2004, when I was 9 years old. You can see my grandparents with their children Julia, Dulce and Carlos. That year, Aunt Dulce had just started dating Uncle Damien, while Uncle Carlos was already married to Aunt Suze. The other two children in the picture are Hannah and Henri, my cousins. Hannah is a month older than me, and we always played together. I miss that time! Unfortunately, my grandfather died in 2010. Grandma has Alzheimer's and currently she lives alone in Mexico. I miss her... I'm very proud to have this Mexican roots.
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Well ... now it's my dad's turn. Unfortunately, he died in a truck accident. I was only 2 years old, but I still remember seeing my mother crying that day. After several weeks of waiting, I came to the conclusion that Dad would never come back.
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When I was 10, Mom told me about my half-brother. The image of a good boy I had from my father went downhill ... I still don't like to talk about it, but his wrong attitudes approached me with wonderful people, and this somehow confirms my theory of "destiny." My mother has always taught me that resentment only hurts those who keep it. I practice this until today.
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The long-awaited day of meeting Collin arrived. When he appeared at the door, a few years older and making jokes of everything, I felt I would have someone to understand and support me always.
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Collin's mother is American, but he never talks about her. He lives alone in NYC and is singer of a rock band. Collin jokes me for being short, when we only have 26 cm of difference... He's the best brother I could have. One takes care of the other, always.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 6 years
Headcanon game?
I decided as a way to keep up my creative juices flowing by doing hcs of minor and major characters. I already have a few ideas, but people can request what ones they want to hear first. Besides if someone asks, maybe it will give me the kick in the butt to write things down. 
Julio and Carmen Guzman
Professor Mendoza
Doña Paloma
Blanca Nuñez
Roberto Nuñez
Armando Gutierrez 
Rafa De Alva
(My Esteban dad oc) Rogelio Dos Santos
Scarlet Turner
King Juan Ramon
King Raul Castillo 
Guadalupe Santiago-Delgado (I know I already did speculation on her but that was mainly on her relation to Victor and Carla. This is solely backstory)
Raul and Lucia
Marisa and Marzel
Flores Family (Francisco, Luisa, Josefina and Lucia)
Ramon Family (Juan, Alejandra, Alonso)
Flores cousins
Castillo-Flores Family (Raul, Lucia, Elena, Isabel)
Carla and Guadalupe
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roboe1 · 2 years
In The News Today: 4/27/2022
In The News Today: 4/27/2022
US News, Politics, World News, Commentary/Opinion and Video Post. US News: Three suspects charged in San Jose infant kidnapping Jose Ramon Portillo, Yesenia Guadalupe Ramirez and Baldomeo Sandoval. (Credit: San Jose Police Department) Police identified three suspects charged in the broad daylight kidnapping of 3-month-old Brandon Cuellar in San Jose, California. The San Jose Police…
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