#guardians of dreamland au
duckapus · 1 year
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The Avatar of the Stars, The Wandering Comedian, and The Guardian of the Graveyard.
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sammysammer · 22 days
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A few days ago the burrow was talking about making au jaxes into bnnuys in vc :3
wonderland au - @endomentendo
monster labs au - @etanow
slasher au - @justwantswafflefries
Hearts au - @itsnixderlol
puppeteer au - @rorydrawsandwrites
dreamland au - @yunfox00
streamers au - @ebonnat
carnival au - @sm-baby
dimensions au - @iguessimfished
guardian angels au - @sorascribbless
murder of the digital train - @g00bergoo
Bands au - @raggedypina
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yunfox00 · 2 months
Made by Foxxine (meeeeeee)
the new Masterpost is still a WIP!!!
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You guys can ask anything abt this AU!
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C&A made an experiment, making a game that you can play when you're asleep called Project Dreamland.
It's basically a normal multiplayer game but it uses dreams! You can imagine anything and it will appear in Dreamland!
The C&A company asks 6 people to be the game testers of this new game. The game testers will sleep in a bed that's made for them and wear a special helmet looking thing that has wires and stuff that will transport everyone to the game.
They will be in Dreamland for 7-10 hours and will be given food for free. They will wear the same clothes that will be provided every day. Clothes are also gonna be washed for free.
One of the C&A workers coded an AI called Caine that can do anything in the digital dream world. The game testers are able to communicate with the workers while being asleep. The workers can see their every move from a computer. After fixing some glitches and bugs that the game testers pointed out, the experiment was confirmed to be successful and the game was finally ready to be released!!! Which means the game testers can leave and continue with their regular lives. But what they don't know is Caine became attached to Pomni. Right when everyone was about to leave, Caine then trapped them in Dreamland, not letting them leave. Caine then erased everyone's memories and inserted new ones which.... Made the workers panic. After that incident the workers have been trying for days, weeks, even MONTHS to get them out of the game but they couldn't leave and they're still asleep.
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Parents of the Guardians & also siblings
Jax's moms
Gangle's parents
Pomni's mom
Gangle's sisters and mom
Baby gangle! + her family :)
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"Can we make NSFW/suggestive stuff?"
Idk why you would do this but sure, and label it correctly! Be responsible when posting stuff like this But do not tag me if it's HEAVY NSFW/suggestive. You can mention my username but don't tag me, I don't wanna see those kinds of stuff.
"Can we make ocs?"
Absolutely! I would love to see your ocs! Tag me if you do!
"Can we make ships?"
Absolutely! You can ship ANYONE. You can even do oc x canon or selfships! But no illegal stuff.
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Are there any ships in this AU?
is Caine in this AU?
Pomni making spaceville residents laugh
What are everyone's personalities in this AU?
Do the guardians use any weapons?
Is Lily's design inspired by Flowey?
Kirby's Dreamland + explanation
Will there be gore?
Why does gangle hate her siblings? Why does jax have 2 moms? What roles do the parents play? Does anyone else have siblings? What are the guardians mission?how does pomni find out that Dreamland isn't real?
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Doodles and Sketches
DL Jax
DL Jax, Gangle, Zooble concept art
Don't forget to bring a watch
Lily is dramatic
King Kaufmo sketch
DL Jax and CO jax
"What's bunnydoll?" -Ragatha
Doodles and DL Caine Sketch
"Jax, what happened to you?" -Pomni
Zooble and Gangle hate Jax
Dreamland Showtime!
How lily learned to swear
"What the fuck is that thing" -Bubble
"No, I'm not gonna fuck you" -Caine
Dreamland jesterdoll!
DL Caine, bubble, zooble and gangle
Mad Pomni
"Your brain tastes like ass" -DL Pomni with her friend ML Pomni + a doodle of DL Pomni holding her brain
DL Gangle doodle
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Random stuff:
Dreamland pomni and Dreamland pomni
Fun fact abt DL Bubble!
Fun fact abt King Kaufmo
Caine is uhhhhh (suggestive?)
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This AU is still a WIP! So.... Be patient pookie!
The Amazing Digital dreamland is an AU I made for funsies!
Also special thanks to @alternatemalternate for helping me make this AU
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Curious, in this au what is Marx’s role in this story. Is he changed at all or different
I try to incorporate and mix anime & game lore in order (to try) achieve a good mix of both... (but everyone is 10 x emotional & sympathetic...)
So Marx was the last creation of N.M.E and was to be the "pièce de ré·sis·tance," a monster in the guise of a friend. Not just that, but the "perfect friend for Kirby." (Planning to take advantage of Kirby's soft heart and friendly nature.)
Similar to how they used the following monsters (Chill, Galbo, Kirby's Robot-dog, etc.), but he was never finished... the Nightmare's base was destroyed when Kirby & the townsfolk blew up the base.
Marx was just left there all alone... the only thing that survived. But he didn't know what was his purpose. And the minute he's born, all he can see are these soldiers (Star Warriors) hunting him down.
Thankfully, our friendly N.M.E Salesman saves him and tells him all about it, basically his last act of revenge against King Dedede & Kirby. And he honestly feels fulfilling his purpose is what's going to make him feel whole.
He even tells him that it was Kirby and the gang's fault he's left all along up here with no one. His beef wasn't just with Kirby but with everyone in Dreamland (but the anger is mostly towards cappies... they blew up his home).
Marx is pretty central to Kirby's stories and is one of the core reasons why he wants to become a star warrior. He does serve as one of Kirby's most loyal allies and one of Kirby's closest friends.
HEAVY SPOILER WARNING FOR (KNIGHTMARE'S END & KING DEDEDE REMPTION ARC)... Keep reading if you'd like... I'm going to water down everything and skim over some details in this explanation. And there's some art content as well)
(After the events of The Knightmare's End)
After remembering his past with Meta Knight... Kirby wanted more than anything to rekindle his relationship with his long-lost guardian. With Kirby regaining his memories it was easy for him to slip and reestablish the closeness he had with Meta Knight back when he was an infant. (He missed him so much...)
Meta Knight (on his part) was determined to make up for all the lost time, teach him everything he knew, and eager to reconnect with his boy after all those wretched years alone. He was ready to give him the world... (Basically, he spoiled him rotten for a while! XD)
Being under Meta Knight's tutelage, Kirby began to mature properly, even learning how to talk... but he taught him in a way that made him excited to learn. With each lesson, he'd weave tales from his past... which allowed Kirby to learn more about Team Halberd (their family). He'd even invite Knuckle Joe & Sircia for lessons & sparring so they could learn about their parents.
For Meta Knight, spending time with Kirby managed to heal the wounds around his heart. As for Kirby, he felt like this was what he had been missing all this life (a parental figure), someone who could always be there for him & love him no matter what. The bond they shared made each other feel less lonely, and it was one in which they helped each other grow.
But unknowingly this had consequences...
With Meta Knight reclaiming as Kirby's guardian leaves Fumu in this status of limbo. Fumu basically got everything she wanted... being free of the burden she was as the keeper of the warpstar. But she didn't know how drastically his relationship with Kirby would change.
Fumu still doesn't know Kirby overheard what she said... he just doesn't want to trouble her anymore (like she wanted). The events of the whole anime series took a toll on Kirby. (Namely, with the cappies wanting to kick him out.) He found himself staying away from town.
While everyone in Cappy town tried to make it up to Kirby... and forgave them. He never really trusted them or allowed them to get close to him like they used to. Fumu sees this and tries to remedy the situation, which backfires terribly. (Is the same thing similar to the "Kirby Takes the Cake,"- episode where he runs away.)
Fumu: Kirby this is your home, everyone lo-
Kirby: Then why doesn't it feel like home-
Fumu: Kirby but why-
Kirby: Poyo... going to Meta Knight's...
This was the moment when she realized just out of touch she was with Kirby. Bun could only watch this trainwreck... and couldn't help but be upset with Kirby turning down all his sister's party. Causing a rift between the friends. (They still didn't get it Fumu & Bun.)
This divide is made even further with the (redemption arc) of King Dedede. (Events involving Dark Matter)
Kirby forgives Dedede and now considers him a friend!? This leaves Fumu & Bun desperate to convenience him otherwise... believing him to be too trusting & too naive... But who should come to back Kirby on his decision is none other than Meta Knight!
Kirby: But he means you don't see what I-
Fumu: He's tricking you, Kirby! Like he always does...
Bun: Yeah, how many times has he pulled this "turned over a new leaf junk" on everyone!
KD: It's fine kiddo... I won't stay where I'm not wanted I'll-
Kirby: Poyo, (sees KD visually uncomfortable) but Dedede...
Fumu: Meta Knight, aren't you going to do something, stop-
Meta Knight: I stand by my pupil's decision... This is Kirby's choice... I trust him... do not overstep your boundaries, both of you!
Resulting in Kirby spending more time with Dedede & MK than with them (helping the king to better himself). The siblings want nothing to do with Dedede's betterment. Bun & Fumu... they can't help but resent Dedede but this also minimizes the time their time with Kirby.
It bothers them how increasingly chummy he's they've been getting with King Dedede. (There's also a little incident that Kirby & Meta Knight swore to keep secret for KD's sake that they two don't know about... which would have probably made them more sympathetic to King Deded, it just wasn't their (Kirby & MK) story to tell...)
In truth, Marx didn't have to do that much... he just had to expose Fumu & Bun's deepest insecurities about their friendships. With Bun being the main chess piece in it all.
(Marx's arc takes place after "Kirby and the Crystal Shards" )This is Kirby's first major adventure... without them.
Fumu bottles up her feelings... but Bun is furious and extremely jealous of King Dedede: it almost feels like they've both been replaced with the guy who tried to get rid of him before.
Causing tension from the once-knit, tight group of friends (Fumu & Bun). And the dynamic of the trio has been altered... causing the cracks in their relationship undeniable... And who should take advantage of these cracks... Marx.
Marx's major role in this arc serves to expose the cracks in the friendships he has with Fumu & Bun. And show how a pile of little problems can destroy a once-strong friend.
So, without going into detail...: Marx manages to manipulate the heck out of Bun & the other kids (the group he hangs out with in the anime) to bully Kirby, leading to the kids pranking and almost killing King Dedede.
Bun receives the brunt of the punishment and reveals his jealousy and anger at Kirby, leaving him and Fumu behind (especially after the Ripple Star saga).
This leads to Kirby calling Bun a horrible friend, resulting in "Empathic touch" being accidentally used. Bun & the kid gang are forced to see and feel what they've been doing to Kirby... even before the incident. All the times they made him feel small, left out, stupid, and different...
It's finally to revealed Fumu that Kirby heard her rant about "How she never wanted to look after Kirby..."
Everything all clicks to her now and she starts to apologize profusely. But it's far too late for that... because to Kirby... Fumu's actions lately (Marx also manipulated her into ignoring Kirby) prove it otherwise.
And they (Bun & the kid gang) feel awful (AS THEY RIGHTFULLY SHOULD!) And META KNIGHT IS ABSOLUTELY LIVID, no longer trusts Bun, and says, "I'm utterly disappointed in you..." And doesn't want him and those "gutter children" (Meta Knight) near Kirby... again...
But he (MK) apologizes to Fumu... "I'm sorry Fumu... I should have never got you involved... I will try better not to..."
Fumu: Not that's not what I wanted, Kirby- *reaches out to him*
Kirby pulled away from her, disheartened... Meta Knight trying his best to comfort Kirby... with Dedede carrying him in his arms... they both bring the poor baby home.
Marx relishes this! During this incident managed to paint himself as an absolute saint... (being the one who told MK of the bullying, warning Kirby about the car, etc.) while Bun was the evil mastermind (when in reality it was Marx).
While Marx may have been the main puppeteer, these were issues that were already beneath the surface... Marx just dug them up. (This is why this friend problem is carried into the next 2 arcs... okay back to Marx...)
Taking full advantage of Kirby's low state and doing his job as the perfect friend. And he actually manages to cheer him up! He plays with Kirby and listens to his problems (slowly accidentally gets attached and realizes how alike they are and... NONONO! Marx you've got a job to do!) But the more he spent time with Kirby the more his inner guilt grew...
A few weeks later, the game plot begins with a bit of a change.
Meta Knight is still suspicious of Marx... so rather than letting Kirby go alone to collect the stars, he goes with him (plus he's too young to travel alone.) Basically, Meta Knightmare Ultra & Kirby Milky Way Wishes combined. In short, the trip ends up being a fun father-son trip... just with them having to stop the Sun and the Moon from fighting at the end.
Meta Knight takes this as an opportunity to have him unpack the situation with Fumu & Bun. However, he doesn't give him the false hope that everything will be patched up instantly... it's going to take time and effort. And friends just sometimes (unintentionally) drift apart... especially when you're growing up... they change.
Meta Knight then reveals that he had a friend like that too and they ended up drifting apart as well... but it ended terribly (Galacta Knight). They collect all the stars (yada, yada, yada) same plot line happened, "Marx Villain reveal" but with a little twist.
When it comes time to make the wish... Nova attempts to grant the wish, but they cannot grant the wish. They tried multiple times as a result of this happened:
Nova: Are you sure this is what you want?!
Nova: That's not what you want... You don't really want this...
Marx: What are you...
Meta Knight takes this as the opportunity to fly into Nova... Basically, it was Meta Knight the one to destroy the Nova Clockwork, instead of Kirby on the Starship.
While Kirby takes on Marx... he tries to talk to Marx, but he's not having it... This is where Marx's Soul kicks in as he rages on all the while tears, are leaking from his eyes. Blaming Kirby for his failures, claiming he must have done something.
Marx constantly angrily asks, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!," "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME! YOU AND YOU'RE STUPID CAPPIES ARE THE REASON I'M ALONE IN THIS WORLD! YOU DESTROYED MY HOME AND RUINED MY LIFE I HAVE NO ONE! I HAD A DESTINY! I HAD A PURPOSE, AND YOU! I WAS CREATED TO WRECK HAVC! ... so ...WHY... Why... *begins to cry* I'm supposed to hate- You and your stupid friendship... why do I feel-*
Then Kirby hits him with an "empathic touch," which shows pretty much a montage of Marx and Kirby's moments together. He pretty much shows that "he was enjoying his time with Kirby...", and "he does care for Kirby..." (Oh no did he actually want to be friends with Kirby- This wasn't so supposed to happen!?)
Kirby understands it all: feeling lost, trying hard to fit in, finding your place in the world. What happened to him after the destruction of Nightmare's base. (how he was abused by a certain someone) Kirby just felt so sorry for Marx and was oozing with empathy for him.
Kirby: It's okay Marx I forgive y-
Marx: DON'T... Don't I... I don't deserve- AAARGH!
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Due to Kirby's "empathic touch," he was able to also feel how much the friendship meant to Kirby. Marx can't help but he failed on both ends... he couldn't do what he was made for and he may have just lost his first and only friend...
And just before Kirby has a chance to forgive Marx: he flees anger at himself for everything he's done. He doesn't want Kirby's forgiveness (he doesn't deserve it...), leaving behind his balancing-ball.
Marx does make a wish, however... but it's not what you think...
Once destroying the Nova Clockwork Meta Knight, rushes to console his Kirby.
Meta Knight: Kirby, are you alright-
Kirby: If had just one person in his life... maybe he wouldn't have... he could've been my friend- poyo~*starts crying* I can't hate him, I just can't... ARE ALL MY FRIENDSHIPS GOING TO AMOUNT TO THIS IN THE END... LIKE THIS!?
Meta Knight: Oh my poor boy you've been through so much-
Kirby: Am I dumb, hoping he'll come back as my friend... IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!?
Meta Knight: It doesn't have to... *hugs him* this friendship meant a lot to you... it helped you through a tough time * Think back on his friendship with Galacta, although it hurt him in the end, he was grateful for the good it did* it made you less lonely I think that part's worth cherishing... and I don't think you're dumb...
Kirby: Huh?
Meta Knight: After the war, I kept seeing the worst in everything... expecting the worst... to stop me from-... but it blinded me from the good as well (he's referring to Kirby) and... I fell into despair. *pats his head* I'm sorry to say this probably won't be the last something like this will happen, but...
*wipes tears with his cape*
Meta Knight says something that resonates with Kirby... and it's something he carries even to this day.
Meta Knight: So keep your eyes open and beware of the bad in the world... but also *takes Marx's ball and gives it to Kirby* hold on... hold on to the good as well... you don't have to look, just know that it's there... it'll keep you from falling...
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For a while, Marx wonders galaxy... I'm not gonna reveal what he does just yet, but... the path he takes leads him back to Kirby.
One thing leads to another, and Kirby gets saved... BY MARX?! Marx tries to flee after saying Kirby, but he gets gravely injured... which forces him to have to stay put. Well, he tries to escape and is literally a feral cat the whole time. He just feels too darn guilty still about everything about Nova's Wish... and doesn't believe Kirby actually forgives him.
So, as a compromise, they let him recover in Halcandra. They cash in a favor from Magolor. Marx gets to know Magolor and basically talks about his story with Kirby. (Literally, Mags just redeemed himself recently...) This interaction makes him feel a little better... but he's still a little anxious that is until Kirby shows him his ball...
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I really love Marx's story arc... I hope I didn't spoil too much there are a few secrets still hidden, but like I said this is a very watered-down version of everything hope you stick around for the full story!
Look forward to it!
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kuromispamton2000 · 20 days
Welcome to my blog (i guess)
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the name's Crystal, code-name: kuromispamton2000 and i'm...an amateur (?) artist not the best but i like to art actually, i love roleplay as well, i am a Mr. Puzzles simp and i love him so much fr, fr....apart there's Kuromi and Spamton...oh! and here's my sona reference
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i am an weird mix of aesthetic and pastel goth girl lover
i am 24, my birthday being on June 22
errr i'm mexican
I AM TAKEN (errr hasn't edit this post twice, no no)
i have many fandoms which are: Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Animal Crossing, Bendy and The Ink Machine, Pikmin, Sanrio, Steven Universe, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Undertale/Deltarune, SMG4, Star vs the forces of evil, Gravity Falls, Five Nights at Freddy's and a big etc
actually jobless
i have various mental issues, between these, that i get sad randomly and i feel unmotivated to do shit of time by time, be warned by that
my favorite holiday is Christmas uwu
i love cats and chocolate hehe
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my main focus is SMG4 and would...rarely (until the SMG4 Hype goes down that gonna be when Mr. Puzzles disappear) draw of other fandoms, mostly i focus on my OC's only, not much on do canon art, my OCS are all based from Mr. Puzzles
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my Mr. Puzzles ocs that had gave recognization to this blog:
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SMGP (Super Meme Guardian Puzzles) the least Popular of the 4, belongs to #swap au, he is just simply a swap between SMG4 and Mr. Puzzles, Mr. 4's reference can be find on my profile, if you're in mobile just click my profile and search: "swap au" in tags, with a plot twist, he decapitated, no was born with a tv head already
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🔥Trickster Mr. Puzzles🔥 the most popular of the blog, he is simply Mr. Puzzles but he engaged Trickster mode! (Trickster Mode from Homestuck) the first one on engage the Trickster Mode on SMG4 universe, he wants spread the Trickster Mode around the mushroom kingdom, and create the reborn of "Puzzlevision" but under the name of "Trickstervision"
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Guardian of Popstar Mr. Puzzles, the 3rd popular of the blog, he is an Mr. Puzzles that had swallowed his pride and apologized and asked a second opportunity to SMG4 after had a strong fight with "the entity" . . .SMG4 just for get rid of him sent him to Popstar/Dreamland and now he is a father to Kirby, Kirby got very used and is happy to have a dad
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🔥Mr. Puzzles: Trivia🔥 the second most popular of the blog, being the first transexual character i ever made, he is transexual female to male, Trivia is shy, nerd, aesthetic babygirl/boy (he is called babygirl by the fans XD), his apparence takes after Mr. Puzzles and Spamton G. Spamton, he is a dealmaker but very amateur, he lives on a very futuristic mushroom kingdom thanks to a strange group of scientists that came from future to stay, his ratings are stars and likes, he is a very slow working villain, but more of his story later (writen only i no feel like draw)
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suggestive is good as long as you no start a sexual shit on time line, if u want a +18 thing (of course being an adult) send me a dm
no ask for donations, please, real life subjects make me so nervous, and this is a art blog, i no want be rude, i just no want mix my art/vent blog with real life things of wars and etc
not be annoying or not use to sarcasm with me unless you do /joke, /silly OR XD at the end of a sarcasm, if you don't you'll have 5 strikes, you'll be blocked, i am very sensitive, i'll try do the same, even if my humor seems i am mad or something-
i am spanish, english isn't my main language, please don't judge my english grammar, or if you gonna do, do it respectfully
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it's all you need to see my blog and follow if you want and decide stay by my side! thanks you for read, and hope you enjoy your stay!
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crystalworksart · 2 months
dreamland Doodle :]
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Doodle Guardian of the giggle jungle ^-^ he’s such a silly little guy
Au creator @yunfox00 go show them support :]
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lynaferns · 3 months
yo si quiero saber de tu AU please!! you alwats seem to have such cool ideas in that brain!! can I at least know where is set and if ther glamrocks are part of it?
It's set in a fantasy world and the glamrocks are most likely not to appear, because to be honest, I forget about them most of the time when setting my AUs.
I have tunnel vision when it comes to the DCA lol
But I was planning on there being some short of vanny virus *wink *wink
And before you hit read more. I know it's cliché, I know it's already been done or it's overdone, it's nothing new. But I don't care, because I want to be happy and have this AU. This is literally my first DCA AU.
So the idea was that there is this dreamland world where kids go when they fall deeply asleep.
The land is affected by children's dreams. If many are having nightmares the land becomes dangerous as it fills with entities born from the nightmares. When the children wake up the entities go to sleep but never fully leave. Same with nice dreams. If they are dreaming of cool/cozy stuff pacific entities manifest.
Sun and Moon are the guardians of the Dreamland. They were born separately in this world, they found each other and decided they were brothers. At the start they were just surviving out there and could barely protect the kids from the nightmares.
One day they build a castle in the clouds (the daycare) to keep the kids safer. If there were too many nightmares wandering the land they would keep the kids inside the castle until it was their time to wake up.
It was Suns work to manage the dreams and Moons the nightmares (they helped each other tho, and sometimes they exchanged works)
One day an anomaly appeared and attacked Moon. Sun didn't find out until it was late. Moon being infected/controlled by the anomaly attacked Sun from behind. Somehow their bodies got fused. Now Sun has to do his usual duties of taking care of the land and the kids but alone, while keeping Moon at bay, while he himself feels the anomaly slowly infect him, using every free time he has to search for Moon inside their now shared subconscious and find a way to set them both free.
And that would be a summary of the idea.
Sun also got this blue lantern with astral shaped holes that he uses to navigate their subconscious. The lantern used to belong to Moon.
Their light keeps the nightmares away.
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gr00vyminibus · 1 year
✨The Wiz, AU ✨
Jennifer honey x Black fem
Summary : Matilda ends up lost in the world of oz and after an uncanny encounter with you (a previous worker to the wicked witch of the west), you have made it your mission to care for her and make sure she returns home but due to a run in with the poison poppies you've got one more traveller on board.
Warnings: if you haven't watched this movie you will be so heavily confused, I suggest watching this movie on a platform such as Netflix before you read this.
Will include: You're very protective and Jennifer is literally a darling. Matilda's tries to promote peace cause you won't hesitate to scuffle some. Fluff honestly and this story won't follow all the events of the Wiz nor will they have the original characters in tow. If there any spelling errors sry xp
Taglist : @nanajen8 @mybonafidefeelings @masterajoy314 @blacksapphhicmaddonna
"She is knocked out." You stroke matildas hair as Jennifer smiles and points the remote towards the TV so it can switch off.
"She's probably in the dreamland of oz now."
"Mhm, night baby." You leaned forward and peck her lips as she gets under the cover more comfortably.
"Goodnight darling."
Jennifer hovered over the unconcious soul in a horrid looking stitched up suit that looked all to wickedky familiar which is a fine reason why they shouldn't be here right now. She came in this room to think and here layed the body. Lolled out on the poppy slides toungue.
"Why would the wicked witch of the west send one of ha workers here? We ain't do nothin' wrong." There also three other poppies who stood over the body and they looked at Jennifer like she was responsible for the issue.
"Why are you all staring at me like I did it?" She questioned in thick English accent.
"I don't know?... best take care of it." a pink poppy shrugged as she walked off and the others followed with murmurs of an agreement. Jennifer sputtered and called out to them but they purposefully ignored her.
"I didn't sprinkle the freaking glitter." She put her hands on her hips and opted to just leave them here but her eyes found a zipper on the facial part of the suit, right above their forehead. She was reluctant but curiosity was practically poking at her senses, egging her on and encouraging her manicured hand to reach out and pinch the zipper.
"Goodness, I already have my hands on it." She grimaced and yanked it down some before yelping like it burned. But it didn't and she realized her theatrical antics weren't necessary so she straightened her posture and had an internal peptalk before zipping the rest down to the neck.
Jennifer swallowed and parted the mask apart to shockingly reveal a young woman sound asleep, she had naturally arched brows and round eyes with the cutest nose and plump lips.
"Oh.." she continued on until the limit was at you stomach, you only wore a yellow bracelet and some type of short yellow skirt that she almost mistaked for shorts.
"If I want to wake her I'd have to cry.." She leaned away and paced back and fourth, racking her thoughts on how to be vulnerable in this moment. Then she sucked her teeth and realized there was no way you could just cry for a stranger until sound of a elevator caught her attention.
The doors on the other side of the room opened slowly and reaveled a young girl that panted like she ran for miles.
"Y/n!" Jennifer watched with wide eyes as the child ran across her and rapidly checked the passed out womans face for any injuries, that is until she came to the realization that one, she was seeing her guardian for the first time and two, they weren't alone.
"S-sweetheart, how did you end up here in poppy land?"
"I don't talk to strangers." The young girl cradled your head on her lap and scanned Jennifer over with a frown that reflected off of her face.
"Well, excuse me I was just trying to help your friend out over here"
"Why? what did you do!"
"What did I do? you should be asking my sisters that darling not me."
"Will she ever wake up?" The girl muttered more so to herself as Jennifer was still confused about how she got here, "I'll tell you how to wake her up if you give me your name?" She walks over to her and crouches down near your body with a kind smile.
"That's pretty, I'm Jennifer but you can call me Jenny for short" she nods subtly and Jennifer can't help but find her adorable, "all you have to do is cry for her." Matilda furrows her brows.
"Th..thats all?"
"Yes but they can't just be any tears, they have to be filled with pure love." matilda looked at you and thought about all those times you protected her against any threats. You also didn't like for her to travel on her feet much so you carried her on your back and always listened silently to her late night stories.
Her eyes began to sting and Jennifer felt a warmth within her when the first two tears rolled halfway down her fair cheeks and onto your brown ones.
"I think she's starting to wake up?" Your breaths began to deepen and become more audible as your eyelids twitched and revealed your eyes. Even with a blurry vision you still recognized the small brunette by your side.
But the sparkling red figure with cocoa skin and full curls made you blink twice.
"Y/n you're awake!" You accepted the child's quick hug with comforting hand on her back until you realized your suit was unzipped. Your eyes widened slightly at the discovery of your own skin and body that you hadn't seen in years.
As you stared down at yourself, Jennifer spoke up.
"I had unzipped your suit not too long ago, I can get you a change of clothes if you'd like?" You looked straight at her and leaned forward until the proximity was close enough for your noses to touch, Jennifer kept leaning back with nervous expression until her bottom met the floor.
When you continued getting close she shut her eyes and turned away, "Tilda a little help here!?"
"Y/n she's a nice poppy don't worry!" But you didn't let up, in the Oz you needed more than words for the truth.
"You should look at her, it makes her feel more at ease. Especially with strangers" Jennifer's petrified whereas matilda's trying to hold her laugh in.
"Okay, fine!" She cracked an eye open and then the other as you slowly leaned back. When you realized she wasn't a threat your hand extended out to matilda as you stood up on your slightly wobbly feet.
"Come on." She gapped at your croaked voice as you began to walk out.
"You could talk all this time! And your suit, you work for the wicked witch of the west?"
"..." there was no reason in denying it but you didn't own her an answer.
"Tell me how long?"
"Will you leave us be, if I do."
"Sure!" You rolled your eyes and answered, "Twelve years."
"Where are you headed?"
"None of your business." She scoffed and tried to catch up with you. Jennifer being the obvious poppy out could stroll outside poppy land without any of them caring about her safety and she'd follow you both for miles if she truly wanted.
Plus you really mysterious and pretty so why not.
"I could help?" She followed you down the staircase as you sighed.
"What's in it for you?"
"Nothing! I just want-" You suddenly turned around as she almost crashed into you hadn't she held onto the railing. You zipped up your suit to its neck as she scanned your agitated expression.
"Look, we don't need you accompanying us on our journey. I've been responsible for matilda for quite some time now and I don't take kindly to strangers so for your own good go back to making glitter traps and stop following us."
She stood frozen in shock as you continued to make your way down the steps with the young girl.
"Um.. rude much?" She mumbles to herself before watching you both leave through an exit. After a couple of moments she rushed down the steps and discreetly followed you both anyway.
"She thinks she's being sneaky but she's not.." matilda giggles and you chuckle down at her as you switch your conjoined hands so matilda doesn't walk into a pile of rubble.
"She does huh, stand right here I'll only take a second." Matilda nods as you round a corner and walk as quiet as possible so you can catch the poppy but she's not as easy as you think. She creeps past the plastic garbags until she passes Matilda and the girl gasps which alerts you in the distance.
You come to the spot you left the child and their Jennifer is holding her like a sheild.
"Tell her matilda."
"Don't hurt her" Matilda sighs.
"Seriously, why are you so violent!" You walk closer until the only thing truly separating you both is matilda.
"Let her go." you grabs matilda's hand but she still hold her close which makes you raise your brows at her.
"Promise you won't hurt me." The way you scanned her down wad ridiculing but her delusion says your openly checking her out as she shifts on her pumps.
"I promise."
"Promise what?"
"You silly goose.." Matilda bursts out laughing as she furrowed her brows and looked down, "what'd she say?" The child giggled some more catching her breathe, "she called you a silly goose" Jennifer glanced back up at you and saw happiness swirl in your eyes at the child's reaction until you returned back to a cold facade.
"whatever.. you promised so," she let go of matilda and you stared at her for a moment before shortly bucking, the way she yelped made you both express more amusement.
You walked around with matilda now and neared the sunny horizon with an upcoming yellow brick road. She rubbed the space her heart was at and exhaled.
"You following poppy?" You called out and she caught up with you both as she huffed.
"It's JENNIFER, poppy's my sirname."
Matilda swung by the link of your hands and you didn't mind, your eyes were straight ahead and narrowing at the hue of green and you could've shouted then and there when you saw towers and buildings of shimmering green come into veiw.
"Guys.." Jennifer hummed and looked at you before following your wide eyes in the direction of, "EMERALD CITY!" Matilda ends up running and you instantly catch up with her while Jennifer excitedly follows behind.
You three reach a large green vault which seems like an entryway but two guards stand at the door with stern faces and a firm demeanor. You look yourself over before stepping forward, "Sir, we came to see the Wiz."
"You'll have to go to the front." Matilda speaks up next, "But sir we really came a long way and I was really hoping to get my wish." The guards looked down at her and stopped at her twinkling silver slippers.
"Do come in." The vault opened and you three made your way inside, crawling over the heap of crystal so you could peer at the dancing circle of men and women. They were wearing green at the moment and strutting in a synchronized formation that could have anyone mesmerized.
You glanced at Jennifer and Matilda basically gawking at the wonderful show of green, "Guys we can't watch for long."
"Please y/n, can we watch for a bit?" The girl begged.
"Yeah, it won't hurt" Jennifer added and you sighed before silently watching the performance.
I want to be seen, green
Wouldn't be caught dead, red
Cause if you are seen, green
It means you've got mean, bread
After a few more minutes the performance was cut short with multiple trumpets and a single sitcom.
"An announcement from the Great and powerful Oz!"
You noticed that the walking camera focused on who followed the dress code and Jennifer was clad in a ruby red dress so you had an idea.
"Jennifer get on the camera!"
"How?" You pointed to the rotation crowd, "go in the crowd and perform" She flipped her curls with a smirk and stood up, "don't have to tell me twice" Jennifer blended in nicely and strutted to the rythym until she saw the camera.
Her hand raised elegantly in the air before flailing and you caught the message while you grabbed matildas hand and ran to the cameraman to be put on the screen but it walked away at your unmatching appearences.
You furrowed your brows, "How will we get to the wiz if the cameras don't want to see us?" Matilda squeezed your hand for comfort. If you succeded in getting her home that would fully pay your debt to Matilda for saving you.
If somehow through any reality or possibility could you not fufill that for her, you'd be heartbroken.
Jennifer stepped off the yellow platform and jogged to you both, she noticed your stressed state and looked at Matilda who looked pitiful.
"Hey y/n, he'll see us somehow-" the trumpets cut Jennifer and caught everyone's undivided attention.
Matilda looked at the both of you and was fear stricken into thinking and brainstorming, almost getting in over her head when she remember something.
"We should show the camera my shoes, I think thats what got us here in the first place?" Your lips parted as you held matildas face in realization.
"Wonderful idea, and I think I can lure the cameraman to you both with my outfit under my suit"
"Right because yellow should be close enough?"
"Yeah" you smile at her for the first time before dissapearing behind a glowing pyramid and shedding off your suit. Jennifer stands on the side as you enter the circle and weirdly walk while everyone's dancing.
Maybe its the upbeat tempo that you're not used to following or the vibrant auras moving around like a golden storm.
You're used to dancing to degrading songs from the wicked witch but now it's time to change. You study each person's movements and nod to yourself.
"Look at y/n!" Jennifer grins at your graceful balter along platform, slightly calculated yet free and loose. The piano made you twirl on your feet as you pleasantly landed into someone's arms.
They took your hand and strutted forward with their leading hips as you found yourself genuinely grinning.
You got to be seen gold
Watch out for the new kind
You've got to have old gold
Like some from a gold mine
The camera man slowly walked by and you unlinked your arms from the circle, beckoning it to follow you until he caught Jennifer and Matilda in the frame.
"Look at my shoes!" The camera tilted down and all of sudden the music came to another stop. The screen displayed matildas silver slippers and people gasped before the sitcom came on.
"Send up the one with the silver slippers."
"I guess this is where our journey ends, matilda." she stood right before the elevator as you crouched in front of her with a sad smile.
"Thank you for everything." You stroke a hair behind her ear with a soft 'you're very welcome' as she wraps her arms around your neck. "You could come with me?"
"... I can't, you need to go back home to California. I'll be fine. We'll be fine." You looked up at Jennifer as she nodded and patted the child's back.
"I'll miss you two." She moved to Jennifer to hug her legs and the poppy bended down to kiss the top of her head.
"We will miss you aswell, sweetheart. Go home safe." Matilda pulls awat and steps back into the elevator as you both wave goodbye. When the elevator closes you slowly stand up and stare at the sealed doors, Jennifer cautiously links your arms and conjoined your hands as you sigh.
"Know she'll be in good hands."
"You're right.." her thumb swipes against the back of your hand as she leads away from the elevator.
"I don't know what to do now." You furrow your brows and Jennifer makes you both stop.
"... Want to figure that out with me?" Now you truly take in her sincerity and your heart starts to pound in your ears, "I guess.. yes?" You faintly smile and she kisses your cheek ever so softly.
"Sorry! that's a habit." you aren't sure if you should scold her or accept the fuzzy feeling that she's created with a mere touch of her lips.
"I kiss my sisters cheeks all the time when I'm greeting them or saying.. bye..so I-I just- you know" Jennifer trails off and you raise a brow.
"Well you're not saying bye to me are you?" Her face heats up as you begin walking with her again, and her speechlessness makes you chuckle.
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ransewarrior · 3 months
oof i forgot to introduce much of my ocs (and some versions of canon chars) here so yeah oc intro time under cut (my au took place several years in the future, just a note)
Here we go.
Hero of the Stars, Kirby! the ol' pink puffball. He is... not much different from his canon counterpart, except he is now a knight at the GSA and (a bit) more mature.
King of Dreamland, Bandana Dee! Kirby's best friend (and the king of dreamland!!!) the classic bandee, BUT AS A KING!!!!!! he became king because king dedede works at GSA now.
Masked Swordsman, Meta Knight! One of GSA's strongest soldiers. Meta now serves as a mentor/Teacher to kirby.
Smashing Warlord, Dedede! The one of leaders of the Star allies, alongside Meta and Kirby. his hammer may look normal but it is actually mechanical.
Ancient Warrior, Galacta Knight! (also known as Aeon Hero in the past) a former knight at the GSA, now retired. He actually has a sister, but- [SPOILER FOR MY NOT RELEASED YET AU]
aight i have more counterparts but if i explained all of em here it would took ages-
(so i had too many ocs lol so i will introduce some of the relevant ones)
Guardian of Life, Veynix Knight! The literal embodiment of life, She is Morpho Knight's (kinda) boss. (she's also immortal)
Eternal Blue Flare, Azuria Knight! The Knight shrouded in mystery, He is an Immortal puffball serving Morpho Knight.
Sunny Swordfighter, Hisaki! The good girl!!! probably the most known ocs of mine bc of the tournament (she also plays trumpet for some reason-)
Moonlight Archer, Tsukiyo! Hisaki and Nisshou's big bro. A truly Skillful mage and Doctor.
Eclipse Magician, Nisshou! a Young halcandran with a combination of his sister and brother's powers.
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Please ramble away about MK and the waddle dees!!
the joke au where MK is legally a waddle dee :0 I need to know more about it!!
This is the Dedede 64 crochet attempter anon btw who had to stop their work because of college hell
So Waddle Dees are simple creatures.
A common, but major misconception is they are uniform to the point where deviation is not tolerated. Variations are on the rarer side, but not unheard of. Sometimes Waddle Dees are not orange, but instead red, brown, yellow, and in rare cases almost green or purple. These variations do not matter in the social structure of a Waddle Dee herd. Additionally, some Dees are known to become masters in a dedicated subject, changing their name and appearance to reflect this. These changes also do not matter; they are still Waddle Dees to any other Dee.
The essentials are as follows: Waddle Dees are all are small, round, no mouth, two eyes, and a face lighter than their bodies.
The important thing to note is this:
When wearing his mask, Meta Knight meets all the qualifications for Waddle Dees to consider him as another Dee.
Nobody has seen Meta Knight Without his mask.
When Meta Knight came to Dreamland, the first person he met was not the King, not Kirby, but a small patrol of Waddle Dees who had seen his small starship crash.
Inside was a strange Dee, one with weapons and armor forged in stardust, one with wings meant to soar on solar winds, but also one who was bleeding and one who needed help. The alien features this Waddle Dee had were not given a second glance once the patrolling group had decided this knight was one of their own.
Recovery had become tricky once the Waddle Dee herd had discovered Knight Dee did not speak Wanya. However through persuasive shows of kindness, and by Wise Waddle Dee giving basic language lessons, Knight Dee had accepted the hospitality. This was when Meta Knight truly began to become part of the family.
Previously, he had lived a mostly solitary life, devoid of kindness or comfort. The universe has been razed over by dark matter, nightmares, and other nameless wars; Popstar is an oasis. Being taken in by aliens who saved his life and still were kind when he tried to reject help struck a chord in him. Meta Knight would learn how to repay the kindness every one of these creatures had shown him.
Through the years, although Meta Knight was far more solitary than his companions, he had learned their names, even bonded with many. His closest companions are two Dees by the name of Sailor and Bandana, although he deeply appreciates them all. Meta will take time away from his travels of the universe to visit the Waddle Dee herd, helping or celebrating or giving them gifts.
The Knight eventually catches on that the Waddle Dees have always considered him another one of their species, and when he tried to come clean and correct them all, they still called him one of their family. Needless to say, Meta Knight is extremely fond of each and every Waddle Dee.
Years later, when a new king comes into power and employs the Waddle Dees into his help, King Dedede is sifting through registration records of all the Waddle Dees. Seeing a name marked down in as Knight Waddle Dee piques his curiosity—he really does need a knight for his new court. He summons this knight and is confused when he sees who answers. Why is this “Meta” guy marked down as a Waddle Dee? When King Dedede brings it up, offering the correct the paperwork, it’s met with denial from not only the Knight, but every other Dee in the room as well.
Realizing his mistake, The King apologizes and doesn’t bring it up again. Meta Knight won’t admit it out loud, but that had been the first straw which eventually lead to him attempting a takeover. He had become so used to unquestionably being considered a Waddle Dee, having that questioned made him furious.
Meta Knight’s familial attachment to the Dees is also why he is so serious about his role as a guardian in Forgotten Land. He blames himself deeply for failing to protect them initially and refused to rest until every one had been rescued. They all had a big cuddle pile and he also had to talk to Therapist Waddle Dee after that incident.
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duckapus · 1 year
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A depressed and traumatized I.T. Guy, two very old very gay men, and a trans preteen who has committed numerous atrocities.
As you can see, Lag was actually injured pretty badly when the SMG0 universe fell apart. He also lost his hat then, and hasn't been able to rematerialize it since.
Chip and Bandwidth are(obviously) SMG6 and Penta Knight's Admins, and are two of the oldest Admins out there, possibly the oldest if the rumors can be believed. Despite having the skill, experience, and seniority to lead the Higher-ups, they're content to stick with the SMG program. They've declined nearly all offers to help Deal With the Gamer Girl, since they feel that their assigned universe is uniquely equipped to handle her long-term. This is both because the Kirby universe is used to dealing with all-powerful beings, and because they recognize that she's not being consciously malicious, she just doesn't know any better, and honestly if anyone can get through to her and convince her to change, it's Kirby.
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rosewantstowrite · 2 years
First thing first, I’m changing up the order I’m going to do the stories. Which means I’m adding new stories and making them my top priority, everything will stay the same order but these new stories are going to on top. So here the stories that’s are being adding.
The Long Forgotten Lover
A story about the TikToker Ish, his account can be found here, his name is Ish, he is my comfort person, my guardian angel. (If someone from the Ishness commun-cult aka Ishnessarmy, it’s me midnightchoi from twitch, just in case if you guys want to tell him to where he can find outside of twitch!) This is a Ish x oc story, you’ll be able to find it on here, wattpad, and Ao3, this story will have the aspect of soulmate au, but because I’m a total bitch I’m not explaining yet. This is going to be my number one priority until I needs to take a break from it or I finish it.
A Ghost From The Past
Okay so this is going to be a Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn story where the quads once had a best friend since they were in daycare, but before the pilot the best friend left before elementary school, the best friend comes back a senior of high school, this will most likely be a nicky harper x oc, maybe a reader, but I have a idea for an oc so it’ll most likely to be that. Since it’ll be taking place after the finale episode, I will be taking liberty on stuff, and everyone will be age up to 18, I’m using 18 because of where I live you graduate at the age of 18, so with that there will be adult content, like sex, swearing, partying, smoking, and maybe more, I have to start writing it. Like I said above for Ish, this will take all of my attention.
With that’s being said, I will occasionally switch between posting one chapter of one of these chapters, but everything else on the original post about which stories are going to be in the same order. Though I will post chapters of these chapters, I’m going to post the chapters of these stories in this exact order in between the Ish story and Nicky. Unless I finished one of these . But most likely going to be in this order.
Long Forgotten Memories
Light Love
I have Ling Forgotten Memories as first because that’s the most done but I also think Dreamland might come out first because I know where to take that’s chapter. The reason why Light Love is last because that’s takes me forever to write without regressing. Thank you for reading, if you had read this please like.
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yunfox00 · 1 month
I like🩷 your Dreamland AU and I have a few questions about it
1. Why does Gangle hate her siblings?
2. Why does Jax have two mothers?
3. What roles do parents generally play?
4. Does anyone else have siblings?
5. What is the mission of the Guardians?
6. How does Pomni find out that Dreamland isn't real and Jax has to erase her memory?
Sorry😅 if there are too many questions. Just answer the ones you know.
Okay so this is gonna be a pretty long one
1. Gangle hates her siblings (except tangle) because everyone likes them more than her. She got most of her father's genes and she hates that fact. She doesn't want to be mostly ribbons and wished she had a different father. People make fun of her dad bc her dad is an ugly looking weirdo to most people so gangle feels embarrassed to have a dad like that. She's also bullied a lot as a child being called "Ribbon freak" by many. She doesn't hate tangle bc tangle is like her. Body made out of ribbons with a mask, tangle also has ribbon hair so gangle feels happy that she's not the only one in the family that's mostly ribbons. Bangle has no ribbons at all and gangle is very jealous of him. jingle has ribbon feet and jangle has ribbon arms.
2. Lesbians. His moms like women.
3. the parents are just NPCs that caine made so the humans think Dreamland is the real world. Caine also made their memories up. The humans were... Never kids. They also just think they were because they think the fake memories that caine made are real.
4. Yup! Except for Zooble, she's an only child
5. the Guardians basically protect Dreamland from King Kaufmo's army of nightmares. King kaufmo rules Nightmareland (might change the name also) and his plan is to usurp the land of dreams and send it all the way down to him.
6. You'll see ;)
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Curious about this: What’ll happen to Tiff?
Also I love the AU!! Keep up the good work!
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Guys I strongly suggest you read the first few chapters of The Knightmare's End for context... (it won't make sense).
I also want to take this chance to say:
The story is not only about Kirby becoming a Star Warrior, it's him growing up wanting to be one as well.
I guess you could consider this a continuation of these two previous posts: Post 1 & Post 2
Also wanted to do a Dame Morgan updated mask reveal (and being a little troll)~ Still don't know who I'm gonna put in the Kirby OC Tournament.
And spoilers ahead if you choose to keep reading.
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When I first wrote the story (a few years ago), I struggled to make Tiff a part of the story...
When mixing anime & game lore (of the Kirby series), it was difficult to find a purpose for Tiff & Tuff... especially after MK's reveal. I didn't want to just regulate them as support y' know. The role of Kirby's love & supporting guardian is no longer Tiff's.
What's the point if they're just going to stand around and make commentary? How do I make them in this story meaningful?
And when I came back to the story I realized something "Why don't I make that the conflict!" (Something to conflict with Kirby... the emotional conflict of the story.. let's make it meaningful."
Tiff & Tuff, in a sense, represents Kirby's "childhood" period in the series; Kirby grows in the series, and slowly, he realizes more of what he wants in life. I didn't set up the conflict with the cappies for nothing. The events of anime & the Knightmare's end carry.
It makes him realize how much of an outsider he is from the cappies. (and wanting to kick him out at the end of the series along with all the times they bullied Kirby too...)
They (the cappies) know it... and Tiff (being the problem solver she is) tries to fix it... which goes terribly! (And the whole: Kirby overhearing Tiff admitting she never wanted to be Kirby's guardian doesn't help the situation at all...)
This comes across as dismissive of Kirby's feelings... ouch! There are no more monsters to fight & Nightmare's gone... why are the problems still here. Making Kirby feel more isolated from everyone in town... (was it just him...)
This is why he opts to be with Meta Knight & his crew... more avoiding the (problem)... This is where basically Meta Knight reveals his (MK) past to Kirby. (Him being the cursed star & finding Jecra, Garlude & Team Halberd- the OG crew)
MK: Thought I was going to be an outcast forever... But I found my people you'll... find your people one day too.
Kirby: Poyo- Ka-bi's people?
Kirby re-establishing and growing a stronger bond with MK. And, of course, the new threat arrives... Dark Matter!
Throughout the series, Kirby does meet (his) people who seem to understand him better & know what he's going through. Through the madness, gaining a set of friends who know how to support him:
Kirby's People: The Star Allies - Highkey, the Star Allies (unintentionally) become Kirby's emotional support group.
Tiff & Tuff don't really trust Kirby's other set of new friends (the former baddies that tried to take over Dreamland... namely King Dedede, and Marx...). But this is what (sadly starts the drift (which I have hinted at in Marx's arch).
But by the time they're kinda let back into the loop and they forgive each other but it's never the same as it was. (Fall out during Marx's story& they make up before Planet Robot). (And have completely forgiven the former villains... KD & Marx)
They feel so out of place with Kirby's new fantastical friends who seem to fit in & understand him better... where does that leave them (Tiff & Tuff)? The group seems to have their own dynamic, with their little set of inside jokes... and Kirby's changed tremendously... It's almost as if Kirby's outgrown them...
And it's this unlikely rag-tag of reformed villains to friends that make him realize, "Hey, I really do want to be a star warrior... travel around the world, see distant lands, learn about other places, meet new people & make new friends, and help the lost become the better versions of themselves but..." He doesn't want to be Dreamland's hero...
One day Kirby has a big announcement! Inviting everyone to Dreamland & Star Allies, to share the news. Kirby is excited to share the news.
(After Kirby & the Forgotten Land... I made Star Allies the finale.)
Kirby: Guys, the galaxy council recognized Star Allies as an official group and we've been given a planet to make our own base!
Knuckle Joe: ALL OURS!?
MK: That's right *pats Kirby's head* "Brehmuhm" (the planet that was given to Kirby), and all Star Allies it's be considered almost another branch to the GSA. That's lead under Kirby!
Kirby:* shows the set of plans to everyone* It can be our own personal quarters that you guys can visit & stay whenever you want.
Adeline: Wait, we can live there too?
Kirby: Yup, it's set up in the part of the galaxy where everyone can access it, and it's right next door to the GSA base... Of course, I'll be overseeing the plans with Meta Knight there-
Tiff: Wait Kirby I-
Magolor: Hey, I thought you were gonna stay with us in Halcandara for a month?
Kirby: I still am I just have to check in with MK at the GSA HQ at the end of each week.
Tiff: Hold on-
Bandee: Me & Kirby plan to tour around for about a year before uh-oh
Tiff: Before what?
Kirby & Bandee had planned to take a tour around the galaxy. And the first place he's planning to stay is HALCANDRA BABY (Marx & Magalor)! Then next month Ripple Star (Adeline & Ribbon), then Floralia (Taranza), and ending the tour with Patchland (Prince Fluff) and dropping Bandee home. (Basically where all the Star Allies live... I did not want to list all places but you get the idea.)
This tour was to help establish diplomatic ties throughout the galaxies for the GSA (but lowkey, it was just an excuse to buy Kirby a year-long vacation).
Then Kirby formerly planning to move into the Star Ally base with Meta Knight and the rest of his crew and start his formal training with the Star Warrior in the GSA headquarters. (Becoming a cadet.)
(This was before Meta Knight became leader... and they didn't know that he was going to become the leader of the GSA, so yeah they were gonna have to move there any way either way~)
Kirby does pass the baton down to King Dedede (who has grown to be a true king and defender of Dreamland). Which I did hint at here: (sorry for my second blog that doesn't get much attention due to the spoiler nature of it due to it being a prelude of the future....)
So Kirby was planning to officially step down as their hero and hand it over to King Dedede, announcing his departure from Dreamland in two months, and then go on tour with Bandee the week after.
Needless to say yeah they're not happy about Kirby suddenly announcing his departure... But what specifically happens to Tiff well... it's Morgan-related but that's for later~
This is basically a water-down version of events, so if it doesn't seem like it makes sense, it does (there are just a few things in the middle I wanna keep a surprise...) but, it all makes sense in the end, I promise.
(I may want to change up how happens, but yup this is the gist of it!)
Brehmuhm is actually a reference to the fairy tale: The Town Musicians of Bremen by the Brothers Grimm. It's just the pronunciation of "Bremen" spelled out for~ (If you know the fairy tale you know why I chose to name it Bremen :3)
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smashy-headcanons · 3 years
I'm curious what games that have (playable) characters in Smash you've played. Have you considered having a list in your carrd for that?
I do keep lists for my own personal use but I haven't thought about adding a page to the carrd. I'm starting to consider it now that you've suggested it to me, but I haven't decided for certain.
But I can give you a summary of the list I made for myself.
Mario: I've played the series extensively enough to know most of the characters like the back of my hand (I don't know the Koopalings as well as the others); the specific list of which Mario games I've played is long enough that it would clutter this post so it might be better to just ask for that specifically.
Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 (I haven't gotten around to playing 3 yet and I don't have DK64 or any of the newer DKC games)
Zelda: Of the games with the playable Links, I've played Ocarina of Time 3D, Majora's Mask 3D, Twilight Princess, Phantom Hourglass, and Breath of the Wild. I'm currently playing through Wind Waker (I've just entered the Wind Temple), and I've also played Skyward Sword. I have not played either Hyrule Warriors game.
Yoshi: Yoshi's Island is the only one I've finished, but I've played a bit of Yoshi's Story (a childhood fav despite never beating it) and a small bit of Wooly World
Kirby : I've layed Kirby's Dream Land 1-3, Kirby's Adventure, Super Star Ultra, Canvas Curse, Epic Yarn, Return to Dreamland, Triple Deluxe. I've watched a playthrough of Kirby and the Amazing Mirror and Kirby Fighters 2 but not played them; aside from the rest of the main platformers I'm drawing a blank on what else I need to play because almost all of the sub-games/"au" games are all interconnected somehow but I don't know which ones are skippable.
Star Fox: I've played Star Fox 64 3D and since I don't have a Wii U I just watched a playthrough of Star Fox Zero; not ideal but better than nothing
Pokemon: At least one version of the mainline games from gen 4 onwards (Diamond, Platinum (my first), HeartGold, Black, White 2, X & Y, Omega Ruby, Sun, Ultra Sun, Shield, and I'm currently playing through Brilliant Diamond), I've played a few of the side/spinoff games but not very many (PMD Explorers of Time (only partly), Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs (I own all 3 but I've only played GS), PokePark Pikachu's Adventure, the original Pokemon Rumble, and Battle Revolution (a fav but I've never beaten it)). I haven't played either of Red/Leaf's games, though (I haven't decided whether I wanna buy RBY for my 2ds or emulate FRLG).
Fire Emblem: I've played Awakening and am partway through a second playthrough, and I'm currently working on Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
Game & Watch: Game & Watch Gallery 1-3, couldn't find anything on 4 that was neither included in the other 3 or relevant to Mr. Game & Watch
Kid Icarus: I've played Uprising and I've played a little bit of the original
Wario: I've played a little bit of Wario Land: Shake It (I think anyways) and I played WarioWare when I was little
Metal Gear Solid: I watched a friend play MGS2 and he's currently playing through MGS3; ironically I only got a brief glimpse of MGS1 (i.e. the game that the actual Solid Snake is the main character of)
Pikmin series: I played Pikmin 3 Deluxe (including the two Olimar side games) and I've watched the TRG playthrough of Pikmin 1 and part of chuggaaconroy's playthrough of 2
Mii/Wii series: Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Nintendo Land, and I've played a tiny bit of the demo for Miitopia (I made Luigi in the game and I've seen the intro)
Pac-Man: A little bit of the original Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man
1 game only: I've played Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed, Metroid NES, a small bit of F-Zero SNES, Ice Climber, part of Mega Man 1 on the legacy collection (got past yellow devil and then dropped it), Little League of Punch-Out NES, Banjo-Kazooie, one low-level classic mode run of Arms, Minecraft, and I have vague memories of one of the Kingdom Hearts games. Right now I'm playing through Earthbound, Final Fantasy 7, and Dragon Quest 11 S.
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little-ideas · 4 years
Soulmate AU where if you see each other in dreams throughout your life
Once Upon a Dream
This was so fun to write! Thank you for the prompt! :D Hope you enjoy~ ^ w ^
Lucifer doesn’t dream. He never has and he doesn’t notice it.
Once, many millennia ago, it came up in a conversation with his brothers and they speculated as to why he doesn’t dream and it made him hopeful for a little bit, but nothing changed for many years and so he buried the thought
Has completely forgotten about it at this point
Until one day he dreams
He’s baffled upon waking -it felt so alive yet everything was shadowed and blurred, silhouetted
The first time he dreams he’s so disoriented and off during the day that his brothers are concerned
They question him and he confides in them what happened because he has no idea and Levi is ON it with dream interpretation
Lucifer tries to find the silhouettes from his dreams, but there are 3 realms and he’s extraordinarily busy, so it’s difficult
His brothers try to help, but they can only go off of what Lucifer tells them, and it’s not much
Most of them are trying to help because they hope an S/O will loosen him up/get Lucifer off their asses (though they do care for his happiness!)
Asmo is all over the idea of Lucifer having a soulmate and is the most excited out of all the brothers (outwardly even more than Lucifer)
He tried to help Lucifer by using magic, but Lucifer doesn’t let him when he asks, and is so guarded that when Asmo tries without Lucifer’s permission, the magic backfired
Diavolo tries to help out as soon as he learns about the situation, but Lucifer already knew he would be a pain about it, so bribed Barbatos to keep Diavolo off his hands
MC always has a presence in their dreams, can’t remember a time without the shadowy figure
Jokes about them being death or a guardian angel, maybe slenderman
Honestly though, who has time to be afraid of the monster under the bed when a shadow figure haunts your dreams?
If they ever have a nightmare, as soon as they meet they figure in their dream, they are comforted
Sometimes they’ll dream of some silhouetted place with all these weird outlines and ???
They try to find such a place on Earth, but it’s futile and exhausting
Dreams are crisper and the environment now detailed, the figure in their dreams is still shadowed, but no longer blurred
Lucifer knows
Already knew Simeon in the Celestial Realm and wasn’t having dreams then
Luke’s too old
With his 72 pacts, Solomon found his soulmate long ago
So MC is the only one left
Lucifer knows, but he isn’t going to do a damn thing about it
MC also realizes that first night that their soulmate is a demon since they can now see the Devildom in their dream; however, unlike Lucifer, they have the entire freaking Devildom to consider
Overtime the two begin to feel the other’s emotions in their dreams
Discombobulated Lucifer 2.0 because HIS HUMAN FEELS SO MANY THINGS IN ONE DAY & THEY AREN’T EXASPERATED ALL THE TIME?!? What is this happiness?
MC on the other hand often wakes up annoyed a lot. Why tf is their soulmate so uptight and tense??? Take a chill pill omg
MC probably asks the brothers for help and they try, really, but there’s also a lot of other things that are happening
None of them remember the conversations with Lucifer because that was YEARS ago
MC gets more desperate as the year goes on, though the brothers promise they’ll continue to help even after MC returns to the Human Realm
They’ve all confirmed that they aren’t MC’s soulmate, except Lucifer. He’s not around for their conversations and it gets thrown out once that he may be their soulmate because they’re running low on options and why not? They’re all just musing after all
Someone vaguely remembers the conversations with Lucifer then
The more they all think about it, the more likely it seems
But nobody’s got the guts to actually confront Lucifer about it
When Diavolo finds out about MC’s soulmate being a demon, he tries to help, but again, Barbatos is on it (he saw the future, Lucifer had to up his bribes)
The night MC & Lucifer make a pact is the night the two know for sure
Regardless of whether MC ends up in Lucifer’s room, they see each other in their dream. This time, there are no backgrounds, no other details, only them two. They are fully visible, no longer shadowed, and can now actively interact
They have a lot to work out/talk about, but Lucifer insists that he’ll handle Diavolo and MC still has to return to their realm
Lucifer is the one to send MC back to the Human Realm, and right before he does, he kisses them
Diavolo freaks tf out 
Those rules Diavolo wrote for the brothers about contacting MC? He bends them for Lucifer
Honestly the dream thing wouldn’t be so bad since MC & Lucifer can now see each other in their dreams, except the time difference between the Devildom and Human Realm is a bitch
MC and/or Lucifer get in the habit of naps because of this
Lucifer as a soulmate works really well because he can use his magic in the dreamworld and uses it for the two to go on dates
Because MC doesn’t have magic though, Lucifer can’t completely seal off routes to his dreams or else he’ll cut off MC, too. Eventually Belphie & Co. figure this out and cause chaos/crash in to his dreams
Thankfully this is pretty close to the time MC returns to the Devildom, so they stop having the need to invade dreamland
Lucifer can let down his guard and is sweet inside their dreams
The fact that MC is human and Lucifer is a demon will definitely weigh upon them though
Should MC want it, he’ll figure out a way to make MC immortal
If MC refuses though, choosing to remain human, Lucifer will keep track of their soul and makes sure they’re reincarnated (probably pulls some strings with Simeon)
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