#guest animator: picasso
adarkrainbow · 2 years
Behind Peau d’Âne (1970) - C
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# The music of the movie was created by Michel Legrand, who worked on several previous project of Demy (Lola, The Young Girls of Rochefort, the Umbrellas of Cherbourg). It was however the first time Legrand ever had to work on music for a fantasy film. He decided to mix different genres, the baroque, the jazz, the pop music, to give an “temporal in-between” to the music. He also used modern instruments and rythmic fugues to contrast with other French fantasy movies which rather used more medieval music (such as “Les visiteurs du soir” by Marcel Carné, The Devil’s Envoys).
# “Peau d’Âne” and the following movie, “Le Joueur de Flûte” will be Demy’s only two fairytale works. He had planned a modernized adaptation of Cinderella with roller skates with Francis Ford Coppola and the actress Nastassja Kinski in the titular role. But the project was never made.
# Disney actually noticed the success of Demy’s movie - to the point that in the 1990s and 2000s, Disney contacted several times Demy’s family about making an animated adaptation of his movie! (Because Demy died in 1990) Again, however, it was never made - notably because they ended up realizing that the themes of incest and bestiality of the story might not be well-met by the American audience. 
# The songs of the movie became so popular in French culture that you can still find them today. They are present in several movie: 2007, “Le quatrième morceau de la femme coupée en trois” (The fourth piece of the woman cut in three) ; 2014, “L’année prochaine” (Next year) by Vania Leturc..; The 2015 movie “Marguerite et Julien” by Valérie Donzelli also takes a lot of inspiration from the movie, being a story about incest filled with anachronisms and with a lyrical tone. In 2018 Peau d’Âne was even adapted as a musical at the Théâtre Marigny!
# Demy’s movie is actually based on the second version of the original tale, the prose Peau d’Âne by an anonymous writer ; it is not based on Perrault’s own Peau d’Âne written in verse (though he might have written the prose version too). Demy also decided to add in his movie other elements taken from Perrault’s tale to give a sense of a wider fairytale world. The scene of the Princess arriving at the farm with everyone frozen evokes the sleeping castle scene from Sleeping Beauty ; the old woman who hires the Princess spits toads like in “Diamonds and Toads”, and when she speaks to the Prince there are references to “Little Red Riding Hood”. When Donkey Skin is mocked by the villagers they call her “Cucendron”, the original insulting nickname from Cinderella, and the “Ball of Cats and Birds” has a guest of honor the Marquis de Carabas, from Puss in Boots.  Even beyond the fairytales of Perrault, Demy also slid nods and references to other fairytales: the deceased Blue Queen is in a glass casket, like Snow White ; the magic mirror of the Princess to watch her father is a nod to the mirror of “Beauty and the Beast”. 
# There is also a work on the seasonal cycles in the movie, which is both a nod to the fairytale genre and to the “pathetic fallacy”: the disease of the Blue Queen is revealed during a thunderstorm and corresponds to autumn. She dies in winter as her funeral takes place in the snow. It is in a young and fresh forest, spring, that the Prince and the Princess fall in love. 
# What truly makes Demy’s movie unique compared to other fairy tales adaptation is how he decided to fill his scenario with anachronisms, truly making the movie “atemporal”. Quite a bold move, that again seems to be part of Demy’s desire to fuse the “merveilleux” and the “réalisme” (fantastical and realistic). The Lilac Fairy is the main source of those anachronisms: she offers the Blue King books and poems “from the future”, written by modern French authors. The Blue King reads verses from Jean Cocteau in his “Ode à Picasso”, in which the Muses of Antiquity are described using modern tools such as zinc, phones or gas. He also reads “L’amour”, a poem by Guillaume Apollinaire. But the Princess is greatly confused by those poems she doesn’t understand, and in front of her father’s love declarations she thinks that it is this weird poetry that clouds his mind. The rest of the Lilac Fairy anachronisms comes from her mentions of “phone” and “batteries” (that highly confuse the Princess), and how her outfit clashes with the rest of the movie - as she wears high heels and a 1930s Hollywood hairdo. And finally, during the final wedding, the Blue King and the Lilac fairy arrive at the Red Castle in an helicopter. 
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# Another element of the movie that might elude people is that, during the “fitting of the ring” scene, all the people whose name are announced are references to historical French figures, who either lived alongside Perrault’s time, or who were simply part of the century of rule of Louis XIV. The “Princess Pioche de la Vergne”: it was the baptism name of Madame de La Fayette. The “Princess de Monthion”, a nod to Jean-Baptiste de Montyon. The Duchess Girard de Saint-Amand, a nod to Marc-Antoine Girard de Saint Amant. The Duchess Antoinette du Ligier de la Garde - the baptism name of Antoinette Des Houlières. The Countess Le Métal de Boisrobert, a nod to François Le Métel de Boisrobert. The Countess of Escarbagnas : she was the main character of Molière’ “comedy-ballet”, “The Countess of Escarbagnas”. The Marquise Marie de Rabutin-Chantal: the baptism name of the Marquise de Sévigné. The Countess Le Bovier de Fontenelle: a nod to Bernard Le Bouyer de Fontenelle. The Baroness Mary Wortley Montagu: a nod Mary Wortley Montagu. The Baroness Vauqelin de la Fresnaye: a reference to Jean Vauquelin de La Fresnaye. Earlier in the movie Godefroy, the friend of the Prince, talks about “La Ségur” and “La Clèves” : the first one is a nod to the Comtess de Ségur, and the other is a nod to “La Princesse de Clèves”, the most famous work of Madame de Lafayette.
# As I said previously, the “atemporality” of the movie is also present through the music of Michel Legrand, which mixes Renaissance music, jazz sounds and the Disney movies soundtracks. The costumes too mix fashions: the Princess and Blue Queen are dressed at the Louis XV fashion, the prince has a Henri II fashion, the valets are dressed in more generic Middle-Ages, and the peasants are taken out of the paintings of Le Nain. 
# While the Princess is clearly depicted as a “victim character”, and in her first scenes is surrounded by doves to highlight her innocence and purity, she is actually much active and stronger than it seems. She opposes her Fairy Godmother’s plans at first, and she is the one who makes “seducing” moves towards the prince by blinding him with her mirror or putting her ring in the cake. In a meta-reference, her fleeing of the castle is described as her being tired of waiting for a “prince charming” to save her, and in her own words - if he won’t come to her, she’ll find one on her own. In fact, it is only by escaping the castle that she gains a name, “Peau d’Âne”, as before she was entirely nameless. And finally, instead of the Prince waking up the princess with a kiss, here it is the Princess who appears to a Prince in his bed and takes him away through the power of love. 
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# The Lilac Fairy was built in opposition to the traditional idea of a fairy godmother: instead of being the “moral power” and moral authority of the story, the Lilac Fairy is a scheming character who acts quite selfishly as she ultimates wants to be the one to marry the Blue King ; and it is implied that the entire story was one slow and cruel vengeance of the fairy towards the king, of which the death of donkey was the climax. On top of subverting morals, she also subverts time itself as the main source of anachronism, from wearing a Jean Harlow haircut to riding on an helicopter. A woman lost between the past and the future, or living outside of time, she unites the traditional fairy godmother and the mythical seer as the King descrbes her as knowing the secrets of the future. The vanity of the fairy is actually an element that Demy took back from the vaudeville adaptations of Donkey Skin  in 1860-70, in which the Fairy Godmother scolds the Princess for disturbing her before she could finish preparing herself, and says that the Princess shouldn’t cry out of fear it would ruin her beauty. 
# Unlike the more cynical and harsher king of the original tale, who is said to mourn his wife in a very fast way “as if he wanted to be done with it”, Demy’s King is a passionate lover sincerely devastated by the death of his spouse, and who at first refuses to see his daughter anymore because it hurts him to see anything reminding him of his wife. The King is also the only character who expresses a carnal form of desire and love (unlike the Prince-Princess who live a chaste love) - and at the end of the movie, the last glance the King gives his daughter can be interpreted as him not having fully erased his lust for her. 
# The Prince’s character is in a “quest for true love”, but it looks a lot like a childish whim. In fact, his character has been noted as very infantile - he has extravagant love-dreams of a girl he barely met in the woods, he pretends to be sick to stay in bed daydreaming, he plays on his parents’ kindness and worry to obtain what he wants, and his capricious nature is also shown when he demands a cake done SPECIFICALLY by Donkey Skin, and later asks for the ring to be tried on by all the girls of the kingdom, despite him already knowing that it belongs to Donkey Skin. But in a true paradox, the “trial of the ring”, which seems like an extravagant caprice and profondly annoys/bores his parents, is also the only way the Prince can officially declare and recognize his love for Donkey Skin, and avoid all accusations of him trying to marry a girl “on a whim”.  Similarly, the “love dreams” of the Prince and the Princess have a very childish nature: far away from any kind of parental authority, free from all the responsibilities due to their rank, all they want is to do childish games and partake on puerile entertainments, rolling in the grass or eating lots of pastries. In fact, in the original draft of the love song between the Prince and the Princess there were lines that Demy later cut, because he thought they were too suggestive and would give an erotic reading to the song: “Nous feront ce qui est interdit / Jusqu’à la fatigue, jusqu’à l’ennui”. “We will do what is forbidden / Until we are tired, until we are bored.”
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thepasseng3r · 2 years
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Luisa, Marchesa Casati Stampa di Soncino was an Italian heiress, muse, and patroness of the arts in early 20th-century Europe.
Born into a cocoon of privilege in 1881, Luisa was the second daughter of a rich Austian cotton merchant living in Milan, who would later be given the title of count by King Umberto I. A plain and introverted child, she quietly absorbed the delights of Milan’s museums, galleries, and libraries, which instilled in her an appreciation of the avant-garde art that was gradually becoming popular at the turn of the century. It was in these early years that Luisa became fascinated by history’s notorious eccentrics, including the ’Swan King’ Ludwig of Bavaria, who’s outlandish behaviour, construction of extravagant castles, and patronage of the arts would be a significant influence on the Marchesa's later years.
With an abundance of wealth behind her, the Marchesa began to tailor her lifestyle into a plethora of flamboyant dress and unconventional behaviour. Her reputation spread throughout Europe, with stories of lavish and fantastical soirees, of servants painted in gold leaf, and of the Marchesa’s penchant for wearing live snakes as jewellery. She began to collect elaborate mansions, such as the red marble Palais Rose near Paris, which included a summer house gallery housing the hundreds of portraits she had sat for. Elsewhere she kept a large menagerie of animals, including monkeys, snakes, and two cheetahs with whom she would stroll through the streets at night. In Venice, she would often take her ocelots and borzois on walks outside her palazzo wearing nothing but a fur coat, pearls, and a face full of makeup. Guests reported collections of eerie mannequins that sat around her dining table as if to accompany the guests, and the Marchesa added fuel to these rumours by hinting they contained ashes of her past lovers.
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Luisa's raison d’etre became ‘immortality through art’ and she began to seek out progressive artists, commissioning them to take her portrait by paint or lens and sometimes funding their living costs. This exchange differed somewhat from traditional, contemptuous relationship between the artist and the bourgeoisie; she maintained friendships with many she worked with and patronised the most innovative of artists. Her lifestyle was so intricately sewn with aesthetic excess and unconventionality that it appealed greatly to bohemian artistic sensibilities. Poiret dressed her; Augustus John painted her; the Italian futurists idolized her. In John Richardson’s biography of Picasso, he produces an anecdote about one of Casati’s infamous dinner parties.
Although no artist by traditional means, the Marchesa’s appearance was her canvas and she cultivated an enchanting personal style which captivated the aesthetes and bon vivants she consorted with. With her long, lean, pearl white body draped in outlandish finery, chaotic mess of fiery red hair, slash of scarlet lipstick, and striking kohl rimmed eyes, the Marchesa had the glamorous allure of a vampire, hungrily sucking up beauty, excess, and other visual delights.
She dressed in the high fashions of the day, but had many outlandish outfits specially tailored from her own ideas. One such example, which was worn to a ball in 1922, was decorated with dozens of tiny light bulbs, powered by a generator beneath her skirt, and reportedly gave the Marchesa tiny electric shocks throughout the night.
In portraits, she is most often shown with a tangle of hair dyed bright orange, intense eyes, and chiseled cheekbones. There is nothing muted about her approach to appearance. Casati stretched beauty’s limits even by today’s standards. She was six feet tall and accentuated her height with extravagant headpieces. Accounts say she took doses of belladonna, a poisonous plant, to dilate her pupils and make them darker. She didn’t stop there: She topped her unnaturally obscure eyes with rows and rows of fake eyelashes—sometimes fashioning them out of strips of fabric—and powdered her skin porcelain. She painted her face in stark black and white, like a photograph of the period.
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dikshu24 · 22 days
Best 2dAnimation Course In Sonipat
Sonipat, a rapidly developing educational hub in Haryana, offers a variety of high-quality 2D animation courses for aspiring animators. These courses are designed to provide comprehensive training in 2D animation techniques, tools, and software, preparing students for successful careers in the animation industry. Here are some of the best institutes in Sonipat offering 2D animation courses:
1. MAAC (Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics) Sonipat
Overview: MAAC is a renowned institute offering specialized courses in animation, VFX, and multimedia. The Sonipat branch provides a strong foundation in 2D animation, making it a top choice for students looking to excel in this field.
Key Features:
Experienced Faculty: Instructors with substantial industry experience.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: Equipped with the latest 2D animation software and technology.
Practical Training: Emphasis on hands-on projects and real-world applications.
Placement Assistance: Strong industry connections for job placements.
Popular Courses:
2D Animation Course: Comprehensive training in traditional and digital 2D animation techniques.
Advanced Program in Integrated Animation (ADIA): Covers both 2D and 3D animation techniques.
2. Arena Animation Sonipat
Overview: Arena Animation is a well-established institute offering a variety of courses in animation, VFX, and multimedia. The Sonipat branch provides a robust 2D animation course that covers both traditional and digital animation techniques.
Key Features:
Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers all aspects of 2D animation from basics to advanced techniques.
Industry Projects: Hands-on experience through live projects.
Career Guidance: Regular workshops and seminars by industry experts.
Modern Facilities: Well-equipped labs with the latest animation software.
Popular Courses:
Animation Film Design (AFD): Includes a focus on 2D animation techniques and principles.
2D Animation: Specialized training in 2D animation, including character design, storyboarding, and animation principles.
3. Frameboxx Animation & Visual Effects Sonipat
Overview: Frameboxx is a reputed institute providing specialized training in animation, VFX, and game art. The Sonipat campus offers a comprehensive 2D animation course that focuses on both creative and technical skills.
Key Features:
Expert Trainers: Courses taught by professionals with extensive industry experience.
Creative Environment: Encourages innovation and creativity.
Industry Exposure: Regular industrial visits and guest lectures.
Global Certifications: Provides internationally recognized certifications.
Popular Courses:
Professional Program in 2D Animation: A detailed program covering all aspects of 2D animation production.
Diploma in 2D Animation: Focuses on developing high-level 2D animation skills.
4. Picasso Animation College Sonipat
Overview: Picasso Animation College offers a range of courses in multimedia and design, including specialized programs in 2D animation. The Sonipat campus focuses on providing a balanced education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills.
Key Features:
Holistic Education: Emphasis on both theoretical learning and practical application.
Industry Connect: Strong network with top animation studios for internships and placements.
Creative Workshops: Regular interactive sessions with industry professionals.
Modern Infrastructure: State-of-the-art labs and resources.
Popular Courses:
Bachelor of Arts in Animation and Multimedia: Includes extensive training in 2D animation.
Advanced Diploma in 2D Animation: Focuses on advanced 2D animation techniques and software.
5. iPixio Animation College Sonipat
Overview: iPixio provides specialized training in animation and multimedia, focusing on creating industry-ready professionals. The Sonipat campus is known for its personalized approach and strong industry connections.
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fashiondesigninstitute · 11 months
Fashion Inspiration: Drawing from Art, Culture, and Nature
Fashion is a form of creative expression that draws inspiration from various sources. From the mesmerizing strokes of a painting to the rich tapestry of cultural traditions and the captivating beauty of nature, fashion designers find inspiration in the world around them. This article delves into the intriguing realm of fashion inspiration, exploring how art, culture, and nature serve as fertile grounds for innovative and breathtaking designs. Discover the transformative power of drawing inspiration from these sources and how it fuels the imagination of fashion designers.
Art as a Muse:
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Art has always been a significant source of inspiration for fashion designers. The interplay of colors, textures, and shapes in a painting can ignite a designer's imagination and set the stage for the creation of captivating garments. From the masterpieces of renowned painters to contemporary art movements, fashion designers find inspiration in the brushstrokes, composition, and emotional narratives conveyed in artwork. Whether it's the vibrant hues of a Van Gogh painting or the abstract forms of a Picasso masterpiece, art offers a boundless well of inspiration that fuels the creativity of fashion designers.
Cultural Tapestry:
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Culture is a rich tapestry that weaves together stories, traditions, and symbols. Fashion designers often draw inspiration from diverse cultures, exploring the intricate details of traditional garments, the symbolism embedded in ancient rituals, and the unique aesthetics of different regions. Traditional textiles, indigenous craftsmanship, and cultural motifs are reinterpreted and infused into contemporary designs, creating a fusion of heritage and modernity. By embracing the beauty and diversity of cultures, fashion designers pay homage to the past while pushing the boundaries of innovation.
The Beauty of Nature:
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Nature, with its awe-inspiring landscapes, vibrant flora, and magnificent fauna, has an undeniable allure that captivates fashion designers. The organic forms, intricate patterns, and breathtaking colors found in nature serve as a constant source of inspiration. From the delicate petals of a flower to the fierce elegance of a wild animal, nature's wonders are translated into garments that celebrate the beauty and harmony of the natural world. Sustainable and eco-friendly fashion movements are also influenced by nature, with designers incorporating organic materials, botanical dyes, and earth-friendly practices into their creations.
The Creative Process:
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Drawing inspiration from art, culture, and nature is not a linear process but rather a dynamic and fluid exploration. Fashion designers immerse themselves in the realms of creativity, conducting extensive research, sketching, and experimenting with fabrics and silhouettes. They capture the essence of their inspiration through mood boards, fabric swatches, and detailed sketches, bringing their visions to life. The creative process is an intimate journey of self-expression, where designers harness their passion and translate it into tangible designs that evoke emotions and resonate with their audience.
Fashion Inspiration at IIFD:
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IIFD - Indian Institute of Fashion & Design ( @iifd ) understands the significance of inspiration in the fashion design process. The institute encourages students to explore the realms of art, culture, and nature to cultivate their creative vision. Through specialized workshops, field trips, and guest lectures, IIFD provides a stimulating environment for students to broaden their horizons and draw inspiration from diverse sources. By embracing the power of inspiration, IIFD is a leading fashion design college in India that nurtures the next generation of fashion designers who can push boundaries and redefine the industry.
Fashion designers are magicians of creativity, transforming inspiration into tangible works of art. Drawing from art, culture, and nature opens doors to infinite possibilities, enabling designers to create garments that tell stories, evoke emotions, and reflect the beauty of the world around us. As you embark on your fashion design journey, remember to immerse yourself in the art galleries, embrace diverse cultures, and seek solace in nature's embrace. Let inspiration be your guiding light, igniting your imagination and propelling you to design extraordinary creations that leave an indelible mark in the fashion world.
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cursed-spop · 2 years
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The newest trend in makeup pulls inspiration from ms paint.
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Philosophy of Art
The definition of art has been debated for centuries among philosophers.”What is art?” is the most basic question in the philosophy of aesthetics, which really means, “How do we determine what is defined as art?” This implies two subtexts: the essential nature of art, and its social importance (or lack of it). The definition of art has generally fallen into three categories: representation, expression, and form.
Art as Representation or Mimesis. Plato first developed the idea of art as “mimesis,” which, in Greek, means copying or imitation. For this reason, the primary meaning of art was, for centuries, defined as the representation or replication of something that is beautiful or meaningful. Until roughly the end of the eighteenth century, a work of art was valued on the basis of how faithfully it replicated its subject. This definition of "good art" has had a profound impact on modern and contemporary artists; as Gordon Graham writes, “It leads people to place a high value on very lifelike portraits such as those by the great masters—Michelangelo, Rubens, Velásquez, and so on—and to raise questions about the value of ‘modern’ art—the cubist distortions of Picasso, the surrealist figures of Jan Miro, the abstracts of Kandinsky or the ‘action’ paintings of Jackson Pollock.” While representational art still exists today, it is no longer the only measure of value.
Art as Expression of Emotional Content. Expression became important during the Romantic movement with artwork expressing a definite feeling, as in the sublime or dramatic. Audience response was important, for the artwork was intended to evoke an emotional response. This definition holds true today, as artists look to connect with and evoke responses from their viewers.
Art as Form.  Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) was one of the most influential of the early theorists toward the end of the 18th century. He believed that art should not have a concept but should be judged only on its formal qualities because the content of a work of art is not of aesthetic interest. Formal qualities became particularly important when art became more abstract in the 20th century, and the principles of art and design (balance, rhythm, harmony, unity) were used to define and assess art.
Today, all three modes of definition come into play in determining what is art, and its value, depending on the artwork being assessed.
History of How Art Is Defined
According to H.W Janson, author of the classic art textbook, The History of Art, “...we cannot escape viewing works of art in the context of time and circumstance, whether past or present. How indeed could it be otherwise, so long as art is still being created all around us, opening our eyes almost daily to new experiences and thus forcing us to adjust our sights?”
Throughout the centuries in Western culture from the 11th century on through the end of the 17th century, the definition of art was anything done with skill as the result of knowledge and practice. This meant that artists honed their craft, learning to replicate their subjects skillfully. The epitome of this occurred during the Dutch Golden Age when artists were free to paint in all sorts of different genres and made a living off their art in the robust economic and cultural climate of 17th century Netherlands.
During the Romantic period of the 18th century, as a reaction to the Enlightenment and its emphasis on science, empirical evidence, and rational thought, art began to be described as not just being something done with skill, but something that was also created in the pursuit of beauty and to express the artist’s emotions. Nature was glorified, and spirituality and free expression were celebrated. Artists, themselves, achieved a level of notoriety and were often guests of the aristocracy.
The Avant-garde art movement began in the 1850s with the realism of Gustave Courbet. It was followed by other modern art movements such as cubism, futurism, and surrealism, in which the artist pushed the boundaries of ideas and creativity. These represented innovative approaches to art-making and the definition of what is art expanded to include the idea of the originality of vision.
The idea of originality in art persists, leading to ever more genres and manifestations of art, such as digital art, performance art, conceptual art, environmental art, electronic art, etc.
There are as many ways to define art as there are people in the universe, and each definition is influenced by the unique perspective of that person, as well as by their own personality and character. For example:
Rene Magritte: Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist.
Frank Lloyd Wright: Art is a discovery and development of elementary principles of nature into beautiful forms suitable for human use.
Thomas Merton: Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.
Pablo Picasso: The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca​: All art is but imitation of nature.
Edgar Degas: Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.
Jean Sibelius: Art is the signature of civilizations.
Leo Tolstoy: Art is a human activity consisting in this, that one man consciously, by means of certain external signs, hands-on to others feelings he has lived through, and that others are infected by these feelings and also experience them.
Today we consider the earliest symbolic scribblings of mankind to be art. As Chip Walter, of National Geographic, writes about these ancient paintings, “Their beauty whipsaws your sense of time. One moment you are anchored in the present, observing coolly. The next you are seeing the paintings as if all other art—all civilization—has yet to exist...creating a simple shape that stands for something else—a symbol, made by one mind, that can be shared with others—is obvious only after the fact. Even more than the cave art, these first concrete expressions of consciousness represent a leap from our animal past toward what we are today—a species awash in symbols, from the signs that guide your progress down the highway to the wedding ring on your finger and the icons on your iPhone.”
Archaeologist Nicholas Conard posited that the people who created these images “possessed minds as fully modern as ours and, like us, sought in ritual and myth answers to life’s mysteries, especially in the face of an uncertain world. Who governs the migration of the herds, grows the trees, shapes the moon, turns on the stars? Why must we die, and where do we go afterward? They wanted answers but they didn’t have any science-based explanations for the world around them.”
Art can be thought of as a symbol of what it means to be human, manifested in physical form for others to see and interpret. It can serve as a symbol for something that is tangible, or for a thought, an emotion, a feeling, or a concept. Through peaceful means, it can convey the full spectrum of the human experience. Perhaps that is why it is so important.
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enjoythelife00 · 3 years
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Hotel Negresco 🦩 This beautiful lady is the most famous hotel in Nice/Promenade des Anglais. It welcomes its guests not only with its architectural beauty and colors, but also with artworks in the lobby section. Apart from painters such as Salvador Dali and Picasso, stars such as Michael Jackson have stayed in this beautiful hotel, which has hosted many celebrities until now. Elton John is also mentioned in the clip I'm still standing. Established in 1912, the hotel is like the pearl of the Cote d'azur✨ The best part is that such a luxury hotel also welcomes animals. What else?🗺 Hotel Negresco🦩 Nice’in Promenade des Anglais bölgesinde bulunan en ünlü oteldir bu güzel hanımefendi. Sadece mimari güzelliği ve renkleriyle değil, aynı zamanda lobi bölümündeki sanat eserleriyle de karşılar misafirlerini. Şimdiye kadar bir çok ünlüyü misafir eden bu güzel otelde, Salvador Dali, Picasso gibi ressamlar dışında Michael Jackson gibi yıldızlar da kalmıştır. Elton John, I'm still standing klibinde de geçer. 1912 yılında kurulan otel, Cote d’azur’ün de incisi adeta✨ En iyi yanı ise böyle lüks bir otelin de hayvanları ağırlaması. Daha ne olsun. #beautiful #eltonjohn #michaeljackson #negresco #hotel #hotelnegresco #nice #france #cotedazur #sea #beach #travelphotography #nature #sky #blue #architecture #sanat #art #ressam #artist #actress #painting #pink #camping #camplife #trip #trending #trekking (Nice, Côte d'Azur, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSqnxJDtKJU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thecursedhellblazer · 4 years
One of Those Nights
( @thedemonconstantine​​ )
By the time his expected guest arrived at the pub, John was already on his way to get shitface drunk. He had sat on that very same stool for almost an hour, brooding and downing one gin and tonic after the other, before he had made up his mind and texted Chas to ask him to join him. He hadn’t been sure if he truly wanted company or not, considering how bad his mood was, but in the end the need to rant to someone had prevailed about the rest of his angry misanthropic feelings.
When the cabbie appeared next to him, he didn’t even bother to turn and look at him. His attention was too focused on his freshly refilled glass, or so he told himself. Deep down, he knew far too well that the truth was another. He didn’t want to face his best friend for the mere reason that doing so would have meant offering the other man a full view of the terrible state he was in.
His hair was a mess, blond locks sticking out in all direction, dirt and dried blood clinging on them. His tie was missing and so was the watch he usually carried with him. His shirt hung half opened from his shoulders because most of the buttons were missing and it was covered in stains, whose colours went from red to dark brown. His skin was a Picasso of cuts, scratches and purple bruises, with a few bite marks standing out here and there. His trousers weren’t in a better state, blotched with mud and blood and something else people were better off not knowing.
The only thing that had been spared from that devastation was his trench coat, which was now draped over the counter, and the mere reason for that was that he hadn’t been wearing it when the fight had started.
He looked worse for wear and he reeked of sweat, blood, booze and, hell, sex. The bartender would have probably kicked him out the same instant he had stepped inside the pub, hadn’t he put a charm on the whole crowd to make sure they all ignored him. Not before making the man leave him a couple of bottles for him to drain.
His nails went to scratch at the dried redness on his temple. He shouldn’t have let the events of the afternoon getting so much under his skin. He should have been used to the rage and the nasty words, but once again he had failed to prevent them from affecting him.
The fight hadn’t really been different from all the others they had had. It hadn’t even been their worst. They had yelled, spat, pushed, shoved, punched, thrown things, smashed everything they had got their hands on, including each other. Especially each other. And then they had tumbled on the floor, rutting against each other like two frenzy animals in heat, without even bothering to take their ruined clothes off. The mess had ended up all over their trousers and the bottom of their shirts, of course, and it was still there.
Normally, the violence and sex marked the end of it. Normally, it was enough for them to unwind, to settle down into each other’s space more or less peacefully. Normally, John would have got rid of his clothes and taken a damn shower, either alone or, more often than not, sharing it with the Copy until all the hot water had run out. And even after that, because, by then, they had usually got too busy to notice.
Not that time though. Constantine couldn’t have said why. He had been feeling oddly restless, for some obscure reason, and the demon had been crueller than he usually was. And so, once they had been spent, just when he was starting to allow his muscles to relax, the Other had spoken again.
The words had been more brutal than the insults he had been addressed at the start of it. They hadn’t been meant to anger him, no, their aim had been to hurt. And so they had done, cutting more deeply than he was ready to admit, throwing him off balance, shredding his core without mercy.
He had stumbled back on his feet and left, without even managing to slam the door behind him properly. Even now, with all the alcohol in his system, their echo hadn’t stopped to feel like a stab in the guts.
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“...‘Lo, Chas.”
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
“I bet it’s a boy.” - “I bet it’s a turtle.” - Nicercy
Nico was one of the biggest donors of the marine sanctuary slash aquarium. He was a filthy-rich lawyer and he had always loved turtles, so he decided to donate some of his money to keep the turtles safe around here. That, of course, meant he was a guest of honor at the regular big galas.
“You know. It’s befitting that you look like a penguin”, noted his date for the night.
“Shut up, Will”, grumbled Nico with a glare, elbowing his best friend.
The two had been inseparable since college – Will studying to become a doctor, Nico studying to become a lawyer. Will had been Nico’s first gay friend and had helped the back then closeted boy a lot. They were like brothers by now, had gone through thick and thin together.
“So, how are Botticelli and Titian doing?”, asked Will.
Two turtles Nico had kind of adopted, sponsored really. Without his donation, the sanctuary would not have been able to take them in and take care of them. As thanks, Nico had gotten to name them.
“Doing fine”, grinned Nico and ducked his head. “I visited them just earlier this week.”
“You and your ridiculous obsession with turtles”, chuckled Will fondly.
“I learned English with the Ninja Turtles”, shrugged Nico with a frown. “They were named after famous Italians, Will. There was nothing not to love about them. Turtles are awesome.”
“One day I will tell Percy that you made little masks for Titian and Botticelli”, warned Will.
Nico’s eyes widened and his ears turned red. Percy was the cutest marine biologist in existence and he worked at the sanctuary. A doctor too, tending to the animals when they were hurt. And Will was absolutely not allowed to ruin Nico’s suave reputation by revealing that Botticelli the green turtle and Titian the yellow turtle were kind of Nico’s TMNT OCs.
“Why do you hate me, Will?”, asked Nico miserably, shaking his head.
Will laughed as the two of them made their way toward their seats when Nico spotted the object of his affection. Percy Jackson. He was wearing a dark-blue button-down shirt and dress-pants but, as always, he had his black leather-jacket on him. He always wore that thing, even on the hottest summer days. Nico frowned though, because the jacket was laying on the ground. It must have slipped off the backrest of Percy’s chair. It was too hot and uncomfortable to wear the jacket in here. Motioning for Will to go ahead, Nico picked up the black leather-jacket with a smile. He blinked curiously as he felt the material for a moment. He had never felt this kind of leather before.
“Excuse me, Percy”, started Nico, resting a hand on Percy’s shoulder.
Something strange happened when Percy turned around to look at him. First, with a bright smile, but then the smile immediately got replaced by a look of horror and shock, staring first at the jacket and then at Nico, like Nico had just… betrayed his trust and killed his puppy or something. Frowning confused by that reaction, Nico placed the jacket back on the backrest.
“It must have fallen off”, offered Nico with a smile. “Wouldn’t want it to get dirty, I know how much you love this jacket. And I also wanted to… say hello. Hello.”
Instead of the usual banter or anything, Percy just stared at Nico in utter confusion. When Nico didn’t get a reaction for a while, he just cleared his throat and bid his goodbye.
“Percy. Percy, you alright?”, asked Piper concerned when her roommate came home.
Today had been some gala that she had managed to worm her way out of – she hated playing fancy dress-up. Percy however, he had gone in hopes of seeing his crush in a well-cut suit. For the past months, Percy had had a huge crush on one of the sanctuary’s biggest donors. Nico di Angelo. He regularly came to visit the sanctuary too and Percy would just stare heart-eyed at the way Nico talked to the turtles. It was endearing and ridiculous and cute. But also a little pathetic, because Piper had warned him not to fall in love with a human. Yet here he was…
“Someone took my skin”, whispered Percy, biting his lips.
“No!”, exclaimed Piper wide-eyed, jumping off the couch in panic, just to freeze. “Wait. But… You’re wearing it, Percy. What… happened? What’s going on?”
“Nico”, started Percy, taking a shaky breath. “He had it. He took it. A… And then he smiled at me and gave it back. Because it fell on the floor. H… He picked it up and instead of keeping it, he gave it back to me, with a smile… and… and…”
“Huh”, grunted Piper stunned, collapsing back onto the couch. “Ice-cream and alcohol?”
“I get the ice, you get the booze”, nodded Percy absentmindedly, swallowing hard.
Piper took a deep, relieved breath. “Honestly, if you lost your skin while under my care, King Poseidon would most likely skin me alive. You can’t do that to me.”
“Dad would never skin you alive!”, called Percy back with a huff. “You’re one of his best generals.”
Piper shook her head and took a deep breath. She might be, but if the prince of the ocean lost his selkie-skin to some human and didn’t return to Atlantis, that’d be her end too…
“You gave it back.”
Nico startled. He thought he was alone, watching the turtles. Botticelli and Titian were being their usual adorable selves again and Nico loved watching them. It helped him relax after a long case. At this time of day under the week, he usually had the turtles to himself, only a handful of families being close by and Nico didn’t mind sharing the turles’ attention with a couple eager kids. Turning some, he faced not a child but Percy. Percy, wearing his perfectly cut leather-jacket over his Los Angeles Marine Sanctuary shirt. The young doctor looked absolutely in awe as he stared at Nico.
“I’m sorry?”, asked Nico confused.
“Walk with me?”, offered Percy with the tiniest smile.
There was nothing Nico would ever deny Percy – and spending alone time on a potentially romantic sunset walk on the beach, just the two of them? Nico would have to be a fool to say no to that. Nodding, he followed Percy out of the sanctuary and toward the beach. For a short while did they just walk calmly side by side. Percy’s eyes were on the ocean with the same longing they always held when he looked at the vast blueness. Nico’s eyes were on Percy, as they always were when Percy was close by. He just looked so beautiful and serene.
“You gave it back��, whispered Percy as the sun was slowly setting.
“What do you mean?”, asked Nico. “You said that before too, but… What?”
“My… skin”, replied Percy, shrugging off his jacket and folding it over his arm.
“Your jacket?”, asked Nico for clarification, more confused than ever.
“My skin”, corrected Percy softly, slowly stepping toward the ocean. “You picked it up and… and you gave it back. Humans are… selfish. That’s what I was told growing up. Humans are greedy, dangerous and selfish. And when a human takes your skin, they will keep it.”
“Okay. Mildly freaking out by the way you talk about humans like you’re not one and also the whole skin-thing, equally… disturbing, Percy”, offered Nico, voice pitching a little.
“Have you ever heard of… selkies?”, asked Percy slowly, stepping more into the water.
“Uhm. The seal-women?”, grunted Nico confused. “They… they’re a fairy tale. Seals who turn into humans and when a man steals her… her skin… the woman would have to marry him?”
“Something like that”, shrugged Percy and tilted his head, a small smile on his lips. “When someone takes our skin, we can’t return home to the sea. We can’t return to our true form. And men… tended to use that for the one they want. But selkies don’t necessarily have to be female. And we don’t just turn into seals. We’re also called… merpeople, in many cultures.”
“…We…?”, echoed Nico, swallowing hard.
“Don’t freak out”, requested Percy with a smile as he let himself fall backward into the water.
Nico couldn’t help but step up, anxious against better judgment. Percy stayed under water for long. Too long. Nico was growing scared. But then he resurfaced and jumped Nico, pinning him to the wet ground. The water was shallow. Propped up on his elbows, Nico could still keep his face above water. The real shocker however was Percy. Percy whose lower half was no longer human legs. Instead a tail. A… seal-tail, flapping in the water. Percy was smiling brightly at him.
“I never really introduced myself”, hummed Percy. “I’m Prince Perseus, son of King Poseidon, leader to the selkies and ruler of the ocean. I’m… I came here to learn about humans. I didn’t want to believe that all humans are bad. It couldn’t be true. And… And then I met you and you’re… sweet. But when you picked up my skin and just gave it back to me… You’re something else, Nico di Angelo. And I… I like you. I liked you for a while now. But when you gave me back my skin…”
Slowly, Percy leaned down, making eye-contact with Nico. Nervously, Nico tilted his head and closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Percy’s waist as the selkie kissed him.
“I just kissed a merman”, whispered Nico in awe, cupping Percy’s face.
“If you want to, you could… date a merman”, offered Percy with a cheeky grin.
/3 Weeks Later\
“You’ve been spending even more time at the sanctuary than usual”, pointed Reyna out.
Nico rolled his eyes and blushed. He had not yet told anyone about dating Percy, because they didn’t want the attention. But now Will and Nico’s two oldest friends – Jason and Reyna, friends since high school – were teaming up on him. Jason threw popcorn at him.
“I bet it’s a boy”, smirked Will knowingly.
“I bet it’s a turtle”, countered Jason with a shrug. “Our little weirdo is spending all his time with… uhm… Picasso and Pollock all the time anyway. What’s new.”
“Botticelli and Titian”, corrected Reyna. “And will you two shut up so I can enjoy the movie?”
If only they knew that it was actually… a seal. A seal-merman. Well, technically, Will was on point too, because it was a boy. The boy of his dreams. Who was a merman. And Nico’s boyfriend. He grinned, ridiculously pleased, as he got more comfortable between Reyna and Jason.
~*~ The End ~*~
Read this here on FFNet & here on AO3
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hayiesli · 2 years
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the hard-work: weekly mission, events.
4 - 5 June: The Snipping of BLACK RIBBON
11 - 12 June: Side Story 1 - The Bakers’ Workshop
18 - 19 June: Side Story 2 - The Cleansing of Murky Waters
16 - 17 July: Chapter 3 - A Cloudy Adventure
13 - 14 August: Side Story 5 - Childhood Stories
20 - 21 August: Chapter 5 - Trapped in a Pictured Memoir
the happiness: games, plots, memories.
8 June: New Hills
9 June: Battle of Luck
10 June: Battle of Wynstelle Valley
13 June: Finding Jagat
14 June: Kaya vs Miskin
17 June: Master of Chefetie
21 June: Eat Bulaga
23 June: Tale - Unexpected Guest
24 June: Who Wants to be A Millionare
2 July: Lose a Life Artist Ver.
5 July: Chemistry
11 July: Repeat After Me
12 July: Guess The Marble
14 July: Bingo Pola
19 July: Quidditch
20 July: Are You A Picasso?
31 July: Bahasa G
2 August: Mercilla Says
3 August: Undercover
12 August: Scavenger Hunt
15 August: Domba Domba Tersesat
16 August: Hide and Seek
18 August: Poisoned Food
19 August: Call The Animals
22 August: Online Shopping
27 August: The Ball
29 August: The Wynstelle Chess
30 August: Lost A Life
the treasure: nagu
First Batch
Second Batch
Third Batch
Fourth Batch
the notes: important
7 July - 11 July: HIATUS
BATCH 3: CHANGE CHARACTER from Kevin to Euro
8 - 12 August: HIATUS
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0 notes
seedfinance · 3 years
Top Pet-Friendly Vacation Ideas and How Much They Cost
humonia / Getty Images / iStockphoto
The Americans are taking advantage of the reopening of the state by getting off with renewed vigor and traveling again. So much travel means pet sitters are in high demand and can be difficult to find – and expensive. So why not think about using that money and going on a vacation bringing your pets with you?
Follow with: Live 31 days richer Small Business Spotlight 2021: Take a look at our Small Business Stories and the nominated companies in your area
Whether you’re looking for a hotel, restaurant, or activity with your favorite Fido or Fluffy, we’re exploring some great ideas to keep you and your pets happy with suggestions from BringFido.com.
Last updated: July 9, 2021
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Mendocino Headlands, California, at dawn.
Stanford Inn by the Sea: Mendocino, California
Take a trip to cool, breathtaking Mendocino, California. You can bring three pets of any size, including dogs and cats, at Stanford Inn by the Sea. Your pets are welcome in all rooms except The Garret Suite, the pool house and the massage area, but you cannot leave them unattended. While this is the most expensive hotel on this list, at around $ 490 a night, the experience is worth every penny. There is an additional fee of $ 45 per stay for one pet and $ 22.50 per stay for each additional pet. The inn offers pet treats, pet towels, bowls, and sheets for furniture. Take your puppies for a walk on the property’s 10 acres of green space.
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Coronado, USA – January 14, 2016: Woman with dog running on Coronado Island beach, USA.
Westin Gaslamp Quarter: San Diego
In keeping with the California theme, take a beach trip to sunny San Diego and bring your dogs (unfortunately not cats) to the Westin Gaslamp Quarter. The hotel allows two dogs up to 40 pounds at no additional charge. Rooms cost around $ 200 and up, though you may be able to bring that price down with an AAA membership or other discount coupons. If you have a larger dog you may be able to get a permit by contacting the hotel directly. Don’t leave your dogs unattended – and luckily, you can walk them anywhere on the property.
The story goes on
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Entry to Walt Disney World
Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground: Orlando, Florida
If you’re in the Disney mood and don’t want to leave your dogs behind, head to Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. You can bring two dogs of any size for an additional $ 5 per night in campsites and $ 50 per night in cabins. Standard campsites start at $ 145 per night (with full RV hookups). Your dogs will receive the Pluto welcome kit upon check-in, which includes a mat, bowls, pet tag, poop bags, puppy pads and a walking map for dogs. In addition, proof of vaccination is required. Dogs are allowed on the free Magical Express airport shuttle and the Minnie Van, but only on one transport company. However, you need to leave your cats at home.
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Long stretch of Miramar Beach in Destin, Florida
Pineapple Cabana: Destin, Florida
Enjoy a Gulf of Mexico beach vacation in the lesser-traveled city of Destin, Florida with your pets. While you can’t bring your pets for jet skiing or dolphin watching, there is plenty of room to spread out with them in this 5 bedroom vacation rental. Your pet will be charged a fee of USD 140 per stay, but you may be able to add additional pets upon request. A stay here costs about $ 307 a night on average, depending on the time of year, but with five rooms you can share that cost with friends or family.
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Georgia, Jekyll Island, travel, travel destinations, insider tips, travel destination
Holiday Inn Resort: Jekyll Island, Georgia
There are tons of outdoor activities with your pets in historic Jekyll Island, Georgia. And at Holiday Inn Resort, Jekyll Island, pets of all sizes (dogs and cats) are allowed for an additional fee of $ 25 plus tax per pet per night. Your pets can only be left unattended if they are accommodated in the room. Otherwise there is a lot of lawn to walk on on the property.
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Carmel, United States – November 19, 2011: Shopping on the main street of Carmel with luxury expensive boutiques all around.
The Forge Restaurant: Carmel, California
The wonderful seaside town of Carmel, California, a place brimming with beaches and natural parks, also offers dining with your pups. Head to The Forge, a bistro-style restaurant where your dogs can join you on The Pound Patio. You can even order specialties from a canine cuisine menu. Or order the Hot Diggity Dog or the Quarter Hounder.
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Lazy Dog Restaurant and Bar: Las Vegas
When visiting Las Vegas resorts and casinos, be sure to bring your dog to the Lazy Dog Restaurant & Bar, which serves American cuisine. Your dog can join in at one of the pet-friendly tables outside. It offers a dog-friendly menu with items like hamburger patties or grilled chicken and brown rice.
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The Barking Dog Restaurant: New York City
New York City is the perfect place to bring your dog as there are plenty of outdoor opportunities and walking ability. Your dog won’t want to miss a meal at The Barking Dog, as well as being dog friendly, it also serves dishes like crab cakes, fried chicken with buttermilk, old-fashioned Yankee pot roast, and cajun po’boys.
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Puppy Picasso Experience: New York City
If you’ve got a high performing, creative pup, check out Puppy Picasso, a pet-friendly Airbnb New York experience. A local artist will teach your pup how to paint, using non-toxic paint of course, a subject ranging from rainbows to flowers to animals. Prices start at $ 35.
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The original dog beach: San Diego
Sometimes a dog just wants to run on the beach, and what beach is better than The Original Dog Beach on the north end of Ocean Beach in San Diego. Dogs are allowed to walk without a leash at any time of day (but please pick them up after your pet). And after that, you can take your dirty dog ​​to the Dog Beach Dog Wash at 4933 Voltaire Street, just two blocks away.
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Clear Jupiter Kayak Tours: Jupiter, Florida
For the more adventurous dogs, book a Clear Kayak Tours Through Jupiter in Jupiter, Florida. This is a pet friendly Airbnb experience with a kayak lesson in a clear bottom boat. Dogs are welcome, but you must bring a towel to lie on. The experience lasts 2 1/2 hours and can accommodate up to 10 guests of all ages. Guests (and dogs) need to be comfortable on the water and around marine life. Prices start at $ 65 per person.
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Happy woman walking with dog early Sunday morning in London, Notting Hill.
Nawlin’s Sh’nanigan’s Scavenger Hunt
Another pet-friendly experience from Airbnb Experience is the NAWLINS SH’NANIGANS Scavenger Hunt. Take your pup on a scavenger hunt in Louisiana’s most famous city. Your event begins with a briefing and a warm-up. Then you are alone to solve clues as you explore New Orleans top attractions. The experience lasts two hours and can accommodate up to 30 guests of all ages. Prices start at $ 22 per person.
More from GOBankingRates
Disclaimer for photos: Please note that the photos are for representative purposes only.
This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: Top Pet Friendly Vacation Ideas and How Much They Cost How
source https://seedfinance.net/2021/07/09/top-pet-friendly-vacation-ideas-and-how-much-they-cost/
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dikshu24 · 22 days
Best 3dAnimation Course In Sonipat
Sonipat, a growing educational hub in Haryana, offers several high-quality 3D animation courses that cater to the increasing demand for skilled professionals in the animation industry. These courses provide comprehensive training, covering various aspects of 3D animation, including modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, lighting, and rendering. Here are some of the best institutes in Sonipat offering 3D animation courses:
1. MAAC (Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics) Sonipat
Overview: MAAC is a premier institute known for its extensive courses in animation, VFX, and multimedia. The Sonipat branch provides specialized training in 3D animation, making it one of the top choices for aspiring animators.
Key Features:
Experienced Faculty: Instructors with significant industry experience.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: Equipped with the latest 3D animation software and technology.
Practical Training: Emphasis on hands-on projects and real-world applications.
Placement Assistance: Strong industry connections for job placements.
Popular Courses:
AD3D EDGE: Advanced Program in 3D Animation, covering all aspects from basics to advanced techniques.
DAE: Diploma in Animation and Filmmaking, focusing on 3D animation and VFX.
2. Arena Animation Sonipat
Overview: Arena Animation is a renowned institute offering a variety of courses in animation, VFX, and multimedia. The Sonipat branch provides comprehensive training in 3D animation, preparing students for a successful career in the industry.
Key Features:
Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers all stages of 3D animation production.
Industry Projects: Hands-on experience through live projects.
Career Guidance: Regular workshops and seminars by industry experts.
Modern Facilities: Well-equipped labs with the latest animation software.
Popular Courses:
Animation Film Design (AFD): A course that covers pre-production, production, and post-production processes of 3D animation.
3D Animation: A specialized program focusing on 3D modeling, texturing, rigging, and animation.
3. Frameboxx Animation & Visual Effects Sonipat
Overview: Frameboxx is a reputed institute providing specialized training in animation, VFX, and game art. The Sonipat campus offers a robust 3D animation course that focuses on both creative and technical skills.
Key Features:
Expert Trainers: Courses taught by professionals with extensive industry experience.
Creative Environment: Encourages innovation and creativity.
Industry Exposure: Regular industrial visits and guest lectures.
Global Certifications: Provides internationally recognized certifications.
Popular Courses:
Professional Program in 3D Animation (PPA): A comprehensive program covering all aspects of 3D animation production.
Advanced Diploma in 3D Animation: A detailed course focusing on advanced 3D animation techniques.
4. Picasso Animation College Sonipat
Overview: Picasso Animation College offers a range of courses in multimedia and design, including specialized programs in 3D animation. The Sonipat campus provides a balanced education that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills.
Key Features:
Holistic Education: Emphasis on both theoretical learning and practical application.
Industry Connect: Strong network with top animation studios for internships and placements.
Creative Workshops: Regular interactive sessions with industry professionals.
Modern Infrastructure: State-of-the-art labs and resources.
Popular Courses:
Bachelor of Arts in Animation and Multimedia: Covers 3D animation along with other multimedia skills.
Advanced Diploma in 3D Animation: Focuses on developing high-level 3D animation skills.
5. iPixio Animation College Sonipat
Overview: iPixio provides specialized training in animation and multimedia, focusing on creating industry-ready professionals. The Sonipat campus is known for its personalized approach and strong industry connections.
Key Features:
Personalized Learning: Small batch sizes for individual attention.
Practical Training: Hands-on experience through projects and assignments.
Industry Exposure: Regular guest lectures and industrial visits.
Advanced Labs: Equipped with the latest animation tools and technologies.
Popular Courses:
Diploma in 3D Animation: A course covering essential 3D animation skills and techniques.
Certificate in 3D Animation: A short-term course focusing on foundational 3D animation skills.
Choosing the Right Course
When selecting the best 3D animation course in Sonipat, consider the following factors:
Curriculum: Ensure the course covers all essential 3D animation skills and software.
Faculty: Look for experienced and industry-certified instructors.
Practical Training: Focus on courses that offer hands-on projects and real-world applications.
Certifications: Opt for courses that provide industry-recognized certifications.
Placement Support: Check the institute's placement records and industry connections.
Student Feedback: Alumni reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of education and career support.
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noodlecupcakes · 6 years
Ultraviolence - Chapter 18 (Mafia Negan AU)
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Warnings: Violence, Lots of violence, Murder, Language, Smoking, Threats of violence, Threats of violence to an animal (Whilst Negan hates cats, I don't), Mentions of torture, Torture
Shout at me if you want to be added to the taglist :D
Chapter 18
Negan’s P.O.V
A group of my men had been following Ezekiel all day, whilst a much larger team of men broke into his home and took out his men. After they'd given us the all clear, Simon and I headed over to his home. It wasn't as big as mine nor as nice as mine. I spotted a cat in the living room, a big fat ginger cat. He was clearly spoiling her due to her size. Her name had been carved into her food bowl. Shiva. She would occasionally look over, her eyes narrowing as if she were glaring whilst her tail slowly moved back and forth.
Cats were fucking evil and that cat was proof. I made myself comfortable in the living room, taking it all in. The decorator must have been fucking wild because this room was like looking at some Picasso shit. Bright clashing colours throughout the room, ugly rugs across the floor. The couch didn’t even have a bag to it meaning you couldn’t get comfy. I dread to think what the rest of this place looked like. Simon came in with some coffee and snacks for whilst we waited. Of course, he’d raided the cupboards. If it wasn’t Gwen doing it then it would be Simon.
An hour into our wait we got word that a car was on its way but it wasn’t Ezekiel’s. Thankfully it was just the one car too meaning whoever was in there could be dealt with easily. My men waited inside, ready to grab whoever it was. There was the sound of struggle, this person wasn’t going to give up without a fight. Even when they knew they were going to lose. They were brought into the lounge, a gun pressed to the back of the guy’s head. He was a scruffy looking bastered even with his expensive suit. His brown hair just reached his shoulders whilst stubble covered his chin and jaw. I didn’t recognise him but Simon did.
“Hey Daryl, nice to see you,” Simon beamed, the sarcasm dripping from his voice. Daryl glared at him, glancing back at the gun to his head. He was probably considering trying to overpower the situation and escape in one piece. “I’d advise against that Daryl,” I spoke. Daryl aimed his glare at me this time before his eyes darted to the floor. He chose to remain quiet. I glanced at Simon, motioning for him to give me some context on who the fuck Daryl was. He explained that Daryl was Ricks right hand man. I grinned wolfishly. Oh well that was fucking fantastic.
“Take any weapons he has or anything that could help him escape. Tie him and put him down in the basement. We’ll have a little chat later,” I explained. Simon nodded and Daryl was escorted out of the room. Daryl would come in very handy for Ricks downfall. He shouldn’t have been stupid enough to send his right-hand man out on his own at a time like this. I took a sip of my coffee and glanced at my watch. Thankfully in a time like this I could be patient. I hope Ezekiel was enjoying his last day alive.
Nightfall came and finally his majesty showed up. Daryl had been transported back to my own house where people were keeping a close eye on him. Ezekiel was right to be cautious as he entered his home, gun drawn. The gun was wrestled from his hand at least two shots going off. Let’s just hope they’d gone into the house and not my men. I got up from my seat and met them in the hallway. “Glad you finally made it, we didn’t think you were coming home,” I spoke. “Rick will find out-“ Ezekiel started. “Oh, I’m counting on it.”
Ezekiel was forced into the kitchen and tied to a chair. Perfect place for what was about to go down. “Go get his fucking cat,” I ordered. His eyes widened, “don’t touch Shiva!” Simon brought the cat in, holding her by the scruff of her neck. She hissed and attempted to wriggle free. “So, if you tell us what we want to know Shiva here goes free,” I explained. Ezekiel glanced between the cat and I. His shoulders slumped in defeat. “Ricks clearly got a plan. I want to know what it is,” I continued.
Ezekiel remained tight lipped, prompting Simon to tighten his hold on the cat. She attempted to swipe at him and bite him, thankfully he was wearing gloves. “You’re going to hurt a poor defenceless animal? Your more crazy than I thought,” Ezekiel spat. “Well we were hoping by simply threatening you with the idea of hurting her would work. We’re not going to hurt her. But because that didn’t work, things are going to go much worse for you,” I explained. “You can beat me all you like.” “Good, glad we have your consent.”
I stepped back to let Simon do the honours. He dropped the cat and advanced on Ezekiel. The cat was quick to leave the house. Simon put on a knuckle buster and went to work on Ezekiel’s face. At one point I think I heard a cheekbone crack. Ezekiel wasn’t going to talk, not that it bothered me too much. With him out of the way Rick was going to be weakened. And now that we had Daryl that just made things even better. I called Simon off, looking at the damage he’d done. Ezekiel’s face was a bloody and bruised mess. The man was barely conscious. That was going to change in about five minutes. Whilst Simon had been beating the shit out of him the rest of my men had been pouring gasoline around the house.
I made sure the restraints were secure, didn’t want the fire burning through them and giving him a chance to escape. Simon and I left the house, standing just outside the front door. The house had now been completely vacated, only the occupant inside. He was still too weak to try and struggle free. Good. I pulled out a cigarette and Simon lit the end for me with a match. He dropped the match, fire instantly spreading throughout the house. I smiled and closed the door, not wanting the flames to extinguish. Simon drove us back to the house after watching as the house slowly was taken over by the flames. Had to make sure the fucker really was burning in there before leaving.
I felt relief. One less person to deal with. I owned almost all of the territories now. Just Ricks left and then everything would be mine. I would be the most powerful man in the city and nobody could touch me. I smiled to myself. It was about damn time. And I had Roxy to thank for making things move along quicker. We got back to the mansion and I headed upstairs, finding Roxy in the bedroom getting ready for bed. “Hey baby girl,” I spoke. “Everything go according to plan?” She asked. “Yeah.” She smiled, “good.”
The next morning Roxy and I headed downstairs for breakfast. She sat down opposite me, loading her plate with fruit. “You didn’t tell me we were having a guest,” she spoke. “I would have if I had known Ricks right hand man could be so stupid.” “He still isn’t talking. Even after Gwen tore out a fingernail.” “Damn. Alright. We’ll send him back to Rick.” “All of him?” Roxy raised an eyebrow a knowing smirk on her lips. “Not all of him. Maybe just a finger or two.”
After breakfast I had Gwen remove two of Daryl’s fingers and send them off in an envelope for Rick. However, there was another unexpected guest showing up on my front doorstep. The kid was barely eighteen, brown hair that came down to his chin and blue eyes. He was wearing jeans and a shirt. He raised his hands in defence and surrender as various guns were pointed at him. What the fuck was Rick sending his kid here for? To do his dirty work? Great parenting. Carl Grimes was led into the dining room and forced into a chair. He seemed strangely calm. Roxy made a tray of tea and coffee, like she had done for when Gregory had visited. I made sure Simon and Gwen stayed in the room, just in case the little shit tried anything.
“You can relax, my dad doesn’t know I’m here,” Carl explained. I raised an eyebrow, “then why the fuck are you here?” “I wanted to speak with you before anybody else dies. I want this bullshit between you and my dad to stop. It’s pointless and too many people on both sides have died.” “Kid, your daddy made the first move-“ I began. “I know. And I apologize on his behalf for that. He’d heard things about you from the likes of Gregory and Ezekiel, bad things so he thought he’d be doing them all a favour if he took you out.” “Alright. But before you go any further, I want you to know there’s nothing you can do or say to stop me. after he threatened the woman I love he has a very slim chance of living.”
Carl sighed and took a sip of tea, “I was hoping you wouldn’t be this stubborn.” “Sorry kid. You have good intentions and I appreciate that but I’m not about to back down now.” “No negotiations?” “I’ve done shit like that before. It doesn’t last. I’d suggest getting out of town for a little while. If I see you fighting alongside your dad I’m gonna have no choice than to take you down too.” Carl nodded in understanding. I knew this must be difficult for him, torn between siding with his father or running like a coward. He’d been brave enough to come here on his own, I’m sure he would be brave again to make the right decision. I had more respect for this kid than his dad that was for sure. He’d come here knowing he could have died just to try and speak to me. That takes balls.
Carl eventually left after finishing his tea and trying one last time to get me to sit down with his father. Roxy cleared away the tea and coffee, whilst Gwen went to check on Daryl once more. There was no doubt that Rick already knew about Daryl and Ezekiel and was likely to make a move within the next few days. We’d be ready for him.
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twistednuns · 6 years
May 2018
The scent of lilac blossoms, especially in the late evening on a walk through the neighbourhood. Still some light over the horizon, moon and stars visible.                                                                                               
Going hiking along the Isar with Lena. Seeing some kind of leopard snail, stealing lilac from behind a fence, riding my pastel-coloured bicycles. A jazz band playing in the beergarden. Eating a crêpe with Nutella. Talking. Walking. Even though my hip hurt.
That dude, Sebastian, who made a mock birthday invitation for me based on my favourites. I ended up with a Six Feet Under party - “Die 20er zu Grabe tragen”. With an all-you-can-eat ramen buffet and Bilderbuch as the live act.
Barcelona. It was so nice with our small group of students. The weather was ok-ish and all in all it felt pretty much like a normal vacation - thanks to Nicole’s good organisation and preparation. The best thing is that I’m going to get all the money back I advanced. Definitely gonna try and organise trips for next year, too!
Meeting José, a very handsome and funny guide at the Picasso museum. I transformed into a creepy stalker back at home and found him on FB, just to send him a message. You know, about the students thinking he was very nice and all. Ha. Alas, he has a girlfriend. But boy was he cute.
Meeting Carina from Montreal at the Barceloneta beach. I took care of her bag while she went in for a swim and afterwards we started talking. Before we said goodbye she made me draw an Angel Card out of a little cotton bag. It said Gratitude - apparently something I need to work on.
Watching the soap bubbles pop in the air. Lying at the beach instead of attending parent-teacher-conference.
Seeing the inside of Sagrada Familia for the first time. Those stained-glass windows are amazing. They create a very special mood of the light. Also, I found a small round window with my name on it.
That woman passionately kissing a man in a wheelchair in the middle of a Spanish airport. They were paying attention to nobody else, only seeing each other.
Discovering the natura store at the airport.
My new black suede handbag with pearls, sequins and embroidery. It looks like an abstract painting.
Charlotte Roche: Verlasst die Städte
Making tiny rainbows in the air with the garden hose.
How Do We Break the Stereotypes We’ve Created for Ourselves?
Drawing two protest signs for the Anti-PAG demonstration. Unfortuntately I had to explain the terms 1984 and Gilead to a whole lot of guys… geez, people should read more.
Manchego and Green Olive tortilla chips.
The last days with Effi Biest.
Grading English tests outside on the balcony.
My 30th birthday! Somehow I didn’t manage to throw a party and the Isar picnic is probably not gonna happen either but I still had a very special day. Nicole put balloons on my desk at school and gave me a lot of small presents which showed how much she listens to me (roasted corn, dark chocolate, a lemon - even the ‘art teacher necklace’ we saw at the Picasso gift shop in Barcelona; she made a student buy it without me noticing). Also, she made some students organise a scavenger hunt for me!! I got some chocolates from the kids, wore bright red lipstick and a new embroidered shirt dress. In the afternoon I sold my car. Finally. I didn’t get much but it’s gonna pay for my flight tickets in summer. Then I spent the evening with Manu - we had pizza and later shots at his place. Kind of a blind date but it was a good decision.
Being alone in a subway train.
Discovering the Beirut Beirut restaurant near Implerstraße. Sitting outside in the sunshine on a Friday afternoon, reading a book, enjoying Lebanese food and the beautiful surroundings.
Reading Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan. I loved the technical knowledge it gave me about diving and the castaways. Lately I’m super interested in old war stories and everything connected to the ocean or faraway places.
Arriving at BluLagoon after spending a whole day on planes. Our villa was amazing. Don’t let me get started on the view and the fact that there were hardly any guests at the time.
Listening to music on our terrace, dancing in a weird way (more like 80’s aerobic class).
Diving. I found my passion. I liked David, the diving instructor, very much (always hot for teacher) and apparently I’ve got a “talent” for diving, too (I mean, at least I don’t panic and have no problem with breathing under water). It was so interesting to learn about the tide, the animals, everything, you know? My first dive in the ocean was magical. It’s like a whole other planet down there. I even saw a dolphin on my very first day. Turtles, puffer fish (my favourite), an octopus.
Pookie the (racist) dog! (He doesn’t bark at Westerners, only Indonesians)
A small hike to White Sand Beach.
Finding out that I actually do like tempeh.
Going to Nusa Lembongan/Ceningan was an excellent idea. Diving there was amazing and I felt very happy around Anang, Simone and Pascal. The islands are beautiful - the waves and the cliffs, breathtaking. I also learned to ride a scooter! Driving over Yellow Bridge between the two islands was priceless. Going on the swings during low tide, Paradise Beach, discovering a popular warung by accident. Having Australians open our Bintang Radlers for us. Collecting corals at Mushroom Beach. Taking the speed boat back to Bali. What an adventure.
Swimming in an infinity pool under the full moon in front of a jungle scenery. That’s Ubud. Watching the little squirrels jumping from tree to tree while having breakfast on the balcony. Being lucky enough to be there during Galungan, a very important Balinese holiday. There were pejors lining the streets and people in traditional clothes on their way to their families and village temples. We met a driver while we were looking for the waterfalls. He took us to the Tegalalang Rice Terrace and answered all of our questions about Balinese culture like official languages, rooster fights or the school system. At the organic farm we saw Luwaks and tried different kinds of coffee. After we had said goodbye we took the Ridge Walk back into Ubud. On our way we ate some vegan coconut ice-cream, met a kitty and of course we found a swing, too. Swings are everywhere in Bali. I loved the one between Nusa Ceningan and Lembongan. And the one at the rice terrace even though you had to pay for it. In the evening we walked through Monkey Forest right before closing time - the animals were pretty relaxed because they had just gotten their dinner - and witnessed a gorgeous red sunset on our way home.
Our scooter trip to the Elephant Cave temple (I got such a calm, spiritual feeling in that cave - it must be such an awe-struck experience to sit in there alone in complete darkness for prayer or meditation) and Bali Bird Park. Eating at a Muslim restaurant because all the others were closed for Galungan. Weird chocolate and green tea shaved ice. And all those birds. I fell in love with the Kakadus. Such lovely little fellas. It was crazy expensive (for Balinese standards) but definitely worth it.
Starting our first night in Canggu at Moana with a plate of delicious fish appetizers. A friendly hosts and a very helpful Australian neighbour who supplied me with band-aids and skin antibiotic. Hipster-watching at Crate (we went there twice because their breakfast is in fact spectacular). Surfer-watching at the beach. Bintangs at sunset. Marvelling at the waves. Swimming all the way back to the shore after drifting far out with the tide without noticing (all the practice in the pool paid off). Discovering Gelato Secrets on our scooter trip to Tanah Lot. Daring to use the infamous Canggu shortcut - it was way more scary on foot than with the scooter. Our Vinyasa Flow yoga class and the Balinese full body massage at The Chillhouse. Cheap warungs with delicious food. I could be sad now but in fact I’ve already got tickets to Australia and Indonesia for August so there’s something to look forward to!
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thearabkhaleesi · 6 years
2018 Emmy Nominations - Full List
Outstanding Comedy Series
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Silicon Valley
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Outstanding Drama Series
The Americans
The Crown
Game of Thrones
The Handmaid’s Tale
Stranger Things
This Is Us
Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie
Antonio Banderas, Genius: Picasso
Darren Criss, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Benedict Cumberbatch, Patrick Melrose
Jeff Daniels, The Looming Tower
John Legend, Jesus Christ Superstar
Jesse Plemons, Black Mirror: USS Callister
Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie
Jessica Biel, The Sinner
Laura Dern, The Tale
Michelle Dockery, Godless
Edie Falco, Law and Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders
Regina King, Seven Seconds
Sarah Paulson, America Horror Story: Cult
Lead Actor in a Comedy Series
Anthony Anderson, Black-ish
Ted Danson, The Good Place
Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm
Donald Glover, Atlanta
Bill Hader, Barry
William H. Macy, Shameless
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Brian Tyree Henry, Atlanta
Henry Winkler, Barry
Louie Anderson, Baskets
Alec Baldwin, Saturday Night Live
Kenan Thompson, Saturday Night Live
Tony Shalhoub, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Tituss Burgess, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Pamala Adlon, Better Things
Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Ms, Maisel
Allison Janney, Mom
Issa Rae, Insecure
Tracee Ellis Ross, Black-ish
Lily Tomlin, Grace and Frankie
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Zazie Beetz, Atlanta
Laurie Metcalf, Roseanne
Betty Gilpin, Glow
Aidy Bryant, Saturday Night Live
Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live
Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live
Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Megan Mullally, Will & Grace
Lead Actor in a Drama Series
Jason Bateman, Ozark
Matthew Rhys, The Americans
Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us
Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us
Ed Harris, Westworld
Jeffrey Wright, Westworld
Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Game of Thrones
Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
Mandy Patinkin, Homeland
David Harbour, Stranger Things
Matt Smith, The Crown
Joseph Fiennes, The Handmaid’s Tale
Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Sandra Oh, Killing Eve
Tatiana Maslany, Orphan Black
Keri Russell, The Americans
Claire Foy, The Crown
Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid’s Tale
Evan Rachel Wood, Westworld
Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Lena Headey, Game of Thrones
Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things
Vanessa Kirby, The Crown
Ann Dowd, The Handmaid’s Tale
Yvonne Strahovski, The Handmaid’s Tale
Alexis Bledel, The Handmaid’s Tale
Thandie Newton, Westworld
Guest Actress - Drama
Diana Rigg, “Game of Thrones”
Viola Davis, “Scandal”
Kelly Jenrette, “The Handmaid’s Tale”
Cherry Jones, “The Handmaid’s Tale”
Cicely Tyson, “How To Get Away With Murder”
Samira Wiley, “The Handmaid’s Tale”
Guest Actor - Drama
F. Murray Abraham, “Homeland”
Cameron Britton, Mindhunter”
Ron Cephas Jones, “This Is Us”
Matthew Goode, “The Crown”
Gerald McRaney, “This Is Us”
Jimmi Simpson, “Westworld”
Guest Actress - Comedy
Tina Fey, “Saturday Night Live”
Tiffany Haddish, “Saturday Night Live”
Jane Lynch, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”
Maya Rudolph, “The Good Place”
Molly Shannon, “Will & Grace”
Wanda Sykes, “black-ish”
Guest Actor - Comedy
Sterling K. Brown, “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”
Bryan Cranston, “Curb Your Enthusiasm”
Donald Glover, “Saturday Night Live”
Bill Hader, “Saturday Night Live”
Lin-Manuel Miranda, “Curb Your Enthusiasm”
Katt Williams, “Atlanta”
Outstanding Reality Competition Series
The Amazing Race
American Ninja Warrior
Project Runway
RuPaul’s Drag Race
Top Chef
The Voice
Outstanding Variety Sketch Series
At Home with Amy Sedaris
Drunk History
I Love You America with Sarah Silverman
Saturday Night Live
Tracey Ullman’s Show
Outstanding Variety Talk Series
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
The Late Late Show with James Corden
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Outstanding Limited Series
The Alienist
The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story
Genius: Picasso
Patrick Melrose
Outstanding Reality Host
W. Kamau Bell, “United Shades Of America With W. Kamau Bell”
Ellen DeGeneres, “Ellen’s Game Of Games”
Heidi Klum & Tim Gunn, “Project Runway”
Jane Lynch, “Hollywood Game Night”
RuPaul, “RuPaul’s Drag Race
Outstanding Structured Reality Program
“Antiques Roadshow” (PBS)
“Fixer Upper” (HGTV)
“Lip Sync Battle” (Paramount Network)
“Queer Eye” (Netflix)
“Shark Tank” (ABC)
“Who Do You Think You Are?” (TLC)
Outstanding Unstructured Reality Program
Born This Way (A&E)
Deadliest Catch (Discovery Channel)
Intervention (A&E)
Naked And Afraid (Discovery Channel)
RuPaul’s Drag Race: Untucked (VH1)
United Shades Of America With W. Kamau Bell (CNN)
Documentary or Nonfiction Series
“American Masters” (PBS)
“Blue Planet II” (BBC America)
“The Defiant Ones” (HBO)
“The Fourth Estate” (Showtime)
“Wild Wild Country” (Netflix)
Animated Program
“Baymax Returns: Big Hero 6: The Series” (Disney XD)
“Bob’s Burgers” (FOX)
“Rick And Morty” (Adult Swim)
“South Park” (Comedy Central)
“The Simpsons” (FOX)
Writing for a Comedy Series
Alec Berg, “Silicon Valley” (“Fifty-One Percent”)
Alec Berg and Bill Hader, “Barry” (“Chapter One: Make Your Mark”)
Donald Glover, “Atlanta” (“Alligator Man”)
Stefani Robinson, “Atlanta” (“Barbershop”)
Liz Sarnoff, “Barry” (“Chapter Seven: Loud, Fast And Keep Going”)
Amy Sherman-Palladino, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (“Pilot”)
Writing for a Drama Series
David Benioff & D.B. Weiss, “Game Of Thrones” (“The Dragon And The Wolf”)
The Duffer Brothers, “Stranger Things” (“Chapter Nine: The Gate”)
Joel Fields & Joe Weisberg, “The Americans” (“Start”)
Peter Morgan, “The Crown” (“Mystery Man”)
Bruce Miller, “The Handmaid’s Tale” (“June”)
Phoebe Waller-Bridge, “Killing Eve” (“Nice Face”)
Writing for a Limited Series, Movie or Drama
William Bridges & Charlie Brooker, “Black Mirror: USS Callister”
Scott Frank, “Godless”
David Lynch & Mark Frost, “Twin Peaks”
Kevin McManus & Matthew McManus, “American Vandal” (“Clean Up”)
David Nicholls, “Patrick Melrose”
Tom Rob Smith, “The Assassination Of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (“House By The Lake”)
Directing for a Comedy Series
Donald Glover, “Atlanta” (“FUBU”)
Bill Hader, “Barry” (“Chapter One: Make Your Mark”)
Hiro Murai, “Atlanta” (“Teddy Perkins”)
Mike Judge, “Silicon Valley” (“Initial Coin Offering”)
Jesse Peretz, “GLOW” (“Pilot”)
Amy Sherman-Palladino, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” (“Pilot”)
Directing for a Drama Series
Jason Bateman, “Ozark” (“The Toll”)
Stephen Daldry, “The Crown” (“Paterfamilias”)
The Duffer Brothers, “Stranger Things” (“Chapter Nine: The Gate”)
Jeremy Podeswa, “Game Of Thrones” (“The Dragon And The Wolf”)
Daniel Sackheim, “Ozark” (“Tonight We Improvise”)
Kari Skogland, “The Handmaid’s Tale” (“After”)
Alan Taylor, “Game Of Thrones” (“Beyond The Wall”)
Directing for a Limited Series
Edward Berger, “Patrick Melrose”
Scott Frank, “Godless”
David Leveaux & Alex Rudzinski, “Jesus Christ Superstar Live In Concert”
Barry Levinson, “Paterno”
David Lynch, “Twin Peaks”
Ryan Murphy, “The Assassination Of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story” (“The Man Who Would Be Vogue”)
Craig Zisk, “The Looming Tower” (“9/11”)
Directing for a Variety Series
Andre Allen, “Full Frontal With Samantha Bee” (“Episode 2061”)
Carrie Brownstein, “Portlandia” (“Riot Spray”)
Jim Hoskinson, “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” (“Episode 438”)
Don Roy King, “Saturday Night Live” (“Host: Donald Glover”)
Tim Mancinelli, “The Late Late Show With James Corden” (“Episode 0416”)
Paul Pennolino, “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” (“Episode 421”)
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whatlaurasreading · 4 years
More Than “A World Of Imagination And Vision”
Marginalia is enjoying something of a moment at Oxford, as witnessed by the New Yorker’s recent feature on the Oxford University Marginalia group, founded by sometime Oxonian contributor April Pierce. It is no surprise, then, that some of the most rewarding aspects of the Ashmolean’s latest special exhibit, William Blake: Apprentice & Master, guest curated by Blake scholar Michael Phillips from the University of York, are several of the artist’s own comments, handwritten in the margins of influential books of the period: Blake’s own copy of The Works of Joshua Reynolds (3 vols., 1798, on loan from the British Library) and two of Blake’s copies of Emanuel Swedenborg’s The Wisdom of Angels Concerning The Divine Providence (1788 edition, on loan from the British Library, and the 1790 edition, on loan from the Cambridge University Library).
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Nebuchadnezzar, c. 1795-1805
Blake’s marginalia allows visitors to see Blake’s mind at work, inspired by, and in reaction to, his contemporaries as he developed his ideas as an artist, poet, philosopher, and political animal. Notably, in his notes on Reynolds, on the title page of the first volume, he writes, “This man was Hired to Depress Art [.] This is the opinion of Will Blake[. M]y Proofs of this Opinion are given in the following Notes[.]” Later in the volume, Blake records his first reading of Edmund Burke’s A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757) as well as his encounters with the polymath Francis Bacon and the philosopher John Locke. Indeed, one can see Blake’s reaction to Bacon’s emphasis on observation in his scientific method as developed in the Novum Organum (1620), and Locke’s argument for tabula rasa in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690), in lines like:
How do you know but ev’ry Bird that cuts the airy way, Is an immense world of delight, clos’d by your senses five?
(Plate 7, ‘Memorable Fancy,’ The Marriage of Heaven and Hell)
If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern
(Plate 14, ‘A Memorable Fancy,’ The Marriage of Heaven and Hell)
and of Burke’s understanding of the sublime in the “fearful symmetry” of ‘The Tyger’.
What these instances of marginalia also show is that the exhibition is very much a collaborative one. Most of the works it features are from the Bodleian Library, but there are many on generous loan from the Fitzwilliam Museum and University Library in Cambridge, from the British Library and British Museum, from Tate Britain and the V&A, from the Hunterian Art Gallery and Glasgow University Library, from the Philadelphia Museum of Art and a number of private lenders “who wish to remain anonymous”. Phillips worked for two years gathering material for the exhibition���work funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the British Academy. If anything, this shows the importance of cooperative work and funding to such an immense and detailed exhibition. It also shows that Blake is demonstrably an international treasure.
For many people, however, Blake remains the poet of ‘Jerusalem’ from the ‘Preface’ to his Milton: A Poem (1808), adapted as a hymn by Sir Hubert Parry and adopted by the Suffragettes more than a century later; the creator of beloved children’s poems ‘The Lamb’ and ‘The Tyger’ from Songs of Innocence and of Experience (1789); or the man behind anarchic expressions such as the “mind-forg’d manacles” from ‘London’. However, during his lifetime, as this exhibition takes pains to present, Blake was also a successful engraver, a radically innovative print-maker, and a singularly influential artist. His father, James Blake, regarded him as a genius from a very young age and, were it not for the sheer amount of extant evidence, one might not believe that Blake was really the son of an encouraging and supportive hosier. The exhibition details Blake’s early life, with special attention to his father’s forethought and patronage: he gave Blake an allowance to buy prints and engravings so that he might learn from the Old Masters; he paid for Blake’s apprenticeship to James Basire so that he might have the practical skills of an engraver should he wish to become an artist later in life. At the end of the first room of the exhibition there are two excellent examples of Blake’s mid-career commission work. The first—a proof and print of Blake’s engraving (1788, 1790) after William Hogarth’s scenes from The Beggar’s Opera—shows how he develops his preference for the strong outline of forms rather than simply reproducing the chiaroscuro effect of Hogarth’s paintings as the etching progresses. The effect is that some of the nuance is lost, but more emphasis is gained. The second, the Head of a Damned Soul (also known as Satan) after William Fuseli (c. 1789-90), is an especially fine example of Blake’s dot and lozenge work, and demonstrates the grotesqueness of the human form.
Head of a Damned Soul, c. 1789-90
Both those new to and conversant with Blake’s art will be interested in the second room in the exhibition, which is dedicated to the artist’s innovation in printing and displays a vast array of materials that catalogue his developing technique. Beginning in the late 1780s, he began to experiment with a new manner of printing that combined etching with painting.
Using stop-out varnish, he would draw on his already-etched plates so as to produce colour prints—themselves a rarity in the Eighteenth Century—of the same engraving that were similar yet individualised. This method he described as “Illuminated Printing”. During this period of experimentation, Blake was incredibly productive as a poet-printmaker, for by 1793 he had produced many of his most influential works, as detailed in his prospectus “To the Public” issued in that same year: America, a Prophecy, Visions of the Daughters of Albion, The Book of Thel, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Songs of Innocence and of Experience. As Blake’s techniques evolved, his use of colours and washes became more painterly and he became more interested in the surface texture of the print, discernible in the series of plates from Europe a Prophecy. The Large Colour Prints of 1795, especially Nebuchadnezzar (c. 1795-1805) and the three triptych-like versions of The House of Death/The Lazar House (c. 1795), are striking illustrations of Blake’s dedication to his artistic project. “Quite simply”, as Phillips asserts in his lavishly comprehensive exhibition catalogue, “and working alone, Blake had invented the most extraordinary innovation in this history of printmaking and painting.” This invention—the monotype—would go on to influence Edgar Degas and, more notably, Pablo Picasso.
The final room of the exhibition is split between Blake’s later works and those of his disciples, also known as the Ancients: Samuel Palmer, George Richmond, and Edward Calvert. The later Blake comprises some of the most spectacular but often overlooked pieces of Blake’s oeuvre, such as the epic Chaucer’s Canterbury Pilgrims (1810), the plates from Jerusalem (1804-1821) and the Illustrations form the Book of Job (1826), the Illustrations to the Divine Comedy (1824-7), and his woodblock prints for Thornton’s The Pastorals of Virgil (1821/c.1830). It is also illustrative of his continuing struggle for artistic integrity, with a tension between the need for commissioned work and his desire to communicate his vision in the work he undertook. What is striking about these later pieces is not only their scale but also Blake’s return to the myths and stories that inspired him to create his own, at a time when Romantic poets like Wordsworth and Coleridge were turning away from—or like Shelley, Byron, and Keats, were reinterpreting—their relationship with the classical.
However, though the scope of the exhibition allows for a certain consideration of Blake’s nachtleben, few beyond those with a particular interest in Blake’s influence as an artist will find much of value in considering the works of the Ancients. This is not because their work lacks merit or is inherently uninteresting, but because of the place in which they fall in the structure of the exhibition: their engravings and paintings take on a penumbral quality, like an afterimage or a vestige of one of Blake’s preceding images. Richmond’s Abel and the Shepherd (1825), for instance, not only revisits a subject already approached by Blake but is actually the product of Blake’s own hand—he helped Richmond shape the form of the body in the preparatory sketch for the painting. This is the difficulty with Blake, for he is invariably superior to, and more saturate than, those who succeed him.
Still, the underwhelming final stage of the exhibition does little to detract from the impressiveness of its scale and detail. And while it is designed to reward a patient, attentive, and repeat visitor, there is much to delight and engage those with only a passing interest in, or a novice knowledge of, Blake or printmaking.
[Reprinted with permission from the Oxonian Review.] 
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