#guilty gear love quest
yampidimp · 2 years
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juice-witch · 3 months
been meaning to do one of these for a while so errrr here goes?
hiya, the name's ellie and this is my nsfw blog :3
im a trans woman (WOOO GO WOMEN) who loves women more than anything (WOOO GO WOMEN)
shin megami tensei, persona, dragon quest, final fantasy, dark souls, armored core, guilty gear, gundam, one piece etc. you name it and ill probably like it or at least know of it :3
feel free to dm me i love making friends :3 but i am taken so i wont be dating anybody.
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pagesfromthevoid · 6 months
Enchanted | g.d. | 1
Gale Dekarios x fem!Tav
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: I have the entire series written and I am NOT sorry.
Talk to Me! | Series Masterlist
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My undying love, now I hold it like a grudge,
And I hear your voice every time I think I’m not enough…
The first time Gale heard her voice, it was the very start of his isolation and seclusion in his tower.
At the time, it was a distant sound –something that sat in the background of his tower when the balcony doors were opened and he had half a mind to pay attention. Most of the day, he had been too absorbed in his self-loathing and hatred, thinking about everything that had gone wrong and led him to losing not only his title of Chosen, but losing what he considered the love of his life. 
The circus had been in town all month at that point, but he had little interest in it even when he wasn’t a recluse. The bouts of magic and entertainment were too on the nose for him, and he had little interest in the acts that were geared towards the more easily distracted. But something about her voice that first evening caught his attention as he sat on his balcony, watching the ships leave the harbor.
The first time Gale heard her voice, he peered over to the circus, where a small crowd had gathered around a bard. He assumed she was a bard, at least –she had a lute, and she was singing. Not many people were around –certainly more interested in what was going on elsewhere in the circus –but she was still performing like it was her lifeline. The lights that surrounded her made it hard to make out any distinguishable features, though he supposed it didn’t matter what she looked like if he could hear her voice clear as day.
The arguments that I have won against you in my head,
In the shower, in the yard, and in the mirror before bed –
I’m so tough when I’m alone and I make you feel so guilty…
Much like him, it seemed, she was heartbroken over a love lost. It struck Gale as almost uncanny how closely the lyrics resonated with his own inner turmoil. He found himself wiping his eyes, moved by the poignant melody that seemed to mirror the depths of his own anguish. As he listened, the weight of his current struggles pressed heavily upon him – the pulsating presence of the Netherese orb beneath his skin, the sting of rejection from the one person who had once understood him better than anyone else. It puzzled him how this bard, a stranger to his own personal hells, could capture the essence of his emotions with such accuracy.
Gale couldn’t listen to her very long before he slammed shut the doors of his balcony and retreated into the darkness of his tower once more.
The next time Gale heard her voice, it was when the circus returned the following year. 
A whole year had passed since Mystra cast him from her favor; a whole year had passed since he was implanted with a ticking bomb in his chest; a whole year had passed since he last heard the bard in the circus, singing about her own heartbreak that felt so much like his that he sometimes thought back to her words and reminded himself that he did not need to hold a grudge.
The next time Gale heard her voice, he noticed that the crowd gathered around her was still just as modest as before, perhaps even smaller. The ambient lights continued to cast a glow over her, creating an aura that blurred her figure around the edges, resembling distant stars. Despite the dwindling audience, her voice carried a seasoned richness, hinting at a depth of experience and emotion that had matured since the last time he had heard her sing. Gale briefly wondered why she insisted on performing songs that failed to attract large crowds, yet simultaneously wondered if such trivial matters even registered on her radar. It struck him that perhaps, for her, the act of sharing her music was a personal journey rather than a quest for recognition or fame.
Looking back, I think the magic all along was me,
Cause I can’t help but look for the best in you.
But I can’t be in love with the things I just hope you do…
He wondered, once again, how she managed to reach into the depths of his very soul and tear out the feelings he also held. It was unlikely she was heartbroken over a god, but whatever had happened to cause her to write and sing about what she did –Gale was thankful that someone could put it into words, even if that someone was a bard whose name he didn’t even know. 
Tonight, he did not slam the doors of his balcony when it got overwhelming. Instead, he sat and he listened, committing each word she sang to heart. He allowed the feelings to wash over him, to cry as he recalled the stupidity of his actions, to curse the folly of his own doing. 
I can’t be in love with potential,
I can’t say it’s all circumstantial…
Maybe I should go away,
It’s your choice if you wanna change…
As the nights progressed –he started to keep track of what nights she was there and what nights she was not –Gale noticed a subtle shift within himself. At first, it was merely a passing interest, but gradually it grew into something more. With each performance by the bard, whose voice seemed to be laced with the Weave itself, he found himself captivated. He discovered a new sense of resonance with her music, each note laced with emotions he hadn't explored before. And it wasn't just the music that drew him; it was the sincerity in her voice, the passion in her lyrics, and the way she poured her soul into every performance. 
Soon, Gale's evenings became synonymous with her songs, and he found comfort in her voice drifting up to his balcony. As he reflected on his feelings, he began to question the depth of his devotion to Mystra, realizing that perhaps his connection with the goddess wasn't as balanced as he once believed. Perhaps he was better off without Mystra to impress –even if the orb pulsed within him and demanded control.
Showed you all of my hiding spots,
I was dancing when the music stopped…
And in the disbelief, I can’t face reinvention
I haven’t met the new me yet.
“Mr. Dekarios,” Tara announced one evening, having gone to retrieve something with a substantial amount of magic within it for him. 
“Hello, Tara,” he greeted with a soft smile, sitting on his balcony with his eyes shut. The bard’s voice was drifting over him, and for the first time since he started paying attention, this song wasn’t nearly as bitter or sad. 
“You seem almost…content,” the tressym commented, hopping up on the seat next to him. Gale opened his eyes, meeting her gaze as she scrutinized him. “I do hope that means you’ll leave this tower soon.”
“Perhaps,” he hummed, looking over his balcony and down towards where the crowd was gathering once more. Maybe he would join the crowd tomorrow, before she started. Finally put a face to the voice that he had listened to every night for the last three weeks. 
Tara followed his gaze, hopping up now on the bannister of the balcony. She cocked her head to the side, eying the lights and people. “Have you been listening to her all night, Mr. Dekarios?”
He nodded once, standing up to join her on the balcony. Resting his arms on the ledge, Gale leaned over and watched as more people gathered around his bard –well, not his bard, but the bard –and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy that they got to see her up close. But at the same time, he was happy for her; she was getting the attention she deserved. 
There’ll be happiness after you
But there was happiness because of you.
Both of these things can be true…
“I’ve been listening to her every night, actually,” he admitted with a soft chuckle, feeling his ears burn with mild embarrassment. “I…She’s a lovely singer, that’s all.”
Tara simply eyed him for a moment before returning her attention to the bard below. “She talks to herself quite a bit when she’s not singing.”
Gale’s attention snapped back to Tara, brow furrowing. “How do you know that?”
“She feeds the strays –who am I to pass up a free meal, Mr. Dekarios?”
“Tara,” he scolded, rolling his eyes. “You are not a stray; more importantly, you’ve met her?”
“Poor thing thinks I’m just a cat with wings, but yes, I have spent time with her. Very polite, a bit sad. I suppose I could introduce you –,”
“Please,” he quickly interrupted, standing up straight. “Tomorrow, we’ll go tomorrow.”
Tara seemed surprised by his sudden want to leave the tower, however there would be no complaining from her. Gale leaned over the bannister once more, looking down at the crowd that finally settled in to listen to her sing. 
No one teaches you what to do
When a good man hurts you,
And you know you hurt him too…
Stepping out of his tower for the first time in a year, Gale had to pause in the doorway to brace himself for it. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to leave; actually, on the contrary –for the first time in a year, he felt confident enough to step outside and not blow anyone up. But he was overwhelmed by the familiar sights and smells of his beloved Waterdeep and it took him a moment to get his bearings again. Tara strolled beside him, however, reminding him that it was okay.
He was more thankful for that than she would ever know.
It wasn’t a long walk to where the circus had set up for the month, but he took his time, enjoying the sun and the salty breeze that tousled his hair. It had been too long, and if he was going to go confess to the mysterious bard that was below his balcony that he was enchanted by her, then he needed to take his time and get a little more confident in himself.
With Tara leading the way, Gale smiled and waved at neighbors who greeted him happily. It was a nice reminder that perhaps he wasn’t all that alone, even if he was destined to be consumed. He hummed one of her songs to himself, unable to help the smile that was spreading over his face as they finally stood at the gates of the –
Empty circus grounds.
The wizard and tressym stopped short, staring at the torn down tents and remaining pieces of equipment that were being loaded up into a cart. It was a handful of stage hands that were left –it seemed the main performers had taken their leave already.
“No, no, no,” Gale panicked, pushing through the gates and hurrying up to a kobold that was packing up his inventory. “Where is everyone? I thought –the circus –,”
The kobold looked up at him with shifty eyes, pointing around in random directions. “Circus is gone, I is packing up my treatos and getting on road. You want treato? I has lots, treatos make you feel better!”
“What? No, I don’t want –the bard –the girl, who sings. Is she still here?”
“Lots of bards, lots of singing –I is not knowing which one.”
Gale groaned, raking his hand through his hair in frustration. Tara huffed in annoyance, interrupting. “The one that feeds the strays, Popper.”
“Oh!” Popper –apparently –exclaimed. “Favorite human. Very nice. She leave this morning, with bendy friend.”
For a moment, he simply stared down at the kobold with unseeing eyes.
The circus was gone and so were his chances of finally laying eyes on his bard.
“Can you…will you pass along a message to her, Popper?” He finally asked, looking around the mess of the kobold’s shop before finding relatively clean parchment and a quill. He scribbled out something quickly, then waved his hand to ensure the ink dried. With a couple pieces of gold and the parchment, he held it out to Popper, who snatched both up with a frantic nod.
“Oh hello, Popper,” she greeted with a small smile when they made it to their next city.
Popper was setting up a series of very clearly stolen –and slightly bloody –weapons he must have knicked off some bodies on the way. He spun around with a hop, throwing his arms up in excitement.
“Tayve! I has treato for you!” 
“Is that so?” She raised a brow and knelt in front of him, smiling softly. “And it’s Tav, Popper. You’ll get it one day.”
Popper waved off her correction, yanking out a wrinkled piece of parchment and shoving it into her hands. “From man in last town. Gave me lots of gold to deliver.”
Tav’s brow furrowed a bit as she uncrumpled the note, looking it over for a moment. It was a poem, she thought, as she read it over. But no name was signed.
The lingering question kept me up
2 AM, who do you love?
I wondered till I'm wide awake
Now I'm pacing back and forth, 
wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say
It was enchanting to meet you.
Your singing saved me. I wish I could have told you in person.
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chibigaia-art · 2 months
Guilty gear fan? 👀
HMM I wouldn't say fan, I am more of a casual enjoyer from the sidelines 👉👈 and by casual enjoyer I mean I love Robo-ky and whatever gay ass side quest he's on
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thumpypuppy · 2 months
what sort of other game soundtracks or composers (especially indies but either way) have inspired your work?
Oh gosh, this is such an amazing question!!!
Personally I (Lindar) have so so so many inspirations because I'm a music lover, I'm 37, and I've been playing video games as far back as I can remember.
So first and foremost I have to give a shout-out to Lena Raine because back in like… 2016(?) I was trying to take my studio to a more professional level and invest in some stuff beyond what just comes with any given DAW, so I reached out to her and she was kind enough to answer my dozens of questions and talk shop with me. She is ultimately why Studio Thumpy Puppy has its current sound. I don't know her personally, but she was an absolute sweetie to me, extremely helpful, and y'all know she writes banger after banger track.
Gotta mention Ben Prunty, who is an absolute legend in indie soundtracks.
Met Disasterpeace at Day of the Devs 2016 along with a bunch of other legends in the scene and what an encouraging sweetheart!
Of course I'm a huge fan of Sadie Greyduck who is one of my composers! Go check out her Bandcamp or look for her on streaming services!
Love me some Darren Korb. Honestly like every Supergiant game has been a banger, but it wouldn't be the same without those soundtracks.
On that note you can't go wrong with Danny Baranowsky. Love me some Necrodancer!
Also y'all gotta check out M Gewehr (MWGewehr on birdsite).
Also gotta mention 2Mello who does amazing work and makes some of the funkiest beats.
Of course if we're talking about 2Mello we gotta mention Hideki Naganuma! UNDERSTAND! UNDERSTAND! THE CONCEPT. OF LOVE!
Oh gosh and then Winifred Phillips does amazing work.
While we're here I know she's not a game composer but go listen to Wendy Carlos!
Then there's like… all of the various people across games like Doom, Quake, Borderlands, etc. Sasha Dikiciyan, Jesper Kyd, Mick Gordon…
Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy), Kiochi Sugiyama (Dragon Quest), Yoko Shimomura (Street Fighter), Takashi Tateishi (MegaMan II), Hip Tanaka (Metroid, Earthbound), Koji Kondo and Toru Minegishi (Legend of Zelda), Daisuke Amaya (Cave Story), Eirik Suhrke (Downwell), Daisuke Ishiwatari (Guilty Gear), the sound team on Sonic Adventure 2, Masato Nakamura (Sonic 2), Brad Buxer et al (Sonic 3&K)…
So let's also take into account that a lot of the game soundtracks that have inspired me over the years are influenced by things that aren't game soundtracks, because those are a relatively recent invention, so we have to talk about how Plantasia by Mort Garson is a direct inspiration for Ocarina of Time and "Dancing Mad" from FF6 is literally just Tarkus from Emerson, Lake & Palmer. A *lot* of early game composers were just prog nerds who listened to like… ELP, King Crimson, Rush, Yes, Magma, Van Der Graaf Generator, Camel, Caravan, Gentle Giant, Soft Machine, Gong… and then also a lot of more popular 80s rock that I'm not gonna list out…
The history of music is absolutely wild and there's so much inspiration out there it's absolutely baffling. Go listen to stuff you've never heard before, analyze it, understand what the appeal and aesthetic is, listen to the last 100 years of the pop charts and then learn where that music came from and who their influences were… go listen to motown! Listen to bebop and jazz and future funk and central Asian folk music and like… get out there and expand your horizons, because like… there's SO MUCH good music out there.
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6ad6ro · 7 months
top 5 games from every console -nes- -game boy- -pc engine- 1. ninja gaiden 1. castlevania ii 1. castlevania rb 2. river city ransom 2. zelda la 2. ys book 1 and 2 3. akumajou densetsu 3. wario land 3. lords of thunder 4. mario 3 4. pokemon red 4. r-type 5. zelda 2 5. kirby's dreamland 2 5. galaga '90
-genesis- -snes- -neo geo- 1. streets of rage 2 1. earthbound 1. garou mow 2. castlevania bl 2. zelda lttp 2. windjammers 3. sonic 3ak 3. chrono trigger 3. king of fighters 99 4. contra hard corps 4. super mario world 4. metal slug 5. sonic 2 5. super metroid 5. king of fighters 2001 -sega cd- -ps1- -saturn- 1. snatcher 1. final fantasy vii 1. vampire savior 2. sonic cd 2. castlevania sotn 2. street fighter alpha 3 3. final fight cd 3. resident evil 3 3. virtua fighter 2 4. lunar 4. rival schools 4. virtua cop 2 5. monkey island 5. final fantasy ix 5. castlevania sotn (really) -n64- -dreamcast- -ps2- 1. mario 64 1. jet grind radio 1. silent hill 2 2. mystical ninja 2. shenmue 2. gta vice city 3. zelda oot 3. thps 2 3. smt nocturne 4. banjo kazooie 4. crazy taxi 4. we love katamari 5. mario kart 64 5. ecoo dotf 5. dragon quest viii
-gamecube- -xbox- -gba- 1. resident evil rm 1. jet set radio future 1. castlevania aos 2. f-zero gx 2. shenmue 2 2. castlevania hod 3. zelda tp 3. morrowind 3. metroid fusion 4. killer7 4. fable 4. river city ransom ex 5. mario sunshine 5. guilty gear xx #ac 5. metroid zm -nds- -psp- -xbox 360- 1. castlevania ooe 1. castlevania dxc 1. dead rising 2. castlevania dos 2. gta vcs 2. deadly premonition 3. castlevania por 3. ffvii cc 3. half-life 2 4. tingle's balloon trip of love 4. persona 3p 4. skyrim 5. phoenix wright 5. power stone 5. gta iv -ps3- -wii- -wii u- 1. dead rising 2 1. mario galaxy 1. zelda ww hd 2. sfiii 3s oe 2. no more heroes 2. mario kart 8 3. yakuza 5 3. okami 3. tekken tag 2 4. gta v 4. wii sports 4. zelda botw 5. 3d dot game heroes 5. castlevania rb 5. nintendo land -3ds- -vita- -ps4- 1. smt iv 1. persona 4 golden 1. ff vii rm 2. zelda oot 3d 2. undertale 2. elden ring 3. zelda mm 3d 3. jet set radio hd 3. persona 5 4. star fox 64 3d 4. hotline miami 2 4. resident evil 2 rm 5. river city rs 5. spelunky 5. dragon quest xi -switch- -steam deck/pc- -virtual boy (forgot)- 1. mario odyssey 1. half-life 1. vb wario land 2. sonic mania 2. unreal tournament 2. mario's tennis 3. smash ultimate 3. dead cells castlevania 3. galactic pinball 4. metroid dread 4. lba2 twinsen's odyssey 4. teleroboxer 5. mario wonder 5. bomb rush cyberfunk 5. jack bros
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totterz · 5 months
Dax's epic intro
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Please read carefully ⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎...
≻───────── ⋆✩⋆ ─────────≺
↷✦; w e l c o m e to Tot's epic blog!! We're so happy you decided to drop by!!
Here's a little introduction!
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My name(s) are Tot / Dax
I'm 17 years old, use he/him pronouns, and I'm a queer feminine transmasc! I draw sometimes, love horror! and I'm looking for online friends to talk to and play games with!
Dms are always open so feel free to stop by!
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Interests ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ !
Games, horror content, anime, baking, movies, shows, DC!, cringe culture, goth literature, reading, music, etc!
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Games ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆!
I play..
Slime rancher 2
Sims 4
Guilty Gear strive (recently)
Fortnite (recently)
COD mw2
Dead by daylight
pokemon quest
Mario Kart!
Open to play more games tho! Promise!!
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Music ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ !
I listen to super cool artists like..
She wants revenge
Tyler, the creator
Limp bizkit
London after midnight
City morgue
Aurelio Voltaire
Insane clown posse
Ayesha Erotica
And moree!!
Follow the Spotify ☟
Awesome Spotify link here 🔗
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DNI˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆!
Do NOT interact if you are anything below
I hate pro/comshippers with a passion
ageplayers or zoophiles
anyone who believes in "blackwashing" (you're just dumb and I don't like dumb people)
true crime obsessed girls
overally rude people
Just don't be a weirdo honestly!
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ BYF!
Just basic things I do so before you follow me just know that I am autistic + mentally ill. I would also prefer 14 + to be friends as I'm 17 and no one over 20!
I jokingly flirt and say odd or sexual things jokingly. I love cringe stuff sm, be cringe it's so freeing.
my dni list is always subject to change and I WILL block you with the quickness if you're weird!!
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And that's all for now folks!
Feel free to check the carrd!
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Hi gravity rush bestieeeeee
Please convince me to continue playing GR2. I love Kat and the whole cast of characters, but some of the missions and (camera oh my god) are so frustrating me :(
I beat GR1 and I love it! Janky and annoying at parts but god damn it's just good! 2 feels like polished but for looks instead of feel :(
Okay tips for GR2, both to perform better and to have more fun: - Honestly just fuck around. Some of the best parts of the game are just enjoying traversal. Plus picking up gems will make a lot of challenges significantly easier because your gravity gauge and shifting speed can go up - The best way to enjoy Gravity Rush is to get in character. Walk around and chat with NPCs, enjoy the way people treat Kat more like the nice girl next door with superpowers than a superhero. Just Kinda Vibe! GR2 is like, the best cell-shaded game visually short of Guilty Gear. Explore! - The main upgrade in terms of playability has been changing the controls for stasis field and gravity slide. Give yourself time to get used to them working slightly differently, it's so much more convenient once you have a feel for it - There is a "recenter camera" button that aligns the camera with the horizon. I can't recall it off the top of my head right now but don't be afraid to take a sec to re-orient! (I think it might be the touchpad but don't quote me on that). Remember: no matter what direction gravity is, Kat's hair and scarf will always point downward! - As a heads up: The Raven's Choice DLC which takes place shortly after GR1 is free! You play as Raven and the plot really holds a light up to her whole character, it's great! - If you're struggling with combat, the easy way through it is fuck it, we Gravity Kick. Fuck it, we Gravity Kick. Fuck it, we Gravity Kick. until you're out of things to Gravity Kick. - If speed challenges are more of a concern, Gravity Slide is your friend! If you jump during a Gravity Slide and hit a wall, you'll automatically shift onto that wall and then you can slide more along the wall!
As for motivation to continue! - Raven and Kat are very gay in this game. They went from bitter rivals to friendly rivals by the end of GR1 but GR2 makes them so blatantly girlfriends. Raven cannot stand being apart from Kat and if the Overture animated shorts are to be believed (Look up Gravity Rush Overture if you haven't seen them) Raven moved into Kat's pipe-house between games. - the side quest stories are pretty good! One of the side-quests plays into the previous point - You learn So Much More about how the Gravity Rush world works - There are new gravity powers you unlock later in the story and they're AWESOME. I won't spoil them for you but they're really cool. - Look I know forced stealth sections are bad, we all know they're bad. But right after the mission in the military base you get to experience a cutscene that permanently changed my brain chemistry and Kat gets to wear a pretty red dress that you get to keep as an outfit - Syd has more character development than you think. No, more than that. Liiiittle more. Yeah that's about right. - Kat has cute lil emotes and you unlock more as you go. You can make her meow. Please send me additional asks if you need specific advice. Gravity Rush is taking up the space my highschool education used to be in my brain.
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 8 months
Get to Know You Tag
Tagged by @thatndginger 💫
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better
Relationship Status: Recently got engaged to my lovely partner of four years <3
Favorite Color: Black. I like plenty of other colors, but it's the one I wear all the time, plus it looks good next to anything.
Song Stuck in my Head: "Extras" from the Guilty Gear character theme songs
Favorite Food: I'll just go with whatever's in my heart (stomach?) and say chilaquiles rojos.
Last Song Listened to: "The Night Beckons" by Midnight Syndicate
Dream Trip: Everywhere in the world, but in terms of something doable in the near future...British Colombia/the Yukon in Canada. This is entirely from watching Road Quest by LoadingReadyRun.
Last Show/Movie: Partner and I recently finished Naruto Shippuden. Yeah, yeah, we skipped the filler arcs, but it was worth it to save about five years of our lives.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy?: Spicy! 🌶️
Last thing Googled: Recipe for mueganos. They were mentioned in Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, and I haven't tried them before. Since they seem good and piloncillo is a common thing in stores here, I figured why not make some?
Gently tagging @pertinax--loculos @chauceryfairytales @lorenfinch @hippiewrites @nettleandthorne @space-writes @kaylinalexanderbooks @sarandipitywrites @fanged-solace @angsty-prompt-hole
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rothmorin · 13 days
Got tagged by @roboticvenusian for a tag game! Thank you for the tag!
The game is to introduce yourself using one tv show, one movie, one album, and one game. I.. don't consume a lot of media regularly outside of video games so this is gonna be a little wonky, but I'm gonna give it a shot regardless. Will maybe throw in some extras or honorable mentions cause it is hard to narrow each category down to just one. Lessgo!
TV Show - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
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It's kinda a basic pick, but I can't help that the show is just good. There's also maybe just a touch of nostalgia talking. One of my first anime ever and I love returning to it to rewatch every few years. Super solid story and characters and the themes and philosophy of the show are so compelling. There's a reason almost everyone recommended this as a "starter" anime for such a long time. Honorable mentions to Avatar: The Last Airbender, Lost (yes I know it's ass leave me alone), and The Witcher.
Movie - The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
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I know this might be cheating a little but honestly you can't have one without the rest. If I absolutely had to pick one of the three, it'd be Two Towers. And maybe it's the nostalgia talking again, but it feels like they just don't make em like this anymore. Not flawless masterpieces by any means but just incredibly well constructed movies with a compelling plot and good characters. And the amount of artistry that went into the costume designs and the sets is so amazing. Marvel movies could never. It just helps make the trilogy timeless.
Album? - Uhhhh....
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I used to listen to music more when I was younger but it was all like.. Christian rock. Then I stopped being religious and switched to almost exclusively listening to video game music. I am doing my best to get back into more contemporary and mainstream music, but I kinda consume it wrong lmao. I kinda just make playlists for my OCs and cherrypick individual songs I randomly find and don't really listen to songs in the context of a full album. As a result I don't really have a favorite album, so here's just two music recommendations I guess. First, the FTL soundtrack is just fantastically vibey and atmospheric and I return to it whenever I just need some ambient sound. And second, I've been getting into the band Good Kid. They have some solid covers and originals and I really like their stuff. It vaguely reminds me of some of the bands I listened to when I was younger but without all the religious stuff
Game - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
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What can I say? It's peak. From the story, to the characters, to the dungeons, to the items, to the atmosphere, to the soundtrack. Absolute peak Zelda. OoT walked so MM could soar. The genius design of the three day cycle has yet to be recaptured by any game I have played since. The constant building pressure as you run out of time, the bountiful side quests, memorizing important item locations and everyone's routines to optimize your loop and subsequent playthroughs. Superb. It's just amazing that this game exists as it does, especially considering its troubled development. It really deserves more love and its a shame that the 3ds remake wasn't as faithful as it should've been. Honorable mentions to Guilty Gear: Strive for reigniting my current passion for fighting games and Pseudoregalia for being the best 3d platformer I have ever played oh my god please go play it.
Thanks for reading through! This was fun. Hopefully you know a bit more about me if you wanted to. And if you didn't want to... how'd you even make it this far?
I am tagging @wooferdill, @zelder-64, @pillcipher, and whomstever else sees this.
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In the spirit of using lighter anime analogies lately, I had an interesting one training at a heavy punching bag last week or so.
I'd usually imagine what I could remember of my dad's face and go at it, but I tried something else that worked better, and imagined anime dad figures who could take a punch well and respond in kind to train me if they were real.
Started with THE "bar fight and boy, you are WINNING" song (Find Your One Way) and pictured Sol training me with Sin, letting us have at it (pre-GGST ending) cause he knows he can take it and smack you back when you go too fast. There was a bunch of others that followed too.
There was Goku being a dad who only knows his shit about fighting and is bad at most other stuff, and how I might actually be into his parenting style if I was a half-alien Jesus Godbaby from space.
A big part of it came when a vgm/anime medley that I made myself (Run Like a Ninja) came on shuffle.
Started out light enough. Beating some sense into Grandpa Madara Uchiha or beating the racism out of Chipp Zanuff for the Naruto intro and Suck a Sage, having a TMNT training session with one of the fight happy Turtle boys like Raphael for the TMNT IV: Turtles in Time part, fighting N64 Goemon Ishikawa since he has a giant fucking mech and can clearly handle it, Ninja Gaiden for the Unbreakable/Ryu's Determination/Stage 4-2 song, you know, the super hype one from the first game, Daddy Mulk from The Ninja Warriors (Taito arcade hood classic, look up The Ninja Warriors: Once Again, remake of the SNES version with the unlockable arcade OST, it's great!) and then I got to the EXTRA hard hitting for dad reasons part.
The fucking ending.
The one that mixed that sad song from the end of Ninja Gaiden with Sadness/Grief and Sorrow from Naruto.
Given what happened to Ryu's and Naruto's dads and the uncomfortable parallels with how I felt about my own deadbeat loser, I went completely apeshit on the bag for about half that part and almost broke down crying by the end.
It had been half an hour though, and I was slowing down to the point of throwing the baby dickest slow ineffective punches on the level of Naruto and Sasuke throwing half-dead gay hands at the tail end of vote2 before the final armed clash.
But before I could start actually crying on a gym floor, something else interesting happened...
Another hype weeb trash song came on.
"The Sword That Cleaves Evil"
Specifically, an arrangement I made myself for an upcoming less legit album release. It got me back on the weeb training grind thinking about how gay old Sword Dad and his Horse Riding Husband would tell me not to give up and try to wield the Guts size sword cause "The Time Will Pass Anyway" and they'd be right, it will, so fuck it, light stretching and we continue balling. So on with the weeb analogies for the training bag.
Chicks Dig Giant Robots?
Coop from Megas XLR wouldn't like fighting outside of his car mech, but he'd gladly play Potemkin at a few rounds of GG and hand me my lightweight Bridget ass on a platter. After the series finale, he just wanted to avoid becoming fucked up evil AU future Coop. He likes wrestling and mecha, and he would never want his pure love of that work its way into his property destruction boner to have his love contribute to making him an irredeemable tyrannical monster like buff Future Coop.
Transformers 1986 Movie Theme?
Megatron would respect the trans ideas enough to let me use Starscream as a training dummy for fun and smack him when Starscream goes full crazy and tries to stab me.
Testament's Guilty Gear Strive theme?
Momdadparent Test knows it's a rough world out there for questioning gender and sexuality, and they'd gladly take a moment out of their eternal hobby quests to train me alongside Bridget with the Succubi phantom ladies to teach the necessary lesson of being prepared to throw hands but only as a last resort when you need to or when it's a consensual sex thing.
Mazinger and Mazinkaiser, both personal covers I did with a shit ton of sentimental extra Ichiro Mizuki cameos and other mecha anime references?
I forget the order, but I'm pretty sure Mazinkaiser came first.
Cause the Mazinger Z one hit super hard with all the extra songs.
There were some basics, like Shin Mazinger and Mazinkaiser SKL riffs and obscure Kaiser OVA stuff like The Gate of Hell by JAM Project with Yoshiki Fukuyama.
Then there were the heavier thematic hitters.
The original Space Pirate Captain Harlock OP, the Koutetsu Jeeg parts, and somehow most importantly, Danran! Robot Kazoku (Literal TL: Robot Family) from Tonari no Seki-kun.
I hadn't seen the show past ep1 like my partner has, but the theme of a robot family hit SO unnecessarily hard with how attached I've been to the mecha genre and how many friends, family, and loving romantic partners it's had a hand in helping me connect with through things like Super Remix Wars (LONG-running SRW arrangement personal passion project, actually finishing it in the next couple years)
I couldn't help but lightly sob and smile extra hard with the last few minutes of punches at that. The theme of making an actual found family out of sheer love for fictional robots of all kinds hit just right for me, and I finished up just fine.
Learned a lot. The importance of fiction ACTUALLY affecting reality, and how much of a positive impact it CAN have if you don't take it so literally. The importance of not focusing on how much you might hate your birth family no matter who they are. If they're dead physically or in spirit to you, there's always the hope of making your own way with trusted comrades and lovers in the spirit of having an actual Found Family if not at least a good friend circle.
So among other irl Pride Month stuff, it taught me a lot about the GENUINE hope for the future that can be there if you dodge Discourse bullets and get out of the house in the right places and times in June or any other time of year.
Happy Actual Fucking Pride Month, everyone!
Like @warriormale said, Train and Fight!
Master the art of peace in addition to the art of war.
See y'all later!
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year
It's not that I don't believe Oratrice couldn't be tempered with
I'm more wondering how you'd do that
It's not like swapping a gear or two in a machine
The thing is like AI with a bit more complications
Do you just "feed" information to it prior to influence its judgement? Let's say it would accept that information. But why would you make it so it would listen to anything outside of trial?
Can you stop doing Foul Legacy at ant inconvenience? Like he is all about "love crossing blades with strong opponents" but all he does is summon Mahoraga at any inconvenience
No wonder he is still shit with a bow.
If it's AI, it's either done by adversarial attacks (spray Childe with some guilty pixels) or yes, by swapping (metaphorical) gears.
The first isn't that different from 'hurr durr primordial sea traces' just with an extra step, the second... If Oratrice is the old Archon's consciousness this probably can't be done at all?
maybe Childe just pissed off enough oceanids while levelling
Maybe forging the outcome in the last moment? Someone was in the reactor room (I am not sorry) while the trial was going on then (they could have fed it extra data too). Doesn't seem too plausible either.
I'm bad at analyzing lore like this so I can only think from a narrative viewpoint.
Childe just randomly being connected would be bad writing. Someone framed him. Knowing/suspecting the outcome.
Not having hints allowing us to solve the mystery would be bad writing too, it's the whodunit expanstion. So I doubt it's something about the technical details we don't know yet.
So I'll keep it simple and lean towards the primordial sea connection (the question is then who could have known about it) and no tampering with the machine itself.
Also do we have the familiar voice Lyney heard in the secret room accounted for? Was it Cowell? Or was it dropped?
Maybe I'll have something to say once I go through the world quests. They usually have important lore. Maybe we do know the Oratrice technical details and I'm just not there yet.
Can't stop won't stop. That seemed more like desperation than inconvenience to me though.
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futuresconnected · 9 months
Welcome to my Blog!
Thanks for being here! I'm going to start off this blog with a bit of info about me, my history with games, and my plans for this blog. Come in and see!
Meet The Blogger
You can call me Wham, I've been playing games since i was child with a Gameboy Advance and a well-loved copy of Pokemon crystal, but its really only in the last five years that I've come into any sort of gaming community and had the desire to explore gaming as a hobby and video games as an art form.
Let's start with the kind of games I've enjoyed (and you can check out my Backloggd link in my profile for more)
JRPGs are the big one, and a perennial favorite of mine. Heavy hitters here include the Final Fantasy franchise (X,XII, and XIV especially), the Xenoblade games (especially 3), and the Persona series. I'm currently trying to explore more series that I've missed over the years, like Star Ocean, Trails in the Sky, Tales of, etc.
Rougelikes! Not quite as much these days, but ever since The Binding of Isaac came out, I rode the wave of the indie roguelike scene for a good seven or eight years and have a deep love for where this genre has gone over the years. Notable games for me here are Isaac, FTL, Risk of Rain, Hades, Inscryption, and Darkest Dungeon.
Diablo-style loot RPGs, I've had a long history with these games starting back when I would play Diablo II LAN games with my friend and his dad back in middle school, and games like this have always had a soft spot in my heart. I spent years playing Path of Exile, and I routinely come back to games like Titan Quest and Grim Dawn as well.
Fighting games! This one is pretty new for me, back in 2020 one of my good friends decided he was gonna try to get into Street Fighter, and that caused a small revolution in my friend group that has led to me playing a whole hell of a lot of Guilty Gear Strive, Street Fighter 6, and other assorted games. I'm by no means good at them, but I've been committed to learning and improving at them bit by bit (you'll see in the weekly FGC Corner :) )
Visual Novels/Narrative Games. This one is very much a less cogent genre space, but some of my absolute favorite games can all be loosely put together around these terms. Games like 13 Sentinels, 999, Virtue's Last Reward, Umineko, Misericorde, Perfect Tides, things of that nature.
There are many others out there, so I'll end this section by listing off a bunch of other games that are classics for me: Outer Wilds, Neon White, Just Cause 2, Devil May Cry 5, Blasphemous, Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring, Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, Rimworld, Disco Elysium, Monster Hunter, and many many others!
The Big Idea
What I mostly want from this blog is to be a space where I can get together at the end of a week and think back about what I've been playing, what I think about it, and whatever else is connected to those feelings. Over the years I've enjoyed seeing other folks thinking and writing critically about the media that they enjoy, and while I hold no aspirations of turning this into anything quite as specific as that, I want to give myself space to spend more time thinking about this hobby which means so much to me. I have no idea how its going to go, if I'm going to like it, or how consistent I will be able to be, but for the time being this is my plan all laid out!
If you've read all this and it sounds interesting to you, or you think you might have tastes that align with mine, feel free to follow along! I'd love to have more people to talk shop with, or even just knowing that some other folks out there might think my words are interesting.
So let's get into it!
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Pinned Info
I really need to make a pinned post, so I’m going to do that now!
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Hi, I’m Salem, he/him, 30s. Pagan witch, hobbyist artist, etc. This is my main blog.
Inuringly (my main art blog; multifandom, OC stuff, etc.) Thanatophagency (my FE sideblog. I post my brainrot there, reblog FE fanart I like, and dump my FE art so I don’t super-spam my main blogs.) OTHER sites (not tumblrs): My Pixiv Twitter Plurk AO3 (fanfic) (it’s mostly Fire Emblem rn im sorry)
I don’t have a DNI list or anything but AI, crypto, terf-y shit, homophobia, ableism etc. is a free block on sight. My main is mostly a thought vomit/reblogging place though so keep that in mind. I am American and I can sadly only speak English (and a small amount of other stuff) because of Brain Damage Reasons, so if I misunderstand plz be patient ty!!! So here is a list of all the things I can recall I care about. If it’s bolded it causes me massive brainrot and I love it to death, probably. Non-comprehensive Games List:
Fire Emblem, Persona, DrakeNieR, Stella Glow, Monark (please GOD ask me about Monark), Yugioh, Pokemon (up to USUM), Digimon, Splatoon, SMT (this is broad so I’ll just say DeSu DS DDS and mainlines), Legacy of Kain, Zelda, Cookie Run, Guilty Gear, Blazblue, KH, FF3 and FF14, DMC, Halo, Dragon Quest, a lot of VNs such as Hate Story/Hate+, Hatoful Boyfriend, Ib, Funamusea games/manga, Mad Father, Ace Attorney, Case Book of Arne, Touchstarved, Cave Story, Paranormasight, TWEWY+NTWEWY, DDLC, Psychonauts, Undertale/Deltarune, Obey Me!, Hello Charlotte, Sonic, Ghost Trick, Fear and Hunger, Portal, Mass Effect, Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion, Jet Set Radio, just so many goddamn platformers but especially MISCHIEF MAKERS and Hat in Time, OFF, Eternal Darkness, Sly Cooper, Catherine Full Body, Hades
Everything Not Games:
Sailor Moon, When They Cry, Dragon Ball, Code Geass, Pandora Hearts, Star Driver, Lupin the Third, Detective Conan, Angel Beats, some older Pokemon, Digimon (esp Tamers, Frontier, and 02), OG Yugioh (manga too), Madoka, Little Witch Academia, Kamen Rider (W/Futo PI mostly), Paranoia Agent, Mahou Sentai Magiranger, MLP (mostly Equestria Girls tbh), She-ra PoP, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Cats (the musical), Phantom of the Opera, Beetlegeuse (musical too), some Disney, Gundam (Mobile Fighter G / Wing), GitS, RWBY, Stargate SG-1/Atlantis, Wander Over Yonder, PPG, Sonic Prime, March Story, Homestuck, some Vtubers (Garbage Barstool), Alice in __ (Country of Hearts/Clover/etc.), Vocaloid/SynthV (Evillious, Deadline Circus, basically anything Gakupo or Kaito), Ghost & Pals, Clover song series, Vampair, Voltaire’s music in general tbh, Blood+, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, YYH, Spiderverse, Gwenpool, Venomverse, Red Hood, Teen Titans, Howl’s Moving Castle (the books and movie), and other various Ghibli films (HMC and Princess Mononoke are my favorites that aren’t Spirited Away or Porco Rosso), Tithe series (novels), Yozakura Quartet, Are You Alice, FMA (original), Fruits Basket, Adventure Time, horror stuff in general rly (I fucking love Junji Ito’s anthologies.)
... If you read all this, hey thanks, and go play Case Book of Arne. Or Paranormasight. Or NTWEWY. They all need more love--
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market-news-24 · 4 months
### Today's Current Affairs: Dhoni's Tea Time with RCB Ahead of IPL Clash As the IPL 2024 season heats up, Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) and Chennai Super Kings (CSK) are gearing up for a crucial face-off on May 18. CSK captain MS Dhoni received a warm welcome from the RCB camp, enjoying a cup of tea during a break in training. Dhoni, known for his love of chai, will look to continue his impressive form and lead CSK to victory in their quest for playoff qualification. Stay tuned for this high-octane clash between two formidable teams! [ad_2] Download Latest Movies in HD Quality Downloading In 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Downloading In $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); [ad_1] 1. What is MS Dhoni's favorite beverage? - Tea - Coffee - Juice - Water Answer: Tea [ad_2] What is the significance of the match between RCB and CSK on May 18? The match holds immense importance for both teams as they eye a victory to secure a spot in the playoffs. How did MS Dhoni receive a warm welcome from the RCB camp? Two days prior to the match, Dhoni was greeted by the RCB team's support staff with a steaming cup of tea. He enjoyed his favorite beverage during a break in their training session. What is MS Dhoni's view on tea? In an interview, Dhoni described himself as old school and expressed his fondness for tea due to its simplicity. He stated that if offered tea during practice, he would always accept it, considering it his guilty pleasure and something irresistible. How has MS Dhoni performed in the ongoing IPL season? MS Dhoni has showcased impressive form with the bat, scoring 136 runs in 10 innings this season with a remarkable strike rate of 226.66. He has hit 11 fours and 12 sixes and will look to make a big contribution in CSK's quest for playoff qualification against RCB. What is MS Dhoni's record against the RCB franchise? Dhoni holds an impressive record against RCB, having accumulated 839 runs in 35 matches at a blistering strike rate of 140.77. [ad_1] Download Movies Now Searching for Latest movies 20 seconds Sorry There is No Latest movies link found due to technical error. Please Try Again Later. function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000); [ad_2] In today's current affairs, we have exciting news for cricket fans as MS Dhoni is all set to be in action against Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) on May 18th in the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL). Ahead of the big match, Dhoni received a warm welcome from the RCB camp, where he was greeted with a cup of tea, his favorite beverage. Despite the rainy weather in Bengaluru, Dhoni enjoyed his tea break in his CSK training kit, making a 'cheers' gesture before heading back to practice.
Known for his love for chai, Dhoni has been in fine form this season, with impressive performances with the bat. As he gears up to face RCB, fans are eager to see him make a significant contribution to CSK's quest for playoff qualification. With his impressive record against RCB, Dhoni is expected to deliver a thrilling match on May 18th. [ad_1]
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olberic · 9 months
ranking games ive played in 2023:
hi! its that time of the year where i think back on the games and shows ive done this year and rank them based on personal enjoyment :-) i didnt play a lot of games this year, since i played all of them (ok all but one of them) for longer than usual.
and, as always, thank u gifmakers for making the gifs im including here and for all the work u do 💛
7. death end re;quest (2019)
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bad game. couldnt finish it. what the back of the box said is not even close to the game’s actual vibe. combat system seems interesting but the rest of the story and characters and writing and design and visuals suck so bad it tanks the whole thing.
6. guilty gear xx ^ core plus r (2012)
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…ive learned i just dont enjoy playing fighting games this year. i tried so hard. i want to like them. i just dont love them enough to get thru all of the stories in this game. its fun enough to get to learn all the characters, but needing to play so many of them so well to get it all…puts this game near the bottom of the list. this is the first game in my life ive ever watched someone else do a playthrough of, because i just didnt enjoy playing it enough to do it myself
5. guilty gear strive (2021)
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as mentioned i dont love fighting games HOWEVER this one ranks significantly higher because i like the training modes where you complete specific challenges, and the game's visual appealing enough to make up for how bad i am at it.
4. ys ix: monstrum nox (2021)
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ive decided to make it it december tradition to play an ys game, after playing ys viii last year. i’m still not finished it (in chapter 6 at time of writing) but it’s really fun! navigating the city with each character’s powers is super fun, and as with the last game i really enjoy the combat system. theres a few twists in the game i’m REALLY excited to figure out, and the cast of characters has charmed me enough to rank this number 4
3. tales of arise: beyond the dawn (2023)
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i went back and replayed the main game in preparation for the DLC, so i put about 170 hours into this this year. both the main game and the DLC have some story issues, but the DLC does a better job of getting its points across. if it werent for how much i love the top games in this list, this would be first — i'm a total sucker for the tales games, and the gameplay in this one is so fun (im a law main) that i could keep playing this game over and over again. i also really like what the DLC did with the alphen/shionne storyline, and i think nazamil is a very interesting and well-portrayed character.
2. octopath traveler ii (2023)
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octopath my beloved… i was already destined to love this since the first game is one of my all time favourites, but the sequel improved on it in so many ways. the crossed path stories, the in-combat party banter, and the interaction the characters have is a huge improvement on the first. as always, its extremely fun to play, the environment is gorgeous, the characters are well written, and the soundtrack is genuinely the best game soundtrack i've ever heard (along with the first octopath's soundtrack).
1. fire emblem: three houses (2019) and fire emblem warriors: three hopes (2022)
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these two get to tie because theyre functionally the same game to me, since i value the characters and story more than the gameplay. these games have spoiled me for other games what the fuck. the huge cast of well done characters all with unique skills and gameplay elements. the different versions of the story based on your house. the replayability. i played each of these THREE TIMES THROUGH this year.
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