#gulper eel OC
shanedagoat · 1 month
Daily sketches for April 27th - May 4th, 2024
Aaaaaand I. Am. DONE :DDDDDDD!!!!!
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Here’s the full canvas, 2 years and 8 days in the making :3
This has been both really fun and really fucking infuriating to work on over all this time. I graduated film school, started college, changed sonas, went to my first convention, and got to draw a lot of fun stuff like my friends’ OC’s!
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cornkernelcorp · 3 months
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What lives at the depth of the seas at the lowest reaches of the Umbrella Trenches..?
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Greetings to Gulper Eel Cookie! A presence who wanders the deep dark finds their way on dry land. But what could be bringing them to unmarked territory..?
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With a large maw capable of expanding into a big balloon to swallow things whole, the beast has garnered quite a well known tale of caution. The flush line, an invisible crack across the water located right above the Umbrella trench, is a place no sailor should cross. All boats sail around it, as traversing through it brings you a cruel end.
Those cookies foolish enough find to try find themselves in waters that glow a flashing red— like jam— as the waters swirl and swallow them up in a whirlpool. Another meal for the gargantuan belly of the trenches.
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yellydany · 4 months
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Amber takes joy in eating the Cores of other Crystal beings like him and keeping them stored inside his transparent body to showcase as trophies. Just like the name suggests, he possesses a strange goopy texture that allows him to shapeshift to an extent and trap objects inside. He is heartless and commits such acts for nothing other than fun
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archie-the-menace · 20 days
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A work in progress. I guess I like mermaids now lol.
Fun Fact: their clothing is made of whale carcass :)
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xaytheloser · 2 months
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I drew @cornkernelcorp 's Gulper Eel Cookie because they're SILLY and FUNKY!!!
(+ bonus art I drew of Gulper Eel with my oc Emerald Cookie bc I wanted to draw her more :33)
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stormvanari · 4 months
🐬Aqua Rescue Team🐬
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Swimming from Ripple Island, ART is a team of rescue vehicles specializing in missions taking place on the ocean. They also assist other rescue teams in flooding disasters. Additionally, ART’s members are animal whisperers (otherwise they can communicate with animals).
🌊 Khai: The leader of ART, they are a friend of Sandy and the most skilled member in animal communication. They taught Sandy how to surfboard, but the latter prefers to apply her skills on desert dunes. Khai can use their tail to extend and grab onto living things and objects from a long range.
🌊 Fisher: He is ART’s reconnoiterer and is a bookworm who always jumps at research tasks. He is very observant and cautious, and has lightning-fast nose dives. While both Khai and Isla hate cold water (but had to push through anytime they’re on a mission), Fisher lives for it.
🌊 Isla: She is ART’s supplier and transport, and a devoted treasure hunter. She was a friend of someone who disappeared into a “triangle,” and the ART transport considers them the “most wanted treasure” on her list. Isla is both a hovercraft and submarine, the latter mode which the ART transport can go underwater.
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c00kietin · 2 months
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you know when you want to draw someone's oc but then you forget how to draw their clothes- ha ha can't relate-/j
ANYWHOS this beauty of a cookie belongs to @cornkernelcorp!! <33
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puppercupboard · 1 year
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bornite fact: it is secondo's pocket quintessence ghoul!
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scopnotes · 1 year
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The whole team! A bunch of fellas who’s going to take over your house for daily meetings!
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dru1dry · 2 months
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Gulpah Bobos
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36 Lazakul
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36. With symbolism related to them (flowers, animals, etc.)
Little mister gluttony with venus flytraps.....
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nanagiarts · 7 months
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cornkernelcorp · 2 months
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Good mornin~~ Have some Gulper art I made referenced off of some contortionist poses online! In addition, a practice animation.
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I have some more- just random gulper doodles under the cut. Check em out if you wanna.
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stark-alchemy · 2 years
For the "Insert Tidal Here" Splatoon AU, I wanted to give a bit of a darker story to how Sun and Moon met and then met Stark. they themselves have been through a lot, and their adoptive elder brother, a giant deep-sea squid, was separated from them when they were younger. Their actual parents are either missing or dead and while I wasn't intending for angst I tripped and fell in an angst puddle on my way to write this.
Tw: Body Horror, Trauma
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So Sun has the most traumatic story of the brothers. His town where he grew up was on the other side of the Ravine, a cave system that had many underground cities under the Splatlands. One of the cities was a very small community of Starfish, Anemones, and some other Clams and Shellfish. A sickness suddenly hit the Starfish and Anemone citizens and after a few weeks it looked like they would be fine...but then the second wave hit. The anemone citizens got super sick, dying off by the handful, as did the clams, but the starfish got it worse. Starfish wasting disease hit hard, and those that were affected were basically mindless zombies of their former selves, ripping off their arms/hair, legs and chopping off other parts in an effort to rid themselves of a disease that was affecting them on a level they couldn't understand. Whole homes turned into crime scenes overnight and there was no nearby doctor prepared for this level of disease. Sun was one of the very lucky few that got sick but didn't get the full disease, but he lost his family in the process and worse the city was hit so hard that people began moving out in droves. Sun was by himself for a long time until he was forced to leave and wander the tunnels looking for a new home.
Moon was not much better off. He was separated from his family after a cave-in wiped his city off the map and left many of them citizens scattered. Moon was trapped inside his home while his family was out getting things and the house wound up several feet under the rocks and sand. After a while, a rescue crew tried to come help survivors but the damage was done. Too many people had been trapped under the crushing weight or worse their homes had caved in on top of them. Moon was at risk for all of this, when they found him he was in the pantry as that was the only part of his home that hadn't collapsed yet. His family was never found lost beneath the sands and he took to the Tunnels to find somewhere else to go.
Eclipse was a Deep Sea Squid who found both boys wandering about the tunnels 2 weeks from each other. He found Moon first and made sure to take care of his needs like making sure he was fed and had proper clothing. When they found Sun, who was missing 2 of his starfish arms due to being sick, afraid, and stressed, he nursed him back to health. Eclipse was kind and careful around the boys but primarily took to fighting any Octarians and Larger beings that would come looking for a fight. One such battle saw that he lost an eye, which worried the boys to no end and bound them tighter as a family. They stayed together for about 2 years before they were forcibly separated and the two brothers had no choice but to head up into the Splatlands for help and a new home.
A few days into their travel, they meet up with Stark, who kindly takes them with her to Splatsville and let's them crash with her while she's doing Turf Wars. They boys are worried that if she leaves for a "war" that she won't come back but she shows them the videos and previous Splatfests and assures them that she'll be fine. Over time they grow more attached especially when Stark gets sick and Sun has a panic attack, that sends Moon into a panic of his own, and they sit down and talk about their pasts and what they want to do going forward. As they grow up, Sun and Moon decide they want to help with Stark's games so they learn to take up cooking (Sun primarily, Moon is best kept away from an open fire) and creating sweet things to share. Along the way they start making the Drops, specialized candies used for enhancing abilities for a shirt period of time in game, but can be eaten at anytime for enjoyment and a boost of energy! Stark shares them with some of her team mates, then the fellow members of the opposing team to keep fun matches balanced, then other teams found out and started asking for orders. Stark tells the boys that they're candies are a hit <they're kinda miffed because they made them for Stark and only her...darn her sharing> and they start planning to open a little pop-up shop that sells them before matches.
Eventually, they set up a store on the main street, "Swell Sweets", and begin making different flavors and styles of sweets but still focus on the Sundrops and Moondrops. Sun runs the store during daytime hours and cooks the batches of candy. Moon runs the shop at night and does candy packaging. Stark does the marketing and is one of the faces that you'll see selling when she isn't doing Turf Wars. Once she ages out of doing Turf Wars with the other teens, she takes up running the store full time with Sun and Moon. Sun can be seen on the streets during Splatfest since he's a huge Deep Cut fan. Moon is more of a fan of Harmony and her former band The Chirpy Chips, having made her a gift basket and also hanging around the store at times and chatting her up about music. Stark, when not in the shop with Sun or Moon, can be found on the main street handing out flyers to advertise.
Through the years, Stark would visit her family in Inkopolis often. When she left her parents had adopted an octoling baby sister and then a year later, gave her a heads up that they were adopting another octoling, a baby brother named Jamo this time. As the years went on, Stark would visit a few weeks out of the year to meet up with her family and then come back home to the Brothers. One day, about 8 years later, however, she brings her back to town. He'd taken an interest in moving to Splatsville to hang out with his sister and also battle in Turf Wars. Their middle sister, Jazz, had decided to stay in Inkopolis and compete there primarily, so he wanted to branch out and explore.
At first Sun and Moon Don't know what to do with this new visitor, especially one taking all their attention away from them. They try to scare him at first, Jamo doesn't live with them and he stays with friends in another apartment, but it doesn't work as they want it to. Sun's overly intense personality and sly attitude only makes Jamo wonder if his sister has been manipulated to stay with them. Moon insists on trying to scare Jamo off, inviting him into the backroom to show him the candy but then using his glow-in-the-dark patterning and extending out his jaws to give him a frightful scare. All Jamo thinks is that his sister is being threatened to stay under pain of death. Eventually, Stark catches on and gets into a fight with them, annoyed that they've been so rude to her brother as well as way too controlling of her life. The brothers apologize to her and try to make up for their actions, inviting Jamo back and gifting him some of the special candy they made for him and giving him a rightful apology as well. And while Jamo doesn't immediately trust them or forgive them, he does understand that they have been close for a long time and they were afraid of the dynamic shifting. He puts up with them for her sake though he still finds them strange
Eventually as things calm down a new shadow is on the horizon...an old lost elder brother from long ago makes a surprising appearance...but I gotta work on his design so I'm taking my time. Hope yall liked my insane ramblings as I fall headfirst into another AU!
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seagraway · 2 years
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Hey dear sister How are you I've long to see you ever since you made your stage debut
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tyrian-sexual · 11 months
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Gulper Eel design for some world building self indulgent story :)
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