#haha funny gun game
shanedagoat · 1 month
Daily sketches for April 27th - May 4th, 2024
Aaaaaand I. Am. DONE :DDDDDDD!!!!!
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Here’s the full canvas, 2 years and 8 days in the making :3
This has been both really fun and really fucking infuriating to work on over all this time. I graduated film school, started college, changed sonas, went to my first convention, and got to draw a lot of fun stuff like my friends’ OC’s!
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funnynamedottxt · 2 months
flashback to March 12
I just found out their are SEVEN Gal*Gun games. SEVEN UNIQUE GAMES ABOUT SHOOTING HORMONES AT GIRLS. The only reason I know about them at is
@ScottTheWoz, but he's only ever mentioned one (which according to the wiki was 2), so I assumed their were only one, but NOPE
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transmandrake · 5 months
I dont really have much to say about the palworld thing that hasnt already been said, but, even if it is a genuinely fun well made game, basically ARK but pokemon, sounds great-
-except my least fucking favourite part of ARK is that you have to literally bludgeon and drug and force feed the dinosaurs to tame them.
So. This isnt actually a new shocking spin at all. This is just ARK's horrible system again. But as a whole game.
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emelkae · 2 years
Meeting Your OCs Tag
Thanks for the tag, @catharticallysarcastic!
Rules: write a short snippet about if your OCs ever met you irl (or in their world, that’s up to you) and write about the conversation they would start with you (or you would start with them). Then tag some people
I love this concept, but I had a problem justifying why the War Machines and I would ever have a conversation unless I made my reason for being there a little more interesting. So my answer might have ended up kinda unconventional. It's also longer than I'd expected, about 700 words. Under the cut:
Every writer's gotten lost in their own story before. It feels amazing, that moment when you slip into the words and let them carry you off to a place where the world inside is vivid, real, almost tactile.
Not every writer gets stuck. I did.
I didn't notice it at first. I just thought I'd reached that much-beloved "flow state" that looks more like hyperfixation in brains like mine. It wasn't as if my characters usually stick to my plans for them or anything, so I didn't question it when Briar's eyes snapped away from the command center's starry viewscreen to look in my direction. They narrowed, the quirk of his eyebrows turning his frown from one of surprise to curiosity.
Claw frowned too, but only concern lurked in his face. "What's up?"
"I... I don't know," said Briar, wringing his hands. "I can feel someone that way." He pointed toward me, which is when I started to realize something was off about the story, but I didn't really grasp it. "It feels like a person. But there's nobody there."
"Like a ghost," gasped Lug, stroking the cat in his enormous arms.
"I didn't think you believed in ghosts, kid," Claw chuckled.
The Repair Units swiveled in their chairs, each running their white eyes over the far wall of the command center.
"Are you referring to that shadowy corner?" Circuit said. "That would be Sharpe you're feeling, then."
Oh, is that where Sharpe had gone? I had a lot of characters, so I tended to lose track of quiet ones like Sharpe. I turned toward him to see what sort of position he was standing in—only to find a pistol barrel nearly stuck in my nose, so close to my eyes that they crossed.
"How did you get in here?" he hissed.
The command center exploded with motion. The Repair Units jumped from their seats with their pistols drawn, Lug pounded across the center toward me, and Claw shoved Briar behind him, unsnapping his crossbow from his backpiece. To my shame, I slid down the wall and tucked my knees up to my chin instead of running or even saying a word. My hands were by my head, palms out, and I wasn't sure when I'd put them up.
"Hey, wait," said Briar, "they're not gonna hurt us. They're scared."
"They should be," growled Sharpe, and I assumed the next thing I saw would be the white flare of the laser bolt he'd send into my skull.
I didn't expect Briar to come out from behind Claw and make hesitant steps toward me. Claw moved with him, his hand on the boy's shoulder, and I had no idea where to look. They were all huge, staring down at me with such hard and distrustful faces.
"I-I don't know," I babbled. "I'm not. I don't... How?"
At my nonsensical words, they lowered their weapons and glanced at each other. My cheeks went red. This was either a dream or some kind of break from reality, and I still couldn't talk like a normal person, even to my own characters. Nobody moved until Gamma hopped from Lug's arms and sniffed at one of my hands. I rubbed her face, mumbling something like "oh my god," which made Lug laugh and reach toward me.
"Kitty likes you!" he said. "Good enough for me."
I reached slowly for his hand, which enveloped mine as he pulled me to my feet with no effort at all.
"I'm not supposed to be here," I said stupidly.
Claw snorted. "No kidding. Circuit, Mobo, take the Warrior planetside so we can drop off our stowaway."
"I don't think that'll help. I don't know how I got here. Or I can't remember."
The Repair Units' eyes brightened in fascination. They'd settled back into their chairs, but they rose again and moved toward me with scanners in hand. I'd never realized exactly how in sync they were, so watching their identical golden faces was dizzying.
I could only tell Mobo apart from Circuit when his gruff voice spoke. "Amnesia, then? What's your name?"
"You remember that. Huh."
And they both fell silent, probably lapsing into thoughtvoice as they scanned me.
I got stuck in my story, but I guessed that wasn't all bad. Maybe I'd wake up tomorrow back in my bed. For now, I just stood still and let them scan me, feeling the others' gazes like something palpable on my face.
Open Tag! Also tagging: @avrablake @drabbleitout @nopoodles @talesofsorrowandofruin @my-writblr @the-finch-address @writingonesdreams @muddshadow @sleepyowlwrites
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pix3lplays · 3 months
Apparently boothill can’t curse and it’s always replaced with something nicer, or how I like to say “family friendly” (cuz it pretty much is 😭😭)
There’s so many funny things that can happen with that.
Imagine playing against him in a game and instead of cursing you out he’s saying weirdly nice things at you while clearly looking mad
I was having the EXACT same thought actually, lol.
At first you couldn’t really tell when he was angrily cursing you or someone else out, or tossing compliments like confetti.
But yeah eventually you get used to it and you learn to understand his tone. He can say the exact same thing and your reaction can range from “aww thanks babe…” to “HEY, watch your LANGUAGE >:(“ you can just tell his intents at this point.
Boothill gives the energy of that one tweet that was like, “Uno really brings out the worst in people. My uncle just slammed his gun onto the table over this.”
Like why am I picturing Boothill doing that while showering someone with compliments aggressively?? Boothill please, calm down.
I don’t think there’s any proof yet, but he strikes me as temperamental so I imagine this happens a lot, haha…
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k3n-dyll · 4 months
Zionism in TLOU2
I just was talking to my friend about this and I'm sure plenty of people have explained it already but it's just so insane to me that the Seraphites are really meant to represent Palestinians IRL and Neil just thought "Yup, people will believe this".
Before I knew anything about the conflict, when I was playing the game I was just like "Well duh, anyone would be ready to fight tooth and nail against a group that broke a peace treaty and started gutting/hanging their people" but when I realized what it was supposed to represent I just found it a bit funny? Not funny "haha" but funny weird in the way that he tried to make it so that the actions of Israel (the WLF) are justified through his inaccurate, racist, and Islamophobic, representation of Palestinians (Seraphites). And honestly, even the WLF's actions against the Seraphites are still very much not excused in the fictional context of the game, because there is never a reason to gun down children.
There's so much more I could rant about on this topic, but for now, I will just say: Don't buy anything from Naughty Dog. Don't watch the show, and if you must for some reason - become a pirate. Neil Drunkman has donated the money he makes from these games to Israel's genocide before. The strike may end on the 25th but do not stop talking about Palestine. Pay attention so that you are aware of when the next strike takes place. Don't forget, don't ignore.
Also, let this be a reminder that while you may enjoy certain media, and while that's fine, you have to be critical of the media you consume to be sure that you aren't getting caught up in propaganda.
For anyone wanting a better deep dive (and for those saying that its just a "cynical take") please refer to this post and read it thoroughly^^^
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monakisu · 5 months
I want you to know that I came across a random post of your Death Note art, went "Awww, oh my gosh, with the way this person draws Light I think Akechi would look fantastic in the same style!", clicked onto your profile, and then saw your newest artwork was Akechi. I'm still kind of cackling over it and thought maybe you'd find it funny too. Your art is SO cute, I'm very happy I found it <333
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HAHA THAT’S AMAZING (<< was an akechi artist wayyyy before i fell head over heels for light)
but rlly… theyre so similar:
- brunet
- asshole
- pretty boy
- mass murderer
- black-haired homoerotic rival
at the end of the day, the key difference is one is a top and the other is a bottom.
ok but seriously, they’re vastly different characters on a fundamental level:
- light was handed everything him on a silver platter: family, friends, looks, intellect, a comfortable life… as a bastard child of a sex worker and now an orphan, goro had to fight his way to his current position and will always harbor a terrible sense of inferiority (light is completely confident in his absolute superiority, Always (that’s why the challenge of L sent him off the deep end of obsession lol))
- light genuinely sees himself as a hero, while goro would like to feel the same but is nonetheless depressingly aware of his villain’s journey (his undesirable position as the detective vs the underdog phantom thieves, his string of assassinations, his ultimate dirty bloody goal, etc.).
- light’s motive is about the world’s salvation, cleansing, the birth of his ideal reality (very messianic of him with the slightest loving tinge of mary cradling her lamb hahaha) while goro is laser-focused on ruining this one asshole’s life in particular, vengeance and revenge at once! one’s focused on rebirth, and the other gunning straight for death! they both use murder to get what they want but light probably floats around thinking himself so clean and divine as mother of the world (ignorance is bliss) while goro is constantly desperately trying to cover up his suspiciously red hands with his gloves hehehe… they’re both constantly striving for perfection, just with varying levels of self-awareness!!
- goro is a canonical loner; light has a horde of friends; this is probably due to a difference in public persona! goro is an untouchable idea of what he thinks a human should be and is completely out of the loop when it comes to normal social interactions (believes opening with hegel will instantly endear himself to the average person (luckily he inflicted that upon akira who is decidedly not average in the slightest)), light is implied to be more down-to-earth and even slightly goofy (he’s gaming decorum like an advanced speedrunner)! it’s probably good how distant goro is, because getting any closer to him will allow you to see how off-putting and uncanny he is, sorta like an AI-generated image—seams in the wrong places and far too much teeth LOL. meanwhile light has this whole shebang so thoroughly figured out that he’s BORED with it all! he’d like to move on to the next game (with L), thank you!! light definitely still exudes uncanny creepiness (it’s his natural state of being) especially when he zones out or starts hysterically cackling out of nowhere at his own thoughts, but he’s a hundred times better at masking compared to goro due to a better upbringing. goro is starved for the adoring friends he sees akira easily picking up one after another; light couldn’t give less of a shit because he’s always had those trivial luxuries! he’d much rather prefer an adoring WORLD!!
- then there’s the difference in how they die… one started out surrounded with company but ultimately died alone, while it’s the opposite for the other (if you count the de-realization of maruki’s reality as goro’s “death” (which i don’t)).
- in conclusion, light and goro are like funhouse mirror reflections of each other!!! one is a pampered lapdog getting a taste of rabies and letting loose, while the other is a starving wolf trying to domesticate itself for treats and headpats!! and i <3 them both!!!!!
anyways i may be wrong about light because im going purely off of fics, tumblr shitposts, and my own imagination :] feel free to school me in a way that won’t destroy my delusions!
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Actually the concept of Nightbringer is so funny?
It's a fish out of water situation like with S1 (and many other otome games) except MC won't be the fish
They're the one who's going to know the most about the Devildom's history and culture and customs (even thousands of years in the past) while the brothers have just been dropped on their asses fresh outta the Celestial Realm where, at this point in time, demons are thought of as purely evil beings who can't even conceive the idea of peace
The brothers should, rightfully, be the ones floundering because their bodies, self, magic, entire world, world view and concept of just about anything has being flipped on its head while MC who was scarily adaptable to new situations in S1 itself has been living in & out of the Devildom for years now.
The brothers are going to be given new high positions within the Devildom while still holding disdain for demons and MC's gonna be their "demon attendant" who they'll obviously see as a lower class of demon from themselves - giving them two reasons to disregard MC - except MC would be scarily competent and just seeming to quietly know everything while also being weirdly mysterious.... do you see what I'm getting at? MC's gonna be giving off a S1 Barbatos-esque vibe to the brothers😭😭😭 (though obviously less stoic)
Mammon's gonna say or do something and MC's gonna say "oooh I know that look" and Mammon's gonna be like "????We literally just met???"
Or Belphie's gonna talk about how terrible humans are and how he wants to kill them all and MC's gonna be like "haha yeah wow they're the worst huh" while trying to pretend they're not a human who was more than willing to kill another human for daring to point a gun at Belphie
Or the brothers are gonna be settling down in their new home and MC's gonna be like "lol remember to put aside some money for Beel" and Lucifer's gonna be like "wha-" and Beel's already eaten half the sofa
Or MC's gonna forget and mention a new anime that was supposed to come out and Levi's gonna be like "what's anime?" and MC's gonna have to sit there in silence for a while to process
MC's gonna instantly know how to make Lucifer's shitty black-darker-than-his-actual-soul coffee and that might be the reason why present Lucifer likes his coffee like that
MC's gonna know the brothers more than they even know themselves and that's driving me insane
Also pretending to be a "demon attendant" as if Barbatos who can see through timelines & alternate universes and Diavolo who can tell when people are lying won't instantly know. And MC who knows them so well is going to know that they know. Just constantly "haha yes I'm the sins' demon attendant that you definitely appointed haha👁👁" and "haha yes you're the sins' demon attendant whom we definitely appointed haha👁👁"
Also what's Solomon's angle here?? Because he doesn't start seeing demons as friends until after he meets MC in the future. At this point they're beings he can trick & use to achieve his goals (one of which is getting closer to Lucifer & making a pact). So he's definitely not helping MC out of the goodness of his heart and this is probably another way to achieve that goal (specially if he finds out MC's already made pacts with all 7 sins).
Anyway, sounds like fun times for everyone! Oh and also trauma for the brothers ig
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exhaslo · 5 months
omg i like love ur writing so much its like not even funny i look forward to each thing you write
so im thinking: Miguel as like ghost from modern warfare and clumsy new recruit reader whos actually super good at what they do but the twist is that she uses the art of catching people off guard to fight aka flashing enemies her bewbs
so Miguel’s annoyed over that because its such an “indecent” tactic but it works because even he gets caught like a deer in headlights when she does that. So like ig like in the middle of a mission she does it again and miguel straight up challenges her to to it to him and things get steamy ???????????
Aweeeee, thank you!!! It means a lot to me that you read and like my writing!!! Also, I suck at FPS games, so I never played COD MW, but I can try my best with this one, haha
So sorry that I got to this so late! I'm still catching up to so many requests from last month! But I can totally do this! Sounds really fun haha!
Warning: MINORS DNI, smut, breast play, flashing, semi-public sex, grinding, oral (male receiving)
This was supposed to be a serious game of friendly fire. This was supposed to be preparing everyone for the competition that was coming up with their rivals. This was supposed to be taken seriously as if everyone was really in the middle of the battlefield.
So why couldn't you?
Miguel was in awe as he read your stats and files. You had nearly a perfect score when shooting down the enemy team. Hell, you even had some military background, but yet you left there and applied here, which made him a little curious.
Miguel was also from the military, so he knew the rules and procedures. The only way he was going to find out more about you was the join you in action. Perhaps you were hiding something and could be used when Miguel had to get called onto the military again for a mission.
"We'll see tomorrow," Miguel hummed to himself, placing your file next to his usual ghost mask.
This was a first. Miguel was impressed with you when you first came into the shop, gearing up and grabbing your weapons. You gave off a professional aura. Miguel was going to enjoy this fun little game and who knows, perhaps he could enlist you.
At least the thought last for a solid five minutes until the game actually began. You all split up, but Miguel stayed somewhat close by to you to watch you in action. You had everything set up and kept your focus for the enemies, but once you spotted one.
"Haha!" You yelled as you flashed your tits.
Miguel's eyes widen at the sheer shock of the action, but once you revealed your boobs, you immediately fired at the poor soul.
"Sucker," You said with a grin before fixing your shirt.
"What the hell are you thinking?" Miguel hissed as he stormed over to you. Your eyes glanced over at his tall dementor, knowing that he was hiding his anger behind his mask,
"Hm? It's friendly fire, all that matters is who wins." You said with a sweet chirp.
All Miguel could do was ask you to not do it again. You gave him a cute pout, apologizing before grabbing your gun and running off. Still not trusting your words, Miguel followed you to keep an eye on you.
Miguel was beyond frustrated. While team did win with an overwhelming victory, the shame behind it was what made him mad. You had the most kills, all thanks to your little trick. It was a shame to the game, but there was no one else complaining but Miguel.
"Yai! Good game guys!!" You cheered, jumping in place.
"Hehe, good game." The enemy team chuckled, staring at your breasts. You smiled and made your way to Miguel,
"Aren't I good?" You said with a grin. Miguel glared at you, but you couldn't tell because of his mask,
"If this were a real war, would you even consider doing it?" He had to ask. You raised a brow,
"As much fun as it would be, there is no chance a real enemy will be swayed by my boobs."
"Hn, there's another friendly fire match in two hours. Can you join, and if you do, don't use your trick."
"Yeah!" You smiled brightly before giving another pout, "Fine. I suppose I could show you that I'm still a good shot."
"Good." Miguel said with a heavy sigh before leaving to his office.
You waved towards him, resisting a chuckle. At least he wasn't complaining about the size of your breasts. Besides, Miguel was fuming with anger, so he must be silently liking the trick too. At least you hoped he did.
Miguel cussed quickly as he gripped the edge of his desk while pumping his dick in his hand. How frustrating it was to watch you carelessly show off those perfect bouncy breasts to other men like it was nothing.
It felt shameful to Miguel for even thinking about how perfect those breasts would look under him. His hands grouping them, giving you a reason to behave next time. You just looked so innocent and cute, to think you did something so daring.
Groaning as he cam, Miguel took a moment to compose himself. He was going to see you in proper action in the next game. Hopefully, your shots would still be up to par even without your little trick.
You were doing good. You had kept your focus and still aimed perfect at each of the enemy team. Although, it did feel a little weird without having a laugh about your fun little gimmick. It just wasn't as fun without you giving the others a good laugh too.
Firing against another enemy, you stopped to reload. You felt a little frustrated. Right as you reloaded, you heard someone yell to show them your tits. Gripping the gun, you let out another sigh before hearing a gun go off.
"I'm confused. Do you, or do you not like to show the enemies your boobs?" Miguel questioned as he appeared beside you. You leaned against the wall, sighing softly,
"It's a long story of self worth and shit that I rather not get into. I left the military for a reason, and I personally think it's fun to throw people off guard, but then they start demanding it...I just, don't like it." You admitted. Miguel glanced at you,
"You're a good shot even without your trick."
"It's a fun stress reliever. I'm sure you would still be a good shot if you had something similar done."
"As if." Miguel replied coldly before shooting another enemy. You glanced at him with a devilish smirk,
"Is the famous ghost afraid of losing his kill streak?"
"Hn," Miguel grunted, not wanting to give you the satisfaction, but hell, he also wanted to prove you wrong, "Don't think they'll care about my chest." He teased.
You laughed and scooted over to him, "Not that kind of distraction." You cooed and saw his hard on through his pants, "Maybe I can help you do both?"
"Both?" He grumbled and hissed as you sat in front of his dick, "(Y/N), now is not the time."
"I read your file, Ghost," You hummed, undoing his pants, "Always perfect with everything you do, but such a hardass. When was the last time you relaxed?" You asked, glancing at his large dick that sprung out.
"Tch, now is NOT the time, (Y/N)" Miguel hissed, feeling himself lose concentration. You lifted your shirt, wrapping his dick between your breasts,
"I think it is the time," You hummed, holding your breasts as you started to massage his dick with them, "When was the last time you got to relax?"
"Fuck, I'm going to miss my shot."
"I thought something like this wouldn't affect your score?" You teased, leaning forward to lick his tip.
"(Y/N), you really...hn...really need to stop," Miguel groaned lowly, enjoying the feeling of his dick wrapping between your breasts.
"And leave you this hard?" You teased, gently sucking against his tip as your breasts did the rest.
Miguel cussed lowly as he fired his gun, shaking slightly from the pleasure you were giving him. Daring indeed. You had been single your whole life, so to do something like this, was surprising, but fuck, Miguel wasn't going to complain anymore.
Moving away from the window to reload, Miguel was panting and moaning as you kept sucking and pumping his dick with your breasts. How soft they were. Miguel felt the urge to pin you down and give you a reason to stop.
You glanced up at Miguel, watching him melt under your touch. Honestly, you weren't planning on being this slutty, but you had to take the risk. You heard all about Miguel during your time in the military. You've seen his face and you knew that you wanted him.
But he was so difficult to approach, all the more reason why you came here. You wanted to be risky. You wanted him to notice you, and now here you were. His dick between your breasts and in your mouth.
Feeling his cock twitch in your mouth, you quicken your pace. Your panties were getting damp, eager to have this cock inside your cunt. Sucking against him more, you whimpered as Miguel started to grab your hair and move his hips along with you.
"Fuck, I'm c-close." He groaned.
You winced, tasting his precum first. His cock twitched against in your mouth, fucking himself deeper down your throat. You moaned from the feeling, and shook as you felt his hot, sticky cum flood your mouth. With a swallow, you coughed as Miguel pulled out of your mouth.
"How's...your shot?" You asked with a low chuckle. Miguel panted and picked you up, placing you towards the window,
"Why don't we test your shot now?" He asked, lowering your pants in the process, "Or can you only show off your breasts?"
You rested against your sniper gun, ass pressed up against Miguel. You shivered as you felt Miguel's dick rub between your thighs. His cock just rubbing against your damp panties, causing you to get even wetter. Oh how you wanted him inside you.
You went to fire against an enemy, moaning loudly as Miguel held your hips. The friction he was giving you was starting to burn. You moved your hips in response, nearly begging for him to stuff you full. Miguel must have noticed as slid his dick inside your panties, directly rubbing his dick against your folds.
"So wet. Don't miss your shot," Miguel groaned, trying his best to not shove his cock deep inside you.
No, that was for another time. There was only a few minutes left of the match. If Miguel was going to fuck you dumb, then it was going to be in the comfort of his own office or bed.
"Hah~ Ah~ M-Miguel," You moaned, attempting to fire your gun again, "R-Right there~ Ah~" You cried out.
Your body twitched as his cock feverishly rubbed against your wet walls and clit. Your vision began to blur as you felt yourself cum when he kept hitting your clit. Your panties were such a mess and you knew it.
"See me in my office after this match," Miguel whispered in your ear as he grunted lowly, "We need to go over your score for this round."
"Y-Yes, sir," You moaned as you felt him cum all over your panties.
You were a panting mess as you felt Miguel move away from you. He quickly fixed his pants as you did yours. You shivered at the feeling of his cum all over your pussy and not within. Glancing at his mask, you huffed your cheeks out and removed it.
You pecked his lips before fixing his mask again. A small smile against your lips as you trailed your hand down his chest,
"See you in your office."
"Match over. Top Score (Y/N)." The game spoke. You chuckled lowly and glanced at Miguel,
"I think I deserve an award for winning, again."
"Once I'm done with you, your winning streak will end next round."
You shivered in delight at his low, rumbling tone. Your pussy clenched at the thought, sitting right on your mess of underwear,
"I'm looking forward to it."
Sorry if it's nothing like COD. Maybe one day I'll try and play the games, but I hoped you like the story none the less!!!
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avalikesf19 · 2 months
A Day at quadrant: LN4 (Part 2)
Author note: I don’t even know how to post anything on this and never wrote a fic but I hope this is good but I think it’s pretty shit and I haven’t finished it yet and if any writers want to use this idea you can for sure just @ me please oh and if you have feedback please let me know thanks xx
Also i tried to change my like writing style thing cause i feel like it was shit last time but yeah idk
Lando x quadrant fem reader
Blurb: reader is a member of quadrant, she games most of the time but also likes f1 along with her best friend Ria bish. She is friends with all members at quadrant and finds it a good laugh with all her mates, but maybe her view of someone in particular is more than a mate..
Warnings: sexualising, swearing, mention of a gun, leaked tape, sad distraught reader, friends to maybe lovers if I make it a series? Smut-ish? If I missed any let me know (I don’t know how to do warnings sorry x)
Well wasn't last week a fucking eventful week. You still cant stop thinking about Lando right next to you comforting you about what happened. You're starting to feel better about the whole issue and get some support from people online and all the other members of quadrant, but fuck that was just shit. You haven't been in any quadrant videos since, but you're in a better place now and probably need to start participating in them more.
Lando and ethan make the idea of quadrant meeting up at landos apartment and trying to train like him for a day. You aren't exactly looking foward to it but oh well, at least Ria is going. You text your gc back and tell them that you will do it too. Then, you get a message.
Lando: are you 100% sure ur okay to come back and film already? you dont have to if you dont want to.
Y/n: yep. I need to get in more videos and im feeling better anyways, thanks for asking.
Lando: all good
Well that was polite and unexpected of Lando to reach out, but whats more unexpected is for your panties to be soaked right now over 2 text messages. well fuck, oopsies.
That night all you can think of is Lando, it's a bit embarrassing to admit, but he was circling around your head like it was an f1 race. You decide to get your head out of it and call Ria to come over and have a chat, since she is your best friend after all. Shortly she pulls up to your apartment in Monaco, funning in bursting of excitement to see you.
"RIAAAAAAA!" you shout when you open the door for her. "Y/NNNN" she replied back. You give her a hug and make her a cup of coffee just how she likes it. You guys sit and chat about the f1 grand prix in Bahrain coming up, and how you hope Lando continues to have a good season with Oscar this year. "Did you see the chat about the new yt vid we doing" You ask Ria. "omg yes and they are bringing angry ginge in I heard" Ria replies back.
"STOP IT" you yell back laughing. You love ginge and his videos, who wouldn't? he's a very very funny bloke. "OMG i''m definitely coming tomorrow then to the recording are you kidding?".
Unfortunately time goes by when you're having fun, and Ria was the most fun, so she had to go a few hours later which felt like minutes. Besides you both need sleep for the youtube vid you're filming tmr at Lando's. You go to bed and try to sleep as much as you can, which didnt happen lol.
rise and shine love. It's already 6am and time to go to Lando's place to film. Normally you don't have to wakeup early as fuck but for the purpose of the video and "being Lando Norris" you had no choice. You get to his apartment after parking at the front and knock on the door, to which he opens. "hi y/n" he says nicely and gives you a hug. "So good to see you Lando, where is everyone?".
"first here mate" he says almost excitedly. "so what are we actually doing today like playing video games or some shit" you say. "haha your funny mate, we are lifting weights, eating what i eat, using the sim, and neck strengthening" he says laughing at you. "fuck r u taking the piss" you say laughing. "oh my days Landoooo do I look like an f1 driver" you also reply with. "well yeah thats the whole point of the video ya dumb fuck" he replied jokingly.
"hahaha get fucked lando nowins" you snap back. he laughs as you proceed to miss the chair you went to lean on making you flinch and stumble looking like an idiot. he is still laughing which makes you laugh too. "Lando norizz" u reply. "haha you think I have no rizz, funny" he replies egotistically. "yeah i do actually" you don't at all, in fact he hasn't even tried yet he has rizzed you up. "wanna bet?" he snaps out.
you don't have time to think before he pins you against the wall and just looks at you with those hot eyes of his. you can already feel your cheeks burning and your thong getting wet. "you say I have no rizz yet your cheeks are burning, and I bet those panties are more soaked than that porridge you tipped over the counter when you stumbled at my gaze, huh?" he grunts out.
what the fuck just happened, first how did he know and secondly did he just pin you against the wall. not the first time you want that to happen. you know what fuck it if we wants to be like that then he may as well be uncomfortable the whole video.
"how did you know about my tight, black lacy thong i'm wearing over my tight pussy hey? not your first time thinking about it aye?" you tease him, but while walking over to him you see him looking uneasy.
why? because ginge was at the fucking door and heard that, and can see Lando's boner from a mile away. "well bonjour" ginge says laughing. "bonjour mate" lando says as he daps up ginge covering his boner and trying to ignore what just happened.
You already know this video is gonna be the longest set of your life..
sorry its a short one x
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anonzentimes · 2 months
What is your opinion on danganronpa 2.5?
hello anon! thank you SO MUCH letting me ramble!!! :)
I really do love Danganronpa 2.5, I think it's really cool that they explain more how everyone was waken up, I also adore that the plot is based off of statements in Danganronpa 2 only elaborating and exploring them more. Not only that, but they make it all about Nagito who's the same character that is complex enough to have three entire songs haha!! So it works out well.
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2.5 reverses Nagito's luck cycle which makes it easier to understand and I really love it. It also adds the statement that truly Nagito would rather have his luck not harm others but rather help them and harm himself, there's also the detail that Nagito's luck is so prominent in his life that even in a world made by his subconscious it is always there. It also implies he deep down wishes talent didn't exist which is something he'd never admit or even know he felt with his unhealthy obsession and dedication with hope and the ultimates!!!
I really enjoy world destroyer too, I think his scenes are very interesting, like, ok man thanks for pulling up with your FINGER GUNS??? It's super cool!! His design is pretty interesting too even if it's just adding to Hajime's preexisting one.
I also like the detail that alongside Nagito's own death the memories that he remembers most vividly is Hajime's smile and his time with him which is just very sweet
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The moments with Makoto and Sayaka being out of character because Nagito views them, especially Makoto, so highly is super funny too. Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko's friendship is also fun and something we don't get to see often! The background characters we get to see are also just very fun.
I find it really interesting that by swapping Nagito's belief with the opposite it's basically telling what the genuine issue is in their world because his beliefs stems from the flawed ideals of hope's peak. The issue in their world isn't the talentless, it's the talented. No one is happy, talentless people feel worthless, and being talented is exhausting in its own way. All of the social pressure of not being treated as humans being at its most extreme in this world is upsetting for most everyone.
also this Parallel makes me lose my MIND!!!!!!
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Danganronpa 2.5 has a lot of REALLY good stuff going on for it, I think the only complaint I see about it is Nagito's "contradiction," which I'll talk a little bit about!
Basically, people like to point out that with Nagito's suicide plan he should have been more upset, "He never believed in Hajime though?"
I've seen a few pretty good interpretations of it, but the one I think makes most sense is that he was talking more to Izuru kamakura since he had gotten his memories back. Nagito's old and new memories merge together, he remembers pretty much everything. Which is why he sees Izuru first, then corrects himself seeing Hajime, and Hajime replies that they're both him.
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Nagito then says he knew he'd make it to the lowest stratum, and that he believed in him. Basically saying that Izuru could do anything.
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Maybe he believed the supposedly Bad luck from going into the Neo World Program would end up in Good luck? It's unclear a bit, but I definitely believe he's talking to Izuru a bit at the very least. Mostly because if he believed in Hajime in the killing game his luck cycle wouldn't have gone, good luck: the traitor was selected, bad luck: the plan didn't work and they lived.
Nagito has known Hajime and Izuru now and accepts him for who he is. It's honestly really sweet. Hajime himself has grown and accepts Nagito for who he is as well. They both forgive each other and it's just really sweet. They've been through a lot!
Overall little rambles aside, I think Danganronpa 2.5 is really lovely. It adds more to Nagito's character, tells more information about how the class woke up while using actual text from Danganronpa 2, and is just super fun! I love Danganronpa 2.5 a lot.
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bitterkarella · 7 months
Midnight Pals: The Golden Age of Sci Fi
Robert Heinlein: now i usually tell stories over at space coven Heinlein: but i thought I'd come over and tell you a story Heinlein: about alien puppet masters Heinlein: i call it the puppet masters Barker: are they alien? Heinlein: Heinlein: oh you've heard it?
Clive Barker: ugh space coven? Barker: those guys are the biggest nerds King: i thought you said unicorn fuck club were the biggest nerds Barker: no i said they were the biggest dorks Barker: there's a difference
Barker: nerds and dorks are totally different King: what do you mean, what's the difference? Barker: let me explain it this way Barker: you stephen are a dork Barker: but edgar is a nerd Poe: now hold on there Mary Shelley: no he's right
Heinlein: I call this story Heinlein: In the Realm of the Electric Medusas, What Measure the Measure of a Man? Heinlein: it's about a space guy who shoots aliens Heinlein: with a laser
King: what kind of aliens? Heinlein: what? King: what kind of aliens? Heinlein: oh like i dunno Heinlein: big green bug-eyed slug monsters Heinlein: you know like just your standard alien Heinlein: the one everyone's writing Heinlein: the important thing is they get shot
Heinlein: you know what i love about aliens? Heinlein: you can just beat 'em up! Pow Zap! Bang! Heinlein: shoot them with a big gun!!! Heinlein: and no pinko commie's gonna tell you to stop! ha ha! yeah! Heinlein: hey do you guys play warhammer?
Heinlein: so do you guys play warhammer? Barker: no King: not really Poe: nope Koontz: uh uh Lovecraft: no Heinlein: Heinlein: oh Heinlein: do you WANT to play warhammer?
Heinlein: see what's cool is, it's both a game and a collection Heinlein: look at these cool space marines Heinlein: pretty bad ass don't you think? Heinlein: i wish they gave them more guns tho Heinlein: so i was reading about these new rare miniatures in stormbringer magazine Barker: oh my god i'm dying
Heinlein: so anyway everyone knows the chaos space marines are the best faction cuz you can access specific Stratagems using the chaos emeralds Barker: i can't take this nerd shit Barker: [weakly] mary please Barker: [weakly] save us from these nerds Barker: [weakly] bring your shiv
Barker: hey did you see starship troopers? Heinlein: hell yeah brother!!! i love that shit! Heinlein: love when they shoot the bugs! Yeah! Heinlein: i love that shit Heinlein: UNIRONICALLY!
Heinlein: starship troopers movie is so cool Heinlein: i love it! Heinlein: it's totally what i saw in my head when i wrote the book! Heinlein: they captured my ideas perfectly! Heinlein: what Heinlein: what's so funny
Barker: haha you dingus, it was a satire! they were making fun of you haha Heinlein: what? shut up! Heinlein: stop mocking me! Heinlein: I'm a serious hard science fiction writer! Heinlein: I predicted the water bed!
Heinlein: bang! pow! i love killing aliens! Heinlein: oh, you're different than me huh alien? huh? is that it?! Heinlein: where the fuck do you get off?! Heinlein: [miming gun] bang! bang! Heinlein: and that's why i'm a member of the SFWA
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prince-kallisto · 8 months
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“An amusement park full of free games, rides, and food? I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to take a day off from my strenuous duties to goof off- I mean to supervise you all!”
This is my silly design for Crowley’s “Playful Land” event costume haha \(//∇//)\ Since the full story isn’t out yet, I may have jumped the gun a bit…but since all the students look like puppets, I thought it would be fun for Crowley to have a ringmaster theme. However, the outer accessories were meant to disguise him as a clown with a lot of inspiration drawn from carnival/fair attractions like carousels, shooting games, etc. But underneath it all, he’s still wearing a ringmaster’s outfit, if that makes sense
I talk more about my concept sketches and thought process below!
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These two photos above are meant to be the final concept art showcasing my mental image of how his outfit works haha.
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This design came to me surprisingly quick since I had a strong mental image of what I wanted him to look like. However, I DO wish I kept exploring with his design. I usually spend a lot of time in the exploration phase, especially when it’s for a nicer drawing. This above concept art was pretty much the “final” design I made before I started drawing him. And as you can tell from the finished art, there were quite a few changes…the amount of changed details alone make it an entirely different outfit haha. It caused me a lot of pain while sketching AND inking…I think I got overexcited with this event and I jumped right into inking. In fact, I had a start from scratch after inking my first art- the proportions and design was all wrong haha. A lesson learned.
From the start, I knew I wanted a ringmaster-disguised-as-a-clown theme, but I think the detachable clown pants really put it all together haha. I like outfits that can “shed” themselves to reveal a hidden theme underneath.
In his initial final design, he had a red feathered coat, meant to resemble the feathers in the students hats. This was one of the many things that changed last minute because I didn’t like how the big cost looks in Crowley’s pose haha. But I like this change better actually- it stands out to his usual headmasters coat, and it resembles Malleus’s masquerade cape. His coat lapels are decorated to look like a piano- I think there was a piano scene in Pinocchio? I actually didn’t check at all…
The carousel hat was the first thing I came up with haha, I thought it was funny. I wonder if it’s functional…that would be a funny animation haha. His bird mask is too iconic to drastically change, so it’s just a different color and shape with some beading to look like clown makeup/tears. I love how the novel describes Crowley as flamboyant yet melancholic…
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I’ve only gone to a fair once in my life many years ago, so I had to search up common carnival games. I’ve seen festival games in Japanese media, where a rifle with a wooden cork is used to shoot down plushies/other prizes- and I think it would be a really fun and eccentric cane design haha. Perhaps if someone is really misbehaving, he can aim a cork at them? 🤭
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The shape of his tie and thigh harness was another sudden design choice made during official drawing, but I like it! It incorporated the ribbons everyone else has without having Crowley being the one “controlled.” The gold points on his shoes are actually removable- it’s part of his “clown” theme. The white spats were made to match him with Fellow Honest- like a hint that he’s not one of the performers since he matches with the owner of Playful Land. Ahhh I’m still learning how to use gouache, and the background was a mess…but it’s inspired off of this Pinocchio concept art! It’s so gorgeous! I’m sorry Ortho…
And finally, the masks on his waist. They’re wrapped around his waist with rope, and are made to resemble the faces of certain characters. Average Kallisto moment of being the most unsubtle person ever with my theories LMAO. Anyway, I thought it would be the perfect event to include various masks on his costume in a similar placement where the mirrors are in his regular outfit. Since he has a lot of carnival game themes in his outfit, perhaps he can pretend he’s a mask vendor haha.
@marrondrawsalot Haha I’m not sure if you remember, but a long while back I made a Glorious Masquerade Crowley design, and we decided that I could tag you if I made a future event design. It’s been a while! 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
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kimbap-r0ll · 6 months
Happy Holidays for all those that celebrate! Here’s something semi-related to the holiday season (I’ll be writing something more shit-posty for tomorrow haha). Not sure if I’ve done this before but here it is!
Dorm Leaders in a Snowball fight
Will not participate unless provoked
He takes it seriously, honestly more seriously than he should. Like magic will be involved and his aim is no joke
If it’s with an s/o or so he’s a bit nicer though still a bit competitive. Loser has to buy hot chocolate or so, that kind of thing
He prefers to read by a fireplace but also likes to let his inner childhood recover by joining a snowball war on the campus courtyards. He will likely target Ace and Deuce if they do the same and will team with Trey
He didn’t want to be part of it but here he is now having been hit by Lilia on accident
If Malleus is involved (or anyone in Diasomnia tbh) he will be super competitive. He’s also super athletic so he will have super endurance haha.
I think he would honestly just like sleeping in or doing some snowboarding/skiing activity during the winter holiday season. However snowball fights (especially more serious ones) do pique his interest
He doesn’t throw as hard with an s/o thankfully, however he has no problem hurling huge mounds of snow at other people :/
I feel like his first reaction to being hit by snow would be line “😰” and then suddenly he’s throwing a wall of snow because magic + arm strength
He is super competitive and snowball fights will just feed into that. He doesn’t like confrontation but if needed he will participate. He’s sneaky, he’s good at throwing things, but he has low endurance
With an s/o he will likely throw a very small amount of snow and will be super nice haha. However in any other circumstance he’s with Jade and Floyd with a whole snow fortress
He usually likes sitting and reading by a fire too during the winter, but he also likes to listen to holiday jazz classics
He probably started the snowball fight first in his own dorm but then it grew into the entire school haha
Super chill and not that competitive. He’ll give his all but that doesn’t mean he’ll be sneaky or try to use magic to win. He’s just there to have fun and will do just that
With an s/o I feel like a snowball fight would result after a snowman building competition or so. Like it’s not the first thing in his mind but it can happen
He usually likes to just make hot chocolate and watch movies. However he also likes to play in the snow (mostly because his hometown doesn’t get any). He works with Jamil who might do most of the hard work in snowball fighting haha
Literally tried to avoid getting involved but was hit by accident from Epel and he immediately got ready haha
Competitive! He wants to do it with grace however so he looks good throwing snow at people but he’s also super good at throwing in general. He has Rook as well so whoever’s fighting Vil might wanna give up before a snow mound gets catapulted in their way
Vil likes watching vintage films or spending the holidays listening to good music and just chilling. If he had an s/o they would be part of his hobbies. They might go shopping too!
He’s just an overall menace in like everything. He would throw super well and might get on a competitive streak with Azul and Riddle
Probably got involved by accident. He was just walking and minding his own business (watching a gameplay) when suddenly snow hit his face. Ortho might’ve also convinced him to play
Not the best thrower but will find a tech that works for him (lmao make a snowball gun thing) and he just becomes a menace on the courtyard. He’s probably playing alongside Ortho
With an s/o he probably doesn’t throw snow back, just tells them like he found it kind of funny (might be a bit embarrassed tbh). He likes to spend time indoors and will want to play games with them on holidays
Overall I think he would rather watch people than be part of the fight. He might become the unofficial game announcer if people really want him to be it haha
It was pure accident (maybe) when Leona hit Malleus with some snow. The next thing people knew hundreds of snowballs were hurled into the air
He’s not super competitive but likes to give his all, which means magic is involved and it’s almost deadly fighting with him haha. He has super good aim and has crazy high endurance when he’s really into something, so the game might go on four a really long time
With an s/o, he’s pretty nice about throwing snow. If anything, he’d rather go ice skating or do something wholesome with them (he has a soft spot for cute activities people just don’t know it).
Overall if he and Lilia are on your team y’all will win that snowball fight on the school courtyard 200%. He’s kind of competitive but honestly is just happy he’s invited to an event
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cwritesforfun · 1 month
(Top Gun Maverick) Bob Floyd x Fem!Reader: I Like You
Inspired by the scene in which Bob is introduced lol ;) ***I do not own the lines from the scene - they're in italics and bold. I also do not own the Top Gun Maverick characters*** Y/N = Your Name & Your Call Sign is Lightstrike
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Bob's POV
I've been eating my peanuts sitting here watching everyone talk. They talked to me and Hangman called me a stealth pilot. He did say it was a joke though. I don't get it. I saw this really pretty girl in uniform walk in and she went to the bar earlier. I wonder who she is.
I hear, "Hey, is anyone sitting here?" I turn to see the pretty girl standing there holding a beer in one hand and a basket of fries in the other. I shake my head and she sits down before asking, "What do they call you?" I answer, "Bob." She asks, "No, your call sign?" I answer, "Uh...Bob." She asks, "Bob Floyd? You're my new backseater? From Lemoore?" She is who I'm going to be working with. Oh boy, I'm not going to last long at all. I reply, "Looks like it. Yeah." She replies, "Very nice to meet you, Bob. My name is Y/N and my call sign is Lightstrike." I ask, "How did you get that call sign?" She answers, "My first Captain said it was because I fly super fast and can strike at any distance. Some of the boys say it's because I'm super light and I can hit any target. So either way, I can strike." I reply, "Well, it's super cool. It's way better than mine." She replies, "Then you should turn the negative connotation of baby on board into a positive one. For example, babies like to explore, so maybe so do you. I don't know. I'm just going to stick to my drink." I laugh and say, "It's okay. I've accepted it... do you know any of the others?" She answers, "I do, yeah. Phoenix is one of the only females I get along with. I grew up with Rooster. Hangman calls me his little sister. The others are cool too." He replies, "Oh cool. You grew up with Rooster?" She answers, "He's my twin. Can't you tell?" I cough on my peanuts and I hear, "Bob? Are you treating my sister right?" I see Rooster standing there in front of me. I do see the family resemblance now.
You look between Rooster and Bob. You think Bob had no idea that you were related to Rooster/Bradley. It's funny. You thought everyone knew. To be fair, you were the quieter one. People forgot about you until you outshined them... then they remembered... THE NORTH REMEMBERS!!! Haha Game of Thrones reference anyone?
Bob says, "I just found out you two were related." Rooster laughs and says, "Surprise! We're twins!" Bob laughs and his smile is so cute. Oh, it is over if I think someone I work with is cute... oh boy... You hear, "How are my favorite twins?" You sarcastically reply, "Funny I thought your favorite twins were Ellie and Ella from last summer? I remember you vividly telling us about your experience with twins and how it was the best you've ever had." Hangman gasps and says, "I'm shocked and proud you remember. How dare you bring up an ex of mine?" Rooster replies, "Technically exes in this case." Hangman replies, "Not you too, Rooster. Damn it, I hate you two. I'm going to get another round." You reply, "Ok, but let's not repeat last year on August 1?" Hangman flips you off before he leaves. Rooster says, "God I hate that he is on this assignment too. If I lose my temper, it's because of him. I'm calling it now." Bob replies, "He doesn't seem that bad." Rooster replies, "Just wait... I think I need another drink now that I'm thinking about this." He walks off and you say, "Rooster is just very negative sometimes. Hangman is overly confident in his abilities, but he is good at what he does. It angers Rooster and they're fierce rivals." Bob replies, "I understand."
Phoenix slings her arms around your shoulder and says, "Hi, please join my team for pool. I know we'll win if you're on my team. Please please please." You laugh and say, "Sure, Phoenix. I'll join. Bob, can you watch my drink and my food?" He nods and smiles.
You walk up to see you're up against Fanboy and Hangman. Hangman exclaims, "Lightstrike and Phoenix... you'll be tough to beat, but I think we can. Right, Fanboy?" Fanboy replies, "I think we can too." You exclaim, "Phoenix, we're going to crush the boys. Right?" Phoenix replies, "H**l yeah!" Phoenix and Fanboy do rock paper scissors to see who will start... unfortunately Fanboy starts... this could be bad. Hangman is good and given the chance to start, he can usually put at least 16 points on the board. Oh boy:( Sure enough, he does. Phoenix goes and ties up the game. Whew:/ ... You and Phoenix end up winning by 4 points. The boys ask for a rematch, but you accept only if they buy you both a round of drinks. They agree and they win round two. Bob chimes in occasionally with funny remarks and you're glad he doesn't seem as quiet as before. He's cute when he's happy.
You're doing 100 push-ups, see a shadow, see Hangman, and sigh. You ask, "What's up, Hangman? I'm guessing you don't have to do 100 push-ups." He answers, "No I don't, sucker. But anyway, I wanted to talk to you." You reply, "Well, I'm kind of stuck here, so go ahead. Talk away." He laughs and says, "You have no idea how good that sounds. Well you see there's this girl that I really like and I'm trying my best to be on good behavior around her, but she thinks I'm a douche still. I want her to know that I want to go on a date with her and I was wondering how I should ask her out. I was hoping you have ideas on what girls like." You ask, "What are some things she's mentioned before that she likes?" He answers, "She always is drinking Corona and she wears these little charm bracelets every week to the bar. It's really cute how she has things she likes and she's loyal to them." You reply, "God, you're such a sucker for her. Listen, buy her a pack of Corona and a charm bracelet. There's a cute boutique on Main Street called Auntie May's Boutique and they have all kinds of bracelets. Just look around and pick one. When you give them to her, be upfront with her about your feelings for her and she'll be more willing to say yes." You hit 100, stand, and ask, "Why did you come to me for advice? You know my love life is pretty barren." He answers, "I trust you not to make fun of me, and come on girl, we both know Bob likes you. Do you like him?" You answer, "Even if I did like him, why would I date a coworker? It could ruin the mission." He replies, "But you don't know until you try. I don't think Bob is the type for a quickie or a fling. He has seemed all in for you since day one. When we were at the bar, you first arrived and I caught him watching you. He was blushing when I asked him about it. I'm not saying he's the one, but I'm saying, you should go for it." You nod and reply, "I might. Thanks for listening. Bradley will give me h**l if I tell him that I like Bob or if I tell him anything dating-related." He replies, "Yeah well he's your brother who needs to know that you can make your own decisions and live your own life. Screw him not literally but you get what I'm saying." You laugh.
Meanwhile ... Bob's POV
I find Rooster sitting on a bench and ask, "Hey man, mind if I sit?" Rooster answers, "Of course dude. I don't care." I sit down and stare out at the planes in front of me. Wow, I never sit here. I didn't realize how the planes looked from over here. I hear, "Dude? Bob? Hello." I turn to see Rooster looking at me and he asks, "Penny for your thoughts?" I answer, "I uh ... I really like a girl and I'm scared to ask her out." He asks, "Is the girl my sister? You can be honest if it is. I don't mind." I nod and answer, "Yeah, she's just perfect." He laughs and replies, "I wouldn't say that, but she's pretty cool. Look dude, I know you're into her. I see it all over your face whenever she's around. If you like her, I would just be honest and say it. The worst that could happen is she rejects you and you move on or you never ask her out and never know what could've happened with her. Wait for us to be at the Hard Deck this weekend and buy her a drink then tell her. I think she likes you too, but she doesn't talk to me about boys." I laugh.
The Hard Deck ... Y/N's POV
You just arrived at the Hard Deck because Rooster was supposed to drive you and he bailed. He's probably inside, but he didn't drive you, which is weird.
You see Bob waiting outside on his phone, so you walk up and ask, "Hey, is everything okay?" He asks, "Why wouldn't it be?" You answer, "You are outside and on your phone. I just assumed you were dealing with something serious out here." He replies, "No uh ... nothing serious. I was playing a word game as I waited for you. I wanted to see you and ask if I could buy you a drink." You reply, "Sure Bob, I would love that. Let's head in."
You both head inside and to the bar. Bob gets you both a beer then he leads you to a table away from your friends. You start sipping your drink and you notice him start fidgeting. You reach over, put your hands on his, and say, "Hey Bob, what's up?" He exclaims, "I uh... I bought you a drink because I like you. I think you're perfect despite what your brother says and I want to take you out on a date." You reply, "Despite what my brother says? I'm going to bring that up to him later... But wait you like me? I like you too. I was planning on telling you soon, but I didn't know how. Hangman told me to just go for his style, and I did not like that sound." He laughs and replies, "I don't like the sound of that either. So uh we like each other, that's good. Are you sure?" You answer, "Yeah I am. I've liked you since I met you. You're a really great guy, why wouldn't I be sure I like you?" He replies, "There's just other guys here that you could pick." You squeeze his hands in yours, kiss the back of his, and say, "I choose you, Bob. I really like you. I don't like the other guys the way that I like you. You're the only one I want to kiss and date." He smiles and says, "That's good... Um... Sorry if I seemed quiet when we first met, I was intimidated by how pretty you are." You reply, "That's okay, babe. I thought it was cute. You open up a lot more when we fly together, which was fun to discover." He replies, "That's because we're flying and I can't avoid or risk anything in the air." You reply, "Noted. Ask you important things in the air." He laughs and says, "No, don't. I don't want to mess us up." You laugh. 1 month later...
You've been on dates with Bob whenever you're both free. It's been great. You both have lots of fun together and he's been opening up to you more. You've been opening up with him too. He is really cute all the time and you try not to get flustered by it. Your time together flying has gotten more synchronized now that you both understand each other more. It's cool to see how the more you understand each other, the easier it is to interpret how each other will fly that day. The guys are constantly bugging the two of you for beating them at drills, which are not competitions ... they are literally just drills. The boys love to pester you both about your dating life too... they always try to ask questions that make you both blush so much. Rooster is supportive of you two but changes the topic every time someone tries to talk about your sex life. He always yells, "That's my sister!"
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working-dreamer · 1 year
I have seen the new Layton trailer and I have thoughts!
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It’s interesting that they made a point to say that in this American town Layton is just an anonymous gentlemen while Luke has been solving mysteries and growing his reputation as a detective. Makes me wonder how that will affect their dynamic. On one hand I think Layton would be happy to see Luke has thrived on his own but I also think Layton will feel sad that he missed out on watching Luke grow up.
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Will Layton feel oddly out of sorts because he’s so used to being well known? Or will he revel in the anonymity that this town brings? Will Layton wonder why Luke invited him since he seems to already have a handle on solving mysteries?
The website character portrait has new things to say about the characters. On Luke’s side it says he has become a detective. On Layton’s side… it says he has been acting on his own. Does this mean that Layton hasn’t done much of anything since the ending of Unwound Future? I mean it definitely makes sense because the ending of Unwound Future could naturally have left him depressed- what if that’s partly why Luke invited him to come solve a mystery in America? What if Luke just wanted see how Layton is holding up and to be there for him if needed? It probably won’t be that dark but that would be an interesting story right? Oh my heart!
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I don’t think this game retcons Kat’s story. This game takes place one year after Unwound Future. Kat’s adventure takes place years after. I have yet to see the whole anime so I don’t know if Layton says he hasn’t seen Luke since Unwound Future but if so that might be the only detail that’s changed.
Can we have a cameo from Phoenix Wright? Come on, that’d be perfect!
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Those sketches thooooo!!! Flora has grown up too!! Or maybe it’s Luke’s future wife?? Either way I’m excited!
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On one hand it’s kinda funny that the ending card featured bullets and two bullet holes because ‘haha of course they would include guns in America’ but on the other hand…. They included guns. Real guns. Real bullets. IF LAYTON OR LUKE GETS SHOT I’M GONNA GO FERAL!
Overall I am so excited for what the future holds! Game looks good! Big excite!
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