#gun wank
thefalloutwiki · 2 years
Were you previously aware...
That Fallout 4's Deliverer pistol was originally intended to take .32 caliber bullets?
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This ammo type was cut during development, although the files for the bullets in the Deliverer's magazine remain named "32Cartridge".
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You can read more about the Deliverer here
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ickypuppi3 · 1 year
“billy is evil incarnate” “billy is the worst guy in the world” “billy likes to run kids over” “billy is the real villain” “billy hates the gays” “b-”
billy hargrove stepping out of his car in 2x01:
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zimsrightantenna · 9 months
The fandom has woobified your poor little meow meow. In front of you is a gun with only 2 bullets, and you must use both. You can shoot the woobifier, your meow meow, or yourself.
Ps. Do not kill each other in the notes, please.
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Today I'm here to traumatize you with something probably not so groundbreaking but!! It broke my mind!! So I'm gonna share
I've been thinking about the sentence "you said 'trust me'" and why it felt a bit strange. Like, sure, Crowley trusts Aziraphale. We know that, we know Aziraphale knows that, they say it explicitly for once, so what is the matter
Well, the matter is that Aziraphale asked Crowley to trust him, like it was Aziraphale shooting the shot, but in reality we know it was Crowley the one with the loaded gun
So what was Crowley trusting?
Well, Crowley was trusting Aziraphale, who in return was trusting Crowley with his - technically only corporal - life.
Now, aside for the entire ordeal of not being actually dead only discorporated and ecc ecc, let's speak symbolism
Because in my humble opinion, this is the closest thing we have to an admission of feelings from both of them.
On one side, we have Aziraphale - who is having a quite exciting night between the nazis, the show, the miracle not working, the hots for his knight in a shining armor - who is saying "I know for sure you will never hurt me, you'll find a way, everything will be fine"
If we ever gonna get Aziraphale admitting he's lost his faith, I believe he's gonna recall this moment. He's not praying God, he's on his own, and he's not afraid
(what was it? Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me)
On the other side, Crowley is just having a nightTM: saving their angel in distress (nice), him being grateful (NICE), contraband gone wrong (less nice), flirting with the angel (I don't know how else to call it)(niiice)
A normal tuesday.
Then, the miracle stopped working and they are on their own and they're pointing a loaded gun to their angel and oh boy things are going south fastly. The camera does a great amazing job in expressing how stressed Crowley feels with the trembling and the movement, just right on the spot. It starts trembling from the moment the gun is passed to Crowley, and its underlined when they cut to Furfur and it's perfectly stable, and stops only when the trick is done (amazing I love it)
Crowley is terrified, but Aziraphale said "Trust me" and he did. Only, it's not Aziraphale who is doing the risky part in theory, by shooting and aiming while never firing an arm before. But in practice? He totally is.
From facts, it's not news for us that they'd do anything to keep the other safe, but they can never acknowledge it, right? But here he is, entrusting his very own existence in Crowley capable hands and not only it's risky for a number of reasons, no, that's straight away nuts from any point of view. And it's even nutter (ehehehe like Agnes) when you realize he's doing the very same thing in the 67 by gifting him holy water.
I've always found odd that change of heart by Aziraphale. I couldn't only be because he found the entire heist thing silly, but it's not like they gave us more material to work with.
But in the light of what we saw in the 41 I feel a little bit more certain to say that Aziraphale is moving on the same feeling he moved in the bullet catch.
"I trust you to not hurt me, I trust you to not kill yourself because you know what it would mean to me"
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Of course, they cannot speak of it. Of course, all they have is flirty banter and Crowley hyping Aziraphale up for his show. Of course, when Aziraphale gave them holy water, he nearly couldn't stop their feelings from coming to the surface and Aziraphale needed to be the one to put a break on it. They had one (1) public appearance and it took an earthly miracle to not get discovered.
All they had, for so much time, was those silent confessions and those candle light lit and glasses of wine shared. Someday, tho, they will dine at the Ritz (metaphorically, too). (And maybe have some go--sat--damn explicit conversation about their mutual feelings towards each other)
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hussyknee · 1 year
Did they.... Really say.... Machine guns.... Protect minorities.... What--
They really said "RIP to y'all but my Good Guy With A Gun is different".
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sorry i still think that Phone Sex But Not But There's A Phone And Mine's Being Unhinged minedai fic's cinema. in text form.
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divinekangaroo · 8 months
death is a tree you plant in my chest - pettiot - Peaky Blinders (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | ongoing
Primarily set in the evening of S4-E4, Tommy invites Alfie to dinner after they finish establishing terms regarding Bonnie's debut fight. Flashbacks between S3 and S4, Alfie's youth, and Alfie's war experience; forward flashes to mostly S5.
Might be the last time they don't fuck, Alfie thinks. So why not.
Tommy Shelby/Alfie Solomons, Tommy Shelby & Alfie Solomons, Alfie Solomons/George Sage, Polly Gray, Charles Solomons, Many Other Contemporaneous Gangster Mentions, Solomons Family, Various Italians, Sabini | Unrequited Something-Something, Violence Fetish, Masochism, Chronic Pain, The Intersection of Kink Masochism and Chronic Pain, Longing, Fear of Death and Incapability, Cancer Diagnosis, Diagnosis Repercussions, Shock, Flashbacks, Not Coping Despite Appearances, Theatrical References, Backstory, Hand Jobs, Fantasising, Fisting, Fucking, Frottage, Dinner Date, Terrible Humour, Humiliation, Gangs, Jewish Rituals and Traditions, Unreliable Narrator, Internal Monologue, Mass Animal Death, Death Fetish, War Trauma, Class Issues, Ethnic Slurs, Slaughterer Trauma, Attempted Gangrape, Rape, Crossdressing, The Book of Leviticus, A Surprising Amount of Procreation Imagery, Deep Friendship, Deep Hurt, Prostitution, Complicated Relationship with Religion, Piercing, Tattoos, Dehumanisation, Size Kink, Gun Kink, Symbolism, Metaphorical Animal Avatars, Breaking the Third Wall, First Gen Immigrant
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
i’m confused because is that not literally how she’s written in the show- her storylines do revolve her love life 99% of the time
like as shitty as that is, it is canon & surely you can’t blame fans for how crap the shows writing is and how characters are depicted?
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chocolatepot · 2 years
The funny thing about someone getting big mad at me for saying "I don't think Izzy's autistic, I just think he's an asshole," is that I've been so much meaner to Izzy in fic.
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selamat-linting · 9 months
"im like that friend that you love deep down but im so god damn problematic but you still love me because im funny" max no, that defense only work if youre a heel. its not even a good base for a tweener type of character, you just described a person that everyone should ditch if they have an ounce of moral backbone and maturity. youre just acting as a garbage and expecting people to cheer for you. but then again, i guess the most loud and toxic part of the fanbase is comprised of those types of people so he gotta pander to them instead of the good (and majority) part of the fanbase.
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 10 months
imagine wanting a powerpoint presentation over how starfield actually tells you how the decisions you made in the game affected your universe.
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void-tiger · 1 year
…oh for.
God doesn’t have a gender, or if you want to be literal, God is genderfluid. The angels are agender and genderfluid. There’s a lot I have gripes with in the bible, especially with how Literal To An English Translation, To Heck With Trying To Remembering Jewish Culture And Jewish History with how Murican Protestants insist on using it, but God’s Gender (or, lack thereof) isn’t one of them. Actually sometimes that’s where I can find SOME comfort.
Oh and you’re gonna bring up a transgender shooter, but NEVER EVER the multitude of WHITE CIS GENDERED HETEROSEXUAL MALE SHOOTERS? Shut up. I suppose I should be “grateful” it hasn’t been “a talking point” before we had a member’s southern retired pastor father giving the sermon…
[tries to not walk out during the sermon but it is a close call. hell I even have an out with my health today so.]
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hussyknee · 1 year
Note to self: block, do not engage.
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iii-days-grace · 2 years
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I found this on an ecology group on Facebook, the context is Disney buying every media on the planet
but it also works as a commentary on fandoms turning on the creators and/or fandom wank and purity wars 🐸
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maipareshaan · 1 year
Honestly it does make sense, like there is a difference between jokes and stuff.
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luciftixs · 1 year
#is it too much to ask for buff hong lu
There’s smth abt seeing ppl JUST NOW talking abt this as if it’s not been obvious that Hong Lu is jacked. Like all his alts got that muscle going on. We been knew
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