#gunblade duo
tildeathiwillwrite · 1 month
My time has come!
A writing request! Could be OCs or generic whump, whichever you're more comfortable with!
Whumpee and Caretaker got into a bad argument, and Whumpee leaves. Caretaker left them alone for a few days until they learned that Whumpee has been kidnapped and being held as bait for them. Despite the fight and the fact it was a trap, they rescued Whumpee from their kidnappers. Cue apologies and hurt/comfort ❤️
Thank you so much for the request! (Rules here)
It took me about two weeks but I managed to get 3600 words out of this prompt, and I chose to go with the Gunblade Duo (Draven and Octavian). I had a lot of fun with this, enjoy! :D
CW: swearing, blood, guns, concussion, passing out, tied up, knife wounds, implied mauling, abduction, referenced abduction, arguing, death, alcohol
A/N: This takes place during The Hunter, the Myth and the Cure and is not canon to the story. There is some reference to the events leading up to this one-shot, and implied reference to the events of The Watcher and the Thief. None of that is relevant for reading and enjoying the story :)
Tag List: @fourwingedsnake @pigeonwhumps
The trek back through Zariya was even more tense than the initial trip. Octavian must’ve sensed Draven’s displeasure. He was silent for much of the journey, only speaking to point out notable sounds and scents. Draven should’ve offered thanks. It was what a decent person would have done, considering any of the people they avoided due to Octavian’s warnings could have had ill intentions.
Draven, however, wasn’t in the mood to be a decent person.
“I apologize that the party was a bust,” Octavian finally said. They were drawing close to the safe house where the devar and Reese were staying until Draven felt it was safe for them. Octavian was, for some reason, even more paranoid than Draven about keeping the kid safe, so even if Draven decided the search for her had subsided, they might still be stuck with her for a while yet.
“You don’t sound very sorry,” Draven muttered as they rounded a corner, dodging around the pool of light illuminated by a nearby street lamp. The party had been his idea; to draw out some of the higher-profile targets the evening before a full moon. The smart ones would decline. The foolish ones would accept and try to depart early.
Unfortunately, only one of them was clever enough to avoid the party. Of the ones who attended, only one tried to leave early. And that was because she hated staying around the crowd of partygoers for too long.
“Personally, I don’t see it as a total loss.”
Draven exhaled sharply. “Really? How so?” When they’d returned to the party, he’d been pissed to discover that two of the attending targets had slipped out while they were distracted with the noblewoman. This little piece of information had turned one confirmed suspect into three.  Three more lycanthropes they had to track down. Draven was beginning to get sick of the whole thing. But money was money, and he was getting paid a lot of money.
Octavian indicated a pair of figures ahead of them on the street, and they ducked into an adjoining alley. “I spoke with a former Draigo contact. Most of the human confidants were never made public, we’re lucky I recognized him from a previous mission.”
Yeah. We. “And?”
“He all but confirmed what I already suspected. The stronghold in the south burned down before the plague claimed its first victims. It was unrelated.”
“And this is relevant because…?” They emerged from the alley. Draven quickly glanced around before turning south. Almost there.
Octavian hesitated. “I… it means that I can trust my memories from right before… you know….”
Draven rolled his eyes. “Sure.”
“Are you still annoyed that those targets got away from us?”
“Of course I’m annoyed!” Draven snapped, stopping in his tracks. “More than annoyed, I’m fucking furious! The plan was to eliminate four difficult targets from my list, not one!” He folded his arms, glaring at Octavian. “And your ‘relevant’ information was all but useless. It was a complete dead-end, and the cost is definitely coming out of my pay, and—”
Octavian hissed through his teeth sharply. “Of course it all comes down to money for you. Typical.”
Draven folded his arms, hands clenched into fists. “At least I’m not the one in denial about the greatest tragedy in the last decade!”
Octavian’s mouth snapped shut, and his expression changed from mild annoyance to barely concealed rage. If looks could kill, Draven would be six feet under and decomposing. “I can see myself to the safe house.” He finally spit out through gritted teeth, “Good night, Cozenson.”
He turned on his heel and stalked away, quickly melting into the shadows between the buildings. Draven gritted his teeth and walked in the opposite direction. He needed a drink.
- - - - -
Of course it all comes down to money for you.
Draven knocked back the remnants of his drink. The alcohol did little to numb the shame that curled around his mind, threatening to pull him under. He slammed the shot glass on the counter, causing the other empty glasses to rattle. Since when did he care about what de Silv thought... of all people! 
A few feet away, the bartender of the random tavern Draven had stormed into eyed him with a questioning look. Draven waved him off. “I’m done for the night, I’ll settle my tab now.”
He fumbled with the strings on his coin purse with numb fingers, growing more annoyed by the second. Drinking away his frustrations had never worked in the past. Why would it this time? And now he was guaranteed a hangover in the morning. 
This was all de Silv’s fault.
The door to the tavern opened, and several pairs of feet stomped on the wooden floor. A bit late for a party. Draven finished paying for the drinks, frowning as the bartender grabbed the money with a fearful expression on his face and quickly ducked into the kitchen. As he turned to leave, he found a group of five well-armed men, all wearing identical black metal masks, standing behind him. “I was just leaving,” he said, moving to walk around them.
The group moved with him, keeping between him and the door. “Look,” Draven snapped, words slurred from the alcohol, “As much as I’d love to settle whatever score you got with me, I’m surprisingly not in the mood. So if you could just get out of my way and we could go on with our merry lives….”
No response. All five men stared at him in silence. Well, he assumed they were staring at him. He couldn’t tell, what with the masks completely obscuring their faces.
“‘Kay,” Draven muttered, reaching for his pistol, “I did warn you.”
His attackers sprang into action, surrounding him on all sides. But Draven only focused on the one directly in front of him.
Crack! Cra—!
He only got to aim one shot before he was tackled from the side. Even with unsteady hands, his aim was true, and he earned a cry of pain and a spray of blood for his efforts. The second shot went wide, the bullet embedding itself in the far wall. Draven stumbled sideways as his assailant tried to wrestle the gun away from him, the other three advancing.
Temporarily freeing his gun arm, Draven slammed the butt of the pistol against the side of his attacker’s head and pressed the business end against the bare skin of his neck. The other man stumbled back, one hand clutching his head, the other pressed against the burn caused by the hot metal.
Draven whirled around and almost fell over as the world continued to spin. He swore and drew his other pistol, blindly firing with his non-dominant hand as he stumbled backward towards the door. He didn’t notice the movement behind him until it was too late.
Pain exploded in Draven’s head. The force of whatever had hit him sent him to the floor, his weapons falling from numb fingers and clattering out of reach. What…?
What… in the depths…?
Strong hands seized him and began to drag him away. Draven watched through half-open eyes as one of the remaining masked men picked up his pistols. Darkness bled into the edges of his vision.
They… they don’t want me dead…?
That… that’s not…
…not good…
- - - - -
Octavian dealt with his anger in the only way he knew how: sharpening his knives. He’d been doing that a lot lately, he realized, especially since he officially started working with Draven. It wasn’t just anger that prompted him to do something repetitive like knife sharpening, it was also worry, and stress. Both were also incredibly prominent in his life.
As a result, they had become incredibly sharp over the last couple of years. So sharp Octavian didn’t notice he had cut his hand until Reese pointed it out. “You’re, uh, bleeding.”
His jaw clenched as he carefully set the offending weapon aside and accepted the handkerchief she handed him. “I must’ve been more distracted than I thought,” he muttered, wiping away the pale red liquid from the cut. It wasn’t deep, thankfully, but it was long, cutting along the side of his left pointer finger.
Octavian stared at the cut, watching the blood drip down his hand in morbid fascination. At least I’m not the one in denial about the greatest tragedy in the last decade! Even if the words had come from a place of emotion, intending to hurt, he couldn’t deny the truth behind them. Call it optimism, call it hope, it was all the same.
He pressed the cloth against the cut as Reese returned—when had she left?—with one of Draven’s spare bags. She handed Octavian the augri and bandages before sitting down next to him. She picked up the knife, still wet with his blood.
“…It’s been three days.”
Octavian hissed out through his teeth. The clear liquid was cold against his skin but searing hot like fire on the wound. Three days since the party, yes. Three days since we last parted, yes. “And?”
Reese carefully cleaned the blood off the edge of the weapon. The edges of the bandages on her forearms peeked out from underneath her sleeves. Her own wounds were healing, but they still needed to be covered. In a couple more days, she wouldn’t need the bandages. “I just… three days… is kind of a long time… to be left alone…?”
“You’re worried about Cozenson.”
She nodded.
Octavian sighed through his nose as he wrapped a thin strip of cloth around his finger. “He can handle himself.”
Her jaw tightened, and she hesitated before speaking. “You’re still angry with him.”
Octavian made a noise of indifference.
“So… so you don’t think any one of his enemies might have gotten him? You’re not worried at all?”
He opened his mouth to argue that no, he wasn’t worried, and if the hunter had gotten himself into some sort of mess he could very well get himself out of it, but the look on Reese’s face made him reconsider his words. He exhaled slowly and held out his hand. She handed over the knife, and he slid it into his sheath.
The truth? Octavian was concerned, now that Reese had brought it up, that Cozenson had left him alone for so long. Granted, Octavian hadn’t gone out to meet him at the guild over the past three days, but even so, Draven barely went a day without checking up on Reese. He pretended otherwise, but he was as interested in the girl’s safety as Octavian was.
“If it’ll make you feel better,” he began, rising to his feet, “I’ll go check up on him.”
Reese jumped up and thrust the bag at him. “Here. You might need it.”
Octavian nodded and slung it over his shoulder. “I’ll be back soon. You know the rules.”
She all but shoved him towards the door, bolting it behind him as soon as it was closed. Octavian wasted no time setting off northeast, towards the Hunter’s Guild. He would ask around there first. And if nobody knew where Cozenson was, the next step would be breaking into his apartment.
And if the apartment offered no clues? Octavian brushed the thought aside as he turned up his hood to hide the tell-tale silver of his hair. It was early morning, and few people were nearby, but he didn’t want to risk running into Reese’s abductors, who were no doubt on the lookout for him. He still received odd looks from passersby, but it was better than nothing.
He wasn’t a skilled tracker for nothing. But he’d rather not have to go that far. A trail three days cold was going to be a nightmare to follow.
Octavian had only just gotten into the northern district of Zariya when he was approached by a familiar face. Thaddeus Kaneson? Octavian had worked with him briefly back when he first joined the Hunter’s Guild. As far as he was aware, Thaddeus would have no reason to know about his and Draven’s current job. Their partnership, maybe. Why is he here?
“De Silv,” the hunter greeted softly, joining him.
“Kaneson,” Octavian replied, not slowing his pace, “I thought you were in Caenum.”
Thaddeus shrugged. “I was. Got called back.”
“That’s not why you’re here.”
“No, it’s not.” Thaddeus stopped and pulled out a sealed envelope from a hidden pocket on his duster. “This was dropped off late last night. Nobody saw who did it.” He held it out. “It’s for you. I got the short straw of trying to deliver it. Glad I found you quickly.”
Octavian hesitantly took it. His name was scrawled on the front with thick, dark letters. Thaddeus turned to leave, but Octavian touched his arm, stopping him. “Have you seen Cozenson? Within the last couple of days?”
The hunter paused, thinking. “Can’t say I have,” he said, cracking a grin. “Why, did you lose your partner?”
Octavian sighed. “I’m concerned that he might have gotten himself into a situation that I will need to rescue him from before he gets himself killed.”
Thaddeus’ grin grew wider. “Celestials, you did lose him! Well, if I find him before you do, you’ll owe me drinks at the Laughing Bear.”
“I highly doubt that will happen, Kaneson.”
Thaddeus turned away, chuckling. “We’ll see about that, de Silv.”
Octavian let him go, fiddling with the envelope until the hunter was out of sight. Shaking his head, he ducked into the shelter of a nearby alley and turned it over. He ran a finger over the wax seal. Unbroken, but he knew there were ways to open it without damaging the seal. No design was imprinted on the dark red wax, the color oddly similar to human blood. Either no signet or the person who’d sent the letter did not want to be known.
Octavian’s suspicions grew as he broke the seal and pulled out the letter. One page, same messy lettering.
We have your partner. If you do not turn over Reese Takari, we will kill him. You have one week.
The paper crinkled under the force of Octavian’s grip, but he didn’t care. It was dated the night of the last full moon, three days before, with an address scrawled below the note. No signature, but he didn’t need it to guess who had sent it.
And he’d rather be damned to the depths than give Reese’s abductors what they wanted.
- - - - -
“I think I finally figured out what your mask reminds me of.”
The guard who had been assigned to watch Draven did not obviously react, but Draven noted the way his jaw visibly tightened under the stupid metal face mask.
Draven smirked despite the pounding in his head and the aching in his joints from being tied to the chair for so long. “Your mask specifically looks like a little obedient watchdog. One who only knows how to follow the orders of someone who’s done nothing but bitch at you.”
The guard, celestials bless his patience, remained motionless, holding his handgun, as he stood about as far as he could get from his charge without leaving the small, windowless room where Draven was kept. He had originally been in the main area of the random warehouse in the merchant district, but with the front door right there, he couldn’t help but almost escape twice. Now, he was about as far away from the door as he could get, though there were plenty of windows just outside the room.
“Personally,” Draven continued, “I don’t see why your boss—whoever the depths that might be—makes you wear those stupid masks. It’s not like I couldn’t identify you by the way you stand or anything.”
The guard’s knuckles turned white as he resisted the temptation to strike Draven across the face. Or at least that’s why Draven assumed he was gripping his weapon with such strength. Any more force and the gun would probably snap in half.
“So… when did your boss say the time limit was again? Three days left, now? I have a job to get back to.”
No response.
Dammit. Worth a shot.
Draven sighed and ran his fingers along the ropes tied around his wrists for the hundredth time since he’d been bound there after the second escape. Both of the knives hidden in his sleeves had gotten confiscated, all he had left was the one in his boot. Which was currently out of reach.
Not that it would do him much good at this point. With the one guard between him and the only exit, and at least two more standing outside between the door and the nearest windows, he wasn’t getting very far. They might actually shoot him this time if only to keep him from attempting escape with a more permanent solution.
Draven opened his mouth to ask another question, but before the words left his lips, the sound of shattering glass pierced the air. The guard jumped, startled, and darted out the door. Draven cocked his head, listening as chaos reigned. Screaming, shouting, gunshots, and running footsteps as his captors tried to contain whatever had gotten inside.
The person in charge, who wore an identical black metal mask with a single gold stripe across where the forehead would be, had claimed they could handle Draven’s partner if he chose to fight his way through. “De Silv would have no choice but to accept,” he’d gloated, “I have thirty men armed to the teeth. What does a single hunter have against that?”
Besides, Octavian had no reason to risk the kid for Draven. 
Why would he, after what Draven had said to him? 
If Draven were in his position, he would have just left him and gotten himself and Reese out of Zariya days ago while her abductors waited in vain.
Just as the thought crossed Draven’s mind, a familiar face appeared in the doorway. “Cozenson,” Octavian said in greeting. He was covered in human blood, the dark red liquid dripping from his knives and smeared on his face and clothing.
“De Silv,” Draven returned slowly.
“Surprised to see me?”
He sighed. “A little bit, yeah.”
Octavian casually tossed one of his knives into the air and caught it deftly. “I couldn’t just leave you to die at the hands of these masked imbeciles. I’m not you.”
The last sentence was unspoken, but the look on Octavian’s face implied it well enough. Draven opened his mouth to argue, to deny, but he hesitated. Octavian would know it was a lie. “Look,” he said, after a moment of thought, “I’m sorry. For what I said to you. I wasn’t being fair.”
The look of pure shock on Octavian’s face was priceless. “I….”
“I know, I’m apologizing. Big shocker.” Draven jerked his head to the side, indicating the ropes binding him to the chair. “Could you let me out? My hands are getting numb.”
Octavian blinked and slowly nodded. He crossed the small room in two strides and quickly sliced through the ropes. Draven jumped to his feet and staggered, vision tunneling. “Shit,” he muttered as Octavian steadied him. “Don’t get a concussion while drunk.”
“Noted.” Octavian considered the blood on his knives, lips pressed into a thin line, before wiping the blood off and sheathing them. “I also apologize. For leaving you alone. However much I detested your company at that point, we are partners.”
Draven sighed. “Yeah, couldn’t agree more.” He slowly stepped out of the room, noting the copious amount of blood and broken glass littering the warehouse floor. The bodies of the dead lay scattered about haphazardly. Most had died by Octavian’s blades. Two appeared to have been mauled. “So… thirty men?”
“Some of them fled,” Octavian said softly. “They assumed they were dealing with an elven hunter. They were half-right.”
Draven’s eyes landed on his guns, which rested on a table across the vast room. They appeared undamaged, thank the celestials. He could always get new guns, of course, but those were his guns. They’d seen him through many a hunt and duel and scuffle. He began to pick his way over, avoiding the corpses and the worst of the blood. “You seem conflicted.”
Octavian trailed after him “I think anyone would, in my position.”
“Has everything gotta be a damned riddle with you?” Draven reached the table and picked up one of his guns. Empty. The boss must’ve unloaded it. Pretty clever for someone working with limited knowledge. He gave the room another glance. From what he could see, none of the masks on the dead guards possessed the golden stripe. “Octavian, did you happen to kill a guy with a stupid-looking gold streak across his mask? ‘Cause that guy was a particular brand of asshole. And also the one in charge.”
He glanced back to find his partner staring into space, eyes moving back and forth. “No,” Octavian finally said, refocusing his attention on Draven. “He was one of the first to flee.”
“Damned coward.”
“‘Damned coward’, indeed.”
Draven returned his guns to their rightful places on his belt and gave the warehouse one last cursory look. “Guess I’m rooming with you and the kid for a little while.”
Octavian nodded. “Her abductors are surprisingly resourceful. She must’ve been a valuable prisoner.”
“Still hasn’t told you anything?”
Draven sighed. “I don’t know what they did with the knives I kept up my sleeve, but I’m tired, my head hurts, and I want nothing more than to go home.”
“Shall we depart then?”
“Celestials, stop being so formal. Let’s get out of here.”
Meme Summary
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on our fates alight--scouting
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Iyna took a bite out of the apple, chewing thoughtfully. The trap Erick had laid had yet to bear fruit, but it seemed that fortune had decided to favor them...slightly. They didn't know the location of the Scions, but two of their Dominants had shown up in the frontier town.
Unfortunately it was the two they knew little to nothing about.
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Valefor and Odin.
Of the latter, all Iyna knew was that Odin was a peerless warrior, a master of any weapon that it laid eyes on. Of its' Dominant, she knew that the man had left a trail of Eikon-hunter bodies behind him before joining the Scions. And for the former...nothing at all. Valefor had escaped Maelstrom Eikon-hunters in a fairly public spectacle--and as for its Dominant, there was zilch.
So it had been decided that Iyna and Erick would disguise themselves as adventurers--
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--or in the case of Erick, an adventurer who had just come into a lot of money--
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and shadow the pair around Mor Dhona for several days. Today Erick was kicking up a fuss with a local vendor, keeping all attention firmly on him while Iyna silently monitored the duo. It was the first time she'd been able to get within closer range of the two Dominants.
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Sharlayan accents, the both of them. Odin's is strong, but Valefor's...losing hers? The viera took another bite out of her apple, ears twitching.
They're close...but not romantic. He's protective of her, like a bodyguard or a sibling. Even taste-tests her food first--whenever they've let themselves eat at the tavern. She keeps him in her eyesight, and if he gets tired she makes him rest. Across the street, Erick was now in a shouting match with a vendor. This merited brief glances from Valefor and Odin at the ruckus, and then the two Dominants returned their attention to the book Valefor was holding.
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Those armor and weapons are extremely high quality as well. Perhaps they both came from money. Or are the Sharlayans like the Ishgardians, supporting their Dominants with every material need? Iyna made a mental note to request what data she could access on the isolationist city-state. Normally she would have more information from the local Garlean outposts, but the Eorzean Alliance had seized everything Gaius had. To gain access to van Baelsar's files would take time. Too much time for Erick's liking.
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Chakrams...the type the Thavniarian dancers wield. He has a gunblade--the Bozjan style by the looks of it. Well-used but in good condition for both weapons. That means they'll likely fight without semi or full Priming, and have the capacity to pull it off. Iyna finished her apple, thinking. They had tactics for Odin--but nothing for Valefor. If one believed the tales that came from the remnants of Gaius' troops and from Ishgard, Valefor's aerial abilities would present a serious problem.
Put one in danger, and the other will come running to their aid. If they caught Valefor, Iyna judged, Odin would come. While she didn't doubt that Valefor would do the same if Erick chose to capture Odin instead, she could see the young hyuran woman perhaps fleeing for help if told to do so. Time once again was a luxury that was ill afforded--Valefor and Odin could easily pack up and leave Mor Dhona at any day. Or the Scions could show up--thereby making any attempt against their Eikons akin to setting off a localized war.
We may have to leave these two alone for now. Not news Erick would be happy to hear, but Iyna didn't want to take any chances.
---- (Iyna belongs to @autumnslance and Erick belongs to @erickgage !)
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aquatic-hybrid · 3 months
High Impact Wharfrat
To say Akio's adrenaline seeking ventures were over the top in Bilgewater, they truly haven't seen him like this. Running with a bright smile on his face, weapon in hand, Akio sees a wooden fence on his way and uses a box to get enough momentum and distance to high-jump over the fence.
"Yeah!!!" Akio exclaimed loudly, what could be past that fence? Clearly some opposite gang members who were shaking things around, and they were clearly not in their proper territory, meaning naturally Akio is dealing with them. Once landed, Akio didn't even hesitate to rush one with a fist to their stomach. Then winding up a second fist with his left hand, smacking the other guy with the pommel of his blade.
"Sorry buds, but you are in the wrong side of the island. So I have to ask you to leave." Akio called out, as if he didn't just attack a guy out of nowhere in order to make an entrance. To no one's surprise, the other three fellows didn't take kindly to that entrance. Bummer, Akio really thought it would've work. Water under the piers as they say.
Watching the three guys square up to Akio, made the hybrid shrug and confidently carry a smile on his face. "You little blue fish! There are three of us and only one of you! Do you think you can fight all on your own?!" One of the grunts said angrily, even rolling his sleeve as he said it. With that, Akio chuckled and lowered his stance just a tad. "Oh buddy! Here is the thing, I am not alone this time!" He replied with glee.
Without any sign and barely any warning, the furious pitter-patters could be heard from behind Akio. A small Wharfrat rushing towards his owner's aid as it jumped on Akio's back and used his shoulder to boost his jump towards one of the grunts. The small happy Wharfrat has joined the fight! Roby the Wharfrat cannonballed the grunt, causing him to stagger back at the surprise attack. Making the Wharfrat bounce back to Akio's side, "Alright Roby! Time to put in work!" The happiness that came from Akio's words as he fought alongside his pet was obvious, even if he didn't need help, Roby allowed Akio to get more creative in the fights.
It goes without saying the fight began with a blast, seeing the other two grunts rush at the duo, Akio gladly rushed in to clash with one of them. As the second grunt went in to attack Akio, Roby once more climbed on Akio's back and jumped the grunt, mouth open and latching onto the guy's face. Akio wasn't sure if the muffled screams came from the pain of being bitten by what's equivalent to a baby land shark, or because he was now experiencing a face-full of Wharfrat breath.
Either way, Akio still knee'd the guy in front of him. Making them buckle over and now a perfect target to Akio's follow-up kick straight to the side of the head. Which made them crumple to the side, turning back to Roby, the grunt managed to pull the Wharfrat out from his face and tossed the little creature to the side. Akio didn't like that. Meaning, with a blade tilted to its blunt side, Akio spun around to wind-up a heavy horizontal slice. Even firing his gunblade to put an extra level of power to what was now a boosted metal bat aimed straight at the guy's ribs. The cracks that followed wasn't nice to hear, but neither was him tossing Roby to the side like that, so in Akio's eyes they were even.
Lastly, he heard the guy that was originally staggered by Roby finally stand up straight and come to his senses. Now, THIS made for a perfect scenario to what Akio and Roby practiced. A quick whistle made the little Wharfrat bounce back to his feet as if nothing happened, pattering to Akio's side and looking up at him. "Alright little guy, it's time." Clearly communicating what that meant to the slightly cross-eyed pet, Roby crawled up Akio's blue coat and up to his shoulder. Little Roby then jump upwards and spun into a small ball, at the same time, Akio did his own, clearly needed, spin. Catching Roby's ball from and throwing him like a high-speed baseball towards the man. Hitting square in the chest, the poor grunts coughing didn't let him notice Akio rushing over and deliver a heavy dropkick at the man. Perfectly tossing them away as Akio landed on his back.
Without wasting much time, Akio once more spun upwards to stand up, keeping his hand out and catching the still ball-shaped Roby. Who now instantly pop'd back into his normal shape. "Excellent job there you tiny creature! That will teach them a lesson, come on. Let us get some snacks for you." Akio said with joy as he placed the small Wharfrat down as they walked off. All they were asked to do was to beat up the guys, and that is all he did, Akio won't bother with the cleanup.
After all, what's better for the duo to get than some lunch after a fight?
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dragoon-mid-jump · 9 months
FFXIVWrite 2023 Prompt #26: Last
last (adj.): coming after all others in time or order; final; the lowest in importance or rank. last (v.): manage to continue in a job or course of action; survive or endure
Rating: T
Word Count: 851
"Come to me...Ifrit!"
Alisaie watched as wicked red-orange flames erupted out of Kouh'to's grimoire and engulfed him, putting her hand up to shield from the blast of heat. Black horns grew atop his head resembling the Primal's, and his hair changed color to match, spiking up and back, with flaming streaks coursing though them both. His clothes changed to resemble dark red and black armor; charred black spikes sprouted from his arms and legs, glowing like coals. From his grimoire, he pulled out a flaming sword resembling a gunblade, with a flourish, and the book itself vanished into the aether that comprised it. When she saw his eyes again, they, too, glowed that same fiery orange. He readied the blade.
With a battle cry, she charged, and wordlessly, he responded in kind, parrying her first strike with his own. The heat radiating off of him was already intense watching him from several yalms away. Being up close clashing blades magnified that, but she endured both it and his attacks.
Kouh'to made the flames on his blade burn brighter, driving Alisaie to break their blade lock with a few quick swings and backflip away. She summoned six aetheric blades and, with a swing of her sword, fired them at Kouh'to. They flew at him from multiple directions, making him block what he could with a shield of fire, while others struck him in open places.
Focus floating in her other hand, Alisaie swung her sword and white light swirled around her. Her blade began to shine with a ruby aura, and she charged at him again as he lunged after her. Each of her shimmering swings clashed with his vicious explosive strikes, blow for blow, sending red sparks of aether and cinders into the air. Dodging his next attack, she put her focus on top of her hilt and channeled her aether into a spell. A pearl of light appeared above Kouh'to and immediately descended down, enveloping him in a searing, blinding white light.
When the light and dust cleared, she called out to him. "You called yourself 'the least of your siblings' when it came to swordplay, but you're doing just fine keeping up with me!" Kouh'to slowly shook his head as he turned to completely face her.
"You're still standing after this long." He said plainly, pointing at her feet with his own blade. "Had I been my sister, you'd barely be able to get up off the ground after being swept around by now. Think about it."
It was true. Sparring with Y'dehlya always quickly left her winded, especially when she could convince the older woman to go as all-out as she could. The measure and method built resilience; it was how the Rhiktas themselves were trained later in life. But she was always left barely standing, if not flat on her back, and battered, with a blade pointed at her head, sometimes her throat for added effect, and its owner showing no signs of breaking a sweat; "coldly" demanding she stand once more to fight and patiently waiting like a hunter awaiting prey's movements. And Alisaie always did until she could no more, but even then. If it was anything, Y'dehlya found her tenacity admirable.
That was the strength of a warrior the world too often had to rely on for saving; the strength that earned targets on her back from their enemies. That was the strength she so wished to match, just so she could be there by her side, able to fight alongside her without getting swept away or overwhelmed, and to defend her when needed. Not to discredit the younger of the famous/infamous duo and just-as-dear friend, but U'reksh, they had all learned, was the more approachable in terms of his power and felt the same as they did in regards to Y'dehlya. Alisaie grit her teeth and clenched her fists, gripping her sword tighter.
"I...know how you feel." Kouh'to admitted, dispelling his Ifrit Trance. He crossed his arms and looked away. "I'm not...good...at these talks."
"No, I get siblings." She said before he could continue, giving him a small wry smile. "You know how I can be," she frowned and shook her head, "but I can only imagine what must go through your head whenever something massive happens to Dehlya. If Alphinaud were in her place, I wager I wouldn't be much different from you."
"Yeah, I'll bet."
"But, enough of our wallowing. If we're to match them--match her--then we must get stronger!" She raised her sword at him.
He smirked. "Let me up the ante, then."
"What do you have in mind?" A thought dawned on her, and she widened her eyes, concerned. "You're not thinking of channeling Shiva, are you? Then this wouldn't be fair; you can't hold on for very long without losing your control!"
"No, I can train with Shiva another time. Just watch."
Alisaie readied her rapier once more and Kouh'to flipped open his grimoire. It first glowed red-orange, but then a light green aura began to emit from half the book.
"Now come...O Heritor of Fury!"
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terendelev · 2 years
OH !! That's exciting heh it's not everyday you see ppl interested in playing 12 but I'M ALL HERE FOR IT. Despite some things and few characters that can feel annoying at times, it's a final fantasy game so I'm sure you're going to like it. I'm made of final fantasy memories and so is my WOL so she's almost too heavily inspired by fran, because despite 12 not being like my top 3 ff, fran is my top 3 female character lol so I reeally recommend it!! The world building is actually really nice, and you will fall for like at least 50% of the main party (and despite what most ppl think, I do like vaan. He's just quirky dude and that's okay.) But yeah you really should give it a try!! Balthier was like one of my first video game crushes ever, so I'm not going to sit here and ignore your interest in this game!!! Go for it, I'm sure you will have a great time ♡
AND YEEEEESSSS ABOUT PRAE!! I adore the thought of WOL and Thancred being just like "oh she/he hot" at first but when Thancred/Lahabrea thing happens the WOL goes "oh shit why do I care that much?" And you cannot tell me Thancred isn't like starstruck for the first time when the WOL saves him in Prae. I adore the idea of him acting weird on the very first days after it bc he's still embarrassed lol but yeah, everything about how protect Thancred is actually speaks to me in a emotional level. He's also one of my faves, and I always think about his relationship with the Scions a lot and the thought of him caring so much for them vs starting to have feelings for the WOL has so much potential angst, I love it. He lost so much and all he has now is them, he couldn't really bear to make a mistake of loosing her too you know??? IDK I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. And when u play ffxii, think of them when you meet fran and balthier would you? It's the sole image of power duo I hope him and my WOL has — even before being together. I went for a whole ass essay there but I just love them a lot, and IN MY DEFENSE, I picked the gunblade before Thancred. Because, like I said, me and my WOL are made of final fantasy memories so I saw something that reminded me of ffviii and I had to. So yup !! I main gunbreaker just like that mf, and they are a very happy gunbreaker couple tyvm (in case u didn't know, I was the one that sent u the hades ex ask few days ago!! I walk around proudly with my odune dude!!)
Also I woud LOVE to show you my WOL, she's my pride and joy and VERY similar to Fran but you should expect heh I'm kinda shy to post her on tumblr tho 👉👈 mostly bc I'm not the most gposer person ever hahah so I only have in game screenshots! I can sent u them in a separated ask tho if you'd like !! Together with another ask ofc lol and then you can answer just the one without the images so I don't expose too much of it lmao
And just for the record: your feelings with Thancred is exactly how I feel about Estinien. He's a good boy and everything you talk about ur WOL and him I just go "yes, he deserves it." Because *taps estinien's back* this bad boy can fill so much love in it!!
From what I saw here it looks like ff12 has a medieval setting and the animations look so beautiful too. I will definitely try it if manage to get it on sale. I love games with good stories and well written characters.
It seems like you really found the ONE for your Warrior of Light considering how you have lots of thoughts about both of them dfghfjdkf. I really feel happy for you. And I agree with your points about Thancred we saw how much he cares about his loved ones after the Ifrit questline, how much he regrets not being there with the Warrior of Light... After that, the game always separates both of them -Lahabrea possessing him, bloody banquet, Thancred staying behind when the Warrior of Light leaves for Ala Mhigo AND he is the first Scion that Exarch pulls into the First-
Also, both of them being GNB is so cool because after you send this ask I searched how Thancred learned to be a GNB, and Our job master Radovan's friend taught him??!!! IT IS SO ROMANTIC IF YOU ASK ME. Both of them teaching their art to this power couple and their legacy passing to your Warrior of Light and Thancred...
And I understand you perfectly about not wanting to show your Warrior of Light to everyone. I won't answer that ask if you would send me a picture of her and delete it after looking. And thanks for your Hades EX ask too. I might do that trial soon and get my own Odune or Eleos. Wish me luck (I have none when it comes to drops in this game)
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Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Recap: Olympus Coliseum (Pegasus Cup)
Okay so, from now on I'm not going to describe every Heartless in these tournaments, if only because doing that for the Phil Cup was freaking tedious!
So on his way back to Traverse Town (before reuniting with Pinocchio and Geppetto), Sora stops by Olympus Coliseum to put his new skills to the test in the newest tournament.
So, the tournament is again, 9 seeds long, and counts down from 9 to 1.
In Seed 1, your opponents are Leon and Yuffie.
Yuffie's a fragile speedster and a real ninja master, throwing shurikens, using decoys to break out of your combos, and potions to heal herself and Leon. Take her out first.
That leaves Leon. He's mostly the same as in Traverse Town (sword combos and the occasional fireball), except now he's not pulling any punches, and when he runs low on HP, he pulls the trigger on his gunblade.
This causes his blade to be enveloped in magic, nearly doubling its length.
Once Sora, Donald, and Goofy emerge victorious over the duo, they can claim the Pegasus Cup's trophy!
Said trophy is actually a plaque, and is displayed next to the Phil Cup in the lobby!
Satisfied, he sets a course for Traverse Town.
He has a book to fix.
Every time I somehow forget the Final Fantasy guys are in this how do I do that.
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Serafina/Thancred. Spoilers for 5.4.
“There you are, darling!” Thancred exclaimed as he saw his beloved lady return from the First. He was in the common area in the Rising Stones, playing chess with Urianger. “How did everything go with Eden?”
Serafina quickly noted the excitement on both men’s faces. “As with most things, there were so ups and downs but we did finally deal with Eden and Gaia’s ‘fairy.’” She said as she sat down at the table with them and proceeded to explain the tale of Mitron, Loghrif, Eden, and how alive The Empty looked now.
“What a fascinating tale, my lady.” Urianger said as he sipped his tea. “One on which I must needs reflect. Pray excuse me.” He smiled at them and bowed. “By the way, I shalt notice if thee changes the pieces, Thancred.”
“I am a man of honor, ser.” Thancred teased. “And I don’t need to cheat to beat you at chess.”
“As thou believes.” Urianger smirked and then left.
“I swear, he’s gotten more bold since our summoning to the First.”
“It’s not a bad thing, love. I’m glad to see it, if I’m honest. I remember how withdrawn he was after Moenbrynda died.” And how he wept in my arms. “To see him out his shell is wonderful.”
Thancred laughed. “I quite agree but take exception to the shell being thrown at me.” He took one of her hands and kissed the knuckles. “Happy you’re home, princess.”
Serafina sighed happily. He always makes me turn to mush! Always! “Overjoyed to be with you.” As she said that, her mind drifted back Fatebreaker…and how she conspicuously left out that part when recounting the end of Eden with Urianger and Thancred. How am I supposed to tell Thancred that I killed a version of him again?
As if sensing her unease, he squeezed her hand. “Sweetling, is aught amiss?”
She shut her eyes and took a breath. “Do you remember when Elidibus had me fight my friends and allies to show how much I had supposedly taken from him?”
A nerve in Thancred’s jaw twitched. “I do indeed.”
“In between the Shadowkeeper and Eden, there was another fight. Mitron created a…monster of sorts from Ryne’s memories.” She could tell Thancred was growing angry by the second. “It was called Fatebreaker---a fusion of Ran’jit, a sin eater, and…you. Complete with gunblade. And speaking with your voice.”
Thancred let go of Serafina’s hand and leaned back in his chair. His face was unreadable, but she knew he was beyond furious. “And this---Fatebreaker, as you called it---you had to fight it?”
Serafina nodded. “Ryne was guiding me, but yes, I did the fighting. And won obviously.” She smiled ruefully, hoping that Thancred would at least smile back.
He didn’t.
“Those fucking Ascians,” he muttered. “doing that to you and Ryne. I wish I had ended Mitron myself.”
Serafina reached for his arm and gently rubbed it. He had gotten so much stronger since awakening in the Source. “It is what it is, love. And we handled it. The dynamic duo of Light.”
Thancred placed his other hand on hers. “I’m sure it wasn’t easy for you, sweetness.”
“It…wasn’t. But we both knew it wasn’t you obviously.”
“Much more handsome right?” He winked, while Serafina groaned.
“Much more handsome, dashing, charming-“
“And taller.” Serafina deadpanned, while Thancred clutched his heart and feigned despair.
“My lady wounds me so! How can I ever recover?”
“Your lady can certainly think of a few ways, darling.” Serafina responded, winking at him. She got up from the table and started walking towards the stairs. “Meet me in my room and I’ll show you.”
Three, two, one…
“Coming darling!”
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kazeofthemagun · 3 years
I want to see you muse get help without any strings attached, so the burden of defeating Chaos isn't all on his (and his rival's) shoulders all the time.
What do you want to see happen to my muse?
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[Oof, considering Kaze and Kumo are immortals that help is going to be rather short-lived unless the other person is also one (or has a long lifespan they are willing to dedicate largely to hunting Chaos.) Of course, one-off help with a tough situation is always welcome. The Unlimited, strong as they are, aren't all-powerful. They may be undying but they can indeed get stuck in tough spots and require assistance. Kaze generally doesn't want 'randoms' to get involved, but he does actively seek out adequate teammates when he feels like the challenges ahead may be daunting for one person. With Kumo by his side, he's at his most powerful, since the Unlimited are designed to make up for each other's strengths and weaknesses and together, they make the perfect duo. Watch them do the fusion dance sometime and summon Gunblade Dragon :> But any worthy (I stress the word worthy) support is welcome. Hunting Chaos all alone does place a huge strain on one's body and mind. I always love to see teamwork when it happens - Kaze's learning to play support with muses more on the powerful side. Summoning Typhoon or Carbuncle as CC and healing, etc. It's zero fun playing a muse than can OHKO any enemy at any time.]
[Still, he can and will blow up a whole chunk of land with Phoenix or Meteor Master if he's allowed to XD]
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dumdumdrawstumtums · 3 years
Since they have the Dissidia Final Fantasy games that mix everything up who would be your favorite crack pairings
WOO sorry for the wait, I'm basically only now getting the opportunity to really sit and answer these!
But oh yeah that's partly why I loved D/issidia! I became a huge sucker for the 589 team of B/artz, S/quall, and Z/idane from the first game onward, so that was a big threesome ship of mine. Any of em could play feeder/feedee but at the time there was a lot of appeal in B/artz and Z/idane pushing S/quall to eat ridiculous amounts through all sorts of fun FF means. Of course if the dynamic duo of B/artz and Z/idane wanted to turn it around on the moody gunblade slinger theeen...
Another is 210 aka F/irion and T/idus. Of course even despite the memes surrounding him I've been a fan of T/idus eating, and given F/irion's more "traditional hero" disposition I always thought it'd be fun for him to be flustered by the ace's appetite hahaha
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mismxshofchxos · 3 years
The One-Winged Angel Arrives.
The Sky was a dull greenish blue. The winds howling as clouds spiraled in the skies, Almost as if the world was at odds with itself. Amidst the Howling winds, was the sounds of fighting. Swords clashing with each other, The flap of wings, and determined Screams of anger. As the winds howl and the yells grew louder, the sounds of metal ripping through flesh can be heard.
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a Yelp resonated as Zreo smashes into a piece of debris, a snap erupting from one of his wings. As the Half-Breed falls to the ground on his knees, his broken wing fell limp to the side, he groans from having been sent flying by... Something. He puts a clawed hand to his side, wincing when he did so. He looks up at the Ongoing battle with a pained Snarl, his sharp teeth clenched tight.
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Squall wasn’t doing too well fighting off this foreign enemy as, when he jumps at the foe with his gunblade held high above his head. Screaming out a war-cry, the unknown foe stabs him in the chest with a unnaturally Long katana, missing his heart and lungs in the process. “GAHK!!!!” the Warrior yelped grabbing onto the blade with both hands as he drops the Gunblade. “F-FUCK!!” Squall grunts trying to push himself off of the unnaturally long blade, noticing two of his allies trying to strike at the same time. “W-WAIT-!”
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Both King and Noctis attack the foreign foe at the same time with arsene having been summoned, and Noctis unleashing his infamous Warp-strike it seemed the two would be able to land a hit on their foe, unfortunately. That was not the case as the enemy turns around swinging Squall into the duo and countering their attacks with his unnaturally long katana. Making quick work of taking down three birds with one swing. “AHHH!!” Noctis yelped as King was slammed into him due to squall and the three fall to the ground. Earning a Yelp from the phantom thief.
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Cloud soon dashes towards the foreign foe and he swings his Fusion Sword, only to be met by the foe’s blade stopping his attack short. Cloud looks into his foe’s eyes and snarled in a almost Animalistic tone. “Sephiroth!!” He snarled with Unbridled Fury as he pushes his enemy back, his body beginning to glow blue
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Sephiroth chuckled, looking at cloud with a calm demeanor. His green eyes seemed to glow as the winds howl. “Good to see you. Cloud” he smirked, pointing the masamune at Cloud, “shall we have at it then? Your friends are watching, After all.”
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Cloud snarled and dashes at Sephiroth once again, the two Clashing swords once more. “Why won’t you stay where you belong?! In my Memories!!!” Cloud Roared, pushing against Sephiroth’s Masamune with the Fusion Sword.
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“I Told you, Cloud. I will never BE a memory.” Sephiroth answered, pushing Cloud back and rushing past him with his infamous Octo-slash. and he turns around striking out at Cloud with his sword, only to be met in turn by Cloud’s fusion sword barely blocking the hit. “i cannot wait... to give you the wonderful present of Despair, Cloud.” He mused.
Sephiroth is now a Muse!!!
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autumnslance · 4 years
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Radovan, Sophie, Cato Mammula, Vitus quo Messalla, and Rostik
Gunbreaker introduces Radovan, a rare survivor of the clan that used to live at Bozja Citadel, and Sophie, his viera conjurer companion. They escaped Imperial captivity together and sell their skills as bodyguards, becoming each other’s new family in the process. Radovan decides to teach the WoL how to wield a gunblade in the traditions of his clan, as there is no one else left.
Each quest moves to a different city of Eorzea (and a new outfit for Sophie in each), from Gridania to protect a popular if eccentric singer, to Ul’dah where a woman’s plea for aid is not all it appears, to Limsa Lominsa to escort an important prisoner, and to Ishgard, where the Ironworks welcomes Garlean defector Cato Mammula, with plans that can help the freezing poor--but Cato’s past intersects with Radovan’s, and draws dangerous attention.
The villain is a man who tortured Radovan until he’s now plagued by seizures, a dishonored officer said to be as fearsome in combat as the Black Wolf, and seeks a means of regaining his rightful place in the Empire--Vitus quo Messalla.
Level 80 brings the WoL back to Revenant’s Toll, where the duo decide to “hang their hats” (very funny, given it’s a hrothgar and viera). Radovan wants to find new adventurers to instruct, and he’s interested to hear about Thancred somehow knowing his clan’s specific disciplne.
Then it’s off to track down another hrothgar gunbreaker that’s appeared in the realm. We catch up on the aftermaths of the 60-70 quests and those characters before finally meeting Rostik, whose goal is to seek other surviving clanmates and rebuild Bozja. Radovan considers it, but he can’t leave Sophie, nor his own calling of training new gunbreakers so their clan’s traditions live on.
And then Rostik leaves us with this:
“I, too, taught someone from outside of our clan how to wield the gunblade. You have much in common with him, Radovan. He too has someone that he wants to keep by his side, like family.”
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tildeathiwillwrite · 1 month
The oneshot I just wrote, a summary:
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windup-dragoon · 4 years
A little glance at Thancred and Kirishimi’s relationship after the main events in Shadowbringers. It doesn’t openly explain anything but it was definitely fun to write. What a bunch of dorks. Kiri acts like she hates Thancred with every fiber of her being but it’s more that she gets annoyed by his bullheadedness more than anything. She just wants him to be honest instead of always carrying the weight of everything on himself. 
【The Gamble】
Words: 1040
Thancred || Kiri || Urianger 
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The upper levels of Eulmore were quiet that evening. A gentle night breeze sent lavished curtains swaying and set adrift the perfumed aroma of roses. Eulmore residents were asleep in preparation for the mornings labor, so much yet to do now that they were freed from their gilded bird cage. It was almost strange to see the floor so devoid of its patrons.
Only three occupied a table by the gold decorated bar, a bottle of fragrant ruby wine shared between their three crystalline glasses. The bottle itself was nearing its end while Kirishimi downed what crimson liquid remained in her glass.
"You aren't meant to drink wine like that," commented Thancred as he shuffled his hand of cards. He thoughtfully thumbed through his selected deck. With a tugging smile on his lips, Thancred laid flat a monster card. A behemoth.
Kiri meanwhile poured herself another glass, draining the bottle entirely. "After the time I've had here, I believe I earned a good drink."
Urianger, shuffling his own cards of beautiful, hand painted portraits, made a nod of agreement to Thancred. While the duo challenged one another to triple triad, he was only there for the company.
Thancred cocked a brow, mouth open as if to retort, but found himself stumped. "Can't argue with that..." He groaned out.
After a moment of consideration she laid her own card, Leviathan, and took control of his. "If I win this round," Kiri started with a grin, "Instead of gil, you let me try out that gunblade of yours?" She raised her hand and made a finger gun, pretending to fire at the ashy blonde seated before her.
"It isn't a weapon like that at all, I'll have you know." Thancred huffed but with a hint of a smirk. "If it were, the Twelve be damned if I'd let you near it, Miss Blind-in-one-eye. What a horrifying sight, you and that rifle you carry. Not only monsters are in harm's way when you're around."
Kirishimi squeaked at the accusation. Urianger, meanwhile, quietly moved his still full wine glass away from Kirishimi's side of the table.
"Oi!! I'm not THAT blind! I can see plenty fine!" She huffed.
"It doth explain the wall incidents..." Mused Urianger, recalling several moments at the Rising Stones were a certain Warrior of Light had stumbled into the buildings structures.
"Or the time she fell down the stairwell back at the Waking Sands." Added Thancred with a hard chuckle.
"I'm not blind!"
"Did thou not join us wearing an eyepatch?"
"I'd feel much safer if you returned to that fashion." Thancred slapped another card down, no longer paying attention to the game at hand.
"You stole my look, remember?" Kirishimi leaned on her elbow. "Thief."
"I had need of it at one point!" It was Thancred's turn to plead. "You know, when I was dropped from the Lifestream??"
Urianger gave another quiet nod.
"Truly? Or was it for the appeal? The fascination. A rough, rugged rogue looking for a sweet and tender touch?" Kirishimi could hardly keep a straight face, finishing with a bark of laughter of her own.
"Then tell me, which fashion accessory of mine was it that caught your attention?" Thancred mused, his chin resting now on the backs of his hands as he leaned against the table. He had landed a critical blow in the conversation and knew it.
While Kirishimi choked on her flustered words, Urianger brought a hand to his agape mouth and exchanged a glance between the two parties. Neither seemed conscious of the fact that the Elezen still kept their company.
"I recall you making mention of something truly interesting that night. Something about being your first?" Thancred hummed with amusement as he watched the famous Warrior of Light squirm at the topic.
Kirishimi puffed her cheeks and threw down her cards. "N-No!! T-That is most certainly not correct and you know it, you scoundrel! First in a different regard! If either of us had been green at the task, it definitely must have been you!"
Urianger had half a mind to retire from the conversation, but curiosity had him at the edge of his seat. After Thancred's possession by Lahabrea, he had noted that the two had kept closer company, if only briefly. He had seen them spar together outside, share a drink or two after, and talk of philosophy and past events well into the night. What had probably started off with good intentions had seemed to run much deeper than he thought. It also explained their sour disposition toward one another ever since.
"Me?? Hah! You're too far in the cups if that's how your memory has it!" As if to punctuate the statement, Thancred snatched his own glass and downed the remaining contents. "Should I send a missive to your Prince? I'd be more than delighted to share with him all your weak spots!"
Again Kirishimi croaked with a flustered groan. Her cheeks felt as if a fire had been lit just beneath her eyes and spread quickly to the tops of her ears. "W-What does Lord Hien have anything to do with this?! What would you know about him and I?!"
Thancred leaned back in his chair, smug and confident that he was winning this little spat. "I wouldn't be surprised if all of Eorzea knew it! From every far end of the world, everyone waits with bated breath for the announcement of a royal bastard born in Doma."
Alphinaud, Alisaie, and Ryne returned to Eulmore just in time to witness Kirishimi jolt up from her chair, knocking it over in the process, and throw a fistful of gil at Thancred. They approached with caution, carefully watching as the Dragoon grumbled to herself and stormed off to catch some fresh air.
"Uh...Did we perhaps miss something?" Alphinaud inquired while Thancred scraped together the discarded gil.
"Tea, young Alphinaud. A riveting discussion of tea." Urianger mused. He had grown to know Thancred and Kiri well enough that this was just part of the sport between them when it came to cards. Who would submit first and openly accept defeat or endure embarrassment.
"Should I keep challenging her like this, I could easily become a Gillionaire." Thancred chuckled.
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rainsonata · 4 years
Doppelgänger 6/15
Chapter 06: Mindfulness  
Fandom/Pairing: Elsword; none Rating: M Word Count: 7,205
Summary: It was like looking into a mirror. What happens when one’s reflection talks back and throws uncomfortable questions? El Search Party struggles to find entrance into the Demon Realm, but Dominator has a plan.   
Alternative Title: Dominator fucked up and now everyone meets their alternative selves   
AO3 Link / FF.NET Link
— [Chapter 01] [Chapter 02] [Chapter 03] [Chapter 04] [Chapter 05] [Chapter 06] [Chapter 07] [Chapter 08] [Chapter 09] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14] [Chapter 15] —  
Class Notes: 
Canon Path: Knight Emperor, Aether Sage, Daybreaker, Rage Hearts, Code: Esencia, Comet Crusader, Apsara, Empire Sword, Doom Bringer, Ishtar and Chevalier (Innocent), Bluhen   
Alternative Path: Rune Slayer, Oz Sorcerer, Anemos, Furious Blade, Code: Ultimate, Fatal Phantom, Devi, Flame Lord, Dominator, Timoria and Abysser (Catastrophe), Richter
Code: Esencia
Fighting has temporarily ceased. In what appeared as a sign of victory was cut short by the appearance of an additional enemy. He shared Rage’s appearance in facial structure and body, but his disposition and body language spoke volumes of his intentions. Esencia understood when Blade extended his sword, lowering his body with the poise of a veteran fighter. His narrow eyes revealed a common emotion the Nasod queen recognized in all living beings she had fought. Blade was wary, defensive.  
Her scans displayed readings Esencia saw when she looked at Richter. Same levels of El as Rage, yet there were differences that perplexed Esencia. Nasods and humans’ levels of El fluctuated depending on the situation and their condition, but always had an average reading. Rage and Blade had similar levels, but they were distributed in different areas. It was as if Blade had neglected his Nasod arm in favor of another form of fighting to have developed higher stamina than his counterpart.   
Grabbing Richter by the arm, the swordsman aided the blue-haired man in a quick but clumsy exit. Rage had once performed an act of kindness when Esencia was damaged from a fight against the demons invasion in Velder. He and Bluhen were not enemies, but they were not what humans considered to be close friends, only lifting their heads slightly in acknowledgment if they happened to be next to each other. Seeing their alternates come to each other’s aid wasn’t something Esencia could have predicted.    
How many were injured? Empire asked through their communicators, her intonation rose at the end in concern. Is everyone all right? 
“How did you know?” Apsara asked, “Are you hurt too?” 
The red knight gave a quiet chuckle, You left your speaker on again. 
“How- how much did you hear?” The martial artist stuttered, waving her arms in alarm. Empire didn’t need to see Apsara’s face to recognize the panic in the martial artist’s expression, exaggerated even by human standards. Hair strands perked from her hairline, falling over Apsara’s pink face.    
Enough to catch that argument you had with Ain, Empire said. That was him, right? He didn’t sound very friendly. 
“Hmph, that is a subpar description of what he is.” Ishtar puffed her cheeks, crossing her arms closer to her body with a deep scowl. “An ungrateful brat who won’t call us by our names.” 
“Doesn’t ours do the same?” Chevalier was confused, “He only recently started calling us nicer names.” 
“Is Rune safe?” Esencia asked. “Has he spoken?”
Out of the rune user’s insistence, the party had dubbed him as Rune to avoid confusion between the two Elswords. He was their leader, yet at the same time, he wasn’t Knight. Members of the El Search Party commented on his clothes (“Are you sure you don’t need another jacket?” Crusader asked). 
With a gentle smile, because humans became eased when given little gestures, Rune failed to conjure a proper answer when Esencia offered him tea. A melancholic expression flashed in his eyes before the magic knight agreed to help them. The same eyes Esencia had when she opened her eyes to discover that her faithful servants were no more. Guilt. Pain. Things she once felt shame to possess. Did both Elswords experience them too?   
It was difficult to determine the cause of the appearance of their counterparts due to insufficient data, but the Nasod queen was prepared to utilize what they did know. Rune was another Elsword who claimed he had contact with their leader. That was why she accepted the El Search Party’s decision to keep Rune. His resonance with the El could be helpful in addition to Bluhen’s in finding Knight in the shroud of dark El and demon inhabitants.  
Empire lowered her voice into one of sadness. Lights flickered from their communicators, no longer flashing a message to all team members. She didn’t want to be heard by the others. Her voice reached their smaller group of four. 
Rune’s still here, Empire said. I told him not to push himself, but he kept apologizing, saying it’s his fault.
“They located us,” Esencia looked to the distance on her left side, allowing her lens to zoom into the moving shadows in the distance. “There are four of them.” 
“We’ll talk to you later,” Apsara spoke into her communicator. “Keep everyone safe.” 
Her speaker went off before Empire could give a response.     
The sky glowed, iridescent light shining in all directions. Gold thread swung over Richter’s head, steel-blue eyes gazed ahead with long hair extending down his back. The colors in his eyes inverted - pupils and sclera turned blue and white irises. El radiated from the man’s pores as he drew out pointed blades for each hand; they lacked physical shape but were held together by an immeasurable amount of sheer will. 
Several blades formed around Richter, merging into a longsword as he dashed forward and propelled himself. His blade clashed with Ishtar’s, barbed weapons sharpened at their ends with each side waiting for a moment of hesitation from their opponent. Richter backed away at the sound of bullets coming from his right. 
Smoke emitted from Chevalier’s gun blades. Bullets pierced across the battlefield the second time, bringing the priest’s attention over to the butler. Fighting a human opponent made Chevalier cautious, pulling his trigger away from Richter’s vital organs. It was apparent that the blue-haired man’s intention was to keep the priest alive. He had no interest in killing his own kind when they could make use of Richter’s knowledge. Richter’s intention in attacking them wasn’t something Esencia could extract from a database if one existed.  
Chevalier adjusted his feet, spread apart to fire a giant cannonball. Intensive levels of energy spiked from his gunblade and imploded. The aftershock threw Richter against the tree trunks with an audible thud. The teal haired man wiped his forehead, furrowed brows and stared at the crisp cut indented into exposed alabaster skin.     
Clutching her left arm, Ishtar smirked. “Your timing is impeccable as always.”
“My apologies,” Chevalier landed on his feet. The cross-shaped firearm on his back shifted as he repositioned himself. “I’ll have to be faster next time.” 
A shimmer of light shone in Ishtar’s hand, materializing into a blue spear. Light shimmered at her feet, leaping midair and blue flames flared from her body. Fire crackled and engulfed Richter in a sea of blue. The forest’s temperature rose in unison to the duo crossing their weapons. 
Moby and Remy alerted Esencia to look over her shoulder. Her lens shuttered. Oberon summoned by her side, her servant raised a blade in each hand for a wide slash. Each pose was precise with a purpose, reading his opponents’ moves to formulate the next attack. The chain attached to Oberon’s shoulder blade clanged when he pressed his blades together to block an attack. A pair of heeled shoes with spiky cleats came into her peripheral vision. 
The wind carried Anemos’ weight in a complex dance of jumps and sprints. The markings on her thighs made her similar to Ventus’ not only in appearance but in the way she held herself. She was confident, but the smile tugging at the edge of her lower lip gave way for a very human expression in which her brows were lifted ever slightly, gleaming with a spark of playfulness.
Anemos twirled, performing somersaults and landing high jump kicks into Oberon’s chest. The Nasod assistant flew across, slamming his foot back in resistance with blades dampening the elf woman’s attack. 
“Sorry! My bad~” The elf spread her fingers in a lazy wave, “I heard you were here. Didn’t know you had extra friends with you!”
Esencia winced when Anemos left an indentation between Oberon’s ribs. Pulling her servant back, blue screens projected from Remy and Moby. She had a sentry drone take over and ordered it to charge. Its small size took Anemos by surprise and made the elf lose her footing in the sudden attack. Anemos took the fall in grace and landed on her palms, bringing her legs back and into a backflip to avoid further damage. 
“Friends…” Esencia pursed her lips. Extending this fight would be beneficial because it would buy time for the rest of the El Search Party to get away from the chaos, but she recognized the flaws, as well as a Nasod should. Longer fights meant a reduction in supplies and high risk in losing valuable team members if any of them were injured. She had her servants, but they didn’t perform well in extraneous fights. Identifying and targeting Anemos’ weakness must be a priority. The Nasod queen trusted her friends’ ability to take on the other three.
“Airelinna,” Anemos brought her palms together. A gentle breeze summoned a small creature, leaving a blessing and restoring her stamina. Her footsteps became lighter as she drew out her bow. Arrows formed at Anemos’ fingertips and shone, raining down upon the Nasod queen.          
“Oberon,” Esencia drew back a hand to summon back the Nasod servant. “Protect.” 
Oberon held his arms out and summoned a blue dome-shaped barrier between Anemos and them. The electric field sparked as he raised his blades at the elf, pushing her back and blocking her attacks.   
“You’re not chatty,” Anemos tucked her body into a low crouch. She hugged her left arm and winced in pain, sweat trailing down the side of her neck with a tired smile.  “You and Eve would get along well.”   
Esencia blinked. The other Eve? Something in her circuits clicked at the mention of another Nasod queen. They would likely hold the same code if the other Eve followed the same path as she did, but it was not the first time the thought had occurred in Esencia. The loneliness persisted even after she reclaimed her servants. Would the other Eve experience the same emotions as she did?
“Unless you know where Elsword is, there is nothing to add to this conversation,” Esencia said. 
She ordered Oberon to retrieve and raised her hands to summon her other servant. Humanoid in appearance, Ophelia was shorter than Oberon and donned a knee-length dress.  
“I thought you would say that,” Anemos sighed. 
Propping herself back on her feet, Anemos leaped from across, taking long strides and using her magic to increase her speed. The elf strung her bow back, firing three arrows at Ophelia. Ophelia emitted electric currents from her core, catching the arrows midair and reducing them to ashes.      
A kick to the side, a powerful wind churned from within Anemos. Powerful wind picked lifted Esencia into the air as the elf struck Ophelia between the ribs, sending the servant flying across the forest. The tornado dropped Esencia to the floor, but not before she dropped into Oberon’s arms. She thanked the Nasod and patted Oberon by the shoulder to be lowered. 
Oberon sliced through the air with his blades, forming a circular motion as he danced a macabre dance. Moby and Remy burst into awakening mode as Esencia activated the Queen Core. The core configuration reversed into a ring with the core at the center and blared a violent red. Lasers shot from the core’s essence in unison to Oberon striking into their target. 
Blood gushed from Anemos’ forearm. The woman wrapped the injured arm with a spare piece of cloth and applied pressure to it. She kept her weight in the back of her feet and kept moving, her eyes danced between Esencia and the Nasod servants. 
“The way you fight reminds me of someone,” Anemos breathed. “He’s not one to underestimate the enemy either.”
“You acknowledge being the enemy?” Esencia asked. 
She giggled, “I’m not blind in your distrust of me.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous,”  Esencia denied. Until there was enough information about the El Search Party’s counterparts, she would withhold trust until there was evidence saying otherwise. The Nasod queen was uncertain about having an amicable opponent, too friendly to make her comfortable.   
“Do you now?” Anemos drawled.      
“Oberon,” she called for her servant. “Sonic Wave!”
Appearing in front of the queen, Oberon took charge. His helmet shone as he raised his legs and kicked the ground to propel himself at Anemos. Oberon performed a backflip for a wide slash with the side of his blades when Esencia detected foreign Nasod technology. Before her program could detect the source, an unknown object flew past her field of vision. It followed Oberon. Moby and Remy detected its movement guided by a tracking device. There was insufficient time to identify it. A flat disc the size of her palm fired into Oberon’s body, increasing the number of dents in the Nasod before returning to its owner. 
Four drones appeared together as a cluster. She picked up high readings in energy as pink lasers fired from them in unison. Oberon fought to resist the tension, waving his blades to inflict damage, but they persisted. Temperatures rose the closer the drones approached Oberon, melting through his plated exterior and forcing the Nasod to shut down.     
“What kind of drone is this?” A male voice rose from the dust. Sparks flew from a pair of magenta eyes, “Is that all the Queen has to offer?” 
Esencia narrowed her eyes. Oberon was a servant, not a drone. She did not need a facial recognition program to inform her who the man was.  
Dressed in white, Dominator had six drones and a pair of circular ones following him the way Moby and Remy did for her. Using his drones as a makeshift seat, the man crossed his legs and ground his heels against what was left of Oberon’s faceplate. The black portion was scraped to expose melted circuits and snapped wires. 
“Didn’t I tell you I would take on the Queen?” Dominator pulled Anemos up from the floor, “The fox is all yours.” 
“Leaving her to me and Raven?” Anemos was not as impressed. 
“It takes time to set up the perfect experiment,” the scientist waved his hand. “Wouldn’t you agree, Eve?” 
Her circuits ran hot in response to his intonation. Dominator talked more than Bringer by a wide margin. Regardless, she held the same emotion as she did with the brawler who proclaimed himself to be a Nasod engineer. Irritation flared from Esencia’s emotion control circuit before she had the time to rein back control on irrational thoughts. 
Dominator mentioned a fox. Apsara was a target to the opposite El Search Party because of Eun. They viewed her as an obstruction from confronting the martial artist and sent Dominator to fight her. Leaving the Nasod specialist to fight the Nasod queen was a logical decision on their part. Oberon was no longer in service, but Esencia still had her servants and her friends. That would be enough to sustain herself.       
“No response?” Dominator chuckled darkly, “That’s fine. The priest told me about your new drones. Let’s see how they fare in an experiment.”  
Rune Master
“How many were injured?” Empire spoke into her mic in a hushed tone, whispering words not meant for anyone to hear. “Is everyone all right?” 
Rune leaned inward, yearning to listen to the conversation the red-haired knight had with their - her teammates. They looked like his friends, something he was still scrambling to piece together with as much grace as one could in his situation. He wasn’t going to pretend that he understood why there were two El Search Parties, but he knew that Empire was concerned for the well-being of her friends. Empire wouldn’t be his big sister if she wasn’t as caring and took responsibility for the pain of others. 
A cold chill ran over Rune’s pores, a cool breeze rustled the leaves from the tree trunk where he laid his head to rest. If he gazed at the sky, he could have identified all of the constellations overhead. The stars’ alignments shifted from their positions in Elrios, but they were recognizable once he adjusted his perspective of them. 
“I’m here if you need to talk.” Empire’s voice rang in his head.  
Ever since he confronted Solace and gave himself to the El, he gained newfound sensitivity to everyone’s wavelengths. He saw colored lines connecting the users to the source. Although he wasn’t as adept in detecting and differentiating El resonance as Richter, Rune knew as soon as he met Knight. They ran on the same wavelength, a red spark formed between the two before violently torn apart by the demon encounter. 
“Why do you talk to me like I’m him?” he asked.   
Rune reached for his communicator, toying with the white device clipped between his jacket sleeve. The thin purple highlights shone innocently under the moonlight. His sister’s counterpart was occupied with her own conversation and the rest of the group were tending to their wounds from the previous fight. This was his chance to contact his friends and make a run for it. He needed to let them know where he was. 
“But you are him.” 
Was he? Rune was no longer sure. He may have shared the same El resonance as Knight, but did he use it to its full potential? His father and sister trained him the way of the sword, only for Rune to pursue magic in their absence. Knight stayed true to his ways and became a Velder knight, never losing sight of the dreams Rune abandoned in Elder.    
“Knowing that I’m not him, you still hold me captive?” Rune lowered his head, “That’s selfish of you.” 
Rune knew he hit a sore spot because Empire flinched from the disdain in his tone. Captive was a strong word, but being tossed over Rage’s shoulder like a rag doll without his say in the matter wasn’t exactly something he was gung-ho about either. Who would have thought Blade’s counterpart could make impulsive decisions on the fly without making a lecture out of it? 
“You’re the last person Elsword talked to.” Empire whispered, “Any clues about his whereabouts would help.” 
So they were going to keep him here until he spilled the beans or when they found the poster boy for heroism? Rune didn’t like it. Weapons were drawn and emotions ran high. As long as Knight was absent, any words of reason would fall into deaf ears.  
Slipping away now was a possibility, but it was a fool’s plan if Rune wanted to be outnumbered and outpowered. In unknown territory infested with demons, the odds were against him if he wanted a successful escape. Although the group was four members short, seven people remained. It was best to stay low and wait until his friends could find him. Ultimate and Dominator had the technology to track him and Richter, Abysser, and Timoria had their keen senses.         
“I know you’re not happy but…” Empire choked, “Please. He’s my brother.” 
Rune bit his lips. He was awful at saying no to his sister. She just wanted to see her brother again. How could Rune deny her that when he went through the same pain? Knight gave it his all and pushed him away in exchange for his livelihood, an act of selflessness he had clearly learned from his sister. It was a weakness that was going to be exploited against him one day, Rune looked up in exasperation. 
How hard could it be to find a redhead in a dimension where everything came in shades of blue and purple? If Knight was anything like him, he wouldn’t stay quiet for long and cause havoc to whoever was unfortunate enough to kidnap him. Rune had doubts Knight was one to stay put without fighting back. The rune user wasn’t even aware of Knight’s existence until hours ago, yet it had become easy to accept his other self after the initial shock.   
Rune did what he could to be discreet in turning on his communicator without making it obvious. No need to alert the El Search Party that he was making a call. He saw Knight’s friends using similar devices as his, identical in everything but the color schemes.   
“Come on, work!” Rune mumbled to his communicator. 
It worked fine when they were in Elrianode. Why did it lose connection now? Was it the high concentration of Dark El or demonic energy? He allowed the device to flicker to life and stayed still. Static filled his eardrums as he struggled to find a connection. No luck.  
Was there no other way to contact his friends? Rune looked at the device in defeat, pondering if smacking it by the side would fix it. Dominator would probably yell at him for that, but at least he’ll get a good laugh out of it.    
“Ack!” Rune tossed his communicator in the air, juggling it between his two hands before stuffing it in his jacket pocket. His shoulders relaxed when he saw a pair of eyes the color of the Hamel sea. “Hi, uh… Chung. What’s up?” 
“Do you mind if I join?” Crusader pointed at the patch of grass beside Rune, “We won’t be moving until everyone is well-rested.” 
Rune shook his head, biting the side of his cheek. What was he going to do? Say no and tell Crusader to go elsewhere? Discomfort edged in the back of his mind at the thought of shooing the other male away. He scooted to the side and made room for the guardian, pulling his legs into a criss-cross with his arms on his lap. Next to the full armored Crusader, Rune felt naked and exposed to the elements in his unbuttoned white jacket. 
Phantom once explained to Rune about the material used for the armor Hamel soldiers donned in combat. There was a science in making the white armor durable enough to absorb damage in battles, but light enough for the wearer to stay on their toes and avoid detection by the enemy. The armor and destroyer made Crusader reminiscent to Helputt, who Rune had met briefly before he left to fend off the demon army. Would Phantom still have a father if their party found the elder Seiker earlier?   
“I’m sorry about how I’ve been treating you.” Crusader rested his cannon against the tree trunk. “I should have listened to you and now we’re in this mess.”
“I’m not sure if that would make a difference,” Rune closed his eyes. “Carrying me off without an explanation isn’t a well-thought plan.” 
Crusader stared at the rune user but agreed, “I guess not…” 
“Never thought Raven was the impulsive type.” 
“What is he?” 
Rune grinned, “a bird.”
“I’m being serious,” the guardian deadpanned.  
“How can you say I wasn’t?” Rune covered his chest with one gloved hand, “that really hurt. I thought we had something together.” 
Crusader turned his head away and let out a quiet huff, sweeping his bangs to the side. He wasn’t going to ignore Rune, was he? Not even an acknowledgment of his ridiculous statement? Phantom would have thought it was funny, Rune looked at the guardian in disbelief. 
A pointed hair ornament held his ponytail together and gave the guardian a regal look like the princes that lived inside Rune’s storybooks. His facial features were Phantom’s, yet they were different. Was it because Rune was aware that this was not the Chung he traveled with? Or was it because Crusader held caution in approaching him as if he was an abnormality? Someone to be wary of?  
“Why are you in Demon Realm?” Crusader asked. 
“Can’t a guy take a scenic stroll?” Rune dropped his smile when he realized he wasn’t going to get a response from Crusader until he dropped the facade. “It’s the same reason as your Elsword. We’re looking for information about the Dark El and the El is unstabilized again because of me.”
“The El,” he echoed. Recognition flashed in Crusader’s face, horror and guilt pained in his eyes. “Unstable because of you? Elsword, that isn’t your fault-”
 “Call me Rune,” he interrupted. Rune was not going to deal with the confusion of two Elswords if they were going to talk about him. It hurt to see Phantom’s look-alike show undeserved solemnity for a carbon-copy of their leader.  
“You’re just as foolish as him,” Crusader said without venom. “Don’t take the blame for everything when it’s our fault too.”
Ah, this conversation again. He could feel Crusader’s fixed stare into the back of his neck. It wasn’t fair feeling complacent in talking to a man who looked so much like Phantom. So serious, yet had his emotions out on display like a playbook. Rune almost felt guilty for toying with him.   
“That’s what he said, too.” Rune let out a genuine laugh, “Did Elsword succeed?” Rune was hopeful. Did Knight find a way to stabilize the El without a human vessel?  
“No, the El is unstable.” 
His heart dropped. Nothing was different from his timeline? Rune glanced over to where the rest of the El Search Party were. Moonlight shone across to where he and Crusader sat, just enough for Rune to make out the figures dressed in green, red, purple, and black huddled together. That must be Daybreaker talking to Empire and Rage. Their shadows leaned against the base of an overhauling tree lined by fluorescent moss. Rune could barely make out Doom Bringer’s silhouette with his weapons floating beside the brawler. Flowers bigger than them curled at the end of their sharp-edge petals, roots scrawled over the damp floor.  
Crusader turned his attention to where Rune’s was. Sitting at the base of the tree was Aether talking to Bluhen. The two had their heads close together, moving their lips in inaudible exchanges. Their quiet murmurs filled the emptiness between the deep parts of the forest. Crusader’s his eyes crinkling when he saw Aether explain something to Bluhen. 
Don’t be stupid, Rune scowled. That’s not Phantom. He and Oz have done collaborations in the past, but he didn’t see her like that. Phantom wasn’t interested in… No matter how similar they were, Crusader didn’t choose to become an assassin. They couldn’t be any more different. No need to get frustrated. 
“Is something wrong?” Crusader turned to face Rune.  
Rune held an unsteady gaze at the blond man, searching for signs of Phantom in the guardian. Same complexion and body structure, although it was hard to tell with the heavy armor plates. 
“Your crown thing,” Rune pointed at the hair ornament sitting at the back of Crusader’s head where the ponytail started. “It’s falling off.”  
“Oh, you mean this?” Crusader tugged and pulled it out. He ran the comb teeth through his hair, tucking it back and pulling his hair to make sure it stayed there. “Wow, you have an eye for this. Thanks!”            
“Sure,” Rune hated how hollow he sounded. The redhead sighed, “Doesn’t it bother you that both of us failed to stabilize the El?”
“It was our decision to rescue Elsword.” Crusader’s expression remained kind and patient. “Even if it meant risking the world, he meant more to us than the El.” 
“Placing your trust into one guy,” Rune tilted his head. “Is that a wise decision?”    
“Are we talking about you or Elsword?” Crusader asked. 
Forget about holding accountability for a party of twelve. Rune never asked to be placed with the responsibility to keep the world in balance. He was no longer the awkward teenager searching for an adventure and place in the world, but doubt in himself remained. Why him? There were knights and soldiers more capable than him!  
“You’re not the only one searching for ways to keep the El alive.” Crusader got on his feet and offered a hand to Rune, “You have friends to help.” 
Rune accepted the male’s hand and was pulled up to his toes, shaking his legs from a bad case of pins and needles. “How do you know they don’t hate me for pulling them into all this?” 
“I don’t,” Crusader admitted. “But if they followed you into Demon Realm, I doubt they do.” He stole a glance at Aether again to see the mage leaving, “Let’s head back. Everyone’s waiting for us.”
“Thanks for the talk,” Rune looked at his scarless hands. How did Bluhen do it? He should ask if Richter could do the same. “I needed it.” 
The guardian smiled, “That’s what friends are for.” 
But we just met, was caught in the back of Rune’s throat when Crusader smiled. The rune user ducked his head and ran to catch up to the El Search Party crowding beside a giant flowering plant for shelter. He was surrounded by familiar faces, yet they were all new to him. Rune took a deep breath. The sooner he helped them find Knight, the closer he was to return to his friends. What a mess. 
Collecting battle data from their opponents was panning out to be better than Dominator ever could have hoped for. The butler and his demon brat were occupied by a disgruntled priest with no tack. Thanks to Anemos, the queen was worn down and allowed Dominator to come in and take down one of her main Nasods. Blade’s plan was to pull away three of the opposing team’s long-ranged fighters to reveal Apsara’s blind spots.  
“Don’t tell me this Nasod is all you have.” 
Dominator grabbed a broken Nasod arm and tossed it to the rest of the white armored Nasod beneath his feet. Disappointing. Has Esencia gone weak from the security of relying on her servants? Richter said she had more Nasods under her disposal. Where were they? 
“Oberon is a servant,” Esencia glared.   
“My apologies,” Dominator said with amusement. 
How interesting. The queen saw her subjects as sentient beings despite being their creator and programmer. Had Esencia been an organic lifeform, Dominator suspected she would have broken into angry tears over the damage he had done to the Nasod.    
“Ophelia!” Esencia ordered her servant, “Assault Spear!” 
Another Nasod rose from the ground with a spear almost twice her height. Ophelia, was it? Weapon pointing downward, Ophelia descended. Dynamo blocked most of the impact, shielding him from the attack. Pressured strained against Dominator, placing his weight to the back of his feet and gritting his teeth. 
Dominator gagged as dust and debris settled around him. It was going to take hours for him to wash out the dirt after this, he scowled. No matter, this battle should be easy. His eyes landed over to Ophelia, who had sparks flying from her forearms and one leg pulled back into a fighting stance. Just a little further and he should have enough information on the Nasod servant. 
“Drone Activator!” The tracking device shot in the form of missiles, aiming for Esencia. 
Ophelia dashed to take the hit for her queen. The device latched onto the Nasod’s stomach and flashed purple to signal the target’s location. Dominator reached for his panel as Dynamo alerted him on his opponent’s presence. Blood trickled down his leg as Dominator caught Esencia firing electric shocks alongside her Nasods. His vision went red as Dominator experienced high voltage of electricity traveling through his body. 
Dominator snarled and bared his teeth. He wasn’t going to let Dynamo and his armor reach their limits before passing out. Not when he was close to acquiring data on another model of Eve. Sparks flew from Dynamo as Dominator installed a set of drones at his feet. Lasers fired and rained down on his opponents, casting harsh lighting against the dense forest.     
Launching herself up into the air, Esencia fired electron balls as she glided away from the explosion. Electric currents shot from Ophelia’s forearms before her exterior was decimated by the heat from Dominator’s Starfall. The Nasod’s outer shell cracked before she was recalled by Esencia. 
“Impressive,” Dominator stopped to catch his breath. His face stung from the bleeding, how troublesome. “You have separate Nasod units to address your limitations in battles and your powers are still functional. I wouldn’t expect less from the Nasod queen.”
Esencia had a core hidden behind her bangs. It shone a brilliant light despite the accumulating scratches from the current and previous battles. Most Nasods would have lasted in half the time Esencia did in their fight, but it helped when she had an array of servants to fight for her.  
“Surely you have something to say,” Dominator rubbed his chin. “Don’t you have questions to why you are no longer the only Nasod queen? Do you realize that means there are multiple timelines existing in different dimensions?” 
“Be quiet,” Esencia said. “Unless you know where Elsword is, discussing this is pointless.” 
“The red menace?” Dominator snorted, “Don’t make me laugh! You have him. I am-”
“Annoying,” Esencia looked down at the scientist. “You talk a lot.” 
“Blunt as ever, I see.” Dominator wiped the blood trickling his mouth with his sleeve and grinned. “Why are you fighting me then? Certainly not because you want to listen to my lovely voice.” 
“Elsword is missing and was last seen with yours.” 
“An idiot attracting another idiot,” Dominator commented.
Learning that Rune cooperated with the other Elsword was valuable information the El Search Party would find helpful. The scientist froze when he saw a shadow from above, a giant mechanical arm summoned over Dominator’s head. It slammed into the ground, sending seismic waves vibrating through the ground. 
Heaven’s Fist missed Dominator by mere inches as he phase shifted to a higher place. Rocks shot from the ground up and tossed him around, applying pressure and shoving him to the side. His body protested in the rough treatment and to the metallic taste in his mouth as Dominator crawled on his fours.  
“Don’t be rude,” Esencia glared.  
Looks like he hit a sore spot when it concerned the opposing team’s Elbrat.       
Screens surrounded Dominator before he summoned Nasod cubes to unionize into one several times their size. They moved together as a unit and followed their master in search of a target. Individual cubes rearranged themselves to resemble a flower. Apocalypse shot lasers from the end of its petals and fired missiles. They exploded as they came into contact with an invisible dome protecting Esencia.  
A shadowed figure formed from the dust. Esencia’s third Nasod assistant wore a white trench coat over a pair of black boots with a gold visor hiding his eyes. He landed feet first with his head lowered, bowing to Esencia and wielding a blade. Nasods obey their creators, but the ones under Esencia’s command treated her like their ruler. Were their codes based on human behavior or was it simply them recognizing Esencia as the Nasod queen? 
“Ferdinand, battle mode!” Esencia cried. 
The Nasod dashed forward, electric currents traveled through his blade and struck. Sparks clashed between Ferdinand’s blade and Dynamo, absorbing the impact and reflecting electric shocks to the Nasod. Apocalypse fired a particle beam at the Nasod, forcing Ferdinand to recede from Dominator.    
Dominator summoned a drone and activated it midair. A black hole formed around the drones and caused an air suction, pulling the Nasod servant and his queen away from the ground. He launched a drone and attached it to his target. Numbers appeared on Dominator’s screen in a countdown only visible to the scientist. The smell of burning metal filled his nostrils as the explosives set off on Esencia’s body and stunned the ruler. Charged Impulser released its hold and Esencia collapsed to the floor.  
Apocalypse hovered over the scientist and pointed the particle cannon to Ferdinand. Good, cube. Esencia’s Nasod servant zipped through the air with acrobatic grace, evading lasers and missiles from the destructive cube. Apocalypse trailed behind Ferdinand, nipping at his heels for lack of better wording.      
“What’s wrong, Eve?” Dominator taunted, “Did you run out of servants to fight for you?” 
It was interesting to note the destructive code’s absence in Esencia. Was the queen aware of the ancient code? Or did this timeline fail to raise the factors that could have pushed Esencia into becoming a destructive Nasod as Ultimate did? Not only did her appearance contrast Ultimate’s, but her stamina and how she fought suggested that her codes were a variation from her counterpart.    
Wait. Dominator turned his heels at a realization and checked his scans. His eyes widened. Esencia was still active. A lone figure blurred, too fast for his eyes to have time to come into focus. Electric currents crackled from the edge of Ferdinand’s blade. Hot pain erupted from Dominator’s body, red spots dotted and bled into his vision. Lightning struck his body and traveled down his chest. Dominator hissed in pain, closing his eyes shut and hugging his shoulder blade where Ferdinand had struck. His body shook, gloved hands drenched in blood and sweat. Dominator ignored Dynamo’s alerts flooding his screens.
Damn you, Eve.
Dynamo huddled together in defense when Dominator turned to face Esencia’s Nasod. Ferdinand raised his blade and swung past where Dominator’s head once was, turning to strike again before the Nasod’s body shone in bright light. Ferdinand’s body shuddered, his movements churned into a sluggish response before the Nasod vanished from sight. 
Dominator checked for Apocalypse’s status. Datalog said it wasn’t Apocalypse that forced Ferdinand to shutdown. Unless… The scientist pushed his screens aside and looked at where the queen was supposed to be.      
Esencia remained laid down with her porcelain face to the side and visible cracks on her body. She was in sleep mode and was conserving energy from a forced shut down. Her long figure was hidden by layers of a white gown smeared by red demonic dirt. A bulk of metal stuck out from her ribs at an odd angle, coming close to jabbing into someone’s leg. The elf had her foot over Esencia’s chest and rested her chin over one knee.     
Blood gushed from his shoulder and Dominator’s face turned red, moving his arms so he could use his jacket to stop it from further bleeding. The blood was going to seep through his clothes and he would have to wash it again. How troublesome. His stomach churned when she placed a hand over his arm.  
“How much does it hurt?” Anemos asked. “Are you okay with sitting?”
Dominator nodded, forcing himself to speak. “Ha, the queen is no pushover.” 
The elf supported his back with her hand and ushered him to rest against a tree trunk, lowering his body and making sure Dominator kept his balance. He closed his eyes shut and breathed through his mouth. It stung when he stretched his shoulders for Anemos to inspect. 
Anemos produced a thermos in her hand, twisting the top and opening to reveal crystalline liquid filled to the brim. A strange flower laid at the bottom of the thermos - white petals blooming out of its blue center. Steeped in boiling water for hours at a time, it had a bitter herbal taste that refused to leave Dominator’s mouth after taking a gulp with a pinched nose. It was a disgusting concoction (“Everything’s edible once you heat them up!” Ignia said with a wink.), but it somewhat lessened the pain by numbing his nerves.  
Dominator looked ahead, refusing to look as Anemos opened his bag. No matter how many battles he fought, he couldn’t stand the sight of blood on his own body. It reminded him too much of old memories he wanted to forget.   
He smelled the ointment she used for all occasions and applied pressure to the wound with a cotton ball. Mental images of a woman with white hair and gentle eyes flashed in his mind. The scientist fluttered his eyes open, careful not to move too much unless he wanted to feel his tendons sting. 
“I found valuable information that may help us,” Dominator blurted. “Elbrat was seen with theirs.” 
“The other Elsword?” Anemos added another cottonball to soak up the blood. She pulled out a bandage to wrap around his shoulder blade. “I did hear something about that, but I didn’t see anyone else with Elsword.” 
“Theirs have gone missing too,” he added. “Taking the brat as a replacement, huh? Ow!”
“I don’t think so,” Anemos tightened the bandage and sighed. “Their Eve mentioned looking for their Elsword even though ours is with them. They might have thought Elsword could help find him.” 
Hey, that was painful! She could have cut his blood circulation! Dominator directed his glares to the older woman, hoping she would recognize his annoyance and feel guilty. Anemos threw him a deadpan expression and might as well have shrugged, Nice try, Add. 
“Elsword this, Elsword that.” Dominator grumbled, “It’s always about that kid. We might as well find him ourselves so we can trade, I guess. Use him as a bargaining chip. Brat for a brat.”     
“We can do that,” Anemos had a thoughtful expression. “Are you telling the others?” 
The scientist covered a part of his face with one hand. “I didn’t think we were going to search for two. Are we spreading ourselves too thin?”   
“Let’s focus on finding their Elsword since we already know ours is with them.” 
Dominator snorted, “we’re going to need nicknames if we’re going to keep talking about them.” 
“Isn’t this something you enjoy talking about?” She asked. Anemos tucked in the ends of the bandage and washed her hands with water from a water bottle.  
“Yes,” Dominator chuckled with a smile. “Inconvenient, but fascinating nonetheless.”  
He saw Anemos shaking her head with no foul intent, a look of wonder she held when she didn’t quite understand what he was talking about. It didn’t bother him. No one in the El Search Party besides Ultimate had a true grasp of what he did. Ultimate wasn’t much of a conversationalist and Rune was more likely to ask him questions about his research than the Nasod queen herself. Hm, it was quiet without the red punk to fill the silence with his pointless chatter.
“Eat up,” Anemos offered him a tart, topped with vanilla buttercream frosting and jam made from Elysion’s star fruit. “You need to heal.”  
“They won’t be happy once they find her,” Dominator stole a glance to where Esencia laid. 
Restoring Esencia wasn’t his responsibility, but Dominator had a feeling the other El Search Party will try to make him do it anyway. Ugh. Nothing a few hours of repair couldn’t fix once she regained power, but he was worried. To his knowledge, Blade and Richter were still fighting if they hadn't returned or contacted them. 
“Let’s focus on getting back to Ain and Raven,” Anemos said. “They need our help.” 
The Star Fruit Tart kept its shape when Dominator broke it at the center to take a bite, a sweet but citrusy taste. He stuffed another tart into his mouth, snickering when Anemos shook her head again but smiled. Collecting battle data for the fox and the demons were worth the investigation. Fighting their teammates’ alternates was going to be interesting, Dominator mused. He left Esencia sitting upright against a flowering plant with her eyes closed before joining Anemos with Dynamo behind his heels.   
Author Notes: Thank you for being so patient with me. Life has been busy for the past few months and I realized that the year is almost done. I will try my best to continue writing the later chapters in between busy hours. I miss writing these characters and I’m thankful for those who still stick around to read my works.
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oroku-sanquin · 4 years
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The evening air was sweet from the cherry blossoms, the cool air rolling up off the cobble stone as Oroku walked from the shore of the Shirogane docks. He had come here looking for contract work, but ended up joining a local crime family. A small Yakuza group by the name of Higanbana, that had been running a bath house as a front. They had given him a warm enough welcome, accepted him quickly. A sense of trust he felt he had yet to earn, seeing as they did not fully have his yet ether. 
As he turned the corner he saw it, a small bath house with cherry blossoms and purple fern trees, the sound of the waterfall behind it. He had slept in the rental rooms the night before, and found it to be more comfortable than his other arrangements, also known as a street corner or a dusty Inn with dirty sheets. No he had enjoyed himself, the family had been at a fight event backing some fighters the night before, he had made an appearance but felt out of sorts. The bath having been empty and closed to the public for the evening, he utilized it to its fullest. A hot shower before a refreshing dip, an open tap pitcher of ale, and one of his favorite Garlean Cigars, and solitude a long forgotten friend of his. He had gone to sleep before anyone had truly come back. 
“Heh, what are you doin, ya old fool.” he said to himself thinking how he had pampered himself. “Ye do a job and you move on.” he let out a sigh before walking down the path and into the bath house.
It appeared as if no one had shown yet, although he did hear light music coming from one of the other rooms. As he entered he saw a Au’ra sitting and sipping a drink working on papers.
“Aye lad, how are you?” he said bluntly as he approached.
The Au’ra without a hint of surprise, looked up from his paper “Oh hello, how are you?” he asked in a calm voice.
“Oh you know, here for some work is all.” Oroku said, sitting down across the table from the other man.
Looking somewhat puzzled for a moment before realizing “Ah yes you are that new member to the family. I'm sorry I haven't had the opportunity to introduce myself yet.” he said, pouring a glass and offering it to Oroku.
“Aye, it be alright, been a few I haven't met yet, names Oroku.” he said taking the drink offered to him and peering down at the what was now obviously a type of alcohol, a type Oroku was not sure, but drank anyway enjoying the subtle taste of it.
“I am Shou, it's a pleasure to meet you Oroku.” he said leaning back slightly “Shar has told me a small amount about you, will you be joining us on the outing this evening?”
Thinking for a moment, “What outing?” he asked, looking over as Shou pulled a cigarette from a gold case and put it in his mouth then offered a second to Oroku.
“We are going to be going out and doing some collections on properties in our territories that would otherwise be helpless against thugs, thieves and the occasional drunk without our protection.” he said as Oroku took the cigarette and lit his own.
Oroku lit his cigarette with a small magitek lighter he had stored in his jacket “Ah, so we are on a mission of goodwill, spreading the word of fiscal responsibility.” he joked taking a drag of the cigarette, it almost being swallowed by his enormous fingers.
Shou let out a laugh “Mission of goodwill? My, I have never heard it called that before.” he said taking a drag and then drinking the last of his brandy. 
He looked up at the clock, and quickly began organizing the parchments he had been reading over.
“I do apologize for this short meeting Oroku but I need to take care of some matters before we head out. It was a pleasure, I look forward to working with you this evening.” 
Oroku nodded at him and flicked some ash from the cigarette, and drank the last of his drink. 
“See you there.” 
As Shou left, Oroku looked around the music hall, the very room he had wandered into the night he joined Higanbana, before promptly being removed by Shar, a Small Au’ra he couldn't help but respect due to  the power she had in her tone. He chuckled to himself and got up putting the last bit of the cigarette out before heading for the door.
As he came through the door he noticed two he had originally met, Suto and Lucia standing in the lobby, Suto was wearing loose clothing with his mask on, Lucia a white tank top, short and what appeared to be combat boots.
The duo noticed the large Hrothgar come out and nodded to him. He politely nodded at them.
“Hey, how are you two doin this evening?” he asked as he walked up from behind the counter.
“Well, you?” Suto asked as he approached.
“Not bad, not bad.” he said leaning against the counter.
“You joining us tonight then big guy? Lucia asked “They tell you what we are doing?”
Oroku nodded, in confirmation but didn’t say anything. 
“Well then you boys want to grab a drink before we head out?” she asked the two.
“I would always have a drink with you, love.” Suto said, smiling at her under his mask.
“I'm always up for a drink, period.” Oroku chuckled
The three then headed upstairs to the bar, where Suto quickly leaped the counter, 
“What can I get for you big guy?” he asked as Oroku sat down on a stool, the wood creaking under his weight but holding.
“Just fill that tankard up with some ale.” he pointed to the wooden tankard he had used the previous night.
Suto nodded and grabbed it and quickly filled it letting some foam come to the top, before sliding it to Oroku.
“What about for you gorgeous.” he asked Lucia
She looked at him while leaning against the counter.
“Whatever your having, will be fine.” 
“Whiskey it is.”
He began pouring, as he was doing so, the door downstairs opened and shut with a loud bang.
“So Oroku?” Lucia motioned to him as he was drinking his Ale.”What type of weapon you prefer?”
He set the mug down and showed a pair of razor sharp claws that he could retract in and out. 
“I use these when I am trying to make a point.” he then patted the handle of his gunblade, “And I use this when I need it to be a bit more permanent of a message.”
She eyed the gunblade handle “I prefer to use my hands.” she said standing back a bit, before ejecting two large Magitek blades from her arms.
While a bit surprised Oroku did not show it, his life had taken him to many places and he had seen many things, a Viera with blades in her arms was a 8 of his 10 scale of surprise.
“Those look like they could do some damage.” he said clearly impressed
She retracted them as Suto placed her whiskey on the counter “You know it.” she joked, giving him a teasing wink.
As Suto picked up his whiskey the strong smell of booze and vomit wafted into the upstairs lounge. 
“SUTO! Get meh ah drin.” the slurred drunk speech of a Miqo’te female with a heavy accent filled the air. 
“Oh gods,” he said, leaping back over the counter and walking over to her. “Leo how much have you been drinking?” he asked, somewhat guiding her fall onto one of the stools where she then took another swig of a flask
“No, the queshion ish, how much, ave I been drinkin.” she said again slurred.
“Maybe you should help her to the bath.” Lucia said, still sipping on her whiskey, Oroku just watching in silence with no judgement on his face, for he had been in that state before.
“Right, let's get you sobered up and clean.” Suto said to Leo who for a few moments longer continued to fight against the idea, before finally breaking and stumbling down stairs Suto assisted in each step.
“This be an interestin group.” Oroku said finishing off his beer
Lucia was eyeing him, before finally asking “So why did you join? Just here for a contract or going to stay?”
He thought for a long moment
“It was going to be just a job, but something about this place made me want to try not bein so disconnected with those I work with.” he shrugged while reaching over and filling his mug back up.
 “That was my case as well.” she said leaning again against the bar.
They sat in silence a moment,
“Well it should just be about time, I think Shou said we are meeting out front.” he said pushing off the bar.
Oroku downed his beer and got up, securing his gunblade tightly, the two headed downstairs, hearing the fighting that was happening in the bath as Suto attempted to clean a very drunk woman. Oroku opened the door and the two headed out into the brisk night air to meet up with everyone else.
End Part 1
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starcunning · 6 years
Day Sixteen, Heroes and Villains
An AU in which your OTP has super powers. Are they a hero/sidekick duo? Are they archenemies? Are they both villains? From the 30-Day OTP Challenge.
So ... they’re basically already superpowered vigilantes in the main universe (or at least Shasi is superpowered). There’s another AU prompt that’s redundant (what if they had magic? i hate to tell you this, but magic is already in the setting), so you’re getting two glimpses into a timeline where the Warrior of Light becomes someone else.
Shasi sas Intemperatus. (She might be a villain, too.)
“Do you believe in Eorzea?”
It was the sort of question that demanded a ready answer, asked of X’shasi by the sort of man who would brook no less. As the lights of the Praetorium played over her face and his mask, the silence hung between them.
Was there a united Eorzea left to believe in? Would it long survive this operation? Ul’dah was in upheaval—and it was not merely the Sultana who had been lost to treachery in the Fragrant Chamber. The Syndicate had bullied its way into the war preparations and Teledji Adeledji’s hired killer had dispatched with the young monarch and her strong right arm.
And the Scions—what Scions were not lost in the attack on the Waking Sands or yet in the grip of the foe. That she had killed Adeledji and his assassins was cold comfort for the loss of her allies.
Raubahn’s successor, Eline Roaille, had been adamant that despite these setbacks—despite the aetherial readings on the Rhotano; despite a sickness in the Shroud the Hearers refused to intervene and curb—the Alliance must come together and act.
So she had acted, more alone than ever, and when the moment had come that Gaius van Baelsar asked her to speak, X’shasi Kilntreader found she had little to say.
“Yes,” she said, because it was what was expected of her. “If that were true, you would not have taken this long to say so,” the Black Wolf laughed. “I believe in it enough to fight for it,” X’shasi told him, the heel of her hand resting against the pommel of her blade. “Eorzea’s unity is forged of falsehoods, and its city-states built on deceit. To believe in Eorzea is to believe in nothing,” he said, his tone a lofty scolding. “To die for Eorzea is to die for nothing.” “But to kill—” “And to kill for it is to kill for nothing, too, girl,” the legatus said. “Pay attention.” He advanced, unhurried, his gunblade still at his back. “What happens when you kill me?” Gaius van Baelsar asked her. “I descend to the heart of this wretched place and I destroy your weapon. I dispatch Lahabrea,” X’shasi told him, setting her teeth. “And then what?” Gaius asked her. “And then you return the conquering hero, no doubt. Perhaps your homeland awaits your coming, every roadway lined with parades. But when they have tired of feasting at your victory table, what happens?” She looked at him with eyes as blue as ceruleum flames, and said nothing. “Ul’dah returns to its internal warring, no doubt,” Gaius said. “The vipers crawl over one another to the throne and whichever one wins floods the streets with poison. Perhaps the Admiral can strike a treaty with the sahagin before they succeed in summoning their eikon, but she will break her word in time. The Elder Seedseer watches her nation rot because her gods will not give her leave to act, and she is not strong enough to defy them. Are you?” “Am I what?” X’shasi asked, bewildered. “Are you strong enough to defy your masters? Nothing else will save Eorzea now,” he told her.
“Do you think yourself the answer to all of Eorzea’s ills?’ X’shasi demanded to know. “I was the answer to Ala Mhigo’s,” he said, laughing. “Better to peddle order and stability than madness and deceit.” “You would be hard-pressed to find a willing buyer in Eorzea after the destruction the Empire wrought at Carteneau,” X’shasi told him. Her knuckles were white around the grip of her blade. “I sought to spare Eorzea from the depredations of the White Raven,” van Baelsar told her. “She would have razed this place for spite’s sake. This realm deserved a better class of conqueror. But you are right; to bring Eorzea under my heel carries too dear a cost to bear.” “But you have not drawn on me,” X’shasi said, “so you yet carry some hope.” “The very same hope that all Eorzea rallies behind.” “Surely not,” X’shasi protested. “They would follow you. And you would lead them far better than they have managed.”
That had the ring of truth to it, she realized, watching that pallid mask. The lights of the Praetorium no longer swept over him—the lift had rumbled to a stop long before, she realized. The air around them was still, and thick with aether, dripping with it, like blood, like pitch; in the silence she could hear the whispers and the distant screams of the beleaguered dead. She could feel in this place a pulsing haze, and felt the lights grow dim; the aether rippled, and—
“Lahabrea,” she breathed. She felt the oppressive weight of the darkness, the quickening of long-dead magics. “The Ultima Weapon ...” “What of it?” Gaius van Baelsar asked her. When X’shasi answered, she knew not where the words came from; heard and felt and thought, and spoken, though foreign to her tongue. “It is not what the Dark Minion has told you,” she warned; “it is more. The destruction it wreaks makes this star tremble, from seventh hell to highest heaven.” “What?!” Gaius demanded. “I don’t know,” X’shasi muttered. “But we have to stop it.” “A truce, then,” the legatus said. “For now.”
They emerged together onto the platform that housed the Ultima Weapon. Its black carapace was aglow already in deepest crimson and brilliant azure, creating a sickly violet light that barely cut through the shadows gathering in the chamber. Lahabrea saw them coming and only laughed, a cruel sound from a friend’s throat. “Behold the Heart of Sabik,” he said, “the core of your Ultima Weapon.” His sneering tone laid bare his contempt for his erstwhile ally. “Behold a fraction of the one true god’s power!” “Lahabrea,” the Black Wolf growled back. “Your faith has blinded you.” “And have you come to grant me clarity?” “No,” X’shasi said, drawing her blade and beginning to channel her aether along its length. “The only thing I intend to grant you is death.” That made him laugh, raucous and mocking. “Kill me and you kill him,” Lahabrea told her.
His mockery was cut short by the crack of a rifle’s report at Shasi’s shoulder. She glanced aside to see that Gaius van Baelsar had drawn his weapon at last. Lahabrea stumbled forward a step and rose, undeterred, and the legatus charged him to engage with a stroke of his blade. The Ascian caught it with the silver-shod claws of his gauntlets, shadows rising from where he stood in a writhing, flailing mass.
Watching the pair tangle, X’shasi swung back her blade and brought forth her focus to spew a gout of flame, letting the gust of hot air dry her unshed tears. Blackness pooled on the platform, thick as tar, and Shasi had to step lively to keep it from grasping at her ankles. She could still hear the keening anguish at Ultima’s heart or perhaps at her own—or perhaps that was just the scream of cermite on steel as Lahabrea repulsed his attacker.
Skidding to a stop, Gaius lifted his gunblade, emptying the ceruleum reserves in a series of criss-cross strokes as he dashed toward the Ultima’s feet. They ignited in sequence, raking across the platform in a blaze of blue heat, leaving trails of flame behind. Shasi could have cursed him for abandoning her, but she watched him climbing the thing’s frame, calling for Nero tol Scaeva. The Paragon turned and lifted a hand, fell words tumbling from his lips, and Shasi sprinted forward to tackle him.
She heard the crack of bones as she took him to the ground, and when he rolled to his back, those dark eyes fixed upon her. Shasi had not the room to make use of her arts, so she simply hauled back and punched him, pummeling Lahabrea with blows as he cackled and writhed beneath her, struggling beneath her weight. He worked one hand free and raked her face with his claws. Her world went red with blood; it filled her nose and seeped between her lips until it was all she could taste. She spit it back at him in a glob of crimson, trying to get her hands around his neck.
Shasi pressed her thumbs against his throat, digging into those tattoos—Thancred’s tattoos—as though she could throttle him out, blinking blood from her eyes. His gurgling laughter still sounded in her ears, louder and louder as the room seemed to quiet. She looked away, unable to bear the sight any longer, and saw Ultima still and black, its limbs slack and inactive.
Whatever magic the Heart of Sabik held, then, it would not loose. At least there was that small mercy.
“Purge the tank,” Shasi called, rising to her feet, hauling Lahabrea up by the neck. “What?” Gaius asked. “The ceruleum tank! Purge the fuel!” she howled. A moment later, the fuel vented in a ripple of heat nearly invisible but for the blue at its edges. She let go of Lahabrea’s throat and kicked him in the chest instead. He stumbled backward, and X’shasi made herself watch as flesh blackened and hair crisped, flesh sloughing from bone until only darkness clung there.
And then, as it had done with the essence of the primals, Ultima’s heart drunk deep of the lingering essence of Lahabrea. A veil of rime spread over the black steel, evaporating in the last flames of ceruleum. There was a terrible stillness in the chamber then, Shasi’s last ally crumbling to ash.
Well, not her last. “So you do know the value of sacrifice,” Gaius van Baelsar said, emerging from the cockpit to regard her. She looked up at him, blood streaking her face. “Yes,” Shasi said. “I do.”
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